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Abandoned houses in the villages of the Sverdlovsk region. Everything else in Sverdlovsk region (Russia)

A two-story building, there is a bath (burnt) and something like a cellar. Also behind there is one-story busy. Located between the concrete plant and the fraternal grave of German soldiers. Part of the building burned, but it is small. Plastic windows are inserted on the first floor (everything is broken), with the stairs there is an exit to the attic. Status (for the summer 2017) is good, hanging wallpapers, cover cabinets, no security.

From the Uralmashzavod to the village of Red with a test landfill, a railway line was beaten in the early 1930s. Until 2008, regular passenger traffic continued. Until 2016, commercial compounds periodically passed through the station. The station has four ways, a pair of trailers, a stone building of the dispatch and arrow on the dumps of UTTM. The interiors of the dispatch station, arrows are preserved. There is no security.

The greenhouse complex was abandoned until 2013, most likely due to the approaching (just 30 meters from the greenhouses) of the water expanding reservoir. It is the ruins of 14 greenhouses connected by a common passage. Frame of all greenhouses wooden. The complex has a 2-storey administrative and domestic building for service personnel, a business building, 3 former security booths, as well as 3 household sheds. In a 2-storey building, you can ...

From the Uralmashzavod to the village of Red with a test landfill, a railway line was beaten in the early 1930s. Until 2008, regular passenger traffic continued. Now through the station periodically commercial compositions. The station has three ways, a pair of trailers and a stone dispatch building. The dispatch remote control is perfectly preserved, relay, many documentation. There is no security.

Cemetery of agricultural equipment of the Krasnoarmeysky collective farm. There are only more than 30 units of technology, ranging from all sorts of trailers and carts ending with buses, combines and firefighters ZIL-131 and UAZ-452. The cemetery is located on the territory of the acting collective farm, the protection is partial on the side of the boiler room and garages of the existing equipment. Protection periodically keeps outsiders to sump.

Mark village founded in 1738 located in 12km from Polevsky's city. Since 1957, fur production has been developing in sulfur, this is the only branch of valuable fur animals in the field of breeding. Initially, it was a rabbit economy, then it grown black and brown foxes, loss and mink. The total number of herds exceeded 4 thousand heads. The farm was completely closed in about 2007 at the moment (06/07/2017) partially ...

The territory of the base is surrounded by a metal fence, although there is no lock on the gate. On the territory of the base, three guest houses, a dining room and a host house with several sheds. All houses are intact and almost not touched. Protection is not noticed.

The camp was built in the 60s, not far from Nizhny Tagil. Belonged to Uralvagonzavod until 2007, after which he was transferred to municipal property. Until 2010, Uralvagonzavod put funds before each season. In 2010, the factory workers refused to rent, until 2016, the camp was idle, then he was given to the Cossack. All housings in the camp are intact, but closed. In some buildings, the windows are broken and boarded by boards. Next to "Forest ...

Kamensky district of the Sverdlovsk region was once famous for its rich villages and villages. Until the 20th century, even in the smallest village, a stone temple was erected. And these churches would preserve any hundred years if not a revolution.
Today we offer you a small journey through several villages of the Kamensky District. Recall the story, we will admit the forgotten temples, we strive about the future.

According to some reports, Mammskoye village was founded by Kungur Ignatimi Ivanov in 1682. But the village's current name got a lot later when the native of Vasily Ignatievich Mamin-Popov became the first priest in the village. According to his name, the arrival was named, and later the whole settlement. His descendant we all know well - this is the famous Ural Writer Mamin-Sibiryak.

Despite the fact that there was always very bad soil here, the village quickly turned into a wealthy village. And all because gold was found in Mammi. The gold fever fell on the nineteenth century, it was at that time the rich gold kits began to build their brick houses.

The wealth of local residents also says that in many yards for storing products, it was not simply an underground, but the whole cellae laid out by stone. This cellar is cold in summer and a comfortable temperature for storing products in winter is supported. Until now, many locals use such cellars as refrigerators.

By the way, almost every eighth house was brick. Brick was local and very high quality. From it they built a choir for themselves, houses for servants, some kind of buildings. At the moment, about 40 brick buildings of that time are preserved in the village.

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It is said that the local brick was laid out, which led from the church for the village. But is it really so unknown. After all, almost 2 kilometers from the temple until the end of the village.

Although in the 80s of the last century, a cow suddenly began to fall. Initially, they wrote down on old wells, then it became clear that there could be so many wells on one straight line.

But the fact that one of the most ambitious temples of the Sverdlovsk region was built from the local brick. In 1831, they began to build the temple of Arkhangel Mikhail in memory of the victory of the Russian people in the war of 1812. Each yard tried to participate in construction. Who is a mustache, who's a ruble, and who and the treshka. Nevertheless, the construction of the temple was conducted for about 40 years. It is said that the name of everyone who sacrificed more ruble on the temple was carved on the wall. But, most likely, simply entered into the church book.

In construction, one million two hundred bricks was used, the laying was manual on a lime solution and chicken eggs, they also left a million milliona.

The temple of Archangel Mikhail was closed in 1937, until the 90s he was destroyed, restoration work is being conducted. Old frescoes have become taken, unfortunate domes. I remember him still beheaded, with the old spiral staircase, which led to the bell tower. If you get lost in the forest, you will go out in the field and it is immediately clear in which side of the village - the temple was seen from afar. Now the golden dome was watered on him, and he lost his appearance.

Surprisingly, how were our ancestors choose space for their cult facilities. In whatever village we are, the church is always in its place.

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Isset in itself is away from large roads. A small, cozy village, and the church here is the same. It is simply the personification of modesty, restraint and simplicity.

And it's a pity that it collapses and scary that they will spoil the new-strength, as happened to the temple in Mammi. Although it is possible not to worry about this, the Nikolaev Church is not included in the list on the restoration and restoration in the Unified ROC register, except for the sponsor. Despite the fact that since 2001, the church is an architectural monument of regional importance. Restore it is not going to restore it.

The church in the name of St. Nicholas, Archbishop Mirlijsky, was consecrated on March 13, 1852. The right-hand came in the name of the prophet Elijah, consecrated earlier, on December 6, 1845. They were baptized here, crowned and fled. Not one generation has passed its life path in the walls of this church. It is said that the killer of the last rector of the temple of Alexander was baptized here. In 1918, he made his sin, in 1930 the church was finally closed, and after some time, the killer of the abbot hanged himself next to God's house. But it was no one to say to his sins.

In general, such gloomy stories are often talking about abandoned churches.
No less ominous history occurred in the church in honor of the Holy Life Trinity in the village of Troitsk. When the bells were filmed, an accident occurred, several people and horses died. As far as true is, it is unknown, but such legends are holy by local residents.

Usually the temple is erected in the center of the village, apparently, so it was in 1801, when the foundation was laid. Now, it seems that the church stands aside from the central streets, from large roads.
The appearance is unusual for the traditional Russian church. Someone the gothic elements in it, she recalled the Dolmatovsky monastery.

The temple was rebuilt several times. The thing is that the refectory and the bell tower constantly gave cracks. Experts suggest that the temple was built on the spot where gold was once mined, perhaps under the temple there are mines.

In 1929, the priest was shot, in 1937 the church was finally closed. At first, the grain was kept here, then turned into a storage room, in the end, the disrepair of the structure and closed them.

The floor has long been rotted, the winds of the windows are clipped, the frescoes are shot down, the brickwork is scattered. You can get inside through a small LAZ, it is quite dangerous in the bribing space, hanging beams and part of the roof. If you quickly slip into the altar part, then you can consider the residues of the frescoes. Neither incense, nor analog, nor the throne is no longer there.

What falls with the temple when I knock 70? Most likely, he will survive me and my grandchildren. So what is next? And then turn into dust.

Video: Dmitry Surin, Anna Rybakova

233 square meters. (Poshimdim) refers to Asbestovsky go and is 7 km from the nearest settlement. Based in the 20s of the XX century. The inhabitants were produced by a logging, a closer - by collecting the ghivitsa pine, but after the 1960s, the fishery became not profitable and the quarter was abandoned. In the village there was an Water Mill Bayna on the bank of R. Pyshma, which was not preserved. 10 buildings, 1 of which is perfectly preserved, inside you can find the rest of the life of the latter ...

The empty peatpipelacial village, located in the Verkhnelodinsky district of the Sverdlovsk region. There was a part of the once extensive Basyanovsky peat enterprise, but when in the 1990s, peat mining declined sharply, the village fell into decline and was reset. Now the village is a huge overgrown with grass with the remains of the houses field, some of which are used by hunters.

At the mouth of the Ushma River, when it was falling into the river, Lozawa is a small village of Ushma. The settlement was almost abandoned, the remnants of the Gulag founded in 1938 were preserved, destroyed in 1961. Once here lived logoers, now - 3 Family Mansi. This is a ghost village - abandoned houses, kindergarten, the remains of destroyed camps.

The workshop of Arbat was formed in 1940 on the basis of the Copper Minister of the Krasnoural Copper Mathematory Combine. The main enterprise of the village was mine. There were such social and household agencies as a school-seven-year-old, kindergarten and the Feldsher. There was about three hundred houses in the village. However, the village existed not long. In the postwar period, when the mining of copper ore began to shrink, the staff of the Executive Committee decreased. And in 1969 ...

Former settlement in the Alapaevsky district of the Sverdlovsk region, traveling by the Alapaevsk narrow-sole railway. There was east of the tours, in the depths of the Zaral Taiga. Shemenye was much older than Kalach and all surrounding villages. People in here settled here long before the industrialization brought by Alapaevskaya Railway, did not think of any logging and lived with a full-fledged peasant economy, clearing from the forest extensive fields around the village ....

Tanya began in 1953-54, as a village of logging. In the best years old there was a club, three stores, bakery, eight-year-old school, dining room, kindergarten. The number of operating reached up to 300 people. In the mid-80s, with cutting down the main forest base, everything began to decline. Attempts to reanimate the site, by the drive of a new straight road across the river, the River of the River Duck in the plunth of the Suleskaya Forest Base, did not lead to anything, so here ...

In mid-November, the Deputy Regional Minister of Construction Vladimir Veniaminov announced that in the near future, the Sverdlovsk region eliminates hundreds of settlements. Basically, the card will erase abandoned corners, where no one lives, there is no distant property. But it happens when they combine neighboring areas.

Over the past month, the scratch has managed to "send to oblivion" with two dozen villages. And the other day I arrived from the flight with the list of the following "waiting".

Some of them are associated with Ekaterinburg. Our city, as the head of the department, Sergei Bidonko, writes, "rejected" 29 territories, so they will legally disappear. These are the villages of Berezit, deep, distilts, North, Soviet, Sysert, Shabrovsky, Wide River, Upperkarovo, Mountain Shield and others.

But among unpromising, there are places in eight districts of our region. In the Artyomovsky district - settlements of the Midnoeborovskaya, roller fields, Kamenka, White Yar, Far Bulanash, Pop, Elhovsky, Bragino. In the Verkhnevdinsky district - the village of the second. Near Karpinsk - Shompa and Ust-Tapyl villages. In the Garinsky district - Tatka village. In the Gornoral District - the village of Alabashka. In the Serovsky district - Tankovichi settlement. In the Tagulm district - the villages of Golden and Sazhino. In the Kuznetsovsky rural settlement - the village of Chun-Cheshech, the village of Embark.

By completing the post, share an amazing episode with the last Duma, on which we abolished six settlements of the Turinsky district.

I knew that in one of them, the village of Okunevo, which is located on the former branch of the RUB, is problematic to get. Therefore, I asked the representative of the local Duma, on which the municipality of the municipal specially created commission took it there. Tatyana Cormin's deputy, with all honest people, assured that (approximate quotation) the men went to Dresinkle. In a couple of minutes, he gave out that there was no life in Okunevo, and the same narrow-chain had long been dismantled. So it remains a mystery, if anyone Okunevo examined or not on the eve of a fateful solution.

https: //www.Syt/2015-12-02/chto_proishod_v_umiayuchih_derevnyah_urala

"There are no signs of life"

In the Sverdlovsk region - 100 "Zombie villages". We went to one of them

Skisteming of the Sverdlovsk region on the eve made a decision to eliminate eight Sverdlovsk villages: seven in the Verkhtur district, one in Krasnouralsk. According to the Sverdlovsky Ministry, which, in turn, provided the municipal authorities, these villages were thrown by the villages - there are no residents or houses or infrastructure. As we managed to find out the site, all the documents are now forming documents to eliminate about one hundred such villages. We decided to select one and check whether it was really broken.

The choice fell on the village of Mokhova, two kilometers from the Lower Saldy (180 kilometers to the north of Yekaterinburg) is one of the defendants of the Sverdlovsk List of the Ministry of Passion to eliminate. In popular tourists from the two-volume atlas of the Sverdlovsk region of 2012 from Navitel, it was already indicated as non-residential. In fact, it is not.

In fact, the Mokhovoy - station settlement, which emerged in the middle of the last century on the railway branch connecting the Nizhny Tagil with Alapaevsky. At the moment it consists of a dozen houses standing along the highway on the only street of railway workers. Most houses are wooden, blackened leaves. However, there are three stone buildings. One for his needs has adapted Russian Railways. Another - a brick apartment building built at one time for the hostel staff. The third is a slag block house, clicked under the roof of metal tile. At least three houses in Mokhov produce impressions of curses. As much as the same, judging by the form, are used in summer as cottages. The rest are thrown. From the benefits of civilization there is a cellular communication, electricity and taxophone at the station.

By the way, the local Starzhil - Elena Ivanovna Dyachkova works there. Together with the Railway Parents, she arrived in the village in the 70s, a seven-year-old girl. "He studied right here," says our interlocutor, stuck the foot on the floor in his office. "The class was here, a school of 129th worked, taught children in elementary school, from the 4th grade already translated into Saldu." According to her memories, the village was decent - "one children only 30 people", "worked the store, came the car club."

There was a moss around the barracks, where they gave official housing to railway workers. Then there were people from another village, "from the forest". "The story in the 70s was a whole, mass murder," Dyachkova went into memories. - Girls went hiking, with them a military board and physical. And at night, the military board lubbed the ax of all these girls. Only one was able to get to the road. " At the place of the forest village, a monument to the dead, people "moved here" were put on.

The sunset of the village, according to our interlocutor, began when railway workers "began to give apartments in the city" - in Lower Salda. The Dyachkova family also has no longer lives in Mokhov, but the generic house has been kept here. Use it as a summer cottage and for gardening. The fact that the village of Mokhova is eliminated, the railway knows. "When I read that the village is eliminated ...", "the beginning of Dyachkova and stopped. Having calmed down a bit, she continued: "We have already thought about the family about it, there is a lot of options, how to leave everything. My opinion: All because there is no such street (Street Committee, approx. Ed.), There is no municipal authority, the head of the village that could solve something. "

"It would be possible to save everything and develop. Places are beautiful, the river is near, fields. At one time, they cut so many gardens, the plans were wonderful. But the question arose with the move through the way. He was not done, it's inconvenient to people - wearing everything in the hands of "," Dyachkov shared his thoughts. The road road really rests on the railway tracks, on only on foot. And although the path takes only a few hundred meters, but in modern standards a great inconvenience.

By the way, it was Dyachkova who revealed to us the secret, why the village of Mokhovoy on documents of non-residential: "No one is registered here. The latter here was spelled out by Semenov Nina Nikolaevna, she died four years ago. " However, people in Mokhov really live. "Colding house build, Plesovsky live, hold their farm, Andhishkna," the interlocutor listed.

Of all this list, only Alexander Plesovsky managed on the spot. For happiness, to our parish, he drove out of the forest: "Dogs (two healthy Caucasian shepherds, - approx. Aut.) Walked." According to him, the majority of the scholars work in the upper or lower saldo and home appear only in the evening. Plesovsky himself is also an employee of the Verkhnevaldinsky Metallurgical Plant (VSMPO-AVISMA), only works on shifts, and today he has a day off. "We have a three-room apartment with my wife in the Upper Salde, but we don't need it in general. Here we live, the forest is near, the air is clean. I have an asthmatic wife, it is important for her, "the man explained. In Mokhov, they live since 2000. At that time, the store also worked here: "Grocery was also a wealth, then at that crisis (2008-2009, approx. Ed.), In my opinion, it was closed."

The plans of officials to abolish the village, like Dyachkova, is dissatisfied: "My house was privatized completely, so much invested in it - the well drilled, the greenhouse put the greenhouse, the bathhouse ... and what now?" Plesovsky leads us to show unfinished railway crossing. "In the late 90s it was, the gardeners were built on his money. But it turned out how - they collect money, and the prices are growing, they are not enough already. They are collected again while they collect prices again grow. And they threw "," he told. Now young pines have already grown on the site of the former gardens. "At home two, probably left on the field only," says man.

In Mokhov, the Plesovsky has a large population - about 100 turkeys. "Previously, the Baranov was kept, 12 pieces were, but they are still hard with them," the distributor admits. He also says that if the issue with relocation was solved, this place would be popular. While Plesovsky himself cleans the road to the village. "The tractor bought himself, considered that it was more profitable than hiring every time," he admits.

In the administration of the Lower Saldy, where they formed an application for the elimination of moss, they look different to the situation. "Machova will not lose anything. We simply put in order [Documents] before agricultural census. We have been planned in 2016 in 2016, "Sergei Huzikov, head of the local administration, will be happy to explain. - Just we have Mokhovoy in some documents sounds like a village, but all the mail goes like "Lower Salda, Railway Streets." He is in the city draw, there will remain there. Just remove the status of a sovereign municipal unit. Speaking legally, we eliminate the collisions. " A few years ago, all the surrounding villages had its own administration and budget. "Then the legislation was changed," says Huzikov.

The official emphasizes that the decision to liquidate the village passed through all official procedures, including public hearings. On the question of why in Mokhov did not finish the railway crossing, which so many hopes lay the locals, the gozikov replies that it is difficult to do technically. "There it turns out that the road that goes, she just rests on the station building. And what to do, demolish? ", - asked the City Manager. At the moment, everything that he can help the village village is "to agree with the traffic police so that they do not lean" also a lapse from the main route to it.

The head of the urban district Elena Matveyev agrees with him. "Moving is a huge communications system, it all requires high costs. How to invest money there if not a single person is spelled in the village? We have much more acute in the city now the problem of building a bypass, "says Matveyeva. Nizhny Tagil - Alapaevsk is now really going through the city center. Its in addition to the transportation of ordinary loads regularly use the military, which nearby rocket complexes are quartered.

By the way, about 11 million rubles is allocated for the maintenance of 106 kilometers of roads of the urban district. According to Guzikova, it's a "penny". They are barely enough, especially if you consider that from the same funds, work on the installation of road signs, making markup and ensure traffic safety near schools. "You know, the territory of the railway is unlikely to be in demand. I understand when it comes to the zone of our urban pond is an environmentally friendly place. People are now striving for this, not there, where the trains are noisy. From a state point of view, I believe that it is necessary first of all to ensure the interests of the majority, "Matveyeva added.

Prospects for moss, according to her, ghostly: "I think, there will be all the same as now. Open the store - what business will go there? Open school ... There is not a single child. " However, the surrounding area is still incorporated into the plans for the prospective development of the so-called the Western microdistrict. It was planned to build about 40 cottages for young families. While the plans had to postpone. "The regional program turned", "explained the guzikov.

In total, about 100 settlements may be presented in the Sverdlovsk region to eliminate. The head of the Minister Sergey Bidonko announced this at the meeting of the Government of the Region back in early November. According to him, the ministry conducts a large-scale audit of settlements and where "there is no sign of life," the decision to liquidation is made. The following mechanism: At the municipal level, information about the settlement, which can be eliminated, and local authorities guide the territory passport with the necessary explanations to the Ministry of Construction. If the government approves the elimination of the settlement, the documents enter the regional claimation, and the deputies are already made by the final decision. "We rely on those documents that come from the municipality," the deputy communist Andrei Alshenski confirmed in a conversation with the correspondent of our publication.

Over the past month, the deputies of the Cusculation eliminated 10 settlements. In addition to the moss, among them the village is a new way in the Krasnoufim district, the Verkhneur village of Dobrynina, Korchekina, Makarihina, Maznikov, training, the village of Four and the railway junction of 99 kilometers, as well as the settlement of the interval in the territory of Krasnouralsk. In addition, under consideration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Artemsky. We are talking about the villages of the Midnoeboard, roller fields, Kamenka, White Yar, Far Bulanash, Pop, Elho, Bragino.

During one of the discussions at the session of the Cusual, the deputy United Russia, Galina Artemieva, noted that it would not be about the complete elimination of settlements. In some cases, according to her, the issue of joining them to larger municipalities will be considered.

The same Alshevsky recalls the story with the burnt settlement Vizha in the Ivedel district. Local authorities planned to eliminate him, sewing chasers on other populated points, but then changed his mind. Now in the village are built at home. Someone gives them to tourists, someone uses under the cottages. According to the deputy, to order methods for the elimination of non-residential settlements, it is necessary to determine the temporary lag. The decision to abolish only in the event that no one has made these places for this gap again.