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Analysis of the fairy tale in terms of a cockroach. Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes: Chukovsky K. "Tarakanische". Unknown words and their meanings

Genre: Tale in verse

The main characters of the fairy tale "cockroach" and their characteristics

  1. Cockroach. Used Giant. Angry and bloodthirsty.
  2. Hippopotamus. Resistance organizer.
  3. Kangaroo. Brave and mocking
  4. Sparrow. Sidless hero.
Plan of Recover Tales "Tarakanishche"
  1. Cheerful trip
  2. Unexpected obstacle
  3. Threats Tarakan
  4. The flight of animals
  5. Cliche hippoth
  6. Defeat the animal army
  7. New requirement of Tarakana
  8. Tears and Gore
  9. Mock kangaroo
  10. Death of Tarakana
  11. Songs and dances
The shortest content of the fairy tale "cockroach" for the reader's diary in 6 proposals
  1. Beasts have fun riding on the road, how suddenly the cockroach got ahead.
  2. The cockroach promised to swallow the beasts, and they were frightened.
  3. Hippos appeals to the beasts, but everyone was afraid of cockroach
  4. And the cockroach began to demand to give him to the emergence of children.
  5. Beasts said goodbye to children when the sparrow flew and ate cockroaches.
  6. Beasts arranged a holiday with songs and dances.
The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Tarakanishche"
I am ashamed to be afraid of one.

What teacher tale "cockroach"
The tale teaches fearlessness, courage, dedication. It teaches not to be afraid of empty threats, do not obey dictators, to act boldly, together, together. Teaches the fact that the most terrible villains are actually cowardly and weak.

Feedback on the fairy tale "Tarakanishche"
I liked this fairy tale, although I myself was ashamed for the cowardice of animals. They frightened cockroaches because of his mustache, although any of them was a hundred times more cockroaches. And it is very bad that the beasts were ready to give the cockroaches of their children. Shame and shame!

Proverbs to the fairy tale "cockroacanis"
Fear has big eyes.
In fear of the eye that the plated, and do not see neither crumbs.
Couffelness is powerful.
Where is terrible together, one went there.
I do not know the sound of the Bogatyr, but a feat.

Read summary, short retelling fairy tales "cockroach"
Fun and laugh rushed different animals - bears, cat, mosquito, crayfish, wolves, lions, bunnies and toad.
Suddenly, out of the arms came out a huge pasta cockroach, which began to growl and scream, threatening to swallow the beasts.
The beasts frightened, fainted, the wolves buried each other, and the elephant sat down on her hedgehog. Only cradies wanted to fight, saying that they also have a mustache. But at the same time they pounded back.
Hippos offered the award award, which captures cockroaches. Beasts inspired and rushed into battle. But seeing the mustache cockroacan, they again frightened and felt in the forests and fields.
Hippos tried to raise bulls and rhinos on the battle, but they refused, saying that the horns and skin are not cheap now.
So the beasts were sitting in the corners, trembling and knocking with teeth.
And the cockroach completely looked down and began to demand the beasts to carry deubs to him for dinner.
The animals cried and sobbed, did not want to give their children to the cockroach, but they said goodbye to the kids.
Suddenly the kangaroo suddenly rushed and began to shame animals, calling cockroaches with a goat and bucash.
The beasts began to bow on the kangaroo and drive her away.
But here, due to the forest and the fields flew around, the sparrow peaked once - and there is no cockroach.
The beasts were delighted, they began to praise the hero, knocking into the drums and dance. Slonich was so divided that even the moon fell from the sky, and she had to stick nails with nails.

L.-M., Rainbow, 1923. 16 p. With IL. Circulation 7000 copies. In the publishing chromolithic cover. 28.2х22 See the rarest first edition!

Who does not remember the legendary lines:

Stalled bears

By cycling.

And behind them


And behind him moseriki

On balloon.

And behind them crayfish

On a lame dog.

Wolves on the mare.

Lions in the car.


In the tram.

Toad on the broom ...

Go and laughs

Gingerbreads chew.

Suddenly out of the distance

Scary giant

Red and Mesat


Tracakan, cockroach, cockroach!

He growls, and shouts,

And hesitat mechanics:

"Wait, do not rush

I swallow you mig!

I swallow, swallowing, not surviving "

Beasts shoved

Fainted fell.

Wolves from fright

They buried each other.

Poor crocodile

Toad swallowed.

And the elephant, the whole trembling,

So sat on the hedgehog.

"Tarakanische" is a fairy tale for children of Kornea Ivanovich Chukovsky. He tells about how all the animals were afraid of a cockroach, completely for incomprehensible reasons. He seemed to them huge, tasty and well, very scary. Once I flew to those sparrow places, once and taped cockroaches. That's the joy was at the beasts ...

Whenever Chukovsky seems to be completely destroyed, crushed, crawling his boot and elevated to the dump of history, he finds the strength to climb and sit down for a writing desk. And the restless Chukovskaya Muse is - either squeezing, or dropping, or simply incurring and playing into the ball somewhere behind the rainbow, is, and a miracle happens, which in the language of writers is denoted by a modest word "writes." Halfall, half-rolled K. I. in the summer of 1922 sits in Olgin - and he is written: "The rhyme is knocking on the brain. Today I was sitting all day from 8 am to half the 8th in the evening - and it seemed that he wrote inspired, but now at night he stressed almost everything. However, in general, the "cockroach" has greatly moved. " Then there will be disappointments, as usual: "" cockroach "broke out. At all. It seems wooden and dead nonsense - and therefore I want to take for the "language". " And again painstaking work on each phrase. The final version of the "cockroach" is five text pages. Chukovsky worked on them for a very long time, writing (and then rejecting) a lot of options - it seems to be good and strong - but unnecessary: \u200b\u200b"Owner, Ukokoshu, blow and srisha", "And behind them Lani at the airplane", "And behind them Chimpanzee On the goat, "" And behind him, seals on rotten linen, and behind them - Tarantas, in Tarantas - dikuzka. And behind them on the calf, two Bologun-Amazon cried ahead: We care about ... "," Poor elephants did in pants "(it seemed to have to follow" Wolves from frightened each other "). "The cockroach was frightened and climbed under the sofa - I joked, I joked, you did not understand." The last option is sincerely sorry. There were non-pass options and completely for another reason:

And grasshoppers newsletters

Stressed in the fields,

Screamed cranes

That they have fun in cockroach

They do not live today, and Maslenitsa,

That in the morning and until the morning

And in each ravine

Flags ...

(Remember - "Make funny faces"?)

Answers chizh:

I'm going to Paris.

And Jaguar said:

I am now Commissioner,

Commissioner, Commissioner, Commissar.

And please obey, comrades.

Become, comrades, in line.

The "cockroach" began in 1921 from the literary games in the studio, as described in detail in the memoirs of Elizabeth Polonskaya. The author, hidden behind the pseudonym "M. Capotuha, "so transfers the story of the appearance of" cockroach "to the" EX LIBRIS-NG ":" Looking through the under-pronounced Archive of Kornea Chukovsky, an employee of the writer's museum discovered a 20-page story from the life of a pre-revolutionary village (with a pop-retrograd and dirty a peasant to whom the finger in the mouth is not putting), signed "N. S. Katkov. " The name is in modern encyclopedias failed. The author is quite boring and monotonously repeated the truth, "Long-led by all" progressively tuned "liberal readers of the beginning of the century ... On one side of the manuscript, a pencil record was discovered, made by Chukovsky:" N. S. - the second day of the police. No one is imparted and not released. " And then there was something that only Chukovsky could write: "But in the house there are small children ..." We turn the manuscript - and on the back, at the right field, we find the studio expression inscribed with a small, clear handwriting: "I drove the bears ... Gingerbread cookies," Now begins "cockroach", and then, "unexpectedly for himself", squeezed and unevenly, like every draft, Chukovsky records: "And for them, the giant / scary and terrible / cockroach / with long mustache / terrible eyes / Wait / do not rush / Mustache long / double-door / Watch / swallowing. " And inside a pencil sketch - formula, direct focus of crossed rays, a deafening "red cockroach"! " The genesis of "cockroach" is a long story that deserves separate consideration. Any little, a well-read person instantly establish an intertextual link between the hero of Chukovsky and the numerous cockroaches of Russian literature, without fail, by focusing on the work of Captain Lebyadkin (here, and "Crocodile" also referring to Dostoevsky!). You can also find a lot of cockroaches in diaries and articles ("Better a little fish than a big cockroach", etc.), you can discuss the image of a cockroach in Russian literature and even dedicate to him a separate study, but we will leave these games to whom They are interesting. The "cockroach" caused and continues to cause research aspirations from readers a completely different plan: this fairy tale - more than any work of children's literature - it is customary to interpret as a political satire. We have already talked about a long-standing tradition in innocent fairy tales, in the head of the "intelligentsia and revolution", and talk below - where it comes to the fight against "Chukovshchina". Who and when for the first time discovered the similarity of Stalin with a cockroach - unknown. Immediately several literary crops, not agreeing, point to the identity of the "Tarakanyih effort" from Mandelshtamovsky Stalin and "Tarakanyih Usov" at the hero of the fairy tale. By the time of the cultivation of the cult of the personality of the myth about the anti-Stalinism of Chukovsky's fairy tale, about which there is a record in the diary of K. I. (Kazakevich proves him that the cockroach is Stalin, and Chukovsky unlocks). Elena Caesarensna Chukovskaya even dedicated to this myif the article "Shadow of the Future", where he wrote: "In those years, Chukovsky, far from party affairs, even heard of Stalin, whose name began to sound loudly only after Lenin's death and stamped in the minds of everyone at the end 20 years. "Tarakan" - the same Stalin, like any other dictator in the world ... Obviously, the future throws a shadow to the present. And art is able to show this shadow earlier than the one who throws it. " Stalin became the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) at all shortly before the release of "cockroach" in the light - April 3, 1922 - and really remained in the shadows for quite a long time. Truly talent knows how to catch the finest oscillations of the atmosphere, and therefore it is capable of predicting and predicting; This is not the first and not the last case of such an anticipation of Chukovsky. By the way, even the atmosphere of horror and terror in the "cockroach" is transmitted excellent:

"And sit and tremble under the tubers

Behind the marsh hide with bumps

Crocodiles in nettle scored

Yves ditch of elephants hijacked.

Only hear how the teeth are knocking

Just and can see how the ears are trembling. "

There are in the fairy tale and signs of post-revolutionary years:

"And dashing monkeys

Picked up suitcases

And rather with all legs

There is a bowl ... "

"I have a physiological disgust for him," Chukovsky wrote later in the diary. "It's wonderful that he has the same thing: in his articles" revolution and literature "he scolds me with the same contempt that I feel about it."

Kondakov notes that Trotsky "straight mocking over criticism":

"But since the roots of His Chukovsky are still entirely in the past, and this past, in turn, held on Mokh and a superstition of a tricky man, then Chukovsky and puts among themselves and the revolution of the old Healthy National Taracan as a reconciliation began. Shame and disgrace! Craz and shame! He studied according to books (on the neck of the same man), wept in journals, experienced different "epochs", created the "directions", and when the revolution came seriously, the refuge for the National Spirit was opened in the darker's darker's corner of the man. "

Kondakov sees in fairy tales K. I. Hidden attacks against Trotsky: "In the same 1923, Chukovsky answered the All-Fivy Trotsky with two" fabuli for children "-" Moidody "and" cockroach ". In the first of these, the words:

"And unclean

Pediffs -

Shame and disgrace!

Shame and disgrace!"

(Almost literally repeating the ukrorisna of Trotsky) preaches "the purity" of Moidodar's scarf, in whose names of the grotesque ordinance "wash" something "to holes", that is, before the destruction, damage to the object that was washed. Not every reader, it was clear, guess that we are talking about "ideological purity" and, accordingly, about party-political cleaning in literature and culture as a whole; Moreover, a few could read a very sophisticated intertext Chukovsky. " The version is extremely seductive. The coincidence of "Shame-I-Stama" drew attention to the Boris Paramonov, and who would not pay? However, intertextual surveys do not necessarily remove to the truth, although it helps to build very beautiful hypotheses. Paramonov also mentions, "that Moydodyr, according to the latest research, - Satira on Mayakovsky, with whom Chukovsky also had rather complicated relationship ...". I. V. Kondakov suggests that Mojdodyr is a caricature portrait of Trotsky, the wobbies of the head and the rockets of the commander: stands to hesitate the foot on the unfortunate dirt-writer, they will fall out, and they will get closed, and they will get caught up, and the legs will come out ... "political washbasins", Fucking and outlined after the slightest signal from the Bolshevik "chiefs", it was full in all editors and publishing houses of Petrograd, with whom, alas, there was a "unclean" writer Chukovsky, "this researcher further says. - A whole joint of the alloyed pieces. And everywhere the writer met with teachings in the form of the most vulgar prescription, like the simplest morality:

"It is necessary necessary to wash

In the mornings and evenings ... "


"Mixed mice,

and kittens, and ducklings, and bugs, and spiders "."

Everything is true, everything is beautiful, all the lodge lies in the string. But the "vulgar register" about the washing mice himself Chukovsky mentioned (in a letter to Shklovsky, 1938) among its most affectionate and touching lines, saying that in his books, not only humor, and there are both kindness, and humanity, and tenderness ... That's just Middodar, depicted by Annenkov, has a portrait similarity not with Mayakovsky and not with Trotsky, but with the root of Ivanovich himself (Vladimir Glzer said long ago - and for sure of the author's knowledge; It is known how Chukovsky was demanding to the illustrations ... That's just "Moydodyr", and the "cockroach" went out much earlier than the Trotsky's book ... True, what happened before, and what then, it is difficult to establish: "Literature and Revolution" - 1923, And the fairy tales - December 1922, but the articles of Trotsky in the "Pravda" - the fall of the 1922th, but the "cockroach" was conceived in 1921 ... and whether it is necessary to install who first told "E" ... and is there really here The dialogue of the storyter with the Commissar, and whether to take a witty hypothesis about Trotsky-Moydodyra - each is wave to solve himself. We stay after Umberto Eco to remind you that the work gives rise to many interpretations, for which his creator does not respond. Chukovsky about the history of the creation of "cockroach" tells quite simply (in the preface to the collection of 1961): "Once in 1921, when I lived (and hungry) in Leningrad, the famous historian P. E. Schegolev offered me to write for the magazine" The former "Article about the Nekrasovsky Satire" Contemporaries ". I was fascinated by this most interesting topic ... and began to study the era when Satira was created. I wrote entire days with an ecstasy, and suddenly neither of me" Intrun "poems" ... And I went, and went ... In the fields of your scientific article, I wrote, so to speak, smuggling:

That was the cockroach winner,

And forests and fields by the Lord.

Conquered the beasts to the attacker

(To fall, damned!) ".

The history of the creation of "Moydodyra" is almost unknown. Is that Chukovsky himself in the "confessions of the old storyter" spoke about how long he worked on each line, as the sluggish and helpless two-oskimia burned out how long the sound was achieved. "The other day I shifted my old manuscripts and, reading in them, I was convinced that the maximum clear phraseology of the fairy tale was obtained from me only after I composed pre-such a lot of weak poems, which would be enough for several fairy tales," he admitted. - After hundreds of different-caliber lines accumulated in my notebooks, it was necessary to take away fifty or forty most appropriate style and a fairy tale plan. Between them there was, so to speak, the struggle for existence, and the strongest survived, and others did not die. " What is inspiration? Indeed, extraordinary joy and creative excitement, and the amazing state is "written" when everything works as it should, - it was familiar to Chukovsky and, perhaps, helped him in the most famous minutes, giving faith in herself, his right thing, its purpose. "But in most cases, that joyful nervous rise, in which he is written unusually easily, as if under someone's dictation, I did not last so long - most often ten to fifteen minutes," he shared self-observation. - During these short moments, it was possible to put on paper only a small proportion of poetic text, after which endless searches of the definition, clear image, chased syntactic structure and the strongest dynamics began. In short, labor, labor and labor - versification and editorial. This fairy tale came out with the subtitle "cinema for children" (under cinema understood themselves quickly replacing each other episodes; Let us recall the "cinema" Leva Lunz in the studio - rapid funny scenes). Dedication was like this: "Murke, to wash. K. Chukovsky. - Irushka and haze - that the teeth are cleaned. Yu. Annenkov. " "Tarakanische" illustrated Sergey Chekhonin. Both fairy tales came out at the same time, before the newest, 1923, in the publishing house "Rainbow" Lev Klyachko. Critics focused on the shelling of "Moydodyra", who was put in guilt and disrespect for pipelines, and attitude towards children as in idiots, and the exclamation of the antireligious propaganda in the era, God, what happened? " (In the end, Chukovsky was forced to replace him with "what such what happened," sacrificing the internal rhyme for the next line "Why is everything around ..."). To "cockroach", much more unreliable from our point of view, almost no complaints have been presented. It can be noticed how often Consciously Chukovsky enjoys in a fairy tale by the dactilic endings, which at that time thought a lot and wrote in relation to the work of Nekrasov. "Tarakanische" is replete with them: "Tracakan, cockroach, cockroach", "swallowing, swallowing, do not survive," "And back it was even further ...", "Komariki - on the ball", "Bustokes - Kochki", "Wheel - Skorono" , "Winner - Lord" ... The thoughts of Chukovsky about dactilic rhymes are most fully formulated in the book "Nekrasov as an artist", which saw the light a little earlier "cockroach". "In general, the dactilic endings of words and poems are one of the most important features of our common poetry, because at least 90% of all our folk songs, exemptions, the epics have exactly the end," writes Chukovsky. It also notices that "these endings in Russian speech give the impression of a native exhausting soul." Naga is, first of all, of course, about crying, inhibiting and related lyrics of Nekrasov; But also in the "cockroach" dactilic rhymes are equipped primarily poems in scenes of fear and horror. Observations K. I. Over the children's speech (Polyarny Star Publishing House was going to release them in 1922 a separate book "On Children's Language" - she was announced in Oscare Wilde, but never came out) poured into the rapid whirlwind of the chorals in "Moydodyra ", Theoretical discoveries in the field of metrics of folk poetry are practical use in the" cockroach ", the biographical necracovskie stages are echoing with their own misfortune. Everything that Chukovsky writes is always interrelated and inscribed in a wide cultural context, it is not limited to the line of a narrowly social topic. Therefore, he goes so easily from one classes to another; Therefore, he managed to notice what others do not see, - and skip through themselves, state excitement, inspired and simple. This year laid the foundation of His fame of Nekrasoved and the Children's Writer. And nevertheless, Chukovsky recorded on the night of January 1, 1923: "1922 was a terrible year for me, the year of all kinds of bankruptcies, failures, humiliation, offended and disease. I felt that I cease to believe in life, and that the only one Salvation is a hard way. And how I worked! What I just did not! With the fortune, I wrote "Moydodyra." Breakthroved - wrote "cockroach". Redelled to the root, his necracisky books, as well as "Futurists", " Wilde, "" Wheatman ". Found" Modern West "- he himself wrote almost all the chronicle of the 1st room with his hand, took the newspaper for him, the magazines translated" kings and cabbage ", translated Singa - oh, how much energy, the gift of the speared, Without a goal, without a plan! And not a single friend! Even just a single well-wisher! Everywhere claws, teeth, fangs, horns! And yet I for some reason I love 1922. I was attached this year to Murke, I was not so tormented by insomnia, I began to work with a greater ease - thanks to the old year! "

The main characters of the fairy tale "Tarakanische" are animals, birds, insects are fun on different types of transport. But the terrible monster is blocked by them - the Mesh Tracakan, who threatens to eat merry travelers. Frightened by cockroaches and his huge mustache, some characters of fairy tales faint, others scatter in different directions. They are trying to get hippos, but the beasts do not listen to him.

As a result, the cockroach became the lord of the fields and forests and they were conquered. The cockroach began to demand the beasts bring to him to eat their children. Frightened parents were very sorry to give favorite kids to massacre the tasty monster and they were poured by bitter tears.

The beasts tried to get a kangaroo to get a kangaroo, who came once in the morning. She convinced the frightened heroes of the fairy tale in the fact that the cockroach is not so terrible, as it seems that it can be defeated. But the beasts did not believe the kangaroo and advised to leave away.

The position saved Sparrow. He flew out of distant fields, having fun and scared a terrible cockroach. Everyone was delighted and began to glorify the sparrow. And then began to celebrate the victory over the terrible monster. This is a summary of the fairy tales.

The main meaning of the fairy tale "Tarakanische" is that often the fear of anything or anyone is completely unreasonable. People themselves come up with their reasons for fear, and become prisoners of this feeling. The fairy tale teaches objectively assessing the situation and cannot be bred.

In the fairy tale I liked the Sparrow, who was completely unheared by the evil tasty monster. He flew and climbed cockroaches, having relished all the animals from their groundless fears.

What proverbs fit the fairy tale "cockroach"?

Fear in cockroach legs walks.
Fear has big eyes.
Fear will take effect.

Valentina Oberemko Article article: Weekly "Arguments and Facts" № 13 03/28/2012

Chukovsky's roots among children. 1961 year. Chukovsky's roots among children. 1961 year. / Lion nose / RIA Novosti

"Chukovsky of the talent of the talent of a duty 2 times longer than the phone of the phone" - so characterized the future of the author of the most popular children's poems Kornea Chukovsky his friend Vlad Zhabotinsky.

They say Children's writer Ivanovich Chukovsky did not really love to celebrate birthdays, even the guests sometimes did not go down, although the gifts were with joy.

Wet trap

One of the things that the whole life grieved Chukovsky is its origin. After all, his real name and surname - Nikolai Kornechukov. And with the middle of the middle, the snag. Kohl Kornechukov was an illegitimate son of the peasant of Catherine Kornechukov and Emmanuel Levenon. A rich Mr. "Email" with his servant about three years, norodial two children - Marusu and Kolya - and married a woman of noble origin. Although the father officially did not refuse son and daughters, but they did not give their name and surname. Therefore, in different documents, the middle name Kolya Korneyukov sounded at different ways: he was Vasilyevich, and Stepanovich, and Emmanuilovich, and Manuilovich, and even Emelyanovich.

In her "diary" Chukovsky wrote: "It seemed to me ... that I am the only one - illegal that everything is behind me behind my back and that when I show someone my documents, all internally begin to spit on me ...

Portrait of Kornea Chukovskokhti I. E. Repin, 1910. Photo:

When the children talked about their fathers, grandfathers, grandmas, I just blushed, reversed, lied, confused. " In the end, to stop confusion, Nikolai took another name for himself, came up with patronymic and new surname. By the way, according to some testimonies, with the father of Chukovsky, I met several times several times and even once brought him, already a deep old man, in the Finnish village of Kuokkal, where he lived with his family. True, the newly new father did not care - Chukovsky flashed and literally pushed the biological dad out of the door, and the children were forever to mention the name of the grandfather.

Chukovsky began to write children's poems, already masturbed critics. He could not imagine that simple quatrains would forever eclip all of his previous and subsequent serious works. Sometimes the writer diverged about this not for a joke: "... I secretly jealous adult books for children. I am sure that my book about bitter is better "Mojdodyra" and the book about Nekrasov is better than the "crocodile". But no one believes. "Crocodile" was divided into 250,000 copies, and "Nekrasov" and two thousand did not dissolve !!! ... I am ready to beat the fists of those Mamash who, whiseningly smiling, inform me that their Tamaryoch knows my "confusion". "And you, - I ask, - Do you know my book about Walt Whitman?" - "About what?" - "On Walt Whitmen". - "Did you write for adults too?" - bastards! "

Erotic fly

Despite the childhood, in the works of Kornea Chukovsky, the "skillful" counseurs of the Soviet regime found "prohibited elements". For example, banned the book "Mukhina Wedding". "Gublitis (the state of the State Summary of the Time. - Ed.) I forbade me the book" Mukhina Wedding "on the grounds that the fly in the picture seems too close to the spider - and it can cause erotic thoughts from a child!" - Chukovsky himself wrote about this stupid incident.

Osip Mandelstam, Chukovsky's roots, Benedict Livshitz and Yuri Annenkov, Wires to Front. Random photograph of Charles Bulla. 1914. Photo:

And the same "crocodile", which "went through the streets", did not like the hope of Konstantinovna Krupskaya - she cooked in the Alligator "Anti-Soviet element". Although Chukovsky, when he composed a poem, did not even think about this. "My little son fell ill, - recalled the roots of Ivanovich. "I am in his home in a train and, in order to somehow calm his pain, began to tell him under the rhythmic crash of the train:" There was a crocodile. He went through the streets ... "But the Poet's Poet was considered the most essential work of the poet. And although the fairy tale was written in 1922 - when Stalin's power had not yet gained their power, the lines "conquered the beasts of the attachance. (To fall, damned!) "The prophetically sounded and topical.

By the way, in the late 1990s it became known that Chukovsky wrote the "uncest breeding". In one of the Russian journals, a letter was published where the roots of Ivanovich complained the leader of the peoples to the fact that children during the war were left without upbringing, without the support of parents, that they were wild, began to rob and steal, and offered to take such agricultural children from the hands of children labor. Then they pounced on the writer, accused of toughness. In fact, Chukovsky kids adored, but believed that they need to correctly educate. At his dacha in Peredelkin, "Creative meetings" with the children was constantly satisfied, invited famous people for them.

Chukovsky's roots with children walks around the children's library in Peredelkino. 1959 year. Photo: RIA Novosti / Semenov

Chukovsky never sympathized with Soviet power, and his power did not very much. Especially since Chukovsky's daughter, Lydia, became a dissident, and her husband, an outstanding physicist Matvey Bronstein, was named the enemy of the people and shot in 1938. These were black years for Chukovsky. The family believed that Matvey Bronstein was alive, as many as two years, because they "issued" the sentence: "10 years without the right of correspondence." And here the roots of Ivanovich wrote letters with a request to pardon the already shot son-in-law, and friends were asked for him - Marshak, Landau, Mandelstam, Ioffe. But the only thing they achieved, this is a note: "Remove L. K. Chukovsky The cost of binoculars, seized upon search on August 1, 1937." ...

According to the memories of loved ones, he always had an increased sense of justice. Korean Ivanovich died in 1969 from viral hepatitis. And before death made a list of those who would not like to see at their funeral ...

Anecdote about Chukovsky

It comes to Ivanovich Chukovsky to Lenin.

Vladimip Ilyich! I wrote a poetry here. I would like to publish.

Read the roots of Ivanovich.

Fly, fly, clook, gilded bureho, fly on the field went, Fly Muchka found. Fly Fly on the base and bought samov ...

Wait, Comrade Chukovsky! Why in the bazaar, and not in cooperative? Disorder. Rewrite immediately!

Chukovsky comes to Stalin.

Cartoi on K. Chukovsky performed by V. Mayakovsky. 1915 year. Photo:

Joseph Wisspionovich! I wrote a poetry here, I would like to publish.

Read the roots of Ivanovich.

Fly, fly, clook, gold-plated bureho, fly on the field, went, Fly Muchka found ...

E, Stop, Comrade Chukovsky. We have money with a portrait of a leader. Who could throw them on the field? Rewind!

Chukovsky comes to xPush.

Nikita Sergeevich ...

Read the roots of Ivanovich.

Fly, Fly, Costume, Gold Plated Bureho, Fly on the Field went ...

Stop, Comrade Chukovsky! If everyone is our fields to trample, then the corn does not go. Rewrite this place.

Chukovsky comes to the bubble.

Well, read the roots of Ivanovich.

Fly, Fly, Costume, Gold Plated Big ...

Wait, Compare Chukovsky! We don't have gold in Strana in honor, all citizens dress very modestly, the ingots of the house are not stored, and you have a fly with a whole gold-plated battle. Pepping.

Chukovsky comes to the Andpopovka.

Muha, Fly, Costume ...

What did you say there?!

Note Khazarina: Prophecy about Stalin

"Is it a Giant?

(Ha ha ha!)

It's just a cockroach!

(Ha ha ha!) "

Chukovsky's roots (Nikolai Emmanuilovich Leenson), the author of such a funny children's classics, like "Dr. Aibolit" and "Crocodile", wrote "Caracanish" in the early 1920s. Did he refer to Stalin? Some readers of Tarakanya mustache remind themselves about famous Soviet dictator dictator. Russian poet Osip Mandelstam, arrested and stimulated to death during the Stalinist cleans, distributed this metaphor, writing in 1934:

We live, under your no si-country,

Our speeches for ten steps are not heard,

And where enough for a half break

There will be remembered by the Kremlin Highlander.

Its thick fingers like worms, fat,

And words like powdered weights, faithful,

Tarakanya laughs hard

And shining his top.

And around him the challenge of thinner leaders,

He plays the services of herues.

Who whistles who meuaches who humpy

He only bacchits and pokes,

As a horseshoe, gives a decree decree:

To whom in the groin, to whom in the forehead, to whom in the eyebrow, to whom in the eye.

That neither the execution of him is raspberry

And wider chest Ossetian.

November 1933.

Surprisingly prophetic insufficiency of Chukovsky in 1921, when Chukovsky began to write a "cockroach", Stalin was a relatively little-known Georgian thug, which began to make their way to the top of the communist hierarchy. Only after many years he will deserve that bloody fame that could give a reason for satire. Chukovsky himself denied the presence of such hints in his fairy tale, even at the time when their existence could already be recognized without fear. Also the question remains how "cockroach" could pass through the Soviet censorship that did not miss much more harmless works? According to one of theories, satire - if she was really present, was so harsh, which would recognize her presence to sort the power.

Stalin and himself used the image of a cockroach for its own political goals. In 1930, speaking at the congress of the Communist Party, he fell into dissenting communists. "Shelshed somewhere, did not have time to get out of the hole," and they are already shaking back, they are horrified and begin to scream ... about the death of Soviet power, "said Stalin delegates to the congress. "We calm them and try to convince ... that this is just a cockroach, which should not be afraid." After many years, Chukovsky grumbled in his diary about the "plagiarism" from Stalin: "He retold all my fairy tale and did not refer to the author."

March 9, 1956, shortly after the "secret report" Khrushchev at the XX Congress, K. Chukovsky made the following entry in his diary: when I told Kazakovich that I, in spite of everything, loved Stalin very much, but wrote less about him than Others, Kazakevich said:

And "cockroach"?! It is entirely devoted to Stalin.

Vadim Kozhinov recalled a funny case from his youth, who came just for the years of Khrushchev "thaw." "I am at that time hiding irony, unsuccessfully assured other innocent interlocutors that 1937 is perfectly depicted in the popular poetry fairy tale Kornea Chukovsky" Tarakanishche ". At first there is a joyful picture of the "achievements of the first five-year plan": "I drove a bears on a bike ... Bunnies - in the tram, the toad - on the broom ... go and laugh, gingerbread cookies", etc. But, alas, the 1937th: "Suddenly from the gateway - a terrible giant, redhead (here I reported that Joseph Vissarionovich before it was sad, was reddish) and the sucked Ta-Rahn. He grieves and smoothes and grinds himself: "Look for my deubsions to me, I need them for dinner." ... the animals trembled - fainted. Wolves from frights buried each other (what's the exact picture of the 1937th! - I commented), and the elephant, all the trembling, and sat down on the hedgehog, "of course, on the famous People's Commissar with" Successful "last name!

At the same time, I, naturally, was silent that the Taracanishes fairy tale was published not in 1938, and in 1923, and many of those I read procitated strings were admired and the accuracy, and rare essay courage Chukovsky ... And ultimately, this "interpretation" was presented in writings about Stalin, written by the son of Antonov-Ovseenko, or a high-ranking army part-film by Volkogonov, or the literators of Radzinsky, - the writings that still be fond of wide circles of people who do not give The report is that at the basis of the "methodology" of these authors, as it were, the same "model" that fell into the form of a fascinated "cockroach" of ... ".

Each word in the poem is a prophetic! Do not forget - written in 1921, published in 1923!

Stalled bears

By cycling. - Bears in the circus ride bicycles. Well, "to live better - there was a fun," said Stalin in 1935. These words - the people began to go to the circus, watch comedies (such as funny guys, Volga-Volga)

And behind them

Backwards. - a clear hint of the opposition

And behind him moseriki

On balloon. - On balloons began to conquer the stratosphere

And behind them crayfish

On a lame dog.- repainted into the red "old specials", the dog eating, also sought a bright future. Not long left!

Wolves on the mare.- Small party workers.

Lions in the car.- Large party bosses


In the tram. - simple folks.

Toad on the broom ...It would be better - "on the subway" - just in 1935 the Moscow Metro opened.

The roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky


Stalled bears
By cycling.
And behind them
And behind him moseriki
On balloon.
And behind them crayfish
On a lame dog.
Wolves on the mare
Lions in the car.
Bunnies in the tram
Toad on the broom ...

They go and laugh, how suddenly the terrible giant is getting out of the gate, cockroach. He threatens the beasts that he will eat them. Beasts in panic - wolves buried each other, the crocodile swallowed the toad, and the elephant sat down on hedgehog. Only crayfish are not afraid - they are heightened, but fearlessly shout as the estate mandes, which they themselves can make a mustache - no worse than the cockroach. And hippopotamus promises someone who will not be afraid of the monsters and fight him, give two frogs and please a fir bump. The beasts were laugh and thrown by Gurby to Usach. But, having seen him, the poor fellow is so frightened that they are right away. Hippopotamus calls on the beasts to go and raise cockroaches on the horns, but the animals are afraid:

Only hear how the teeth are knocking
It can only be seen how the ears are trembling.

And the cockroach became the lord of the fields and forests, and all the animals conquered him. He orders the beasts to bring him his children's dinner. All the beasts cry and say goodbye to their kids forever, sickling the evil lord. The poor mothers are buried the poor: what mother will agree to give her cute child for dinner unsatisfied chound? But once came to Kangaroo. Seeing Usach, Guest laughs:

Is it a giant?<…>
It's just a cockroach!<…>
Tracakan, cockroach, Tarakashchka.
Loft cyavochka-bukashchka.

Kangaroo shakes his toothy and fangy acquaintances - they conquered the goat, cockroach. The hippos is frightened, bow on the kangaroo, but wherever, neither take the sparrow flying, which Tarakana swallows. So there is no giant! The whole animal family thanks and famous her delighthouse. Everyone is so violently rejoiced and dancing so famously that the moon, trendling in the sky, falls on an elephant and rolls into a swamp. But the moon will soon be divided into place, and peace and joy come back to forest residents.

The "cockroach" Kornea Chukovsky narrates the young reader about different beasts, which are traveling on: bike, car, balloon, tram, each other, etc. Friends go fun and laugh together, but there is a terrible giant to appear in front of them - a cockroach and begins to threaten the beasts. Beasts of fear make different actions, but some cause the enemy to fight. Seeing the terrible mustache cockroaches, they run away again.

The cockroach becomes the ruler and conquers local residents. Orders the beasts to bring him to the emergence of small children. Mothers suffer and pour tears.

Suddenly the kangaroo appears and ridicules the malicious Usach. At the same time, swears his fangy friends and toothy acquaintances. How could they be afraid of such a ridiculous and miserable creature. And here appears sparrow. He swallows the monster. Everyone is happy and thank the Savior. The holiday begins. Everyone is dancing and sniffing. The moon from noise trembles and falls down straight on the elephant, and after rolling into the swamp. The beasts get it, and the world is returned to the ground.