Repairs Design Furniture

Water distiller What is better for the house. What is distillation, where the process is applied, the description of the process. Distillation in the distillation column

Question from Igor Ivanovich:

Hello, dear Oleg Viktorovich! I would very much like to know your opinion about such a filter:

WaterWise 4000 water distiller. Complete with glass tank and precious stones.

I wanted to order it (from Germany)

WaterWise 4000 water distiller reliably cleans water from all pollutants. It works on the principle of water cycle in nature: evaporation and precipitation. Clean water is soft, like rain. Technique in the kitchen will no longer be covered with lime and your tea will be able to fully show your taste.

I understand that he evaporates water and cleans it? Reviews are good, but I would like to clarify how really the water purification method is really effective? ..


Distillation of water (distillation) is based on the difference in the composition of water and the steam generated from it. The distillation process is carried out in special distillation plants - desalizers by partial evaporation of water and subsequent steam condensation. In the process of distillation, a more volatile component (low-coating) moves into a steam phase in more than less volatile (high-boiling). Therefore, in the condensation of the formed vapors in distillates, low-boiling, and high-boiling components are transmitted. If not one fraction is distilled off from the initial mixture, and several distillation is called fractional (fractional).

Depending on the process conditions, there is a simple and molecular distillation.

Distillation desalination plant (industrial option) consists of an evaporator 1, equipped with a heat exchange device for supplying the required amount of heat; heating element 2 for partial condensation of steam leaving the evaporator (with fractional distillation); condenser 3 for condensation of the pair of selected; pump 4; Collectons of distillate 5 and cubic residue 6 (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Single-stage distiller scheme: 1 - evaporative chamber case; 2 - heating element; 3 - condenser; 4 - pump; 5 - distillate collection ().

The distiller is mandatory equipment for equipping medical facilities, which is due to special water use standards and its quality. The water distiller allows to obtain water that fully appropriate standards designated in regulatory medical documents.

The household distiller can produce 4-5 liters of distilled water per hour.

A modern distiller may differ in the presence of additional features and capabilities. In addition, the distiller can be used for cleansing, both cold and hot water.

By choosing a distiller, it is worth navigating not only on its performance, but also on such characteristics as features of the functioning, the quality of execution, materials used and other characteristics. Not the last value is the cost, so if you are interested in accessible and not expensive and at the same time a high-quality distiller of water, in our catalog you will find a large range of such models.

Depending on productivity, several types of distillers can be distinguished:

1. Household (desktop) distillers - with small performance. The water obtained on the data is used in food, for dilution of drugs at home, topping in the battery and so on.

2. Distillers with a low capacity of 4-10 liters per hour. Used in small laboratories, hospitals, pharmacies.

3. Distillers with a lot of productivity - 25 l / h and above - for large laboratories, hospitals, enterprises.

4. Bidistillators - for the preparation of distilled water of the highest quality (especially clean).

Thus, distillation is used in medicine, in industry in some industries, i.e. Where high degrees of water purification from mineral salts are needed. It is not recommended to consume distilled water as drinking water, since distilled water is deprived of the necessary mineral salts - K +, Na +, Ca2 +, Mg2 +, FE2 +.

In distilled water, in contrast to the usual, there are no microelements and mineral salts. Due to this, it perfectly dissolves medicines, but it becomes completely unsuitable for internal use. It is mineral salts and trace elements that fall into the human body with water are necessary for its functioning and provide useful substances. In areas where water is characterized by soft, i.e. The reduced content of mineral impurities, scientists note an increase in the number of cardiovascular diseases. There is where the water is tougher, the situation with heart disease is much better - such cases are infrequently registered. In addition, water rigidity has an impact on the level of diseases by caries - the more mineral substances, the less often appeal to dentists. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid constant use of distilled water in order not to harm your body and not provoke the development of serious diseases.

The use of low mineralization drinking water contributes to the washing of salts from the body. The changes in the water-salt balance in the body were noted not only in the use of demineralized water, but also water with mineralization from 50 to 75 mg / l. Therefore, the WHO Researchers, which prepared a report for 1980, recommends that water with mineralization of at least 100 mg / l. Also, scientists are concluded: optimal mineralization is 200-400 mg / l for chloride sulfate water and 250-500 mg / l for hydrocarbonate water (1980, WHO). Recommendations are based on experimental data, participation in which rats, dogs and volunteer people took. Samples were selected: from the water supply network of Moscow, demineralized water with mineralization of about 10 mg / l and samples prepared in the laboratory (mineralization 50, 100, 250, 300, 500, 750, 1000 and 1500 mg / l) using the following ions: Cl (40%), HCO3 (32%), SO42 (28%), Na + (50%), Ca2 + (38%), Mg2 + (12%).

Many indicators were studied: the dynamics of body weight, the main metabolism and the metabolism of nitrogen, enzyme activity, the introductory and salt metabolism and its regulatory function, the content of mineral substances in the tissues and body fluids, the hematocrit and the activity of the antidiuretic hormone. With the optimal content of mineral salts, negative changes were not noted in rats, nor in dogs, no people, such water, has high organoleptic indicators, well removes thirst, its corrosion activity is low.

In addition to the conclusions about the optimal mineralization of the water, the report is complemented by the recommendations for calcium content (at least 30 mg / l). This is an explanation: at lower calcium concentrations, calcium exchange and phosphorus changes in the body and there is a reduced mineral content in bone tissue. Also, when calcium concentration in water reaches 30 mg / l, its corrosion activity decreases and water becomes more stable. The report also has guidance on the concentration of hydrocarbonate ion at 30 mg / l to achieve acceptable organoleptic characteristics, reduction of corrosion activity and equilibrium achievement with calcium ion.

Modern studies gave additional information on the minimum and optimal levels of the content of minerals that should be present in demineralized water. For example, the effect of water with different rigidity on the health of women aged 20 to 49 years was the subject of 2 epidemiological studies (460 and 511 women) in 4 cities of Southern Siberia (55,56). Water in the city A contains the smallest amount of calcium and magnesium (3.0 mg / l calcium and 2.4 mg / l magnesium). Water in the city B is saturated with salts a little more (18.0 mg / l calcium and 5.0 mg / l magnesium). The highest saturation of water salts was observed in cities in (22.0 mg / l calcium and 11.3 mg / l magnesium) and g (45.0 mg / l calcium and 26.2 mg / l magnesium). The residents of cities A and B compared to women from B and G, changed of the cardiovascular system (according to ECG results), high blood pressure, somatic dysfunction, headache and dizziness, osteoporosis (X-ray absorption) were often observed.

These results confirm the assumption that the magnesium content in drinking water should be at least 10 mg / l, calcium - 20 mg / l, and not 30 mg / l, as indicated in the WHO report for 1980.

Based on available data, researchers recommended the following concentrations of calcium, magnesium and the magnitude of drinking water stiffness:

  • for magnesium: minimum 10 mg / l (33.56), optimal content of 20-30 mg / l (49, 57);
  • for calcium: minimum 20 mg / l, the optimal content of about 50 (40-80) mg / l (57, 58);
  • the total rigidity of water, the total content of calcium and magnesium salts 2-4 mmol / l (37, 50, 59, 60).

According to the composition of the composition of drinking water, these recommendations of negative changes in the state of health have been observed or almost never observed. The maximum protective effect or positive influence is noted in drinking water with presumably optimal concentrations of minerals. The observations of the condition of the cardiovascular system made it possible to determine the optimal levels of magnesium content in drinking water, changes in calcium metabolism and ossification processes became the basis for calcium content recommendations.

The upper limit of the optimal rigidity interval was determined based on the fact that when the water is used, the risk of stones in the bustling bubble, kidneys, urinary bubble, as well as arthropathy and arthropathy in the population, occurs.

In the work on the definition of optimal concentrations, the forecasts were built on long-term use of water. With short-term use of water to develop therapeutic recommendations, higher concentrations should be considered.

Manuals and Calcium, Magnesium and Drinking Water Stiffness

In the second edition of the Quality Guidelines, WHO Drinking WHO evaluates calcium and magnesium from the point of view of water rigidity, but does not give separate recommendations for the minimum or maximum content of calcium, magnesium, the magnitude of rigidity. The first European directive has established requirements for minimal stiffness for softened and desalted water (at least 60 mg / l calcium or equivalent cation). This requirement was mandatory in accordance with the national legislation of all EU member states, however, in December 2003, the validity of this directive was expired, and it was replaced with a new one. The new directive does not include the requirements for the content of calcium, magnesium and the magnitude of stiffness.

On the other hand, nothing prevents the introduction of such requirements into the national legislation of the member countries. Only some countries that have entered into the EU (for example, the Netherlands) have established requirements for the content of calcium, magnesium and water rigidity at the level of mandatory state norms.

Some EU members (Austria, Germany) included these indicators into technical documentation as an optional norm (methods for reducing the corrosion activity of water). All four European countries entering the EU in May 2004, included these requirements in relevant regulatory documents, but the strictness of these requirements is different:

· Czech Republic (2004): For softened water: at least 30 mg / l calcium and not less than 1 mg / l magnesium; Leadership Requirements: 40-80 mg / l calcium and 20-30 mg / l magnesium (rigidity as

Σ Ca + Mg \u003d 2.0-3.5 mmol / l);

· Hungary (2001): rigidity of 50-350 mg / l (by CAO); The minimum required concentration for bottled water, new water sources, softened and desalted water 50 mg / l;

· Poland (2000): rigidity 60-500 (by Caco3);

· Slovakia (2002): Calcium requirements coincide with the manual specified in the manual

Ø 30 mg / l, magnesium 10-30 mg / l.

The Russian standard for habitat in manned spacecraft - general medical and technical requirements - determines the requirements for the ratio of minerals in drinking water that has been re-processing. Among other requirements, mineralization is indicated from 100 to 1000 mg / l; The minimum levels of fluorine, calcium and magnesium are set by the Special Commission of each Cosmophlot separately. The emphasis is on the problem of enrichment of the water reused by the concentrate of minerals to give it physiological value.


Drinking water should contain at least minimal amounts of major minerals (and some other components, such as carbonates). Unfortunately, in the past two decades, researchers almost did not pay attention to the favorable effect of water and its protective properties, as they were absorbed by the problem of toxic pollutants. Nevertheless, attempts have been attempted to determine the minimum content of important mineral substances or mineralization of drinking water, and some countries included in their legislation the requirements of manuals on individual components.

This question is relevant not only for demineralized drinking water, which has not been enriched with a complex of minerals, but also for water, in which the content of mineral substances is reduced due to home or centralized treatment, as well as for weak-mineralized bottled water.

Drinking water obtained by demineralization is enriched with mineral substances, but this does not concern water treated at home. Even after the stabilization of the mineral composition, water may not have a favorable health effect. Usually water enriched with minerals, passing through limestone or other carbonate-containing minerals. The water is saturated in the main calcium, and the deficiency of magnesium and other trace elements, for example, fluorine and potassium is not replenished. In addition, the amount of calcium introduced is regulated by the technical (reduction of water aggressiveness) than hygienic considerations. It is possible none of the methods of artificial enrichment of water with mineral substances is optimal, since the saturation of all important mineral substances does not occur. As a rule, the methodology for stabilizing the mineral composition of water is developed in order to reduce the corrosion activity of demineralized water.

Skewed demineralized water or low mineral water water - in the light of a shortage or lack of important mineral substances - not the perfect product, therefore, its regular consumption does not allow an adequate contribution to the overall consumption of some significant nutrients. This chapter is justified by this statement. Confirmation of the experimental data and discoveries obtained on volunteer people in the study of highly demineralized water can be found in earlier documents that do not always correspond to modern methodological requirements. However, it is not necessary to neglect the data of these studies: some of them are unique. Early studies, both experiments on animals and clinical observations of the effect of demineralized water on health, gave comparable results. This is confirmed by modern studies.

It has been collected enough data in order to confirm: Calcium and magnesium deficiency in water does not pass without consequences. There is evidence that it leads to an increase in the risk of cardiovascular diseases and sudden death. This connection was described in many works independently of each other. At the same time, studies were built in different ways and concerned different regions, population and periods of time. Sequential results were obtained at the opening, clinical observations and animal experiments.

The biological credibility of the protective effect of magnesium is no doubt, but specificity is less obvious due to the diverse etiology of cardiovascular diseases. In addition to the increased risk of death from cardiovascular diseases, low magnesium content in water is associated with possible diseases of motor nerves, pregnancy complications (so-called preeclampsia), the sudden death of small children and some types of cancer. Modern researchers offer a version that the use of soft low calcium water can lead to fractures in children, neurodegenerative changes, premature birth, low weight of newborns and certain types of cancer. It is impossible to exclude the role of water calcium in the development of cardiovascular diseases.

International and national organizations responsible for drinking water should consider the management on the processing of demineralized water, be sure to determine the minimum values \u200b\u200bof important indicators, including calcium, magnesium and mineralization. If necessary, authorized organizations are required to maintain and promote targeted research in this area to improve the health of the population. If the quality guide is developed by separate substances, mandatory in demineralized water, authorized organizations must be confident that the document is applicable to consumers of domestic water purification systems and bottled water.

Operation of the distiller:

  • Disconnect the connecting cable on the outer surface of the distiller (connects the bottom part of the device - the "tank" and the top of the device is "cover" with a fan, filters and a spout) from the tank and remove the sensillating lid.
  • The tank is filled with water to the top mark "FULL" - approximately 4 liters. When using hot water, the cycle time is reduced (due to a decrease in water heating time).
  • Reservoir Close the lid and connect the connecting cable again. Network cord of the device Connect to a socket ~ 220V. Press the "Start / Reset" button. At the same time, the fan begins to work, located in the lid, cooling the snake of the distiller.
  • Water, heating in the tank, evaporates, passes through the cooling coil and follows from the nose of the cover into the plastic canister (supplied in the interlator kit)
  • When all the water evaporates, the MELADEST 65 distiller will automatically turn off. Distilled water in the plastic canister is ready for use. You can unplug the network cord from the outlet.

Technical data:

  • Power consumption: 520 WT / 220 V / 50 HZ
  • External dimensions: diameter -23 cm, height -38 cm
  • Distiller tank volume: 4 liters
  • Productivity 0.7 liters of distilled water per hour
  • Weight, net 3 kg

The distiller is ideal for home or cottage, for vacation or travel. It will produce fresh distilled water regardless of where you are.

  • Modern solution to drinking water problems
  • Reliable protection against presence in water chemical impurities, pesticides, nitrates or drugs
  • Does not require installation

In the groundwater in a huge number of pesticides and fertilizer balances used in agriculture are located. In addition, traces of waste of medical drugs are often found, such as hormonal pills.

WaterWise 4000 water distiller reliably cleans water from all pollutants. It works on the principle of water cycle in nature: evaporation and precipitation. Clean water is soft, like rain. Technique in the kitchen will no longer be covered with lime and your tea will be able to fully show your taste.

You will save on an expensive purchase of water, and also disappears the need to wear bottles. As a rule, WaterWise 4000 water distiller pays off in the first year. At the same time, the clean water starts to drink from the very beginning.

Nothing can be compared with the purity of water from WaterWise 4000

The use of the WaterWise 4000 model is very simple. Fill the container of stainless steel with water from the crane, click the "Start" button and soon you will enjoy the cleanest, tasty and refreshing water that you have ever tried. A comfortable collector bottle is placed in the inside of the housing, for portable transport or compact storage. The dealer automatically turns out when water is over in the tank. If you want to disable before, you must pull out the plug from the outlet.

Attention! Do not open the distiller cover immediately after the end of the cycle! Otherwise, you can scream with boiling water! Before opening the lid, it is necessary to wait about 30 minutes after the end of the distillation cycle of water.

Water enrichment

Clean water with a living structure is also needed as clean, fresh air. The set of precious stones is supplied with the distiller. The crystals are designed to enrich the purified water with the necessary minerals.

The linen bag contains rhinestone, carnelian, amethyst, jashere, pink quartz and sodalit.

Common misconceptions about distilled water

Distilled is called water purified from impurities by distillation in distillers. On distilled water, most people have a very vague idea, which generates incorrect statements regarding its real properties and the distillation process itself.

It is expressed that distilled water destroys the teeth. By the way, it is considered one of the mass misconceptions and the main arguments taken by the manufacturers of filters for water. It is argued that a long-term drinking of water, devoid of fluorine, adversely affects the teeth, based on what, it is necessary to drink only ordinary water, passing it through filters. This is a rather controversial statement, since no evidence that teeth suffer from distilled water, modern dentistry has not yet introduced.

It is believed that in the process of distillation from water, minerals are removed. In fact, the bacteria, suspension and heavy metals contained in water are destroyed, which are dangerous health.

Basically, all useful minerals Man gets not from water, but from foodSo in food their number is incommensurable great. Accordingly, to replenish a shortage of mineral substances to drink water is absolutely irrational, as there will have to drink more than a thousand glasses of water per day to get the daily rate of these substances. It turns out that the content of mineral substances in distilled water is not so fundamentally.

It is expressed about the fact that distilled water is capable of riding useful substances from the body. However, this water, on the contrary, attracts already unsuitable mineral substances to themselves for use and cells, after which it removes them from the body. One of the most common statements regarding distilled water is that it is tasteless. Perhaps after chlorinated water or water containing iron, when drinking distilled water, there is a lack of a familiar taste, but it is necessary to consider it its disadvantage - the question is controversial. Best of all, of course, drink distilled water from glass bottles, as water from plastic bottles can absorb the specific taste of plastic containers.

The article uses information from

People chase the moonshine here's not one century. The devices for obtaining solutions of ethyl alcohol of the solid fortress exist different, but the principle is based on one - evaporation of the fluid with subsequent condensation, namely distillation. Folk craftsmen are committed to getting a moonshine with a pair of a saucepan and even ordinary iron scrap. But for the production of decent stiff drinks at home, it is still desirable to prevent a distiller. It is known that the quality of the product obtained on it largely depends on the quality of the equipment. How to choose a distiller to choose all your requests to all your requests? First you need to decide on these most requests.

  1. Frequency of use. For permanent use, distillers with increased structural strength and steel thickness from 2 mm are suitable. It is best that the design is as collapsible: it will simplify care. The advantage will be the presence of a pressure relief valve.
  2. Estimated household volumes. If the raw materials are much and the volumes are expected to be significant, choose a large-volume distillation cube. The technology of distillation involves filling the distilted cube to the maximum of ¾ volume (optimally - ⅔), therefore, with large volumes of braga and small Cuba, the distillation process will have to be carried out in several occasions.
  3. . Design options can be several. The most primitive consists of a distillation cube and refrigerator. But such models have almost gone into the past, since they are not able to provide decent quality of the product obtained. A classic distiller involves the presence of at least one drill, which carries out additional cleaning of alcohol vapors from "Suggest oils". A more advanced option - a column type apparatus with a reflux, which is able to ensure maximum purity of the drink with a strength up to 96 degrees. There is another specific category - alambic. It is made of pure copper and intended for distillation of wines.
  4. Availability of additional necessary accessories (Capacity for Braga, Thermometers, Alcoholometer, Areometer, etc.). Some manufacturers include all the necessary additional equipment to the distillator. However, to some models, even the thermometer must be purchased separately. In any case, the minimum dictator set consists of a thermometer on a distilted Cuba, a thermometer on a column (if a column type apparatus), a household alcohol. Often the magnitude and design of the distilted cube allows you to put BRAW directly in it, and if there is no special hydraulic assembly, you can use the rubber glove in the old way. However, consider these moments when choosing a model and configuration. How to choose a distiller that will be completely ready for operation? Carefully learn the package before purchase.
  5. Location of use of the device. The presence / lack of water supply in the room plays a role. Determine, it is planned home or country use. Is it possible to supply the flow water or will it take autonomous cooling (the presence of a non-cold water or ice container)? Some models of devices are designed in such a way that they allow only autonomous or both types of cooling.
  6. Type of heating surface (gas, electric or induction stove). Recently, manufacturers seek to make distillation cubes with ferromagnetic inserts so that they can be used on induction plates. Some models have built-in heating lands, but this often complicates the care of the device and implies the repair if the TEN is burning. Nagar is quickly sticking to thendam, and their presence implies additional welds on the distilted Cuba.
  7. Price category. Prices for distillers of various models have a rather wide spread. Determine for yourself a comfortable price range. Just remember that you should not save on the quality of steel and processing welds. In order not to throw money into the wind, we recommend first to get acquainted with.
  8. Total for all. Most distiller models are made of safe food stainless steel, but here there may be options. Distilted cubes may have or not have a non-stick coating, which matters when distilcing thick braga. Also in its composition, steel may have alloying components (for example, titanium, chrome, etc.), which increase its corrosion resistance and strength, increasing the service life of the distiller. An important value has the thickness of the steel, from which the device is made, especially the bottom of the cube. The thicker the bottom, the less the probability of deformation, the heating is even more - the likelihood of Nagar is reduced.

From the specified parameters and will depend on the final choice. As a result, it turns out that choosing a distiller for moonshine - how to choose a car: you first need to learn the topic and determine requests, and only then proceed to the choice and purchase. And if you have already identified, as in the case of a car - do not rush to give money to the seller. It is important not only what model to take, but also. There are representatives official, and there are individuals. Portal Alkoprof recommends ordering a distiller only on the official website of the manufacturer. By this you will protect yourself from fakes.

People understand that clean water is health, so you need to know how to choose the water distillers correctly.

It is necessary to give preference to technique that is marked by quality certificates. The product of "Liston" is considered a bright example of high-quality devices. On the official website "Liston" you can find various options for distillers from professional to small-sized desktop models.

They differ in productivity and collection volume (from 4 liters to 50 liters). Automatic aquadistillators are connected to the water supply and can continuously produce distillates.

How the distiller works

Distillation removes 98-99.9% of pollutants. When water inside the distiller boils, it turns into a wet pair, which is sent to the condensing coil. The larger the distance between the boiling chamber and the condensing coil, the cleaner of the distilled water.

The best storage materials are stainless steel or glass. The glass supports a high level of purity, but it is not so durable as stainless steel, therefore such material is not reliable for use in the aquadylastylasts.

In the medical models of the Liston line, the best samples of stainless steel are presented. All products passed control tested, and the results were analyzed at the final stages of production.

Benefits of distillers

  1. Distillers kill bacteria and viruses.
  2. Distilled water does not contain carcinogenic chemicals. The distillation process removes most of the pollutants. Some volatile organic compounds (LOS) are usually removed by filters and ventilation holes in the distillation process.
  3. Distilled water does not contain contaminants, fluorine salts, iron and other unnecessary minerals. Although some argue that the removal of minerals is a clear minus. Reality lies in the fact that purification from mineral impurities does not matter for the properties of water. But the removal of harmful chemicals and other pollutants is extremely important.
  4. Distilled water is a pure substance. The plumbing carries the dirt that it captures along the path from the water distribution device to the room. Distillation removes all solids from water.
  5. Distilled water helps the body clean up. Foreign minerals accumulate in the joints of people and other cells. Drinking water that does not contain minerals and additives helps the body to remove toxins and other harmful chemicals.

Information! BUT

Lately, a lot about distillers of water say a lot. Not everyone knows that it represents this unit, and why the distilled water is needed. Therefore, it makes sense to figure it out in more detail in this topic.

Read more about water distillers

Water distillers were widespread due to the fact that they simply use them easily and easily. The distilled water itself is used in various industries, therefore, the desktop models of distillers are distributed most. Initially, distillers were used to prepare alcoholic beverages, but over time, this equipment evolved, and its capabilities widely expanded significantly.

Now you can find a wide variety of water distillers modifications, which differ from each other with a complete set, dimensions and volumes. Of course, the view that only moonshine can be obtained using a distiller, is absolutely erroneous. Distilled water is used in various purposes.

In general, the distiller is a device that functions as follows: the device distinguishes the liquid, evaporates it, and then cools in order for condensate. It is this condensate that is then assembled back into the liquid. As a result, it turns out very clean water without odor. Just such water is often used in cooking.

Modern distillers are capable of cleaning and cold, and hot water. When this equipment is selected, its performance, functioning features, assembly quality, and what materials are made from which materials. Of course, the cost of the product also has great importance.

In terms of productive volumes, distillers are divided into four main types:

  1. Household distillers, which are also called desktops, are distinguished by the smaller productive level. With their help prepare water, which is then used in cooking, medicine, and so on.
  2. Distillers with an average productivity are capable of recycling from 4 - 10 liters in 1 hour. Such equipment is used in laboratories, hospitals and pharmacies.
  3. Distillers with the largest productivity are able to recycle more than 25 liters of water in 1 hour. Such equipment is used in the same way as models with an average level of performance.
  4. Another type of distillers are bidistillers. With their help, you can prepare the highest quality distilled water.

If it is generalized, the distillers are needed in order to maximize the water from mineral salts.

How to use distilled water

So, distilled water is used for a variety of purposes. It:

  1. Car care. Distilled water is attached to the battery for its correct operation. It is used to breed antifreeze concentrates. You need distilled water and for the operation of the windows.
  2. Distilled water for the house is used for steam technology - irons with steam generators, steam cleaners. It is also used to humidify air in the house. As a rule, air humidifiers do not need purified water. Exceptions are ultrasound devices. Here without distilled water can not do.
  3. Distilled water is also used to care for measuring instruments. Some of them after work need cleaning from residual substances that have been studied. Absolutely clean distilled water is suitable for these purposes.

It is necessary to know that the daily consumption of distilled water can bring harm to human health, since because of this, the water-salt balance is broken.

Best brands of distillers

It is clear that the models of water distillers there are many. Therefore, in order not to get confused in such a huge variety, it is worth familiar with the most popular brands of this equipment.

Durastill Model 4640 Deluxe Syste distiller is able to recycle up to 46 liters of liquid for one day. Its float type design is reliable and managed in automatic mode. The water tank is made of high-quality stainless steel as well as the heating element - TEN. From the same material made of a distiller frame equipped with wheels. The model is equipped with a system for removing volatile gases.

The Baistra DRINK-10 distiller is great for cleansing ordinary water from under the tap from harmful impurities. This model does not require some special care. It is extremely easy to use it. To get water suitable for drinking, you just need to get into the boiling container any water and turn on the device to the network. When the cleaning process is completed, the distiller will automatically come out. These models purify water using replaceable coal filters.

Dream Classic DDC-01 distiller cleans water with the highest quality. The performance of the apparatus is 1 liter of water per hour. It is very easy to use the distiller - you just need to pour water into it and turn on the network. This model is made of stainless steel with inserts from heat-resistant plastic. The design of the distiller is very ergonomic.

The portable distiller ZB-2 disinfects water for drinking. Minerals, microbiological pollutants are removed from the water, the level of chemical pollution is reduced. The inner and external parts of the model are made of high quality stainless steel. The water container can be made of durable glass or heat-resistant plastic. Also, the distiller is equipped with a replaceable coal filter.