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Strategic analysis is a practical methodology. The role of strategic analysis in the development of a strategy in the organization

The strategic analysis of the external environment of the enterprise should be divided into two main aspects: analysis of the macro-environment and microenvironmental analysis of the enterprise economy (firm): workshop / ed. Prof.V.I. Pozdnyakova, Doc.V.M. Prudnikova. - 2nd ed. - M.: Infra-M, 2008. - 319 p. (Fig. 1).

Fig. one

The analysis of the far environment provides for the development of economic, socio-political and technological forecasts (PEST analysis system) necessary to substantiate the long-term development opportunities of the enterprise in the conditions of projected changes in the external surrounding business environment. This kind of forecasts can be developed by government agencies, public organizations and private consulting firms. For our country, the organization of this kind of consulting centers associated with the development of the specified forecasts should be considered as one of the most important tasks of forming a market infrastructure.

Analysis of the neighboring environment is associated with the analysis of the market environment of the enterprise. It includes the following main elements:

production forecast;

forecast of structural shifts;

competitive forecast.

Analysis of the resource potential (internal capabilities) of the enterprise is an important step in strategic analysis. Modern Western methods for assessing the internal capabilities of the enterprise are based on the value system (chain of values \u200b\u200bM. Porter Basovsky L.E. Modern strategic analysis: Textbook / L.E. Basovsky. - M.: NIC infra-M, 2013. - 256 c).

Analysis of the resource potential of Russian enterprises in a transitional economy may include the following main aspects:

analysis of production and economic activity and resource efficiency;

analysis of the property complex of the enterprise;

the financial analysis.

In modern conditions, in theory and practice of strategic planning and management, there is no single generally accepted classification of methods (models) of strategic analysis.

The most common and widely applicable methods in the practice of strategic analysis should include portfolio analysis, a BKG matrix, Mac-Kinzi matrix, Mac-Kinzi7-S model, model PIMS, SWOT analysis.

strategic analysis matrix competitive

Methods of strategic analysis

SWOT analysis method

I would like to note that the founder of the theory was Albert Humphrey Meson M., Albert M., Heduri F. Management Basics: Per. from English / Society. ed. and entry Article L.I. Evveno. - M.: Case, 1998. - 799 p. - Management consultant, USA. And since the 1980s, SWOT analysis is actively used by professionals in the field of management and marketing. The SWOT technique is almost the only tool that has not lost its relevance during the existence of managers in the tools. Thus, the senior manager of the audit and consulting firm Unicon A. Serpilin argues that "SWOT-analysis and benchmarking results allow you to spend a full-scale and, which is very important enough objective assessment of the company's competitive position in the industry." Serpilin A. Basic approaches to the development and implementation of an enterprise development strategy // Problems of the theory and practice of management, 2000 - №6 To date, with a SWOT estimate, any business analysis of the enterprise begins.

SWOT Analysis, in my opinion, one of the most effective tools in strategic management. The essence of SWOT analysis is to analyze the internal and external factors of the company, assessing the risks and competitiveness of goods in the industry.

When using the SWOT method, a matrix is \u200b\u200bformed, linking the strong and weak aspects of an organization with those threats and capabilities that take place in perspective (Fig. 2).

Additional strategic planning matrices are formed as important additions to the main matrix. The information collected in them is entered into a key matrix and are applied to summarize and systematize the results of the analysis. These matrices are two - the matrix of threats and the matrix of possibilities.

Fig. 2.

In addition, in the process of implementing the analysis, it is often necessary to develop a medium profile that looks like a table containing environmental factors (external and internal), which have or capable of providing a significant impact on the activities of the enterprise.

SWOT analysis, at the request of the manager, can be carried out with varying degrees of detail. At the same time, the data can be distributed either with a clear attribution to a strong or weak side, or to be further ranked on a number of criteria (for example, by what this factor is important - large, secondary or insignificant).

The use of this technique allows you to get a structured description of a certain situation regarding which it is required to take this or that solution. The results of the analysis make it possible to think about how to use strengths and opportunities with the greatest effect, and also help plan the steps to eliminate the weaknesses and make an exemplary action plan in case of threats.

SWOT analysis can be used both when analyzing the activities of the company as a whole and for certain products. However, since in general, this technique does not contain economic categories, a whole branch of the economy, market segments, cities, a scientific sphere, public institutions, non-profit organizations, political parties and even individual person can also be an object of SWOT-analysis.

The main task of the method under consideration is to provide a structured vision of the situation, in relation to which it is necessary to accept this or that decision. Conclusions made based on the results of SWOT-analysis have an exceptionally descriptive nature without providing recommendations or define priorities.

This approach is usually used not only to analyze the activities of the organization as a whole, but also for specific types of products, individual market segments, etc. Often companies conduct a SWOT analysis of not only their product, but also products of competitors, since this tool very clearly systematizes all the information About the inner and external environment of any organization.

The advantages of SWOT analysis are that it allows you to just look at the position of the company, product or services in the industry, and therefore the most popular risk management tool and management decisions are the most popular tool.

The result of the SWOT analysis of the enterprise is a plan of action with an indication of the fulfillment, prioritization of the implementation and necessary resources for implementation.

SWOT elements Analysis

Strengths of goods or services. Such internal characteristics of the company that provide a competitive advantage in the market or a more advantageous position in comparison with competitors, in other words, those areas in which the company's goods feels better and more stable competitors.

The value of the strengths for the company in strategic planning: due to the strengths of the company can increase the level of sales, profits and market share, the strengths provide the winning position of the goods or services in comparison with competitors. The strengths need to constantly strengthen, improve, use in communicating with the consumer of the market.

Weaknesses or disadvantages of goods or services. Such internal characteristics of the company, which make it difficult to grow business, prevent the goods to the lead on the roar, are non-competitive in the market.

The meaning of the weaknesses for the company in strategic planning: the weaknesses of the company interfere with sales growth and profits, pull the company back. Due to the weaknesses, the company may lose market share in the long run and lose competitiveness. It is necessary to track areas in which the company is not strong enough, improve them, develop special programs to minimize the risks of the influence of weaknesses on the efficiency of the company.

The company's capabilities are favorable external environmental factors that can affect business growth in the future. The value of the market opportunities for the company in strategic planning: market opportunities personify business growth sources. Opportunities need to be analyzed, evaluating and developing an action plan for their use with the involvement of the company's strengths.

The company's threats are negative environmental factors that can weaken the competitiveness of the company in the market in the future and lead to a decrease in sales and loss of market share. The value of market threats for the company in strategic planning: threats mean the possible risks of the company in the future. Each threat should be assessed from the point of view of the likelihood of in the short term, from the point of view of possible losses for the company. Against each threat should be proposed solutions for their minimization.

"It is not necessary to compare
in the past and present,
And their successes with the success of competitors. "
(Donald Cress)

Today, it is possible to state the transition of the main markets of the country from the "Filling empty niche" phase, in which he won the one who quickly interpreted the goods on the shelves, to the stage of dense competition "shoulder to the shoulder", where for the successful development of the business, it is not possible to correctly integrate the goods You must still be able to successfully promote it, "pursuer" with competitors.
In a tough struggle for successful survival in the long run, only widely used financial analysis tools is not enough, the first priority becomes necessary to think and act proactively, regularly conducting a strategic (qualitative) analysis of the company's external and internal environment.
In this paper, we allocate four major responsibilities for the commercial success of the enterprise - "Production", "Distribution", "Marketing", "Finance". Only with the competent projection of general development strategies for these responsibilities and the optimal placement of resources and competencies in them necessary to achieve their goals, and success comes. With this approach, the management creates a team working on a single goal - the long-term profit profit with the level higher than the industry average.
The foundation in the management systems being rejected by us is a strategic management model, which allows, predicting the future and tracking changes in the external and internal environment, to put and achieve high goals.
This model has recently been trying to apply many. But, unfortunately, it is often necessary to encounter not using the model, but with declaration of its application. Even in the most "advanced" companies in management issues, often after the nationally developed vision, the mission and long-term development course immediately go to the formulation of goals, developing strategies for their achievement (and, forgetting them to proceed to functional and operational levels) and specific measures formally "Nakidav" before this simple SWOT-analysis model with violation of all rules for its conduct.
Such ignoring the most important and time-consuming stages of strategic management - the diagnosis (audit) of the external and internal environment and strategic analysis - leads to all development strategies, and therefore market activities are based only on intuition and improvisation of specific managers (and very limited number ) that an order of magnitude increases the risks of the company. Initially incorrectly specified vector of business motion in the end (in the conditions of rigid competition) inevitably leads to failure in the long term.
Unfortunately, in specialized literature and periodicals, these issues are given very little attention (not to mention the training programs of universities and trainings). Therefore, this article focuses on the practical aspects of the strategic analysis by the internal forces of the company's managers, the methodology of its holding (step by step, action for action), who has stopped in detail the five mandatory rules for conducting SWOT-analysis.

Strategic analysis of the external and internal environment is the most important stage in the development of a successful long-term development program.
For successful business development, it is important not only to determine the goals, but also to choose, reflected in the set of interrelated strategies, an action of actions that guarantees the most effective way to achieve them.
The main stage in the formulation of long-term goals and developing an effective strategy is a strategic analysis that should provide a real assessment of its own resources and opportunities, in relation to the state (and the needs) of the external environment in which the company works. Based on this analysis and the rational choice of strategies from a possible set of options should occur.
The strategic analysis of the external and internal environment of the enterprise pays special attention to two groups of factors: first, the conditions in the industry and competition; secondly, competitiveness, position in the market, strong and weak parties to the company.

Strategic Analysis of the Company's External Environment
Strategic decisions are associated rather with external than with the internal problems of the company, especially the solution for the choice of product range and market segments. Moreover, these strategic decisions can affect both the factors of "near" and "long-range environment of the company".
Therefore, external analysis, in addition to the assessment of the market situation, should cover such areas as economics, politics, technology, international situation and social and cultural behavior ("Far Surrounding"), i.e., be held in accordance with the GETS model, which means four Group of external pressure forces:

  • government - government;
  • economy - Economy;
  • technology - technology;
  • society - Society.

The analysis is carried out in the context of identifying the possibilities and threats of the "far environment", the factors of which are estimated in the plane: the influence on the company is the likelihood of their implementation.
The study of the company in the context of the external environment also involves an analysis of the overall situation and competitive conditions of the industry ("near-environment"). The purpose of such an analysis is an assessment of the seven key factors of the external environment:

1. Basic economic characteristics of the industry.
The size and growth rate of the market, the scale of competition, the number of participating companies, their relative sizes, the conditions of entry into the industry and the exit of it, the degree of vertical integration, the rate of technological changes, the size of savings on the scale and due to the learner effect, the degree of standardization or personalization of products competitor companies, profitability.

2. Forms and intensity of competition.
The industry usually present five competition factors: rivalry between the participants of the industry, the possibility of entering the industry of new competitors, competition from producers of substitute goods, the influence of suppliers, the influence of consumer companies. The task of analyzing competition in the industry - to evaluate every factor, determine the level of competitive pressure and develop a strategy of competition to ensure that, first, to secure the company from the impact of five competition factors, secondly, to use the rules for competition in the branch for the benefit of the company, - Third, achieve a competitive advantage.

3. Causes of changes in the structure of competition and external environment.
Conditions in the industry and competition are changing under the influence of various forces and factors. The main driving forces are changes in the long-term trends in the economic growth of the industry, changes in consumers, the introduction of new products, entering the market or care of large companies, globalization, change in the cost structure and level of productivity, growth (decline) of demand for personalized or standard goods , Changes in legislation and politics, changing public values \u200b\u200band lifestyle, reducing uncertainty and risk.

4. Strong and weak competitors.
Development of a Card Strategic Group - valuable (if not necessary) tool for assessing and comparing market positions of competing companies. Rivals belonging to one or adjacent strategic groups are actively competing with each other, and companies belonging to remote strategic groups are usually not competitors at all.

5. Possible actions of competitors.
This stage of analytical analysis includes the analysis of competitors' strategies, identifying strong and weak rivals, assess their competitive opportunities, the forecast of their nearest actions. A well-established collection of information about the opponent allows you to predict its actions, prepare effective countermeasures and include them in the company's action plan. Managers not studying competitors risk getting an unpleasant surprise in the form of unexpected actions of rivals. The company cannot count on victory, if not tracks and does not predict the activities of competitors.

6. Key success factors in competitive struggle.
Key success factors are a strategy, competitive opportunities, the results of activities that determine the commercial success or failure of the company, and its competitiveness. Key success factors play a huge role, so all companies must identify them and analyze. A clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe factors playing a decisive role in achieving a long-term competitive advantage contributes to the development of a successful strategy.

7. The overall attractiveness of the industry and the prospects for profitability are factors of attractiveness and unattractiveness, specific problems of the industry, favorable and unfavorable prospects for profit).
If the industry is recognized as attractive, it makes sense to elect an aggressive strategy aimed at strengthening competitive position, expansion of sales, development of the production base and equipment updating. Otherwise, other possibilities should be found - weak companies will be absorbed by competitors, while strong will limit investment and avail the cost reduction strategy and (or) innovative to increase competitiveness and ensure profitability in the long run. Sometimes, in general, the unattractive industry, can attract the company's attention with good positions and the necessary resources and experience, allowing to win the market share in weaker competitors.

Analysis of resources and competitive opportunities
In the process of analysis, the Company's position is investigated in five parameters:

  • effectiveness of the current company strategy;
  • strengths and weaknesses of the company, opportunities and threats;
  • competitiveness of the company at prices and costs;
  • sustainability of the company's competitive position compared with the main rivals;
  • strategic problems of the company.

To obtain a response to these questions, four types of analysis are used:

  • SWOT analysis;
  • analysis of the value chain;
  • strategic expense analysis;
  • comprehensive assessment of the company's competitiveness.

Simplified version of the strategic analysis of the internal environment of the company.
In full, strategic analysis is available only to very large companies. However, in conditions of a dynamically changing environment, even for relatively small enterprises, one intuition of the head becomes not enough for successful action on the market. This causes the need for setting in such companies of limited, more "cheap" strategies.
Therefore, as the main tool for regular strategic management, it is proposed to choose the "high-quality" strategic analysis matrix (SWOT).
SWOT analysis - This is determining the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as the possibilities and threats emanating from its nearest environment (external environment).

  • strengths (Strengths) are the advantages of the organization;
  • weaknesses (Weaknesses) - deficiencies of the organization;
  • opportunities (OpportUnities) - External environmental factors, the use of which will create the advantages of the organization on the market;
  • threats (Threats) are factors that can potentially worsen the organization's position in the market.

SWOT analysis In the long-term program of development of the SWOT-analysis company is an intermediate link between the formulation of vision, mission and long-term course of your company and the definition of its goals and objectives (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The position of SWOT analysis in the development of a long-term organization of the organization's development program.

Stages of a long-term enterprise development program:

  1. Determination of the main directions of development of your company (its vision, mission and long-term development course).
  2. Evaluation of the market situation to identify the possibilities and methods of movement in the selected direction (SWOT analysis).
  3. Setting goals, taking into account the real possibilities of the enterprise.
  4. Development of a set of strategies to achieve selected goals.
  5. Development of functional plans (organizational, marketing, sales, personnel, industrial, investment, financial, etc.).
  6. Control and correction of plans in case of unforeseen early changes in the external environment.

SWOT-analysis methodology
The assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise in relation to the possibilities and threats of the external environment determines the availability of the company's strategic prospects and the possibilities of their implementation. It is clear that at the same time there will be obstacles (threats) that need to be overcome. Hence the "... Reorientation of the methods of managing the development of an enterprise from support for previously reached results, developed goods and used technologies (internal factors), to study the restrictions imposed by an external market environment (external factors)."
The methodology for constructing the primary strategic analysis matrix is \u200b\u200bto divide the environment into two parts - the external environment and the inner (company itself), and then events in each of these parts - for favorable and unfavorable. In general, the conducting of SWOT analysis is reduced to filling the matrix (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Matrix of primary strategic analysis.

In the appropriate matrix cells, the strengths and weaknesses of your enterprise are needed, as well as market opportunities and threats:

  • the strengths of the company are what it succeeded or some feature that provides him with additional opportunities. The power can be in your experience, access to unique resources, the presence of advanced technology and modern equipment, high personnel qualifications, high quality of products, trademark fame, etc.;
  • -
  • the weaknesses of the enterprise are the absence of some important for the functioning of the enterprise of a factor or what is not yet possible to carry out compared to other companies that affects you in an unfavorable position. As an example of weaknesses, a too narrow range of goods manufactured, poor reputation in the market, lack of financing, low level of service, etc.;
  • -
  • market threats - events whose offensive can have adverse effects. Examples of market threats: entering the market of new competitors, increasing taxes, changing buyers' tastes, decline in fertility, etc.;
  • -
  • market features - favorable circumstances that an enterprise can use to get advantage.

As an example, it is possible to determine the positions of your competitors, a sharp increase in demand, the emergence of new technologies for the production of your products, an increase in the level of income of the population, etc. It should be noted that the possibilities from the point of view of SWOT analysis are not all favorable circumstances that exist on Market, but only those that your enterprise can use.
Important moment: the same factor for different enterprises can be both a threat and the ability.

SWOT-analysis rules

Rule 1. Carefully define the sphere of each SWOT-analysis. Companies often conduct overall analysis covering all of their business. Most likely, it will be too generalized and will bring little benefit for those managers who are interested in opportunities in specific markets or segments. For example, focusing SWOT analysis on a specific segment, ensures the identification of the most important strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Rule 2. Understand the differences between the elements of SWOT: forces, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The strengths and weaknesses are internal traits of the company, therefore, it is controlled. Opportunities and threats are associated with the characteristics of the market environment and beyond the influence of the organization.

Rule 3. The strengths and weaknesses can be considered as only if the buyers perceive them. It is necessary to include in the analysis only the most relevant advantage and weakness. Remember that they should be determined in the light of competitors' proposals. The strong side will be considered alone only if the market recognizes it. For example, the quality of the product will be a strong side, only if it is higher than that of competitors products. As a result, there can be a lot of such strengths and weaknesses, so it will be difficult to figure out which of them are the main. In order to avoid this, advantages and weaknesses should be running in accordance with their importance in the eyes of buyers.

Rule 4. Be objective and use versatile incoming information. It is clear that it is not always possible to analyze the results of extensive marketing research, but, on the other hand, it is impossible to charge it to one person, since it will not be so accurate and deep as an analysis conducted in the form of a group discussion and exchange ideas. It is important to understand that SWOT analysis is not just a listing of suspicion of managers. It should be based as to a greater degree on objective facts and research data.

Rule 5. Avoid extensive and ambiguous applications. Too often, the quality of SWOT-analysis suffers from the availability of statements, which, most likely, mean nothing for most buyers. The more accurate the wording, the more useful will be the analysis.

Important moment: very often SWOT analysis is considered by managers as a certain declarative (or reportable) tool, designed to show the correctness of the chosen path and power of the company's potential. In my opinion, the true task of SWOT-analysis, as a deep internal instrument of a company operating on the market with dense competition, is to identify the problem fields of the organization compared with competitors in the projection of opportunities and threats to the external environment. Therefore, the results of this analysis are not declared in general meetings and are not a report on the work done, and are primarily the base for the development of the company's interconnected complex of strategies, competitions for competition, optimizing business processes, etc.
Categories most commonly included in SWOT analysis: production, management, innovation, marketing, sales, logistics, finance, personnel.

Steps of SWOT-Analysis

  1. A venture group is appointed, which includes all the leading functional specialists (experts) of the company.
  2. The leader of the group is appointed, which distributes to all experts to familiarize the prepared "Review and Forecast of the Target Market" and the results of internal diagnostics. The term for familiarization with documents is determined.
  3. At the next meeting of the Group, the list of indicators is determined (the use of the library of indicators), which will be assessed by each category.
  4. The responsible person prepares polling sheets to assess the selected indicators in two planes (importance - effectiveness for strengths and weaknesses, the impact on the organization is the probability of implementation for opportunities and threats).
  5. Expert survey is conducted.
  6. An assessment of each indicator is displayed.
  7. Workshop is held according to the evaluation results (data registration). For each of the markets in question or segments, it is necessary to list the most important (having the greatest / affecting business) elements on all four categories: forces, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. All formulations should be ordered by significance - first the number one threat is coming, and so on. SWOT - Analysis must be as focused as possible - a separate table is built for each market or group of buyers. It makes no sense to list everything possible and impossible. Limit only the elements that have the greatest impact on your company. Be objective. Will you be able to reinforce your statements with evidence (quotes, letters, statistics on the industry, reports in the press, government publications, information from dealers, customer comments)? Remember that the analysis must be focused on the buyer, and not inside the organization. Considering the next statement, it is useful to ask yourself the following questions:
  • are we sure that this is actually so?
  • -
  • how much are we confident?
  • -
  • how do we know?
  • -
  • is it possible that it will change soon?
  • -
  • does this statement have an attitude (meaning, meaning) for our buyers?
  • -
  • did we consider this position in relation to competitors?
  • The basic enterprise strategy (discussion) is selected - correlation SWOT analysis.
  • The choice of effective strategies corresponding to the internal parameters of the enterprise and its position in the market and, in general, in the external environment, is made by the construction of the matrices of the correlation SWOT-analysis (Fig. 3).

    Fig. 3. Correlation SWOT-analysis matrix.

    The company's strategy is determined based on the comparison (correlation) of the previously described characteristics of the medium and the enterprise for the four zones of the matrix. For each matrix zone, we get our basic strategies:

    • for the left lower zone, the matrix is \u200b\u200bcharacterized by strategies aimed at using the strengths of the enterprise to neutralize the threats to the external environment. The company has significant internal forces, but the external environment pays many threats. Here the most effective will be strategies aimed at mitigating external threats in the market with diversification (development of new goods and markets) and business integration;
    • -
    • for the upper right zone, strategies aimed at compensating for the weaknesses of the Company at the expense of good opportunities provided by the external environment (creating joint ventures for active work on the promising market);
    • -
    • for the left upper zone of the matrix, the best strategy will be focused on the growth and increase in sales;
    • -
    • for the right bottom - the most sensible becomes either concentration on a narrow segment of the market, or care from the market.

    Comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise with the possibilities and threats of the market (discussion) will allow you to answer the following questions regarding the further development of your business:

    • how can I take advantage of opening capabilities using the strengths of the enterprise?
    • what are the weaknesses of the enterprise can I prevent me in this?
    • due to what strengths you can neutralize the existing threats?
    • what threats aggravated by the weak parties of the enterprise, do I need to fear most?
    CAPABILITIES 1. The emergence of a new retail network
    2. and so on. Threats 1. The emergence of a major competitor
    2. and so on. Strengths 1. High quality products
    2. …….
    3. etc. 1. How to take advantage of opportunities?
    Try to enter the number of suppliers of the new network, making an emphasis on the quality of our products 2. Due to what can be reduced threats?
    Hold our buyers from the transition to a competitor, informing them about the high quality of our products. WEAK SIDES 1. High cost of production
    2. ………..
    3. etc. 3. What can prevent opportunities to take advantage of?
    The new network may refuse the purchases of our products, as our wholesale prices are higher than that of competitors 4. What are the biggest dangers for the company?
    The competitor appeared can offer the market for our products similar to ours at lower prices.

    Filling this matrix, you will find:
    - which determined the main directions of development of your enterprise (cell 1 shows how you can use opening capabilities);
    - What formulated the main problems of your enterprise, subject to a speedy solution for successful business development (other table cells).
    In conclusion, I want to pay attention to the importance of holding a strategic analysis by the internal forces of the company's managers. The most attractive strategic analysis in the described methodology is that the information field is formed directly by the leaders and the most competent employees of the Company on the basis of generalization and coordination of their own experience and the vision of the situation.
    After conducting a strategic analysis by our own forces, you will more clearly imagine the advantages and disadvantages of your own enterprise, as well as the market situation. This will allow you to choose the optimal path of development, avoid dangers and maximize the use of available resources, using the opportunities provided by the market. At the same time, it disappears the need to use powerful expensive systems of "quantitative" analysis and attracting no less expensive experts (consultants), which, worse than knowing the specifics of a particular market and a particular enterprise, can impose a non-optimal solution in the context of time limits and incomplete information. Moreover, it is often when attracting consulting companies, the results of the strategic analysis "are listed" under the brilliant intuition of the customer (owner), which is always pleased to hear (and therefore pay money for it) what he wants to hear.
    The implementation of the strategic analysis according to the method described in this article will help structure information about the enterprise and the market, to take a fresh look at the current situation and prospects, to put the achievable goals of long-term development, to develop a competitive set of strategies for achieving these goals, to develop and implement the functional plans of market events.

    1. Thompson-ml., Arthur, A., Strickland III, A., J. Strategic Management: Concepts and Situations for Analysis. - Moscow: Williams Publishing House, 2002.
    2. Ansoff I. Strategic Management. - Moscow: "Case", 1989.
    3. L. Fay, R. Randel. MBA course on strategic management.- Moscow: Ed, Alpina, 2002.
    4. Popov S. A. Strategic management: Vision is more important than knowledge. - Moscow: "Case", 2003.
    5. Ansoff I. New Corporate Strategy. - St. Petersburg: "Peter", 1999.

    This is a means of converting a database resulting from the analysis of the medium into the strategic plan of the organization. Strategic analysis tools include formal models, quantitative methods, analysis, taking into account the specifics of the organization.

    Strategic analysis can be divided into two main stages:

    1. Comparison of the targets and real possibilities offered by the environment, the analysis of the gap between them;

    2. Analysis of possible options for the future firm, defining strategic alternatives.

    When strategic alternatives are defined, the firm steps to the final strategy development stage - the choice of a certain version of the strategy and the preparation of the strategic plan.

    Raunt analysis

    Analysis of the gap is a simple but effective method and analysis. His goal is to determine whether there is a gap between the goals of the company and its capabilities and, if so, establish how to "fill" it.

    Gap analysis algorithm:

    Determination of the main interest of the company expressed in terms of strategic planning (for example, in an increase in sales number);

    Filming up the real opportunities of the company from the point of view of the current state of the environment and the estimated future state (after 3, 5 years);

    Determination of specific indicators of the strategic plan corresponding to the main interest of the company;

    Establishing the difference between the indicators of the strategic plan and the possibilities dictated by the real position of the company;

    Development of special programs and ways of actions necessary to fill out a break.

    Another way to apply a break analysis is to determine the difference between the highest expectations and the most modest forecasts. For example, if the top management counts on a real rate of turnover to invested capital in 20%, but the analysis shows that the most realistic magnitude will be 15%, discussion and adoption of measures to fill out a gap of 5% are required.

    Filling can be made in several ways, for example:

    Due to the growth of productivity and achieve the desired 20%;

    Due to the refusal of more ambitious plans in favor of 15%;

    The following strategic analysis methods are usually applied to identify strategic alternatives, possible strategic plan options.

    Analysis of cost dynamics and experience curving

    One of the classic strategy models was developed in 1926. It binds the definition of a strategy with achieving benefits in costs.

    Cost reduction with an increase in production volume is due to a combination of the following factors:

    1. Benefits in technology arising from the expansion of production;

    2. Training on experience in the most effective way to organize production;

    3. Effect of savings on the scale.

    In accordance with the experience curve, the main focus of the company's strategy should be the conquest of the greatest market share, since it is from the largest of its competitors that the lowest side costs appear and, consequently, the highest profits.

    The use of the experience curve is possible in the industries of material production.

    In modern conditions, the achievement of leadership in costs is not necessarily associated with an increase in production. The current high-tech equipment is designed not only for large production, but also for small. Today, even a small firm can use computers, modular equipment that provide high performance and restructing opportunities to solve various specific tasks. The main disadvantage of the model is the accounting of only one of the internal problems of the organization and inattention to the external environment (primarily to the needs of buyers).

    Analysis of the market dynamics, life cycle model

    The analysis of the market dynamics of this product is the well-known model of the product life cycle, which is an analogy of the life cycle of a biological creature.

    The life of goods on the market is divided into several basic stages, each of which corresponds to their sales level and other marketing characteristics:

    • birth and market introduction - small sales and growth-oriented strategy;
    • growth stage - a significant increase in sales and rapid growth strategy;
    • the stage of maturity is a steady sales and strategy focused on stability;
    • the stage of market saturation and decline is a decrease in sales and a reduction strategy.

    The purpose of the life cycle model is to correctly determine the business strategy for each stage of the life of the goods in the market. There are a large number of vital cycles modifications depending on the types of goods. Nevertheless, it is impossible to bind the strategy to the model of the life cycle too closely.

    Models of "Experience Curve" and "Life Cycle" are the most simple methods of strategic analysis, as they associate the development of a strategy with only one of the factors of the company. The methods described below have a more comprehensive nature, go along the way to link the various components of the internal and external environment of the organization.

    Model "Product - Market"

    Proposed by A.J. A steiner in 1975 is a matrix that includes the classification of markets and the classification of products to existing, new, but associated with existing, and completely new products.

    Fig. 1. Matrix "Market Product"

    The matrix shows risk levels and, accordingly, the degree of probability of success under various combinations of the "market-product". The model is used for:

    1. Definitions of the likelihood of successful activities when choosing one or another type of business;

    2. Choosing between various types of business, including when determining the ratio of investments for different business units, that is, when forming a portfolio of securities of the company.

    Portfolio Strategy Analysis Models

    Portfolio models determine the present and future position of the business in terms of the attractiveness of the market and business ability to compete inside it. Initial, classic portfolio model is the BKG (Boston Consulting Group) matrix.

    The matrix indicates four main business positions:

    1. Highly competitive business in fast-growing markets - the ideal position "Star";

    2. Highly competitive business on mature, saturated, stagnation of markets (which bring sustainable profits "Dyunny cows", or "cash bags") - a good source of cash for the company;

    3. Do not have good competitive positions, but operating on the promising markets "Question Signs", whose future is uncertain;

    On the combination of weak competitive positions with markets in the state of stagnation - "Dogs" - loose of the business world.

    The BKG model is used:

    To determine interrelated conclusions on the position of the business unit (business), which is part of the organization, and its strategic perspectives;

    With the help of the BKG matrix, the company forms the composition of its portfolio (that is, it determines the combinations of capital investments in various industries, various business units).

    As part of the BKG matrix, strategies options may be proposed:

    1. Growth and increase in market share - the transformation of the "question mark" in the "Star" (aggressive "question marks" is sometimes called "wild cats").

    2. Preservation of market share is a strategy for "dairy cows", the incomes of which are important for growing types of business and financial innovation.

    3. "Harvesting", that is, the receipt of a short-term share of profits in the highest possible sizes, even by reducing the market share - a strategy for weak "cows", deprived of the future, unfortunate "question marks" and "dogs".

    4. Elimination of business or refusal to it and the use of the funds obtained as a result in other industries - a strategy for "dogs" and "question marks", which have no more opportunities to invest in improving their positions.

    The BKG model has the following advantages and disadvantages:


    The model is used to study the relationship between business units included in the organization, as well as their long-term goals;

    The model may be the basis for analyzing different stages of the development of a business unit (business);

    It is a simple, accessible approach to the organization of the business portfolio of the organization (securities portfolio).


    Not always correctly assesses business opportunities. For a unit defined as a "dog", can recommend care from the market, while external and internal changes are able to change the business position. So, a small farm supplying vegetable products, in the 70s could be assessed as a "dog", but by the 90s the deterioration of the environmental situation and a special attitude to "clean" products created new perspectives for this business;

    Excessively focused on cash flows, while to organize an equally important indicator is the effectiveness of investment. It is aimed at superer and disclaims the possibility of improving business, the use of the best management methods.

    A more complex variant of the portfolio model is the Metrifact Mackey Matrix of the Company, which develops it by order "General Electric".

    Evaluation of a multidisciplinary portfolio model:

    Its advantage compared to the simple portfolio model is the accounting of the greatest number of significant factors of the internal and external environment of the company;

    In applying this model, there are limitations to which the absence of specific recommendations on behavior on a particular market can be attributed, as well as the possibility of a subjective, distorted assessment of its position.

    Source - I.A. Podelinskaya, M.V. Banxine strategic planning Tutorial. - Ulan-Ude: Publishing House VGTU, 2005. - 55 p.

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    Fig. 4.1. in

    Strategic analysis of the company - This is the process of determining the critical key concepts of external and internal environments, which may affect the ability of the enterprise to achieve their goals both in the short and long term.

    Strategic analysis as the process is closely related to the life cycle of the strategy, and its stages (analysis of the idea, an analysis of the environment, analysis of implementation, an analysis of modernization, analysis of experience) create a closed circuit, and therefore the analysis is considered as a process that never stops.

    The tasks of the strategic analysis of the environment:

    o identification and assessment of strategic potential;

    o assessment of the attractiveness of the market;

    o Filming up the strategic position of the enterprise. The logic of studying the Environment of the enterprise is as follows:

    a) define the factors of the macro, micro and internal environment affecting the enterprise and will affect it in the strategic period;

    b) get these factors maximum information;

    c) evaluate the information obtained about each factor of the environment in the enterprise and predict the amount of possible impact;

    d) determination of opportunities and threats to the external environment and strengths and weaknesses - internal;

    e) strategic analysis and determination of alternative strategies.

    One of the rational approaches to the analysis of the medium illustrates Fig. 4.1.

    Thus, an analysis of the enterprise environment should cover the combination of factors affecting the enterprise and significantly affect the possibilities of the enterprise, its prospects and strategy.

    Analysis of opportunities and threats

    In order to successfully survive in the long run, the company should be able to foresee what difficulties may arise on its way in the future and what new opportunities can open for it. Therefore, strategic management in the study of the external environment concentrates attention to finding out what threats and what opportunities external environments are trained. But in order to successfully cope with threats and effectively use the opportunities, not only one knowledge about them is not enough. You can know about the threat, but not to be able to resist her and thereby suffering defeat. You can also know about the new features that open, but not possess the potential to use them and, therefore, not to be able to get recoils from them. The strengths and weaknesses of the internal environment of the enterprise to the same as the threats and opportunities determine the conditions of successful existence. Therefore, strategic management in the analysis of the inner medium should show what strong and what weaknesses have certain components of the enterprise and the enterprise as a whole.

    Thus, the analysis of the environment, as it is carried out in strategic management, is aimed at identifying threats and opportunities that may arise in an external environment in relation to the enterprise and the strengths and weaknesses, which the enterprise has. It is to solve this task that certain methods of analyzing the environment are developed, which are used in strategic management.

    An analysis of the external environment is an assessment of the state and prospects for the development of the most important, from the point of view of enterprises, subjects and environmental factors: industries, markets, suppliers and a set of global environmental factors, which the company cannot directly influence.

    After analyzing the external environment and having received data on factors that are dangerous or open up new opportunities, management should evaluate: whether the enterprise has internal forces to take advantage of the possibilities and which inner weaknesses can complicate future problems associated with external hazards.

    The method that is used to diagnose internal problems is called a management survey. Management survey is a methodological assessment of the enterprise functional zones, intended to identify its strategic and weaknesses. The managerial examination includes five functions - marketing, finance, production, human resources, as well as culture and image of the enterprise.

    There are a large number of methods for analyzing the internal and external environment of the enterprise, allowing to identify opportunities and threats, consider some of them.

    SWOT - analysis.In order to obtain a clear assessment of the forces of the enterprise and the market situation, there is a SWOT analysis.

    SWOT analysis - This is determined by the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as opportunities and threats emanating from its nearest environment (external environment):

    Strengths (Strengths) - the advantages of the enterprise;

    Weaknesses (Weaknesses) are disadvantages of the enterprise;

    Opportunities (OpportUnities) - Factors of the external environment, the use of which will create the advantages of an enterprise in the market;

    Threats (Threats) are factors that can potentially worsen the position of the enterprise in the market.

    The widespread use and development of SWOT-analysis are explained by the following reasons: Strategic management is associated with large amounts of information that needs to be collected, processing, analyzing, and, and, consequently, the need to search for, developing and applying methods for organizing such work.

    SWOT analysis is a kind of form; It does not contain final information for making management decisions, but makes it possible to streamline the process of thinking over all available information using its own opinions and assessments. For any supervisor or management worker, oriented, this is a useful case that requires anyone who applies SWOT analysis, think about the future. SWOT analysis allows you to form a general list of enterprise strategies, taking into account their features: According to the content of the adaptation strategy (formation of the effect on) of the medium (Fig. 4.2).

    Fig. 4.2. in

    SWOT analysis, as an assessment tool for the functioning of the enterprise, consists of two parts. Its first part is aimed at studying external capabilities (positive moments) and threats (negative moments) that may arise for the enterprise in the present and future. Strategic alternatives are detected here. The second part is associated with the study of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise. The company's potential is estimated here. In other words, SWOT - analysis allows to carry out a comprehensive study of the external and internal state of the economic entity.

    For SWOT - Analysis is necessary:

    1) determine the main direction of development of the enterprise (its mission);

    2) weigh the strength and evaluate the market situation to understand whether it is possible to move in the specified direction and how it is better to do;

    3) put the goal before the enterprise, given its real opportunities (defining the strategic goals of the enterprise).

    Conducting SWOT - Analysis is reduced to filling the SWOT-analysis matrix. The corresponding field of the matrix needs to be carried out by the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as market opportunities and threats.

    Strengths of the company "What an enterprise succeeded or some feature that provides additional features. The strength may be in the existing experience, access to unique resources, the presence of advanced technology and modern equipment, high personnel qualifications, high quality of products, trademark fame, etc.

    Weaknesses of the company - This is the absence of something important for the functioning of the enterprise or what is not yet possible compared to other companies and puts an enterprise to an unfavorable position. As an example of weaknesses, a too narrow range of goods, manufactured, poor reputation of the company in the market, lack of financing, low level of service, etc.

    Market features - This is favorable circumstances that the company can use to obtain advantage. As an example of market opportunities, it is possible to determine the position of competitors, a sharp increase in demand, the emergence of new production technologies, growth in the level of income of the population, etc. It should be noted that the possibilities from the point of view of SWOT analysis are not all the possibilities that exist in the market , but only those that can be used.

    Market threats - Events whose offensive may adversely affect the enterprise. Examples of market threats: entering the market of new competitors, tax growing, changing buyers' tastes, decline in fertility, etc.

    The same factor for different enterprises can be both a threat and the ability.

    SWOTOT - analysis in stages.

    Stage 1. Determination of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise

    In order to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, it is necessary:

    o Make a list of parameters for which the enterprise will be evaluated;

    o for each parameter to determine what is the strength of the enterprise, and what is weak;

    o from the whole list to choose the most important strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise and put them in the SWOT matrix - analysis

    To assess the company, you can use the following parameters:

    organization (the level of staff qualifications can be assessed, their interest in the development of the enterprise, the presence of interaction between the departments of the enterprise, etc.);

    production (Production facilities, quality and degree of equipment wear, quality of goods manufactured, presence of patents and licenses (if necessary), production costs, reliability of the supply channels of raw materials, materials, etc.);

    finance (Capital costs, capital availability, capital turnover, financial stability of the enterprise, business profitability, etc.) are estimated.

    innovation (the frequency of introduction of new products and services in the enterprise can be estimated, the degree of their novelty (minor or cardinal changes), the payback period of funds invested in the development of new products, etc.);

    marketing (Here you can evaluate the quality of goods / services (as the quality of the consumers), the fame of the brand, the completeness of the range, the price level, the efficiency of advertising, the company's reputation, the effectiveness of the sales model used, the range of the proposed accessories, the qualifications of the service personnel). Table 4.1 is filled.

    Table 4.1. An example of determining the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise

    Of the entire list of strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, it is necessary to choose the most important (the strongest and weaknesses) and write them into the corresponding cells of the SWOT-analysis matrix.

    Stage 2. Determination of market opportunities and threats.

    The second step of SWOT-analysis is a market assessment. This stage allows you to assess the situation outside the enterprise - see opportunities and threats. The method of determining market opportunities and threats is almost identical to the method of determining the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise.

    As a basis, you can take the following list of parameters:

    - Factors of demand (here it is advisable to take into account the capacity of the market, the pace of its growth or a reduction, the structure of demand for the products of the enterprise, etc.);

    - Competition factors (It is necessary to take into account the number of main competitors, the availability of substitute goods on the market, the height of the market entry barriers and exit from it, the distribution of market shares between the main participants in the market, etc.);

    - Sales factors (It is necessary to pay attention to the number of intermediaries, the presence of distribution networks, the conditions of supply of materials and components, etc.);

    - Economic factors (The course of the hryvnia (dollar, euro), the level of inflation, a change in the level of income of the population, the state tax policy, etc.) is taken into account.);

    - Political and legal factors (The level of political stability in the country is estimated, the level of legal literacy of the population, the level of law-abiding, the level of corruption of power, etc.);

    - Scientific and technical factors (It is usually taken into account the level of development of science, the degree of innovation (new products, technologies) into industrial production, the level of state support for the development of science, etc.);

    - Socio-demographic factors (It is necessary to take into account the number and sexual and age structure of the population of the region in which the enterprise works, the level of birth and mortality, the level of employment of the population, etc.);

    - Socio-cultural factors (The traditions and system of values \u200b\u200bof society are usually taken into account, the existing culture of consumption of goods and services, available stereotypes of human behavior, etc.);

    - Natural and environmental factors (The climatic zone is taken into account in which the enterprise works, the state of the environment, the public relations to environmental protection, etc.);

    - international factors (Among them, the level of stability in the world, the presence of local conflicts, etc.) is taken into account.

    Table 4.2. An example of determining market opportunities and threats

    It is necessary to choose from the entire list of features and threats the most important, and put them in the corresponding cells of the SWOT-analysis matrix

    In the filled SWOT analysis matrix, a complete list of the main strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise is visible, as well as those that open the prospects and threatening dangers in front of the enterprise.

    Stage 3. Comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise with the possibilities and threats of the market.

    Trace the ratio of the factors of the outer and internal environment, which is interpreted in the categories of SWOT - analysis, can be used using a specific matrix (Fig. 4.3).

    Fig. 4.3. in

    At the intersections of individual components of factors groups, fields are formed for which certain combinations are characterized, they must be taken into account later during the development of strategies of a certain type:

    The seven field - requires strategies for supporting and developing the strengths of the enterprise in the direction of the implementation of the chances of the external environment;

    Field Siou - predictions of strategies to use the strengths of the enterprise in order to mitigate (eliminate) threats;

    The scan field is to develop strategies to overcome the weaknesses of the enterprise due to the possibilities that the external environment provides;

    The Holl field is sometimes called the "crisis field", because the threats of the environment with the weakness of the enterprise are combined.

    Comparison of strengths and weaknesses with market opportunities and threats allows you to respond to the following questions regarding the further development of the business (Table 4.3):

    o How to take advantage of opening capabilities using strengths of the enterprise?

    o What weaknesses of the enterprise can prevent?

    o Due to what strengths can you neutralize the existing threats?

    o What threats that exacerbate the weak parties to the enterprise, you need to fear most?

    Table 4.3. SWOT-analysis matrix



    1. The emergence of a new retail network

    1. The emergence of a major competitor

    Strengths 1. High quality products 2.

    1. How to take advantage of

    Try to enter the number of suppliers of the new network, making an emphasis on the quality of our products

    2. Due to what can reduce the threats to keep our buyers from the transition to a competitor, informing them about the high quality of our products.

    Weaknesses 1. High cost of production 2.

    3. What may interfere with the possibilities of the new network may refuse the purchases of our products, since our wholesale prices are higher than that of competitors

    4. The greatest hazards for the enterprise

    The competitor appeared, can offer the market for our products similar to ours at lower prices.

    Filling such a matrix you can see the result:

    ■ The main directions of development of the enterprise are determined;

    ■ Formulated the main problems of the enterprise, subject to a speedy solution for the successful business development.

    The final indicators of SWOT analysis are used in the strategic and tactical planning of the enterprise.

    SNW - analysis.SNW - Analysis is an enhanced SWOT analysis:

    Strengthh (strong side);

    Neutral (neutral side);

    Weakness (weak side).

    Unlike the analysis of the weak and strengths of the SWOT-analysis matrix, SNW - the analysis also proposes to take into account the average state ((v). The main reason for the neutral side is, the fact that "often a state can be enough for victory in a competitive struggle when This particular enterprise relative to all of its competitors in all other key positions is in state V, and only one in a state 5 ".

    For assembly - analysis is also filled with a tabular form, which is preceded by all stages of preparation listed above in the SWOT-analysis method. Below is an example of an analysis form in Table 4.4.

    Table 4.4. SNW analysis matrix

    Name of strategic position

    Qualitative estimate of the position

    Strong (S)

    Neutral (N)

    Weak (W)

    Strategy of the organization

    Business strategy


    Product as competitive position

    Structure of expenses

    Distribution as a product sales system

    Information technology

    Innovation as a way to implement products in the market

    Additional strategic positions (taking into account the specifics of the organization)

    Often, the STEP analysis technique is used to analyze macros. Term "STEP" means the analysis of macrors based on the study of social, technological, economic and political factors.

    There are two main options: STEP - and PEST - analysis. The STEP analysis option is used for countries with developed economies and a stable political system, priorities - accounting for social and technological factors. For analyzing macros in those countries where the economy is poorly developed and is in the transitional period, use the form of Pest analysis, where the factors of politics and economics are in the first place. When choosing the first or second option, the criterion is the priority of accounting for certain groups of factors of macros in terms of the forces of the possible impact and stability of factors for monitoring.

    In this way, Pest analysis - This is a tool designed to identify the following aspects of the external environment that may affect the company's strategy:

    o political (policy);

    o Economic (Economy);

    o social (society);

    o technological (technology).

    The policy is studied because it regulates power, which in turn determines the environment of the enterprise and obtaining key resources for its activities. The main reason for the study of the economy is the creation of a painting of resource allocation at the state level, which is the most important condition for the activities of the enterprise. No less important consumer preferences are determined using the social component of Pest analysis. The last factor is the technological component. The purpose of its research is to be considered to identify tendencies in technological development, which often are the causes of changes and market losses, as well as the emergence of new products.

    Important during Pest analysis is the requirement of a systemic analysis of the strategic analysis of each of the four specified components, since all these components are close and complexly interrelated.

    This type of analysis can be carried out using various formats, often these are two options: a simple CHTIRAPOLLN matrix, the appearance of which is given below in Table 4.5 and the table form STEP analysis (Table 4.6).

    Table 4.5.

    Each of these options has advantages and disadvantages. The choice of a method of analysis depends on the purpose of analysis, the degree of readiness of experts and a number of other factors.

    Table 4.6. Table form for STEP analysis

    PEST analysis is based on the following dominant positions:

    1. The strategic analysis of each of these components must comply with the principles of systemism, because in real life all these components are close and complex interconnected among themselves. Therefore, the change in one of the components, as a rule, causes the change of others, and such changes can become for the enterprise both threats and capabilities.

    2. PEST analysis is a tool of chothiro-accompanied strategic analysis of macros, and real life is wider, multifaceted and for each enterprise in its external environment there is a set of factors that most significantly affect its specific business.

    For the Pest analysis at the enterprise, there must be a complete list of factors of influence:

    The factors and trends of Macrocredits, as significantly affect the activities of the enterprise;

    Factors constituting potential threats to the activities of the enterprise;

    Factors whose development contains new opportunities for enterprise activities.

    After drawing up the PEST analysis table, the analysis of each factor is carried out, its impact on the financial condition and production activities of the enterprise and possible responses of the enterprise to prevent the influence of negative factors, and on the use of opportunities for positive factors are being developed.

    Such measures can be:

    Carrying out financial transactions that contribute to the preservation of the purchasing power of money;

    Reduction of capital construction, R & D coagulation with time-distant results;

    Stimulation, provision of services for cooperation and supplies through loans to suppliers, carrying out barter operations;

    Formation of a rational personnel structure;

    Search for new activities, supply insurance, stimulating partners;

    Obtaining international certificates for products;

    Use of price advantages, reducing costs;

    Development of several alternative activity strategies;

    sale of finished products with component parts, reducing exports.

    The STER - analysis technique, as well as all the other methods listed here, macros, gives the greatest result if the analysis is carried out regularly using the same format. In this case, the indicators of the dynamics of factors and their influence on the enterprise are recorded. As a result, a so-called model of the reaction of a particular enterprise on a set of factors of macros can be obtained.

    Medium profile.

    To analyze the medium, the method of compiling its profile can be applied. This method is conveniently used to prepare the profile separately macrobroduction, direct environment and internal environment. Using the medium profile method, it is possible to estimate the relative importance for the enterprise of individual environmental factors. The medium profile method is as follows:

    1) In the medium profile table, individual environmental factors are issued (Table 4.7).

    Table 4.7.

    2) Each of the factors is assigned its significance / assessment by the method of expert estimates or a dolphic method: (important for the industry on the scale: 3 - large, 2 - moderate, 1 - weak; influence on the organization on the scale: 3 - strong, 2 - moderate , 1 - weak, 0 is the lack of influence; the orientation of the influence on the scale: +1 is positive, -1 - negative).

    3) Further, all three expert estimates are variable and the integral assessment is obtained, showing the degree of importance of the factor for the enterprise. According to this assessment, management can conclude which environmental factors are relatively more important for their enterprise and, therefore, deserve the most serious attention in the development of a strategy, and which factors deserve less attention.

    Methods for analyzing the threats and capabilities of Macros ETOM.

    Another option for analyzing the external environment through the preparation of the list of external hazards and the possibilities of the enterprise is the method of weighing each factor (to measure the significance of each factor for a particular organization) ETOM. Abbreviation "ETOM Environmental Threats and OpportUnities Matrix" - the matrix of threats and opportunities of the external environment. The advantage of this analysis is the use of a limited number of factors and events allocated by experts (usually 15). The example of the matrix is \u200b\u200bpresented in Table 4.8.

    Table 4.8.

    The weighing of the factor is carried out from +5 (very positive) through 0 (neutral) to -5 (very negative). Factor action - from +15 (strong impact, possibility) through 0 (no exposure, neutral) to -15 (strong impact, serious danger). The impact on the company's strategy is obtained by multiplying the value of the weight of the factor on importance. The sign of the result depends on the threats or features.

    The beneficial opportunities are ensured by the technological capacity of the enterprise, the greatest danger is competition from foreign enterprises.

    After analyzing the list, the guide should evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise. At the same time, it should have a complete picture of the domestic potential and shortcomings of the enterprise, as well as on external problems.