Repair Design Furniture

Type of climatic modification uhl4 according to GOST 15150. Description of the most common climatic modifications of lamps: UHL1, U1, UHL2, U2, UHL3, U3, UHL4, U4. HL - cold climate

GOST 15150-69 applies to all types of machines, instruments and other technical products and establishes the macroclimatic zoning of the globe, versions, categories, operating conditions, storage and transportation of products in terms of the impact of climatic factors of the external environment

Types of climatic versions, designation

  • U - temperate climate (+ 40 / -45 o C);
  • CL - cold climate (+ 40 / -60 o C);
  • UHL - temperate and cold climate (+ 40 / -60 о С);
  • T - tropical climate (+ 40 / + 1 о С);
  • M - maritime temperate cold climate (+ 40 / -40 o C);
  • О - general climatic version (except for sea) (+ 50 / -60 о С);
  • ОМ - general climatic sea version (+ 45 / -40 о С);
  • В - all climatic versions (+ 50 / -60 о С).

Climatic performance in Central Antarctica is not determined according to GOST 15150-69. Several macroclimatic regions can be combined into a group of macroclimatic regions (for example, the category of climatic performance UHL, T).

Example of designation:

KSO 200-16-160 UHL 1.

Here we mean that a bellows expansion joint with a nominal diameter of 200 mm, a working pressure of 16 bar and a compensating capacity of 160 mm is used in a moderately cold climate at temperatures up to minus 60 ° C in the open air.

The number after the letters means the category of placement:

  • 1 - open air;
  • 2 - the same as 1 only without direct sunlight and without precipitation;
  • 3 - indoors without regulation of climatic conditions;
  • 4 - in a closed room with ventilation and heating;
  • 5 - in rooms with high humidity, without artificial regulation of climatic conditions.

General provisions GOST 15150-69

  1. GOST 15150-69 should be used in the design and manufacture of products in accordance with the climatic versions reflected in it. In particular, it should be used in the preparation of technical specifications for the development or modernization of products, as well as in the development of state standards and technical conditions that establish requirements in terms of the impact of climatic environmental factors for a group of products, and in the absence of these group documents - for certain types of products. ... All products must be manufactured in accordance with climatic versions in accordance with GOST 15150-69
  2. Products must maintain their parameters within the limits established by technical specifications, standards or technical conditions during the service life and shelf life specified in technical specifications, standards or technical conditions, after and (or) in the process of exposure to climatic factors, the values ​​of which are established by this standard i.e. must comply with climatic versions in accordance with GOST 15150-69.
  3. Products are intended for operation, storage and transportation in the range from the upper to the lower values ​​of these climatic versions, while in addition to the ranges of climatic factors within which the performance of the products is ensured during operation, one or more narrower ranges of climatic factors can be installed, within which provides a narrower range of parameter deviations (for example, higher control or measurement accuracy), i.e. climatic performance must correspond to the category in accordance with GOST 15150-69.
  4. For specific types or groups of products, the types of influencing climatic factors affecting the climatic performance in accordance with GOST and their nominal values ​​are set depending on the operating conditions of the products in the relevant technical specifications, standards and technical conditions. If there are documents establishing for product groups the relationship between the values ​​of the factors, with the specified climatic versions in accordance with GOST 15150-69, one should be guided by the instructions of these documents
  5. It is allowed to operate products in macroclimatic regions that differ from those for which the products are intended, if climatic factors during the operation period do not go beyond the nominal values ​​established for these products. For example, products of the UHL4 climatic version can be operated in the UHL2 conditions during the dry summer period.
  6. It is allowed to operate the products in conditions where the values ​​of climatic factors go beyond the established nominal values, if deviations in the service life are permissible. In this case, the permissibility of operation, the values ​​of climatic factors for the performance, the permissible deviations of the service life are agreed with the supplier of the products.
  7. In accordance with the economic and technical feasibility, it is recommended to manufacture products suitable for operation in several areas established by this standard, i.e. the climatic category according to GOST 15150-69 should overlap several climatic areas.
  8. Products can also be designed for operation in several macroclimatic regions; in these cases, combinations of various operating or storage conditions with periods of stay in these conditions are set in the standards or technical conditions for products, climatic versions (climatic category) must be indicated in the accompanying documents for the goods.
  9. The macroclimatic region with a temperate climate UHL (category of climatic performance UHL) includes areas where the average of the annual absolute maximum air temperature is equal to or below plus 40 ° C, and the average of the annual absolute minimum air temperature is equal to or higher than minus 45 ° C.
  10. D descends from a macroclimatic region with a temperate climate to distinguish a macroclimatic subdistrict with a warm temperate subtype of macroclimate, for which the average of the annual absolute minimum air temperature is equal to or higher than minus 25 ° С.
  11. The macroclimatic region with a cold climate KL (climatic category KL) includes areas in which the average of the annual absolute minimum air temperature is below minus 45 ° C. The region of cold climate UHL (category of climatic performance UHL) is indicated on the map.

By agreement with the customer, it is allowed to supply products in the version for a temperate climate U1 to areas within 50 km from the southwestern and southeastern boundaries of the macroclimatic region with a cold climate on the territory of the Russian

Products placed on mobile units intended for supplies to the coastal area of ​​the Okhotsk (north of the mouth of the Uda River) and the Bering Seas (except for the Kamchatka Peninsula) must be manufactured in the CL version.

Temperature values ​​for climatic design

Product execution

Air temperature value during operation, ° С

Limit working

1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3

1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3

1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3

1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3; 3.1

1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3; 3.1

1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3; 5; 5.1

1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3; 5; 5.1

1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3; 5; 5.1

1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3

Depending on the version, for different climatic regions, categories and operating conditions, as well as storage conditions in terms of the impact of climatic factors, external among the products are assigned a marking according to GOST 1 51 50-69. Marking in accordance with GOST 14254-96 indicates the degree of protection provided by the casings.

U1 marking: products intended for outdoor use in temperate climates (placement category 1).

U2 marking: products for use in a temperate climate under a canopy or in rooms with free air access (placement category 2).

UZ marking: products for use in temperate climates in closed rooms with natural ventilation (placement category 3).

Marking Т1 .Т2.ТЗ: products for use in both dry and humid tropical climates, with placement in the open air, under a canopy, in closed rooms with natural ventilation.

UHL1 marking: products for use in moderate and cold climates outdoors (placement category 1).

UHL-4 marking: products for use in temperate and cold climates in rooms with artificially controlled climatic conditions (placement category 4).

Marking УТ1.5: products for use in both temperate and dry or humid tropical climates, both outdoors (placement category 1) and in rooms with high humidity (placement category 5).

In temperate and cold climates, special requirements are imposed on the material of the products due to the low operating temperature. Thus, those products that are intended for use in areas of category UHL1 must be made of materials that are capable of retaining properties at -70 degrees Celsius.

Marking with the index "c" means that the product has received a zinc coating through the hot-dip galvanizing procedure. The index "x" marks products with a chemical-resistant coating. Important: products manufactured for operation in an area of ​​placement category 1 can be used in areas with categories 2, 3 and 4, however, the opposite is not true. Also, products marked with УТ1.5 can be used to replace items marked with У1, У2, У3, Т1, Т2, Т3.

The following types of protective coatings are applied according to the manufacturing technology of products at the factory:

  1. Paintwork including chemical resistant paintwork
  2. Galvanized
  3. Hot dipped zinc plating

As a blank, the use of thin sheet steel hot-dip galvanized by the Sendzimir method in continuous galvanizing units is widely used.

The degree of protection is indicated by the letters "IP" followed by two numbers. The first number encodes the degree of protection of the product against ingress of solid foreign bodies, and the second - the degree of protection against water ingress.

The state carries out comprehensive quality control over all production areas of the country. Goods manufactured in factories and factories must meet certain standards, fit the standards. There are a lot of prescriptions under which, one might say, "sharpen" the product. These are both operating conditions and a range of applications. There are also documented standards for the production of electrical products. It is logical to assume that without them, in principle, it is impossible to use the equipment without fear of harming its functionality. Each machine has not only its own field of application, but also the norms of use, non-observance of which can lead to serious damage.

One of these standards can be called climatic performance. We will begin our acquaintance with this concept gradually. To begin with, we will find out what climatic performance is, decoding the concept, so to speak.

So, this is a specific list of categories, each of which regulates the use of equipment or a device under certain climatic conditions. The categories belong to geolocation, that is, to areas of our planet that are distinguished from each other by environmental factors. In the simplest possible language, the concept can be deciphered as categories of different types of terrain, taking into account the climatic factor. And, accordingly, the instructions for the possible permissible or categorically impossible use of this electrical device in these conditions.

What is this state quality standard? It just regulates all the norms of climatic performance. That is, this is documentation that contains a list of acceptable conditions, divided into special categories. Any technical means, a machine has certain marks, markers that indicate which type is suitable for this product. And the content of the conditions must be read already in the document GOST 15150 itself.

Do not forget that almost all state standards are not advisory, but strictly compulsory. These are strict regulations that are binding on all territories of the country.

Although some products still have special marks. In particular, such as "recommended" or "acceptable". In this case, there is no compulsory nature of the documentation. Not strict regulations, but good advice.

The document contains comprehensive information, from which you can glean both the climatic performance of electric motors and simpler devices. See which type of product is suitable for a temperate climate, and which one can function successfully at low temperatures.

In addition to this, the standard also contains certain stages at which the prescriptions must be applied in one way or another. Of course, firstly, the document is used in the design of the product itself. At the stage of development and even non-actual creation. It is necessary to take into account all the standards even before the product, in principle, saw the light of day. Accordingly, the production stage itself also takes into account all the postulates of the document to the smallest detail.

The creation of a product or equipment under a certain, pre-voiced category is the most rational method today.
It turns out that the prescriptions also apply to direct use, that is, the operating conditions are described. And this is the main point of the application of the norms. Since it is this stage that contains the greatest load of environmental factors.

But let's not forget about transportation and storage of devices and machines. GOST 15150 ascribes to comply with the standards intended for the product even during the time when the actual operation does not occur. Thus, the document imposes a framework on logistics and warehousing conditions.
As insurance, there is a slight overstatement of these limits. As a result, there is such a thing as permissible deviations. Safety rope and buffer, if temporary contact, for example, with inappropriate conditions cannot be avoided. Or they differ from the regulated ones, but only slightly.

Modern production, in view of the concepts of profitability, expediency, and salesability of products, is trying to create a product with a wide range. That is, such products that can easily be used in several, but often adjacent macroclimatic zones. Strict niche in this case can lead to a decrease in profitability. After all, the customer pays very close attention to the climatic performance, calculating the consistency of purchasing this or that product.

What is the type of climatic modification?

As already mentioned, the document GOST 15150 contains several macroclimatic zones, each of which has its own designation. This marking is carried out by adding letter marks directly to the packaging of the goods or to it itself. Where each of them carries recommendations on environmental factors.

Climatic modification and categories of placement

The climatic version of GOST 15150, in addition to letter marks, also assumes numeric ones. They are not talking about macroclimatic regions like the first ones. They tell you exactly how you can operate the device. Outdoors, without fear of any weather factors or indoors, but without special means aimed at normalizing the atmosphere. Or there is a need for these funds and so on. They are designated by numbers from 1 to 5. They are added after the letter. That is, as a result, we get such a design as U3 or UHL2, for example.

So what specific species are there and how are they different? Let's take a close look at each of them.

Mark Y

One of the most common options. This is a temperate climate for the operation of the equipment. It is characterized by such conflicting factors as moisture or dryness. The range is quite high. Almost tropical to more discreet. The temperature is sounded by such norms as hot and very hot.

That is, the temperature can be permissible up to forty degrees Celsius. In this case, the indicator has the right to be considered as such only if the indicated operating temperature is kept for twelve hours a day for more than a two-month time period per year. As already mentioned, humidity is also allowed at a very high level - up to 80%. The annual maximum should still not exceed the announced 40 degrees Celsius.

The U1 marking indicates that the products can perform their functions even on a fresh vacation in such weather conditions. Without sacrificing efficiency, of course. That is, under any conditions that the environment can create. Rain, direct rays of the sun. And as we remember, the limiting temperature is quite high.

U2 and U3 marks are less durable electrical machines. Accordingly, performance under a canopy is guaranteed, without direct rainfall. But the indirect impact will not do harm. That is, sprinkling the sides, for example. U3, on the other hand, is a standard in which it is possible to store and connect to work only in closed rooms. But there are no requirements for temperature regulation and other issues in these rooms. While U4 - a similar requirement is made. This is regulation by means of heating. And finally, U5 - allows working with technical equipment in very humid locations, with excessive exposure to water. Even on long-distance ships or in direct partial immersion in the aquatic environment.

Cold climate (CL)

It is denoted in the Latin version with - F. This is a range of a fairly harsh, cold climate. Which, however, is considered average. The temperature can be allowed to drop to 45 degrees below zero Celsius. And the equipment, which is admitted to such conditions, also has a maximum deviation, which we talked about above. As a result, normal operation is possible even at -60 degrees Celsius.

Moderately cold climate (UHL)

This is an intermediate or, one might say, a related category. As you can see, it is formed from a combination of Y and CL markers. At the same time, it is denoted by the same combination in the Latin equivalent - NF. Accordingly, it is easy to assume that this is an average option. It allows ranges of both categories. First of all, low temperatures, but it is also designed for indicators of category Y, if, of course, the conditions are met. Therefore, additional markings in numbers are of decisive importance in this case.

Such as UHL1, which indicates the possibility of normal functioning in the open air of both categories. Such equipment is highly valued, since in fact it can perform its duties in almost any weather conditions. UHL2 and UHL3, respectively, also have a high level of durability. But it cannot function without, let's say, a roof over your head. No additional technical means are required to maintain the temperature. But the operating temperature when marked UHL4 is very important, since with an extremely low or high value, it will have to be artificially changed. And, of course, in the presence of a huge indicator of humidity, regardless of the temperature factor, you will need products labeled - UHL5.

Tropical climate (T)

Quite common are cars that carry T2 and T3 marks. Since they can work in conditions of extreme humidity and heat. However, they still do not keep the direct streams of tropical showers. Since precipitation in such a macroclimatic zone, in principle, happens very often. Sometimes the combined labeling of UT is found. Since the operating conditions in temperate climates are very similar to tropical ones, but milder. As a result, YT1 is a similar category to T1, the permissible deviation mixes them a lot. But it does not make them identical, it is important to remember this.

TV marking

This species is characterized by a very humid tropical climatic performance. As a matter of fact, like the previous one. But there are still differences. First of all, this is the inadmissibility of temperatures below zero in general. That is, the range is from one degree Celsius to forty. As you can see, excessive heat is also not allowed. In general, such a marker is intended especially for the tropics in their normal state.

Vehicle marking

In general, the type is very similar to the previous one. There are almost no actual differences except one. There is a possibility of functioning of equipment, machines, even at negative temperatures. Although, the indicator is very small, only up to ten degrees Celsius below zero. But, do not discount the fact that for the tropics even such a decrease is quite a rarity. Thus, this type of marking is practically any operating conditions for a tropical macroclimatic region.

General climatic version (O)

The operating conditions are very loyal. From 60 degrees Celsius below zero to 50 degrees above zero. Almost all areas are suitable for normal functioning. The only exception may be areas with extremely low temperatures.

Maritime temperate cold climate (M)

A subspecies that is designed for moderately cold conditions. An interesting feature of the type is that it fits on electrical devices that can operate in a maritime climate.

Tropical Maritime Climate (TM)

It is not hard to understand that it is also a marker for the maritime climate zone. However, the climatic version in this case refers to the tropics. It is widely used on ships, which nevertheless, in order to fulfill their tasks, do not leave the macroeconomic region.


GOST 15150 is a very convenient standard, which in just a few letters and numbers can tell everything about electrical equipment or a machine regarding the climate in which it can be used, transported or stored. The universal system is ideally accurate, concise and convenient.

Depending on the version, for different climatic regions, categories and operating conditions, as well as storage conditions in terms of the impact of climatic factors, external among the products are assigned a marking according to GOST 1 51 50-69. Marking in accordance with GOST 14254-96 indicates the degree of protection provided by the casings.

U1 marking: products intended for outdoor use in temperate climates (placement category 1).

U2 marking: products for use in a temperate climate under a canopy or in rooms with free air access (placement category 2).

UZ marking: products for use in temperate climates in closed rooms with natural ventilation (placement category 3).

Marking Т1 .Т2.ТЗ: products for use in both dry and humid tropical climates, with placement in the open air, under a canopy, in closed rooms with natural ventilation.

UHL1 marking: products for use in moderate and cold climates outdoors (placement category 1).

UHL-4 marking: products for use in temperate and cold climates in rooms with artificially controlled climatic conditions (placement category 4).

Marking УТ1.5: products for use in both temperate and dry or humid tropical climates, both outdoors (placement category 1) and in rooms with high humidity (placement category 5).

In temperate and cold climates, special requirements are imposed on the material of the products due to the low operating temperature. Thus, those products that are intended for use in areas of category UHL1 must be made of materials that are capable of retaining properties at -70 degrees Celsius.

Marking with the index "c" means that the product has received a zinc coating through the hot-dip galvanizing procedure. The index "x" marks products with a chemical-resistant coating. Important: products manufactured for operation in an area of ​​placement category 1 can be used in areas with categories 2, 3 and 4, however, the opposite is not true. Also, products marked with УТ1.5 can be used to replace items marked with У1, У2, У3, Т1, Т2, Т3.

The following types of protective coatings are applied according to the manufacturing technology of products at the factory:

  1. Paintwork including chemical resistant paintwork
  2. Galvanized
  3. Hot dipped zinc plating

As a blank, the use of thin sheet steel hot-dip galvanized by the Sendzimir method in continuous galvanizing units is widely used.

The degree of protection is indicated by the letters "IP" followed by two numbers. The first number encodes the degree of protection of the product against ingress of solid foreign bodies, and the second - the degree of protection against water ingress.

Consider the climatic version U1, U2, U3, UHL, the difference in operating conditions, transportation and storage of power equipment of such designs.

Executions U1, U2, U3

Such equipment can be used in areas of the country with moderate climatic conditions. This includes areas where the maximum operating ambient temperature does not exceed + 40 ° C, and the maximum permissible operating temperature is + 45 ° C. In this case, the minimum operating temperature should not fall below -45 ° С, and the maximum permissible operating temperature should not fall below -50 ° С. Such temperature ranges are set when placing equipment in the open air (version of the enlarged category U1) or when operating it under open sheds and shelters, where direct sunlight does not penetrate and precipitation does not fall (version U2). Units of category U3 are intended for operation in completely enclosed spaces, in which there is no provision for controlling climatic conditions. The value of the minimum and maximum permissible operating ambient temperature for equipment of this design is -10 ° C.

UHL version

Power equipment of this type can be used not only in temperate, but also in cold climates. In these areas, the maximum operating temperature should not exceed + 40 ° С for categories and subcategories УХЛ1, УХЛ2, УХЛ3, + 35 ° С for categories and subcategories УХЛ4 and УХЛ5 (excluding subcategory 4.1, where the temperature value should not be higher than + 25 ° С ).

The value of the lower operating temperature of the equipment of this design is -60 ° С for categories and subcategories UHL1, UHL2, UHL3. For subcategories 3.1, 5 and 5.1, this value is -10 ° С, categories 4 and 5 - not lower than + 1 ° С, excluding subcategories 4.1 and 4.2, where the value of the minimum permissible operating air temperature should not be lower than + 10 ° С.

The upper limiting operating temperature for equipment of this design is + 45 ° С for the UHL1, UHL2, UHL3 categories and the UHL4.2 subcategory, + 40 ° C for the UHL4.1 subcategory, + 35 ° C for the UHL5 category equipment.

The lower operating limit temperature should not fall below -70 ° С (for categories and subcategories 1-3), -10 ° С (for 3.1 and 5), + 1 ° С (for category 4).

Thus, for UHL equipment, the conditions for UHL4 locations are allocated, which are established for the operation of installations in closed rooms with a high level of humidity (basements, mines, workshops of enterprises and similar rooms where there is no ventilation). This category (V4) is not present in temperate regions.

It follows from this that the climatic version U1, U2, U3, UHL, the difference of which lies in the ranges of permissible temperatures and conditions for the placement of devices, allows you to operate equipment not only in the specified area. Thus, installations of climatic modification U1 can be operated in areas U2 and U3, but not vice versa.