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Solar heating of a private house with their own hands. Soviet and Russian solar heat supply - Scientific and engineering schools Technical characteristics of TT flow heat exchangers

The use of "green" energy supplied by natural elements allows to significantly reduce utility costs. For example, having arranged solar heating of a private house, you will be supplied with virtually free coolant low-temperature radiators and systems of warm floors. Agree, this is already saving.

All about "green technologies" you will learn from the article we offer. With our help, you will easily figure out in the varieties of solar installations, methods of their device and the specifics of operation. Surely interest in one of the popular options intensively working in the world, but not too far in demand with us.

In presented to your attention, the constructive features of systems disassembled, described in detail the connection schemes. An example of calculating the solar heating circuit is given to evaluate the realities of its structure. Photo-selection and video attached to help independent masters.

On average, 1 m 2 of the surface of the Earth receives 161 W solar energy per hour. Of course, at the equator, this figure will be many times higher than in the plague. In addition, the density of solar radiation depends on the time of year.

In the Moscow region, the intensity of solar radiation in December is different from May-July more than five times. However, modern systems are so effective that they can work almost everywhere on Earth.

The main criterion of comfort in a private cottage or apartment is warm. In a cold house, even the most elegant atmosphere will not help create comfortable conditions. But that the temperature is optimal for living supported in the room not only in the summer, but in winter it will be necessary to install the heating system.

This can be done today easily, acquiring a gas, diesel or electric boiler as a heat source. But the problem is that the fuel for such equipment is expensive and not available in all settlements. What then to choose? The best solution is alternative heat sources and in particular solar heating.

Device and principle of operation

What is such a system? First of all, it should be said that there are two options for solar heating. They assume the use of various both in a constructive plan and on the purpose of the elements:

  • Collector;
  • Photoelectric panel.

And if the equipment of the first type is intended for a purely to maintain a comfortable temperature, the solar panels for home heating can be used to produce electricity and heat. Their principle of operation is based on the transformation of the energy of the Sun and accumulating it in the batteries to then use for various needs.

We watch the video, all about this collector:

The use of the collector allows you to organize only the solar system heating for a private house, while the heat energy is used. Such a device acts as follows. The sun rays are heated by water, which is the coolant and enters the pipeline. The same system can be used as a hot water supply. The composition includes special photocells.

Collector device

But besides them, the solar heating is included:

  • Special tank;
  • Avankamers;
  • The radiator made of tubes and enclosed in the box, in which the front wall is made of glass.

Solar panels for home heating are placed on the roof. In it, the water heats up moves into the avank meter where it is replaced by a hot heat carrier. This allows you to maintain constant dynamic pressure in the system.

Types of heating using alternative sources

The easiest way to transform energy shone to heat is the use of solar panels for home heating. They are increasingly used as additional sources of energy. But what are these devices and are they really effective?

We watch video, types and their features of the work:

The task mounted on the roof of the solar heating system for home to absorb as much solar radiation as possible, converting it to the so-called energy. But it should be borne in mind that it can be turned into both thermal and electrical energy. To obtain heat and water heating, solar heating systems are used. Electrical current use special batteries. They accumulate energy during the daytime day and give it at night. However, today there are combined systems. In them, the solar panels produce warm and electricity at the same time.

As for solar water heaters for home heating, they are represented in the market with a wide range. Moreover, the models can have different purposes, design, principle of operation, dimensions.

Various options

For example, in appearance and design of the system heating of a private house are divided into:

  1. Flat;
  2. Tubular vacuum.

By destination, they are classified on those used for:

  • Heating systems and DHW;
  • To heat water in the pool.

There are differences and principle of work. Solar heating with collectors is an ideal choice for cottage houses, since they do not require connection to the power grid. Models with forced circulation are connected to the general heating system, they are circulated with the coolant using the pump.

We look at the video, compare the flat and tubular collector:

Not all collectors are suitable for solar heating of a country house. According to this criterion, they are divided into:

  • Seasonal;
  • Year-round.

The first are used for the heating of country buildings, the second in private households.

Compare with the usual heating system

If you compare this equipment with a gas or electric, then it has much more advantages. First of all it is fuel economy. In summer, solar heating is able to fully provide hot water living in the house. In autumn and spring, when there are few clear days, the equipment can be used to reduce the load on the standard boiler. As for the winter pore, usually at this time the efficiency of the reservoirs is very small.

We watch the video, the efficiency of collectors in winter:

But besides saving fuel, the use of solar battery equipment reduces the dependence on gas and electricity. To install solar heating, it is not necessary to obtain permission and install it will be able to anyone who has elementary knowledge in the plumbing.

We watch video, equipment selection criteria:

Another plus is a big duration of the collector. The guaranteed service life is at least 15 years, it means that for this period your utility payments will be minimal.

However, as with any device at the collector, there are some drawbacks:

  • On solar water heaters for a private house, the price is high enough;
  • The impossibility of using as a single heat source;
  • Installing a tank-drive is required.

There is another nuance. The efficiency of solar heating depends on the region. In the southern regions where the activity of the Sun is high, the equipment will have the largest efficiency. Therefore, it is most profitable to use such equipment in the south and less efficient it will be in the north.

Selection of a solar collector and its installation

Before entering the installation of equipment included in the heating system, it is necessary to study its capabilities. In order to find out how much heat will need to be heated at home, it is necessary to calculate its area. It is important to choose the right place to install the solar collector. It should be as high as possible throughout the day. Therefore, the equipment usually is installed on the southern part of the roof.

Mounting work is better to trust specialists, because even a small error in the installation of the solar heating system will lead to a significant reduction in system efficiency. Only with the proper installation of the solar collector, it will last up to 25 years, and fully popping itself in the first 3 years.

The main types of collectors and their characteristics

If the building for any reason is not suitable for installing the equipment, then you can place the panels on the adjacent structure, and the drive is put in the basement.

Benefits of solar heating

The nuances for which it is worth paying attention to when choosing this system was considered above. And if you did everything right, then your heating system on solar collectors will deliver you only to pleasant moments. Among her advantages should be noted:

  • The possibility of year-round maintenance of the house with heat, with the possibility of adjusting the temperature;
  • Complete autonomy from centralized utility networks and reduced financial expenses;
  • Using solar energy to various needs;
  • Long operational service life and rare emergencies.

The only thing that stops consumers from buying a solar system for the heating of a private house is the dependence of their work from the geography of residence. If your area has clear days a rarity, then the efficiency of the equipment will be minimal.

On the basis of the use of helixes, the tasks of heating, cooling and hot water supply of residential, administrative buildings, industrial and agricultural objects can be solved. Helinows have the following classification:

  • for destination: hot water systems; heating systems; Combined installations for heat supply purposes;
  • by type of coolant used: liquid; air;
  • by duration: year-round; seasonal;
  • on the technical solution of the scheme: single-circuit; dual circuit; multi-mounted.

The most frequently used heat carriers in solar heat supply systems are liquids (water, ethylene glycol, organic substances) and air. Each of them has certain advantages and disadvantages. Air does not freeze, does not create large problems associated with leaks and corrosion of equipment. However, due to the low density and heat capacity of the air, the size of air plants, power costs to pump the coolant higher than that of liquid systems. Therefore, in most exploited systems of solar heat supply, preference is given to liquids. For housing and communal needs, the main heat carrier is water.

When operating solar collectors in periods with a negative temperature of the outer air, it is necessary to either use antifreeze as a coolant, or in some way to avoid the freezing of the coolant (for example, timely drainage of water, heating it, insulation of the solar collector).

Halio-cutting hot water helplements with a duplicate heat source can be equipped with household houses, multi-storey and apartment buildings, sanatoriums, hospitals and other objects. Seasonal settings, such as, for example, shower installations for pioneering camps, boarding houses, mobile installations for geologists, builders, chapans are usually functioning in summer and transition months, during periods with a positive outdoor temperature. They may have a duplicating heat source or do without it depending on the type of object and operating conditions.

The cost of hot water helix can be from 5 to 15% of the cost of the object and depends on the climatic conditions, the cost of equipment and the degree of its development.

In helicopores intended for heating systems, both fluids and air are used as coolants. In multi-mounted helicopters in different circuits, various coolants can be used (for example, in the heliconatura - water, in the distribution room). In our country, water helicopters for heat supply received the predominant distribution.

The surface area of \u200b\u200bsolar collectors needed for heating systems is usually 3-5 times higher than the surface area of \u200b\u200bcollectors for hot water systems, therefore the utilization rate of these systems is lower, especially in the summer period of the year. The cost of the installation for the heating system may be 15-35% of the value of the object.

Combined systems can include year-round installations for heating and hot water purposes, as well as installations operating in thermal pump mode and heat pipe for heat-cooling purposes. These systems do not yet apply widely in industry.

The density of the solar radiation flow coming to the surface of the collector, largely determines the heat engineering and technical and economic indicators of solar heat systems.

The flux density of solar radiation changes throughout the day and during the year. This is one of the characteristic features of systems using solar energy, and when conducting specific engineering calculations of helixing, the question of choosing the calculated value E is decisive.

As a calculated scheme of the solar heat supply system, we consider the scheme presented in Fig.3.3, which makes it possible to take into account the features of the work of various systems. Solar collector 1 converts solar radiation energy into heat, which is transmitted to the tank battery 2 through the heat exchanger 3. The heat exchanger is possible in the battery itself. Circulation of the coolant is provided by the pump. The heated coolant enters the hot water supply and heating systems. In the event of a lack or lack of solar radiation, a duplicating heat source of hot water supply or heating 5 is included.

Fig.3.3. Solar heat supply system scheme: 1 - solar collectors; 2 - hot water tank battery; 3 - heat exchanger; 4 - building with outdoor heating; 5 - Double (source of additional energy); 6 - passive solar system; 7 - pebble battery; 8 - dampers; 9-fighter; 10 - the flow of warm air into the building; 11- Recycling air supply from the building

The solar collectors of the new generation "Rainbow" NPP "competitor" with improved heat engineers are used in the system of solar heating, due to the use of the selective coating on the heat-absorbing panel of stainless steel and the translucent coating of particularly durable glass with high optical characteristics.

In the system as a coolant, it is used: water with positive temperatures or antifreeze in the heating period (solar outline), water (second outdoor heating circuit) and air (the third air heating circuit).

Electrocotel used as a duplicating source.

Improving the efficiency of heliospheres systems can be achieved by using various methods of thermal energy accumulation, rational combination of heliosystems with heat boiler and heat-pump installations, combinations of active and passive systems for developing effective tools and automatic control methods.

Classification and main elements Heliosystems

Sun heating systems are called systems using solar radiation as a source of thermal energy. Their characteristic difference from other low-temperature heating systems is the use of a special element - a helium, designed to capture solar radiation and transform it into thermal energy.

According to the method of using solar radiation of the solar low-temperature heating system, subdivided into passive and active.

Supported systems of solar heating, in which, as an element that perceives solar radiation and transforming it into heat, is the building itself or its individual fences (collector building, wall collector, roofing collector, etc. (Fig. 3.4)) .

Fig. 3.4. Passive low-temperature solar heating system "Wall-collector": 1 - solar rays; 2 - the beam-proximated screen; 3 - air damper; 4 - heated air; 5 - cooled air out of the room; 6 - own long-wave thermal radiation of the wall array; 7 - black emission wall surface; 8 - blinds.

The solar low-temperature heating systems are active, in which the helium is an independent separate device that is not related to the building. Active heliosystems can be divided:

- by appointment (hot water, heating systems, combined systems for heat boat supply purposes);

- by type of coolant used (liquid - water, antifreeze and air);

- by duration of work (year-round, seasonal);

- on the technical solution of the schemes (one-, two-, multi-mounted).

Air is widespread non-freezing operating parameters in the entire range of operating parameters. When using it as a coolant, it is possible to combine heating systems with ventilation system. However, air is a low-blind heat carrier, which leads to an increase in the metal consumption on the device of air heating systems compared to water systems.

Water is a heatmifted and widely available coolant. However, at temperatures below 0 ° C, it is necessary to add non-freezing fluids. In addition, it should be borne in mind that water saturated with oxygen causes corrosion of pipelines and devices. But the metal consumption in water heliosystems is much lower, which contributes to a large extent contribute to their wider use.

Seasonal hot water heliosystems are usually single-circuit and function in summer and transitional months, during periods with a positive outdoor temperature. They may have an additional heat source or do without it depending on the purpose of the served object and operating conditions.

Heliosystems of building heating are usually two-circuit or most often multi-mounted, and for different circuits, various coolants can be applied (for example, in helium-aqueous solutions of non-freezing liquids, in intermediate circuits - water, and in the consumer circuit - air).

Combined year-round heliosystems for the purposes of heat booming of buildings of multi-mounted buildings and include an additional heat source in the form of a traditional heat generator operating on organic fuel, or heat transformer.

The schematic diagram of the solar heat supply system is shown in Fig.3.5. It includes three circulation circuits:

- the first contour consisting of solar collectors 1, circulating pump 8 and liquid heat exchanger 3;

- a second outline consisting of a tank-battery 2, circulating pump 8 and heat exchanger 3;

- The third contour consisting of a tank battery 2, circulating pump 8, a water-air heat exchanger (aircraft) 5.

Fig. 3.5. Schematic diagram of the solar heat supply system: 1 - solar collector; 2 - tank battery; 3 - heat exchanger; 4 - building; 5 - calorifer; 6 - Double heating system; 7 - a double cooler system; 8 - circulating pump; 9 - fan.

The solar heat supply system is functioning as follows. The coolant (antifreeze) of the thermal circuit, heating in solar collectors 1, enters the heat exchanger 3, where the heat of antifreeze is transmitted to water circulating in the heat exchanger 3 under the action of the pump 8 of the second circuit. The heated water enters the tank battery 2. From the battery tank, water is closed by a hot water pump 8, it is brought to the desired temperature in a double 7 and enters the hot water supply system. Battery package is made from the water supply.

For heating, water from the battery-battery 2 is supplied to the third circuit pump 8 to the calorifer 5, through which the air is passed with the fan 9 and, heating, enters the building 4. In the absence of solar radiation or lack of thermal energy produced by solar collectors, to work Turns on Dubler 6.

The choice and layout of the elements of the solar heat system in each specific case are determined by climatic factors, the purpose of the object, the heat consumption mode, economic indicators.

Concentrating heliciphers

The concentrating helium and parabolic mirrors are expressed by spherical or parabolic mirrors (Fig. 3.6), made of polished metal, which are placed in the focus of which the heat-visible element (solar boiler) is placed through which the coolant circulates. Water or non-freezing fluids are used as coolant. When used as a coolant of water at night and during the cold period, the system must be emptied to prevent its freezing.

To ensure the high efficiency of the process of capturing and converting solar radiation, the concentrating helicipron must be constantly directed strictly in the sun. To this end, the helium is supplied with a tracking system, including the direction sensor in the sun, the electronic signal conversion unit, the electric motor with a gearbox for turning the design of the helium-receiver in two planes.

The advantage of systems with concentrating helicuals is the ability to generate heat with relatively high temperatures (up to 100 ° C) and even steam. The disadvantages should include a high cost of construction; the need for constant purification of reflective surfaces from dust; work only in the bright time of day, and therefore the need for large-volume batteries; Large energy consumption for the drive of the tracking of the sun, commensurate with the generated energy. These disadvantages restrain the widespread use of active low-temperature solar heating systems with concentrating heliciters. Recently, plane heliciphers are most often used for solar low-temperature heating systems.

Flat solar collectors

A flat solar collector is a device with a flat configuration absorbing panel and flat transparent insulation to absorb solar radiation energy and transform it to thermal.

Flat solar collectors (Fig. 3.7) consist of a glass or plastic coating (single, double, triple), heat-visible panel painted from the side facing the sun, black, insulation on the back side and housing (metal, plastic, glass, Wooden).

You can use any metal or plastic sheet with coolant channels as a heat dissipating panel. Drumming panels made of aluminum or steel of two types: a sheet-pipe and stamped panels (pipe in a sheet). Plastic panels due to the briefness and rapid aging under the action of sunlight, and also because of the low thermal conductivity are not widely used.

Fig. 3.6 Concentrating Helicers: A - parabolic hub; b - parabolocylindrical hub; 1 - sun rays; 2 - heat-visible element (solar collector); 3 - mirror; 4 - the mechanism of the tracking system; 5 - pipelines, applying and dischargeable heat carrier.

Fig. 3.7. Flat solar collector: 1 - sun rays; 2 - glazing; 3 - body; 4 - heat-visible surface; 5 - thermal insulation; 6 - seal; 7 - Own long-wave radiation heat-visible plate.

Under the action of solar radiation, heat-by-review panels are heated to temperatures of 70-80 ° C, exceeding the ambient temperature, which leads to an increase in the convective heat transfer of the panel to the environment and its own radiation to the sky. To achieve higher coolant temperatures, the surface of the plate is coated with spectral-selective layers, which actively absorb the shortwave radiation of the Sun and reduce its own thermal radiation in the long-wave part of the spectrum. Such structures based on "black nickel", "black chromium", copper oxide on aluminum, copper oxide and other costs (their cost is often commensurate with the cost of the heat-visible panel). Another way to improve the characteristics of flat collectors is the creation of a vacuum between the heat-visible panel and transparent insulation to reduce thermal losses (fourth-generation solar collectors).

The experience of operating solar installations based on solar collectors revealed a number of significant disadvantages of such systems. First of all, this is the high cost of collectors. Increasing the efficiency of their work through selective coatings, increasing the transparency of glazing, vacuuming, as well as the cooling system devices are economically unprofitable. A significant disadvantage is the need for frequent cleaning of glass from dust, which practically eliminates the application of the collector in industrial areas. With long-term operation of solar collectors, especially in winter conditions, there is a frequent way out of order due to the uneven expansion of the illuminated and darkened glass sections due to the violation of the intake of glazing. There is also a large percentage of failure of collectors during transportation and installation. A significant disadvantage of the system of systems with collectors is also the uneven loading during the year and day. The experience of operating collectors in the context of Europe and the European part of Russia with a high proportion of diffuse radiation (up to 50%) showed the impossibility of creating a year-round autonomous system of hot water supply and heating. All solar collectors in medium latitudes require a device of large-scale batteries and inclusion in the system of an additional energy source, which reduces the economic effect on their use. In this regard, their use is most appropriate in areas with high average intensity of solar radiation (not lower than 300 W / m 2).

Solar heat supply systems

4.1. Classification and main elements Heliosystems

Sun heating systems are called systems using solar radiation as a source of thermal energy. Their characteristic difference from other low-temperature heating systems is the use of a special element - a helium, designed to capture solar radiation and transform it into thermal energy.

According to the method of using solar radiation of the solar low-temperature heating system, subdivided into passive and active.

Supported systems of solar heating, in which the element that perceives solar radiation and transform it in heat, serve the building itself or its individual fences (collector building, wall collector, roofing collector, etc. (Fig. 4.1.1 )).

Fig. 4.1.1 Passive low-temperature solar heating system "Wall-collector": 1 - solar rays; 2 - the beam-proximated screen; 3 - air damper; 4 - heated air; 5 - cooled air out of the room; 6 - own long-wave thermal radiation of the wall array; 7 - black emission wall surface; 8 - blinds.

The solar low-temperature heating systems are active, in which the helium is an independent separate device that is not related to the building. Active heliosystems can be divided:

by appointment (hot water, heating systems, combined systems for heat boat supply purposes);

according to the type of coolant used (liquid - water, antifreeze and air);

on the duration of work (year-round, seasonal);

according to the technical solution of the schemes (one-, two-, multi-mounted).

Air is widespread non-freezing operating parameters in the entire range of operating parameters. When using it as a coolant, it is possible to combine heating systems with ventilation system. However, air is a low-blind heat carrier, which leads to an increase in the metal consumption on the device of air heating systems compared to water systems.

Water is a heatmifted and widely available coolant. However, at temperatures below 0 ° C, it is necessary to add non-freezing fluids. In addition, it should be borne in mind that water saturated with oxygen causes corrosion of pipelines and devices. But the metal consumption in water heliosystems is much lower, which contributes to a large extent contribute to their wider use.

Seasonal hot water heliosystems are usually single-circuit and function in summer and transitional months, during periods with a positive outdoor temperature. They may have an additional heat source or do without it depending on the purpose of the served object and operating conditions.

Heliosystems of building heating are usually two-circuit or most often multi-mounted, and for different circuits, various coolants can be applied (for example, in helium-aqueous solutions of non-freezing liquids, in intermediate circuits - water, and in the consumer circuit - air).

Combined year-round heliosystems for the purposes of heat booming of buildings of multi-mounted buildings and include an additional heat source in the form of a traditional heat generator operating on organic fuel, or heat transformer.

The schematic diagram of the system of solar heat supply is shown in Fig. 4.1.2. It includes three circulation circuits:

the first contour consisting of solar collectors 1, circulating pump 8 and liquid heat exchanger 3;

the second outline consisting of a tank-battery 2, circulation pump 8 and heat exchanger 3;

the third contour consisting of a tank-battery 2, circulation pump 8, a water-air heat exchanger (Calrifer) 5.

Fig. 4.1.2. Schematic diagram of the solar heat supply system: 1 - solar collector; 2 - tank battery; 3 - heat exchanger; 4 - building; 5 - calorifer; 6 - Double heating system; 7 - a double cooler system; 8 - circulating pump; 9 - fan.

The solar heat supply system is functioning as follows. The coolant (antifreeze) of the thermal circuit, heating in solar collectors 1, enters the heat exchanger 3, where the heat of antifreeze is transmitted to water circulating in the heat exchanger 3 under the action of the pump 8 of the second circuit. The heated water enters the tank battery 2. From the battery tank, water is closed by a hot water pump 8, it is brought to the desired temperature in a double 7 and enters the hot water supply system. Battery package is made from the water supply.

For heating, water from the battery-battery 2 is supplied to the third circuit pump 8 to the calorifer 5, through which the air is passed with the fan 9 and, heating, enters the building 4. In the absence of solar radiation or lack of thermal energy produced by solar collectors, to work Turns on Dubler 6.

The choice and layout of the elements of the solar heat system in each specific case are determined by climatic factors, the purpose of the object, the heat consumption mode, economic indicators.

4.2. Concentrating heliciphers

The concentrating helium and parasites are spherical or parabolic mirrors (Fig. 4.2.1), made of polished metal, to the focus of which are placed the heat-by-visible element (solar boiler) through which the coolant circulates. Water or non-freezing fluids are used as coolant. When used as a coolant of water at night and during the cold period, the system must be emptied to prevent its freezing.

To ensure the high efficiency of the process of capturing and converting solar radiation, the concentrating helicipron must be constantly directed strictly in the sun. To this end, the helium is supplied with a tracking system, including the direction sensor in the sun, the electronic signal conversion unit, the electric motor with a gearbox for turning the design of the helium-receiver in two planes.

Fig. 4.2.1. Concentrating Helicers: A - parabolic hub; b - parabolocylindrical hub; 1 - sun rays; 2 - heat-visible element (solar collector); 3 - mirror; 4 - the mechanism of the tracking system; 5 - pipelines, applying and dischargeable heat carrier.

The advantage of systems with concentrating helicuals is the ability to generate heat with relatively high temperatures (up to 100 ° C) and even steam. The disadvantages should include a high cost of construction; the need for constant purification of reflective surfaces from dust; work only in the bright time of day, and therefore the need for large-volume batteries; Large energy consumption for the drive of the tracking of the sun, commensurate with the generated energy. These disadvantages restrain the widespread use of active low-temperature solar heating systems with concentrating heliciters. Recently, plane heliciphers are most often used for solar low-temperature heating systems.

4.3. Flat solar collectors

A flat solar collector is a device with a flat configuration absorbing panel and flat transparent insulation to absorb solar radiation energy and transform it to thermal.

Flat solar collectors (Fig. 4.3.1) consist of a glass or plastic coating (single, double, triple), heat-visible panel painted from the side facing the sun, black, insulation on the back side and housing (metallic, plastic, Glass, wooden).

Fig. 4.3.1. Flat solar collector: 1 - sun rays; 2 - glazing; 3 - body; 4 - heat-visible surface; 5 - thermal insulation; 6 - seal; 7 - Own long-wave radiation heat-visible plate.

You can use any metal or plastic sheet with coolant channels as a heat dissipating panel. Drumming panels made of aluminum or steel of two types: a sheet-pipe and stamped panels (pipe in a sheet). Plastic panels due to the briefness and rapid aging under the action of sunlight, and also because of the low thermal conductivity are not widely used.

Under the action of solar radiation, heat-by-review panels are heated to temperatures of 70-80 ° C, exceeding the ambient temperature, which leads to an increase in the convective heat transfer of the panel to the environment and its own radiation to the sky. To achieve higher coolant temperatures, the surface of the plate is coated with spectral-selective layers, which actively absorb the shortwave radiation of the Sun and reduce its own thermal radiation in the long-wave part of the spectrum. Such structures based on "black nickel", "black chromium", copper oxide on aluminum, copper oxide and other costs (their cost is often commensurate with the cost of the heat-visible panel). Another way to improve the characteristics of flat collectors is the creation of a vacuum between the heat-visible panel and transparent insulation to reduce thermal losses (fourth-generation solar collectors).

The experience of operating solar installations based on solar collectors revealed a number of significant disadvantages of such systems. First of all, this is the high cost of collectors. Increasing the efficiency of their work through selective coatings, increasing the transparency of glazing, vacuuming, as well as the cooling system devices are economically unprofitable. A significant disadvantage is the need for frequent cleaning of glass from dust, which practically eliminates the application of the collector in industrial areas. With long-term operation of solar collectors, especially in winter conditions, there is a frequent way out of order due to the uneven expansion of the illuminated and darkened glass sections due to the violation of the intake of glazing. There is also a large percentage of failure of collectors during transportation and installation. A significant disadvantage of the system of systems with collectors is also the uneven loading during the year and day. The experience of operating collectors in the context of Europe and the European part of Russia with a high proportion of diffuse radiation (up to 50%) showed the impossibility of creating a year-round autonomous system of hot water supply and heating. All solar collectors in medium latitudes require a device of large-scale batteries and inclusion in the system of an additional energy source, which reduces the economic effect on their use. In this regard, their use is most appropriate in areas with high average intensity of solar radiation (not lower than 300 W / m 2).

Potential opportunities for the use of helioenergy in Ukraine

On the territory of Ukraine, the energy of solar radiation in one average annual light day is an average of 4 kW ∙ an hour for 1m 2 (in summer days - up to 6 - 6.5 kW ∙ hour) i.e. about 1.5 thousand kWh - hour per year for each square meter. It is about the same as in Central Europe, where the use of solar energy is widespread.

In addition to favorable climatic conditions in Ukraine, there are highly qualified scientific personnel in the use of solar energy. After returning prof. Boyko B.T. From UNESCO, where he headed the UNESCO International Program for the Use of Solar Energy (1973-1979), he began intensive scientific and organizational activities in the Kharkov Polytechnic Institute (now National Technical University - KPI) to develop a new scientific and educational direction of materials science for helioenergy. Already in 1983, in accordance with the order of the USSR Minuzuz N 885 of 13.07.83, in the Kharkov Polytechnic Institute, for the first time in the practice of the Higher School of the USSR, the preparation of physicist engineers with profiling in the field of materials science for Helioenergy in the framework of the specialty "Metal Physics" was launched. This laid the foundations of the creation in 1988 by the Department "Physical Materials Science for Electronics and Helioenergy" (FMEG). The FMEG Department in the Commonwealth with the Research Institute of Instrument Engineering Technology (Kharkov) within the framework of the Space Program of Ukraine participated in the creation of silicon solar batteries with KPD. 13 - 14% for Ukrainian spacecraft.

Since 1994, the Department of FMEG with the support of Stuttgard University and the European Community, as well as the Zurich Technical University and the Swiss National Scientific Society takes an active part in scientific research on the development of film FEP.