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Competition with balloons on the anniversary. Games with balloons for children

Especially for you we shake the entire Internet, and found. Now your celebration will be fun and bright. And whatever you simplify the task, our site contains the best balls that you can order immediately as you read the article.

Now we will tell you the most interesting contests With balls from all over the Internet and hope that you can choose the appropriate.

Hockey balloons.

This contest, there are several options, nevertheless the main condition will be driven by the ball in the improvised gate.

  • This can be done using another type of inflatable balloons. They are also called "sausages", such long, of which else make different animals and the like.
  • You can also put the badminton racket and use it as a hockey stick.
  • In our opinion interesting way, This is the use of two fans and now how wizards manage wind streams to score a goal!

You do not need to experience this game, nor implies a team sport. You can simply arrange the parking table one to one.

Princess is Nedmeyan.

In this case, you can call several participants and take them on the chairs. After that, to inflate each preferably on a light ball. Issue brazers or handkerchiefs, as well as a marker. After the time is somewhere, and participants on the speed are put on a golk on the ball and paint the face of the princess. Most often it turns out a witch or crying virgin.

The richest.

Before the competition you need to cook and inflate how large quantity balls, and after scattering them on the floor. Then call participants to the center of your room. They should take the speed of themselves as much as possible "treasures", that is, the balls. And do it, you can, in any way: keep in your teeth, clamp between legs, hide under the clothes as you like. We also recommend prepare a camera in advance to capture the "richest" in the photo and then together you can watch and remember the cheerful game.


To carry out this competition, you need to get ready in advance you need to take a trash package and trim the corners. Thus, what would be huge pants. And if you wear them, you can imagine that this is a barrel in which you need to choose a harvest. Share those present on the team. The first - plays the role of the barrel itself, and the second is a harvest assembly. The team wins, who has the most launched harvest.

We immediately want to give a hint based on the garbage package:

  • Adult - 240 liters;
  • Teenager - 120 liters;
  • Baby - 60 liters.

If you are of those people who love to frustrate, you can sew in advance special bags with holes and rubber bands. Thus, the contest will be more comfortable.

If you do not know where to get the balls for your contests, then everything is very simple, order them right on our website!

Contests with balloons for children

Probably, you often noticed that with age, guests rarely already come without their children, and yours already, probably grow up. Therefore, now you need to have fun together. And most contests with balls on the Internet are suitable for more than adults. After all, it is also impossible to leave without attention. Therefore, we will tell you the most funny Gamesthat are suitable for both children and adults.

Neat kangaroo.

Competition is called so because it will be necessary to jump on balloons. As you already understood, it is better to stock spare.

The essence of the competition is the following, present on the holiday are divided into two or three teams (depending on the number of guests). And the very standard relay begins the target of which is to surpendate on the ball in one direction and back to the team. An important nuance, the ball can not burst. Often this rule is ignored.

Great artists.

This contest is simple, nevertheless it makes it uninteresting. All just cook in advance light balls. When you already wake the company to play contests with children, call the participants and issue them to everyone over the ball and felter. Now their goal is to paint the ball on any arbitrary theme. That is, it can be animals, famous personalities And even present. There are no winners, at the end you can give everything a comforting prize.


There are no special billets in this competition, you just need to buy balloons Any shape and color (it is desirable to buy the same shape all balls). The essence of the competition is to check, who has the biggest lungs, to make it quite simple, you just need to call men and give them one ball. After the signal, they start at the same time to inflate the ball, but this is done from one sigh. As a result, one who will have the biggest ball to become warmer, that is, the winner.

If you do not know where to get balloons for contests, then on our site you will find, those that you would like! Order right now, let your holiday become the most cheerful.

Wedding contests with balls

What a wedding can pass without entertainment and fun contests? Of course not alone, so we decided to help you with finding contests for such an important day for you. These contests should take into account the wishes and age of each present at the celebration. Therefore, we have gathered the best contests that only have to this important day of your day - the wedding.

Let's enter the position.

To carry out a contest, besides the balls, clips or buttons will also need.

The essence of the competition is as follows, cause several men. And after these brands in the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen, the balls are attached, so that a pregnant woman is mimicing. On the floor scatter various minor items. Under the merry music, men must collect them from the floor. An important condition is that it is required to do so, so that the air ball did not burst during "cleaning".

Air steam.

From the hall it is necessary to cause a clear number of guests, so if you could organize a minimum of 5 pairs. After that, in the ankle area, a balloon is attached to each girl and put it in a couple with a man. During the competition, a couple must dance, without breaking the hands and besides, burst the balls of pairs of opponents. It looks pretty turmoil, nevertheless very fun.

Close cooperation.

You also need to dial a clear number of participants from the hall, the main thing is that then you could form a couple of children from them. When pairs are built up near the improvised start, a ball is clamped between them in the chest area, they must pass in this position to the finish line and back. Couple that came the latter drops away. The remaining participants are again at the start, now the ball changes its position, assume in the abdomen or honey area. And so ones continue until one couple will be defeated.

You no longer need to look for balloons. You are on the site with the largest selection of balls of any shape and color. Order right now and arrange an unforgettable wedding!

Adult contests with balls

It is believed that only children are fond of balls, nevertheless it is not. Even adults can have fun and funny to spend their time using balloons. To prove it, we specifically collected the most relevant and fun contests on the Internet.

Try, bend.

This contest with adult balls is not so much interesting in the process as in the final result and photographs. To begin with, you need to call two brave people who are ready to make the power of their lungs. After that, you need to sit at the table opposite each other. Now tie my eyes. Highly an important nuanceAfter all, after that, flour poured into the balls. Declare the beginning and get ready to get a lot of successful and cheerful frames.

Want to burst? Perform!

Why is it just so much is spent on the balls during the holiday of the holiday, it does not matter whether the day is the birth or a wedding. Everything is very simple before inflating the balls to put a note in them with the task that they must do for the fact that the ball burst. It seems to be a trifle, and many pleasant surprises can be hidden in the notes that fall out of the ball. Ideas for tasks can be learned on the Internet or from your imagination.

Make your holiday more fun and brighter with balloons! Order them right on our website or call. Manager Reply to all questions and help make a choice.

Bright and multicolored balloons are not only a great decoration for the festive hall. They will become indispensable assistants In carrying out any holiday. No matter how many people came to visit you. There is no difference how old they are. Competitions with balloons for cheerful company They will help to make any event unusual and memorable. The holiday will get only positive reviews Guests.

Quiet games

Even if the retired grandmothers came to visit you or you collected large companyIn which no one wants to run and have fun, the contests with balloons will help to correct the situation. Here are some options.

"I'm stoley stronger"

As clearly from the very name, the essence of the competition is the ball as soon as possible. Each participant is issued for 3 pieces. You can specify the size in advance to which the ball should be inflated, and you can continue until it burst. Win the one who will fulfill the task faster than all. To complicate the task, you can stockpenter with special balls. It will be difficult to inflate such without pump.

"Planet" or "Forest Polyanka"

Players are distributed by one large ball and felt-meter. It is necessary for the agreed time to portray on the ball as many people or bugs, butterflies, flies, mosquitoes - in general, those who live on the clearing. Won the one who had more drawings.


This game is suitable for the company in which there are more than 20 people. Players are built into the ranks and pass the ball to each other. The first believes: "One" and transfers the ball to the neighbor. He says: "Two" and sends the ball further. The third player takes the ball, jumps or squat and says: "Oh!" or "BMS!" And gives the ball to the following. The essence of the game is as follows: the score lasts up to 30, but each number that is divided into 3 is not called. The player to whom it caught should say "oh!", Sit down and pass the ball further. Wrong? Retire you out of the game.

Sports contests

For children, contests with balloons can be faster. You can arrange a real contest - both solitary and command.

"Sharov Battle" or "Fencing"

Such a competition is better carried out in big room Or on the street. Inscribe a circle with a diameter of about 2 meters. We issue participants on the "sword" - a long ball, from which various figures are taken. Win the one who in the game match will force the opponent go beyond the circle.

"Field hockey"

For the game you will need 2 sticks or at least sticks. Approximately three meters from the players put the chair, and on the way to it, we set 3-4 kegli at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. The task of players - with the help of a stick to circle a ball around the kegle, then - around the chair, and the same way to go back. The team wins that the task is faster.

If children are a lot and there are enough clubs and free space, you can arrange a real hockey on the grass. Only instead of the washer, the guys will have a small air ball. The team will win that it will be able to score more goals.

For a big cheerful company, you can come up with relay contests with balloons. Watch the Devor to several commands and offer several tasks to speed. For example, such:

  • carry an air ball on a plastic plate, in a spoon or on a badminton racket;
  • tear around the obstacle, pushing the ball in front of it by air;
  • clamp two balls between elbows and run distance;
  • carry a balloon on the head or pushing it with his nose;
  • jump around the chairs, holding one or two balls with the knees.


Competitions and games with balloons will help to identify the most famous in the team. Here are 2 options games.

"Billiards on the floor"

For each participant, take one long bulb for modeling and another round small size. On the floor of the cubes build a knot. These will be "Luba." Put the participants to the original position and ask you to choose the "Luza" younger. One who will understand the fastest to drive all the ball with the help of "Kiya" in his knot (long ball).

Darts "Desire"

Take 10-20 small balls. Inside everyone, put small notes with the names of prizes or just with the numbers. With the help of bilateral scotch, place inflated balls on the wall. Dart darts to play darts. Everyone can do 3 attempts. A prize from the burst ball player takes himself.

To make the game more fun and more interesting, in some balls instead of notes with the name of the prize, you can put the phantas. The one who falls into such a surprise ball will have to sing a song or jump on one leg.

Tasks for two

Merry contests with balloons can be arranged even when there are no children in the company. Here are some options to participate in which two or four people.


Here you will need two sections of a liner with a length of about 50-60 cm. They are tied on the belt of each participant. Under the gum is encountered a long ball - "sausage". He will depict the tail of the monkey. Participants are placed against each other on different sides of the obstacle, such as the table. On the whistle, they begin to chase each other around the obstacle. He wins the one who will be able to first tear the opponent "tail".

"Explosive hug"

To participate in the competition will require a minimum of 4 people. Two participants clamp the ball between themselves and hugged firmly. That couple will win, which will be able to crush the ball in the arms before. Judging by the reviews of the participants, psychologically burst the ball is quite scary. Therefore, during the game there will be a lot of screech and fun.

Command Swells

Balloons contests always cause a lot of noise and fun. Of course, the more children's company will be, the more fun will be a holiday.

"Shepherds and sheep"

It will take 15-20 small balls of the same color and the same than the other. The room is conditionally divided into 2 halves, and the defortion is 2 identical commands. Each "shepherd" is issued staff (stick or long ball for modeling). The task of each team is to move all the balls of your color afternoon. The team that managed to do this first, wins.


Here you will need a lot of balls, approximately 3-4 per participant. The room is divided by half with the help of a rope. The balls are also divided into 2 equal parts, distribute commands. According to the sign of the leading team, they begin to throw each other with the balls. The goal of the game is to get rid of all the balls on its side of the playing field. The team wins, on the side of which fewer balls left at the end of the specified time.


Players are divided into several teams and line up to each other. The second player takes the ball and presses his belly to his back in front of standing. Thus, the pair is circling around the chair and returns to the place. The third player takes another ball and "sticks" to the second. Now three came around the chair. "Sorry-tree" will consist of so many "legs", how many people in the team. When all the players clung to each other, "Sorryokozhe" should reach the chair and grab the "strawberry" - soft toy Or red ball lying on a chair. The complexity of the competition is that the balls, the clutching "legs", can not be kept by hand. You can use only stomachs and backs.

Creative contests

Similar contests with balloons are very developed by the imagination of children. For their holding, except for balls, other items can be useful: markers, ribbons, double-sided tape, beads, scarves and other.


In advance, it is necessary to prepare a golk, a marker or part of the person carved from self-keys. Each child is given one subject and for a certain time you need to create from the ball "Alenushka" - put on handkerchiefs, draw or stick face. To make it even more interesting, children can tie their eyes. That team wins, whose "Alenushka" will be more beautiful.

"Theater mod"

Distribute balls balls different size and forms, beads, ribbons, scissors, bilateral scotch and other items. During a certain time, each command should be made from the proposed set, for example, a beautiful hat or skirt. The accessory should be such that they can be used and truly worn. Ready? We start showing mod.

"Young designer"

Distribute to children oblong balls for modeling. At the command of the lead you need to twist an interesting figure from it: Flower, swan, dog, a bow, and so on. Wins the most interesting and complex design.

Games for moms and dads

Adult contests with balloons will also please. You can have fun at any age. Especially such competitions will be appropriate on corporate enterprises, weddings or away picnics.

"Ball dances"

Players are divided into pairs, and each receives one air balloon. During the dance, keep the ball various parts Body. What? It comes up with lead or audience. Winning a couple that will last longer than all. To make a contest more cheerful, pick up different music: Meleny, Fast, Disco, Tango, Rock and Roll, Twist, Jazz. A special prize receives a couple that demonstrated the most original dance.

"Tell another"

For the competition, several people and ball - "sausage" will be required. The first player clamps the ball between his knees. The second takes the "sausage" from him without the help of hands. At the same time, each time the ball must be transmitted in another way. For example, one participant takes his armpit, the second takes the bend of the elbow, the third - teeth and so on. He who could not come up with a way to pick up a ball, dropping away. Wins the one who was able to come up the greatest number Do not repetitive ways to transfer the ball.

This is an incredibly cheerful and entertaining competition. Judging by the reviews of the players, decent places and posture end very quickly. Next you need to either drop out of the game, or show the smelting.

"Air Goddess"

Play couples: girl + guy. The girl acts as a model, and the guy is a designer. For the set time, the guy must consolidate the largest number of balls in any way to the girl different places. The prize gets the fastest and diligent. But the competition continues! Now the girls have to discover and burst as many balls as possible.


There is simply an incredible number of diverse contests with balloons. If you did not like any of those offered here, you can show fantasy and come up with something your own. Show meek and ingenuity, and your holiday will become the most interesting and memorable. And the hosts will receive only positive guest reviews.

In order for the wedding to be fun, I remember for a long time, you need to carefully consider not only the decoration of the hall, the groom's groom's outfits. It is important what the guests will be occupied during the celebration. From leading depends on how to make a wedding cheerful and bright. In the piggy bank, they must have fun entertainment. Competition with balls at the wedding is a fun fun, in which children present at the celebration and elderly relatives can take part.


People who are familiar to the wedding are going to newlyweds. Relatives and friends of different ages They are not always familiar with each other, so the main task of the lead is to combine, make friends all, and nothing better than joint contests. If everyone's fun, no one is trying to drink an extra winery, and the wedding will not end with clarifying relationships.

When choosing entertainment with balls, take into account. , retrorshair weddings will not be appropriate - in the design, in the script. Try to avoid contests with a prize in the form of alcohol: the task of the leading cheer, and not to make guests.


The advantage of such wedding competitions is that there will be no numerous props for their preparation. For example, the contests at a wedding with long balloons are very spectacular. Fight only balls - of different shapes and size. It will be useful to shdm (for modeling) - delight of guests who have learned to make a funny giraffe from long "sausages" of a funny giraffe, there will be no limit. Taking the "knights" to make swords, you can arrange a whole battle.

It will take a lot of round small diameter, conventional latex diameter of 25-30 cm. You can surprise guests and newlyweds, if in a huge ball, inflated helium, put a lot of small. When you burst the shell, they spread beautifully around the hall as if bubble. This ball can be used for contests.

Let's go for love ...

On small leaves, ask each guest to write a few warm words of wishes to newlyweds. Insert the leaves in them, decorate the hall. After the end of the newlyweds, they will take them with them and will be able to read and save your facilities.

You can organize a contest in a similar way: to put the leaflets with the task for guests. Each of them, during the competition, chooses liked, blows up or spread it and, after reading the task, performs it. Tasks can be different - sing, dance for young, come up with a toast in verse.

Dancing until you drop

The most popular contest with balls at the wedding. Video of this entertainment is then very fun to revise, stirring some kind of funny moments.

Couples will dance. Each pair receives a balloon to hold between those parts of the body, which will call the presenter. It is necessary to hold it while the music plays. There are many parts of the body: the more unusual task will be, the funnier.

Couple lost a bowl during dance, dropping out of the competition. The couple, which will last longer in the dance marathon, will not drop the ball, wins. Observe the rhythm and dance style you need to be sure.

Wedding vendor


Balloons at the wedding will help everyone to return to carefree childhood. Therefore, with such pleasure they throw them, inflate and bury them during the wedding games guests.



On the floor scatters a lot of balls different diameter. While playing music, everyone should collect as much as possible. Who will collect more - he won. It seems just? Make ropes in balls very little size Or tie "tails" without using threads.


Merry relay plates are often found in competitive wedding programs, and you can spend them with balloons. Light, subject only to the blow of the wind, and not the hands of the participants, they sometimes make the simplest tasks in comprehensive.

Important cargo

You will need a tablespoon and a balloon - for a set for each command. Task: Put an inflated ball on a spoon and as soon as possible to convey it to a certain place, get it down and just go back. Which team will do it? Take a big one - it is easier, and make him obey the participant much more difficult.

Accurate shooter

Each of the participants alternately inflates the ball and launches him towards the finish. While the ball flies, he is blown away, and to predict, in which direction he will head, impossible. The next team participant repeats the task, but already from the place where the ball of the previous participant landed. The task is to "hold" to the finish. All the interest of the game is that sending a shell where the participant needs is very difficult. The team is defeated, which still managed to do it.

Hello from Australia

For this contest, all participants will have to imagine that they ... Kangaroo. And the task is simple: by holding the ball between the knees, reach the definite place without losing the ball, and return back. Not so easy to do this if you take a round ball with a diameter of at least 30 cm.

Let's go to Penguins

Another one, similar to the previous contest with balls at the wedding, will now have to portray penguins - clamp it between the ankles. Funny seed walking participants will have to overcome the distance to the finish line.


Forty - not forty, but many of the participants cheerful relay It turns out. For this contest, the first two participants in each team are clamped among themselves the balloon, moving to the finish line and return back, take another participant with them and another ball that is now placed between the second and third participants.

On each return to the starting line "Sorryokozka" adds two legs of the participant and one ball. the main task - Collect the whole team, walk to the finish, without losing her legs, nor balls, hold which can be any parts of the body, except for hands. This is probably the most spectacular and funny competition With balls at the wedding, video with a recording of your entertainment on your celebration, guests will be reviewed more than once!

Sport time

No need to be a world champion to participate in such contests. You will need only accuracy and fun mood.


Secure the small diameter balloons in advance on the board, in which the notes are embedded with the prize or number of points. Each participant takes turn shoots a dart in favor. He bursts, and the participant can get a prize.

Who will score a goal?

Participants are divided into two teams, and each of them is tied in the waist, at the end of which matchbox Or any other light item. The task of the teams is to score as you can go to the head of the opponent, using a balloon instead of the ball. Concerning the "ball" can be only a box. Another option - the ball must be driven into the gate of the wind by the wind created by the paper fan.

Options for such "sports" games can be invented many. For example, "basketball", where the ball needs to lead, like a basketball ball, and throw it into the basket of the enemy, or "hockey", where participants can paint with sticks from the shdm.

We collect a crop

After games with balls, you need to clean on the site. To do this, you can spend the game "Bakhcha". You will need large garbage bags. The leader's signal is started to collect "watermelons" - balls in packages. The team that scored a greater harvest receives a prize.

Not only baby fun

The wedding is a holiday when the old and young and young and young and young are happy to take part in games and fun competitions.

You can start the game since. Tie the challenches of the balls on the way of the groom, in one lay the leaflets with the inscription "Key", in the rest - "ransom". The groom chooses one of the chambers one, shoves it. Lucky - gets the key, no - pays redemption, and so as long as the key will not be in his hands.

You can spend this contest with balls, chewing helium. While you get one ball from the bundle, the other can fly away. Imagine the disappointment of the groom if the "key" flies? But this is just a game, just a redemption in this case can be assigned another.

A beautiful release ceremony in the sky of balloons can be spent at the wedding. Let them take off in the evening, having taken with them the desires of young people who will definitely come true.

For this competition, you need at least a couple of players. Each keeps a long ball, and the round is used as a volancik. The rules are exactly the same as the game in badminton - you need to beat off the "Volan" and do not give him to fall on the ground. You can play until the first fall, but nothing bothers the assume glasses. For example, for each fall, the enemy is accrued with a point. Won the one who is the first to give 5-10-15 points. Instead of long balls, you can use rackets for conventional badminton.


This relay is very fun if there are many participants. Watch them for two teams. Note the starting line and the place to which each participant should get, and then turn back. You can put in place of rotation of 2 small hoops, and in the middle of each -, check box, etc. The participant must supply until rotation with the ball, sandwiched between the legs. The first athlete gets to the hoop, takes the check box, returns to the command and transmits the next check box. He must surchant to the hoop and put the check box. Wins a team that the first will cope with the task. You can accrue free glasses for the fallen ball or for the fact that someone did not take or laid the checkbox.

"Billiards on the carpet"

For this game, you will need long and round balls by the number of participants. On the site or in the hall, lay a knot (it can be just a pair of cubes). Participants dispel into one line and ask everyone to choose a knot for yourself. The task is to drive a round ball with a long one in them.


For this relay, there are many identical balls. Participants are divided into 2 commands, distribute them the balls. Each ball clamping 2 participants - one back, the second - belly. The team must reach the turn and return. Wins the one that will fulfill the task faster and does not lose the balls.


For this game you will need more multicolored Scotch And scissors. Ties to the backs of chairs 2 identical round balls. Task for participants - Cut from the tag of your eyes, nose, mouth and stick them to the ball so that it turns out the face. Two participants may compete, but nothing prevents this contest in the form of the relay - one participant cuts his eyes, the second sticks them, the third cuts out the nose, etc. The task can be complicated by charging the guys to put on the "head" of handkerchiefs.

"Handles, legs, cucumber"

From the balls you can collect little men. You need 2 large balls, 2 round balls are smaller and 8 long, as well as scotch. If the participants are only two, everyone collects his little man - the ball grins the ball smaller and 4 long. You can also arrange a relay when one participant attaches his head, the second hand, the third one. Wins a team that fastest and carefully collect the figure.

Musical Ball

All participants are closely built in a circle and under music begin to quickly pass each other. balloon . As soon as the music is interrupted, the participant, in whose hands at that moment the ball was, dropping out of the game. The game continues until the winner is determined - the last remaining player.

Lopni Ball

To carry out this competition, it is necessary to decompose several hula-shephers (by the number of participants), and in the middle of them to place balloons. Participants of the game must go balls. Who will cope with the task quickly, is recognized as the winner. You can burst balls with legs or other parts of the body, at the discretion of the players. This merry contest very popular on corporate parties and children's holidays.

Ball on rocket

Each participant is issued badminton rackets, there are balloons on them and are offered as quickly as possible to carry balls to the specified place.
If there is a small room, then you can offer to take balls several times around the chairs, and if the number of guests allows you to organize relay .


At a certain point, the lead high throws up the air ball, and while it is in the air, all players are actively moving. However, as soon as the ball landed, everyone needs to measure. Who did not have time - performs dance or song.

Dancing with balls

All participants are divided into couple. (Ms.) and become a person to each other. At the same time, it is necessary to take up hands, and foreheads to clamp an air ball. Couple, steadily withstood all the dance and did not dropping his ball, gets the title of the winner.
Also, instead of a ball, you can use any other round item, but then all the action will not look so beautiful.

Air darts

To carry out this game, all participants are divided into two equal teams . Alternately, the representative of each team should throw three darts in the balls, which are in randomly attached to the wall. Inside each ball there is a card with a number of points that will take or add a bundled ball (for example: 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, etc.).

Marathon with balls

To carry out this game, you must form two teams. Each participant binds a certain color ball on the level of ankle. Players need to burst their feet as much as possible balls of opponents, while keeping their balls "alive". Participants with burst balls must leave the playing field. The "surviving" team becomes the winner.

Who will give someone

This is a game for a cheerful and noisy party, offering players to compare the power of the lungs. Two participants need to sit against each other. The presenter talks about what they have to blow to the balloon, which will be found in the middle. Who will rush stronger - he won. However, as soon as the players tie their eyes - the ball is cleaned, and instead they put a plate with flour. The charge of positive and fun is provided. Do not forget to prepare cameras .

Balls with a secret

Prepare in advance small pieces of paper with the task and place them in the balloons you need to inflate and make the originally sprinkle. Thus, you decorate the room, and in the final part of the evening, also perfectly entertain guests. Give the opportunity to choose yourself one or two balls, burst them, read and perform tasks. Let them be simple, but funny, for example, "tell a toast for friendship", "sing a song with the words" Love "and" Spring "and so on. This is one of the numerous versions of the old good game in the phantas, only much more diverse and more interesting.