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Fortune telling on maps in the name of the guy. Fortune telling on the guy on playing cards

    Does anyone know why the cards need to be interfered with only your left hand? Where did it go from? I have been seeing like women in the villages all the time. Come true or not say)

    I, like any girl in my age, I love to lay on guys very much. I have a lot of friends and fans, and I always wonder how one or another person treats me and whether to plan any relationship with him, going beyond friendly. It is always better to check what then regret the perfect actions. And here so much useful layouts!

    I remember, I wondered, but the scheme was another - therefore nothing happened, probably \u003d)) And thank you for this article, I tried it with its use and it turned out and more interesting and closer to the truth. Only here the color of the hair of a young man did not quite coincide, but this is because he paints them, I think, because it is. And in the long run, so far everything comes true, I hope it will be like that! Love and happiness to you!

    I have long been fond of fortune tells on the maps. As a child, he often wondered with girlfriends. Now sometimes you guess. Very interesting article, I learned a lot.

    Like most young girls, I love from time to time to your loved one. But the fortunes know not so much. Total 2) Well, that I found an article about fortune telling on ordinary maps. I learned a lot about! Divination is described in detail and understandable. Well, all ran still on, suddenly I find out about my soul mate)

    In general, I adore launches the cards, solitaires - I am a weakness) just gives pleasure to flour the decks in your hands. If even the most ordinary cards in the hands fall, be sure to Raskin)) And I believe later, what is shown, and even often comes true))

    Justows everywhere described a lot, but mostly or very "children's" options or quite "serious" with the use of special fortune-tale decks. I have only playing cards at home and always wanted to try to pay on them and find out what awaits me. Be sure to test all the options! Does anyone know, do you need a new deck of cards or can you use the one that played?

    It turns out so much ghostas on the guy. You can get a lot of information about the attitude towards you guy, about your future with him. Very interesting ways of fortune telling on the maps, I will definitely try them. Cards give answers to the most intimate questions. This is tested by time. After all, sometimes it is interesting to know what is waiting for you with your beloved man in the future, which a man wants from you and what you have been waiting for tests or happy moments. Believe the cards. With their correct use, they are rarely mistaken.

    I had no idea that there were so many ways to find out my destiny, to pay on the narrowed, on the already beloved and everything! Such interesting ways of gadas on the maps. Part I already knew, but how much more unknown! I agree with the statement that the cards should be believed. After all, they will really say truth and will always help!

    Thanks for the info! In childhood, always wondered on the maps named guy, which we liked! It was very interesting! I could not think that such a way really is (I thought in childhood, that just someone came up with it for the sake of entertainment). And it turns out this is true! Moreover, there are still many ways to divine on the maps that I learned from this article.

    I went a couple of times to the fortuneteller and she rushed to three husbands on maps! I certainly in shock, always considered myself a monochombus and wanted to have only one husband! I really hope that she was mistaken. Now I want to try to pay myself, today I will go, buy a card and arrange with my sister's evening fortunes! Your article was very helpful and clearer, thank you very much! Have a nice day, everyone!

    You know, has always been a skeptic in such matters. But at one time, events in life, led me in despair, to the cards. Now I can say that I was shocked by the heard and a couple of times returned to fortune. Because it warked me from some events that influenced the next endowment in life. After that, very respectful. I do not understand how it is possible, but I checked it.

    So interesting. I remembered that in childhood, in school years, you wondered, it's very similar to the description, and how we knew it, I can't even remember. But after reading the article, I wanted to buy a card))) only already on the guy, and then the husband will not understand)) and so about the life of our future look. There are questions of interest. And to someone to go my husband will not immediately let go.

    Wondered four times. In the first time everything came true, after which I understood. As far as this is an important assistant, more like psychological assistance, I constantly help me to overcome all sorts of crises, show where I will find where I lose ... I didn't come true - the fortune teller said that the MCH will return to me after a particular number. Thus, she helped me, I calmed down, because I didn't find the place myself, well, and when he did not return, she was already less than the wounds tightened .... And I still was grateful to her for the help. One thing I understood, you must always be ready for such knowledge, because if you are not ready to hear everything, it is better not to try.

    I wondered to me twice on ordinary maps, not all, but much came true. What happened now at that time was told everything clearly, and did not come true. I admit that we change your destiny. In general, it is interesting that real can be analyzed very accurately, but the prediction for the future is not always coming in that time interval, which is specified.

    I was wondering once on my hand (I didn't go to her because of the problems, but because of great curiosity) ... a really unfamiliar aunt (in the sense of a person who saw me for the first time) considered my hand with a magnifying glass and talked about me almost everything as it was ... I was in a light shock ... Then I have not yet dealt with any cards, nor astrology, but I am straight "pull" in the other way ... And when this woman told me that I would "find what I am looking for" - it just wonded me and I He flew from her as on the wings, although there were no certainty about this, then it was not yet ... Now a year later, it was very delighted in this topic.

    And my grandmother of girlfriends is always on the maps when we come to visit her. Everyone all comes true. At first she tells about the past, although the hair stands on the end. I ask where she knows it, answers - cards say. Then about the future: describes the future husband, says how many children will be. And I believe her, because many of all she said has already come true.

    I did not know that there are so many ghosts on the guys! Very interesting, I got on the mandated guy, which loves. Believe that it is true. I have much more trust in the layouts of the card, even on the Internet, than with reading information by hand, she personally always frightened me.

    Previously, I did not believe in all this and treated negatively, but after some events that have come across familiar, revised its point of view. Somehow herself was difficult in such a situation, which led me to fortune-money on the maps. So everything was plausible that after that case, more than once resorted to fortune-maps.

    When I was still not married, I am one grandmother-fortune teller in the village so on the maps laid everything that was scared to live on. I felt good all, it was just afraid that suddenly would not come true. And in some situations, she would have warned me from badly, revealed. After that, I really trust the card layouts, especially in the field of relationships.

    After this article, I wanted to buy a map and remember your teenage age, oh, how much the excitement and experiences were then, as I wanted to learn the truth from the card deck, they declined constantly with girlfriends. And the information had to take from libraries and kneading from the parents, for some reason they did not welcome it, and I constantly did with my friends, thanks for inspired memories!

    Honestly, at first time I was bored with layout of cards, but then noticed that periodically "comic" seems to be predictions to come true. And now otherwise I look at the whole thing, the last 5 years in difficult situations in my life immediately appeal to the maps, I look at how best to do and behave.

    Wondered the guy's name. From the first time it did not work, only with 3 times everything went out, because there is but for the future I'm afraid to guess, suddenly something bad falls, and then I'll wait for something that suddenly it happens. The orders were ghada, they liked it and everyone came true. Soon the shints will guess.

    AU I was a book on fortune 3 years ago, I gave her girlfriend. There are exactly the same layouts of cards and values \u200b\u200bI wondered, it came out that a happy marriage awaits, and marriage. But I did not have to wait a long time, I went out for my husband, we are already waiting for the baby I still use cards. I do not let them touch them.

    They read with friends, they read, as soon as they came out of the site, began to discuss and decide to guess. While they bought cards, my girlfriend was alone. I felt all in the playing cards, the whole room was playing with these cards. How does she take it? Lit card, or not. And then we read that no one should touch them.

    Divination on the maps is a long time known as the fastest way to find out the past and future. Many fortune -akers say, and write that if a virgin is sitting on the maps on the maps, the card will only tell the truth and never be mistaken. As always, it often happens old cards and mistaken. It is better to make cards themselves and guess.

    The fortune telling is written clearly, tried a guy to me, the rival fell out. I did not believe, I have everything perfectly with him, together walked in the cafe and went to friends, but in a month he said that he would go to the former. Since she is pregnant. When I came home and saw the cards took them and again I saw this lady she was very close. So it works.

    I also love to guess on ordinary maps, they are always at hand, but I do not allow anyone to take them. I guess from youth, there was a book from my grandmother with interpretation, I gradually learned everything and now I can guess without these records. As a real fortune teller), my girlfriends come to Christmas, we are happy to spend time - we wonder and dream.

    I tried to guess what a young man feels for you. Lady fell out - take care of the rival. The appearance of this card may indicate either another woman, or on some kind of species on your beloved. I was very upset, I did not notice anything like this. Now I will observe and follow (

    I liked the fortune telling on the 4 kings and divination by the name of a young man. Only in the article is correctly written, it is necessary to carry out a ritual in a calm, balanced state and necessarily alone. Therefore, I do not like when under Christmas are going to companies and guess. I think this is an intimate process.

    So many options, eyes scatter. Do not convey words as I am grateful for such a useful article. I use a special deck, I keep it in a secluded place and lay out when one. It turns out and before everything did everything right, so now I was convinced of its right.

    I didn't think that it was not easy to guess on Friday, but also needed. I do not like this day from school, always something happened. And here such advice. It is a pity that the nearest Friday falls on the thirteenth number only in July, as a special prediction is waiting. It will be necessary to try.

    I remember those times when we collected different divination at school and recorded in a special notebook - notepad, decorated it in different ways and kept as a treasure. And now, so everything is simple: you specify the parameter and find the desired options for fortune telling, the more you can not only try in life, but also online, great!

What questions are interested in young girls first? That's right - how to find love, check the loyalty of your loved one, and in general, you can find out - your person is or not. At all times, the best advisor was fortune-law on the guy.

Gudas on the guy exists very and very much, but we will dwell only on the simplest, not requiring any special attributes or special training.

Who will marry?

Take the old key - it is possible to rusty, but the main thing is that it is no longer used in direct appointment. Bind it upwards with a groove between the pages of any book, but the main thing is solid binding. Then the book along with the key is tightly tie so that the key head comes from the pages and served as a kind of penetration. Throw the rope through it, for which the book is suspended to, let's say a chandelier. When you finish this procedure, start calling all my girlfriends, not forgetting, naturally, and yourself. If, when mentioning any name, the book will move, the girl will marry over the next 12 months.

The appearance of narrowed in the ring

If you doubt, on which young man to stop the choice, try this way fortune telling on a guy. Take a wedding ring from a familiar or girlfriend and hold it in running water 10-15 minutes. Also prepare a glass without inscriptions and with a smooth bottom. Pour water into it about three quarters and gently lower the ring. Put 2 candles on the sides of a glass, focus and look carefully in the middle of the ring. At the same time, say:

I will ask you, ring-ring,

Who should I choose, prefer.

Who is this - call the names of all potential grooms. If everything is done correctly, in the ring you will see the face of "his" person.

Spas twig

In any number of any month, but it is necessary from Monday to Tuesday guess a guy So. Spreads fir put over the night in the headboard. Before bed, say:

I'm lying, Virgo on Monday,

And in the headboard my spruce.

I don't like me

Who is close to my heart?

In a dream, you should see not only your favorite, but also to "hear" his words and feelings addressed to you.

Will it take to another?

To get the answer, do this. In a glass of thin glass, pour water and write on a piece of paper the name of the intended rival. Prepare in advance and tablespoon salt, lit candle. In the glass, throw salt and immediately after that say over the glass:

Salt in water all melts, melts,

My (guy's name) will not leave me?

Kohl paper project

Their love is overrigent.

Now look: what happens before: the salt melted, and the paper is still burning, or vice versa. In accordance with this, and make the forecast of your relationship with your loved one.

Everyone would like to look into the future. How many mistakes could be avoided, knowing how the story will develop. How much can be achieved, knowing the right answer to the questions that fate poses before us. And sometimes I would just like to open the veil of the life of another person, to understand what he really thinks and feels.

This opportunity opens various fortune telling. There are hundreds of ways to sift the ray of light to the future. Some rituals require the onset of a certain day in a year, like, for example, the girls of fortune telling on Ivan Kupala, or Christmas divisions. Other divination suggests the onset of the designated time of the day, for example, to know the future by contacting other spirits only with the onset of midnight.

By the way, this fortune telling to dangerous magical rituals. Such can also be considered fortune telling on the mirrors. Applying such practices, an inexperienced person can not only learn his future, but to create great trouble. After all, opening the portal in the other day, it is difficult to say than to end the ritual and what consequences may arise.

One of the safest ways to divine, which will still help learn at least small details of the future, and perhaps will reveal and vital facts, is fortune-telling on the maps. The divination on the playing cards involves the prediction of fate to a specific person. With it, it is possible to predict a certain course of events in the life of a mung out of a person, avoid errors.

In order for the fortune-out ritual to reveal the events associated with a certain person, it is necessary to mentally repeat its full name. Each of us has a strongest energy relationship with its own name. This fact may confirm any extrasensus, esoteric, sorcerer or a magician. Our name is for us fateful. It affects our character traits, position in society, the development of love relationships. Thin strings of our name permeate our entire lives and have a powerful invisible impact on it. No wonder there is a proverb "How the ship will call, so he sails."

The fortune telling on the playing cards does not require consisting in blood relationship with a person to know his future. It is enough just to know its full name, in no case when conducting a ritual it is impossible to use the diminutive name or a nickname.

Fortune telling on a guy

Knowing the full name of the guy who interests you, with the help of this teaching method you can figure out how it actually treats you and what feelings feeds.

New deck of playing cards That's all you need to carry out this ritual. You can guess at any time of the day, there are no restrictions for this.

Before starting the fortune telling, it is necessary to fully concentrate on the person whose fate you want to know, to present his image, formulate questions that would like to get answers. After that, take the deck of cards slowly and carefully shuffled them, continuing to think about the guy. After place the cards on the stacks. The number of piles must correspond to the number of letters in the full name of the guy. For example, if your chosen is Ivan, then you should get four stacks.

Maps must be decomposed in the correct sequence. Take cards from the very top of the deck alternately. No need to pull cards from the middle. Spread four cards from left to right (we are talking about four cards, since the name of the name Ivan is taken as the basis), the following cards on the left to the right to place on top of the first. So you must decompose the whole deck, you should not have a single card.

Then take an extreme right stack in your hand, in our case it corresponds to the letter "H" of our mandated name. Spread the cards with this stack in three others. It is necessary to do this, as in the previous case to the left for the right. Ultimately, you should have only two stacks of cards. In our example, you need to decompose another stack.

Take into the hands of the stack in which you put the last map. Cover the remaining stack. So you again got a deck of cards. No case tasite cards. In one line, lay out the cards on the table, turning the image up. When two identical cards coincide, set them aside. It is over these coincided pairs that the fate and feelings of the maddy guys can be defined.

The value of the coincided cards

Ame - The guy you thought, loves you very much.

Kings - Your characters with a young man are very similar, you have a lot of common interests.

Ladies - The mysterious guy is in love with another girl.

Vnet - It is evidence that the thoughts of the said man are addressed to you, he cannot stop thinking about you.

Dozens - They say that the guy is interested in you, of course, his feelings are not deep, but you have hooked it.

Nine - fall out when the guy has a certain sympathy for you.

Eight - foreshadow a quick conversation.

Seven - In the near future it is necessary to prepare for a date.

Six - They talk about any road, the high probability of a joint journey.

Fortune telling

These teaching techniques used our grandmothers and great-grandmothers to learn at least small details about the future marriage. Conducted such fortune-telling on Malanks, or how it is now called to the old new year.

Young girls in turn ran out of the house and asked the first oncoming man his name. It was believed that the future husband would also be the owner of this name.

Another elementary maiden divination in the name using paper. It is necessary to write as many names as possible on small paper, minimize them and mix well. Pull out any paper and read the written name.

So our grandmothers tried to find out who will become their future husband. These fortune telling on the names rather can be called entertainment, rather than magical rituals, and therefore the probability of the coincidence is quite small.

Numerological divination for the full name

Write on a piece of paper the surname and the name of the person you are interested in. Calculate how the amount of the balls corresponds separately the name and surname.

1 ball get letters - a and s;

2 bala - I'm b to r;

3 bala - g l with chch;

4 BALA - M D T;

5 balls - ech;

6 balls - in in;

7 balls - z o

8 balls - f p f

9 balls -

All other letters are equal to "0".

For example, learn the meaning of the name of Petrov (8 + 5 + 4 + 2 + 7 + 6 \u003d 32) Ivan (1 + 6 + 1 + 5 \u003d 14). It is necessary to sum up the meaning of the name and the surname to each other (32 + 14 \u003d 46). It is necessary that the unequivocal number remains, therefore we put the numbers (4 + 6 \u003d 10, 1 + 0 \u003d 1). This is the first indicator that will help determine the character of a person.

The second number is the sum of all the consonants, it will help determine how those who are surrounding this person. The amount of vowels is an indicator of what a person to strive in his life and how wants to become.

The value of numbers

  • success, success, self-confidence.
  • sympathy, softness, sociability, mentality.
  • enterprise, curiosity.
  • practicality, straightness, organizational abilities.
  • next to extreme sports, erudition.
  • kindness and decency.
  • determination, self-control.
  • clearance, uncompromising.
  • dreamy, fanzer.

Dusting is a fascinating and interesting occupation. And for this it is not necessary to have a special deck. Ordinary playing cards are ideally suited for gadas. All that is needed for this: know layouts and be able to interpret them. In this article, we learn what existence exist on the maps on the guys.


In fact, it is very simple to guess on a playing deel. Recall that it includes 36 cards that are divided into 4 masters (peaks, baptism, tambourines and worms). It should be noted that for fortune telling a full deck is never used. So, each suit includes 9 cards: ace, king, lady, currency, ten, nine, eight, seven and six. In expectations, each of them has its own designation. Moreover, it can be very different, depending on the defold. For fortune telling on the maps on the guys, you should buy a new deck, and never apply it to play. Before each fortunate, a special conspiracy is read on it:

36 sisters, Kumovyev and Snow, brothers and counterparts.

I serve the service faithful, friendship is unchanged.

36 cards, four masters, tell me all the true truth,

what should I wait, expect what to fear for what it was not to take.

I urge you and call you and pronounce:

The word is tough and cards of lopko.

This conspiracy is read in order for maps to do not list. But in any case, the deck should be used to, it must be felt and become one with it.

Rules of divination

For any type of predictions, there are certain principles of exorvenration. Before fortuneful cards, you can never lie, otherwise you can get the same in response. They cannot be chosen, to throw and, in principle, to relate to them disrespectful. If you want to get help and advice from them, please contact them, as with best friends.

There is another rule around which many disputes have recently appeared. Some gadgetants argue that for each defold it is necessary to have a separate deck, others - which is one enough. In fact, there is no correct answer in this dispute. Each fortune tel makes it comfortable. If she sees her deck of cards shows the correct results only in one of the same scenario, then there is a need to buy a few more, and check them on other fortune tells. The reverse side - if everything happens you, it makes no sense to change anything.

So, on fortune-money maps you can guess and lay solitaires. The second option is lighter and shows only the attitude of a man to the lady. The fortune telling on the guy's cards reveals completely the essence of the whole situation (past, present, future and outcome of events).

This is one of the most popular and old fortunes. This alignment allows you to find out the development of relationships in a pair. It is very important before the start of divination on the maps on the guy mentally thinking a certain period (a few days, week, month).

Before the layout, you need to drag the cards well. Then, clearly formulating the question and the time segment, you should decompose them as shown in the picture, shirts up.

  1. So, the first card means the identity of the gadgetting and what is more worried about.
  2. The personality of the guy, his thoughts in relation to the girl.
  3. What will happen in relationships in this time period or what should pay special attention to.
  4. For what reason it happens.
  5. The final result.
  6. Card Council.

In this scenario, you can pull two more additional, if necessary. So, for example, if ace of peak falls in the fourth position, the tip down - then this means a conflict. But why it may not be clear to you. Then, to the fourth position from the deck, you can get an additional card, which will explain the essence of the main one.


As a rule, girls take into the hands of the card when they are bothering them. So, fortune telling on the guy on the "Relationship" playing cards should be performed when you feel that there is any problem.

The alignment is performed without aces, they must be removed from the deck. Also, you should think what map is your young man. As a rule, this is one of the kings:

  • Worms are a fair-haired man (more than 35 years old).
  • Peaks - dark-haired (more than 35 years).
  • Bubnes - blonde, young.
  • Cross - dark-haired, young.

After you guess the map, shuffle a deck well and spread it in front of the scheme (8 x 4). Lay the map of your beloved among them. What is on the sides of it will mean what is happening now in your relationship.

The alignment of the guy

Interesting and fascinating is fortune-telling on the maps in the name of the guy. To do this, you need to carefully shifted a deck. Determine how many letters in the full name of the man. For example, use the name Andrei. So, it contains 6 letters. Spread all the deck on 6 stacks. It is very important, to take cards from above and one to put in the "every letter". The amount may turn out unequal, but it is not scary.

The next step: it is necessary to take the last stack (the letter "th") and in the same way, decompose these cards in the remaining five. So, it should be done until the first three letters remain. Now, put the second stack on top of the first. It will turn out again a whole deck of cards, but it can not be put out. Lay out two cards on the table. Values \u200b\u200bfor fortune telling in the name of the guy on the playing cards are as follows:

  • A pair of aces - reciprocity.
  • Kings - he considers you a friend.
  • Ladies - you have a rival.
  • Vnets - He is worried about you.
  • Dozens - Test sympathy for you.
  • Nine - Strong love.
  • Eights - quarrel, conflicts.
  • Seven - romantic relationships.
  • Six are a walk together, but sometimes it can mean separation (especially if peak and cross).

The easiest layout

This divination is one of the most common. It is called "What was that there is, what will be" for each time there are three cards. If the alignment is performed on the relationship between people, then to start from the deck it is necessary to choose the king and the lady, respectively, which will be denoted them. Now, it is necessary to shook a deck well and decompose the cards in this order: the bottom is the past, the middle is the present, the top is the future.


Solitales no less exciting and interesting way to find out how one or another guy belongs to you. One of them is called "Four Kings". It allows you to determine how 4 different young people include at once. To do this, select from the deck of 4 king. For each suit, make a separate guy. If such a quantity is not, then one can call the "secret fan". Turn over the kings of the shirt up and mix well. Spread them in a row. The deck, from the remaining 32 cards, is good to drag. Now it is necessary to decompose it on 4 stacks under each king. After the cards are left in the hand, you need to take the first "bunch".

The meaning is to 6 times, collect all the cards in order, ranging from the six and ending with ace. So, in the stack we find everything that goes in order. Suppose it turned out to be six, seven and eight, and no nines. From above on the king put three cards in order, and the rest are postponed and go to the next. So you need to do with all four. Delayed cards are shifted again and lay out under the king. The procedure is repeated 6 times. The first full stack harvested is a guy who is crazy about you, the second - you like it, the third - you will be great friends, the fourth - you do not fit each other. Sometimes it is not possible to collect a single king for all 6 times, and sometimes all four at once.

Interpretation of cards

Of course, decompose 36 cards for fortune telling on the guy's maps - it's not a difficult thing. The complexity is to interpret them correctly. First of all, you should pay attention to the predominance of one or another suit. So, the worms are stuffed by love and good relationships, the tambourine - always show the financial side, the cross - negotiations, affairs, peaks are a militant suit that most often foreshadows trouble.

The value of the cards themselves are as follows:

  • Aces - house, important events. Peak (Top down) - Punch, up - unexpected events. Chervoy Ace - House, Love, Warm Relationships. Cross can mean work or business relationship
  • Kings and ladies are primarily the personality: guys and girlfriends in your environment. If they are peaks, then most likely - enemies or envious.
  • Vnets always show troubles or some important things.
  • Dozens displays desires.
  • Nine - feelings. If peak, then the disease, if a bubnica is money, with kings - love.
  • Eight - conversations and conversations, the suit of the dropped card indicates what topic.
  • Seven - meeting, a date. Peak - parting, tears.
  • Six - travel, road.

Summing up, we can say that fortune telling on the guy cards (which thinks, as it believes, it does not feel). Knowing some rules, layouts and, most importantly, the interpretation of cards, you can find out what awaits your pair in the future. Despite all the results of fortune telling, always remember what you manage your destiny, not maps or other people.

The fortune telling on the maps on the guy is one of the most popular, especially among young girls. Nevertheless, a lot of nuances should be known, as well as correctly interpret the value of each defold - only in this case you can find out the future.

In the article:

Simple fortune telling on guy maps

There are many simple ghosts on the maps per guy who allow you to find out how you are interested in you. Such will help you decide whether to make the first step in the relationship, hope to reciprocate and tell that it interferes with the relationship. Can be engaged in such fortune telling at home, They are pretty simple and understandable almost each. From a separate article on our site, you can learn depending on the topic of the question you ask the cards.

For a given guy, a regular deck of 36 cards is needed. It is desirable that she was new and she have not played yet, then there will only be truth to tell you, provided that you can solve their answers.

Start the card fortune telling on the guy from shuffling the decks, and then its top slide with your left hand towards yourself. This part of the deck you shift is put down the decks. Think up the king, which will symbolize your chosen one, and the lady that will represent, respectively, you.

By the way, it is possible to pay a girlfriend, just do not give her your fortune-out tools in your hands, it is believed that only one person should touch them.

Now lay cards with rows, nine pieces in each row. Do not open them immediately, it is better to do it after you finish the calculation. After that, remove the challenges next to the card with the same Mashy, not touching the king and the lady, which means the gadget and her guy. There are in mind those that lie in vertical and horizontal rows. Usually start with the latter. Formed to remove the place, shift those that lie to the right of them. This is done after you remove each pair.

As a result, you will have much less cards. Those who were postponed as steam room are no longer involved in the fortune investigation, you need to look at those that remained in the scenario. Very good, if the king and lady turned out to be near and between them do not lie other cards. This means that you will be together, nothing bothers your relationship, a couple waiting for love and happiness. A particularly pleasant value promises the alignment if the lady and the king are located together in one of the corners of the upper row. This means serious intentions and strong feelings, even a wedding is possible.

According to the cards, which were between the lady and the king, are judged about the interference that stand between two in love or the achievement of reciprocity. Open card interpretations and find out what obstacles you have to eliminate. Ladies mean rivals, and kings - fans.

Divination on the playing cards on the guy "Four Cavalera"

How to repay one guy on maps, described above, and this alignment allows you to deal with the four guys will provide the best future for your chosen. This alignment is similar to, but it is pleased with the differences. It is great for girls who cannot decide with whom the Governors are worth tieting their future. But there must be exactly four, no more and no less.

In order to guess on four guys, select four currencies, mix them and put them in a series of images down. Of course, it should be solved in advance which currency whose currencies will be denoted. In this case, the names should be made without looking at the meanings in accordance with the color of the hair of a person, try to pick up in your personal associations.

The cards remaining in the deck are shuffled and laid out in four stacks, one under each of the currencies. Now open all the cards and go to the interpretation. The stack under each currency is interpreted in accordance with the value of each card. Which of these four stacks promises you better than the future, mutual feelings and lack of trouble and interest to other ladies, the one corresponds to Vallenu, which is worth choosing from four guys.

Card fortune telling in the name of the guy

Calculate how many letters in the first guy who interests you. Drag as the usual deck of 36 cards, remove its upper part with your left hand, "to the heart", and then shift it down the decks. Now lay out the cards one to get so many rows how many letters in the name of the beloved. It is made pictures down so that you do not see the values \u200b\u200bbefore it should be.

After you laid all the cards on a stack, notice which one was the last one. You need the next stack behind it. It must be taken and decompose on other stacks. Thus, the amount of them will decrease by one. So they do until only two stacks remain.

Turn the two stacks so that the most first maps of them lay on your picture up. Take from them on one map, and if they are pair, for example, two dozen or two aces, put them in the direction, the value in the interpretation will only have these pairs. So they do until they beat all the stacks, after which they go to the interpretation of cards according to their nominal, that is, without taking into account the masters.

In general, they are distinguished by a large simplicity and quite interesting, so even if you do not believe in the magic of foresight, they will help you have a pleasant time with girlfriends.