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2 incomplete offers. Incomplete sentences

1. The concept of incomplete sentences.

2. Final signals.

3. Types of incomplete offers:

· Contextual;

· Situational;

· Elliptical.

Only structurally shaded offers, both single-main, and doubles can be complete or incomplete. There are semantic (information) and structural (grammatical) completeness or incompleteness. The meaningful completeness is created by 3 factors:

1. The situation

2. Context,

3. Common speaker experience.

If the offer to pull out of the context, it may not be clear the speaker. In this case, they talk about the semantic incompleteness. For example: And this green world sang a little requested. This proposal we are talking about a silent poplar. By structure, this proposal is complete, and on semantics is incomplete. Another example: He stood on the shore of the desert waves. To understand about whom we are talking, you must have a certain literary competence. In the context, the semantic is infiltrated.

In the syntax, the term "incomplete" applies only to the structural incomplete sentences. Therefore, it is important to consider the continuity of syntactic relations and relationships to distinguish full and incomplete proposals. Compare 2 offers. Southern winds bring us warmth. Northern - cold. In the second sentence, there is a gap of syntax connections. The word "Northern" indicates the passage of the subjectable "wind", similar to the addition of the "cold" indicates the passage of the leaving "bring". Since minor members are always attached to the main. The presence of a definition always requires a definable word with it, the presence of a direct object is the verb faith. Thus, the violation of the ties chain is the incompleteness signal, which is reflected in the definition.

Incomplete sentences - These are the proposals in which any member or a group of members of the proposal obligatory under the structure is missing. Incomplete offers are more updated than complete. In incomplete sentences, a stray group stands out.

First of all, the contextually incomplete sentences are distinguished, for which the skipping of one or more members of the proposal designated in the context is characterized. The soldiers walked a column, which stretched over the quarter. Sangsongs. What rolls - it is not clear. May be, forest or air. Someone keeps me behind my shoulder. Holds and shakes . Contextually incomplete sentences are characteristic of writing speech. Their use is concisely concise and dynamic, avoids unreasonable repeats. Particularly used incomplete sentences in dialogue replicas. They use those words that carry new information, that is, the topic is lowered, and Rem is present.

So you are married! I did not know the wound! How long have it been?

About two years.

- On whom?

- On Larina.

In incomplete replicas, both main members are missing, their skip is restored from context. Usually the first replicas of the dialogue are complete, the rest are built with a support on them.

Incomplete signals are secondary sentences of suggestions. The missing of the subject is usually indicated by the presence of a definition, about the passage of the facility - the presence of a supplement or circumstance. Easy to qualify as incomplete sentences. In which one of the main members of the sentence is missing, since PPP is structurally compulsory and in this case there is a violation of the ties chain.

1. The presence of a definition or the form of the faugible form is indicated. For example, if the led times is expressed by the verb of the multiple number, then such a proposal is incomplete. Vera and Vityaclei wallpaper. Worked friendly. The second proposal in the form of a identical to the one-in-interest uncertainty-personal offer. However, in semantics, the verb "worked" is focused on the subject, as it does not indicate an uncertain figure. Compare with an uncertainty-personal offer: His caused to the blackboard. When delimiting such proposals we will rely on the semantics of the verb. Proposals with a lean, pronounced verb of 1 or 2 persons, we will qualify as a single-value definitely personal, since the verb shape self-sufficiently indicates a leader. Compare: For you dragging everywhere.

If the presence of a definition is evidenced by the presence of a definition, then these cases qualify as incomplete much easier, since the violation of the ties chain is noticeable. For example: Old i like the dress designerwhen purchased new. The missing definition of the "new" is indicated about the passage of the "new".

2. The circumstances and additions that depend on it are indicated about the passage of the fant. Western wind blows in the morning, evenings - East.

3. If the secondary member of the sentence is missing, then qualify a proposal as a complete or incomplete harder, since not any secondary member is structurally necessary. Let's say. The lack of definition does not make an incomplete proposal. Incomplete are single-service sentences in which there are no "mandatory" add-ons. For example: Is there a wind? Not ( wind). What is the roof? Demolished by the wind. ( roof).

A context is evidenced about the passing of the obligatory members of the sentence. All examples above are contextually incomplete sentences.

The second group is situationally incomplete sentences. In them, the missing members are prompted by the situation, the situation, gesture. They are characterized soon for spoken speech. For example: you are standing at the bus stop, then shout: "It goes!" Present it is clear that there is some kind of transport. In the sentence "goes!" Missed to be subject to. Or another characteristic example. You are meeting a friend who returned from vacation:


Replicas of dialogue are incomplete sentences. There are such suggestions and in artistic texts if they transmit speaking speech. - How mIL! - said Princess Marya, looking at the child.

Naturally, dividing on situationally and contextually incompletely somewhat conditionally. In literary review, by the way, the term "consultation" was adopted, since often the situation describes the text.

Elliptical offers- These are the proposals in which the verb is missing, and it is not required to restore it from the context. V.V. Babaitseva calls them semantically complete, and structurally incomplete. For example: I - to you! The information contains complete, and the proposal structure is incomplete, since the position of the led is not replaced, as evidenced by the presence of a supplement. Moreover, it is impossible to restore the legend in principle. It can be any verb of movement: i ran, I went, came, looked, sent, I go. In these structures, a secondary sentence is updated - an addition or circumstance. Elliptical suggestions have a certain stylistic color. Compare:

No answer. Itrevenge message :

The second, there is no response to the third letter.

See, the verb-fag "is not refundable" by the context.

In elliptical proposals, there may be no verb-leaving the following semantic groups:

1. Verbs of being, lack, existence. Outside the city - field. In the garden - elder, and in Kiev - uncle.

2. Skipping verbs of motion. Tatiana - in the forest, the bear is behind her.

3. Skipping verbs speech. I am about the foma, and he is me about Yerem.

4. impersonal elliptic suggestions with missed led not. Nor fire, nor black hut. The sky is clear. Some linguists refer them to genitive proposals, and nouns in the parental case are considered as the main member of the sentence.

5. Nominative-motivating. Syringe! Scalpel! They are also considered as incomplete elliptic proposals with the missed ledge. Compare with a typical incomplete offer. In corner!

Single delivery can also be incomplete. Compare 2 designs: Close the window: Skulling // Close: Singing. In the second design, the direct object was messed with a verb fauceible, and the high-speed verb requires supplements with him. In this case, the addition becomes structurally mandatory.

So, the problem of delimiting single-main complete proposals and twisted incomplete is the most difficult in the syntax of a simple supply. The fact is that the same structures can be considered as incomplete, then as single. Attention should be paid to the verbs of 3 persons of the only and multiple number of present and future time. For example: Goes On the dead man like. This offer is incomplete twisading. The passage of the subject indicates the presence of personal verb and separate definition. Darkness . Single-delivery complete. This proposal cannot be subject to, since the verb does not imply a figure. Transfer Summary. Full, single-main, uncertain personal. Children sat down at the desk. Read. Incomplete, twisted, since the verb "read" indicates the need for a leader.

In the scientific literature, the question of complete and incomplete proposals is contradictory.

Incomplete it is a proposal in which a member of a proposal or a group of suggestions is missing, whose pass is confirmed by the presence of dependent words of the proposal, as well as data of the context or speech situation.

Types of incomplete proposals are allocated taking into account the following factors:

Written or oral sphere of use

Monologue or dialogue

Interaction of sentences with context

Incomplete offers are:

    contextual (non-response - incomplete proposals in monologic speech; dialogue replicas - incomplete sentences in dialogical speech)


Incomplete dialogue replicas are very often found in colloquial speech. They are usually brief and enter into themselves the new thing that talking wants to inform the interlocutor.

In the target direction, incomplete replicas of the dialogue can be divided into 3 groups:

Response replicas. Contain the answer to the question specified in the previous replica.

Question replicas.

Continuing replicas report anything added to the initial proposal expressed.

Situational replicas are the type of incomplete proposals for spoken speech. They are used as full-fledged communication units only in a certain situation. When the situation of the speech itself suggests the interlocutors of the concepts that are discussed, but which are verbally in the composition of this replica are not expressed. Gone.

Elliptical offers.

Offers like " I am going home" In linguistic literature, the term elliptical proposals is used in different values:

    instead of term "incomplete offer"

    indicates a type of incomplete sentence

    serves as the title of the type of proposals adjacent to incomplete.

Ellipsis - this is a reduction in the verb phrases in the sentence; Elimination of the verb component without compensation in context.

Types of elliptic suggestions:

    Offer with the value of movement - movement. A person + word denoting the direction, goal, the final point of movement. In the function of an independent member of the sentence, a pronoun, a noun in I.P., denoting a person, an animal or an item capable of moving. As a second member, there are adventures of places, nouns in V.P. With a pretext b, on, or in D.P. With a pretext to

    Offer with speech or thought. They have an object in p.p. With a pretext about or about or in V.P. with a pretext about.

    Offer with the value to beat, hit. Subject of action + dependent words in V.P. etc. Here I am with a stick!

Equivalents offer

This is a special grammatical agent used in communication to express consent - disagreement, as well as emotionally expressive reactions to the speech of the interlocutor. Yes. Not! How wrong! Still would.

They do not have an independent informative meaning, but only confirm, deny or evaluate the content of a specific proposal with which correlated.

As the equivalents of the sentence, they have only intonation design, but are deprived of grammatical form and are not clad.

The value is divided into 3 groups:

    songs-proposals expressed by particles with a general meaning of approval or denial

    modal words-offers with an additional probability / assumption value.

    Interdudice words of proposals that are divided into: Emotional-estimated proposals are a reaction to the situation, a message, the question. Well?!; prompt offers; Suggestions that are an expression of speech etiquette.

The value and structure of the proposal are divided into complete and incomplete sentences.

Full sentences

Full The offer is a proposal with all the members that are necessary for the completeness of the structure and value. For example: I read an interesting article. Marya Ivanovna solemnly handed bright alphabets first graders. The forest opened his dark green, crumpled mush, groves before people.

The legend in this proposal is consistent with the subject, and also manages the addition. The result is a continuous chain that connects all members of the sentence with a logical meaning.

Incomplete sentences

Incomplete Proposals are suggestions, members in which are not necessary for completeness and structure. The missed members of the proposal in incomplete proposals are often restored from context. Most often, incomplete sentences are found in dialogues. For example:

In the morning, the girl ran to her mother and asked:

And what about the tooth fairy? Did she come?

Came, "Mom replied ...

Is she beautiful?


We see that each subsequent replica of this dialog adds the topic specified in the dialog itself. Very often incomplete offers are single-delivery offers.

Petya, in what class do you study?

In the ninth.

Incomplete offers may be part of complex proposals. For example: the land of the sun heats, and a person is labor.
The incomplete proposals also include proposals with the missed faucet. For example: our strength - in cohesion.

Incomplete sentences, as well as full offers are divided into two-part and single-part, common and unprosted. It should be noted that incomplete two-part offers, a failed or subject to which missing remains twisted, despite the fact that only one major member submitted.

Using full and incomplete offers

Due to the fact that the missed members of the proposal in incomplete proposals greatly simplify the communication process, such proposals are widely used in conversational speech, as well as in artistic works. In the scientific literature, and also in the business language uses predominantly complete offers.

According to the presence or absence of the necessary members of the sentence distinguish full and incomplete simple sentences.

Full sentences - These are such simple sentences that have all the members needed for the semantic completeness of the sentence. Being strong good, be smart better twice.

Incomplete sentences - These are such suggestions in which any member of the sentence is missing (main or secondary) or several members of the sentence. Missed members' members are easily restored from previous proposals or speech situation itself. The world is illuminated by the Sun, and man - knowledge . Compare: ... and man is illuminated by knowledge.

Incomplete doubles Offers should be distinguished from single full full, in which only one main member of the sentence, and there is no second and cannot be in the structure.

Particular can be both twisted and single-part offers. Incomplete often proposals in dialogue.

- What are you like a zvat?
- Alexei.
- And on father?
- Nikolaich.

An incomplete offer can be the second part of the challenging offer. Alyosha looked at them, and they are on him. Olive by the failed in the second part of a complex offer. You received letters, but I did not get. Addition omitted.

Skipping members of a sentence in pronunciation can be expressed by a pause, and the letter marked with a dash. In the summer, the light is early, and in the winter - late.

In the so-called situational incomplete proposals Missed members are not restored. In the words, they are not named in words, but they are thinking from a speech situation, that is, their meaning is revealed by non-case circumstances, gestures, facial expressions. Behind me! On health! Have a good trip!

In Russian, there are different principles for the classification of proposals, and one of them is full and incompleteness of this syntactic unit. What exactly that means is explained in the lessons of the Russian language in grade 8. This topic is very important for understanding the principles of the preparation of proposals and syntax in general.

Incomplete offers: what it is and their varieties

Incompletely called such proposals in which one or more members are missing, which are necessary in order for the syntax unit to be complete from the point of view of the value and structure. It is possible to restore the missed members of the sentence, based on the surrounding context or knowledge of the situation in question, if it is oral communication.

It is better to understand what is meant, examples of incomplete offers will help.

Is your class tomorrow on duty on school? - Our. - In this dialogue, the response replica will be an incomplete proposal, the total value of which (yes, our class tomorrow is on duty at school) Clear from the context.

Most often, incomplete proposals are used in a dialogue speech, also often an incomplete offer will be one of the parts of a complex syntax unit.

Here is an example of such a proposal: Everyone is subject to me, I - to anyone (The second part in full sound would sound like "I am not subject to anyone").

The main feature of the incomplete offer is that outside the context or the situation of communication is incomprehensible. According to the principle of where the listener or reader comes from the missing information, they are divided into the following types:

  • Situationally incomplete - Proposals that are understandable only to the participants of the situation, those who communicate or watch the communication.
  • Contextual incomplete - Clear readers who read the previous replica / part of the proposal.

If an incomplete offer consists of more than one word, then on the site of the missed word or words as a rule is rated. In oral speech, there is a small pause to highlight the pass.

It is necessary to distinguish incomplete sentences from one-point, since these are different phenomena. So, in a single-service sentence, despite the absence of one of the main members, the meaning is clear and without it.

Elliptical offer as a special type of incomplete sentences

In Russian, however, there are such incomplete proposals that are understood by all situations of communication or context, in addition, only one sentence member is missing in them - a pronounced, expressed by the verb. Such syntactic units are called elliptic. They also differ in the way that the dash is not put on the site of the passage of such a fag. As a rule, the standard structure of such a proposal is subject to + addition.

for example: Lunch on the table - This is an elliptical proposal in which the verb leak is missing "worth". Usually, such a verb is not difficult to restore.

What did we know?

In Russian, there is a special kind of proposals - incomplete. That is, those whose meaning is not clear without context or knowledge of the situation due to the passing of one or more sense-forming members. Depending on where it is possible to restore sense of supply, they are divided into contextual incomplete and situationally incomplete. At the same time, they should be distinguished from the single-maintenance proposals. Special type of incomplete sentence is elliptical. In which only the verb is always skated, which is easy to restore even without knowing the situation or the surrounding context. If in ordinary incomplete sentences at the site of the missed words is rated, then it is usually not required in elliptical.