Repairs Design Furniture

Designer chairs. Kitchen Stools - Simple and Unusual Stylish Accessories (86 photos) Stylish stools

Most often, classic chairs are used for the design of the dining area, but recently, designers increasingly turn their attention towards the stools for the kitchen.

And not in vain! After all, such a decision will become a really practical and beautiful element of your kitchen interior. Stools do not attract more attention, perfectly fit into any interior and limited space.

To date, you can also note the variety of forms and materials of this product. Based on your own preferences, you can choose any stools on your visual and functional characteristics. It can be a standard wooden model, metal, soft bedrooms, weaving, forging and much more.

Most often stools are easy and easy to transport and remove. Such a piece of furniture is easy to wash. Also behind it does not require additional care.

You can choose the necessary model of stools by absolutely any style and interior design from the most minimal and stringent forms to exquisite exclusive models.

All about stuffing for kitchen

The main advantage of use in the interior of the kitchen is the stools is their compactness.

This is the best option for a small kitchen-studio or kitchen-living room.

Thin legs and elegant forms are simply not able to overload the interior, they are practically not noticeable in general design, but they fully cope with their direct task with nothing worse than ordinary chairs.

Stools will be a practical solution for a large family.

Do not forget about the fact that stools are perfectly combined with other interior items.

It is not necessary to make stools with an independent design subject. Near the table can be completely calmly accommodate a small sofa at the wall, and in the rest of the stools.

Similarly, you can also combine stools and with conventional chairs.

These simple techniques allow you to use stools even in the most limited space.

And thanks to compactness and ease, they can easily be moved to other rooms and use, for example, in space near the magazine or writing table.

An indisputable plus is also a universal design.

Of course, if you can try to find many options for the execution of this furniture in bright and extremely frosted design. But in most cases, the kitchen stools have a minimalistic monophonic design, which makes them a completely universal version of temporary furniture for other rooms.

Types of stools

Today the design stepped very far. And even such a simple and uncomplicated element of the interior as a stool can be found in the most unreal variations of forms and colors.

They are completely different in design, material, size and shape, due to which they are suitable for any style and atmosphere.

And when stools become too much or, on the contrary, it will be necessary to add to the room of free space, all stools can be easily hidden under the table or remove into the angle.

Construction of stools

By design, stools are divided into several functional species.


Such models can be soft, semi-dimensional and rigid.

This is the most popular option to the kitchen stools. They can be made of any material and in any color.

But since most often stools are used in small rooms, you should not put accent on them with color. For a small kitchen, this element of furniture should look as easily and unnoticed.


These stools are distinguished by a comfortable design, which, if necessary, can be easily folded and removed into any closet or onto the balcony.

Such stools are advisable to use as an additional furniture for basic tools or chairs during holidays and celebrations. If necessary, you can quickly and easily install them in the right place, and after the holiday, it is also easy to remove them into place, thereby freeing the additional space in the kitchen.


Favorite attribute for kitchen-studios and just very small kitchens are bar stools.

They have high legs with a special horizontal leg support.

Such stools look unusually and exquisitely. The design here is most often chosen by discreet and solid.

Plus, the high table and chairs due to a small reference area save space and visually will not reduce the already small space.

Stools-stewing stools

But this is the most infreteen guest in modern kitchens. Sometimes such stools are used with a purely decorative goal, since their design looks interesting and unusual. They will perfectly fit in the kitchen in neoclassicism or ampir style.

And, it is completely incomprehensible why people often forget about the direct destination of this multifunctional interior object. After all, the stool stool can be simply an indispensable assistant in the kitchen with high ceilings.

Thanks to this stool, the space can be really rational. After all, in rooms with high ceilings, cabinets and any kitchen furniture ends much lower than the ceiling level. But you can accommodate additional lockers or storage room for storing kitchen utensils and conservation.

Possible materials products

Already no one will surprise the usual wooden stool. In order for this item in the kitchen, there is always fresh and fashionable, thousands of different designs and shapes of the tobyere are created.

Some stools are made from one material, and others are obtained by combining different materials.

Most often to create a toreret use wood, MDF, chipboard, plastic, metal, glass, leather and textiles.

But not only the material of the product itself is diverse. Designers also change the standard design of the stool.

In the classic model, it has four legs, but today you can meet models with two, five and more legs.

But, if you still talk about the material, then you need to understand exactly what load will have to this stool. Every day it will be in operation, where you will store it, etc.

Wood stools, chipboard and plastic are most versatile in terms of styles.

The wooden model can safely be used in absolutely all known styles.

Plastic depending on the selected color is also suitable for a diverse design. But this material is less durable and wear-resistant. So this option is more suitable for additional non-permanent furniture.

Metal models will be much stronger and reliable. However, most often they are heavy enough. It is unlikely that you want to constantly move them.

Metal stools are suitable if they constantly be located near the table.

Tissue and leather stools still make on the frame from that other solid material (the same tree or broom), so there is no particular difference in durability and durability.

Just soft seat will add additional comfort and heat. On such seats gently and conveniently sit.

If you still prefer hard seed, then you should give your preference to orthopedic curved models, their form is selected for considerations of the correct weight distribution over the entire surface of the seating.

Variety of shapes and sizes

Depending on the height of the table, you can choose the stool of any required size and shape. When choosing a toaster here stands at how much space near the table, it can occupy.

If there is such an opportunity, it is better to choose more classic straight or narrated on top of the model. They are slightly more cumbersome in their foundation, but much more stable and more reliable than other models.

The seats of stools can be round, square, straight, concave shape.

But the main thing is still comfort. Very often, buying stool, people are guided only by aesthetic considerations and interior design of the kitchen. And then during operation, an understanding comes that a wooden stool with a flat seating is completely inconvenient in everyday use.

What styles are combined with

There is no clear distinction for styles for stools. Usually they have a completely universal design.

However, wooden models are still suitable for such styles as art deco, constructivism, neoclassicism, various ethnic styles of interior, Shebbi-Chic, Eco style and country.

The metal base will best fit into the Loft styles, techno and high-tech.

Bright models with plastic frame or metal bar stools are suitable for kitchen in pop art style or grunge.

Seats and covers for stools

Stools with covers on skin seats or textiles are a great option for any interior.

The main advantage of this choice is comfort. Seat will be soft and comfortable.

Another important advantage is that they can be easily replaced. So do not worry if old stools do not suit new wallpapers. Covers can always be replaced.

Even if you just tired of a monotonous interior try to change the curtains and covers on tools on new with some bright pattern or floral ornament. The interior will immediately look in a new way.

At the next stage, you need to choose the design, color and design, dimensions and weight of the stuff. You can choose compact models that will easily fold and hide, and you can massive constant stools.

Be sure to pay attention to the quality of the product. Even a dear branded thing can be a fake or just an unsuccessful instance. Check the reliability of all fasteners and the quality of the supports. There should be no mechanical damage, scratches, chips or detacies on the product.

Next, decide on the desired price category and the country of production. Do not take the cheapest models, because very often they are significantly inferior in quality. But in expensive brand models, we also often remember in the name of the manufacturer. So when choosing it is recommended to stick in all the golden middle.

Therefore, naturally use compact, stylish stools. Fashion on the bar racks increased interest in herds at high legs.

Modern stools are made qualitatively, which means that for many years will stay with you, decorating your dining area.

They are comfortable, small, easily hide under the dinner table, can be removed into the storage room or put on the loggia. Nowadays, stools can be a decorative element of your kitchen design. Their choice is huge. Everyone can pick up stools to their taste.

Classic kitchen stool

Nowadays, the demand for simple, made from the tree of classical stools made from the tree.

Usually they are an integral attribute of chatting style kitchens and Provence, and recently, due to its elegance, wooden stools are used in the High-Tech interior and are successful among connoisseurs of simple concise forms.

Stylish stool - Highlights of your kitchen

Designers stools often make focus on their color. Bright plastic stools will make a festive note in the neutral kitchen interior, pastel tones.

The cheapness of plastic furniture makes it possible to obtain its frequent replacement on the furniture of another color.

Thus, your interior will change without much costs. There are models of folding stools. They occupy little space during storage and, if necessary, easily unfold.

Stool as part of the dining area

Your small kitchen is a perfect solution to replace massive chairs with elegant stools with soft seats that can be removable or crawled.

Decor of soft seats stools

Modern stool often can be decorated with cape, pillow or cover. In accordance with its preferences for your specific interior, you can choose the texture of the material, its color range and a suitable pattern.

The cuisine of the rustic style is well suited stools with pillows made of stuffed fabric with floral patterns.

Also, stools covered with knitted covers of bright colors will be not bad.

For the kitchen of classic style it is worth stopping your choice on satine with a rare nonsense pattern, which is well suitable for wooden carved elements of your furniture.

Leather upholstery on the stool will make your kitchen look more luxurious. For the same purpose, the fabric is suitable under the skin of the snake or crocodile.

Bar stool

For a long time, high stools made of cafes and bars stepped at homemade kitchen. Bar rack of your kitchen without such a tokeret can not do.

Currently, manufacturers offer many models of such stools. The number of legs can vary from one to four. Bar chairs are affected by a variety of forms of their seats, which can be in the form of a square, rectangle or circle.

Wooden kitchen bar stools came to replace metal stools, which can be made according to your individual order.

If your dining table is higher than the standard size, the bar stool is for you.

Stools of nontrivial forms

If you are the original seeking to surprise guests, you will find non-standard models for you, for example, a cube without legs.

Humorists will be delighted with seats that repeat the contours of a certain rear of your body - designers have such models.

The child is well suitable for a stool with a back, because he can sit at the dinner table with you, just as an adult.

We make a stool for yourself

Furniture made with your own hands is unique, although it can give up a shop in quality.

Ready drawings for the manufacture of wooden stools yourself can always be found on the Internet or on the pages of many specialized publications.

If you do not risk proceeding to the manufacture of stools handled yourself, but passionately want to decorate your interior with something unique and unique, then you should try to update, remake your stools you have.

Here you can not do without modern varnishes, paints, you will need some number of threads, fabric and tool.

The easiest way will repaint stools in a new suitable color. Originality and identity of your stools will give independently sewn or related covers. Those who wish can use the decoupage technique to create a unique picture on top.

In creating a successful interior, it does not happen, so it is not necessary to regret the strength and time to choose a suitable kitchen tobaberet.

Stock Foto Stools in the kitchen interior

Do you have a stool in the kitchen? And was there? Maybe you remember this piece of furniture by childhood? This is such a chair without a back, which was offered to guests on the days of the family feasts, when there are no places, and it is necessary to plant a person. This is an alternative to the stepladder, when you need to get something very important and necessary with the enezole or the top shelves of the kitchen headset. Sometimes it's even the table.

If you think about it, the thing is universal and actively used in everyday life. But it is often more interesting to the fact that our idea of \u200b\u200bthis object of furniture is often diverted with what they happen. Modern designer stools are a variety of style, shapes, colors and material.

Then and now

For someone, and maybe for many, the word "stool" is associated with a small wooden chair, as the one that Xan Ksanch in the "girls". For someone, it will be amazing to find out that in France only members of the royal family could sit down on the stool. Naturally, he was with a soft seat.

Gradually, the stools became the subject of everybody in the houses of ordinary people not only by French lands, but also around the world. And, as the Soviet story shows, no kitchen or cottage has done without an old good stool.

The value of this object of furniture is its endless practicality, multifunctionality and mobility. And if there is a need to purchase a beautiful modern stool, you can do it at an affordable price in the online store StoreForhome.

StoreForhome is the first online hypermarket furniture, where the furniture from the designers from all over the world is collected. Brands and an assortment of the store is the ability to guarantee and buy furniture to improve the premises of various purposes and style design. We buy for private apartments, large shops, offices and other destinations.

You buy what you see

This is one of the key points. We understand that, looking at the image of the table, chair or sofa, you mentally imagine how it will fit into your situation. Therefore, in the picture of each position, exactly what is in stock is depicted. Photos are made in their own store studio.

For each position you will find exhaustive information - color, size, availability, cost, etc. The relevance of the information provided is one of the advantages of our store. Among other things:

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Returning to the topics of the conversation, say, the store catalogs are presented stools of any shapes and sizes: classic wood, metal, from durable polycarbonate, in combination of different materials, high and low, with a soft upholstery ... complement the range of square and round baffies, and also Banquette in different styles.

Want to put interesting accents in the kitchen or dining room interior?. Models that fill the space with bright colors are presented in our catalog, underline the common style, create a cozy atmosphere.

Designer chairs are fundamentally different from standard mass production products. They are not lost against the background of other settings and perform not only practical, but also decorative functions. For example, unusual white designer chairs for the living room - the choice of those who want to create a harmonious space and finds the strength to resist serness and boredom. Such products are different:

  • versatility;
  • extraordinary forms and original configuration;
  • clear matching style.

At the same time, the models presented with us possess all the advantages necessary for a comfortable operation: ergonomics, impeccable style, durability, wear resistance and others.

Advantages of buying designer chairs in our online store

We guarantee our customers:

  1. High quality furniture made according to modern technologies.
  2. The best prices. We buy goods directly in factories, we independently deliver them to the warehouse and sell without intermediaries. Therefore, we have design chairs and replicas of famous brands even with the most expensive soft upholstery will cost less than competitors.
  3. Fast shipping. Almost all furniture from the catalog is available or appears in the warehouse soon. Therefore, we promptly perform orders and provide fast delivery by our own courier service.

We also offer advice on the selection of models, provide information on the technical features and rules of operation of furniture.

To buy inexpensively buy in Moscow soft, wooden or metal, white glossy and black matte, dining and kitchen chairs, folding and unbearable models, leave an online application or call the phones specified on the site.