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Scenarios of events in kindergarten. Consultation "Festive Matters in kindergarten"

"Festive Matters"

Consultation of the Music Head for Dow Teachers

Festive matinee occupy a special place in the system of aesthetic education in kindergarten. They combine as a means of exposure to various types of art and artistic activities.
The following holidays are held in kindergarten: "Openings", Mother's Day, New Year's Eve Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Maslenitsa, March 8, prom.
At the heart of each matinee lies main ideawhich should be understood by children, and therefore should be presented in a simple, accessible form. This is facilitated by the merger on the holidays. different species The arts forming the child moral and aesthetic feelings. Holidays must deliver to children joy and give the opportunity to every participant to show their artistic abilities, emotional susceptibility, creative activity.
Pre-holiday atmosphere, preparation for the upcoming celebration in the country, in kindergarten, every family causes the guys a joyful waiting for this event. A special festive rise exacerbates the feelings of children, they are different than on ordinary classes, penetrate the content of executable songs, poems, dancing. Therefore, at the festive matinees, aesthetic and moral education of children is simultaneously carried out.
Funny spectacles, entertaining game dramatization cause a feeling of pleasure, games attractions - laughter and fun. True, the joy and fun of children at the festival are not always associated with the manifestation of aesthetic emotions. Genuinely aesthetic emotions (in those initial forms, in which they can manifest themselves in children) occur only at a fairly high artistic level of everything that perceives the child at the festival, and good quality Children's performance. A child may feel the expressiveness of the song melody, poetic poem, perceive the image of the movements in the game, dance.
How do you need to organize a festive matinee so that it contributes to the aesthetic education of children? In practice of kindergartens, certain artistic and pedagogical requirements were formed to hold festive matinee, where the main thing is to have a combination of various types of art, which, strengthening their effects on each other, would allow to fully convey to children the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe holiday.
Of great importance is attached to the decoration, reflecting the theme of the matinee and the time of the year in which it is held.
The design of each children's speech must comply with its content. This manifests itself in successful selection tones correctly combined in attributes, wall-clearance, costume details, in expressiveness of children's movements in folk dances.
Many vivid impressions brings a cheerful winter holiday Christmas tree. And colorfully cleaned, glowing with multi-colored lights Christmas tree, and decoration of the hall (numerous garlands, snowflakes, silver rain, winter forest And the Snow Maiden House, funny characters on the walls) - All this enriches children with new ideas. Children notice how beautiful on a blue background tender patterns Snowflakes, as a fabulously looks like a winter forest, how beautifully glows in the semi-drain tree.
Summer holiday is completely special. The guys say goodbye to a kindergarten, remember favorite songs, dances, games.
Forming the taste of children, it is necessary to think well the integrity of the whole design, the expressiveness of the details, the correct selection of Poh quantity, not allowing the oversaturation so that the attention of children attracted the main details that emphasize the idea of \u200b\u200bthe holiday.
The role of poetic text and the word is that they are most fully and concrete to the child's content of the holiday, combine individual part of the scenario, explain their meaning and meaning. Reading poems, children express their attitude to various events, show the ability to our own expressive execution of works.
Great interest is caused by children's play games. They give the opportunity to pass in their own way characteristics The image entrusted with the role.
The leading place at the holiday occupies musical art. Under the sounds of the solemn march, children enter the hall, perform rebuildings, resembling a festive procession, sing, play and dance. Music accompanies staging games, unites children in a single experience, creates a change of moods.
Musical I. literary worksUsed on the matinee must be highly artistic. Creative attitude to work often causes teachers desire to take additional materialIn addition to the main recommended by the program, here it is necessary to very closely to the quality of the works during the selection of the repertoire.
High demands are presented to speech leading on the holiday. Careful word-friendly words facing children, expressive intonation - all this means aesthetic impact For children.
The scenario often includes spectacular and surprise numbers that pass fun, easy, intermittent games and attractions. However, they should also be well thought out, expressively executed, tastefully decorated.
The activities of children on the holiday are diverse. They take part in a solemn procession, festive rollback, perform with dances, verses, songs of a certain topic that can be presented as concert numbers. If we talk about the activities of children in matinee from the point of view of the tasks of aesthetic education, it is necessary to stop at the expressiveness of their execution.
Expressiveness is achieved based on the acquisition by the child the necessary skills to different types Activity, as a result of his ability to convey a certain mood, its attitude to the content of the song, the poem, which he performs. In singing expressiveness is achieved accurate execution melodies pure, coherent sound; When reading poems - a variety of intonations, good diction; In the dance - the correspondence of movements with the nature of music, the form of a musical work. The quality of children's execution largely depends on the availability of a musical and literary repertoire and compliance with its age capabilities of preschoolers. Only in this case it will be free, natural, give them pleasure. Therefore, it is impossible to be carried away by a complex material, as learning it takes a lot of time, will require a large focus of attention from children, and this will cause tension, reduce the aesthetic significance of execution.
Aesthetic education involves the development of artistic and creative abilities. At the festival, dancing and games, as well as their improvisation, can occur. At the same time, an individual approach to children, taking into account the level of their artistic abilities, is necessary.
In the group there are always children who are faster than others software, and their further development requires the use of more complex works. On the matinee and is given the opportunity to instruct them the most responsible roles, to learn more difficult material with them, which will help them fully show their abilities.
It is advisable to prepare a speech with each child in accordance with his abilities, which gives him pleasure. It may be not only participation in mass games, dancing, singing, but also individual speeches in a small group of children: alternate reading of the poem, a simple role in the theatrical representation, the execution of a simple song and so on.
Festive matinee enriches children with a variety of artistic impressions. Depending on the age, the child expresses its attitude towards them in different ways. Kids rejoice in flags, aerial balloonsThey have in their hands, and almost do not pay attention to the surrounding environment. Therefore, it is necessary to specifically attract their attention to the design of the hall. The teacher considers the decoration of the room with children, showing the most bright, details that understand it. In the hall large quantities Guests are children (especially at the beginning of the holiday) are restrained. They look around with interest, but they do not particularly actively express their feelings. Merry music, movements with colored handkerchiefs, flags, rattles cause a child with a smile, desire to move. However, too many bright impressions sometimes causes inhibition in children. The teacher his attention, gentle tone encourages the baby, creates a joyful mood, invites you to sing and play on the festival.
Older children notice the colorful details of the design, perceive it in general. Expressive execution, causing a feeling of admiration, reflected on their faces. They are more independent in their actions, they know and remember how to become at the dance, they themselves occupy their places. Usually, great recovery and admiration cause them exterior decoration Rooms, lighting effects, bright character costumes. Here, the feelings of children are expressed violently and directly in the merry laughter, replicas, applause.
Good preparation, thoughtful scenario, a clear organization - all this determines the behavior and mood of each child at the festival, the effectiveness of the impact of various types of art. Children should be joyful, cheerful, keep free and easy. However, non-restrained fun should not be allowed, which is too exciting children.
Festive scenarios do not need to overload large quantity Rooms. The material is better distributed so that activities and rest are correctly alternated. For example, after shared rounds around the Christmas tree, you can give a drainage or individual speeches.
In order for the feast to be an effective form of organizing the artistic activities of children, it is necessary to conduct everyday systematic work with them, developing their ability, taste, creative activity in musical, artistic and speech, visual activities, ensuring the acquisition of certain skills.
Equipments should be remembered that the festive matinee is primarily joy for children. This is a source of impressions that the child can save for a long time. This is a strong means of forming moral and aesthetic feelings.

New Year - The favorite festival of mischievous debumes, and the New Year's matinee can become his climax. In order for the fairy tale in kindergarten to be fame, it is necessary to consider everything to the slightest smallest things, take into account the age, preferences of kids, pick up a good scenario.

You need to see the poems, songs, dancing in advance, discuss masquerade costumes, but you do not need to be dedicated to the plot of magical acts. The New Year's scenario of the matinee must turn small spectators to participants in the amazing adventures of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and, of course, negative characters, without any fairy tale. Here is one of the options.

Scenario of the matinee "Baba Yaga and Lesheli ..."


Snow Maiden, Santa Claus (DM), Snowman, Baba Yaga (BA), Les

Merry melody sounds. Small participants, accompanied by an educator, a chain pass to the hall, where parents are waiting, other invited guests and get a semicircle near the Christmas tree. A snowman appears who will be the lead of this holiday.

I tried, in a hurry,

Snow nodded everything,

So that the Christmas tree sparkle

The lights decorated

Our magic New Year.

Santa Claus is about to come.

And while we are waiting for it,

Long dance bend.

For the New Year's Song, children make two or three rounds of dance, adults can also join. The presenter proposes to consider the Christmas tree, admire the beautiful toys, Mishur. The music is silent, children are seated in places.


Our green beautiful Christmas tree is good. But, as I did not try, the lights do not burn on it. It can be seen, I can not cope with one. Let's call for help the Snow Maiden.

All choir several times:

Sing-gu rod-ka!

Snowman boosts to be loud, fun. If it turns out quietly, let adults are connected.

Snow Maiden appears:

Hello, my little friends! What are you all the elegant, the tree is so beautiful. And the fact that the lights are not burning - not trouble. Let's say together magic words: "Once, two, three, Christmas tree, Gor!"

Everything loudly chorus repeat the phrase, the garland turns on. Snowy girl continues:

Here and the Christmas tree sparkles

Santa Claus rushes to us.

Who will read verses to us

Or deftly dance dance?

Children overlook or get up in Lineshek and read the poems prepared in advance. Leading them praises and suggests to dance. Song "Ice palms" or other choice. It is necessary to try to engage in the dance of all children and wishing adults.


How to invent, friends, did the Grandfather Frost be lost? Let's call him together.

All is the name of Santa Claus.

Under the melody of the chastushk "grandcomms" from the cartoon " flying ship"A colorful couple appears: Baba Yaga and Leshe. They drag a huge bag with gifts. In fact, it is filled with small air or other light balls white color. Baba Yaga on the head Kokoshnik. Her companion has a white beard, a red cap, in the hands of the staff.

Snow Maiden:

And who are you?

I'm a Snow Maiden, and this is my grandfather. Here we have a bag with gifts and kids we can merge. Under the song "Tell me, Snow Maiden, where there was" Their cartoon "Well, wait" begin to dance and actively invite children to take part in general fun.

Suddenly, the music is silent. At this time, the snowman approaches the bag, unlocks it and pouals the contents.

In the bag of snowball instead of gifts! They deceived us and their staff is not real.

No, real! We grandmother gave him him when I decided to take a nap in the woods under the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden:

So you enchanted my grandfather, and he confused our Christmas tree with a forest beauty? Children, help the wizard! Let's play in the snowball, he will feel like we have fun, and will rather find the road.

Snow battle.

Two assistants in suits of hares or bumps by this time were collected by the scattered balls and divided into two equal parts. Children are also divided into two teams. The playing field is divided by a rope, a ribbon, any stripe. Teams are arbitrarily arbitrarily from two sides from the line and try to transfer the maximum number of "snowballs" into the enemy territory.

Snowman and Snow Maiden boil players. After 3-5 minutes, we define the winner, awards with candy or small prizes. The loser team also gets incentive prizes. Children are seated in places.

At this time, any New Year melody also begins to sound quietly santa Claus appears with the words:

I hurried to the Christmas tree to children,

But accidentally dug.

Seen led tried

And I enchanted me.

He is without a bag, in his hands instead of a leg of a broom on a long handle. Lessel with Baba Yaga show anxiety, shushkuchi. Trying to hide the bag and staff.

And the truth, the leached here, and even with her girlfriend Baba Yaga. Well, give, robbers, my staff is magical, which is fraudulent by lured! Take your broom, bone leg, fly into your hut in the curiy legs, and a friend take.

We refund staff, if you can guess three riddles.

Frightened! Guess your riddles! My little friends are clicked like nuts. Do you help guess guys?

After the affirmative response, Baba Yaga is voiced by riddles, children choir say the answer, Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, thank them and treat sweets.

Mystery number 1:

Who are prickly, but not hedgehog?

Tinsel, balls and rains

Fun glittering in needles.

From the forest came to us ... (Christmas tree).

Mystery number 2:

Mystery number 3:

No frozen nose-carrot,

He got used to the cold.

Spring will come - melts.

Who is this? .. (Snowman).

Well, it is necessary, all guess!

Yes, kids, thanks! Recovered grandparents with their mind and smelting. Give, Baba Yaga, Magic Staff, take a broom and fly yourself. (Change with staff and broom).

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather, you can not let these cheat, they have a bag with gifts.


Return Immediate Gifts or Santa Claus will turn you into icicles!

Okay, we will refund your gifts if the kids can show what kind of clever and bold.

Eka Task! Yes, these girls and boys of any kind of belt will shut up. Show Forest Surfaces What are we capable of? And for the warm-up - dance. Raise, the snowman of our beauties and heroes and let go to dance.

Everyone is dancing for any funny melody and after a while they are cleared around the places. During this time, assistants prepare inventory for contests. You will need 2 chairs, 2 pairs of small skis, "icicle" of silver foil. A snowman manages holding contests, and Santa Claus and Snow Maiden award the participants of the candies, trying to do anyone.

Magic icicle.

To music, children get up in a circle and transmit to each other an icicle. The music is periodically interrupted, and the one who at this moment was Sosyk, tells the poem, sings, dancing or at least corticulates a funny grimace.

Ski race.

Participants are divided into two teams and get a pair of short children's skis. Opposite each team at some distance is installed in the stool. Owing ski, you need to stay down the chairs, return and transfer the next to the next. Perhaps the kids will need adult assistance.

New Year's garland.

You will need two chairs and the same commands. The first participants, having heard the signal, run, envelp the chair, returning to their team, fond of the hand of the next and do the same together. Then the third participant is added to the chain, the fourth, so to the last player. It is necessary to run, holding hands, breaking the "garland" it is impossible.

Everyone diverges in places, assistants remove the inventory.

Well done, tried, have funned old man! Baba Yaga, Love, Carry the bag. Children of gifts came on.

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather, they escaped and the bag with gifts took themselves.

Not trouble, granddaughter! Magic staff with me, it means that the point is corrected. At the same time, and the evil spirits will decold. And once, and two, and three! My glorious staff, wonders are creative! (Trips hit the floor three times).

Baba Yaga appears, the slave and return the bag by Santa Claus. Them appearance changed. Lesnik's shaped female. Baba Yaga with makeup, in a coquetty tied handkerchief.

I'm not completely left, but the forester. I will protect the nature, mushrooms to teach the mind, the trees are new to plant.

I also thought and gathered in my hut restaurant open. I will be tired travelers and buns to sweeten.

Well, fine! And we invite guests to work out near our beauty-Christmas trees and get gifts from Grandfather Frost.

During the dance, the performance heroes say goodbye to small participants new Year's fairy tales And present gifts.

Active persons: Peppi, Muse

(It is advisable to spend in September).

In the school yard or on the adjacent territory sounds musical accompaniment. Exhibits exhibited in the hall children's creativity. Today, schoolchildren will be invited as guests. At the right area, the cafe "Landca" is satisfied, the places where contests will be held.

Peppi appears with his cheerful company.

Peppy: Hi, guys! And what are you gathered here? I am going by myself by, I look - the company of children. Well, I think you need to go. And what about us here? Wow, cafe "Landca"! I like it. Well, who is with me?

Several games are held: "Eat an apple" - you need to eat an apple suspended on the rope, without helping myself with my hands, "Cut-ka" - you need from closed eyes Try to cut the next prize.

Peppy: Well, here, slightly snaps, now is the time to play. Everyone has their favorite cartoons. Let's call!

Children who call their favorite cartoons come to the center of the playground and form a single command.

Peppi: Do you have your favorite cartoon characters?

By a similar scenario, another team is determined.

Peppi: Now we have two teams. You can play something!

The Games of the Dragon, "Transition to the Swamp", "Heron", "Kangaroo" are held.

Peppy: I love a fairy tale very much. And you guys? Let's play a fairy tale "Kolobok"!

Defined characters children's scenario, Assigns roles, is being drawn folk fairy tale "Kolobok". As a narrator, Peppi acts.

Peppy: Guys, I'm already playing here with you, and I don't even know, but where did I get? He reads an inscription on the entrance to school: "City of Masters".

Peppy: Wow, and let's see what this city is!

All together come to the school building. The lobby is deserted and quiet. Anxious music sounds. Suddenly run by the guards.

Guards: Who are you? What did you forget here? Do not you know what is prohibited here?

Peppy: This is why? And if we need a case? We also want to be masters!

The music smoothly changes to the magic. Boredom and laziness appear, which in the presence of guys hang in different places The signs on which is written: "Do not sing", "do not shout", "not having fun", "not to dance."

Peppi begins to fall asleep under smooth music.

Laziness: Linen everywhere and everywhere, laziness enveloped everyone sleep, laziness will make the century ...

Suiter to sleeping in a hammock Muse, again hesitates it.

Suddenly Peppi wakes up.

Peppi: Sorry, what is it with me? (Sees the tablet "Do not shout!"). And what is this nonsense? Do not shout? It's impossible! And if you really want? (Removes the word "not"). Yeah, this is quite another thing! Do what is written!

There is a game "vowels". Peppi together with children repeats the alphabet, and vowels are pronounced louder and tax. Boredom and laziness are trying to close the guys of the mouth and do not give loudly shouting. Peppi on the eye comes across the following plate - "do not stall".

Peppy: Do not stump! Ha ha ha! Mixed! (Again repels the word "not"). Guys, I know just one game in which you need to stall!

A game-dance is held under the name "do so if you like." This is a game of attention - you need to stall on the team leader. Boredom and lazy again try to prevent. At this time, Pppi reads the following inscription: "Do not sing."

Peppi: And this is not climbing into any framework! (Removes the word "not"). Guys, help me!

From those present by the participants of the script, four teams are going to, each of which is quietly starting to sing his song, without pronounce words. Peppi in turn "includes" the volume from each team, and the remaining three at that time continue to sing about themselves. In the end, the team that "turns on" is faster and more coordinated by others.

Peppi: Tell me guys, and it doesn't seem that strange things happen in this city of masters, there are strange incomprehensible personalities (indicating boredom and laziness) that all the time prevent us from playing. (Removes "not" with the inscriptions "not to dance". Laziness after that falls on his knees). Dancing everything!

The dance is held on the chair to the music "Ducklings". Peppie shows certain movements to all participants. Boredom and laziness are trying again to prevent, then they are accepted to rock the muse - the lady of the city of the masters, it is blown away from the participants of the game.

Peppi (says Lena): What did you suddenly run out so quickly? Something hiding from us? Show! Guys, look, they whipped Muse - the city center of the city of Masters!

All together will be a muse. Laziness and boredom fall on her knees and on all fours leave the hall.

Muza: Peppi, thank you very much! And you guys too! Without your help, I would sleep here forever! And now I have you, as the best guests, I will show you that my masters can! (Claps in your hands). Well, ka, dancers and singers, musicians and needlewomen, show everything you can!

A concert of creative school teams begins. The needlework works of the circles "Art Embroidery", "Macrame", "Magic Loskutok".

Muza: Thank you guys that came to visit us! We will always be happy!

Children's graduation scenario in kindergarten

Props and suits Scenarios in kindergarten: Bandans, eye bandages, Silver costume, felt-tipers, sheets for ghost, tinsel for parrot, rope, ball, empty lemonade bottles, cosmetic pencils, theatrical maker.

Draws map by big sheet Watman or Cardboard: on one side - a card on which conditional signs depicts each room apartment and separate elements, eg, kitchen stove - Volcano, computer - swamp, wardrobe - mountain, etc. On the other hand, bottles are drawn, daggers, bags with money, pirate flag. All these items are cut and hang in different places of the apartment.

Design: hand drawn palm trees are attached to the curtains in the room, near which the chair is for the parrot and the sieves. On the furniture and walls, the images of the details - flags, bags with money, bottles, daggers, with back side which exist fragments of the apartment situation. A rope ladder hangs over the door in the room.

Guests of the scenario meet the black dog and parrot, offer them to enter the rows of pirates and go to the search for treasure. In order to become a pirate, it is necessary to go through the dedication rite, which holds Silver sitting at the other end of the room. In order to get to it, you need to pass a series of tests that will show whether the guest is suitable in order to wear the title of pirate:

  • Bounce up to the ceiling. The meaning of the assignment is to tie the experienced eyes and ask to jump and get the hand of the ceiling. Of course, he will not get. But behind a person stands with a blackboard in his hands, he raises the board so that the jumping to it is reached;
  • Go through the swamp. It is necessary to use two sheets of paper, with which you need to reach the Silver so that it does not step on the floor;
  • Knitting knots. On a sufficiently thick rope, you must tie five knots as you can easily, preferably different, and then they also unleash them;
  • Find in the dark cache. On the chair in the middle of the room there is any object. The guest blinds eyes and at some distance (usually 5-10 steps from the chair) are offered to twist aza three and then find a chair with the subject;
  • Packing mines. Two nearby standing person They are binding to the hands they come into contact. Free hand necessary a small object Wrap it in paper and tied it with a rope;
  • Pirate mutual execution. One of the guests sits on the ball, and with the help of two other participants supporting it under elbows, should get to the Silver, turning over the legs.
  • Spare between reefs. The participant must pass through the room with tied eyes, without hitting the plastic bottles placed on the way.

Black dog is not only the organizer of all contests, but also helps the guys in their passage.

Dedication to pirates

During this procedure, Silver in a joking tone, every guest asks questions. If the answers are correct - the parrot dedicates the guest to the pirates: the bandana is observed on the head, an eyelet is drawn, a beard is drawn, or a mustache, or a bruise under the eye. After the initiation of the last person, the famous "fifteen people ..." is shouting together and go to search for a card.

Sample list of questions in the celebration scenario:

  1. What is the most terrible river? (Tiger)
  2. What question you can not answer the word "yes"? (Are you sleeping now?)
  3. What do we eat? (At the dinner table)
  4. What month is the shortest (May, just three letters)
  5. What tree during the rain sits out a crow? (On wet)
  6. Ostrich can call himself a bird? (He can't talk)
  7. What kind of dishes it is impossible to eat anything? (From the dishes in which there is nothing - from empty)
  8. What is standing between the door and the window? (Letter "and")
  9. What can be considered with closed eyes? (Sleep)
  10. What can be prepared, but you can not eat? (School lessons)
  11. Why is the cow falls? (She can't sit)
  12. What happens if a blue ball falls in the yellow sea? (He worsens)
  13. When the car rides on the road, what wheel does not spin it? (Spare)
  14. What hand do you need to stir sugar in tea? (It needs to be done with a spoon)
  15. Why, when you want to sleep hard, go to bed or on a sofa? (On the floor)
  16. What scallicle is impossible to comb? (Petushin)
  17. How long can you go to the forest? (Exactly until the middle, then you go from the forest)
  18. Can the rain continue in a row two days? (No, because between them there is another night)

Search cards

As already mentioned in the script description, the card is drawn before the game, cuts and hides in the room. Some pointers are fraudulent, some are indicated where to look next. Silver along with the parrot lead the search process. Once all the pieces of the card are found, they glue them, and the whole company of pirates with pirated songs go to look for treasures. Silver and parrot remove the guys from the room, spend around the apartment, after which everyone returns back to the room where the ghost is already.

Meeting with a ghost

The guys at the entrance to the room see the ghost sitting on the hill. Parrot asks the ghost, is it possible to pick up the treasure pirates? The ghost responds, one hundred treasure is enchanted to curse Flint. And it can only get funny, bold and resourceful pirates.

In order to determine how every pirate is brave, you need to break five eggs on the forehead of the five eggs, one of which should be raw. To determine the degree of funity, you can come up with the dance of calves, foals, worship, or execute Kalinki-Malinka in the style of the Gypsy or Indians, or the inhabitants of the Caucasus. To determine the resourcefulness of the pirate, you need to come up with an advertisement used chewing, or an empty box from a cake, or a handle with a rod that has already ended.

Elena Etherkina

Under djoy music, children enter the hall.

The educator brings boxes covered with painted handkerchief. Children guess what's there. In the parcel box tulip, on the petals of which leaves with tasks.

Vos. This is a parcel from a girl who really wants to save their patient's father. What is her name?

Children: Silk brush.

Vos. Listen to us writes:

Hello, dear guys! I learned that in a distant village Kuteikovskaya there is a Cossack kindergarten, and live bold, good and strong kapechat guys in it. Wise Snake promised to give me flower of LifeIf I fulfill its tasks that are recorded on tulip petals. But the tasks are very complicated, help me, please!

Children: Let's help!

Vos. So, the task first: The wise snake knows a lot of legends about tulips and invented a test for you. Need to answer questions:

1. Name the parts from which the tulip consists.

2. What was the name of a woman who taubal a little fairies in the tulips cups?

3. Some colors were these tulips first?

4. Who guarded flower Country from bad weather and villains?

5. Who helped Dragon to defeat enemies?

6. Tulips of some colors Grown on the site of the death of chill?

7. Who was the beautiful shirin?

8. What was the name of the tulip, which complained to everyone for his life?

9. What was he colors?

10. What tulip do we still do not know the legend?

Children: About Yellow!

Vos. So this is the second task wise Snakes: Get acquainted with a new legend.

So, begin. Once the old witch locked the happiness in the yellow tulip bud and put it on it. Many people tried to get to happiness, but no one could open a bud. Once a day flower Meadow was a woman with a child.

(Executables dance)

So pure heart and soul kid managed to dispersed the spell of the evil sorcerer. His genuine joy was able to open a bud!

Vos. Go to the third task. The wise snake loves and guards nature. She decided to find out if you know the rules of behavior in nature? To do this, play with you in the game "If I come to the leak". I will tell you my actions, and you answer if I go well, speak "Yes"if bad, then all say together "not"!

* Baro garbage on the lawn,

Clean the bunnies (no,

* Not a gap flower,

Let him live in it a moth (yes,

* Loudly music turned on,

All the fishing foresight (no,

* Growing the bone of the bustard,

Let the bears be hotter,

I will not go to extinguish

I possessed him about him (no,

* Butterfly flew very beautifully,

To kids while they did not get into the sump (no,

* Made a feeder birds,

So that in the winter to get started (yes,

* All narrowing on a bouquet

And the lawns no longer (no,

* Fell a chick from the nest,

Screaming Mom: "Oh, trouble!"

I don't look so simple

And in place to put! (YES)

* If you suddenly ask me

I Nature best friend! (YES)

Well done! It is necessary to be another living and correctly behave in nature.

Vos. Go to the fourth task: Wise Snake loves the song of a silk brush and wants to check if we know her?

Performed song. (Song from m / f "Silk brush".

Vos. Task number five: The wise snake never heard poems about tulips. Do you know them?

Like a red cup,

We drink the smell from the tulip.

Well, thank you! How I'm happy -

Delicious fragrance!

B. Blinnikova

Only the sun was bright,

but still not hot.

Multicolored sundress

dress up our tulip

May, warmth and soon summer.

Everything is dressed in the greens.

Like a fiery fountain -

The tulip is revealed.

A. Paroshin.

Slender Steel

Scarlet petal.

In a yellow middle

Black stamens.

Built ranks

along the track

Beautiful flowers

on a slim leg.

Similar to glasses and glasses,

Beautiful multicolored ...

T. Lavrov

Proud view and strict camp -

This is a sunny tulip.

He settled on the flowerbed

And the spring dismissed

Mother's favorite holiday.

As a carpet Pestrith flowers

Flowerbed right under the window.

I'll bring a bouquet in the house.

Bright red tulips

My mother loves very much.

Mom woolly laughs

Bright sun smile.


Blowed tulip -

Yellow cups,

Yellow and red,

Satin petals.

Here's a birthday

Was in spring mom

I would give her

Tender tulips.

Velvet, different,

The most beautiful

With a drip sprat

As if silvery.

A. Poletaev

On the head flower - Turban.

Buds reveals.

I dreamed that one tulip,

Thumbeline hides!

And the sleep ended when

Check I wanted ...

And every our flower then,

Carefully looked.

But, the bees only and bugs,

I found there inside flowers!

Like small bowls

Ours tulips bloomed!

A. Alferova

Oslik walked and thought:

- very, very strange -

Someone among the field

Scattered turbans.

Stupid-stupid donkey,

These are not turbans -

This is at dawn

Blowed tulips.

E. Zhukovskaya

Deaf desert:

Sands and sands.

And suddenly we froze:

Before us flowers!

Burning here

He reigns a little

But ruins the rest

Colors Beauty.

And let low-spirits

Their strong mills

Child and adult

Recognizes tulips.

Flowers are so bright,

How the flame is burning

Spiritual gift

It was their outfit.

And know all countries

They are singing about it:

Always all tulips

Happiness is carried.

L. Stefanovich

Early, early, in the morning,

We had a tulip in the garden.

We lost me for a long time

And in love with him!

Fucked by beauty,

Narcissus offended

Stood with a dowel head

On a pale yellow leg.

Look at least a little!

Tulips color Different,

And yellow and red.

Orange we have

But red more ten times

Great flower,

Like a bright light.

Lush, important, like pan,

Gentle velvet. (tulip)

These tender flowers

Give a lot of warmth.

I gain them for mom -

Bright yellow (Tulips).

Vos. And now the sixth task is wise Snakes: Stoney tulips dance.

Reb Spring came to the steppe

Steppe of yellow, red,

AND flower garden

Saved from fire.

(Tulip dance)

Vos. All tasks are made. Silk brush will now be sure flower Life for your dad. And we really want to give you, our dear moms, a spring mood. We will dance for you Spring Polka.


Vos. Our moms will still expect work and a gift. To do this, we need to go to the group.

(Collective work is performed, Mama give gifts).

Every new year for children is fairy tale. Time when dreams come true and all sorts of wonders occur. Preschool teachers try to maintain this mood of the guys, so the scenarios of matinee are always distinguished by memorable ideas, interesting surprises. The collection of such such scenarios we offer to your attention in this section of the portal Maam. Here you can find traditional plots and characters for such events. Or, on the contrary, original theatrical productions, with unexpected and intriguing turns; scenarios "Tales on new way" Of course, much attention is paid to the notorious "surprise moment."


Specific ideas for the preparation of the main matinee of the year.

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • "The Snow Queen". Scenarios of holidays on the fairy tale G.H.andersen
  • Mitten of Santa Claus. Scenarios of New Year holidays, matinees

Publications are shown 1-10 of 11623.
All sections | Scenarios of New Year's Matters, Holidays

Scenario of the New Year's Matinee "Trucks" for the middle group Scenario of the New Year's Matrennik"Flap tricks" for middle group Children come under merry music, Snow Maiden with children. Stood around the tree. Snow Maiden: Again, I see happy faces, again filled with the guys the tree of the tree with fires will light up - Holiday Cheerful today ...

New year-important holiday for every childbecause such holidays Memorable for life. When choosing new Year's scenarios We always remember : External entourage is extremely important. Costumes allow you to reincarnate in fabulous characters, reveal the character of heroes. Our kindergarten ...

Scenarios of New Year's matinee, holidays - the scenario of the New Year's matinee "Magic Book" in the preparatory group

Publication "Scenario of New Year's Matinee" Magic Book "in the preparatory ..." Magic book (New Year in Podg. Gr) children run into the hall. The common dance for the song "Sound Metelitsa" Next becomes a semicircle leading - the snow flew and the land was covered, the blizzard and cold winds were overwhelmed, but let the bad weather raging and be angry, we will all have fun on the holiday. 1st ...

Library of images "Maam-Pictures"

"New Year's journey." Holiday script in the preparatory group Scenario of the holiday "New Year's Travel" Preparatory group Objective: Create a joyful and fun atmosphere, cause children an emotional response, desire to play, sing, dance. Tasks: Educational: Organization of funny creative leisure, promote emotional ...

New Year's scenario in the preparatory group "Magic journey through countries in search of Santa Claus" New Year's scenario "Magic journey through countries in search of Santa Claus" Preparatory group No. 8 "Ladushka" 2018-2019 Sounds a beautiful melody (fanfare) two children enter the hall: Lead and East Beauty Eastern Beauty - How nice that today guests to us ...

Scenarios of New Year's Matins, Holidays - Scenario of the New Year's Matinee "Kolobok" for the second youngest group

Children enter the elegant hall to beautiful music and become around the Christmas tree. Leading: Guys, see how beautiful around! We fell into the winter fairy tale. See what it is? Children: Christmas tree! Leading: Hello, Christmas tree dear! Again, you are visiting us, the balls will be shine again on ...

New Year's holiday in the younger pre-school group "Tree-to-Beauty" Scenario of the New Year holiday (for children of the younger pre-school group) "Beauty Christmas tree" (under the merry music, children enter the hall, accompanied by an educator, the hall is decorated new Year's Eve., carefully consider it and together with the educator are suitable for the Christmas tree. 1 tutor. Children...

"New Year". Holiday Scenario at School of Arts (2018) 1 Vedas: Everything in silver is overflowing, winter entered into rights, because quite soon the holiday begins, and we will meet the new year! 2 Veds: And this means everything is bad forces, it is time for new success, let every desire comes true in it, and are performed only ...

Representation interactive. New Year festive concert - game with a visit to the tales of theatrical class, for children 6 years old. Under the New Year, I want to give warm and kindness not only the most beloved and most close people, but also those who are waiting for the holiday and believes that the coming year ...

The idea for the New Year's holiday scenario can be found everywhere: in fairy tales, in cartoons, in distant countries, in children's toys. The most unimaginable characters come for the holiday to reoxiculates, but two of them are mandatory guests.

Do you know that inseparable couple of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden first appeared together in 1937? Since then, they do not leave New Year's matinees and evenings, becoming popularly beloved heroes.

By the way, the birthday of Santa Claus celebrates November 18. In Russia, he has three houses: in Arkhangelsk, in the Churched estate, in Veliky Ustyug. And for the first time, the mention of the "New Year's owner" as Santa Claus refers to the "tales of grandfather Irinea" Russian writer V.F. Odoevsky.

Snow Maiden became popular thanks to the fairy tale A.OSTROVSKY, although her name as Ice Mermaids has been encountered before. Interestingly, at the beginning of the Soviet period, the Snow Maiden was forbidden to be on New Year's holidays - this ban was removed only in 1935. At first she was a daughter of the main character, and then "retrained" into his granddaughter.

We offer to visit other sections of the site that will help you decorate a kindergarten and organize an unforgettable new year meeting in kindergarten.