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188 region. List of federal districts and subjects of the Russian Federation

We live in in the world. And because everyone needs to know its administrative device. Russia is a federation. And therefore, it consists of equal parts. And the list of subjects of the Russian Federation will be presented below in the order in which they are indicated in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.


Our country is a successor for a few exceptions to preserved the former names of cities and regions. However, the administrative device has changed. Subjects appeared with new statuses. Each of them has its own administrative center. The capital of the subjects of the Russian Federation, we will give the list of cats, will also be indicated.

Until 2014, Russia included 83 subjects of the Russian Federation. List and last names changed several times. Today they are already eighty-five. The Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol joined us.

These subjects of the Russian Federation list 2014 replenished. True, sovereignty on them of the Russian Federation is not yet recognized by all countries of the world. And in the adoption of the Constitution, our country was divided into eighty-nine subjects. Then the so-called liquidation of national autonomy began. She continued from 2003 to 2007. During this time, six autonomous heat were abolished.

General provisions

So, our country is divided into 85 subjects - administrative-territorial units. Their names, status and rights are enshrined in Article 65, subjects can take their laws and other regulatory acts, but they should not contradict the federal. Also, administrative-territorial units are allowed to have its own constitutions and statutes. Last - depending on the legal status of the region.

Only the Republic can have its constitution. All other regions take statutes. In general, in the Russian Federation several types of subjects. These are already mentioned above the republic, they are twenty-two.

In addition, our country includes forty-six areas, nine edges, four autonomous District, Three cities of federal significance (St. Petersburg, Sevastopol and Moscow) and one autonomous region. Moreover, regardless of the status of the subject, all regions are equal and cannot, on their own initiative, to get out of the Russian Federation. Law No. 6-FCZ permits the entry of new territories in the Russian Federation. In this case, new subjects will be formed. The reason for entering the Russian Federation can serve as the willing of those living in new territories of peoples. In addition, our country is also divided into eight federal districts. Each of them combines several subjects. However, the Federal District does not have the status of an administrative-territorial unit.

Cities of federal significance

The composition of our country has three such regions. The list of subjects of the Russian Federation is presented below: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol.

Autonomous regions

On the territory of the Russian Federation there is only one region with such status. This Jewish capital is the city of Birobidzhan.

Autonomous districts

List of subjects of the Russian Federation, possessing this status: Khanty-Mansiysky (Ugra), Nenets, Chukotka, Yamalo-Nenets. Their administrative centers, respectively, are: Khanty-Mansiysk, Naryan-Mar, Anadyr, Salekhard.


The following subjects of the Russian Federation with such status include:

Name Federal District Capital
DagestanNorth CaucasianMakhachkala
IngushetiaNorth CaucasianNazran
Kabardino-BalkariaNorth CaucasianNalchik
Mari ElVolgaYoshkar-Ola.
Sakha (Yakutia)Far EasternYakutsk
North Ossetia AlaniaNorth CaucasianVladikavkaz
ChechenNorth CaucasianGrozny
Karachay-CherkessiaNorth CaucasianCherkessk

The edges

There are regions with such status, the following is a list of subjects of the Russian Federation.


Russia includes the following subjects of the Russian Federation, possessing such status.

Name Federal District Capital
LeningradskayaNorthwesternSt. Petersburg
MagadanFar EasternMagadan
Nizhny NovgorodVolgaNizhny Novgorod
NovgorodNorthwesternVelikiy Novgorod
SakhalinFar EasternYuzhno-Sakhalinsk
AmurFar EasternBlagoveshchensk

So our country is a federation. And all its administrative-territorial units are subjects of the Russian Federation - equal. Today they have eighty-five.

The license plate of the car is issued to the owner immediately after the registration of the vehicle in the GAI bodies. The state registration number is unique. Its full repetition is excluded. A set of letter and digital designations is applied to a metal (or made of another material) plate and attached to the front and rear parts of the car. Their absence is regarded as an administrative offense, and is punishable in accordance with the requirements of this Code. License plates are used to register cars and other types of equipment and have one important difference. Consider "read" information on the rooms, you can define the automotive regions of Russia.

To date, on the territory of the Russian Federation daily to the streets settlements Hundreds of thousands of vehicles leave. Wake up in license plates, determining the car registration region, sometimes it becomes quite difficult. A variety of alphabetic and digital designations will make everyone who is far from the law regulating traffic rules of Russia. There are situations where to recognize a familiar region is not so simple, especially when vehicles are found on the street requiring, in accordance with the rules of the road traffic of the installation of special license plates. On car numbers vehicle Present:

  1. three letters that are indicated by a series of sign;
  2. three numbers denoting directly number;
  3. region code;
  4. state Flag of the Russian Federation;
  5. code designation of the country Rus.

Letters that can be used in license plates are determined by GOST. It is allowed to use 12 letters of Cyrillic, which also have analogue in the Latin alphabet.

Each administrative region has been assigned its own unique number. For example, the region indicates that the registration of the vehicle was carried out in the Republic of Buryatia.

How does the procedure for issuing numbers on the sign displays?

In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the number for the vehicle is issued in a certain order. It is violated only when issuing special numbers. Usually autonomer changes in this way:

  • first of all, the third digit is changing;
  • then the value of the 2nd sign changes;
  • next, the first digit changes.

Concerning alphabetic designationsThe order of their changes is somewhat different. After changing the digital designation, the first letter of the sign changes. Then the third letter is changing, and only the last letter of the license plate of cars and other types of equipment changes.

How to determine the region of registration of the vehicle?

The codes of Russia's regions allow to unmistakably determine which area has registered this vehicle. The table in which the decoding and the regions number is made will allow you to determine the affiliation of the car.

Table of automotive codes of regions of the Russian Federation

The code

The subject of the Russian Federation

01 Republic of Adygea
02, 102 Republic of Bashkortostan
03, 103 The Republic of Buryatia
04 Altai Republic (Altai Mountain)
05 The Republic of Dagestan
06 The Republic of Ingushetia
07 Kabardino Balkar Republic
08 Republic of Kalmykia
09 Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia
10 Republic of Karelia
11 Komi Republic
12 Mari El Republic
13, 113 The Republic of Mordovia
14 The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
15 North Ossetia Republic - Alanya
16, 116 Republic of Tatarstan
17 Tyva Republic
18 Udmurtia
19 The Republic of Khakassia
21, 121 Chuvash Republic
22 Altai region
23, 93, 123 Krasnodar region
24, 84, 88, 124 Krasnoyarsk region
25, 125 Primorsky Krai
26, 126 Stavropol region
27 Khabarovsk region
28 Amur region
29 Arkhangelsk region
30 Astrakhan Oblast
31 Belgorod region
32 Bryansk region.
33 Vladimir region
34, 134 Volgograd region
35 Vologodskaya Oblast
36, 136 Voronezh region
37 Ivanovo region
38, 85, 138 Irkutsk region
39, 91 Kaliningrad region
40 Kaluga region
41 Kamchatka Krai
42, 142 Kemerovo Region.
43 Kirov region
44 Kostroma region
45 Kurgan region
46 Kursk Oblast
47 Leningrad region
48 Lipetsk region.
49 Magadan Region
50, 90, 150, 190, 750 Moscow region
51 Murmansk region
52, 152 Nizhny Novgorod Region
53 Novgorod region
54, 154 Novosibirsk region
55 Omsk Oblast
56 Orenburg region
57 Oryol Region
58 Penza region
59, 81, 159 Perm region
60 Pskov region
61, 161 Rostov region
62 Ryazan Oblast
63, 163 Samara Region
64, 164 Saratov region
65 Sakhalin Oblast
66, 96, 196 Sverdlovsk region
67 Smolensk region
68 Tambov Region
69 Tver region
70 Tomsk Oblast
71 Tula region
72 Tyumen region
73, 173 Ulyanovsk region
74, 174 Chelyabinsk region
75, 80 Transbaikal region
76 Yaroslavl region
77, 97, 99, 177, 197, 199, 777 moscow
78, 98, 178 saint Petersburg
79 Jewish Autonomous Region
82 Republic of Crimea
83 Nenets Autonomous Okrug
86, 186 Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District - Ugra
87 Chukotka Autonomous District
89 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District
92 g. Sevastopol
94 Territories outside the Russian Federation and serviced by the Department of Modern Objects of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
95 Chechen Republic

Determine the regions of car numbers are simple enough, remembering the value of numbers located in the right corner, above the image of the flag. Some regions of Russia rooms have different, for example, TC, with codes 24, 84, 88 belong to the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In addition, each major Russian city may have a list of digital designations. So residents of the capital can become owners of the vehicle, whose numbers can assign denotes 77, 79 and 99.

Digital designation is not only a regional sign. These can be the territories that are outside the Russian Federation, and are subject to service by the Department of Labor Objects of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

If some of the subjects has a large number of registered vehicles, he is assigned large quantity regional codes. Whose number can be found on a special traffic police site. This list is open for free access, so it can be studied at any time by all those wishing.

Find out where a specific car is not so difficult. It is enough to use the Internet, and go to the official website of the traffic police. Here the information is constantly updated, taking into account the amendments to the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The ability to "read" license plates are also helpful also to selling cars with mileage and their immediate pre-sale preparation. Seeing the car with what signs is offered for redemption, you can quickly navigate, and quickly check about the traffic police base, whether the registration corresponds to this region.

Registration license plates of the Russian Federation - Special symbolic sign (№), made (applied) on metal (or from another material) Plates (forms) or vehicle (TC) used for car accounting, motorcycles, cargo, special, construction equipment and weapons, trailers.

Installed on the front and rear parts of the technique (on trailers and motorcycles - only from behind).

In the Russian Federation, most registration marks are standard signs of the 1993 sample, which is defined by GOST R 50577-93. Local signs of route TCs, military TS, TS diplomatic missions, the CU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, trailers, construction equipment and motorcycles have a format and / or dimensions that are slightly different from the standard one.

Combinations on standard license plates are built on the principle - 3 letters, 3 digits. Letters mean a series of license plate, and the numbers are a number. GOST for use on signs 12 letters of Cyrillic, having graphic counterparts in the Latin alphabet - BUT, IN, E., TO, M., N., ABOUT, R, FROM, T., W. and H.. In the right part of the license plate, in a separate four-broth, are located: at the bottom - the flag of the Russian Federation with the inscription RusAnd in the top - code designation of the subject of the Russian Federation, where the car was registered. And letters in the size of the font less than the numbers.

All numbers used are registered. For each administrative area there is a number that is common to all cars registered in this district. The total number of sets of registration signs that can be manufactured for each subject of Russia is determined by GOST and amounts to 1 million 726 thousand 272 (\u003d 12 ?? (10? -1), the numbers of three zeros can not be).

Initially, only numbers from the regions were used as regions codes 01 before 89 , in the number of regions of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 1993. However, the number of registered cars is increasing every year, and the number marks with valid combinations begin not to be enough. For this reason, in a number of subjects of Russia, additional code designations were introduced that can be used on signs; First, the issuance of regional codes began from the ninth tent ( 9x) (In addition to code 92), and then switched to three-digit codes of the regions. Three and more codes of the region use Moscow (codes 77, 99, 97, 177, 199, 197, 777), Moscow region (50, 90, 150, 190, 750), Krasnoyarsk region (24, 84, 88, 124), St. Petersburg (78, 98, 178), Krasnodar Territory (23, 93, 123), Perm region (59, 81, 159) and Sverdlovsk region (66, 96, 196), while Krasnoyarsk and Perm region Received codes on 8 "To the inheritance" from other subjects of the federation included in their composition. 19 subjects use two regions codes. The first code of the region starting on 9 He began to be issued since July 1998, and the first three-digit code - from February 2005 (in both cases - in Moscow). After the regions associations held in 2005-2008, the issuance of most of the numbers with the codes of regions from the eighth ten (beginning to 8 ), stopped.

Digital codes applied at registration signs, from 01 to 89 originally coincided with the numbers of the regions - the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the order of their transfer in Art. 65 p. 1 of the Constitution of Russia as amended at the time of creating a standard for state car numbers. Full list Digital codes are enshrined by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of February 19, 1999 No. 121 "On state registration marks of vehicles" and, subsequent, by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of 28.03.2002 No. 282 (Ed. dated August 29, 2011) "On state registration Vehicle signs. " In it, in particular, it is established: "On the registration signs of vehicles related to type 1, it is allowed to apply in the three-digit code of the region as the first digit of the code 1. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of June 26, 2013 N 478. Moscow "On Amendments to the List of Digital Codes of the Regions of the Russian Federation applied to the state registration marks of vehicles and other special products necessary to admit vehicles and their drivers to Participation in road traffic, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated March 28, 2002 N 282 "in the Russian Federation, new three-digit regions codes are introduced. They will begin with numbers 7.

State registration number on the car is a mandatory element. This is a kind of identifier that allows you to highlight this vehicle from a large set of similar cars, and therefore the presence of two identical license plates from different machines is not allowed.

Traffic police officers strictly follow the state of state signs. They must be distinct, well readable, are fixed in strictly allotted for this place. Otherwise, the car owner threatens a major fine. It is according to the state numbers that the chamber of tracking on the roads records violations made by car owners on the roads of the country.

In 1993, it was decided to regional coding of state leaders. At the same time, certain colors were introduced:

  • for public transport - yellow;

  • cars belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs - blue;

  • military cars - black;

  • and also for cars belonging to the dipsoums - red.

Thus, the state person of cars, in addition to three digits and three letters, as well as the flag of the Russian Federation, in the upper right corner acquired additional numbers - the code of the administrative unit of Russia, where the vehicle was registered.

What are the rooms of the regions of Russia on cars

Rooms of the regions of Russia on vehicles are a kind of car registration. Each subject of the federation corresponds to its own code. It is for him that you can find out where the car came from where is registered. And how nicely away from home suddenly in the highway to see the car with a familiar code. Well, at least blinking headlights, do not greet your countryman!

Rooms of the regions of Russia on cars, the table of which is presented below, allow the traffic police inspections with accuracy to determine where, for example, a car of the violator of the traffic rules, freely find it.

IN lately The results are not always positive. This is due to the resolution, despite permanent place Car owner. In this case, the region code does not coincide with the venue of the car owner.

Initially, in the preparation of the automotive codes table, all subjects of the Federation were distributed to groups, that is, the republics, the regions, regions, the city of federal importance, the autonomous regions and the county were separately taken. After that, they were distributed in alphabetical order into separate groups, and then this list was numbered from 01 to 89.

But, as you know, nothing is eternal. So in the table of codes from time to time the corresponding changes were made. Since some regions ended the combinations of numbers, there was a need to introduce new code notation for them.

All this indicates an increase in the number of vehicles in the region. In this regard, the leader remains Moscow, which in addition to code 77 has already been assigned additional code signs: 97, 99, 177, 197, 199, 777. According to preliminary data, until 2020, the number of cars registered in Moscow may exceed 10 million units . As for St. Petersburg, there are three codes here: 78, 98 and 178.

The reason for making changes to the table can also be changes in the structure of the subjects of the Federation.

To date, the last region to which was assigned new codeThe Republic of Crimea became. Crimea's car code - 82 (in the future it is planned to issue codes with numbers 182 and 782), and the code of the city of Sevastopol is 92 (in the future - 192 and 792).

Table: Automobile codes of the regions of Russia 2019

Thus, the automotive codes of the regions of Russia are presented as follows:

Region codeon the rooms The subject of the Russian Federation
01 Republic of Adygea
02, 102 Republic of Bashkortostan
03, 103 The Republic of Buryatia
04 Altai Republic (Altai Mountain)
05 The Republic of Dagestan
06 The Republic of Ingushetia
07 Kabardino Balkar Republic
08 Republic of Kalmykia
09 Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia
10 Republic of Karelia
11 Komi Republic
12 Mari El Republic
13, 113 The Republic of Mordovia
14 The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
15 North Ossetia Republic - Alanya
16, 116 Republic of Tatarstan
17 Tyva Republic
18 Udmurtia
19 The Republic of Khakassia
21, 121 Chuvash Republic
22 Altai region
23, 93, 123 Krasnodar region
24, 84, 88, 124 Krasnoyarsk region
25, 125 Primorsky Krai
26, 126 Stavropol region
27 Khabarovsk region
28 Amur region
29 Arkhangelsk region
30 Astrakhan Oblast
31 Belgorod region
32 Bryansk region.
33 Vladimir region
34, 134 Volgograd region
35 Vologodskaya Oblast
36, 136 Voronezh region
37 Ivanovo region
38, 85, 138 Irkutsk region
39, 91 Kaliningrad region
40 Kaluga region
41 Kamchatka Krai
42 Kemerovo Region.
43 Kirov region
44 Kostroma region
45 Kurgan region
46 Kursk Oblast
47 Leningrad region
48 Lipetsk region.
49 Magadan Region
50, 90, 150, 190, 750 Moscow region
51 Murmansk region
52, 152 Nizhny Novgorod Region
53 Novgorod region
54, 154 Novosibirsk region
55 Omsk Oblast
56 Orenburg region
57 Oryol Region
58 Penza region
59, 81, 159 Perm region
60 Pskov region
61, 161 Rostov region
62 Ryazan Oblast
63, 163 Samara Region
64, 164 Saratov region
65 Sakhalin Oblast
66, 96, 166, 196 Sverdlovsk region
67 Smolensk region
68 Tambov Region
69 Tver region
70 Tomsk Oblast
71 Tula region
72 Tyumen region
73, 173 Ulyanovsk region
74, 174 Chelyabinsk region
75, 80 Transbaikal region
76 Yaroslavl region
77, 97, 99, 177, 197, 199, 777 moscow
78, 98, 178 saint Petersburg
79 Jewish Autonomous Region
82 Republic of Crimea
83 Nenets Autonomous Okrug
86, 186 Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District - Ugra
87 Chukotka Autonomous District
89 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District
92 g. Sevastopol
94 Territories outside the Russian Federation and serviced by the Department of Modern Objects of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
95 Chechen Republic

We recommend download, print and put in the glove box of the table numbers of the regions at the car numbers of Russia, in which the regional phones of the traffic police duty parts and trust phones are (PDF file).

With the fact that the region code in the car room has lost its former significance, perhaps soon it can be abolished.

Video of proposals to exclude regions' numbers with TS state members:

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Comments on the article:


    We have normal numbers. I consider the code of the region at least does not interfere, but on the contrary only helps. He lifts the mood when you see your countrymen thousands of kilometers from home.


    Initially, the division was logical: at the beginning of the republic, then the edge, in the end of the region. And after making new regions' numbers, everything becomes confusing and confusing. But I think that the codes will not be abolished - then you will have to change the entire structure of the number and replace signs from the car owners. And it is obligated.


    It also seems to me that the region code will not be abolished. Without it, it will be necessary to add a few more digits and letters - there is already a giant number, one or two new lists in the designation can not do.


    Since the machines began to sell along with the numbers, you can not always determine from where its owner from. We literally recently bought a car with a number of not your region and did not change, I liked the number. A friend also bought a car in Moscow, and now goes on our province with Moscow numbers.


    I once stopped the traffic police officers only in order to ask what region to my car. Eh, they did not have such a table at hand! 🙂


    And I do not like that now you can have a car number of one region, but to live in another. Exactly travel and sometimes ask something from local drivers, and how else to determine the local or not, only on the car registration number.


    I also want to express my opinion against the fact that cars are sold with numbers. Yes, of course, a bunch of advantages from this procedure - no need to pay for a new number, but it is not suitable for determining affiliation to the region. We have in Saratov, for example, percent Muscovites added percentage)


    For me, so the division of the regions is necessary. Suppose "on a foreign one" it's easier to meet your countryman, and this is important.


    I agree that it is now difficult to determine the area to the region. It is clear that the bulk of the car will ride with numbers of their region, but nevertheless, "guests", for example, in our city becoming more and more.


    I began to notice that cars with numbers of different regions began to appear in my small village, and what would be if these regions were not? I believe that the divisions of the regions are necessary as it is so easier to determine where the person from.


    Previously, it was precisely with the numbers of the regions when buying a car, it was possible to unmistakably determine from where the car "drove". Now there is a certain confusion, as numbers are registered with codes that are inappropriate. Although, if desired, in the traffic police unit, you can find out which this moment Give license plates with codes.


    He worked in the company for the design of the sale of cars. I agree with the comments above, the market is now shot by various regions. In the code of the region, it is absolutely not clear whether the car was driving, or it was really exploited in my city, just with numbers of another region. I hope soon I will introduce the previous system!


    I bought the last car in Moscow, in the car dealership, it was prompted to buy along with the number (they were financially profitable), but I refused the true patriot of my region)). Yes, and I drove a car with a calm soul, I did not pay attention to the camera - there is no numbers))


    Happy Number in Mordovia, 13. If the regions numbers and abolish, the main thing is not to make all the numbers change. That will be chaos


    82 The room is issued throughout the country. In St. Petersburg and could not decide - 778 or 798 make


    In general, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe modern Russian number is not bad, however, it seems to me there is one small error in calculations and prospects - this is the number of the region. In some cities, it has already begun to print it in the form of three-digit. And when will it end? Pain again? After all, the four-digit already in the window will not fit! Someone will tell you that it will not be soon, and I will say - not so long ago, I also thought that there would be enough two digits, and here's the result! But every year drivers are becoming more, more cars. From the very beginning it was necessary to design on the European manner, you see, it could have been driving there without a visas. 🙂


    Be sure to print this table and take with you to the car. I think it should be every driver in the glove compartment


    Scanner - comfortable thingTo determine when it's time to go to the car service. This thing is my friend.


    As for me, the region on the rooms is nonsense. Many buy cars in neighboring cities, then go to them in their cities, identification in this case is not possible. Plus, many ride fake rooms, no one controls it, but should be. Such a thing exclusively for honest people.


    Back in 2012 it was an offer to remove the region code on the numbers. Now this question has risen again, they want to remove the code, increase the number of letters and numbers - four digits and four letters, plus the checkbox. And also to equip them electronic chips. These are all projects and when they are implemented if they are implemented, no one knows. Technically, the whole procedure is simple, except chips, mathematics have already calculated, but laws and GOST will have to change. But the chip of signs today is fiction. The idea is interesting, you can learn all the groundnight about the car and the owner. In my opinion, this is more superfluous. Who will like if the biography will hang each before your eyes. The craftsmen will immediately find a loophole loophole.


    Bought a car with numbers and still had to change them. I could not register for registration, because the old owner of 4 years transport tax did not pay. I do not see the point in resolution to leave the old rooms on the purchased car.


    After the cars ceased to re-register at the place of residence, the relevance of the regional codes was lost. On the road, Pedit from the variety of codes.


    Now there is no point in the codes of the region. Previously, they met their own and neighboring regions most often, and now they will not remember them. All different. But I think it is not worth removing codes until they think what "letters" add, 100% there will be a bunch of problems and errors.


    If earlier it was clear the local / not local and what to wait from the driver on the road, now everything was mixed.


    And I believe that it makes no sense to set numbers according to regions, because Most drivers buy cars in other cities and have the right not to change them. In this case, you should either enter the rule of the obligatory change of the number, or to cancel the regional numbers at all.


    When you spend a lot of time on the road, you still pay attention to the number of cars and their abbreviation. As mentioned above, it really becomes warmer in the soul when you see the "native" codes in the stream. Always wanted to have a tablet with the regions codes at hand to meet curiosity, besides, the number of cars increases, and new codes are added. Now always will be aware of who drives from where!


    When the codes of the regions appeared for the first time, it was very interesting to observe this especially on long-distance trips. Then there was an interest to know what regions they correspond, it came to the aid of the Internet - printed them and threw in the glove. And now, apparently cars have become so much that it is not enough of these codes, so they became the numbers to drive the numbers in front, then 1, and if there are not enough other. And if they are now canceled, it will certainly begin confusion, because there are not enough Latin letters and numbers to such a huge country. This is here in Europe, everything is simple, there are no codes of the regions, there are three letters in front of the numbers from the name of the vehicle registration, for example, the city of Budva - Bud, Prague - PRG, and then three digits. But we don't have this in principle.


    When entering the codes of the regions to state car numbers, at first I liked. A logical order of visual understanding from which region is driving along the road by a particular car. Now so many new codes have been introduced, and not in connection with the increase in regions in Russia, Crimea, for example, but in connection with the increase in the number of cars in separate regions. It seems to me that it is necessary to make a decision on changing the formation of codes. Enter the four-digit regions number, and, or to the old, the initial two-digit codes add two digits, i.e. to the original code 77, for example, add 77 01; 77 12 ... or completely change the encoding to the four-digit.


    In our Rostov region, they began to issue numbers with code 761.