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Anthurium at home: care and signs. How to make men'row men? Flowering home anthuriums! Proper flower care Anthurium

Anthurium is an exotic flower having scarlet, white or pink boats in the form of boats with yellow pestles. The homeland flower is considered Southern and Central America, because the plant loves warmth very much. Length can reach 40 centimeters.

Care of anthurium at home

It is best to choose a pot low and wide, so that there was a good drainage system and loose soil, because Anthurium has a surface root system. The earthy mixture should consist of peat, moss of chopped, delicate earth and sand, preferably large. The indoor plant is not contemptuous, so you can safely put it on the window, for any side (southern, western, etc.), it will be enough for moderate lighting. The flower loves heat, the minimum temperature (the content of anthurium at home) should be no lower than 15 degrees in winterOtherwise, he can just freeze. Drafts should be avoided and follow the amount of moisture. If you comply with all these rules - it will be the right care for the anthurium at home.

Watering and feeding Anthurium

It is necessary to water it, based on the state of the soil so that it is not dry and strongly filled. Periodically, you need to spray a flower, only leaves are desirable, because The buds themselves do not like moisture from entering them. Water better water room temperature. If there is little moisture plant, then its leaves curl up the tube. This plant, loving cleanliness, so the correct care for the anthurium at home is very important. Once every three weeks, the flower must be picked up fertilizer concentrate for flowering plants. It can be purchased in the store. But the dosage is twice as fewer than what is written on the package. Anthurium will correctly transplant every year in the spring, and when the stem will reach 25 cm, then every 2 years. Propagated by the method of dividing the bush.

How to care for anthurium at home, several small tips:

1. Anthurium is very afraid of drafts, so it is strictly forbidden to put a flower in places where they walk.

2. Carefully watch so that the pot does not remain water.

3. If the tips of the leaves are folded into the tubes and become a brownish color - this is a sign of too dry air indoors.

4. In winter, the plant may be attacked by web ticks - this indicates that it is weakened.

5. You need to carefully feed these flowers, because They may be painfully reacting to some chemicals.

6. During irrigation, monitoring the water is not forced.

7. The transference is given a preference to land containing a lot of peat and moss.

8. It is required to create a sour Wednesday.

9. Important! This flower is recognized poisonous plantTherefore, it follows in inaccessible for children and pets!


Anthurium is definitely very beautiful plant. It is not very demanding, but only if you provide the correct care for the anthurium, at home, it will be able to bloom from February to November.

Do you want to have a magic at home? Then the anthurium is coming to you, a flower of family happiness and love. Anthurium is male plant, male happinessHow nicknamed him in the people. In addition to the official name of Anthurium, it is also called Flamingo flower. Look at the photo Flamingo. This exquisite bird looks like a flower petal (bedspread). The color of the bedspread depends on the type of plant.

Really reminds Flamingo, right?

Anthurium varieties are very many (they are up to 1000). In order to care for the anthurium at home, it is better to stay on such types:

One of the most beautiful flowers. The leaves have heart shape, velvety, dark green or purple with light veins, which are shimmering in a crystal shine. Purple pillage with purple bedspread. He came to us from Panama.

His dark green matte leaves have an oblong shape and small black spots. Yellow, orange or red cigarette covers the covering of the appropriate shade. He comes from Costa Rica.

Anthurium Baker. He has dense leaves with reddish brown dots. The bedspread has a leathery look, its color pale green-yellow with a beautiful purple stroke. Coppy pillage. His homeland Guatemala.

It has such a name because unusual shape The leaves of the disseated shape with a wavy edge. Cream shade with green-beige chip. This flower was born in the north of Peru.

This plant has heart-shaped, shiny leaves green color. The bedspread is distinguished by the white or red shade with cream or red cigrid. This room Anthurium comes from Ecuador.

Anthurium blooms round year His flowers can maintain their original view of 2 months, and the cut flowers are able to be bullied in water up to 4 weeks. The unique aroma of anthurium may vary during the day, and apparently depends on the mood of the flower. If you will take care of it, "mood" will be excellent all year round.

The soil

Fresh anthurium needed immediately transplant in the prepared ground. And this is not an ordinary earth, but a special substrate. To grow it correctly, use the following recipes:

  • Peat, chopped moss and ferry land (Proportion 2: 2: 1)
  • Demanding land (humus), chopped swamp moss and turf (Proportion 2: 1: 1)
  • Pumice Slices 1-3cm, particles of pine bark size 2-5cm, peat and horse manure (proportion 2: 2: 1: 1)
  • Large ceramzit, peat and pine bark pieces 2-3cm (Proportion 1: 1: 1)

Substrate for transplanting plants.

In the manufactured substrates, you can add bone flour, moss, charcoal, chip. But do not hurry to fall asleep into the pots.

For capricious anthurium is necessary plastic pots Shallow and wide.

Successful flower cultivation is possible only with good drainage, as it absorbs excess water And does not allow to rot the roots. It can be a mixture of sand, wood coal and bark coniferous plants. Put it on the bottom of the pot and fill in the substrate.


From March to September do feeding once in two weeks. In winter, it is not necessary to fertilize. To do this, use a mixture of humus and cow manure. Or buy fertilizers (but a dose according to the instructions are doubled). You can also water the flower with an infusion of chicken litter.

"I feed it with its iron (ferryrs) and Kemio Lux," our reviews writes our reviews, "the pests are not completely, only the shield from which I got rid of Aktar. My beauties make me bloom all year round! ".


It is possible to successfully grow a flower at T 20-28 ° C in summer and winter at T 18-20 ° C. Take care of the plant from drafts and hot batteries.

- home leakage on your windowsill. What kinds are medicinal, and what are just decorative? How to grow it properly and breed?

If there is a Monster in your house, you will probably be wondering how to care for her so that she always had an elegant look. Read more about it.

By the way: If you offer anthurium from September to January, the period of rest (keep at T 15-16 ° C and limit watering), then it will bloom more actively. In January, smoothly increase T to 20-25 ° C, and then the plant will dissolve earlier.

With a long decrease in temperature, it does not bloom at all.


I need polisher moderate and regular. Make sure that the soil does not dry completely, it is necessary to water when the top of the soil can dry.

  • Summer water the flower every 3-4 days
  • In winter

Water is needed boil and defend. Room Anthurium loves water, so wipe it with a wet sponge. But do not touch the branches! From the fall of water on them can remain stains. After irrigation, remove the excess water from the pallet.

So the seeds of this flower look like.


Plant loves penumbra, so try not to make it direct sunlight. Most a good place For a flower - windows located in the east and northwest. On the northern window he will also survive, but there will be no bloom. If the light is not enough, the anthurium does not bloom, and its leaves are deformed.

Lovers of coniferous plants have long appreciated excellent qualities - easily tolerate haircut, not too good, has a lot decorative specieswho please the eyes even in the most severe winters.

Want to have home constantly fresh fragrant bouquet? Sit at home Azalia!


Anthurium Transplantation occurs from February to August. Just be careful - the leaves and roots are fragile. Young Anthurium needs to transplant annually, as soon as the pot becomes small. And more adult plants every 3-4 years. Always update the soil and compact with this procedure.


Why can not transplanted anthurium in too large pot? How to spray a plant?


Anthurium reproduction occurs in three ways:

From the seed seeds there were friendly shoots.

  1. Division. Late spring Carefully separate a few side shoots from the maternal stem, transform them into a separate pot.
  2. Shining. It is necessary to cut off the part of the stem with the roots, the bottom cut into parts 5-10 cm and plant in a small bowl under glass. Fresh roots will appear 2-3 weeks. They are transplant to the ground.
  3. The flower is multiplied by pollination (apply pollen with a soft tassel from one flower to another). This needs to be done a few days. A year later there will be berries with seeds. Remove seeds and immerse for 2 hours in weak Solution manganese. To grow them, put seeds in a bowl over a wet foam sponge and cover with glass. Two weeks can be transferred to the container with the substrate. Sprouted seeds need to be transplanted 2-3 times. When the sprouts reach 7 cm, put them in pots. The first bloom will be 4 years later.

"Together with my daughter, we reinforced anthurium artificially. We wrapped the soft tassel and chose the flowers more, "our reader writes to us," and soon we have already broken beautiful bordeed berries. I immediately warned the daughter of being careful, because the juice of Anthurium was poisonous and can cause allergies, so she worked in gloves. After washing, we put the seeds in the moss and plastic bag. Our seeds sprouted after 3 months, and we transplanted them into a pot. Now we have three anthurium! "

Possible problems

Antraznosis on the sheet, it's time to use fungicides.

If you notice:

  • Yellow spots on wrinkled leaves. The trouble tried here. Apply to the affected areas of tobacco
  • Sticky discharge On the leaves, this is the case of the shield. Treat leaves with carbofosomes. Carbofos helps to destroy and mathematical Chervers (they are clearly visible on all parts of the plant)
  • Lickest yellow and twisted - Too dry air, draft or straight sunlight
  • Leaves dry around the edges - This is the result of anthracnose disease. Here is a systemic processing of fungicide.

"I was very upset when I saw dried leaves on one of the flowers! I have two anthurium and with the second everything was in order. I did not understand what was the matter when my grandfather came to the rescue. He began to lay the used tea bags into a pot. And what do you think? Where in a month my anthurium came to life! " - Writes our reader to us.

All reviews We carefully store, by the way, much of this article is written on the basis of letters in which our readers tell us about the care of this gentle, exotic plant!

Anthurium is beautiful and unusual flowerwho will decorate any interior. It will fill the house with bright colors and an amazing aroma. Flowers of this plant will not leave anyone indifferent. Anthurium is also called the "fiery language" or "Flower Flamingo". Some species of these plants bloom all year round. Since the homeland of this incredible beauty of the flower Tropical forests, it is very capricious. How to care for him, you can find out in the article flower Anthurium care at home with photos.

Anthurium flower "Men's Happiness" Legend

The legend of the origin of Anthurium is very sad. Once upon a time, a cruel and heartless leader lived in India. Once he decided that he needed to marry. His choice fell on a beautiful girl from the neighboring village. She refused to him, and then he went to this tribe with war. When the leader won, he forced her to marry him. But she flashed hate to him and did not want to be his wife. She resisted their wedding as soon as she could. On the day of the wedding by tradition, the fire was burned. And then she decided to rush to the fire in red wedding dress. Gods, seeing the beauty and suffering of this girl, clenched over her and turned it into a beautiful and bright flower Anthurium. And on the place where the village of the girl was located, grown a thick rainforest.

On another legend, the action takes place in Colombia. Therefore, there are a few believes relating to this flower.

There is a sign that Anthurium brings well-being to newlyweds. And bouquets from this flower put in the room of newlyweds during the honeymoon.

Due to the fire-red petals of flowers, Anthurium also call the "Fire Language" or "Flower Flamingo". But there are not only red, but also pink, purple, white and wine shades. Hybrids can have a variety of color, not only one-color, but also spotted, have other shades along the edges of the petals.

He is very capricious, and after him you need to carefully monitor him to continue to please my beauty. In order to save anthurium care at home Must be constant.

In case the leaves began to turn yellow, you need to pay attention to watering the flower. Perhaps he lacks moisture or water for him too tough. Watering better with soft water, it does not have such a harmful effect on it as tough. Also, maybe the flower lacks fertilizer or sunlight. But the leaves can shook from the sun burns. Therefore, you need to pay attention, being in the same place, they began to turn yellow.

As a treatment in this situation, it is necessary to change watering and rearrange it to another place.

If the cause of the yellow leaf disease is, you first need to decide which precisely before starting treatment. If it is chlorosis, then you can watch the leaves. Just only they, and streaks remain in good condition. In this case, they should irrigate the chelats of iron or algae solution.

Screw leaves can and due to the presence of fungi in a flower. Sometimes it may happen due to sudden temperature drops.

Insecticidal preparations, use insecticidal drugs and produce cleaning. These bugs are hard enough to notice. Therefore, most often, at the initial stage of the disease, the plant looks quite healthy. TRIPS are treated as insecticidal preparations, but before that, patients should be removed from healthy.

The web tick is also dangerous. Anthurium needs to be cleaned from the web, which he produces, thoroughly wash the pot and wipe the plant with soap solution.

Leaves can shrust and dry thanks various fungi. Puffy dewSad mushrooms and soil mushrooms are caused by the disease. Puffy dew is treated with fungicidal preparations, and sage mushrooms with potash soap. Soap solution you need to process all the leaves. Soil mushrooms appear due to severe watering and rotting roots. In this case, the affected leaves are removed.

Care at home requires a very long time. The plant is harm to sharp temperature differences, so you need to create a balance between temperature fluctuations in summer and winter time. In summer, the room temperature where the flower should be within 20-25 degrees. In winter, it can be reduced to 16-17 degrees. Also indoors with a flower should not be drafts.

This plant is very shadowed. Varieties that cannot bloom well feel on the northern windows. Unlike flowering varieties that need more sunlight. But it is impossible to allow the flower to get straight solar rays, otherwise there is a risk of burning burns.

Motherland Anthurium is rainforests, so he needs a large number of moisture. Summer flower watered from 3 to 4 times a week. In winter, watering can be carried out less often, just once a week.

To ensure the humidity of the leaves can be additionally sprayed with water.

During flowering, or growth must be fed anthurium. Home care Provides this procedure no more than once every two weeks. Both lack and excess nutrients may result in disease.

The plant does not need to transplant often, it is necessary to do this only if it scratched very much. If the "Flamingo flower" broke, it must be transplanted either in a pot, more in size, or transplant each flower separately. It is necessary to do it as the growing up, about 3 times a year.

Anthurium Transplant At Home Video Secrets

Determine that the "Fire Language" needs to transplant very simple. When his roots begin to appear on the surface, it is the first sign.

The soil in which the "Fire Language" is transplanted should be loose. Most the best composition Soils for it - this is a mixture in equal shares of the following ingredients:

  • Decide earth.
  • Horse peat.
  • Coarse sand.
  • Small crumb of clay.
  • Vermiculitis in small quantities.
  • Forest moss.
  • Ground pine crop.
  • Charcoal.

This is the perfect composition for the flower quickly used to the new soil and passed on to it. You can also find ready-made soil in flower shops.

Use organic fertilizers For transplanting strictly prohibited.

Use better plastic pots. In summer, they are not so hot, and in winter they can hold warm.

During the transplantation, the plant gently takes out of the pot and separate young shoots. If the barrel of the main plant is very long, then there is no strength to flowering in the plant, so part of it needs to be trimmed.

To root system It developed well, it is necessary to cut off part of the leaves.

If you are not going to separate young shoots from old bushes, then during transplantation space between the roots you need to fill the earth layers, periodically moisturizing it. The pot needs to shake a little to the land of the village.

After the transplant procedure is over, it must be poured and put in a relaxed echrical place for several days. So that the anthurium can adapt to the new soil.

It is better to hide him from direct sun raybecause they adversely affect it during this period. The number of spraying with water is desirable to increase at least twice. Once every two weeks are carried out feeding fertilizers.

And you kept the house flower anthurium? Home care same as in the article or have your opinion? Leave feedback to everyone on the forum.

Anthurium: Home Care requires certain knowledge and therefore we will tell you how to care indoor plant Anthurium at home so that he will please you and surrounding his beautiful view.

The most common species can be attributed:

  • Anthurium Andre - a fairly strong and large bright plant, reaching a height of 70 - 90cm.
  • Anthurium Shercesra - carries a shortened underground or overhead stem.
  • Anthurium Crystal - the only form of a plant grown as a decorative-deciduous plant.

Care of anthurium at home

Temperature mode: Plants loves content in warm room, with a temperature of 18-20 ° C, the insulation is obligatory from heating system and drafts. The tolerable temperature in the winter period is not lower than 15 ° C.

Lighting: It is necessary to ensure the influx of bright, but scattered light. Therefore, it is better to arrange anthurium on the window. leaving the eastern, northwest or northeastern windows. You can occasionally take anthurium flower in the sun in the morning or evening. Anthurium care at home in winter allows lighting it sources artificial light. The reason for the lack of light can lead to the fact that the leaves will not rise to normal sizes, but anturium flower Loses its painting.

Watering: Watering the anthurium is needed moderately, but in a timely manner (soft water temperature). It is necessary to try to upper layer Soil managed to dry, and the lower constantly remained somewhat moistened. It is very important not to dismissed the soil, since the roots of the anthurium are easily rotated.

Fertilizer: From March to September, the fertilizer month is brought 1 time in two weeks, using special additives for decorative and flowering plants (unifloor-bud, Kemira - Suite, Rainbow, in a dose \u003d 1/2 from the recommended). You can still use fertilizer for orchids (for example, Bon Forte, in the recommended dose).

Humidity: Plant Crane is moisture, so it is desirable to regularly spray with water, ideally every morning and evening. You can wipe the leaves with a moal sponge, avoiding falling on the flowers.

Transplanting: A transplanting of a young anthurium is produced annually, adult 1 time in 2 years in a substrate for bromelia or orchids, in proportions: 1 part of the sheet, 1 part of peat, 1 part of the conifer land and 0.5 parts of the sand. Anthurium is better to transplant in wide flat pots filled with drainage. In the soil, it is good to add pieces of charcoal or pine bark. The transplant is best to exercise from March to August.

Home care after transplantation Anthurium - it is necessary to protect against direct sunlight, often spray and cautiously water.

Anthurium: Home Care (Nuances)

IMPORTANT! Anthurium does not endure direct sunlight. Optimal temperature 20-25 degrees, in winter not lower than 15-17 degrees, requires high humidity.
During active growth (spring-autumn), abundant irrigation and high humidity Air and frequent spraying water room temperature.

Tip: The overvaluity leads to reinforcement of the roots, so in a pot with a plant, there must be a layer of drainage. The pot for anthurium should not be too deep, but wide, since this plant has a surface root system, thanks to which the anthurium gets the necessary moisture supply from the air, because, ideally, the air roots are desirable to wrap a moss-sphagnum, which is also periodically sprayed.

Possible difficulties

  • Shield - sticky allocations on the leaves. Treat carbofosomes, with weak damage to wipe the plant with a conventional soap solution.
  • Aphid - wrinkled leaves and yellow stains. It is recommended to handle accotlic.
  • Mealybug - It is clearly visible to their clusters, settle on all the above-ground parts of the plant. It is necessary to handle carbofos.
  • Septoriasis - Spotted leaves. The affected leaves are removed, and the plant is treated with a solution of copper sulfate.

The plant is quite thermalized, but does not carry cold and draft. In the spring and summer, the optimal temperature of the content of 20-24 degrees. And in the winter they maintain the temperature in the room from 16 to 18 degrees. It is under such conditions that the anthurium lays the kidneys and then blooms abundantly.

Important! For negative temperatures Does not survive.


Flower loves abundant, but not too fresh iris. In summer, moisture is made every 3-4 days. It is not allowed to accumulate water in the pallet, it is necessarily drained after half an hour. Otherwise, the stagnation of moisture causes the root rotting and the plant dies. In winter, irrigation frequency is reduced to once a week.


The plant loves a bright scattered light, but without burning the direct sun enter. therefore in particularly hot days, the pot with flower is shared.

In winter, an additional lighting in the form of fluorescent lamps is installed in the room. In the summer, the flower is carried to a balcony or in the garden, but protected from moisture, drafts and direct ingress of sun rays.


Western and eastern window sills are considered the best place to accommodate. On the north side lacks light, which adversely affects the state of Anthurium. The cuttings become long, and the blossom is scarce or is not at all. And on the southern windowsill, so as not to burn the leaves the plant is constantly acting from direct sunlight.


Forming trimming is not required, as the anthurium independently creates a lush outlet of the leaves. However, often the old plant ceases to bloom and loses decorative View. Therefore, it is rejuvenated. For this, the top with 2-3 roots are slightly shortened, leaving the intercourse for adversity on the trunk. After which it is rooted in the soil.


The plant needs loose, not too rammed, weakly acidified substrate. It is made independently, for this mix in an equal number of deciduous and turf With pieces of marsh moss. This composition optimally holds water and looks like natural sad In the homeland of the flower.

But you can buy in the store and a special substrate for aroid, which is mixed with bark or moss.

When buying, the composition of the substrate is also being studied, it should not be contained alkali, which adversely affects the plant.


Conduct feeding in the spring and summer period twice a month. Use mineral or organic fertilizers.

And some flower products are used by universal compositions, which contain both types of feeding. Their drawback is a high price.

It fertility from the organic: a cow bird litter or humus. And from mineral feeding apply: Uniflor Bud, Azalea, Kemira Suite.

On a note. Dilute fertilizer in water, the dosage is reduced twice as indicated on the package. Make feeding in wet soil.


Young Anthurium is transplanted annually in spring or summer, and an adult - once every 3-4 years. If this is not done, then the flowers fade quickly, and the leaves are black. The transplant process is from several steps:

  1. At the bottom, the pot will prevent the drain layer of clay or pebbles.
  2. Top poured a small layer of soil.
  3. The plant is plentifully watered so that when pulling out, do not damage the roots of the flower.
  4. Holding for the base of the stems, the method of transshipment, carefully tolerate the plant into a new pot.
  5. Gently straighten the roots and fall asleep with soil. After that, abundantly watered.

The layer of land over the roots must be at least 2 cm.


Anthurium is needed shallow but wide pot. It must correspond to the age of the plant - the larger the root system is developed, the more spacious vase is necessary. It is best to buy from clay or plastic material. It is impossible to plant metal or glass containers, as they do not combine with the soil for the flower.


First, the autumn gradually reduce watering and making fertilizers. The pot with a plant is moving away from batteries and other heat sources. The optimal temperature of the content is 16-18 degrees. With lack of lighting, fluorescent lamps are installed. Next to the vase placed any capacity with water or humidifiers. Water once a week.

After the purchase

After buying Anthurium hold 2-3 weeks on quarantine. During this time, it adapts to new conditions and easier to transfers a further transplant.

Flower plant into a new soil, due to the fact that the store is not suitable for constant content. Pot chosen no more than 2-3 cm than the previous one.

After a transplantation behind the plant, care for the usual anthurium. But the first feeder is carried out only a month later.


The photo presents how the flower looks like men's happiness.

What to do to bloody?

Anthurium is a very capricious plant and with short care may not bloom. The main reasons for the absence of flowering are considered:

  1. Long decrease in temperature. The pot with a plant is rearranged into a warm bright place.
  2. Permanent overflow of the soil. Regulate watering mode and water from the pallet necessarily drain.
  3. High temperature during rest. The flower is transferred to a cooler room.
  4. Lack of light. Rearranged in a lighter place or install additional lighting.
  5. Incorrectly selected soil composition. Transplant to the new substrate.
  6. Dry air indoors. The plant periodically spray or put a container with water next to the pot.

If you correct all errors and ensure the correct care, then bloom usually occurs in 2-3 months.

How to properly contain a plant in the open soil?

Anthurium tropical plant, whose homeland is South America. Grows in mountain subtropical forests. Therefore, in the regions with a cold frosty climate, they are grown in a warm, well-lit room. Because of this, the plant is not planted in open sad, it dies there.

But in the spring-summer period, the pot with a flower is inserted into the garden. At the same time, correspond from direct sunlight and protected from drafts.


What do you need to breed a flower?

The anthurium is multiply in several ways:

  1. Upper cuttings. In the spring cut the cuttings. After that they are planted into a small transparent sand tank. Then watered and covered with film. Periodically ventilate and moisturize. During the rooting, they hold at a temperature of 23-25 \u200b\u200bdegrees. When reached the roots of 3-5 cm transplanted into the ground.
  2. Seeds. Sowing material is seized in low tanks with a light floral substrate. The ground is sprinkled from above, moisturized and covered with glass. Seeds germinate at a temperature of 19-23 degrees about 2 weeks. Seedlings dive as soon as they are formed two sheets. And then when 5 cm is reached, planted in pots. The flowering of such plants begins in 3-4 years.

Diseases and pests

With incorrect leaving, the anthurium is often ill. The main ailments of the plant are as follows:

Often the problem of appearance of spots on the leaves are considered to be an attack of anthurium pests. The most serious damage is applied cute clamps, Shield and Tl. Insecticidal preparations are used to combat them with strong infection. And with weak damage, the leaves are wiping with garlic and soap.

Watch the video about the pests of Anthurium. How to deal with them:

Anthurium is a beautiful plant that looks great in any interior. Caring for it will not deliver many difficulties, if we provide it with a bright scattered light, due to irrigating and timely making feeding.

Useful video

From the video, learn how to care for anthurium at home: