Repair Design Furniture

Games on March 8 in the garden. Who will inflate the balloon faster

1. "Dress the baby on the street" - prepared on 2 tables: a blanket, clothes, a doll. Both adults and children can take part in the game.
2. "Children's Song Contest" - the execution of songs by lot: "Antoshka", "A grasshopper was sitting in the grass ...", "Let them run
Awkward ... ”A game for both adults and children, you can arrange a competition between children and parents.
3. Competition "Fast Hands". Competition for grandmothers. One hand "cooks porridge", and the other performs another action: writes
Or decorates a Christmas tree or pours juice ...
4. "Find your daughter (son)." A blindfolded mother is in the circle of children. Moving in a circle, she tries to identify her child by touch.
5. "Get to know mom by hand"
6. "Recognize your mom by her voice"
7. "Whose mother is covered?"
8. "Tasty competition" - pieces of sweets are prepared on toothpicks, an adult or a child is blindfolded and offered to guess what they taste
Proposed. / marmalade, marshmallow, chocolate, marshmallow, halva, biscuit ... /
9. "Cinderella" - several girls in the center take off one shoe, Ved. mixes them up and the boys have to find and
Shoe your girl. Who quickly.
10. "Light my mirror, tell me" - to dress up the boy as a girl / cap or scarf, skirt, beads ... / and looking in the mirror, say the magic words ...
11. "Sports moms" - who will spin the hoop longer.
12. "Feed grandmother" - to tie a "bib" for grandmother and feed yogurt - two couples, grandchildren and grandmothers participate.
13. "Collect a flower for mom" - separate petals and the middle, you need to make different flowers
In color and shape. Who is faster and more accurate.
1. “Mom is going to work” - on the table there are clips, beads, hats, glasses, bracelets, scarves, etc.… - who will decorate mom faster, 2 - 3 pairs compete.
2. "Cook soup and stewed fruit" - two teams, one chooses products for soup from a common heap of dummies, the other for borscht, and carry in 2
Different pots. At the end of the competition, Ved checks both pots to see if everything is
Correctly selected.
3. "Transfer purchases" - one item at a time, transfer from the table, to mom's basket - bread, milk, sugar, cottage cheese ... / use
Dummies /
4. "Help Mom". Dummies are mixed on the table: washing powder, clothespins, rope, handkerchiefs, threads, scissors, scraps, centimeter, mirror, lipstick, hairbrush, ink - you need to disassemble 3 children
The type of activity is all items, one is for washing, the other is for sewing, the third is toiletries.
5. "Draw a portrait of mom" - two teams, drawing a collective portrait on two easels. 1 - face oval, 2 - eyes, 3 - nose, etc.
6. Competition between mothers and children: "Who will name the most kitchen utensils?"
7. "Tie a bow" - a rope is tied on the racks, and colored ribbons tied to a knot are prepared on it. Compete
Dads. They should, from 2 sides, moving towards each other, tie bows. Who will reach the marked middle,
That winner.
8. "Help grandmother wind up a ball" - 2 baskets, 2 balls, 2 scarves. Putting on a scarf and winding a ball is the task of a grandson or granddaughter.
9. "Night Surprise" - to put a bouquet in vaz with a blindfold.
10. "Affectionate" - passing a balloon - a heart in a circle, say tender words to mom.
11. "Who will collect more balloons, and holding them with hands, feet, chin."
12. "Build a house" - children carry one cube to dads in cars, and dads as
Receipts of building materials, build "houses"
13.Around the hall, toys for girls and boys / dolls, jump ropes, baby dolls, doll outfits, etc. are laid out in disarray.
So - the same: cars, transformers, balls, soldiers, etc. / Mom and Dad must collect everything in baskets for their daughter (mom) and son (dad).
14. Babies are covered with a large blanket, their arms are pulled up. Several mothers are trying to guess their child by
To the palms.

"Pancake baking" - pancakes are cut from the ceiling tiles and painted. Pancakes are stacked on a rack, opposite two teams, each with one blade for the pancake oven; team members carry on shoulder blades one pancake from a common pile to their team. The trick is that the pancakes are light, when the children try to run, the pancakes fly off the shoulder blade, and you can't hold it with your hand.

"Make jam" - an easel with a drawing paper, which shows an empty jar, is set in front of each command. The children stand with their mothers: the mothers cut the berries from the arakal, separate the sticky part, and the children run to glue them on the jar. Whose team will fill ("seal") an empty jar with berries faster. A joint game with mothers is always fun (by analogy: "Whose bouquet is more beautiful" - instead of a jar, an empty vase, and cut out flowers)
A variant of the game "Guess the baby by the palms": children stand behind an impromptu screen (stretched fabric) and push their handles into the slit of the fabric. When mothers take their chosen baby by the handles, the fabric is lowered.

"Put things in order" - balloons are scattered around the hall. each team with a dust broom drives the balls into their hoop, whose team will "sweep" more balls into their hoops

"Pancakes". 2 teams, each team has several pairs (mother + child). The first mother has scissors in her hands, the child has a frying pan.
Mothers “bake pancakes” (cut a circle out of paper) and put them in a frying pan. The child carries a "pancake" and puts it on a large dish. The attribute is passed to the next participant.
Whose team is faster. And so that “friendship wins” we look at how well the pancakes are prepared !!! Grandmothers can also take part in the competition.
You can use the competition when holding Shrovetide.

A black box is taken out, there are 4 items in it.
Question 1. Mom has a very pleasant remedy, It helps her since childhood. And it never fails, When his mother brings home. (candy).
Question 2. A grandmother has no difficulties with her grandchildren, Grandmother has her own magic secret: She uses it every time, In the evening there is always silence in the house. (fairy tale).
Question 3. How does the grandfather solve the problems of upbringing, What kind of incentive does he offer for his grandchildren? (money).
Question 4. Dad rarely studies with us, but if he is taken, this is a means - the highest class! (belt).

(Two family teams involved)
Mom and baby are at opposite ends of the hall.
Dad has "footprints cut from cardboard."
Dad runs alternately from mother to child and puts one footprint for each on the floor.
Mom and child follow the tracks towards each other.
All three must meet. Whose team will make it faster?

Girls, and another very original orchestra for little Hairdressers.
thanks a lot AUTO RU Unfortunately, I don’t know who showed such a fantasy. If the author recognizes his brainchild, please respond!
"Hairdresser polka"
Tools for hairdressers: shampoo jars (noisemakers), curlers tied in 4, combs, and wooden curlers for perming, you can either knock or "scrub" each other with them.

Barber polka -
How many clients we have! - we say this before music.
Introduction - listening
Music A - (play on bottles)
We have such a shampoo,
Wash their head!
We have such a shampoo,
Wash their head!

Music B - (combs play)
And we have combs,
So they started dancing
And we have combs,
So they started dancing!

Music A - (curlers play)
Take the curlers quickly,
Curl up quickly.
Take the curlers quickly,
Curl up quickly!

Music B - (wooden curlers play)
Hairpin bows,
You will become like Christmas trees.
Hairpin bows,
Become like Christmas trees!

Music A - (just say in the rhythm of the music)
Come to us more often,
We are very glad to have guests,
We'll cut your hair for five,
We won't even take money!

Music B - all play together without words

Music A
Ah, the hairstyles are good, they did their best.
Look at your hair, don't faint.

Girls, wonderful spring orchestra.
Very nice orchestral performance. Author - N. Kulikova.
Educator: Not at all embarrassed that the snow lies around,
I took and settled the icicle outside the window.
And she began timidly to sing her song: (a girl runs out and gets up to her metallophone)

Girl: Listen, listen,
I'm singing about spring!
(plays a scale on a metallophone)

Educator: And a day later we see - there are five icicles!
And the melody began to sound more confidently. (four more children run out to their instruments)
Their quintet is not playing very well yet ...

Children: Listen, listen
Our spring greetings!
(playing instruments)

Educator: And here under our roof, lining up in a long row,
Icicles rehearse for hours on end.
(other children run out)
How beautiful and tender the sounds of their orchestra!
Children: Listen, listen
A symphony of spring!
(playing instruments)

Instruments can be changed, I took a triangle, bells, and homemade tambourines. We tried it today.

"Mom is going to work"

Various decorations, cosmetics, a mirror are laid out on the tables in front of the girls.
The task is to portray your mothers.

"The most musical"(Contest)

Mothers sing a children's song to the soundtrack, the sound is periodically turned off.
The task is not to lose the tempo and keep singing.
Moms are awarded the Most Musical medals.

"Help mom move her purchases"

Veda: Mothers often have to go shopping, shop. And sometimes
There are a lot of purchases. But our guys are happy to help their
Mom. Let's see how they do it.


Ved: And for moms, I have one more task (calling moms). Here I have
Threads, needles and beads. Your task in 1 minute is to plant as much as possible
Beads on a string. Who will have the longer chain?

"Know yourself"

Ved: Our children wrote short stories about you and painted portraits.
Now I will read, and every mother (and if there is no mother in the hall, then a grandmother)
I must guess myself in this story and portrait.


The structure of the lesson.
1.Music greeting
2.Warm up
3. Exercise for attention
4. Development of auditory perception
5 finger gymnastics
6 play therapy
7 relaxation and visualization exercises

Course of the lesson:

1. Exercise-greeting "Let's say hello"
Purpose: To create a good mood, trusting relationship between children and a teacher.
The teacher sings the major triad "Hello!", The children repeat after him.

2. Games with names
Purpose: to consolidate the names of the participants in the classes in memory, to develop trust and friendly relations between children.
The presenter passes the soft toy to the child, and he, taking it, sings his name. who wants to be called. After all the children have sung their names, one of the children hands over the toy, trying to come up with a version of the diminutive name of the child to whom the ball is being thrown.

3. Game "Freeze"
Purpose: development of auditory attention, awareness of your body, removal of impulsivity.
Children move according to the character and tempo of the music; during a stop, they freeze in the position in which they were caught by a pause.

4. Fun bell game
Purpose: development of auditory perception.
Everyone sits in a circle, at the request of the group, a driver is chosen, but if there are no people who want to drive, then the role of the driver is assigned to the psychologist. The driver is blindfolded, and the bell is passed in a circle, the driver's task is to catch the person with the bell. You cannot toss the bell to each other.

5. Song-game "My triangular cap" (old game)
Purpose: to teach to concentrate, to promote awareness of the child's body, to teach how to control movements and control their behavior.

First, the children learn the lyrics to the song:
My triangular cap,
My triangular cap.
And if not triangular,
This is not my cap!

After they have learned the song, they are invited to play it out. Children sit in a circle and all in turn, starting with the presenter, sing one word from the song: “My triangular cap, my triangular cap. And if not triangular, then this is not my cap. " After that, the song is repeated again, but the children who have to sing the word "cap" replace it with a gesture (for example: two light slaps with a palm on their head). The next time, two words are already replaced: the word "cap" and the word "mine" (to show with your hand at yourself). In each subsequent circle, the players sing one word less, and “show” one more. In the final repetition, children depict the entire phrase to the music with only gestures.
If such a long phrase is difficult to reproduce, you can shorten it.

6. Exercise-warm-up "Siamese twins"
Purpose: to teach children flexibility in communicating with each other, to promote the emergence of trust between them.
The facilitator tells the children the following: “Break into pairs, stand shoulder to shoulder, hug each other with one hand on the waist; place your right foot next to your partner's left leg. Now you are conjoined twins: two heads, three legs, one torso and two arms. Try to walk around the room, do something, lie down, stand up, draw, jump, clap your hands, etc. ”. In order for the "third" leg to act "amicably", it can be fastened with either a string or an elastic band. In addition, twins can "grow together" not only with their legs, but with their backs, heads, etc.

7. Game "Callouts"
Purpose: to remove verbal aggression, to help children express anger in an acceptable form.

The presenter tells the children the following: “Guys are sometimes in a quarrel, if it does happen, it is very difficult to refrain from offensive words. But so that these words do not harm others, you can "tame" them. How? That's how! Imagine two friends had a fight. But suddenly it turned out that they both forgot all the offensive words: only words remained - the names of vegetables (fruits, fish, birds, flowers, etc.). And so the friends want to quarrel, and only "vegetables" fly off their tongue. Now, passing maracas in a circle, let's call each other in different offensive words, "vegetables." Each appeal should begin with the words: "And you ... a carrot!" Then the presenter asks them. is it easy to swear like that. What did everyone feel? Did you have a desire to scream and quarrel? The game is repeated several times.
In the final circle, be sure to say something pleasant to your neighbor, for example: "And you ... sunshine!" and play something for him on the maracas (or other musical instrument).
The game is useful not only for aggressive, but also for touchy children. It should be carried out at a fast pace, warning the children that this is only a game, and you should not take offense at each other.

8. Exercise-warm-up "Pass the ball"
Purpose: to remove excessive physical activity.
Sitting on chairs or standing in a circle, playing to fast and cheerful music, they try to pass the ball to a neighbor as quickly as possible without dropping it. You can throw the ball to each other or pass it by turning your back in a circle and putting your hands behind your back. You can complicate the exercise by asking the children to play with their eyes closed or by using several balls in the game at the same time.

9. The game "Affectionate paws"
Purpose: relieving tension, muscle clamps, helping to reduce the aggressiveness of the child, developing sensory perception, helping to harmonize relations between the child and the adult.
The presenter is laid out on the table 6-7 small objects of various textures, a piece of fur, a tassel, a glass bottle, beads, cotton wool, etc. ... It is necessary with closed eyes to guess which "animal" touched the hand, to guess the object. The touch should be stroking, pleasant. The whole game is played to calm music.
Game options:
The "animal" will touch the cheek, knee, palm:
you can change places with your child;
each "animal" has its own music.

10. Game "Gusli-samogudy" (relaxation and dance complex)

1. The presenter reads the text (calm music sounds). Children are free.
In a fairytale palace
On the high porch
A formidable decree sounds -
Order to good fellows:
"Who will be able to dance
As the harp tells us,
He will help
To rule our kingdom.
Gusli, gusli-samogudy
Sing songs everywhere.
Once you are ready friends
It's time for all of us to dance.

2. Rhythmic music sounds (for example, Russian folk dance melody) The leader reads the text. Children stand, "dance" the muscles of the shoulders and arms.
So the music sounds.
And the people are still waiting, standing.
Oh, they started dancing.
Cheer up, just one more time!
Fingers, elbows jump together.
And the people are standing still.
The dance began to fade
Quiet music play.
3. The timbre of the music changes, the muscles of the legs "dance".
My legs began to wake up.
Wake up, get up!
Heels, toes and knees
We danced as we wanted.
How fun it is for them to dance!
Just stop getting tired.

4. The tempo of the music changes (a little slower), the abdominal muscles "dance"
Glad belly to exercise.
Learned to strain.
Inhale and exhale, spin.
Sloth, hey wake up!

5. The rhythm of the music changes, the muscles of the shoulders "dance".
Here our shoulders have risen. Higher, higher, sharper, sharper. Began shoulders to calm down, Calm down and fall asleep.

6. Calm music sounds, then the rhythm changes again, the muscles of the face "dance".
Cheeks, nose started to dance.
Raise your eyebrows gently.
Lips stretched out into a tube
Dance one more minute.

7. The leader chooses a child who tried, was attentive. The child orders any movement for the whole body.
Once again the people are standing and waiting.
What will the music sing for us?
You, assistant, come out.
Order a general dance.

Rhythmic music sounds, everyone dances the "ordered" dance, performs movements. And then the leader invites everyone to move at their own will, the way the body itself wants.

8. Calm music sounds, children, without leaving the place, smoothly move under it. After that, you can invite the children to lie down on the carpet.

And now, we are all resting.
We rest and dream
About magical shores.
About unseen lands.

Calm music with natural sounds sounds. Children dream. "Gusli - samoguds" fall silent, and children talk (at will) about their images-dreams.

11. Final exercise

Scenario of the holiday for March 8 for senior preschool children "This is what a grandmother"

Integration of educational areas: "Music", "Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction", "Socialization".

Target: to bring up in grandchildren a respectful attitude towards their grandmothers and all elderly people, a desire to please them, to help them.

Tasks: develop in children a respectful attitude towards people, kindness, contact; instill the ability to show signs of attention, speak kind words, show the best personality traits.

Planned results: owns basic movements in accordance with age; emotionally subtly feels the experiences of close adults, children; shows sensitivity to the artistic word, aesthetic feelings, emotions, aesthetic taste, aesthetic perception, interest in art; feels the rhythm and melody of the poetic text; speech becomes the main means of communication; the speech that accompanies the real relationships of children differs from role speech; can alone or with a little help from an adult evaluate his own actions and the actions of his peers; observes the elementary generally accepted norms of behavior in kindergarten, on the street; in everyday life, he himself, without a reminder from an adult, uses "polite" words; knows family holidays; has ongoing responsibilities around the house.

Preliminary work: learning songs, Ghanaians, poems with children; making by grandmothers for grandchildren (granddaughters) costumes for the competition "From the grandmother's chest"; an exhibition of culinary products prepared by the hands of grandmothers; photo exhibition "Our grandmothers".

Content of organized activities

Music sounds.

Leading... Dear ones, let me just say “good evening” to you instead of meeting and having representative conversations and convey our greetings to you. It is not by chance that we gathered in our small but cozy hall. Today we have invited those who have raised and raised their children, and now continue to raise the children of their children, that is, grandchildren and granddaughters; those on whose shoulders all the hardships of a difficult life fall; our most dear, kind, sensitive, gentle and caring, patient and most beautiful - our grandmothers. Let's welcome them!

1st child.

Happy holiday, grandmothers, mothers mothers,

We greet you with flowers today!

2nd child.

All children love good grandmothers,

Our greetings to the good grandmothers!

3rd child.

I love my very grandmother, my mother's mother,

She has a lot of wrinkles and a gray strand on her forehead.

I just want to touch and then kiss.

Children sit on high chairs.

Leading... For you, dear guests, as a gift, Russian folk dance performed by children of the preparatory group.

Grandmothers also love their grandchildren very much and are very proud of their successes and successes. But what about grandmothers praising their grandchildren? We will find out now.

Competition 1. "Compliments"

Children and grandmothers take steps towards each other, and grandmothers say as many affectionate words as possible to grandchildren.

1st child.

The only, dear, unique

We say "thank you" on this day.

For kindness and a heart of gold

We, grandmother, thank you.

2nd child.

May the years never make you old

We, your grandchildren, love you very much!

3rd child.

We wish you health, we wish you well.

Live long, long, we all need you!

Leading... Most of all, I think it will be interesting to know what grandmothers like to do the most.

Competition 2. "Favorite pastime of grandmothers"

Children's stories.

1st child.

I have a grandmother, she bakes pancakes.

Knits warm socks, knows fairy tales and poems.

I love my grandmother, I will give her a gift.

Children give gifts.

Leading. Now let's see how grandchildren take care of their grandmothers. One day my grandmother got sick, and now listen to this story.

The song "Grandma is sick" is being performed.

Leading... Now we will find out if our grandmothers remember fairy tales.

Konkure 3. "Who will name more fairy tales"

Grandmothers should name more fairy tales as praying.

Leading. So that it was more interesting on our holiday, what is missing on it? Friendly, ringing ... songs. Even if your voice is weak, still do not be discouraged and at least sing along with us in an undertone. Your grandchildren have prepared a song as a gift.

The song "This is what a grandmother" is being performed.

Leading... Now we will hear what other grandmothers are.

1st child.

My very young grandmother,

Such a fashionable grandmother is mine.

The cake is baked by my wonderful grandmother

And my grandmother sings all the songs.

Leading... Listen to your grandmother and granddaughter's favorite family song.

Duet performance of the song "Grandmother and Granddaughter".

Leading. We know that grandchildren are as talented as grandmothers, and now they will have the opportunity to perform ditties.

1st child.

We will sing ditties for you on our holiday,

Like my grandmother and I, we live very merrily.

2nd child.

My grandmother says: "It hurts all over me."

I sat with her for three days - I got sick.

3rd child.

My grandmother began to treat her unhealthy

And she put a three-liter can on her back.

4th child.

Grandmother began to dance and tap dance,

So amused - the chandelier fell.

5th child.

My granny baked ninety-two pancakes

And just one pie - eat, dear granddaughter.

6th child.

We sang about grandmother in full view of the city.

Be our grandmothers, cheerful and young!

Leading. Want to know why kids love grandmothers so much?

1st child.

We study letters together with my grandmother,

We play dolls with her and play classics.

2nd child.

Whispering important secrets in her ear

Because grandma is the best friend.

3rd child.

Mom has a job, dad has a job,

They have Sunday, Saturday for me.

And grandmother is always at home

She never scolds me!

He will sit him down, feed him: “Don't be in a hurry.

Well, what happened to you, tell me. "

I say, but grandma doesn't interrupt,

Sitting buckwheat grain by grain ...

It's good for us like this, together.

What is a house without a grandmother?

4th child.

The birch is smiling, gnawing in a pink languor.

It smells of cakes and coziness in my grandmother's house.

Cooks something in a cramped kitchen

My wizard in a blue skirt

My keeper of good tales

The pancake master is all-powerful.

5th child.

He knows how to make a sweater

Warm like a blanket

And how it heals scratches!

In the morning - as if it had never happened.

6th child.

My wizard has learned

Talk to the kitten

They say such a wizard

Every child has.

Well, I really won't allow

So that they deceive me!

My wizard is the best

After all, my magician is my granny!

Leading... Today we talk a lot about grandmothers, but I would also like to remember that next to my grandmother there is always a kind, attentive grandfather who also always participates in the life of his grandchildren. You will hear a song as a gift.

Song "Golden Wedding" (music by R. Pauls, lyrics by I. Reznik).

Leading. When babies can't sleep, all adults try to calm them down and lull them to sleep. Now I invite grandmothers to sit their grandchildren on their knees and sing them a lullaby.

Competition 4. "Lullaby"

Grandmothers hold their grandchildren on their knees and sing a lullaby to them.

Leading... And again, for our dear guests, the warmest wishes.

1st child.

My dear grandmother, I wish you tea,

Lush pies, sweets,

Know that you are not better.

2nd child.

We wish you personal happiness, excellent mood,

So that you were healthy, you lived until the wedding of your grandchildren.

3rd child.

My dear grandmother, I want to wish you

Stay with me more often, so as not to be bored alone.

4th child.

My dear grandmother, my dear,

I love you more than anyone else in the world.

I will run my hand through your wrinkles

There is no better grandmother in the world.

5th child.

We will never grieve you

Just be healthy, my grandmother.

Leading... You are probably tired, well, then everyone stood up together. I suggest we play.

Playing with the palms "Okay-okay"

(Clap our hands)

And grandmother's palms are gathered in wrinkles.

(We put our palms forward)

And grandmother's palms are kind, kind.

(Stroking our palms)

They all worked for long years.

(Knocking fist on one of the palms)

Good palms smell of cabbage soup, pies.

(We bring our palms to our face)

Kind palms will stroke your curls,

(We stroke our head with our hands)

And kind palms will cope with any sorrow.

(We hug ourselves by the shoulders)

Where have you been? - By Grandma.

Leading... We know that grandmothers know their grandchildren well. But I think everyone will be interested to know how well grandchildren know their grandmothers.

Children stand in a circle with their eyes closed: grandmothers call their grandson or granddaughter, but not by name, but affectionately, for example, Sunny, Kitten. Children have to guess who they have called.

Leading.“The song helps us to build and live,” one of the songs says. We offer our song contest. I ask everyone who guesses which song is being sung to sing it right away, and we will help.

Competition 6. "Guess the melody"

Melodies from the kindergarten repertoire sound. Who knows, he sings, and the rest sing along.

Leading... For you, our dear guests, these are the wishes.

1st child.

Do not grieve grandmothers, never offend.

Love them, take care of them and grow obedient.

2nd child.

We want to wish you bright joy in everything.

So that work argues, so that worries melt away,

So that for many years in a row there was a radiant and clear look.

Leading. For the house to be a full cup, your grandchildren wish you. And they give you a dance as a gift.

Ballroom dance performance.

Leading. Yes, our grandmothers are not only excellent dancers, companions, but also wonderful needlewomen, craftswomen. You can be convinced of this by watching the demo of the models of costumes entitled: "From Grandma's Chest" and the exhibition of culinary products.

Competition 7. "From the grandmother's chest"

Children, together with their grandmother, demonstrate costumes made at home.

Competition 8. "Exhibition of culinary products"

Grandmothers treat everyone with their pastries and share recipes.

Calm music sounds, candles are burning in the hall.

Leading... So our warm evening has come to an end. Dear grandmothers, a low bow to you for your kind heart, for your desire to be near your grandchildren, to give them warmth. Accept these lines in gratitude:

The years fly away like fluff from poplars,

Do not be sad, following them with your eyes,

After all, years are not a problem and absolutely nonsense,

Kohl family and friends are with you.

We wish you health for years to come

And so that adversity can be avoided

So that joy and happiness do not know separation,

So that both children and grandchildren can warm their souls.

Famous fairy-tale heroines are in a hurry to congratulate the girls. But for them to appear, you need to guess who it is. At the end of the event, mothers and grandmothers receive congratulations.


Creation of a festive mood, friendly atmosphere.


The scene is framed in the form of a forest clearing, on it there are paper flowers or balloons. There is a congratulatory banner on the wall. The curtains can be decorated with festive bows.


  • Postcards with riddles;
  • Baskets, snowdrops, jugs;
  • Sun and rays separately;
  • Pea;
  • Paper crowns;
  • Large paper flowers;
  • Souvenirs for girls and mothers.


  • Leading
  • Snow Maiden
  • Princess on the Pea
  • Thumbelina

Event progress

Leading: Hello guys! Today is the most fabulous day! Do you know why? Imagine, our girls received several congratulations from the fairytale heroes today! Want to know from whom?

The girl ran away from the prince through the forest,
I lost my crystal slipper!
But the prince was not a miss - he picked up a shoe,
And soon he found that girl!


Cinderella comes out to the music.

Hello children! I'm so glad to see you! Today the sun is shining brighter, today will be a wonderful day! After all, the holiday is the best in the world - International Women's Day! Well, even if not in rhyme, but with feeling. Really guys?

Children answer.

Leading: Hello Cinderella. Have you come to personally congratulate the girls?

Well, of course! Birds are singing, snowdrops are blooming, so good at heart! I want to sing straight. Don't you guys want to?

Leading: I want to. We just learned a song about spring. Let's sing, guys?

Children sing a spring song, Cinderella sings with them.

Thank you for sharing your spring mood with me! Happy holiday to you girls. Boys, do not offend them, help. And it's time for me to run - my fabulous girlfriends are to come to me today. Goodbye (leaves)!

Leading: Hear the following riddle:

The snow is melting, spring has come
She began to melt.

The woman is crying, the grandfather is crying:
Not even a trace remained!

Children: Snow Maiden!

The Snow Maiden comes out. In the hands - snowdrops.

Snow Maiden: Hello kids. I heard that the girls have a holiday today. Boys, can you tell me which one?

The boys answer.

Snow Maiden: Wow. So I have a holiday too! At least something new! And then all the New Year, yes the New Year! I'm tired of it already!

Leading: Didn't you know about this day?

Snow Maiden: Of course not! After all, I'm always busy - I choose gifts, then I decorate the Christmas tree. There was no time to find out. Today I accidentally wandered over to you - I heard what they said about me, so I thought that you were celebrating the New Year!

Leading: Then stay with us, play, have fun! Not all the same to dance near the Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden: Thank you for the invitation, but I will not be long - there is still a lot of work to be done!

The competition "Gathering Snowdrops" is being held.

Snowdrops have grown in the meadow, just in time for March 8th. Children are divided into pairs: a boy - a girl. The boys run to the clearing, "pluck" a snowdrop, put it in a basket and carry it to the girl. She carries the flower to the table, puts it in a jug, gives the basket to the boy. The players' task is to put 3 snowdrops in the jug as quickly as possible.

Snow Maiden: What an interesting game! Well done, boys: they gave the girls so many flowers - a whole armful. Well, it's time for me to say goodbye to you. Goodbye! Wait for me with my grandfather at the New Year's party (leaves)!

Leading: Guess who will be the next guest:

Lives at the edge of the forest in a small house,
Her friends are 7 good gnomes.

The evil stepmother wanted to deal with her,
Because she became the first beauty!


Snow White comes out.

Hi girls! Hello boys! How are you doing? Good?

Children: Yes!

That's great! Do you want to play?

Conducts a "Yes - no" game. Asks children questions. If they agree, they clap, if they don't agree, they stomp.

Are the clouds floating across the sky?

Is our star called the Sun?

Does a hippo live under the tree?

Does a palm tree grow in the forest?

Does the dog like mosquitoes?

Clap those who are healthy!

Is running good for kids?

Do you need rules in the game?

Is a snowdrop a flower?

Only the tree has a leaf?

2 + 2 makes 6?

Can you eat slippers?

Is the planet huge - our Earth?

Do I need to take care of her, kids?

What are you guys! All questions were answered correctly. I think you deserve one pleasant surprise. You agree with me?

Leading: Of course we agree. Look how the kids tried, answered all the questions.

Then here it is! Get light, bright, yellow, hot (points to the wall, where the sun hangs without rays)! Ouch! What happened to the sun? Where have all the rays gone? I so wanted it to shine brighter on this special day! What to do?

Leading: Probably, the rays were bitten off and hidden by an evil crocodile who wanted to swallow our sun. Nothing, we are for you? Snow White, we will help, we will return the rays. And then the sun will shine brightly and brightly, and all of us will become hot and hot. Let's rejoice and dance, remember him with a good word!

The game "Find the rays" is being held.

They are hidden in the most unexpected places: on a windowsill, under a chair, behind a curtain. The children find the rays, bring them to Snow White and help her to glue them in place.

Look what a beauty! Thank you very much, now the day is really sunny and warm! I will run - I will please my friends with this wonderful news! Goodbye (runs away)!

Leading: We have another guest, guys.

Guess who:

On a cold and rainy day
Knocked lonely
Princess of blue blood.

The queen didn't believe
But I checked with a pea,
And then she made her daughter-in-law.

Children: Princess on the Pea!

Princess: Hello! Girls, I came to congratulate you on the holiday. And at the same time, find out if there are princesses among you.

Conducts a competition "Where is the pea?"

Girls compete for the title of princess, boys - for the right to be called princes. The task of the players is to determine which chair the pea is on, hidden under the napkin. To do this, the children take turns squatting on chairs, then they come up to the presenter and whisper where, in their opinion, the pea lies. If they call it correctly, then they receive a crown as a gift, if not, you can give a second chance.

After the competition, the dance of princes and princesses is shown.

Princess: Guys, each of you is a prince or princess in your soul! And this is so wonderful! Happy holidays, girls! Well, I have to go! Goodbye (leaves)!

Leading: There is one more riddle left to guess:

The girl is small, but very remote:
I left the frog, I ran away from the mouse,
I avoided weddings with a mole,
And she found happiness in the overseas lands.

Children: Thumbelina!

Thumbelina comes out.

Thumbelina: Hello guys! I am so glad to meet you! Where I live now, the sun is constantly shining, flowers are fragrant, birds are singing! It's so wonderful that you just want to fly! Do you like to make long flights? Maybe we can fly?

Flowers are laid out on the floor, children, following Thumbelina, jump from flower to flower to the music.

Thumbelina: Girls, I congratulate you on the holiday! I wish you happiness, good luck, health! What have the boys prepared for you?

The "Yablochko" dance is performed by boys.

Thumbelina: What strong and wonderful boys you have! With such it is not scary even in the darkest forest to be!

Leading: Our boys are very nice! But that's not the whole surprise they have prepared for the girls.

Boys give girls little souvenirs.

Thumbelina: How wonderful! For me, my prince, probably, also prepared a gift. It's time for me to go home. Goodbye (leaves)!

Leading: This concludes the meeting with the heroes - they also have a holiday, you need to prepare. But the holiday continues! Look guys around. Whom are we going to congratulate now? That's right - our mothers and grandmothers!

Children read poems for mothers and grandmothers, sing a song, give crafts.

Leading: As they say, this is the end of the fairy tale, and who congratulated - that fellow! Let's once again congratulate all girls, mothers and grandmothers on the holiday.

Congratulations and go off to the music.


Mom is blindfolded, her child is given a bell. We need to catch the kid.


Mom or dad are blindfolded, let some kids down, you need to get to know your own.


Mom is put on a high chair, covered with a blanket or other cape, the kids determine whose mother is.


2 girls and 2 boys are playing. Whoever spits out the nipple next wins.


Carlson blindfolds the child and suggests trying several types of jam. The child must recognize him by his taste.

Variant of the game: find out by taste what sweetness Carlson put in his mouth (pieces of toffee, marmalade, chocolate, marshmallow, etc. are used).


Prepare in advance two large cardboard flowers, a poppy and a cornflower, with the same number of petals. The flowers are cut into petals and cores. They are laid out on the table or on the floor in disarray. Upon a signal, two players collect a flower, each his own. The winner is the one who completed the task faster.


This contest is tricky and is held only once. Before the start of the boys' competition, a girl passes in front of them and, as it were, accidentally drops a handkerchief. The boy who guessed to pick up his handkerchief and politely return to the girl wins. After that, it is announced that this was the first competition. Option: if the competition is between two teams, then the point is awarded to the one from which the most polite boy was.


A girl is invited to the middle of the hall. The teams take turns saying compliments to the girl, you can't repeat herself. The team with the most compliments wins.


The rope is tied into a ring. One person driving leaves the room or turns away. The rest, holding on to the rope with both hands, get tangled, forming a living "grandmother's ball". The driver must unravel it so that a circle is formed again.


2-3 children compete. Everyone comes up with a gift he would like to give his mother, and then depicts this gift with a pantonym. Who made it clearer?


The children invite their parents and they all stand in a circle. The presenter says a gentle word about mom and hands the balloon to the one standing next to him. He says a gentle word and passes the ball on. Whoever did not say the word is out of the game. The remaining 2-3 people win, they are awarded with balls.


To play, you will need 4 chairs, on which there are 4 long skirts, 4 kerchiefs. In 2 teams, 1 boy and 1 dad participate. First, dads run, put on a kerchief, a skirt, sit on a chair, say: "I am the most beautiful!" Then they undress, run to the children, who do the same. The first team to finish the relay wins.


Colored hoops are laid out on the floor - these are "flower beds". In each "flower bed" a child - "flower" sits down on his haunches. To music (for example, "Waltz of the Flowers" by PI Tchaikovsky) children imitate the growth of flowers, run out of the hoops and dance.


Mom and daughter participate in the game. It is necessary to drink the juice from a bottle with a nipple.

Variant of the game: 2-3 children participate.


The relay involves two teams, each with 3 children. At the signal, two children race the pots to a certain mark and come back, pass the pots to other team members, etc. Which team will complete the task faster?


Two or three boys compete. A girl sits on a chair in front of each boy, and kerchiefs hang on the backs of the chairs. At the signal, the boys tie the girls' headscarves. Who quickly?


The game involves 2 girls. A table is placed, 2 diapers, 2 caps, 2 sliders for a doll and 2 shirts are placed on it. At a signal, the girls begin to dress the dolls. The one who dresses the doll faster wins.

BREW SOUP AND KOMPOT Children are divided into two teams. One team will "cook" soup (name vegetables) and the other will "compote" (name fruits). They speak in turn. The team that named more words wins.

Option: not teams are playing, but two people.

CARRY YOUR SHOPPING! There are 2 chairs on one side of the room. On them are laid out: on a size - a bottle of milk, a cube - a loaf of bread, a bag of sand - a bag of sugar. The players are on the other side of the hall. At the signal, they take the baskets and run to the chairs, put the “groceries” in the basket and go back. The winner is the one who completes the task faster.


On two tables lie a purse, beads, clips, lipstick and a mirror. There are two playing. At the signal, you need to put on beads, clips, put on your lips, take your handbag and run to the opposite wall of the hall. The winner is the one who completed the task faster.