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International Cosmonautics Day in Dow. Sports holiday for Cosmonautics Day for the preparatory group of kindergarten. Scenario

Game program for kids

Registration and props: Poster "Journey through the uncharted planets", big photos of Y.Gagarin, V.Teshekova, dogs proteins and arrows; Multicolored paper spars for contests and stars-awards for winners, a fabulous chest with "magic" things; Paper, pencils, paints.

Leading. Hello, dear guys! It's nice to see in this hall of bold dresses and dreamers, of which the outstanding people grow later! Who will tell me which World holiday Amver 12 April? That's right, this is the day of aviation and cosmonautics!

The mysterious, mysterious world of stars and planets from ancient times attracted the attention of people who dreamed of penetrating it to master. Not one generation of earthlings broke the head over how to build a spacecraft to fly on it above the stars. This dream allowed unprecedented technical progress. Only with the penetration of a person in the outer space of the distant mysterious world was closer and affordable.
Since people sought not to simply put the height rector, and thoroughly learn, scientifically study the sky, then in spacecraft needed eyes capable of seeing thousands of kilometers, they needed ears to hear the universe, they needed hands able to control the point - Ship, lost in infinity of the World Ocean. "Eyes" created local locators, "ears" - radio astronomers, "hands" - automation specialists. IN overall work Thousands of inventive minds were included, and thousands of skillful, talented hands created space ships that carried out long-awaited flights.
And now, guys, tell me who of the people first in the history of mankind made a flight into space on the spacecraft? (Children answer.) Right! It was our compatriot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin (portrait of Gagarin), which on April 12, 1961 flew into space on the ship "Vostok". But still in no one years before immortal nation Pilot-cosmonaut Gagarin, November 3, 1957, in lifeless, cold, always black space of space was hammered by a living heart. In the hermetic cabin, the satellite lived, breathed, flew over the world of the dog ... who remembers her name? Right, husky. And after the driver of the famous dogs followed in space. How were their name? True, squirrel and arrow. (Show photos of dogs.) We visited the space also guinea pigs, monkeys, parrots, mice, rabbits - they all honestly served the exercise of the Great Dream of Mankind. Years will be held, the Grand Universal Museum of Cosmos Conquest, one of the halls of which will be devoted to the four-legged heroes of space - selfless partners of astronauts on the development of an unknown world.
On space ships, heroic flights were carried out not only men, but also women. And the first woman was a cosmonaut ...

(Children call Valentina Tereshkov, showing photo.)

Since then, a lot of cosmonauts different countries We visited the space: Americans, Japanese, Chinese, French, etc.
Earlier in space we flew only specially prepared and professionally educated people. And today, imagine, in space you can fly and pay as a tourist by paying for it, however, a fair amount. It's all the same as a tourist campaign.
Let us go to such an exotic "campaign." Raise your hands, who wishes to fly into space? Excellent! And we will fly with you on the cosmole. What sounds make up the device during flight? Zh-Zh- Zh! Fly, fly! Fit! Mooked all the motors!
So we fell on the first planet. Here, we have never come down a man's leg. Let's come up with her name. (Children come up with the name, and depending on him the lead calls the inhabitants of the planet.) Live here. We need to learn how to say with them. They do not understand the Language of Earthlings, but since we flew to visit them, then they must somehow speak with them. Now we will try to learn with you.

Game program for children

(Invites several people to the middle of the hall. They must greet each other gestures, and these gestures should not repeat each other. A competitive game is held, the lead encourages the winner and offers everyone to fly to the next planet. Team to flight.)
Fit! And this planet is called an alfacentaurus. Who we see! Look, guys, I am encountered by alien named the pinch!
Hermatcher. Here it is cool! We have guests! Very happy, very happy! So say, how did you get from the ground? So, probably, smart and in space challenges we understand. Now check. Guess the riddles!

1. A blue coat covered the whole world. (Sky.)
2. The granny over the hut hangs the sky.
Dogs lat
And can not get it. (Month.)
3 clear nights
Mom walks with daughters.
She does not show her daughters:
Sleep go to bed late!
Because Mother - Moon,
And daughters - ... (stars.)
4. Zavorka, litter, -
In heaven, leaf. (Helicopter.)
5. There are no Tuchuk on the horizon,
But revealed in the sky umbrella,
After a few minutes it dropped .... (parachute).
6. Wonderful bird, scarlet tail,
Flew to the sty of stars. (Rocket.)

Well done, earthlings! All-all my riddles guess! Happy Further Flight! (Goes out.)
Leading. Filty! Rh-zh ... fly ... fly ... at-flying! We are on the planet Star. It received such a name because of a large number of stars falling onto her surface. They fall and fall and fall ... (scatters on the floor multicolored paper spars.) Let's collect them like souvenirs from space.

The game "Who will quickly collect the stars"

5 people participate. While the presenter considers to five, the guys must pick up as many asterisks as possible. On the team "Stop!" stop. Recalling each participant the collected asterisks, the lead calls the winner and rewards it with an honorary star (a big red star). The loser guys advises not to be upset, because They are in the gift of the stars collected by them. Children return to their places.

Leading. Let's continue our journey. Filty! Rh-zh ... fly ... fly ... flew away! This time, guys, we hit the moon. The moon is a land satellite (image of the moon), and we are in this moment - Lunatic. And play, therefore, we will be with the air "lunas".
(Two teams are recruited for 6 people. The guys get up in the columns and raise hands up. The leading players of each team gives the air ball, which they, not turning around, should pass into the hands standing behind the player, the next one, etc. The team wins, In which the last playerpiece in the hands of the ball first. Honored star is awarded.)
Fly! .. We fell on the planet fabulous. (A "fabulous" chest is carried out on the stage.) Look, guys, what a beautiful fabulous chest we discovered here!
(Opens the chest and offers children to play the game "Guess, from what kind of fairy tales?" Then gets from the chest in turn "Magic" objects that appear in the plot of a tale as one of the leading moments.)

What is this fruit in my hands? (Apple.)

What kind of fairy tales do you know where an apple is poured? ("Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", "Tale of the Dead Tsarevna and about seven heroes.")
And now what is in my hands? (Red flower.) In what fairy tale appears such a beauty flower? ("The Scarlet Flower".)
What is this shoes in my hands? (Boot.) Well, and what a fairy tale is it? ("Puss in Boots".)
What is it? (Egg.)

Name the fairy tales in which the egg plays the last role. ("Ryabina", "Tsarevna-Frog".)

Guess what it is? (Nutshell.)

What fairy tale does she meet? ("Thumbelina".)
What is it for the subject? (Thermometer.)

And what kind of fairy-tale character do they use it? ("Dr. Aibolit".)

And now what is in my hands? (Peas.) In what fairy tale did she play a certain role? ("Princess on the Pea".)
Well done boys! They did not hit the face before the inhabitants of the planet fabulous - the fairy tales know well. Now will continue the journey on the cosmole. Filty! Rh-zh ... fly, fly ... flew! Wasting motors! So we reached the last point of our wanders, landed on our native planet - Earth. As you know, there are innumerable many types of living beings here: People, animals, birds, fish, insects ... Some of them fly, others walk, others crawl ... I suggest you play the game "flies - does not fly." If I call the item or creature that flies, you raise your hands up, if you do not fly - your hands do not raise. Be careful!
(Examples of questions: Eagle flies? Goat flies? The helicopter flies? Hippo flies? The table flies? Chicken flies? Etc)

Great guys! And now a serious creative contest is announced. Watch out several teams and draw the fabulous planets on which we never had the opportunity to visit. Try to give them interesting names and tell me what they are particularly different.
(Children embark on the task, then the leading rewards guys.)
Our journey over the uncharted planets ended. We again in our hall, in our native land. As they say, "Visiting is good, and at home is better." So let's love and protect our home - our land! Before a new meeting, guys!

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Make a scenario of the matinee for the day of cosmonautics in children's garden It is necessary very reasonable and weighed. For the youngest group, a lightweight and not too long-lasting option is suitable in the game style. IN medium group A fun holiday with songs, verses and contests will be appropriate, in which children will demonstrate the ability to work and skill, and will also be able to win pleasant incentive prizes. For preparatory group It will take a brighter program containing a beautiful dance or thematic production. But overly tighten the event and fill it large quantity Events are also not worth it. Otherwise, the celebration will turn out to be crumpled and only tired of small participants and spectators.

Holiday for the day of cosmonautics in kindergarten - an interesting program for kids

Cosmonautics Day in Russia is widely and magnificent, and absolutely at all levels. The solemn program is prepared even in kindergarten, trying so simple and affordable way To acquaint kids with important public holidays and instill to children pride for their strong, powerful and actively developing state.

For the younger group, you choose a lightweight and not too long scenario of the matinee, as the boys and girls of this age can still sit on the spot for a very long time and focus on some other event. So that no one is bored, the program includes simple games and simple contests, where the guys demonstrate their creative abilities and compete with each other in agility and speed.

Simple games for the matinee on the occasion of the day of cosmonautics in the younger group of kindergarten

  • "Gagarin in orbit" - Cheerful, mobile game, perfectly suitable for kids. For holding children gather in the center of the hall and take hands. One of the guys the educator appoints the main character - Gagarin. This player becomes in the center of the circle and is waiting for the signal. When music includes, children begin to drive a dance and from time to time raise hands up, the image of the passages. The task of "Gagarin" to impede the moment and break out of the circle, that is, fly out "for orbit." If it can do, while one song sounds, "Gagarin" becomes the winner and gets a delicious prize. If not, the role of the first cosmonaut choose another child and everything is repeated first.
  • "Aliens and earthlings" - The game built on associations. For her, the group is divided into two teams. One represents aliens, other residents of the Earth. According to the signal of the lead one of the members of the Earthlings team comes out of order and is trying gestures to show what happens to him (stomach hurts, you want to eat candy, make charging, etc.). The task of aliens correctly guess what you need an earthquake and provide the necessary help (give a big tablet, so as not to have a stomach, treat it with candy, offer to take advantage sports shells). The team defeats the maximum number of correct answers.
  • "Get the star from the sky" - The game of attention. For its implementation, they prepare the necessary inventory in advance, namely, cut from the star cardboard (15-30 pieces), glue their gold paper and hang on the room in affordable and prominent places. Babys are divided into teams (from 2 to 4) and offer for a certain time to find and collect as many stars as possible. Victory is awarded to those who managed to cope with the task faster than competitors.

How to spend cosmonautics day in kindergarten - scenario for the middle group

To carry out the day of cosmonautics in the middle group of kindergarten, a scenario is needed containing not only poetic and song rooms, but also various creative tasksin which the guys will be able to demonstrate their knowledge about space. It is appropriate to include in the program costume mini-performances on the topic of interstellar flights, disembarking on other planets and contact with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. The guys will be happy to take part in such scenes and try on the role of aliens, robots or astronauts. In order for the presentation to look bright and color, the children will necessarily need thematic suits. Parents will be able to make them make at home with their own hands or rent at the Agency for the organization of festive events.

In addition, the presentation program should include competitive contests, both individual and command. It is pleasantly diversified by the scenario of the event and will allow children to win pleasant and delicious incentive prizes.

Contests for the scenario of the day of cosmonautics in the middle group of kindergarten

  • "Create your missile" - This contest will allow you to show fantasy and picturesque abilities. For execution requires at least two participants. They are called on the stage, hand the sheet of paper and a set of color pencils, and then they offer to draw a space rocket one minute. The winner is the one who will have time to invest in the allotted time and will make the most successful drawing. If you want to complicate the task, it is appropriate to offer kids to come up with your own rocket design or portray the most original aircraft. At the same time, the winner will determine the jury or the audience present at the festival.
  • "Top Cosmonaut Home" - Merry and simple contest for agility and speed promoting small Motoriki in children. To participate all the guys, they cause to the stage and are handed to each in a long rope, to one of which the toy is tied - astronaut in the scaffle. According to the signal leading under the crowning music, children begin to brush the rope in the ball. The one who cope with the task first and returns his cosmonaut home, will become the winner.
  • "Flight to Mars"team competition For speed and attention. For its implementation, two Watman sheets take and they draw a starship with round portholes (there should be exactly the same as participants in the team). Then the images are placed on the floor in one part of the hall, and next to the marketer. On the contrary, the walls of the guys are divided into teams and build in a row for each other. At the signal of the leading first baby in each row runs to his Watman and Flomaster draws an astronaut's face in the porthole. The victory goes to that team that was the first to filled with the passengers their interstellar ship.

Interesting and informative Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten - scenario for the preparatory group

Boys and girls visiting the preparatory group of kindergarten are already able to perceive cognitive information. For them, the scenario of the day of cosmonautics should not be limited only by entertainment numbers. It is quite appropriate to include a quiz type in the program, where the guys will be able to answer simple questions about space and tell why the profession of astronaut is considered as prestigious and respected. It is better to insert this conversation at the very beginning of the presentation when the welcoming song will open, and the leading (educator or animator) will pronounce the entrance word.

After a serious conversation on a cosmic topic, some moving entertainment will be appropriate, for example, a beautiful dance in thematic suits. It will be necessary to take care of the musical worker of a kindergarten or someone from parents who have an idea of \u200b\u200brhythm and harmony. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe room can be the structure of our universe. To participate in such an unusual activity, all children of the group will be needed. Those who are best dancing and well keeps on the public the roles of soloists - planets inhabiting Sunny system. Guys shy close attention, will be dumping - meteorites, comets and distant stars. Melodic accompaniment will perform an educator who played well on the piano or accordion. Or you can simply download a suitable track from the Internet and play it on any of the modern gadgets to which powerful sound speakers are connected.

The declamination of poems, the breakdown of mysteries, thematic scenes, games and contests - all this is also quite suitable for the program of the matinee. However, it is still not worth overstanding the performance of the events. Preschoolers are not ready for too large quantity Didnote information and at some point they can simply lose the thread of what is happening. Therefore, you should not spray, striving to "push" in the format of the event all the options for entertainment, which are just as appropriate in kindergarten. It is better to choose 3-4 directions and concentrate on them, harmoniously alternating fun, serious, intellectual, gaming and competitive rooms. Then the children do not get tired, and in memory they will have the maximum useful and necessary information on the topic of the holiday.

IN preschool age Children should receive maximum useful and important information. And not only about things that can be seen, touch, feel taste, but also about what is far and unavailable: about the laws of nature, cosmic phenomena, distant discoveries. In connection with the 50th anniversary of the first flight of a person in open space, you can organize a fascinating holiday - the day of cosmonautics in kindergarten for the middle and preparatory group. The high-quality scenario of the event will expand the horizons of children, enriches new knowledge about the unknown one, temporarily climb thirst to fantasize other planets and hidden cosmic secrets.

But do not forget: the holiday for the Day of Cosmonautics in kindergarten is a colossal work on the preparation, design and organization. It is better to approach her with all the responsibility inherent in the educator.

Not only 50 years ago, the space was interesting to a person. Modern guys also watch the transmission about cosmonauts, color one of the most romantic professions in the world, sincerely dream of flying to earthly orbit or other unknown planet. April 12 - Cosmonautics Day. That is, an excellent reason to hold a cognitive-entertainment event in kindergarten for the little ones "intelligence" and more adult curious guys. Another question is where to start training and organizing the holiday? Unlike any open lesson or sports competition, such a childhood event should be drawn up in a single thematic direction. All stages of the holding are certainly obliged to echo with space themes, mystery of the universe, alien characters and great cosmonauts. The conclusion is obvious: to arrange an exciting and cognitive holiday for the Day of Cosmonautics for children, tips on design and preparation scenario will have to be carefully studied in advance.

How to correctly organize a holiday day of cosmonautics in kindergarten

Organization children's event To the day of cosmonautics can be divided into several stages:

  1. 1-2 weeks before the holiday, in the kindergarten's garden lecture or a presentation on the topic "Story of Cosmonautics", so that during the event, the children had an idea of \u200b\u200beverything that happened;
  2. Choose a suitable script template and consider it content (a small story about cosmonautics, demonstrating a slideshow on interactive blackboard, thematic poems and songs, intellectual and mobile contests, fitting costumes, exhibition of crafts, sweet table);
  3. Distribute between reoxoys of the role and tasks;
  4. Poems about space and important replicas distribute kids in advance so that the guys manage to learn their words;
  5. Suggest kids to prepare with parents funny "cosmic" crafts to draw up a thematic exhibition in the group;
  6. Prepare a small slide show with portraits of outstanding cosmonauts and frames of launch missiles. Do not forget O. music accompaniment for contests;
  7. Decorate the hall, prepare the necessary props and sweet treats for children;

Such advice will significantly simplify the preparation of the scenario and the design of the holiday to the Day of Cosmonautics in the garden.

Interesting scenario for the day of cosmonautics for the middle group in kindergarten

The subject of cosmos captures both adults and children, it is favorable to develop curiosity of younger preschoolers and deepening the knowledge of the elders. But any, even the most interesting information It is easier to be perceived and remembered by a child if it is supplemented and reinforced with a visual material. And since it is impossible to demonstrate children living space, you will have to work on the thematic decoration of the hall and the creation of the desired "cosmic" atmosphere.

Choose an interesting scenario For the day of cosmonautics for the middle group in kindergarten - half of the way. It is equally important to carefully select details and scenery for a group or assembly hall. In order for the whole room to be withstanding in a single style, everyone will have to decorate:

  • walls - portraits Yu. A. Gagarin and photographs of space ships;
  • curtains - homemade layouts planets, comet, satellite, asteroids, etc.;
  • chairs - bulk silver stars;
  • educational table - children's "cosmic" crafts;
  • wall shelves - layouts of rockets and spaces;
  • improvised scene - blue carpet or bedspread in small paper stars;

Such interesting option The design of the room is suitable for absolutely any type of scenario for Cosmonautics Day for the middle group in kindergarten. Meanwhile, the typology of children's thematic events incredibly wide ...

How can I spend the day of cosmonautics in the middle group of kindergarten - event options

Today it is easy to find and pick up the most different variants Scenarios for the event for the Day of Cosmonautics in the Middle School of Children's Garden. For instance:

  1. Sports Competition "Space Flight: to meet the stars." During the relay, you can crawl into the speed in the space rocket (tissue tube), jump through asteroids (cardboard layouts), drag the tail of the comet (rope with red tissue ruffs), throw planets in the ring (reversed balls different quantity and severity);
  2. Introductory lesson "The discovers of the distant space world". Important elements of the holiday - slideshow on an interactive blackboard or presentation on a computer; Demonstration of posters and paintings with space flights, ships, rockets; Size of the costume of the cosmonaut, Look Supajaka, etc.;
  3. Intellectual Competition. Such an event implies many of the most interesting, curious and educational questions, mysteries, rebs, tasks and competitions for space topics;
  4. Entertainment holiday based on popular children's films and cartoons With cosmic characters: "Star Wars", "Valley", "Gallaki Guardians", "Lilo and Stich", "Star Path";
  5. Talent show "Space heroes". The guys in turn perform with the prepared numbers on the topic "Cosmos, Galaxy, Universe" - with verses, songs, dances, pantomimes and scenes, focus, parodies, small theatrical etudes, etc.

Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten - scenario for the preparatory group with games, competitions, tasks

In preparation for a new school Life It would not be better to remember and strengthen everything learned during the years of kindergarten. Therefore, even thematic holidays and concerts should:

  • strengthen the expressiveness of speech and auditory memory;
  • develop attention and spatial orientation;
  • strengthen creativity;
  • develop the emotionality and ability of non-verbal communication;
  • reliable respect for the heroes of the country and the feeling of real patriotism.

It is much easier to achieve all these tasks, filling the holiday scenario for Cosmonautics Day in the preparatory group with all sorts of competitions, tasks, games. Of course, you can not forget about incentive prizes. After all, the child is more likely trying if the remuneration is expected. Not superfluous on the holiday will be a sweet table or even a modest tea party. If you make cupcakes or cakes in the form of planets (UFO, Mrsica Mrsian) and distribute to children at the end of the celebration, the degree of mood in the team will increase at times.

Games and contests for the event for the Day of Cosmonautics in the Preparatory Group of Children's Garden

Of course, the conversation and presentation are important elements. child holiday. But it is equally important to pick up for the day of cosmonautics in kindergarten scenario for the preparatory group with games, competitions and tasks. For instance:

  1. Mysterious chain. Invite the kids to guess a few mysteries on cosmic subjects. But not ordinary mysteries, but with a secret ...
    • "To arm eyes and with the stars to be friends, the Milky Way to see that you need a powerful ...
    • The telescope is hundreds of years learn the life of the planets. You will tell you about everything smart uncle ...
    • Astronomer - he is starvature, knows everything will fune up! Only better than star Winged in the sky full ...
    • Before the moon can not fly a bird and fall, but it knows how to make it fast ...
    • The rocket has a driver, an awesome amateur. In English: "Astronaut", and in Russian ...
    • The cosmonaut sits in the rocket, the procotious everything in the world - in orbit as it came out appeared ...
    • UFO flies to the neighbor from the conversion of Andromeda, in it from boredom Wolf howling the evil green ...
    • Humanoid from the course got rid of, Vtrech planets got lost, if there is no star card, the speed will not help ...
    • Light flies faster, kilometers do not think. The sun life is planets, we are warm, tails - ...
    • All comet had shielded, everything in the sky looked around. Sees, in the space of Nora - this is black ...
    • In black holes in Darkness, something black is busy. It graduated from the interplanetary flight ...
    • Starship - Steel Bird, he rushes faster than light. Come knows starry ...
    • And the galaxies fly the swarming, as they want. Very hefty, this whole ... Universe! "
  2. Astrological quiz. Offer preschoolers to answer popular questions. For each correct answer, issue a gold star. The winner is a prize!
    • Question:What is space?

      Answer:Cosmos (Greek. Κόσμος - "Peace") is the same as the Universe. Literally translated from Greek space means - order.

    • Question: What science studies stars, galaxy, starry sky?


    • Question:Who was the first person flying to space?

      Answer:Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin

    • Question:What is the name of the device intended for human flight into space?

      Answer:space rocket (reactive aircraft)

    • Question:What country first launched an artificial satellite of the Earth?

      Answer:Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

    • Question:Who was the first of our smaller friends in space and how was his name?

      Answer:dog Like

    • Question:In which year was the first orbital flight in the history of living beings with a successful return to Earth?

      Answer:On August 19, 1960, this flight was made by Satnik-5 ship, protein and arrow dogs.

    • Question:What was the named ship on which Yu. A. Gagarin made his flight?


  3. Space handicraft lesson. Distribute the kids with the same sets of colored paper, glue, scissors, cardboard and other things, and then offer a small space rocket as quickly and gently and gently. Who cope with the task is best - get an interesting prize. And everyone else ready work Decorate the kindergarten themed exhibition.

Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten is a mysterious and magical long-awaited event. Preparing the event, try to justify the expectations of the preschool. Carefully select and competently make the scenario of the holiday to the Day of Cosmonautics for the middle and preparatory group so that the kids are satisfied and are full of bright cosmic impressions.

Children under music enter the hall, get a semicircle at the central wall. The lead and children read the poem "Smile Gagarin" author. I. Levchenko.

I remember the sun on this day sparkled:

What was an amazing April!

And in the heart, joy with pride glowing:

From Cosmos, Gagarin arrived!

His all the smile learned -

Such a smile was not the second!

The whole world is applauded! All fisified:

Gagarin went around our globe!

Since then, unknown Dali has approached,

Cosmos ships ...

And began - Russian, nice guy,

Gagarin - the first cosmonaut of the Earth!

(Š. "Song of the cosmonauts") children sit down

Vedas Guys, today holiday - April 12 - "Cosmonautics Day". 52 years ago - April 12, 1961, Soviet Union He brought the East spacecraft to the orbit of the Earth. The duration of the flight was 1 hour and 48 minutes. On the ship "East" started the first cosmonaut of the planet Earth Yuri Gagarin. Thus appeared on Earth Profession Cosmonaut and April 12, World Aviation Day and Cosmonautics are celebrated.

Vedas (Showing children Photo Yu. Gagarin, reads the poem "Yuri Gagarin")

He was born under the city of Gzhatsky,

Russian boy in the peasant family.

Name Proud Yuri Gagarin

Everyone knows on Earth now.

They are proud of the whole world, the whole planet,

Name Yuri at all on lips,

Russian guy rose over the world

His heart of Russia giving.

The very first round above the planet

He made the country's glory

Bright asterisk in the sky rising

On a clear day of that beautiful spring.

This feat Yuri Gagarin,

Having unprecedented flight

For century glorified all of Russia

And our great Russian people.

Everything will ever be everyday

And flying to the moon, and on Mars,

And tourists are already delivered

On space spaces

Will be a lot of discoveries in the future

Endlessly space over the earth

But always a new step someone first

Will do risking yourself.

Children read the poem "At the astronauts holiday!" (Author N. Rodvilina)

Deneke special to us came -

At astronauts holiday!

Knows about it well

Tikhonia and squad!

And everyone is stitching who is not too lazy,

Always the same thing:

Once I was born on this day,

Become an astronaut should!

No, I do not want astronaut.

Rather - astronomer.

I study all the planets,

Without leaving home.

But maybe after all the doctor? -

There will be no problems in the family

Always stand I shoulder

Native and loved ones.

And traveler to become

Dream all boys

So that the country, to open the earth,

Write about this book.

Ved.. So we will travel to you today in outer space.

(Muses sounds. Composition "Satellites-Cosmonauts" Children perform an exercise).

Vedas Space has little studied by our scientists, it is very big. We will explore it with you, solve riddles:

Nor start, no end,

Neither the nor nor face.

Knish everything: and young, and old,

That she is a great ball. (land)

Ved.. Who is changing four times in a year? (land)

Reb (Land)

There is one planet garden

In this space is cold.

Only here the forests are noisy,

Sliding birds

Only on it one bloom

Lily of the valley in the grass Green

And dragonflies only here

Looking at the river surprised ...

Take care of your planet -

After all, another, similar, no!

Here is another mystery for you:

At night in the sky alone

Golden orange.

We passed two weeks,

Orange we did not eat

But remained in the sky only

Orange slot. (moon, month)

Reb. (Moon)

Night in the sky dark blue

Baked ruddy pancake?

From a space basket

Rolted orange?

Or gold saucer

Shasalized in the embroidery? ..

Fantasy, sometimes

So entertaining at the moon!

VedasWhat path did not have one person? (Milky Way)

On the dark sky scattered polka dot

Colored caramel of sugar crumbs,

And only when the morning will come,

All caramel is suddenly melting. (stars)

(Children are published - Milky Way, Stars are drawn on the caps)

Reb. (Milky Way)

Black velvet neba

Stars embroidered.

Light track

On the sky runs.

From the edge and to the edge

It is easily easily

As if someone shed

In the sky milk.

But no, of course, in the sky

Neither milk nor juice

We are a star system

I see your side.

So we see galaxies

Native distant light -

Space for astronautics

For many thousands of years.

Reb (Stars)

Over the earth at night late

Only hand out

You grab the stars:

Next seems they.

You can take a peacock feather,

Take the arrows on the clock,

Ride a dolphin

Shower on scales.

Over the earth at night late

If you throw a look into the sky,

You will see, like borders,

There are constellations hang.

Over the earth at night late

Only hand out

You grab the stars:

Next seems they.

Ved.. Stars in the sky are not reading, scientists and now open new stars, they are looking for them in heaven with the help of powerful telescopes. And we guys now play the game "Looking for".

We continue our research:

On the door, in the window

There will be no knock

And goes

And everyone will wake up. (the sun)

In space through the thickness of the years

Icelike facility.

The tail of it is a light strip,

And the name is the object ... (comet)

Reb. (comet)

Rancing your ricely tail,

Comet rushes between stars.

Listen, the constellation,

Last news,

Wonderful news

Heavenly news!

Warning at wild speeds

I was at the sun away.

I saw the land away

And new satellites of the Earth.

I worn from the earth

Ships flew behind me!

In order, all the planets

Write any of us:

Once - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - uranium

Behind him - Neptune.

He goes eighth.

And after him, then,

And ninth planet

Called Pluto.

Vedas And now I invite you guys, go through real cosmic tests. You are ready? Then proceed.

Competition 1. "Build a rocket"

The presenter invites two pairs of children. Boys get up straight and raise hands up, folding the palm together - this is a rocket. Girls should cool boys as quickly as possible with a paper towel, which gives it a leading. As a result, we get a real rocket, and the face of the boys can not soak, as they are "astronauts". The couple that will cope with the building faster, wins. The reward is received by the medals "Chief Designer spacecraft

Ved.. Rockets are ready, you need to stock food and drinks. Of course, you know that in space it is very difficult because of weightlessness. Therefore, astronauts have to eat special food from tubes and special jars. But they want fresh fruits so much! Let's try to eat them in weightlessness.

Competition 2. "Cosmonaut breakfast"

The two taugures hold the rope on which four apples are suspended on threads. The presenter invites four participants who should eat their apple as quickly as possible without touching it with their hands hidden behind their backs. The winner is awarded the medal "Cosmonaut Test!"

Ved.. With all the tests of the guys, you coped to excellent! And for this to you, as future cosmonauts and researchers and conquerors of the planets, we issue cosmic medals. (Treats for children).

Space is so cool!

Stars and planets

In black weightlessness

Slowly float!

Space is so cool!

Sharp rockets

At huge speed

Rush there and here!

So wonderful in space!

So magically in space!

In this Space

I visited once!

In this Space!

In the one who saw through

In the one who saw through

Paper telescope!


I remember the sun on this day sparkled:

What was an amazing April!

And in the heart, joy with pride glowing:

From Cosmos, Gagarin arrived!

His all the smile learned -

Such a smile was not the second!

The whole world is applauded! All fisified:

Gagarin went around our globe!

Since then, unknown Dali has approached,

Cosmos ships ...

And began - Russian, nice guy,

Gagarin - the first cosmonaut of the Earth!

( The scientist comes and reflects)

Scientist:Why in a year 12 months? And not 20 and not 25? Why is there no stairs to the sky, to reach the stars and get them? Well, I wish the stars, I could - a great scientist!

Leading:Hello, great scientist! We really need your help.

Scientist: Hello, dear guys and adults! Listen, what happened to you?

Leading: The guys with the guys came to the hall for the holiday, and which one cannot figure out, we know, only the fact that Gagarin is the first cosmonaut of the Earth!

(The scientist opens the book, looks and says) - Slide number 1

Scientist: Guys, today holiday - April 12 - "Cosmonautics Day". 55 years ago - April 12, 1961, the Soviet Union brought the East spacecraft to the orbit of the Earth. The duration of the flight was 1 hour and 48 minutes. On the ship "East" started the first cosmonaut of the planet Earth Yuri Gagarin. Thus appeared on Earth Profession Cosmonaut and April 12, World Aviation Day and Cosmonautics are celebrated. Dear, teacher, at the current century Nanotechnology, take this disc and turn it on, I prepared for you very interesting information.

(Video "You know, how he was a guy")

Leading: (Slide number 2. - Portrait of Gagarin)

He was born under the city of Gzhatsky,

Russian boy in the peasant family.

Name Proud Yuri Gagarin

Everyone knows on Earth now.

They are proud of the whole world, the whole planet,

Name Yuri at all on lips,

Russian guy rose over the world

His heart of Russia giving.

The very first round above the planet

He made the country's glory

Bright asterisk in the sky rising

On a clear day of that beautiful spring.

This feat Yuri Gagarin,

Having unprecedented flight

For century glorified all of Russia

And our great Russian people.

Everything will ever be everyday

And flying to the moon, and on Mars,

And tourists are already delivered

On space spaces

Will be a lot of discoveries in the future

Endlessly space over the earth

But always a new step someone first

Will do risking yourself.

(Children read the poem "At astronauts holiday!")

Deneke special to us came -

At astronauts holiday!

Knows about it well

Tikhonia and squad!

And everyone is stitching who is not too lazy,

Always the same thing:

Once I was born on this day,

Become an astronaut should!

No, I do not want astronaut.

Rather - astronomer.

I study all the planets,

Without leaving home.

But maybe after all the doctor? -

There will be no problems in the family

Always stand I shoulder

Native and loved ones.

And traveler to become

Dream all boys

So that the country, to open the earth,

Write about this book.

Scientist: So today with you guys will go to travel to outer space. ( Slide number 3 - Space space)

Leading: Oh, how interesting! We are happy, the great scientist! Children, let's go on a journey?

(Dunno runs out)

Dunno: Yeah! We wanted to fly without me!?

Leading: Sorry! And who are you?

Dunno: Well, they don't even know who I am! I am a great cosmonaut! I first visited space!

Leading: Children! Yuri Gagarin himself suggested us! Well, hello, sorry that they were not immediately recognized! Guys, does he look like Yuri Gagarin?

Dunno: Not! Not! I am not Yuri Gagarin! And in general, I don `t know who is your Yuri Gagarin!

Scientist: Guys, let's take this guest who is Yuri Gagarin! ( Answer children). Yes Yes! It was Yuri Gagarin that was the first person who flew into space and spent in the orbit of our planet as many as 108 minutes.

Dunno: Oh, think 108 minutes! I would spend everything there 200 minutes! And you Gagarin! Gagarin!

Leading: Well, you're lying! And after all, not only did not say hello to the guys, you even forgot to introduce us to us!

(Dunno gets up in the pose of offended and turns away, on the leading lead)

Leading: Guys, have you already guessed, who is this unprecedented guest? Yes, of course, this is a Dunno, turn to us we learned you!

Dunno: Well, I didn't even be interested! I'll go from you!

(Dunno goes to the door, but he stops the lead)

Leading: Wait, do not go! Stay, I think you will still be interested with us! Do not go!

Scientist: And, though, let's travel with us in outer space?

Dunno(returns): Well, well, stay. I even know how we will go to this outer space. All are ready for flight? Then - on the road! And the on-board computer will help us in our journey ( children stand on their feet and repeat the movements for minor). Let's make a countdown: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Start! Filty!

(Dance "Non-Nethesky Time").

Dunno:Well, we flew ... wow, just look all here ... ( Dunno shows on the screen)

(Video "Walk through Space")


Leading: How beautiful…

Scientist: Space has little studied, it is very big. And we will explore it with you, and begin with you from our planet, which is what is called?

(Planet Earth Video)

Scientist: Stars in the sky are not reading, so now, we are discovering new stars, they are looking for them in the sky with the help of powerful telescopes. And we guys will now play the game "Gather Star". Slide number 4 - "Starry Sky"

(Game "Collect the Star")


We continue our research:

Scientist: Guys, with the planet Earth we met, and you know what other planets are there in space?

Dunno: I know! I know! Planet "Gems", Planet "Mysteries", Planet "Fairy Tales", Planet "Marmalad", Planet "Jokes", Planet "Dance", Planet "Desires".

Scientist: And I'm not right Dunno.

Dunno: How so? And not right? I called all seven planets!

Scientist: They are not seven! They are 9! And they have no names! See here they ( Scientist shows on screen).

(Videos "Planet Solar System")

Leading: How interesting, however, guys? ( Slide number 5 - outer space)

(Sound signal)

Leading:Scientist what happens? What kind of sounds?

Dunno: Oh, I'm afraid I'm afraid ... Help ( runs around the hall)

Scientist:Do not be afraid! These are the sounds of the spacecraft, something happened there is a signal from outer space.

Leading: Spacecraft? What?

Scientist: On each planet there are inhabitants who are also moving on their spacecraft, probably failed, and a resident will come to us with one of the planets.

Dunno: And how do we find out?

(Aliens enters the hall)

Alien (speaks slowly, on one note): Hello, earthlings!

Leading: Hello, dear alien! With your spacecraft, our crews accepted an alarm. What happened to you? Maybe we will be able to help?

Alien: I can not return to my planet until you collect cosmic crystals.

Leading(turning to children): Guys, you need to help, a resident with another planet, crystals need to be decomposed into the compartments: in red - red crystals, green - crystals having a round shape.

(Game "Collect the crystals")

Alien: How deftly you managed to collect cosmic crystals! Well done, earthlings! You wonderfully coped with my task! I would like to show you my planet, but she disappeared from the starry sky ... How can I get home? I do not know how to build a rocket.

Leading: Do not worry, please! We will try to help you. We have very talented and cleaned children in the kindergarten. Guys, let's help the aliens get to your home, because his parents lost probably.

(Children are divided into three teams. The first and second team - lay out the construction of the rocket, the third - on the description of the aliens of its planet to find it against the background of the starry sky among other space objects)

Alien. Thank you, earthlings! You helped me a lot. I have a hurry to return to my planet.

Leading: Yes, and we guys, it's time to return to our most wonderful in the entire Universe Planet.

Scientist: Yes, dear teacher and children, something traveled to our journey. After all, I have so much unknown, unexplored, so much need to spend experiments.

Alien. Why is it your most wonderful?

Leading. And you listen to our song and understand yourself.

(Song "Multicolored Planet", Sl. A. Orlova, Muses N. Novisova.)

Alien: And, however, your planet is multicolored, oh, wonderful. But everyone, she is wonderful here, where I live, and you, where your home. Goodbye guys! It was very nice to meet you! ( Waving his hand and leaves)

Dunno: And it's time for me, with you it was so interesting to travel. I will go the rink and all-all shorts from Flower City I'll tell you that I learned today. So they will be surprised!

Leading: Goodbye, Dunno! Look at us more often! In our kindergarten you will know a lot of new and interesting!

Leading: Guys, while our ship makes a soft landing on Earth, tell me what you remember and liked the journey?

(Poems of children)

Space is so cool!

Stars and planets

In black weightlessness

Slowly float!

Space is so cool!

Sharp rockets

At huge speed

Rush there and here!

So wonderful in space!

So magically in space!

In this Space

I visited once!

In this Space!

In the one who saw through

In the one who saw through

Paper telescope!

Scientist: Touch ... There is a touch! All guys! We returned to Earth, your kindergarten. Today we have made an interesting journey into outer space. To new meetings! Goodbye, guys!