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Competitions for graduation evening - interesting and funny! Competitions for graduation

This is the entertainment from the category of preparing in advance. It is suitable for prom. Ask parents to bring their photos at your age, add yours to them. There should be a big wall newspaper, on which all the characters of the celebration, if there are several of them, will be next to their parents-peers. The jury will choose the most similar pair of parent - baby. If the wall newspaper is preparing for a birthday, then the photos are selected for of different ages Birthday. He is a year and dad with her mother - too, he is five and parents, respectively. Then together decides, for whom and when the culprit of the celebration was more like.

Competition "My Future"

Competition is suitable for prom. To carry out this competition you will need several assistants, let them ask the graduates as follows: what will happen to me in 10 years, how many children I have, who I will work, will I have a car and so on. Now let the respondents put the signature and the date of the interview. Searate a good album and postpone away. You can give to the class teacher. And then what? But what! The most interesting thing is that this album can be discovered only after 10 years, on the anniversary of the issue. Then the most interesting will begin. Do you meet your hopes?

Competition "Oscar"

To carry out this competition, you will need to discuss all the details in advance with the classroom, make statuettes (or at least diplomas) and choose music. Learn from the teacher who from the guys how he had shown themselves throughout all school years. Indeed, in every class there will be those who are late, those who are more walking for girls and so on. This will be your hint in the nominations. However, here are some of them: Mr. Antipuncture, Class Hardead, Creative Personality, Anti-Showability, Class Joker, Class Seriousness, Achievement in Study, Goettle, An extraordinary class personality, and so on. Try to not repeat the awarded. Keep intrigue. As the experience shows, graduates really like such awards, the main thing is more humor!

Competition "Future Diploma"

To carry out this competition you will need 5 sheets of paper and 5 markers. Then invite 5 graduates. The task of participants is to holding a pencil with a foot, write a "diploma of excellent". Thus, graduates promise parents to finish (university, school) on "excellent". Who will do it faster and careful, will become the winner.

Competition "phone numbers"

In order to never be confused with classmates, you need to know their phones. To carry out this competition you will need: 4 sheets of paper, 4 knobs and 4 participants. Their task is 2 minutes (to the music) to collect as many mobile numbers in classmates as possible. Then, the participants will hand over the sheets by signing them, you can ask for parents to count more numbers. Keep track that all numbers are in the room. If there are doubts, you can call at the specified number. As a gift can be a bill replenishment card.

Competition "Fashion trends"

To carry out this competition, you will need participants. For example, a person is three. Their task in a few minutes to collect items on the letter "P". (You can not repeat them) defeats the one that has more objects. Jackets, packages, trays and so on will go into the course of business. Then, you can ask to demonstrate all this. That is, arrange a fashion show. Who will fulfill the task better than all will become the winner.

Competition "Ship of the Future"

To carry out this competition, you will need to divide the class into two groups and give them newspaper paper. The task of players to build a quick ship, with the condition that all travelers fit in it, and everyone in their hands was what will appear in the future: the keys to the car, money, stocks and so on. Everything needs to be made of paper as quickly as possible (for a while), it can be sworn, twist, mig. Task do the music.

Every year, when we go to school on September 1, we think I would soon be the graduation and graduation of the school. And so came true - your graduation has come! Have you prepared for it? Funny contests on the prom In the 11th grade will help you spend time with benefit and fun. Watch all contests for your prom further and choose those that you like most.

Competition 1 - Guess the subject.
Graduates need to guess the description about what this is speech. For example:
- On this thing you can easily understand who will be after graduation. In this subject you will find all the information about each student and you can make a dossier or compromising on it. (Answer - magazine)
- If it is not, then the school will be a mess. If you do not know if they do not fall on them. If he was changed, then someone rejoices, and someone is experiencing. (The answer is the schedule of lessons)
- It is only two teachers in school. And not because these teachers can afford it, just it is easier to teach and memorize. (Answer - Wall Maps in the History of History and Cabinet Geography)
- If trouble, then we immediately go there. If you need to withdraw with the lessons, we also go there. (Answer - School Nurse, Cabinet Nurses)
- It is impossible to fight school. But it is often beaten, and hands, and legs. Who is this "lucky"? (Answer - ball in physical education class)

Competition 2 - Find out what it is!
In this competition, graduates are invited to learn or guess what matters about. For example:
- We walk on it at home, and in school they leave for it (answer - board)
- what if geographical map Collapse in the ball? (answer - globe)
- You are not waiting for his house from the director, but wait at school in the lessons (answer - call)
- When this is appointed at school, then all parents immediately appear emergency affairs (the answer is the parent meeting)
- What it will be, only the teacher decides. You can give her teacher later (answer - evaluation)

Will you write wishes to the graduation album to your classmates? Then see our article -. In it, you will find exactly those words that you need to write.

Competition 3 - remember everything.
In this competition, we offer graduates to remember not only school subjects, but also fairy tales. And so, let's start.
1. How to measure the square of the kolobka? (just like the area of \u200b\u200bthe circle, because the rumble round)
2. Why did the bear broke the teremok? (Because the body placed in the liquid displaces the same fluid as the body itself. That's the bear pushed out so much air as he himself)
3. What is common between Adam, Newton and Eve? (Answer - apple)
4. In the old days it is a vessel for wine. And now the award winner (answer - Cup)
5. This word is read equally in any direction. And this is a turbine at the station (answer - rotor)

Competition 4 - in alphabetical order.
Often the teacher called students to the blackboard in alphabetical order. In this competition, we will also try to build in alphabetical order, but first play a little bit.
All graduates overlook the scene. They are invited to undergo a course of a young graduate. And for this they need to first be built by growth. Stopping time. If you put in 20 seconds, the first test passed. After they need to be built separately: boys separately, girls separately. Boys are built along a length of a tie from more to a smaller. And girls along the length of nails from more to a smaller. All about everything they have 30 seconds. Could manage? Well done. And now it is necessary to build everything in alphabetical order, as in the journal. After classroom teacher By magazine checks all - whether everything is in place!

Graduation evening - a joyful and sad event in the life of everyone. Schoolchildren seek to start a new adult life, the teachers say goodbye to the students who were dedicated not to one year, parents realize that the children grew up. In each school, the celebration of the prom has its current traditions: somewhere it is transferred to the territory of a cafe or restaurant, someone remains in the walls of his native school, but also in that, and in another case, each participant wants to remember these moments.

On the shoulders of the organizers (teachers, parents or the students themselves) there is a difficult task to prepare a holiday in such a way that the event does not turn out to be boring and liked several age categories. This will help properly selected games and interesting contests for prom.

Entertainment can be organized in one topics or submit a competitive program. Games can be command and individual, with a random selection of participants or made on the basis of the wishes of the audience. It is better to involve all - parents, disciples, teachers.

Cheerful contests interesting for everyone

  • "The most charming and attractive."
  • "Fashion of 2017".
  • Chupa-Chupa.
  • "Hard way."
  • "Sweet life".
  • "Floating Top."
  • "Sifters."
  • "Cool magazine".
  • "Girls and boys".

Competition for guys

Materials: sheets of paper in the number of participants, lipstick.

The presenter asks for girls from the hall to prepare a little to the competition - to cut the lips (preferably, with their lipstick). To each young man give out a sheet of paper and offer for short term (30 seconds) Collect as much as possible "kisses" from beautiful classmates. The one who will collect more, he proclaims the "most charming and attractive graduate".

Competition for girls

Select several participants (3-5) and offer them in a few minutes to choose accessories for a fashion show in the hall. But the names of these items should begin on a certain letter and not repeat. For example, on "C": a napkin, a bag, a glass and others. After the participant defiled, trying to prevent profitably prevented the mined accessories. The winner is determined by the audience.

Cool competition to raise mood

young people. Materials - candy on a stick in the number of participants.

To start a boy with one candy in the mouth, they say phrase: "I am a graduate". Next, the number of candies increase to three and offer to say: "I am a graduate of high school number ...". With each time the Chupa Chups in the mouth is more and more, and the text is increasingly longer. If the participant does not cope with the task, it drops out. The winner becomes a graduate, who managed to say the longest phrase with large quantity Candies in the mouth (but Chupa-Chupps should be at least 6 pieces).

Game options:

This competition has fun to complete the holiday. The presenter asks for all young people to approach him and quietly tells them the rules:

The young men begin to perform the task, and girls are invited to the lead, there are a little different instruction with them, they should:

  • walk the same as guys;
  • all the time move behind them;
  • answer "No".

After the start of the movement of the "steam locomotive", the presenter asks:

Boys, do you like girls?
- yes-ah !!!
- Girls, do you like boys?
- Doesn't-eat!
"Why do you go for them?"

General contests for parents, teachers and graduates

Competition for graduation with students and parents - video

Entertaining entertainment similar to the famous game "Stone, scissors, paper", but with the elements of the theater. The game includes 2 teams - adults and children, they stand opposite each other. Everyone needs to remember the characters and actions (which can be invented together). Suppose such heroes:

  • A student (sings the song "La-la-la", pretends to him anyway, but is afraid of a strict teacher).
  • Teacher (threatens with a finger, swears, but the parent is afraid).
  • Parent (unhappy, closes his eyes, the student is afraid).

Teams play against each other and exhibit one "fighter" one. Those show one of the heroes and it turns out who wins and gets the point. The game goes up to 5 points. If the characters are the same, then draw.

  • This
    the game is interesting because it is possible to look at a new one on others, for example, graduates - on teachers, and parents - for children. Everyone writes on a sheet of some kind interesting fact About me, preferably unknown and honest ("I love raw carrots", "I dream to become a veterinarian" or "I asked myself in childhood"). The leaflets are folded into the shared bunch, mixed and get one by one. Everyone is curious to guess the author of each message.
  • Active game for everyone. The presenter is constantly changing and stands in the center, and all players are in a common circle. The leading offers "to change in places where there is ..." (some sign is selected, uniting several people). The goal is to take a place in the circle until others change places. If for some reason there are no signs, then the "whirlpool" is declared and everything changes randomly, of course, it is impossible to stay in place if the conditions of the master are performed.
  • This game is similar to the previous one, but more calm. Participants sit in a circle, and the host is in the center. His task is to get a place in a circle. A man inside a circle should tell some fact, choose any sign so that any other participant can attribute it to himself. In this case, they change places and a new leading appears. This game is interesting if it affects not only banal things, like appearance, and deeper. By the way, phrases should begin with the words "the sun shines for those who ..." (believes in fairy tales, loves cats, does not tobacco out the smell, etc.).
  • Can Divide participants to several teams or organize one. First, everyone puts his hands to a neighbor on the shoulders, setting up a snake, and then "confused" into the ball or in a large monster. The presenter comes up with tasks for the beast (or several): Coming to the goal, "eat" someone and others.
  • This entertainment must be prepared in advance. The lead or class leader collects children's photos of students (preferably several, for example, under the age of the year, at three and five years). You can imagine everything as a wallpaper or postcards, or move to the projector screen. The task of graduates is to guess who in the photo, find similarities and differences with today's day. You can also use photos of teachers and parents.
  • Another option for graduation in school. Participants are divided into teams (divided by classes, play against teachers or parents, girls against guys and the like). The presenter proposes to pull out 5 cards from the envelope with words (without repetitions or, on the contrary, the same sets for commands). The task of players is to create a motto of the evening (graduation or class), using all words, adding only prepositions by changing only the case and numbers.
  • Materials - lollipops and sushi sticks. Participants are offered to throw lollipops from one dishes to another, using only with chopsticks. You can complicate the competition, knitting the eyes of playing.

  • The purpose of the competition is the translation of the phrase from the Russian language into Russian! It is necessary to convey the meaning, replacing words synonyms without repetitions and tips. Suppose "In the chair I was sitting for a boy for 6 years," the baby's gentleman was settled in the soft chalk preschool age, almost first grader. " This competition is better to spend between teams or individual students, counting when good variant Points or giving limited time. The text is invented in the subject of graduation, for example: "In the life of each person there should be a night, which he will remember forever."
  • Competition is specifically for teachers, it is better to prepare for it in advance. Leading together with students writes cards with a description of a person, some kind of it characteristic feature Or he plays the scene in such a way that the teacher can know himself. It is better not to use names and names of items that teach teachers in order to complicate the task. In such a competition, correctness and subtle humor are important. Prize (you can use portraits or cartoons) gets a teacher who was fed.
  • Before the start of the competition, the topics (nature, animals, etc.) are invented, they are written on sheets of paper and fold into the envelope. The participant gets any topic, and his task is to come up with a story in such a way that he matches the topic, and every word began on the letter of the alphabet in order. For example: Anaconda Boris always walked the day, ate hedgehogs, she lived wonderfully and beautifully loved meow. The one who reaches the longest letters of the alphabet to the very long letter of the alphabet.

You can also conduct an unforgettable graduation and your efforts, it is not necessary to invite a professional leader, because an active and resourceful parent, a teacher or even a student knows the audience better and will always find a way out of a difficult situation. The main thing is to think out correctly and in advance. entertainment program, choose interesting contests and games that can be easily replaced and alternate depending on the mood of the public.

Probably, for each person, the graduation ball is associated with something particularly beautiful. This date will be for graduates by the starting point in adulthood. At the prom evening, you seem to feel no longer a child, but you understand at the same time that you still do not want to grow up. This solemn event is waiting for him, they dream about it, they are carefully prepared. After difficult exams, good and not very estimates of the graduation ball becomes a kind of award for all the works. Every person has only once in his life. And understanding this, every parent tries to create an unforgettable atmosphere for his Chad at this farewell night.

In order for the graduation ball at school, it is necessary to take care of all the nuances and organizational issues in advance. If you want your graduation to be cheerful, you need to think about the program, come up with mischievous and interesting games and contests for graduation.

Create, as well as to conduct an entertainment entertainment program for graduates, their parents and teachers will be able to experience his own business. If you want the evening to be full of prime contests, focus, sparkling humor and many pleasant surprises, it is worth a very serious approach to the choice of Tamada. Do not forget that the leading celebration should be on one wave with graduates, to be an excellent psychologist and teacher, and also possess bright appearance and charisma.

Naturally, if a specially invited presenter will be responsible for holding a prom, the games and competitions on the graduation should invent he. But not everyone is invited to professional toamada, but cost own forces and efforts. In addition, there is a chance that graduates may not like the selected leading contests for graduation. Therefore, it is necessary to progress, having learned a couple of other original games and contests, because you probably know that you will like your classmates.

Competitions for the graduation party can be the most different: funny and serious, dance and intellectual. Without them, it is impossible to present a graduation evening. Players can deal with teams, compete, sing, dance.

Competitions for graduation - several examples:

"Future diploma"

For this competition, you will need five sheets of paper and five markers. Then invite five graduates. The task of the participants is as follows: it is necessary to write the phrase "Diploma of Excellent", holding a pencil with a foot. Thus, graduates seem to come to parents to complete the university on "excellent." Who will do it carefully and faster, he becomes the winner.


Each of the commands pulls out the lead card with the name of a famous picture that will be necessary to portray. It is necessary to try to do it so that everyone learned the depicted work. The winner team is determined depending on how quickly the paintings were deposited.

It is impossible to leave the contests for the graduation evening, which suggest the choice of the king and the queen of Bala. Many graduates and graduates are waiting for this moment for a long time and only dream of winning this title. Voting is best to spend at the end of the celebration, anonymously when everyone needs to write on a sheet of paper the name of the applicant for the title of King or Queen Bala and omit it into a special box. By counting the votes, the king and queen are chosen. After that, they are usually awarded by prizes, and they are also offered to dance school waltz.

The leading such celebration should be included in the game. It can be a humorous basketball where the ball will play a crumpled newspaper, and the basketball basket will serve as a real, attached to the wall, garbage basket, or it will be cheerful football, in which graduates in the role of football players will drive the air ball. You can also hold such a game.

Competitions for graduation grade 11.

My dear, here are some games and entertainment for graduation Bala. The material is taken from the magazine "PHGG". Many thanks to the authors!

Who will he become in ten years?
For graduation.
During the feast, the animator distributes graduates (put on the tables in advance) sheets of paper and handles.
- It has been proven that the most accurate forecast for your future give your friends and girlfriends. Not parents, not a teacher, and your classmates.
We use it. Let each choose a classmate that you know best. Let everyone write on a piece of paper, by whom, in his opinion, his Vizati will become in 10 years.
Subscribe to your name or pseudonym so that in ten years it was possible to know who wrote.
Put the sheets in this big envelope, which I seal and rent on the 10-year storage director of the school.
The prepared director is playing out the animator:
- I will keep an envelope in school safe!
(You can printed the envelope of school seal.)
- After 10 years in the evening of the meeting of graduates, the envelope will be opened, and we will see who gave the most correct forecast!
(The trick was repeatedly used at proms. Those envelopes, probably and dust in school safes. Or maybe someone revealed them with trembling hands at a meeting of graduates ...)

School advertising for 15 seconds
For graduation.
- Who as not graduates know their school with all its explicit disadvantages and hidden advantages? And who, how can they not briefly re-advertise their school to future disciples?
Animator breaks the audience to "advertising groups".
Each group should:
run to the podium for the "photo shoot"
Pictulate a promotional "live picture"
Advertising school advertising slogan
15 seconds released on everything (advertising time is expensive!)
Every 10 minutes (3 songs) is given to the preparation of advertising.
When all groups have passed, the display of the received advertising digital photos on the screen.

Cool hit
DJ spectacles graduates on the most popular song.
(Experience shows that youth willingly writes the names of the favorite groups. In addition, it takes the time, which is so much always prom.)
- The graduate survey showed that the most popular song of the 11th "A" - such! 11th "b" - such something! 11th "B" - such that!
The first center of the hall takes the 11th ... "B"! Just because their song is already charged with my player. Dances 11th "b"!
(Then, for example, "A", "B" and the whole issue - for the most popular song of the School. DJ in the processing of votes Wishes to avoid excessive coincidence of tastes. The subsequent execution of individual applications helps to take time.)
Include in the poll of teachers - what song is popular this summer among them? Dance the whole school for the favorite music of teachers.

How much will weigh the head of the excellent?
In the chest pocket of the jacket of excellent, a piece of paper is putting a piece of paper with a weight of his head, for example, 10 kg 350 g.
Auction: Who exactly guesses the weight of the head of excellent?

Miss Graduation night
Animator invites graduates (up to 10-12 people).
1. Girls in the dressing room trying on specially trained outfits, come up with names.
Defile mod with an animator comment.
2. Girls disassemble colored ribbons (one!), Which stretch out of the bag in the hands of the animator.
An animator releases a bag - a prize is tied to one of the tapes. That who was lucky, declared Miss Graduation night.
Ribbons stay to memory girls.

Mr. Future
An animator asks each of the girls to write on a sheet of the surname of the coolest, in her opinion, a guy release.
(Girls always willingly do it, not necessarily subscribe.)
Animator counts voices.
Invites the 9 most popular guys on stage.
1. Guys fold paper airplanes, they write on the fuselage the name of the device, start.
An animator awards the comforting prizes of three, whose aircraft fell closer to the stage.
They return to the hall.
2. From the remaining six, the animator forms two teams of 3 people.
The relay "log between the legs".
The loser Troika receives prizes, goes away.
3. Task semi-finalists: to sit behind the "director's table" in the most difficult way.
One loser receives a prize, leaves.
4. Football:
o Selection of each name of the famous football player
o Finalists go into the dressing room, each of them tie a bunch of 5 balls to her leg
o "Footballers" go to the fans, a loud greeting
o Match: crush all the balls of the opponent, at the same time save your own (hands not apply!)
o Awarding the loser and champion (download it!)
The champion is announced by Mr. future.
Sew a couple of huge football panties that finalists will wear before the match.