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An interesting scenario on February 23 for men. Scenarios Holiday Defender of the Fatherland For Adults

February 23, the men besides a new pair of socks are worthwhile to hold a solemn event in their honor. So, in the measure of financial opportunity, the corporate party is satisfied or within the walls of the place of work or in the banquet hall. The hall is festively decorated, the official greetings of the bosses were released, the first toast is raised ...

There will be two leaders in the scenario, but they are supposedly from different agencies, but they came to do their work in one place. Each in the hall will have its own table for games.

The sound of the pipe and drum fraction is heard. Two presenters at the same time are trying to enter the hall, one in hand is a pipe, in the other by the neck of the drum (in principle, you can take any musical instruments that are found in children at home, as a last resort, you can do with wooden spoons and two covers from the pan). We will call our shocking leading leading 1 and leading 2.

Leading 1:
Where to pork it? You do not see or I'm late for a corporate!

Leading 2:
Eye yourself tell! Not in that door we climb! Deploy your fifth point and shouted strictly to the north, you can go to the south of the order of __meters (the number of men in the organization says).

Leading 1:
What meters? (pulls out a piece of paper and pokes the second leading) Here! ___ (number of men) I have a discharger! So come on, in the rhythm of the waltz, leave the room.

Leading 2. (takes the door storming and wetted, and, playing on his musical instrument, bypassing the hall):
Happy holiday! Hooray!

Leading 1. (seeing such an income, flies in the hall and, playing on his musical instrument, bypassing the hall on the other side):
Happy holiday! Hooray!

After bypass, they converge at one point, stop making musical sounds. The ringtone is included without the words "Happy Birthday to You". And both leading to this motive sing "from February 23, from 23, men, February."

Leading 1:
And why do you steal my congratulations?!

Leading 2:
Who am I? Yes, I first sing! And in general, I have time to spend time here, I have contests according to plan! Who for contests? Go to one!

Leading 1:
Competitions! Who invites so?

Leading 2:
Comrades, do not delay, go out to the competition!

Leading 1. (goes to the hall, comes to men who are going to call for a competition):
Oh, my master, male number 1 in the world, take off the plate for a couple of minutes and take part in the competition.

Leading 1 displays 2 men and proudly passes by the leading 2, which, seeing it, they went around, sexually correcting the chest and goes to the hall, also chooses 2 participants, something whispering them on the ear and they are satisfied with her.

Each leading leads its participants to his table, on which something is covered with a handkerchief.

Leading 1:

The leading 1 removes a handkerchief and a chessboard on the table, but only instead of checkers filled with stacks (since the stacks are usually from transparent glass, they can be placed in black and white ribbon or paper). However, stacks-checkers stand only on the one hand, for example, black.

Leading 2:
So, expensive participants of the competition! Let's play a fascinating game of checkers!

The leading 2 removes the handkerchief from its table and there is also a chess board and only on one side of the pile-checkers, but white.

Leading 1:
This is a catastrophe!

Leading 2:
We can do anything, for the sake of men will have to go to the union. Let us go!

Leading 1:
Better you come to us!

Leading 2:

The eagle / rush is played, and the team of the "loser" leads leads to the "winning" table.

Leading on a chessboard collect a full set of checkers, and the game begins. In stacks alcohol. It turns out that the team of the leading 1 will fight against the team leading 2. "Eaten" enemy checkers drink those who "ate" them. Leads offer snacks, better if it is canape. Chessboard must be supplied so that the audience can watch the game. Also, we need to think about how the "lady" will be marked, for example, a red ribbon.

At the end of the game, the presenters handed small presents to all participants (each leading team leads, but gifts are the same).

There is a song Serdyuchka "Everything will be fine!" (or other other of its repertoire) and in the tanta hall, there are 3 Serduchuk (with a huge breast and vividly dressed - these roles can fully perform men).

The song continues, Serduchka invite men to dance, make dance passes with them, and leading the mobile phones and someone calls to someone, going to the side.

The song ends and sounds any melody dance, but not from the Serdyuchka repertoire. The leading 1 looks solemnly (it was arranged by her call) and invites you to dance a man. Serdyuchka is also not lost and continue either with selected cavaliers or new. After this song, the melody, ordered by the second leading and dance, sounds.

After dancing Leading 1:
And you, ballot, from which competing company will you?

What kind of interrogation during the celebration?

The second two sermars choose participants for the competition, only 3 men.

Leading 1:

Leading 2:
They are right, the matter is general, do not interfere, but help.

Serduchuk give instructions for the competition. Themselves become in a row. Leading look into the instructions.

Leading 1:
A superprise of the year is played!

Leading 2:
I ask for attention, comrades viewers, prepared for the draw! You are given the role of judges. Listen, see, and then loud applause will determine the winner.

Competition musical, players must play a melody using busts from Serduchk. Serdyuchka is hardly standing, one player is called to the "instrument", he is asked what a melody he will perform, he announces, for example: "Performed lyrical melody!" And he must press with his hands, compress the busts of all 3 Serdychek. As soon as he is touched by hands for the first time, it turns on cutting from the melodies (preferably a different tempo, and the player must catch the beat, in other words, it will perform a ringtone under the phonogram). When all the participants alternately performed their works, the audience applause vote for everyone who has louder, he receives a prize. Surely, the moderates and emotions of musicians will be taken into account during execution. For gifts to get all the performers, the voting is held in several nominations, for example: "Musician of the Year", "Mr. Spectator Sympathies", "Virtuoso".

After the competition, the song "Everything will be fine!" And Serdyuchka under her leave the hall.

Leading 1:
What does the tight schedule mean, stretched.

Leading 2:
Nothing to do, we have the next round.

Presenters choose 4 men. For this game, tantamars will be required (this is a stand for photographing, which are often used by street photographers in resorts). If it does not come out to make a full-fledged stand (the frame is covered with canvas or the shield is used), then you can take a chair, to fasten the tight cardboard to its back (you can take a few boxes for products and make a sheet of the desired size. The player will sit down on a chair in a pose, like a horse, and foster his head into the hole (based on this, the size of the sheet is calculated). On 4 players will need 4 images of female representatives: a red hat, ballerina, curtisanka, ank-gunner, etc., they are drawn on the rolls of old wallpaper and are attached so that you can quickly remove one drawing, leaving the bottom under it.

One player encourages his head (naturally, he does not see who he is in the image, so the hole can be made narrow so that the whole head does not fit in it, and there was not a chance to survive) and asks leading questions to other participants at the expense of their new role. He must guess who he is. Players have the right to speak only "no" and "yes." For each admitted image, the team gets a prize. If the number of the collective is allowed, you can create two commands.

Leading 1:
What are we for gifts forcing men to work?

Leading 2:
Yes, somehow it turns out.

Men are alone in the middle of the hall. Under the sounds of a fanfar and skiding from the clappers, they are given gifts.

Any holiday needs the right holding, because with a simple feast it is quite boring to look at the persons around. The Day of Defender of the Fatherland is very important for everyone, and the Scenario of the Corporate on February 23 is quite difficult to choose. It is necessary to approach the choice, all men must remain satisfied.

Option scenario February 23 on corporate party with contests for the most dreamy and deft

The very first thing to prepare is awards, which will be beautiful paper medals. There should be inscriptions on them: " The most dreament», « Messenger himself"And" The most sensitive" Such attributes can be purchased in the store or make yourself. What else is needed for the holiday:

  • Apples;
  • Dressings;
  • Paper;
  • Markers;
  • Candy;
  • Champagne designed for a special award.

To start a celebration, you can prepare a congratulatory verse that will be addressed to all those present to men in honor of the holiday on February 23. After that, you can proceed to the official greeting part, in which everyone surrounding. When the words from the management of the organization are expressed, the celebration itself begins.

Competition №1 - "The most dreamer"

Conducting this competition requires certain attributes:

  1. 3 paper leaves, preferably A4 format.
  2. 3 felt-meters of any colors.
  3. 4 dressing eyes.

From the number of items it is clear that three participants will need. First you need to tie my eyes, bring to the table with paper and give markers in the hands. To limit the time of the contest, pick up a musical composition. When she finishes playing - time comes out. During this time interval, participants need to draw their dream with closed eyes. After that, the rest of the guests must guess what exactly I tried to depict everyone. He whose drawing will be guadant first, becomes the winner. The host presents him a medal with an appropriate inscription and with the wishes of the implementation of a cherished dream.

Competition №2 - "The most designer"

For the event you will need:

  • Candy.
  • Basket.

The essence of the competition is simple - to get as many as possible in the basket of candies as much as possible. The one who in the vessel will be the largest number of items receives a prize - the medal of the most famous. Next in the script for corporate party on February 23 is provided

Competition No. 3 - "The most deft".

It will be able to participate all men on the festival. Apples will need apples for the competition. Participants are divided into two equal commands and fruit is transmitted without using hands. Before starting, the first man holds an apple with a chin and runs with him to standing at a certain distance of the chair. It needs to be blocked in a circle and return to the team. Next, the apple is transmitted to the next starting also without hands. The team who came to the finish line first receives a reward in the form of a medal to each and 1 apple. When all the tests are passed, the audience and the presenter detect the most active for all 3 contests. He will get special Prize - Champagne.

Option Script with contests for artists, fans and "real military"

Feast and congratulations on the corporate partition are very important, but you can not forget about the entertainment part of the evening. To make men not boring into their holiday, you can divide them for 2 teams. When passing tests, the motives will receive epaulets. That team that will give the most rewards, will become the winner of the evening. For events, you need to prepare epaulets in advance. They can be printed independently, the main thing is to have enough.

Competition №1 - "Success"

For each team you will need:

  • Set of checkers.
  • Bucket.

It is desirable that each participant has at least 3 checkers. It is necessary to put a bucket at a certain distance and each man should get into it with a checker. The winner will receive the title " Efreitor».

Competition №2 - Military title

Details - military epaulets in full. If there is an opportunity, then the participant is selected from each team who did not serve in the army and has the smallest age. Before him on the chair in chaotic order, epaulets are laid out. The task includes:

  • Decompose on pairs;
  • Decompose in ascending order;
  • Call military ranks.

The one who will cope first and make mistakes receive the next title for the team.

Competition №3 - First of all airplanes

In the Scenario of the Corporate on February 23, this test is incorporated by no accident, because many served in flight troops, which means that the right plane can create. The attribute is a sheet of paper for each command. They must make the fastest, beautiful, and most importantly, far from a flying exhibit. Those whose plane flies further the rest and in the right direction will win. The beauty of the flight is also taken into account. The award is an increase in military rank.

Competition No. 4 - for fans.

It is necessary to prepare several poems on February 23. The fans of each team will have to end the strings on their own and in rhyme. Before starting, you need to ask for support to name the figure at a certain interval. Under each will be conceived its verse, it will avoid the offense. The team whose fans will cope better, will receive a reward.

Competition No. 5 - "Leonardo"

Attributes for carrying out:

  • Whatman.
  • Scotch (to attach Watman to the wall).
  • Feltolsters.
  • Scarves.

From each team you need to put forward one person. His eyes tie and sum up to Watman. It must draw a tank for a certain time, and very close to the original. He whose tank will be the most beautiful and right gets a new title.


After passing all the tests, the winner team is determined. All the assembled supports it with a three-time "Hurray!", The prizes are awarded that are prepared in advance.

Script version with contests for the most valid, smart and "dance"

For the holiday you need to choose two people who will be the leading evenings. To intrigue all men at work, you can send to each invitation card. It uses poems and praise in it, and also explain where and when a meeting takes place. To decorate the hall it is better to use army attributes. It will also create an additional mood of all those gathered. As men will enter the room, the presenters begin to read verse "officers". Each line should be addressed to one employee (depending on how many men are in the office in general). When the congratulatory part is completed and small presents are presented to all men, you can dear at the festive table. Leading 1.: impossible to call a weak woman - she is smart, talented, strong. However, without a man, it is difficult nearby, and it is difficult to achieve heights. Let's try to figure out, and who and in what title we have at the table (for holding this competition, you will need a box and cards on which military ranks are written). Each of the men present pulls out one card. Leading 2.: It is not enough to be born a man, as for iron is little ore. To be a man you need to strive for the feats and if you need to sacrifice yourself. And now we check our men for resistance. Most have already passed a lot of tests, but who is the best of them?

Corresponding corporate on February 23 - it's time to think about. What is best to choose for ladies - colleagues at work? What could be the scenario of the carnival? Do not know - We read about the wires of winter. I wonder what you can come up with cool contests for the wedding? Go through this link and learn about the funniest and fun wedding contests.

Competition 1 - accuracy.

The best option will be the use of darts, but you can get along and handicrafts - paper and urn. Sheets of paper need to smith in lumps. The urn retars for the distance 3m. It is necessary to get as much as possible lumps. One who got more - receives a prize.

Competition 2 is the best toast.

Every man knows how to drink, but not everyone does it beautifully. The one who says the most beautiful toast becomes the winner.

Competition 3 - dance.

For the scene, everyone who wants to dance men are called. They must fulfill the most incendiary dance. At the same time, the presenter will constantly change the music, then quickly, then slow. As a jury, employees of the organization. Leading 1.: And now we offer men shine with our intelligence and participate in competition "Knowledge - Power". The basis formed questions that everyone can answer:

  1. To make brine, do notota need? (Salt).
  2. If you use the sieve, then can we bring water in it? (Yes, if you freeze it).
  3. There are many wings on the ground, but one of them will never fly. What? (Automotive).
  4. There is a composer whose surname is like a hunter shot. Who is it? (Bach).
  5. Who knows all languages \u200b\u200bin the world and calmly repeat everything that you will say? (Echo).
  6. Rustic residents love bare run. Why are they running so? (On earth).
  7. What is the name of the package created from paper. (The envelope).
  8. There are hours that show the correct time only 2 times a day. What is this watch? (Those that stopped).

Participants are charged one points for each correct answer. Leading 2.: Well you tried. They answered all questions, and for your perseverance is rewarded. The most worthy is the cake and champagne in the studio. Leading 1.: Thank you defenders you are ours. Without you, you are not sweet. You are honored. Our pride. Thank you for being. At the end of the evening, you need to open a final bottle of champagne.

Well, for those who spend corporate on February 23 with video operation, this cheerful festive seven-minute roller can be useful. For example, it can be included at the time of contests so that they are not accompanied by only music alone, or include with the muted sound during the recovery of congratulations leading, or somehow use at your discretion: V \u003d NTXU8UMYRU8.

→ Day of Defender of the Fatherland\u003e "URL \u003d"\u003d3&prazd\u003d223&page\u003d1 "\u003e

05.02.2019 | We looked at the script 1746 human

In mid-February
For overseas edges
The deaths are sent.
Messenger carry in all the ends,
That there is a holiday in Rossee,
It is terrible to utter:
Compliments say
And give a gift
(I swear without fools)
You can only man!
No, not girls, not ...

Scene on February 23

05.02.2019 | We looked at the script 2328 human

5 people participate. (Marya, Daria, Akulina, Katerina and presenter).
Part one.
Sounds of rustic life, on the window window and part of the evening landscape.
Three sisters in the evening, dressed under the window,
Summer is dry and warm, everything seemed ...

Interesting Scenario Congratulations on February 23 for adults

26.01.2019 | We looked at the script 3806 human

On the Sofa Lady Seli,
The floor was fused,
Those who did not have time at home
Quick curl curval ...
Barcine is completed
Shadows, mascara, lipstick, varnish!
Here Marina is reasoning

And I have a warehouse today!
And you?

Me from housing and communal services ...

The script of the corporate party by February 23, three girls under the window.

24.01.2019 | We looked at the script 1818 human

Three maidens by the window
Ruck late in the evening.

1 maiden.
I was ...

Scenario congratulations men from February 23

05.02.2016 | We looked at the script 7484 man

There will be two leaders in the scenario, but they are supposedly from different agencies, but they came to do their work in one place. Each in the hall will have its own table for games.

The sound of the pipe and drum fraction is heard. Two presenters are trying to enter the hall at the same time, in one in ...

Scenario - February 23 Defender of the Fatherland Day

05.02.2016 | We looked at the script 8573 man

ABOUT! Hi, Stepanova!

Voice for the scene (in the style of sounding the characteristics on the heroes from the M / f "Treasure Island"):
Stepanovna. In childhood, there was a decent girl, but was fascinated by homemade and rolled ... the nature of the clockwork. Not...

Scenario February 23 for real men

05.02.2016 | We looked at the script 11325 human

Leading 1:
Men! Today we gathered a close collective circle to congratulate you, our defenders with your legitimate holiday - February 23!

Scenario on February 23 from the Babsk battalion

05.02.2016 | We looked at the script 9295 human

To the music of the episode from the movie "Wedding in Malinovka" (the yield of the Babsk battalion), an artilleryer is published (a role is performed by a woman) and 2 women (hereinafter referred to as the text of Baba 1 and Baba 2).

Battalion! Namri! Check out the situation!

Caused ...

Scenario on February 23 "Merry Congratulations"

05.02.2016 | We looked at the script 7868 human

February 23 by calendar working day, in order to charge men in the morning, you can present bouquets by positive. Defenders of the depreciation will detect this gift on the desktop. But bouquets of a purely male character - from fish. Dried fish is taken ...

Scenario of the holiday February 23 "Equipment of desires"

05.02.2016 | We looked at the script 6709 human

Where, as not in the scenario on February 23, the dream of millions can be realized - the fulfillment of the desires of the goldfish, the old man of hottabych and the fairy. Such a fabulous gift is able to present only women for their colleagues.

In the hall talking, come ...

February 23 - a holiday, which is celebrated by all age categories of citizens. In all offices, schools and even kindergartens are preparing congratulations for existing and future defenders of the Motherland. At the same time, the mandatory element of the holiday is the scenes on February 23 (funny). There are many options for their production, the main thing is that the participants' game is sincere.

Defender of the Fatherland Day - Holding at School

Among the many holidays on February 23 refers to one of the most beloved at school. For girls, this day is a reason to congratulate your little men, once again demonstrate their talents in singing and dancing during the celebration. The boys have the opportunity to feel like real defenders and once again feel pride for their belonging to a strong floor.

(Very short fur coat, army heavy boots and caps are an image of a representative of the frontier. On a leash, it should pull the tiny toy peel).

- And finally, at the end of our parade - heavy artillery! This is our extreme measure against the enemy, which falls on his knees at one glance at her. Meet!

(The girl comes out, on her chest, she has a sign with the inscription "Sex bomb." It is dressed and painted at a discretion, but the brighter and bolder, the better).

- Dear Men! Join our rows, let's guard your homeland together! Choose troops in which you want to serve and come to their representatives to record.

Such cool scenes on February 23 will decorate any holiday and become the best gift for men.

Mini Scene "Agrippina"

The celebration scenario does not necessarily include long scenes requiring a difficult formulation. An excellent surprise for colleagues will be mini-scenes on February 23. They consist of short dialogues and do not require long preparation.

On the stage there are several soldiers who wear outfit. These are recruits, which are checked on the speed of equipment. The commander, passing along the rank, sees a little boy, who just drowned in the sheel. Immediately a terrible question:

- What's your name?

The soldier from the fright lost the gift of speech, silent. The commander, even more angry:

- I ask you how to call, your mother!

Soldier frightened:


Military change of seasons

Scenes on February 23 for adults should be necessarily funny. For example, they will enjoy all, and those who did not serve, and former soldiers.

On stage, several servicemen. Before them stands Major, near the captain. Major refers to the composition:

-Tanovaria, autumn has already come, and the trees are still green. So, go there, tear off the green leaves and tie yellow. Follow!

Deployed, leaves. Captain, looking displeased after:

- It was completely crazy ... Bring, untie ... Rota, listen to my team! Run to the warehouse, take yellow paint and work!

Scene about the police

Scenes on February 23 for adults can be on the police theme. After all, they are constantly guarding our peace.

On the stage, the table followed by the investigator and suspect.

Investigator: Well, now we will take your fingerprints (pushers the fingers of the suspect in the paint). Then we press them here (puts on a sheet of paper). Now here (presses to the arms), here (to the knife) and here (to the keys). That's great!

Suspected: So can I be free?

Investigator: Already hardly.

Scene "Police in the Forest"

On the scene of Shirma with the image of the forest. Near two policemen. The next dialogue sounds.

- Silence what. Only birds sing. By the way, who is this, woodpecker?

- Not, Owl!

- Yes, what kind of owl. Tether.

- What is this aunt?

- Well, who then?

- Well, this, like him .. And, here! Holder!

Girls Shirma, there is a man behind it.

- Oh, I spoke, the throat! We ship it.

Scene "And men are hysterical"

Scenes on February 23 from women help once again show men, as they appreciate them, love, and most importantly, understand.

The husband sits in a chair, watching TV. The wife enters.

Husband: I urgently need a new shirt!

Wife: Why?

Husband: And you look at what I'm sitting!

Wife: Well, in a shirt ...

Husband: shirt? Do you call a shirt? Won, Max of 34 Wife bought a shirt, that's what I understand, shirt! And new trousers, by the way! And I? I even get out of anything!

Wife: But, Sunny, I can not ...

Husband: ah, so, yes? I knew that you don't love me at all! Enough! I'm leaving for dad!


And at school, and in the office you can thus spend a holiday, giving a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions. And finally, you can hand out small thematic souvenirs in memory of this haul evening.

For congratulations, 4 women need.

Once February evening three girls at the table

Maybe ate can drank, well, in short, they said.

Discussed in order: prices, dreams, hair styling,

Fashion, cats, movies, books and weather in Antarctica,

And men - where without them, "disassembled" all three!

And since the conversation ladies lasts until now

We will not bother them, discuss and condemn.

Kaby I was the queen ...

Pickwith the first maiden.

For a family without quarrels and troubles

banned b internet ...

Who came up with this network?

So that he is there and hanging!

At the monitor screen

Time flies soon.

Husband I'm taring a bed -

Cute night you have to sleep!

He in a dream "shoots me",

Again "tanks" finishing

How to wait for the morning?

Here is such a kamasutra!

Kaby I was the queen ...

Says a friend's maiden ...

I would not have trouble

On football used ban!

Houses - only about football:

Who today will "come out" in the field ",

Kohl game - transfer to bed,

It is useless to even wait ...

Larew, won, even if noise.

Husband as if "replaced"

He is soul and body - there!

Will go away - again the game,

Here is such a nonsense!

He has a favorite club!

Maybe there is a favorite friend?

Kaby I was the queen ...

The third says the maiden.

I would immediately - I do not feel sorry

Would ban fishing.

And along the way and hunting -

Better used home job.

All week - preparation,

Fraction and powder, and noise,

Drive - sketch, pyzh - scored,

And I'm already znobit.

Just remember how yesterday

In the refrigerator -

Not an apartment, but a madhouse.

Three hours said

Everything seemed to be discussed.

About children. About yields

About the health of the aunt

I smack and diverged.

With the thought that one at all:

"My favorite is best".

Do not judge women strictly

That sometimes the language is our enemy.

They are ready forgive everyone.

Only treason will not forgive!

Only want to be with them

You are like God's grace,

So that love has been given

Hands carried on the bed.

To feel with all my heart

Near the heart cute knock ...

And maggles? What is mast ... ..

We will collect it somehow.

1. Scene from women comic: "Cucumbers"

Comic Scene-congratulations on February 23 to colleagues
The awesome comic scene on February 23! Rzhach is secured!


Girls, you want congratulate original male colleagues, use mine script.

Lead 1.: Today we will tell you fairy tale, maybe not fairy talethat called: « East, it's thin. "

Lived yes was in one West Siberian state that almost in the center of Ugra, almost East, One Padisham. Clean and order contained his state, regularly came to the service always with a good mood because what:

All subjects and colleagues greet them;

With 100% feeling that it will never be left without work;

With awareness that in Malinnik is better than in the gooseberry.

Lead2: Meet our Padisha. As it should be, he puts on his workwear and dancing his ritual dance.

we wear Chalma and a bathrobe (under the music. "If I were Sultan", put on the throne.

Smiling girls from his numerous harem danced for him eastern dance, By the way, look, just here they

Lead2: But one day, a delegation from the military registration and enlistment office came to him and offered his recruitment program to the army.

We start singing a chastushki,

Please do not laugh.

Do not look at us -

In our army in fashion

Dress all soldiers.

Writes me the groom of Volodya:

Every day give an outfit!

My dear, my dear,

At war, take with you

There you will fight,

I am the cartridges to serve.

Major walked on the road.

Major looked at

Lieutenant Someone sole!

Red Calendar Day -

How much is Bogatyrev!

Eh, Successful, Baba, Klev!

We sang a song to you -

Guys and there and there!

You loved you in love.

If only they did not come alive!

Lead 1.: But our girls got up for him the mountain and they said their good word:

"If necessary, we ourselves will go to serve him in the army, this is also not bad.

Girl 1.: That's it. Goodbye civil life! Now for two years my house is a barracks.

Girl 2.: What I just did not do to sleep from the army. And under the pacifyt kosila, and to the society of the soldier's fathers appeared, and the doctor was built. Nothing helped.

1 : Why run from the army? So I myself, voluntarily went.

2 : Yes, what a fool now herself will go to the army. There are now chaos! Babovschy!

2 : Why did you hear anything about Babovshchina? Well, nothing, you will soon find out.

1 : And my mother is so said: "Lucy, if you want to become a real woman - go to the army, and do not fight anything!".

2 : Yes, how! And the erase ports, the boots clean, stand on the bedside table! And for deodorants in the self-car run!

1 : And I heard, I need to give the honor in the army.

2 : Well, I do not! I will not give my honor to anyone. Well, except to the general.

1 : And there it is necessary to wear gas masks in five seconds.

2 : What does it work? I did a hairstyle, I did, and here five seconds - and gas mask!

1 : Nothing, triggered under Kotovsky, in five seconds you will do a hairstyle!

2 : One pleases, soon the form is new introduce: Here is the bows here, here are Ryushechki, kirzachi on high heels and neckline.

1 : In vain you happy. All the same, the ensign will drink everything.

2 : Yes, where do you know everything?

1 : Yes, I recently served my sister from the army. Biceps - in! Shoulders - in! On the back of the knocker - DBM!

2 : I met, probably, week.

1 : Yes, we walked nicely on my wires. I put my friend's bucket girlfriends, so we threaten everything and drank.

2 : And we were invited by the boys. Only they were weak. Everyone left on champagne. Drink two Fuzhar and go: "Oh, what I'm drunk, keep me!".

1 : And my boyfriend bothered my chest. Like, as I will live here without you. Yes, I'm on other girls and I will not look at it!

2 : Everyone says like that. And the month will pass, and you will not wait for the woom!

1 : Okay cry, let's go better than the error of the face!

2 : For sure! In the face of her face. (out. Hands in a slap)And it is too greyhound of yourself!

Lead2: I will not give Padishah to the army, he usself need:

Who clears the path and the sand sprinkles? Our V.I.

Who rents outlets? Our V. I.

Who built a steam locomotive and cars of WHO? Our V. I.

And who to kill something, repair the door to the hallway? Our V. I.

Lead2: Thank you, kind padis,

What did you get to us!

your smile kindness

She's like light in the window!

We want you to be happy

Successful and healthy!

You are the most wonderful

And the best Padisha!

Lead 2.: congratulations you with the holiday of Defenders of the Fatherland and wish you always with us

and presenting a gift

Tale of the rule, or a small poetic trick about how to teach the kids to follow the rules. A small poetic trick about how to teach kids to follow the rules. It turned out something like "harmful councils". In one kingdom,.

The presentation "How with Yaga had fun, immediately in a fairy tale" cheerful, fabulous evening of entertainment with a Baba Yaga, who does not miss the children in a fairy tale. The scenario of entertainment, but a good one acts against her.

Scenario Congratulations "Eastern Fairy Tale on February 23" for men colleagues
Scenario Congratulations "Eastern Fairy Tale on February 23" for men colleagues


The script is made as a congratulation. If it is implied immediately and the table and drink, turn on toasts and games In the canvas script.

Choose games for Your men based on the character, the complexity (or vice versa) and so on.

Be sure to decorate the hall. You can:

1) Inflate balloons , pre-placing paper there with wishes . The balls can be burst at the end of the evening, declaring some contest "The best shooter", and you can distribute, straight with wishes.

2) Do not be lazy, make newspaper . Even if you simply take a picture of men in the working environment and draw them some kind of troops or some comic situation - it will be interesting.

Funny scenario for the Corustal on February 23 "Equality on. "

The script is designed for organizing up to 50 employees and is intended for a fun celebration in the office. Includes a large number of funny contests and original congratulations on the female half of the team.

At the entrance to the office of men meet several colleagues who offer them to choose who they want to be - a sailor or a paratrooper. Or you can distribute distinctive attributes by lots so that each team has an equal number of people.

And to create a mood, every man at the entrance to the room, where the corporate will be held, the Alenka chocolate is obtained as a gift, only instead of the face of the girl on the wrapper should be depicted the face of the employee.


The place where the holiday is planned to be issued in the color of militaries and sea waves.

1. To the ceilings on the fishing line you need to suspend paper planes and ships.

2. For the photowon, you need to make two large figures: parachute and submarine. Those who wish can choose: take a picture with a parachute soaring in the sky or study the marine world on a submarine.

3. To save space, it is better to cover the buffet tables - it will help to release more space for competitions and dances. You can add elements of military topics on tables: Toy tanks, airplanes.

Required requisite

1. Stickers in the shape of stars.

2. List of songs for the contest "Guess the melody".

3. Two magnetic boards, two markers, two washing sponges.

4. Ten items for the tender "to the touch".

5. Two suitcases with clothing, two matches.

6. Match boxes, ribbons.

8. Musical blanks for contests.

Leading: Our dear, brave sailors and handsome paratroopers! In this male day - February 23 - all our female team congratulates you on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland Day, and wishes you to always keep an equalization for good luck, the vigor of the Spirit, the eternal youth of desires and feelings! And as an initial greeting, accept our special musical gift!

Speech of the female team

Two girls perform a song-alteration on the motive of the song "Gadalka", with them a small team of girls on the dancer.

Fashion change daily

But as long as white light

Without men there is no good weather,

No men and the people are not.

Even in the maps at the old gypsy

Once the king, then the currency.

Yes, and we will tell you without a decking:

On men stands white light.

What to say, what to say.

You with a holiday, men

And we want to wish you

And courage, and strength.

In the sky of the stars you miss,

Hold in the hands of a blue

Do not forget sometimes dream,

Store heat particle.

Happiness in life Wish more

Do not be sad on trifles.

With this day you congratulate you

Although you were not in the army myself.

We wish

Your life ships.

We dedicate to you this song

Noble kings.

Leading: Applause of charming sailors and paratroopers. And now the word is provided to the director of the company (FIO).

(Director says a short congratulatory speech).

Leading: At the beginning of our holiday, you had the choice: by whom to become a paratrooper and sailor. Slide now to groups, according to your choice, and let's see who is more here.

(Men are divided into groups).

Leading: You are not satisfied. Today we will not only determine who is cooler - maritime infantry or air cavalry, but also identify the strongest, courageous - a real fighter!

(Each team can be tied on a shelter; blue - marine infantry, green - foreman).

Leading: Let's start checking for strength and endurance.

For the competition, one participant is invited from each team.

Task: To collect in a certain place as many girls as possible, but you need to carry them to the place of collection in your hands, on your shoulder and as you like, only so that they are not walking on foot.

The one who will collect the greatest number of girls receive an honorable medal - a sticker in the form of a star, which every winner will be glued on clothes.

Leading: That's the first victory! But let's see, in general, is the state of the winner brought our girls to the destination?

(Inspecting girls). Girls, you feel good, the head does not spin, not sick? Well, everything seems good! And, let's, once again welcome the first winner. And rivals are not despair, because there is still a chance to recoup. Sailors, paratroopers, choose to the team of 3 girls!

From the teams again come out on one participant.

To help each of them is invited by 3 girls.

Task: guess the melody.

The answer gives the participant who first raise his hand.

Songs should be on military theme.

Leading: This soldier must be able to transfer information so that she does not understand the opponent. Now you have to turn on all your intelligence, because you will not explain the words, but pictures.

From each team, one person is selected, which will begin to explain the words first.

Each team has a magnetic board and a marker that can be drawn and, if necessary, washing up an excess sponge.

Word-riddles should display some action. For example, military porridge. It is important to name exactly this phrase, and not just "porridge" or "food". A man who guesses the word gets a star.

Leading: Well, you can not be a commander, but it is always obliged to clean the roads from snow!

Four participants are invited.

Each is issued on the shovel. With her, they will have to imagine how they clean the roads from snow, but not just so, and to the music.

Participants will have to demonstrate snow cleaning under 3-4 songs.

The best dancer choose the audience with applause.

Leading: And we carry on the hands, and the songs know, and how beautiful you know how to move! How lucky to our women, with such colleagues! Let's check, but how do they oriented in the dark?

Two participants from each team tying their eyes.

They need to give up 5 items to the touch, and the teams can suggest that for the subject in front of him if the participant cannot determine the subject.

But the tips should be leaving - remotely describing the subject and do not contain single words.

Leading: The real defender of the Fatherland should be fast, dexterous, bold and now we will identify who in your team is the most exemplary soldier.

Each team chooses a suitcase. It is closed, so they do not know its contents.

The presenter suggests choosing the captain and only then tells the rules of the competition.

The task of captains for a while, while the match is burning, put on all the clothes that lies in the suitcase.

Wins the one who puts on more things.

To be ridiculous, funny and ridiculous things should be lying in the suitcase, for example, women's or children's clothing.

Leading: Not tired more guys, compete? While relax, let's, let's give the relay to our beautiful ladies!

Competition for girls.

To the belt 5-7 girls on a fishing line or tape are tied by one match box so that they touch the floor.

On the boxes you need to stick a photo of any male object.

The girls should make the rival boxes as quickly as possible and at the same time do not give others to trample their own.

From the game they drop out those participants whose boxes are trampled.

Leading: What, however, harsh with you conqueror male hearts. Congratulations to the winner with stormy applause and carefully with her, everyone saw how she and strangers led, Bila-trampled!

Attention! Now there will be a very serious contest, which will determine who will come out today from here the winner!

For the competition you will need a table and two glasses or two faceted glasses.

The contents of glasses can be any.

Along both sides of the table become a paratrooper and sailor.

The competition resembles a duel. At the command of the leading participants should grab the glass, drink the contents and loudly put the glass on the table.

You can spend several such "duels", but with different participants.

Leading: Ladies and gentlemen, in a fierce fight, in hard struggle we have decided the winner. The most active participant who collected the most stars. We calculate!

(Music turns on, all applaud).

Presenter (declares the winner): You get a certificate for visiting a real Russian bath! (Music is included, the presenter appeals to all men). And the rest of the participants are not frustrated, because gifts are prepared for you!

(All participants who have stars receive a commemorative prizes as a gift, for example, a comic diploma with the inscription "The main thing is not a victory, but the confirmation that you are a real sailor!")

Leading: Dear Men! Today you showed your strength, snorkel, intelligence, but for what? After all, no matter how strong men were not, their main incentive is to conquer the attention of women. In fact, today there are no winners and losers among you! A female half of our team turned to me with a request to convey that you no longer need anything, because for your colleagues, you are the strongest, the most brave, the best!