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Contests with balls. Games with balloons for children

Musical Ball

All participants are closely built in a circle and under music begin to quickly pass each other. balloon . As soon as the music is interrupted, the participant, in whose hands at that moment the ball was, dropping out of the game. The game continues until the winner is determined - the last remaining player.

Lopni Ball

To carry out this competition, it is necessary to decompose several hula-shephers (by the number of participants), and in the middle of them to place balloons. Participants of the game must go balls. Who will cope with the task quickly, is recognized as the winner. You can burst balls with legs or other parts of the body, at the discretion of the players. This cheerful competition is very popular at corporate parties and children's holidays.

Ball on rocket

Each participant is issued badminton rackets, there are balloons on them and are offered as quickly as possible to carry balls to the specified place.
If there is a small room, then you can offer to take balls several times around the chairs, and if the number of guests allows you to organize relay .


At a certain point, the lead high throws up the air ball, and while it is in the air, all players are actively moving. However, as soon as the ball landed, everyone needs to measure. Who did not have time - performs dance or song.

Dancing with balls

All participants are divided into couple. (Ms.) and become a person to each other. At the same time, it is necessary to take up hands, and foreheads to clamp an air ball. Couple, steadily withstood all the dance and did not dropping his ball, gets the title of the winner.
Also, instead of a ball, you can use any other round item, but then all the action will not look so beautiful.

Air darts

To carry out this game, all participants are divided into two equal teams . Alternately, the representative of each team should throw three darts in the balls, which are in randomly attached to the wall. Inside each ball there is a card with a number of points that will take or add a bundled ball (for example: 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, etc.).

Marathon with balls

To carry out this game, you must form two teams. Each participant binds a certain color ball on the level of ankle. Players need to burst their feet as much as possible balls of opponents, while keeping their balls "alive". Participants with burst balls must leave the playing field. The "surviving" team becomes the winner.

Who will give someone

This is a game for a cheerful and noisy party, offering players to compare the power of the lungs. Two participants need to sit against each other. The presenter talks about what they have to blow to the balloon, which will be found in the middle. Who will rush stronger - he won. However, as soon as the players tie their eyes - the ball is cleaned, and instead they put a plate with flour. The charge of positive and fun is provided. Do not forget to prepare cameras .

Balls with a secret

Prepare in advance small pieces of paper with the task and place them in the balloons you need to inflate and make the originally sprinkle. Thus, you decorate the room, and in the final part of the evening, also perfectly entertain guests. Give the opportunity to choose yourself one or two balls, burst them, read and perform tasks. Let them be simple, but funny, for example, "tell a toast for friendship", "sing a song with the words" Love "and" Spring "and so on. This is one of the numerous versions of the old good game in the phantas, only much more diverse and more interesting.

Contests with balloons are quite popular at weddings. It is always fun, funny and interesting. Adults have the opportunity to feel their children again and have great to have fun, take part in such games ..

Competitions with balls in a pair

Newlyweds and witnesses can safely participate in pair competitions. The presenter can form a couple of guests from the side of the bride and groom, giving them the opportunity to get to know each other.


  • Participants: Guests in a pair.
  • Props: Scotch, balloons.

Girls must prepare their men to the fight. To do this, you need to make armor from the scotch and balloons. Then the men compete, trying to burst the balls on the opponent and save their own.


  • Participants: Guests in a pair.
  • Props: air balloons.

Participants should dance by holding a ball between themselves, and watch it not to burst and did not fall. The success of a dance competition for guests largely depends on correctly selected musical compositions.

Flower glade

  • Participants: Guests in a pair.
  • Props: air balloons.

In this wedding contest, men need to collect for their beloved as many colors as possible, in the form of balloons, which are scattered along the floor. And girls need to keep the entire "bouquet" in their hands. advises to tie the balls without threads to complicate the task.

Funny contests with balls


  • Participants: all guests.
  • Props: Shar-surprise, cards with numbers, memorable souvenir.

You can decorate the Hall of the Surprise Hall, in which there will be many small balls. They need to put small cards with numbers. When a solemn evening comes to an end, a sharp surprise must be burst. Each guest should take on one ball with the number, and the host will announce the winning number. The winner will receive a memorable gift from the hands of the bride and groom.


  • Participants: a few guests.
  • Props: balls with helium.

The presenter invites participants to reproduce the sounds of animals or parody known performers, inhaling the helium from the balls. The winner of this can be determined by the applause of the audience.

Family duties

  • Participants: Newlyweds.
  • Props: Balls with notes.

This competition with balloons is one of the options for comic distribution of responsibilities between newlyweds.

Before starting a celebration, place the balls in the hall. During the contest of the bride and groom, competing with each other, they must collect them. Then the master announces that notes with family responsibilities are hidden in the balls, and suggests reading them.


  • Participants: Everyone willing.
  • Props: balloons in transparent capacity.

The presenter demonstrates the guests a glass jar with not inflated balls. Participants need to guess their quantity. Wins the one whose answer will be as close as possible to the correct option.

Contests with balloons for men

Men are always not averse to coming in strength and dexterity. So let's give them such an opportunity. And their ladies can act as the fans.

The power of the lungs

  • Participants: Men.
  • Props: Balloons.

Offer several wishing men to test the power of the lungs. For this cool contest, it is necessary to distribute equal number of balls to each of them. Participants must inflate the balls so that they fall. Who will cope first, he won.


  • Participants: Men.
  • Props: Wide pants on a rubber band (sharovari), balloons.

It will be a fairly fun sight, when men try to fit balloons in the sharovars on them. Wins the one who will fit more balls.


  • Participants: Men.
  • Props: Balloons and minor items.

Mobile contests and games are popular at weddings. Competition "Pregnancy" Not only mobile, but also funny. By the way, the groom can be attracted to this competition. Participants hide a bowl under a shirt, depicting the belly. Their task to collect minor items scattered by the floor, without bursting a ball. In order to complicate the task, choose big balls.

Merry relay with balls

Team contests for adults with balls can be held in the style of the relay. The opportunity to root for members of his team will add to the players of Zador and Azart.


  • Participants: Two small commands.
  • Props: balloons.

The presenter distributes not inflated balls to all players. The first member of the team inflates the ball and lets him towards the finish. The next participant "shoots" from the place where the previous ball landed. The task of the team to get to the finish line.

Cheerful Penguins

  • Participants: Guests divided into two teams.
  • Props: air balloons.

In this ridiculous competition, the participants take turns to the finish distance, cling between the ankle balloon. The greater the ball, the more difficult it is to move the players, and the more funnier it will look like.

Valuable cargo

  • Participants: Two guest teams.
  • Props: Spoons, balloons, kegli.

Each participant must overcome the predetermined distance, bypass the kebul and transfer the next player to the next player, returning back. At the same time, it is necessary to carry an air ball in a spoon, without dropping it.

Competition for adult, charged alcohol, company.
To carry out this unusual contest "Swords" you need to prepare markers and sheet of paper. It should draw a scale with degrees. Moreover, 40 degrees note at the bottom of the scale, and then descending with an interval of 5 or 10 degrees to portray the remaining sobility indicators. When the company is already well resting and want to play, you can hold a contest of sobriety among several drunk guys. The scale is attached to the wall or door. Each of the contestants becomes back to the scale. Bending, a test participant must stretch out a hand with a marker between the legs and reach the highest mark on the scale. Everyone wants to seem like sober, so it will be very try to mark the lower degree. But will it be for all the subjects for all? Their poses caused by a huge desire to reach higher, let's laugh and will have a journey company.
The sober-prize, a fuer with mineral water.


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Bowl inspiration.

Competition for an adult company.
Girl and guy are invited to burst the ball without resorting to help hands. The guy holds his hands behind his head, the ball between him and the girl standing on his back. The couples in turn. The girl should turn his back to the guy and hold on to the chair so as not to fall. The lead puts the ball between the girl and the guy, below the belt. The guy should raise his arms over his head, and try to try the ball, which between him and a girl with a strong shock.
It is very difficult to burst the ball, the guys pushed the girls from behind that their chair is moving away. And the less the ball will come, the time it is more elastic - the more difficult to blow it. It turns out sometimes that guys presenter permits to hug a girl, pull to themselves, already with the help of hands. And even at the same time, the ball may not burst, but energetic attempts cause a storm of laughter. All guests with laughter will lie on the floor.
If someone managed to burst the ball, then they are waiting for universal admiration and of course the prize.


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Lay the box on the stool

Competition for a big and gambling company.
To participate in the competition, players are divided into couples - a man and a woman. As an inventory, the leading stools should be seized in the number of couples participating. Stools turn over and put up with legs. The strong floor at a distance of 3 m is built opposite the stool, after which they tie their eyes. There are 10 match boxes. The task of the participants is not simple: a man blindfolded should reach a partner, take a matchbox from her, walk to stools and put boxes on one of the legs. Then he returns to his partner, take her next boxes, heads to a stool and ... The competition continues until the stools are not entrusted with a match box. It is clear that the fallen matchboxes are not counted. And the most important condition: "By private traders are forbidden to feel the legs of stools, all the task should be performed under the guidance of their partners who say where to go, in which position to get up, how to take a hand, where to aim how to sit down, etc. and do not forget to turn on Merry music! The winner becomes the hero of the party.

Competitions for adults

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Miracle bow.

Competition for a bowl decoration.
The minimum number of participating in the game is three. To start the game, it is selected, for example, a girl. It is considered the main player and becomes in the center of the room. The presenter causes two bold men who tie their eyes with dense bandages from scarves or any fabric. One player is handed ribbons from which he should tie a bows on the lady, where only can. Another player must find these bows and try to untie them. After the end of the "decoration" of the girl and searches for ribbons, the game is suspended, and the players change places. In the role of the main player who is decorated with bows, men look funny. In such cases, the role of players with tied eyes should be played by a lady. I hear inapproprifying humorous boosters and cheerful laughter of viewers, they enthusiastically tie and looking for bows on men. Passions are gradually glowing, the people are having fun from the soul. This game takes place on the "Hurray" in any company. The report is determined collectively, as a rule of the participant whose actions caused the greatest laughter and encourage the prize.


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Call me gently.

Competition for erudition. The competition is involved two volunteers from the male part of the company. Their task is to invent the greatest amount of gentle words for their beloved. While the guys focus on the task, the rest of the guests can dance. And so, when the time has expired, it turns out that the prepared tender words participants in the competition should not say at all with their loved ones, but each other. This is the community of the situation. Especially fun laughs all those present when the guys voiced the most affectionate, the most sensual epithets. Still funny if they call Visazawi by name. For example, the first says: "Sasha, bunny, beloved!", And he answers him: "Calya, cat, dear!". At the end of this funny contest, those present should choose the winner - that whose compliments and recognition were brighter and original. The presenter presents the prize - drawn sign "the most affectionate man". There are a kiss from their beloved, for which affectionate words were invented.


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Competition for men, teams are divided by three four people.
The egg is attached to the belt, so that it dangles between the legs.
Two convergence in the fight, and without the help of hands, the movements of the body begin to try to break the egg of the opponent.
The team that breaks all the opponent's eggs will be defeated !!!


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Win in length

Competition for a close, adult company.
Of course, such contests for adults are carried out only in very close, close companies and, as a rule, pretty jetty. Two teams of participants are formed, each of which should post the longest chain from its own clothing, while taking off with itself everything that only pleases. Wins, of course, the team that this chain is longer. Underwear to use is prohibited.

Competitions for adults

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Sogray Girl

Competition for an adult company heated by alcohol.
One girl and 3-4 guys are called to participate in the competition. The lead explains to young people that the girl very frozen, for a long time stood on the cold and she needs to be warm.
The girl rises in the pose - his hands behind his head, legs on the width of the shoulders.
Wins the one who is better "will make up the girl.
Under smooth music and applause Competition goes in a bang. Don't forget to pour alcohol to the winner, because he gave a lot of his warm girl.


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Hiding balls.

Competition for an adult party. Just, fun, clockwork.
For this contest, it is necessary:
- Two participants (for greater fun, you can find participants in the opposite sex);
- Two large pants (for example, sharovari);
- Inflated balloons (from 15 to 20 pcs.).
First, the participants of the competition put on pants. By the signal signal, you need to dial and put into pants, as many balloons as possible. Who will succeed, he wins. It doesn't matter who as a result will win, the main thing is that everyone has fun. If someone from the participants will be able to accommodate all 20 inflated balloons, the prize, kiss the hostess party, is certainly deserved.


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Eat apples

Competition, requiring accuracy and caution when conducting a number of guests who want to have fun, choose several pairs. Guests form a circle to the center of which the lead invites couples. Competitors get together opposite each other. All participants presense the eyes, checks whether the bandages are tightly adjacent. Then each player is given an apple. All fruits should be the same size. At the signal of the tomada guys and girls begin to feed each other. The feeding apples are needed at a good speed, as the winner will be recognized as a couple that quickly commemorate their apples to each other. Those participants who will try themselves by secret from the lead, eat apples issued to them, forgetting to feed the partners, are disqualified. It is important that when feeding the participants do not remain without fingers, so, despite the excitement, you need to play carefully. The winner of the competition is the couple that managed to quickly eat apples and did not remain without fingers. The addler is awarded a prize of 1 kg. Apples.


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Congratulations: 21 in verses (2 short)

Elizabeth Sklyov
Games and contests with balloons

Multicolored balloons are not only a bright holiday decoration, but also fun games!Ordinary balls have many use options in the organization of children's leisure. Today I want to present to your attention a selection of games with balloons. These cheerful games are suitable for summer entertainment in kindergarten, thematic matinees, "funny starts", for events in the children's camp and birthday.

Games with balls Give a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions that remain in the memory of children for a long time. And besides - this is the safest and fascinating entertainment for children of all ages and indoors and on the street.


Each participant receives three or five balls. Task: maintain them flying in the air, throwing hands. Who at least one ball touched the floor, he drops out of the game.

Do not snooze!

The number of participants from 4 people, but the more participants, the more fun. Children get up in a circle, ball balls are put in the center of this circle - one less than children. After that, include music. While the music sounds, the guys dance. As soon as the music breaks down, children must grab one air ball. The one to whom did not have enough ball

Komariki on balloon

All children are to distribute on the ball and high-quality marker for glass and plastic. Task: Drop the ball insect for the allotted time. You can draw: butterflies, dragonflies, caterpillars, ladybugs, flies and so on. In the end, we consider insects and reveal the winner.

Relay "Sorry-shirt"

It is necessary to divide children into two teams. Children become each other, the ball is clamped between the back of the previous and the belly of the subsequent child. Hands are lowered down. And now - went! It is necessary to go through 5-7 meters to the chair, take the "strawberry" (a small red ball takes the first player, bypassing the chair and return to the beginning of the distance. Sorry-nose, which does not crumble on the road, won!

Air hockey

There may be options. In the gate (we do it yourself) you need to drive the balls in the following ways:

Badminton racket, acting as a stick

Another inflatable ball (long and thin, "sausage" is called)

This is not a team game. Just two players become near the same line, each ball and the "club". Wins the one who scored a goal before.


It is necessary to start the ball of the handkerchief and draw a face.

Outfier "Kangaroo"

Children are divided into two teams (from 2 people) two of the first kangaroo children should jump from the ball, sandwiched between the knees. On the neck, our kangaroo should have a small tissue bag (pocket). As a Kengurenka can be any soft toy. We jump 5-7 meters, we rent "Kengurenka to kindergarten (bag or hoop, we return, pass the ball and bag to the next team member.


Another option of a similar competition with balloons, but the ball must be clamped between the ankles below, 10 cm from the floor. You do not need to jump, we go with small margins to the goal (the distance is reduced to 3 meters, trying not to lose the ball.


Pour a lot of small balls without lattice on the floor. It is necessary to keep as much balls as possible on yourself: under T-shirt, pinching clips, keep the "tail" with teeth, clap balls with hands and legs. Very funny contest


On the floor there are many balls of green - watermelons. Each team give a huge open trash bag (better color). The team wins, which gathered more watermelons, naturally.


Two teams of children. In a huge garbage package (120 liters, for children, 240 - for adults), cut off the bottom corners. It will be hole holes. Let one member of the team climbs into the package, encourages legs in holes, and holds the top edge of the package with their hands and back. Must get a barrel. Now we collect watermelons already familiar to us for salting in a barrel. The main thing is that the one who inside the package does not fall from laughter. The team is defeated, which will fit more watermelons


For the first stage, the relay is needed one yellow ball for each command. We will have the sun. Team members become in line with each other, passing the ball back above his head (sunrise, and from the last player to the first - between the legs (Sunset). The team wins the team that it will turn out faster.

Humpty Dumpty

We need two balls with faces. Each team is issued on a badminton racket. It is necessary to run 5 meters and return to the beginning of a distance with Soldham-chatting on the racket so that it does not "fall in a dream."


Again many multicolored balls on the floor. Divide the balls and all guests of the line (lift in chalk) into two equal parts. Assign green balls "harmful flies", which you need to get rid of. At the command, players begin to throw "flies" through the line. The team wins, at whose half the least all harmful insects will remain.

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Publications on the topic:

A year is a wonderful holiday! New Year is equally waiting for children and adults. Everyone believes in a miracle, makes a desire.

The proposed games will help in organizing holidays and leisure dedicated to the holiday of the Mother's Day, which in November will celebrate in many.

The proposed games, contests can be used on a matinee dedicated to the holiday of March 8. Participants may have children and mothers. Competition.

During the organization of the holiday, with the aim of creating a cheerful mood, you can use games, contests and fun. The holiday can be organized.

In order for the sports event dedicated to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, it was interesting, it is necessary to consider a competitive program. During.

Balloons raise mood. They are bright and beautiful, they fly! And they can decorate any holiday, become a reason for laughing and fun.

Movable games with balloons

If there is a lawn and the weather is good - games can be arranged in the fresh air. A small breeze will only add excitement.

Air basketball

Need hoops and several balls, inflated air. Playing are distributed to two teams and try to throw balls into the hoop. The task becomes more complicated if the hoops hold the animators and move them from place to place, turn them, put them vertically and horizontally ... Someone should consider the glasses of teams and present a symbolic prize.

Great prey

Animators distribute balls in advance, air, in the garden or on the lawn. You can pick up a string of a stone, or tie to a tree or shrub. Participants will run away into the garden and collect balls: who will have more time to gather for five (fifteen) minutes? The balls should be a lot, and all of them are at a distance of each other - so that "big mining" went to the very quick. If there are many participants, they are divided into teams, and the competition is held between the teams.

Games can be held in a large room

Catch good luck

Playing become in a circle, the one who "leads" - in the middle of the circle. Standing in a circle throw a ball to each other, and driving tries to catch it. If I caught - it becomes in a circle, and the one who threw the ball becomes leading. The balls can be somewhat, it makes the game more dynamic.

Birthday Games with Balloons

At this holiday there is the main prize-winner - a birthday party. He should be nice, and everything else is fun.

For kids

Gift birthday

This game takes place in the room, at the beginning of the holiday. A large package with small balls, chewing helium, handed a birthday girl. In the package there must be a small cargo, so that the package does not fly away. You need to unleash the ribbon. The package is open - the balls are scattered. Notes are tied on threads: "Run to my mother, she has a gift for you," "Look into the room to my brother, he hides something", etc. If the birthday language is small and does not dare before notch, someone from adults will raise it.

We go to drink tea

Before tea, animators produce helium balls that are tied with tea or light candies to string. You need to jump to get your prize!

For adults

Package with balls can be handed and adult birthday

Comic wishes can be written on the balls. Their text depends on the situation: this is a corporate event, or a family holiday, or a youth company

Get prediction

Balls, inflated helium, run in the room. Note are attached on their string. To get prediction - you need to jump and catch a string. The text of the notes is light and comic.

Flying hat

Light hats, decorated with helium balls, are stored to fly from the head! Try to dance in such hats - you will have to move smoothly and elegantly. Dancing in hats with balls is a sample of elegance!

For schoolchildren

In addition to simple fun with balls, teenagers can offer the game more complicated. For example, make a flying sculpture from the balls using scotch, ribbons, markers and sweater materials, who will get better?

At a children's holiday


Traditional fun: a ball, inflated helium, you need to hold down between sneakers and jump with him to the finish. The main thing is not to lose the ball and darken first! Sometimes it is pressed by sneakers not a ball, but its thread.

The most friendly team

Players are divided into groups of two, three or more. Balls, inflated helium, two kept palms from two sides. Holding balls, you need to run distance. It can be a circular (around the hall) or complicated (from the room in the room) if the group moves inconsistently, the balls will fly away!

The richest

The balls are scattered in the room a lot, but turns are very short! It is necessary as many balls as possible to collect and hold, without having a package. You can shove the ball for the T-shirt - it gives an advantage!

The highest pyramid

Two teams are folded from the balls of the pyramid. Who will turn out above? The balls do so laugh! And when built - try destroying the pyramid of the opponent, being at a distance! You can blow in her direction, waving the fan, throwing other balloons, but it is impossible to approach.

Build an air ship

The game is held on the lawn. Two or more teams should be equipped and send "air expeditions": balloons with a light figure in the gondola. Figures and gondolas - small baskets - you can cook in advance. Playing are divided into teams and get balls. Animator with stands on the other side of the lawn and gives out strictly one ball. For flight with the cargo, they need several, so the advantage of speed is someone who runs quickly. When the "lifting force" becomes sufficient, you can send an "expedition" in flight. Wins the one whose aircraft will rise above. Not always wins the one who launched the balls before! They can "hang" at low height, or get confused in the branches of the tree. Success will achieve the one who correctly chose the number of balls, the place of launch, stretched the impulse of the wind ...

At the wedding

Balloons are customary to use as a decorative element at a wedding. And this opportunity to arrange fun contests.

Who is the main one?

The bride and groom choose the balls from the bouquet of the balls, inflated helium. The presenter binds their string, and then the balls are released. Who flies up faster? Who is who pulls up?

Who is next?

Non-native guys are offered to choose balls and write a name on them a marker. For example, Petya, Kolya. Then the balls are launched outdoors. Whose ball flies above - he must marry earlier. Invite friends in advance to the wedding!

Who to dance?

Bridesmaid girlfriends write their names and tie to balls. Then the balls launch to the ceiling, and the friends of the groom catch them. Whose name in the note - with that girl you dance.