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Scenario for Mother's Day in the senior group "We are small stars

Scenario of the Day of Mother's Day in the senior group of kindergarten

Scenario festive event on mother's day for senior children preschool age "My mom is the best in the world"

- the creation of a positive microclimate in the group;
- the impulse of love and respect for mothers;
- upbringing the desire to take care of loved ones;
- the formation of humane interpersonal relations of preschoolers with peers and with adults;
- Creating a positive emotional environmental environment for children with each other, with adults;
- Development of emotional and spiritual ties between children, teachers and parents.
Music records (phonograms), Hood suits Hoods, foxes, artificial or live flowers; For Games: Baskets, Muzzles of vegetables and fruits or 2 kegli, 2 goals different size, 2 cubes, balloons, pieces of fruits and vegetables or sweets; Postcards, drawings, Mom portraits made by children.
The phonogram sounds.
My mother is the best in the world
She me like the sun in life shines
Mom is the best friend in the world
As I love the warmth of her I hand ...
Leading: Hello expensive our moms, grandmothers. We are very happy to see you, here, next to your children. No, probably, not a single country where the day of the mother would notice. And we did not remain indifferent to this holiday. We together with the children prepared a small holiday for you.
Leading: On this day I want to say the words of gratitude to all mothers who give children their love, kindness, tenderness and affection. Thank you! It is very nice to see you today beautiful, affectionate, kind, gentle. Dear moms and grandmothers, this autumn day is dedicated to you! (Presentation "That's what our moms!" My children and our grandmothers are preliminarily collected photos, married photos with interesting plots. On Watman, "My Mom's Best in Light!" The photos were brought together in different directions, children with me Make a photo on Watman, painted flowers, hearts.)
Leading: Autumn hugs us all gently
Today guests gathered today.
We start the holiday long-awaited
And thanks mom speak.
Widely open eyes
We look at the Star Ways,
We think about mom,
Mom dedicate verses.
Who love warms
Everything in the world has time
Even play a bit?
Who will always comfort you
And mock and hurt
In the cheek kisses - smack?
Here it is always what -
My mom is native!
Fairy Tale for Mommy
Leading: Has lived in the forest near the lawn, an ordinary hedgehog. Once an unusual adventure happened to him.
See: Hedgehog came out on the lawn ... so ... and saw flowers.
FR-FR ... Hello Flowers, FR-FR ...
Good day-day ...
Good day-day ...
Good day-day-day ...
-Well, please congratulate ... FR-FR ... my mommy with a holiday.
-We agree, yes yes yes ...
Just how to walk there?
Leading: Suddenly a fox jumped out on the clearing. Here is so big. Here is so terrible. I saw a hedgehog and says:
- What a delicious ... Nam-Yam ...
Meeting, Nam-Nam ...
Now I am AM-Nam! - Ay, FR-FR, I'm afraid! FR-FR ... Help!
The second ... Third ... Fourth ... Fifth ... That's how the hedgehog turned into a flowering flower bed. Said, I looked for a fox of the hedgehog among the colors did not find and ran further.
And when the hedgehog came home, his mother said:
- What kind beautiful flowersBut only where is my favorite hedgehog?
Then the hedgehog came closer, kissed mommy - like this ... and said:
- And here, here, FR-FR, under flowers, FR-FR! Happy holiday!
Speech of children
1. Our moms are our joy.
No words for us relatives.
So take gratitude
You from loving children
2. Today is a holiday, now a holiday
Holiday grandmothers and mothers
This kindest holiday
Fall comes to us
3. Who is in the light of all nail
And warmly warm it,
Loves more than yourself?
This is my mom!
4. Books in the evening reads
And always understands everything.
Even if I'm stubborn,
I know my mother loves me!
5. Never dips
What I need, knows exactly.
If a drama suddenly happens,
Who will support me? (all together) - Mom!
Song about mom
Game Situation "Affectionate Good Words"
Children invite parents and all get into the circle. The lead says the tender word about mom and passes the air ball next to standing. He says a tender word and transfers the ball on. Who did not call the word, coming out of the game. We defeat the remaining 2-3 people, they are awarded with floweries or hearts.
Talk about mom (children read)
1. From pure heart simple words
Let's be friends with mom.
2. We love her as a good friend.
But that we have everything with me.
3. For when we have a tight.
We can climb the native shoulder.
4. For always without roller and straight.
We can entrust her heart to her.
5. And just for the fact that she is our mother.
We firmly and gently love her. (together)
Moms love to cook something delicious for their children and even with closed eyes May determine different products to the touch.
Competition for mothers and grandmothers "Determine the touch." Mom blindfolded to the touch should determine what is in a plate: peas, beans, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, starch, flour, etc.
Leading: And now our children with closed eyes try to guess the taste that Mom put in his mouth.
Game Situation "Kids sweet kits"
Moms tie the children eyes and offer to try that she put him in his mouth. The child must learn to taste.
To learn how to taste what sweetness mom put him in the mouth (pieces of Irisok, Marmalade, Chocolate, Marshmallow, etc.) or pieces of fruit, vegetables are used.
1. Happy Holiday, Grandma, Mamina Mom,
Grandchildren give you their wishes.
Grandmothers of good love all children.
Grandmothers are kind of our advice.
2. The only, native, unique
I'm on this day "Thank you!" I say!
For kindness, behind the heart is gold
I, grandmother, thank you!
Leading: Our children and good helpers.
They will help us transfer shopping.
"Transfer my mother's shopping"
On one side of the hall cost 2 stools. They are unfolded: on Kehel - a bottle of milk, a cube - loaf of bread, sand bag - sugar package, a small ball-apple, a big watermelon ball. Playing stand in the other side of the hall. On the signal, they take baskets and run to the chairs, fold the "products" in the basket and return back. It wins the one who fulfill the task faster. (For each victory, hearts or balls are awarded)
Leading: And now the competition for children, moms and grandmothers do not prompt. I guys, I will ask you riddles about moms. Who first rents - raises her hand! Ready?
Competition "Guess the riddle about mom."
1. These balls on the thread
Do you try not want?
On any of your tastes
In my mother's box ......... (beads)
2. In the ears of moms sparkle.
The color of the rainbow is playing.
Silver drop-crumb
Decorations ... (serving).
3. The edge is called the fields.
The top is decorated with all the colors.
Headdress-Riddle -
I have our mom ... (hat).
4. Name-ka utensils:
The handle clung to a circle.
Damn bake her - nonsense
This is ... (frying pan)
5. In his belly he has water
Boiled from heat.
As an angry boss.
Quickly boils ... kettle)
6. It's a kushan for everyone
Mom cooks for lunch.
And the midst here is like here -
Fold in plates ... (soup)
7. Dust will find and swallow -
Clean the cleanliness for us.
Long hose like a trunk nose.
The rug cleans ... (vacuum cleaner)
8. Stroking dresses and shirts.
It will reveal our pockets.
He is a true friend in the farm - his name is ... .. (Iron)
9. Here on the light bulb cap
Parts light and darkness.
At the edges of his openwork -
This is a wonderful ... (lampshade)
10. Striped beast at mom
The saucer will score sour cream.
And, sowing it a little.
Out of ourselves ... (Cat) (every admitted mystery one heart)
Leading: Well done guys, solved all the riddles.
Now fit your moms. Competition for children. Children dress up moms to the music, on the tables are hats, glasses, beads, decorations.
Final part
You intelligence Tuchi
Strong hands
And you will teach good
Wise words.
You will come to the rescue -
Just call.
Dai, Lord, Health
Our cute mom,
God give her good luck,
Happiness and love.
Song sounds "On Mom"
It's time to summarize our contest - let's consider how many hearts did you collect? (Moms consider hearts, call their number).
Today we have an unusual, festive atmosphere, and therefore I suggest to exchange your hearts on a surprise. Do you agree?
I ask you to collect all the hearts in this beautiful basket.
All hearts are going to the basket, and take off the door. In the basket, the contents change, the hearts change to the portraits of mothers drawn by children.
Leading: Guys, look at what we exchanged hearts earned in contests are gifts to your moms, let's give them your moms.
Children give gifts to moms made by their own hands.
Children take postcards with portraits and congratulate their mothers.
The phonogram sounds: "Mom" (from the movie "Mom")
Leading: Our holiday is already over,
What else do you say?
Allow your health to wish you
Do not start, do not get sick, never be sad!
All children: Here are such young stay forever!
(Includes audio recording of the song "My Mom's Best in Light")
Until new meetings in our garden.

in the senior group

The phonogram of the song "Mom" sounds.

Leading: Good evening! Today we gathered in this room to congratulate our wonderful moms and grandmothers. Decree of the President Russian Federation Of January 30, 1998, it was decided: "In order to increase the social significance of motherhood, install the feast of the mother's day and celebrate it on the last Sunday of November ..." We want to express your deep love, respect and great gratitude to you. This holiday is for you!

Song "Guests came to us"

1 child: Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!
Holiday grandmothers and mothers,
This kindest holiday,
In the fall comes to us.

2 child: This is a holiday of obedient,
Congratulations and colors
Pruthet, Obahan -
The holiday of the best words!

3 baby: Mom, like a wizard:
If smiling - every desire for me comes true.

Mom kisses - bad forgetting.
New day, fun day
Immediately begins.

4 baby Mom loves and regrets.
Mom understands.
Mom all knows how
Everything in the world knows!

5 child: Favorite mom, congratulations on you,
In the day of the mother of happiness, I wish my health.
You in my heart, even if in the separation,
I always remember your gentle hands.

Together the choir:
- We mother love your love
For them we are a song today.

Song "All Mom has"

6 child: As I love my mother. I'm noticed next to her.
An evil wizard I am not afraid and unbrained Barmalei!
I laugh and Mom Rada, our union is eternal with mom.
With my mom, I'm not only a toad, the crocodile is not afraid!

7 child:At night, dark me is light,
On the day frosting warm me.
If my mother looks a tender look next.
Sun brighter for me, peace and happiness for me

8 babyMommy, mother, native,
Happy Holiday Mom you
I congratulate today
Sincerely, gently loving.
Clearly you are the best
My dear man!
Let it be long and joyful
Mother and grandmother's age!

9 child: Sun golden wheel rolled
Affectionate sun in mom turned
Pretty mommy, smile
Laskov's heart
You press me!

Leading: How many nice words told you guys! And now let's see how well you know your children.

Game "Find your child" (Children stand in a circle; Mom tie his eyes and she guess her child to the touch; at the same time, you can put a child for a chair; atgirls to remove a bow ...)

10 child: Morning begins, mom wakes up.
And smile my mother's morning is filled
Warm palms Mom will warm you
Good words let the sadness dispel.

11 child: Why so often harm in us balls!
"I do not want, I will not" - this is called.
We know, mommy, you are always right
And "I'm sorry." - Words again.

Together: We will be kind to grow, and we will always try
To behave.

Leading:Well done, thanks guys! And now chastushki.! (children take handkerchiefs)

Together: Dear our moms, we are singing to you.

Congratulations, congratulations and hello to you a big helmet.

1. To make a mom to work an evil alarm clock,
I told him three details tonight!

2. With my mother for the hand, I go, my mother tightly
So that mom is not afraid, so that it is not lost!

3. I have a sister-miracle! Famously washes all the dishes.
I also help her - I collect fragments!

4. To mom be surprised, we welded her lunch,
For some reason, even the cat ran away from the kitlet.

5. Here to start the year I solved the pan.
And then 4 days could not launder me.

6. In the kitchen of the broom, I found the apartment all signed.
But it remained from it 3 straws of everything.

7. If mommy said: "That's not touch, then do not dare."
We must listen, because our house holds on it.

8. That's what our moms, we are always proud of you
Smart, calm, we will be worthy of you.

Together: We are throwing a chastushki ending, and you always promise
Listen to you always in all, in the morning, in the evening and day.

Leading:Let's play in this game: I will start a poem, and you finish:

I love to work, I do not like ... (lazy).
I can know how to smoothly store my ... (crib)
I will help my mother, I will wash with it ... (dishes)
I did not sit without a case, I did a lot ... (affairs)
The dishes are all the nose and not even ... (broken).

Leading:That's what helpers grow!

12 Baby: Allow you to congratulate
Joy to leave you in the soul.
Give a smile, wish you happiness
Hobs of adversity and bad weather.
Let the shadow disappear
In this festive day.

13 baby Mommy cute, angel from heaven.
I congratulate you on this holiday
Let your life be full of miracles.

14 babyFavorite mom
Congratulations on you

On the day of the mother of happiness,
I wish my health!
Let you, honey,
In life lucky
Let you joy
And happiness will find!

Leading:thanks guys! Our children love to play the game "Guess, whose voice." Now we will play it, but the guys will guess their mom's voice. (Children cover their eyes, and Mom says: "Daughter" or "Son")

Leading:We spend the lottery, we do not regret our forces,
To please friends, all those gathered guests,
Who has not yet taken a ticket - I hope not.
Let there are no car here, but what poems.

1. Practical win no
Than plastic bag.

2. Love Sweet, al no
There you are handful candy

3. Although little soap
It is always a big power.

4. Light may be drying
A candle is useful in the farm.

5. To have a beautiful hairstyle
With you having a comb.

6. So as not to hide your neighbor.
Get a napkin from us.

7. You are not deprived of happiness
Get Baton from us.

8. Kohl from the eyes suddenly tears will run
Immediately handkeys here like here
Hanging tears, smile soon
Life is beautiful, enjoy her.

10. You got a pencil, I was now anything.

11. Our boyfriends do not miss
And always drink strong tea.

12. You would like the piano, and the calendar went.

13. If there is no meat, soup in the package just right.

14. In life, you need to hope for the best, take the glue if something is not glued.

15. So that the teeth do not hurt to clean them at least once a week. Toothbrush

16. To find out the income will be by the way to you notepad.

17. Fortune However, I did not forget about you, Kefir's bag is this power.

18. It is better not to win than plastic bag.

19. To always be beautiful to be rushing to get.

20. Do not hurt, be strong, we hand you the napkins.

22. So that the world is perfectly known to offer you a newspaper to read.

23. A lover of acute sensations. (Buttons)

24. We give you as a gift otnarny vacuum cleaner. (Brush)

25. Hanger for small-sized apartments. (Nail.)

26. Washer "Baby". (Eraser.)

27. To pass you a quarrel - eat an apple of discord. (Apple.)

28. We are pleased not to be angry - the lid is also useful. (Cover for the can.)

29. Thug your hand - get the head of the bow. (Onion.)

30. Happiness in the hands of you caught, three potatoes got you. (Potato.)

Host: Lottery is played, and we continue our congratulations

15 child: All the children agree with me:
I say mail for honor
That we all live in the world
Because Moms are!

16 child:
For songs and fairy tales, for troubles and affection!
For tasty cheesecakes, for new toys!

17 baby boy: Girls and boys! Let's together with us
Thanks to say grandmother, thanks to mom.
For books and counters, skiing and skiing!
For sweet jam, for long patience!

Together: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

LeadingAnd now the song about grandmother Song "About grandma"

18 Baby: We are a gift to my mother to buy

Prepare yourself, do it yourself.
You can embroider her handkerchief, you can grow flower.
You can draw the house, the river is blue.
And even kiss mom dear!

(let's give a gift to moms)

Leading:Cute women, a smile on your faces brought a lot of warmth and light into the atmosphere. We want you to smile so always, and not just a holiday.

On this, our program ends, and we once again congratulate you on the holiday. And let you not leave love and patience, which we need everyone now.

Let your kindness bring warm in the hearts of the people around you. Let music, music of love and kindness always sound in your house.
We offer to dance and continue our holiday by tea drinking.

Scenario of the Holiday Senior Group for Mother's Day.

Purpose: Create festive mood, promote the establishment of positive child-parent relations.
1. Develop the physical qualities of children: force, dexterity, orientation in space, coordination of movements, speed, equilibrium.
2. Develop the emotional and moral scope of the child.
3. To educate love and respect for the mother and encourage children to make a pleasant mom with their poems, songs, dancing.

Leading. Mum. Each of us has their own mother, mommy ... When you just appeared on the world, and I could not talk yet, my mother understood you without words, guess what you want, where you hurt. Mother's voice does not confuse with any other voice. He is such a familiar, so native. Mom is a darisant of warmth, love and beauty.

All that surrounds you in this world, begins with mom.

I love you, mom, for what, I do not know.

Probably for living, and dreaming,

And I am glad the sun and a bright day,

For that, native, I love you.

Over the sky, over the wind, over the air around!

Love you, mom,

You are the best friend!

On the last Sunday of November in Russia celebrate the day of the mother. This holiday also exists in other countries of the world. Only in each country its date of its holding. You will say: "But how is March 8?". March 8 is an international women's day. Of course, no one canceled him. Simply, in contrast to the holiday on March 8, only mothers take congratulations on the mother of the mother, and not all female representatives.

Well, everything is ready for the holiday!

So what are we waiting for?

We are now for mommy

These poems will read.


Today we invited you,

To say loud and friendly:

"Favorite Moms, we congratulate you

And we want to wish happiness!

And so that the smile from the face did not go,

We will entertain you with the guys! "


What is the first word?

What is the lightest word?

What is the most important word?

Keep his kids in the yard,

On the first page it is in the letter,

He is pronounced everywhere with a smile,

It will never be written with an error.

Whispering it quietly, tell him loud -

The cherished word of any child.

What is the first word?

What is the lightest word?

What is the most important word?

All children. Mum!

Leading: Mom is a huge window into the world. She helps the baby to understand the beauty of the forest and the sky, the moon and the sun, clouds and stars ... Mamina lessons - for life. The life of each of us in childhood is made up of small, sometimes imperceptible grains of mother's tenderness and care.

Scene "I will definitely I mom"


I will definitely I am my mother
How would your daughter call me?
I know there will be a lot of difficulties:
Need nipples, stroller, bed.

You need to wash the pantice daughter,
Show, burn, sing,
Kissing her scratches, bumps.
How many mommy need to have time

And in the winter to ride on the sleds,
Patient and welcome to be

Does all this be able?
How tired, probably, I!
Who will regret me, will warm?
Yes, of course, my mother!


Mama, the most close people,

Milly smile sometimes

But to say that we love them,

Lack of time with us!

M. Pleazkovsky

Kolchak Artem.

She teaches us patiently

Work together and be friends

All do joyfully, beautiful

And my homeland love to love.

So much, from century,

I have long been standing on:

He who loves mother is probably

Loves his homeland. I. Utkin

V. Art.

Happy holiday today

Mom congratulations,

I firmly

I embrace my mother.

The most beautiful

My mommy!

All day obedient

I promise me!

E. Nevokov

Children perform a song


Healthy! Are you often hugging with moms? Let's look now!

Educator: Children, get up in a circle, and now moms also get up in a circle.

Game "Playchka - hug"

Children and Moms form two circles: Moms are a big circle, and children inside are small. To the music, children and moms go through the opposite, holding hands. As soon as the music breaks down, the children run to their mothers, hug them tightly.

Competition "Slender Waist"

Moms go to the center of the hall and turn the hoop. Who will hold it longer (3 times).

You danced perfectly

Play us is not time?

It is necessary to stream on a stick to the wand.

Competition "Moters" can be called.

The contest "Motelchiki" is held.

For the competition you will need a thick wool yarn of two colors. To be better visible, it is better to take yarn bright shades. Slices of yarn 5-6 meters of two contrasting colors should be folded in half, combine the loop among themselves, bind the ends to the sharpanham. Thus, we obtain a two-color thread with chopsticks at the ends. Two participants take sticks in the hands horizontally and on the team for fun music begin to quickly and gently wind their end of the thread on the wand. The player will defeat the filament of his colors faster.

You can take a thread of one color. Just mark the middle, tied by a candy. Who will quickly get to the candy, the winner.

Leading. The guys really cope with the task! And now your mom shows its reduction.

The game is repeated, only this time moms participate.


Now it's time to return attention:

We will continue our competition.

Moms, who is strong, deft?

Show us skill!

We prepared this contest specifically for moms. Competition is called "Venicobol".

A contest for MAM "Venicobol" is held.

2 mothers participate. It is necessary to hold a "snake" the air ball between the kegs using a broom and return back. Mom wins, which will cope with the task faster.


We need a holiday to continue

We will sing, dance, play.

Which of you guys wants

His mother decorate?

The game is being played "Decorating Your Mom".

For the game you will need hats, scarves, handbags, eye shadows, lipstick, beads, clips, combs, hairpins and so on. Several couples participate in the game: Moms with their children. Moms are sitting on chairs, facing the audience. At the signal, children begin to decorate mom to their taste. Be sure to prepare the napkins so that moms after the game can lead themselves in order, since children are usually trying to use everything in arsenal.

Leading. The guys tried very much to decorate moms as much as possible and more diverse. After all, each child considers her mother's most beautiful mother.

And the moms were all caught

So we did not try in vain.

To completely cheer

On the "Waltz" need to be invited.

Children invite mothers on Mamin Waltz, music and movement on the choice of musical leader.



I have another game.

I now want to know:

Who loves moms help?

There is a game of "foam mom".

For this game, you will need 2 jars of yogurt, 2 teaspoons, 2 napkins.

Two pairs are involved. Moms, sit back to each other, sideways to the audience. The child sits on the chair opposite the mother. In his hands he has a jar of yogurt and a spoon. At the signal, children begin to gently feed their mom. Wins a couple that will eat yogurt first.


For moms cute we tried today,

We sang, danced, joked, laughed.

And in the Spring Hall, we came with us,

From warm smiles, shiny eyes.


Dear our moms,

We ourselves recognize

What, of course, not always we

We behave well.


We often grieve you,

What sometimes we do not notice.

We really love you very much

We will be kind to grow.

And always try

All children . To behave!


Love your mothers!

Love beautiful, and kind,

And just relatives, without clauses,

Love and strict, harsh.

Love them just like that

Without justifying.

Without mother life - trifle,

And mom for us - the universe!

B. Botrini

Game "Who is more bunting balloons» with balloons

Leading: The child learns to
What sees in my house,
Parents example to him


Dear Parents!
We wish us
You were not distressed
To shirts and panties
We ourselves were washed.
So as not to do, not fought,
We did not bother you.
Just need you
We were an example.

Educator: Let's guys sing a couple


Holf artem

To mom to work
Angry alarm clock not walked
I'm at night today
Three details diluted.

Crochelev Artem

So I decided that I was for a holiday
Money Mom will do -
I am a very obedient
For a week kiss!


On the holiday, Mom will surprise -
For a whole hour I will sleep
And on the wall of paint
Drawn fairy tale.


Mom tasty fed
And beautifully dressed up.
That's what mom,
Golden straight!
Weisbrod Artem

Long thought-solved:
What mom give?
And decided her for a holiday
All the dishes move.

We chastushki sing tired
But we give such advice.
Help more mothers -
They will live a hundred years!

Game "Calmism"
Participants are children, respond to the choir.
It is necessary to continue:
Even an ice boulder melts
From the word warm ... (thanks)
Severe old stump,
When hear ... (Good afternoon).
If there is no longer
Let's say mom we ... (thanks)
Boy polite and developed
Speak at the meeting ... (Hello).
When we get scolded for pranks,
We speak ... (Sorry, please).
And in France and in Denmark -
Speak on the farewell ...

Educator: Guys, what do you give your moms?

Timofey S.

We are a gift mom
Buy not become -
Prepare yourself.
Do it yourself.


You can embroider her handkerchief.
You can grow flower.
You can draw a house.
Blue river.
And even kiss
Mom dear!

Children give their moms their crafts.


At the end of our event, let me read the poem

Take care of each other - a kindness warming
Take care of each other - offended do not let
Take care of each other - bustle forget
And in moments of leisure - close together

Educator: And now I invite everyone to a group of tea!

Solemn music sounds and leads the scene.

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends! I am very pleased to see you all in this room! It is especially nice to see the moms of our pupils here, because it is in your honor we organized this event! Today we celebrate Mother's Day!

Where I came from
Tell me, where did I come from?
I asked everyone a question.
And my grandfather answered me:
- I brought me a stork.
And my grandmother told me:
- In the cabbage they found you.
And Uncle joked: - From the station
In the basket they brought you.
I know it is not true
Mom gave birth to me
I just do not know the answer,
Where my mother took me.
Sister grumbled on me:
- You spoke to everyone.
And I started first:
- Where did I live to mom?
Nobody is a secret of adults
I could not explain so much.
Only mom replied simply:
You lived in my heart, son!
Moma is saying a child who reads a poem.)

Leading: - Smile more often, our favorite mothers. You are our Suns. It is you warming your love kids. You always give close to the warmth of your heart.

1 child:
- Let the day wonder this snowy!
I will remember as the most gentle!
As the most joyful and cute,
Cheerful, kind and beautiful!

2 child:
- There is a female day in spring,
And this fell on autumn.
Asking heat from the sun?
Well no! We will not ask.
After all, our sun is mom,
It always shines for us.
And with this day autumn
We congratulate her!

3 child:
- Let the song be pioned with a stream
And mom's heart warms.
We are in her mommy,
Belly whose does not happen.

Song: "About mom"
words and music Elena Alexandrova
1. In the garden we go with my mom,
There is no better friends anywhere.
Look at us all around
Every passerby - friend!
About mom, about mom my mother
Today I will sing a song.
After all, mom, because my mother
Favorite the most!
2. Mom my loves flowers,
Many in her eyes of kindness.
I will do her flower ...
Dad would help me!
3. With dad we give flowers,
Make a gift mom and you.
She smile and say:
"Best Mom - You!"
Leading :
- Well, we continue, of course, verses that our guys are dedicated to their mothers.


I love my mom,
I will help Mamule.
To the store for bread bullet
I run today.
Quickly wash the dishes,
For guests cover the table,
Cloth idol dust everywhere
To come to us!
I will put flowers in the vase
And write a postcard,
Provinity all at once
I will tell Mamule.
I am a mamoul kiss
I'm hugging my mother,
Mom good such
I will not give anyone!

My mum
Svetlana Wheat
When I walk around the city with my mother,
For my hand, I hold my mother tightly:
Why should she go and be afraid
What can she get lost?

Velcro-room temperature
Tatyana Bokova.
Mom loves and regrets.
Mom understands.
Mom all knows how
Everything in the world knows!
- Why bicked the wasps?
I ask right.
And all my questions
Mom answers.
Will tell me where from the sky
Snow in winter is taken.
Why loaf of bread
From flour baked?
Why dog \u200b\u200bbarks?
What will dreamed in a dream?
Why Sosillaka Taket
And tremble eyelashes?
Why in the sky Tuchka,
And in the forest - the lawn?
I am a lindew-room,
And she - Nniek!

Mother's work I'm shore
M. Grozovsky

Mother's work I am shore,
Helping than I can.
Today Mom for lunch
Prepared Cotlet
And said: "Listen,
Revenue, attempt! "
I hid a little
Isn't a submow?

Mother's Day on the whole planet
In the galaxy of the whole all!
Today children congratulate
His favorite mothers.

Well, we are with you, dear moms, try to populate another planet with small children. Our competition called " Saw planet " (for this on balloons You need to quickly draw the figures of the little men with markers or markers, while music sounds.) The game is held with the child and mom, several mammies are called immediately with children.

- In the sky, not counting the stars - they burn and shine.
And our stars here! These are our children!

Executed dance "We are small stars"
Author and performer Barbarika Group
Song "We are small stars."

Leading :
- That's how we dance, and now it's time for our moms, show what they are capable of.
We go to the competition called "Experts".

Leading :
Do your moms read you fairy tales? What are your favorite fairy tales? (children's responses). Excellent! Now we will check how well you remember them (Mom and baby is called - family team ...... and family team ... ..) (in the hands of a metalphone or twin for a correct response signal. Family responding to large quantity questions, declared the best connoisseurs of fairy tales. You can hand a medal or a comic prize).

Leading: Once I read fairy tales for two weeks in a row. Do I remember the names correctly? Listen carefully and try to fix me if I suddenly get used:
Tsarevna-Turkey (Tsarevna-Frog)
Little flower ( The Scarlet Flower)
On a dog's dog (on a whining velin)
Pachacker bag (Porch pot)
Montenegro and seven agronomists (Snow White and seven Dwarfs)
Petya Tsarevich and Old Wolf (Ivan Tsarevich and grey Wolf)
Babi Swans (Gus-Swans)
Beauty - Pumpshushka (Tsarevna - Frog)
Zaikina Gerlushka (Zaikina Hut)
Ant and enemy (ant and dragonfly)
Horob-Gorboon (Konk-Gorbok)
Sister Annushka and Brother Nikitushka (Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka)
Scallop - Golden Strap (Cockerel - Golden Scallop)
Boy-C-Kalachik (Boy-C-finger)
Tender Queen ( The Snow Queen)
Suede from the ax (Porridge from the ax)
Fishing (Little Mermaid)
Here is such a lost (here is such a scattered)
Muha-Straktokha (bummage, couph) (Fly Cotton)
Floating ship ( flying ship)
Picking - Clear Falcon (Finist - Clear Falcon)
Hippopotamus in boots (cat in boots)
Red Daddy (Slipper) (Red Hood)
Barmalei (or Jockey, Lackey, Fools) Immortal (Blame Immortal)
Trochka-potatoes (tiny havel)
Go there - you know where, I bring it - you know what (go there - you do not know where, bring something - you do not know what).

-Leading: The best Cognots Fairy tales turned out to be a family ... .. they are awarded medals (or gifts).
Now let's go and we wake fabulous characters and play along with our moms.

The game called "Golden Key" (On the nose to carry the key, break the obstacle and transfer the key to the next player from the nose on the nose without the help of hands). Teams participate - "Mommies - beauties" and "kids - candy" (Make in advance cardboard noses, like Pinocchio, cook keys).

Leading: You liked to play with your moms, and now let's play the next game, and we will have everything from the same favorite fairy tale "Golden Key". Now you will become couples and agree, which of you will be Lisa Alice (chrome - one foot of the participant is bent and he jumps on one), and who is Basilio's cat (Cat Blind, you need to wear a dressing eye). You need to get around obstacles, supporting each other, do not touch them and return to the finish.

Leading: What are our mom's talented moms! And in such moms no less talented children!
Our kids are very worried, they prepared for you, dear moms, scene. Let's support them with applause.

Three moms
The role is performed by an adult:
Roles are executed by children:

In the center of the hall or on stage the table, three stools.
A doll sits under the table.
On the table dish with four chests.

Our children are so stubborn!
Everyone knows himself.
They tell them often moms,
But they do not hear moms.
Tanya under the evening
From the walk came
And the doll asked:

Tanya enters, comes to the table and threatens with a doll with a finger, sitting on a chair, a doll takes on his hands.

How, daughter, affairs?
Again, did you climb under the table, fidget?
Again promoted all day without lunch?
With these daughters just trouble,
Go for dining, turntable!
Today I will dinner Vatrushka!

Mom's Tanyushina came from work
And Tanya asked:

Mom enters, sits on a chair near Tanya.

How, daughter, affairs?
Spent again, probably in the garden?
Again managed to forget about food?
Dining screamed Baby more than once
And you answered: now yes now.
With these daughters just trouble,
Soon you will be like a match, Hud.
Go, dinner, turntable!
Today I will dinner Vatrushka!

Here grandmother - Mother Mama - came
And mom asked:

Granted grandmother with a wand, comes to the table and sits on the third chair.

How, daughter, affairs?
Probably in the bank for the whole day
Again for food did not find a moment,
And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich.
It is impossible to sit without lunch all day.
It became an accountant, and all fidget.
With these daughters just trouble.
Soon you will be like a match, Hud.
Go for dining, turntable!
Today I will dinner Vatrushka!

All eat the cheesecakes.

Three moms in the dining room are sitting,
Three moms on her daughters look.
What do your daughters do stubborn?

All three: Oh, how not to be moms!

Leading: Well, the moms of two boys be even harder, they will tell us about it (verses gave the boys who have brothers).

How cool to be a mom of two boys.
(poems from the Internet)

How cool to be a mother of two boys!
(And it's anything clear without words)
Being a mom girl, of course, not that:
There dolls, dishes, hospital, lotto,
There are lush dresses and braids
You gave God two boys.
Your house is decorated not rose vases,
And the cyborg machine that your son brought,
Having found him in a puddle at the home of the native
I cleaned, washed: And now it is like a new one.
You will learn all the brands of cars with them,
And there will be more all kinds of their tires.
Still grow up and enlighten you
How the starter, kartan and jack act.
Without them, you could not know anything
Why do you need a lobzik? Really loss?
For us why? Can squeeze someone?
Bearings - what is it? With spikes something?
So much that could pass by !!!
But here it is happiness - two guys, two sons.

Leading : Do not forget the kids that mothers should be preserved and more often to tell them the words of gratitude!
- Our holiday approached an end. We thank our pupils for their speeches, for the pleasure and festive mood! Dear moms, thanks for your kind heartFor a desire to stay next to the children, give them peace of mind. We were very nice to see good and tender smiles of moms, happy eyes of children.
Children become a semicircle.

- We sang and danced,
As they could, you were entertained!
Goodbye! Good hour!
Children together: - We are waiting for your holiday!

Title: Scenario for Mother's Day in the older group "We are small stars"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, Entertainment, Scenarios, Mother's Day, Senior Group

Position: Educator
Place of work: MDOU "Kindergarten" Smile "Nadym"
Location: YNAO, Nadym

Scenario of the Holiday "Mother's Day" in the senior group

To the music of "Song Mammont" overlook the leading adults and children

1. Introducing: Good afternoon, dear moms!

2. Host: Hello, cute women! Allow me to congratulate you with a delicate family holiday, Mother's Day!

1. Host: There is a saint sign in nature and prophetic

Vividly designated in centuries

The most beautiful of women

Woman with baby boy on hands.

2. Host: Let her forever the sun handwritten

Where she will live in centuries

The most beautiful of women

Woman with baby boy on hands

Children: 1. In the world good Words a lot of

But everyone is kinder and most important:

Of the two syllats, a simple word "mother"

And there is no words more expensive than it.

2. In this word - our happiness

Our life and beauty.

Mom, Mother native -

That's what is holy forever.

Children enter the music with couples, suit their chairs and sit down.

1. Introducing: Today is mom's day and we want you to forgot your care, homemade troubles. Feel yourself the most expensive mom!

2. Host: We would very much wanted today's meeting to bring you joy, taking off at least a short time from everyday worries so that you feel how children love you how expensive your attention.

1. Introducing: Mom's Day is not a simple holiday.

For our defensive

May mom be forever young

And the most tender, cute and beautiful!

Children: 1. We congratulate today happy

Women all who dreams nearby!

But we congratulate separately

Our grandmothers and moms!

And with love dedicate our concert today to you.

2. Mom love everything in the world

Mom is the first friend

Love moms not only children

Love everything around.

3. If something happens,

If suddenly trouble,

Mom will come to the rescue

Ensure always.

4. Moms a lot of strength, health

Give us all.

It means that it is not in the world

Better than our moms.

5. We live easily and just

Because with its warmth

Our grandmothers, our moms

Warm our cute house

6. World for us to protect ready

Good heart any mother

We will give you a word for it.

Here is the same in life to become

7. You can drive around the whole of Russia

Spend on the road many days

Do not meet anyone beautiful

Nobody meet the relatives.

  1. Leading: {!LANG-dff66f4b0d6e8a59ecc480a9f5d1e982!}
  2. Leading: {!LANG-ecca875a3cf74751b68c4a87d3f1ec4f!}
  1. Leading: {!LANG-eebd9228ebf3862d39f8c22973c144df!}
  1. {!LANG-b9bf7ed83c72b20550fd57ede55d082d!}


  1. {!LANG-c840d78b6e5c555d70fed537ab1d789e!}




  1. {!LANG-e9825589cca39fadaf20750dc8210e6b!}




  1. {!LANG-0d424e5486237a6ca4751e0dfd9146de!}




  1. {!LANG-3d5ab45ffd9ea6c5871aa9c1e32a0303!}




  1. {!LANG-1353b5965c1e2023ab593d9fa10176d1!}




  1. {!LANG-a38e9fedfc0a5d365681b454427fdebf!}





  1. {!LANG-c84c57247a710f9940f39cb361f167c9!}




  1. {!LANG-8bb5c975583f42866b7459c08fa6378f!}




1. Introducing: {!LANG-589fe814746520c3ec0e08fdaefb90c6!}









{!LANG-85f575b73fc58fab7b317de1a88b6f22!} {!LANG-f1dc5663a3b824e21532222df3d9d83c!}



{!LANG-85f575b73fc58fab7b317de1a88b6f22!} {!LANG-a79a3ddd21136ebd16480d4abd6c12a0!}





{!LANG-1950c43f70085416192a0f3bc0c4eae7!}{!LANG-68e93b03269828f1aee97eb21957bcd2!} {!LANG-09311b208da0bf937539de6740f76fae!}

1. Introducing: {!LANG-c48161b148d8b1c312fa589ce1b14f0f!}




2. Host: {!LANG-ec109fc6c94501ed06bf18fd95f4b7e7!}




2. Host:


1. Introducing:


{!LANG-b01de08d22162c565f5b253274a42dac!} {!LANG-d188a3d2f67a19e4234d25e09f9f2883!}




