Repairs Design Furniture

Staging the fairy tale "Fly Casting" K. Chukovsky (for the middle-older children). The scenario of the fairy tale "Fly - Capotuha" for children of the middle group The scenario of the Fly Costochka for a new way

Lyudmila Egorova


Clarify the knowledge of children about the works of K. Chukovsky;

Dramatization of the fairy tale "fly - basement" using intonational means of expressiveness, gestures, facial expressions;

Teach children to form new word formation;

Rail in children a sense of compassion to weak and defenseless.


Muha - Michoe Semenova

Komar - Valera Arinosov

Spider - Maria Prokopyevna Egorova

Cockroaches - Iina Mikehanova, Antonov Sasha.

Butterfly - Stepanova Masha.

Frog - Vitya Vasilyev.

Ladybugs - Pavlova Inessa, Yymykov Artem.

Bee - Sidorova Sakaaya.

Beetle - Dr. Tolya

Grasshoppers - Nyurgun Ivanov, Alexandrov Paradise

Ants - Dyarikov Tima, Pavlova Diana

Fireflies - Afanasyev Vasya, Nikolaev Sarga, Andreev Stas.

See you in all eyes

And listen to two ear.

The fairy tale is called.

Fly Tsokotukha!

Music sounds. The lead comes on the stage reads:

Muha, Fly Cotton,

Gold-plated belly!

Fly on the field went,

Fly money found.

For the music of a fly-cloak of money. Fly rejoices and runs off.

Went fly to the bazaar

And bought a samovar:

Against the background of the music of the Fly Costoon with a money in his hand goes through the bazaar, comes to the samovar, considers it and buys it (i.e. gives the seller money).

I am a mug-cloak

Gold-plated belly!

I went to the bazaar

And bought a samovar.

Hoping a seagull friends

Let them come in the evening.

Cockroaches resorted

All glasses drank.

Came to the flock of bugs,

Brought her boots.

You accept from bugs

Couple of boots.

Boots are not simple

Gold fasteners in them.

(Give boots, flies bow).

Thank you, you are bugs!

And bugs -

Three cups

With milk

And the blunder:

Now fly


Freamed bee with beetles

Brought honey.

I am a shaggy bee -

I brought honey!

Oh what it is clean

Sweet and fragrant!

Thank you, my bee and beetle.

Gives a bee to fly honey.

Came a butterfly with a frog

Gave red flowers.

Thank you, you butterfly and frog!

The butterfly gives the flock-base flowers.

"Beauty butterfly,

Wear jam!

Or don't you like

Our treat? "

Kuznechikov came to the fly,

Fireflies and ants.

Now fly


Suddenly the music of spider sounds. A spider comes on a fly, it is terrified.

I am an evil pouch,

Long swirl

I will show all the midges, (everyone runs away)

In my web catch them. Ha ha ha.

Muha-clook (praying, standing on his knees):

"Dear guests, help!

Welcome to the villain!

And I fed you

And I got you,

Do not leave me

In my last hour! "

But worms beetles


In the corners, on the slits

They fled:


Under the sofas

And Kozhenchok

Under the shops

And bugs under the bed -

Do not want to fight!

And no one else

Will not move:



And the villain is not joking

Hands-legs he flies with ropes

The teeth are sharp in the heart stuff

And she drinks blood.

Fly scream screaming, (AAAAAA)


And the villain is silent,


Suddenly from somewhere flies

Small mosquito

And in his hand it burns

Little flashlight.

Very dare mosquito and soon

Straight brave musketeer.

Komar flies, flies to a spider

I am a mosquito-brave, removed well done!

Where is the spider? Where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his claws.

I'm not afraid of terrible.

With spider now I will fight.

Fight mosquito and spider. Komar cuts off the spider all paws, the spider shook on the floor and crawls.

Am I ragged a villain?

I freed you?


And now, the soul-maiden

We will have fun together!

Komar serves the hand of the hand, and they together bypass the hall under the solemn march

Here bugs and goats

Crawl out from under the shop.

All children:

"Glory, Slava Komaru -

Winner! "

Cockroaches came running

In the drums stood.

Bom! Bom! Bom! Bom!

All children go out, then under the "little country" dance with couples.





Grandma Bee.

Cockroaches (2)



Flea (2)


Ladybugs (3)

Fly flies along the path. It turns out to the audience on the forefront.


Among the midges and bugs,

Among butterflies and wasps

Castle Fly Cost

You will not find anyone.

I am beautiful and playing,

Play and smart.

And in the whole Mushinsky world

Costume only one.

Notices a coin in the grass.

Oh, what is it? Cash! Now I am rich! But what should I do with her? Maybe sew a new outfit? But this one is still good, especially this is a gilded abdomen. How it goes! (Loves himself.) I know! You need to buy a samovar and call guests. We must do homemade baking! You can bake a cake, you just need to buy sugar, flour and eggs. Solved, I go to the bazaar.

Oh, how I love guests! I am a call of grasshopper-violinist, and all night we will have fun and dance!

In the depths of the scene there is a table with a telephone, chairs. Fly appears with an accident and samovar in his hands.

Fly. Wow, what a heavy! But it is time to take the case, once to sit.

Pour water into samovar, folds the treat on the table, comes to the phone and takes the numbers in turn.


Come to visit,

Grandma bee!

Pass the OSAM

What and their called.

Hello, bugs!

Bring a variety of cups.

Samovar is almost ready -

Waiting for guests from all over.

Flea, flea, come,

Blank with yourself.

We will have fun -

I'm a birthday!

Fly finishes cooking a festive table. Guests start gathering.


Hello, fly!

Here's boots.

Golden fasteners in them.

Fly. Thank you!


Hello, fly! How are you?

I brought a nurse here.

A butterfly appears, gives a bouquet of flowers. Bugs with cups in hands run, then cockroaches with a viscous ram.


Ah, thank you, relatives

For gifts expensive!

I ask everyone to the table.

Guests are located around the table. Fly spills tea.


Here, taste the Slavs!

Hot tea with milk,

Yes, with a naked, yes with the bed!


What do you? What do you?

Sin say!

Master to treat!

This is the jam -

Just arms!


And pies!

Cockroach. A plush

Our glorious flies!

Sends her an air kiss.


Oh, what, right I!

Music forgot

Violinist to her tea

I did not invite!

Visits phone number.


Ah, grasshopper, dear,

Come with dragonfly!

Only the violin capture -

We all want to dance.

The grasshopper and dragonfly are included.


Here came the maestro our

Well, we sleep now!

Grasshopper sets up a violin.

Cockroach (refers to the dragonfly).

Now fly



Congratulations! Congratulations!

I wish you happiness from the soul!

Fly. Thank you!

The cockroach picks up a fly on hand and displays to the center. Everyone begins to drive a dance and sing.


Summer came, all bloomed,

Forests and fields refract:



Before, -

Together we are all

Fly-Gras Raughty,

And loving, and praising:




The dance is replaced by cheerful poll.

Anxious chords sound, everyone gets freeze. Spider appears on the scene.


That's how fun you have!

Well, let go now:

First Fly I celebrate

And behind you will come!

Everyone frightened and hide. Spider holds a fly by hand, it breaks out.


Spider to her tea

You did not invite.

So now here is the perpetuation -

I have a power!

Puts on the fly a web and drags it to the edge of the extension.

Three leaders come to the scene.

1st lead.

But the worms beetles frightened,

In the corners, the sluts fled.

2nd lead.

Cockroaches - under the sofas,

And the goats - under the benches.

3rd leading.

And bugs under the bed -

Do not want to fight!

1st lead.

And no one else

Will not move:

Disappear - killed


2nd presenter.

And the grasshopper, and the grasshopper,

Well, just like a little man -


3rd leading.

Beast, under the packer

And kick!

I-th lead.

And the villain is not joking

Hands-legs he flies

Rope twists.

The teeth are sharp in the heart stuff

And she drinks blood.

2nd lead.

Shout shouting


And the villain is all silent,


3rd leading.

Suddenly from somewhere flies

Small moser

1st lead.

And in his hand it burns

Little flashlight.


Where is the killer? Where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his claws!

Fights with spider, frees a fly from the rope and displays the scene to the middle.

Guests come from their shelters with the words: "Glory, thank Komaro-winner!"


Hey, flesh girlfriend,

Run along the track,

Call musicians -

We will dance!

Cockroaches with drum and harmonica, grasshopper - with a violin.


Have fun, people -

Fly married comes.


For dick, deleted,

Young mosquito!

Everyone is dancing.

1st presenter. Boots creak

2nd presenter. Heels are knocking, -

3rd leading.

Will, there will be moshcar

Have fun until the morning!


Now fly


Natalia Aydamerova
Scenario of drawing a fairy tale K. I. Chukovsky "Muha-Codotha"


FAIRY TALES"Visiting Fly - Costs"

Equipment: decorations of trees, flowers, table covered with tablecloth,

samovar, dishes, sofas, cribs, spider rope, cardboard coin, artificial flowers in floor vases, tape recorder.

Hall decorated: On the carpet, the glades from large colors are posted. who dress on hand (for dance).

Characters: Grade 4 students / fly, Two cockroaches, three bugs, two flew, bee, two butterflies, spider, grasshopper, a mosquito, the writers of the author reads forty.

Spectators: Students of grades, pupils of kindergarten.

Music sounds (the sounds of the meadow, the singing of birds, departs forty on the clearing sits down, cleans the wings

And you heard? What,

Magpie: Fly,Fly Tsokotukha,

Gold-plated belly!

Fly on the field went,

Fly money found.

Went Fly to the bazaar

And bought samovar

Music is playing "Flight of the Bumblebee", crashes Fly, flies from the flower to the flower, finds a coin

Fly: Oh, money!

And I will go to the bazaar!

Yes, I will buy myself a samovar!

Under the music "Flight of the Bumblebee" crashes to the table, gets samovar, puts on the table, serves table:

"Come, cockroaches,

I teach you grate! "

Under the music "Madagascar" cockroaches appear, perform rhythmic movements to the music, see a fly, suitable

Cockroaches: We are red cockroaches!

Heard that we were invited

You hurried to visit you

All glasses drunk, / drink tea /

Three Bukashashi: Hello, Fly Tsokotukha

(chorus) We, Bukashashi

Cases we

Three cups

With milk

And the prothladdel:

Now Fly Tsokotukha

Birthday! /Drink tea/

Two fleas: Hello, Fly, Moofer,

/ Choir / brought you boots, / served boots /

And boots are not simple -

Golden clashes in them. /Drink tea/

Bee: Hello, Fly,

I am a grandmother-bee,

You, Muha-Cocotuhaea

Honey brought ... / Serves Honey, drinks tea /

Hello, Fly Tsokotukha,

Butterfly: We are butterfly,

Brought you jam,

Try jam,

Or don't you like

Our treat? " /Drink tea)

Forter crashes on the clearing, appeals to the audience

Magpie: Suddenly some old man

Our fly in the corner

Tops, -

Wants poor kill

Cocotuhu ruined!

Sounds music "Spiderman". Spider sputs around the hall, in the hands of a rope

/ Spider drags fluff into an angle /

Fly: "Dear guests, help!

/ breaks out of the pawka paw / spider - the villain bark!

And I fed you

And I got you,

Do not leave me

In my last hour!

Magpie: But worms beetles

/ Everyone hides insects / frightened,

In the corners, on the slits

Ran away:

Cockroaches: Population under the

Kozhevok: Hidden

Under the benches,

Bucashi: Fire under that bed -

Do not want to fight!


And no one else

Does not shift:


/ Birthday!

Look at the city of Kuznechik,

Well, just like a little man,



Under Mostok

And kick! / Grasshopper hides /

Magpie: And the villain is not joking,

Hands-legs he flies with ropes

The teeth are sharp in the heart stuff

And she drinks blood.

Fly scream scream,


And the villain is silent,


Sounds music "In the mountain king cave"

Magpie: Suddenly from somewhere flies

Small mosquito

And in his hand it burns

Little flashlight

Sounds music "Tin soldier"

Cleans a mosquito with a saber

Executes dance with saber

Komarik: "Where is the killer? Where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his claws! "

Fights spider (to the music, wounds, spider runs away with scenes

Removes rope from fly, sits on his knee, takes a fly by hand

Komarik: "I caught a villain,

Bucashi: "Dug!"

Komarik: "I freed you"

Bucashi: "Loose!"

/ get out all insects /

Komarik: And now, the shower-maiden,

I want to marry! " /

Bucashi: "Glory, Slava Komaru -

Winner! "

All choirs: The people have fun -

Fly married

For dick, deleted,

Young mosquito!

Sounds music "Takata" And all insects (Dress on the hands of flowers)performed modern dance, at the end of the mosquito dance on the knee holds the flock of Vastrh them, all insects of flowers make up the heart shape.

Magpie: The people are having fun

Fly married is

For dick, deleted,

Young mosquito!

Chukovsky K.. AND. Fly Tsokotukha. - M., 1978. - 16 p.

Shkuratova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna

Branch of MKDOU Antipovsky DS "Salomatsky DS" Kamyshinsky district, Volgograd region

Music leader


music Mini Scenario

based on the fairy tales K. Chukovsky

(for the older kindergarten group)




Purpose:to introduce children to the creativity of K. Chukovsky, to educate communicative qualities in children, to develop interest in theatrical activity.


Improve the performing skills in children in creating an artistic image using game, song and theatrical improvisation.

Improve the intonational expressiveness of speech

Teach children to look for expressive tools to create an image of your character, taking advantage of for this facial expression, gestures

Raise the ability of children to act in the team

Start fairy tales

Sound fanfares. Included leading with an envelope in his hands.

Hello, guests are expensive!

Prepare, children, ears!

Get ready, guests, listen!

Includes a fairy tale in a bright house

And tell about everything.

Someone threw us in the window

Look, writing.

Maybe this is the sun ray

What does your face tickle?

Maybe this is a sparrow,

Floating, dropped?

Guys! From whom the letter came, you want to know?

Responses of children.

I reveal the letter now, and you need to try and everyone to guess together! (opens the envelope)

The heroine is not simple!

She went over the field

She found money.

Flew to the bazaar

And bought ...

Children: Samovar! This is a mug-cloak!

Host: Let's see, and what happened next ...

I action

Music sounds (Fly Cotton Fly Fly, finds the "money").


What should I buy this? ..

ABOUT! I will go quickly to the bazaar!

Under the music of a fly chooses the goods: considers it. In front of the mirror trying the blouse, blue dress. (On one of the "shelves" - Samovar)


What should I buy this? ..

Maybe the dress is blue,

Maybe skirt or shoes?

So, I'll think about a minute ...

Oh, I'll buy a samovar!

Because, birthday

I will soon cope.

All bugs, cockroach

Sweet tea treat.

For the music of the Fly Costochuha buys a samovar for "Denyushka" and carries it to the table, covers on the table: puts treats.


Hoping a seagull friends

Let them come in the evening.

I have for guests

Many delicious Slavs! ..

After all the sweetness-treats are placed on the table


All is ready! The table is set!

Samovar already boils!

So soon my friends will come -

I will be very glad I!

Song "Samovar boils"

In the house, come in, I invite everyone.

That's a samovar on the table.

Brightly in the sun sides sparkling,

Fun spelled steam rings.


Samovar boils, samovar sings,

In it, water is boilit, the conversation leads.

How good is our fragrant tea!

Cheerful see, yes guests meet!

I.I action

Music sounds, enters the bee.

Bee: Hello, Mukha-Costoha

Gold-plated belly!

I am with all my native meadows

Brought you colors.

I am a neighbor - bee,

More honey brought!

Oh what it is clean

Sweet and fragrant! (transfers a bouquet of flowers and a jar with honey)



Sit here,

Soon guests will come!

R.N. sounds Song "I went on a hill ..." - outlet flewand sings:

I walked on a slide, the boots carried,

Worried, worried, cramped up ...

Fleece: You accept from flew these red boots!

Boots are not simple - gold clasps in them! (transfers the firing boots)



Beautiful boots!

Sit at the table,

Samovar is ready!

The phonogram sounds, the dance "arrive butterflies" is performed.

1st Butterfly:

We are shaluny butterfly,

Merry flying.

Fly around the fields

On groves and meadows.

2nd Butterfly:

And do not get tired, funfully flushing,

Twisted, fly.

3rd butterfly:

We flore in colors

Flew to visit you!

Butterfly (Choir):

Congratulations! Congratulations!

Happiness, we wish you joy!

Jam floral trees treat you! (passed to the fly jam)


Thank you, cute girlfriends,

Please all at the table! (Butterflies are sitting at the table)


And where is the ladybug? Something I do not see her ...

Sounds a span "Ladybug" (Perfect guests):


Fly up cleverly

Bring us from the sky

Bread replacement

Mushrooms to change

Berries growth,

Radish long tail!

Under music is included Ladybug.


I am a ladybug.

Flew on the sky

Brought a lot of bread ... (Hands Fly Caparaway)

I stand together in the dance and for our birthday girl, "Caparage".

Guests come out due to the table, become around the mug of cloak.

Executives dance "Caparaway".

To the music goes out Cockroacheswith drums, bypass the hall

And stop near the flies.

1st cockroach:

Sh-sh-u ... Here are the flowers!

Sh-sh-y .. We collected them on the meadow.

Mukha-Costochuha: Thank you, the bouquet is beautiful!

Please sit at the table,

Be a seagull to get drunk.

Eat, do not hesitate

All treat all.

See what gingerbread I joked! (delivers guests)

(Guests spill tea. Merry music sounds)


Beauty-beauties, eat jam!

Or do you dislike my treats?

1st Butterfly: Your treat is just a look!

2nd Tracakan: Just embroidering your treat!

Guests "eat" (pantomime) and praise the hostess:

Here and cream, and candy.

And what is there just no!

Marmalacks, chocolates,

And nuts, and sweets!

Gingerbread mint, fragrant,

Amazingly pleasant!

Tubes with cream, pies

And very tasty raws!


Music Music sounds in the mountain king cave. Appears Spider, All guests run out and hide.

I am an evil pouch, long crucia!

I came for a fly,

Cocotua came! (winds up with a rope - "web" mug-clochu)

FLY TSOKOTUKHA (screaming):

Dear guests, help!

Spider-raise ridge!

Do not leave me

In this terrible hour!

I am not only flies,

I and bees, and mosquitoes -

Try everyone ready!

Sounds the phonogram of music P. Tchaikovsky "March", appears Mosquito.

I am Komar-brave,

Good lucky!

Where spider, where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his networks!

Spider i'm not afraid

With spider, I will fight!

Music sounds, the musical and rhythmic movements of the Mosquito Battle with Spider are performed. Spider falls.

MOSQUITO (It becomes knee, turning to the fly):

I ruined the villain?



I freed you?



And now, the soul-maiden

We will have fun together!

Merry music, fly and mosquito dance sounds.

You, pretty cockroach,

Bay rather in the drum!

Bom! Bom! Bom! Bom!

I swallow fly with a mosquito!

Ta-Ra! Ta-Ra!

Moshcar has fun!

Dance butterfly chaluny,

Mashed to the wings of toys.

All embraced each other

In the dance, the wind rushed!

All: Today the Fly Casting Birthday!

Guests become couples, Performed final dance "Polka"

Tales close

Circle Looking! Circle sewing!

Left, turn right,

Merry smile.

Presentation of fun

And for us, and for you

We will finish at this hour!

(To viewers):

Oh, you, guests are expensive,

Come again to us

We are glad to always guests! ..

It's time for parting,

We tell you: "Goodbye!"

The scenario of the musical performance "Fly Costume" (based on the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky) for children 6-7 years

The scenario for the musical spectrum "Fly-Codochoha" is a recycled and augmented material for setting with children of 6-7 years. My group's children occupied with this production 2nd place at the city competition "We love the theater."

The musical theme of the folk group "Ivan Kupala" "Zainka" sounds.

Two boxic appears. Go around the hall, play twin.

1st Corobeinist: One simple fairy tale

And maybe not a fairy tale

Or maybe not a simple

We want to tell you.

We remember her since childhood,

And maybe not since childhood,

And maybe I do not remember

But we will remember.

2nd Corobeinist: Fairy tale, fairy tale, boom,

Tell her no joke.

To a fairy tale from the beginning

Like a river bung

So that in the Hardness all the people

From her Rotted mouth.

So that none nor old nor

At the end did not be treated

We wish our children

Neither a pen nor fluff!

ATTEMBER! Begins ...

TOGETHER: Fly Tsokotukha!

1st Corobeinist: Muha, Fly Cotton,

Gold-plated belly.

2nd Corobeinist: Fly on the field went,

Fly money found.

Corobeinists leave.

First action

The music of B. Tchaikovsky from KF "Marriage Balzaminova" sounds.

Fly flies, flies around the hall, finds money.

Fly: What should I buy this?

Can the dress blue?

Or shoes, or skirt?

So ... I'll think about a minute ...

No, I will go to the bazaar,

And I will buy Samovar there.

Because birthday

I will soon deter

All bug-cocks

Sweet tea treat.

Fly flies.

Corobeinists come out with trays under rus. nar. Song "Corobeiniki". Fly appears.


Delete Fair!

1st Corobener : Only here we have only

The best kvass!

2nd Corobeinist: Respected public

Buy bagels from us!

TOGETHER: Bubnes, spoons, balalaiki,

Buy, choose!

Go to the tables

FLY: There is a good product here,

But I need a samovar!

Gives money. Takes samovar. Carries him home.

FLY: Everything is ready, the table covers.

Samovar is already boiling.

Here will come my friends

I will be very glad I!

Music S. Joplin "Charleston" sounds

plugs appear, dancing.

1st Ladybug: You accept from flew

Several boots,

2nd ladybug: And the boots are not simple,

Gold fasteners in them!

FLY: Thank you! Thank you!

Boots on Divo!

Sit here, soon guests will come!

Sounds music L. Kuprevich "Tula Samovar",

cleans the bee

BEE: Hello, Muha Costoha

Gold-plated belly!

I am with all my native meadows

Brought you colors.

I am a neighbor - bee,

More honey brought!

Oh what it is clean

Sweet and fragrant!

Transfers a bouquet of flowers and a jar with honey

FLY: Thank you! Thank you! My dear!

Sit down at the table, Samovar is ready!

The music of Gladkova "Krakowak" sounds from KF "12 chairs",

butterflies appear, dancing.

1st Butterfly: We are shaluny butterfly,

Merry flying.

Fly around the fields

On groves and meadows.

2nd Butterfly: Never get tired

Cool, flush.

We live very fun

Nectar collect.

1st Butterfly: We flipped in colors

Flew to visit you.

Butterflies (chorus): Congratulations! Congratulations!

Happiness, we wish you joy!

Jam floral trees treat you!

Transfer to fly jam.

FLY: Thank you, cute girlfriends,

I ask for the table! Sit down!

Butterflies are sitting at the table.

Tracheans are born to music in the style of Country, dancing.

1st cockroach: We congratulate you came,

You brought flowers to you.

And the flowers are not simple,

And meadow flowers!

2nd cockroach: You accept a bouquet,

And we teach us.

And we will glorify you,

Health will be desired!

FLY: Thank you, the bouquet is beautiful!

Please sit at the table,

Be a seagull to get drunk.

Appeals to all guests.

Eat, do not hesitate

All treat all.

See what gingerbread I joked!

Melody sounds rus. nar. Songs "Ah, you can, my senses!".

Guests treat (pantomime)

FLY: Beauty-beauties, eat jam!

Or do you dislike my treats?

BUTTERFLY: Your treat is just a look!

COCKROACH: Just embroidering your treat!

BUTTERFLY: Here and cream, and candy.

And what is there just no!

Ladybug: Marmalacks, chocolates,

And nuts, and sweets!

Bee: Gingerbread mint, fragrant,

Amazingly pleasant!

Ladybug: Tubes with cream, pies

And very tasty raws!

EVERYTHING: Congratulations! Congratulations!

Happiness, we wish you joy!

Help you in everything

Honestly give!

Performed rounds under rus. nar. a piece of chalk. "In the Birch field stood."

Second action.

The music of Gladkova "Suspicious Personality" sounds from the KF "Gentlemen of Good luck." Guests are frightened and hiding under the tables.

A spider appears for the music of Kancheli from KF "KIN-DZA-DZA".

SPIDER: I am an evil pouch, long crucia!

I came for a fly,

Cocotua came!

So you got!

FLY: Dear guests, help!

Spider-raise ridge!

SPIDER: I am not only flies,

I and bees, and mosquitoes -

Try everyone ready!

Ha ha ha!

Sounds a fragment of the "weekend march" I. Dunaevsky.

Mosquito appears.

MOSQUITO: I am Komar-brave,

Good lucky!

Where spider, where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his networks!

Spider i'm not afraid

With spider, I will fight!

Music sounds A. Khacaturian "Dance with sabers".

Spider with a mosquito fight. Spider defeated.

The music of A. Petrov "Marsh" sounds from K-F

"Sleep the word about the poor hussar." Komar frees a fly.

Mosquito (fly): Spider I won!

And freed you

And now, the soul-maiden

We will have fun together!

We will dance together!

MOSQUITO: Hey, the sucked cockroach,

Bay rather in the drum!

BUTTERFLY: Bom! Bom! Bom! Bom!

I swallow fly with a mosquito!

EVERYTHING: Today, the Mucha-Costoha Birthday!

Corobeinists appear.

1st Corobeinist: Circle Looking! Circle sewing!

Left. Right to turn.

Merry smile!

2nd Corobeinist: Presentation of fun

And for us, and for you

We will finish at this hour!

Everyone gets up in a circle. Under the music of A.Padavekki "Good Beetle" guests dance.

The melody of Gladkova "Suspicious Personality" sounds.

All guests are afraid. A spider appears with a downtal head.

Spider: Merchant, hero-brave,

Let's put up, fly.

I understood that without friends

In this world, bad.

Mosquito: Okay, you can stay!

Only, Chur, do not go!

1st Corobeinist: It's time for parting,

We tell you "Goodbye!"

2nd Corobeinist: Oh, you, guests are expensive,

Come again to us

We are glad to guests!

Bow for music. Folk.Groups "Ivan Kupala".