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World Health Day Scenario. The game "Black Box". Scenario of the festive event in Dow

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Extracurricular event introduces students with the rules of a healthy lifestyle; Forms a belief about the need to preserve personal health and responsibly refers to their health and health around. Used development technology critical thinking.

Class: 2

Subject: "World Health Day. Journey to the country of health »

Purpose:introduce students with the rules of a healthy lifestyle; To form a belief about the need to preserve personal health and responsibly applies to their health and health surrounding, develop critical thinking.



  • learning to allocate the main thing, apply the knowledge gained in practice;
  • learn to ask questions well to understand the theory, be able to set out the material.


  • develop the ability to observe, compare, analyze, draw conclusions, generalize;
  • cognitive interest To the world around the world through work with different information sources.


  • educate communicative skills (collaborate in a small group, listen to comrades);
  • brigade careful attitude to health.

Planned results:

  • Regulatory Wood: be able to independently formulate goals after prior discussion, control and evaluate your actions.
  • Cognitive Wood: be able to navigate in your knowledge system: independently assume what information is needed to solve the learning task, compare, analyze.
  • Communicative Wood: to master the rules of work in the group, reproduce and apply the rules for work in the group, transfer information and display subject matter and condition activities in speech; Be able to convey your position to others, express your point of view and try to justify it, leading arguments.
  • Personal Wood: positive attitude to the topic studied, installation on zozh;

motivation learning activities, including training and educational motives, responsibility for their actions on the basis of ideas about the moral communication norms.

A type -introduction of new knowledge using critical thinking and active learning.

Forms of training activities: individual, group, steam room, with critical thinking and active learning.

Methods: verbal (conversation, introduction, Teacher's messages, student messages), practical ( creative work Schoolchildren in the team, work with handouts, cards), visual (presentation), method of cooperation.

Resources:computer, projector, individual cards, presentation.

The course of extracurricular activities

I. Organizational moment

The teacher tells the poems:
When we meet the dawn
We tell him - hello.
With a smile sun gives the trail
We send our hello.
And you remember the advice
Give all friends hello.
When meeting after many years
You will tell your friends - hello.
Let's all in response
Let's say with each other, hello.
- Do we can say everything - hello?
- How do you need to welcome adults?
- What does the word "Hello" mean?

Children read poems:

1 child:

I will tell you today - hello!
This means - I wish everyone
And good, and love, and toast,
To be communicated with whom.

2 child:

In life, the joy of native Given,
In the world of happiness, wish everyone
More often "Hello" say
And you will not have any problems.

3 child:

What is "Hello"? The best of words.
Because "Hello" means "be healthy"

- Hello!

- These words welcome each other, coping with health.

- Are you healthy, my dear?

- Do you have a good mood today?

Show smart eyes, smooth backs, long cervix, look at each other, smile. Thank you. Sit comfortably.

II. Setting the goal of the event

- Every day we speak and hear the words with the root of "- Sass",

"- healthy":

"Hello", "How is your health?", "Good health", "be healthy."

- What do you think?

- Of course, because health is the most valuable wealth of every person.

- Let's turn to the sensible dictionary and read what health is.

Health is the right, normal activity of the body, its full physical and mental well-being. ( Dictionary S.I. Oghegova)

- Tell me in your own way, what is health? (Tell me in your own - thought verb.)

And how to be healthy and strong?

- For what we have to lead healthy image life?

(an effective question - constructive)

Here on this question we will try to answer today.

Health will not buy for any money. When a man is ill, it is very difficult for him to embody his plans, realize himself in the modern world.

III. Building "Lestenka Health"

Introduction.Guys, now I will read you a fairy tale, and you carefully listening, think and tell me what this fairy tale can be .


Once there were part of the human body. Before each other began to praise and keep the expense of their merits that ended the quarrel.

"We will not," the hands said, "work." Work yourself, if there is a hunt!

"And we," the legs said, we will not walk and wear you! "

- Think about how scared! - Eyes they told them. - Can you do without malicious eyes? If you don't want to think about it, then you know, as you know, and we will continue to look at anything!

- And we will not listen! - said ears. - We are continuously rumored our annoyance and day-day we do not know recreation. We even on Sundays have no rest from music and singing!

- I can and I live without worries! - exclaimed the mouth. - I also know how to be: I will not eat, I will not drink!

- So, it means that the rest will come from this day for me! - The stomach joyfully cried. I'm without regret I refuse digestion!

Here the head told his ceremony:

- I'm afraid of this disaster, he will not lead us to good, and, however, I have to think about yourself, even if my brain will rest a little!

Embossed completely, everyone silenced. And now the hands stopped working, do not walk on the road, do not strain the ears of the rumor, in the eyes the fire is nothing, the mouth does not bother, the stomach is resting, and the head does not reflect ...

- Guys, think, how did this story end? (Children's responses.)

In order to be healthy, all parts of the human body should be healthy. What should I do for this?

(You need to lead a healthy lifestyle)

Apply the information received and determine what includes a healthy lifestyle?

(Apply, Determine - Thinking Verb)

And so that nothing has happened to us, we will begin our way to the country of health. You will learn a lot about yourself about the features of your body, learn how to take care of your health, so as not to hurt, grow strong and healthy.

Together we will "build a ladder", on which you can get into this country, leaving behind the disease, ailment, fatigue.

1. The first step "Personal Hygiene"

- Attention on the screen. (Slide) (View Moidodyr cartoon fragment)

- Why did things run away from the boy?

Have you guessed how to call this boy?

(Sneak, dirty.)

- Right. What should I do to not be like this boy?

(Wash your hands, wash, wash, clean and wash clothes, comb.)

What do you think, where does the path to health begins?

- Well done! It is from the rules of personal hygiene the way to health.

What do you think is "personal hygiene"?

And who knows where it happened? IN Ancient Greece He lived goddess hygieus (goddess of health) (slide), which very often repeated: "It is easier to prevent the disease than cured", in honor of her and called the science about health hygiene. What is hygiene?

Personal hygiene is care for your body, its content clean.

- As with all hygiene has helpers. Let's guess who it is, with mysteries.

"Suddenly from mother's mamina
Krivo-legged and chrome
Washbasin runs out
And shakes his head ... "

(Moydodyr, K.I. Chukovsky)

Leading: And who knows why he is so called? (Listen to children's answers)

- True, in the old days they said that wash cleanly - it means to rain all the dirt, linnet to the holes, that is, "wash to holes." Hence the name "Moydodyr". Moidodyr loves purity very much. It ensures that all children are clean, and for this, everyone needs to follow personal hygiene rules. But in the world there are a lot of children and it is very difficult for him to cope with this. Therefore, Moydodyra has its helpers. Guess who they are?

Loe in pocket and guard:
Ripu, plaks and dirty.
They are the morning streams of tears,
I will not forget about the nose.
Smooth and scented, washes very clean.
It is necessary that everyone has
- What guys?

I take the work:
Heels, elbows with soap tru
And rubbing the knees,
I do not forget anything.

I wipe I try
After the bath guy.
All wet, everything served -
No dry corner.

I go, fermenting not in the forests,
And on the mustache, by hair
And my teeth are longer,
Than that of wolves and bears.

Like hedgehogs in appearance
But does not ask for food.
Clothes run
And she will become cleaner.

Who considers teeth to us
In the morning and evenings?

Guys, and who of you will tell you how to clean your teeth?

One student comes out to the board and tells about the rules of care of the teeth.

Well done, let's fix our knowledge, let's see slides.

  1. Toothbrush need to be located along the gum line and start moving down the direction from top to bottom. Thus, carefully clean each tooth of the outer surface.
  2. In the same way, we clean the inner surface of each tooth, only the movement of the toothbrush - from the bottom up.
  3. In order to clean the chewing surface of each tooth. Motion brushes must be directed forward.
  4. The tip of the brush with the help of circular movements, clean the inner and outside front teeth.
  5. Be sure to clean the language and put your mouth with water.

- Guys, how many times do you need to wash your hands?

- And let's see what can happen if you do not wash and wash your hands.

- What can happen if you don't wash and wash your hands?

(Fragment of the cartoon Vitya and microbus)

- What is covered by our body?

(Our body is covered with skin. The teacher offers students to consider the skin on their hands.)

- The skin protects our body from diseases. And when you run, jump, and it becomes hot, droplets of sweat appear on the skin. If the skin is not soaked for a long time, the fat and sweat are accumulated on it, which delay dust particles. From this, the skin becomes dirty, coarse and stops protecting our body from microbes.

Dirty skin can bring harm to health. And besides, dirty, sloppy people are always unpleasant to others.

That is why the skin needs to be washed, it is necessary to care for it.

We overcame the first step.

2. The second step "day mode"

How do you understand what is the mode of the day?

Schoolchild mode - Organized alternation different types Activities with rest.

Let's remember the day of the day, playing the game "Boosiest Lord"! Children are sitting in a semicircle in two groups. Respond in turn each group.

You decided to become healthy
So perform ... (mode)

In the morning, seven rings are stronger
Our cheerful friend ... (alarm clock)

All over the charge
Our friendly ... (family)

The mode, of course, does not disappear
I wash under the cold ... (shower)

Check, no one helps me
Bed I, too ... (I drag)

After shower and charging
Waiting for me hot ... (breakfast)

After breakfast always
I run to school ... (friends)

At school I try very,
With a lazy sport to be friends ... (Does not want)

With tops spend home
To say that I am always ... (hero)

Always i my hands with soap
Do not call for us ... (Moidodyra)!

After lunch, you can sleep,
And you can in the yard ... (play).

Ball, rope and racket,
Skiing, Sledge and Skates
Best friends... (mine)

Mom waves out of the window
So, I am home ... (it's time)

Now I do lessons,
I like my job)

In the evening we have fun
In hand we take dumbbells,
With dad sports ... (do),

My mother ... (smile).

But looks to us in the window of the moon
So sleep is already ... (it's time)

I run speedy under the shower
My eyes and eyes, and ... (ears)

I am waiting for me my bed,
« Good night»!
Need sleep)

Tomorrow will be a new day!
Did you like the mode?

Show signal cards, who keeps the day in the class? Green and red.

Tell me, why do you need a day mode?

If you follow the day of the day, you can manage to do everything that is required of you, and you will not feel overly tired. The day of the day is also important because it helps to teach about, independence and responsibility, as well as keep your health.

And now, I want to offer you to try to make a day mode. I give you several leaves, and you will need to quickly get up in such a manner as required by the day. Exchange opinions, you are 30 seconds. Work in groups. (Lifting, charging, wash, cleaning teeth, breakfast, school, lunch, leisure, classes in circles, homework, walk, help relatives, sports, dinner, free time, sleep.)

Well done! We overcame the second step.

3. Third Step "Charging"

To be attentive in lessons, successfully cope with cool and homework, and then still help parents in domestic affairs, you need to be cheerful, active throughout the day. What helps a person to be so?

Morning charging, proper nutrition, hardening, fighting harmful habits, Observe personal hygiene, compliance with the day.

We establish our third step (do charging)

Do you know how to do charging? When should it be done? (at any time during the day)

Let's and we relieve a little and repeat the rules for the care of your teeth, we will spend a learning structure of the Mixer - Group (repeatedly a mental verb) (Mix - Fris - Group - Class Bilding - a process in which a group of students with different Experience becomes a co-corrected team, develops communication and cooperation skills.)

- Everyone got up, the chairs deployed.

  1. How many times a day you need to brush your teeth? (2)
  2. After how many months you need to change the toothbrush? (3)
  3. How many times a year you need to visit the dentist? (2)
  4. How many people in our class lead a healthy lifestyle? (25)

Class! (Demonstrating a series of cotton, children repeat) (class! - Silence signal, CHEP signal to attract attention)

- Well done! Sit down to your places.

Go to 4 steps, proper nutrition.

4. Fourth Step "Proper Food"

Guys, I recently received a letter. Look, from whom?

Carlson's letter:

Hello, friends!

I write my letter from the hospital. My health has worsened: a headache, in the eyes of the stars, the whole body is sluggish. Doctor says I need to eat right. I made up a menu for lunch: cake with lemonade, chips, jam and peps-cola. This is my favorite food. I will soon be healthy. Your carlson.

- Will Carlson be able to recover soon?

- Why?

- Discuss in groups and give Carlson Council, what rules healthy nutrition Does he keep to recover quickly?

(An effective question - constructive)

- True, scientists found that in order for the person to feel cheerful and healthy, the composition of our food must be included: water, proteins, fats, sugar or carbohydrates, various mineral salts, as well as vitamins.

- What do you think all products are useful for human health?

(An effective question - reproductive)

Teacher. Guys, is it true Carlson made up the menu? Now we will choose which products are harmful to what useful. Work on slides.

- And now we will discuss how to remember the rules of healthy, proper nutrition. You have a card on your tables. (Discuss, I remember - Thinking Verbs)

(Thinking Cards Cards - Routine Engine - Routine and Structures - Thinking Elements - Conclusions and Consequences)

  1. The topic is asked: healthy nutrition.
  2. Select 2 categories. Time to reflections - 5 seconds. Time is over.
  3. Sorting cards for selected categories
  4. We work. Time to work - 1 minute.

- Everyone has enough time to fulfill the task?

- 1 group, name healthy foods Nutrition.

- 2 group, name harmful products Nutrition.

- Compare your work with the sample on the presentation, evaluate the correctness of the compilation of cards. (Compare, rate - mental verbs)

- Raise your hand, who is correctly completed? Well done!

Summarizing. Reflection

Guys, we made up a "ladder of health." This ladder has a lot of steps, and you are still at the very beginning of the path. Climbing along this ladder, you can become a strong, healthy soul and body. But do not forget: on this ladder you can go down ...

And now I suggest you to sum up the event and continue the sentences (sunshine, on the rays - offers. I liked it today ... it was difficult ... It was interesting ... I wanted ...)

Well done! I wish you: never sick; eat right; be vague Protect good deeds.

In general, lead a healthy lifestyle!

(Excellent!) (Tim Chir - Exercise for Promotion)

- Well done, you were super today!

- Thanks for the activity, and in memory of our event, I offer you such memos about health, and notes where you can record your day mode, all your current affairs in order to be always healthy and successful.

Scenario sports holiday "Health Day."

Purpose: Formation among students needs in a healthy lifestyle.

Tasks: 1. Creation positive mood and a favorable situation for learning and education of students;

2. Fimuling the desire of schoolchildren to independent exercise classes.

The program of the Day of Health:

    A ruler dedicated to the World Health Day.

    Morning work-out.

    Events in the gym.

    Release sheets of health.

    Excursions by environmental trails.


Posters on the topic: "We are for a healthy lifestyle!", We are for a healthy lifestyle! ", On the walls of the sports hall, posters:" Health is in order - thanks to charging! "," Health is everything head! "," Sport and Movement - Life ! "," So that healthy, strong to be, you need sports, friends, love! ".

Structure of the event:

On this day, Morning begins with a ruler for all classes dedicated to the World Health Day. Then pass sports events. And at the end of the school day, each class produces a piece of health and goes on excursions by environmental paths.

(Under the sounds of the sports march, students and teachers of the school enter the hall to open a day of health).

A ruler dedicated to the World Health Day.

Lead 1.: Good afternoon dear friends! Today on the entire planet, people celebrate World Health Day. On this day, sports competitions and holidays are held all over the world, so that the children of the entire planet grew up healthy and strong, courageous and brave, dexterous and stronger!

Why is there such a day? Yes, because health is the most expensive thing that has a person. But what is health?

(Children - on 1 student from each class in turn say that it means this word for them).

1 student: Health is when you feel good!

2 student: Health is when nothing hurts!

3 student: Health is beauty!

4 Student: Health is power!

5 Student: Health is flexibility and harmony!

6 Student: Health is stamina!

7 Student: Health is harmony!

8 Student: Health is when you wake up cheerful and cheerful in the morning!

9 Student: Health is when you can easily climb 4 floor!

10 Student: Health is when you happily perform any job!

11 Student: Health is when you enjoy life!

Lead 2.: Guys, you are all right. "Health before all the other benefits that the healthy beggar of the happier of the sick king."

Lead 1.: Health must be protected, take care of him with early years. They know even sessions.

(Students of the second classes tell poems).

The body is to strengthen

Knows my whole family

There must be a day of the day.

2 student:

Should guys know

You need to sleep all a little longer.

Well, and in the morning do not be lazy -

For charging to become!

3 student:

Brush teeth, wash

And smile and more often.

Turn and then

You are not afraid of the Handra.

4 student:

Eat vegetables and fruits

Fish, Milk Products -

Here is a useful meal,

Vitamins full!

5 student:

Go for a walk

Fresh air breathe

Just remember when leaving:

Dress up the weather!

6 student:

Here you have good advice,

Secrets are harnessed in them.

Learn to appreciate it!

Lead 1: Guys! Everyone heard to be healthy need to move as much as possible. After all, there is no wonder: "The movement is life." I suggest everyone to move a little, stretch your body. After all, the morning you need to start with charging. Why do you need charging?

2 student:

This is not a riddle at all -

To develop strength

And all day not to get tired!

(Teacher physical education Commands: "To charge - marry !! And with all students, teachers perform a complex of morning charging):

We go to the site


Step in place - two forward

And then the opposite.

Hands up raised above.

Lose - clearly breathe.

Exercise second.

Hands side. Feet apart

So long ago it was done.

Three tilt do down

Four - Lift!

All the flexibility is needed in the world,

We will lean, children!

Once - to the right, two - left.

Strengthen our body.

Satisfied every day

Rock sleep and laziness.

Sat down -

Grow higher.

In the prison in good time

We jump now!

One two three four -

In friendship, we live and the world!

Lead 1.: Well done boys! I see that many of you do exercises, play sports!

Sport guys, we need everyone.

We are firmly friends with sports!

Sport - Assistant!

Sport - Health!

Sport - game!

All Fizkult - Hooray!

Lead 2: Welcome to all who found time,

And I came to school for the health of health!

We will be healthy, with charging friendly,

We are sports with physical education, like air needed!

Lead 1.: And now we continue the day of health. And no matter who will be the winner today. The main thing is that we all felt the atmosphere of the holiday. The atmosphere of heartiness and goodwill, mutual respect and understanding. Let the friendship unites you!

Sport tests:

Competition participants:

Students of grades 1-11 participate in sporting events, cool leaders and educators, and other school teachers.

Competition Guide:

General management of the health day is carried out by the school administration, direct management is assigned to teachers physical culture.

Conditions for:

Competitions pass on 6 stages:

    Long jump

    Push ups in Löj's stop.

    Lifting the body (press).

    Tilt of the body forward (development of flexibility).

    Visa on the crossbar (pulling).

    Dumbbells (development of force).

Definition of winners of competitions, awarding:

The winners are determined by the best results in their age group And award medals and diplomas.

Lead 1:

Congratulations !!! Friends! Despite the results of today's competitions, all participants and fans received a charge of cheerfulness and good mood!

Lead 2:

That ended our sports holiday, today we have become even stronger, hardy and bold. We wish you that the "day of health" you had every day: both at school, and at home. Grow strong, healthy and dexterous!

Lead 1:

Guys, always remember the winged phrases: "Sport and movement - life", "In a healthy body - a healthy mind," "So that healthy, strong to be, you need sports, friends to love."

See new meetings on sports fields!

(Under the sounds of a sports march, participants in competitions and fans leave the hall).

Purpose: Develop a sense of collectivism, a sense of unity, cohesion, to form responsibility for their health, motivating to a healthy lifestyle.

Leading: Good evening, dear friends, colleagues! We are glad to see you on our physical education feast dedicated to the Day of Health! Today you are waiting for fun and jokes! Miss you will not be a minute!

I am glad to introduce you to our respected jury, as well as our wonderful teams and expensive fans. So! Let's start with the warm-up!

I will say the phrase, after which you need a choir to say "We do not argue! ", If you agree with the statement, or"We argue - argue!", Unless you agree.

In the fall come rain.
Spring is waiting for us ahead.
All day Meli blizzards.
Birds from the south flew.
Maple leaf is popped.
Lily of the lily White blooms.
Apples in the garden drove.
In the grove of nightingales.
We salted cabbage.
And the roller was filled with water.
The field is fog.
In the garden - only Byrian.
And the holidays are waiting for everyone.
Victory Day here like here.
Give Gurboy.
Waiting for the exam with you.
Days are getting longer.
It will be colder soon.
The puddles began to freeze.
Birds began to fly away.
Without candy, it is difficult for us very much.
Soon fall, by the way.
Cheering I am now.
You are mistaken many times.

  • So the first competition!


You are offered to "open" new Sadik - Inflated as quickly as possible a balloon, and then "settle" this kindergarten by children - quickly draw on the ball on the figure of children with markers. Who "children" in the kindergarten will be more - the winner!

(by the number of commands balloons and threads, by the number of participants of felt-tipers)

  • We start the second contest!

And now we will check if you know the fairy tales well that you yourself are reading children. I will read you a fairy tale, and you will need to record the names of the heard familiar fairy tales, and the jury will then check the correctness of the task.

How many fairy tales sounded?

They lived - Grandfather da Baba were, there was no ice hut, but Lubyana. They lived in her thirty years and three years. They lived, did not exist, and everything was fine, but God did not give the kids. So the old woman says the old man: "Stay-ka you, an old man, to a goldfish. Will fish, say, yes, they have scarce with her egg, and not simple, but golden. " And the old man went to the blue sea. And the old woman at the window of the village wait for him alone. Waiting - comes from the morning to night. Looks at sea, even the eyes are painted.

And the old man at that time does not joke: the hands, his feet is spinning rope. The teeth are sharp in the heart of the heart stuck and the testicle has hesitated. And the old woman in the hut smiles yes Ivan - the fool waited. Soon the fairy tale affects, but no sooner is done.

So winter has passed, spring has come. It became a sunshine and wanted the old woman to drink a key water. She went to the well, buried the water, but the trouble was stupid. Feed a bucket on the bottom of the well. Crying the old woman, with tears bitten. Look - a puddle. Give it, thinks the old woman, drinking from this puddle. And then the mouse runs and the voice is praised by human: "Do not drink, old, the goatnye will be." I did not obey the old woman and got drunk out of the puddle. Suddenly the thunder hit, grunted the lightning, and turned the old woman in the frog. Sits myself yes doubling. And on that time Ivan-Durak returned from hunting. Look - the frog is sitting. He pulled the arrow, aimed ... The frog prayed here: "Do not goubi me, Ivanushka, I come to you." So it came out, there are frogs.

Brought Ivanka a frog into the palace to the king-father. And he ordered the sovereign immediately to prepare three boilers: with water, ice, with water, and with pair milk. A frog was bought in three boilers and became a written beauty that neither in a fairy tale say no feather!

Here and the wedding played. And the deubsions were not forced to wait long. They arranged for their children a great set: in scales, like fever, thirty-three heroes.

And the old man has the blue sea and to this day goes: go to the right - the song turns out, left - the fairy tale says the one that I told you. So it turns out that the fairy tale is a lie, yes in it hint - good young And old men lesson.

(teams leaves, felt-tippers, jury answers)

Jury Answers:

  • "Fox and hare" or "Zayushkina Hut";
  • "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish";
  • "Snow Maiden";
  • "Ryaba chicken";
  • "Tale of the dead princess and seven heroes";
  • "Fly Tsokotukha";
  • "Baba Yaga";
  • "Tale of sister Alyonushka and Bratz Ivanushka";
  • "Moroz Ivanovich";
  • "Princess Frog";
  • "The Little Humpbacked Horse";
  • "The Tale of Tsar Saltan";
  • "Ruslan and Ludmila".


So that we do not bother
We will respond to rhyme.
Everything is clear to you for now?
The game begins!
And imagine well
We are a big aquarium.
Here fit here
With aqualung ...diver!
And then sleeps, snoring,
Promotomic blue ...
Reacting to snoring,
Side runs away ...
And on the bottom in the sand
With tentacles ...
Next to him to go around
Electric brother ...
Without falling on the hook
Lives sea ...
Looking for the best places
Five ...
Near only sailed
Flat Body ...
And for her, as a burden.
Rushing burning ...
In the shell floats without fear
Among the fish ...
Somewhere jaw flashed
Black Sea ...
Here at the bottom, well, like a toy,
Lies wonderful ...
Near the stone, like a pencil,
And behind him sea ...
Not one comes here
Smart, gentle ...
They play with him, as if in the cabin,
Long-tailed ...
Someone head shakes ...
What? Mermaids do not happen?
But I, friends, dreamed ...
And in the game came ...
the final.

  • We start the third contest!

And now, we will look at the quality of your work as educators.


Two dolls lie in the crots. You are provided with the tasks cards that you must perform in order. You must wake a doll, make a charge with her, wash, clean your teeth, combing, remove the bed, dress, feed, walk with a doll, play with her, wash her hands, feed, wash, spread, put in bed and sing a lullaby song. One wins, who has it faster and better.

(List of two teams and jury)

(prepare everything to the competition)

  • Fourth competition!

Brangle field.

Many bloated words in distant times had a completely different meaning. To your attention, I offer a question and three options for answers. You write the issue number and answer 1, 2 or 3.

1. Halturo previously called ...

1) The exit work of the priest is the funeral of the deceased at home, and not in the church.
2) award in the form of a medal of cheap copper.
3) Check documents at the entrance to the city.

2. Girls of easy behavior Initially called those young ladies that ...

1) ended the gymnasium with bad marks;
2) Studied by french;
3) did not marry until 20 years.

3. The bastard is ...

1) tax collector in Kievan Rus;
2) The profession of burlakov, "reducing" walking trial through water obstacles;
3) settlement on the border of two volosts.

4. Monsters once called ...

1) too talked people;
2) Ancient Russian farmers, that is, those who left the community for the sake of private landfall.
3) Children subjected to public spanking.

5. Idiot. Translated from Greek ...

1) private person;
2) a person who can read:
3) a person who refused to continue the craft of his father.

6. The word Poganese it came to us from Latin. His true meaning ...

1) the border guard (the letter "P" has fallen out of the word;
2) a person who does not understand the mushrooms, collecting some grasses;
3) Selyanin, rustic resident.

7. Skogogogo In Polish meant ...

1) Simple, little man;
2) a convinced bachelor with a great condition.
3) a person hiding from military service.

8. Bolvan. in ancient Russian ...

1) selfless person
2) Widower,
3) Massive boulder, rock.

9. Did not belong to the swordscoundrel because it indicated ...

1) an incredulous person;
2) Recruit, unsuitable for military service;
3) a person incapable of severe physical work.

10. The word infection In the past meant ...

1) Charm;
2) a girl who is very infectiously laughing
3) an ugly girl.

11. Oluchom called ...

1) shepherd;
2) Konya;
3) Old Town.

12. Copets Previously constituted ...

1) the male pre-wedding ceremony, then you mean the boyfriend;
2) a formidable tender in ancient Rus;
3) Mound from the Earth (Kurgan) to denote land ownership boundaries.

And we will play a little again while the jury sums up.

Theatrical riddles:

At least someone ask
Know - were in Russia
Funny - Mandrels,
Actors - merchant.
Scenes, jokes and tricks
Composed ...skomori!

He walks on stage, jumps,
He laughs, then crying!
At least depicting -
Mastery will be amazed!
And for a long time
View of the profession!

He managed by all
Thinking, runs, shouts!

He inspires actors
All play manages
As an orchestra conductor,
But calling ...producer!

Then king, and then the jester
Or king,
Lady, witch or fly,
Robinson Ile Starhukha
Become will help, for example,

Narrow eye and long nose -
In the theater, this is not a question.
If you want to become another,
Call for help!

The play on glory was able,
And the public is satisfied with all!
Artist special ovations
For colorful ...scenery.

The jury announces the results of contests.

  • Fifth Competition!

Now let's see how you play with children!


Eyes are tied by all team members, then pyramids are scattered by the number of teams, large and small. Teams to the touch should correctly and quickly collect pyramids.

  • Sixth Competition!

Well, the last, the final contest!

Favorite fairy tales.

According to the principle edible - incredible: for each correct answer - a step forward.
Each participant raises hand if he knows the answer.
Who's first raised, he answers.

  • Elevator for unclean power (trumpet).
  • Character who burst (bubble).
  • The personification of a family that Pinocratino poked his nose (hearth).
  • Friend Winnie - Pooh, who stayed with a tail (IA).
  • Commander of 33rd boys(Chernomor).
  • Cave Lock - Spell(SIM - SIM, OPEN!)
  • Detail of a female dress in which lakes and swans are placed(sleeve).
  • King's radar - Liegehogs, which is tired of the root cases(Cockerel).
  • Pardon Shot Maze for Tinch - Havroshchi (Cow).
  • Award for the feat that the kings give(POLUMENTS).
  • Reliable fairytale orientation tool (clew).
  • The most friendly communal apartment (Teremok).
  • Seven desires on one leg(sevenctioneetics).
  • Ungrateful listener of songs (a fox).
  • The name of the Great English Region(Robin - Bobin Barak).
  • The highest achievement of a fabulous catering(Tablecloth - self-ban).
  • Traditional dish of Enica - Banikov(vareniki).
  • The most round fabulous hero (Kolobok).
  • Fluffy owner of sapog (cat).
  • Residence Baba Yaga (a hut on chicken legs).

While the jury summarizes the result, we will play a little.

All in motion:

All in motion lives!
Who flies and who goes
Gesture need to show!
I will help you.
Who flies - waving hand!
Who swims - note the wave!
Who just goes - clap!
Who crawls - Fall!

Heavy Colorad Beetle ...
Candidate of Medical Sciences…
Horse fast-fast sea ...
The buzzing fruit ...
Beautiful white moth ...
Fluffy little ferret ...
Long rainworm ...
Puzzled, Little Hammer ...
Air - White Medusa ...
Poet or composer muse ...
Spotted Snack Snake ...
He, she, you and me ...
Winged Bird Ostrich ...
Santa Claus or Santa Claus ...

- And now our multi-dressed jury will summarize the last competitions and announce today's winners!

Award ceremony.

Love Sokebreak
Scenario of the sports and gaming program "Formula Health" dedicated to World Day Health


« Health formula» ,

dedicated to the World Health Day.

Music sounds, leading.

Leading. Good afternoon dear friends! Today, April 7, on the entire planet, people celebrate World Health Day. On this day in all over the world are sports Competitions and holidays so that children of the whole planet grew healthy and strong, bold and brave, dexterous and stronger!

Why is there such a day? Yes, because health is the most expensivethat has a person. But that, so health?

Pupils come out "Action".

I breathe deeply!

Three four!

Stand smooth.

In our life will be supposed to

Day health every day!

- Health - It's good.

- Health - This is when nothing hurts.

- Health is beauty.

- Health is power.

- Health - This is flexibility and harmony.

- Health is endurance.

- Health is harmony.

- Health - This is when you wake up cheerful and cheerful in the morning.

Who agrees health and happiness? WE!

Who is against pain and misfortune? WE!

For sober mind, for clarity of thought? WE!

For childhood, youth, for the joy of life? WE! WE! WE!

Everything. Our health - in our hands!

Leading. Today we are visiting ___

Speech Kucherova A. N.

There is a good folk saying « Well Wheel - you will add everything. And to mine today you will be with the help of your knowledge, smelting, resourcefulness of agility and power. For each completed task you will receive elements of words from which we will collect health formula.

Leading. And from what depends health? From the day mode. And where does the day begins healthy man ? That's right, with charging! We suggest you to charge with our bull athlete!

Music sounds. Comes out athlete.

1. Charging.

Leading. There is one very good proverb - "Pure live - healthy to be» . How do you understand this proverb? What needs to be kept clean? (Children's responses).

Now we suggest you to take water treatments. To the music, each team moves around its lake. As soon as the music ships, everyone should jump into the lake. Who did not have time, that frogs will soar.

2. Game "Paired".

Music sounds on the outlet of the wolf.

Leading. Health is power, and power is sport. What kinds sports you know? (Children's responses) We propose to play air volleyball with a wolf.

3. "Air Volleyball".

Music sounds. A bee appears.

Bee. Hi friends! I am a cheerful and mischievous bee. I love very much useful medicalAnd also moving a lot. I know so much about healthAnd now I want to check your knowledge.

My quiz for team captains. I will ask you questions about health. If you answer correctly to the question, take a step forward, if incorrectly - step back.

4. Quiz.

1. Do you agree that charging is a source of cheerfulness and health? (Yes)

2. Is it true that the gum preserves the teeth? (Not)

3. Is it true that carrots helps to keep vision? (Yes)

4. What do you think is useful milk? (Yes)

5. Can there be bread dry? (Not)

6. Glanched your nails? (Not)

7. Does our depeted health is fromWhat do we eat? (Yes)

8. Is it true that in the summer you can stock vitamins for the whole year? (Not)

10. Is it true that hardening contributes - on a hot day to drink icewater? (Not)

12. Sit down, jump with cotton over your head, pee again. How can you call what we are doing now? That's right, warm-up, charging, physical attack, in one word, movable, active lifestyle. It promotes strengthening health or not? (Yes)

Bee. Well done! You answered all questions on perfectly! And now we can play my most favorite game - "Merry Mountains"!

For this, the team should be built into the columns and put legs wider shoulders. Now left between the legs we transmit a neighbor behind, and right hand Take the left hand of a neighbor in front. Keep hard! In my signal, our "Sorryokozki" Start moving forward to a landmark and return back. The team that will get to the finish line without having broken down.

5. Cheerful waxes.

Leading. Guys, do you know what a grand event awaits us next 2014? (Children's responses) That's right, Winter Olympic Games in Sochi! Meet, symbols of the Olympics!

Music sounds at the outlet of the Olympic symbols.

Leading. And what types of winter Olympic sports you know? (Answers) I propose to arrange bobsley competition.

6. "Bobsled".

Leading. We all know the famous saying - "IN healthy body - healthy mind» . And our next competition is called "Strength of mind". To participate in it we invite two teams.

Each participant receives aerial balloon. By the signal, you must start them to inflate them until the balls burst.

7. "Strength of mind".

Leading. Well done! You really coped with all tasks. And now we can get with you health formula. While music sounds, each team from the obtained elements collects its part of the phrase.

For the music of the team collect words.

Leading. So what is health?

Teams voiced the words received.

Awarding with diplomas.

Leading. Health - invaluable happiness in the life of any person. Each of us is inherent in the desire to be strong and healthy, Save as long as possible mobility, energy and achieve longevity. We hope that our meeting was not in vain. Be healthy!

And now we invite everyone to the incendiary flash mob!

Scenario of the sports festival "World Health Day" for senior children preschool age (2014)

Goals and objectives:

  1. Formation of a healthy lifestyle culture. Expanding knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, and prevention measures.

  2. Promotion of physical culture and sports as better remedy from any disease.
Formation of physical qualities: speed, strength, dexterity

Leading: Hello, dear guys! This is how it is customary to welcome each other, and wish for health. After all, it is the health that is so important for us. Today our holiday is dedicated World Health Day. And today we are with you to talk about health. We are waiting for adventures, we will go to an unusual journey, and where will soon find out. Who wants to be healthy?

Children : Everything!

Leading: : And what person can be called healthy?

Children : Merry, movable, peculiar ...

Leading: : Now, the guys will tell us what to do is not to hurt.

1. Good dream and appetite

We give physical education

Boiler energy for games

And for walking.

2. We at any time of the year

Even in Studu and Frost,

Do not burn the neck

And not hiding in the scarf's nose!

3. Who with sports is firmly friendly,

Summer runs on puddles

And on the grass barefoot!

4. So as not to hurt angina,

Culture to do!

Leading : Well, you see guys advise us to engage in physical education. But this is not enough. What else to do to do not hurt, we will know today. To do this, we will go to the country of health and we will go on the train,

You will move from the station to the Health Country Station and find out a lot of new and interesting. And when you hear a long whistle - it means you should move on new station. But in front of our travel, we will play the game "Yes and No." It is necessary to be attentive if the food is useful - answer "yes", if not useful - "no".

Porridge - delicious food.

Is it useful for us?

Green onions sometimes

Are you helpful, children?

In a puddle dirty water

Is it useful sometimes?

Soup - excellent food.

Is it useful for us?

A percho soup is always ...

Is it useful for us?

Fruits - just beauty!

Is it useful for us?

Dirty berries sometimes

Eating useful, kids?

Vegetables growing ridge.

Vegetables are useful?

Juice, compotic sometimes

Are you helpful, children?

Eat a big bag of candies

Only useful food

On the table we always have!

And if useful food -

We will be healthy?

Well, what are you ready on the road?

Children: Yes!

Leading : Well, then ahead! Our train goes happy all the way guys!

(A whistle is heard, and the "train" begins. Train parking at each station is 10 minutes.)

1. Station "Washwill".

(Children meets the owner of this water-water station.)

Water : Hello guys, you arrived at the station "Washing", and I am her hostess - water water. With me you come across everywhere. In the morning, getting out of bed, where are you going?

Children: Wash.

IN : Surely. Let's go with you now. And you can also sentence:

Driver, water,

Mock my face

To the eyes glistened,

So that the cheeks are povero

So that the rotock laughed,

To bite the teeth.

Well, here it washed, what are you pure, pretty, with shiny eyes. And what else do not need to be forgotten during washing?

Children: brush your teeth.

IN : right. What are you great, you can immediately see that you do it regularly, find out? (shows a toothbrush and pasta) These are our faithful helpers. Led to the toothbrush on the teeth should be left-left, up-down, and more circular rotations along all teeth. (Shows). It is necessary to clean the teeth every day,

After all, if this is not done, many microbes accumulate in the mouth, and the teeth begin to root. Have to go to the doctor.

IN : What are these guys? (shows a comb)

Children: Hairbrush.

IN : And what is it for?

(Children's responses and story in-in For what a comb is needed.)

IN : Tell me, and when you need to wash your hands?

(Responses of children and explanation in-c.)

(Mysteries riddles):

1.hill on the view it is not very good

And a little bit like hedgehogs,

Loves to sleep very much before

On the teeth of my minute, pay. (Toothbrush)

2. How do you look beautiful!
Cute, very cute,
Neat hairstyle -
Helped you…(hairbrush)

3. And terry, and smooth happens.
Who washed, he does not forget about him:
Adult, infant
Wheels ... ( towel)

Well done guys coped with riddles. You today learned a lot about your health, about how to properly care for your body. We always wash your hands, clean the teeth and comply with other rules, right?

Children: Yes!

IN : So that's great. Now smile, everything and me and each other. After all, a smile is a good mood and also a guarantee of health. Smiling, we give each other health and joy.

Station "Vitamin".


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5 {!LANG-ff112fcd7edba06763676a21f333f3c1!}


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