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Separate turnover extraction at the beginning of the offer. Separate circumstances

More from school bench, many preserved an idea that, in contrast to the communities, the verbalism is always allocated by commas, regardless of the availability of dependent words and places in the proposal. In fact, this presentation is not quite true - the separation of the leadingness and height turns has its own characteristics. Within the framework of this article, consider the extraction (and not extraction) of single verbalias. About read in the appropriate article.

The general rule is such - single verbalias are isolated (allocated on both sides with commas), if you express an additional action, and are not separated if the shade of the main action. For example:

* "She opened the door, leaning" (two actions - "When she opened the door, she laughed").

* "He walked along the road slowly and listened to the singing of birds" ("slowly" - the shade of the main action).

First of all, the adapters are becoming such shades, which, in principle, practically lost the verbal importance and are perceived as adveria - "silence", "not in a hurry". It is more difficult to the situation with those vergers that are isolated or not separated depending on the context. For example, "she opened the door laughing." This canoeing can be considered as a shade of action (exactly did it open the door?) Or as an independent action (when she opened the door, she laughed). Accordingly, the comma will or will not be made depending on the meaning that the author invests in the offer.

A kind of tip when making a decision on the decimal decisions may be the following: as a rule, the shades of action are expressed by the veefrilies going immediately after the verb. At the same time, they can be replaced by naschaim or nouns with the pretext. For example, "without stopping" - "without stopping", "not in a hurry" - "without a rush", "smiling" - "with a smile." Some sources also indicate that the verdicts ending with "-A" and "-o" are more likely to shades, while with the "-B" and "-BE" - additional actions.

Separated from the verb of verbalia are often separated.


* "She greeted smiling."

* "She said hello, smiling."

* "Smiling, a girl in a beautiful dress stretched his ball."

Now we will pay attention to some subtleties regarding the setting of commas with separable verbalies. In particular, if two homogeneous (i.e. related to the same verb) single verbalias are connected by the Union "and" (as well as "either", "or", etc.), then the commas are not put around this union - by analogy with Uniform members of the sentence. For example, "Running and pulling up, she quickly led himself into shape." The same applies to the separation of particle turnover and single verproy. Obtaining in relation to the whole phrase, among themselves these members of the sentence are homogeneous (for this purpose, it will certainly be treated to one verb).

Also, the commas are not put if the union of "and" is connected by the adolescent and verbatility relating to the same verb - such members of the sentence are also considered homogeneous (plus such verbalia often express shades of action). For example, "he answered quickly and without thinking." At the same time (by analogy with homogeneous members of the proposal), if there is no connecting union or is the Union "A" or "But", then there is a comma between the adverb and a lead, "he answered quickly, without thinking."

If the verprepiece begins a presidency and has a word "which" as the dependent word, then this canopy is not separated. It is right if the Deeprichi had other dependent words. "I dream of such a dress, finding which I will feel the queen."

Opinions of lingules about what follow-up is divided. Some believe that it relates to a special form of verb, others suggest that this is an independent part of speech. We will support the second option.

Temploying is an independent part of speech. It contains signs of adverbs and verb, shows when, why and how the verb is performed, the verb is performed, has an extensive action. If the verprepiece in the proposal is not lonely, but has words depending on it, then this set of words is called a considerable turnover. About how and when the separation of leading in the proposal is produced, the article will tell.

What is extraction?

In Russian, the concept of separation is a way to clarify and allocate a certain set of words in the proposal. Only members of the proposals that are secondary, they differ from the unique members can be separated. Seal is necessary in order for the reader to more accurately understand the described picture of what is happening. Not only lonely celebrity can be separated, but also came-out turnover.

Examples of single verprices

If a separate circumstance does not have dependent words in the proposal, then it is called single verbalism. During the writing of the sentence, this part of speech is always released by commas on both sides.

The location of the designer in the sentence can be anyone. Here are examples of the correct allocation of single verbalias commas:

  1. Seeing, she could not utter a word.
  2. Returning, I found my sister's houses.
  3. Do not train, it is impossible to achieve success in sports.

Accordingly, the semicolons were allocated the following verdicts:

  • seemingly
  • returning;
  • do not train.

On the letter you can meet several duplicate verbalies. They are called homogeneous. At the same time, they are separated by commas among themselves and separated by this sign of punctuation as separate parts of speech. Examples of such proposals:

  1. Laughing, singing and circling, Natasha hurried to his first date.
  2. Meaming and winking, Pasha closed the door.
  3. She was silent, angry, but turn.

Homogeneous verbalia in the sentence can relate to differently tamers. For example: Playing and laughing, she, painted, rushed towards her dreams.

Selection of singing solitary verge

Separation of single verbalism occurs in the following cases:

  1. If the verbatility plays in the proposal the role of the second faith. Saves the verb value. Indicates the condition, reason or time of action, but not on its image. Saving, Marina lost her handbag. After the holiday, the guests drove, without calming down.
  2. If in the mind you can check the offer, replacing the verbality of the verb, or from the simple proposal to make complex. When Marina ran away, she rubbed her handbag. Guests after the holiday although they did not calm down, but drove.

Separation of single verbalism does not happen if:

  1. Single verbality lost the value of verbity or has a close relationship with the fag. Masha ran into the room without knocking. Zhenya tears from the tree silently and not in a hurry.
  2. If verbalia is the circumstances of the image of the action and cannot be replaced with verbs. Zhenya tears silently and did not hurry.
  3. If single verprepiece can be replaced by noun. Masha ran into the room without a knock.

Selection of single verbalias depending on their location in the proposal

Separation can not occur if they stand at the beginning or end of the sentence, but in the middle they are allocated with commas. Compare two suggestions:

  1. Tanya tried slippers does not hurry.
  2. On the road, not in a hurry, Tanya admired flowers.

In the first sentence, the separation is not done with commas, as it is represented by the circumstance of the image of action. It can be replaced by a word - "leisurely."

In the second sentence, the verbality is the circumstance of the cause ("since it was not in a hurry").

How to make a part-off turnover?

If there is a part of speech in the proposal that answers questions "What made?", "What do you do?" And called verbalia, with dependent words, then this set of words is called to be called a height turnover.

In the proposal, this turnover always performs the function of circumstances and refers to the verb, as it denotes an additional action. Excellence performs the same person, phenomenon or item that perform the main actions.

Examples of verbal turns

The separation of adherences and particle inclusive turns occurs independently of the place in relation to the verb, they stand in relation to the verb. For example:

  1. All day in the sky went dark clouds, then opening the sun, then again closing it.
  2. Walking next to her mother, the kid was surprised and fascinated on her.
  3. Joy, bringing happiness with one people, gave the other inener grief.
  4. I looked at the sunrise, without taking off the eye.
  5. Baby, watching her mother's hand, did the same movements.

What needs to be remembered when using adapters and height turnover in the sentence?

The main rules for the use of particralized turns when writing the text as follows:

  1. A pronounced verb-leaky, the main action and an additional action, expressed by the accomplitable turnover, should refer to one person, subject or phenomenon.
  2. Most often, the separation of the circumstances expressed by the leaders and consistent turnover is used when writing a single-main, definitely personal offer, as well as when the verb in the imperative inclination.
  3. If the proposal is impersonal in the infinitive, then consumed the particralization of the turnover is also possible.
  4. The separation of the celebrity and the separation of circumstances is the same thing, since the verprepiece expresses a sign of the circumstances in the proposal.

In which cases, the verdicts and particle inclusive turns are not allocated to commas?

Separation of circumstances pronounced by verbalias and consistent turnover are not performed if:

  1. Circumstances are connected by the Union "and" with an optional circumstance or a fault. She hated him and taking his signs to attention. Dasha played noisy and shouting from joy.
  2. Circumstances are brought together with adverbs. They lose the adding value and acquire the value of the action. It:
  • teperysty, which became phraseological circulation (not a shiny eye, drossing the sleeves, laying his head, open the mouth and others). For example: Petya worked after the sleeve. But: having drizzling the sleeves, she washed her hands in the bath. It should be remembered that phraseological phrase phrases (apparently, in other words, actually, the other) comma is separated.
  • tempecias carrying the basic semantic load. Without them, the thought expresses not completely. This part of speech is usually after the faithful. "Narity" of these verbalies is obvious in suggestions where there is a group of homogeneous members - Deeprichy and the adverbs. For example: He answered me not embarrassed and frankly. Not embarrassed - this is a leadingness, and frankly - Advanced.

The comma does not allocate verbalism in the composition of having the dependent word "which" in all its variations. He wanted to get rid of the letter, reading who recalled his recent grief.

From what should be distinguished by verbalia

Different in verdicts, many do not think that it can be adveria or prepositions.

The following adverbs are distinguished:

  • naughty;
  • suffocate
  • joking
  • silently;
  • sitting;
  • standing;
  • lying and others.

The same with these words of verbalism retain an extension effect. This happens during education and communications with other verprices. All the way Anya went standing. He will make this work joking (easy). In these suggestions are used by adverbs.

Standing on top, Anya looked down. All the way, fun and playing, Yana did not close the mouth. These proposals are separated by a diligence of the turnover in the first sentence and homogeneous verbalia in the second sentence.

From the predictions allocate: starting with, based on. The commas are not put, since the heerage can be removed from the proposal and its meaning will not change. Snow goes starting from the night (coming from the night).

Separations and verbalias: What is the difference?

Participate and accompanying turns perform different functions in the proposal and have their own following morphological differences:

  1. The involvement of the turnover or single communion belongs to the defined word (noucent or pronoun). Temploying or particleless turnover are closely related to the verb fault. At the same time, the communion varies in numbers, childbirth, cases, has a complete and short forms, and verbality is not a variable wordform.
  2. The involvement of the turnover and the sacrament perform the function of definition in the proposal, and the verbality and particle acts act in the role of various circumstances.
  3. Different communities and verbalities are different with suffixes. Combathes have such suffixes as - (- (Yusch-), - (- - (shrine) - -He-, -Sh- in the valid communcies and - (- EM-), -In-it -Nh., -t- in suffering. While the verprixes have the following suffixes: -A-, -, -the, -yuchi-, -t-, -

  1. If in a sentence next to the height is worth the union, then they are separated by the comma. Unions are not included in the turn. For example: He smiled at his friend and, jumping through the puddle, ran home. The exception is the Union "A", which is before the height of the turnover. It turns on in this case by turnover. For example: A person needs to understand what is the meaning of life, but to realize it, he will tell others.
  2. If the offer consists of several verbal revolutions or single verbalists, the commas between them put both when transferring homogeneous membership members. For example: She approached, stalking and holding a girlfriend by one hand with one hand, and the other kept on the belt.
  3. If there are several verbal revolutions within one sentence relating to differently taught, each of them is allocated with commas. For example: Having pushed the feet of the gate, he ran out on the road and, not paying attention to people, rushed away.
  4. The perhaps turnover is always separated by commas on both sides.

The separation of leading will not cause problems if you learn to correctly identify this part of speech in any sentence.

How to help your child consolidate the material studied?

After the child studied theoretical material, it should be suggested to consolidate it with practical exercises.

Initially, children should verbally work with suggestions and learn how to find in them serious turnover and single verprice. After that, it should be offered to students to write proposals and arrange in them in addition, the child must explain his choice in the arrangement of commas.

After the children will be mastered by simple sentences, you can give them proposals with alliances and allied words. At the same time, before finding an accrued turnover or single sacrament, it is necessary to highlight the grammatical foundation.

Complete the task with complex compounds that have several grammatical foundations and homogeneous particle turns.

1. Conditional turns are usually separated, regardless of the location of the location in relation to the verb-to-beam.

For example: Stretch to beams, winding heads, horses(Ser.); Not putting on caps, reached the porch (Shol.); Went overnight, the forest dropped and calm down, dropping the wet branches of pines (Sparrow); Throwing back on a comfortable, soft back chair in trolleybus, Margarita Nikolaevna drove in Arbat (Bulg.); Lisa, looking at Nikolai Vsevolodovich, quickly raised hand (Trick.); Later[Anna] pushed out sticks and ran through thickets, leaving the whirlwind of snow (Paust.).

Circumstances expressed by adapters and consistent turnover have an additional value of predicativeness inherent in verbalism as a verb form. Therefore, often verbalia and particle inclusive turns are perceived as additional fag.

For example: My friend and I returned to our coupe. Old woman postponing the book and rummaged something to ask, never asked and began to look out the window (Reception) (compare: The old woman postponed the book and rushed to ask something, but never asked ...).

However, verbalism and particle inclusive turns are not always able to be replaced by the hidden forms of verb. They denote different signs of action and can be replaced by separate involvement in the additional circumstantial value.

For example: Doctor, do not know how to talk with crying women, sighed and quietly walked around the living room. - Doctor, not able to talk with crying women, sighed and quietly walked around the living room (C.).

It is that the presence of a circumstantiated value of value is functionally brought closer to particle and involvement.

Many verprices and particle inclusive turns that have a thorough value can be compared with the apparent parts of complex proposals.

For example: Judging by his indecisive movements, according to the expression of a sullen facewhich was dark from the evening twilight, he wanted to say something(C.) (Compare: Judging by his indecisive movements ...)

2. The perpetual turnover, which is after the writing alliance, a subordination union or the union word, is separated from it with a comma, despite the absence of excretory intonation (Untonation Union is included in the turnover).

For example: And the roots slightly turned on the irradiation and, following a thoughtful look for flashing horseshoes., begins to say(Boone); The prince talked to me that he would also work, and that, earning money, we will go by the sea to Batum (M. G.); In the pocket of Halifer, Sergey snapped crumbs of Machorka and, carefully shook its contents in hand, wrapped a thick clumsy cygar (Sparrow).

Depending on the context, the Union A can either be included in the particulate design, or bind members of the main offer.

For example: It is necessary to understand the essence of perestroika-consciousness, but understood this, to engage in the active struggle for it. - It is necessary to understand the essence of the restructuring of consciousness, but, to realizing it, not be content with only verbal calls to her.

3. With a combination of particle conventions, the punctuation marks are abandoned in the same way as with homogeneous members of the sentence.

For example: He went, steering and all keeping his head with a palm of the left hand, and right quietly pulling his brown mustache (M. G.).

If there are accomplishment of accompanying revolutions next to different verbs and the union and is not included in their composition, they are allocated as independent designs.

For example: He stood, looking for a pile of tea cybi, and glamorly glanced, drummed fingers in his cane, like flute (M. G.) ( he stood and drum).

DEPROCHEDURES, located in different parts of the sentence, are made independently.

For example: Sergey, after standing for another minute, slowly headed for soil coal and, carefully undermining the semi sheel, sat on a big piece of anthracite (Sparr.) ( Sergey headed ... and sat); Pushing the door of the door, Sergey jumped out of the house and, not paying attention to the drowning body dry shrub and whipped branches of the branches of the pine, ran, choking, forward, in the most popular forest (Sparr.) ( Sergey jumped and ran); Wagons tapping at the joints of rails, lazily moved behind the steam locomotive and, skinning buffers, tied again (Sparr.) ( Wagons moved and swept); Having squeezed like a flying witch, smoky braids, Alo illuminated from under the bottom, rushed away, crossing the highway, southeast express (Bun) ( Southeast Express).

4. Restrictive particles only, only facing particle constructions, are included in their composition.

For example: She lived without love, just hoping for her.

The same in the presence of comparative unions, beginning a particlepric design. For example: on dark stairs ... Two went, then - three ... Medals and lingering everywhere, as if afraid to start a business (Fed.).

5. Single verbalias are isolated when the verbal value is saved. The conditions for their separation are the same as for verbal turns.

For example: Waves played, and Shakro, sitting on the stern, then disappeared from my eyes, falling with the feed, then risen high above me and, shouting, almost fell on me (M. G.); Charming lying up face, watching stars (M. G.); Pinching exactly dancing, came grandfather (M. G.); First and on the car moved with a pedestrian speed, then the case was scratched with a differ and, the stuff, came around (Hall.); Skaring, closed doors. Darkness filled the car. Only the moon, curious, looked into the window (Sparrow); Accustomed, eyes distinguished pile of bodies on the cement floor (Sparrow).

6. Single verbalism and particle inclusive turns are not separated:

1) if Tempecility lost verb.

For example: Do not rush horses among green hilly fields (Boone); Sergey Long lay not moving(Sparrow);

2) if D hypricity is included in the steady turn: work not to bother hands; running tongue tongue; run to break her head; Listen to breathing; Listen to the waving ears.

For example: In difficult days he worked with us hands not to dope(Nick.);

3) if temploying or particlepric turnover turns out to be among homogeneous members of the sentence, along with other parts of speech.

For example: He said in a whisper and not looking at anyone; Klim Samghin stepped down the street cheerfully and not inferior to the road to conversations (M. G.);

4) if a bargain design acts as an circumstance of an image of an action and closely adjoins the verb to the leap (according to the function comes closer with adction).

For example: This exercise do sitting on a chair; This exercise makes standing. Compare, however, when gaining verb: engineer, lying, read my mountain art (FAD.) ( engineer lying and read).

7. Single verbalia can be separated or not separated by context.

For example, when acquiring a value of the verification of the Deepriphesship is isolated: Children constantly noise, not shit(Compare: children noise no cleaner).

Separation or whose need of the verbalism may depend on the verb faucet value (no one can replace with nuclei).

For example: Sheltered do not stop (walked non-stop); Asked do not stop (Teepericphere denotes the second action - asked, but did not stop for this).

On withdrawal or the whitialization of verdict affects its location; Compare: On the garden of the garden, he walked without looking around. - Without looking around, he walked along the garden path.

8. Separation or whose need of verbalia may depend on its type. Thus, verbalia, ending with on-and -I, more often express the values \u200b\u200bof the circumstances of the image of the action and therefore are not separated.

For example: She entered smiling(Compare: Smiling, she entered the room; She entered smiling with his secret thoughts ).

Temployees ending with on -We-in-keeping, transmit other shades of the circumstantial values \u200b\u200b(causes, time, concessions) that contribute to the separation.

For example: She screamed, frightened; Scared, she screamed.

9. Turns with wordsdespite, despite, looking at, on the basis of, starting with, thanks to, later,performing the function of derivatives of prepositions and complusive combinations, Separate or not separated by context conditions.

Turns with words Despite, despite being isolated.

For example: Despite bad weather, we moved on the road; At the meeting criticized, despite face; Sleepy, like a branch, drowning in a pond of sleep, carried Nay in the hands of a great sleeping son, scattering, despite the small size of its, hectares and hands (CV.); Despite the prohibition of doctors, I wrote in Maleevka the story "Colchid" (Paust.); Science must be made with clean hands.

The turnover with words, despite not being prepared only in the case of a close semantic connection with the verb, and in the postposition.

For example: He is did despite the prohibition of doctors (Compare: Despite the prohibition of doctorshe did it).

Turns with words Starting with, looking at, later, protruding in the meaning of prepositions are not separate.

For example: We will act looking through circumstances (Compare: act by circumstances);Starting from Tuesdaythe weather changed dramatically (Compare: From Tuesday the weather changed dramatically); A few timeveggie came (MG).

If these turns have the value of clarification or attachment, they are separate.

For example: We will act skillfully and quickly, looking through circumstances; Last week, starting from TuesdayThe weather changed dramatically.

Turnover with words based on may have two values: when gaining verbity, when the action denoted to them is correlated with the subject, it is isolated; In the absence of such a tie - is not separated.

For example: It turns out that not only we, who had discovered the need for new science - Bionics, strive to learn, understand and fascinably use the properties of wildlife; It did our ancestors long before us based on their knowledge and needs (Chive.). Compare: He developed a project at home. - Project developed based on the scheduled cost.

The turnover with the word due to isolate or not is inspired by depending on the degree of prevalence and location.

For example: Thanks to the rain The earth was impregnated with moisture. - Land, thanks to the rain, Impregnated moisture.

Circumstances expressed by nouns and adverbs

1. Circumstances expressed by nouns in the forms of indirect cases may be isolated for associated explanation or semantic emphasis.

For example: And Natasha, with painful surprise, looked at the discharged people (Boone); I walked, walked around the cold and raw sand, knocking the teeth to trill in honor of hunger and cold, and suddenly in vain searching for edible, having come for one of the bars, - I saw behind him the figure in the pathetic dress (M. G.); One of the stains, in the center of the pattern, was very much like the head of the hostess (M. G.); Little, drowning in the greenery city, when looking at him from above, produced a strange impression ... (M. G.); Rafts sailed on, among darkness and silence (M. G.); When the evening came, I, with evil on their failures and the whole world, I decided on a somewhat risky ... (M. G.); At night, against the strengthened wind, squad went to the port for landing (Boards.); For eleven years with daily rideProbably a lot of interesting adventures have been experienced (C.).

Such circumstances usually carry additional semantic loads and synonymized with verb designs (compare examples: ... since he was angry with his failures and on the whole world; ... because I went every day).

2. Most often, explanatory-circumstantial members of the sentence are in their composition derivatives and proposed combinations (contrary to, in order to avoid, due to the case, due to the presence, according to, in contrast to, in contrast, by virtue, Beyond the lack, regardless of etc.), showing them a specific circumstantiary meaning and reaching them the form of turns.

For example: Rotten, gray-blue balcony from which, behind the lack of steps, it was necessary to jump, sneak in nettle, elderberry, berstelte (bun); Lonely and unnecessary in view of this rest, peaceful sound of horses, due to deserts, imprinted in the dark and again silence (Ser.); Miselitsa silently, mockingly stared at him, withsting his eyes, a little lab in satin black eyebrows and showing all his appearance that, no matterwhich questions will ask him and how to force him to answer them, he will not say anything that could satisfy asking (FAD.); But, contrary to possible, the sun came out bright red, and everything in the world was polished, blushed (Sol.).

With a small prevalence of such members of the sentence, options are possible in their punctuation decoration, dictated by various types of words.

Revisions with derivative pretexts and proposed combinations are necessarily isolated, if they are located between the subject and the fault : The gap of their immediate coupling and contributes to the allocation of revolutions. The same when the natural communication of the managing and managed words is broken. In other positions, especially in low-prolonged proposals, such revs do not complicate the supply by special separation intonations and may not be separated (without special tasks).

For example: To avoid gas leakage Disabled crane. - Disabled, to avoid gas leakage, crane; He did it because of the habit. - He, in the virtue of the habit, did it; According to order The group is disbanded. - Group, according to order, disbanded; Absence of the composition of the crimethe case is discontinued. - A business, absence of the composition of the crimediscontinued.

3. Circumstances expressed by nouns may be allocated by a dash if there is a need for a special emphasis of such circumstances.

For example: With our last meeting, Oleg asked to bring a common notebook with rigid "crusts" - for abstract lying (gas.); It[Creative imagination] created science and literature. And - at great depth - In many ways, the creative imagination coincides with each other, at least Herschel, who discovered the majestic laws of the starry sky, and the creative imagination of Goethe, who created the "Faust" (Paust.); Poor poets - in zarriors, in storms and thunder - sang inspired songs about the delights of friendship, noble gusts, freedom and courage (Paust.); Immediately after the birth of the boy, Dyakonov ordered Swallee to adopt him and give him a surname Koporsky - at the birthplace of the boy in the city of Coporya, near Oranienbaum (Paust.).

4. In special cases, some circumstances expressed by adverbs may be separated for semantic emphasis. (with dependent words or without them) . The conditions for their allocation are the same as the circumstances expressed by nouns in indirect cases.

For example: He stood before me, he listened and suddenly silently squealing teeth and squinting eyes, cat rushed to me(M. G.); Misha postponed the book and, not immediately, answered quietly (M. G.); And so, suddenly for allI endured the brilliantly exam (KUPER.).

Usually, when the circumstances pronounced by the adversaries, commas are used, however, as in other cases, in order to more severe circumstances, dash is possible.

For example: The boy is embarrassed, incredulously sleeved his nose, but, having realized that there was nothing terrible, and everything, on the contrary, it comes out terribly fun, wrinkled so that his nose rumped up, and too - very childish - mischievously flooded and thin (Fad.).

Temploying and related to it (dependent on it) are a leading turnover. As in the case of C, the alignment of commas with particlepric turns has its subtleties.

Our starting point will be the general rule: "DEPARTURE TRANSFERS on both sides are allocated with commas." But what should be considered in addition to this?

* If in a sentence of two homogeneous (i.e.-related to the same verb), accompanying turns are connected by the Union "and" (as well as other written or dividing - "or", "either", etc.), then by analogy with other homogeneous Members of the proposal around "and", "or" and other similar unions, the commas are not put. The same applies to single verprica and heavily turnover. "He approached the house, dreaming of rest and thinking about the future dinner." However, remember, this rule concerns only those cases when adhering turns / verbalias relate to one verb. If we are talking about different verbs, the commas will be set: "He approached the house, dreaming about rest, and, thinking about the future dinner, opened the door."

* "Only" and "Only" facing the height turnover, as a rule, are included in it, that is, the comma is put in front of these words.

* The actual turnover is not separated if it is included in the delivered proposal and has as a dependent word "which" (this is true for single verprice). "Each of us has their fears, without letting that we will not be able to free."

* If the verbal turnover is adjacent to the unions "A", "and" and other similarities, then to understand, put the comma to or after the Union, determine whether it enters into circulation or not. So, if the union belongs to a perpetrator, then, as a rule, with the mental removal of the latter from the proposal, the remaining union violates the structure of the phrase. Especially often it concerns the Union "A". If, when removing turnover, the role of the Union in the proposal does not change, it means that it does not enter the turnover.


"She could not pick up his shoes for a long time, and choosing sandals on the hairpin, was very happy." -\u003e phrase "She could not pick up his shoes for a long time, and was very pleased." It looks not quite logical.

"She could not pick up his shoes for a long time and, taking sandals on the hairpin, realized that they were ideal for along." -\u003e phrase "She could not pick up his shoes for a long time and realized that they were [sandals] are ideal for along with" quite consistent.

* Do not stand out with commas phraseological units with verbalias (such as "not cleaning eyes", "after drilling the sleeves").

* If there is an amplifying particle "and" between the verb and immediately reaching it, the turnover is not allocated with commas. "I can solve my financial problems and without taking loans."

* Also do not need commas, if the verprepiece expresses not an additional action, and the shade of the main thing, as we talked in detail in the article about the extraction of single verbalias. Similar structures can be a whole turn.

Recall that "despite" and "despite" is the prepositions, and they are written with "not" to jumper (while the hemplifted turns "in spite of" / "Do not look at" - separately). The pretexts are such words as "thanks", "later", "starting", etc. At the same time, of course, do not forget that there are "similar" verbalia. Compare: "Thanks to his tips, I passed the exam" (preposition), "Thanks to him for the tip, I handed it a bottle of brandy" (Tempection). Some of the revolutions with similar pretexts are also isolated, but according to their own rules, and not according to the rules for the separation of particle inclusive turns.

The purpose of the lesson: repeat the well-known information about the verbalism, the particle turnover; determine its borders; Proper to put the punctuation marks in the extraction of verbalias and particle turns.

Tasks lesson:

  • Education: consolidate students' knowledge on this topic; Repeat the rules associated with the verdict, the conditions for their separation and consumption in speech.
  • Developing: develop cognitive interest in the subject "Russian language"; develop the skills of collective work of students in combination with self; Develop imagination, associative and logical thinking, develop language flaws, sense of beauty.
  • Educational: to bring up hardworking, accuracy; Increase liability not only for your own knowledge, but also for the success of the whole team, to raise the ability to listen carefully and hear, respect another opinion.

Type of lesson: lesson application of Zun.

Form of the lesson: Workshop.

Methods and techniques:reproductive, partially search, syntactic analysis, game, training exercises, creative dictation.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment. Message themes and objectives of the lesson. (Slides 1-2)

Today, guys, we will talk again about the designer and heavily turnover, we will learn to determine its borders and put the punctuation marks correctly.

II. Syntactic analysis of the sentence (The board works one student).

(Orally characterize the proposal. This proposal is narrative; non-promotional; simple, twisted; subject to pronoun, pronoun (homogeneous) - descended and reached, pronounced verbs; common, secondary members of the sentence - the circumstances of the place and image and the way; complicated by the consistent turnover).

What is inspired in the sentence? (Participial turnover)

III. Reiteration. (Slide 3)

Tell us about the isolated circumstances expressed by the he-accompanying turnover and single verprices. (Slide 4) (through the house)

  • It is allocated by commas in a letter, circumstances expressed by consistent turnover and single verpremia.
  • Not separated (the letter does not stand out with commas)
    • single verbalia, if they are standing after the attacked at the end of the sentence and are an image circumstance;
    • single verbalia, close to adverbs (lying, sitting, standing, etc.);
    • dEPROCHESTURE RATES, which are phraseological speeds (breaking their head, hopping breathing, etc.).

IV. Training exercises.

1. The task : Write down, arranging punctuation marks, 8 offer from UPR. 327 (i). Indicate graphically the main members of the sentence and separate members of the sentence (one student works at the board).

Explain why after and It is a comma, and before and Do not? (And connects homogeneous taled, and then the boundary of the particle turnover). (Slide 5)

How many separate circumstances are here? (Two, divided into a letter of comma).

Alterate and write down the proposal by tied two separate circumstances by the Union and. Explain punctuation marks.
The train reached the move and, tightly turning the wheels and breathe everything by the power of his fire in darkness, passed a lonely man with a lantern.

Two accompanying turns connected by the unauthorized union and, the comma is not divided if they refer to a single member of the sentence.

2. "And well, guess!" (Slide 6)

Guys, very often welcoming can be found in the riddles. Find a despyrigalism and considerable speeds, emphasize them with one feature and guess the riddles.

1) In the water, born, all life is afraid of water. (Salt)

2) A black dog curled lies;

Not barking, does not bite, but does not let into the house. (Lock)

3) Neither the light went down to the light, bent, from the courtyard. (Rocker)

4) Stew, horse in Nursery fell. (Knife)

Grandmother Andreevna,
Hunted, sits,
Handles expanded
Everything wants to grab. (Sokh)

3. "Decipherate the Proverb" (Slide 7)

Once I asked the guys to encrypted a well-known proverb, in which there is a heavenly turnover. That's what they did. Try to decipher the proverb. (Do not fall asleep old well, not rejecting new.)

What does this proverb teach us, how do you understand her meaning?

4. The game "Who, what and how?" (Slide 8)

And now we will play with you in the game "What, where and how?"

Insert the adverbs similar to the verbalia, in these lines.

What am I? Tsar or child? -
He says not ... (joking)

Here .... crazy breathed
Such a well done -
She thought sheep. (reluctant)

We are long ... retired,
Annually was, the battle was waiting. (silently)

I, probably, Pasha -
He spoke ..., -
I am a father sovereign,
I give the order. (leisurely)

Here are a cute child
Stepping back ...
And, tilting over, fell. (not looking)

5. "Who is faster?" (Slide 9)

Transform proposals using consistent turns into them. Wins the fastest "fast."

1) When you drink water, remember the source. - Drinking water, remember about the source.

2) When traveling, you get a lot of knowledge. - Traveling, acquire a lot of knowledge.

3) friends and death are not terrible when they believe each other. - Believing friends, and death is not terrible.

4) When you go beyond bad, bad and find. - going beyond bad, bad and find.

6. Return to the place. " (Slide 10)

From Russian poetic creativity in modern Russian, sustainable figurative expressions that we use in our speech have come. What are their names? (Phraseologism)

Russian language in the stock of phraseologism is one of the richest in the world. Now let's try to "collect" the phrases known to you. (Recall that they are not separated, not allocated to commas).

Listen ...... mouth (open, revealing)

Shout ...... .. breathing (without translating)

Work ...... Sleeves (lifting)

Run ...... .. head (broken)

7. Creative dictation. (Slide 11)

Write proposals for dictation, then replace the discharge of the word by a steady combination of words by choosing the right slide:
Blooming his head, not a shiny eyes, having hoped his breath, not remembering himself, the mouth of his mouth, not Solono Bread.

1. All night the scouts lay in ambush, without falling asleep on the moment. - All night, the scouts lacquered in the ambush, not a cleaning eye. 2. The petitioners went away, having achieved anything. - The petitioners left not Solono Bread.

8. Task (slide 12): Determine, data members offer are separate or not separated. Fill in the table (write down the guest numbers).

(Slide 13)

  1. Wind leaves breaks away.
  2. The pilot smiled, joked, but looked at the old woman.
  3. The boat gave a signal and_nabling speed on the oblique line to the shore.
  4. Laughing and joking_ama ran to the river.
  5. The task I decided _suvu.
  6. The enemy retreated_dately.
  7. He did not pay off the light.
  8. He fled on the corridor_slogo head.
  9. He_Phodumavy the task.
  10. Like the mind of the mind.

V. The result of the lesson. (Slide 14)

  • What were we talking about today in the lesson?
  • What punctuation rules repeated?


  • uPR. 325 (2h.);
  • find proverbs in which there are verbalias or particlepotes.