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Scenario of the Graduation Bala "Children-Flowers of Life" or a trip to the flower city. Graduation Scenario in kindergarten "Magic flower of desires"

Graduation Ball B. preparatory group kindergarten:

« Magic flower desires »


Lead, parents, children.

House, Fly, Osa, Santa Claus

Children are noisy enter the hall and become a swarming., run, jump, dancing.

Dance - sketch "with toys"

(Music "Used Nyan")

Consider 2 educators

N.G.. - What kind of presentation is?

What is noisy fun?

Why came here

Are you completely alone?

Semen- We wanted to play, cut down, shout

And with your toys here for the last time you will be saved!

Evelina - After all, it was time for us to say goodbye to all with childhood,

Because we need to go to school.

A.Yu.. - Why did you hurry and the script did not open?

It goes everything in order: dancing, games and riddles,

Congratulations and flowers of unprecedented beauty.

Ruslan - Today, we forgot all poems today,

There were just a reached, and now - students.

Arina- Today we dressed up and worry in the morning,

Therefore, we forgot about the script we were slightly.

Lesha - I have a suggestion!

Everything:- What?

Lesha: - overcome your excitement, get together everyone from the hall,

Our holiday start first. Agree?


Children overlook the hall and prepare for the entrance, take flowers, are built in pairs ...

Holiday is simple with us

It only happens

And today in kindergarten

Guests are not in vain in vain.

So met again

In our hall we are guests.

We are ready to accept everyone

On one of you only ask:

Do not judge today

You feed yesterday.

They are worried today and knees a little tremble.

Sun rasco fun

In the windows happily knocking.

And they are proud today.

In a word, an important graduate.

Today is very excited today our kindergarten

Guys accompanses his school

Many people on the holiday

Meet - go first-graders

The most merry and unique graduates of 2017 of the best kindergarten of the city of Achinsk, №21 "Golden Fish"

Children under music, couples come with flowers in their hands. Stand in checker

Music "Cool you got"


Any of us is very happy today

We all sing, and with us birds.

The last time came

We are in kindergarten,

Came to forever

You say goodbye to you


Dressed up kindergarten - you will not know straight

The best thing is my mother's outfit,

And adhesive pants, purely washed hands

And the excitement - we just escort us in the first class.


And with a wave watch moms

At yesterday's preschool

And a warmer look from dad and winks brother,

Even grandma furtively brought to the eyes of a handkerchief,

Being a schoolboy from now on dear her granddaughter.

Artem Z:

Preschool childhood leaves one day

And it will feel it today.

Go toys, cars, rocking things,

And the books of the kids and dolls - the sakes.

Yarik P:

But we do not forget this world multicolored.

And our kindergarten is kind, cozy and light,

AND warm hands and tender look

All-thanks, thanks for all kindergarten!

Song "Kindergarten Do not be sad"


Our kindergarten as a home

We were all these years,

But we leave and come here other children.

Just the word we want

From the letters of big fold

We want it today with love to give!


It sounds now for everyone

For nanny and chefs

For our cute nurse

AND good doctors.

For all who washed underwear to us

And the floor is hard soap!

With sports who always taught us to be friends in the garden.

Give flowers to employees and get up


He's talking with a bow

We careors are our own.

Difficult tasks to solve!

From all guys with love

We say this word.

Everything: Thank you!

Song "Our Educator!"


Thank you, relatives we are glad to hear you,

We tried you here;

Everything that we know taught us you

Well, the 1st class will be waiting for you.

All songs, music, poems

And from smiles bright lounge

All this graduates

Today is your farewell ball

(seating) music


Provided by the head of kindergarten (FULL NAME)

The holiday started fine!

Children, do you agree with me?

look at your script.

Maybe a song, maybe dance?

Well, of course, this is a fairy tale!

Here at the celebration of Nice

We remember old fairy tale the main thing,

But someone in our door knocks

And enter here it is afraid, I will go and see,

And then you will tell you! (Suitable for the door)

Children crawl into music junior Group kindergarten.

Dance of kids

. ml. - the same crumbs

You came to kindergarten,

Learned to fuse with legs

Now you have grown.

And we congratulate you came

1 baby: IN children's garden turmoil and noise

Everyone prepared his best suit.

2 baby: For our graduation, we all gathered,

But everyone was not allowed, and we broke out.

3Bean: We put the dresses and cheeky washed,

Beautiful steel and hurried to you.

4 baby: We are funny, funny

There were also such

We will grow a little,

Also to school for you come

5 child:But it's time to say goodbye,

The school is waiting for you to learn!

. ml. We wish you to learn

For 4 and on 5

And there is also a wish:

We ask us not to forget.


N.G.Our holiday we continue

And open surprise

And will help us flower, multicolored petal,

In a fairy tale, he invites us and the desire is performed.

Petal Magic Our fly, our ball in the fairy tale turn!

So, the first petal gives us a dance "Flower-seven specials"

Dance Tsvetik-Semicetics


A.Yu - the second petal leaves - the future opens!

Scene / Who to be /

Vitya in:

It was evening, there was nothing.

Dima sang, Andrei was silent, Vlad on the rollers chased,

SMS fields wrote, and Nikita took the guitar,

Everyone dreams to become someone and want to tell us.


I want to become an artist to act on the stage.

So that the flowers have always been given, they only talked about me.


I will be a businessman, let me teach me

Mom's fur coat I will buy, dad jeep abruptly.


Businessman is good, and the model is better

I want to be in the shows, let me teach me!

So that the crown get the whole world to combat.


Well, the model, well, what do you find in it cool?

I will apply for the presidency, I will receive presents,

I will manage the country, to add wages to all.


President good, and I will go to bankers

I will make money I, how can all facira can.

My bank will flourish, percentage to give everything.


Ha! I will become a steep DJ, I will twist music,

So that the people are all cheering.

On the X-factor write dance superhit,

All the world will hear about me, Superstar will speak!


Why are you silent you don't say anything. You can't tell us who you dream of becoming


Become a scientist I want and research the computer.

Geography own to watch the world to see.


Interested in you guys, only fame and salary

I have my own dream - there is a simple beauty!

I want to become a teacher, let everyone surprise

After all, from the kindergarten and from school everything begins!

I see that the flower really can fulfill any desire.

He really acts.

Can I try?

I now commend such a desire

Which will not come true

Takes the petal-makes desire: "I want to come to us the guest is unprecedented!"

(Noise, knock, the door jits a large chest,

from there gets out the house) music

House: (Plays on balalaica and sings)

In kindergarten live

From the opening itself.

Without me here did not pass

No event.

How do you live like

What for breakfast, for lunch,

I know everything, I hear everything,

After all, I live here for many years.

Who are you, the guest is unprecedented?

House -Nafanya I, Garden, Well, or the house you think.

The case is my host, pick up, stray, won the whole bag scored for so many years. (Opens its bag, pulls out)

Here sandals, rope, and hair gum!

Someone's handkerchiefs, whose blue sock!

Two shoes, however, different, affected phrases,

A pile of mobs and cap, sick screamers,

Everyone was planted into the corner of his house house!

(the house runs to children asks)

Do not your sandals?

Not your elastic?

Not your handkerchiefs?

Children --- No!


Unless, eh is not good, I wanted to give away!

Okay, Nafanya, do not be sad, guys today are not up to losses, we have them to school! You see, they are sad, you walked them better!


I know a lot of garden games, at the same time I will check what children in the kindergarten learned!

Game "Place flowers in flower beds"

House:Oh, you are afraid of the guys to go to school, hurt the little they!

N.G.Do not worry, Nafanya, they have parents. They will help them.

House: Let them prove!

Game with dads "Some word"

(letters are gloved on gloves for the words "schoolboy" and "portfolio", for the speed of 2 teams of dads dress gloves in arms and fold words)

Game with mothers "braid pigtail"

(2 Mom teams, each 3 multicolored ribbons, you need to braid a pigtail from the tapes)

House:I. , yes, well done, I am now for children, the dad will do the lessons, and the moms for the beauty of children follow!

Our guys will learn everything, because they are no longer small, they will sing about it

Song "Big People" (sit)

The house draws attention to the flower:

Oh, what beautiful! I didn't drink such accommodation ....

And this flower is not simple - he performs wishes! Want to try?

The house takes the petal


Can I have a desire for finally to guess?

I want to listen to a fairy tale!

A.Yu.: (takes the petal)

One, two, three, four, five, .

We will say a fairy tale. Fairy tale with adventures, fairy tale with transformations


And I will go to the most comfortable spot Sick! I love you for the last time!

Fly, Fly Castle, Gold Plated Belo!

Fly on the field went, Fly Muchka found.

Fly Exit - Music

The dance of flies is performed. Then fly finds a wallet with money. Pulls them out and believes:


Once, two, three, four, five ... I can not count!

What to do? How to be? We must go to school!

There will be teaching me if not toastful

Muha reflects:

To school is not just a little flies flies.

Specify the questions of teachers-wasps.

And you do not know the answer, go home, hello!

Well, you have to risk, you need to go to school.

The table is sitting in the teacher -

Fly, come closer. You do not be afraid, I will not hurt.


You guys help, you answer me!

Children answer.

Put the grandmother into the baking patties with a cabbage furnace.

For Natasha, if, Vova Pupies are ready.

Yes, one more pie is a cat under the wilts shop.


You guys help, you answer me!

Children answer.

Everything is in order, a student, you will learn from us!


No, I do not in vain I risked! In the lists still got!

Everything passed from A to Z, I am waiting for a gymnasium.

What would be in the gymnasium to learn, fly, not to be lazy.

What would be known to receive and evaluate only-5.

(refers to children)

You can not deceive me, I saw you who were told!

To school means gathered, now I recognize how you will learn!

Game with OSA "Two"

(Children become in the circle, at the wasa in the hands of 2 on the rope. Children jump, they donate, so that they do not hit the twinkle)

Wasp:Here is my verdict, will receive only estimates - 5

Too deft, yes sly

N.G.:Oh, strict you axes

Look at all eyes
Do you see this color-multicolored petal?

He performs the desire!

Wasp: I adore flowers. I am galage!

N.G.Oh well

Wasp:Fly magic petal north to the east,

In the West, in the south, come back by making a circle,

How to touch you land,

Be in one way

I want dance - Popourry

Dance "Popourry"

Characters say goodbye and go

(Children sit down)

Well done boys. Not in vain went to kindergarten year after year. Much here learned. And then the year ended and you became graduates

Music sounds "Christmas tree was born in the forest." Children and leading surprised. Suddenly the door opens and the breathtaking Father Frost runs into the hall.

Santa Claus:

You heard? You heard? They say, the year has ended. Did you really be late?

I do not understand anything ... who granted it to us? Is Santa Claus? Hello, Santa Claus!

Santa Claus: - Hello, guys and everyone who is in this room! You do not know who said that he had already ended? Oh, what should I do? Where to take the Christmas tree? It's time New Year meet? Now I will take my staff, knock them someone and the tree will be in place!

Santa Claus looks around, looking for staff, but the presenters stop it.

Santa Claus! It seems you confused something! Let's figure it out! We have ended the school year. Now comes summer. Children will play, sunbathe, gain strength to go to school healthy and strong from the new academic year.

Santa Claus:

So am I all confused? Before me, the words "ended the year". So I hurried.

Yes, do not be sad, Santa Claus! But you will be visible on our holiday.

Santa Claus:

And what is your holiday, because the new year has not come yet?

Today we have a celebration and a little sad, it is called "goodbye, kindergarten."

Santa Claus:

And why is he sad?

Because we break up with our pupils with whom we lived for so long one family.

Santa Claus:

How interesting! I have never heard about such a holiday! Wait, wait! So, these children will never go to kindergarten in kindergarten? And I will not see them anymore in the new year?

Yes, our children have already grown, and now they are waiting for the school. In kindergarten they will no longer meet them ...

Santa Claus:

So, it means that I am with them anymore no longer !!! (shirts)

Do not worry, at school you will definitely meet! Side grandfather, be a guest on our holiday, see how the guys dance your last dance in kindergarten

Dance "Farewell Waltz"

Santa Claus:What a beautiful dance! But something is not good to me .... I will suit, I Tay, Tay, Tay ... It's time for me to go home, on north Pole.

N.G:What to do, Santa Claus is now melting?

Children: We have a flower-magic petal!

(children say magic words)

A.Yu: What kind of good, resourceful help helped the grandfather frost, we are so proud of you, you have good hearts!

Song "Goodbye, kindergarten"

So comes to the end of our holiday ... And one magic petal remained on our tag. Let's all go to your desires together.

Take petals


I have a lot of desires: I need friends at school,

And the good marks also compete!


Interesting all lessons! Smart, good teachers,

A change of merry, close near the House of School,


Delicious buns in the buffet, new books, the necessary children,

So that the portfolio is easily rushed and ...

So that the kindergarten is not forgotten!

Soon the call will call you on the lesson

Across the country he shall be solemn and strictly

And he will call the guys with them to a long road.

Dad takes a daughter on his hands with a call and hesitate in a circle.

Fulfill solo song "Farewell to my favorite toy"

Soon the group ours will empty,
Ey all the farewell words.
Golden rustling carousel
Autumn spin foliage.
On the far way for knowledge, science
You will go to the autumn hour.
But we want to know you guys:
Here, in the garden, we are glad to see you!

What to tell you for a farewell at this touching hour?
So that the desire and dreams come true with you.
To break in life boldly, for any business was taken,
So that you come down from the way so that you all proud.
Build, sing and dare, but do not forget about us!

We invite graduates to reward!

Final word, parents. Distribution of gifts and diplomas.

Lyudmila Arapova

May 25 in our kindergarten passed graduation under the motto: "Children - flowers of life "!

It all started with the decoration of the hall. Mum graduate Bogdanovsky Bogdan made us flowers of unprecedented beauty.

Butterflies flushed over the speakers of children on gel bowls. The holiday began with the fact that all the kids of different ages We posted on the "Klumba", and the educators were in the role of Sadovnitz. Children have grown up, danced S. floweries, and soon they became closely, and the guys graduates jumped off the bed and gathered to school. Guys performed songs about kindergarten, o School, talked touching farewell poems. Kids gave punishes graduates and danced dance. Mom graduates helped with great pleasure with the organization of the holiday, and performed the touching composition "Hand Choir" with their children graduates. In this composition, moms were floweries,but children Parcel butterflies, and at the end of the dance butterfly soldered to their mom floweries, satiated and kissed mothers. Very nice!

Of course, it was not without words of gratitude, which parents exchanged and educators exchanged.

Did not cost and without

farewell waltz with educators. There was a delicious cake with the names of the children. Started balls

And then the guests came to the kids, with whom the kids were very nice. Here we have a wonderful graduation 2018.!

And he turned out so funny and beautiful thanks to his parents. Thank you huge! Good luck in school!

Publications on the topic:

We are responsible for everything that our children make let children be born in the world, as flowers rise let. It would be gray our mig on the planet,.

Our army detects peace of the country, so that we have grown, the troubles are not knowing that there is no war. (L. Nekrasova) Day of Defender of the Fatherland under the motto.

On November 20, 1959, the UN General Assembly adopted the Child Rights Declaration, and in 1989 - the Convention on the Rights of the Child. On this day everywhere.

Dear Colleagues! In the life of our group, a joyful event occurred, the portfolio of the group was replenished with another literacy! Our pupils.

Such a decorative jar handmade can serve to decorate your group or original gift For parents made by their.

Good afternoon! I am a teacher -spikologist. My colleagues and I decided to spend a week of psychology together! I developed a summary and pedcut.

Municipal General Education

"Secondary school with in-depth study Separate items №8 »Kirovsky district of Kazan

Graduation Scenario in 4th grade

"Ball Flowers»

Prepared and spent

teacher primary classes

Khamraeva Albina Kuvatatna

2010. Scenario of the prom in the 4th grade "Ball of Flowers" .
(The holiday passes in the decorated hall, on stage)
That's the first school years behind ... It seemed only recently with portfolios, by the guys and crumbling, the guys in grade 1. Remember the first September 1? Unrest, white bows, flowers bouquets, acquaintance with the first teacher, what touching moments! And now for 4 years of study flying unnoticed. The first letters in the cutting, multiplication table ... - And now the prom. Goodbye, elementary school! Prom In elementary school is the holiday of students, the first teacher, and, of course, parents. Feat new life, you can say quite an adult new stage discoveries, achievements! Who said that the school does the lessons mean? School is the joy of communication, bruises, and smiles, and tears, and resentment, and draws. This is a planet with such an interesting part of his life as a change. Selling sadness from parting with the first teacher in front of students and parents, excitement of teacher - Her children now enter into an adult life, every child to pain acquaintance and relatives - how will his fate come together? Graduation evening In elementary school - the completion of a whole life stage, difficult and at the same time, interesting!

    Spring flavored,
The rainbow hall flources. In the wonderland gate open, we begin the graduation ball.
    Lived in our greenhouse
Soft and reliable was the care so that everyone was smart and more painted, the approach was differentiated!
    We are once fragile tender kidney,
The grains with a green stem, slender and modest sprout led to the hospitable house.
    Weekends and rest did not know
Breeders for many years, all forces talents developed, watered light.
    And leaflets, dialing,
Year after a year, they rushed up, the secrets of the world of adults comprehending, the gentle buds were rummaged.
    Well, the years rushed unnoticed
And the training period, alas, expired. Today we are in the silence of the dawn our catalog.
    Each is given its own page:
A varietary material is assembled here. For goodbye, peering into the person, open the graduation of our ball!
(Dance "Waltz Flowers" perform girls with flowers in their hands, to the music of Tchaikovsky)
    Go around the entire planet
There is no better bouquet in the world than one that even in autumn blooms at school number 8
    All our girls and boys
Violets, roses, dandelions. Here, forget-me-notes and carnations that we jerked for pigtails.
    Chamomile, Vasilka, Lilac
Learning at school we are not too lazy. There are also cactis we have a bouquet 4 A, B class!

(Music R. Pauls, the words of Pustovnikova E.N. "Not even evening") 1 coup. Our evening came, the last evening with the elementary school we say goodbye to you. And this meeting, and good evening we do not forget with friends so sing with us.
Chorus. Let none say nothing forever under the moon, let us break up the favorite class with you. School friendship will not erase in the hearts of the year remember a cute friend, we are always with you.
2 verse. Teacher kind, teacher strict and you finally smile today. Forget the alarm, calling your guys in your way in life before. (Chorus the same).

    Everything happened: words, smiles, tears,
Native faces whose timid look. We believe everything in happy predictions, but our desks are waiting for other guys.
    But the heart begins to beat more often:
We do not turn back. But how about this, how to measure that our parties are waiting for other guys.
    My teachers! And in joy and in grief,
We hurried to you for many years in a row! Tell me, today it is also hurt that our parties are waiting for other guys?!
Children are dancing waltz. Composer: Flykovsky A. the author of Didurov A. A. "School Waltz".
    And here are the parents of amateur flower
In a narrow bed behind the house, they sazed grains, great care for him.
    First you just need to water the watering can
Then it is hung, lay it on the bed. Then as they grow, raise, protect it, to feed, feed and drove anything.
    Sprout for all concerns
Stormyov answered: he grew up and growing, and he had become heavily with adults.
    And the gardeners of power have invested dreams,
So that the world luxuriously decorated flowers.

(Composer - Sarukhanov I., Words - Pustunnikova E.N. "I give my hand") 1 verse. I give my hand in the middle of the way I give me a long time to go. Hundreds of roads we have to fuse only the family can support everything. Chorus. Behind - the first lesson behind is a school threshold, behind - cold in the chest behind - all behind. Ahead is a new lesson ahead - the school threshold is ahead - cold in the chest ahead - everything is ahead. 2 verse. Together with you we will solve the tasks, together with my family, writing. Only the ege we will have to pass one lesson we will certainly surrender. Chorus is the same.
(Words are provided to parents)

    Everything will change and rushing
You will not forget only, in our memory you will remain the embodiment of kindness.
    You loved us all sincere
As children of their relatives. So take gratitude from your disciples.

Under the motive of the song "Sharmanca" N. Baskov. Composer - Cool I., Words - Pustunnikova E.N. 1 verse. The favorite teacher sighs about something, probably that our class escorts. They came to the kids, we at school sometime and soon we will replace other guys. Chorus. You cool leadersYou are children's happiness keepers! Let everyone be better in the light of our class to contact you. (2 times) 2 verse. Here all teachers are worthy of medals. For taught and worried. We loved you for your smiles for our mistakes for goodbye. Chorus is the same.

    Spring! The earth flourished!
Fields were blooming with white daisies and blue cornflowers, bloomed forests with pearl valley and bright blue bells.
    And today we bloom - students of 4 grades of school number 8. We are called and called:
"Children are flowers of life." We are four, long and troubled years were in one big and cozy basket, whose name is a school!
    We were good and comfortable in it: everyone had enough space, everyone was fed by the knowledge that our expensive teachers gave us, everyone spisled in elegant round dances, they were removed on fresh air To the picturesque shore of the Great Volga, in refreshing pine forests! We were crucial and protected from frosts in winter harsh times. Therefore, we did not start, because there were wonderful peoplewho gave the part of his hot heart and a long-friendly good soul.
Thank you!
Music Vladimir Matec, the words of Pustovnikova E.N. "Moon". 1 coup. It was unnoticed by 1 route from elementary school in 5, everyone will go wish on a piece of sea the flowers of the most good students. Chorus. Teachers are flowers, flowers them often lack warmth and kindness in life. Teachers - Flowers, flowers Let the desires, cherished dreams are fulfilled. 2 coup. Leaving, today we will be kind of good class at school more than once. We promise to help you with the kids. And of course learn at 5! Chorus is the same.
    You all loved us equally
His love, to all giving giving. For the fact that you are children from us and thank you teachers!
    And it was not kinder and stricter
When we opened the world from scratch for the fact that we are a little bit alike, for all thanks to you, Teachers!
    Worried we all gradually
Sometimes evil, porous cheering. For those who spent us on the road for all thanks to you, Teachers!
    For the eternal table multiply
For the fact that the earth is presented to us for the fact that we are all your continuation, for all thanks to you Teachers!
Composer Kelmi K., Words of Pustunnikova E.N. "Circle".
1 coup. There are quite a few schools in the light of schools, all children learn, but there are only one among them. To her, we became a heart, in her studied and adultels. This school is one school alone.
Chorus. The closure circle you will look suddenly and you will see friends there - our teachers. Let the years fly to the Neron School, be always the school of your berth, the beginning of all began.
2 coup. How many tears were, doubt how much joyful excitement is all will be remembered more than once. Here we are standing on the threshold is waiting for us. Life is a strict teacher very soon she will ask us. Chorus is the same. (On this note, the holiday ends, the children give flowers to teachers).
References used: 1.Arsena E. A. Author's scenarios extracurricular activities in primary school. / M.: Globus 2007 G.2. Magazine " Primary School"199933. Words for the songs of Pustunnikova E.N.

"Childhood Island" graduation holiday

Entrance of the "Peace Song" Girls with flowers, boys with pigeons.

Lead 1.- Good afternoon, dear parents and expensive guests! Today I came long awaited holiday, which is sad and joyful at the same time. We came here to conduct our guys to the next, important step of their life - to school.

And let the ahead of you are waiting for many new troubles and worries, but you should not be upset, because the guys and joy, the best school years and adult life are also awaiting ahead of our guys. And let us, the staff of the kindergarten, it will not be near, but in our hearts your children will forever remain cute, good creatures! Our love will continue to protect them, help in a difficult moment.

Lead 2.- For several years, the guys have become for us truly native people. Moreover, thanks to the responsive, pure child souls and their parents, we were able to create one big family, where the world always reigned.

We very much hope that in the hearts of our little boys and girls, only positive memories of staying in the walls of their native kindergarten remained. From the face of kindergarten employees, I would like to express great gratitude to the parents of the children present here, who brought up open, good, responsive children.

Lead 1. - Just see what we have become! Beautiful, slender, elegant, serious and fun, and good children! They are ready to rise to a new step of their lives - school, with smiles to meet new school adventures, who are already waiting, will not wait for these little princesses and princes.

Children overlook the hall and come.
2 leading:

We need to release birds today,

On the ball, on our graduation,

Pigeons! Fly over the kindergarten

In the lace of heavenly blue!

1 presenter:

Pries, got fastened, realized

Taught baby doves

Rose and went to the far path,

Leaving us, graduates!

2 leading:

You wish the sky blue

Warm native breeze!

Future light, big,

Pigeons, fly to the clouds!

All children are suitable and stand in one row.

1. Local Ball! So much eye samir

Restrained now on us.

Are we invited everyone to the holiday?

And no one forgotten anyone?

Children: No!

2. Today we are graduates. Aliya

Farewell, our kindergarten!

Bought moms diaries,

Tutorials, notebooks.

3.Portfels New Take, Ramazan

And with bright colors

For the first time in school we will go,

And with us - our moms.

4. Today, we graduates, Julia

No longer reached.

We are waiting for funny calls

And new guys.

5. We look at the unfamiliar class Damir

According to school corridors.

Farewell, our kindergarten, we are more than once

You remember you with a smile.

6.We for farewell to SPO, Rail

Let all give this song.

Let this song May Day

Flies on Bella Light!

Song "Kindergarten"

1 presenter:

Here and the preschool childhood was formed.

You are on the threshold of life different.

Let the blue bird remain in memory

Your first waltz, and graduation ball!

Dance "Waltz graduates"

All sit, the boy and the girl remains.

Being to plunge again

In the carelessness of children's years.

And hand reach

We are prior to fabulous planets.

Maybe there, beyond the horizon,

Childhood eternal country

Es slip out, flies.

Blue bird in the clouds.

Music sounds, a blue bird flies into the hall.

The girl and the boy run up to her, try to hug her.

Blue bird:

Stand, stand, wait,

My wings do not remember!

(Children sit on the chairs)

I-blue bird, friends,

I certainly have learned me.

All these years, day by day,

I watched you.

I did not happen by chance here

I live on the island, where many miracles!

I watch in this room

Parents and children.

What do you do here at this hour?

2 leading:

We have children today

Go to first grade!

Song "First Class"

Blue bird:

So you are very big?

Is it time for you to school?

Well, a happy way,

Farewell, the defector!

(going to fly away)

1 presenter:

Blue bird, please do not rush

You're about childhood island

Better tell me.

How to find the road?

How to get there?

We know, because they do not go

In the childhood of the train.

Blue bird:

If you want to,

I will show you the way

Only the path is dangerous

And it is impossible to minimize.

Many adventures

You guys waiting.

If someone is string

Immediately disappear.

2 leading:

Above the head, friends

It is impossible to retreat ...

Blue bird:

Here you have a magical feather,

Take care of it.

Just begotch

On the island getting ...

Just remember that songs, friendship, laughter.

Bring you on traveling success!

Blue bird gives pen and flies.

1 presenter:

Well, friends, go on the road? (children's responses)

And parents take with them? It will be useful at least for a moment to be in childhood.

1. What are some island invented

2. I will stay here and do not go anywhere ...

3. Yes, there is no childhood island ...

4. Ilyas, do not try to walk barefoot.

5.Yut, do not stupid dress.

6.Dir do not sit on Earth.

8. And in general, ..... you, as a head,

Forbid this dangerous journey ...

2 leading:

Well, do not want, and do not stop us. Magic feather We have, courage and courage - even debt. We go on a trip.

"Children's march".

Children overlook the hall, failing to parents, and appear in another door, looking for anxious and mysterious music.

1 presenter:

Are we already on the island? But there is no one here ... something is scary to me.

Let's go back to kindergarten. We want home.

2 leading:

And you remember that the blue bird said - only courage and friendship will help overcome all the difficulties.

1 presenter:

Above the head, friends

It is impossible to retreat!

We are a company

Decent attention

Island this is curing

And friends find yourself!

Song "Company"

There are strange metal sounds, and the voice makes an ad.

Well, on the island,

All bow low.

King Shalya-Valya passes closely ...

Raping music sounds. The king of Shalya-Valya 2016 is coming.


Who is on the way here got up?

Who did not pay honor?

Oh, will fly from the shoulders of someone's head,

King Shalya-Valya

All shout "Hurray!"

2 leading:

If we knew

Who are you.

We would greeted you

All soul.


I am the King of Shalya-Valyai ...

Here I am what.

Look at me,

I am so cool ... ё.

Children look at Shalya, silence, Shalya looks around.


Okay, I'm Shalya-Valya.

Greetings guests.

Who, where and what are you going?

Answer quickly.


We guys - reoxoite,

Profit here from the garden.

We gathered there in the morning

Kid festive day.


O - Treets, oh - swelling,

What per day is fun?

It's a garden today

Charges to school.


Who about school here misses

His youth kalychit?

And why do you need a school?

But there is no touch completely ...


In school knowledge gives ...


(interrupting children)

At school offend, beat.

So unclearly explain

Like the songs sleep.

You would go to me to serve

Phanto, Cola will drink,

Sneakers combat

On the grass all day to lie.

In general, heal cool ...

Well ... And I will not go to school.

1 presenter:

Do not persuade us

Let's go to study in the first class.

Yes guys?


What for? Iha, the moghers are built, and what is good here?

I here studied in grade 1 4 years and enough. Won as well preserved. Why do I learn? I live so well: Baranki on the trees grow, candy on Christmas trees, I sleep, eat, yes I walk! King I or not.

2 leading:

Poor him! You probably do not know anything!


Like this? I know everything! Want to check it out?

1 presenter:

Guys, and let's actually check what the Shalya-Valya know!

Well, your majesty, tell me how much it will be 2 + 3?


It will be it will be

Something about six ...

2 leading:

Children, the correct answer?

Game "We play with numbers"

Lead 2.: Wear cards to all playing on the neck (on the ribbon). While the music sounds you dancing in a circle. With the end of music, it is necessary to lure in ascending order (from 1 to 10).

1 presenter:

I will take four letters

And from them I will be threatened!

One two three four,

Here is already everything is ready!

Well, look, look,

The word is reading it!


Whether soap, or little

2 leading:

What is written here?

Children: Mum!

Game-relay "Collect" Five "

Children are divided into 2 teams. In turn, run up to the hoop, in which the fives are mixed, twos and three. Take the top five and return to your team. The team wins, the first coping with the task.

1 presenter:

Can you answer us?

What would always be healthy

What do we do in the morning?


Everyone should know

It is necessary for everyone a little ... sleep!

2 leading:

Children, the correct answer?



What would grow strongly to us

Clever and bold

What would grow healthy

We are charging!

1 presenter:

And you, Shalya-Valya, did not answer for any question. You are so unborn, you do not know anything, so no one wants to be friends with you.


What should I do now?

2 leading:

And you throw your royal sacks, but take an example from our children ... They, unlike you, start with charging every morning.

Want, we will teach you.

Charging song "Hares got up in order, hares make charging"

1 presenter:

Okay, okay, Shalya-Valya, we so squeezed with you, and we need to go, however, the children, the blue bird on childhood island sent us.


Hush hush! On our island, even in thoughts it is impossible to remember this feature person! And you say about it out loud ...

2 leading:

What's the matter?


One ignorant person, referred to as Ataman, wants to get this bird in a cage. Rumor passed that she performs any desire. So they are growing throughout the island of her servants-robber, looking for it. Okay, I will go better ...

Shalya-Valya leaves. Anxious music sounds, children are hiding behind the chairs. Robbers appear, sing a song about a blue bird. Stop, start to look around around.


1. Nothing?

2. Nothing ...

2. Announced.

Both: Come on!

The sound of wind is heard.

1 Robber:

The wind will not be easily

Someone will be here.

This wind change

Give many problems!

2 Robber:

Again will learn us again.

How do we live and who should we be!

Better we go from here,

What we see this miracle!

Music sounds, Mary Poppins appears, performs the song "Lady Perfection"

Mary Poppins:

Hello Hello,

Cute children!

I am the best nanny in the world.

My method is affordable

And very simple:

You should do with all the soul!

After all, very soon, for the first time,

You will all go to the first class!

We start the rehearsal of the school lesson!

Sellee Rivne, legs together ...

Together, not wide.

Put your hands, straighten your back.

This is all science, it is so easy!

Do not sleep, do not yawning

I don't navigate your head

In the nose do not pick up

On the chair do not swing.

I told everyone to sit right.

Thank God, I'm not my mother!

You can not move

You are schoolchildren, friends!

Children perform all teams of Mary Poppins.

Mary Poppins:

Now I will introduce you to the schedule of classes for the evening. ... So. First mathematics, then culture of behavior at the desk, then the rules good tone, then the lesson is good manner and finally ...

1 presenter:


Sorry, dear Mary Poppins, and in your schedule there is a place to change?

Mary Poppins:

And for which you need this change, this is a waste of time.

2 leading:

Eh, no, so it won't go, even our children know that in school, after each lesson there is a change. Here we will arrange it now. Guys, when we are well with you, what are we doing?


Children perform "Brazilian dance"

Mary Poppins is trying to stop the children, children dance finish and distribute robber sounds.

Mary Poppins:

Well, I have come.

Oh, I do not need problems,

Where is my wind change?

Mary Poppins takes an umbrella and flies. Robbers come.

What is this noise?

What is it for the gaps?

This is who arranged here

Cheerful Taramas?

1 Robber:

Children? This is who arranged fun on our quiet island.

2 Robber:

Children? This is who disrupts the peace of our darling attamance.

Here we are now ...

Put the rope on children and taught from the hall. Decoration changes. Ataman sits in the chair and sings a song about a blue bird.

Atamysha's song (Masha Rasputina "Blue Bird")

Get me not a bright star

And the bird certainly blue

Let me go in the same evening

For her distance in the horizon line

Blue Bird, Blue Bird

Blue Bird, Blue Bird

Only in a dream it is necessary to circling me

Blue Bird, Blue Bird

Can you appear

Blue bird.

Robbers pushing children into the hall.


Who are where

This miracle appeared?


We are guys dosochkolate

We arrived from the garden.

Having fun there since

Soon it's time for school!


School? It's so awful,

Very scary and dangerous!

Difficult and uninteresting

It is known to everyone!

There no one will help you

But everything will happen, maybe ...

Robbers all the time to give to the attacks.

1 presenter:

At school very interesting,

Unusually and wonderful!

Inquisitive people

Soon to school will go!

True guys?

(children's responses)


And well, prove,

Well, show!

This is all the treasure

Your inquest ...

Children perform a song of inquest.

2 leading:

Louder, music, play,

We invite us to polka.

Polka "You and I"


You and me, you and me, together we are friends ...

Nothing like this. Only I and everyone for myself (refers to the robber)

So you will go to the fire and in the water?

Will you save him if he is sinking? So, and you are talking about friendship. And no one is needed by your friendship.

1 presenter:

And let's check, the best friendship is best manifested in games and competitions.

The competition "The right things in school" play a couple of children and a couple of robbers, choose the necessary school subjects and carry them out of the basket in the portfolio.


OK OK! Showed!

OK OK! Proved!

And now I tell me a secret, where I find a bird blue?

2 leading:

Why do she need you?


Yes, I want to ask her to live with me, the desires accumulated a lot!

1 presenter:

But the blue bird does not fulfill the desires! She helps to find the road for their execution!


You do not learn me, you better tell me where she flew? Well? (comes together with robbers for children)

Children: do not say!


Do not want good?

Grab them, knit,

Site in the dungeon.

In the dark, they will be happy

The bird will give away.

Children sit in the middle of the hall, and throw the grid on them.

2 leading:

Maybe parents were right when they did not want to let us go to such a distance?

1 presenter:

Well, above the head, do not be dressed, remember, what did the blue bird say?

2 leading:

She said: Just remember that songs, friendship, laughter.

Bring you in journey success.

The king of Shalya-Valyai appears, displays the network and produces children. Atamasha comes with his retinue.


A - aaa, who is hosting here, wanted with them into the dungeon, Your Majesty ??? Well, take them all that you are standing? (to robber)

1 Robber: We are sorry for us, they are kind.

2 Robber: They taught us to dance!

Shalya-Valya: And I charge me and fold the words!

1 Robber: And we will no longer help you, seek your blue bird itself!

2 Robber: We are no longer afraid of you, because now we know - friendship helps to live in the world!

Ataman: Well, I'll show you. I will find this blue bird and I will order it to close all schools in the world, and you will remain illiterate.

Ataman leaves. Heroes unleash children and get up in the dance.

Friendship dance (in the end, everyone hugs)

1 presenter:

It's time for us to go back, but we will never forget you.

Children leave.

Music leader:

Well, where did you disappear? Parents are worried, the police already wanted to call - the whole group of children disappeared ...

"Disgrace, so much time waiting for you"

"Where have you been?"

2 leading:

Do not worry, dear parents, all alive and healthy. We were just on the island of childhood.

"Erunda, there is no childhood island" (arguing with children)

The song "In childhood everything is happening" children and parents sing.

Rings call.

Game with parents `School lottery`
Soon the child will go to go
School life comes for you.
New worries and trouble will be delivered
To rebuild your whole life.
And at all here you expect now,
What will happen in families, today we know ...
Several parents come out. The presenter asks the question, the participant pulls out a cube or a card with a response and reads the answer. Answers: Mom, Dad, child himself, cat Vaska, neighbor, all family, grandfather, grandmother.
1. Who will raise an alarm clock in the evening?
2. And who is followed by first-grade?
3. Who will get up at 6 in the morning?
4. Who will be the first to eat breakfast?
5. Who will have to collect a portfolio?
6. Who will be the traveler to read daily?
7. Who will cry, remaining without power?
8. Who is to blame if the child got two?
9. Who will go to meetings?
10. To whom to drive a first grader?

Music leader:

That's all, our time is over, and we have not yet managed to check the knowledge and skills of our children.

1: Do not worry, we have already checked everything. And the most important knowledge to which the children learned is friendship.

2:- expensive parents, today we are waiting for, perhaps the last festive concert In the walls of this kindergarten, so let it pass on a wave of good mood, under the sounds of laughter and loud applause. Let's remember how well it was your children in these walls.


Congratulations to the kids and senior.

We came to congratulate you with admission to the 1st grade,

And we want to wish you all the excellent students.

We promise you guys that without you in the garden

We do not break colors, all toys will save!

You have grown up,

You almost went to school!

Kira, Valeria.

But do not forget about us

Our kindergarten you visit!

Remember our kindergarten,

Have fun always with us!

Diana: Dress care carefully

To watch it was nice.

Forms to pop up, check,

You're big now.


Take yourself to order

Do not play with things in hide and seek.

Each book is valuable

And in order to hold them.


In the lessons do not gigchi,

Chair there and do not move here.

Pedagogue Uvaza

And the neighbor does not interfere.











2 leading:





1 presenter:





2 leading:


































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