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Scenario of the graduation ball in kindergarten "Magic flower of desires". Graduation evening in elementary school "Children-Flowers of Life"

Graduation Scenario in grade 11

"Flower Ball"

Music sounds.

Lead 1. Summer fragrances proud

The rainbow hall flources.

In the wonderland gate open,

Inviting for a farewell ball.

Lead 2. 11 years in our greenhouse

Soft and relied was care,

To each be smart and more

The approach was differentiated.

Lead 1. Kid once fragile kidney,

Whitish, green stem,

Slender and modest sprout

Brought parents to the hospitable house.

Lead 2. Weekends and rest not knowing

Breeders for many years

All the forces talents developed,

Water, the light was added ...

Lead 1. And leaflets, dialing,

Year after a year rushed up

Mystery of the world adults comprehending

Buckets of gentle scored.

Lead 2. Well, the years rushed unnoticed

And the training time, alas, expired.

We are in the silence of evening

Our overflow directory.

Lead 1. Each is given its own page:

A varietary material is assembled here.

On farewell, peering in the person

Open the graduation of our ball !!!

Sounds music _____________________________________________

Exit-defile graduates. Graduates go to the hall.

Music sounds ________________________________________________

Coming fairy colors and elves.

Fairy: Good evening! How well, that you responded to my invitation and today everyone gathered here!

Leading 1: Hello dear! But what right do you manage here!

Fairy: How is what right?! I am a fairy colors! Who else, how not to me, to be the mistress and the owner of the ball of flowers?

1 Elf: After all, children are the flowers of our life, our recovery!

2 Elf: And each of them is unique, like a flower! Therefore, today is not just a ball, but ...

Together: Ball colors !!!

Fairy: Today we will make a whole catalog flower cultures! So that everyone knew what a variety of forms and colors, talents and skills was grown under the roof of our greenhouse. Therefore, no flower will be offended by our attention!

Leading 1: In this case, maybe we will present the main breeders of our orangenee?

Fairy: Sure!!! Especially since these are people who every flower know in the face and name.

1 Elf: They are known all the secrets and secrets of plants. And what needs to be done so that their advantages are shone, and the disadvantages disappeared.

2 Elf: In general, our entire colors catalog is a large bouquet in their magic basket ...

Leading 1: Meet! Director of our Orangeie - Chivrich Elena Vladimirovna /applause/ . It was she who spent an important and difficult job for improving culture for many years.

Leading 2: Today, florists gathered in our hall, which invested a lot of work in the fact that today our bouquet spurla, Uplashhal, sparkled paints in all of his magnificence - these are our teachers!/applause/

Leading 1: Experts are present at the festival - our respected guests:




Leading 2: A bouquet would never have turned out so wonderful if not the patience of those who cherished, wrapped flowers from it. These are tireless gardeners - lovers - parents of our graduates /applause/

Sounds music .

The elves go beyond the scenes and put out the sacboid with certificates.

Fairy : After these glorious words,
I'm sure ready
Everyone here is friends with me,
I'll really serve you.

A day before the bala of the graduation, I made a warhead

To the land, where we, magicians presented the saczozh.

In it certificates painted, speaking

What borders are not simple opens the school house.

Take, bypass and do not lose,

Do not give a duplicate

Do not leave anywhere in a deposit

And in life boldly apply!

Sound fanfare

Lead 1: For the presentation ceremony of certificates about secondary education graduates - 2015, director of Lyceum Khivrich Elena Vladimirovna is invited to the scene

Speech by the director of the school.

Presentation of certificates.

Lead 1: Dear graduates!

Your school ball is a significant milestone,

He is a bridge from childhood in his youth.

We wish you in the way of good luck and success,

We wish you find yourself in big

And the world's full difficulties.

Lead 2: On this crossing is good any support, an excellent idea, any good farewell. Today they will sound in your address, but at firstwe suggest to say the test word experts - guests,which will assess the quality of the work of our breeder scientists.

The word is provided ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Guest performance.

Presenter1: Guys! Behind the difficult, responsible time becoming. As an undusted bud on a flower, it contains you already in total: with defined tastes, with the prevailing glances, intended goals ...

Lead2: And then - as it will be. Determine! Choose! Dare!

In the meantime, let's survive with you happy moments of yours, alas, outgoing childhood.

Sound fanfare

IN 1. Well, it seems that all. School lessons will never be more ...

AT 2. Strange word "never". Everything will be: Institute or Technical School, Family, Children, Work, But the Schools will not be already and childhood will not be ...

Childhood gone ... It went down the drop, quietly and unnoticed with the first letters on the board, with short dresses,

IN 3. With piercing calls, which are more expensive than all theorems in the world, with a friend, the usual voice of the teacher.

AT 4. And the wind was noisy outside the window, the light was lit in the class and under the recognition in the love of Tatiana Onegin was written off mathematics, they were proved to be unprovable theorems ... And the childhood was gradually gone, left ...

AT 5 . The last chapter was addressed
From the book that we call us a school.
Each of us has its own,
And the sad turned out, and cheerful.

AT 6. We are so hurry, the time of hurry,
Dreamed of raising a point.
And tied the last thing our call,
And at childhood we ask the past delay.

AT 7. Would still fly to floors
Break into the office without permit
And write the word "milk" with a mistake
Do not want to teach multiply table.

AT 8. And who else will forgive mistakes
And daring, sometimes, the behavior.
For a hundred for the first time we will say:
"Well, look, last I give a warning!"

AT 9. And no matter how sad it was now
Teachers, parents loved
We know for sure to each of us.
Everything in this school was soleh.


IN 1. We are infinitely grateful to all of our teachers: and those who met us on the porch of the school, when we were disgraced by the babies for the first time came here

AT 2. and those who taught us to write, read, consider, to know the laws of nature and human being,

IN 3. And all the employees of the school, who all these years were next to us, helped us to husband and grow, did our school life more convenient and easier.

For us now, everything is somehow very new,

Everything happens in the first and last time.

And you sad - repeating again,

Sursing for another eleventh grade.

But we want to tell you finally,

What gratitude to our not to measure.

After all, only you are crazy children

Could grow us - and we were able to believe in us.

You put the estimates below

You treated us in the fore

No one is offended -

You knew that we could just.

You thought: "After all, we will help."

You asked us questions.

And what was impossible

Now for us easy and simple.

You stay, we go away

And life goes, flows, rushing.

We have fun and sad it seems

That everything changes under the sun.

Everything will be experienced - joy and adversity,

And we will support your faith in life.

And we hope that after years

We will be an example for our children.

And your daily work recalling

We will tell without sticks about the school's school.

We will help, as you helped us,

Thank you, you are just our conscience!

Health to you, peace and well-being,

In all matters successful outcome!

Let the hopes of the ray warps you

Flowers, smiles of school people!

Song-Clip _____________________________________________________

Presenting flowers

Leading 1: In a narrow bed behind the house
They planted the grain, great care for him.
First you just need to water the watering can
Feed it, dip, lay it on the bed.
Then, as they grow, raise, take care,
Finger, feed, and in anyway.

Leading 2: The sprout for all worries was answered:
He grew up and grew up, and he became heavily with adults.
And the gardeners of power have invested dreams,
So that the world luxuriously decorated flowers.

Leading 1: Of course, you guessed that it would be about the most relatives and friends in the life of our graduates - their parents.

Leading 2: Guys! Be in life you are brave, honest, stubborn,

But I ask you, remember everywhere

How glittering tear in front of the dad and mom,

Return you more often in the father's house.

Leading 1: These words on behalf of all parents of our graduates joins ___________________________________________________________

Sound music sounds.

1 graduate

Dolls thrown, no pigtails,

Tears of the First Love Unfortunate

I crushed with thick cilia.

1 graduate

I'm less and less with you,

SMOCK I gather a girl,

I sometimes forget about you.

2 graduate . Dad, see how I grew up

behind the shoulders are already a school.

But to you for advice and help

I, as in childhood, go ready.

2 graduates . Mom, see how I grew up

I am also cutting, and quick-tempered,

But in the soul I still

And wound and very touching.

3 graduate . Dad, see how I grew up

Evenings I hurry on a date.

But still, only you

For me - the most, most.

2 graduates . Mom, see how I grew up

But I'm still tied to you,

And all the best that is in my heart,

Only you, my dear, must.

1 Employment. Yes, we grew up, became higher

And stronger, and even wiser.

But still in the moments of difficult

In your help, parents, believe.

1 graduate Your feelings will not be blown on time

The tenderness of your year only multiplies

How many b winged was not changed with veins,

Also the heart is worried about us.

2 graduate We are sometimes inattentive,

Unforgivably indifferent

Independence we defend

And I do not want to be obedient.

2 graduates . But believe me, all this bravada.

There is no one for us more expensive.

And without you can not.

3 graduate . Let the smile always accompany you,

Let the tear do not mist out the gaze.

Yes, we grew up, but still

You we believe in everything ready.

3 graduate . Thank you, bowing to you low.

For love, kindness and patience

We love you, we love you very much,

Away chase from the heart doubt!


Lead 1: The traditional parting word says director of Lyceum Khivrich Elena Vladimirovna

Ignites focus

Leading 1 (because of the Kulis):


Notice how you are degrees in the rigor of the outfits,

Note the girls - yesterday's classmates unearthly beauty,

How much in the air of June positive charges,

Only because you are dancing on the graduation ball.

Note - the young men are dyingly,

Almost skillfully school waltz, circle first,

And as parents of the eye sparkle surprisingly -

The son of adults became when he managed, oh, my God ...

Graduates dance waltz.

Leading 1: Well, here we finished flipping the bright and colorful catalog of 2015. Let us take a look at all the exhibited samples of the colors of our greenhouse and we will admit them.

Sound fanfare

Leading 2: Remember that difficult tasks
Life will be presented more than once.
Let the joy, happiness and luck
Party do not bypass you!

Scenario graduation Bala in primary school

"Sun Flower"

Before the beginning of the holiday, parents occupy places in the hall. Graduates behind the scenes.
Lyrical music sounds with a gradual transition to more cheerful way.

Leading : It is said that miracles do not happen in the world ... Believe me, they exist and even are next to us.
One of the wonderful miracles of the world is our children. They, like flowers, appearing here and there, decorate our life and fill it with a special meaning ...

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guests! Today we gathered here about a very important and significant event in the life of our children - the end of them of primary school.
Applause of viewers.

This event coincided with one loud and unusual sensation: For the first time in our school, an unusual "flower", which personifies the children's team, was grown under the ready leadership of excellent teachers. For four years, he was surrounded by special warmth and love. And today it's time to collect his first seeds.
Of course, for my life, I raised a lot of "colors" in my garden, but this worth evaluate especially. It differs from his other breamers thick hair, has 10 pairs of black eyes and very similar to the sun. Not surprisingly, his name is sunflower.
Probably, you will not wait to look at him closer. To do this, I invite you to the garden.

On the easy background Music leads as it were "opens up" the gardens gate, removing the artificial flower vine from one side.

Dasha T. .

Here is a garden that broke the teacher.
Here he put all the strength that he could.

But the real garden woven,

He protects the garden from the trouble every day.

But before us and the teacher himself,
Today leads the result in the garden.

And here and the brainchild
Miracle flower

Ripe today

On a designated time.

And this, take a look,
His seeds.

Known for a long time

All their names.


They had to be pretty, friends, sweat,
To grow together to grow everything, mature to the summer.

They are proud of their big

And remember all the days that they went for a year after year.

Their joy, the excitement is never endless,

Our children in the hall stand we celebrate we!

Children enter the music "Your World" performed by N. Negolev.


Chustry, Sports,

Brave, active,

Sophistication, curious,

In general, attractive.

All smart and beautiful!

Quinochki call

And we need it there, then here

Our class is inhabited by 10 people. Average age -10 years and this is a lot. The total age of students -100 years, 4 months, 2 days.

According to the sign of the zodiac, our class "Virgo".

Favorite day of the week of class - Sunday.(Chorus)

Favorite season - summer!

Andrei: We take a job - the case is to be impoverished!

Zhenya: Pupils - lovers to talk with a neighbor in the party.

Dryer: Quarrel, but still mirmy.

Igor: We adore writing notes in the lessons.

Ildar: We are proud of a chatty half class, that is, girls.

EVERYTHING: We are the headache of our teacher.

Angelina : Everyone! All! All!

And those who are suitable, and those who are here!

We declare an important news!

Dryer: Today there are no whitewings,

And those who are looking for prepositions for criticism,

today it is forbidden to be sad

we will withdraw all sad!

Igor: Attention, attention!
Our holiday begins.
Good and happiness wishes
Let now do not end today.
With sadness with school, say goodbye,
Particle of her magic
In the heart of keeping promise.
Andrei: 2. Class today smiles Yapik!
How many moms, how many dad and sisters.
Even my brother, even very busy,
To us today came to the holiday!
Day today is quite special,

We gathered here, friends,

To say goodbye to primary school,
This will make you and me.


Ildar: Today is extraordinary day!

Dasha: Today is wonderful day!

Daniel: today graduation!

Dasha: So he came, the last school day.

And May-wizard, admire yourself

Satisfied with gentle lilac

Lilac fragrant flowers.

Daniel: It would seem recently we were kids,

And in the school newly entered the first time.

4 years have passed and we have become more adult

And behind the fourth class remained behind.

Zhenya: four years you taught us to learn

How to sit right

How to lift your hand

How to live in the team,

How to share everything with each other,

Igor: We are ahead of new sciences,

It is not easy for us to overcome them.

But in grade 5 will not be boredom

And it will be no time to hurt.

Rita: Well, today our graduation is our holiday

From the kids we go to the middle class.

So let's together, together

Let's start our hour.

Dasha: With great joy we meet

And our holiday we start!

Dryer: There were a lot of holidays with us:

Spring and autumn, birthday, Christmas tree!

And this one is the best - graduation,

In the soul will remain for a long time!

Host: Today we are all worried about: four years you have risen step by step in the most difficult steps of the knowledge stairs. 2448 lessons learned you along since then. Dozens of rules learned, hundreds of tasks and thousands of examples have been resolved, many scientific facts settled in your heads, and some still do not fit there. 1836 hours spent schoolchildren at the desk, and this is not counting the time spent on homework. 1920 written notebooks, but not each of them is shown to parents. And Lavrukhin Daniel will not hide his notebook for the first class. He will show her everything now.

I am ten years old, I'm in the fourth grade,

Already I went to the fifth.

I'm under the sofa on the terrace

Yesterday I found my notebook.

My notebook - Lavrukhina Daniel -

I lost in the first grade.

Inside - you will not figure it out!

I didn't really write it?

What scary hooks,

and dead mug

bend, like an old man,

and fluttered from the line.

Dryer: (looks into the notebook to the first, laughing, says):

Well, the fat woman "A"!

Well, just like a frog!

I "I" curled his head

The "e" gave an eye.

And what is this nonsense?

Four sticks jump!

Everyone leaned up who is where

As our fence in the country.

I have fun from the soul:

The kids are terribly writing!

Leading: Yes, kids write awful. But in the first grade you did not raise the estimates. Guys, now what do you like to get an assessment?(children's responses). Wonderful! But what Andrey thinks about this.

If I were minister of all initial secondary schools,

I would very quickly abolished the assessment of Count.

I would attribute words to my order,

What else is being destroyed by the "two".

And then thinking the night from dawn to dawn,

I b ordered without warns to abolish the estimate "three".

What would study - not in torment, so that moms do not disappear,

to learn with pleasure on "Four" and "Five".

Leading : Cancel "Two" and "Troika" we, of course, can not, but learn to "four" and "five", not to upset moms - it is possible.

Our class is the best? (YES!)
The most friendly? (YES!)
But what do we differ from others?

1st student: In our class there are Daria and Rita,

2nd student: Zhenya and Rustam.

3rd student: Do not forget about Ildar,
4th student: There is Igor and Andrei
6th student: Angelina-bright soul.

7th student: Let's call Daniel

8th student: Dilyara - There is no such thing in the world!

Chorus : This is our class!

Leading: Listen to some statistics. For these four years that the guys studied at school:
- They ate 2 tons of buns;
- grown at 1100 centimeters;
- Skill for 75 kilograms;
- If you add all textbooks, books, magazines, newspapers in the line, which guys have studied for these 4 years, then their length will be equal to the distance to the Moon and the opposite path to the ground!
And the guys got a mind, learned to be friends, having fun, dance, put performances. And when they sing, the good energy from the songs can replace several nuclear power plants in power.

Song "Little Country"


We were afraid, worried,

When we were led to school.

Thought lessons - boredom

And that in vain we led us!

We worried about in vain,

It turned out everything about "kei!

The lessons were cool

And the teacher is not a villain!


We studied, we tried

Books a lot we read!

And swear and put up

And friends purchased!


We wrote all the reports

And projects produced

we visited the museum.

It turned out that the guys turned out

All we have about Kay!



Together with us in grade 5

Our moms pass.

Everything that we taught us

Moms are best held.


Moms, cute, good mothers,

Do you want thanks to say.

For care for the fact that you are moms,

Everyone is ready to forgive and understand.


Daddy, our favorite,

Grandmothers, moms, relatives,

We wish you a variety of benefits.

Live for a long time

Not knowing the quarrels, grows, troubles,

In love and happiness for many years.


We thank parents all

For their concerns and anxiety.

In the soul we are you by the Bogatvim

And thank you talk.

Song "Parents"

Andrei: But, in spite of everything, each of us knows exactly what we did not study, with all our take-offs, with joys and experiences, for our parents we will still remain the best. And grandmothers? Yes, they just finish school again !!!

Scene performed by Saitova D., and Mirgaliyev Dilyara

Two old women.


Dear guests!
Look at this garden,
We are not by chance everything was found here.
Attract yours, probably look

Flowers that I am gently trembling.

Against the background of plants of my garden, one distinctly stands out big flower. It is called "Sunflower grade 4". And his seeds are you, my students.

Today you have finished the first school step, which means that they ripened to continue studying in secondary classes.


And now behind those times
We presented to the court seeds.
In their favor, all reviews and arguments,

Ready for everyone and documents.

Without afraid or a bit of difficulty,

They have been gaining wisdom for 4 years.

Growing a plant in his garden, every owner is cherished, hoping to subsequently get a rich harvest. For four years, I persistently achieved the ripening of each seed in my sunflower. And my hopes were justified. Seeds in sunflower large, mature, without flaws. They are so good that it is a pity to part with them. Indeed, in a basket of this flower, the best inflorescence of my students is collected, and I will gladly call their names.

The teacher calls the names of students, says good words to everyone, presents diplomas and diplomas.

Akopdzhanov Andrey -The most friendly, "Mr. Artist class". Andrei has many literacy for prizes in sports. This year is 3rd place in the Ski Race "Skiing Russia - 2012".

Danillina Angelina - Restless Heart, "Miss dazzling smile. " Angelina actively participated in various tenders of the school and municipal level, for which he has a diploma for 2 place in the area of \u200b\u200bfireproof theme.

Daniline Igor -Olympic hopes , "Mr. Master on all hands."

Actively participated in different competitions at the school level, for which there is a diploma with prizes.

Janitova Evgenia -Best classroom athlete, "Miss Charm". He has literactions with prize pools at the district level: 1 place in ski racing,

Kubyshev Rustam -The best connoisseur of mathematics, erudes . « What is not the minister "! Rustam's name is listed in the encyclopedia of the Saratov region "Gifted children - the future of Russia", in this school year has a diploma for 2nd place in the district competition of crafts on fire-fighting topics.

Lavrukhin Daniel -The most cheerful and resourceful, Mr. Most Reliable Comrade. Daniel has a diploma for 1st place in the regional competition "Christmas toy" in the nomination "Story", 1st place in the ski race "Ski" - 2012 ".

Lavrukhina Margarita -Soul release , Miss Kindness. Rita participated in the regional competition "Easter in Pokrovsk", in the nomination "Art Competition" - the "Easter basket" handicraft, for which there is a "prize of sympathy of the Competition Council".

Mirgalieva Dilyara -Unique talent, "Miss originality", has a certificate of participants of the All-Russian remote competition of children's creative works.

Saitova Daria -Miss Intellect, samples of the pen "Creative debut." Dasha has a diploma for the 1st place in the Regional Competition "Easter in Pokrovsk" in the nomination "Literary Competition".

Shishkaliev Ildar -The most reasonant, Mister compliment. Ildar actively participated in various tenders of school and district, for which certificates and certificates with prize pools.

LEADING:Growing something, we sometimes come across unusual form or the magnitude of the fetus. Seeds of my sunflower is no exception. Among them, two very large grains are highlighted.

This is Kubyshev Rustam and Saitova Daria!

(I am handed learning letters, as well as mugs with the image of the sunflower, to the edges filled with seeds.)

(The rest of the children are handing mugs with the image of the sunflower, but smaller.)

I wish that in further study you managed to accumulate as much knowledge how many seeds in this circle, and so that they are more than enough for life!

Applause of viewers.

Host: Of course, everyone has their own talents. They help a person to leave their indelible trail in life: build a bridge or steamer, fly into space or to the moon, write a symphony or picture.

In our class there are many such talents at least now the TV journal "Yelash" takes off!

Mini - scenes.

Scene : Janitova E., and Shishkaliev I.

It is known that folk wisdom reads: "Good seed is kind and shoot", "What is the seed, such and the tribe." And indeed, good seeds - This is the basis of a rich harvest.

So let them shift you all: "Bravo!",
Hearts will open open.

You deserve it, right,

For skill and work!

Applause guests. Screams "Bravo!"

Song "Friendship"

Applause. Handing medals.

Everyone knows that in the garden there is always a lot of work. Therefore, any gardener is glad to take timely help from their friends, amateur gardeners (parents) and colleagues.
I would not have been able to grow unprecedented flower sizes. My colleagues helped me:

school Director


Elena Fedorovna!
We recognize that we are a little bit
You delivered trouble,
But the teachings can not
Completely without worries.
Promise ready to be friendly
Though the whole class come to you,
Dear you are our director,
You will not let you down!



Natalia Evgenievna, Zagauli respected!

We want to confess to you in the feelings of non-burning.

In the fifth grade, you spend us.

You do not rush to say goodbye to us,

In the fifth grade to survive you help us!


Guly Grigorievna! You are our hope!

Are you so kind, who will support us?

We know - it's hard with us, but we promise

Attach all the forces, we do not give up!

We know - not angels, but we promise

You do not disengate you, we do not give up!

Khoz Service


Dear our nannies,

dear our moms

Most of all we walked to you

Most of all we watched you

And you removed the whole school

Until morning all washed

For this honor you and praise!

All cleaners - cheers!

Dining room


Walls, staircase tremble -

Breakfast our class runs.

Top table surrounded

The table is empty.

Very satisfying, very tasty -

You cook skillfully!

For this honor you and praise!

Our cook - cheers!


Rustam What is a bookkin house?
There is a hostess with him.
Books best pages
She has hand - birds.
Racks - as a system of soldiers,
Shelves are brilliant with cleanliness.
Eye Merry Ogonek
For the soul you will give a lesson.


Foreign teacher

We Bath, Guten Tag, Sprukhen Doych

Forget no power.

They even absorbed blood,

That in our veins.

And now we are easily

"Snickers" read.

Where he is made and when

Only then eat,


Foreign languages
Pretty strange -
Tool, tooling transcription,
And ... nothing in the brain!
And we do not need a maximum,
We only need a minimum,
To read the nonsense all
On imported pants ...

RITA:Four years unnoticed flew
Everything was: sun, wind, thunder.
But before we leave, we need to tell.
Thanks to everyone who was next to us!

Angelina: four years you taught us
Were in a huge country of good and knowledge.
We remember how first in class entered
But today let's say: "Goodbye!" "

Zhenya: There is no honorable labor in the world,
What teachers are sleepless, restless.
You will not forget, Svetlana Ivanovna, never
And we will love your love.

Rustam: Thank you, the teacher is our first,
For your huge work that we invested in us.
Of course, we are not your first release,
And yet we loved each other.

Dryer: teacher first
Everyone has their own
All she is good
But best of all ... mine!

Waltz ("My tender and gentle beast")

Rustam: We in our class be friends,
Walking without mom learned.
And we see now
Cheerful, friendly
But unlawful obese
Fourth, matured, class.

Dasha: Today the last lesson is completed,
Last rings in the corridor call.
We are bags under the mouse and rushing scrapping,
And walk together for the school threshold.

Rita: And there, behind the threshold, foliage rustling,
Maples are swinging, fusions are noisy ...
So it all starts summer,
What are the forests and fields expect us!

Andrei: And wherever I was, wherever it was,
Whatever I find new friends,
On the river and in the field I remember school,
I remember that in the fifth grade crossed!

Song: "You got cool ..."

Leading. Gardeners and lovers (parents) came to share today's joy of our gardener. We give them the word.
Parents. We are pleased to attend today today in your garden and admire this wonderful flower, which has become a great heritage of your garden. This is a real discovery in pedagogical science! We congratulate you on the deserved victory and wish you further discoveries in this area.

Host: I am grateful to you, dear parents, for warm words. You were me real assistants.
Grinding this sunflower called "4th grade", I "squeezed" not only from children, but also from you. As a result, that I am very pleased with the product, which is clean and transparent, as spring water, is useful and has many calories that everyone needs.

We demonstrate a bottle of sunflower oil.


1. How do we not fuss,
How do we not sing about you,

After all, we were able to break through

Together with you in the 5th grade.

It was very difficult

Not at least sometimes

But we are mutually

The path found everything, yes!

    On this day we congratulate
    From the heart of graduates,

    In hencefight we wish everyone

    Only red diaries.

    Having visited the elementary school

    And now say goodbye to her

    We know that very soon

    We will miss everything.

    That's the fourth grade,
    You have matured for a whole year.
    Let the friendship having tied you
    Solves from all sorts of adversity!

    4. Be kind, be modest
    And help each other in everything.
    Good way of life in life ... and we,
    We always wait for you with a victory!

5th parent. Dear children!
6th parent. We want to be proud of the seeds.
7th parent. Take greetings from your dads and mothers!

The parent team performs a song on the "leaves yellow leaves".

Congratulations on the graduation we
Congratulations on graduation we
You now
You now.
I will not regret
Nothing regret
We are for you
We are for you.
We could easily in the garden
Here to get together
To sunfall today
To admire.
No such flowers
Over all light.
So appreciate the teacher,
Please, children!

8th Parent: Today, dear guys, we are very happy for you and tell you a friendly:

Everything: " Good luck! In grade 5!

Song: Inseparal Friends »

Parents hand the director of the parent committee receipt.

The text reads the chairman of the parent committee.


We, the following, parents of today's graduates, Mou-Oosh P. Zodopyanovka Issue a receipt that we really receive in 2012 our children surrendered to school in 2008 for storage, training and upbringing. There are no complaints about school, but there are gratitude and very large.

The parental committee on the admission of children marks only one circumstance: we handed over the children of small format, and we obtain large-sized. It is harder to feed, wear, shift in market relations. But, nevertheless, looking at the satisfied and full, beautiful and spiritualized faces of the children, we hope that our children gained in primary school will multiply on the benefit of society, and society from these goods, you look, will allocate parents.

Thank you for this and subscribe: Moms and dads, grandfathers and grandmothers and other relatives.

Parent Committee for the Acceptance of Children.

Parents leave the scene.

Leading: Thank you very much for patience, support and attention that you have provided. After all, it is not for nothing that the very first teachers are Moms and Pope, Grandparents. Without your participation, we would not be able to raise such wonderful children - our graduates of primary school. Therefore, let us give gratitude from school to the most active our assistants!

Presentation of letters of letters to parents.

Leading . Dear guests! I suggest to admire this flower once again - the fruit of collective labor.

Applause of viewers.

Leading : Dear Guys! Today on our holiday in the garden there is a teacher who will be your class teacher in the 5th grade.

Meet Davletov G.G. (Represents a teacher).

Applause of children and parents.

I hope that it will become my successor and will make every effort to create a fertile ground for the further growth of our "seeds".

Let them shout

On the right day will give sprouts!

And to give sprouts, we give you a necklace from "Golden Keys".

Leading th. Dear guests! We are glad that these "seeds" fell into good hands. So, in the future, we can hope for a good harvest.

We will not hurry time,
Let everything go, the turn is not disturbing.

Then we will be able to raise everyone

In the gardens where the novelties of the crop waiting!

Leading . From all the inhabitants of the garden,
Who are in a hurry

Read more award

For matured guys.

Her we are solemnly, chinno
Ready to prevent you.

To do this we need together

Here the oath to all pronounce.

Putting a hand to the place where the heart beats, solemnly choir pronounce:

Oath of the fifth grader.
When entering into a number of students of the middle stage of the school, in the face of their comrades, in the face of parents, in the face of the teachers solemnly swear:
1. At the board stand, as the best goalkeeper, not missing the ears of any question, even the most difficult and tricky. I swear!
2. Do not bring teachers to boiling point - 100 S. Klyano!
3. Being fast and rapid, but not exceed the speed of 60 km / h when moving on school corridors. I swear!
4. To pull out of teachers not core, squeeze not sweat, but durable and accurate knowledge and skills. I swear!
5. Swim only on "good" and "excellent" in a sea of \u200b\u200bknowledge, diving to the depths itself. I swear!
6. Be decent of your teachers. I swear!

In response, your parents also want to pronounce an oath.

Parents are ready for oath?
Parent oaths.
Children in learning will always help. YES!
To children have a school proud. YES!
We do not frighten the tasks of the leaps. YES!
Formulas remember nonsense nonsense. YES!
Klyamy children are never dead. YES!
Only slightly lit up sometimes. YES!
We will be calm, as in the river water. YES!
We will be wise, as in the sky star. YES!
We will get up in the mornings in the cold. YES!
To catch and here. YES!
When it is time to study
Together with the children we take a walk then! YES!

Host: Well, and in turn prepared an act of receiving - the transfer of students in grade 4. Listen, I read:



graduate grade 4:

I, Shirshova S.I. - The primary school teacher, trust you a whole constellation of smart, creative, original, restless, sometimes conflict, but the most cool children.
Technical specifications:
Boys - 5 girls - 5, medium height 130 cm, medium weight 30 kg

Hand-20, legs-20, smart heads - 10.
Languages-10, of which the chatty-5 (the speed of the conversation of 400 words per minute).
Eye -20, including 10-kind, 10-curious., 10- mischievous, 10-bright, 0-indifferent.
Special signs:
Love to run

love to fight

to joke and laugh

so that they loved, respected

never offended

to pay attention to

birthdays celebrated.

For four years, the class was operated in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education, and the school administration. Children have supported the verification of the Commissions, showed excellent open lessons, passed monitoring studies of knowledge of knowledge for the course of primary school and can study the items of the next level of education.

And now the most responsible, causing moment comes. You read the order about the transfer of you in grade 5.

The word is granted to the school director: Judkina E.F.


Dryer: Now we have become older -

and much.

We grow every day

and every moment.

Our life is called forward,

calling the road.

The world of knowledge is so extensive and great!

Rustam: Yes, we will be more serious over the years,

Matures mind. Purry thought.

And these years will be like a foundation -

The one on which life is built.

Ildar: None in the world of Herudious Labor,

What the teacher is restless.

We will never forget you

And your love will be worthy!

Angelina: Say oneself with the initial school

All here we came today.

And we want to say that it is not for nothing

The years have passed these for us.

Andrei: And with the Toskoy ever remember

We are our class, change, calls.

And more than once will stand on the threshold,

Remembering those days from the soul.
Leading: Will be a year, you will become an adult
And often you remember,
How was good and just
School together to walk together.
How do you have learned to work
And sang at the feast of cheerful.
Be happy, my friend is my friend,
The next stage is the next -

High school!
In honor of the end of the elementary school, I prepared a surprise for you: a video film with the statements of some guys about what they most remembered in elementary school so that they would like to wish the first teacher and photomontage from 1 to 4 grades - the most interesting photos.

/ Record this installation I give every student on the disk. /
View video movie
Leading : So our holiday came up to the end.
I want to wish before long dear
Not so little, not so much;
So that the sun shines, so that it was happy
Forest knowledge with friends to walk.
So that the wrong misfortune you went around,
So that it was fun to grow and dream!

Children sing the song "Goodbye, elementary school!"

Tsagan Vladimirovna Ovalova

Scenario of Graduation Bala« Children- flowers of life » or

music sounds number 1

Scenario of Graduation Bala« Children - flowers of life» or trip to flower city

music sounds number 1

Two children overlook (Better boy and girl). Make a conversation, calling each other by name.

1 Bair U.: Alina, you heard that adults often say, children - flowers of life.

Alina: Honestly, I did not hear, but it sounds very beautiful! Just think about it (dreamily) flowers of life…. Only I do not quite understand what it means?

Bair.: I will be happy to explain to you. Here to answer, for example, flower Rosa, beautiful?

2. Alina just delightfully beautiful!

Bair. Beautiful?

2. Alina is certainly beautiful.

1bir. And what do you think, many adults love flowers?

2. Alina I think many, well, in any case, women and girls are accurate flowers loveYes, just adore. I'm sure!

Bair at the child: Well, that's why it is why they say that children are flowers of life.

2. Alina means children, that is, we, the same beautiful, beautiful and beloved! And what about this is something .... But…

1. Bair no (name, just ... Let's go better today in flower city or ... it is better to say in Flower citywhere these most flowers, Topics - children…

2. Alina Great idea, (Name! We are looking at his streets, let's get acquainted with its inhabitants, and they will also have to say goodbye ... Could it really turn out that children are flowers of life ... and what? Sounds sooo beautiful!

1. Bair Well, then Alina, Forward, in flower city.

Music sounds __vals flowers.

Children They go beyond the scenes through the middle of the curtain.

*Children read poems.

Adian 1. City of childhood, flower city

He is very, very good.

Zalyan 2. We will pass on your favorite streets

And see how the sun burns,

Anya 3. I hear how to laugh children

On our flower Planet..

Camid 4. How to be sad and laugh

Heroes of different animation.

Zalyan 5. We invite you to visit flower city of V.,

Music sounds louder. Scenery flowers, Children's couples are squatting, face to each other, shoulder to viewers, heads are omitted,

Children are presented

1. Elegant and talented Bambayeva Ailan

2. Merry judiciary Chercher Ilya

3. cheerful and charming Montykova Cagan

4. Purpose and brilliant Darin's Uleeva

5. Fair and resourceful Mandgiev Erdem

6. Neat and dreamy Nohaev Vova

7. Inquisitive and active Nohaev Sasha

8. Capable and elegant Gakhaeva Alexander

9. Restrained and executive -Nastaev Bair

10 Active and resourceful Ivanov Naran

Children are dancing Waltz

bocames (flowers) Before the scenes opposite the parents.

Leading: So, our Children come out by couples for a large circle and get up, opening flowers walk through the flower city began. We were with you on our first street cities of flowers. And it is called .... On the screen, the name of the street on the proposal of the host read children.

Street: Romashkovo-Sadovskaya

Sasha G1. In our division city

everything around is beautiful

Cute, gentle, colorfully,

and children are loved.

Aylan 2. In the morning only the sun will throw

gentle golden ray.

All the guys are resorted

in that town native.

Darina 3. Here friends, girlfriends,

You can open your secret,

With a good teacher

For souls to talk.

Chang4. Interesting day passes:

We play and sing,

We draw and read,

The ball is cool we chase.

We have mastered the letter!

I'm praising for you!

And then walk go,

Everything: In a friendly garden we live.

Speech by the younger group

Sounds the music-street yellow dandelion, otherwise the street is good mood.

It is possible to laugh in the record. No. 9 The Music Hall includes laughing cheerleanka, well, it seems, it happened. (sighed) Hello guys!

Guys greet.

My name is amateur. I was waiting for you very much. I live on this street, with an amazing name, Yellow dandelion street. Presented a dandelion, Zheeldly ... Feel? No, you feel the mood begins to improve .... Well, you all smiled, because you got to the street of a good mood.

And I immediately, guys, will not wait with you to play cheer. Here is the right now I want to play ....

But in this wealth, such difficult and unusual riddles ... I do not know, you can cope or not? Responses of children.

Veselinka: Well, I start.

White snow is dressed -

So comes.

summer (winter)

Quacked asking

Cute, kind.

Piggy (cock)

Found five berries in the grass

And ate alone left. two (four) At night every window


{!LANG-bd756d31aa1af86d1b698fbf2f6ee5f4!} {!LANG-517cc681953d8ce90417dee66e88926f!}




{!LANG-8f3e7695eacf903a98c1a7b34066783b!} {!LANG-e317e3005c5ae12441b37e4ddd25d70f!}

{!LANG-84ff89d5701acd0159c9c527ec4ab767!} {!LANG-ee190f5d9cf16afd7efcff906d846f46!}{!LANG-43facc6a02eae67983a88225f14d6eee!} {!LANG-8b40eed918ed82aa00e95d59bc6125af!}{!LANG-ef4c3304c099f0200546b3e1bd9858a2!}


{!LANG-1f3d0a407f2d09b9a65f1f978bb3ea8a!} {!LANG-fd1967438295296920aee52f12ebc82b!}


{!LANG-d6a2b7e7a093404b776504455b977714!} {!LANG-21d576c65aad37a8628327e4e809b159!}

{!LANG-98bc33f357a8d63aa4ebebc8987c1d04!} {!LANG-4efe4c11d10b66642678638de820ab2f!}? {!LANG-573f808f496a1e8bb5ffe199a807cb93!}{!LANG-8cff64fb74d8fd4f99b22b841f93f8eb!} {!LANG-347963b9412281cadb7277588864c5f9!}



Children{!LANG-26d4b22741d123224b6d1a4e0f202bc0!} {!LANG-c57f9e343adaefee6549b860d9de3c65!}:


















{!LANG-dc6a9e540493798e025724833a1fc3c2!}: children{!LANG-b859b1bf47aa864200aedceff9b8dc15!}

{!LANG-7b160f0524739f8fb9e2b1177261aa30!} {!LANG-034e7b640f399114941c5e2a66d39407!} {!LANG-c396fae75642234d5a2c3e518991caa8!}{!LANG-b26c705bb7bec920bc5de3e0307cf64a!} {!LANG-f874639071cc84e68f73e514af1e50b4!}.

Veselinka{!LANG-115389425522e100f72bc4b287eca621!} {!LANG-30573d91a7076f98c5f00dbd6d966402!}{!LANG-730ea55f201069c7d96803e062e171a0!} {!LANG-93d803b418b44e96d4fb92f978f97ed7!}



{!LANG-85f575b73fc58fab7b317de1a88b6f22!}{!LANG-532a47252c58a3e6b0c0dc1dbdf93c7a!} « {!LANG-aa8aa8591978b05e61116fc9cf0e9c35!}{!LANG-b6d6201cbc193f54608af88f3c87719d!},.

{!LANG-9debf4e192930d513239481eee87fcc0!} {!LANG-86cde588982fc55bc4919dad6ff65b04!}{!LANG-bd6b7eacd48f1efaa5a7635adbc43e3b!} {!LANG-6cbc9047ddbbd4b1781975f332f8c500!}{!LANG-666937a0ec94aa0cb9b72882640289d1!} {!LANG-35054410d62c0a9464fa9a4bfec9efc0!}{!LANG-227fccc3f323b7750494c9472e50d91b!}




Leading{!LANG-bb9fd2434ca5cb499a35aa2434208a78!} {!LANG-64f8cf4b6b767e6f3bc3acfd185b0a01!}{!LANG-836724a1328256053998ce4d3e4e7643!}

{!LANG-91c9d46941a4d386f79271e51308bda3!}{!LANG-d40ec5c6565f648f2d1ab5863bf4410c!} {!LANG-81f98684f95e6528909d2abdb99507c9!}.









{!LANG-5af87eaa18ca7e17d8b73d9ab0f10be0!}{!LANG-eac3644414f66e8f3ca9716b75d5173c!} {!LANG-058bb55957006f8383b3f59e2ad2d03b!}!






{!LANG-ab382e8445a17c2ac229f23126fd7b30!} {!LANG-6d3fbf45bf256a1ffcd2d10d004c4a3b!}!





{!LANG-92157285ee6edeb5854c2e06ba88b09a!} {!LANG-45fe3ff634a34c89264df115e327b9ef!}:




















{!LANG-cc0ffca6b2498b78148de7afdbccfdfe!} {!LANG-6d39d8d4b5f1aa94fbe18700888a9aff!}:





















































{!LANG-5722fe002f10e4a2b5658798948af951!} {!LANG-aade8790a683893ce053f4ffe89edf97!},



{!LANG-aa88b7366f168437946269357902fc46!} {!LANG-ab611ffacd1c93b59a40fa5bccd4fac4!}:





{!LANG-8e0fc54af24d487e95bce761d914062d!} (5)






{!LANG-c157979a3d5a6d539b26a37925e458e1!} (6)






{!LANG-3ef936eb39fa840cb2f9cdd7a77773b6!} (5)




. children{!LANG-37c077dfed91e77fe6e7989fc86ac408!}








{!LANG-eafbd6bd3f8feb4377d4e03fcafe489e!} {!LANG-15672828f826524320b2d5b8e3a91497!}:






{!LANG-e0a889897ac92bf191ea22a6128b8c2f!}: « {!LANG-1a80cab6dea2a8964951b93fe746b353!}»
















{!LANG-533f4c767be416dc40ba38573ff9c8dc!} {!LANG-4739972f6d9efcdf7c68ebbfa8c60dc4!}{!LANG-64000d174f72cb88554dc9b6a6140bb4!}






{!LANG-a08fb74288c86b83c67309d1da6739e5!} {!LANG-479da8400bfdb18f174e0f44a28cc836!}


{!LANG-45a7ccaad8f91f424b3ff3da80aa1d05!} {!LANG-f3402da532a2f1faf008497815719ae4!}{!LANG-a9fa5b80e85483b57e00cd086e7d9154!}


{!LANG-70e4ae1c6fb5c34719e159679156bc4c!}{!LANG-7b7bd1ce6e665aa37ae37d52fc0bde9e!}{!LANG-4e47cfcd8015c9066a920667ae5fef05!} {!LANG-72bc92faa3e51ac24da23073e989f604!}.

{!LANG-e8a2cfb4e999bcf12842760738b7438a!} children{!LANG-cf8dbcd3aa90253c258763933d5968d9!}

{!LANG-6253a5a953a19584f4b01aa6af77a80b!}{!LANG-6a01bfd2670de31163ab21bc6edf4f53!} children - flowers of life?

{!LANG-dbbbfb6f4e3dbf463c375b2659f17eee!}{!LANG-b0a058becacd58c6eb8947aefff43a25!} children - flowers of life.


{!LANG-23d63a7c9f194e452cba4416c3726443!} children{!LANG-26bf7ba696e984f2b777011f4b7fb079!}

{!LANG-66e68532f429c93821dd8ba3bcc32f14!} {!LANG-05d7484b027ca0c1e85bb5ed7d2ebd64!}{!LANG-2631b86dd7a8df837eecd3a10c816747!} {!LANG-b1cd1fa51b569bf3f356e98876ff67d5!}!

{!LANG-2d13dcaeb5e73d6ebb00ee22f637f774!} {!LANG-05d7484b027ca0c1e85bb5ed7d2ebd64!}{!LANG-a374ed36e0c5d558922a25d891175a07!} {!LANG-239b4b02987c15f72894b357ca8ce85e!}{!LANG-f0ce2e6ec060040922884010b0bc4e60!}{!LANG-1f99a2de491e7ff9ab57fdf97455ba7b!}

{!LANG-6ac5cac7c1664d15bfbdc1133baa821b!} {!LANG-8989c2c2dfc9bbb59b0b2269b6b8b980!}{!LANG-38701b2fe9c79f17e774c941bec886f0!}

{!LANG-4157e9fe6e48c7727eb182211790ccbd!}{!LANG-23492a8f27dc6b6fc7953ec71ac49f2d!} {!LANG-05d7484b027ca0c1e85bb5ed7d2ebd64!}{!LANG-d93569436cd5a48868cbbb99f44583ee!} Children{!LANG-8e279b226e7940954e3f5025c1a34804!}

{!LANG-2dd0f3bacd70c60ab1c0c3fe819a093c!} children{!LANG-51a9a3f22340e12b45df2df6b516d62d!}


{!LANG-edaceb8f2d23c0f76756728a5f5cfd00!} {!LANG-127e2c2a4dad8755071d58f48ca9dfec!}











{!LANG-cbeeda52930bf47f155ae26ab6121497!} {!LANG-479f359367949b91e1a3e8a8cc8797fb!}{!LANG-dc527f3b758ab0ecae8a8301868eb152!}









{!LANG-51f4e91b0939bd1443850884eb7ddbae!} {!LANG-35bfff623c538c87b6cf238fb003e4f0!} {!LANG-da5c6fad0ada6f13128262efd5292397!}{!LANG-a76fa82f58eba51e226244029f166e26!}











{!LANG-b3253b4d72a6c5be1d9b0e4c7ee289fb!} {!LANG-6b6152d88c5f504618e8cf792d6f0479!}

{!LANG-b82f6f9b4179b06187592fb5da52f942!} {!LANG-f5ba84bc05fc2b35ac4f0667b6d8ecd5!}


{!LANG-678f3fcf61a7da01f614423bbd50dad0!} {!LANG-51fc30f375a42513f0dbbbc91a095356!}





{!LANG-05f32604766494576307e6cdb8a1b95d!}{!LANG-0b17f2fce28a08f0be56306e33b225b4!} {!LANG-02af1bc98aacb53446af23f2615d2540!}














1 {!LANG-fd201480f8f53f61e5651280727dfaa3!}































2 {!LANG-e8fabf8499026275a1d47f14f062569e!} .

{!LANG-432cbbf7719237bc018f8b9a915f11de!} {!LANG-dbb8fddb6de320707ef5f23dd2a37a13!}




{!LANG-615f0725d23216c69810a7546291b65e!} {!LANG-3341c3335e9d3f36cf7eb2ed3de8f271!}




{!LANG-432cbbf7719237bc018f8b9a915f11de!} {!LANG-0b77d3fba3658e438b7aab02b2eb32c4!}




{!LANG-615f0725d23216c69810a7546291b65e!} {!LANG-6de59246d58e73a08bf6712262fb9e89!}





{!LANG-432cbbf7719237bc018f8b9a915f11de!} {!LANG-c17dc54128e27e996cd0d6854adcbf97!}




{!LANG-615f0725d23216c69810a7546291b65e!} {!LANG-758e140c4cb6939329450699ac60e307!}




3 {!LANG-8ed1af108863eb36f2913a97784117cd!}

{!LANG-432cbbf7719237bc018f8b9a915f11de!} {!LANG-21630b91fa0340127118bdc80f8b193f!}





Fairy: {!LANG-1cc0722696d834d1176ab33ec5f6d826!}













4 {!LANG-00d8a8bca709f4ece0831e932e9a283e!}

Fairy: {!LANG-f93fd8dcb17a291b0c189172898affc9!}






{!LANG-2a3be39c4de4cf0c22e2cb8523ec616a!} {!LANG-977a3264412b7aee3b4177686cd7530c!}

{!LANG-cd9b96e04de413e827f5b965d5e97033!} {!LANG-ae42400a574249dc91c2a0720b053413!}

{!LANG-cbdb18bed37f07b0e7797ed1e1d9d7a8!} {!LANG-b79ae503d44237b327cfeda49d171a07!}

{!LANG-8f8f6a464a1d7394099d59dad2d5912f!} {!LANG-f90417612ea4716f9985fa3d7c87a478!} {!LANG-a21e2032c34bbb422c7836bee9f8bd2a!}







{!LANG-7fca42d3e01c6cf73a9f73b90a5a0062!} {!LANG-348729713a81ccf93e65b6857dec5a5f!}{!LANG-5943edc685182dd477a3e8d8ed725130!}
















5 {!LANG-49bc63c285e6775f82ade618e0bee223!}

Fairy: {!LANG-ba0c44013959aedf52786e9d5f6531c8!}









































{!LANG-39a6e20d58a49d13cde3d183e0bb6adf!} {!LANG-4030ce6510acedcbd20fd01b2c1b9a51!}

{!LANG-44afe14cdd5ac2d3fc67f03f48aa30da!} {!LANG-6b92a8f12a92730384d8c15257e72e97!}{!LANG-f14d9630ee1e86ac1402d55f9988a2cf!}{!LANG-31a9160b93a8a773c7c4f0eb00a44eae!}


{!LANG-7924bd53735ea7fc6cea0e939ecaa238!} {!LANG-55bb47df5502bf2192601a46e3181bc3!}

{!LANG-3204bbc7ed8a43a68e03cf1142335732!} {!LANG-fb35cc4ac69bc6b1f2235741a60b29b9!}

{!LANG-7924bd53735ea7fc6cea0e939ecaa238!} {!LANG-5a32b65c14d7c28f9bb53115f5959707!}

{!LANG-3204bbc7ed8a43a68e03cf1142335732!} {!LANG-4f7c897471b27f7b3b4215b5cb51296b!}

{!LANG-7924bd53735ea7fc6cea0e939ecaa238!} {!LANG-104eae6a30ace57e5a49c6cbe1abf1f1!}

{!LANG-3204bbc7ed8a43a68e03cf1142335732!} {!LANG-2959beff3d4d2ef508ce6d3c43518c45!}

{!LANG-7924bd53735ea7fc6cea0e939ecaa238!} {!LANG-521e0c41ba3372f45efd60eb4c381b5d!}

{!LANG-3204bbc7ed8a43a68e03cf1142335732!} {!LANG-1019d5e96f172181e18f428f4c016434!}

{!LANG-7924bd53735ea7fc6cea0e939ecaa238!} {!LANG-590c0bc4c7f01279a980b5a8e0b6bd7f!}

{!LANG-3204bbc7ed8a43a68e03cf1142335732!} {!LANG-5cbad3b12b89b694cd4f119b13bcedfc!}

{!LANG-7924bd53735ea7fc6cea0e939ecaa238!} {!LANG-2d5bd3ae1c69c1405d5e7fbbc99b093b!}

{!LANG-3204bbc7ed8a43a68e03cf1142335732!} {!LANG-a68b839598683720d48526264754f9fc!}

{!LANG-7924bd53735ea7fc6cea0e939ecaa238!} {!LANG-e3a675f443e99e64248b52d525da4744!}

{!LANG-3204bbc7ed8a43a68e03cf1142335732!} {!LANG-4116d14bb8c4989852630c0ffd7ec74c!}

{!LANG-7924bd53735ea7fc6cea0e939ecaa238!} {!LANG-1a644a9ba40aa86264fe788549a941b9!}

{!LANG-3204bbc7ed8a43a68e03cf1142335732!} {!LANG-36f6746aa5fc04ee8502179c91b4e865!}

{!LANG-7924bd53735ea7fc6cea0e939ecaa238!} {!LANG-e5544b755a183bb534170cd40a2bab1a!}

{!LANG-3204bbc7ed8a43a68e03cf1142335732!} {!LANG-3aa752e756a778ea1a10764ff1454875!}

{!LANG-7924bd53735ea7fc6cea0e939ecaa238!} {!LANG-4ca95f8426411ee6724f34e0384897cf!}

{!LANG-3204bbc7ed8a43a68e03cf1142335732!} {!LANG-20a78bc6d376b65603f3c0f952047420!}

{!LANG-7924bd53735ea7fc6cea0e939ecaa238!} {!LANG-5a55c89181c5b6e4490ff16f4b8a43f9!}

{!LANG-3204bbc7ed8a43a68e03cf1142335732!} {!LANG-d37394562f1011fc7ef6db2586002ba5!}


Fairy: {!LANG-9be416ba56099600c465099e2cf6013f!}






















1 {!LANG-ce458eac8e844aa4566b6c88e802911d!}




2 {!LANG-9845cdc2692c854bec1e453a0895c5d2!}




3 {!LANG-d520c11fbdce45cbb58ea6ab48c1c43f!}




4. {!LANG-da23fd6be5f31739052bd2838433d531!}




5. {!LANG-f5af80e6337f908b0ee114790dca39de!}




6 {!LANG-15a1e25ae3a1d12f7ac35aff8cc37083!}




7 {!LANG-8ed86919ca3d20b24be7e05d877df43b!}




9 {!LANG-0501e639f4337ce838d89be1b0e7e89c!}




10 {!LANG-2d731298b975014f02deb90faa816b30!}




13. {!LANG-5cba6f7ba34478f0dc5d95b42552be13!}




14. {!LANG-0ce6f7754fcf42a83f76e97fb04b06a3!}




16 {!LANG-a12abcd7ebfcd2ba6657fc88b8ea6c42!}




Fairy: {!LANG-b34715d8a5f75eab353ba028c88e90c3!}














{!LANG-615f0725d23216c69810a7546291b65e!} {!LANG-29a0a54c100c27a5e0160f2764657c17!} {!LANG-f5a0f1e40849cbac9ce945b73c9dcf93!},
















{!LANG-5763f0057d86aec0501656e5e0fd52db!} {!LANG-ee4712a0e92a6abb59ad03c71ed8bfa3!}













{!LANG-a13bfa3c1822ec7d3dcdefcf14197adf!} :

















{!LANG-9105322dec1b17f1a82f0de600f636ee!} {!LANG-3fe930a0ee44630d954312132ae058e3!},


















Fairy: {!LANG-4ed960350d15599d5d05f7e8657f9aae!}





{!LANG-01ae5a364cbbe25b39c47aedd0e905c7!} {!LANG-0763a9293f27f1d0502c52f3e4cf74e9!}


{!LANG-02e43ae4f97d952a2a3b6f338a1f65ad!} {!LANG-482e551eb2837454b999163f5f0d08bf!},








{!LANG-6fd29576fdd9d5a2eed61f728d3c26fa!} {!LANG-abefa5980bbbe9e48f9212a3ca8b8810!}












{!LANG-d326a3386faa4e3196d753dd4cb5403b!} {!LANG-a301e1647db7e099e16e4f3fcd71f4e3!} {!LANG-2c474e78c625bcbc46ba080106cec180!}{!LANG-9bcd4b2e2519e821916068627b64c1bb!}


















































{!LANG-4b104c417b2ea934d49eef43bd436a25!} {!LANG-de90250bbe09f628cf35acaac6e62d79!}{!LANG-85cdb11b4ebcb28e3aa2c61513f68b69!}






{!LANG-dccc1d519370b12f072892b3d0ff14fd!} {!LANG-53e61eece2aeef57a209ea3a517e5c0b!} .
{!LANG-2333958cf0da43ee6b48a42f225de876!} {!LANG-9753879f04dfe6732c38efbe1f0ecbff!}{!LANG-f49309b0165730ce67bb1e900edc5b7b!}

    And leaflets, dialing,
    Well, the years rushed unnoticed
    Each is given its own page:


{!LANG-f7a7555769945b938961dbc1c40d304f!} {!LANG-fc93119b47c74236c1ad1412f7610808!}



{!LANG-48fcdb0bd4c7ea983a94f6ba8c1848d3!}{!LANG-b3620b1cb675cb7a4578e45e39b1fbd6!} {!LANG-b7a904cd9436a257d04f02c29ec7338b!}{!LANG-391545eebde3a2c845d7049be432c0fb!}

{!LANG-4febe9299af5a8dc957539520a79481f!} {!LANG-3cd65e5825dc1743e931c572d6d42453!}