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How to cut the background in Photoshop: Easy and fast way. How to cut any objects in Adobe Photoshop

To create in Photoshop, for example, an interesting multi-layer collage, most often required from the background to separate the selected object for its subsequent movement. Consider how ADOBE Photoshop CS5 with a photo cut a person, in particular the silhouette of a child.

Run photoshop. In the main menu of the program, select the "File" → "Open ..." tab. Next, open the photo folder on the computer and drag it into the working window. To separate the silhouette from the background, it must be allocated. First, use the tools "Fast Mask" and "Brush". Next, locate the fast mask on the toolbar (rectangle with the eye) or immediately click the "Q" key. Then activate the "brush" and set the appropriate size on the parameter panel. Gradually start painting an object with a brush in a mask mode. To increase your brush, press the curly bracket), to reduce - (. If necessary, close the image using the Navigator palette and the corresponding slider. Complete the staining. If you think that you are inappropriate drove around the edges, then activate the "eraser" and work them like Brushes. Then disconnect the "Fast Mask" tool. Pay attention to the baby shown on the photo - the contour became dotted, in other words, it was released. Next, refer to the toolbar again and activate one of the allocation tools. Now go to the photo on the photo and click on It is right-clicking. In the window that opens, select the "Cut to a new layer" command. Move the look at the "Paletrian". The child's silhouette moved to a new layer. For clarity, uncheck the checkbox from the first layer - it will turn off.

Now there are a lot of graphic editors. Some paid, and some are in free access and are absolutely free. I will tell you how to cut the image using the most famous and common Photoshop program.

The program is very functional and rich in various tools and filters. The same action can be made completely different ways. Therefore, each designer can choose a convenient way for itself.

Today we will discern how to cut the image and impose it on another background in various ways, as well as consider the pros and cons of each of them.

To start a slight retreat. In order to be clear about what will go talk a few words about how work happens in Photoshop.

We can open an existing image or create a new one. After that, we have active tools and menu options for editing.

We should pay attention to the window with layers. There will be basic rearrangements and regrouping of the layers. We constantly need to allocate various layers. It is worth paying attention to it!

In the event that you do not have copied, it does not stand out, not edited, etc. You may have simply not allocated the desired layer. In order to highlight the desired layer, you just need to find it in the window called layers (Layers) and make it active, clicking on it with the mouse.

We can also hide the layer by making it invisible or block it to avoid unplanned editing.

1. Eraser.

Perhaps the easiest way to free excess space is not only in the notebook, but also in Photoshop. This tool can be called by the E key.

By itself, the eraser is quite clumsy, but its modifications - the "background eraser" and "magic eraser" with careful use and good source food can bring good results.

The background eraser erases the "background", i.e. The area with which you started using the lasty when they pressed the left mouse button. The remaining area of \u200b\u200bthe background eraser automatically recognizes how more significant and does not erase it until you have not trembled too much.

The tool "Magic Eraser" works on the principle of "magic wand". Another tool that we will look at just below. Pixels are distinguished in color and brightness.

In order to understand how they work it is worth trying every tool from this series.

Using these tools, you can allocate more complex images. Of the minuses of this tool, it is worth noting that cutting too complex forms is problematic. This is due to the first in the fact that the information about the selected area is stored in the temporary memory buffer and if the selection is too complicated, you just may not have enough RAM, in this case you will simply disappear, and you will receive an error message. Secondly, if you accidentally click two times with a mouse instead of one thing, you will block the selection earlier than you need.

The selection with Lasso will suit the cutting images of medium complexity. After we allocated part of the image, we can edit it or cut down by the next layer by pressing Ctrl + C, and then Ctrl + V. Working with areas dedicated with Lasso does not differ from working with other disclosures.

If we choose the "Magic Wand" tool, you can configure the selection parameters for it. In order to avoid unnecessary white pixels at the edges of the dark image, you should experiment with the settings of the "tolerance" parameter. To the allocation was more smoothed to include "smoothing". In order to stand out pixels from all the layers of your image, you need to put a tank at the point: "Sample from all the layers".

The quick allocation tool can be very helpful if the image is quite contrasting. Sometimes you can add contrast image in order to then use fast release, but it does not always give a positive effect. In general, in combination with other methods of allocation gives a good effect.

5. Mask.

Tool called a layer-mask in AdobePhotoshop I consider one of the most valuable in this graphics package.

With the help of it, we can very quickly get rid of unnecessary pixels. Getting rid of unnecessary pixels will be painless for the simple reason that the mask layer allows us to be restarted everything in place.

In order to add a layer-mask to the image, we only need to make an active layer with an active layer, and then click on the "Add Mask layer" icon, which is located on the layer with layers.

Now on the right of our image we see a mask. If the layer mask is completely chosen by black, then our image is completely transparent, i.e. We are actually not visible at all. If our mask is painted in white, then we, accordingly, see the layer to which the mask is applied.

In order to edit the mask, we need to make it active, i.e. Click on it in the window with layers.

6. Fast mask.

The quick mask mode can be enabled in the toolbar (on Fig_3 highlighted with a yellow rectangle), or by pressing the Q key.

By activating the quick mask mode, you can select the necessary area using various fill tools. After we activated a quick mask, we can pour our image only in one red, while the intensity of the fill will depend on how the object will be selected. The essence of a quick mask is that the image that was painted in red will be highlighted (the color of the fill can be changed in the program settings).

By selecting the pen tool (Hot Key P), we create the form that can be easily edited or exported to another program, for example in an illustrator.

After we circled our object along the contour, we need to close the circuit boundaries for subsequent correct selection and editing. Then go to the window to work with contours and press twice on our contour, after which a dialog box appears with a proposal to name our working circuit with the name "Contour 1", agree and click OK.

Now, in order to highlight the area of \u200b\u200bthis form, we need to hold the Ctrli key to click on the image of this contour in the window of working with contours. After our contour stood out, we can work with it as with the usual allocation.

8. Combined.

We looked far from all tools that would help you allocate a part of the image in Photoshop, in order to cut it.

But from personal experience I can say that it is often the best combined use of various methods.

About the author: S00V

The branch of objects from the background is now becoming increasingly popular: various photocollages often make up of the cut pictures, use when creating clip art and web site design. Read further - and recognize several ways to cut the object in Photoshop.

Tool "Magic Wand"

The first way will be the fastest and easy, but it is suitable only if the object you need to cut is originally placed on a white background.

Open the source photo in Photoshop. Translate it into the layer by clicking on it twice on the layers panel and causing the function of creating a new layer.

On the toolbar to the left of the work field in Photoshop, choose the "Magic Wand" tool. Set the sensitivity of the brush - small, about 5. Once when you click this tool on a white background of photos, and it will be selected. It may happen that the background will not be completely covered - for this you need to click on the problem area again.

Now it remains to cut the object from the background, without removing the selection by clicking the "Backspace" key on the keyboard.

Lasso in Photoshop

The following way implies the use of such a tool as Lasso. It is also suitable for cutting objects on a white or other uniform and bright background.

Find "Lasso" on the toolbar and start creating selection. To do this, put the cursor somewhere on the edge of your object and start the line along the contour. You will see how the cursor will have a solid line - continue to lead it, rubbing the entire object entire object by contour. For geometric figures it is more convenient to use "straight Lasso".

If your line has rolled out during the stroke during the stroke, where required, press the "Backspace" key on the keyboard - the previous segment will be deleted, and you can repeat the stroke of this area again.

When you circled the whole object and connected the last segment with the first, the photo will be selected. Now invert the selected area by right-clicking on the selection.

When the selection is inverted, as before, click "Backspace" to cut the object.

How to cut an object with a quick mask

Another tool that will solve the question of how to cut a picture in Photoshop is a fast mask. Unlike the "magic wand", which may not work in the photo with an inhomogeneous, rotary or dark background, the allocation using a quick mask is suitable for such tasks, since in this case the selection area you create and control yourself.

Select the "Brush" tool and in the active color. Install the black (color code - # 000000). After that, select the "Fast Mask" mode - click on the corresponding icon at the bottom of the panel. Now, as an ordinary brush, start painting the area of \u200b\u200bthe object of interest to you.

When painting small parts, choose a smaller brush diameter, and when you fill in the color of large areas, you can use a large brush. The rigidity of the brush also set up at will, most importantly, remember: the tougher brush, the clearer the edges will be the edge, and the soft brush will smooth them.

If you painted an excess site, make an active color white (color code - #FFFFFF) - such a brush will act on the painted fast mask area as an eraser.

After you finished painting the selected area, press the fast mask button again, and then the selection appears around the painted area. To separate the object from the background, use "Backspace".

Removal of the background of the eraser

The third way is to use such a tool as "eraser". In fact, this is not the creation of the selection, but the removal of the background. Select this tool on the panel on the left and start to erase from the workspace all unnecessary, which does not apply to your object.

Of course, the most important and responsible part is erasing the background on the border with the object. It should not be hurried here, because it is important not to leave pieces of a non-surge background or vice versa - do not erase the necessary parts of the object. Set a small gesture size - so work will move longer, but careful; Increase the scale of the image that will allow you to carefully watch the boundaries of the object.

If you erase something important when working with an eraser, use the abolition function of the previous action: "Edit" menu - "Cancel Action" or hold the CTRL + Z key combination. This combination only works for the last action, so in order to repeat several previous actions. , the required number of times apply the combination Alt + Ctrl + Z.

Instead of the lasty, remove the background in Photoshop can be using a brush and a layer mask (do not confuse with a quick mask). On the "Layers" panel, click on the layer mask pictogram and erase extra areas, drawing a black brush mask. And vice versa to restore the site, change the color of the brush on white.

Cutting complex objects

Many are particularly interested in the question of how to cut face and hair in Photoshop, a fluffy animal or a branched tree - that is, complex objects with inhomogeneous edges, which are interesting to look when creating collages from the photo. There is a way to quickly make it, which can be applied to photos with a monophonic light background.

Duplicate the layer with the source photo (right-click on the layer - "Create a duplicate layer") and make it black and white ("Image" menu - "Correction" - "discharge").

Apply the "Levels" correction to duplicate from the Image menu - "Correction". At the histogram that appears, pull the sliders responsible for the shadow and the light, so as to create a sharp, maximum contrast between black and white, that is, between the hair of the girl and the background.

Having achieved the right contrast, the black brush, paint the entire silhouette completely - the face, glare so that there are no clearance. Come in the "Select" menu and choose the "Color Range". In the window that appears, install the selection sensitivity of about 50 and click OK.

Right-click on the selection and apply "Rastune" to it with a radius of 2 pixels. On the layers panel, remove visibility from a black and white layer. Now the color source color will be visible, with the release created on top. However, this selection refers to the silhouette of the girl and her hair, and we need to remove the wrong object, but the background. Therefore, you should go to the "Allocation" menu and select Inversion item.

To separate the girl from the background, make an active layer with the original image and click "Backspace". Now you know how to cut a person in Photoshop from the photo.

The above methods are not universal and may not give an ideal result, but with them the photo processing in Photoshop goes faster, therefore, even if you are completely new to, cut objects for you will not be much difficult. Cut images can still be used when installing video to create colorful preview of pictures, as well as when preparing stickers or postcards.

And if it is easier for you to see once, than read a hundred times, we suggest see the following video, which shows various ways, how to cut photos in Photoshop:

Take yourself, tell me friends!

Read also on our website:

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Since the overwhelming majority of all cases of work in Photoshop are the processing of ready-made images, a lion part of the program tools is intended to perform this operation.

Filters (read about them in the previous lesson) - it is quite small and quite simple to use them part. In this article we will analyze the functions more comprehensive.

Since there are a lot of tools, I will not list the entire arsenal editor, but simply the sieve example of work - cut a fragment of one picture and paste it into another.

We have the sea.

There is a seagull.

And we want the seagull to park over the sea.

Let's proceed.


At this stage, it is necessary to open source pictures and create a document for their association.

1. First open the Sea Image file. To do this, press the Ctrl + O key combination or execute the file command -\u003e Open, in the Explorer window that appears, locate the file with the sea, click on it and click Open.

2. In the same way, open the seagull file.

3. Create a new document of 760x475 pixels. To do this, press the CTRL + N key combination or execute the file command -\u003e Create, in the Width and Height fields, set the specified values \u200b\u200band click OK.

4. Now in the Photoshop program, we open three documents, it is possible to move between which you can use the tabs.


Pictures from open files must be placed on different layers of the working document.

1. Go to the image with the sea, clicking on its header.

2. Allocate the entire image. To do this, either execute the selection command -\u003e all the main menu of the program, or simply press the Ctrl + A keyboard. As a result, the picture will receive a framing, meaning that it is highlighted.

3. Copy the selected by pressing the Ctrl + C key combination or in the PHOTOSHOP main menu by completing the editing command -\u003e Copy.

4. Navigate to the working document by clicking the mouse button on its header.

5. Insert a copied pattern - or press Ctrl + V, or select Edit -\u003e Insert in the Main Menu.

6. The layer for the new material program created automatically. Rename it into the sea, on the layer panel climbing the layer name by entering a new name and pressing ENTER.

7. Similarly, copy and paste the image from a seagull into the working paper: Go to the picture, clicking on its header, select the entire image (Ctrl + A), copy it to (Ctrl + C), go to the working document and insert the picture (Ctrl + V). The layer was also created automatically, rename it into the seagull.

As a result, our working paper acquired two new layers on which the source images are placed.


We will talk more about her, but for now we need only one simple tool.

As you probably noticed, the drawing with a seagull in the dimensions is much larger than the picture with the sea. Yes, and the seagull itself for the selected landscape is also too large - it will not fit into the scale.

To fix it, you need to reduce the entire image with a seagull to acceptable sizes.

To do this, we will use the free transformation tool that allows you to change the form and size of the picture.

1. Using the Move tool, move the image from the seagull so that the bird does not remain behind the scenes and it was completely visible.

3. Select a layer with a seagull: Make sure it is active, and press Ctrl + a.

4. In the Main Menu, execute the Edit -\u003e Free Transformation command, or click the Ctrl + T key combination.

5. Reduce the size of the picture to an acceptable, paying attention to the size of the seagull - it should harmoniously fit into the sea landscape. To decrease, pull the rectangle patterns that appeared at the corners. In order for the size to change in proportion to, hold down the SHIFT key.

6. To complete the conversion, change the tool (for example, select the Move tool) and in the Add window, click Apply.

Selection and cutting

Now the most important thing is to cut the seagull so that she wakes over the sea. True, in fact we cut out not a seagull, but all the sky around it, that is, the bird, on the contrary, will remain, and everything will be removed from its pictures.

To cut, you first need to highlight, and make it the most difficult. For allocation in Photoshop there are many tools: different types of lasso, rapid selection, separation of a fragment, etc. Everyone has its own narrow specialization and their subtleties.

We will use the tool the magic wand, which in automatic mode finds the area with similar pixels and highlights them.

1. On the tool palette, click the magic wand icon.

2. Pay attention to the parameter panel.

The number in the tolerance field is responsible for the width of the color spectrum. For example, at zero value, the magic wand will allocate only those pixels in the picture, which are identical to the selected color. If the value is set 16, the tool will select pixels for 8 units darker and 8 units are lighter selected. In our case (the background contrasts well with the seagull), the value can be equal even 100, excessively allocated anyway.

The button makes the boundaries of the selected area smoother, it must be pressed.

If a button is pressed, the program will allocate pixels only in adjacent areas with selected areas, that is, eliminates the likelihood of selection by similar shades of the region in another part of the picture.

But the button is better not to press, because then the magic wand will allocate the area on all layers, and not only on one.

3. After making sure that the seagull layer is active, the magic wand is selected, and the previous allocations are canceled (selection -\u003e cancel the selection). When I was convinced, click on the Bird Mouse Button itself.

4. She stood out. But we need to remove it, but everything around, so in the main menu, execute the selection command -\u003e Inversion, so that everything surrounds the seagull is allocated.

5. Now simply delete the selected by clicking the Delete key. One seagull remained above the sea.

6. Run the selection command -\u003e Cancel selection.

7. Click on the Move tool icon and select the seagull layer (Ctrl + A).

8. Move the seagull to any place if it is necessary or just there is a desire, and remove the selection.


It remains the most important thing - save the result in the file. Export the resulting picture to your favorite format using the file -\u003e export command (we have already talked about it in the first lesson in more detail). In case you suddenly want to go back to edit pictures, save it in format.PSD.

How often do you need to cut an object from a photo in Photoshop to impose on another or simply remove the current background? In this article, I will talk about 4 methods of allocation, each of which will be better approaching for its type of image.

In Photoshop, a lot of attention is paid to the allocation tools, some of them work quite simply, others have more complex settings and a beginner user more difficult to understand how they work.

For example, the subject that is on a white background can be cut with just a few pressed mouse. And how exactly cut the complex elements on a dark background or curly hair of man? Standard Lasso tool here is not suitable ...

Of course, there are much more ways to cut an object from the photo than 4 described by me. In my opinion, these are the most convenient, each of the ways is distinguished by the principle of selection and therefore, before processing the photo you can understand which one will be better approached for this type of photo.

If the object is on a white background, you can try the selection " magic stick". This tool automatically recognizes the stains of the same color and highlights them.

If the selection did not capture a part of the background, then holding the SHIFT key, you can add a piece to the selected area. The greater the sensitivity of the magic wand, the more she "grabs".

If the background is not homogeneous and there are many other details on it, but the clear boundary between the subject and the background is visible, you can use the tool " magnetic Lasso". The line of this lasso sticks out or primed to the edge of the subject, just lead the cursor along the contour.

For this method, take a black brush and go to a quick mask mode. Drawing with black brush items painted in red. Not painted will become highlighted when pressed again to the quick mask mode.

The main advantage is the way it is possible not only to paint, but also to wash the red area (white brush). And changing the parameters of the brush, you can get selection with rigid and soft boundaries.

It is convenient to use if the subject has places clear edges, blurred contours places.

3. wiping the background of the eraser

Converting a background in a layer, tool " eraser"Erase everything you do not need. This method is useful when installing on another background, when it is not clear what should remain, but what is not.

The tool "Eraser" also has additional benefits. For example, have different transparency and different softness of the brush. But in contrast to the previous method, it does not allow to return the erased.

Therefore, if you need insurance, use the fast mask tool, and even better.

Cut your hair from the background manually is very difficult, especially such curly curls as in the photo. Create a duplicate layer first, which we will convert. Imaging the contrast between the background and the subject with the help levels (Ctrl + L), it becomes easier to highlight them automatically.

The hair became darker, and the background is lighter. But the face remained light, it is better to paint it into a black brush, to highlight only the background.

Click - Selection / Color Range ... Now adjust the sensitivity as shown in the figure below. Click OK. Allocation loaded.

Duplicate layer is no longer needed, remove it.

This is the last and most interesting way to selection. To cool the object in Photoshop qualitatively, you can use all the described allocation methods, and sometimes you need to skillfully combine them for a good result.

Video lesson. Read more about four ways to cut an object in Photoshop:

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