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Fantas for a fun company in nature. Game for adult phantas "Absinthe" - "For indiscreet girls and boys! Phanti game, examples of insane tasks. Rules Games in Fantas for Children

11. Tell a funny joke

12. Name your main drawback and tell you how you are fighting with him.

13. Using the pantomime, to tell about the events known to all.

14. Pictulate a person in a chair at the dentist.

15. Phant must depict a boiling kettle, going through the train, flying plane, etc.

16. Get candy with teeth with a saucer, where pops of flour.

17. A tighter option is to get a ring with a saucer with a saucer, where sour cream is nanit.

18. Phanta should crawl under the table.

19. Take into your hands a full glass with water and dance Kankan.

20. Scroll from the balcony "People! I love you!".

21. Try to eat an apple attached on the rope. An easier option is to eat a banana (peeled and lying on a plate). Of course, all this needs to be done without the help of hands. Analogically, eat an apple floating in a water basin.

22. Phanta should shove a glass of vodka or wine (in children's version Juice or milk) from saucer.

23. Pail with a statue (each wishing can change your posture).

24. Pictulate the mirror (each wishes can look at you, you need to copy the facial expressions and movements).

25. Picture a famous person.

26. Make the most unusual cocktail from what is on the table, try to drink.

27. Picture on the face of 7 different emotions.

28. Quickly pronounce the patter. For example, "the yard grass, on the grass of firewood. Not Ruby firewood on the edge of the yard."

29. Pictulate a predictor (fortune tune) and predict something funny neighbor on the right.

30. Ask for guests alms (for travel to native city, on the breast milk For a child on Bentley for yourself, etc.), it is not 100 rubles to extort until 100 rubles.

31. Sell anything from the table (bottle of mineral water, sandwich with caviar, etc.) to paint the properties of the "product" until someone from the guests will buy.

32. Pictitate a candidate (to deputies, mayors, governors) and promise this to be guaranteed to avoid.

33. Move the money to the nose by the floor to a particular purpose (you can and on the table).

34. Dial a random phone number and play a person at the other end of the wire.

35. Fold the newspaper or sheet of paper fourly with one hand.

36. Pictulate an athlete for the public to guess the sport.

37. Phanti must draw a cow, holding a felt-tip pen in the teeth.

38. Again the role of the lead and hold a competition.

39. Come up with a funny but not offensive gossip.

40. Submit that you are a journalist and "expand inside out" the neighbor on the right.

41. Play with your finger on the lip melody, for example, let run awkward ... ".

42. Phanto for 1 minute to sit with an angry face, saying "I'm offended at you" while the rest will be all means trying to laugh.

43. Phanti should stand on all fours and depict a car that takes up parallel parking in the space between two chairs.

44. The Phant must tell (preferably in the form of a fun story), as he will get out of the difficult situation proposed by the leading difficult situation.
For example:

- You lost the salary of your subordinates or public money in the casino.
- You accidentally locked in the office late in the evening.
- Your dog ate the important statements that you should submit to the director in the morning.
- You are stuck in the elevator with cEO Your company.
- You come to work, and another worker is sitting in your place.
- You have an important report tomorrow, and your neighbors have a big party that does not fall asleep.
To be a phantom got a presenter who could offer such situations:
- You came home, and an unfamiliar man sleeps on your bed.
- You were invited to a restaurant, you had dinner and suddenly your satellite disappears without paying.
- You bought hair paint, painted your hair, and it turned out that it is green, but you have no time to repaint you, a solemn reception.

45. Phanta must transfer information written on the card using a pantomime.
For example: For example, imagine that it (if a man is only funnier) in the maternity hospital, just gave birth to a boy. Looks like dad. Eye - Mamina, hair - in the grandfather. Light. Well eats.
The rest of the guests act as a crowd outside the window and should understand what Phanti reports them.

46. \u200b\u200bThe presenter reads some poem, for example, "baggage" (the lady passed into the luggage sofa, suitcase, sacrum, etc.), and Phanti must act as a temper.

47. Phanti must understand what item is meant to describe.
For example:
- This item is in every home, but they do not use it so often.
- This item happens different sizes, different colors and shapes.
- In the hands of an experienced woman, this item can delight and the woman itself, and her family.
- Sometimes these objects are especially economic men.
"Even with a big desire, this item cannot be bought in a pharmacy or a stall" Soyuztens. "
- This subject in the hands of a woman can turn into a terrible weapon on a drunk head.
- Without it, you will not bake a cake.
Answer - "Roll"

48. Phanti is given two eggs, it says that one of them boiled, the other is raw (in fact, it is better if both are boiled). He is given time to choose one egg, while it is allowed to carry out any experiments. Then Phanta should crush the eggs chosen by him on the table, you can help your hands, put a small piece of paper between the forehead and egg, so as not to cut. The fact that the second egg was also boiled better than anyone. Let the Fed consider the man bold and dismantling in the eggs.

49. Phanta must choose among the guests of his "twin", explain that between them common: the color of the eyes, hair, the ability to deal with any technique, love for fishing, etc.

50. Phant turns to guests with his back, a portrait of a famous man is attached to him on his back. Phanti must ask guests to visit their answers to understand who he is. For example: Am I man or a woman? I am an artist? What movie I shot? etc.

Here, such a letter came to the post in this article. Sorry I'm sorry, I corrected something:

"Hi, Olya.

She prepared a party (for colleagues on the occasion of his birthday) and stumbled upon your article about Phanti. Although I have never heard about the game in the Phanta with the possibility of "scraping" and with the bank, the idea seemed interesting to me.

Knowing not in a healing of his colleagues, I decided that it would be safer. Began to play, the contribution to the bank for the "Zerkok" was installed in 100 rubles. At first it was very boring. Whether the amount is small, or the tasks were too complicated, but the phantas did nothing - they just scored.

The amount reached 2000 (with a hundred contributions). And then instead of the Fantas, who fell to perform a striptease (I say my colleagues still those) I found a volunteer, Vanya-student, courier. Although he was not exposable to the end - he remained in the shorts, the crowd managed to light. We have a full panties of money, all 2000, that was in a bank, it is not only hundreds, but dozens and even trifle.

After that, it suffered. The bank is not that up to 2000 to five hundred no longer reached. Especially disappeared, mocking over the "statues" and "mirrors". You write that these are harmless tasks - you simply do not know the perverted creativity of some of our compatriots, especially under the influence of alcohol.

What can I say in the end. The most difficult is the crowd to shake, then do not invent anything. If you have any thoughts - write.

Nastya. "

I do not know the walls will you like my answer, but since I have placed a question, then it's just obliged to answer.

I wrote in the article by the Russian language that the game in the phantas, where the tasks would be allowed to invent guests, it is possible only in the company of close friends. In all other cases (and your case applies to the rest) it is recommended to use in advance prepared cards with assignments for phantas.

I have fifty pieces in this task, and a dozen can be done from some. Enough even for very big company. No, of course, if the idea is to turn corporate party In Swinger Orgia, your question has the right to exist.

For such a case I answer:

First, I will not open America if I say that the main means of ignition is alcohol, strong and in large quantities. If the guests prefer a strong alcohol wine, then more ancient Romans found a way to drink them: use spices, they cause thirst and the amount of drinking wine or beer grows in the exhibitor, and imperceptibly for the victim.

Secondly, before proceeding to such extreme entertainment, as your version of the game in the phantas, the crowd should be heated with something less extreme. On my site you will find you with your fantasy, I'm sure you will be able to turn into a prelude.

Thirdly, if such an outcome was supposed in advance, why it was hoped that there would be a Vanya-student who would light the crowd, you organized this disgrace - you had to go in an avant-garde.

Our people love holidays. And most often most of them are in the form of a feast. After all, it is so easier to chat with relatives and loved ones. However, so that people do not bored, you can periodically entertain them, distracting from food and conversations. That is why now I want to consider various comic tasks for guests at the table.


This is all a well-known and very cheerful game that is suitable for the company of all ages itself. It is best to prepare the tasks in advance that participants must fulfill. But you can make more and more interesting. Each participant must come up with the task. But which of them will come to - this is a secret. What can I write on the leaves?

  • Kiss all sitting at the table (regardless of the floor).
  • Bewish banana, not using hands.
  • Repent of guests, standing on his knees, in three sins of her past.
  • Picture animal: pork, monkey, dog, cat.
  • Make selfie with each guest, after which everyone gives to each photo.
  • Talk half an hour in any foreign language.
  • Sing a song, read verse, etc.

Options are a huge amount. However, it is important to take into account the company that will be gathered at the table. After all, several other tasks may be invented for young people than for a more mature audience.

Comic assignment-phantas for guests at the table can be prepared and otherwise. So, each guest can be taken on a personal subject (keys, lighter, brooch, etc.). Everything folds into the bag. The participant with tied eyes chooses Phanti, and his owner immediately comes up with the task.

We write a fairy tale

Considering comic tasks for guests at the table, I want to remember and write about the competition "Write a fairy tale." To do this, it will be necessary to stockpenter only sheets of paper and handles. Each participant is issued on a typewriter. Next, guests simply must respond to the questions set, creating their own unique history. When the answer is written, it turns on the width of the text, and the leaf is transmitted to the next participant. So it will be somewhat merry fairy tales. Approximate questions:

  • What did you do?
  • Who helped?
  • When?
  • For what?
  • How did it end?

On anniversary

You can also come up with comic tasks for guests at the table in the anniversary. In this case, you can try to beat the number, that is, the number of birthdays. For example, if the lady turns 30 years old, then guests must tell her 30 compliments that will not be repeated. All guests will include this game.

Very fun contests

  1. Competition "Puty Cow". To do this, you need to crash on the pairs (neighbors at the table). One person holds a glove with small holes on the tips of the fingers, while filled with water. The other is militant to the glove cow. It is very fun, because in fact few people know how it is right.
  2. "Guess the animal", "Guess the Star of Show Business", "Guess the Politics", etc. The photo sees only one player, the rest, being at the table, are trying to guess what or who shows the presenter.
  3. "Crocodile" on new way. So, the player must show the guests of certain periods of the birthday life, the participants must guess what it is in question.

Terms of Use

In this case, the number of participants does not matter may be both 5 and 15 people. The presenter chooses a simple item, for example, a glass. Guests must provide as many options for using the selected object. And if at first everything will be modestly, then the participants will give out real pearls.

Check for sobriety

Frequently, the company is collected in a few hours before the New Year to spend the outgoing year. And sometimes it happens that it is necessary to meet a new one in a non-sober state. That is why guests must be invited to hold a contest for sobriety. For this, each at the table should pronounce a simple patter or say the complex phrase:

  • Sumbell jump.
  • Lilac dentimerous.
  • Sasha was walking along the highway and sucked drying.

It will be very ridiculous, after all, even a sober person will be able to repulse such phrases far from the first time.

For new year

What else can you come up with comic New Year tasks for guests at the table? So, it is possible before the fighting of the chimes to offer all guests to wish each other something good. And while the wishes should not be repeated.

Alternatively, you can offer guests to make a desire. It will be a kind of competition. Everyone will be distributed through small leaves, handle and lighter. Each participant under the battle of the Kuranta should have time to write a desire on the leaflet to write it down, the ashes to throw in a glass with champagne and drink it all. Who managed that well done. And who did not have time, this will have to fulfill a certain task of the company.

Like - do not like

Picking up comic tasks for guests at the birthday table, you can offer present to the very interesting competition. So, each participant must name three parts of the birthday body, who like, and a couple - who do not like. Just honestly. The first part of the task is a compliment. The second is more interesting. After the announced list, each who spoke comes to the birthday girl and kisses the named part of the body, more precisely, the one that was named in the list of those that do not like. As a result, the head of the festival will receive not only a set of compliments, but also many kisses!

Napkins for dating

If guests are located at the table, which are not familiar with each other, you can introduce them. To do this, you need to put in a circle pack of napkins. Each guest should take them as much as it wishes. As a result, the napkins are recalculated by the lead. And each participant in the number of calculated pieces should be called as much interesting facts About me and your life.

Guess who?

We further consider comic tasks for guests at the table. To diversify fun, you can offer an invited next game. All participants are distributed over a piece of paper and handle. Task: Describe yourself so that guests can guess a person by description. However, to call exact words (for example, a lady in a red dress) is prohibited. The participant will win, whom no one can guess the description.

Contest poems

You can offer guests to come up with verse birthday. Everyone will have their own task: one participant is to create a romantic poem, another - cheerful, third - sad. Next will have to arrange a small contest. And the birthday girl will choose the best creation.

Who think about

Everyone takes turns a piece of paper on which the letter is written. Guests must call the first word on the chosen Literature, which will pop up in the head. After everything comes out, the presenter says: "Now it is clear who thinks about!" The result will definitely be very cheerful and unforgettable.

Song contest

Comic tasks for guests at the table can be the song. Invited smashes for paired teams. Next, the participants are issued a piece of paper with a word written on it. This is the subject of this and you have to sing a song. Sometimes options for choosing participants are simply surprised and cheerful.


And the last contest, which is very pleased not only to children, but also adults. All participants are issued a leaf with a drawn fragment. Next, guests should draw something to the picture turned out to be finished. After a while, all guests represent their results. It turns out very fun and funny.


One of the good ways to entertain guests gathered for the celebration is familiar with almost every person a game called Phanti. Her meaning is to fulfill the player who fell Phanta, any fun task. So that everything went smoothly and without problems, the preparation should be done in advance.

Phanti Game Rules

Fantasy every person is developed unequal. There are people with a kind of humor, which is not typical of the feeling of the beat, therefore the phantas should be invented with regard to the nature of all the guests present at the event. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the age of participants. Children's tasks on an adult party will be inappropriate, as well as youth phantas for the elderly or family couples. When preparing, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. Tasks should not be difficult to fulfill. For example, you should not force a physically weak or elderly person to raise gravity or sit on the twine.
  2. It is best if the phantas activate the talents and the creative abilities of guests.
  3. You should exclude vulgar tasks so that the person will not be ashamed of his behavior, and could be happy to share with close pleasant memories of the evening spent.
  4. When drafting contests, it is important to avoid pain points of the gathered guests, trying not to focus on physical disabilities and personal relationships.
  5. It is recommended to exclude options when you need to spend a large number of time. Otherwise, the rest of the guests will have to miss too long.
  6. It is undesirable to check the health of those who gathered for strength, offering, for example, to drink a glass of alcohol, eat several portions of salad in 5 minutes or swallow the mustard spoon. A similar spectacle is not much nice for others, besides, a person can become bad how much that you have to cause ambulance.

Phantom types

There are several types of phantoms for cheerful company Adults at the table.

With cards

This interesting game Carefully raise the mood to all participants in the celebration. Options must be written in advance on cards that put in a box, to a tray or in a large hat. Then each player alternately and not looking out takes out one of the cards by performing the appropriate task.

With lots

First of all, the action is formulated, which will need to make one of the players, after which the participant is determined using the draw. For example, you can arrange chairs in a circle, the number of which is 1 less than the total number of players. Then guests walk around the chairs, trying on a command or shutting down musical accompaniment take the place of. Who remained to stand, and you have to task.

You can light the match and transmit it in a circle. The choice falls on the player, in the hands of which the light will go out. If the company is large enough, it is not bad to use playing cardsBy appointing a performer, for example, who had a peak lady or a different intended map.

With leading

IN classic version This game, each participant gives his own thing (hours, telephone, jewelry). Everything puts into a common bag, then the lead turns away, and guests are very beginning to get things, asking: "What should this phantha do?" Each phantom presenter assigns a separate task. While his condition is not fulfilled, the owner does not return.

Examples of assignments for phantas

Options may differ depending on the event being carried out.

For new year

There are many funny and cool ideas for the New Year holiday:

  • share a Christmas tree made of tangerine or orange lobets;
  • dial an unknown number on the phone and congratulate on the holiday of who removed the tube;
  • execute a song with the selected partner about the New Year;
  • land on the balloon so that it burst;
  • fulfill an enchanting dance with burning Bengal lights until they do not completely ruin;
  • pronounce silently one lips any word or proverb so that the assembled understood what the speech is about;
  • depiction a deer who is lucky by Santa Claus with gifts for all guests;
  • clear orange or apple with one tape so that the peel is not interrupted;
  • sing a song with a Caucasian accent;
  • pictulate sculpture.

For birthday and anniversary

It is not difficult to come up with a lot of funny birthday tests and an anniversary, for example:

  • school to the jubilee on one leg and, having shook him, rush back;
  • pronounce a toast celebration in honor of the culprit, in which the word "name day" meets 10 times;
  • kiss a spouse / jubilee spouse, confessing to him / her love;
  • to drink with a birthday room of wine on Brucershaft and treat his snack;
  • go to each guest and shake the foot with the phrase: "Nice, king!";
  • to do unusual photo Annubilera, picking up an interesting composition.

Fantians in a family circle

In the circle of relatives and loved ones, it is possible to behave more commodity, the fulfilling conditions that in a public place will be unacceptable:

  • portray cat, pig, horse or other animal;
  • instead of words, it is escaping a song that includes mutilating, grunts, barking or meowing sounds;
  • show the pantomime occupation to which other family members love to do in their free time;
  • congratulate everyone on the holiday, filling the mouth of the mouth;
  • try to bite your elbow;
  • pick out a spray with a saucer poured there milk.

On the barebird

Before the approaching wedding, the girl should relax a little, so it's good to come up with tests that distract the bride from the outlined event:

  • take an autograph from the first meeting of the man;
  • ask the phone number in 3 passersby;
  • exchange with a souvenir or a small personal thing with an unfamiliar young man;
  • make a joint photo with several men in ties;
  • to collect wishes for the future husband in all those who gathered at the guestbook guests.

At the boyfriend

It does not interfere with the groom, having fun before the marriage:

  • hug the turns of all the gathered guests, admitting everyone in love;
  • to drink the contents of a neighbor glass, sitting on the right, biting from a guest plate, located on the left side;
  • turn the rope through the clothes of each site sitting at the table and tie the ends on the knot;
  • pour in 5 minutes the contents of one glass into another with straws;
  • draw yourself a handle on the forehead, without looking into the mirror, an image of an insect, birds or an animal;
  • blindfolded to the touch to find out the approached person.

At the wedding

This solemn event should stay in memory for life, so it is important to try to cheer guests, inventing interesting and unusual phantas:

  • three times squeeze loudly "People, I love you!", Turning to all guests;
  • draw a mustache and not to wash until the end of the celebration;
  • walk on all fours or on hand (with support) to the bride with the bridegroom, wishing young well-being and happiness in personal life;
  • take a photo by collecting all guests and putting them in unusual poses;
  • to dance lezginka or other incendiary dance;
  • pronounce wedding toast, pretending to be drunk.

In verse

The phrases pronounced in verses attract special attention:

  • in verses it is not bad to make a proposal of the hands and hearts with your beloved girl;
  • tell a poem with 2 candies for cheeks;
  • ask salt and sugar from a neighbor, making a rhymed phrase.

There are also ready-made tasks in verses that the participants offer the lead:

  1. Your phanta is the coolest, cool, lucky. Space Song so that we put clouds.
  2. Do not be shy, not Baluse, everyone and everyone kiss!
  3. You're an athlete? So please us, jump up 15 times!
  4. COOLING NOT NEED: Moden Dance "cha-cha cha". Break-ka before falling, yes no ruffee sneaking.

Humorous Phanti

There are many ideas to make guests a fun whole evening:

  • take 3. raw eggs and try to juggle them;
  • sharply fall on his knees and repent in non-existent sins, for example, how inappropriately ate aliens mustache;
  • leave around the house by representing himself by the plane and publishing a characteristic sound;
  • depict a prisoner who drives a dance in a single chamber;
  • for an hour, remind guests that it took another 5 minutes;
  • clear and eat banana without hands;
  • get out of pajamas to the store and ask some salt.

Erotic phanti

Such playful phanti is allowed to use in the company of close friends who are not shy to discuss intimate topics:

  • the participant of the game tells about the first sexual experience, his feelings that set out in detail, that is, he was frightened or, on the contrary, inspired;
  • the girl gets up because of the table and makes flirty movements, allowing to stroke or pat it to all participants who have to express compliments to her;
  • a young man depicts a stripter or demonstrates unusual poses, attracting other players for greater clarity;
  • the girl tells about his sexual fantasies, in gratitude for this partner gently kisses their companion.

Any participant can show fantasy and independently come up with a test for their friends, loved ones and acquaintances. The game in the phantas will help to cheer the crowd and make a holiday memorable.