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The fortune telling is the most accurate. Divination methods for desires


If you read it, then you probably have some kind a wish. Maybe even a dream. You are dreaming of love you like or, about good estimates, about the victory on, about interesting and high salary. What exactly are you dreaming, it is known only to you. You close your eyes and imagine yourself by a person already possessing what you need. You are joy, sweet anticipation, surviving the desired state. But somewhere in the depths of the soul you can feel anxiety and anxiety. And what if it is just empty dreams? We do not clog your light head with shamanic rituals of fortunes, which there are countless, for every taste: on maps, fortune telling on the coffee grounds, fortune telling by hand; Chamomile, coin - how much ghosts. There is one "but". The fortune telling does not bring you to the cherished goal. Why guess if you can implement?

Take a deep breath, count to ten. Calm down, relax. And understand the most important thing: your a wish Or not - depends on you. The implementation of your dream is, first of all, your task.

To begin with, it is necessary to clearly formulate your a wish And turn it into intent. For example: "I want to purchase the car for the next year," "I am the head of the group", "I want to marry a guy who". Labelish a little, let the will, imagine that your a wish Already came true.

Next ask yourself: "What do I need in order to a wish came true? What can prevent the realization of my desire? What good will give me the exercise of my intention? "
Record the answers to these questions on the leaflet.

Make a plan. When there is a plan, it is much easier to understand how to act. If the task is big, it makes sense to split it into several small, realistic, easily executed steps. Write down your plan on paper.

And do not sit on the sofa, try experimenting. Having intention, act. Use every moment of your life with the mind.


Faced with difficulties, uncertainty in their abilities, do not fall into panic. Sit and calmly write down all your doubts on a piece of paper. Analyze them. Find out the cause of your doubts.

Helpful advice

Do not rely in case and wait for the desired comes to you. Even the Emelya first walking to the lake and I caught my bare hands, caught until he had a stove.

Many girls walking on the first date with an unfamiliar boyfriend, wondering in the depths of the soul as a question - how to understand his true intentions? There are several subtleties in the behavior of guys who suggest that the girl is not indifferent to them.


First of all, it is necessary to soberly assess your mental state and the ability to analyze. When a girl, she can estimate the situation not as usual. She looks at the object of his interest through pink glasses, and often it seems to her that he sends her many signs of attention. In fact, our feelings are not always mutual, the awareness of this can cause deep disappointment and insult. Therefore, even if you are very in love, turn on the mind and some time calmly watch that you are interested. This will help you to be objective.

If you have long been familiar with him, but you can not understand if you like him, or these are all your fictions, and frequent meetings only random coincidences - pay attention to behavior. A man in love is really looking for meetings and often throws views towards the object of sympathies. Passing by a nice girl with him, he involuntarily straightens his back and protrudes his chest. In short, he wants to show himself from the best side. That's all the person is not indifferent to you. But in this case, you need to look at the behavior for comparison guy With other girls.

Do you want to know intentions guywith whom you go for a date for the first time? If he tries to get closer to you all the ways, come to yourself, affect, then this suggests that he is experiencing sexual attraction. If the guy already hints at intimate proximity to you, then his intentions As for you, hardly are serious.

When a person saw a dream expressing his secret hopes and aspirations, you can ask the highest strength to help in the implementation of sleep. To do this, go to the window and pray, looking into the sky. If the dream leaves a frightening impression, it follows, standing by the window, flip over the left shoulder three times and say: where the night, there and sleep.

Sleep depends largely on the day of the week, which he dreamed. It has long been noticed that there are certain days, during which prophetic dreams are often coming.

Numerology in the interpretation of dreams

As a rule, the prophet is considered to be a dream, disinteited on the night, but only for people born on this day of the week. Sleep on Tuesday can come true a few years later. The same can be said about the dream seen on the night on Wednesday. On Thursday, people are empty dreams. But on Friday you need to try to remember the dream, as it defines the near future of man.

Saturday Sleep - half fiction, half the truth. It is important to separate the fantasy from events that will really affect the life of a person in the future. On the night of Sunday, the prophetic dream, which should come true until the middle of the day. Otherwise, to wait for the predicted event will have for six months.

You can even cause a prophetic dream using special conspiracies. For example, fading a wish for the night on Wednesday, you need to repeat the conspiracy several times and no longer talk. "Mother Wednesday, bread or water? If the bread, then "yes", water - never. If the water is disinterested, it means that there is no desire to come true. If a man sees food in a dream, therefore, sleep predicts a quick fulfillment of desire.


  • How to find out, sleep will come true or not
  • How to find out if a dream will come true? Folk signs

Christmas holidays bring with them a lot of joy and fun, smiles and warmth, expectations and excitement, which everyone is associated with something intimate and intimate. This magic night is made to make their most cherished a wish. But first you need to know how to do it right.


At Christmas is accepted a wish On Christmas Eve, that is, on the day before. And this is done together with fortune tells, striving, thereby, also to find out, it will come true or not. Perhaps the most popular a wish y - exit

The fortune telling at a desire is very common, as each person wants to be sure that his dream will turn. At the moment there are many ways to help you make sure that the cherished desire is destined to come true.

In the article:

Fortune telling at wish

At the moment there are many ways to help fulfill a desire. You can encourage the essence from the otherworldly world, for example, which will help to fulfill the dream.

If you do not want to contact the other world, you can spend any simple rite that will help you determine the likelihood of execution of the intended. You can do it yourself, at home, or.

Simple effective rituals

There are a large number of fortunes on the accomplishment of desire. If you do not want, in the wax and other magical attributes, then use these two simple ways.

In the first case, you will need to go out at night, make a desire and approach the multi-storey house. Your task is to count, in many windows the light burns. If the number is even, then, undoubtedly, your dream will come true, if an odd, then the answer is not.

Spill light will help fortune telling on the first oncoming. Early in the morning, go to the courtyard, crossing the threshold of the house, be sure to think about what you would like. Now it remains to wait for the first person you will meet.

  • If a man goes to meet, then the dream is realized.
  • If a woman, then conceived not destined to be performed.
  • If the first counter is a child, a desire to be fulfilled in a few months.
  • They met the dog, it suggests that you will have to make efforts to implement desire.
  • If the cat came out to meet, this sign was not realized, as you hurt the enemy.

Fortune telling for the term of the desire

In order to spend this ritual, you will need a new deck of 36 cards. You can use the magic attribute that was previously used for various ghosts, but in this case it must be cleaned correctly and prepare for work. All maps should be mixed and put the shirt up. There should be 4 rows, 9 cards in each.

Now turn on your fantasy. It must be assumed that the cards from left to right go ascending. In the first line there must be trees, in the second - the tambourine, in the third - Cherry, and in the fourth - peaks. After that, you can begin the process of divination. Take the last map that lies in the first row and open it. For example, a lady of peak fell.

Now it is necessary to put this card at that place on which it should be. Important: Maps do not move, the empty place is not released for this lady peak, if its place is already employed, then it is put on top on the closed map. The one that lies at the bottom, no longer opens. Similarly, open all the cards.

If the aces did not fall into place, this suggests that the desire will not fulfill. If it turned out to move them to the right positions, it suggests that the dream is already being implemented in the coming day or two.

If all the aces immediately found themselves in the right places, and some cards still lie with a shirt, then the interpretation will be a little different. In this case, the first row is responsible for the year. If the first line is closed one card, then this suggests that the dream is implemented in a year.

The second row is responsible for the months, the third - for weeks, the fourth month. Your task is to summarize the number of years, months, weeks and days. As a result, you will get an accurate date of accomplishment of conceived.

A simple way to find out whether the mandated will come true

To find out whether the mung desire will come true, using this simple rite. Take a predetermined and prepared deck of 36 cards, mix and postpone 6. Look at them and make your desire on any card that is not in the selected 6. Now mix the remaining cards and decompose them in 5 stacks. In the first one should be 2, in the second 3, in the third - 4, in the fourth - 5, in the fifth - 6.

Now you can turn their images up. If the attached image turned out to be in 1 line, then the desire will not come true. If in the second, then it is very unlikely that it will be. In the third - you have an enemy that interferes with the execution of plans. In the fourth, it is likely that the mandated will come true, but will have to make efforts to this. In the fifth - the conceived will come true very soon.

A person has a dream to dream, and most of us would like to look into the future and find out what life will be. Every year, make a desire for the battle of the Kurats, we hope that it will definitely come true. However, do not everyone know that there is a way to learn this is probably.

"Fly, fly petal ..."

Will my secret desire come true? You can get an answer to this question, but under certain conditions.

There are several types of desires to desire to help look into the future, but this will require compliance with certain rules. Of great importance are the time of the ritual.

The ideal time for divination is considered a full moon, but only no night time, and the evening. The lunar calendar will help you decide and choose the right day, but here you need to act very accurately, as each of them is responsible for its specific area.


  • monday is allowed to guess for any conceived desire;
  • tuesday and Friday are able to give answers to complex, confusing issues and those associated with heart torments;
  • wednesday is responsible for the area of \u200b\u200bbusiness, work and study;
  • thursday is responsible for material well-being, so on this day you can ask questions related to money;
  • at the weekend, you should not seek the answer to the conceived question of desire.

Fortune telling through book

This gadania called bibliomantia is no longer one hundred years. How to find out if a conceived desire will come true? This can help the book, but not simple. Only the work of a special writer is suitable, one way or another associated with mysticism and magic.

They say one hundred percent predictions gives Roman Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". If there is no one in the presence, you can take the work of Gogol or something else from the classics. It is necessary to turn off the light, light the candle, create a quiet, cozy atmosphere and fully focus on my desire, to pronounce him about yourself.

Now you need to quickly name two random numbers - one will be the page number, and another line number from above. Founding according to these figures line in the book and will answer the question. If you did not like the answer, it's not a reason to guess again. The fact is that such a rite with the book is not recommended too often, but only in special cases.

Card reading

You can immediately calm those who think that for this will have to learn complex scenarios or go to the fortuneteller. The fortune telling is quite simple and does not require special skills. All that is needed is to make a desire, shuffle a deck and pull out one-sole card. If the suit will be red - then the conceived will come true if black is not.

The answer to your question can be obtained and so: shuffle the deck of cards and lay out the first 15 masty cards up. If there are aces in this row, they need to be put aside. Having laid out a new row, remove the aces again if they are there.

The latter's list of 15 cards will complete the fortune telling: all the aces released will mean that the desire will come true if at least one remains in the deck, then the forecasts are not optimistic.

Fortune telling on coins

Coins, especially vintage, will also help help look into the future. Fasting in the palm of the moment, fold the brushes together, shake, make a desire and throw up. If most of the coins drop out an eagle up, then the mandated will come true if the decision is not destined to come true.

Coins of different values \u200b\u200bcan be used for such divination: the same desire must be written on three small pieces of paper. In each of them, it is necessary to wrap over one coin and remove under the pillow before going to bed.

In the morning, waking up, stretch from under the pillow with my left hand the first piece of paper. If the largest coin is wrapped in it, then the desired will come true if the money is medium diameter - then there is a chance for success, but you have to wait. And if you get the smallest coin, but nothing to count on what.

Do wishes come true at the Wall

Wanting about something strong and hard and believing that the conceived will come true, the person appeals to God. It is believed that he is talking about him, but there are such places on Earth, the prayer in which it has such a force that a person returns home quite confident that everything he asked about, it will surely come true, and God will help him in this.

These places include the crying wall - a special place in Jerusalem. It is the western part of the temple of the Lord, from which only this strip of masonry remained, which is worth not one thousand years.

The wall received its name because the Jews walked past her, pressed against her, prayed and cried. The tradition of investing in the gap laying the notes with wishes appeared a long time ago, when the path from Europe in this holy land was associated with dangers and difficulties and did not everyone decided to personally bow to the shrine and ask God about something intimate.

People transferred notes with the focus and asked them to put them in the wall with the hope that such a prayer would also be heard by God.

If you want to know if your dreams will be fulfilled, take advantage of a special fortune-wish. There are many different desires for the fulfillment of desire. Consider them all in order.

Fortune telling on the book for the fulfillment of desire

Take the oldest book in your home. It is desirable that it would be an artistic work. Clean the desire, close your eyes, put a book in front of me and left hand open the first page. Then, still without opening the eye, poke at random the left hand on the selected page. Open your eyes and read the line to which you hit your finger. The essence of this line will lead, your desire will come true or not. Sometimes it is not so easy to express the prediction of this. It happens that the dropping line does not reflect the essence of the mandated. In this case, you will have to show fantasy and a mixture, perhaps to cling to individual words or a little paraphrase the contents of the proposal.

Waile fortune telling

This fortune telling must be carried out before bedtime. In order to find out whether the conceived, take a small round mirror, match and wax candle. Sit in front of the mirror and scream a little wax on the reflective surface of the mirror. Then write your desire on wax and put out the candle. Mirror Remove under the bed and go to bed. At the morning, the first thing takes a look at the mirror: did the inscription worn? If yes - the desire will not come true. If the record remained, then wait for your dreams in the near future.

Divination on maps at desire

Take the deck of playing cards, turn it well, while thinking about your desire. Then remove the deck with your left hand and start laying out all the cards in a row. If two cards of one suit will fall in this card fortune, or they will be located alone, then they need to be removed. The desire will come true if at the first sampling you turned out all the cards. If there are few cards during the situation, then your desire will come true, but not so soon, how would you like it. If there are a lot of cards, then your dream is not yet destined to come true.

Fortune telling for the desire to windows

This divination can be used in the dark. You will go out, turn your back to the multi-storey house, peck your eyes and make a desire. Then turn to the house and count the light in many windows. If their even number, your desire will turn if the odd is not.

Fortune telling on the first oncoming

In the morning you will go outside. Crossing the threshold, make a desire and see who the first one will come to meet. The first you saw a man - a desire will come true. If the first came to be a woman - a desire will not turn. Saw a child - a desire will come true, but not immediately. They saw the dog - this is a sign that you yourself should make efforts to execute a dream. They saw a cat - to make a conceived misses the ill-wisher.

These simple divisions on the fulfillment of desire will learn whether to come true to come true and whether to seek their goal. But it is not necessary to forget that only dreams depends on you. Go to her no matter what! And so that all your desires are executed, do not forget to press and

Ploy to the future to find out whether the desire will come true, much easier than everyone is used to thinking. You can do this without the help of professional magicians. All that will need: deck cards, playing bones or ordinary field flower. And even if nothing of the listed was not at hand, it remains to refer to knowledge from the field of numerology. Simple, habitual numbers are able to provide a magic influence on the fate of a person and contribute to the implementation of his ideas.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Gadalka Baba Nina: "Money will always be in excess, if you put under the pillow ..." Read more \u003e\u003e

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      Card reading

      Divination with the help of cards is considered the most reliable. However, it is not necessary to resort to it too often, otherwise the "tired" deck will refuse to work. The optimal break between sessions should be at least a week. It is forbidden to use children's or comic decks for divination, because in this case, the result may also be frozen.

      • Taro

        You can guess both on a complete deck, and only on older arcans. It is enough to drag the cards, saying your desire, and then remove three pieces from the deck. Will the desire, you can find out based on the values \u200b\u200bof the dropped cards:

        • The devil, the tower, a terrible court, the moon, death, hanged, and all swords say that the dream will never come true.
        • Lovers, the sun, the wheel of Fortune, the Empress, the world and all the pentacles report that a person will definitely get the desired.
        • The rest of the cards (as well as all the rods and Cups) predict the accomplication of the intended 50 per 50 perhaps.

        If all three arcans belong to different categories, the universe has no exact answer to the question. You can repeat the fortune telling later.

        Playing deck

        For fortune telling, it is suitable as an ordinary deck, consisting of 36 cards and the poker, in which they are 54. The one who makes a desire must formulate it out loud and at the same time shook the cards, pulling one. Her suit and rank determine whether the dream will come true.

        Mages are advised not to use a deck for fortune telling, which solitaires have already played or unfolded. You need to purchase an unprotected.


        • Ace or Joker suggests that it is not necessary to hope for the fulfillment of dreams.
        • Valts, lady and the king make it clear that the situation is not hopeless. But it will be necessary to engage in the exercise of the desired independently, and to wait for nowhere.
        • Maps with numerical notation promise that the desire will come true, but very soon.


        • All senior maps of this suit predict easily overcome obstacles to the dream.
        • But the younger advise to make another desire, since the implementation of this will require unjustified efforts.


        • The lady, the king, currency, ace and joker indicate that the dream is feasible, but its wording should be corrected.
        • The rest of the cards warn that in pursuit of the desired will have to take seriously risk.


        • Senior maps will mark all doubts - the dream will definitely come true.
        • Younger promise a high likelihood that the desire will arrive soon.


        From the point of view of numerology, there are many factors that indicate that the desire will come true:

        • A man constantly falls on the eyes of cars with beautiful license plates when he thinks about his dream.
        • In ads, advertising booklets or on big beards, he often sees telephone numbers with the same, repeated numbers.
        • He all the time encounters the image of the desired subject or event, even in the most unexpected places.

        Also, this esoteric science will help properly make a desire so that it is probably fulfilled. The fact that it can be done under the battle of the chimes for the new year is known to everyone, but do not wait for the whole 365 days to report the universe about the new dream.

        First you need to calculate your ratio and navigate it. This is done by adding all the numbers that make up the date of birth. For example, a person was born on July 11, 1996. It should be added 1 + 1 + 0 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 6 \u003d 34. If a two-digit number is obtained, it is necessary to reduce it to uniquely: 3 + 4 \u003d 7. For this person, a successful person will be the seventh day of the week, the seventh number of the month, the phone number and car, which has a lot of seven. And the desire, mandated at 07 hours 07 minutes 07 seconds of the 7th day of 7 months, has the highest chances to come true.

        How to find out with the help of colors whether the desire will come true?

        The divination on the chamomile is widespread and, as practice shows, its results are rarely erroneous. However, only a few people know that to ask whether the desire will be fulfilled, and in other colors.


        For fortune telling on the dandelion, it is necessary to find the flower on which seed steils have already been formed. Then disrupt it, and so that the fluffy ball will not crumble ahead of time. If it turned out, you can proceed to the basic action, and if not, the procedure will have to be repeated from the start.

        Ways to know whether the desire will come true, there are two:

    1. 1. In quiet, windless weather or indoors should be picked on the flower. The remaining feud in it after such an execution of a pavement in an amount of less than 5 pieces foreshadowed that conceived will be implemented in the near future. From 5 to 10 "parachutes" suggest that the dream will be fulfilled during the year. When there are many surviving seeds, it is not destined to come true. But bare stem gives an exceptionally positive forecast.
    2. 2. With strong wind gusts, you can become an east and raise a dandelion over your head. If at least a few feet landed on the body or clothes, all the commemorated will be embodied in life literally the other day. Otherwise, a person is not destined to realize his dream.


    This way of divination at a desire is the most humane. It is necessary to choose two calendula flower in the morning in the morning, to decide which of them will be denoted by "yes" and what "no", and then somehow mark them (stick the pegs of different lengths, tie a thread of different color on the stems of a different color). The main thing is not to damage the flowers themselves, no bushes on which they grow.

    After that, you can safely deal with your affairs until the evening. Before the onset of darkness, you will have to watch the calendula. The answer to the question will give that flower, which first closes the petals.


    It follows the divination at the time when the sunflower has yet formed all seeds. Without looking at the flower (for greater reliability, you can tie my eyes or snap it tight), from it one by one takes out 10 seeds. What they turn out to be, and will determine the outcome:

    • all full and ripe - the desire will definitely fulfill;
    • among the good seeds, one empty came out - to make a dream in reality, you will have to work pretty;
    • empty seeds are more than one - alas, the desire is impracticable.

    Foreign on playing bones

    The classic version of divination provides for the presence of two cubes, on each side of which points are applied in an amount of from 1 to 6. Before throwing them on the table or other smooth surface, it is necessary to clearly talk out loud to your desire, it is not necessary to do this and mentally. You can carry out the cast from the palms folded together, a special container made of wood or ceramics. An opaque fabric bag is suitable.

    If one of the cubes fell to the floor or flew off on a large distance from the gadget, the highest strength is not ready to answer. You can repeat the divination session for several days or weeks later.

    Interpretation of combinations that fall out during fortune telling on the playing bones.

    Number on the first cube Second-cube Interpretation
    "one""one"The desire will not come true. A person asks that he is not so necessary
    "one""2"There will be only one chance to fulfill the dream. Need to show vigilance so as not to miss it
    "one""3"Perfectly conceived will have to be done on their own, hope for helping other people or concussion no sense
    "one""four"The desire will surely come true
    "one""five"The probability is 50%
    "one""6"The situation is under development. The desire will turn, but not as fast as I would like
    "2""2"To perform a dream, you will need to make a lot of effort.
    "2""3"There is no reason to doubt that the desire will be implemented
    "2""four"The situation is ambiguous. The realization of the intended depends on the set of factors that are not limited to the will of the person
    "2""five"It is worth believing in the fulfillment of desire
    "2""6"Should be patient - the accomplishment of dream will not happen soon
    "3""3"The desire sincere, and the highest forces will definitely contribute to its implementation.
    "3""four"If you believe in the best, everything will be wonderful
    "3""five"Will have to wait. Conceived turns when the right time comes
    "3""6"The likelihood that the desire will come true is extremely low. Can only count on a happy case
    "four""four"Everything will be fulfilled, but in the remote future
    "four""five"We should formulate a desire more specifically and repeat the divination
    "four""6"There is no reason to doubt his desire
    "five""five"Implementation of conceived is impossible. The person is not sure about the correctness of his desire, or it is imposed on him by someone who pursues his own benefit.
    "five""6"It will be difficult to carry out the desired, but with due diligence, the result will delight
    "6""6"The dream will come true only thanks to a happy chance.

    Apply for divination cubes that are used in gambling, extremely undesirable. It is worth buying a new kit and store separately in the box.