Repairs Design Furniture

How to restore the old kitchen table. Old new table - Restoration and update with your own hands. Strips multicolored scotchs

Do you have an old wooden table in Chulana or in the attic at home? Have you completely forgotten about him? But it can be repaired, restored and it will not be worse than the new one. And how now the furniture is done, so the old table will also be ridiculed!

From the old table you can recreate an elegant table for writing or kitchen.

An exclusive view when modernizing the table will give a contrast combination of vintage wood thread and glass countertops.

Restoration of table

The restoration of the table begins with the removal of old tiles from the table top, which used to be inserted into the oak edge, going throughout the entire perimeter. Tiles need to be carefully removed with a spatula or scraper.

If in your case the countertop is not decorated with tiles, the removal is to be coated with which the old table is processed.

Then there comes a turn of the edge of the table - it is highly treated with grinding bar. This stage smoothly goes into the cleaning of all wood with a wet grinding. It should be borne in mind that grinding is carried out strictly in one direction - along the fiber of the tree. Otherwise, across the countertops will remain unsightly risks, which is only more disappearing an old wooden table.

Before proceeding with varnishing, wood is desirable to open the verse. The base and the color of the means are selected taking into account the type of wood, for example, light veils on alcohol are ideal for oak. If the wood before processing is slightly moistened, then staining will be more uniform.

The wood is well moisturized by the veil, the surplus can be easily removed with a brush. When using water-soluble, wood fibers have a property to parse, which requires after drying grinding a fine-grained skin. Apply a means on a wooden table Better a piece of foam rubber, because after the brush remains lower. When the veil dries, the entire furniture surface should be treated with transparent primer or apply a layer of primer varnish on it.

The restoration of the wooden table is completed with the application of a matting solution on a varnish surface with a tampon.

In conclusion, a glass of good quality is installed on the worktop.

If the tabletop is badly damaged, it can be replaced with thick glass.

You can embed multicolored backlight under the glass table. See what beauty!

Decoupage table

Decoupage of the old table will turn it into a wonderful work of home art.

For us will need

  1. Schucker or grinding machine
  2. Acrylic paint
  3. Shpaklevka
  4. Acrylic paint
  5. Varnish in the canister
  6. Napkins, wallpapers or maps for decoupage
  7. PVA glue
  8. File or plastic bag

Poor work during decoupage is the same as when painting: disassembly and stripping using sandpaper.

After that, it is necessary to perform the shtkock, the composition for which you can buy in any construction store. Do not forget to dry well for several hours.

You can choose any drawing, make a subject matter for a specific interior. For example, a chair can be placed by a geographic map. For the decoration of the old table, wrapping paper is perfectly suitable or even wallpaper. You can embello on furniture with napkins, most often in decoupage of old furniture, a floral ornament is used, but this is the easiest way. You can make a decoupage even with the help of old newspapers or pages from useless books. Everything can go into the move: maps, postcards, wallpaper, clippings from magazines, intentionally printed illustrations.

If you want to add a bright detail image, perform drawing with watercolor and tassels. You can not only select some items, but also create shadows and volume for the pattern.

It can also exist with a plow and paint glue. In this case, you will succeed art of Shebbi-Chic Art. With your own hands you can make a beautiful and unusual subject of the interior. To do this, mix the glue with the paint to get the desired shade, load the prepared surface of the table, apply paint and, without waiting for drying, dry the tabletop with a hair dryer. In the process, you will see how cracks in the style of Shebbi-Chic will begin to appear on the surface.

Old table, chair, dresser, bedside table, transformed decoupage technique, will become the main decoration of your interior!

The old table, breaking and quicken, and even, besides, a creaky, like a non-shy cart, and itch your hands send to the fire or landfill. But if you work a little over it, you can get a very good furniture accessory, such as a coffee table (if you shorten the legs up to a certain length), or a TV table. In my Saraj lay on the shelf, forgotten by everyone, the usual kitchen table. In disassembled state. Four legs on bolts, wooden base bonded by metal brackets, and three fragments of table tops.

Having inspected this rarity, I first decided to send it to the trash machine; From long lying, fragments of countertops, made of chipboard, were swollen under the influence of moisture, and after drying, it is already not returned to the original form. Yes, moreover, they became fragile and the opil, from which they, in fact, were fraught with ...

The wooden basis, on the contrary, was shuffled to the fact that he went to the chance, as a lively, it was worth it to take her! Thinking a little, I decided, after all, try to "reanimate" him. Anyway, I will not lose a lot, in case of failure.


  • Hacksaw.
  • Gas key or pliers.
  • Adhesive universal (you can "moment").
  • Adhesive composite (cold welding).
  • Cyan Cyan Acrylate (super glue).
  • Marker.
  • Drill and twisted for 4 and 9.
  • Long line (or level with line markup).
  • Four thick furniture screws under the hexagon.
  • A small sheet of chipboard for a new table top.
  • Decorative self-adhesive film for tabletop cladding (with a picture of your choice).

Restore the old table

First you need to disassemble the wooden basis. Unscrew all existing screws, remove metal brackets.

The table we will have twice as smaller than the former, and therefore the crossbars that were used to be a width of the table - now they will become long.

The width of the new table can be selected independently, to your taste. You can do it at least square! To do this, take the remaining long crossbars, and shorten them to the width of the future table you need.

Just calculate the width of the future table to be at least half of his long, otherwise it will be unstable! Now, on the unpacked ends of the crossbar, we will make a hacksaw groove for metal brackets, as before.

Next, we get holes left from the screws after disassembling the table. Most of these holes will again be in the former places, and that they keep screws that hold metal brackets well, we use matches and universal glue. Makazy match in glue (or dripping glue into the hole), pushing it until it stops into the hole, and climb.

It turned out a peculiar CHEKL card. Now in this hole, the screw will be well held, and the table will not be fused. Well, so that the "new" table does not creak - drip on a drop of machine oil to the places of contact of all individual fragments of the table, both wooden and metal. Now we will deal with legs. If the threaded compound is twisted in these legs, it is desirable to unscrew it from the leg. To coole the thread with composite or universal glue, and screw it back.

Before the stop. If the connection is dangling, but it does not get out (it happens when the thread pin has inside the legs "T" -ny end), then you will have to use Cyan acrylate (super glue). We drip it into the gap between the connection and wood until it stops to go inside. We leave the knocked legs to dry. For a couple of hours, so that I manage to grab composite glue. (By the way, the legs can also be shortened, to the height you need, overshadow the plane, to narrow them down the book, if they are square, and cover the mournicle.) During this time, you can collect a wooden foundation; We fasten the cooked crossbars using brackets and screws.

After the time allocated to frozen the composite glue, we screw the legs to the base. As before to the old table.

Now we take a prepared sheet of chipboard (I took the end wall from the old cabinet for this purpose), cut the required area of \u200b\u200bthe worktop and the sandpaper, or a wooden file, dumping edges.

We put the table top on a flat surface, facial (the most smooth!) Side down. We put on top on the table top the base, legs up and mark the marker of the corners of the legs.

We remove the basis and drill holes by 4 millimeters in every corner, with such a calculation so that the holes fall into the centers of the legs. Now we put the foundation on the legs, put onto the worktop on it, and look at the bottom to come together marker made earlier. Now on the holes available in the tabletop, drill holes further - inside the legs, on the length of the screw.

Well, by a drill on eight millimeters, we will make a small deepening-sweep over holes, for screws of screws and screw the screws.

Mind screw screw with composite glue, so that the countertop should have a smooth surface. You can pre-lubricate the surface of the deepening, and the screw screw in it, machine oil, then it will be possible to easily dig these reversed plugs to dismantle the table, if necessary.

We are waiting for the composite glue and, in conclusion, we glue the countertop with a sticky decorative film.

Plug by self-adhesive wallpaper should be as accurate as possible; The second chance will not be to cross. To do this, I had to dismantle the table (good, it is not long - unscrew the four screws and unscrew the four nuts!). I moistened in the room the air with a sprayer, so that the dusting does not lie down on the surface placed, and have not formed irregularities and bubbles after the work done. The surface of the surface with alcohol, and carefully, starting with one of the corners, smoothing the film in different directions from the angle of a dry cloth, for each item in turn, pasted the film. If bubbles could not be avoided, pinched them with a thin needle in several places, put an ordinary kitchen napkin on the bubble and put a mug with a flat bottom filled with boiling water on this place. For one or two minutes. After this procedure, the bubble will disappear. And one moment; Ploying the countertop, I changed my mind to hide the screws of the screws - I really liked it, how the shiny metal caps are looking, recessed in the texture of "stone".

But this is the case of each individual. If anyone does not like it - you can hide the hats. It is also smeared with glue and stick on top of the patch cut from the same film ... This table was (in size!):

And so became small and compact:

He will fit well in the interior of some small room in the country house. I think it turned out well. Even very good! 10/13/2015

Did you get into the inheritance furniture headset of the last century, or in the house, they dust with the types of chairs and the chest, with whom to part? Congratulations! You have the opportunity, and most importantly, a suitable texture in order to update the old furniture and interior at minimum cost, thereby transforming your home. You will need a couple of hours and a small set of repair materials. With their help and if there is a desire to create excellent results, you can easily and quickly!

Before starting work, you need to prepare the necessary materials. In order to update the old furniture, it is convenient to use paint in cylinders. In this case, you will only have several aerosols of the necessary shades. There is no need to acquire rollers of different sizes, numerous brushes and solvent. So, before proceeding with painting, we carry out preparatory work. This stage cannot be neglected, because the quality of painting and its longevity depends on it.

  1. The first thing we purify the surface that we will paint, from dirt and dust, after which we wipe it dry.
  2. We proceed with sandpaper furniture covered with varnish.
  3. Before painting the surface is desirable to cover with a special soil. Thus, we will achieve the best coating paint clutch.
  4. We are covered with old newspapers or polyethylene film, which does not want to paint, as well as protect the surrounding space from excess paints when spraying it.
  5. We use the greasy tape to make parts of furniture that are not subject to painting, as well as to obtain a flat edge of the stainable zone.
  6. Hands protect gloves.
  7. Before using the cylinder intensively shake it within a few minutes. Spraying is carried out from a distance of 25-30 cm from the surface in the surface.
  8. Designers advise boldly use bright contrasting shades, decorate the surface with drawings, as well as decorative elements, color film and a variety of moldings. The main thing is not to be afraid to fantasize, creating and implement your most unusual ideas!

Well, take a look at the old furniture in a new way you will help you a selection of our photos!

1. In order for the old Dark Dark Chest to turn into an original dressing table, it is enough to update it using bright paint. You can purchase new handles on the doors and boxes or clean the coating of older using a special means for cleaning metal products.

2. New interior design is not a reason for replacing furniture. With the help of paint, you can change the shade of the table or the chest, ideally writing them into the entourage. Having salary with a painted scotch zone around moldings, you can easily paint them into the desired color. In this case, golden planks and handles perfectly decorated white drawers of the chest.

3. Sad unsightly dresser that wanted to push into the darker corner in the country, can be a real living room decoration. For this, all its elements are painted white paint. Magnifying drawers and will contrast with the main color of gray moldings. The color composition will complement the original silver handles.

4. Tree is an excellent texture to create decorative effects. This chest was painted in white, after which the boxes were sealed with a color film and isolated with moldings. The new fittings gave the composition completed the form, allowing you to update the old furniture and turn it into an ideal addition of the interior decorated in bright colors.

5. Do not rush to get rid of the visiting tables. The white shade will refresh and allow you to update the old furniture. And with the help of painting scotch, you can experiment and create a drawing on the boxes, which will help to enter the table in the surrounding environment. In this case, the color shades of the boxes are perfectly combined with decorative shelves on the table top.

6. An old tube for an hour and a half you can repaint in white and creatively to make her door with black squares. The inner space is processed using an aerosol cylinder with yellow paint. Unusual handles will perfectly complement the new image of your couch, which will decorate the hallway.

7. The old lacquered stand of Soviet times acquires an updated view with two contrasting shades. Their bold combination perfectly complement the thin moldings painted with golden paint. In the same way, handles on the doors are processed.

8. In order to update the old grandmother's chest, you can paint it with white paint frame, and make the boxes with gray. After that, with the help of a stencil and white paint, we create a magnificent openwork effect on them. Finish the image of a new fittings. By the way, boxes can be changed in places, after which your relatives will definitely decide that you have purchased new furniture!

9. From the old couch, you can make a magnificent serving table. Aerosol paint will help create smooth color transitions that look better thanks to the combination of contrasting shades. Minimum work - and such a great result!

10. In the updated dresser, light and dark shades are organically combined. With the help of painting tape on the drawers, an original decorative element is created. Furnitura looks like new after applying golden paint.

11. Using stencils, you can easily update the old furniture, making it fashionable and stylish. This chest with the original drawing of the ship will now decorate the nursery. Here are beautifully looking contrast combinations of colors.

12. Old wooden chairs can easily be restored, painting the frame of bright paint and replacing the coverage of the seats. In this case, the yellow paint perfectly harmonizes with a golden fabric pattern. Original, practical and inexpensive!

13. Make a bright design chair you are quite forces! Prayes the frame of an ancient exhibit bright paint, change the upholstery of the seat and mastwork striped covers to the main shades. A small contrasting pad - and a harmonious image completed!

14. Here is such a creative coffee table with a stencil. Initially, we paint the whole design of white paint, waiting for a complete drying, and then put the stencil on the tabletop and spray a bright blue shade. A new table is ready and perfectly fits into the interior!

15. The shabby wooden dresser is an excellent opportunity to create something special. Bright solar shades, interesting color combinations and new fittings will help update the old furniture and turn it into the original decoration of your bedroom.

16. Excellent solution: Green drawers of the chest are visually highlighted with thin moldings painted in white. Using the greasy tape, easy and easy to paint the thin details of the furniture in the color you need. New handles on drawers complement the attractive image of the chest.

17. The old bedside table has changed beyond recognition using a bright green paint and a decorative film, which was covered with a countertop. Used old fittings - she was removed and painted in black. Stunning ornament of the original interior!

18. Skillful hands turned the old bed in a small sofa, while her headboard became his back! The design is painted in white, the seat is covered with an attractive cloth, and cute pads complement the new image.

19. From the old grandmother's chest, a graceful dressing table for a modern bedroom has been turned out. Delicate pastel colors are supplemented with an original pattern of a decorative film, which are placed doors. Refresh Old Furniture can be very easily, having received a great result with minimal effort!

20. Section of the old Soviet slide turned into an excellent storage bedside table. The base is painted with white, the doors are sealed with a decorative film of pleasant colors and decorated with a new fitness. Simple solutions - and global restoration!

21. If you can draw, you can decorate white drawers of the chest of bright patterns or intricate patterns. To create them, choose colors suitable to the shades of the interior.

22. This folding table was transformed due to the yellow paint and the original drawing on the table top. With the help of stencils, you can create a variety of color compositions that perfectly fit your updated furniture in the surrounding environment.

23. Old shabby writing desk began to look stylish and modern. Unusually decorated legs give it an elegant look, and light tones refresh and updated.

24. Refresh old furniture, or rather this nightstand, you can easily and simply. It is enough to cover it with white paint, and the pattern on the doors draw the usual marker with a thick pen, then fasten the result with a colorless varnish. You can complete the work by installing new fittings. After all, manufacturers today offer a huge variety of handles and loops of any forms, colors and sizes.

25. If the new coffee table stopped you like - soon for paint! With the help of aerosol, changing the painting of the frame - and now the renewed object of the interior pleases the eye.

26. After painting with bright colors, this garden group looks fresh and festive. The combination of contrasting shades is advantageous, as well as bold accents created with the help of multi-colored pads. Such garden furniture is able to decorate any terrace.

27. The surface of the old chest is cleaned with a skin, removing the launched lacquer. After that, we apply primer and cover paint. In our case, old fittings only emphasizes the vintage style of an updated interior object. Fashionable, creative and tasteful!

28. With the help of paint, you can upgrade the old furniture and combine the table and chairs from different groups into a single composition. Mobile table in white, and chairs seats are tightened with white cloth. Fresh furniture pleases the eye!

29. I wanted something new? The kitchen cabinet can be changed beyond recognition, repainting its frame and drawers in one color, and the worktop to another, as well as setting new handles. Boldly experiment with flowers and fittings!

30. Do not rush to send the old table of Soviet times to the landfill. With the help of stencils and paints, you can create a fancy drawing on the furniture, after which it will not even be needed to the tablecloth on this table.

31. Children's furniture should be bright and attractive! You can update the old furniture and create a unique interior along with the child, painting the table and chairs. Add more colors and contrasting combinations, entertaining drawings and patterns. At such a table, your baby will sit with great pleasure.

32. Old chairs will look like new after coloring and replacing upholstery. For a minimum of effort - and an excellent result!

33. This shabby stool began to look bright and fresh. Pleasant contrasting shades allow you to update the old furniture by creating it a new image. The convenient and practical stool will become a real decoration of the kitchen or dining room.

34. And so you can upgrade the stool for the nursery. With the help of bright shades of paint, old and loss furniture became fashionable and creative. Agree, such a beautiful stool is a place in a new nursery!

35. White interior color is one of the new-fashioned modern trends. Light furniture looks easy and elegant. At the same time, there is no need to spend significant funds - you can update the chest with your own hands with high-quality paint, making it a spectacular element of the trendy interior.

36. The vintage mirror frame after painting will look like new. The spectacular shade will help her to return the past chic, and you - to refresh the interior!

37. Color accents are very important for creating a modern interior. You can arrange a room in two main colors, and the third - to emphasize the details. Provide items the desired shade, say golden, help paint in the cans.

38. 39, 40. Bright doors will become a real interior decoration, emphasizing the great taste of its owners. With the help of painting tape and high-quality paint in the canvas, you can give the canvas and the door frame of any, even the most bold shade, as well as create a spectacular combination of contrasting colors.

41. Boldly experiment with contrasting shades! Such furniture will reflect your individuality and creativity.

42, 43, 44. Bright colors, interesting combinations of shades, new fittings - and a shabby chest of drawers. Update the old furniture is easy and simply by paint in the cans. It's small things - choose colors, add fantasies and create the interior of your dreams!

45. The designers do not exist for "outdated furniture" - only vintage, and therefore, the fashionable! Add fresh shades - and create an original interior!

46. Malyary Scotch helps you create creative geometric compositions on your furniture. Add accessories to the selected shades in the tone - and enjoy the new way of your home!

47. Bright bold shades will convert old furniture, which, in turn, refreshes the room and fill it with inspiration. After all, after painting a fever, you will want to change everything around!

48. You can paint the rack outside in one color, and its internal space is different. It turns out bright, boldly and original!

49. With the help of aerosol paint and your imagination, you can easily and simply update the old garden furniture. The most unexpected solution is sometimes the most faithful. Choose a creative path in order to create original garden compositions!

50. Bright fresh shades of renewed furniture fill you with positive and returned a magnificent summer mood. With aerosol paints Motip world around becomes more beautiful!

Taketing for updating furniture, do not be afraid of minor difficulties with whom you may have to face. After all, an excellent result will be a reward for your works and inspires to create a unique original interior of your home!

Do you have a favorite, comfortable and comfortable kitchen table, but his appearance has not been happy for a long time? Do not despair, but give him a second life. Restoration of the kitchen table is an excellent solution to refresh the interior of your kitchen, not parting with your favorite piece of furniture. We bring to your attention some tips on how to update the kitchen table and save a considerable amount of money.

Of course, if your table is hopelessly broken and cannot be repaired all the accompanying efforts may be unjustified. But most often the correctly chosen method of restoration helps to return the favorite furniture for life by changing it beyond recognition.

This is one of the most proven and lectureout technologies that make it possible to return to some elements of furniture a beautiful appearance and presentability. To update the old kitchen table you will need the following materials and tools:

  • grinding machine with different nozzles;
  • mask, glasses and gloves;
  • putty;
  • putty knife;
  • primer for wooden surfaces;
  • brush for primer, varnish and paint;
  • alkid enamel paint required color;
  • varnish or wax.

And now we turn to the main stages of work.

Inspection of the table and identifying essential defects

At this stage, inspect the integrity of the legs of the table and fasteners, check whether the worktop has defects or damage. If it is discovered that the table is broken, try twisting the connecting bolts. If such an action does not give significant changes, you will have to fully disassemble the table, sanding irregularities and gaps, grooves and places of connections, for greater reliability, apply glue and fix the glued parts by self-draws.

If the feet of the table completely failed and the repair is impossible, you can perform a complete replacement to more modern, for example, metal or carved, wooden - it all depends on the interior design of your kitchen and the selected style. Broken fasteners are also replaced. Keep in mind that the reconstruction of the table is not only a change in the appearance, but also ensuring the reliability of the structure. Do not forget about it.

Removing the old coating

Next you will have to remove the old coating - varnish or paint. Put the mask, protective glasses and with the help of a grinding machine, proceed to stripping. You can use sandy paper of large and medium grain, but then you need to tune in for a long and time-consuming work - to remove paint or varnish in this way it is not easy and not fast. It is better to perform these work outdoors or in a well-ventilated room. If you still decided to grind the table in the kitchen, completely open the windows and check the floor and all the furniture surrounding the furniture or paper.

Treatment of cracks and chips

After grinding, it is necessary to clean the old kitchen table from dust and inspect the table top for the presence of defects. All chips and cracks need to sharpen, and after the putty dries, redesk the entire surface. The fact is that even the most minor defects will be well noticeable after painting. After a long effort, the resulting purified surface of the kitchen table will become ideal for creation and creating a new design.

Stamp surface primer

Passing the table top and other elements of the table, it is necessary to degrease everything, and after drying, apply a soil mixture. This stage cannot be skipping, otherwise the paintwork will be uneven and short-lived. The ground mixture is applied in two layers, each layer must be good before applying the following. After drying the second layer, it will take about 24 hours to leave, you need to redt the surgeted surfaces again.

Painting kitchen table

This is perhaps the most pleasant stage of work in the restoration of the kitchen table with their own hands, without dirt and dust. Each wake of the brush makes you a step closer to the desired result. The paint must be applied in two layers, and dark color - in three. The latter, the finish layer it is necessary to give 3-4 days for complete drying.

Application of protective coating

The final stage of work is the uniform application of a protective varnish in 2-3 thin layers. After drying each layer (about 4 hours) and before applying the following, it should be slightly sewn the surface with sandpaper with fine graininess. It is possible to use wax instead of varnish as a protective coating - it will make the tabletop matte or it can be grated before the appearance of shine. The first layer of wax rubs into wood with a soft cotton fabric, and after drying, a second layer of light circular motions is applied. So you can repeat several times for one day. On this kitchen table repairs. Leave a product for one week and only after this time it will be ready for full exploitation.

Restoration of table tops with decorative tiles

Then we will look at how to restore the kitchen table with your own hands using ceramic tiles or mosaic. The decorative tile is one of the most popular materials used for facing the surfaces of kitchen heads. The choice of many people is obvious - in addition to the presence of a variety of textures and color solutions, the tile is distinguished by its reliability and durability. In addition, it is very convenient for maintenance, it is easy to clean and resistant to high temperatures.

In order to restore the kitchen table with a ceramic tile you need to choose a suitable tile or mosaic to the style of your kitchen, purchase a special tile glue, grouting for seams and edge profile.

Preparation of surfaces is carried out by the same principle as for painting. After the end of the preparatory work, glue is applied to the surface of the table top with a toothed spatula, which will allow firmly and securely secure the tile.

Tile elements must be layered in a pre-thought-out composition. The distance between the tile is adjustable with special plastic crosses. When the entire tile is posted and tightly pressed to the surface of the table, and the glue is completely dry, it is necessary to prepare a grout mixture and fill it with the seams between the tiles.

In order for the view of the renovated table to be finished, the side sides of the table should also be decorated. For this purpose, special edge profiles are used, which are selected in the tone or style of the selected tile. Thus, by completing this easily accessible for each home wizard, your furniture will revive and give the design of the kitchen of originality and freshness.

Decoupage Kitchen Table Countertops

Consider another popular way to update furniture - decoupage. This modern decor technique allows you to quickly and, most importantly, fiscaling the table, making it a bright accent of your kitchen.

For the restoration of the table with the help of decoupage, in addition to the materials and tools needed to clean the table from the old surfaces, its grinding and primer, you will need napkins for decoupage, water container, glue, polyethylene film, matte or semi-wave varnish.

Stopping repair with decoupage begins after it is predicted and ground or after coating with paint or varnish. At first, with the help of a pencil, you need to mark up, noting the location of the image. Next to water tank must be placed the front surface down the cut paper image. After 30 seconds, the image is removed and placed on a polyethylene film, on the same principle - the front surface down, and all the extra paper surfaces are removed.

The prepared picture is lubricated with glue and is attached to the prepared countertop. In this case, using the file you need to thoroughly smooth out the picture and only then remove it. If desired, the surface of the pictures can be reeded with paints, and in completion, the resulting image should be covered with acrylic varnish and give it a good dry dry. On this, the repair of the kitchen surface is over. Three days later, your new exclusive table will be ready for full use.

Buy good furniture, sometimes it happens. If you have an old table that you do not use, because the appearance of it has worsened over the years, we will tell you a few simple ways, how to return it to him with your own hands, but maybe make it a highlight of your interior.

Before decorating the table, in one way or another, it is necessary to inspect it in order to evaluate its condition, then to carry out the necessary repair work with your own hands, and then prepare the surface to design.

How to prepare the surface of the table?

Preparation of the surface - mandatory restoration stage. It is produced in the following sequence:

Option 1. Paint and varnish coating

Such an option great novkaHe will not require you from you some special knowledge or skills.


Simple table restoration with your own hands for beginners is completed.

And since there is many different technology For restoration and alterations of furniture, we will look at other options.

Option 2. Facing a mosaic

If a countertop during operation It was scratched, or dents appeared on her surface, you can bind it with your own mosaic, which will hide all the defects and returns to the table former beauty.

Prepare for work:

Repair order:

  1. Check if the legs hold well. If necessary, secure them, as it should be using self-tapping screws.
  2. Declaring the surface of the table top and leg with alcohol or acetone.
  3. Skill and stick surface.
  4. Places that are not amenable to grinding, cover and then skill.
  5. Cover all the surfaces of the paint layer. Leave until it dry. It is better to use paint in aerosol to work.
  6. Apply glue with a good layer on the surface of the table.
  7. Cut the mosaic and glue the mesh down. Press the mosaic and smooth. To postpone work until the glue solidification.
  8. Gently we put the painted edges of the scotch and make the mosaic grout.
  9. I wipe the surface of the table with a wet sponge.
  10. After a day, wipe the table with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Our table lined with a mosaic with your own hands is ready.

Option 3. Image decoration

If a countertop does not have obvious defects, it is quite possible to do the surface decoration with drawings.

We need:

Order of work:

  1. The old surface is grinding, squeak and spit.
  2. Covered tabletop paint base color.
  3. We apply a drawing. You can use a special stencil, apply asymmetric multicolored splashes or portray a carefully thought out ornament. You can make multi-colored stripes, sticking the scotch with smooth lines on the worktop and the pronounces of the strip between the scotch.
  4. The finished tabletop after a complete drying of the drawing is covered with varnish and leave to dry.

Table, decorated with drawings with your own hands can be used for its intended purpose.

Option 4. Designing with wallpaper

One of the most simple, budget ways Restoration of the surface of the furniture - Cook-tops with wallpaper.

To do this, you will need:


  1. Degrease the countertop.
  2. We cover the surface of paint and leave up to dry.
  3. Measure and cut the wallpaper sheet in size of the table top.
  4. We glue the wallpaper carefully smoothing to avoid the appearance of irregularities and bubbles.
  5. The ends of the wallpaper are pushing under the table top and glue.
  6. On top of the wallpaper, on request, you can apply a frame or some drawing.
  7. Nails fix on the contour wallpaper.
  8. Cove the product with varnish and leave to dry.

Tabletop decoration with your own hands is completed.

Option 5. Decoupage

Decoupage technique perfectly suitable for restoration Old furniture. There is a huge number of diverse napkins and appliques for decoupage. With this technology, you can decorate not only the table top of the table, but also side parts and even legs.

Prepare for work:

  • Decamental napkins
  • PVA glue
  • Brush

If the napkin for decouphage You failed to find, instead of a picture with them, you can transfer the image from newspapers or magazines to the table surface.


  1. Prepare the surface of the table.
  2. We carry with glue drawing on the worktop and other surfaces. We are waiting for everything dry.
  3. Cover the table with varnish.

It remains to wait for a complete drying and design of the table in the technique of decoupage ready.

Option 6. Restore with varnishing

If yours the table is not too injured on timeHowever, the appearance of it is no longer very, and the lacquering requires replacement, you can do this:

A week later, our renovated table is ready.

Other ways of restoration of old tables

  1. Stick on the surface of the table film-self-flick.
  2. Cover the countertop with a glue, having a construction staple under the table.
  3. If the tabletop table is not repairable, it is possible to replace it with glass and install a beautiful backlight from below or cover the surface of the table with ceramic tiles.

As can be seen from practice the process of restoration of tables Does not tolerate fuss. Between the start of work and receiving a finished result, a lot of time can pass. But if you go to the case with all the responsibility and carefulness of your table will not be worse than the new one.