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Spelling is not with different parts of speech Table. Spelling a particle with different parts of speech

76. The spelling of the particles is not with different parts of speech, not and nor.

1. They are written separately:

  • particles would (b), but (g), whether (I would read if it went, the same),
  • particles here, because, they say, as if, etc. (He is not; here you know it!);

2. They are written through a hyphen:

  • some particles, or, or,, not, -u, -e, -c, -the, -tho, -taki (yes, somebody, give, he de, enough),

Spelling of particles not with different parts of speech

part of speech


1. If not used (Nevezh, Neversgod),
2. If you can choose a synonym without not (not true - a lie, there is no part - friend),

1. If there is or meant contrast; not friend, but an enemy),
2. In an interpretation of a groom with a logical sub-nominal denial of nursing (a father arranged here, isn't it?

1. If the databases are not used (negligent, unprecedented).
2. If you can choose a synonym without not (rather big, GVMSLODA-old),
3. If there is opposition to the union but (the river is not-yard, but cold),
4. With briefs of adjective-AI, if the complete adjectives, from which they are formed, are written in not nullly low - low)

1. If there is or implied opposition with the Union A (not big, small),
2. With relative adjectives (the sky is south here),
3. With brief adjectives, if the complete adjectives, from which they are formed, are written with not separately (the book is not interesting, but boring)

with uncertain and negative pronouns without prepositions (several, no one, something)

always written separately (not three, not seventh)

place. with other discharges of pronoun (in not my class, not on our floor)

if not not used (hate, perplex)
Note: Typecracing verbs are picked out to be poured, since they include a single console.

with all the other verbs (not to know how to cry

if not without not used (hate, perplexed)
Note: The verbalism formed from the verbs with the prefix is \u200b\u200bnot allowed, as well as the verbs (invotional)

with all the rest of the veefronts (not knowing, on the crying)



if full of intersices do not have dependent words with them (unpleasant student)

one . If the full communities have dependent words (not a student who has come in time),
2. With brief communities (test works are not checked),
If there is or is supposed to oppose (not finished, but only the work has begun)

one . If not not used (ridiculous, carelessly),
2. Adcharations on -O, -e, if you can choose the synonym for white not (neglofo - clever)

1. Again on -O, -e, if there is or implied opposition (not ridiculous, and sad),
2, adverching on -O, -e, if they have explanatory words at all, not at all, not, not at all (not at all funny).
3. If the adverb is written through a hyphen (not in Russian)

Tasks and tests on the topic "Spelling of particles not with different parts of speech, not and nor."

  • Particle as a service part of speech - particle 7 class
  • Particles - Morphology. Speech Parts 10 Class

    Lessons: 1 tasks: 9 tests: 1

  • With words that no not used.
    Examples: .
  • With noun, adverbs on -o, - e if with not a new word is formed (new concept, often with negative quality).
    Examples: misfortune (misfortune), difficult (difficult), nozzles, ugly, near (close), near, no reason, no wonder, often.
  • With adit and adverbs in the presence of words denoting a certain degree of quality: very, very, extremely completely
    Examples: Quite An unpleasant incident. It was invented at all Uninteresting game. He says top unclear..
  • In ungalled adjectivesformed from non-passing verbs or transient verbs of the perfect species with suffixes -eat- , -them-.
    Examples: unfavorable, inexhaustible, irreconcilable, irresistible, indomitable, inexhaustible, disadvantageous.
  • With words that no not used.
    Examples: ignorant, impregnable, casually, unlucky, indigrant, indigrant.
  • With complete communion In the absence of dependent words or when dependent words are adveria measures and degrees.
    Examples: We walked along the unwitched streets of the town. Accepted a completely rapid decision.
  • In negative and uncertain pronouns and adverbs.
    Examples: no one, there is nothing, there is nothing, there is no right, there is no reason, there is no avid, no longer.
  • In the verbs with the prefixindicating the inconsistency of the required norm.
    Examples: Non-fulfillment plan, the child has underwent (hungry), but: the child did not reach the soup (\u003d left in a plate).

The particle is not written separately

  • If there is or meant contrast.
    Examples: This is not happiness, but grief. The river is not small (deep).
  • With adhesive briefswhich are not used in full form.
    Examples: i am not glad, it should not, not right, not visible, does not intend, not located, not ready, not required, I do not need, I do not agree.
  • With adjectives, adverbs on -o and communionIf the opposition meant and denial is enhanced by negative pronouns and adverbs: nobody, nothing, far, at all, almost, almost.
    Examples: Again, not the right decision. We were not at all joyful. It was not a motivated act.
  • With verbs, verbal, with briefs, with numerical, unions, particles, pretexts.
    Examples: i could not, could not, not learned, was not ordinous, not removed, not one, not five, not that - not only, not only, not on (us).
  • With complete communion In the presence of dependent words or opposition.
    Examples: We could have seen not yet cleaned fields of rye. Found not destroyed, but a completely whole slash.
  • With the adverbs and words of the status: a) in a comparative degree; b) in the role of led in impersonal proposals.
    Examples: moved no faster, said not louder; no need, no need, not sorry, not scary.
  • In negative pronsections with pretexts.
    Examples: not with anyone, nothing to do with something (stayed).

The spelling is not and with any different parts of speech.

ParticleNOT - Digital particle (I do not say, unauthorized, injustice, shallow)

ParticleN. - A amplification particle (how much I said, I still did not believe)

The spelling of the particle is not with the names of nouns

Firstwhat you need to pay attention to whether this noun is used

Secondif the nouns without this particle is not used, it is written with it in pony: bad weather, forget-me-not, hatred, inability, indignation, nevezh.

Thirdif we install that noun without particle NOT It is used, then we draw attention to the signs of opposition.

Sign of explicit opposition - Union a.

Signs of implied opposition - this amps denial

Far away

By no means

Not at all

Not no

For example:

It is not true and false

It's far away

This is not true

No that's not true

This is not true

It is not true.

Metals and non-metals are studied in chemistry.

The conference was attended by writers and non-model.


In proverbs and aphorism, it is not written separately with nouns:

Life live - not the field go.

Poverty is not a vice.

Spelling is not with the adjectives.

Rules look above!

Always ply:

Unfortunate noise. Vlaid story. Careless handwriting. Clumsy bear. Island is impregnable.

Not proper, but an erroneous solution. Far from the right decision. No, not the right decision. Not exactly the right decision. This decision is incorrect. Very difficult task. A completely unnecessary book. Absolutely uninteresting film. Extremely unpleasant case.

Note number 1.

The presence of explanatory words does not affect the writing of the particleNOT , with the exception of those in which there are particlesN. . Such words require separate particle writingNOT, eg:

Unnecessary meeting. Nobody needs a meeting. Non-good task for students. Not at all interesting film. Nick not an entertaining story.

Once again verify yourself:

Not necessary, but an extra meeting. Farless meeting. By no means the desired meeting. No, not necessary this meeting. Completely unnecessary friends meeting. Not anyone's not necessary meeting.

Note number 2

Brief adjectives, having a full form, are written withNOT Just like full:

The question is unclear. The question is far from clear. No, this question is not clear. The question is completely unclear. This is not clear to anyone. This question is unclear to students. The grandson is not a bit of grandmother at all. He is not a bit, but rude to grandmother. River shallow.

Note number 3:

In proverbs and aphorism NOT With adjectives are written separately, for example:

Collect mushrooms is not a simple.

Life, alas, not the eternal gift! (Pushkin)

Spelling not with adverbs

Rules look above!

He did carelessly. I am not fun at all. He is not easy now, but difficult. It is easy to calculate. It is completely shallow. It is completely shallow. No, it does not seriously do. I misfortune.

Remember adjacent:

not everywhere not sorry not quite

not there soon not immediately

not here is not quite wrong

not always not in vain

not for the first time not otherwise not from there

not too accidentally not to a hop

not aversely not rushing

not very not only on the shoulder

Spelling is not with verbs and verbalia.

Always ply:

perplexed bewildered

Nevlite Nevzlyubiv

Hat hate

Reminted non-breed

In all other cases, verbs and verbalia, as a rule, are written with a particle not separately, for example:

I do not know, I did not see, I would not come, it would not come, not, not counting, not understanding, without having met without receiving, etc.

Let's justify the expression "as a rule."

NOT - Particle

(Action, not communicated to the end)

Console before

(action below norm)

He did not feed porridge.

I did not watch the movie to the end.

Did not bother the song and left.

The Leningrads have no dumbfounded.

Beyond the child was not available.

The old man disliked.

Spelling is not with communities.

Always ply:






The particle does not write with the communion, if it is single, and writes separately, if the communion with dependent words, i.e. In the involuntary turnover, for example:

untested works

not proven teacher work

unlocked fairy tale

not yet written fairy tale

We write more examples:

Unnoticed battalion; Battalion, not noticed by opponents; not concerned about girlfriends girl; Wheat, not yet matured; incomplete wheat; not lit dew lighted by the sun; silence is imperative; believer and not believing in God.

Note number 1.

Not with communions are written separately, if there is a contrast with the unionBUT ,eg:

not corrected, and emphasized errors

not read, but viewed books.

not sent, and left on the table letter.

Note 2.

NOT Written separately with brief communities, for example:

The work is not completed; The letter was not sent; The book is not read; The field is not measured, the sheep is not read; Rice in the pies is not unnoval.

Note 3.

Words with suffixesEAT , THEM May be ungalled adjectives and communities. If there is an explanatory word inT.P. then it will be participle , and if there is such an explanatory word, it will be written withNOT apart.

If there is no explanatory word inT.P. ., That is an adjective, and it is necessary to consider it based on the rule spellingNOT With adjectives, for example:

unloved baby

not loved by the parents of the child

unloved childhood child

not a favorite child at all

no, not a favorite child.

We write more examples:

Immutable parts of speech; not varying parts of speech; intangible results; completely intangible results; unbearable behind the bracket multiplier; An employee indispensable on this work; water-insoluble element; not visible to the stars simple eye; These methods of work are not applicable in the present conditions; not soluble in any fluid element; Not comparable; not comparable; not permeable for water, nor for air shell; no difference in the details; these difficulties are not eliminated under any circumstances; this balance is not soluble.

Spelling is not both pronouns and adverbs

In negative pronsections and adverbs, it is not written under strokes, and nor in an unstressed position, for example:

nobody - there is some kind of nowhere

nothing is nothing - no time

no one

nothing - there is nothing anywhere

nothing is something nowhere - nowhere

If the pronoun or adverb is broken by the pretext, then everything is written separately, that is. In three words, and the principle of emphasis is preserved, for example:

for nothing for anyone

not to anyone

with anyone - nothing with

no com - not about com

nothing about nothing


none - in the meaning "no one"

not once - in the meaning "Many"

more than once - in the meaning "never"

many - in the meaning "Many"

nimalo does not care - in the meaning of "whit"

Specifying particle N.

A particle is written :

1. Just the verb to strengthen its meaning eg:

How many do not say and we still do not believe.

No matter how hurried, and the conversation was delayed.

Wherever we float, always remember the native shores.

2. In a negative proposal for increasing denial when listed, eg:

Oh, I do not believe anything: neither dreams nor sweet assurances or even your heart.

Nature brilliance did not initiate the exile in the chest of fruitless no new feelings or new forces.

Neither a row, no sound came from the fallen hall

3. in sustainable expressions , for example: Neither the fish nor the meat, nor the light, either, nor too early, nor a little, nor two or two, nor anyone nor give either


1. Disclositive or question marks at the end of the sentence "change" particleN. on the NOT , eg:

Where didn't he get letters from!

Where he did not have, for what roads did not go!

And who did not hurt them?

2.In the expressions "not anyone else", "nothing else"NOT is a particle and writes separately if there is a unionAS ,eg:

2. The reader was not anyone else like Dubrovsky.

Ambolism is nothing more than the burning of power.

Nobody else besides Anton Pafoothievich, did not know about it.



I had a lot of luck in the light, a long-standing steppe raised, without meeting anyone; But how much I went, no matter how dark was the munched nights, I never happened to get rid of the road. Somehow came out so that I always arrived at home to housing. The case of Lee drove me or his own precaution, be that as it may, but for a number of years I have repeatedly avoided the danger.

And yet, one day, Buran found me in the steppe, and I learned all his horrors. Local residents persuaded me, they didn't succeed in the event of a blizzard: "Further, posting, you can't go for the night!" But I was young, inspired, very in a hurry, and the draws did not impress me a draw.

Despite the warnings, we left and got into trouble. To understand what Bran is, it is necessary to survive himself just as I survived.

The heart involuntarily freezes in the strongest, bold man; Blood freezes, and not from the cold, because there is never very strong during the burana, and you look ahead: there is no road either back nor a light, no sound. It seems that huge, suspended drifts, like terrible monsters, surrounded you and you will never leave their cold kingdom.

Vocabyant Dictation

Thunderstorm taste; shortly; unmarried; there is no need to ask; nothing to hide from the wind; Necklish, but picky; neudows on mind; Does not learn; In summary; not less; no more; not less; No wonder notice; not wonderful lucavo; not forever; do not; not to give up hands; unlock; spoke no matter anyone; Despite the heat, unsolon bread, really lacking places; did not have enough money; not bright, but a pale tone; Unclear, but warm day; no more, no less; For nothing about that; nor the end of the edge, nor to the people or with this; Neither there either here, saw no one else, as a classmate, did not see anyone else; not to anyone else as the dean; Nobody else should be reported; The building was nothing more than a university; it is impossible; nothing to do; a small but bright cloud; The face is kindly, but impassive; nothing else was motivated; To anything to him everything; I do not care; nobody invincible; the villages did not happen; I could not go there; as if nothing had happened; Not one comrade thought so; None did not think about it; no matter what; She runs that neither is the spirit; not a step of a second.

Maybe someone will come in handy.

Particles are not nor
The particle "not" is used in 3 cases

Examples: did not say, did not sang, did not eat.

Twice no. Double denial means approval.
Examples: I could not but talk, it cannot but rejoice.

The particle "not" is used in exclamation proposals with the combined value.
Examples: Which countries I just did not see! With whom he just did not communicate! What she just did not say!

The "nor" particle is also used in 3 cases

Gain. An amplifier particle "Nor" can be replaced with "even" or throw away from the sentence.
Examples: Neither step, did not say a word, did not pay a penny.

The particle "nor" is used in NGN
Examples: Which countries I just saw, I did not forget about my homeland. With whom he only communicated, no one helped him. With whom he only spoke, no one listened to him.

The "nor" particle is used in phraseological units
Examples: neither fish nor meat, neither.

Writing fusion and through a hypercore (screak)
VII. The spelling is not

§ 88. Do not write pits:

1. In all cases, when without a negative particle, the word is not used, for example: ignorant, the inevitable, unfortunate, indignant, unhealthy, unreliable, lack (in the meaning "is not enough), it is impossible, it is impossible, it is impossible to unbearable, unshakable, uncaptured.

2. With nouns, if the denial gives the Word to the new, the opposite value, for example: the enemy, misfortune, if the denial gives a word that does not have this particle, the value of opposition, denial, for example: a non-specialist, non-marxist, non-Russian, for example: disagreements between Marxists and Nemarxista ; I liked all nonspecialists; The non-Russian will look without love on this pale, in the blood, the whip of the excised Muse (Nekrasov).

3. With full and brief adjectives and with adverbs on -O (-e), if the combination of them with does not serve not to negate any concept, but to express a new, opposite concept, for example: an unhealthy appearance (i.e. painful ), the impossible character (i.e. heavy), the sea is restless (i.e. it is worried), it is unclean (that is, suspiciously), to come immediately (i.e., immediately, immediately), did not come out (i.e. . badly).

4. With complete parties, in which there are no explanatory words, for example: unknown (work), unprofitable (flower), stainless (steel), unloved (child), undisguised (malice), uncompressed (strip) (in such cases, the sacrament is close to adjective); But: not finished in time, not blossomed from the cold flower, not a child who is not loved by his mother, have not yet examined students (in such cases, the communion closely to the verb value).

Note. Under the explanatory words, denoting the degree of quality, it is written with communion, it is written in a punch (in these wishes, the commonings are not close to the adjective), for example: an extremely rapid decision, a completely inappropriate example, but: at all is not suitable for the rule (not written separately due to the presence of an explanatory Words to rule).

5. In pronouns, when not from the subsequent pronoun is not separated by a pretext, for example: someone, something, no one, nothing (but: not anyone, nothing to do with anyone, not for anything).

In prisoner adverbs, for example: no time, there is nowhere to have nowhere.

6. In adverbs there is no need (in the meaning "aimlessly", for example: there is no need to go there), reluctance; In the proposed combinations, despite, despite; In a questionnaire really.

The writing of the adventurous and nouting combinations, which include denial, the pretext, noun or adjective (for example, the non-complaint, the nefple, incolment, is unable), is determined by the rules set out in § 83, PP. 5 and 6.

7. In the verb prefix that denotes the inconsistency of the required norm, for example: closer (fulfill the required norm), to union (not enough, badly look, miss something), not sleep (sleep less normal).

Note. From the verbs with the prefix, it is necessary to distinguish the verbs with the prefix to the prefix that have ahead of the Celebration of the negation not and denoted to the end, for example: not to fulfill the book, do not finish tea, do not watch the play.

§ 89. Do not write separately:

1. When verb, including in serious forms, for example: it does not drink, does not eat, does not say; can not not see; Without looking, not looking, slowly.

On comprehensive writing, despite, invisory and verbs with the prefix bent. § 88, paragraphs., 6 and 7.

Note. The verbal forms are used in the surprise, nemet, neutmet, is lying picked.

2. With communion: a) in brief form, for example: the debt is not paid, the house is not completed, the coat is not sewn; b) In full form, when there are explanatory words with the communion (see § 88, paragraph 4), and also when there is or implies contrasting, for example: it brought not complete work, but only separate sketches.

3. With nouns, adjectives and adverbs, if there is or implied contrast, for example: not luck led us to success, but excerpt and composure; Not death is terrible - Your disjunction is terrible (Pushkin); Morning is not clear, but foggy; The train is not fast and not slowly (meant: "With some mean speed"); Not tomorrow (there is no no contrast here).

Note. You should pay attention to some cases of separately writing a particle not. The particle does not write separately: a) if with an adjective, communion or adverb, as an explanatory word, the pronoun starting with no, for example: no one (no for anyone, etc.) is not the necessary thing, never has a mistake, no one is beneficial for it to take; b) if it is not part of the amplifying denials, it is not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all, etc., preceding the noun, adjective or adult, for example: he is not at all a friend to us, far from the only desire, by no means Not a fair decision, not at all the best output, not enough.

4. When pronuched and placed adverbs, for example: I'm not, not this, not otherwise, not otherwise, not so.

On cases of fusion spelling not with pronouns and placed adversions, see § 88, paragraph 5.

Note. The philosophical term is not-writing through a hyphen.

5. With amplifier adverbs, as well as in pretexts and unions, for example: not very, not quite, not quite, not from ..., not under ..., not that ... not that.

Separately writes an expression more than once, for example: more than once he had heard himself in excessive caution (Fadeev).

6. With immutable words not educated from adjectives and speakers in a proposal as a fault, for example: do not, not mind, is not sorry.

7. With all the words written through DEFIS, for example: all non-trade and industrial enterprises; said not in Russian; Sing not in the old way.

§ 90. Neither is written punk:

1. In pronouns, if the particle is neither separated from the subsequent pronoun with the pretext, for example: no one, nothing, no one, nothing, anything, no, no, but: no one, no with any other way

2. In adversis, never, nowhere, nowhere, no way, nipple, and in a particle.

§ 91. In all other cases, the particle is neither written separately.

On the use of particles nor see § 48.

Note. No one else should be distinguished by ..., no matter how otherwise no other is no other ...; Nothing else ..., for example: it was no one else, as your native brother, no: no one could say that; It was nothing but a fire, but: nothing else could scare me.

LECTURE. Spelling is not with different parts of speech.

Knowledge only then know when it is purchased

efforts of their thought, not memory.

Objectives: Maximize all the nuances of the rules.

The topic "not with different parts of speech" is considered one of the most difficult in spelling. There are many reasons for this, but so that it seems to us simple and affordable, you need to be able to show all the knowledge you have to distinguish between speech parts (for example, not to conflexed the adjective and sacrament, to know what a brief form of communion and adjective, be able to distinguish verbality from communion , adverbs and verbs).

Since many rules should be generalized in one topic, we decided to provide you with a summary table of these rules that we ask to carefully study, to help the table you will get acquainted with the action algorithm (it covers not the weight of the spectrum of rules), as well as with interactive tables. Send to the practical part follows only after familiarization with all the rules!

Not with nouns, adjectives (full and brief) and adverbs with a suffix - about

Not with the verb, verbalism, numerical and service parts of speech

Not with full and brief communion

Not and no pronouns

NOTc. pretext Despite and despite;

Not with negative adverbs

It is written together if you can choose a synonym without not:

Untrue (false); good (good); incredibly (wonderful);

Uncertainty (embarrassment); Mind (timid)

Written separately

I do not know; did not sleep; without looking back; Not the first; not two; Not only; Not that; not cropped; Despite the sides, etc.

Not full of communion is written punk if there are no dependent words:

Frantic grass; unresolved task; A completely rampant essay

Written ply, if there is no preposition:

Nobody, nothing, something, no one, no one, nothing, nothing, etc.

Written punk:

Despite bad weather;

despite trouble;

There is no need to talk;

Nowhere to come;

Do not come anywhere;

No way overnight

Written psyche, if not used without not:

Nevezhi; clumsy; Necriminally

Not fully written separately, if there are dependent words (except for words absolutely absolutely, almost extremely etc.):

Not covered with varnish floor; not solved on time; absolutely not thoughtful in the lesson

Writing in three words, if there is a preposition inside the pronoun:

With no one; never; no to whom; not to whom; about nothing.

It is written separately, if there is a contrast (i.e. there are two words opposite to meaning):

Not solid, and soft; not clearly, but blurred; not cowardice and caution

Not fully written separately, if there is opposition (i.e. there are two words opposed by value):

Not bevelled, but eaten grass

Written separately if there are words that reinforce denial (Not at all, not, not, not, not at all, no other words with the prefix nor):

not at all beautiful, far from each other, does not firmly, no fuss

Not full of communion are written separately, if there are words that reinforcing denial ( not at all, not, not, at all, not at all, no other words with the prefix nor):

not thinking boy at all; not frustrated accordion

Not with brief switches are written separately:

Porridge is not welded; The house is not made; Hands are not washed

Not with the words on-mail, - May, they are written separately if:

· There is a dependent word in the articulated case;

· There are words that reinforcing denial;

· There is opposition

Independent teenager; invisible from the cloud window;

Not visible by us (Creative. Paddle) Cloud;

Not at all not a favorite movie;

Not dependent, but an independent teenager

No invisible (no hard way.)

Written psyche, if not used without not:

hated; Ungulye

Special group of brief adjectives are written separately:

Not happy; should not; not ready; not right; not visible; is not obliged to; I do not agree; does not intend; not located; not needed; not able to

The prefix is \u200b\u200bpicked in a punch, which matters "little":

In war, many undernost (firing little) and laid out (they slept little).

Spelling not with different parts of speech (algorithm)

In the Red Row, "they say, dictating the writing. Starting with a red line, write in a red string - the expressions that many have heard.
Getting Started by rewriting, the scribe raised to God a prayer for the prosperous end of employed. Some books were written for two or three years. They wrote in large - charter or smaller - semi-supel and the letters put straight. Every letter wrote in several techniques. Each page was left wide "shores" in all directions, that is, fields. The ink was used ferrous, strong mortar, deeply penetrating into the parchment. Looking at the ability and diligence, the books were written very differently. Capital letters were written with red ink, cinnabar; Hence the name is a red string. Sometimes capital letters intolerated with gold, silver, different colors, patterns and flowers. In the ornamentation of Russian manuscripts, mostly capital letters, included various fantastic creatures: monsters, snakes, birds, fish, animals, etc. At the beginning of each chapter or at the end, the screensaver was drawn, drawn by a complex pattern.

Based on materials: culture of oral and written speech of a business person: a reference book. Workshop - M.: Flint: Science, 2000.

Attention! We present a new category "Word Words"

In piggy bank words

Oh, these f

Words with doubts f. in our language not much, but they can provoke you to writing two f. Where only one needs. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to them.
Here is the list of the most used words in our doubt f. : Affect



effect and derivatives from these words.

Oh, these to








Spelling of verb forms on -Mom It is one of the most difficult spelling issues. Key for error-free particle writing not In such cases, it is the correct assignment of this word to the corresponding part of speech - communion or adjective, since each of these parts of the speech is subordinate to their spelling rules.

Algorithm spelling of exclusive formations on -Mom "width \u003d" 289 "height \u003d" 528 src \u003d "\u003e

To adjectives are always writing with not ply include:

non-reflectible, non-substitable, intverseable, invisible, unshakable, immeasurable, non-extractable, non-evil, unnecessable, incorrigible, inexhaustible, indestructible, inexpressible, unfulfilled, irrefougable, indisputable, unfulfilled, inevitable, inseparable, irresistible, inherent, unspecified, irresistible, indisputable, impermeable, Inseparable, indecomposable, indestructible, incompressible, incomparable, poor (term: poor sound), inconvenient, inconspicuous, indifferent, inexorable, inexplicable, non-resistant, non-fat, tireless, etc.