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Bruce make sizes itself. Brussia do it yourself - a step-by-step master class of sports projectile at home (110 photos). Horizontal bar combined with bars

Brussia is an integral projectile of any sport, because they give a common effect on hand and housing. In gymnastics, professional horizons are used, which should not be attempting to make themselves, since the level of exercises is associated with large loads and need especially durable shells. But if we are talking about ordinary strength exercises, you can do in the yard or even at home on homemade bars.

Professional shells

Professional dyspete bars consist of grounds, high and low racks, and fiberglass jersey or fiberglass, adjustable mechanism and stretching cables. The distance between the points of the support is about 2.4 meters, the height of the floor from the floor is low from 1.4 to 1.66 meters, high - from 2.2 to 2.46 meters, the height change step is set in 5 centimeters. The distance between the Zherdess surfaces is also adjustable - from 1.3 to 1.8 meters.

Professional gymnastic parallel bars for men consist of an iron frame, four racks are equipped with fixing and clamping mechanisms, four swivels for adjusting the distance and two streams from wood or fiberglass, which is enhanced by carbon fiber. The distance between the points of the support is about 2.3 meters, the height of the pole from the floor is from 1.7 to 2 meters, the distance between the inner surfaces is from 0.42 to 0.62 meters.

Professional gymnastic crossbind consists of a steel elastic rod, two racks that are fixed with four stretch marks. The height of the floor crossbar is from 2.55 to 2.95 meters, the height adjustment step is from 5 to 20 centimeters, the length of the rod is 2.4 meters, the diameter is 2.8 centimeters.

Amateur Street Shells

Ordinary parallel bars can be made in the yard, spent about two days. Dimensions - approximately like professional, take averaged figures, between supports - about 2.5 meters, the width between the bars of about 50 centimeters, the height above the ground is about 1.7 meters. We need the following materials - cement bag (solution - for a part of cement Three parts of sand with small stones), bucket, trowel, shovel, welding machine, Bulgarian, level, borrow 20 centimeters diameter. The crossbars are made of pipes with a diameter of 4 centimeters, racks - pipes with a diameter of about 6 centimeters, can be taken with a rectangular cross section, in the height you need to make a recess in the soil by 60 centimeters.

And the bars on the floor, the height you need. To make wall bars, you need pipes, welding, and, accordingly, welding skill. In the same version, the bars do not need pipes, as they are made of wood, and you do not need welding, as items will be connected by self-draws. Wooden bars at home can be made any height. Just decide what you need a height, find the material and forward. If you did not break the bars in the storage room, like me, then you can buy, it will get cheaper than buying pipes in the case of wall bars. For example, my bars with a height of about 20 cm went about 3.5 meters of timber. Bar 5 cm for 4 cm, but you can do from other sizes of the bar.

How to make bars (paralet). Materials

So let's see for a start with the materials.

  1. Bar 4 by 5 cm, - 3.5 - 4 m.
  2. Plywood, - depending on the height.
  3. Saws. 48 short (2-3cm) and 8 long (8-9 cm) for fastening the handles

As you already understood, we can make full-fledged bars, paillets, or bars that will be more like, that is, very low. I had enough materials just for the height I needed, and paraletses turned out.

To begin with, we need to make hands. If there are already ready-made rounded sticks, it is good, and you can use them, but to a certain extent it is better to prepare. At the ends, it is not necessary to completely round, so that the handle fell well on our racks. You can turn off the handles on the machine, you can roll up with a knife or a branch, and then sand.

After you prepared the handles, you can move to the racks. To save the materials, you can make only the bottom pair of strokes long, and all the others, which are from above, to do 10-12 cm, which will be enough. The bottom is just necessary to make a little longer for better stability of BRUSEV. Bruks for sustainability do longer twice. Cut them is not difficult. Take the bar, measure the segments and sawing.

After the bars for the legs are ready, put them, they put the handles on them and see what we did. It is impossible to press on such bars yet, but you can continue and feel what happens. Now we need to make plates for connecting racks.

The plates can be made of plywood, but the planks are also suitable. The connection will be carried out slightly on another principle, but the main sense. We take the length of short bars, and take 1 cm from it, it will be the width of the plates. Now we take the height of our racks and take away from it the same 1 cm - it will be the height of our plate. Now we place our piece of plywood, and we cut it on the plates we need length and height. You can cut the jigsaw, and you can handle and then processed a little on the sandpaper or grinding. It is necessary to make 8 plates - 2 plates for each leg.

After we prepared bars for handle racks and plates, we make holes for self-tapping screws, and for this we need a drill. Holes in the plates must be made, retreating from the edges 1 cm. On each shelter we make two holes on both sides. Before drilling everything thoroughly, in the end, the self-taking place in the middle of the bar fell. It is not difficult, and how it is done, I will not tell. That is, if we have 3 bar, then we will have 6 holes in the plate - 3 on each side. It is better to drill all plastics immediately, putting them in a stack.

In the handles we need to do 2 holes from each edge. Again, everything needs to be thoroughly measure. The handles themselves should be the same length, which is so understandable, from the edge to the first hole there should be the same distance, and there is also the same distance between the holes. Pens by relationships to racks should be perpendicular to. Also do not forget about the width of the bar in the racks. You will drive the screws into it through the handles, and it is necessary to make holes so that the indent on the edges of the bar was at least 0.5 cm. Between the holes there may be a distance of 2 - 2.5 cm.

Now the connection time has come. We put on the floor of the bars for the first rack, and it is advisable to press them to the wall so that they lie tightly to each other. On bars we put the record and begin to screw the screws. You can screw all the screws with a screwdriver, but you can also screw the screwdriver. Further turn over, tightly press the bars to each other and screw in the second plate. So make the remaining three racks.

I also want to offer you to familiarize yourself with the article :.

To maintain physical form, not everyone has the opportunity to visit the gym, but the exercises can be done at home. To strengthen the muscles of the hands, back and press you can make a horizontal bar for the house. There are different designs - the simplest and more complicated.

Types of tourists

To maintain sports form, it is advisable to have sports shells at home. The most simple of which belongs to the horizontal bar. This is one or more small crossbar that allows you to train the muscles of the hands, chest, press and back. It is only necessary to find a suitable set of exercises.

One of the simple options

For home (apartments)

The house usually find a place for the horizontal bar. In the apartment, it is usually more complicated in the apartment, so many are looking for options that occupy a little space are easily removed and installed: so that you can store, say, in the closet and hang only on time. To use indoors there are such models:

  • Wall mounted. There are different sizes and structures - from a simple crossbar in the corners, to more complex structures for different grip and different muscle groups. Have a general type of fastening: powerful corners that are attached directly to the wall.
  • Corner. One of the varieties of wall mounted. The difference is clear from the name - are attached to two adjacent walls forming the angle.
  • In the doorway. Requires a minimum of time for making, and can also be removable. There are two versions:
    • Installed in the doorway. This is usually just one crossbar. A more complex design here still do not strengthen.
    • Fastened above the door. A little more complicated design that allows you to diversify classes.

    Two small wallpapers: one for pulling, the other for the press and "corner"

    Model 3 in 1

    In the doorway or in a narrow corridor

    Methods for fastening the removable horizontal bar in the doorway

    There are completely simple street horizons - two racks with a crossbar, there are whole complexes

    Universal option - with a Swedish wall and devices for pumping all muscle groups

    Mini-sports complex in the backyard

    In general, you can hang a wall horizontal on the outdoor wall at home - an option for summer training.

    Choosing materials

    Usually, the home horizontal bar is made of metal pipes. They are round and rectangular (square) sections. Rectangular with the same section (diameter and diagonal) and wall thickness have greater rigidity, carry a large load. But if the pipe is frozen, then the rectangular is sharply refracted, and the round slowly bends. That this does not happen, choose the walls thoroughly (from 2.5 mm and more). The horizontal bar is heavier, but will be more reliable, it will be able to withstand heavy loads.

    If the walls allow, you can hang heavy designs

    You still need to choose pipes for the horizontal bar for convenience. If we talk about the operation, it is more convenient in the hand there are a round. But the rectangular is easier to cook, as the round requires a higher degree of skill. Even rectangular better "falls" on the wall, the area of \u200b\u200bsupport is more. This is important for wall structures. Apparently, therefore, the frames and racks of domestic tourists make a square (profiled) pipe, and the crossbars are from the round.

    As a rule, the diameter of the coastal of the horizontal bar lies in the range from 27 mm to 32 mm.

    Another horizontal barns are made from wood. But since the wood is heterogeneous, it is difficult to predict its behavior during loads. If we consider that movements can be jerks, the likelihood is that the wooden crossbar will crack. So if you want to make the horizontal bar, the wood is better not to use.

    Reliability is the most important thing. And in the design and fasteners

    A few words about the form of steel, which can be used. You can make the horizontal bar for the house from the ordinary pipe - from ferrous metal. After welding, it is cleaned to pure metal, processed with soil and color. This is quite enough to use in a house or apartment. For street tourists, it is better to treat the anti-corrosion composition after stripping, after the soil, and then - the paint in two or three layers. If it is possible - apply powder paint. It has an uneven surface, does not slide at hand. The same surface can have some types of hammers. They also give an unusual effect: unequal color. On metal things looks very good.

    Fastening should also be reliable

    You can still make a horizontal bar for home or stainless steel street. On the frame to translate the road is hardly reasonable, but the crossbars can be made of stainless steel. Just do not take pipes from food stainless steel - they are made with thin walls, so they often do not stand and bent. Take good alloyed structural steel. It does not delete and will withstand solid loads. But there is another point: the pipe can be too smooth, which is uncomfortable. By grip, hands can slide.

    Schemes and dimensions

    The schemes of the horizons are important. The diameters of the pipes, the wall thickness are important. It is really important, and the dimensions are approximate. They may vary depending on the growth and size of a person. Usually they are given under the "medium" growth and mean sizes of the chest. If you have more parameters than "average", increase the dimensions so that you feel comfortable.

    This model is called three in one (3 in 1), as it allows you to train almost all muscles

    Wall-mounted models

    Some of the most convenient and functional - wallpapers. They are more cumbersome and complex in design, there are quite simple. Let's start with those more complicated.

    In the figure, the horizontal bar on which you can do in two positions. On the picture on the right - the position for the study of the press, on the left - for studying the hands, back and chest muscles. The specified design can be improved. On the Scheme on the right there are two crossbars that are used to work with a narrow grip. You can install additional crossbars for medium, and extreme use for "normal". Wide grip provide handles sticking on the sides. More convenient if they have a tilt of about 30 °.

    Two schemes of a wall horizontal bar for different grip. Different sizes, similar designs

    So the horizontal bar is not always comfortable, so another design is invented - with handles on the front strip. It is less massive, requires a smaller number of pipes. But pumping the press will have to be on another simulator. This such opportunity does not provide.

    Scheme and sizes removed from the finished wallpaper

    Despite the shortcomings, the above design is repeated many times. It is simple, reliable, takes a little space, so popular. The dimensions are slightly adjusted, leaving the diameters of the pipes and the thickness of the corners unchanged or increasing the wall thickness. Example - in the photo below.

    This is a homemade version made by factory model.

    There is an even simple design. This is only one crossbar on which you can only pull up. But this design is one of the most compact. It can be hung over the doorway and it will not interfere, will not attract attention. Make a horizontal bar of such a design makes sense if there is no place for placement more serious projectile or there is a Swedish wall.

    Dimensions - under a small height

    Proper structures are one of the most compact. Only those that are installed in the doorway or between two nearby walls are occupied less space (only a pipe is needed at all, which are made by special attachments).

    Turks for the yard

    In the courtyard they usually put more complex designs: there is no need to save space, so they make as a comfortable model as a comfortable model. It should be approached to the question weighted: to make the horizontal bar reliable, you need pipes with a solid wall thickness, and they are not cheap. Therefore, since there are already racks and crossbars, you can make a Swedish wall and a fastening for a swing - so that children can play, and adults to train.

    Outdoor horizontal bar: drawing with dimensions

    Note that the racks are pairly connected by jumpers. The jumper bursts into the ground and serves to stabilize the position at lateral loads. What else to pay attention is to the depth to which the poles are buried. If the land is prone to bent (clay and loam), it is preferably lower than the depth of freezing. For the middle lane of Russia, it is about 120-130 cm. In order to stood the racks securely, you can perpendicular to the underground part to trigger the pieces of pipes. This will complicate the installation, but the poles are definitely not separated.

    How to make a horizontal bar for an apartment with your own hands - photo report

    Even for the most complex wall model, 2-2.5 meters of profile pipe and about 1.5 meters round. To make a horizontal bar for home with your own hands, pre-printed a sheet with the selected model and sizes. For the frame used a profiled metal pipe 20 * 30 * 3 mm, for crossbar and "handles" - the remainder of the cornice for the curtains of Soviet times. The pipe is thin, but still withstands. To begin with, the profile tube saw into pieces of the desired length.

    The beginning - cut the pipes into pieces of the desired length, stir up the angle of the stops

    There are no corner stops in the diagram, they are made on the eye. Angle - about 50 °. Next, it's small - cook. With the help of the inverter welding machine, this is not too difficult. Especially since the pipe has a thick wall: 3 mm is boiled normally.

    Two half frames turned out in the form of the letter "G" - they must be connected with jumpers. To the frame racks were parallel to, we use the planks that fix the parts at the same distance. At the same time, from the trimming of a pipe from a stainless steel at the bottom we weld the handles for which we will stay when pumping the press.

    So that the distance between the racks was the same, we use the rails

    For a dense adjoining of a round tube and rectangular, a semicircle was cut in a grinder in the rack. I had to focus with the file, but the fit is very good. It remains to brew.

    Registration of round and rectangular pipe

    To weld to a circular handle pipe for a narrow grip, in the cuts of the pipe, too, form the excavation. Cook them harder - the thickness of the pipe is significantly less. And in general, other electrodes go under the welding of the stainless steel. Due to the lack of experience, the seams turned out ugly, but without obvious marriage.

    Next you need to bend the pipe along the edges. To do this, insert a rod to a smaller diameter into the pipe, we take the gas burner, heating the place of bend, bending the little. Bend to 30 °. To do this, on the floor, chalk drew an angle, bendingly curled along the drawn lines.

    Add "holders" for a narrow grip, bend and can be painted

    On the Bulgarian we put out the sandpaper, we clean the place of welding. Then, with a circle with a smaller grain, we remove the flare from the whole structure, additionally stabbing the seams. Ready to paint. Paint in the canopy was applied in three layers.

    Hooks for hanging the horizon, too, made it yourself

    For mounting on the wall, the metal strip 15 * 4 mm made hooks. Bend was not easy - clogged in the forceps a whole piece, managed to be beaten on both sides. The finished hooks were cut off at the desired length and drilled holes under the dowel. Used drill with a diameter of 8 mm, drilled by 12 mm under the fastener caps. The hooks are cleaned and painted the same paint.

    Before making the horizontal bar, decide on the place where you will hang it. Not all spouses will safely take such innovation ... Homemade horizontal bar 3 in 1 on the wall in two working positions

    Almost everything is ready. It remains to make pillows under the shoulders. For the base, pieces of plywood are taken, they are a thin furniture foam in two layers, covered with ecocuses with holes. For fastening the leatherette, staples and construction staplers are used, but you can use furniture nails if there is no stapler.

    Making pillows under the shoulders

    According to the experience: Hooks on the wall should be done longer, under three dowels at least. And yet: the design was improved - the handles for a narrow grip in the way that in the picture, uncomfortable, so another crossbar is welded.

    Added cross-shredding

    The homemade home horizontal manner turned out to be heavy - 19.8 kg, but in this form it is more convenient.

    In conclusion, a small entertainment video-Prank "Grandfall punishes turnstiles". Be healthy!

Everyone knows how much sport is good for health. But, attend the gyms of units: some refer to the lack of time, others are funds, others honestly admit that they are prevented by laziness. But if you wish, you can do this without leaving the house, as a last resort, you can train in the yard. Of course, you will need a sports inventory that will require certain financial investments and a little bit of time and ingenuity, because it is easy to make a simulator with your own hands.

How to make on home wooden bars

Today in specialized stores, the choice of Bruusyev is huge, so it is not a problem to buy them. But to buy a projectile for street classes, you will have to spend pretty, and not everyone is ready for this. Then make the bars themselves. Time and means will need a bit. Surely, such bars are cheaper at times than purchasing analogs.

The minimum price of bars from a tree, which is found on common sites - 100 dollars. Low less asking for walls, but they will not bring much pleasure.

It is better to try and make bars yourself.

Materials for the manufacture of bars at home

For a street shell with a handrailler's length of 1240 cm and a height of 1150 cm, you will need to buy:

  • Wooden timber height from 145 cm 100x100 and more (4 pcs.). If you install a shell without concreting, then you will need a bar for a support with a length of 165 cm.
  • D 50-75 mm (2 pcs.), Which is used for the manufacture of handrails for stairs, so finding it in stores is not easy. Replace the timber can be rounded 10 mm or handles for shovels selling in economic
  • A nails are suitable as elements of fastening, 100-200 mm long, which is not expensive at the price.

Although the purchase of these materials will cost "Funny" price, you can still save, drinking blanks from hardwood trees (if there are such plantations nearby).

The drawings of the presented design are designed for the growth of the average person, but they are easily finalized if the anthropometric parameters of the athlete require.

In addition to the benefit that the projectile will bring, manufactured by the work on it will be a kind of "work therapy", i.e. Useful muscle training.

Procedure for manufacturing a house simulator

From the prepared blanks, cut the four identical racks, fix them in the ground using a concrete fill or without that if the length of the bar allows.

Before installing supports, they need to be made at the same equal height of several propilov for the future crossbar. This will be required to adjust the poles.

Homemade bars from wood - a serious simulator, so not to get injured, you can not save on racks using old trees or chipboards for them. Such material is not able to withstand a large load, so during the operation of the crossbar or the rack may break, which is dangerous for the athlete to get injury.

Poping, as follows, supports, insert the crossbar and lock it with constipation. It is recommended to apply a protective coating on the finished projectile, which a long time will protect the design from pests, UV rays, bad weather. It is not bad to have a self-made simulator in the country area, where there will be time for classes.

Benefits of wood bars:

  • The material is safe and clean environmentally;
  • Easy to adjust the width and height;
  • Simplicity of manufacture, installation and assembly;
  • Ergonomics;
  • Economy;
  • Lack of costs needed to install metal structures: on welding, trimming, etc.;
  • Maintainability and the possibility of upgrading;
  • Strength and wear resistance.

And one more banal advantage - no one will steal such bars, in the absence of the owner to pass on scrap metal.

Therefore, it will be possible to train in the fresh air for a long time. And this is favorable to reflect on the processes of restoration and regeneration of the body tissues.

For those who love sports and do not like to save - wooden bars made by their own hands from progress materials - solving the problem.

Knowing how to make similar bars, having drawings, even a schoolboy can do this. But, before use, it is recommended to spend a test with a small load to make sure that the stability of the projectile. Not bad if such bars were installed in each yard so that the younger generation grown healthy and strong physically. Help in this we must be with you - adults!

Meanwhile, I conceived a new project.
In the summer I live in the country and I want a sports town there.

The thing is useful. It will help me to pass the test on physical education, Kemutsk will allow you to maintain a figure, and young just cool to climb and hang on the swing.

For a long time climbed on thematic forums, analyzed the experience and mistakes of other town builders, designed its complex, selected sizes, diameters and forms. Finally, managed to visualize their intentions. Drawing Sportgorodka:

Well, I could.)) It's time to learn any 3D editor.

The complex includes:
- bars;
- horizontal bar;
- Swedish wall;
- swing on chains that cling to special loops on the horizontal bar;
- Pear / Rope / Second swings;
- Stops for pressing from the floor.

Such a set allows you to perform a whole bunch of exercises:
- pull-ups at the crossbar with various grips for the development of the back and arms,
- perform exercises like an output by force, the rise of the coup, the crypt, etc.,
- Exercises on the bars for the development of shoulders,
- to press on the bars for the development of nose breast and triceps,
- several different exercises for the bottom of the press,
- several exercises on the top of the press,
- A whole range of exercises in the Swedish wall to strengthen the hips and the berry muscles, the muscles of the abdomen, the prevention of the stoleness and other spinal sores,
- sneak from the floor with the help of stops to strengthen the breast muscles,
- exercises with a pear to strengthen the hands, the development of speed and endurance,
- to swing on a swing,
- Other strengthening and developing exercises for the whole family, which I do not know yet.

Of course, it is unlikely that I will do all this regularly, but a couple of three times a week with a Camcet three or four exercises on a pair of approaches.

In the left side of the picture, another crossbar was not placed (depicted in the following figure). It can be used to suspend pear, rope, or some other swings. Pear can make a team from automotive tires or buy ready for street installation.

The dimensions of the sports complex allow you to conveniently place it in some corner of the country area. The following figure shows the top view as it will be with me. Different layout options are possible, but this option considered it optimal. Drawing:

The design stage is completed. Now I stated on the site and designated the main elements with pegs. Further purchase of metal, welding and installation.

In the meantime, the calculation of the cost of metal (according to

Pipe 108x3 ~ 13 meters for 250 rubles
Pipe 32x2.8 ~ 11 meters for 90 rubles
Pipe 40x3.2 ~ 10 meters of 120 rubles
Chain 8 x 24 ~ 4 meters 160 rubles
Electrodes ~ 1 kilogram for 100 rubles
Paint for metal ~ 1 bank for 600 rubles

In total, the manufacture of the complex: 5700 rubles.

It is quite profitable compared to\u003d179 or. The fact that thin-walled metal is used there.
To the cost of manufacture, you need to add delivery and installation:
Cement M500 ~ 2 bags of 225 rubles
Delivery Metal Gazelle ~ 2 hours 350 rubles

Although I'm more inclined to use the profile tube 100x100x4 as a pillars (it is more expensive in the circle more expensive, but it is more stronger, more preferable to cook).
You can search for metal in the reception items - can be saved.

Bought metal. There is no way back.
On the photo just cut one of the columns 100x100x3.

Already on metal bond, clutching for the future crossbar (it is visible under the legs of the left dude), I realized that I was mistaken in the initial calculations. It turned out that my short fingers could not reliably grab the pipe 32mm. I had to take a thinner - 25x2.8. Then I already found out that the Olympic horizontal skills in the thickness of 27 mm are almost like mine. Also replaced more subtle all the stairs crossbars. So unexpectedly, the metal cost a little cheaper.

However, the thin crossbard is stronger than my weight ( In principle, the deflection is not critical, but the problem is that with the time of the crossbar will remain a curve. Therefore, I decided to make the crossbar of the lure - not 1400 mm, and 1200 mm. Because of this I had to abandon removable swings. They did not reach this a bit to GOST R 52167-2003 ( And now they have become traumatic.

In addition, on the Council, Bori decided to concrete the foundation of his sports complex. In the photos everything can be seen:

The most loaded plot that caused doubts about reliability is a pole post.
The pear itself weighs 60-100 kilograms. In a soft soil after winter, it can break the correctness of the post setting. In addition, on thematic forums, I read that with strong blows the force attached to the fastening of the pear (i.e., in my case, by the end of the 2.5 meter long lever) can reach 300 kilograms. Of course, we are talking about athletes, but hunting to get a reliable thing without compromise.
Therefore, the following measures were taken:
1. This separate pillar decided to increase the underground concrete jumper 500x500mm with the staircase (visible on the upper pictures).
2. Strengthen the pear crossbar extended through it the end of the horizontal bar and welding it at the end. It unloads the bracket during vertical load and when twisting.
3. To shorten the pear crossbar from 1200mm to 800 mm.

Expecting the required amount of concrete:

Large pillars consider the optimal concrete into the holes 50x50x100cm - only three pits. The bars are optimally concreted into the pit 30x30x100cm - two pits. Plus concrete jumper 50x50x70cm. Total 1.1 cubic meter of concrete. Or 110 decider buckets of concrete.
Optimally concreted pillars concrete M300 brand (B22.5). It is divorced from cement M500, sand and rubble fraction 5-20 in proportions by volume 1: 2: 4.

Transferred to the cottage of 1.5 tons of rubble 5-20 and ton of river sand. Solid sounds, but in fact it is just two small bugs.
Assembled Stapel, laid out the details in places. Put everything along the horizon. Began cutting metal.

Installed a rhy-bolt for fastening a pear. On the rift itself cast, which keeps the load of 230 kilograms. From the opposite side, a plate of 4 mm was packed at the place of attachment. Then I tack the nut to the thread so that it was not spinning.

From the sheet 4mm walked 10x10 plugs on the poles - it can be seen in the left edge of the photo:

Made holes in the posts for attaching the crossbar. When I bought the metal on the basis, I chose the pipe diameter under my hand - using the method of one-time test.
The pipe that was then chosen called 25x2.8. OK. The crown for drinking holes in the posts bought in accordance with the title of the pipe - 25mm. It turned out that in the title of the pipe is indicated internal diameter, and not external. In the store behind the crown had to ride twice.

The pipe will have four supports on the poles. This will reduce its deflection under load.

From the fiftiest corner, future ribs of 40 cm, which will be welded on the poles in a circle in two places below the concrete level. Chalk marked the level of land.

The segments of the 50th corner welded on the poles below the concreting level. They will play the role of fittings.

On the occasion bought magnetic uglies. It became interesting to try. It turned out to be comfortable. Keep hard enough. And the angle is specified correct.

With their help, welded a pole with a bracket for a pear.

As planned, the end of the crossbar welded to the plug passes through the pear bracket.

The crossbar is welded to the post and outside, and from the inside.

On the other hand, the same thing is welding the crossbar to the post and from the inside, and outside

And close a pillar plug

Below the level of land in the middle part of the concrete jumper passes another crossbar. It provides parallelism of the columns and the correctness of the angles between the columns and the upper perder. Enhanced by jams.

I had to tinker with parallelism and perpendicularity in the appropriate places. But it is easier to put everything in the horizon in concreting.

Conducted anti-corrosion training.
At the beginning, painted the underground part plus 30 cm paint Hammert. Then shuffled with bitumen mastic. Mastica has held a few hours under the sun. The days were hot - up to 35 degrees in the shade, mastic was heated in the sun of degrees to fifty - it became sufficiently liquid for applying a brush.

Action was when covered with mastic inside of pipes. For this, the rag has shifted the piston and attached it to the edge of the 4-meter stick. I smeared myself from the legs to the head, but the pipes from the inside processed. Remove the opportunity.

He welded Bruusyev's pillars, stopping the ends of the legs. The underground part also handled the mastic.

When welding poles, it was necessary to customize a plurality of joints of round pipes at different angles. I did not make any calculations or sweep. Cut the baccoon on the eyes. As a result, the gaps of the places were 1.5 centimeters.
And then I opened a new welding mode for myself - "Welding with a margin". Those. Constantly interrupting the arc reveal on the edges of the metal drop. At the same time, the slag does not knock off, and welding right over, constantly maintaining the metal hot to red. As a result, it is possible to quickly brew huge gaps. The seams turns out and sometimes with the inclusions of the slag.
Then I beat off the slag, I put the current more and "smooth out" the entire surface of the seam. The seam is obtained 1.5 centimeter width is quite smooth and cute.

Real Tajiks are pretty friendly guys. They do not smoke, do not drink, do not swear by mat. They are not aggressive. Not very greedy. In Russian they speak quite worn. At the wedding, they are in order of things to invite one and a half thousand guests and feed them. At the same time, alcohol is not even in the wedding menu! And in families they have five children.
It's amazing with what ease (wearing national songs and joking), they smoothly dug off a half Cuba of the Earth and poured them with half and a half pasta of concrete, mixed by hand, it seems not even a tired.

The expression "as for Kalach" is a hint of the budget of my project. In fact, it is. To make the project, you could not hire workers even more budget, but to do everything yourself. But ... well, his nafig.
A few days later, the concrete will grab and you can already carry out field tests.

It remains a bit - installation of bars and painting.

Scattered a uniform layer of land, removed from the holes for pouring the pillars and sowned it with lawn grass.

He welded bars, muffled them from the ends.

A slight digression from the initial project is a silver paint instead of green. Paint took an expensive.

Paint with a "hammer effect" - after drying, the relief is manifested. Liked the coating. It looks pretty, dries quickly, keeps hard. The paint will turn on the rust converter, soil and finishing coating. If you buy them separately, it goes about three times cheaper))).

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to your attention ready-made quality for Kalach.

Now I study different options for the manufacture of boxing pears, not afraid of rains, frost and the sun (for example, from automotive tires).

Put the horizontal bar in the country



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