Repairs Design Furniture

How to make flower pots from plastic bottles with their own hands? Simple porridge sofa how to make 5 liter bottle flower pot

When winter is being forced us to sit at home and join the blanket, so I want to add some paints into our lives. And since nature makes us spend more and more time at home, let's deal with anything interesting and helpful. For example, we will make pots for colors from plastic bottles. It is not so difficult, but with our ideas, especially.

Beauty from plastic

Empty plastic bottles often deliver to us in trouble, since they do not want to throw them, climbing space. Therefore, in order to protect the environment from an excess plastic, use it again. Choose one of the proposed ideas and embody!


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These are the beautiful suspended pots you can do if you use the decoupage technique on the cut bottles. Choose the color and style of design in the shades of your interior, make ropes and place in a prominent place!

Funny animals

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To decorate the nursery, you can take advantage of such pots with the image of funny animals. Make a paper template, then apply markup on the bottle and cut off. Now cover the white acrylic, and then trust the kids to paint the face, as they want. Children will be delighted!

Gardeners and lover of indoor plants must know how to make pots for flowers with their own hands. Packs and pots will be transforming the interior and give the "highlight" to each plant. In addition, homemade pots will help save and get rid of unnecessary items and materials.

Decorative pots give great opportunities for creativity. They can be painted, decorating with decoupage, ribbons, fabric, accessories, make them from different material and give the most unusual form.

Make yourself

It is easy to think from what pots can make.

For flower pots, any material is suitable, including a knot, which does not miss moisture and keeps the form well.

Undoubtedly, the most beautiful and comfortable pots are ceramic. If there is an opportunity to make a pot on a pottery circle, then it must be safely used. Clay is the optimal material for landing household and decorative plants. She keeps moisture and passes air, does not overheat and keeps the shape well.

If there is no possibility to make a pot alone, you can buy ready and come up with how and how to decorate it. Ideas of the eras of pots set. It is not necessary to paint in paints with paints, you can make sure and come up with the most unusual "outfits" for him.

Lean gardeners can save on a ceramic pot and produce it from healthy materials. The simplest pots and risks are obtained from plastic bottles. It is enough just to trim the upper part, pour the earth and do plant plant. However, it is possible to slightly blow up and from such a non-patious material like plastic, make elegant floral vases.

For the manufacture of two variants of the pots the following materials and tools will be needed:

  • 1.5-2 liters bottle;
  • CD;
  • glue gun;
  • stationery knife;
  • marker;
  • hole puncher;
  • aerosol paint.


  1. Draw in a circle in a circle in the middle of the bottle of the wavy line (you can directly) and carefully cut a bottle into two parts on it (it turned out two billets for the pots);

  1. Part of the neck to stick to the middle of the disk (before it is tightly spinning the lid);

  1. When the glue is grabbing, flipping the harvest and drop across the edges of some glue for stability;

  1. Hole punch holes on wavy edges;
  1. Painted pots from the canopy and wait for complete drying.

Pots are ready! You can plant plants.

To the edges of the cut bottle were smooth and smooth, they can be fired by the soldering iron. Also, the soldering iron can be given the edges of the original form.

Suspended pots are also easy to make out bottles. The simplest model is suspended from two sides - for the bottom and neck. One side of the bottle needs to be cut along, and on the sides to do with a seboard or soldering iron two through holes so that you can hang a pot-bottle.

In such pots you can directly disembark plants, and you can use them as a kashpo. If you wish the bottle to paint outside acrylic paint.

More interesting models - cats. For their manufacture, you will need:

  • bottles with embossed bottom;
  • marker;
  • paint spray;
  • stationery knife;
  • soldering iron or awl;
  • ropes or segments of durable fishing line (4 pcs.);
  • template.
  1. Cut off the bottom of the bottle;
  1. From hand or on template to draw ears and cut;

  1. Paint the blank from the canister and wait for a complete drying;

  1. Make a marker face: draw eyes, ears, mustache, nose;
  1. To hang the pot, you need to do holes from four sides and turn ropes or fishing rods in them.

Ready! You can plant a plant.

Instead of quotes, you can make other animals, such as a bunny or a bear.

The original pots are easily made using tin cans and clothespins. To do this, you must perform the following actions:

  1. To open the label and wash the tin can, dry;

  1. Tightly add to each other to the wall of the cans of ordinary wooden clothespins.

It turned out a small pot resembling traditional tub. If you wish, you can paint the clothespins with acrylic paints, and so that they retain their original look to the longer, to cover them with varnish.

Environmentally friendly pots and vases can be made of wood. They will decorate both an apartment and a country house. Tree is a cheapest material that is well treated. However, it is worth remembering that in the manufacture of a wooden pot, the hygroscopicity of wood should be taken into account. In order for the jagged to begin to heat or deteriorate from moisture, it must be treated with a special way - to impregnate with moisture equipment, coat with a veil, varnish or other means.

It is easiest to collect a pot of finished wooden bars, consolidating them with glue or carnations.

Unusual street wooden tubs and vases for the summer cottage can be made directly from a piece of log. For this you need:

  • log or stump sufficiently large diameter;
  • drill with drill length up to 25 cm and diameter - 20 mm;
  • chisel;
  • impregnation for wood from moisture and rotting;
  • polyethylene.

What to do:

  1. Split the selected log, making it the necessary height (usually the soil vases are made from 40 cm);

  1. With the help of a drill to destroy the core of the logs: in a circle there are several holes at an equal distance from the walls, and then do the holes in the middle;
  1. With the help of the chisel, remove the middle of the log and level the walls;

  1. Soak wood from the inside with moisture equipment, lay polyethylene and start planting plants.

Also, a log cabin can be used as a kashpo: put a plastic or ceramic pot with a plant in it.

Several ideas that can still be accommodated under the flower pot, you can view the photo:

Video on the topic

Below is the thematic selection of video with master classes.

If you want to put your flowers in a beautiful decorative pot, but there is no suitable suitable capacity, you can make a waterflower vase. Homemade capacity can be stylized under bronze, gold or any other metal.

For the manufacture of the original floral pot you need:

  • volume of 5 l;
  • several old newspapers;
  • napkins;
  • pVA glue;
  • paint.

It will be necessary to use scissors, soldering iron and paint brushes. For the manufacture of the base applied adhesive gun. You can make a pot in a few hours. The finished product is covered with varnish to give the pot "Metal Glitter".

Preparation of plastic capacity

In order to make a pot, cut the plastic capacitance input. Cut the bottom of the bottle. It will serve as a flower vase stand. In the center of the base, it is necessary to cut a hole under the neck of the bottle. Her second half is the main part of the pot.

In the lid of the five-liter bottle, ride several drainage holes for water removal. Without them, the root plant of the plant gets. Standing for a pot and its main part should be made up with liquid nails or glue with a glue gun.

Preparation of decorations for flower pot

To decorate the pot, you need to make decorations from newspapers. To do this, roll up a few tubes from newsprint. Then make the snails from the tubes. Of the five flower petals, and the sixth "snail" use as its middle.

When all the decorations are ready, you can proceed to decorating the plastic base pot. It is placed by newspaper paper. Then the newspaper is applied another layer of PVA to glue napkins on paper. The tassel is a little wrinkled. Thus, give the flower vase texture. Then the pot is decorated with a flower from newspaper tubes.

Paint pot

When the glue dries, you can paint the pot in any color you like. To stylize the pot under the bronze, it is painted in black with splashes of purple and bronze paint. The flower pot can be covered with varnish so that the vase looked stylishly.

After drying, the paint is filled with a fertile soil mixture and plant plants into it. In such an original vase, any room flower will be perfect.

Decorate your interior of the house or the garden original porridge from plastic bottles can be quite simple! You do not have to make special efforts, besides, this option is also quite economical. The only thing that will need this is your fantasy, non-standard solutions and an ordinary plastic bottle!

This master class describes in detail the process of manufacturing the original porridge in the form of a cute owner.

For this you need:
- plastic bottle;
- scissors;
- marker;
- the template of the Council, it can be found on the Internet or draw my own;
- Acrylic paints;
- Brush synthetics or columns;
- a slice of a foam sponge;
- rope;
- acrylic paint for facade works (water-emulsion),
- Acrylic transparent varnish (required).
And so, proceed ...

Plastic bottle can take any shade and size. For a master class, I took a bottle of two liter volume. Next cuts the bottle in half. The bottom of the bottle will be the main one, if desired, can be made higher. That's what happened.

A pre-prepared pattern, apply inside the porridge and carry it out the contour on plastic, using an ordinary black marker.

Must get such a drawing.

Other animal templates can be used in the manufacture of kashpo.

We determine how lower the face of the Soviet will go to the rim of the product, while noting the location of the cut.

After that, carefully cut off the excess part of the material.

If the porridge is suspended, then we leave small loops, if not, cut off exactly part of the rim. This is how the billet looks like.

In the loops for the rope we make holes. Since this is a kashpo, special holes in the bottom are not required.

Before painting, the cradle should be covered with a white water-emulsion, so that color paints "lay" well on the plastic.

I use a foam sponge, for a dense uniform coating, since when applied with a brush, the surface will be shuffling.

Carefully cover the entire outer part of the product, not assigate contour lines of the face.

It turns out such a surface, it is a little textured due to the thick consistency of the paint.

The result is about that.

After applying the layer, the KashP surface must completely dry. If desired, the procedure can be repeated.

Gradually drawing wings, eyes, feather, etc.

Experiment with texture.

For the best contrast of some details, you can use the marker.

That's what happened in the end.

After the painting dried, we apply to the entire surface of the outer walls of the cadkop, acrylic facade varnish.

Similar tools have a different effect after drying (mattness, silky-opaque or gloss), you can choose at your discretion. This procedure is obligatory, because by kashpo when spraying or watering, water will often fall, and the water is the main destroyer of these paints. Cover them the product follows several layers, I cover two. Each next layer will dry longer, consider this nuance!

After the coating of KashP is completely dry, it's time to get rope in the loop.

From the inside it is necessary to make large nodules, so that the rope would not slip back.

This will look like a snaps without a vase with flowers.

Insert a small vane with flowers into the porridge.

That's all, the original porridge from plastic bottles, ready!

The final look of the crafts. Photo 1.

The final look of the crafts. Photo 2.

The final look of the crafts. Photo 3.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a flower pot from a plastic bottle cannot be called new. However, in this performance, I have not yet met the craft. Actually, the container was originally intended for landing, which in the spring, being still in the refrigerator, begins to grow actively.
Conventional cups or boxes adorn the windowsill, if not to say that they absolutely spoil its appearance. Last year, Luca in the pots were successfully produced by my household, where flowers grew. Plants were quite friendly neighbors. Flowers did not respond to the appearance of Luke, and the uninvited guest, in turn, pleased the mistress of the lush greenery.
This year, so as not to shy indoor flowers, I decided to make several flower pots from plastic bottles. Here is the result of one of the works.

For used:
- Brown and white plastic bottle
- Ready eyes for toys
- scissors
- Pliers
- the fire
- Pink Color Nail Polish
- glue for plastic, glass or wooden parts.

Initially cut the brown bottle in half to get a glass of necessary height. Further from the top with the neck, we cut the head of the lionca in the form of an incorrect oval. Initially, the shape of the bottle contributes to the fact that the head will turn out to be convex.
We cut the edges of oval on thin strips up to 1 cm long. So we imitate the animal wool. The ends of the strips bring to the flame of the gas burner, matches or candles for a few seconds. Plastic melted and acquires light bends. The basis for the head of the craft is ready.

Returning back to the top of the neck of the neck and cut out the fords of the lionca in the form of the eight. This item is also obtained by convex. Traditionally, we pay the edge of the face over the flame of the burner.

Cut the ring from white plastic, we make two stripes from them. Then with scissors densely cut the strip along the length, leaving intact about 0.5 cm from the opposite edge. Melting details over fire, we get fluffy mustache.

Then cut out of the residues of white plastic drop and stain it in pink color. This is an animal language.

It remains to place the tail of the lioncet. For this, half or even 2/3 of the brown ring cut off from the plastic bottle, bending in several places, and the vertices of the bends are migrating fire. Due to the deformation of plastic, we obtain the curve line you need.

For the decoration of the tail of the tail, one side of the rectangular plastic is necessary to cut into thin strips, then turn the rectangle into the tube and get root over the fire both ends of the "brushes". Strips curl and become curly. Further to the rounded base of the tassel, we will join the tail itself.

At the last stage we collect the details together. Initially, Lyenka's head glue, then a muzzle, a mord of a molding mustache, nose and mouth. We glue your eyes over the cheeks, and from the back - the tail.