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Who speaks on the day of the city. Traditional festive concert on Poklonnaya Hill. City Day on Tverskaya Street

It would seem that the day of celebration of the Day of the City of Moscow is determined very simply - the first Saturday of September, when it is still warm in summer, but already soft in autumn. Based on these calculations, the date falls on September 3rd. But on the same day tragic events happened in Beslan.

Therefore, Moscow City Day 2016 will be celebrated on Saturday and Sunday, September 10 and 11, 2016.

All venues in Moscow this weekend will turn into film studios for outdoors, because the main theme of the holiday is Russian cinema. The organizers promise outdoor film screenings, many film premieres and master classes on the art of transformation for both children and adults.

In our article, read about the detailed program of events for Moscow City Day 2016, as well as what to do on the main streets of Moscow.

Program of events for Moscow City Day 2016

Not only professional event organizers, but also the citizens themselves took part in drawing up the program. On the portal "Active Citizen" for several months it was possible to vote for certain events.

The focus in 2016 will be on the show Soviet films in summer open-air cinemas, concerts of classical and modern music in the parks of the capital, theatrical shows and acting master classes.

The official program of events for the City of Moscow Day 2016 will solemnly begin at noon on Red Square. But it is important to understand that not everyone will be able to let in, so it is better to walk along main site holiday - Tverskaya street.

What will happen on Tverskaya

Tverskaya Street will become the main venue for the celebration. It will house 10 sites, decorated in the style of all familiar Soviet films.

From Kozitsky Lane to Manezhnaya Square, you can take a photo against the background of the installation or take part in one of the fragments of the following films:

  • Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession
  • Pig and shepherd
  • War and Peace
  • Meeting place can not be Changed
  • I walk around Moscow
  • The Pokrovsky Gate
  • Guest from the future
  • The night Watch
  • Dudes

On Tverskaya it will be possible to meet doubles of famous heroes, for example, Shurik or Natasha Rostova. You can have a bite to eat in special open-air cafes with a film menu - dishes from movies.

What will happen on the Revolution Square

A culinary festival "Slavic meal" will be held on Revolution Square, where various dishes of Slavic cuisine will be presented. On this site you will be able to eat deliciously and inexpensively.

What will happen in Gorky Park

The festival will be held in Gorky Park on September 10 and 11, 2016 from 13:00 to 22:00 "Bright people"... These are theatrical performances and shows from youth groups that are either just beginning their creative path, or have long been loved by the audience. The main theme of the holiday - cinema - will be covered in different ways. Aerial acrobats, artists and musicians will take pride of place at the festival. Songs from the cinema will sound at the concert venues. The actors' doubles will settle in the parks.

What will happen in the Hermitage Garden

This small park always offers its own concept programs "with a twist". This time, in one day, you can see excerpts from performances of several Moscow theaters at once: the Taganka Theater, Moscow Ballet, Stanislavsky, etc. The choice of performances is due main theme holiday - cinema. Don't expect to see classic interpretations famous works... At the theater festival, young directors and aspiring actors will demonstrate new trends in theatrical art.

On Saturday, events in the Hermitage Garden will run from 11 am to 11 pm. Sunday - from one in the afternoon to ten.

What will be in the Garden to them. Bauman

Another "chamber" park will present guests with a piano show. Famous avant-garde and neoclassical pianists will come here. Three sites will operate. The choice is yours: classical music or avant-garde. The show will be attended by foreign improvisers and Russian contemporary composers; a bicycle orchestra will perform at the end of the program.

Concert on the Day of the City of Moscow 2016

Soon there will be information about who will be the headliners at the festive concert "I love you, Moscow".

Concert venues will be Poklonnaya Gore and Lubyanskaya Square. Polina Gagarina, Grigory Leps and other pop stars will perform at the Lubyanka.

Fireworks for Moscow City Day

This year Muscovites will be surprised unusual shape fireworks. The salvoes will be shaped like butterflies, smiles, chrysanthemums.

It is best to watch from 12 sites:

  • On the Red Square
  • Luzhnetskaya embankment
  • Izmailovo, a town named after Bauman
  • Kuzminki, st. District, 3
  • Victory Park, Poklonnaya Gora
  • Friendship Park
  • South Butovo, Wasteland on the street. Kadyrov
  • st. Borisovskie ponds, 25
  • Victory Park in Zelenograd
  • Novo-Peredelkino, st. Fedosino, 18, on the shore of the pond
  • Moscow in Sportgorodok
  • Lianozovo, st. Novgorodskaya, 38, on the shore of the pond

In addition, in all Moscow parks at this time local fireworks will be launched, no less colorful and long in time.

Cinema, festivals, exhibitions, theaters for Moscow City Day 2016

In parallel with the celebration of the Day of the City of Moscow, the Moscow cinema(from 4 to 18 September), as well as the V Moscow Festival of Russian Cinema. Within the framework of the festivals, new Russian films, as well as unchanging classics, will be shown in cinemas and at various venues in Moscow.

Particularly noteworthy are the paintings:

  • Gosha Kutsenko "Doctor"
  • "After You" by Anna Mathison
  • "Mom" starring Svetlana Khodchenkova

A music festival will be held in Moscow on the eve of City Day "Spassky Tower" where pop stars will perform along with the most famous orchestras in the world.

  • A 150-meter literary map of the metro will be placed in the courtyard of the Museum of Moscow, where stations will be named after Russian writers or heroes of their works.
  • In 2016 Moscow will be 869 years old. The main symbol will be an installation of five rings, symbolizing the five transport rings of Moscow: around the Kremlin, the Garden Ring, the Koltsevaya metro line, the Moscow Ring Road and the Third Transport. Five rings will form the number 869.
  • Most interesting designs will be built on Tverskaya, near the library. Lenin and on Novy Arbat. There you can see backlit benches, various flower arrangements.
  • The main symbol will be installed on the square opposite the Historical Museum.
  • In the parks of Moscow, you can admire huge postcards with congratulations to your beloved city.
  • An outdoor exhibition with photographs from favorite Soviet films will be organized on the Garden Ring.
  • By the City Day, it is also planned to carry out a trial launch of the MCC.
  • This year they will spend not much more on dispersing the clouds than in previous years: about 85 million rubles. It is noteworthy that this process is provided by extremely environmentally friendly reagents.
  • In the area of ​​the VDNKh station on the City Day will run new train Moscow subway, its cars are even more spacious, and the passage between the cars is through.
  • In honor of the 869th anniversary of Moscow, special holiday Uniform transport tickets will be issued. You can buy them on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

You learned about how Moscow City Day in 2016 will be held, about the official celebration program, about when there will be fireworks and a concert. The pre-jubilee day of the city will not be held on such a scale as in the jubilee years, but without a doubt it will give new emotions and memorable shots.

On August 30, 2016, at a meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow Government, Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow A.V. Kibovsky reported on the preparation of events dedicated to the celebration of Moscow City Day in 2016.

Traditionally, a large-scale festive program will run for 2 days - September 10 and 11.

More than 1000 events have been prepared for citizens and guests of the capital at 212 venues in the central part of the city and in all administrative districts. More than 300 concerts and music festivals planned; more than 100 master classes; more than 200 free excursions; 12 high-rise and 20 park fireworks.

On City Day, Muscovites will be able to visit almost 90 museums for free!

About 10 million participants are expected this year.

In connection with the celebration of the City Day from 8 to 12 September, the city will close and restrict traffic on a number of streets.

"The festive content was prepared taking into account the opinions of citizens who left their opinions on a variety of issues on the Active Citizen portal. Along with the desire of Muscovites to visit traditional forms of celebration, there are wishes that have arisen for the first time, such as" reading monuments. " Of course, we also do it. Our Moscow Theater of Poets is designed to remind you of the wonderful works of poetry created in our city and our city ", - said A. Kibovsky.

On the City Day, Tverskaya, part of the Boulevard Ring and more than a dozen more streets will become pedestrianized.

On the City Day, a time machine, a circus arena and chess tables will appear on Tverskaya!

The celebration will be held under the motto "Moscow - the city of Russian cinema", since 2016 is dedicated to Russian cinema, and the capital is the flagship of the domestic film industry. The most famous film studios are located in the capital of Russia; major film festivals dedicated to different genres of cinema are held here. From the early Soviet period to the present day, many films that have become cult have been filmed in Moscow. And these events related to the history of cinema will be reflected in the program of the City Day 2016.

"More than 270 art objects will be installed in different points cities, these are modern light structures created using new technologies, but also structures that were a decoration of the city 50-60 years ago, restored from old photographs. Last year, we showed triumphant Moscow, recreating those triumphal arches that were installed in the city in honor of significant victories. This year we will show what kind of urban decorations existed in Moscow at all, "said the head of the Department of Culture.

The main venues for celebrating the City Day will be Tverskaya Street, Krasnaya, Manezhnaya, Tverskaya, Teatralnaya, Pushkinskaya and Bolotnaya Squares, Arbat Street, Poklonnaya Gora, Gorky Park, Sokolniki, Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, Kolomenskoye Museum-Estate, VDNKh and pedestrian zones of Moscow.

Thousands of LEDs and kinetic dances: how the #Together brighter festival will be held on City Day.

The central event will traditionally be the grand opening of the Moscow City Day on Red Square, which will take place on September 10 at 12:00. The festive program at the city venues will begin with the broadcast of the opening ceremony.

The musical start of the holiday at all venues in the city will take place at 13:00 - with the performance of the anthem of Moscow.

A rich and diversified program has been prepared by the joint directorate "Mosgorpark", 22 city parks will take part in it. In many of them at 12:00 there will be a live broadcast of the opening ceremony of the City Day on Red Square, and at 13:00 the parks will join the city-wide musical start.

By tradition, the City-wide Day of Excursions is timed to coincide with the holiday. For Muscovites and guests of the city, more than 200 free routes have been developed, including unique author's excursions from the city excursion bureau "Museum of Moscow", local historians and architects. There are routes in the center of the capital and in all administrative districts, including Troitsky and Novomoskovsky. It is expected that the excursions will be visited by about 15 thousand people.

Glowing Moscow benches will appear in the center by the City Day.

The events of the Moscow Cinema festival will be held at 33 city venues within the framework of the Moscow Seasons. In particular, Tverskaya Street will turn into a cinema platform, which will play scenes from everyone's favorite domestic films - "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession", "Pig and Shepherd", "War and Peace", "Circus", "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed", " I walk around Moscow "," Pokrovskie gates "," Guest from the future "," Night watch "," Hipsters ".

The Saturday program (September 10) will end at 22:00 with festive fireworks in all administrative districts.

"For the first time, a completely unique event will be held in the city - this is a parade of urban technology, which will take place on September 11 and will take place along the Garden Ring. There is no such thing not only in our country, there is no such thing anywhere else in the world - 675 pieces of equipment will be presented. will see all the equipment that daily ensures the life of our metropolis ", - said A. Kibovsky.

On the City Day, a column consisting of more than 650 vehicles from the Complex of Municipal Services and Emergency Services will pass along the Garden Ring, after which more than 130 vehicles will be displayed on Krasnaya Presnya Street.

After the parade, an exhibition of motor vehicles of city services will be organized in the area of ​​Barrikadnaya and Krasnaya Presnya streets.

"All the authorities of the city of Moscow took part in the preparation of a large, eventful program, since the city faces a colossal volume of tasks of various directions, from decorating the city to ensuring security during the days of celebration," said A. Kibovsky.

On Moscow's birthday, VDNKh will turn into a city-constructor.

Security of the festive events will be provided with the forces of more than 15 thousand police officers, Rosgvardia and people's vigilantes. It is envisaged to strengthen the work of private security companies in city parks of culture and recreation.

To provide medical support for events, 10 teams of the Scientific and Practical Center for Emergency medical care the city of Moscow. Up to 100 ambulance teams will be on duty.

The full program of the City Day celebration and the schedule of excursions will be published on the official website of the Moscow Government

Press service of the Mayor and the Moscow Government. Evgeny SamarinPhoto: Press Service of the Mayor and the Moscow Government. Evgeny Samarin

During the celebration of the City Day in the capital, more than a thousand festive events will be held, said during the Presidium of the Moscow Government.

“The City Day is coming soon, we will celebrate it for the first time not on the first, but on the second weekend of September. Preparing for this event a large number of people, organizations and practically all departments of the city of Moscow are involved. More than a thousand festive events will be held on September 10-11, ”the Moscow Mayor said.

About 10 million people will take part in the celebration of the City Day. “In total, we will host over a thousand events, including 300 concerts. The total coverage of the audience to which we offer these events, according to our calculations, is somewhere up to 10 million people, ”said the head of the Department of Culture. The program includes over 100 master classes, over 200 free excursions, 12 high-altitude and 20 park fireworks. The streets and squares of the city will be decorated with 270 art objects.

According to Alexander Kibovsky, the program of festive events was formed taking into account the opinion of Muscovites. “The city has prepared an extensive cultural program. Moreover, when planning it, the wishes of Muscovites, who expressed themselves on the portal "Active Citizen", were taken into account. In total, 1.5 million opinions and proposals were received on various aspects - from classical concerts to exotic proposals such as the Reading Monuments project, ”he said.

Festive areas will be organized in all districts of the capital. In total, 212 city-wide, district and regional sites will be prepared.

Sergei Sobyanin instructed the prefectures to inform the population about the events dedicated to the celebration of the City Day, which will be held at the regional sites.

“We need to ask the prefectures and heads of districts to pay special attention to informing the townspeople about what will happen in their districts and districts, so that we really do not concentrate the entire population of the city and the nearest Moscow region at the central sites. It is necessary to clearly and understandably explain what events will be held in each district, in each district, including fireworks, which will be not only on Poklonnaya Gora, but also in each district of Moscow, "said the Mayor of Moscow.

Festivals, concerts and fireworks

The main venues of the festival will be Tverskaya Street, Krasnaya, Manezhnaya, Tverskaya, Teatralnaya, Pushkinskaya and Bolotnaya Squares, Arbat Street, Poklonnaya Gora, Gorky Park, Sokolniki, Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, Kolomenskoye Museum-Estate, VDNKh and pedestrian zones of Moscow.

The central event will traditionally be the grand opening of the City Day on Red Square, which will take place on September 10 at 12:00. The program at the city venues will begin with the broadcast of the opening ceremony. The musical start to the holiday at all venues in the city at 13:00 will be given by the anthem of Moscow.

Poklonnaya Gora will host the parade of Russian students, Patriarch's Ponds— a festival dedicated to the work of M.A. Bulgakov, Tsvetnoy Boulevardfestival of charitable foundations "Good Moscow". Concert and theatrical performances, master classes and play areas, performances by theater groups are waiting for children in the Catherine Park. For the first time, City Day events will be held in parks that were comprehensively landscaped in 2016 (for example, in the renovated Olympic Village park).

The events of the Moscow Cinema Festival will be held at 33 city venues within the framework of the Moscow Seasons. Tverskaya Street will turn into a cinema platform where scenes from everyone's favorite Russian films "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession", "Pig and Shepherd", "War and Peace", "Circus", "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed", "I Walk Through Moscow "," Pokrovskie gates "," Guest from the future "," Night watch "," Hipsters ".

The Saturday program (September 10) will end at 22:00 with festive fireworks in all districts.

Technique parade, "Brighter Together" festival and competitions

On September 11, a parade of city vehicles will take place along the Garden Ring. It can claim the title of a record, as one of the largest in the world, said Alexander Kibovsky.

“The city is preparing a unique event - a parade of urban technology, which will be held on September 11 along the Garden Ring from 13:00 to 16:00, and then, from 17:00, there will be an exhibition of urban technology. I believe that when we hold it, we can claim to be in all the record books. There was no such parade not only in the country, but also nowhere in the world: 675 pieces of equipment will take part. It will be not only retro samples, but also a fleet of that equipment, those machines that are in last years Moscow has updated - these are cars and public transport, and security, and utilities, "- said the head of the Moscow Department of Culture.

According to him, the parade will be no less spectacular than the parade of military equipment on May 9.

After the parade in the area of ​​Barrikadnaya and Krasnaya Presnya streets, an exhibition of motor vehicles of city services will open.

In the sports part of the City Day celebration program— festivals in workout, student and youth sports, the Moscow Mayor's Cup in mixed martial arts MMA and other sports competitions. The Artist Foundation for the Support of Artists will hold a charity Bicycle Ride with the Artist.

VDNKh will host a large children's party, the All-Russian festival of energy conservation "# Together brighter" and a photo exhibition of the finalists of the competition "Planet Moscow".

The safety of festive events will be ensured by more than 15 thousand police officers, Rosgvardia and people's vigilantes. It is envisaged to strengthen the work of private security companies in city parks of culture and recreation.

For medical support, 10 teams of the Scientific and Practical Center for Emergency Medical Aid of the city of Moscow are involved. Up to 100 ambulance teams will be on duty.

Published 09.09.16 04:23 PM

September 10, 2016 Moscow celebrates City Day. On City Day, Putin will ride along the Moscow Central Circle, clouds will be dispersed over the capital, and traffic will be limited. Read the TopNews review for what to expect from the holiday.

Meetings with your favorite movie characters, the best films about Moscow, exhibitions, screen tests, and also a special menu: Muscovites will spend the upcoming weekend like in a movie. The grandiose festival starts on the eve of the City Day. This year the program of the holiday was dedicated to Russian cinema.

Central holiday grounds station Tverskaya street, pedestrian zones in the center of Moscow, BDNX, Park Gopogo, Slope Mountain, Lazhniki, parks of culture and rest. 12-00 - 13-00 -

Top official opening ceremony of the Moscow City Day 2016 on the green square. Entry with promotional tickets.

13-00 - General city start intcbatch festive events.

On TV Street will show 10 thematic expositions with art objects from your favorite films.

Festival "Moscow Cinema" will be held on 33rd sites in all Moscow from 9 to 18 September, and on the 10th and 11th September, the festival "Moscow Cinema" will be held.

On the square there will be art-objects and decorations from your favorite films, cinema theaters, bright house-chalets with dishes from the cinema.

Square of Revolution will become the venue for the Slavic Trapeza Culinary Festival. During the festival, you can taste traditional Slavic dishes and drinks, listen to the production of folk -collectives, play in a classroom maker and

Gopkogo Park and Myzeon- 10 and 11 September will present the 2016 City Day festive program “Moscow as in a movie”. The 5th Family Festival Bright People 2016 will also take place here. More information about events in Gorkogo Park:

BДHX- 10th and 11th September: All-Russian energy saving festival "#Below", Big children's party, Festival of perfumery, photo show. From 11 to 20 o'clock for children and parents will be "LEGO Party".

Lizhniki- tyt ppoydet macshtabny fectival "Den gopoda in Lyzhnikax» co-cpoptivno myzykalnoy ppogpammoy mepoppiyaty, c decyatkami ploschadok Po paznym vidam cpopta: vopkayty, papkypy, bpeyk-dancy, fytboly, pollepcpopty, apmpectlingy, nactolnomy tennicy and dpygim.

On Patients' ponds will be held the Bulgakovsky festival on 10 and 11 September.

Color bill- On September 10 th there will be a festival of the benevolent fund "Dobraya Moskva", on September 11 - a holiday program.

- Center of culture and art "Meridian" September 10, 2016 at 11 o'clock invites you to the Festival of Radio Controlled Models, at 15 o'clock - for a sightseeing tour "A third of a century with the capital" (preliminary registration), at 20 o'clock - for an interactive "Cinematic Chronicle of the City" (preliminary registration). And on September 10 and 11, an exhibition "Army in the palm of your hand" will take place. All events are free.

- Cultural center "Kievsky" on the Day of the City of Moscow prepared quests, master classes, contests, excursions, a concert for the townspeople. The beginning is at 12.00.

- Near the Kapotnya Palace of Culture festivities "Glory to the capital, glory to Moscow!" will begin on September 10 at 16 o'clock.

September 10 from 13 o'clock park named after Artyom Borovik invites to the show "ArtMosSfera", and at 22 o'clock the sky of the Maryino district will be decorated with colorful fireworks.

- Park of the 850th anniversary of Moscow will begin to celebrate the 869th anniversary of Moscow at 8 o'clock. The park will host freestyle competitions on rough water, track and field cross-country competitions, active street games have been prepared for the guests of the holiday, and a concert will begin at 19 o'clock.

- Izmailovsky park on the City Day, it will transfer the guests of the park to the atmosphere of the 50-60s.

On holiday weekend in Lilac garden there will be excursions, exciting classes, lectures, a concert, games, performances for children.

At the festival "Kino-Moscow" visitors Perovsky Park On September 10, they will meet with actors, watch a movie, listen to the Brothers Grim band, build a cardboard city, star in a film, take part in master classes and see fireworks at the end of the evening.

-Olympic Village Park on the festive weekend prepared an unforgettable jazz and classical program for music lovers.

A performance for children, workshops, a concert in the style of Jazz Funk was prepared for September 10 at Park "Gardeners".

- In the park "50th Anniversary of October" a charity run "Mom, Dad, I have a healthy back!" will be organized, registration is required to participate in the race. As part of the race for the whole family, there will be sports and creative workshops, a pet school for children, face painting, a concert, and fireworks. Start at 11 o'clock.

- In Lyublino On September 10, the program "I love you, Moscow!" from 14 to 16 hours.

- In Kolomenskoye September 10 and 11 Moscow City Day 2016 will be celebrated on a grand scale: a concert, master classes, games, a plein air, performances of the Kremlin riding school. The city holiday "Hurray! Zhai" in the Kolomenskoye park these days will delight residents and guests of the capital with an interesting program and delicious treats.

Tsapitsyno- 10 September from 13-00 to 19-00 at Tsapitsyno's headquarters on the occasion of the First Moscow Day 2016, there will be a concert, in which there will be a part of the theater-studio “Brevo”, a concert ...

- In Izmailovo On September 10, from 2 pm to 4 pm, they invite you to the concert program "I love you, Moscow!"

- In Lefortovo at 14 o'clock the program "I sing to you, beloved city" on September 10th. And on the site near the Grotto, the festive events "Dutch Saturday" start at 12.00.

- Lianozovsky park September 10 will take guests to the atmosphere of the last century. And on September 11, the territory of the park will turn into a large creative platform.

11 September landscape park"Mitino" invites guests to attend festive master classes, lectures, and a concert.

V Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill On September 10, from 10 o'clock, the annual action "Parade of Russian Students - Moscow" will take place, at 18.30 a festive concert will begin. On September 11, we invite guests and residents of Moscow to a concert program at 13.00.

V park "Krasnaya Presnya" the festival will take place " New classic". - Park" Lefortovo "invites you to Dutch Saturday, in the celebration program: a concert program, sports competitions, master classes, bike excursions.

The Piano Scape Music Festival will take place on September 10, 2016 in the Bauman Garden. On Sunday, the park will host master classes, sales of goods and books, and a children's concert.

- Goncharovsky park September 10 will turn into a huge dance floor. And on September 11, a jazz concert will take place. - On the Day of the City of Moscow, the Bulgakov Festival is planned at the Patriarch's Ponds.

City Day events in the Catherine park prepared for the whole family: master classes, dances, games, a concert, performances by circus and theater artists.

- in Babushkinsky park there will be an exhibition of retro cinema technology, theatrical performances, a festive concert, a film screening and colorful fireworks

On September 10 and 11, the jazz festival Moscow Jazz Fest will delight visitors with its concert programs Vorontsovsky Park.

At 13:00 on September 10, the celebration of the Day of the City of Moscow will begin in Kuzminki park... The guests of the park will see the Become a Rock Star workshop, a performance by Linda, the Murakami, Masha and Bears, 7B and others bands. The holiday will end at 22.00 with a festive fireworks.

- In the Park of Legends The Big Rap 2016 sports and music festival will take place on September 10.

- Sokolniki Park September 10 and 11 invites residents and guests of Moscow to the Musical Day of the city. French and Russian musicians will perform in front of the audience.

V Tagansky Park On September 10 the "Pop up! Pop art" festival will take place. And on September 11th, come with your whole family to the "Until Mommy Sees" festival.

Sports holidays timed to the Moscow City Day 2016 will be held in the park of the Northern River Station, in the recreation area "Troparevo" and Fili park.

On Moscow City Day 2016 Moscow Zoo prepared a variety of events for visitors: excursions, master classes, a concert, a fashion show, a pony show, demonstration animal feeding. The beginning is at 12.00.

Theatrical festive program "Territory of the Theater" on the City Day in the Hermitage garden starts at 13:00 on September 11.

Free museums- 10 and 11 September city and guests of the capital will be able to visit museums, yachts and exhibition halls, which are subordinated to the Department of Culture of the city. Almost all museums have prepared holiday programs.

Putin will take part in the events on the occasion of City Day in Moscow on September 10, 2016 and will open the Moscow Central Circle

Russian President Vladimir Putin will take part in the opening of the Moscow Central Ring on Saturday, and will also speak on Red Square in front of Muscovites on the occasion of City Day, the press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov said on Friday.

"As for tomorrow, the president will take part in the events to celebrate Moscow City Day. He will get acquainted with the Moscow Central Circle, ride along it, Sergei Sobyanin, respectively, briefing him, tell about plans," Peskov is quoted by Interfax.

According to Peskov, the president "will also address Muscovites and guests of the holiday on Red Square."

The new 54-kilometer interchange circuit connects the metro and the radial lines of commuters railways... The MCC line has 31 stopping points with transfers to 11 metro lines and 9 railway lines.

The first stage of the launch of the Moscow Central Ring will take place on September 10. From now on, passengers will have access to 24 stations, with 11 transfers to the metro and 5 to commuter trains... By the end of the year, all stations will be open - 31, as well as 14 transfers to the metro and 6 to commuter trains... At the third stage of the launch, there will be 17 transfers to the metro and 10 to commuter trains. With the launch of the MCC, travel time when traveling around the capital will be reduced by three times, RIA Novosti notes.

Moscow City Day 2016: fireworks, when, where is it better to watch?

The City Day 2016 in Moscow has been completed. In this year, fireworks will be unusual - in the form of smiles, hearts, peonies and other figures.

The start of the salute is 10 September at 22-00, the duration is 5 minutes, in total it will give 6 thousand salaries: high-quality currencies - for 12 squares and fireworks - in 20 parking lots.

For a detailed program of gullies for the City Day 2016, see the official website Ilyublyumosqvy.rf

In connection with the holding of festive events timed to the City Day, in the center of Moscow from September 9 to 11, the movement of personal and public transport on a number of streets will be limited. Drivers are asked to be extremely careful, choose detour routes in advance, strictly follow the directions of the signs, Molnet reports.

So, from 18:00 on September 9 to 6:00 on September 12, traffic will be limited on Tverskaya Street from Mokhovaya to Pushkinskaya Square, Mokhovaya Street from Vozdvizhenka to Tverskaya, Teatralny Proyezd from Tverskaya to Petrovka, from 00:00 on September 10 to 6:00 September 12 - along B. Nikitskaya from Romanov Lane to Mokhovaya.

In addition, from the evening of September 9 to the morning of September 12, Nikitsky, Gazetny, Bryusov, Leontievsky, Kozitsky, Georgievsky, Glinischevsky, Maly and Bolshoy Gnezdnikovsky lanes will be pedestrianized. At the same time, the Swedish dead end from Leontievsky lane to Maly Gnezdnikovsky will be opened for walks.

Restrictions will be imposed on the evening of September 10 due to holiday fireworks. Transport traffic from 21:50 to 22:10 will be limited on Moskvoretskaya embankment, in Vologodsky passage and on Fedosino street, and from 17:00 to 22:30 - on Kadyrov street. Ilyinka and Birzhevaya Square will be closed on September 10 from 8:00 to 14:00.

In addition, in connection with the holding of the First Moscow parade of urban technology on Sunday, September 11, traffic on the Garden Ring will be closed from 13:00 to 17:00, and from 10:30 on the cycle route: Petrovka, Strastnoy, Petrovsky, Rozhdestvensky and Sretensky boulevards, Turgenevskaya square.

Clouds will be dispersed over Moscow on City Day

In honor of the City Day, clouds will be dispersed in Moscow, Gismeteo reports. The sky over the capital will be clear for two days - September 10 and 11.

10 planes will prepare the heavens for the capital's birthday. Among them - one Yak-42 meteorological laboratory of Roshydromet and nine Air Force aircraft - An-12 and An-26. The aircraft will begin to disperse the clouds over Moscow at 4:00 am on Saturday.

Different types of clouds are “chased away” by different reagents. Usually liquid nitrogen, carbon dioxide or silver iodide cartridges are used, which penetrate the cloud to a depth of 2 kilometers. If the clouds are convective, powdered reagents are sprayed, which are dropped by packages and unfold in flight. The exact type of reagent for cleansing the sky on Moscow City Day will be selected on the spot, on the morning of September 10.

Moscow City Day 2016 is a holiday of residents, which is usually celebrated at the local level on a large scale and on a grand scale. The official date for this holiday is the first autumn Saturday in September.

The celebration is annually commemorated big amount entertainment events of various kinds, which are held everywhere. An indispensable attribute of the holiday is a bright fireworks, the government organizes it for residents every year, as well as numerous concerts and other festivities.

When will the City Day be celebrated in Moscow

It is impossible to say in advance what date the City Day will be celebrated in Moscow, since the event is not assigned to a certain number on the calendar. This year the holiday falls on September 3. The famous city of Moscow on this day will already be 869 years old.

The established date of the celebration is directly related to the first mention of the city's name in the found chronicle sources. City Day in Moscow was not always celebrated on such a large scale and brightly as is customary today. It is worth mentioning that there were fierce disputes regarding the choice of the date of the holiday, and it was not celebrated at all right away - but only since the 700th anniversary. However, the holiday has a history.

Major milestones in history

The decision to celebrate the City Day in Moscow was first made in the middle of the 19th century. It was then that the question of celebrating the 700th anniversary of the city was raised, the proposal was supported by quite influential people:

  • A. Shcherbatov, who was the Governor-General of Moscow,
  • K. Aksakov, famous writer,
  • Moscow Metropolitan Filaret.

The historian Zabelin set about calculating the date of the event. exact date the first mention of Moscow in the Ipatiev Chronicle. He discovered that this happened on April 4, 1147. Disputes immediately arose, since Karamzin noted that the capital was first mentioned in March 1147. After some time, scientists came to an agreement, decided to celebrate the anniversary in the spring of 1847.

The planned celebrations were supposed to be spread over three days. The first day was supposed to be made a "church celebration", the other - a "scholarly celebration", which will take place on the territory of Moscow University, and on the same day it was planned to hold a ball in the house of the governor-general. On the third day, a "folk celebration" was planned, in which the residents of the city were to receive gifts in the city square.

Unfortunately, the plans were not destined to be realized. On the evening of December 31, 1846, Nicholas I ordered to postpone the celebrations to January 1, 1847. Of course, the celebrations took place, but not at all in the format that had been planned. Metropolitan Filaret said a prayer to the glory of Moscow in the Chudov Monastery, and prayers were also read in all other churches. For the masses in the center of the city, a festive installation was mounted from greasy bowls, but they quickly extinguished, a strong wind interfered.

The 800th anniversary of Moscow was celebrated more extensively and was remembered more. In 1947, Stalin ordered the capital day to be celebrated in early September. Then the medal "In Commemoration of the 800th Anniversary of Moscow" was minted for the anniversary. The celebration took place on September 7th. The city was decorated with photographs of the leaders and flags, many lights were lit in the evening, and festive fireworks were fired.

In 1986, B. Yeltsin, who was then the head of the city committee of the CPSU, issued a decree to celebrate the Moscow Day annually in the first days of September. At this time, food fairs were held in the city.

Particularly grandiose was the celebration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, which took place in 1997 under Luzhkov. The beginning of the holiday was marked by a concert of world opera stars, which took place on Cathedral Square. Then the opening ceremony took place on Tverskaya Square. The next day's program included the Slavianski Bazaar Welcomes Moscow festival and a concert in the Kremlin. The celebration ended with a concert at Luzhniki.

Some traditions and features of the holiday

According to the established tradition, the government organizes various events on City Day in Moscow. public events that will certainly end. On this day, visits to all kinds of thematic exhibitions, master classes, excursions, parties and fairs are organized.

So, last year, when the 868th anniversary of the city was celebrated, the celebrations took place over two days - on the 5th and 6th. For the holiday they chose the theme - "Triumphal Moscow". We have organized over 500 various events throughout the city:

  • festivals,
  • representation,
  • free excursions,
  • military bands,
  • concerts,
  • all kinds of flash mobs,
  • performances.

Every year on this holiday, a new program is developed, the theme of the holiday, which is accompanied by many interesting ideas for organizing the celebration.