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Open the left menu Altai Territory. Altai Territory (geographical map)

Coat of arms Altai Region was adopted on June 1, 2000. The shield of the French heraldic form is divided into two equal parts: in the upper half of the shield on a laasers depicted a smoking domain furnace of the 18th century. At the bottom of the shield on the red (cherry) background, the image of the Kolyvan's "Tsaritsa VAZ" (Jasper with a predominance of green) stored in the Hermitage. The shield is framed by a wreath of gold coals, sent by the Lazorus ribbon.

Altai Territory - Edge as part of the Russian Federation. Area - 169.1 thousand square meters. km; Population - 2.642 million people (2001), urban 58%. As part of the Altai Territory of 11 cities, 30 urban-type settlements (2001). Administrative center - Barnaul, other major cities: Biysk, Rubtsovsk, Zarinsk, Aleisk, Novoaltaisk. The Altai Territory was formed on September 28, 1937, part of the Siberian Federal District.

In the industry of the Altai Territory, the leading place is occupied by mechanical engineering, metalworking, light and food industries. In the region of more than 2 thousand enterprises, about 400 of them are large and medium. Altai Territory is one major food suppliers in Russia. In the region, many fertile lands, its main grain culture - a spring wheat of solid grades with a high content of gluten. Also grow and deliver to other Russian regions of rye, buckwheat, flax, millet, peas, barley, oats, potatoes, sunflower, beet; Meat-dairy cattle breeding is developed. Altai Krai exports its products to 60 countries of the world. The main importers of Altai products are Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, the Netherlands. Perspective is such a branch of the economy as tourism.

Natural conditions

The Altai Territory is located in the south-east of Western Siberia, borders with Kazakhstan, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo regions, the Republic of Altai. The region occupies part of the Altai and adjacent to him in the north of the part of the West Siberian Plain. In the territory of the region, steppe and lowland natural areas are distinguished: Kuluddinskaya steppe, ore altai, Priobskoe plateau, the foothills of Altai. The word "Altai" of Turkic origin is translated as "Golden Mountains". Altai is not only high mountains, gear cliffs and rocks, but also stormy, full-water rivers, mountain waterfalls, dry herbs steppes, thick coniferous forests, amazing beauty of the lake.

The relief of Altai is heterogeneous - from flat plains of interhoelectric kitelin to high-mountain peaks, diverse and climate - from arid steppes to eternal snow in the mountains. For the flat part of the Altai Territory, steppe and forest-steppe natural zones are characterized. They are well represented in the Kulundy Plain, the Priobskoe plateau, in the valley of the Ob River. The foothills of Altai include the southern and eastern part of the Altai Territory - Biish-Chuchysk hill and pre-road foothill plain. The foothills presents the forest-steppe and taiga zone.

Mountain Altai. Taiga.

Photo by A. I. Bakanova.

Since most of the territory lies with the plain, it is characterized by small absolute heights: from 79 m (Lake is a large spring) in the western part of the Kulundy Plain to 300-320 m in the south-east of the Priobskoe plateau. Large plains are located large lakes. The water of almost all Lakes of the Kulundin Plain has a bitter-straly taste. Gradually rising to the east, Kulundy Plain goes into the Priobskoe plateau with Hona characteristic for him. Fresh and salty lakes, located in the hollows of ancient flow, are interconnected by river rivers in peculiar chains. The Biish-Chuchysk hill extend to the north-west (it reaches 500 m) and the pre-casting foothill plain - transition zones between the plains and the mountains of Altai. Next begins the Altai low mountain (the cast-shaped vertices of the Mountain Babyrgangan and Siyuhi are clearly visible). In the extreme south, the Altai Territory approaches the average ratio (the highest point is the royal protein, 2298 m).

Altai region. River Argut.

The climate on the flat territory is sharply continental. Here the hottest summer in the edge, but the winter is cold, with strong frosts. The average temperature of January - from -16 to -20 ° C, July - from +16 to +18 ° C. Frosts at the end of December-January can reach from -30 to -35 ° C and below, and in some July days, air warms up from +35 to +38 ° C. Since the plain is open to penetration of air masses from the Arctic Ocean and Northern Kazakhstan, the weather here is unstable here, with frequent temperature differences at any time of the year, strong winds and precipitation. In early June, as at the end of August, sharp cooling are possible. In the Kulundy steppe there are dust storms, most often in May, and in November, February and March, the blizzards and bursts are very frequent. The precipitation falls a bit (up to 300 mm per year), which contributes to the formation of steppe landscapes. In the foothills and lowlands of Altai winter, the winter is noticeably softer, and the summer is much cooler, there are more precipitation (up to 600 mm or more), especially in the cold season, snowy winter.

Coastal settlement in the upper course of Bii.

Photo by A. I. Bakanova.

Rippipes of the Bii River.

Photo by A. I. Bakanova.

In the Altai Territory, there are a lot of rivers and lakes (about 20 thousand). The main river is a complete volume (within the edge - 493 km), which is formed during the confluence of Bii and Katun, 20 km south-west of Biysk. Obi basin belongs to a significant part of the Altai Mountains, the Salair ridge, the Biysco-Chifty elevation, Priobskoe plateau. Ob in mid-April is opened, in the period of its flood, frequent spills happen. The autumn ice station begins in the first decade of November, the greatest thickness of the ice by the end of winter reaches 80-130 cm. Among the major tributaries of Ob - two left - aley and Charysh and the right - Chumysh.

The residual lakes of the Kuluddinskaya steppe - Kulundinskoye, Kuchuksky, a large spring, bridge, Bullin - are famous for their therapeutic and mineral properties. Quite often, small lakes are found at high sections of ancient valleys and in the floodplains of rivers. The largest of them is a manger - located in the ancient Valley of Katuni.

The local name of Altai Mineral Sources is "Arzhany", they are already over two thousand. The balneological resort of Belokurikha is well known for its radon thermal waters. In the valleys of the Kalmanca rivers, the log pads, the birch also found radon sources.

Most of the territory of the Altai Territory is occupied by plowing steppes, which, together with the Minusinsk, are the main resident of Siberia. Along the rivers of the Barnavel, Kasmala, Kuludda, the Burls are stretching only in the Altai Territory Ribbons - Pine forests growing along the sandy banks of the rivers. The uniqueness of the vegetation world of the region is also the black taiga (cedar-fir forests with an admixture of birch and aspen), this is the only place in Russia, where it grows. The decoration of mountain forests is the Siberian cedar, or cedar Siberian pine, giving cedar nut, therapeutic oil and valuable wood.

Among the shrubs of the forest belt are distinguished by Dauri larger, covering in early spring The slopes of the mountains of bright purple flowers, juniper, rowan, gooseberry, raspberry, currant, honeysuckle, blueberries, blackberry, lingonberry, giving beautiful juicy berries. In Altai is growing a large number of Medicinal plants: Golden (Maral) Root, Tolstolic Badan, Valerian, Maryan Root, Adonis Spring.

The animal world of the Altai Territory is very rich. In the forests live a chipmunk, flying protein, otter, ermine, sable. The most valuable fur of a sable, get it quite difficult because he lives in hard to reach places - Deaf burverities. Losi, Kabarga are also found in the forests, almost everywhere - brown bears, there are lynx, wolverine, badger. Surki, gophers, carcans are inhabited in the steppes, you can meet a steppe ferret, a fox, a wolf, in the Kulundy steppe hares of Belyak and Rusak. Ondatra is found in Priobskiy water bodies, in almost all boron, equible rivers live river beaquet

Among the forest birds there are many predators, the most aggressive - hawks (a fineness and rewrother), the night birds are common - Owl and Filin. On the shores of the lakes you can see the crane-handsome and gray crane. On the banks of the rivers are numerous stuffs, white wagtles, river crags. Rivers and lakes of the region are rich in fish, they have a pike, June, Navy, sterling, perch, eets, Chebak, Ersh.


The first people settled in Altai valleys a lot of hundreds of thousand years ago. In the first millennium, the culture of Scythian type appears in Altai, which gave whole line unique monuments of art. On the upper obey, the settled tribes appeared in the first millennium of our era. In the 6-10 centuries, the Indo-European population of Altai and Priobya is displaced by Turks.

By the 10th century, the population of Altai was a conglomerate of various Turkic tribes, the most powerful of which were boiled. In the 13th century, Altai was part of the Golden Horde. The invasion of the Mongols left behind the destroyed settlements with the traces of fires. From ruin and internecine wars, the Altai tribes saved in the forest-steppe zones of the acquisition. In the 17th century in the population of Altai, the southern and northetians were distinguished clearly. The Nordic Altaians settled the spots of the Altai Mountains, the Valley of the Bii River. At the same time, the foundations of their economic activity were formed - hunting, cattle breeding. The first Russian settlers appeared in Altai at the end of the 17th century. They built the fortresses and the rid of defending the edge from the raids of the Jungan khan

In the 18th century, the development of ore deposits began in Altai. In 1729, the Akinfiy Demidov built a white copper smelter on the influx of the river. In 1744, another Demidovian copper smelter began to work, built at the mouth of the river Barnavel. After the death of Demidov, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna wrote down his factories in the treasury. By the end of the 18th century, the reserves of the Zmeinogorsk silver mine dried out, and by the end of the 19th century, the largest Demidov plants were closed.

By the beginning of the 20th century, Altai becomes predominantly an agricultural area, and small manufactories are created in the cities, trade develops. After the cancellation of the serfdom, the influx of Russian immigrants from the European part of Russia intensified. Agriculture began to develop an accelerated pace - migrants used more advanced tools of labor, fertilizers, and the Altai Earth was fertile. At the same time, new and new cities grew up: Barnaul, Biysk, Zmeinogorsk.

At the end of the 19th - early 20th century, entrepreneurship was developed in Altai: the textile traded a large firm of second, sewing machines - Branch of the company Singer, Agricultural machinery - "International Ratary Machinery Company", Gold operations were sold to the company Altai Golden-industrial Case, "Turn", "Taxis".

In 1919, the Soviet government was established in Altai. During the NEP, oil and cheerful cooperatives received widespread. When the course was proclaimed for collectivization, reprisals began, strong peasant farms were ruined.

In 1937, a new administrative education was established - the Altai Territory. During the Great Patriotic War Altai accepted more than 100 evacuated enterprises from Western regions of Russia. Many large enterprises of Altai originated on the basis of these factories. In the postwar years, the industrial potential was increased in Altai, engineering (Barnaul, Rubtsovsk), Chemical (Biysk, Zarinsk), Petrochemical, Mining (Zmeinogorsk) Industry industry developed.

After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Region was separated from the Altai Territory. In the 1990s, Altai survived the economic downturn. Nevertheless, the Altai Territory is one of the largest food producers in the east of Russia. The main grain crop of the edge is wheat solid varieties. Altai is a major manufacturer of wool and an important base of fine tribal sheep.


Altai always attracted tourists. The edge is not similar to other popular places of recreation and tourism in that there are large spaces of untouched nature - and in the endless Kulundin steppes, and among the ridges of the ancient mountains. A strikingly variety of altai landscapes replacing each other: mirror lakes, rapid rivers, untouched taiga, alpine meadows, impregnable rocks and glaciers. And although the city of the Altai Territory also pose interest to tourists, the main wealth of the edge is his steppes, rivers, mountains, forests, lakes.

Kulundin steppe, covering the northwestern part of the Altai Territory, is called "the edge of thousands of lakes", which most tourists attract here. The steppe is the bottom of the ancient sea with numerous lakes that focus unique belt bors. The biggest (albeit and shallow - 2.5-3 m) lake in this area is called Kulundinsky. Water in it brass and very warm. Here are wonderful sandy beaches, excellent places For bathing (shallow water lake is almost safe for children). Especially attractive water rods, water bike or water skiing. The Kulunda river flows into the lake, in which pikes and perch are found.

In the south-west steppe, in Kasmalinsky Bor, there are numerous salty, bitter and fresh reservoirs of various sizes and bizarre forms. These are Borovy Lakes; The biggest one is raspberry, called so thanks to the raspberry shade of its water. All salty and bitter lakes (and water, and dirt) possess medical properties. Fresh lakes are good for rest. Boru is full of wild raspberries, bounds, lingonberries, fans of the third hunting return from boron with full baskets of mushrooms.

In the north of the Altai Mountains, Seminsky (the highest point - Mount Sarlyk, 2506) stretched parallel to each other (the highest point - Mukur Cherga mountain, 2009) and the Anuian ridges (average heights, 1400-1500 m). There is a border between the Altai Territory and the Republic of Altai. On the bank of Anuu, near the village of Black Anuye there is an archaeological attraction - Denisova Cave. Since 1982, archaeological studies have been conducted here, more than 20 cultural layers are opened. In the Denis Cave, the most ancient people on the territory of North Asia remains of man were found, their age is 42 thousand years. According to Altai legends, in the cave there was no time black shaman; According to other legends, here since the end of the 18th century, Dionysius hermit died (hence the name of the cave).

15 km from the cave there is a cascade of waterfalls on the River of Shinov. The largest of them in the Altai Territory, the three-stage waterfall will be lowered from a height of about 70 m. Lake Lake (is located on the territory of the Republic of Altai), which is called a "blue pearl". One shore is a rocky cliff, on the other, low, trees and shrubs grow. The depth of the lake reaches 20 m, the water is transparent to 6-8 m in depth. The lake decorates a tiny island with several pines growing on it.

Very interesting, the historical site of the old Chui tract, which was held along the Biysk route - Komarskoy Pass - Cherga. It was this way that it was possible to get into the mountain altai to the laying of the road from Biysk along Katuni. Here they drove out prominent scientists, researchers, famous travelers who visited Altai; The tract was carried out goods from Mongolia and China.

In the valley of the Belokurih River, which is replete with boulders and waterfalls, there is a rich field of thermal radon-containing waters with high fluorine content and a wide range of trace elements. This factor determined the development of Belokurikha as a resort. The climate of the Continental Area, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe resort of Belokurich, the sun shines more than 250 hours per month, and the smokery period is 120-130 days. The resort city itself is among the northern revolt of the Cherginsky ridge, at an altitude of about 250 m above sea level. The content of light air aeroions in the local air is twice as many indicators of the best Swiss resort of Davos. In the vicinity of the city of Belokurikha Oak Grove, in the Central Park of the Spa Ruding Spa, Silver Spruce, various grape varieties.

Among the landscapes of the resort, a complex of nature monuments is concentrated, there are historical sights. The main healing factor in the resort of Belokurikha is the water of hot springs belonging to the group of nitrogen-siliceous radon-containing thermal waters. In Belokurichi, in the territory of the temple, erected in honor of the healer of Panteleimon, there is a healing key. The most famous natural monument in the vicinity of Belokurih is a mountain church, resembling a Russian church with a rounded dome. At the top, stone-making, the Orthodox Cross is installed.

In addition, Belokurich is the center of skiing tourism and sports in Altai. The most popular skiing complex "Grace" has a network of interconnected trails and several bougiel lifts and a charming road. The ski season here continues from the beginning of December to the end of March. The system of artificial lightness allows you to extend the season to six months.

On the right bank of Obi extends the Biish-Chifty elevation. From the north and in the east, it is limited to the Valley of the Chuchysh river, from the south - the Bii Valley. Next to the east lies the lowland salair ridge, stretching out 270 km with medium heights of 400-500 m (the highest point is the Kita Mountain, 621 m). Salayer Harmist-Walked Relief, Western german slopes of Cherry Taiga, there are exits of indigenous rocks - crystalline slates. The border between the Altai Territory and the Kemerovo region passes through the Salair ridge.

Water in the rivers of the Salair ridge remains pretty cold even in the summer; But all the reservoirs of the plain part of the district are well warmed in early June. In the valley of the Middle and lower current, the crumms can be found ancient parking lots, settlements, mounds. In the Zarinsky district, in the Valley of the River Chumysh there is a man-made cave Orthodox church, erected in the early 20th century by the monk Daniel. Underground cells, galleries, labyrinths have a total length of about 250 m. The largest room is a 4-dimensional altar room with a dome-shaped ceiling.

Not far from the cave temple is an ancient Spring "Holy Key". Not far from the village of Sonokiy Log, there is another source, mass pilgrimages to it did not stop even during the time of militant atheism. Here is the John the Baptist Skit of the Barnaul Women's Znamensky Monastery.

The old Altai city of Zmeinogorsk (360 km south-west of Barnaul) is located in the Rudna Altai, at the southern foot of the Kolyvan Range, around the Snake Mountain, at an altitude of about 450 m, on the Korbolich River and its influx of the serpent. The population is 12.7 thousand people (2001). In 1735, near the snake mountain and river snakes (hence the name), the rich deposits of silvervitz ores were discovered, a serpentine mine arose (a silver smelter was built) and the village. Since the beginning of the 18th century, the village began to be called Zmeinogorsk. Until the mid-19th century, Zmeinogorsk played an important role in Russia's ore industry. However, at the end of the 19th century, the depletion of mines began, the plant was closed, and Zmeinogorsk began to turn into a merchant merchant with small industries. After 1917, new deposits of polymetallic ores were found in Zmeinogorsk and its surroundings. Zmeinogorsk received a new impetus to development, in 1952 received the status of the city. Many historical and architectural monuments have been preserved in the city. In the mountain of the snake, fragments of mines of 18-19 centuries, mountain pond and dam are preserved. East of the mining part of the Zmeinogorsk retained its appearance area with trading rows of the mid-19th century.

Rubtsovsk is located in the Propaltai Forest, on the Aleu River (Ob), 281 km south-west of Barnaul. The population is 161.8 thousand people (2001). The settlement was founded in 1886 as the village of Rubtsovo (by name of one of the first-settlements Mikhail Rubtsov). In 1892, its inhabitants received an official permission to use the Earth. This year is considered the year of the founding of Rubtsovsk. In 1915, the Railway was held in the village of Novonikolaevsk-Barnaul-Semipalatinsk. In 1927, Rubtsovsk received the status of the city.

Altai region. River Alea near Rubtsovsk.

40 km north-west of Rubtsovsk is a climate-tile resort "Lebyazhye". It is located in an extensive Scrostic Sosnovy Bor, on the shore of Lake Gorky-tar, one of the largest salted lakes of the Steppe Altai, known for its healing chloride-hydro-carbonate-sodium water. Also used the method of cake, based on the healing properties of the mare milk.

Not far from Rubtsovsk is the village of Kurya. Here was born Russian gunsmith M. T. Kalashnikov. On the main square of Kuri installed his bust. Attracts the vintage building orthodox church From pink bricks with arches, columns and large, decorated windows patterns.

The ancient Russian village of the Sregor is located on the Chui tract (35 km from Biysk). It was founded in 1804. Suretka - Rodina V. M. Shukshin. Every year here in July (Shukshin was born on July 25, 1929) Shukshinsky readings are held. Since 1989, a historical and memorial Museum-Reserve V. Shukshina has been operating since 1989.

River Bia. Coastal Taiga.

Photo by A. I. Bakanova.

Altai region. Belokurich. Mountain View.

Belokurich. Panorama of the resort.

Altai region. Mount Tolstuk near Belokurikha ..

Geographical position

The Altai Territory is located in the south-east of Western Siberia, on the border of continental Asia, 3419 km from Moscow. The territory of the region is 168 thousand square meters. km, in the area occupies the 24th place in Russian Federation and 10th place in the Siberian Federal District.

In the north of the land borders with the Novosibirsk region, in the East - with the Kemerovo region, the southeastern border takes place with the Republic of Altai, in the south-west and west - the state border with the Republic of Kazakhstan with a length of 843.6 km.

Climatic features

The climate is moderate sharply continental, is formed as a result of a frequent change of air masses coming from the Atlantic, Arctic, Eastern Siberia and Central Asia.

The absolute annual air temperature amplitude reaches 90-95 ° C.

The predominance of cloudless weather provides a significant influx of solar radiation. The duration of solar shine is an average of 2000-2300 hours per year, the amount of total radiation reaches 4500-4800 MJ / m2 per year.

The average annual temperatures are positive, 0.5-2.1 ° C. The average maximum temperatures of July +26 ... +28 ° C, extreme reaches +40 ... +41 ° C. The average minimum temperatures of January -20 ... -24 ° C, the absolute winter minimum -50 ... -55 ° C. Frost period lasts about 120 days.

The most dry and fry is the Western flat part of the edge. To the east and southeast there is an increase in precipitation from 230 mm to 600-700 mm per year. The average annual temperature rises to the southwest of the edge.

Due to the presence of a mountain barrier in the south-east of the region, the dominant Western-oriental transfer of air masses acquires the south-west direction. In the summer months frequent northern winds. In 20-45% of cases, the speed of winds of south-west and western directions exceeds 6 m / s. In the steppe areas of the edge with the amplification of the wind, the appearance of Sukhovyev (up to 8-20 days a year) is connected. In the winter months during periods with active cyclonic activities in the region, blizzards are noted everywhere, which are repeated 30-50 days a year.

Snow cover is established on average in the second decade of November, destroyed in the first decade of April. The height of the snow cover is an average of 40-60 cm, in Western regions decreases to 20-30 cm and to completely blow the snow. The depth of soil freezing is 50-80 cm, in the bare of steppe plots, a freezer is possible to a depth of 2-2.5 m.

Water resources

Main rivers: Ob, Bia, Katun, Ale, Charysh. The total surface drain of the edge rivers is 55.1 km3 per year. In the Obi basin, occupying 70% of the territory of the edge, is formed 54.5 km3. In the drawing area of \u200b\u200bOb-Irtysh Meternrech (30% of the territory), only 0.5 km3 of the drain is formed.

On the territory of the region, 17,085 rivers with a total length of 51004 km are proceeded, of which:

16309 - less than 10 km long;

776 - more than 10 km long (including 32 rivers with a length of more than 100 km, of which 3 are more than 500 km).

9700 rivers have more or less permanent watercourses.

The main water artery of the edge - the river Ob - long within the edge of 493 km, is formed from the confluence of the Bii and Katun rivers. Her largest tributaries (more than 500 km long) - Aleu River, Charysh and Chumysh.

On the territory of the edge of about 11,000 lakes, of which over 230 - more than 1 km2. The largest are in the steppe zone of the region:

Kulundynskoe - 728 km2,

Kuchuksky - 181 km2,

Bitter (Romanovsky district) - 140 km2,

Large poplar - 76.6 km2,

Large Sneakers - 66.7 km2.

On the territory of the Altai Territory, 472 sections of deposits with total reserves of 1928.13 thousand m3 / day are explored. Inventory growth in 2017 due to new explored deposits, write-offs, revaluation and adjustments amounted to 10.986 thousand m3 / day.

The provision of predictive groundwater resources in the Altai Territory is 4.895 m3 / day per person, and the provision of explored reserves is 0.82 m3 / day per person. The total consumption of groundwater per person is 188.3 l / day per person. The specific consumption of groundwater on CPV - 114.3 l / day per person.

Mineral underground water. The reserves of therapeutic and therapeutic and table mineral groundwater are explored and approved in 5 fields in the amount of 3184 m3 / day (A-949 m3 / day, B-1643 m3 / day, C1-592 m3 / day).

The development of all explored mineral waters deposits is carried out, with the exception of Iskraovsky. The total amount of mining of therapeutic mineral groundwater in 2017 was 497.2 m3 / day, including in the fields: Belokurikhinsky - 410.0 m3 / day; Stan-Behtemir - 59.67 m3 / day; Solonovsky - 1.57 m3 / day; Zavyalovsky - 5.89 m3 / day.

The stocks of weakly mineralized radonia therapeutic mineral waters of the Chernov deposit category C2 in the amount of more than 1000 m3 / day are previously estimated.

In addition, 16 sections and 19 manifestations of therapeutic and table mineral groundwater were revealed on the territory of the region. chemical composition which meets the requirements of GOST 13273-88 "Water Mineral Drinking Medical and Medical and Dining Rooms". Groundwater have mineralization from 1.04 to 6.16 g / dm3. Mineral underground waters are common, which are analogues of Varnitsky, Chisinau, Feodosiusky, Izhevsk, Ergeninsky, Chartak, Khilovsky and Aivazovsky types, which can be used to treat and prevent diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver, biliary tract, metabolic diseases. The total resource potential of the mineral water of the Altai Territory is 328,180 m3 / day.

A variety of animal world

The variety of zonal and intrazonal landscapes of the Altai Territory contributes to the species diversity of the animal world.

The most numerous group of animals in the edge - invertebrateAnd among them - the insect class (more than 3000 species). 41 The type of insects is listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory.

Amphibian class It is represented in the edge of five species, of which one species is the Siberian corner - made in the Red Book of the Altai Territory.

From nine species presbysey In the Red Book, the steppe, the round-head challenge, a multicolored burner, dwelling in some steppe regions of the edge, are brought into the Red Book.

In the region there are more than 332 species of birdsFrom them in the region nest from 220 to 290 species. Due to the reduction of the areas of the most important sites, Smereyad, Strept, Drops, completely or partially disappeared. Of the 85 species of birds listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory, the vital activity of more than half of the species is directly related to the wetlands of the edge.

Mammals Present 86 species. Wild ungulates and fur beasts are of the greatest importance, from which meat, fur, leather and drug raw materials are obtained. In recent years, the number of moose, brown bear, proteins, groundhog, cabaggi, otters have increased. There is a slight decrease in the number of wolf and boar. However, since 2011, there was a tendency to increase the number of some animals, especially licensed for the hunt of species - Marala, Kosley, Elk, Brown Bear, Sable. The disarm of the huge spaces of the plain forest-steppes and the steppes led to the emergence of peculiar anthropogenic forest and field habitats with a specific population of the animal world. In the North Lesopoly among mammals, the dominant position acquired a field mouse. In the fields on the site of the southern forest-steppe and real steppes, the types of steppe fauna are grunt and hamsters.

Diversity of Mira water biological resources Present 32 species of fish, 22 of which are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

Plant resources

The following types of vegetation are presented on the territory: forests, steppes, meadows, swamps, tundra, shrub, rock, water, salt and synanthropic.

Flora The Altai Territory has 2186 species of higher vascular plants, including 1886 aboriginal and 300 adventtive, about 400 species of moss, lichens about 700 species. Among them are representatives of endemic and relic species. 168 species of plants are listed in the Red Book of Altai Territory, 11 mushrooms, 23 types of lichen.

Senokos and pastures. The pasture and hayous land of the Altai Territory occupy 3731 thousand hectares, which is 35% of the area of \u200b\u200bagricultural land. Cenokos and pastures have economic value, being a feed base for animal husbandry, as well as habitats of various animals, plants, including rare. It grows up to 300 species of plants producing coarse feed. This is mainly cereals, legumes and disorders. The most productive for the production of green feeds are flooding hayed meadows. The herbal vegetation of feed land successfully protects the soil from erosion and deflation (with reasonable loads of grazed livestock).

Useful flora edge there are 1184 species of plants, among which are available: medicinal - 913 species, honey - 379, forage - 663, decorative - 400, food - 228, Vitaminous - 42, Drying - 117, Etheric-oil - 87, Cubila - 58, Poisonous - 135, technical - 79 species. The group of medicinal plants is the largest, of which about 100 species are widely used in official medicine. This is a golden root, Marali root, red root, Peony Maryan root, licorice Ural, oregano, St. John's wort, nine tall and others. There are medicinal plants whose culture is complex and natural reserves are the only source of raw materials: Spring, Lingonberry Adonis, Bolotnik, Cabin, Yellow Cube.

Forest edges.The cumulative area covered with forests in the Altai Territory is 3.825 million hectares. The average forestry on the edge is 32.8%. Forests are distributed in the edge unevenly. In the Kuluddinskaya steppe and the forest-steppe zone of the Levobasya Ob, forest science is 12%, in the right bank of Ob - 24%, rising in the mountain part up to 34%. Wood stock is 545.83 million cubic meters. m. The prevailing rocks in the forests of the edge are coniferous (41.3% by area and 53.6% in stock, including cedar - 1.1%), soft (58.7% area and 46.4% by stock ). The average age of plantings is 66 years old, including coniferous - 89 years old and deciduous - 48 years. On forestry and forest economic conditions, the role and importance of forests in the region highlighted 4 forest areas: band-borovy, Priobsky, Salair and pre-saying.

On the territory of the Altai Territory, the facilities for forest fires occur from April to October inclusive. To eliminate the consequences of forest fires, the death of plantings from pests and diseases of the forest, an increase in the forestry area is carried out by measures to protect, protect and restore forests. The annual scope of reforestation in the region of 11 thousand hectares.

Mineral resources

The mineral resource base of the Altai Territory includes deposits of brown coal, iron, polymetallic (containing copper, lead, zinc, gold, silver, baryt, bismuth, cadmium, scattered elements, sulfur), nickel-cobalt ores, bauxite, indigenous and marginal gold, mineral salts (sodium and magnesium sulfate, cooking salt, natural soda), cement raw materials (limestone, clay), gypsum, facing and colored stones, healing mud, mineral, drinking and technical groundwater. The most significant for the economies of the region, the types of mineral resources are currently being developed stocks of polymetallic ores, indigenous and technogenic gold, sodium sulfate, cement raw materials, mineral and drinking groundwater.

Polymetallic ores Make up the basic value of the subsoil of the Altai Territory.

In the southwestern part of the region (the Russian part of the ore altai), 12 deposits with carrying reserves of polymetallic ores in the amount of 60.5 million tons containing 710.4 thousand tons of copper, 1462.6 thousand tons of lead, 4618.3 thousand . t zinc, 40496.0 kg of gold, 3.3 thousand tons of silver, 18446.2 tons of cadmium, 2876.3 tons of bismuth, 2303.2 tons of Selena, 236.7 t Tellura, 556.6 t Thallium, 504, 7 T Galley, 0.1 tons India, 591.0 thousand tons of barite and 7176.8 thousand tons of sulfur.

Currently, the extraction of polymetallic ores is maintained by Siberian Polymetals, developing Korbalikhinsky, Zarechenskaya Steppe and the Talovskoye deposit prepared for the workplace in the Zmeinogorsk district. On the bases of Rubtsovsky (by the current time spent) and Zarechensky fields, there are processing factories with project capacity of 650.0 and 100.0 thousand tons, respectively).

The testing of Zarechensky and Korbalikhinsky deposits is underway underground, steppe - open.

Maximum performance on the ore of the Zarechensky mine - 100 thousand tons, steppe mine - 470 thousand tons, Korbalikhinsky - 1200 thousand tons.

Prospects for further industrial development of polymetallic ores are associated with Zakharovsky, middle, anniversary, Lazur and May fields, open and explored in the 50s - 80s of the last century.

On the state balance of mineral resources of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2018, 48642.0 kg of gold and 3160.3 cm of silver complex polymetallic, indigenous, technogenic and marginal deposits are listed. The state cadastr of the forecast resources of solid minerals of the Russian Federation in the territory of the Altai Territory is taken into account by 662.8 tons of gold categories P3 + P2 + P1. Mining gold and silver is carried out from complex polymetallic, actually gold (indigenous), technogenic and marginal deposits.

The use of mineral resources of the Altai Territory.

Hard minerals. In 2017, the territory of the Altai Territory was produced by polymetallic ores (containing copper, lead, zinc, gold, silver, barite, bismuth, cadmium, scattered elements, sulfur), gold (indigenous, technogenic and marginal), silver, mineral salts ( sodium sulfate), cement raw materials (limestone, clay), as well as medicinal mud.

License to the development of brown coal of the Munay field in Soltonsky district owns LLC Munay section. In 2017, coal mining was not produced. Preparatory work was carried out for the development of the field (compiled, the technical project was agreed and approved in the prescribed manner, the construction of a cut for coal mining was launched).

Significant stocks of iron ores are concentrated in two fields - Beloretsky and Insk, located in the Zmeinogorsk and Charysh region, with total balance reserves in categories and in quantity: in - 89356 thousand tons, C1 - 362911 thousand tons, C2 - 37466 thousand tons , as well as off-balanced reserves in the amount of 17124 thousand tons. The deposits are not developed due to the lack of transport and energy infrastructure, as well as reasonable investment proposals.

Mining of polymetallic ores is maintained by Siberia Polymetals, developing Korbalikhinskoe, Zarechenskoye, Steppe and Talovskoye deposits in the Zmeinogorsk district. In 2017, Siberia - Polymetals OJSC in 2017, 395.7 thousand tons of ore, containing 3.4 thousand tons of copper, were produced, 9.4 thousand tons of lead, 22.0 thousand tons of zinc, 217.9 kg of gold, 16.4 tons of silver, on Zarechensky - 35.0 thousand tons of ore, containing 0.6 thousand tons of copper, 1.5 thousand tons of lead, 33.7 thousand tons of zinc, 429.3 kg of gold , 14.8 tons of silver, at Corbalikhinsky - 52.9 thousand tons of ore, containing 2.1 thousand tons of copper, 5.2 thousand tons of lead, 13.9 thousand tons of zinc, 34.7 kg of gold, 8 , 1 t silver.

The mineral resource base of Bauxites is represented by two deposits - Berdskaya-May and Obukhovsky, located in the Zalevsky district and having total reserves taken into account by the state balance of mineral resources of the Russian Federation in the amount of 25150 thousand tons of categories B + C1 + C2. Currently, deposits are not developed.

The mining of ore gold in 2017 was carried out at Murzinsky (Krasnoshkovsky district) and Novophyrsky (Currian district) deposits. At the Murzinskoye Department of LLC "Artel prospectors" search "was produced 644.9 kg of gold. At the Novofirskoye deposit LLC "Gold Curi" produced 228.0 kg of gold.

The production of man-made gold was carried out at the deposits of the tailing storage factor of the Zmeinogorsk gold-celastic factory, the owner of the license - Bern LLC; The tailing storage factor of the Zmeinogorsk baritetary factory, the owner of the license - LLC "Edition" Zmeykorstroyservis "in the city of Zmeinogorsk of the Zmeinogorsk district and in 2017 amounted to a total of 161.0 kg.

The extraction of paint gold was carried out at five fields (painting of the river Big Mungai, the owner of the license - LLC Zdp "Artel Prosthet" Pitchee "; River River Fast, JSC" Personal Artel "Road"; Rosyper Curchase Ruch R. Talovka, Altai-2 LLC; Rossel r. Zaud, Zauda LLC) and a total of 44.9 kg.

On the territory of the Altai Territory (Charysh district) there is a Kumir deposit of scandium-rareetal ores. The reserves of the C2 field, taken into account by the state cadastr of deposits and manifestations of minerals, make up: Scandium - 28 tons, yttrium - 45.9 tons, niobium oxide - 11.6 tons, Rubidium - 48.6 tons, uranium - 30.9 tons, Thorium - 15.9 tons. The deposit is in the unallocated fund of the subsoil, is not being developed.

Silver was mined in the process of developing the above complex polymetallic fields (Korbalikhinsky, Zarechensky, Steppe), Novophyrsky gold deposit, as well as technogenic fields - the tailings of the Zmeinogorsk baritome and zmeinogorsk gold extraction factories. The total production volume in 2017 amounted to 44.4 tons, including in enterprises: Siberian-Polymetals OJSC (Steppe, Zarechenskoye and Korbalikhinskoye deposits) - 39.8 t, LLC "Gold Kurii" (Novofirskoye deposit) - 0 , 7 T, Bern LLC (technogenic field "Tailor storage of the Zmeinogorsk gold-celastic factory") - 1.9 T, OOO "Dobychastroyservis" (Technogenic field "Tailor storage of the Zmeinogorsk baritetary factory") - 2.0 tons.

Sutria sulfate deposit. Kuchuk in the Blagoveshchensky district is operated by Kuchuksulfat OJSC. Mining is carried out by a geotechnological way. In 2017, production amounted to 956.0 thousand tons of 100% sodium sulfate.

Natural soda is mined by LLC Altaisoda at the Mikhailovskoye deposit in Mikhailovsky district. The field combines a group of interconnected soda lakes - Tanatar 1-6 and Kuchertak. In 2017, production was not produced. The area of \u200b\u200bnatural soda mining is conserved before improving the economic situation in the industry. During the preservation period, it is planned to build a shop for the production of soda calcined.

The Bulinsky deposit of the cooking salt (Slavgorodsky district) is being developed by LLC Altai Solving Company. Mining is carried out by mountain. In 2017, 54.4 thousand tons of cook salt were produced.

Wallow-Agafevskoye deposit of cement raw materials (Zarinsky and Kytmansky districts) is developing Cement OJSC, which has a cement plant in pos. Powders of the Zarinsky district. In 2017, mining was 127 thousand tons of limestone and 7 thousand tons of clay. In the cement plant produced 99.4 thousand tons of cement.

Soil-land resources

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe land foundation is 15799.6 thousand hectares. Land deposit - 40.6%.

In the Altai Territory, 105.7 thousand hectares, of which 99.5 thousand hectares - on Pashnea. In the region, 8.5 thousand hectares of dried lands, the main share is in fodder grounds - 7.3 thousand hectares. The dyeing and wetland lands are exposed mainly in the floodplains of the forest-steppe river.

The soil cover of the Altai Territory is very diverse, represented by thirteen soil types, among which chernozem, gray forest and chestnut soils prevail, occupying 88.5% of the pashnya.

About half of the arable land have the security of phosphorus, the third part below is provided with potassium, almost everywhere plants need nitrogen fertilizers and are not sufficiently provided with zinc, gray, cobalt and molybdenum.

Soil acidification. Soils with an acidic reaction medium occupy about 18% of agricultural and 14.5% of arable land in the region.

Saltling, coaloing soil.Saline soils in the region occupy 1042.1 thousand hectares, salt-tillates and solonz complexes - 827, 2 thousand hectares. At the same time, there are 982.6 thousand hectares of saline and 807.2 thousand hectares of salins and salt soils in agricultural landmarks. In the arable land, saline soil occupy 295.8 thousand hectares, salon-dealers and solonz complexes - 323.7 thousand hectares.

Features of the economy of the region

In the structure of the gross regional product, the shares of industry, agriculture, trade are significantly dominated. These activities form 56.7% of the total VRP. Economic growth in the region contributes to a favorable entrepreneurial climate and an increase in business activity, the development of public, transport and engineering infrastructure.

The modern structure of the industrial complex is characterized by a high proportion processing industries (Over 80% in the volume of shipped goods). Leading species economic activity The industry is the production of food products, engineering products (carbohydrates, diesel, agricultural machinery, electrical equipment), coke, rubber and plastic manufacturing, and chemical production.

Altai Territory is the largest manufacturer of environmentally friendly food in Russia. About 30% of the all-Russian gravity volumes are produced in the region, including about 60% of buckwheat, more than 40% of oatmeal cereals; about 30% of pearl and broillers; more than 20% of cereal products for breakfast; more than 15% dry serum; 11% flour from grain and leguminous crops; 13% of cheeses, 10% pasta; 7% butter creamy. The essential share of the region occupies a functional product production.

The Altai Territory takes 1 place in the Russian Federation on the sowing square of grain and leguminous crops. The crop of grain and leguminous crops in weight after refinement is more than 5.0 million tons (4th place in Russia), the production of buckwheat is about 500 thousand tons (1st place in Russia). Altai Territory - the only of the Urals to the Far East, which grows sugar beet: Production of sugar beet was about 1.0 million tons.

In terms of the production of livestock products among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Altai Krai traditionally occupies high positions. The Altai Territory is one of the largest producers of high-quality beef in Russia, in terms of its production among the regions, it takes 5th place. In the ranking of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the population of large cattle In all categories of farms, the region ranks 4th, on the pigstock of pigs - 15th place.

Altai Territory is located at the intersection of transcontinental transit freight and passenger traffic, In close proximity to major raw materials and processing regions. In the territory of the region there are highways connecting Russia with Mongolia, Kazakhstan, the railway connecting Central Asia with the Trans-Siberian Mainstream, international airlines. On the territory of the region, federal highways P265 and A349 are held. Length road roads General use is 55.6 thousand km - this is 1 place among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The geographical location of the region and its high transport accessibility are opened by extensive opportunities to establish strong economic and trade relations between interregional and international levels.

Recreational potential Combined with a favorable climate of the south of Western Siberia, a rich historical and cultural heritage provides an opportunity for development in the territory of the Altai Territory a variety of types of tourism and sports and entertainment holidays. The region also has unique natural therapeutic resources necessary for the development of sanatorium-resort complexes and is one of the largest health centers in Russia. The network of tourist objects is represented in 63 of 69 municipalities of the region, more than half of its cities and districts are areas of active development of tourism, in a third of the territories of the region, rural tourism services are provided by guest houses.

The policy of the Altai Territory is aimed at the formation of the most favorable conditions for attracting investment: Improving the forms of state support of business, infrastructure development (transport, energy), strengthening the economic positions of the region within Russia and abroad, ensuring legal rights of owners, public discussion of regulatory legal acts in the field of investment and business activities.

Altai region - The subject of the Russian Federation formed on September 28, 1937. The administrative center is the city of Barnaul.

It borders in the south and west with the East Kazakhstan and Pavlodar regions of Kazakhstan, in the north and northeast with the Novosibirsk and Kemerovo regions, in the south-east - with the Republic of Altai.


Administrative center Barnaul
Area 167 996 km²
Population of everything ↘2 390 638 (2014)
Population density 14.23 people / km²
Federal District Siberian
Economic district West Siberian
Code of the subject of the Russian Federation 22
Timezone MSK + 3 (UTC + 7)
Coat of arms

History - Altai Territory

  • The territory of the Altai Territory was habitable from the ice time more than half a million years ago (Parking "Karama").
  • In Denisovaya cave, Neanderthals lived about 280,000 years ago, about 40 thousand liters. n. In the cave drank Denisovsky man.
  • In the cave Okladnikov 38 thousand liters. n. Neanderthals lived, and 24 thousand liters. n. - Anatomically modern people.
  • The first state in the territory of South Siberia arose in the IV-III centuries BC. e. The ancient Chinese chronicles called his creators of the people "Dinlin", and the state is "Dinlin-th".
  • About 201 to n. e. The dinyline state was defeated by the troops of the Hongna, an ancient nomadic people, from 220 years before. e. in the second century n. e. Powered steppe to the north of China.
  • Hunna led the active wars with the Chinese Empire, during which they were consolidated into a single power, subdued by the tribes of neighboring nomads. Mongolian scientists prove that Hunna was a protonongol state, but the objects of scientists believe that Hunna was a prototure state.
  • After defeated Dinlin, the troops of the Hongna in the Khakasso-Minusinsky brand moved the Turkic-speaking tribe of Kyrgyz.
  • In 93, in battle with their bayan, the coalition of Hantsev, Mongolian-speaking Xianby, Dinlin and Cheshisians broke Hunn, after which Xianby began to occupy the Hongs of the Hong Land, and part of the Hongov joined the composition of Xianby. Former Huns launched under the control of Xianby (93-234). In the middle of the 3th century, Xianby Power broke up.
  • In the IV-VI centuries, the territory of the Altai Territory was part of the Mongolian-speaking Juan Kaganate (330-555).
  • In the VI-VII centuries, Kyrgyz with suspended taiga peoples was formed by the peripheral lot of Central Asian states led by the governor - Elteber.
  • In the VIII century, the separatist area led by its own becks and inals, claiming Khansky dignity (see Bars-Kagan).
  • In the 9th century, a rapidly expanding aggressive steppe empire with a deified kagan zoom.
  • In 840, Kyrgyz Kaganat destroyed Uygur Kaganat, spreading his power to Tuva and Mongolia. Pursuing the remnants of Uigurov, Kyrgyz came to the battles to Irtysh and Amur, they invaded the oases of Eastern Turkestan. This period of history V. V. Barthold called "Kyrgyz Various Great".
  • Kyrgyz provided the state of the highest military and administrative leaders. They were considered associated and dynastyino, and through marriage relationship With the ruling houses of China and other neighboring countries.
  • In the harsh struggle with aggressive neighbors (Turkic and Uygur Kaganata), the state of Kyrgyz defended its independence until the XIII century, which became a turning point in the independent development of Sayano-Altai.
  • The Kyrgyz Power Loses the territory in Mongolia. Kyrgyz retain two main arrays of their settlement: 1) upper and middle Yenisei; 2) Altai and Irtysh. In the subsequent ethnic ways of the Yenisei Kyrgyz and future Kyrgyz Tian-Shan died.
  • At the beginning of the XIII century, the territory of the Altai Territory was included in the Great Mongol Empire.
  • XIV century - Mongol Empire broke up into individual states. The territory of the Altai Territory was part of Mongolian Jungan Khanate to 1758.

Altai Mountain District

  • The settlement of the Russian Upper Priobya and Altai Prevenues began in the 2nd half of the XVII century.
  • The development of Altai went after to protect against militant nomads-jungarians, Beloyarskaya (1717) and Bikatunskaya (1709) fortresses were built. In order to intelligence valuable ore deposits, search parties were equipped with altai.
  • Father and the son of crutches, the Ural Breather of Akinfi Demidov took advantage of the discovery of the discoverers.
  • In the 1730s, as the village at the Sereblivile Plant Akinfia Demidov, Barnaul was founded, the city status that found in 1771, became the capital of the Altai Territory since 1937. Located in the south of Western Siberia at the location of the Barnavel River in Ob.
  • The Altai Mountain District formed by the 2nd half of the XVIII century is the territory, which included the current Altai Territory, Novosibirsk and Kemerovo, part of the Tomsk and East Kazakhstan regions with total area Over 500 thousand km² and the population of more than 130 thousand shower of both sexes.
  • At the end of the XIX century, the territory of the current Altai was part of the Tomsk province.
  • In 1991, the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Region was published from the Altai Territory, which was transformed into an independent subject of the Russian Federation - the Republic of Altai.
  • After the collapse of the USSR, the regional economy entered a protracted crisis associated with the loss of state order in industry and the unprofitability of agricultural production, which continued until the beginning of the 2000s. The dissatisfaction of the population and the political moods arising from this contributed to the fact that for a long time the Altai Territory was included in the so-called "red belt" - most of the power structures remained behind the left forces. In 1996, the Governor of the Region was the informal leader of the left forces - Alexander Surikov, and his associate Alexander Nazarchuk took the place of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly.
  • In 2004, the famous pop artist and film actor Mikhail Evdokimov won the elections in the elections of the Governor of the Altai Territory. After a year and a half, he died in a car accident near Biysk. Since 2005, the head of the region is Alexander Karlin.

Altai Territory: geographical position

Altai Krai is located in the southeast of Western Siberia between 50 and 55 degrees of northern latitude and 77 and 87 degrees of Eastern longitude. The length of the territory from the west to the east is about 600 km, from north to south - about 400 km. The distance from Barnaul to Moscow in a straight line - about 2940 km, the automotive will be about 3400 km.

Altai Territory: Climate

The climate of the Altai Territory is moderate, transitional to continental, is formed as a result of a frequent change of air masses coming from the Atlantic, Arctic, Eastern Siberia and Central Asia. The absolute annual air temperature amplitude reaches 90-95 ° C. The average annual temperatures are positive, 0.5-2.1 ° ° C average maximum temperatures of July + 26 ... + 28 ° C, extreme reaches + 40 ... + 42 ° C. Medium minimum temperatures January -20 ... -24 ° C, absolute winter minimum -50 ... -55 ° C. Armored period lasts about 120 days

Altai Territory: Environmental State

The state of atmospheric air is largely determined by the placement and concentration of environmentally active industries, the level of purification of production emissions from pollutants, focusing and the loading of transport highways. At the enterprises of the region, 64% of pollutants allocated to the atmosphere are captured by gas purifiers. In the region, more than 560 thousand cars are operated, the emissions of harmful substances of which are more than 45% of total air pollution, including: carbon oxide - 69%, nitrogen oxides - 37%, hydrocarbons - 92%.

The main pollutants of the water bodies of the Altai Territory are enterprises of chemistry and petrochemistry, mechanical engineering, thermal power engineering. A special problem is a damage caused by small rivers from crosses and pollution. Due to the reduction of forest activity, an increase occurs water erosioncausing the cutting bed. Numerous small lakes are subjected to pollution by the household drains of settlements and livestock complexes.

A number of settlements of the Altai Territory are officially recognized as affected by the effects of radiation as a result of testing nuclear weapons at the site under Semipalatinsky.

In addition, the territory of the Altai Territory passes the trajectories of launching carriers from the cosmodrome, as a result of which the products of rocket fuel and part of the steps burnt in the atmosphere fall on the surface.

Especially protected natural territories

Currently, in the Altai Territory, initially natural landscapes are practically not preserved, they all experienced the impact of economic activity or the transfer of substances with water and air flows. To preserve the diversity of flora and fauna, it is planned to create an extensive network of specially protected natural territories (PAs): reserves, national parks, reserves, nature monuments.

There are currently no national parks in the province. In the territory of the region there are 51 Monument of Nature, 1 Natural Park (Natural Park Aya), 1 Reserve - (Tigirell), 35 reserves.

The total area of \u200b\u200bPAs is 725 thousand hectares or less than 5% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe region (the global standard - 10% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe region with developed agriculture and industry), which is significantly lower than the average in Russia and not enough to maintain landscape-ecological equilibrium in the biosphere.

Nature monuments are subject to protection for individual irreplaceable natural objects, having scientific, historical and cultural and aesthetic importance (caves, geological exposures, waterfalls, mineral springs, Paleontological objects, separate age-old trees, etc.). In the Altai Territory, 100 nature monuments were approved, of which 54 geological, 31 water, 14 botanical and 1 complex. Currently, the ranges of plants and habitat of animals belonging to a rare or endangered disappearance are identified, which do not have the status of specially protected territories.

Population - Altai Territory

The population of the region according to Rosstat is 2,390,638 people. (2014). Population density - 14.23 people / km2 (2014). Urban population - 55,68 % (2013).

National composition

More than 100 nationalities live in the Altai Territory: 94% of the population are Russians, the following in numbers - Germans (2%), Ukrainians (1.4%); All other - 3%.

According to the results of the All-Russian Census 2010, the quantitative national composition of the region's population was as follows:

  • Russians - 2 234 324 (93.9%)
  • Germans - 50 701 (2.1%)
  • Ukrainians - 32 226 (1.4%)
  • Kazakhs - 7979 (0.3%)
  • Armenians - 7640 (0.3%)
  • Tatars - 6794 (0.3%)
  • Belarusians - 4591 (0.2%)
  • Altai - 1763 (0.1%)
  • Kumandints - 1401 (0.1%)


In the Altai Territory there are many religious communities. The largest is Orthodox. Today there are Catholic and Lutheran communities that have resumed their activities in the 1960s. In addition, in the region there are coming and unification of various religious directions - Pentecostal, Evangelical Christian Baptists, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Church of Christ, Krishna Consciousness and others.


The head of the executive authority of the Altai Territory is the head of the edge administration (governor). The administration is the executive body, the destiner of the Core Executive Committee. After the death of M. S. Evdokimov in 2005, A. B. Karlin was approved for the post of President of the Russian Federation.

Representative organ legislative power - Altai Regional Legislative Assembly. It consists of 68 deputies elected by the population of the region in elections for a period of 4 years - one half at single-member constituency, the other - on party lists.

Chairman of the Legislative Assembly - I. I. Lor. On the election in 2011, the victory was won by the party "United Russia", having received 48 seats in the regional parliament; 5 people represent the party "Fair Russia"; 9 - Communist Party and 6th - at the LDPR.

IN State Duma 6 convocation (2011-2016) Altai Krai represent 7 deputies: from "United Russia" -, Alexander Prokopyev and Nikolai Gerasimenko; from "Fair Russia" -; from the Communist Party - Mikhail Popolev and Serya Yurchenko; And from the LDPR - Vladimir Semenov. The Council of the Federation employs 2 representatives of the region - Sergey Belousov and Yuri Shamkov.

Administrative-territorial division

On the territory of the Altai Territory:

  • 12 cities,
  • 1 but
  • 60 municipal districts.

The administrative center of the Altai Territory is the city of Barnaul.

The edge of thousands of lakes, land caves and springs. A place where endless steppe expanses are mixed with the thickets of forests, go to the blue peaks and dissolve behind the smokeline of the horizon in the huge sky. Being the heart of the Eurasian continent, the Altai Territory rightly named UNESCO one of the best places for recreation and accommodation on earth. The place with the abundance of the natural zones of Russia, the Schukshini-Sakral Siberian Siberian Siberian Siberian Siberian Siberia.

In addition to mechanical engineering, which is the leading industry of the region, is widely developed agricultureAnd the Altai Territory occupies the first place for the production of environmentally friendly products in Russia. A favorable climate, natural-medical resources and dazzling beauty of the Siberian pearl led to the development of the branch of tourism, sports and entertainment and medical and health facilities.

Unfortunately, at the moment the unique ecology of the Altai Territory is rapidly deteriorating. This is mainly due to the regions of the heavy and chemical industry, which constitute the basis of the region's economy, as well as the use of a polygon for nuclear tests under Semipalatinsky. At the same time, it is planned to create numerous reserves, reserves, national parks, nature monuments.

Geographical location

The Altai Territory borders in the northern part with the Kemerovo region, as well as the Novosibirsk, with which the blue thread of the river Ob is connected. In the south-east - with the Republic of Altai, and in the south and west with Kazakhstan, from which he often receives gifts from Baikonur in the form of wreckage of rocket and rocket fuel residues in the air. Plains and mountains ... In general, the entire Altai region resembles a slide that increases from the North-West to the southeast.

On the slopes of the mountains a lot of caves, in some scientists even find traces of the existence of an ancient person. Of the 11,000 lakes of the edge, the largest Soleny Kulundin Lake (600 km2) is considered the lake. Local even refer to its Altai sea. It is famous for its mineral waters, healing mud, unique pine banks and sandy beaches. Forest arrays are also quite common, among which are fantastically beautiful ribbon bors.


Since the Altai Territory is located in the very center of the Eurasian mainland, then all the oceans are from him thousands of kilometers. So, the summer here is most often hot, and the temperature can reach almost Egyptian40-42 degrees. And in the winter there is quite stable clear weather with Lutu-Siberian frosts, and the temperature may well drop to -55 degrees Celsius.

The greatest amount of precipitation is 800-900 mm falls in mountain and steppe areas with ribbon boums. Summer rains and thunderstorms are often replaced by solar and clear weather. The number of sunny days is very large in the summer, and in this regard, many areas of the Altai Territory can be compared with the best resorts of the North Caucasus and the Southern Crimea.


The population of the Altai Territory - 2,398,750 people, most of which (55.49%), as expected, lives in cities. The density of the population thanks to the huge Siberian expanses is only 14.28 people / km2. For comparison of the population density in the Leningrad region, 20.87 people / km2, and in Moscow as much as 158.82 people / km2.

With the fact that since 2007, the birth rate began to increase, unfortunately, at the moment the negative population growth rate remains. Most likely it is connected with the desire of people to live in Milionnik's cities, where career opportunities and growth are much higher. Most of the population (86.79%) are Russian.

Unemployment and average salary level

Over the past 8 years, the unemployment rate in the Altai Territory has reached a minimum value of 2.4%, and is one of the lowest in SFOs. More than 70% of people who applied to employment centers have managed to find a job. Also, it may not be rejoiced that in the framework of the implementation of social and significant work, more than 20,000 temporary and permanent jobs were created, including for unoccupied disabled people, large families, etc.

Not bypass and small business: many novice entrepreneurs were allocated for 60,000 rubles for the development of their business. More than 600 graduates of professional institutions were aimed at internship for possible further employment.

With all this, the level of salaries in the Altai Territory occupies a completely unqualified last 12th place in the district. Is it connected with the general poverty of the region, the absence of black rivers or nickel mountains - to say it is difficult, but the fact remains a fact: the average salary of people is no more than 18,000 rubles. For comparison, the average teacher's salary level in Yamalo-Nenets autonomous District Makes more than 69,000 rubles per month, but in the Altai Territory, teachers receive only 15,000 rubles.


After the murder of the most famous criminal authority of Russia Aslan Usoitan (Grandfall Hassan), which controlled up to 70% of all the "thieves in law" of Siberia, many law enforcement structures were not reasonably afraid of a significant increase in crimes related to the height of the influence. However, at the moment the crime rate in the Altai Territory is one of the lowest in the Siberian Federal District, and is only inferior to the Omsk region.

Meanwhile, the main problem leading to committing crimes, as in all of Russia, is alcohol and drugs. According to statistics, in the Altai Territory for 2012 every third crime was committed by the face of alcohol intoxication.

The property

Buy quite good two-room apartment In the secondary real estate market in Barnaul, for example, it is quite possible for 2,000,000 rubles, and the rental of such an apartment will cost you no more than 25,000 rubles per month. Real estate prices are significantly inferior to Moscow and Peter. But prices for suburban real estate vary quite significantly. Here, like everywhere, the price depends on personal fantasies, and most importantly possible: the cost of some buildings can reach 20,000,000 rubles, no less inferior to the metropolitan cottages.

Cities of Altai Territory

Even during World War II, Barnaul began to turn from an agricultural town to a powerful industrial center of Siberia, and the post-war development of the economy only strengthened this status.

Industry has greatly affected the deterioration of the ecology of the entire Altai Territory. Is that the first comes to mind when mentaling Altai? Endless mountain chains, song "Oh, frost, frost" ringing echo in crystal clean air, Zolotukhin, sniffing flower ...

But in fact, everything is much sadder. And Zolukhin Nyuhal Flowers did not at all in Altai, and the emissions of the heavy and chemical industries led to the fact that smoky oasis-barnaul was born in the midst of the purest Siberian spots. Where literally see than breathing, and where long to stay without gas mask is also not recommended for health, how to breathe full breasts in Moscow on the street in the middle of the peak hour.

Barnaul is a fairly developed city in terms of transport, shopping centers, catering sites, TRC. 17 km from Barnaul, by the way, there is even an airport.

On the territory of the city there are four higher educational institutions and many colleges that allow us to get a vocational education. There are also more than 15 libraries in the city, there is a local history museum, a city drama theater, several clubs and leisure centers for young people. There are more than 272 monuments of architecture on the territory of Biysk, 50 archeology monuments and 11 nature monuments. And therefore, he proudly enters the Union of the historic cities of Russia.

The main types of transport in Biysk are buses, trams and route taxis, also has a cargo airport.

A small village founded by Mikhail Rubtsov in 1886, in 1913, transformed into the station settlement, and in 1927 he received the status of the city. The third largest city in the Altai Territory with a population of 145,834 people.

Also, as in Barnaul, many industrial enterprises were evacuated to Rubtsovsk during the Great Patriotic War, gradually turning it into the industrial center of the south-west of the Altai Territory. True, with the collapse of the USSR, many enterprises simply went bankrupt, lowering the economy of the city in a strong decline.

But this does not interfere with residents to develop and spiritually enriched: there are three universities in the city, several vocational schools, and even two theaters and art gallery.

Judging by the information of the city administration, the inhabitants are terribly like amateur, and therefore, against the background of the universal decline of the economy, there are many VIA, creative teams, original performers. In general, from Alpha to Omega, from the game on spoons to the harpsichord and organ.

The ecology of the city is very violated due to emissions of waste enterprises, and the immediate proximity of the nuclear polygons of Semipalatinsk in general makes much to think about a long stay in this city without a Geiger counter.

  • Burning tours around the world
  • What can the Altai Territory attract a tourist? All. Without exaggeration: this fertile land of stunning nature and ecology, and it is tourism in his Soviet, "recurrent" understanding of this word here you can practice years. Clean sky above head and many sunny days, pure ionized air, transparent mountain rivers, healing sources and dirt, a huge amount of caves for research, an incredible number of lakes for fishing, bathing and anything else ... And with the advent of new tourist zones and opportunities for Full beach holidays With all the relevant infrastructure - this is what the Altai region of the holiday manager can offer.

    Today in the Altai Territory, the traveler receives the best mix that tourist can only wish: a unique local specification plus familiar home. In the development of the tourist infrastructure of the region, more and more funds are investing every year, so even foreign guests began to come here. And outstanding landscapes, special culture and even a kitchen are those "chips", thanks to which the rest here becomes excellent (from others) and is remembered for a long time.

    Regional center - Barnaul. Large cities: Biysk, Rubtsovsk, Novoaltaysk, Zarinsk, Stone-on-Ob.

    Difference with Moscow in time

    Fingering Moscow for 4 hours.

    How to get

    The airport, located 17 km from the center of Barnaul, hosts aircraft from Krasnoyarsk, Blagoveshchensk, Irkutsk, Nizhnevartovsk, St. Petersburg, Sochi, Surgut and, of course, Moscow. You can get from it to the city on the second buses or taxis.

    Still in Barnaul there are direct trains from Moscow, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, cities of Central Asia.

    Search for flights to Barnaul (nearest a / n to the Altai Territory)

    Weather in Altai Territory

    The climate in Altai is sharply continental. The weather can be unstable, with frequent temperature drops at any time of the year, strong winds and precipitation. On the plains, usually warm summer and harsh winter, in early June and the end of August there are sharp cooling. In the foothills and lowlands of Altai Winter, the winter is noticeably softer, and the summer is much cooler, there are many precipitation, especially in the cold season, and a powerful snow cover is formed.

    In the Kulundy desert, dust storms are happening, most often in May. And in November, February and March, instead of them, blizzards and bursheans often raise.

    Guides in the Altai Territory

    Popular hotels in Altai Territory

    Entertainment and attractions of the Altai Territory

    In the urban trait of Barnaul there is a number of cultural monuments and architectures, samples of historical buildings are preserved. Museums of the city: Altai State Local Lore Museum, State Art Museum of the Altai Territory, State Museum of the History of Literature, Art and Altai Culture.

    In Biysk, the second largest city of Altai Territory, many attractions. Among other things, picturesque mansions built in modern and eclectic style are preserved there. Travel starts from Biysk, to Teletskom Lake, to the resort of Belokurich and Lake Aya. Museums of the city: Museum of Local History. V. Bianki, Museum of the Chui tract.

    Denisova Cave and Waterfall of Bus

    In the Denis Cave, many years are archaeological studies: there are already more than 20 cultural layers related to various epochs. The most ancient artifacts are about 300 thousand years old. And 15 km from Denisovaya Cave is a cascade of waterfalls on the river of the bus river, the largest in the Altai Territory. The three-stage waterfall has a total height of about 70 meters.

    Just think: the remains of extinct animals were found in Charysh caves - the most legendary mammoth, as well as woolly rhino, bison, cave hyena and fossil deer.

    Kulundy steppe

    The Kulundin steppe, located in the south-east of West Siberian lowland, is deservedly referred to as the "edge of thousands of lakes". The largest of them are Kulundinskoye, Kuchuk, Bullin, big and small spring.

    Charysh caves

    The remains of extinct animals were found in Charysh caves: Mammoth, woolly rhino, bison, cave hyena, fossil deer, as well as bones of the animals that disappeared now, who still in the year before last, inhabited mountain altai.

    Tsarsky Kurgan

    The Archaeological Complex Tsarsky Kurgan is located in the valley of the Saintek River. I built this one in the Altai Territory a large Kurgan for another 5th century BC. e. Group of Saintek gods. Here they have groaned ring from the plates, the inner ring and the most remarkable part of the burial-memorial complex - a series of 19 highest in Altai with a height of up to 4.5 m.