Repairs Design Furniture

Children's shape of the Palag of the NKVD. Why uniform fighters of the NKVD steel leather jackets form NKVD USSR 1935 1945

Part 2.
Organs and internal troops of the NKVD 1935-1937.

Let me remind you that the internal troops over the years have undergone numerous reorganization, renaming, etc.

With the creation immediately after the October coup of 1917, the Council of People's Commissars (SNK) was immediately created as one of the Thirteen People's Commissariats People's Commissariat of the Internal Affairs of the Russian Republic (NKVD).

Then he became called the NKVD RSFSR.

Then, as the union republics, the NKVD of the Union republics were added in parallel and NKVD.

Only in 1934, a single allied drug addict of the internal affairs of the USSR was formed.

So, 06/10/1934 The People's Commissariat of the Internal Affairs of the USSR (NKVD) was formed, which included the former troops of the NEP-GPU-OGPU.

Outfitting employees of the NKVD authorities, border and internal security servicemen remained the same (taken back in 1924): shirt or shirt-french khaki color, blue sharovar, colored caps, cavalry sinel.

Signs of differences in positions (red enamel rhoms, rectangles, squares and triangles) were placed on the buttercups: the grinding with the raspberry edges - for the organs and the troops of the NKVD and the Green - for border guard.

A similar form was worn by employees of other structures included in the NKVD system:
- the main department of correctional labor camps of labor settlements and places of detention (gulag),
- the main department of fire protection (GUPO),
- Administrative and economic management (AhU) and its divisions.

From the author. In that period of the life of the Soviet state, a kind of fashion was formed on wearing military or half-form. All executives, starting from Stalin, wore a semi-long french, foam-"Stalinka", boots. Remember, for example, the film "Volga-Volga".
In addition, many agencies acquired their own uniforms and signs of differences - the police, firefighters, Osoaviahim (predecessor of the DOSAAF), in particular, trade marine and river fleet, civil aviation and even employees of urban electric transport. All these uniforms in one degree or another were based on the Red Army Uniform.

This introduced a certain confusion and confusion, and therefore by the Decree of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) Prize DSP / 95 of September 10, 1935, all organizations, institutions and persons were absolutely forbiddenwe carry out the shape and signs of the difference similar from the Red Army (with the exception of military personnel of the formations of the border and internal protection of the NKVD, compiled by call).

Let me remind you that at this time a very peculiar period of life of the Soviet state begins and the role of the NKVD in the life of the country is significantly increasing.

Note Veremeeva Yu.G. The winged phrase "revolution always devours of their children." The usual stage in the process of revolutionary change of power of any sense (whether the bourgeois, democratic, socialist or Nazi revolution) in any country - those who together stood at the head of the revolutionary forces in the initial period, are beginning to share power now and each of them believes that The head of the country should now stand it. The acute political struggle begins, in which any ways of extrusion, isolation, elimination or destruction (including physical) rivals are in power are started. In addition, in the country, at such a period, quite a lot of those who considered themselves offended posts, and its revolutionary merit is not assessed. Of these, the sovereign heads of the opposition head, while the power of the Opposition turned out to suppress the opposition to use the rule of law (police, police, gendarmerie, state security agencies, SS, etc.). Naturally, this unit is endowed in such a period of special authority.

And they will be in power not Stalin, but Kirov, Trotsky, Bukharin or someone else, nothing would happen otherwise. This is the dialectic of any revolution. So it was both in the bourgeois revolution of the middle of the 17th century in England, so it was both during the revolutions of the end of the 18th century in France, so it was after the arrival of the Nazis to power in 1933. In today's Russia, this stage is still ahead.

Most of those who are scolded by the HCH-GPU-NKVD, consider and try to convince all that the actions of the staff of these bodies in the thirties were a manifestation of personal malice, personal negative qualities, or that church - the desire of the "authorities" at the head of the state, to Under the party (so claimed by N.S. Khrushchev).
However, in reality "organs" were just a tool for the internecine struggle of the tops of the party and state leadership. For example, an ax may also be in the hands of a carpenter and in the hands of a killer. But the ax - he is an ax, he remains just a tool in all cases.

People's Commissar of God felt the "taste of power" and, apparently, decided to allocate his employees with new uniforms and differences signs. The NKVD leadership immediately developed rapid activities about the introduction of new uniforms. People's Commissar in letters I.V. Stalina put forward a lot of uniform projects and signs of differences.

October 4, 1935 Politburo approved projects of new uniforms. The form for organs and the Troops of the NKVD was decided to make a uniform, and not so diverse as a berry offered.

11/27/1935 Order No. 399 for the NKVD troops announced a new form of clothing and signs of differences in the personnel of internal protection.

Due to the low features of the sewing industry, the country was impossible in a short time to move into a new uniformity of all employees of units, organs and parts of the NKVD troops. Therefore, it was not allowed to put one-time socks with new signs to the expiration of socks with new signs to the expiration of socks with new differences and ledgers to 1.10.1935) (Politburo's decision of November 29, 1935) was allowed to keep socks with new signs with new samples: - shirt with edging, respectively, assigned rank; - Cloak without edging; - Shinel without edging.

The timing of the transition to the wearing of new signs of differences and loovers was determined: for natching the organs and troops - as the special and military ranks are assigned, and for an ordinary and junior natch service of the NKVD troops - from 1.III.1936.

Outfit By order No. 399 of 11/27/1935.

1. Headwear:
a) The main headdress of the organs and troops of the NKVD was the booster of the Red Army of 1935. The cap seated from the woolen fabric of traditional for the NKVD colors: - Tula of the corpuscular color and the crap - for the internal troops; At the top of the incolment and Tuli on all types of caps, raspberry kant were stacked. The cap had a slightly advanced black fiber lacquered visor, over two small shaped buttons attached the same lacquered black sliding selection belt. The highest, the eldest and middle natch service wore a cap all year round, and a private and junior notable - only in the summer. Summerly out of installation, with a white form of clothing, it could wear a white cap with a white tissue visor and a selection belt.
b) Woolen khaki color was installed for wearing in the field to wear the land parts of the NKVD troops. The Troops of the NKVD troops were assigned a woolen pylon of dark blue, which was rumped along with a cap with a dark blue fries or a shirt. The ordinary composition of all kinds of troops wore a cotton cap color of the khaki when walking out clothes. In the seams of the cap and sides of all the pilots of the Nachsostav, raspberry kants were sewn, and a closed five-pointed star from the instrument cloth with a diameter of 3 cm was seamed on the front seam.
c) For military personnel of the NKVD troops, undergoing service in areas with a hot climate, a cotton chak color helmet with a five-pointed star from dashboard with a diameter of 7.5 cm is introduced.
d) as a winter head remove introduced
* Noblovayu: The hat-shape made of gray or brown fur, with top (cap) from a dark gray wool fabric - washed only with a coat with a fastened fur collar.
* Private Makeup: Winter helmet - "Budenovka" from a dark gray semigrupt cloth with a five-pointed star from instrument cloth with a diameter of 8 cm in front of the cap.

- crap - for internal security and air services;
- Light green - for border guard.

On the loudshair of caps and on top of the cloth stars on the helmets there was a red enamel five-pointed redarmeysk star of the established sample, a diameter of 3.4 cm with gilded exterior edges and a sickle and a hammer in her center. On the pilot on the orders, only the drone stars were worn.

2. Outerwear.

Instead of accepted in the Red Army, the NKVD bodies (except) of the NKVD organs and troops were introduced as the outerwear, a double-breasted coat "Raglan" from dark gray wool tissue, on 4 large shaped buttons, with a postponed collar. In winter, a fur lining and a collar on the collar of fur hatched shapes was spurred to the coat. The collar of the coat of the highest natch of the NKVD troops edged with raspberry cloth.

Note: In addition to the upper clothes, installed orders, the room was allowed to wear out of the circuit, coat and jackets made of black or dark brown, with signs of differences and without them.

In the photo: Left Major NKVD troops in a coat-raincar with a fur collar and hat-fincke. Difference signs are located on the sleeve. On the right colonel of the NKVD troops in the coat. (reconstruction).

For uniforms of the natch, metal buttons of a special species without a side, with a convex image of a direct five-pointed star with a sickle and hammer, diameter: small-17 mm and large-28 mm; For the highest room, golden; For senior and medium - silver; For the upper clothes of the entire room, oxided, dark gray. Often, ordinary army buttons were also used. Buttons of an ordinary and younger room - an existing Red Army sample, black

An ordinary composition, as well as the younger team and the superior composition, was left the former single-breasted sample sample of the RKKE from the semi-pipe gray-cooler cloth, with a hook clasp.

3. Form of clothing.

The form of clothing of the internal troops of the NKVD was the following items:
a) for middle, senior and higher room:
- a cloth gymnaster of dark protective color with two breastpid patch;
-Conneous dark blue balls with raspberry kants;
- Summer gymnaster made of light cotton fabric protective color with two breast paddling pockets;
- Summer sharovars made of light cotton fabric protective color, without kant;
b) for the younger room and ordinary composition:
-Gimnaster of light cotton tissue protective color with two breast padding pockets;
-Sames of light cotton fabric protective color, without kant;

4. Equipment.

For the room, an army equipment of a single sample from brown leather with white metal fittings has been installed. For carrying weapons on the belt belt on the right side, holster was put on. With a tuber, a suspended holster was rushed, attached by trainers to the belt belt. The ordinary composition and the younger room wore a belt belt brown or natural, with a metal one-shock buckle.

In the drawings: on the left Captain of the internal troops of the NKVD, on the right of the Red Armyman of the NKVD internal troops.

For the room service and institutions of the NKVD troops with bried troops, crags with chrome shoes made of black or dark brown leather, or black chrome boots, for the Komostava building parts and schools - black chromium or talny boots, and out of installation - Crague boots . With pants at an outline (out of construction), the entire notable wore chrome shoes or low shoes from black or brown skin. An ordinary composition and the youngest room was assigned to wearing a yoke shoe with windings or a cathot of black.

From the author. We would like to once again emphasize that this article describes the form of clothing and signs of differences only by the internal troops of the NKVD, which are not related to the protection of the prison (GULAG), or the relationship of the relations of the relationship. The main tasks of the internal troops were the protection of important government facilities and the military support of the internal integrity and security of the state. Of course, since the internal troops belonged to the NKVD system, their form and signs of differences were very similar to the form and signs of the differences in other NKVD structures.
Similar, but no more.
In addition, the rankings of the internal troops almost coincided with the titles adopted in the Red Army, while the titles in the state security, the protection of places of detention and the police differed quite significantly.

Signs of differences in the internal troops of the NKVD.

On March 1, 1936, the signs of the differences of a completely new sample were introduced, sharply different from previously existing, as well as the signs of the difference in the Red Army. And no longer according to positions, but for personal titles.

They existed relatively long - from 1.III.1936 to 1937, so little-known.

Signs of differences were a combination of petrolery signs of distinction and disturbing stars.

From the author. In the Soviet state of the star as the main signs, the differences first appeared in the NKVD (on the petters) signs of the same difference in the military ranks of the Red Army at that time there were geometric shapes - "Roma", "sleepers", "Kubari", "triangles". We will see the stars in the Red Army, and then only on the lets of the top command of the Red Army with the introduction of general ranks in 1940. And only in 43 they will appear on the epaunts of Officers of the Red Army.

I would like to remind you that at the time in the internal troops (as in the Red Army), the command and the commanding staff shared on:
1. Command structure,
2. The Starting Composition:
a) - military-political composition,
b) - Military and administrative composition
c) - Military-technical composition
d) - military medical composition,
e) - military-veterinary composition,
e) - Military legal composition.

Once again from the author. Inside the NKVD system, several ranks existed in parallel:
* Scale titles internal troops NKVD,
* Saving officers of state security staff
* Militia rank scale,
* scale signs of difference in employee positions and conclusion locations,
* Scale of the ranks of fire security staff.

And the signs differences were often very similar, differing only by the color of the loop and the signs of difference. At the black and white photos of that time, it is sometimes impossible to determine who this is a soldier, an employee of GB or Police organs.

On the picture on the right (reconstruction) colonel of the internal troops of the NKVD. Note that three stars in the loovers, but without golden triangles in the lower part of the looper also wore the captain of the state security. However, it does not follow that Captain GB is equal to the colonel of explosives. Too different these scales even by the number of ranks.

First, let's deal with the difference between special and militarytitles.

So, "employees" referred to persons with special titles, "servicemen" - Having military ranks.

Think about the name. What is an "employee" (the concept of the concept is an employee) and how does it differ from the serviceman?
Employee This is a person who comes on his own request to work in any institution, including the NKVD bodies, and in its own desire is fired. It applies to the provisions of the Code of Labor Laws, but does not apply to the provisions of military legislation.
Serviceman, Whatever he did not enter the military service (by call or voluntarily), it is obliged to serve the period established by law on the positions and in areas where he was sent. Refuse to fulfill the duties and quit at wisdom it is not right. Its service is regulated exclusively by military legislation.

Here is this principal difference and imposes a certain imprint on the performance of official duties.

The internal troops of the NKVD is a purely military organization (just military units can be said, only subordinates not to the addict of defense, but the addict of internal affairs), while the NKVD authorities are a semi-visa organization. Discipline, the execution and order in the military organization is many times higher than in the semi-industrial. In the internal troops serve, and in the organs work.

In the NKVD system of that time (and now in the Ministry of Internal Affairs) there were both military and special titles.

Everyone who served in the internal troops was considered and considered to be military personnel and have army military ranks. When dismissing from the service, they are taking into account in the Rivot Committee on a par with army soldiers and their titles are taken into account as well as the title of military personnel of MO.

But all the rest who served in the "bodies" (state security, militia, firefighters, various kinds of business students) were assigned special titles - with the prefix "State Security", "Militia", "Internal Service". For example - Lieutenant of the State Security, Captain of Militia, Major of the Inner Service.

Special titles to military titles are not equal at all. And although many of them wear an army uniform, in fact, none of the army, nor to the troops of the NKVD (MIA) have nothing to do. Let's say, the current Minister of the Interior of Nurgaliyev goes in the form of the army general, although neither in the army, nor in the internal troops serves.

For example, a person served in the army, fired to the reserve in the rank of "Efreitor", after that he went to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the administrative and economic bodies. He was assigned a special title, he works many years, gets promotion and eventually dismissed in the special rank of "Colonel of the Internal Service".
So, upon arrival in Railoenkomat, it will be recorded as a corporal record for military registration, and not as a colonel, since his military (military) rank of the corporal. A special title for the military registration and enlistment office does not matter.

Another example. The officer served under the contract, quit from the army, enters the police (police). In the police, he unconditionally in the order of retests assign a special title of police (police), corresponding to his military rank (i.e. confirm).
But on the contrary it will not work.
Suppose that the lieutenant from the explosives quit from the troops, went to work in the police, served before the police major and then decided to return again to the internal troops. He can be taken to serve only lieutenant.

So since Peter I in the Russian state, military ranks are dominant.

Military titles for the military personnel of the internal protection of the NKVD of the USSR (internal troops) were introduced by the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars No. 2250 dated October 7, 1935 and declared by order of the People's Commissar of the Interior No. 319 of October 10, 1935.

Command structure:

Military rank
An ordinary composition Krasnoarmets
Junior Command and Study Composition Separated commander
Junior Comvisavoda
Candidate for the title
Middle team composition Lieutenant
Senior lieutenant
Senior teamwork Captain
Supreme Command Team Combrig

Military political composition:

Military and administrative composition:

Military rank
Middle Military and Administrative Composition Independent 2 rank
Intension technician 1 rank
Senior Military and Administrative Composition Intendant 3 rank
Intendant 2 rank
Intendant 1 rank
Higher Military and Administrative Composition Brigintandant

Military-technical composition:

Military rank
Middle Military Composition Voinchnik 2 rank
Voinchnik 1 rank
Senior Military Composition Milifornizer 3 rank
Milifornizer 2 rank
Milnagerger 1 rank
Higher Military Briginener

Military medical composition:

Military veterinary composition:

Military Legal:

Military rank
Middle Military Legal Junior warrior
Senior Military Legal Moorrister 3 rank
Vagerur 2 rank
Vagerur 1 rank
Higher Military Legal Brigvoienuristic

Signs of differences in the military ranks served as the stars of various colors in the buttercasters and twisted signs.

Let's start with twisted signs.

In the picture: From left to right: the violating signs of the Middle Komostava, the Senior Commendent, the highest commercial, military-political composition.

The middle command composition was carried on both sleeves over a grind (above the cuff) two or three so-called. "truncated triangle" embroidered with red silk thread depending on the title.

The senior team composition was wary on both sleeves over the overall (over the cuff), red stars embroidered with red silk with a silver edging number in the rank (how many stars in the butters, so much on the sleeves).

The highest command composition was wary on both sleeves over a walker (over the cuff), red stars embroidered with red silk with a golden edging number in rank (how many stars in the loops, so much on the sleeves) ..

The military-political composition on both sleeves over the overall (over the cuff) wore one star regardless of the title. These stars were completely similar to the stars of the RKKA politzostav, i.e. Red star with golden sickle and hammer inside it.

Military and administrative, military-technical, military medical, military-veterinary and the military-legal composition did not have vague signs.

The main means of distinguishing the ranks of the internal troops (internal protection) of the NKVD were the loovers.

The LETERS OBR.1935 was a closure valves in the form of a parallelogram, 10 cm long and 3.3 cm wide.
The colors of the loop remained traditional - the crap. The buttercups were trimmed with a raspberry edge of 0.25 cm wide.

Along the middle part of the field on the buttercups, a longitudinal strip was laid (lumen) from a scent cord with a width of 0.3-0.35 cm:
- Golden color - for the highest room;
- silver color - for senior and middle room;
- Raspberry - for an ordinary and younger room.

At the front of the neo-soldered edge of the loovers were housed:
* Command composition equilateral triangles (side 3 cm): Golden (Galuine or Metal)
* Military and administrative composition of dark blue (tissue or metal enameled)

On the pettics of the military-political, military medical, military-veterinary, military-technical and military-legal composition of the Troops of the NKVD of the USSR, the wearing triangles was not established.

The head of the composition (military-technical, military medical, military-veterinary, military-legal) specialized services of the NKVD troops at the edged edge of the looped, according to the specialty, was emblems from white or yellow metal, which were located as from the RKKK specialists .. And before the introduction In 1936, the Emblems of the Red Army of the Red Army of the Red Army (Order No. 33 Order No. 33 of 10.3.1936) were used. 1922 (Order of RVSR No. 322 from 31.1. 1922).

In the picture on the left:
1-major internal troops,
2-rank 2-intensity,
3-chairline 2 rank,
4-battalion commissar (on the sleeve of a political worker star),
5-march 2 rank,
6-period of 2 rank.

Signs Differences on the titles:

* Private and junior team and the commanding composition - metal red enamel squares with silver-planted sides, who had shape of Chevron. The squares were placed on the lets in one row on the longitudinal strip of the vertex to the uncompressed end of the loop. The top of the inner angle of the first square was located at a distance of 4 cm from the edged end of the loop, the distance between the squares of 0.3 cm. The squares had a height of 2.6 cm, the width of the side sections of 0.7 cm. The side length was 1.6 cm, and the width of the plane Enamel 0.4 cm. Red Army wore clean buttercups with a longitudinal strip, without signs of difference.

Neither the emblems nor the signs of the insignia of the team and military-economic composition of the Red Army and the younger commanders in the loovers did not wear.

2 junior comvorvda,
3-separated commander
4-Red Army.

"Candidate of the title" - it was an intermediate stage between the junior and middle team.

This title existed in the internal troops of the NKVD very not for long. Already in April, the 37th order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 169 dated 21.04.1937, it was abolished as unnecessary.

In the picture on the left: signs of the difference in the candidate for the title.

From the author. Actually, any title should relate to a certain position or a group of approximately equal posts and a normal practice when a soldier who has a certain title is raised in office, and then, making sure that he is able to execute new responsibilities for itself, assign another rank. And the titress of a candidate for the title (which in itself is tautology) means that a person is no longer a foreman, but not an officer (I will allow myself for simplicity to express a modern concept for simplicity). And what to do if we decided that the candidate is not enough to assign an officer's title. The senior is simply - returned to the Starshin position and that's it. And what about the candidate? His title is above Starshinsky, but he cannot be an officer.
Obviously, this duality of the situation and prompted the authorities to abandon this title.

* The middle team and the commanding composition - wearing metal red enamel so-called. "Truncated
triangles "with silver-standing sides.

2-senior lieutenant
3-political officer (on the sleeve of a political worker star),
4-technician-intenntener 2 rank,
5-chart-internal internal rank,
6-centuries 2 rank,
7-period of grade 1,
8-paramedle holder 2 rank,
9-Voorfeldsher 1 rank.

It should be noted that if the doctors wore their emblems, which were defined back in 1922 and did not change by 1935, the emblems of veterinarians and technicians here are shown here in 1936. There is no complete clarity, which emblems the bunch of 1935 in the looping of 1935, and wore them in general. It should also be noted that until July 1940, the military-political composition in the buttercups did not wear any emblems at all. As in the NKVD, and in the Red Army, they allocated themselves with commissars on the sleeves.

* Senior team and the reigning composition wore silver lumets and metallic silver sprockets with a diameter of 13 mm.

1 - Colonel,
4-Regiment Commissioner,
5-battalion commissar,
6-senior political
7-rank 7-intensity,
8-intensified 2 rank,
9-intennant 3 rank,
10- Miliferger 1 rank,
11-chairline 2 rank,
12-chairline 2 rank,
13-Voigar 1 rank,
14-warwater 2 rank,
15-crowders 3 rank.

Note. Persons who have higher education and entering military service in the RKKA or the internal troops of the NKVD as a boss (but only the superior!) Composition immediately receive the title of senior boss, bypassing all the downstream titles. Those. Yunosha, who finished the medical institute, immediately receives the title of militaryormality 3 rank, the young man, who finished the technical university - a militarinener 3 rank. Graduate of the Institute of National Economy - Intensudent 3 rank.

* The highest team and the commanding composition wore golden lumens and metal golden stars with a diameter of 13 mm in the buttercups.

The highest title in the internal troops of the NKVD was established "Commander of the 2nd Rank". However, it was never assigned to anyone and remained purely nominal. In the picture on the right signs of the distinguisure of the commander of the 2nd rank.

4-corpped commissioner,
5-Division Commissioner,
6-brigad commissar,

I repeat that these signs differences existed in the internal security very long - from October 1935 to July 1937. Many military servicemen did not have time to even wear them, because the differences were not simultaneously on new signs, but as the ranks assign. And it was not a mechanical process. Each military personality is a question of assigning a particular title individually in the order of certification. And the younger room at all moved to new signs of differences only in March 1936.

At the same time, I considered it necessary to describe these signs in detail in detail, so that the reader did not get into a dead end, seeing a photo with strange, very rarely encountered butters. With the same purpose, as well as for the reader to see the differences in signs, in the applications I give signs the differences in the personnel of the NKVD bodies and the GULD NKVD

Sources and literature

1. Magazine "Tseykhgauz" No. 1 - 1991.
2. Materials of the Central Museum of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR
3. M.I.Sheterbak. "Your military form." The main politicization of explosives. Moscow.1986.
4. J.ruttkiewicz, W.N.Kulikow. Wojska NKWD 1917-1945, Barwa I Broh, Lampart, Warszawa 1998.
5. V.Voronov, A. Shishkin "NKVD of the USSR: Structure, Managing Composition, Clothing Form, Signs Differences 1934-1937" - Moscow. LLC Publishing House "Russian Intellite". 2005
6.L.Tokar. History of the Russian uniform costume. Soviet militia 1918-1991. Exclusive. St. Petersburg. 1995

In the first days of February 1943, during the beginning of the native fracture during the Great Patriotic War, the People's Commissariat of the Interior opened a petition to the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR on the introduction of existing new signs of differences - epaulets for the personnel of the NKVD, including the police.
This was preceded by the introduction of new special ranks, the establishment of a complete uniqueness, assigning special ranks to the Polymatot workers noted.
Simultaneously with the introduction of the pores, cutting of uniforms was changed, and a new parade uniform was introduced for the entire personnel of the NKVD.
The introduction of new signs of the difference was one of the activities of the government aimed at further strengthening the discipline, uniqueness, raising the role and authority of the NKVD natch service.
When setting the sample of these new signs, the differences in the distinction of the Russian army existed until 1917 were used.
In the postwar years, a number of changes were made to uniform, significantly improving the appearance and form of clothing of police officers.
All changes in the outfit caused by the desire to improve its quality and the need to replace the objects of uniforms that were impractical or not relevant to new service conditions.
Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the introduction of new signs of differences for organs and the troops of the NKVD was announced by the Order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 103 of 11.02.1943.
Order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 104 of 11.02.1943 New special titles have been established for the personnel of the police: Commissioner of the Police 1 Rank, Commissioner of Police 2 Rank and Commissioner of Militia 3 Rank. For senior Nachsostav: Police Colonel, Police Lieutenant Colonel, Milic Major. For the average Nachsostav: Captain Militia, Senior Militia Lieutenant, Militia Lieutenant, Junior Militia Lieutenant. For the younger bunch of the Militia Sergeant, the Militian Sergeant, the Militia Sergeant, the Junior Police Sergeant and Senior Policeman.
Order of the NKVD USSR No. 126 of 02/18/1943for the personnel of the police, a new form of clothing and differences signs were introduced. Signs of differences - epaulets - served to determine the special title. The pursuit of the pursuit for the commissioners of the police - from the galoon of a special zigzag weave of silver color, Kanta - turquoise color. Shumes on the zigzag have the lumens of turquoise. The sprockets on the chains of the Commissioners of the police embroidered with gold, the number corresponded to the special rank: the Commissioners of the police 1 rank - 3 stars located in a row in the middle of the pursuit, at the police commissioners 2 rank - 2 stars and at the Commissioners of the Police 3 rank - 1 star. Buttons on the rims are golden with the coat of arms. Sizes Pursuit: Length - 14-16 cm, Width - 6.5 cm.

For the older and medium-sized majority of the milition field, the field of the shoulder of the galoon or silver silk. On the pursuit of the middle employment one clearance and metal gilded sprockets with a size of 13 mm. The number of stars depending on the special title. On the elaboration of the senior natch station - two lumes and metal gilded sprockets with a size of 16 mm. The number of stars on the pursuit corresponded to the rank. On the rims of the middle and senior natch station shaped gold-plated buttons with the image of the sickle and hammer. Color of edges and lumen - turquoise. Sizes SHOULD: Length - 14-16 cm, width - 4 cm.
Militia Lieutenant
Senior lieutenant
Captain Militia
Major police
Lieutenant Colonel Militia
Police Colonel
For the younger primary and ordinary composition of the police and cadets of the police schools, the pursuit of a cloth of a dark blue color, edging - turquoise color. The field of pursuit of cadets is sheathed with a silver color. Shoulder straps of the junior team had stripes from the galoon silver color, respectively, special rank. On the emers of yellow paint through the stencil, the name of the police or service department is designated. The height of large digits and the letters of the stencil - 3.2 cm, small numbers and letters - 2 cm. The width of the stripes: narrow - 10 mm, wide - 30 mm, the galloon width on cadets is 13 mm. Buttons on the pursuit - silver color, with a diameter of 18 mm with an image of a sickle and hammer. On the elaboration of the elder of the police, one transverse wide and one longitudinal narrow stripes were laisted; On the emers of the senior sergeant - one transverse wide; On the epaunts of Sergeant, the younger sergeant and a senior policeman - respectively, three, two and one transverse narrow stripes. The distance from the lower edge of the pursuit to the lower edge of the stripes - 1 cm. Sizes; the length is 14-16 cm, the width is 4 cm.
Senior policeman
Lance Sergeant
Sergeant Militia
Staff Sergeant
Militia foreman
(Enciphenation designation: 16O - 16 Department of Militia; VM - departmental militia; Ko - Kustanay region; CE - Cavalry squadron; km - a convoyal police).
Cadet police
Sergeant Militia
Cady Sergeant
Sergeant Militia
Cadet Starshin
The buttercups were made to the sequels from instrument cloth. The field of buttercups - turquoise color, edging for the highest natch - silver, for the older and average composition - dark blue, for the younger natch service and militiamen - Malinovaya. On the buttons in the upper end, large shaped buttons were placed: for the highest natch - with the coat of arms, gilded; For senior and middle employment - with the image of the sickle and hammer, gilded; For the younger natch service and policemen - with the image of the sickle and hammer, silver. On the abbreasses that have a form of use, parallel to the Color Cant, shied with silver single kant. In parallel, the Kant in the protrusion of the Mystery sewing silver in the form of three diverging laurel branches framed by silver single calf cone. On the collar of the uniform, with an indentation from the front ends by 0.5 cm, the longitudinal turquoise buttons without edging. On the lecturers of the older bunch of two silver-shovels and a rinse-tied rinker, with color lumen in the middle of the column - 0.2 mm. For the middle boss - one column. Buttons for nachs station are gilded, with a sickle and hammer.
Uniforms of the junior majority and policemen According to the color and color, as well as the color of the field of the loovers - correspond to the uniforms of the Nachsostaba (Table 64). On the length of the loop of the junior superior composition is one longitudinal strip from the gallene of silver color width, 6 mm. On the uniforms of the militiamen were clean. Gymnasters junior notav and policemen According to the samples installed in the Red Army, dark blue, with the admission in the wartime color of the khaki, steel and gray (Table 67). Senior and Middle Sinel - from the dark blue cloth or drape, the buttons are gilded with the image of the sickle and hammer; Buttercup - turquoise color with dark blue edging (Table 63).
Schinel of the younger Nachsostav and Militiamen From the semigrupt dark blue cloth, white metal buttons with a sickle and hammer. Turquoise buttercups with raspberry cats (Table 63).
Pants Spare for Militia Commissioners The color of the uniform and the nurse. Pants - Bridges of dark blue. Kant and lampas - turquoise color.
Pants Empty and Bridge Pants for Senior and Middle Natural - Dark blue colors with turquoise cute. Sharovari junior bunch and militiamen - dark blue.
Caps. Militia Parade Fragrance From the cloth of the dark blue, the shaker of turquoise color, kanta - red. On the front of the near-sided sewing in the form of the laurel branches of the silver color and a filigree selected strap of silver color. Casual forage without sewing, with silver filigree (Table 73).
Dad for Militia Commissioners It was made of gray doodle with a riding cloth turquoise. At the top of the dad, the cross will creek silver galloon. Kokard installed for the Commissars of the Militia of the Sample (Table 73). For all the rest of the personal composition of the police, as a winter headdress, a brown hat was installed with a riding of the cloth of a dark blue (Table 73).
The statement of the form of the form of the personal composition of the police (Appendix 13) was announced by the same order.
Order of the NKVD USSR No. 225 dated March 29, 1943 For the superior composition of the traffic police, wearing the emers of the Emblem of Engineering and Technical Composition - "Key and Hammer".
For an ordinary and junior superior composition of the RUD units introduced smart signs. The vague mark was a rhombus located horizontally, consisted of a semi-rigid base, covered with cloth turquoise and edged with crimson cloth. There are three letters "ore" from the cloth of raspberry color. Sign sizes: Height - 65 mm, length - 103 mm and length length - 62 mm. Sizes of letters: height - 25 mm, width - 12 mm, thickness - 4 mm, the height of the average letter - 35 mm, the distance between the letters is 3 mm (Table 77). Acknowledged sign was sewn in the middle of the outside of the left sleeve, above the elbow line of the elbow , at a distance of 37-40 cm from the lower end of the sleeve. Order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 305 of 04/28/1943the sizes of the pursuit for the personnel of the police were changed. According to this order, the width of the pursuit for the older, medium, junior commanders and the police was established 5 cm.
IN osplision of Wisp GUM NKVD USSR № 29 / P1672 dated 29.06.1943 Clarifications were given to the imposition of encryptions on the ships of the junior natch service and the police. The cipher for embedded by stencils on the shoulder straps was established only for ordinary and junior natch-boring divisions, railway and water departments, and urban police departments. A cipher was installed on the railway chains - a metal key with a hammer, and the water police is an anchor of white. Private and younger than the district police officers wore straps without a stencil. Silver Galun Shoulder Shoulder Shoulder Shooting. Asterisks on golden handsets, shty. The buttercups on the tires are longitudinal, red, edged with silver sewing from vacuinee, with large brass buttons at the end. On the collar parallel to the Color Kant Silver Double Cant. At the front end of the collar sewing in the form of a narrow silver laurel branch. Woolen wool nod Blue, with two breastplastic pockets, with a single valve without a fastener. Celler clasp for five brass buttons, rack collar. Sleeve seed with a grind. On the collar and the top of the collar - the Red Cant. Shoulder straps of the established sample. The one was allowed to wear a white jelly at the block of similar to the nicer of blue, but without edging (Table 83). Cap From woolen tissue of blue, Stoles and Kant from a red dashboard. Visor black, lacquered. Front over the visor strap filigree from silver trumpel. Cocardium of the installed sample. In summer, the cap was allowed to wear with a white case.
blue, edging and red lamps.
For the older and middle command of the police, the following form of clothing was established:
Shinel from the cloth of blue, double-breasted, fastener on six large brass, located in two rows of buttons with a picture of a five-pointed star with a sickle and a hammer in the center. Sleeve seed with a grind. On the edge of the collar, on board, abandon, valves of pockets, columns, vibrations and a slot - edging from red cloth. (Table 78). On the collar of red rectangular buttercups with a dark blue edging, with nassed big buttons.
White silver galloon shoulder straps with red edging, with one or two red lumets. Emplook removable hard. Stars brass 13 and 20 mm, respectively, special rank. Shipping width - 6 cm. Mundir Parade By cutting and the color is similar to the uniform of the Commissioner of the Militia. On the collar, the left side, the upper edge of the collapse and leaves - the Red Cant. On the collar of the uniform horizontally, metallic silver posts were attached horizontally on a red cloth, rectangular shape. On the outside, metal silver columns on a red cloth on the shape of the collars were vertically attached. Shores of the established sample.

Pytel closed From a woolen tissue of blue, according to the German Commissioner of the Militia Commissioners. At the top of the collar and overalls - Kant from the Red Suk (Table 83). Shores of the established sample. In summer, wearing the wearing of a white nursery.
Pants at night and pants-Breeches blue, with red edge in side seams.
Cap From a woolen tissue of blue, gear and kanta - red. Visor and pick-up strap - black, lacquered. Cocardium of the installed sample. Equipment Leather brown with shoulder spooled, two-bed brass buckle. With a parade form, the shoulder is not worn.
In winter, a collar of genuine cygami black, edged with a red cloth, was fastened to Sineli Nachsobawa. For the ordinary and sergeant militia of the police installed the following form of clothing:
Shinel By cutting and the color is similar to the elder and middle bonds. At winter, a fur column made of natural fur cygiaki black, with a red edging, was fastened. From the back of the collar, the buttercups of the installed color and the sample were closed. Cap, cap-Kubanka and Breeches Also similar to the specified objects of uniforms of the older and middle employment.
Shooting. Field of red shape with angling dark blue. The pursuit of the cadets of the police schools was trimmed with silk silver silver. For the younger natch, the cross-stocks from silk gallery silver color were laughed. Sizes Sizes: Length - 14-16 cm, Width - 6.0 cm, Width of Kant - 0.25 cm, Galun width on cadets - 13 mm, Width of narrow stripes - 10 mm, wide - 30 mm, distance from Nizhny The edges of the pursuit to the lower edge of the stripes are 2 cm. Two stripes were laid on the elaboas of the police: one wide transverse and one narrow longitudinal, on the elaboration of senior sergeants - one wide cross stripe, on steaming of sergeants, junior sergeants and senior policemen - respectively three, two And one transverse narrow stripes. Metal encryption was superimposed on the epaulence by the police station or service number.
Senior policeman
Lance Sergeant
Sergeant Militia
Staff Sergeant
Militia foreman
(Enciphenation designation: 1, 3, 11Ω, 31Ω - police departments; KP is a convoy police regiment; OP is an operational police regiment).
Cadet police
Sergeant Militia
Cady Sergeant
Sergeant Militia
Cadet Starshin
Petters red with a dark blue edging from three sides, large brass buttons are attached at the upper end of the loop. Holster to the revolver "Nagan" or a gun "TT" fastened to equipment on the right side by two passions; The leather bag approved for the sample militia was also fastened with two pasta, on the left side. The cord is revolving from a red garus, with a moving lines and with a carbine for fastening to arms. The whistle was worn on the left shoulder belt of equipment.
In the summer, the ordinary composition was allowed to carry the gymnasters and the summer officer.

Order of the MGB of the USSR No. 0155 of 10/30/1950 A single form of clothing of the officers and ordinary militia of the entire Soviet Union was announced.

Order of the MGB of the USSR No. 15 of 17.01. 1953it was removed from the supply cord with a revolving from a red garus for an ordinary and younger bunch of militia.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR No. 193 Red edging was canceled on the sequins of the chief and ordinary militia of the police, except for the police commissaries.
Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR No. 193 of 27.03. 1956,in order to improve the supply of police officers, establishing a uniformity of the form, and strengthening the responsibility of employees for a careful and neat attitude to their form, transport police, traffic regulation departments, and the Motion Security Services were established, common for the whole militia.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR No. 437 of 12.06. 1957for the personnel of EDU, the PBD and the transport police have been established by violated distinctive signs.
The vial sign was a rhombus size between opposite angles: vertically - 50 mm, horizontally - 90 mm. In the center of the rhombus, a metal letter of yellow with a height of 23 mm is attached: for the personnel of the ERUD (department of traffic regulation) and the OBD (traffic safety department) - "P", the transport police - "T". Rhombus was made of dark blue tissue with red edging.

The sleeve sign was sewn on the outside of the left sleeves of the shelter and the nod in the middle between the upper point of the sleeve and the elbow fold.

Valentin Voronov

After the formation of 10.VI.1934 of the People's Commissariat of the USSR, employees of state security bodies, border and internal security servicemen, an uniform was preserved, taken in the OGPU: a shirt or shirt-french khaki color, blue harees, colored caps, cavalry sinel.

Such a form was worn by the Employees of the "Skystsky" structures of the NKVD - the General Directorate of Correlation and Labor Camps of Works and Places of Conclusion (Gulag), the General Directorate of Fire Protection (GUPO), administrative and economic management units (AhU). Signs of differences (red enamel rhombus, rectangles, squares and triangles) were placed on the buttons: grip - for organs and troops OGPU and GREEN - for border guard.

Decree of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPP (6) PZZ / 95 No. 95 from 10.IX.1935 all organizations, institutions and persons, with the exception of the border and internal protection of the NKVD, completed by call, was categorically prohibited by wearing the shape and signs of differences similar from the Red Army. The leadership of the NKVD immediately entered

active correspondence from the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) and the Council of People's Commissar on the introduction of new uniforms. In letters to the secretaries of the Central Committee of P.V. Stalin and L.M. Kaganovich, the Russian Federation and his first deputy Ya.S. Agranov put forward a lot of uniform projects and differences signs. Agranov insisted, in particular, on the need to introduce a single system of signs of differences in organs and troops, motivating that all the structures of the People's Commissariat are designed to solve similar tasks. The official form of them saw in the form of a traditional colored cap, a dark blue open peeper with overhead pockets (by the type of open franch of the RPC Air Force), the same color of the pants. In summer, it was assumed to carry such a white outfit set with a white cap. Protective shirt and dark blue breeches were assumed to wear only in the field. For the border and internal security, the introduction of a form to similar uniforms of the Red Army, with the exception of the caps and the signs of difference, was proposed.

Ultimately, 4.x.1935 Politburo approved projects. The dark blue color of the outfit, as the main, the leaders were not taken, the form for organs and the troops was decided to do uniformly. In December, the parties came to agreement and 27.xii.1935 orders of the NKVD of the USSR No. 396 (according to GUGB) and No. 399 (according to NKVD troops) announced a new form of clothing and signs of differences in the personal composition of the GOGB, border and internal security. Due to the inability in a short time to move into a new uniform of employees of all numerous units of the organs and parts of the NKVD troops, the NKBB employment, border and internal security, according to the decision of the Politburo from 29.xi, was allowed to 1.x.1937 to keep with new differences signs and the lets the following objects of uniforms of the old sample: a shirt with edging, respectively, assigned rank; raincoat, without edging; Shinel, without edging.

The timing of the transition to the wearing of new signs of differences and loovers was determined: for the naughty authorities and troops - as they assign special and military ranks, and for ordinary and ml. Nachsostava NKVD troops - C L.III.1936.

1. Headwear

a) The main headdress of the organs and troops of the NKVD was a sample hack for the Red Army in 1935. The cap was fed from woolen fabric traditional for the deplating unit: a Tula of a corpuscle color and a crapped necklace - for GUGB and internal security; Light green Tula with a dark blue gearbox - for border guard. At the top of the incolment and Tuli on all types of caps, raspberry kant were stacked. A little extended black fiber varnished visor, over two small uniform buttons, the same lacquered black sliding selection belt was attached.

The highest, senior and medium-sized (hereinafter referred to as the correspondence) wore a cap all year round, and an ordinary and junior natch (hereinafter) - only in the summer.

Summerly out of construction during the white-shaped clothing, it could wear a white cap with a visor and a selection belt from the fabric of the same color.

Employees of transport departments of regional UGBs, at the time of duty on the marins, districts of railway stations and stations, the earlier forage of the raspberry color with a black velvet sniffer was left.

b) Woolen khaki color was installed for wearing in the field to wear the land parts of the NKVD troops. The Troops of the NKVD troops were assigned a woolen pylon of dark blue, which was rumped along with a cap with a dark blue fries or a shirt. The ordinary composition of all kinds of troops wore a cotton cap color of the khaki when walking out clothes. In the seams of the cap and sides of all the caps, raspberry kants were seen, and a closed five-pointed star from the instrument cloth with a diameter of 3 cm was seamed on the front seam.

c) For the NKVD military servicemen undergoing a service in areas with a hot climate, a cotton-cumulative subtropical helmet of khaki color with a five-pointed star from dashboard with a diameter of 7.5 cm.

d) Women-employees of Gugb as a casual head remove rushed a knitted half-wool takes a dark blue color. In summer, with a white suit, a wearing white beret was allowed.

e) as a winter head, introduced:

Natching: The hat-shapes made of gray or brown fur, with a riding (cap) of dark gray wool fabric - washed only with a coat with a fastened fur collar.

An ordinary composition: a winter helmet of an existing sample from a dark gray semi-vegetable cloth with a five-pointed star from instrument cloth with a diameter of 8 cm in front of the cap.


* Damage Sukno (stars on piloters and helmets): crap - for internal security and air services; Light green - for border guard.

* On the loudshair of caps and on top of the cloth stars on the helmets was located red

emaley five-pointed Red Army star of the established sample, diameter

3.4 cm with gilded outer edges and sickle and hammer in its center. On the pilot

the order was worn only by the clock stars.

* Subtropical helmet and troops of the NKVD troops (except airlines) were introduced for

combined wearing with a steel helmet.

2. Clothes

a) the main object of uniforms of organs and the troops was the shirt of the color of the khaki, with a stand-stuffed collar, straight trimming, graft patch pockets with a valve on a small shaped button, front neck, covered with an open clasp with 3 small shaped buttons:

- notes (with edging on collar and abbreviations): Winter - Sukonny; Summer - from cotton fabric (as a rule, rushed without edging);

- Private composition (without edging): Cotton fabric.

b) Along with the shirt, NKVD's open airlighted airlocks of the NKVD aircraft was worn by a single-breasted Franch adopted in the BACE WWW of a sample from a dark blue wool fabric on 4 large shaped buttons, with intricate trim, chest false pockets with a valve on a small shaped button.

c) Out of building the entire Nachs station was allowed to wear an open single-breasted vane from a dark blue wool tissue, on 3 large shaped buttons.

d) Women-employees of Gugb, in addition to the shirt, rushed outdoor, a single-breasted English-cut costume from the dark blue wool fabric, with a smooth skirt of the same coloring. Women employees of Gugb to wear the form was not necessarily.


* Collars and collars of the shoes, pressurs and Franchi Nachsostav were shattered, 0.2-0.3 cm wide: golden - for higher and silver - for older and mid-line.

* With a tuber and open french, shirts with a stand-stuffed collar and a cuff

mi: Light blue with dark blue tie, white with black tie.

With a female suit - an English blouse with a tie of the same coloring.

* Natching the GOGB, as well as the flight and technical composition of the NKVD troops airlines, were on the left sleeve all types of uniforms installed emblems installed for them.

* In the summer, there was a white shirt, a peeper, a suit (for women), without edging, with removable buttons of the installed sample could wear.

e) With a winter shirt and dark blue, France Nachsostav wore breeches of an existing sample: winter - from dark blue wool fabric. In the summer, the Breeches of Khaki were worn with a cotton shirt, but we were worn and winter bridge was allowed.

e) Pants at a dark blue woolen fabric were believed by the outside of the building with a peeper (dark blue or white) and dark blue open french.


* In the side seams of pants, the edges of the raspberry colors, 0.25 cants, cents of the raspberry color, were sewn, width 0.25 cm. Summer Breeches did not finish.

e) With all types of shape of clothing, the ordinary composition wore the existing harees

sample: in winter from a dark blue half-walled fabric, and in the summer of the cotton fabric, the khaki color, without edging.

2. Outerwear

Instead of accepted in the Red Army, the NKVD nakvdov and the troops of the NKVD were introduced as the outerwear, a double-breasted coat "Razeglan" was introduced from dark gray woolen fabric, on 4 large shaped buttons, with a postponed collar. In winter, a fur lining and a collar on the collar of fur hatched shapes was spurred to the coat. The collar and side of the coat of the General Commissioner and Commissioners of GB 1 rank and only the collar of the coat of the rest of the highest natch service of the GUGB and the troops of the NKVD ended the raspberry cloth.


* In addition to the upper clothes, established by orders, it was allowed to wear out of the order, coats and jackets made of black or dark brown, with signs of differences without them.

An ordinary composition was left a single-breasted overhang of an existing sample from a semi-pipe gray-over-shine cloth, with a hook clasp. Metal buttons of a special type were introduced for headdress and uniform clothing, with a pallet, without a side, with a convex image of a direct five-pointed star with a sickle and a hammer, diameter: small- 17 cm and large-28 cm; For the highest natch, golden; For senior and medium - silver; For the upper clothes of the entire nam-station - oxidized, dark gray. Often, ordinary army buttons were also used.

Buttons of the rank composition - an existing Red Army sample, black.

4. Equipment

For natch, the army equipment of a single sample of brown skin with a white metal fittings is installed. For carrying weapons on the belt belt on the right side, holster was put on. With a tuber, a suspended holster was rushed, attached by trainers to the belt belt. The ordinary composition wore a belt belt, brown or natural, with a metallic one-shock buckle.

5. Shoes

For NKVD NKVD, Office and Institutions of the NKVD troops, worn crags with chrome shoes from black or dark brown leather, or black chrome boots, for the Komostava building parts and schools - black chrome or talny boots, and out of installation - Crague boots . With pants at an outline (out of construction), the entire notable wore chrome shoes or low shoes from black or brown skin. Women employees of Gugb with a suit with a skirt wore shoes or shorts from black or brown skin at low (English) heel. Wearing shoes in French (high) heel - forbidden. White low shoes were allowed to wear in summer out of building with a white suit. An ordinary composition was assigned to wearing talny shoes with windings or talov (kizzoy) boots of black.

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Oleg Volkov, Senior Lieutenant Stocks, Former Tank Commander T-55, We have waited for it for so long. Three many years. Waited from that very minute when they changed their civilian clothes on soldier uniforms. All this time, she came to us in dreams, in breaks between the exercises, shooting on landfills, the study of matchasts, outfits, construction preparation and other numerous army duties. We are Russian, Tatars, Bashkirs, Uzbeks, Moldovans, Ukrainians,

1. Ranger hiking equipment fighter - Arrow Infantry Hiking gear Fig.5-9 Fighter - The infantry arrow is divided into a full hiking equipment when all the equipment is taken, including a setting and a storming, when the setting is taken out of wearable Reserves are not taken. Assembly and fit of the assault equipment on the belt belt Pasta in order of sequence the following items,

Instructions for fitting, assembling and savings of single hiking equipment Nachsostav RKKA Order of the Russian RVS of the USSR 183 1932 1. General provisions 1. The uniform equipment of the Nachs station of the land and air-air forces of the RKKKA enters the supply and one size designed for the greatest growth of the host and sock on top Shinels and warm overalls leather wear, fur clothing B with waist and shoulder straps of three sizes 1

Main Intendant Park Office Instructions for laying, fitting, assembling and putting on hiking geep fighters of the infantry fighter of the Red Army militant NKO USSR - 1941 Table of contents I. General provisions II. Types of equipment and composition Kit III. Fitting Equipment IV. Laying equipment V. Manufacture of a bus rod VI. Assembling equipment VII. The procedure for managing equipment VIII. Instructions for use of equipment IX.

Thus, the discharge system of the Soviet motorist sample of the 1950 sample is a system of a field belt and a field soldier's tissue for easy carrying of equipment when performing educational tasks. In prosecution is unloading. The field belt is tarpaulin, covered with brown polystrolers and galvanized buckle, sometimes erroneously called the Stroke Belt, but it is incorrect - this is a field belt around 1950. Soldier's sponge consists of

1 form of clothing of the younger team, the younger superior and ordinary composition of the RPC Air Force, 1936. Summer casual clothing form 1. Pill 2. Schinel in a clip 3. Gymnaster 4. Summer shaders 5. Boots or boots with kragami 6. Wall belt Winter casual form of clothing 1. Helmet Sukonny dark gray color 2. Schinel 3. Gymnaster 4. Sukonny jackets

Each army has its own system of military ranks. Moreover, the rank systems are not something frozen, established once and for all. Some titles are canceled, others are entered. Those who are very seriously interested in military art, science, it is necessary to know not only the entire system of military ranks of one or another army, but also to know how the titles of various armies relate to which the titles of the same army correspond to the title of another army. In the existing literature on these issues a lot of confusion,

Private 1939 Private Infantry 1939 At the beginning of World War II, the Soviet Union had the largest army in Europe. Its number was estimated at 1.8 million people. Supplying such a mass of people with uniforms and equipment was a truly grand task, and therefore state factories could only support tested and proven methods that guarantee sustainable supplies. As a result, Soviet soldiers mostly wore uniforms,

Lieutenant 1941 Lieutenant Air Force 1941 This fighter pilot is dressed in a pre-war leather coat and a flying helmet. Pay attention to the signs of distinction on the loovers. Junior officers were red enamel squares Lieutenant Two squares and a propeller emblem with wings. By the time of the invasion of the Germans on the territory of the USSRVS of the Red Army experienced a painful reorganization of the commanders tried to find

Sailor 1939 Sailor Navy 1939 Outfitting the USSR Navy as a whole differed little from the clothes of sailors of other countries, although there had two distinctive features. First, only on the Soviet fleet, the Starinsky composition wore a traditional shape with a pioneer secondly, blue and black colors were combined in the sea. Officers wore a black shape in which a cap was included, a poop with a white shirt and black

Frontovik Efreitor 1 In the Uniform of the Sample 1943. The signs of differences from the loop are transferred to epaulets. School of SS-40 has been widely distributed since 1942. At about the same time, guns-machine guns began to enter the troops in mass quantities. This efreitor is armed with a 7.62-mm machine gun-machine gun - PPS-41- with a 71 charging drum shop. Spare stores in the socks on the waist belt next to the peason on three hand grenades. In 1944, along with the drum

Military uniform calls the clothes established by the rules or special decrees, the wearing of which is mandatory for any military unit and for each kind of troops. The form symbolizes the function of its carrier and its belonging to the organization. Sustainable phrase honor Mundira means military or generally corporate honor. Even in the Roman army, soldiers were given the same weapon and armor. In the Middle Ages on the shields it was customary to depict the coat of arms of the city, the kingdom or feudal,

In the North Caucasus, there were three types of Cossacks, Kuban and Donskiy. In 1936 By order of the NGO of the USSR 67 for these parts, a special output of the naja shape of clothing is established. For the Teresk and Kuban Cossacks, she consisted of Kubanka, Beshmeta, Circassies with a Bolk, Burka, Sharovar and Kav Kazkoga. Don Cossacks as a wearing outfit, Cossakin, harenaries and boots.

Camouflage clothing appeared in the Red Army in 1936 Although the experiments began 10 years earlier, but received their widespread distribution only during the war. Initially, these were mascakelates and capes spotted stains in the form of ameb and got a chemless name of ameba four color hammies Summer, spring autumn, desert and for mountain areas. In a separate row there are white maskhalates for winter camouflage. Much more massively manufactured.

Types of fabrics used for sewing uniforms of the Red Army. Name, Article Fabric composition Color Application Diagonal Merino art. 1408 Wool khaki, steel, dark and light blue uniforms, twigs and breeches generals Gabardin Merino art. 1311 Wool hacks, steel, dark and light blue uniforms, twigs and bridegi generals

In the working and peasant Red Army of the Red Army in the summer, they wore the semi-shots, they were shoes and boots, boots were outstanding in the cold winter time. The highest team composition in winter could wear winter boots burki. The choice of shoes depended on the title of serviceman officers always relied on boots and from their position. Before the war, there were many improvements and changes in the field

Summer uniforms of the Red Army for the period 1940-1943. The summer gymnaster of the command and the superior composition of the Red Army was introduced by the order of the USSR Defense Commissar 005 of February 1, 1941. Summer gymnaster is made of cotton fabric protective colors with a postponed collar fastened by one hook. At the ends of the collar nasting the buttercups of protective color with signs of differences. The gymnaster has a checked strap with a fastener

Winter uniforms of the Red Army 1940-1945. The chinel was introduced by order of the USSR RVS 733 of December 18, 1926. Single-breasted chinel from chine sulfur. The collar is postponed. Fastener counted on five hooks. Personal pockets without valves. Sleeves with confined straight trim. The back of the fold ends with a slot. Wasp is fastened to two butt columns. Schinel for the command and superior composition introduced by order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR

The pilot was introduced by order of the USSR Defense People's Commissar 176 of December 3, 1935. The pilot for the command composition is made of woolen fabric, uniform with a jumper by a gymnaste. The color of the pilot for the command composition of the air forces is blue, for the command composition of auto-armored troops steel, for all other hacks. The pilot consists of a cap and two sideboards. The cap is made on a cotton lining, and flights of two layers of the main fabric. In front

By order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR 005 dated February 1, 1941, a new typical list of items of non-private property constituting the robe of the younger and ordinary composition of the Red Army for summer and winter on a peaceful and wartime will be introduced. For an ordinary composition in the summer at peacetime I. Outfit 1. Pilot of the clouds of khaki. 2. Khaki cotton cotton colors only in building parts for field training. 3. Sound chinel gray

The clothing of servicemen is set by decrees, orders, rules or special regulatory acts. Wearing the naval form of the naval form of clothing is mandatory for military personnel of the armed forces of the state and other formations where military service is provided. In the Armed Forces of Russia, there are a number of accessories that were in the naval form of clothes of the Times of the Russian Empire. These include straps, boots, long overcoats with loops

Tabel about the ranks of the USSR Military Service 1935-1945 1935 1 by the Decree of the CEC and the Soviet Union of the USSR of September 22, 1935 on the introduction of the personal military ranks of the head of the Red Army and on the approval of the Regulations on the passage of the Service by the Command and Head of the Red Army, command and special military titles of the superior The composition of the military titles of the command and employment of land and air

The order of the Revoensuit of the Republic of 572 of April 3, 1920 was introduced by violating signs of the distinction of the Red Army. A detailed analysis of the history of the stripes and the Chevrons of the Red Army of all periods in the Material Material. Introduction of the RKKA stages, features, symbols, distinctive signs of smart type are used to identify military personnel of certain types of troops. To better understand the specifics of the violating signs of the Red Army, the Red Army Chevrons, recommend

Black Death So German soldiers during the 2 World War called Soviet maritime infantry, dressed in black boys. And the unknown combat cry of the midnrand Germans perceived as Fall Under Falling NIC. When the marines moved to the universal form, the vests and the fighters were saved and the attack went to the attack and in the tubes, biting ribbons in the teeth. Let the enemies see who they deal with. The history of marines is already in the second half of the XVI century as part of the crews of ships

The first mass Soviet steel helmet SSh-36 appeared in the Red Army in 1936, and by the end of the year it became obvious that he had a weighing of flaws. The most fundamental of them were fragility of steel and low boilers in places of bending. Attempts to improve the helmets led to the emergence of a number of experimental samples, some of them were trooped tests. Red Army women on a parade in Steel helmets SS-36. http in June

Metal helmets, widely used in the world's armies long before our era, by the XVIII century lost their protective importance due to the mass spread of firearms. By the period of Napoleonic wars in European armies as protective equipment, they were used mainly in heavy cavalry. Throughout the XIX century, headdress of military personnel defended their owners at best of the cold, heat or precipitation. Returning steel helmets, or

The abundance of samples of uniforms and equipment adopted for supplying in the Red Army led to the fact that tankers even inside one military unit or divisions could be equipped in different ways. Shown in the photo Commanders of the Light Tanks of the Red Army and Wehrmacht look like thousands of tankers looked at the first day of war. If possible, the most common versions of uniforms and equipment are indicated in the descriptions, but, of course, the material cannot claim comprehensive completeness.

The image presents two infantry of the Red Army Red Army of the personnel army on June 22, 1941 and sergeant-winner on May 9, 1945. Even in the photo it can be seen how the form simplified and the equipment was simplified and something turned out to be too expensive in the manufacture in wartime, something did not fit, something did not like the soldiers and was removed from the supply. And individual elements of equipment, on the contrary, spied at the enemy or taken as a trophy. Not all in the placement of items

Afghan Zagannaya name used by some servicemen for the name of a set of field summer winter shape of the military of the Armed Forces of the USSR, and later the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The field was later used as everyday due to the poor supply of military formaved to the Soviet Army and the Navy of the USSR Marine infantry, coastal rocket and artillery troops and the fleet Air Force, in the initial period used in Savo and Oxawa

Until the end of the 70s, the field uniforms of PV KGB did not differ from the one that was in the land of the Soviet army. Unless green epaulets and loops, and more frequent and ubiquitous use of KLMK suit summer camouflated camouflage. At the end of the 70s, in terms of the development and implementation of a special field uniform, some shifts occur, the result of which the appearance of summer and winter field costumes is accustomed to an unusual cut. one.

In 1985, the Order of the USSR Minister of Defense 145-84g introduces a new field form of clothing, the same for all categories of military personnel, which received the resourceful name of Afghan, the first reception and units located on the territory of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. In 1988, in 1988, the Order of the USSR 250 from 4.03.88 is introduced by carrying out the shared output form by soldiers, sergeants and cadets without a nipper in a green shirt. From left to right

From left to right, summer major marshals and generals beyond the Air Force - for the system. Winter parade marshals and generals except the Air Force - out of order. Summer major Marshals and Air Force Generalists - for building and out. Summer on-weekend marshals and generals in the WHO forage and pants of blue. Summer casual marshals and generals - out of building pants. Summer field marshals and generals

Officials Differences of the RKKK servicemen 1919-1921. With the arrival of the RCP to power in November 1917, the new leaders of the country, relying on the thesis of K. Maks on the replacement of the regular army by the universal armament of the working people, was actively working to eliminate the imperial army of Russia. In particular, on December 16, 1917, all military ranks were repealed by all military ranks on the election and organization of power in the army and the election and organization of power in the army and the equity in the rights of all servicemen.

Signs of the differences in the RKKK servicemen on the titles of 1935-40. The period under review covers the time from September 1935 to November 1940. By the decision of the CEC and SCC of the USSR of September 22, 1935, the personal military titles are established for all servicemen, which are strictly related to positions. Each position corresponds to a certain title. The soldier may have a title lower than defined for this position, or appropriate. But he can't get

Signs of differences and buttercups of the Red Army 1924-1943. The working and peasant Red Army is abbreviated by the Red Army, the term Soviet Army army appeared later, the beginning of the Second World War, as not strangely met in the military uniform of the 1925 sample, the People's Commissariat of Defense with its order of December 3, 1935, introduced for the entire personnel of the Red Army, new uniforms and insignia. Old job titles partially persist for military-political, military-technical.

Personal military titles of military personnel 1935-1945 Personal military ranks of military personnel of the land and sea forces of the RKKKA 1935-1940 were introduced by the Resolutions of the People's Commissar Council 2590 for the Land and Air Force RKKA and 2591 for the Marine Rark Forces of September 22, 1935. Declared by order of the People's Commissar Defense 144 of September 26, 1935. Private and Command Party Political Composition

On January 6, 1943, drafts for the personnel of the Soviet army were introduced in the USSR. Initially, the epaulets were practical meaning. With their help held a strap of the cartridge bag. Therefore, the pursuit at first had only one, on the left shoulder, since the cartridge bag was rushed on the right side. In most fleets of the world, the epaulets were not used, and the rank was marked by the stripes on the sailor sleeve, the cartridge bag was not worn. In Russia, tremors

Outfit RKKE Headgear RKKKA Difference Signs Difference Signs Differences Difference Signs Difference Signs Difference Signs Difference Difference Signs Difference Signs Difference Signs Difference Signs Difference Signs Difference Difference Signs Difference Signs

This attribute of military equipment has deserved a worthy place in a number of others, due to its simplicity, unpretentiousness and, most importantly, complete indispensability. The very name of the helmet comes from French Casque or from Spanish Casco Skull, helmet. If you believe Encyclopedias, then under this term is understood as a leather or metal headdress, used to protect the head by military and other categories of persons acting in hazardous conditions by miners,

The name from the hectares to Frunzovka in journalism lives the version that Bududovka was developed in the first world war in such helmets, Russians were supposedly supposedly a parade of Victory on Berlin. However, confirmed evidence was not found. But according to the documents, the history of the competition for the development of a uniform for the working and peasant Red Army is well traced. The competition was announced on May 7, 1918, and on December 18, the rewarding of the Republic approved the sample of the Winter Heap - helmet,

June 3, 1946 In accordance with the decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, signed by I. Valin, the airborne troops were derived from the Air Force and are subordinated directly to the Ministry of Armed Forces of the USSR. Colors at the November parade of 1951 in Moscow. A visionary sign on the right sleeve in the first rank is visible. Resolution prescribed the head of the rear of the USSR Sun, together with the Commander of the Airborne Forces to prepare proposals

The emblem of airborne troops - in the form of a parachute surrounded by two aircraft - is known to everyone. It has become the basis for the subsequent development of all the symbols of parts and airborne connections. This sign is not only an expression of the belonging of a serviceman to the winged infantry, but also a kind of symbol of spiritual unity of all paratroopers. But few know the name of the author's emblem. And there was this work Zinaida Ivanovna Bocharov, a beautiful, smart, hardworking girl who worked as a leader in the headquarters of airborne

RKKKA Shedsheets 1. Ranger Fighter Equipment - Infantry Arrow Hiking Equipment Fig. 5-9 Fighter - The Infantry Arrow is divided into a full hiking gear when all the equipment is taken, including a wretcher with the layout and b assault With the layout of wearable reserves is not taken. Assembly and fit of assault equipment on the belt belt Pasta in order of sequences The following items,

Instructions for fitting, assembling and savings of single hiking equipment Nachsostav RKKA Order of the Russian RVS of the USSR 183 1932 1. General provisions 1. The uniform equipment of the Nachs station of the land and air-air forces of the RKKKA enters the supply and one size designed for the greatest growth of the host and sock on top Sintels and warm overalls leather wear, fur clothing used with waist and shoulder straps of three sizes 1 Rostov names 1 Equipment

From the loop to the pursuit of P. Lipatov, the form of clothing and signs of the distinction of the land forces of the Red Army, the internal troops of the NKVD and the border troops in the period of the Great Patriotic War, the working and peasant Red Army RKKA joined the second world in the uniform of the sample of 1935 at about the same time found the usual We are the appearance of the soldiers of the Wehrmacht. In 1935, a new outfit and signs of differences were introduced by order of the People's Commissariat of Defense of December 3 for the entire personnel of the Red Army.

The Soviet system of signs of differences is unique. This practice is not found in the armies of other countries of the world, and it was perhaps the only innovation of the communist power in the rest of the order was copied from the rules of the army signs of the difference in Tsarist Russia. Signs of differences The first two decades of the existence of the Red Army were the buttercups, which subsequently arrived at the shift. The rank was determined by the shape of the figures of triangles, squares, diamonds under the star,

They do not make a militant screen, they do not sparkle with the surface, are not decorated with chased coat of arms and plumes and quite often generally hidden under the jackets. However, today without these armor, non-plastic looks, it is simply unthinkable to send soldiers into battle or ensure the security of VIPs. Bulfurgeele clothing, which prevents the penetration of bullets into the body and, therefore, protecting a person from shots. It is made of materials that dispel

In the past century, during the Soviet Union, the highest title of generalissimus existed. However, this title was not over the entire existence of the Soviet Union, not a single person, except Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. The highest military rank was assigned to this person, asked the proletarian people himself for all his merits to the Motherland. This happened after the unconditional surrender of fascist Germany in the 45th year. Soon about the fact that the working people asked for such honor

Start the story of the introduction of signs of differences in the Soviet Army will have to have some common issues. To all, it will be useful to be a small excursion to the history of the Russian state, so as not to formulate empty references in the past. The pursuit themselves represent a kind of product that is on the shoulders in order to indicate the position or title, as well as the kind of troops and official affiliation. This is done in several ways to fasten the skies, asterisks, making lumen, chevrons.

The epoch, long in a couple of decades, which begins after coming to power the Bolsheviks, marked themselves with numerous changes in the life of the once former empire. The reorganization of almost all structures of peaceful and military activity turned out to be quite long and complete disputes with the process. In addition, from the course of history, we know that immediately after the revolution, Russia was overwhelmed by the bloody civil war in which it was not without intervention. It is difficult to imagine that the ranks initially

The entire period of the existence of the USSR can be divided into several stages on various epochal events. As a rule, changes in the political life of the state lead to a number of cardinal changes, including in the army. The pre-war period, which is limited to 1935-1940, went down in history as the birth of the Soviet Union, and the attention should be paid not only to the state of the material part of the armed forces, but also on the organization of the hierarchy. Before the start of the specified period existed

Even during the Second World War, the troops of the marines instilled horror in German soldiers. Since then, the last name was secured by the second name Black death or black devils, indicating an inevitable violence over those who will encroacitate the integrity of the state. Perhaps this nickname is somehow due to the fact that the infantryman wore black bustle. One thing is just known if the enemy is afraid, then this is the lion's share of victory, and, as you know, the symbol of the marines is considered the motto

Considering all the stages of the creation of the Armed Forces of Russia, it is necessary to deeply immerse themselves in history, and at least at the time of the principalities are not talking about the Russian Empire and even more so about the regular army, the birth of such a concept, as defense capability begins with this era. In the XIII century, Russia was represented by separate principles. Their military squads, though they were armed with swords, axes, spears, sabers and onions, but could not serve as a reliable protection against extraneous encroachments. Unified Army

Even before the First World War in the Russian army, a form appeared from the protective color of the trousers, gymnaster shoes, sinels and boots. We have repeatedly seen it in films about the Civil and Great Patriotic War. Soviet form of the Second World War. Since then, several uniform reforms have been carried out, but they have affected mainly the only parade form. We changed in uniforms of releases, purses, petakers, and the field form remained virtually unchanged.

Organs and internal troops of the NKVD 1935-1937. Let me remind you that the internal troops over the years have undergone numerous reorganization, renaming, etc. With the creation immediately after the October coup of 1917, the Council of People's Commissars of the SNK was immediately created as one of the Thirteen People's Commissariats People's Commissariat of the Interior of the Russian Republic of NKVD. Then he became called the NKVD RSFSR. Then, as the union republics are found - added

The worker-peasant Red Army Army RKKA joined the second world in the uniform of the sample of 1935. At about the same time, the appeal to us the appearance of the soldiers of the Wehrmacht. In 1935, the order of the People's Commissariat of Defense of December 3, for the entire personnel of the Red Army, a new outfit and difference signs were introduced. The previous job ranks in the categories were abolished, personalities were established for the commanders, the same partly persisted for military-political, military-technical,

In the Red Army, two types of petitions casual color and field protective were used. There were also differences in the lecturers of the command and superior compositions so that the commander from the boss could be distinguished. The field butterms were introduced by order of NPO USSR 253 dated August 1, 1941, which was canceled by the wearing of color signs of differences for all categories of servicemen. It was ordered to go to the loovers, emblems and signs of distinction of a completely green protective color.

Soviet mountain arrow gunners in ambush. Caucasus. 1943 Based on a significant combat experience, accumulated during the Great Patriotic War, the Main Department of Combat Training of the Gubb of Ground Forces of the Red Army took the fundamental solution to the issues of providing the latest weapons and equipment of the Soviet infantry. In the summer of 1945, a meeting was held in Moscow on discussing all the problems facing general-official commander. At this meeting with reports performed

Different types of rifle and cold weapons weaponing partisans trophy weapons partisans Various independent alterations of copies of Soviet and trophy weapons of action Partisans in the rear of the enemy damage to power lines, spreading propaganda leaflets, intelligence, destruction of traitors. Ambushes in the rear of the enemy, the destruction of the columns and the alive force of the enemy undermines of bridges and railway tracks, methods

As a result of the adoption of two decrees on December 15, 1917, the Council of Europe and the military ranks remaining in the Russian army and military ranks remaining in the Russian army. The period of the formation of the Red Army. The first signs of the differences. Thus, all soldiers of the working and peasant red army organized as a result of the order of January 15, 1918 had no longer any uniform military form just like the special signs of differences. Neverthether in the same year for the fighters of the Red Army is injected by a badge

Signs of the distinction of the Red Army, 1917-24. 1. Vorced infantry sign, 1920-24. 2. The bandage of the Red Guard of 1917. 3. The violating stripter of the Kalmyk cavalry parts of the south-east Front, 1919-20. 4. Badge of the Red Army, 1918-22. 5. Writing sign of the convoy of the republic, 1922-23. 6. Vyssive sign of the internal troops of OGPU, 1923-24. 7. Vigilanive Barper Sign East Front, 1918-19. 8. Watching the commander

Based on the above-mentioned norms in secret mode, the detailed provision on the supply of the service of the army leading the hostilities was carried out. On June 30, 1941, hastily refined due to the unexpected attack of Germany in the USSR, this information was declared a circularity of the main internant for the information of the Red Army. However, at that moment, in the first place was the question of not the supply of the front, but the rescue of front stocks from those areas where the troops retreated. The beginning of the war was

Uniforms of the Red Army 1918-1945 The fruit of the joint efforts of a group of enthusiasts of artists, collectors, researchers who give all their free time and means in tribute to one common idea for them. Recreation of the realities of the era disturbing their hearts gives the opportunity to approach the truthful perception of the central event of the 20th century of the Second World War, undoubtedly continuing to provide a serious impact on modern life. Experienced by our people of the decade of intentional distortion

We continue to tell about the uniform of the Red Army. In this publication, it will be about the period of 1943-1945, that is, the very rapid of the Great Patriotic War, attention is paid to changes in the form of the Soviet soldier who occurred in 1943. Senior Air Force with his father who is Major. Winter and summer clothing form, 1943 and later. Winter gymnasters looks neat and clean, summer dirty

In the first days. The Bolsheviks that followed by the Great October Socialist Revolution began to form armed groups from the proletaries of physical labor, the sailors of the royal fleet and deserters of the Imperial Russian army. These detachments received fame as the Red Guard. The official date of the creation of the Red Army is considered on February 23, 1918. Until 1946, the officially armed forces were called the Worker-Cresan Red Army. RKKA, since 1946, the Soviet Army.

Commanders of Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov born on February 12, 1900 in silver ponds, near Vienne, Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov was the son of a peasant. From the age of 12, he worked as a student of Shornik, and when he was 18 years old, he joined the Red Army. In 1918, during the Civil War, he participated in the defense of Tsaritsyn later - Stalingrad, and in 1919 he joined the WCP B and was appointed commander of the regiment. In 1925, Chuikov graduated from the Military Academy. M.V. Frunze, then participated

Leather jacket and cloak - the same cultural symbol of fighters of the state security authorities of the post-revolutionary period, like Nagan and mass executions. Is the leather jacket really official clothes and was it only in the NKVD they wore? Apparently, everything was not quite as it seems first.

Surely when pronuncified by the fighter (or better executioner) of the NKVD, before the eyes of most modern people, a man appears with a gangster in a cap and a leather jacket or a raincoat. It is clear that leather clothes were a certain uniform. It is known that leather jackets were already in Tsarist Russia, where they were mainly used by drivers and air force. It is known that in October 1917, Chekists destroyed all the owners of leather jackets. And then they cut their families to the seventh knee.

The form of military personnel of the Russian imperial army without signs of difference

Okay, jokes to the side. First about clothes. If we say quite briefly, after the revolution over the form of military personnel and fighters of state security bodies, no one bothered. For example, for the army, the uniforms began to be developed only on May 7, 1918 after the order number 326. At the same time, on September 30, 1918, the order of 929 was allowed to wear the form of military imperial army without signs of differences.

In the years of the Civil War, there were no special uniforms in the HCC that (including) is explained by the tasks and realities in which the state security staff had to work. When parts of the Red Army arrived at the disposal of the PK, they simply retained their shape. After its abolition and the creation of the GPU under the NKVD of the RSFSR, the form was very modest: a dark blue gymnaster without edging and a cap. Clothing was installed by order of the GPU number 280 d d dated November 3, 1922.

At the official level, no leather speech jackets did not go. Seriously engaged in the form of troops and NKVD bodies only in 1935. And even then in orders (number 396 in GUGB, number 399 according to the first day of December 27, 1935) there is no leather clothing at the official level. However, it was not forbidden, referring to the category of "non-stop permitted".

Fashionable, stylish, revolutionary

The leather jacket in the post-revolutionary Russia gained great popularity since 1919. They wore it not only in the HCC. Leather jackets wore the RKKK team, as well as employees of the party apparatus. Obviously, the post-revolutionary Russia in the first years has not had the opportunities (including industrial) and time to supply leather jackets on the flow and put in them all the fighters of the TCC. People just "mad" what remains with royal times.

Why did you wear jackets? This is a good question. Partly because why in the United States we wore coats and felt hats. It was fashionable. Much more important that leather clothing is very practical, comfortable, and most importantly, in it do not come true. Finally, leather jackets and raincoats were rare, and therefore represented a certain value, moreover, worked by a "formal uniform" allowing immediately determine the personality of a person to a certain organization. But, even at the same time, you should not forget that the state security officer determined first not clothes, but the signs of differences on it.

I want to know even more interesting about equipment and outfit? Then here, there is such as they are so good.