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Tools of speech expressiveness in Russian. Tools of speech expressiveness

Tools of speech expressiveness - this is one of of essential factorsThanks to which the Russian language is famous for its wealth and beauty, which has repeatedly been singing in verses and the immortal works of Russian classics-writers. To this day, the Russian language is one of the most difficult to explore. This contributes to a huge amount of means of expressiveness, which are present in our language, make it rich and multifaceted. To date, there is no clear classification of means of expressiveness, but you can still select two conditional types: stylistic figures and trails.

Stylistic figures - These are speech turnover that the author uses to achieve maximum expressiveness, which means it is better to convey to the reader or the listener the necessary information or meaning, and also give the text emotional and artistic color. Stylistic figures include such means of expressiveness as antithesis, parallelism, anaphor, gradation, inversion, epiphara and others.

Trails - These are speech turnover or words that are used by the author in an indirect, allegorical meaning. These tools of artistic expressiveness - an integral part of any artistic work. The paths include metaphors, hyperbolas, lithotons, synengo, metonimia, etc.

The most common means of expressiveness.

As we said, there is very a large number of means of lexical expressiveness in Russian, so in this article we consider those of them that most often can be found not only in literary works, but also in everyday life each of us.

  1. Hyperbola (Greek. HyperBole is an exaggeration) - this is a look of a path, the basis of which is an exaggeration. Thanks to the use of hyperboles, the value is enhanced and the desired impression is performed on the listener, the interlocutor or the reader. For example: sea Sears; ocean Love.
  2. Metaphor (Greek. Metaphora - Transfer) is one of the most important means of speech expressiveness. This trail is characterized by the transfer of the characteristics of one item, creature or phenomenon to another. This trail is like a comparison, but the words "as if", "as if", "how" are descended, but everyone understands that they are meant: scattered reputation; glowing eyes; bulk emotions.
  3. Epithet (Greek. Epitheton is an application) - this is a definition that gives the most ordinary things, objects and phenomena Artistic color. Examples of epithets: summer golden; flowing hair; Wavy fog.

    IMPORTANT. Not every adjective is epithet. If the adjective indicates the clear characteristics of the nouns and does not carry any artistic load, it is not an epithet: green grass ; wet asphalt; bright sun.

  4. Antithesis (Greek. Antithesis is opposed, contradiction) - another means of expressiveness, which is used to enhance drama and is characterized by a sharp oppression of phenomena or concepts. Very often, the antithesis can be found in verses: "You are rich, I am very poor; You are a prose, I am a poet ... "(A.S. Pushkin).
  5. Comparison - Stylistic figure, whose name speaks for itself: When compared, one subject is associated with another. There are several ways to make a comparison:

    - noun ("... storm malloy The sky is crumbling ... ").

    Speech turnover in which there are "as if there are", "like", "like", "like" (the skin of her hands was rude, like sole of booga).

    - Putting proposal (night fell on the city and in a matter of seconds everything was amended, as if there was no live rest on the squares and streets just an hour ago).

  6. Phraseologist - a means of lexical expressiveness of speech, which, unlike others, cannot be used by the author individually, as it is, above all, a steady phrase or turnover, which is typical of Russian only ( neither fish nor fowl; fool swear; like a cat with a drink).
  7. Elimination - This is a trail that is typical of the human properties of inanimate objects and phenomena (and the forest came to life - trees spoke, save the wind in the tops of the fir).

In addition to the above, there are the following means of expressiveness that we will consider in the following article:

  • Allegory
  • Anaphora
  • Gradation
  • Inversion
  • Alliteration
  • Assonance
  • Lexical repeat
  • Irony
  • Metonymy
  • Oxymoron
  • Multi-allu
  • Litotes
  • Sarcasm
  • Ellipsis
  • Epiphara et al.

Our language is holistic and logical proper system. His smallest unit is the sound, the smallest significant unit is Morphem. From the morpheme consist of words that are considered the main language unit. They can be viewed from the point of view of their sound, as well as in terms of building, like or as members of the sentence.

Each of the named language units corresponds to a certain language reservoir, a tier. The sound is a unit of phonetics, morphemes - morfemics, the word is a unit of vocabulary, part of speech - units of morphology, and suggestions - syntax. Morphology and syntax together make up grammar.

At the level of the vocabulary, trails are allocated - specific speech turns that give it special expressiveness. Similar tools at the syntax level are figures of speech. As you can see, everything is in language System interconnected and interdepended.

Lexical means

Let us dwell on the most prominent languages. Let's start S. lexical level language that recall is based on words and their lexical values.


Synonyms are called the words of one part of speech, which are close in their lexical values. For example, beautiful - beautiful.

Some words or combinations of words acquire a close meaning only in a certain context, in a certain language environment. it contextual synonyms.

Consider the offer: " Day was augustus, sultry, tomstantly boring " . The words augustus , sultry, tomstantly boring are not synonymous. However, in this context, when characterizing summer DayThey acquire similar meaning, acting as contextual synonyms.


Antonyms - words of one part of speech with the opposite lexical meaning: high - low, high - low, giant - dwarf.

Like synonyms, antonyms can be contextualthat is, to purchase the opposite value in a specific context. The words wolf and sheepFor example, outside the context are not antonyms. However, in the play by A.N.ostrovsky "Wolves and Sheep", two types of people are depicted - "predators" people - "predators" ("wolves") and their victims ("Sheep"). It turns out that in the title of the word wolves and sheeps, acquiring the opposite meaning, become contextual antonyms.


Dialects are called words used only in certain areas. For example, in the southern regions of Russia beet has another name - beetroot. In some areas, the wolf is called Biryukom. Vency (squirrel), hata (house), rushnik (Towel) - all these are dialectisms. In literary works, dialectisms are most often used to create a local flavor.


Neologisms are called new, quite recently came in the word: smartphone, Browser, Multimediaetc.

Outdated words

Outdated in the linguistics are words that came out of active use. Outdated words are divided into two groups - archaisms and historians.

Archaisms- It is outdated names of existing items to this day. Other names, for example, earlier had eyes and mouth. They were called respectively oph. and mouth.

Historisms - Words come out of use due to the exit from the use of the concepts and phenomena designated by them. Oprichnina, Bornishchi, Boyarin, Kolchug - There are no objects and phenomena called in such words, there are no words-historians in modern life.


Phraseologisms are adjacent to lexical language means - stable combinations of words reproduced equally by all native speakers. Like the snow fell on the head, to play in the flaws, neither the fish is neither meat, work after the sleeves, blow up the nose, turn the head ... What phraseological units are not in Russian and what only the parties of life they do not characterize!


The paths are called speech speed, based on the game with the meaning of the word and give speeches a special expressiveness. Consider the Best Popular Trails.


Metaphor - transfer of properties from one item to another on the basis of any similarity, the use of the word in the portable value. The metaphor is sometimes called hidden comparison - and not by chance. Consider examples.

The cheeks are burning. The word is used in the figurative value. burn. The cheeks seem to be burning - this is what the hidden comparison happens.

Sunset fire. The word is used in the figurative value. bonfire. The sunset is compared with the bone, but compared hidden. This is a metaphor.

Deployed metaphor

With the help of the metaphor, the deployed image is often created - in this case, in the portable value there is not one word, but several. Such a metaphor is called expanded.

Here is an example, Line of Vladimir Solowhina:

"Earth is a cosmic body, and we are astronauts that make a very long flight around the Sun, along with the Sun in the infinite universe."

First metaphor - Earth - Space Body - creates the second - we, people - Cosmonauts.

As a result, a whole deployed image is created - the people-astronauts make a long flight around the sun on a ship-land.


Epithet- Colorful artistic definition. Of course, epitts are most often adjectives. And adjective colorful, emotional and estimated. For example, in phrases golden Ring Word golden The epithet is not, this is the usual definition characterizing the material from which the ring is made. But in phrases golden. hair, golden soul - golden, Golden - Epitts.

However, other cases are also possible. The role of the epithet sometimes performs a noun. For example, frost Voevoda. Voevoda In this case, the application is that there is a type of definition, which means it may well be an epithet.

Often, epithets are emotional, colorful adverbs, for example, fun in phrase fun stepping.

Permanent epithets

Permanent epithets are found folklore, oral folk creativity. Remember: in folk songs, fairy tales, the eponymists are always kind, the girl is red, the wolf is gray, and the ground is raw. All these are constant epithets.


Looking down one object or phenomenon to another. Most often it is expressed by comparative turns with alliances as if, exactly, as if or pressing comparative. But there are other forms of comparison. For example, comparative Adjective and adverbs or so-called cooling comparison. Consider examples.

Time flies, like a bird (Comparative turnover).

Brother older than me(Comparative turnover).

I younger Brother (Comparative degree of adjective young).

Wriggle snake. (Current comparison).


Employment of non-living items or phenomena with the properties and qualities of living: the sun laughs, Spring has come.


Metonimia is a replacement of one concept to another on the basis of adjacency. What does it mean? Surely in the lessons of geometry you studied adjacent angles - angles that have one common side. Concepts can be related - for example, school and students.

Consider examples:

School Released on Saturday.

Kisses plateate.

The essence of metonimia in the first example is that instead of a word students The word is used shkola. In the second example, we use the word plate Instead of the name that on a plate is ( soup, porridge Or something like that), that is, we use metonimia.


Synekdoka is similar to metonimia and is considered to be a variety. This trail also lies in replacement - but in replacement necessarily quantitative. Most often, the multiple number is replaced by the only on the contrary.

Consider examples of syncdoches.

"We will threaten to threaten swedet"- King Peter thinks in the poem A.S. Pushkin" Bronze Horseman" Of course, there was not one swede, but swedes - That is, the only number is used instead of multiple.

But the line from Pushkin "Eugene Onegin": "We are all looking at Napoleon". It is known that the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was alone. The poet uses sycken - consumes a plural instead of the only one.


The hyperbole is an excessive exaggeration. "In one hundred forty suns sunset gruel", - Writes V. Markovsky. And Gogolev was harslers "Width from the Black Sea."


Lithot - a trail opposite to hyperbola, excessive accuracy: boy with finger, peasant with marigold.


The irony is called hidden ridicule. At the same time, we invest in our words the meaning is directly opposite to true. "Roll off, smart, you wrapped your head"- Such a question in the Krylov Basna is addressed to the Osl, which is considered to be an embodiment of nonsense.


We have already considered trails based on the replacement of concepts. For metonimia one word is replaced by another on the adjacentness of concepts, with synecoch The only number is replaced by multiple or vice versa.

Periprase is also a replacement - the word is replaced by several words, a whole descriptive turnover. For example, instead of the word "animals" we speak or write "our smaller brothers". Instead of the word "lion" - the king of animals.

Syntactic means

Syntaxic tools are such language tools that are associated with a proposal or phrase. The syntaxes are sometimes called grammatical, as the syntax along with morphology is part of grammar. Let us dwell on some syntaxes.

Uniform members of the sentence

These are members of the proposals that answer the same question relate to one word, are one member of the proposal and, in addition, are pronounced with a special enumeration intonation.

Roslie in the garden roses, romashki., Bells . - This proposal is complicated by homogeneous subjects.

Introductory words

These are words that are more often expressed to the report to the report, indicate the source of the message or the method of creating thought. We analyze examples.

Fortunately, snow.

Unfortunately, snow.

Probably, snow.

According to each other, snow.

so, snow.

In the following suggestions transferred the same information (snow)but she is expressed with different feelings (Fortunately, unfortunately), With uncertainty (probably), indicating the source of the message (According to a friend) and method of thought (so).


Talking two or more persons. Recall as an example a dialogue from the poem of Kornea Chukovsky:

- Who says?
- Elephant.
- From where?
- from camel ...

Question-response formation

This is the name of the construction of the text in the form of questions and answers to them. "What is bad at a shrill look?" - Specifies the question of the author. And he answers himself: "And everything is bad!"

Separate sentences

Secondary members of the proposals that are allocated by commas (or dash) on the letter, and in speech - pauses.

The pilot tells about his adventures, smiling listeners (Offer S. separate circumstance, pronounced by the heepgear).

The children went to the glade, lighted by the Sun. (offer with a separate circumstance expressed by the involvement).

Without brother his first listener and fanHe could hardly achieve such results. (Offer with a separate distributed application).

No one, besides her native sister, did not know about it (offer with a separate addition).

I will come early watches at six in the morning (offer with a separate clarifying time circumstance).

Figures of speech

At the syntax level, special designs are distinguished, which give speech expressiveness. They are called speech figures, as well as stylistic figures. This is antithesis, gradation, inversion, parcel, anaphora, epiphara, rhetorical question, rhetorical appeal, etc. Consider some of the stylistic figures.


In Russian antithesis is called opposition. As its example, you can lead the proverb: "Learning is light, and unacceptable - darkness."


Inversion - reverse order words. As you know, each of the members of the sentence has its own "legitimate" place, its position. Thus, the subject must be faced with the definition, and the definition is before the defined word. Certain positions are assigned by the circumstance and addition. When the order of words in the proposal is violated, you can talk about inversion.

Using inversion, writers and poets reach the desired phrase sound. Remember the poem "Sail". Without inversion, his first lines would sound like this: "Lonely sail whites in the blue fog of the sea". The poet used the inversion and the lines sprouted outwardly:

White sail is lonely

In the fog of the sea blue ...


Graduation is the location of words (as a rule, which are homogeneous members, to grow or descending their values). Consider examples: "It illusion, hallucination, mirage« (Hallucination is larger than an illicit, and Mirage is more than illusion). Graduation happens both ascending and descending.


Sometimes, the borders of the proposal are deliberately violated to enhance expressiveness, that is, parcel is used. It consists in crushing the phrase at which they are formed incomplete sentences (that is, such structures, the meaning of which is unclear outside the context). An example of parcels can be considered a newspaper title: "The process went. Reversal "(" The process went back, "the phrase looks like crushing).

Trails and stylistic figures.

Trails(Greek. Tropos - turn, turnover of speech) - words or speech turns in a portable, allegorical value. Trails - important element artistic thinking. Types of trails: metaphor, metonymium, synefocol, hyperbole, litt, etc.

Stylistic figures - speech turnover used to enhance expressiveness (expressiveness) of statements: anaphor, epiphara, ellipse, antithesis, parallelism, gradation, inversion, etc.

HYPERBOLA (Greek. HyperBole - exaggeration) - a variety of a trail based on exaggeration ("blood rivers", "Sea of \u200b\u200blaughter"). Means of hyperboles The author enhances the desired impression or emphasizes that he glorifies, and what rises. The hyperbole is already found in the ancient epic of different nations, in particular, in Russian epics.
In Russian liter, N. Gogol, Saltykov-Shchedrin and especially those who were resorted to the hyperbole.

V. Mayakovsky ("I", "Napoleon", "150 000 000"). IN poetic speech The hyperbole is often intertwinedwith other artistic means (metaphors, personification, comparisons, etc.). Opportunity -litotes.

Lithot (greek. Litotes - Easy) - a trail opposite to hyperbola; A figurative expression, the turnover, which contains an artistic dimension of the magnitude, strength, the values \u200b\u200bof the image of OP phenomenon. Lithota is B. folk fairy tales: "Boy with a finger", "Hut on Courish Legs", "peasant with marigolds."
The second name of Litness is MEYOSIS. The opposite of lithote -

N. Gogol often appealed to Lithote:
"Such a small mouth that more two pieces cannot miss" N. Gogol

METAPHOR(Greek Metaphora - Transfer) - Trop, Hidden Figure Comparison, Transferring the properties of one subject or phenomenon to another on the basis general signs ("Working boils," wood forest "," Dark Person "," Stone Heart "...). In metaphor, unlike

the comparisons, the words "how", "as if", "as if" are omitted, but imply.

Century nineteenth, iron,

Truly the cruel eyelids!

To you in the darkness of the night, a relaxed

Broken man!

A. Blok.

Metaphors are formed according to the principle of personification ("water running"), separation ("steel nerves"), distraction ("field of activity"), etc. In the role of metaphors, various parts of speech can act: verb, noun, adjective. The metaphor gives speech exceptional expressiveness:

In every carnation fragrant lilac,
Sweat, crawling bee ...
You ascended under the arch blue
Above the stray crowd of clouds ...

A. Fet.

The metaphor is an unintended comparison in which both members are easily seen:

With sheaf hair of their oatmeal
You sent me forever ...
Rolled dog's eyes
Golden stars in the snow ...

S. Yesenin

In addition to verbal metaphor, metaphorical images or deployed metaphors are largely distributed in artistic creativity:

Ah, won my head of my bush,
I sucked a song captive,
Convicted at the cautious feelings
Relieve mills of poems.

S. Yesenin

Sometimes the entire product is entirely a wide, deployed metaphorical image.

METONYMY(Greek. Metonymia - renaming) - trail; replacement of one word or expression to others based on the proximity of the values; The use of expressions in a figurative sense ("foaming glass" - meaning wine in a glass; "Forest is noise" - the trees are implied; etc.).

Theater is full, the lodges shine;

Parter and chairs, everything boils ...

A.S. Pushkin

In the metonymy phenomenon or item is indicated by other words and concepts. At the same time, signs or communication signs are preserved; So, when V. Mayakovsky speaks about the "steel speaker, dormant in a holster", the reader easily guesses the metonymy image of the revolver in this image. This is the difference between metamia from metaphor. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe concept in metonimia is given by indirect signs or secondary values, but it is precisely this and strengthens the poetic expressiveness of speech:

You led swords on the feast abundant;

All fell with noise before you;
Europe europe; Sleep grave
Over her head ...

A. Pushkin

When the shore of hell
Foreel I will take me
When forever sleeps
Feather, my player ...

A. Pushkin

Perifraza (Greek. Periphrasis is an occasional turnover, allegory) - one of the paths in which the name of the subject, a person, the phenomena is replaced by an indication of its signs, as a rule, the most characteristic, reinforcing patterns of speech. ("King of Birds" instead of "Eagle", "King of Beasts" - instead of "lion")

Elimination(Exoprose, Personification) - View of metaphor; The transfer of the properties of animated objects into inanimate (sow singing, the river plays ...).

My bells,

Floweries steppe!

What to look at me

Dark blue?

And what do you keep

On the day of fun May,

Impairment of certain grass

Head shaking?

A.K. Tough

SYNECDOCHE (Greek Synekdoche - Calculation)- One of the paths, the type of metonymy, consisting in the transfer of the value from one subject to another on the basis of the quantitative relationship between them. Synekdoka - an expressive means of typing. The most common types of synefoi:
1) part of the phenomenon is called a whole value:

And in the door -
tulup ...

V. Mayakovsky

2) In the meaning of part - Vasily Terkin in a fisting match with a fascist says:

Oh, you won like! Fight
Well, not a dirty password!

3) the only number in the meaning of general and even universal:

There is a man from slavery and chains ...

M. Lermontov

And proud grandson of Slavs, and Finn ...

A. Pushkin

4) Number replacement:

Milongs you. We are darkness, and darkness, and darkness.

A. Blok.

5) Replacing the generic concept of species:

Being a penny. Very good!

V. Mayakovsky

6) Replacing the species concept of generic:

"Well, sit down, shine!"

V. Mayakovsky

COMPARISON - A word or an expression that contains the likelihood of one object to another one, the other situation. ("Strong, as a lion," "said, as cut off," ...). Buru Millet Heaven Croot

Whirlwind snow twist;

How the beast she will win

Then pay, like a child ...

A.S. Pushkin

"As the steppe scorched by Palaals, the life of Grigory became black" (M. Sholokhov). The idea of \u200b\u200bthe blackness and gloomy of the steppe and causes the reader to the smarter feeling that corresponds to the state of Gregory. There is a transfer of one of the meaning of the concept - the "scorched steppe" to another - the internal state of the character. Sometimes, in order to compare some phenomena or concepts, the artist resorts to deployed comparisons:

Safler Steppe View, where without a prep,
Wave only Silver Kickl
Flying Akvilon wanders
And there is a free dust freely;
And where is the circle, how do you like to see,
Meets Birch View Two Il Three
Which are under a blue mol
Dali in the evening in the evening.
So life is boring when there are no struggle,
Last penetrating, distinguish
There are few things in it, in color of years
She's soul will not merge.
I need to act, I am every day
Immortal would want to want as a shadow
Great hero and understand
I can not, what does it mean to relax.

M. Lermontov

Here, with the help of the deployed S. Lermontov transmits a whole range of lyrical experiences and reflections.
Comparisons are usually connected by the unions "as", "as if", "like", "accurately", etc. Possible non-union comparisons:
"I have a whitewower Kudri - Chesna Len" N. Nekrasov. Here the union is omitted. But sometimes he is not supposed:
"Sorrow execution, the usual feast of the people" A. Pushkin.
Some comparison forms are descended and therefore are not connected by alliances:

And she is
At the door Il by the window
Early asterisk lighter,
Roses Morning Fresh.

A. Pushkin

She is Mila - I will say between us -
Courtic Vitya Thunderstorm,
And you can with southern stars
Compare, especially verses,
Her Circassian eyes.

A. Pushkin

Special type of comparison are the so-called negative:

Does not shine on the NEB, the sun is red,
Do not admire the puffy blue:
Then behind the meal sits in the crown of the crown
The Terrible Tsar is sitting Ivan Vasilyevich.

M. Lermontov

In this parallel image of two phenomena, the form of denying is simultaneously and method of comparison and method of transferring values.
A special case is used in comparison of the form of a cooling case:

It's time, beautiful, wake up!
Open the unfortunate eyes closed
Towards North Aurora
Star of the North.

A. Pushkin

I am not a par - I sit with an eagle.

A. Pushkin

Often there are comparisons in the form of a vinitive case with a pretext "under":
"Sergey Platonovich ... sitting with athathin in the dining room, saved expensive, under oak, wallpaper ..."

M. Sholokhov.

Image - Generalized artistic reflection of reality, clothed in the form of a particular individual phenomenon. Poets think images.

Not the wind rages over Born,

Not from the mountains ran the streams,

Frost - Voivode Writh

Own owners.

ON THE. Nekrasov

ALLEGORY(Greek. Allegoria - allegory) - a specific image of the subject or phenomenon of reality, replacing an abstract concept or thought. The green branch in the hands of a man has long been an allegorical image of the world, the hammer was an allegory of labor, etc.
The origin of many allegorical images should be sought in the cultural traditions of tribes, peoples, nations: they are found on banners, coat of arms, emblems and acquire a steady nature.
Many allegorical images go back to Greek and Roman mythology. So, the image of a woman blindfolded and with scales in the hands - the goddess of the femids - the allegory of justice, the image of the snake and bowls - the allegory of medicine.
Allegory as a means of strengthening poetic expressiveness is widely used in artistic literature. It is based on rapprochement of phenomena on the correlation of their essential parties, qualities or functions and belongs to the group of metaphorical trails.

Unlike the metaphor, in the allegory of figurative importance expressed by the phrase, a whole thought or even a small work (fable, parable).

GROTESQUE (Franz. Grotesque is a quaint, comical) - the image of people and phenomena in a fantastic, ugly-comic form, based on sharp contrasts and exaggerations.

Announced at a meeting I break avalanche,

Wild curses expensive expring.

And I see: people sit down half.

About Devil! Where is half another?

V. Mayakovsky

IRONY (Greek. Eironeia is a pretense) - the expression of ridicule or debris by allegory. The word or statement acquires the meaning in the context of speech opposite to the literal sense or denying it, questioning.

Servant of influential Lords

With what courage noble

Throws speech you free

All those who closed their mouths.

F.I. Tyutchev

SARCASM (Greek. Sarkazo, letters. - Rive meat) - contemptuous, stinging mock; The highest degree of irony.

ASSONANCE (Franz. Assonance - consonance or respond) - repetition in line, stroke or phrase of homogeneous vowels.

About spring without end and without edge -

Without end and without the edge of a dream!

A. Blok.

Alliteration (sounding) (Lat. AD - K, and Littera - Letter) - the repetition of homogeneous consonants, which gives verse special intonation expressiveness.

Evening. Seaside. Sighs wind.

Music exclamation of waves.

Close storm. To the shore beats

Alien Charam Black Chelny ...

K. Balmont

Allyusia (from Lat. Allusio - joke, hint) - a stylistic figure, a hint through a similarity of the word or mention of a well-known real fact, historical event, literary work ("Glory Herostrata").

ANAPHORA(Greek. Anaphora - Execution) - Repetition initial words, rows, stains or phrases.

You and wretched,

You and abundant,

You and scored,

You and alliness,

Mother-Rus! ...

ON THE. Nekrasov

ANTITHESIS (Greek Antithesis - contradiction, opposition) - a sharply pronounced opposition of concepts or phenomena.
You are rich, I am very poor;

You are a prose, I am a poet;

You are broken, like poppies color,

I, like death, and skin and pale.

A.S. Pushkin

You and wretched,
You and abundant,
You and Mighty,
You and powerless ...

N. Nekrasov

So little passed roads, so much mistakes made ...

S. Jenin.

The antithesis strengthens the emotional color of speech and emphasizes the thought expressed with its help. Sometimes the principle of antithesis built all the work

APOCOPE(Greek.APOKOPE - cutting off) - artificial shorting of the word without losing its meaning.

... how suddenly the fuck shares

At them, the bear snapped the mouth ...

A.N. Wings

Lai, laughter, singing, whistle and clas,

Human sulfur and horse top!

A.S. Pushkin

ASYNDETON (Asindandon) - proposal with the lack of unions between homogeneous words or parts of the whole. Figure giving speech dynamism and saturation.

Night, street, lantern, pharmacy,

Meaningless and dull light.

Live even though a quarter of a century -

Everything will be so. There is no outcome.

A. Blok.

Multi-allu (Polysindone) - excessive repetition of unions, creating an additional intonation color. The opposite figure -nezuzuzie.

Slowing the speech to the forced pauses, a multi-eyed emphasizes separate words, enhances its expressiveness:

And the waves are crowded and rushing back
And again come, and the shore beat ...

M. Lermontov

And boring and sad, and some hand feed ...

M.Yu. Lermontov

Gradation- from lat. Gradatio is a gradentality) - a stylistic figure in which the definitions are grouped in a certain order - the increase or weakening of their emotionally meaningful significance. Graduation enhances the emotional verse sound:

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry,
Everything will pass as with white apple trees smoke.

S. Yesenin

INVERSION(Lat. Inversio - permutation) - a stylistic figure, consisting in a violation of the generally accepted grammatical sequence of speech; The permutation of the phrase parts gives it a kind of expressive shade.

Lady of vintage deep

A.S. Pushkin

Dowger past he arrow

Flew around marble steps

A. Pushkin

OXYMORON (Greek. Oxymoron is witty-stupid) - a combination of contrasting opposite to the meaning of words (living corpse, giant dwarf, heat of cold numbers).

PARALLELISM(from Greek. Parallelos - going next to) - a identical or similar arrangement of speech elements in the adjacent parts of the text, creating a single poetic image.

In the blue sea, the wave is splashing.

In the blue sky, the stars shine.

A. S. Pushkin

Your mind is deep that the sea.

Your spirit is high that the mountains.

V. Bryusov

Parallelism is especially characteristic of the works of oral folk creativity (epics, songs, chastushk, proverbs) and close to them in their artistic peculiarities of literary works ("Song about the merchant Kalashnikov" M. Yu. Lermontov, "Who in Russia live well" N. A. Nekrasova, "Vasily Terkin" a . T, Tvardovsky).

Parallelism can have a broader thematic character in content, for example, in the poem of M. Yu. Lermontov "Tuchka Heaven - Eternal Wanderers."

Parallelism can be both verbal-shaped and rhythmic, composite.

Parcelation - Expressive syntactic reception of intonation division of sentences for independent segments, graphically dedicated as independent proposals. ("And again. Gulliver. It costs. Lock" P. G. Anticolish. "How cares! Good! Mila!" Griboedov. "Mitrofanov grinned, prevented coffee. Squeezed."

N. Ilina. "He's quarreled with the girl soon. And because of what. " G. Uspensky.)

Transfer (Franz. Enjambement - Sampling) - Missing the syntactic member of speech and membership on poems. When transferring the syntax pause inside the verse or semi-edge is stronger than at its end.

Leaves Peter. His eyes

Shine. His face is terrible.

Movement Fast. He is beautiful,

He is all like God's thunderstorm.

A. S. Pushkin

RHYME (Greek. Rhythmos - Slimming, proportionality) - varietyepifors ; The consonance of the ends of the poetic lines, creating the feeling of their unity and kinship. Rhyme emphasizes the border between verses and connects poems in stains.

ELLIPSIS (Greek. Elleipsis - dropping, omission) - the figure of poetic syntax, based on the passing of one of the members of the sentence, is easily restored in meaning (most often a fag). This achieves the dynamism and compression of speech, a strenuous change is transmitted. Ellipsis is one of the default types. In the artistic speech, the excitedness of the speaker or tension of the action is transmitted:

We sat down - in ashes, hail - in the dust,
In swords - sickles and plows.

Tools of speech expressiveness - These are speech turnover, the main function of which is to give the tongue of beauty and expressiveness, versatility and emotionality.
Fonetic (sound), lexical (associated with the word), syntactic (associated with the phrase and proposal) of the means are distinguished.
Phonetic means of expressiveness
1. Alliteration - Repeat in the text of consonant or identical consonant sounds.
For example: G.about roD G. rabile, G. reB, G. rabstal.
2. Assonance - Repeat vowels. For example:
M. e.lo, M. e.lo on sun e.y z e.mL.
In Sun e. Limits.
St. e.cha Mountains on the table e.,
St. e.cha burned ... (B. Pasternak)

3. Onomatopoeia - Reproduction of natural sound, imitation of sound. For example:
How do droplets lead about ride
And at all night, everything is zokay yes ride
Stucha under one nail
That's where, then there, then in that entrance, then in this one.

Lexical means of expressiveness (trails)
1. Epitheet - figurative definition characterizing property, quality, concept, phenomenon
For example: golden Grove, Cheerful Wind
2. Comparison - comparison of two items, concepts or states that have a general feature.
For example: And birch stands as big candles.
3. Metaphor - The figurative meaning of a word based on similarity.
For example: Blue sky site.
4. Elimination - Transferring human properties to inanimate objects.
For example: Sleeping a cushion in a white cape.
5. Metonimia - replacement of one word to others based on the arrangement of two concepts.
For example: I ate three plates.
6. Synekdokha - Replacement multiple number The only one, the whole, the whole instead of the part (and on the contrary).
For example: Swede, Russian Cool, Rubit, cuts ...

7. Allegory. - allegory; An image of a specific concept in artistic images (in fairy tales, bass, proverbs, epics).
For example: A fox - allegory of tricks, hare - Cowards
8. Hyperbol - Exaggeration.
For example: Two hundred years have not seen you.
9. Lithota - Understanding.
For example: wait 5 seconds.
10. Perifraza - retelling, descriptive turnover, comprising an assessment.
For example: Tsar Beasts (Lion).
11. Kalambur. - The game of words, humorous use of the meaningfulness of words or homonymy.
For example:
Sitting in a taxi, asked the dachshund:
"For travel what a dachshund?"
And the driver: "Money with dachshund
Do not take at all. So-s! "
12. Oxymoron - The combination of opposite words.
For example: write silence, hot snow
13. Phraseology - Sustainable combinations of words.
For example: easy talent in the ground.
14. Ironya - Thin mockery, consumption in the sense, opposite to the straight.
For example: Did you sing everything? This is the case: so look, babes.
Syntactic means of expressiveness (stylistic figures)
1. Inversion - Violation direct order words
For example: We were waiting for you for a long time.
2. Ellipsis - Skipping a member of a sentence, often faithful.
For example: We sat down - in the ashes, hails - in the dust, in swords - sickles and plows.
3. Mistot - Interrupted statement, giving an opportunity to speculate, reflect.
For example: I suffered ... I wanted a response ... I did not wait ... I left ...
4. Question Proposal - Syntactic organization of speech, which creates a manner of conversation.
For example: How to earn a million?
5. A rhetorical question - The question containing a statement.
For example: Who can not catch it up?

6. Rtoric appeal - Allocation of important semantic positions.
For example: About the sea! How I missed!
7. Syntax parallelism - similar, parallel building phrases, lines.
For example: Be able to ask for forgiveness is an indicator of force. Be able to forgive - the indicator of nobility.
8. Graduation - The location of synonyms according to the degree of increment or weakening of the trait.
For example: Silence covered, silent, absorbed.
9. Antiteza - Stylistic figure of contrast, comparison, contrasting opposite concepts.
For example: Long hair - the mind is short.
10. Anafora - Unity.
For example:
Beregite each other,
Goodness warming.
Take care of each other,
Do not take offense.

11. Epiphara - Repeat end words.
For example:
Forest is not that!
The bush is not that!
Drozd is not that!

12. Parcelation - separation of sentences to parts.
For example: Man came. IN leather jacket. Dirty. Smiled.

It is known that not a single European lexicon is known to compare: this opinion is expressed by many literary criticism, who studied his expressiveness. In it, Spanish expansion, Italian emotionality, French tenderness. Language fundsUsed by Russian writers, resemble artist's strokes.

When experts speak of expressiveness of the language, they mean not only the figurative means that are studying at school, but also an inexhaustible arsenal of literary techniques. There is no uniform classification of fine-expressive drugs, however, the conditionally linguistic means are divided into groups.

In contact with

Lexical means

Expressive meansworking at the lexical language level are an integral part of the literary work: poetic or written prose. These are words, or speech turnover used by the author in a shaped or allegorical value. The most extensive group of lexical means of creating imagery in Russian - literary trails.

Varieties of trails

More than two dozen used trails used in the works of trails. Table with examplescombined the most consumed:

Trails Explanations to the term Examples
1 Allegory Replacing the abstract concept is concrete. "In the hands of the benemis," which means: in justice
2 This trails are based on a figurative comparison, but without the use of unions (as like). The metaphor implies the transfer of the qualities of one object or phenomenon to any other. The murmur voice (Voice as if jumped).
3 Metonymy The substitution of one word to another, based on the contamination of concepts. Class Zasheel
4 Comparison What is a comparison in the literature? Comparison of objects by similar feature. Comparison is artistic means, having enhanced image. Comparison: hot, like fire (Other examples: Beasts blissfully chalk).
5 Elimination Transfer of human properties to inanimate objects or phenomena. Whispered leaves of trees
6 Hyperbola This trails are based on a literary exaggeration that contributes to the strengthening of a certain characteristic or quality, on which the author focuses on the reader's attention. Sea of \u200b\u200bwork.
7 Litotes Artistic understatement of the described object or phenomenon. A peasant with marigolds.
8 Synecdoche Replacing some words by other quantitative relations. Invite to Sudak.
9 Okkazionalism Artistic agents formed by the author. Fruits of education.
10 Irony Thin mockery based on an externally positive assessment or a serious form of expression. What do you say, smart?
11 Sarcasm A stinging thin mock, the highest form of irony. Sarcasm is full of Saltykov-Shchedrin.
12 Perifraz The substitution of words is similar to lexical meaning expression. King of beasts
13 Lexical repeat In order to enhance value specific words The author repeats it several times. Lakes around, lake deep.

The article shows major trails famous in the literature, which illustrates a table with examples.

Sometimes the trails include archaisms, dialectisms, professionalism, but it is incorrect. These are means of expressiveness, the area of \u200b\u200bconsumption of which is limited to the application depicted or the area of \u200b\u200bapplication. They are used to create a flavor of the era described by the place or working atmosphere.

Specialized means of expressiveness

- Words, which once called familiar objects (eyes - eyes). Historisms indicate objects or phenomena (actions), which came out of everybody (caftan, ball).

And archaisms, and historians - means of expressivenessWith hunting, writers and screenwriters, creating works on historical topics (examples are "Peter the first" and "Prince of Silver" A. Tolstoy). Often the archaizms use poets to create an elevated style (Lono, Dress, finger).

Neologisms - the figurative means of the language that have entered our lives relatively recently (gadget). They are often used in art text To create an atmosphere of a youth environment and an image of advanced users.

Dialectisms - words or grammatical formsused in spoken Speech inhabitants of one area (kooms - cock).

Professionalism - words and expressions that are characteristic of representatives of a certain profession. For example, a pen for printing is, first of all, a spare material that has not included in the room, and only then the place of stay of animals. Naturally, the writer, telling about the life of a polygraphist, will not work the term.

Jargonisms are a vocabulary of informal communication used in the conversational speech of people belonging to a certain circle of communication. For example, language features of the text The life of students will be allowed to use the word "tails" in the meaning of "exams debt", and not part of the body of animals. In the works of students often appear this word.

Frameological revs

Frameological expressions are lexical language products whose expressiveness is determined:

  1. With a figurative value, sometimes with the mythological patch (Achilles heel).
  2. The accessory of each to the category of high stable expressions (cabin in summer), or spoken revolutions (rave ears). These may be linguistic agents with a positive emotional color (golden hands - the load of approving values), or with a negative expressive assessment (small bump - the shade of a dismissive attitude towards a person).

Phraseologisms are consumedto:

  • make emphasis on the clarity and image formation;
  • build the necessary stylistic tonality (sponsor or elevation), pre-evaluating the language features of the text;
  • express author's attitude to reported information.

Shaped expressiveness phraseeological ropes Increased due to their transformation from well-known in individually-author: shine in the whole Ivanovo.

A special group is aphorisms ( idioms). For example, happy hours do not observe.

Aphorisms include the work of folk art: proverbs, sayings.

These artistic agents are used in the literature quite often.

Attention!Phraseologisms as finely expressive literary funds cannot be used in an official-based business style.

Syntactic techniques

Spectacle syntax figures - the turnover used by the author to bring the necessary information to the need or the general meaning of the text, sometimes to give an excerpt emotional color. That's what are there syntactic means Expressiveness:

  1. Antiteza - syntax expressive means based on contrasting. "Crime and Punishment". Allows you to emphasize the value of one word with the help of another opposite by value.
  2. Graduations - means of expressiveness that apply synonymous words located on the principle of increasing and extinction of a sign or quality in Russian. For example, the stars shone, burned, shone. Such a lexical chain allocates the main conceptual meaning of each word - "shine".
  3. Oxumor - right opposite wordslocated nearby. For example, the expression "flame ice" is figuratively and brightly creates a controversial character of the hero.
  4. Inversion - syntactic means of expressiveness based on the unusual constructions of the proposal. For example, instead of "he sang" written "sang". A word that the author wants to allocate is to bend.
  5. Parcellation is the intentional division of one sentence into several parts. For example, near Ivan. It is worth looking. The second offer is usually made an action, quality or sign that takes on the author's accent.

Important!These figurative means Representatives of the series scientific schools refer to stylistic. The reason for replacing the term lies in the influence of expressive means of this group on the style of the text, albeit through syntactic structures.

Phonetic means

Sound techniques in Russian - the smallest group Literary figures speech. This is a special use of words with the repetition of certain sounds or phonetic groups to image artistic images.

Usually such language figurative means Use poets in poetic works, or writers in lyric retreats, when describing landscapes. The authors use repeating sounds to transmit thunder-rolls or rustling of leaves.

Alliteration is a row of a number of consonants creating sound effects that enhance the image of the described phenomenon. For example: "In a silk rustle of snow noise." The discharge of sounds C, W and I creates the effect of imitation by whistle wind.

Assonance - Repetition of vowel sounds in order to create an expressive artistic image: "Marsh, march - Masha flag // Matching on the parade." The vowel "A" is repeated to create an emotional completeness of feelings, a unique feeling of universal joy and openness.

Sound resistance - selection of words that combine a certain set of sounds, which creates a phonetic effect: Wiel wind, grass rustling and other characteristic natural sounds.

Means of expressiveness in Russian, trails

Use of speech expressive words


It is the abundance of figurative means expressiveness in Russian makes it truly beautiful, juicy and unique. Therefore, foreign literary criticians prefer to study the works of Russian poets and writers in the original.