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Abandoned city of the world. The most famous ghost city in the world

While visiting which the skin is covered with goosebumps from what they saw here. With the most terrible places on Earth we will get to know further.

Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague, Czech Republic

The procession on this cemetery occurred for almost four centuries (from 1439 - to 1787). On a relatively small plot of land, more than 100 thousand dead are buried, and the number of tombstones reaches 12,000. More than a long
the burial workers of the cemetery poured over the earth, and in the same place, new tombstones were erected. There are places on the territory of the cemetery, where 12 grave tiers are located under the earth's crust. After the expiration of the time, the landlord opened the view of the living old grave plates, which began to shift the plates later. The view turned out not only unusual, but also terrible.

Abandoned dolls, mexico

In Mexico, there is a very strange abandoned island, most of which are terrible dolls. It is said that in 1950, dolls from the garbage baskets began to collect and hang out a certain hermit of Julian Santana Barrera, who tried to calm the soul of the girl's soul nearby. Hulian himself drowned on April 17, 2001. Now there are about 1000 exhibits on the island.

Hasima Island, Japan

Hasima is the former settlement of miners mining coal, founded in 1887. He was considered one of the most populated places on Earth - under the coastline near a kilometer, its population was 5,259 people in 1959. When coal has become unprofitable here, the mine was closed and the city-island replenished the list of ghost cities. It happened in 1974.

Chapel of Bones, Portugal

Copella was built in the XVI century by the monk-Franciscan. The chapel itself is small - only 18.6 meters long and 11 meters wide, but the bones and skulls of five thousand monks are stored here. On the roof of the chapel, the phrase "Melior Est Die Mortis Die Nativitatis" ("Better Death Day than Birthday").

Suicide forest, japan

The suicide forest is the unofficial name of the forest of Aokigahar Jukai, located in Japan on the island of Honshu and famous thanks to the suicide often performed in it. Initially, the forest was associated with Japanese mythology and traditionally appeared by the abode of demons and ghosts. Now it is considered the second (championship at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco) in popularity in the world in the world for information with life accounts. At the entrance to the forest there is a poster: "Your life is an invaluable gift from your parents. Think about them and about your family. You should not suffer alone. Call us 22-0110. "

Abandoned Psychiatric Hospital in Parma, Italy

Brazilian artist Herbert Baglione (Herbert Baglione) made an art facility from the building, in which a psychiatric hospital was once located. He portrayed the spirit of this place. Now the ghostly figures of exhausted patients wandered for a former hospital.

Church of St. George, Czech Republic

The church in the Czech village of Lukov was abandoned since 1968, from the time when part of her roof collapsed during the funeral ceremony. The artist Yakub Hadrava (Jakub Hadrava) populated the church by ghost sculptures giving it a particularly sinister look.

Catacombs in Paris, France

Catacombs - a network of winding underground tunnels and caves under Paris. The total length, according to various sources, from 187 to 300 kilometers. From the end of the XVIII century in the catacombs, the remains of almost 6 million people are resting.

City of Saintreilia, Pennsylvania, USA

Due to the underground fire broken 50 years ago, which still continues to burn, the number of residents decreased with 1000 people (1981) to 7 people (2012). The population of Saintrelia is now considered the most small in Pennsylvania. Saintrelia served as a prototype to create a city in a series of games "Silent Hill" and in the removed on this game film.

Magic market of Achodsev,

The market of magical objects and witchcraft herbs Achodorese spread right in the center of Lome, the capital of the state in Africa. Africans Togo, Ghana and Nigeria still confess the Voodoo religion and believe in the wonderful properties of dolls. The fetishist range of Achodsev is extremely exotic: here you can buy a cattle skull, dried heads of monkeys, buffaloes and leopards and many other no less "wonderful" things.

Plague Island, Italy

The lead is one of the most famous islands of the Venetian lagoon, in the north of Italy. It is argued that from Roman times the island used as a place of reference for patients with plates, in connection with which it was buried to 160,000 people. The souls of many dead allegedly turned into ghosts, which is now crowded. The island's gloomy reputation is exacerbated by stories about terrible experiments, which were allegedly subjected to patients of a psychiatric clinic. In this regard, researchers of paranormal phenomena call the island one of the most terrible places on Earth.

Mountain Crosses, Lithuania

The mountain of crosses is a hill on which many Lithuanian crosses have been installed, their total number is approximately 50 thousand. Despite the external similarity, it is not a cemetery. According to the popular belief, the one who leaves the cross, will accompany the luck. Nor about the time of the appearance of the mountain of crosses, nor about the reasons for its occurrence can not say anything with accuracy. To this day this place is shuttered with secrets and legends.

Cabayana burial, Philippines

The famous fiery mums of Kabayana, dated 1200-1500 years old, dated 1200-1500 years, as well as the locals, their spirits believed here. In their manufacture, a complex mummification process was used, and now they are carefully protected, since there are no cases of thefts. Why? As one of the robbers said, "he had the right to do so," since Mummy had to him right-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfathers.

Overto Bridge, Scotland

Old arched bridge is located near the Scottish village Milton. In the middle of the 20th century, strange things began to work on it: dozens of dogs suddenly threw up from a 15-meter height, fell on the stones and broke to death. Those that survived, returned and repeated attempted. The bridge turned into a real "killer" four-legged.

Cave Aktun-Tunichil Muknal, Belize

Aktun-Tunichil-Muknal - Cave near San Ignacio, Belize. It is an archaeological monument of Maya civilization. Located on the territory of Natural Park Tapir Mountain. One of the halls of the cave is the so-called cathedral, where Maya committed sacrifices, as they considered this place with a saibalbic - entrance to the underworld.

Lip Castle, Ireland

Lip Castle in Offali, Ireland, is considered one of the damned castles of the world. His gloomy landmark is a large underground darkness, the bottom of which is covered with sharp stakes. The dungeon was discovered during the restoration of the castle. In order to take out all the bones from it, the workers needed 4 wagons. Locals say that the castle inhabits many ghosts of people who died in the dungeon.

Cemetery Chaucilla, Peru

Cemetery Chachilla is about 30 minutes from Nask's desert plateau, on the southern coast of Peru. The necropolis was discovered in the 20s of the twentieth century. According to researchers, the bodies are found in the cemetery, which is about 700 years old, and the last burials were held here in the 9th century. Chachilla differs from other burial places in a special way that people were buried. All the bodies are "squatting", and their "faces" seems to be frozen in a wide smile. Bodies are perfectly preserved thanks to the Peruvian dry desert climate.

Sanctuary of Torch, Tunisia

The most infamous feature of the religion of Carthage was a victim of children, mostly breast babies. During the sacrifice, it was forbidden to cry, as it was believed that any tear, any plaintive sigh diminish the value of the victim. In 1921, archaeologists discovered a place where several rows of urns were found with charred remains of both animals (they were sacrificed instead of people) and young children. The place was called Tofet.

Snake Island, Brazil

Kamead Grande is one of the most dangerous and famous islands of our planet. It contains only a forest, a rocky intense coast up to 200 meters and snake. One square meter of the island has to six snakes. The poison of these reptiles is valid instantly. Brazilian authorities decided to fully ban on the visit of this island for any, and the locals tell the chilling blood of the story about him.

Bosludge, Bulgaria

The largest monument in Bulgaria, located on Mount Bosludge, 1441 meters high, was built in the 1980s in honor of the Bulgarian Communist Party. Almost 7 years left for its construction and more than 6 thousand workers and experts were involved. The interior was partially decorated with marble, and the stairs were decorated with red cathedral glass. Now the house-monument is completely plundered, only a concrete frame with reinforcement, similar to a destroyed alien ship, remained.

City of the Dead, Russia

Dargavs in North Ossetia looks like a pretty village with small stone houses, but in fact it is an ancient necropolis. In the sclections of various types, people were buried together with all their clothes and personal belongings.

Abandoned Military Hospital Belitz Hailsteten, Germany

During the first and second world wars, the hospital was used by the military, and in 1916 he was treated Adolf Hitler. After the Second World War hospital, it was in the zone of the Soviet occupation and became the largest Soviet hospital outside the USSR. The complex consists of 60 buildings, some of which are now renovated. Almost all abandoned buildings are closed to access. Doors and windows are securely clipped with high boards and plywood sheets.

Unfinished metro in Cincinnati, USA

The abandoned metro depot in Cincinnati is the construction project of 1884. But after the First World War, and as a result of changes in the demographic situation, the need for the subway disappeared. Construction slowed down in 1925, half of the 16-kilometer line was completed. Now, along the abandoned metro, excursions are held twice a year, but it is known that many people roam their tunnels alone.

Hanging Sugada Coffins, Philippines

On the island of Luzon in the village of Sagada is one of the most frightening places in the Philippines. Here you can see unusual funeral facilities from coffins placed high above the ground on the rocks. Among the indigenous population there is a belief that, the higher the body of the deceased will be buried, the soul will be closer to heaven.

Atomic Lighthouse at Cape Aniva (Sakhalin)

The lighthouse was built with great difficulty in 1939 on the project of the architect Miura Syncu - it was a unique and most complex technical structure on all Sakhalin. It functioned on a diesel generator and backup batteries before the early 1990s, and after it was converted. Thanks to the atomic source of energy, the maintenance costs were minimal, but soon there were no money left - the building was empty, and in 2006 the military was taken out of here two isotopic attitudes that fed a lighthouse. Once he shone at 17.5 miles, and now looted and came to the launch.

The eighth workshop of the plant "Dagdizel", Makhachkala

Sea Weapon Test Station, commissioned in 1939. It is located at a distance of 2.7 km from the coast and no longer used. Construction was conducted for a long time and complicated by difficult conditions. Unfortunately, the workshop served for a long time. Requirements for work carried out in the workshop, and in April 1966, this grandiose structure was written off from the factory balance. Now this "array" is abandoned and stands in the Caspian Sea, reminding from the shore an ancient monster.

Psychiatric Clinic Lier Sichus, Norway

At the Norwegian psychiatric hospital, which is located in the small town of Lier, half an hour from Oslo, the dark past. Once there were experiments on patients, and for unknown reasons, four hospital corps were abandoned in 1985. Equipment, beds, even magazines and personal belongings remained in the abandoned buildings. At the same time, the remaining eight hospital buildings work to this day.

Island Gukanjamima, Japan

In fact, the island is called Hasima, has a nickname of Gunkanjima (Gunkanjima), which means "island cruiser". The island settled in 1810, when they found coal there. For fifty years, it turned into the most populated island in the world at the ratio of sushi and the number of residents on it: 5,300 people with a radius of the island of one kilometer. By 1974, coal reserves and other fossils on Gunkadzhim were finally exhausted, and people left the island. Today, visiting the island is prohibited. The people there are a lot of legends about this place.

1. Julun, China.
In the spirit of post-apocalyptic works of Philip Dick, Julun was once a densely populated city, which reigned lawlessness. In the last year of the city's existence, the population density in it was 603 people per 450 sq.m. (For example, in Lower Manhattan, 16 people are on the same area). The city was founded as a military cashpost, but after he was captured by Japanese invaders during World War II, by 1948 Julun became a refuge for 2000 emigrants. Without the influence of the government and the presence of local laws that would regulate life in the city, he quickly became a criminal center.

2. Turmond, West Virginia.
At the end of the 1800s, the Turmond was a prosperous coal-mining city with a population of several hundred inhabitants, of which only five remained for 2010. The cause of the death of the city was the appearance of a diesel engine. In the 40s and 50s, when the trains switched from coal to more comfortable diesel fuel, the Turmond lost its main customer. Previously, the trains stayed at the train station of Turmond to replenish coal reserves. In 1958, the last steam locomotive was drove here. The remaining inhabitants, in 2005 six of the seven people, held municipal positions.

3. Piercher, Oklahoma.
Pitcher was a city with a rapidly developing industry for the production of zinc and lead, which has numbered 25,000 inhabitants. But in the early 1980s, the Environmental Protection Office found that the soil fertile earlier was now overly contaminated, and the accommodation here became very dangerous. Mountains of mine waste rumped out everywhere and source of a poisonous lead, poisoning the blood of citizens. Analyzes have shown that in the blood of children living in the city, the lead level was very raised, which was why they had delays in development. In addition, both the young and the elderly population of the city were in danger due to the possible collapse of the shaky buildings.

4. Piercher, Oklahoma.
In the 1990s, the government offered families with young children to buy their real estate and many accepted the offer. In 2006, the Engineering Corps confirmed that 86% of buildings could collapse at any time. Because of the mass departure of the residents, by 2009 all works stopped in the city, and the population fell to 20 people. Ironically, the reason why the city was called dangerous for living, the mines were, which is, for what the city was founded.

5. Centralia, Pennsylvania.
The devilish fire broke out under the ground of Pennsylvania. In 1962, a fire began on one of the coal mines of the Centralia and spread over a variety of abandoned mines under the city. Despite the fact that huge funds were thrown on fire extinguishing, he lasted in the 60s and 70s. In the 1980s, the effects of fire became unbearable - lack of oxygen, a dangerous level of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, karst funnels that appeared on the streets of the city. But in 2009, the authorities were taken out by local residents and closed the Central Postal Code.

6. Centralia, Pennsylvania.
Until 2010, 10 inhabitants remained in the Central. They are absolutely sure that the fire is the result of a government conspiracy aimed at destroying the city. Those who come to look at this post-apocalyptic landscape can see the drawn posters about the government conspiracy against the residents of the Centralia.

7. Flagstaff, Maine.
The Lake Flagstaff is now, once was the place where Benedict Arnold's troops were installed. But in 1950 the government adopted a plan for the construction of a hydroelectric dam. Unfortunately, for the city, which was then in an absolutely dry area, it meant a complete evacuation due to the fact that he had to completely go under the water. Residents moved, taking with them even some buildings. But mostly the city remained in its place and now is a modern Atlantis.

8. Pripyat, Ukraine.
Built in the 1970s for employees of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the city of Pripyat, by 1986 he had 50,000 inhabitants. When an explosion occurred at the power plants, the city quickly empty. People left many of their things, because of which the city looks frozen in time and simultaneously disappearing.

9. Pripyat, Ukraine.
Two main attractions are still in place: "The Bridge of Death", from which people were watching how the reactor burns. They were able to defeat radiation for several weeks. The second is an abandoned amusement park in Pripyat, in which there is a fixed ferris wheel. This wheel has become a symbol of post-apocalyptic world, used even in computer games, for example, Call of Duty.

10. Dogtown, Massachusetts.
The British founded this nameless settlement in 1693. It was conveniently protected from the attacks of local residents. But after the war of 1812 and the emergence of new coastal roads, many farmers moved, leaving empty houses for vagrants and lonely widows who kept dogs to protect.

11. Dogtown, Massachusetts.
Gradually, the dogs were wild and looked freely through the streets, because of the city, the current name of Dogtown appeared, and he has overgrown with legends about wandering things. In the end, local residents, even those who considered wits, died. When the last famous resident died, Cornelius Finnson died in 1830, the city finally switched to the power of dogs.

12. Glenrio, Texas.
Highway 66, this city, which was on the border from New Mexico, was once a prosperous dressing, restaurants and motels for tired travelers. But in 1973, life in the city stopped when part of the track was transferred bypassing Glenrio. There are rumors that there are still several inhabitants. The old spirit of the city can be seen on the pages of the novel "Breasta Wrath".

13. Spinalonga or Kalidon, Greece.
This city island survived many rebirths, but his last role was a colony for lepers. Starting from 1903, the lepers were sent to the city fenced by a wall, where they were given food, water and provided medical care. The conditions here, of course, were not the most elegant, but compared to those caves in which the lepers were hidden in those times, it was just a resort. In 1957, a medicine was opened from leprosy and the healed residents left the city. Now, this is a historic sightseeing among tourists, and in addition, there are legends that the goddess Britomartis lives in the waters surrounding the island.

14. Independence, Colorado.
This city in Colorado was doomed from the very beginning. Located at an altitude of 10,900 feet above sea level, the city every winter suffered from the strongest snowfalls, which continued from October to May. Independence was founded in 1879 as a mining city, and by 1882 there were 1500 inhabitants. But in the winter of 1899, the terrible storm destroyed all the roads, leaving miners without food. Brave residents built Sani from their homes and left the city, moving down the mountain to the city of Aspen.

15. Varosha or Famagusta, Cyprus.
Until 1974, Varosh was a popular seaside city. But that year she became a ghost city. After the invasion of Turkey to the city, the locals were evacuated. Breakfasts were thrown on the table, and the light continued to burn. At the moment, the city is the hostage of political flies. The Turks were expelled from the city, and the UN will allow to settle here only to indigenous people, although none of them shows such a desire. Because of this, Varosha looks in time: there are still 1974 sample things in the shop windows, and the vintage cars rust in car dealerships. Trees grow in cracks in asphalt on sidewalks, and turtles are resting on deserted beaches.

16. Castelnovoyy Sabbyon, Italy.
Sometimes abandoned city is something big than it may seem. The picturesque Tuscan village of Castelnuovo de Sabbeion allegedly emptied in the 1970s due to erosion, provoked by coal mines. But even earlier, the Nazis arranged a huge burial bonfire from furniture and locals. 78 people died in the flame. On the walls of many houses, mysterious and incomprehensible pictures are still preserved: pentagram, fish and other mysterious drawings, telling the story that no one can read.

17. Center for Innovation, Research and Testing "Pegas", New Mexico.
If the majority of ghost cities have become accidental, this empty city is created by Pegasus Global Holdings specially. The city, which is still at the planning stage, will be the size of New Haven, Connecticut. It will be used to test technological innovations of the company, such as self-governing cars protected from terrorists Computer networks and renewable energy sources. There will be roads, houses, buildings, but there will be no residents. The city worth one billion dollars will be built somewhere in New Mexico.

Ghost cities - the former settlements abandoned by residents. Each of them has its own sad story; Causes of different (catastrophe, accident, war), and the result is one - destruction and emptying. However, such cities are magical manifest to themselves tourists. Below are examples of the most terrible abandoned cities.

(Total 8 photos)

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Hasima is the ghost island. The settling of the island began in 1887 due to the detection of coal. In 1890, the island was redeemed by Mitsubishi to extract coal from underwater mines. Mine, military factories, residential buildings, shops, school, cemetery were located on the territory of Hasima. In 1959, the population of the island reached its peak - 5259 people, but after 15 years, the mines were closed and the island was gradually empty. (Photo: INEFEKT69)

Agdam was once home for 150 thousand people. The city was founded in the middle of the XVIII century and operated to the Karabakh war (1991-1994). As part of the conflict, Agdam was subjected to cruel vandalism by Karabakh Armenians. To date, in the Ghost City, you can see a number of ruins and a surviving Agdam Mosque. (Photo: Marco Fireber)

The city was founded in February 1970 and was the ninth atom of the USSR. In April 1986, the population of Pripyat was evacuated as a result of the Chernobyl accident. To date, the object is considered one of the most famous ghost cities in the world; Despite the possible threat to life, excursions for tourists are regularly held here. (Photo: Liam Davies)

Saintreilli city was founded in 1841. Hall houses, schools, churches, theaters, banks, etc. were located here. The main occupation of the citizens was the coal-anthracite industry. The reason for the resettlement was the underground fire in the mines, which began in 1962 and continues to this day. His signs can be observed in several places, especially on the highway No. 61, where the smoke fractures. (Photo: Kelly Michals)

To date, the village of Kayakyu is a museum and a historical monument. More than 350 houses in which people once lived are in a deplorable state, let and under the protection of the Turkish government. Kayakyu turned out to be abandoned as a result of the Greek-Turkish war; He was also destroyed during the 1957 earthquake. (Photo: Oleksandr Dantsiger)

Kadykchan is a mining settlement of urban-type with a 12-thousand population, which is currently a deserted ghost city. Mass relocation began in 1996 after an accident at the mine. Most residential buildings are conserved. In many dwellings, you can still see the leftings testifying about the rush resettlement. (Photo: Laika AC)

Fordland was founded by Henry Ford in 1928 as an industrial center for the production of rubber for the automotive industry. Ultimately, the project suffered Fiasco. Mr. Ford did not take into account many important details for the cultivation of rubber trees; The territory was practically fruitless. In addition, he wanted to Americanize local workers. They were forced to eat American food and wearing certificates; Alcohol and tobacco products were also prohibited. Such restrictions caused a riot in 1930. (Photo: (WT-Shared) AmitEvron)

Chaitin became a ghost city as a result of the eruption of the volcanic of the same name in 2008. Local residents had to leave their homes and move to neighboring cities. Recovery Caiten began in 2011, but the damage caused was very large. (Photo: Bibliojojo)

In our world, there is a lot of inexplicable, but perhaps the most mysterious is the existence of long-forgotten and abandoned ghost cities: most of them appeared as a result of a large-scale or natural technogenic catastrophe. We present to you the top 10 dead cities of the world, which almost erased from the face of the Earth, but have their amazing history.

10. Badi (California)

The city was founded in 1876 as a settlement for gold miners, and in just 4 years of its existence, the number of inhabitants exceeded 10,000 people. However, the rapid depletion of resources made citizens leave their homes, and the fire of 1932 destroyed half of all buildings. Currently, the city is assigned the status of a historic park, and anyone can stroll through the empty streets.

9. San Li (Taiwan)

Initially, it was planned that this futuristic city will acquire the status of an elite and closed and will be the place of residence of rich people. However, all the work had to be collapsed due to a series of deadly accidents that took place with the workers. No one decided to demolish the "aliens" at home, and many believe that the souls of the dead builders now live in them.

8. Varosha (Cyprus)

Once years later, numerous tourists came here, but in 1974 the city was occupied by the Turkish army, as a result of which the locals were forced to leave their homes in a rush, although many hoped to return, but in vain. Now Varosha looks as if time in the city stopped forever.

7. Gunning Japan (Japan)

This city also became a victim of mineral hunters. He is located on a small, which in 1890 bought Mitsubishi. Here launched large-scale coal mining work. Soon the density of the working population reached a record mark - 835 people per 1 hectare. But when in the middle of the 20th century, gasoline came to change the coal, the company began to endure losses, and she had to turn his activities. The city was empty, and today the penetration of its territory is equal to a criminal offense.

6. Ballestrino (Italy)

It is still reliably unknown how this city has formed. The first mention of it is dating in 1860. Then there lived only about 850 people who were engaged in farming and the production of olive oil. The earthquake, which happened at the end of the XIX century, made citizens leave the city and move to safer place in terms of geological stability.

5. Centralia (Pennsylvania)

The city flourished until the middle of the XIX century. He was the center of the extraction of anthracite coal, but after the release of the founders of the founders from the business, there was no one to control the deposits. The consequence of such a "negligence" is an underground fire that could not be extinguished for several decades, and only in 1981 the authorities decided to evacuate the inhabitants. The fire still does not fade, and according to experts, this process can delay for another 250 years.

4. Jamina (Japan)

It was assumed that this city will be the tourist center of Japan: it is located on the top of the picturesque plateau, and here there was once a monastery of Shikoku, who was a favorite place of numerous pilgrims. But, as practice has shown, the European traveler, he was little interesting, and everything is good and left for no one.

3. Agdam (Azerbaijan)

The name of this city was familiar to every fan of strong drinks during the existence of the Soviet Union. Once he wore the proud name "White Dome", and is now referred to as the "Caucasian Hiroshima". Agdam today is a kind of monument of stupid and cruel war in the proud, but unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh.

2. Neftegorsk (Russia)

May 28, 1995. Sakhalin shuddered from the most powerful earthquake of the magnitude of 10 points, killed more than 2,000 people and destroyed a small industrial town, just erased him from the face of the earth. It was decided not to restore Neftegorsk, and only plates were reminded about the locations of destroyed houses today, with numbers carved on them.

1. Pripyat (Ukraine)

Probably there is no man who did not hear about the Chernobyl tragedy. This beautiful and promising city turned out to be the youngest ghost city. Now the population is 0 people, but everyone can sign up for a full-fledged excursion, and such a lot.

1. Top Mountain Washington
It happens very beautiful, but to be on Mount Washington that in the northeast of the United States is very scary. Peak height is just 1917 meters, but his peak is almost more dangerous for the visitor than the highest point of Everest.
Mount Washington holds the world wind speed record on the earth's surface. In April 1934, air masses at the top of Washington reached a speed of 372 km / h. In winter, such winds mean snow storms, which picturesquely notice the complex of the buildings of the observatory with tightly clogged at this time of the year doors and windows. The buildings and instruments of the extremal meteorological station are able to withstand the gusts of the wind speed up to 500 kilometers per hour, and this is possible.

Winter Tale Mount Washington is deadly for a random trampoline and a deliberate photographer of natural beauty. And insanely desirable for the one who "ordered" suicide through blowing the hurricane wind into a spiny ice snowdrift.

2. Poisonous beauty of the desert Danakil
We understand - active leisure, new impressions, but not as much! - We talked to friends who collect things for vacation in the Ethiopian desert, and they did not listen to us.

Danakyl desert in the north of Ethiopia, all who have been there, call "hell on earth." Lovers of risk and horror hit the storylors, watch pictures and one after another are sent to the deadly triple three of one of the most terrible and strange landscapes of the planet.

Speakers will pass through the space surface of Danakil - and you do not need to fly on Mars. There is almost no oxygen for breathing over a volcanic wasteland, but on all and there is enough of the burning air, saturated with flicker gases born boiling under the legs and melted stones.

Traveling the desert Danakil at least harmful to health. The fifty-degree heat, the risk of step on the awakening volcano, yawning of the lava, and welded, the risk of sulfur in dishes to the rest of his life and make it short. In addition, in the Afar region, the semi-tribal tribes of Ethiopia citizens periodically go to the water trail for water and food. The ten-year-old boys with guns and machine guns can be another one of the most terrible surprises in the world that lifted the traveler at the site of unearthly beauty - the African desert Danakil.

3. The capital of the grandchildren of cannibals
The main city of Eastern New Guinea, the state of the state that calls himself "Nyudzhini", the city of Port Morsby is the most dangerous of world capitals. From the sea, from the sky Novoguinskaya "Pearl" looks quite attractive:

In fact, it is such:

Such steering "Banana republic", as president and ministers, are living in Port Morsby, and manage the real life of the city of gangster brigades. For the White Man, the Capital of PNG is a terrible place. Still, the intellectual to the prison to youngsters to please.

Papuans in the forest kill strangers for food, and this is explained by the deficiency of the protein in their traditional diet. Papuans in the city "uroat" of tourists because of laziness and unemployment. Locked by Australian handies, the aborigines do not want to work, and if they want, it is very difficult to find work. One thing remains to go to the gang and produce funds for drinking, drugs and girls, hunting on the suckers. Kill in Port Morsby 3 times more often than in Moscow. Police with these boys nicknamed, for bought or intimidated. Look at their face and never dream of becoming the second Miklukho Maklam, for they will eat, like Cook.

In any burdened man, there are dark corners not in a biographies alone, but also in the home. This is not necessarily a cooling spider to intimidate Pinocchio. In a dark corner, it may be, for example, a surplus - something valuable, which, in contrast to a person, darkness is not terrible. There are such mega corners and in each country on any continent. No culture can live without damned places. The most terrible places on the planet compete among themselves in the intensity of quiet horror, as if economics, brands or football leagues. The most terrible places attract guests - from among the bins, which horrors are accustomed to see on TV. Without such corners of the earth, it would be bored to live. As in the apartment without chosen angles.
We continue our rating review. If that, do not be afraid - letters and pictures do not bite.
Top 10 of the most terrible places on the planet. Start
4. Forest of cultivated suicides
Aokigahar is an old forest at the foot of the Sacred Mount Fuji. It does not come here on mushrooms, not on kebabs, but to say goodbye to life. For some time, Aokigahar has been gently challenged with authentic Japanese suicides.

An exemplary calculation of the left in the forest is forever from the beginning of the 1950s. For half a century, Aokigahar accepted the body and, for a while, the souls of more than 500 volunteers. Say fashion came after the publication of the book of Seico Matsumoto "Black Sea of \u200b\u200bTrees", two characters of which, holding hands, went to hang out in this respectable forest, so mastered with shadows, that even in a sunny afternoon there is no way to find a terrible place, bitten by raw Grave dusk.

Walking along the terrible forest of Aokigahar, the traveler will stumble not only on the corpses, skulls and loops. And on numerous shields with inscriptions like "life is a priceless gift! Please think again! " Or "think about your family!".

In the 1970s, the problem attracted nationwide attention and since then annually, government units are sent to the scourge of the forest from the "fresh" corpses. Tree area - 35 square kilometers. During the year on the branches of trees "ripen" from 70 to 100 new arrivals of suicidents.

Several years ago, Marauders who brush the horstelles of pockets were appeared in Aokigahar and tear off their necks, but gold and silver chains. We manage to get lost. Keep meekness and optimism.

5. Beer, glass, skeletons
The cozy, civilized Czech Republic can not be called a terrible country. Tourist here is all in a buzz - delicious beer, affordable drugs, beautiful houses, bridges and girls. And even the most, perhaps, the terrible place of Western Europe pleases the eye of the tourist, coming for life. This is the famous Kutnika Mountain.

For the inhabitants of medieval Europe, the abbey in the saddle, the suburb of the Kutna Mountain was the most fashionable and desired cemetery. Its insane popularity was due to the fact that in 1278, a certain monk brought a little land from Jerusalem, with the same Calvary, and the soil scratched the soil with small handles on a local graveyard. Many thousand people walked buried exactly in the saddle. The cemetery has grown a lot, to bury the steel in 2-3 tiers, which is not in the divine. Therefore, from 1400, an unusual tomb has earned in the abbey - a warehouse for bones extracted from the graves, which was not conducted.

In 1870, new, the secular hosts of the land and the buildings of the old monastery decided to bring the order in the Kuznice and invited to this local creative, a carver on the name Rint. With the inherent True Cezham, the death sentence and taste of Pan Rint created 40 thousand people a terrible miracle from the Barn Catholic remains. He not only ordered the deposits of bones and skulls, and also built the massive coat of arms of the master's nobleman and a magnificent chandelier with garlands. Memento Mori, Pani Ta Panov!

A terrible chapel is open to saved beer and beherring visitors seven days a week.

6. Museum of horror stories - Manyak's dream, pride of physicians
Museum of Metter Medicine History, which in Philadelphia, is the place of concentration of all the most terrible, which can happen to the human body. The museum was founded in 1858 by Dr. Thomas Dent Mutter. The entrance ticket to the sanctuary of the science of medical is worth 14 dollars. The exposition presents all sorts of pathologies, ancient and unusual medical equipment, biological samples of varying degrees of nightmare. The most impressive collection of American skulls is also collected.

Top positions in the Metter Museum occupy such curious exhibits as a wax sculpture of a unicorn woman; The three-meter human intestine, which contained 40 pounds of this very; the body of "soapy lady" (a female corpse that turned into the ground in a firout); tumor remote from US President Cleveland; Fraggated liver of Siamese twins; A piece of brain Charles Gito - Killer President Garfield.

It is rumored that at night in the museum there is something out of a number of outgoing - whether it is terrible, or cheerful.

7. Monkey for enlightened
Drapch Tibetan prison, which is located on the road from Lhasa Airport to Lhasa, is considered the most terrible penitentiary institution in the world. In the drapes, the evil Chinese since 1965 are pedantically pushing unoccupied Tibetan Lam. Here, behind the barn, monks are more than in any single Buddhist monastery.

The Chinese occupation authorities cynically refer to such cute "rehabilitation centers". In Drapychi, you can catch the "crash" bullet in the forehead for the wrong look towards the verturaya. For the slightest protest, the monk-monks are mercilessly beaten. One of the violators of the regime as long as a long time in a single chamber, which has learned to speak. The other is once again in conclusion for the 20th year for distributing a copy of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In addition, the Chinese Gulag Buddhists are forced to go to school communism. I did not learn a lesson - get by the chakram batalog. It did not come to the lesson - taste the bamboo porridge. True, the prospect of this is terrible?

Lyrical retreat: Having lined in black Japanese forests with hungry and intestinal museums, we were completely forgotten by us, romance, about the most terrible places on the planet, as working torture offices of the criminal investigation in the Poly-Miliation Reeds. On places where the small civil war and nano-genocide are played daily. From visiting such "territy" of us, romantics, saves the Holy Faith in justice and the neat appearance of the chaste eyes. And what to the Civil War, then, I remember, the most terrible, bloody and unusually stupid of these was in Rwanda. A terrible African country where we are now and go.
8. Africa is terrible, yes yes!
All Soviet children know that in Africa there is a nasty, bad, greedy barkmale. The concentration of Barmalevs on the square mile of tea plantations is offshore for 420 individuals. In 1994, Barmaley with Machete decided to highlight thousands of 900 souls. That's what came out of it

Having learned from the Embassy reports of Rwandan genocide and its consequences, a white man sighed heavily and went to pacify Barmalev. Those of whom those who have hands in the blood turned out to be higher than the elbow, jail. Yes, in difficult - the most crowded and unsanitary in the world. This incredibly terrible place has a lyrical name - guitar.

In the barracks designed for the maintenance of 500 zacks, there are more than 6,000 Rwandan Barmalev, 8-10 years old (!) Waiting for trial. They are tormented by hunger, therefore, to bite off the heel or ear in the ceamer - the phenomenon is normal. There are no place to lie down, so the concluded from the prisoners rot the feet that doctors have to amputate without anesthesia. The floor is wet and ridden, the vonya spreads to polivni, after writing in the eyes of peacekeepers the capital city of Kigali. Each eighth Barmaley dies in this prison, without waiting for the sentence - from violence or diseases. And do not give any God nor the devil get into the guitar with a white intelligent person ...

9. Million of a millionaire from slums
What smells of real India? Incense, marijuana, fried cremation meat? This, non-disattended India smells with hindrances, uncleanness and waste of chemical production. This stench from morning to evening breathe benevolent and superstitious consumers of Bollywood film products, residents of the district, where to rent an "apartment" for a month costs no more than 4 dollars. It is Dharavi, the largest in Asia Salstroy - Slums village in the heart of the charming, multimillion mumbai.

The main character of the film "Millionaire from a slum" is from the city of Dharavi. At 175 hectares of a dirty land here more than a million Hindus and Muslims live here. Their bread is the processing of urban garbage, which is brought and bring tens of tons here daily. Inhabitants of terrible slums are engaged in the disposal of plastic, cans, glass and waste paper. Their barefoot children and wives are climbing Mumbai garbage containers in search of what can be recycled.

By 2013, the Mumbai authorities intend to compare Dharavi with Earth. Where to celebrate residents, those who did not have time to become millionaires? Go back to the village? Scary to think about it.

10. The capital of the incessant violence
When the Indian awakens and goes to collect bottles, the Somaliele still sleeps in an embrace with his beloved toy - the Kalashnikov machine gun. He sleeps sensitively, shuddering and launching black saliva - after all, that and looked, the land Somali pirates will come and rupture. In the capital of the collapsed Somalia, the city of Mogadishu, violence and fear is the norm of life.

People of Somali anthropological type are statically and beautiful. They often die with young, carrying out their cruel beauty in the desert grave. But new, future marine and urban robbers are born, who do not bear anything, just not to show themselves weak and not stay without dinner.

Those who are tired of war running from Mogadishu, but can not escape from themselves. Over the past year, 100 thousand inhabitants of the warring capital left the city, risking not to die from bullets, but from thirst. The UN even their humanitarian assistance is not in a state - scary, and no security guarantees.

How to live terribly ... Fortunately, not for us.