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Cities with less than 100,000 population. Urban and rural population

Most of the population of Russia is concentrated in cities. In total, there are more than 1,100 thousand who have official status. But only in 160 of them the number of people is more than 100,000 people. And the tenth of them is 15 pieces - million paintings, that is, more than one, but less than two million people live in them. Two capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg - belong to multimylonian cities, that is, more than two million people live in them. But not only these, but also other largest cities of Russia deserve a special story.


Moscow is the capital of Russia, today and in some other periods of the country's history. This is the largest settlement of the world and one of the largest in the world. Now it lives about 12 million people, and the total agglomeration, taking into account the suburb, is even more - 15 million people. total area - About 250 square kilometers. This means that the population density is 4823 people per square kilometer. It is difficult to say when this city was founded, but the first mention of it relate to the beginning of the 12th century.

Moscow - Multinational city. Only about 90% of its population, according to official data, are Russian. About 1.5% - Ukrainians, the same - Tatars, a little less Armenians. By half apler - Belarusians, Azerbaijanis, Georgians. Tens of nationalities have smaller diasporas. And although representatives of different nationalities do not always get along peacefully, Moscow has become a real home for millions of people.

St. Petersburg is often called the second capital of Russia, the northern or cultural capital, and so on. He also has many beautiful epithelov names - North Palmyra, Northern Venice. And although the population of this city is significantly inferior to Moscow (5 million versus 12), as well as age (3 centuries, against 9), according to glory and the value for the country, St. Petersburg is not inferior to her. It is also inferior in the area, population density and many other parameters. But st petersburg is one of the longest cities - he "hugs" the Gulf of Finland.

It is worth noting that St. Petersburg is largely unique. Of all the cities that are not the capital, he is the second in the number of residents. For the years that this city was the capital of the Empire, he became the most important for world culture. Hermitage, Russian Museum, St. Isaac's Cathedral, Peterhof, Kunstkamera, is only a small part of its attractions.

The list of the largest settlements of the country continues Novosibirsk - the administrative center of the Siberian Federal District, the most populated city Northern country. He is also a business, shopping, industrial, cultural and scientific center not only Siberia, but also of all Russia.

Novosibirsk is a millionth, but it lives significantly less people in it than in the previous two cities - "just" a little more than one and a half million. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that Novosibirsk is based relatively recently - in 1893. This city distinguishes from other enough harsh climate with sharp transitions. In winter, temperatures can reach 50 degrees, while in the summer sometimes columns rise to 35 degrees. The total temperature difference over the year can be a record 88 degrees.

Ekaterinburg is considered not only one of the largest cities of the country, but also one of the most comfortable and comfortable for life. He is the center of the Ural Federal District and often call him the capital of the Urals.

Ekaterinburg can be attributed to the old cities of the country. After all, it was founded in 1723 and received a name in honor of Empress Catherine first. In Soviet times he was renamed Sverdlovsk, but in 1991 he returned his name.

This is the case when the Great Novgorod, older and titled, is significantly inferior to his youngest Test - Lower Novgorod. The inhabitants of Russia often call him just the bottom, for brevity and not to be confused with the Great.

The city was founded in 1221 and during that time became the administrative center of the Nizhny Novgorod Federal District, a large economic, industrial and cultural center, in which 1,200 thousand people live.

Kazan - the sixth city in the ranking in the number of population, but in many ways he surpasses even larger settlements. No wonder, he is called the Third Capital of Russia and even registered this brand officially. She also has several unofficial titles, for example, the "capital of all the Tatars of the world" or "the capital of Russian federalism".

This city with more than a thousand-year history was founded in 1005 and recently celebrated such a large anniversary. Interestingly, a decline of the population, which has affected almost all cities, even many million painters, did not affect Kazan, and she continues to build up the population. Also notable I. national composition - Almost equally row of Russians and Tatars, about 48%, as well as a bit of the Chuvash, Ukrainians and Marine.

Many this city is familiar with the song "Ah, Samara-Town". But they forget that in size this "town" takes the seventh place in terms of population. If we talk about the agglomeration, it is much larger than many other cities, and has 2.5 million inhabitants, which is the third place in the country, after Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Founded by Samara in 1586 as a guard fortress by decree of the king Fyodor. The location of the city was successful, and the city grew up every year. IN soviet years He was renamed Kuibyshev, but then returned the initial name.

On the Internet, full of jokes about the most severe city of the country. The new round opened the fall of the meteorite, which happened just in his center. But not everyone knows that this city is the most compact megalopolis of the country, one of the leading metallurgical centers, the city with beautiful road road. In addition, it is included in the top 15 cities in Russia in terms of living, Top 20 on environmental development, Top-5 in terms of the number of innovated new buildings. He even ranks first in the availability of housing. And all this concerns the "harsh" Chelyabinsk.

It is worth noting that the city continues to develop. Recently, he held the ninth place in the ranking, and now he rose to the eighth with the number of residents of 1 170 thousand people. His national composition is quite diverse. Most - 86% occupy Russian, another 5% - Tatars, 3% - Bashkirs, 1.5 - Ukrainians, 0.6% - Germans and so on.

Omsk - ninth in the number of population city Russian Federation, But he was not always so. When in 1716 a small fortress was founded, only a few thousand people lived in it. But now there are more than 1,166 thousand. But, unlike many other millionaire cities, Omsk agglomeration is extremely small - only about 20 thousand.

Like many other cities of Russia, representatives of various nationalities live in this. Most of all, of course, Russians - 89%, another 3.5 - Kazakhs, 2% - Ukrainians and Tatars, 1.5% are Germans.

Rostov-on-Don, like Nizhny Novgorod, about which we talked above, has its own "thesis" - great Rostov. But the Great is significantly inferior to him in size: Rostov-on-Don. Let the last number, but enters the top 10 of the largest cities of Russia, the Great has only about 30 thousand inhabitants, although it is a few times.

Now you know what the largest city in Russia, where he is and how many people live in it. But besides the ten listed in the country, there are five more millionths: Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Vladimir and Voronezh. The rest are very trying to enter this prestigious list, and some can soon work out.

Even in the tenth century, in the Western European chronicles, the name of Russia, as "Gardaria" - "Country Cities" is found. Indeed, the population of Veliky Novgorod, Ladoga and other ancient Russian cities at that time ten times the population of London or Paris.

With the development of eastern frontiers, all new urban settlements were based. In modern Russia, 15 cities whose population exceeds a million. Let's go on a trip to the endless Russian expanses and visit the most big cities Russia.

The population is ≈ 1.02 million

The population of the city on the Volga today has 1.02 million people, and once it was a small settlement on the Big Volzhsky trading path.

After the collapse of the Golden Horde, the fortress Tsaritsyn becomes a guard town, and is first mentioned in the historical source in 1579. If we consider the biggest cities of Russia in the area, then Volgograd firmly occupies an honorable 3rd place.

Today, the Hero Hero Volgograd is not only a major industrial center, but also one of the most beautiful in Russia, with many sights.

The population is ≈ 1.04 million.

The cradle of the Russian Navy was founded in 1586, although the royal decree on the founding of the fortress at the River Voronezh until today was not found.

At the beginning of the XVIII century, the city becomes the center of the Azov province, which, after Peter I, is renamed to Voronezh. Throughout the period, Voronezh plays an important role in the economy and cultural life of Russia.

Today, 1 million 40 thousand inhabitants of different nationalities of the Russian Federation live in the city.

The population is ≈ 1.05 million

The city-port at Kame was founded in 1723, although the first mention of settlements in this place belongs to the beginning of the XVII century. In the Soviet period, namely from 1940 to 1957, the city was called Molotov.

Before the revolution of 1917, the first university was opened in the Urals in Perm, and today there are 14 independent universities in the city, 40 branches of Moscow and St. Petersburg institutions, academies and universities.

So famous city With a population of 1 million 50 thousand, it became even more popular after the release of the series "Real boys".

The population is ≈ 1.08 million

The article about the major cities of Russia, Krasnoyarsk rightfully occupies the place of a large industrial, cultural and educational center of Central and Eastern Siberia.

Today, the population of the city is 1.08 million, and once the territory of the Einisei intercourse and Kachi occupied the nomadic tribes of the Yenisei Kyrgyz.

In the city, stretching at both shores of the Siberian River, many large bridges, and one of the attractions of Krasnoyarsk is located on the ten-tier bill.

The population is ≈ 1.115 million.

The Bashkiria administrative center received its name in the Middle Ages on the name of the Ufa's River, although historians and local historians are still arguing about the exact translation of this word.

1 million 115 thousand inhabitants live in Ufa, and this is the most important industrial and cultural center of republican significance. Interestingly, in the population of the population, Ufa opens the 4th dozen.

Prices are among the attractions, it should be noted the unique museums with valuable artifacts and amazing expositions. folk creativity.

The population is ≈ 1.125 million.

In the ancient period, the mouth of Done was chosen by the Greeks and put their policy of Tanais here, then it was part of the Tmutarakan principality, and with the arrival of the Turks, the fortress of Azov was erected.

The foundation of the Russian fortress on Don took place according to the literacy of Elizabeth Petrovna in 1749. Today's Rostov on the Great River is one of the largest Russian megalopolises with a population of 1.125 million inhabitants.

In Rostov, many parks and wonderful places of recreation, including the embankment of Don.

The population is ≈ 1.169 million.

Venetian cartographers in 1367 celebrated on the maps of the Pier on the Samara River, but the first settlements on the site of modern Samara refer to the first millennium of our era.

In the Soviet period, the city was named Kuibyshev, but in 1991 Samara returned the historical name. In 1989 he reached the greatest number of residents, and today in terms of population at 1.169 million. It is located in the 9th place among the largest in the number of cities of Russia.

From the famous monuments it is worth named, Chapaev, Vysotsky, as well as the monumental complex "Glory".

The population is ≈ 1.178 million.

Where Irtysh merges with Omw, spread his quarters and residential microdistrics Omsk, whose population is 1 million 178 thousand people.

The administrative center of the Omsk region, besides the most important transport, industrial and financial center of South-West Siberia. Through Omsk passes the Trans-Siberian Highway, and the most important shipping river in the region.

One of the most theatrical cities of Russia, because in Omsk there are 14 small and large theaters.

The population is ≈ 1.198 million

With a population of almost 1.2 million people, Chelyabinsk seventh in the number of residents in the list of Russian megalopolises. He spread his streets and microdistrics on the natural border of the Urals and Siberia and protrudes the most powerful metallurgical center.

It was founded on the site of a small Bashkir village in 1736, as a watchtorm fortress, and over time, it turned out and became one of the largest in the region.

In Chelyabinsk, the Electrometallurgical Combine, which in terms of volume industrial production One of the leading in the country.

The population is ≈ 1.231 million.

When there is a small river of Kazan in the Volga, Kazan is the center of Tatarstan, with a fixed brand "Third Capital of Russia".

The origin of the names is associated with the Bulgars, who erected the settlement on the place where the boiler boiled. With Ivan IV, Kazan Khanate was part of the Moscow state.

Today Kazan is the most important cultural center, as well as the cultural capital of Muslims of Russia. 1.231 million people live in it.

The population is ≈ 1.260 million

One of the oldest in Russia Nizhny Novgorod rose on the banks of the Volga in 1221 at the order of Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich.

One of renal events In history was the formation of a folk militia from Novgorod, who put the end of the Troubles, and saved the Russian state from a foreign intervention.

In the Soviet period, like most other cities, Nizhny Novgorod was renamed Gorky. On the modern stage The development of Lower acts as a large cultural and educational center with a population of 1 million 260 thousand people.

The population is ≈ 1.456 million

The list continues the largest megalopolis of the Urals Ekaterinburg, at one time wearing the name of the Politics and official of the USSR Sverdlov.

Under Petr, I began the operation of a cast-power plant. And Ekaterinburg, as the capital of the Gornozavodsky region, was erected. It is necessary to visit this city, and stand up one foot in Europe, and the other in Asia, because it is through it the boundary of the light of light.

Various nationalities live in Yekaterinburg, and the population is almost one and a half million inhabitants.

The population is ≈ 1.603 million.

Handsome of Novosibirsk grown with little Nikolsky's graveyard, because Novo-Nikolaevsk called Novo-Nikolaevsk until 1925. Today, 1.6 million people live in his feature and outskirts.

The major industrial center of Russia is one of the leading in economic Development countries. In addition, cultural and educational institutions, Transport junctions.

Center of Siberian Federal District Located on the picturesque shores of the reservoir formed as a result of the construction of the Orsk.

The population is ≈ 5.282 million.

St. Petersburg on the right became a symbol of the Russian desire to enter the sea, and the glory of the Russian navy. After all, it was from here that the glorious victories of Russia at sea began.

Within the northern capital, 5 million 282 thousand people live. It is built on the Islands of the Neva Delta and the most beautiful Finnish bay. Petropavlovsk fortress and Peterhof became real business cards Petersburg.

Each year of the most beautiful megalopolis of Europe with multiple sights and museums attend millions of tourists from around the world.

The population is ≈ 12.381 million.

The capital of the Russian Federation is not only the largest Russian city, but also the largest in Europe. As a result of the accession of new territories, the population of Moscow is 12.4 million people.

Tens of thousands of tourists visit the most important cultural center. Many monuments of architecture and history are made to the treasury of world culture.

Moscow is growing and developing, both quantitatively and qualitatively. At the present stage of development of the capital, the most important task of the city authorities is to solve the problems of updating the housing stock and the creation of modern transport lines.

The biggest cities of Russia, however, as small, have a glorious and heroic history, and it does not matter, they are based on the period Ancient Russia, or when developing oriental lands in a new time.

In completion, we note that data on the population of Russian large cities is relevant for the summer of 2017. Watching the dynamics can conclude that the city of Russia is growing, both in the population and in the area.

Russia is a country with enough high levels urbanization. Today, in our country there are 15 million cities. What cities in Russia are leading at the current moment? The answer to this question you will find in this exciting article.

Urbanization and Russia

Urbanization is the achievement or science of our modernity? It is difficult to answer this question. After all, this process is characterized by huge contradictory, provoking both positive and negative consequences.

Under this concept, in a broad sense, the growth of the role of the city in a person's life is understood. This process, broken into our life in the twentieth century, thoroughly changed not only the reality, but also the person himself.

From the point of view of mathematics, urbanization is an indicator noting the share of the country's urban population or region. Those countries in which this indicator exceeds 65% are considered highly generalized. In the Russian Federation, about 73% of the population lives in cities. The list of cities of Russia can be found below.

It should be noted that the processes of urbanization in Russia took place (and pass) in two aspects:

  1. The emergence of new cities that covered new spaces of the country.
  2. Expansion of existing cities and the formation of large agglomerations.

History of Russian cities

In 1897, within the limits of modern Russia, All-Russian counted 430 cities. Most of them were small cities, only seven were large at that time. And they all were up to the line of the Ural Mountains. But in Irkutsk - the current center of Siberia - there were hardly 50 thousand inhabitants.

After a century, the situation with cities in Russia has changed radically. It is possible that the main reason for this was quite a reasonable regional policy, conducted by the Soviet authorities in the twentieth century. One way or another, by 1997, the number of cities in the country increased to 1087, and the share of the urban population increased to 73 percent. At the same time, cities increased twenty three times! And today there are almost 50% of the total population of Russia.

Thus, only a hundred years passed, and Russia transformed from the country of villages to the state big cities.

Russia - country of megalopolis

The largest cities of Russia in terms of population are unevenly distributed in its territory. Most of them are located in the most populated part of the country. Moreover, in Russia there is a steady trend towards the formation of agglomerations. It is they who form that frame grid (socio-economic and cultural), on which the entire settlement system is rushing, as well as the country's economy.

850 cities (from 1087) are located within European Russia and Urals. By area, this is just 25% of the territory of the state. But on extensive Siberian and Far Eastern expanses - only 250 cities. This nuance extremely complicates the process of mastering the Asian part of Russia: the shortage of large megacities is felt here particularly acute. After all, there are colossal mineral deposits. However, they simply define them.

The Russian north also cannot boast a thick network of large cities. For this region, the focal settlement of the population is also characteristic. The same can be said about the south of the country, where only lonely and brave cities "survive" in the mountain and foothill regions "survive".

So is it possible to call Russia a country of big cities? Of course. Nevertheless, in this country, with its huge expanses and colossal natural resourcesThere is still a shortage of large cities.

The largest cities of Russia in terms of population: Top-5

As mentioned above, in the territory of Russia as of 2015 there are 15 million cities. This title, as you know, receives the locality, the number of residents of which exceeded one million.

So, we will list the largest cities of Russia in terms of population:

  1. Moscow (from 12 to 14 million inhabitants in different data).
  2. St. Petersburg (5.13 million people).
  3. Novosibirsk (1.54 million people).
  4. Ekaterinburg (1.45 million people).
  5. Nizhny Novgorod (1.27 million people).

If you carefully analyze in the number of people (namely, its upper part), then you can see one interesting feature. We are talking About a sufficiently large gap in the number of residents between the first, second and third line of this rating.

Thus, over twelve millions of people live in the capital, in St. Petersburg - about five million. But the third largest city of Russia is Novosibirsk - inhabit total one and a half million inhabitants.

Moscow - the largest megapolis planet

The capital of the Russian Federation is among the largest megacities of the world. How many residents live in Moscow - to say it is very difficult. Official sources talk about twelve million people, unofficial - call other numbers: from thirteen to fifteen million. Experts, in turn, predict that in the coming decades, the population of Moscow may increase to twenty million people at all.

Moscow is included in the list of 25 so-called "global" cities (according to Foreign Policy magazine). These are those cities that make the highest contribution to the development of world civilization.

Moscow is not only a significant industrial, political, scientific and educational and financial center of Europe, but also the tourist center. Four objects of the Russian capital are included in UNESCO heritage list.


In total, about 25% of the country's population live in 15 million cities of Russia. And all these cities continue to attract everything large quantity of people.

The largest in the number of the city of Russia is, of course, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk. All of them possess significant industrial, cultural, as well as scientific and educational potential.

Almost all residents of our country are known that Moscow is the capital of the Russian Federation, and the second in the population is the city of St. Petersburg - the Northern "Capital". And what other cities enter the TOP 10 in the population in our country - Russia. For the third place, two cities are constantly fighting, which periodically replace each other in this position - this is the Ural capital Ekaterinburg and the Siberian capital Novysibirsk. The population of these cities varies in the area of \u200b\u200bone and a half million people. Also in the TOP 10 such cities - Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, the number of which is more than one million people. All these cities belong to the cities of millions of the Russian Federation. Also, this category of cities, in addition to the above, includes such cities - Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Voronezh, Volgograd. Another 21 city of our country has a population from 500,000 people to 1,000,000. Other cities of the mills have a smaller population.


The capital of the Russian Federation with a population of 12,330,126 people. The largest city is not only Russia, but also in the world, where he takes 10th place. The city was founded in 1147. Located on the Moscow river. The largest city in Europe.

St. Petersburg.

Northern, cultural "capital" with a population of 5 225 690. The second largest population is the city of Russia. The city of the hero, which was in the blockade of 872 days during the Great patriotic War. Until January 26, 1924, Petrograd was named, until September 6, 1991, Leningrad. It was founded in 1703 by order of Peter the First. The third city of Europe in terms of population.


Siberian capital with a population of 1,584,138 people. The third population of the city of Russia, the largest in Siberia. Founded in 1893, the status of the city received 1903. Until 1925, Novo-Nikolaevsk was called.


The capital of the Urals with the population of 1,444,439 people. Based on November 7, 1723. From 1924 to 1991, Sverdlovsk named. During the reign of Catherine, the Siberian tract was laid second through the city - the main road to the riches of Siberia - Yekaterinburg became the "window to Asia", like St. Petersburg - "Window to Europe".

Nizhny Novgorod.

Closes the five cities of Russia in terms of population - 1,266,871 people. The city founded 1221 - one of ancient cities our country. 1932 to 1990 wore the name bitter.


Capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. Population 1 216 965 people. Based on the city of 1005. The largest tourist center.


Population 1 191 994. Founded 1736. The largest industrial center of the country.


City of Siberia with a population of 1,178,079 people. Founded in 1716. The second city in Siberia in terms of population. Located on the merger of the rivers Irtysh and Om.


Population 1 170 910. Founded in 1586. From 1935 to 1991 began the name Kuibyshev. The city is the highest train Station in Europe. In Samara, the longest embankment in Russia.


Population 1 119 875 people. The city was founded in 1749. The city is located on the Don River. The city is called the "goal of the Caucasus", the southern capital.

Russia. The expanses of this state have no end and start. In Russia, as actually in any modern country, There are cities. Small, medium and even cities with a million population. Each city has its own story, and everyone has different.

Every year sociological studies are conducted in settlements, mainly this is a census of the population. The overwhelming majority of cities are small settlements, especially the sections of Russia, where the settlement is not so intense. The ranking presents ten youngest, but cities of the Russian Federation.

Cedar city. 2129 people

The cedar city is located in the Tomsk region and is very little known. Located in a pine forest, its purpose - locality For employees of oil stations.

Built cedar in the eighties of the last century. This whole city consists almost one of the five-storey houses. Surprisingly: several five-story buildings in pine. Probably, its inhabitants do not complain about smells of exhaust gases and the noise of cars. 2129 people - the population of the city of cedar.

Island city. 2065 people

Murmansk region. Located on the coast, close to Yokang Islands (Barents Sea). What the most interesting is, almost the city is a ghost. It occurred only about 20% by people. There are no car trays to the city. Railway branches too. You can get only on water or by air. Previously, as those who are still there remained, the plane flew, and now - only helicopters and then occasionally. If you look at from afar, then the city is quite large, but if you know its population, it will be difficult to believe. In total, 2065 citizens live in this dying city.

City of Gorbatov. 2049 people

Approximately 60 kilometers from Nizhny Novgorod. The city of truly ancient, information about it was first fixed in 1565. Before he began to die, produces (and produced earlier) ropes, ropes and other similar things for the marine fleet.

Studies were conducted, and the results would say that 2049 people now live in the city. In addition to ropes and ropes, gardening in this city is also very well developed. There is also a souvenir plant.

City of Fleet. 1984 people

Refers to the Ivanovo region. There is information about it, which comes from the annals of the Novgorod monasteries (1141), this information is the first. Some sources say that this city has once had its own fortress, but when it is still not clear. The population falls, and the city will probably continue to attract their legend of tourists.

On modern cities, it does not like: there are no five-story buildings, transport communications. Looks like an ordinary village, only more. The population is 1984 people. Industry enterprises does not have the city.

City Primorsk. 1943 people

He, just, the buildings are more modern. Reminds a small prong, apparently built according to the same standards. Located in the Kaliningrad region. Before the war belonged to the Germans, but was captured in the 45th year of the Red Army.

His name acquired two years after capture. Now 1943 people live in it. As far as is known, you can get to it with ease. Before the city belonged to the Soviet Union, he was called Fishhausen. From 2005 to 2008, he was listed as a village of urban-type Baltic urban district.

City of Artyomovsk. 1837 people

In the last century, about thirteen thousands were registered (in 1959). The population began to fall rapidly. It is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, about 370 kilometers to the center. It has the kind of a large plant in the mountainous area.

It is located in the fifth place in the ranking of the smallest cities of the Russian Federation. This city was founded in 1700, it was previously called Olkhovka, as it was surrounded by trees of this species. Now is located as part of the Kuraginsky district. The population falls on this moment It is 1837 people. Engaged in the forest industry, as well as mining gold, copper and silver.

Curilsk city. 1646 people

1646 people live in this city and Kurilsk is located on the island of ITUURUP. Refers to the Sakhalin region. Aina had once lived here - this is a native tribe. Later, this place was settled by the landlocker of Tsarist Russia. Something resembles a resort village, although the climate for recreation is very inappropriate.

The terrain of Mountain, which adds more picturesque places to Kurilsk. Engaged predominantly fish farming. In 1800, he was captured by the Japanese and only by 1945 he was taken by the fighters of the Red Army. The climate is moderate.

Verkhoyansk city. 1131 people

This city is the northernmost settlement in Yakutia. Highly cold climates, Several tens of years ago, the air temperature was registered here, which was about -67 degrees Celsius. Winter is very frosty, windy.

For this city, a small amount of precipitation is characterized. In 2016, his population was 1125 people, and in 2017, as the last census of the population, he was added to 6 people. This city was built as Cossack Zimolier.

City of Vysotsk. 1120 people

It was built as a port. Located in the Leningrad Region (Vyborg District). Moved in possession Soviet Union Only at the beginning of the forties of the last century, and before that she belonged to Finland. Performs strategic rolebecause there is a marine base here Federal Service Security of the Russian Federation. The population of the city of Vysotsk is, according to the latest data, 1120 inhabitants. Located Vysotsk in a very convenient place for the border troops, right on the border with Finland. The port also has an oil function.

The city of Chekalin. 964 people

Tula region, Suvorov district. In the first place in the ranking of the smallest cities of the Russian Federation. In 2012, they wanted to recognize the village, but residents of the city began to protest and the status was left. Other, old name - Likhvin.

During the war, Likhvin was renamed Chkalin. The fact is that at this place the Nazis executed the partisan, who was then only sixteen years old. He received the title Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously. Despite such a small population, which is only 964 people, in 1565 (the year of its foundation) occupied an area of \u200b\u200babout 1 square mile.