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How to grow spruce at home. How to grow spruce from seeds: coniferous forest from a cone. How to plant a fir from cuttings

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Thanks to its beauty and unpretentiousness blue spruce Distributed far beyond the limits of its initial range - North America. Among the manifold of coniferous trees, it is advantageously highlighted with their bluish-gray needles. Adult plant It has a cone shape and decorated with cone oblong shape. Artificially grown trees live near a century, in contrast to wild tribesmen, the maximum age of which can be 600-800 years.

Blue spruce reaches up to 25-30 meters of height, it grows enough measuringly, at the age of 10 years does not exceed 4 meters. The breeders were obtained many varieties of this plantAt this time there are not less than 70. With a blue cheese, you can see not only classic massive ate, but also small low fluffy, peeling on the ground plants. The height of some types of species may not exceed half a meter. A wide variety of varieties allows you to choose the perfect suitable tree for your site.

How to plant a blue spruce at home

Blue spruce looks profitable on the territory of the private house and decorate any plot. A seedling can be bought or grow independently, which is rather difficult, but with the dying and compliance with the care instructions, it is possible. Ways to propagate a blue spruce a little, consider all the options.

Growing ate from seeds Complex, but exciting process. It is necessary to choose an adult healthy tree with a thick crown. In February, collect several, tightly closed, cones. Store them follows in fabric bags. So that fir bumps revealed and gave seeds, you need to put them in a warm place, for example, on the heating battery. The resulting seeds are rinsed under running water and remove the winters. Processed grains to place for several hours in weak Solution Manganese. After drying the seeds, put back into the bag and store about two months under the snow or in the refrigerator. This procedure will temper the future tree and increase its immunity.

It is necessary to plant the seeds of the blue spruce in April, in one or two days before the landing should be dried and sorted. In the prepared primer (based on the peat with fertilizers), we put seeds, to a depth of 1-2 cm. After 2-4 weeks, small sprouts should appear, which need to be switched, leaving the largest, observe the distances between them from 7 cm. How much to leave sprouts to decide You, but note, their survival is extremely small, so it's better to stock more. After the year of life, they will form in the seedlings that need to be raised in the greenhouse. In the open soil, the Salants are planted in April, after the end of frosts.

Knowing how to grow a blue spruce from seeds at home, you need to know what a tree may increase I. green color . Only 30% of the plants from the seed acquire a blue housing. The final color of the ate will only be understood by the second year of life.

Blue ate breeding

This method is distributed due to the fact that all the characteristics of the original tree, including the color, are moving directly to a seedling. Semit opened tree, It should be cut or broken a stalk from 10 to 20 cm long, it is important that the base is "captured" from the trunk a piece of the bark. This event is carried out in April, when the trees begin with a slop. The cuttings are planting in a container or pit, filled with a mixture of peat, sand and fertilizer. At first, it is recommended to make a small greenhouse from above, for this you can use a cropped plastic eggmarket. Before the end of the summer do not allow sun ray At midday time, create a cutlery shadow. Soil maintain in a wet state, do not pour and do not overdo it.

Gallery: Blue Spruce (25 photos)

Acquisition of a finished sapling

Buy a sapling better in a special nursery. Before purchasing, inspect the tree, it should be with strong roots, evenly distributed cheese on the trunk and without damage. Choose low seedlings, not more than 50-70 cm, such better coming up in a new place. It is necessary to plant into the moistened soil for coniferous trees, it can be bought or independently removed from the pine forest.

On the eve of the New Year, the question of the tree as the main symbol of the holiday is becoming more acute. The opponents of the plastic tree in the apartment understand that the fir tree fired into the forest is not a way out, because it costs a lot, but it will begin to face quite soon. The most logical seems to grow and dress up a plant in a pot to the holiday - a minimum of costs, no cleaning, and no Christmas tree will suffer due to traditions.

Is it possible to grow spruce yourself?

As a New Year, in principle, anyone would have been made of reminding coniferous, for example, cypress or self-sewing. The same one who is looking for light paths and seeks to achieve perfection, it's time to study the question of how to grow a Christmas tree at home, because it is more than real!

The greatest difficulty arising from the cultivation of the tree of the house is the limited possibilities of the urban apartment in terms of providing for ate of the so-called rest period. If you pay attention to the cycle of the life of a conventional forest tree, it is not difficult to notice that during the year the temperature regime that it has to be transferred, changes from the heat +30 in summer to frosts - 30 V winter months. Christmas trees easily carry such temperature differences during the year, moreover, these coniferous trees are perfectly adapted to them, and violation temperature mode It only leads to fir diseases.

That is why it is better to start growing a Christmas tree in an apartment in the presence of a loggia or another cold and cool place. It is also worth being ready that after two or three years you will have to transplant in the natural conditions of the forest, because in nature ate reach a height of several tens of meters, and for the tree of such dimensions, of course, there is not enough pot with earth, neither the size of even the largest room .

On average, fir lives about 300 years, but sometimes its age can reach up to 600 years. The oldest tree on earth this moment Almost a thousand years old, and it grows in Sweden. "Old Tikko" is so called a tree - lives and live in the Fulufiellet National Park and is revered as the oldest tree organism on the planet.

How to grow fir

You can grow a Christmas tree at home with several simple and accessible every ways.

  • From the seed.

Christmas trees belong to gone plants and they have arisen a lot before coated () plants. By virtue of its peculiarities, the viced often displaces other plants from the growing area. Most bright example Such a neighborhood is trees and birch. First, small spruce, loving humidity and shadow, grow under the crowns of birks, then become higher them, later shadow deciduous trees and scribble the soil, thereby finally exterminating the trees of other species.

  • Plant seeds to the pot and put it in a cold place (the best refrigerator) for a couple of months.

At all christmas trees grow and adapt to absolutely any earth from the swamp to stony soilfrom sand to clayBut best of all the fir, of course, will grow on a fertile chernozem. It will also be important to add a bit of land from under that fir, under which you found a bump with seeds.

  • Two months later, when the seeds are ready to germinate, you should put the pot on the window sill, on which it is not very hot and not too dark.

By the spring, your Christmas tree will be about 5 cm in size, and after two or three years it will reach the height of the half-meter and will be asked to transplant it into the garden.

  • From a sapling.

If you do not have the opportunity, desire or time to grow a Christmas tree from a seed, then you can immediately buy a seedling ate. It will be a plant without fail in a pot with a closed root system at the age of just two or three years, that is, ready to transplant into open ground.

Seedling ate last years It became popular to acquire precisely before the new year in order to make fun to celebrate, feeling the smell of the needles of the real living tree, and in the spring to transplant it in the park or in the forest.

The ancient peoples of Spruce was considered a sacred tree, they worshiped her, they cared for her in every possible way and dressed. Becoming Christians, Europeans, however, have retained a number of pagan traditions, including decoration of the Christmas tree, only now for Christmas. And Peter I, wanting to be fully consistent with European canons, introduced this tradition and in Russia.

By choosing this way to mark New Yearindeed, you can kill at least two hares: do not harm environmentBy indulging cutting down the trees for the sake of tradition, and contribute to the normalization of the environmental situation by landing a new tree in the spring.

In order for the seedlock to take root and felt well in open soil, It is necessary to study the peculiarities of his existence until he turned out to be in your hands. That is, it is better to select such a tree for which you already have suitable conditions. In other words, if you, for example, want to have a Christmas tree in my yard, then a sapling need to be chosen according to the conditions of your yard, and not hope that a two-year-old tree will be able to adapt to the changed conditions. It is extremely unlikely, and most likely, if the light and thermal mode and the nature of the soil will be too different, the Christmas tree will begin to get root and can even die.

If the "birth" conditions of the tree and those in which you transplant it, almost completely coincide, then it remains only to immerse the Christmas tree in the hole exactly at the depth, on which it was in a pot, and water in case of dry summer (approximately 10 liters of water in Week during the strong heat).

  • From the twig.

Another popular way in virtue of its effectiveness is a way to grow Christmas tree yourself - from a twig or a cutlery, as professional gardeners call it.

A twig of about 20 cm long needs to be cut off in spring or autumn from the top of the beautiful and healthy fir, the age of which is at least 5 years old, a little clean from the needles at the base and land in the ground - in the pot at home or in a greenhouse on the street. In order for the cuttings guaranteed to take root, it is possible to soak it up for half an hour in a weak solution of manganese, and only then fall into the ground. After planting the cutlets it is better to cover with a film and maintain the temperature of the soil at 21-26 degrees Celsius, and the air temperature is not lower than 4-7 degrees. The first days before the appearance of the roots, it is necessary to water the new seedlings several times a day, and then reduce the amount of water as they arrive and strengthen in the soil. It is important to remember that Christmas trees do not like heat and straight sun rays, but also do not tolerate complete darkness.

How to transplant spruce from the forest

If you have a house on your land, and you want to start adultery to admire the adult Christmas tree as quickly as possible and drive around her dances for the new year, you can transplant the tree directly from the forest. Here the most important thing is not to damage the root system is already enough adult tree and when landing, mix the land from your site with the one from where the tree is taken.

Take the tree is best in the fall or spring, giving him a rich watering and protecting the first time and, if necessary, from the scorching rays of the Sun and other extreme weather events, which can badly affect the already experienced stress trees.

In general, conifers do not like frequent shifts of their place of residence, so you should not hope for the idea that some time a Christmas tree can be kept in the apartment, then planted in an open soil, and make it several times with the same tree. Sooner or later, with his favorite, he will have to part in favor of more natural conditions for her.

But there is also an option when there are not an ordinary forest tree growing at home, but a specially derived breed. You can watch the video below for the cultivation of such instances.

How to grow spruce at home (video)

Christmas tree - a permanent attribute of the new year. It is a pity that every time it has to buy it again. Or not? Let's try to grow spruce yourself. Maybe she is captured in a pot on the windowsill, and in the future, preparing for festive daysYou will decorate the garland not artificial or fired, but a real live tree.

Planting ate at home: stages

The cultivation of ate stages - the process is a vigorous and complex. There is nothing impossible, but you have to realize that it will take for many years before the tree growing on the site will turn into the very fluffy beauty, the heroine of fairy tales and songs.

Not every fir will endure life in a closed room. Therefore, experts recommend planting the following three varieties:

  • silver spruce;
  • araucaria;
  • spruce spruce.

Video instruction

The easiest way to plant already has already grown seedling acquired in the store or in the agricultural market.

So you have more guarantees that the Tree Operation will end successfully. If you are trying to get a branch seedling, remember: the rooting will occur no earlier than the second year after disembarking. But the method is optimal for the breeding of high-quality varietal trees.

Terms of landing and content

So, we decided that we would grow the Christmas tree from the branch. Start!

Landing material is taken from the top of a young plant. From the bottom of the branch, all the needles are removed, the purified end of 30 to 40 minutes is immersed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is best to root in the bucketwhere the layers laid down the manure (on the bottom) and the soil in half with sand. Upper layer The soil should be thick enough so that the cuttings do not earn the burn, but at the same time, he received heating as a result of a natural biotermic reaction.

The end of the branch is plugged at 5 - 7 cm, the entire planting is covered to protect against direct sunlight. A young seedling is fighting before the fortification (12 - 24 months) and then transferred to permanent place.

Temperature mode

For the proper development of wood requires compliance with the following conditions and events:

  • maintenance of moderate temperature regime (15-25 degrees);
  • sufficient lighting;
  • optimal irrigation without overcoating or soil cut;
  • prevention of diseases and protection against mechanical damage.

Soil care

For the plant, a soil with a temperate or weak acid reaction is selected. The win-win option will be the use of loams or soupies, and felt or heavy soils are not suitable. Earthwomen in the container where the tree grows, should remain wet, but not wet. After irrigation, loose upper substrateHowever, do not close the rake or blade too deep, otherwise you can damage the root system.

Pulling or, in the case of homemade cultivation, soil seal is undesirable. Try that the substrate does not save and not cracking on the surface.

Watering depending on the time of year

The growing spruce falls from the beginning of the spring and until the end of the first month of autumn. As cold weather, the frequency of moisturizing the soil is gradually reduced. In the midst of winter, it is necessary to water the tree once every 3 weeks with the ambient temperature not lower than +6 ° C. If the thermometer is lowered below zero, irrigation is carried out only once every 4 - 5 weeks.

In the summer, young Christmas trees are afraid of scorching straight rays of the sun, late autumn - frosts, and in the winter months - the soil freezing. Solve the problem in different season of the year You can use the organization of shadow shelters, canopies and protective windings, respectively. If, with the first type, everything is clear, then measures to protect from cold weather include not only the mound of the tight layer of mulch onto the planting circle, but also the bubble bump barrel or bareborn.

Do you need to fertilize?

Coniferous in nature grows in sufficiently severe conditions and can cost a minimum nutrient. Making feeding is left at the discretion of the owner. If you wish, you can fertilize the ground with special mineral granules from above, which are distributed over a wet surface immediately after watering. The feeding is carried out infrequently: during the planting process and up to two times during the growing season (from May to the end of August).

Methods of breeding

Grow the Christmas tree from the branch at home is much simpler than to get a full-fledged instance using sexual reproduction. What other ways to cultivate spruce? List them:

  • Cultivation of seeds and bumps - all this refers to the aforementioned sexual (or seed) method of reproduction;
  • Vegetative reproduction - Shining (growing from the branch).

Grow spruce from seed fir bumps It is much more difficult than rooting the cuttings. For 10 years, the seedlove will grow up only to one and a half meter, so wait until you can dress a tree new Year's decorations, I'll have long. Interestingly, with the number of years of years, the growth rate of the plant increases in proportion.

Fir-tree transplant

How to grow the Christmas tree in the garden, if the time to mess with the germination of seeds or cuttings is not?

The output is simple: put on the plot adult copy. You can get it for free if there is a coniferous grove next to the house. Attention: To take ate from the protected places and other protected areas is prohibited.

The transplant procedure is better to spend at the beginning of spring or in the fall, when moderate non-fit weather will be installed on the courtyard. The landing place is prepared in advance. Even a small seedlock will move to a height of 7 - 10 meters to a height of 7-10 meters and will develop a sprawler crown of about five meters in diameter. Remember this and do not dig a hole near buildings and light-insulated landings.

In ate root system It does not turn deep into, but styling and significantly depletes the soil. In addition, strong roots can undermine the foundation. Planting a tree next to electric or gas pipeline communications is also a bad idea. The ideal distance from residential and household buildings is 15 meters and more.

The dimensions of the organized well should be at least 70x70 cm. The thick layer of drainage is covered on the bottom. The fossa is slightly watering so far at the bottom of the spacing. In such conditions, the seedling feels better. False needles has an oxidic soil property. If you do not plan to raise them in a timely manner and delete the area for the territory of the site, it makes sense to organize a nearby plant clubs, loving primer with high acidity: these are lupins, hydrangea, portulak, nasturtium, poppies, etc.

Choosing a tree for transplant, look for a small instance not higher than one meter with a smooth crown and proportional location of the branches. Do not take a broken or stupid Christmas trees, such a sample is unlikely to take root. Please note that it is necessary to determine the spruce on the site in the same direction in which it grew in the natural environment (in the direction of the South, North, etc.). The tree is drowning on all sides, leaving the root system in an earthy cube sufficient volume.

Wrap the bottom of the trunk along with the land in the fabric and in this form, deliver to the site. Do not forget to gain a bucket of soil from the pit, where the plant was: it is falling asleep into a new well for a faster adaptation in transplantation.

The fir is installed in the dug hole vertically. Watch the trunk standing smoothly, and sprinkle it with soil. The planting circle is poured and mulched with chip or straw. The first weeks the seedling is watered quite often so that the substrate remains wet. Useful to take the landing as an awning. When the tree is strengthened, care is reduced to a minimum.

Unlike deciduous trees, the appearance of conifers remains attractive at any time of the year, so many owners seek to decorate their site by this christmas attribute. But before planting a fir on the plot, you should decide on the view of the tree, choose the optimal placement location and properly prepare the soil at the cottage under the plant disembarking.

Choosing a variety of christmas

The main criterion when choosing a type softwood It is the shape of the crown and the height of the adult plant.

When designing cottage plot Preferably, three varieties of fir trees are used.

  • Ordinary spruce is a type of plant with a height of 1.2-3 meters. Tint of needles from golden to bright green. This species can most often meet in the country.
  • Spruce Sizaya - got its name thanks to the gray color of the tree bark and a gray-blue or ashon. Tall varieties of ate have a cone-shaped crown, and in dwarf plants the top has a look of a socket or a ball.
  • Spiny spruce - a tree with a decorative cone-shaped crown, height reaches sometimes 40 meters. Less often meet dwarf trees Up to 2 m. The needles of such freshers are very stuck, it has a color from white-blue or silver before turquoise.

Choosing a fir for small dacha, should be stopped on the plant of medium or dwarf height, and tall are suitable for country house With a plot of large square. When designing plots, medium or dwarf species use particularly popularity.

Acquisition or seed search

Trees can be done different ways. It can be chosen in the nursery, bring from the forest or grow independently in the container.

  • Kennels traded with grown trees, digging them in the presence of the buyer, or offer ate in containers. The tree, whose root system is bare, may not live until the landing in the ground. Therefore, it is very important to choose a fir with intact roots and an earthen room that protects them from the exposure to the external environment. It will be much easier to grow so much, because the tree will move well with a transplant, it will be less affected and faster.
  • If the tree breed does not matter, then you can bring a Christmas tree from the forest by choosing a tree from 1 to 2 meters. The tree should be flipped from all sides to extract with a large earthen room. The small trees can be transported from the forest with naked roots, but during transportation to cover them with tarp material, and on arrival immediately fall into the prepared pit.
  • To grow a seedling from a seed, you need to bring out of the forest in the winter opened cones and collect seeds. In the container for planting plants add land taken from the forest, or pour soil mixture for coniferous plants. Seeds put in the ground to a depth of 5 mm and put in a cold place.

In the warm period of the year, the Christmas tree should be regularly moistened, and in the cool time to reduce watering up to two times in 30 days. To ensure rest periods, the plant should be periodically exposed to a balcony or to the courtyard. For one year, the fir can grow up to 25 cm in height.

Choosing a place

Since spruce can reach a height of 10 and a width of 5 m, it is necessary to carefully choose a landing space. In natural conditions, the plant feels well at the river, where its root system can get enough moisture. But the tree of the tree does not like the tree, so the care of it implies the improvement of drainage.

The fir strongly depletes the soil, so it can not be squeezed next to the fructural cultures. In addition, it should be borne in mind that in an adult tree a spruce is a rather large tree. Therefore, plant it under electrical wires undesirable.

The Christmas trees feel great in surrounded by Berez. They are not afraid of the shadows that birch give, on the contrary - she is even useful to them. Spruce is one of the rare trees that retain their beauty in the shade.

In the forest you can find and dig a small year old Christmas tree. In order to carefully transplant the tree, you should first fold it around. The pit circle should be equal to the diameter of the lower branches, and the depth is at least 0.5 m.

The roots of the plant must be carefully removed from the ground without shaking down. Then put a fir on a dense tissue and carefully pack, noting the color ribbon side of the world. A tree and a bag with forest soil immerse in transport and transport to the landing site, trying not to damage the branches and the root system during transportation.

The soil in the forest is different from the one in the garden. Therefore, it is necessary to take the land from the forest from the place where the Christmas tree was dug.

All the varieties of firings love light soil. On heavy soil types, they grow bad. Before planting plants in poor soil you need to enter mineral fertilizer (about 100 grams).

Tree landing

The best time for planting ate - spring or early autumn. At this time, the plant has already passed or has not yet entered the phase of active growth. Coniferous trees grown in a container can be planted and later, since their roots do not suffer.

The size of the pockets for planting the plant should coincide with the volume of the earth coma. For small plants of 2-3 years old, there are enough recess of 60 by 80 cm, and if necessary, put a large pit tree must be somewhat larger than the earthen com. The distance between the deepends for large plants should be three meters, for the average - 3-5 m, and the dwarf is enough from 0.5 to 1 m.

Sequence of actions when landing

  1. On the bottom of the pitted pit to ensure drainage stacked brick fragments. The soil is embanked from above. For this purpose, the land from the forest is suitable, mixed with humus.
  2. The plant is placed in a hole along with an earthen room. The root neck in no case should be deepened in the soil, it is properly located to position it with the surface of the Earth.
  3. Carefully cover the roots with soil and slightly seal. It is important to maintain the initial position of the tree in the transplantation relative to the parties of the light. To do this, make a mark with one of the sides of the tree, to then focus on this sign.
  4. The Christmas tree must be fixed, tied to two stakes, and around the tree make an earthen roller for the delay of watering water and formation priority Circle For laying mulching from pinch and sawdust in order to protect against frost, drying and rodents.
  5. At first, after planting, a seedling requires regular watering and care. In the summer, the soil under the tree should be watered, and in the winter it is not necessary to do this.

Introduce mineral feeding next spring. If the planting ate is done correctly and ensured proper care, it adapts quite soon.

Plant care conditions

Ate love sunlightBut young seedlings need additional care and shading. They may suffer from the Spring Sun, which can lose their needles and lose decorativeness. They are better to plant near the walls and fences, which will initially give them the necessary shadow.

At the same time, it should be noted that the root system takes a lot of space around the ate and can over time to continue to communicate and the foundation of the house. It is unlucky and does not like soil seals, so it is undesirable to completely pull the surface of the earth near the tree. Young seedlings for the winter should be covered with a sweetheart, to clean which is necessary after the cessation of spring frosts. Adults ate enough frost resistant and do not need insulation.

With a long drought, the plant requires additional care in the form of watering. We must carefully monitor the level of soil moisture. When watering, water should be pouring not under the trunk, but in a circle within a radius of 30 cm from the tree trunk. The amount of water for soil moisturizing in hot weather should be from 10 to 12 liters per plant when watering every 7 days.

Blue spruce is a rather demanding plant, which consists of cutting dry and sick branches. This event should be carried out in spring and autumn. When decorative purposes, it is necessary to provide them with appropriate care, it consists in the formation of the crown of trees. The first time the pruning should be carried out in the year of planting, and then every 2-3 years, cutting the branches by 10-15 cm.

Observing these uncomplicated rules, you can create a picturesque corner in the country, and a healthy and well-kept plant will profitably fit into the landscape of the site. Ate have a lot decorative species And the shades of the needles, so the appropriate instance can be selected for almost any stylistic direction.

Wood care is proper landing, shading, fertilizer, trimming and irrepresentation. Coniferous trees planted on the border of the country area or sides of the road look very decoratively. The plant is quite difficult to adapt and carries out, but if the result is reached, the fir will be year-round to please the eye of his magnificent cheese.

Cultivation of crops with a long period of vegetation through seedlings is a painstaking process that occupies more than one month. And, agree, incredibly disappointing when the results of our works are dying in a matter of days. Seedlings grown on the windowsill, it is very difficult to rebuild and get used to the new place of habitat, although the conditions of open soil are much more natural for plants. Our task is to do everything possible that their survival level is approaching 100%.

When there is a desire to plant and grow a small care garden, in which, if you work, then not "before falling", then you have to search and suitable decorative plants. Naturally, these plants should be not demanding of soils, watering, resistant to diseases and pests. But, moreover, we need them to be decorative! And if it were also beautifully blooming ... And what do you think? There are such plants. About one of them today and talk - Magonia Padoliste.

Beef roll with chicken fillet and sweet pepper - juicy, tasty and useful. This dish is suitable for the dietary and low-calorie menu. Several thin slices of a juicy meat roll with a salad of fresh vegetables - than not breakfast before working day. We'll have to tinker with the formation of the product itself, and then a couple of hours to observe the preparation - the rolls can be prepared for a pair in packages for baking or cook in a large saucepan at a temperature of about 80 ° C.

Pasternak ordinary, or Pasternak Field, or Pasternak Sowing (Pastinaca Sativa) in the wildly widespread in regions with temperate climates ( medium strip Russia, North Caucasus, Crimea, Ural, Altai, etc.), but it is rarely found to garden areas. True, today the popularity of Pasternak is growing quite actively. In animal husbandry and beekeeping, it is used as a feed plant and honey, and in cooking - as a delicious and useful vegetable.

Among the plants, one type of which seems to transfer us to the rainforest filled with aroma, Kviscvais is one of the most "atmospheric". It is a rare and valuable room and greenhouse liana. And although the plant has long been retrained to the genus of combolds, not recognizable it is very difficult. This topwick is unusual. The favorite feature of the quincels remains the inflorescences, in which elegant flowers from snow-white are quickly repainted in crimson-red.

Fast and very tasty cabbage and pork salad. A similar salad prepares Koreans, apparently our hostesses they have spied this delicious recipe. Indeed, it is very fast in the preparation of the dish, and even without having special culinary experience, it is easy to cook it. Pork choose a non-fat, the shoulder blade is suitable, a fuel part. Salo is better to cut. Early cabbage You can simply cut, and the winter I advise mutunating fine, sprinkle salt and grind your hands.

Universal favorite from the number of decorative-hardening perennials of the host conquers not only the beauty of the leaves. She is durable and relatively undemanding, in proper place grows long yearsbut it is difficult to call fast-growing. The host is multiplied easily, although to obtain spectacular high-decorative bushes and have to be patient. For an independent increase in the collection of the host, first of all, you need to remember the peculiarities of this culture.

Dill spreads perfectly by self-sowing, so many daches do not consider it necessary to heal this culture every year on the plot. But everyone understood that dill dill - Maine. And the greens carefully grown in the garden on the garden in their taste and aroma, as a rule, exceeds the greenery of dill, which grows by itself. In this article, we will tell how to have a green dill on the beds in sufficient quantities from early spring to late autumn.

Styr-fry with beef, soy noodles, vegetables and iceberg salad - a quick dinner recipe or lunch for a busy person. It is necessary for its cooking not more than 15 minutes, and you can feed a couple of hungry mouths, which are not difficult to wait for the surrounding lunch. Styr-Fry is a way to quickly roast vegetables and meat that came to us from the east. Do not be mistaken if the Wok frying pan is among your kitchen utensils. Conventional frying pan with a thick bottom and non-stick coating Also suit.

Among the plants that can boast a motley foliage, Alpinia claims not only the most rare, but also the most original culture. It simultaneously reminds of bamboo and maranth settlements, and sometimes even about ripenes. True, on the last it is similar only to its inflorescences. Luxury leaves, most often covered with pesting contrasting stripes, look so modern that the beauty of their flawless patterns and glitter cannot be admired.

Vegetarian cabbage rolls from Savoy cabbage with mushrooms - pair cabbage rolls for dietary, vegetarian and length menu. The cabbage rolls are unusually tasty, very appetizing, and, if applicable to food, beautiful, unlike their fellow white cabbageStewed in the roaster or roasted in a pan. Savoy cabbage is tastier white, Kochan loose, it is easier to disassemble it on separate leaves. The color of the leaves - from gently green, to the emerald.

IN winter time Each summer house is looking forward to spring and with pleasure opens the season with the first sowing of floral and vegetable crops on seedlings. But, unfortunately, the place on the windowsill is limited, and it is not always possible to place the desired number of seedlings in cups in the apartment. In addition, something from the crops can simply do not ascend, something will die ... Yes, and we, dacnis, how many puts are not enough! Therefore, at least some seedlings, but it buys almost every gardener.

The cultivation of annuals in the garden has at least two advantages, compared with the cultivation of perennial colors. First, most popular annual plants Abundant bloom throughout the growing season. Secondly, many seats are freely seen and year after year appear in the garden with minimal participation on the side of the flower. What agents can be planted only once, and after, following unacceptable techniques, meet them in the garden every season?

Cooker and meat salad with onions can be prepared from pork knuckles. The knuckle, especially the rear, very tasty and affordable part of the pork carcass, which can be fed a small company. Of the 2 kilogram steering wheel, a bowl of meat salad and a big cooler plate. There will still be meat broth, where I advise you to cook soup or borsch. For this dish, take the rear knob weighing from 1.7 to 2 kilograms, I advise you to scorch the butcher the most meaty.

Eggplants require a sunny, but short day, medium-warm temperatures without exhausting heat, sufficient moisture, but without flooding the root system. Provide such conditions in the open ground of most regions of Russia is quite difficult. Therefore, earlier eggplants were grown only in conditions of protected soil. With the development of selection, it became possible to grow eggplants in the open ground not only in the southern regions, but also in the middle strip.