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Flower horoscope Lion: plants, flowers and trees of a lion sign. Zodiac sign Leo tree stone and color

Each tree affects a person in different ways. Some of it gives a tide of vital energy, and others have the other way. There are rocks that can accumulate a huge amount of space energy, give it to man and quickly restore reserves. Such trees are called "donors" if everything happens on the contrary, they are called "vampires".

According to astrology, each tree matches its zodiac sign. Therefore, the decorations made from such "correct" rocks are able to bring well-being to a person will help heal from the ailments, find family happiness and will be removed from the energy exposure from the outside.

Trees on the horoscope zodiac signs

Let's look at what rocks presented in our assortment will be talismans and patrons for different signs.

What a tree at the sign of the zodiac Capricorn - 22.12-20.01

Practical, ambitious, endless Capricorn is always focused on a clear goal and concrete actions. These are incremental and in some sense, uncompromising people who are rarely considered with the opinions of others.

In order to accelerate the advancement of the career ladder, which for the Capricors is of fundamental importance, you will need an oak talisman. Powerful and centuries-old, it "sympathizes" by stubborn and persistent Capricorn, so helps them at every step, inspiring and adding vitality. He will help his owner to overcome fear, despondency, not leaving the feeling of uncertainty and pessimistic mood.

An example of our products for Capricorns

Surgome and somewhat dryly Capricorn need a mascot, which will help them to establish bridges with others. For these purposes, a hrybab can be approached, which will add a little romance and sensuality to pragmatic Capricorn.

What a tree at the sign of the zodiac Aquarius - 21.01-19.02

A generous, unlockable, distinguished by non-standard thinking and approach to solving many problems, aquarius is largely focused on the spiritual side of life. This makes water or incredibly sensitive people.

Fruit breeds, such as plum, strengthen humanism, make them even more hearty, develop altruistic impulses.

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In love, Aquarius prefers freedom and independence, which is why they do not seek to limit themselves in choosing partners until they find their half. Most elements from ash, who contribute to the birth of the brightest feelings in his heart, developing spiritual community and romantic attachment between partners.

The ash will help "put in order" and the financial side of the life of Aquarius. Wood ash helps him learn how to competently dispose of earned capital, without throwing him to the wind and not investing in dubious adventures.

What a tree for the sign of the zodiac fish - 20.02-20.03

Rich imagination and fantasy, sensitivity to the problems of surrounding people, sentimentality and proliferation to solitude are characteristic of people born under the influence of the constellation of fish. However, the duality of the person inherent in all representatives of the fish, sometimes prevents them from living, pushing at rash deeds, provoking nervous tension.

Juniper is a wood breed that will serve as an excellent mascot for fish. It will make dreamy fish more rational, responsible and landed, will help to establish harmony of the inner world.

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In order to realize their inner potential, reveal the talents, people born under the constellation of fish, it will take a certain amulet who will push them to decisive, active actions. It will help to cope with miraculous rags, decorations from which not only charge melancholic fish with optimism and purposefulness, but also capable of transforming their appearance.

What a tree at the sign of the zodiac Aries - 21.03-20.04

Aries, like fiery signs, are subject to the strong energy influence of Mars, so their mascots help them strengthen health, overcome everyday difficulties. One of these breeds is oak.

Looking back in antiquity as a symbol of power and power, Oak becomes one of the most powerful faces for people under his care. This wood empowers Optimism with optimism, helps to remove the fatigue accumulated per day, fills his owner with the vigor of the Spirit, is able to help both in his career, and in his personal life.

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Extremely useful for Aries all varieties of coniferous rocks, which spring release luxury green shoots. Juniper for them can be the most versatile talisman, giving force.

What a tree on the sign of the zodiac Taurus - 21.04-20.05

Mighty oak will help the calves to survive any adversity, find the right decision even in the most hopeless situation. Those who suffer from the lack of energy and forces, this wood will return optimism and dedication. The unique feature of the oak is to maintain and multiply the results achieved - it is these qualities that will provide its owner.

What jijouter is suitable to calves

On the Love Front, an indispensable patroner for the calf will be ash. He will fill in an incredible feeling that he will make him the second half the most happy man. This talisman for those who want to strengthen family relationships.

Gemini - What kind of tree is suitable on the sign of the zodiac - 21.05-21.06

Gemini should pay attention to the decorations made from fruit varieties. For example, cherry helps develop intellectual abilities, intuition and instincts. She not only gives its owner the necessary qualities to achieve its goals, but also help reveal their hidden talents.

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Gemini, paying close attention to their appearance, simply needs to be reversed on the Grab. He will become a real mascot for people creative, will provide them with inspiration and crawl.

What a tree at the sign of the zodiac cancer - 06.22-22.07

If the cancer suffers from constant stress, even a small decoration or souvenir from the ash will help them soothe nerves and relax. He relieves fatigue and is most useful for weakened, unhealthy people. Wood ash gives her owner a sense of hope for the best, sensation of perspective.

Decorations in our catalog for cancer

Since cancer is endowed with an incredibly sensitive character, he should choose a talisman who will provide him with a sense of security and confidence in its own forces. In this regard, the oak will be a good talisman for cancer.

What a tree on the sign of the zodiac lion - 08.23-22.09

For an active lion, the talisman should not just enable something new, but to strengthen its character traits. So, ash helps them to achieve the desired in his career and love, emphasizes self-confidence, helps to get rid of negative thoughts and increases self-esteem.

Lions, tired of infinitely, exhausting modern rhythm of life, can take a souvenir made of oak. He will help people born under this powerful constellation, become more realistic and wise, find their luck and devote her life to her. Oak often makes people more decisive and persistent in their aspirations to achieve the desired one.

What decorations are suitable lions

In order to harmonize their temperament, the lion can be paid attention to the exquisite cherry, which will add restraint, tolerance and flexibility in communicating with other people. She will teach the ability to calculate their steps.

Virgo Zodiac sign - Donor tree - 08/23-22.09

Charming and unique virgin, with a rich inner world and some mysteriousness, like no other zodiac sign in need amulets and talismans.

If Virgo wants to learn to trust his inner voice, it can always resort to the use of talismans from plums. In their stable life, it will bring some kind of part of romance, makes pay attention to its sensual side, will help to look at any component of relations at a different angle.

Example of products for Virgo sign

Pride and courage - qualities that are largely inherent to the devies, but due to certain circumstances, they can fade. Personal advantages to regain so necessary today, plum will help. She will help her owner to establish a family life and will help follow the selected life course.

Zodiac Sign Scales, Tree Patron - 09/23-23.10

Potential amules for weights can serve any fruit trees with bones. It is worth choosing, pushing away from personal sensations and intuition, one of the most favorable woods - cherry and plum.

Decorations created from these breeds will help develop the ability to quickly make solutions even in extreme situations, will help get rid of unnecessary fears. They have a beneficial effect on the mood of the scales, these varieties of fruit trees will also protect a person from the ailments and all kinds of diseases.

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Pretty popular wood for born in October - ash. It gives weights to the ability to gather at the right moment, organizational abilities, observation and sociability. The ash will help to cope with the attacks of unreasonable jealousy, harmonize the emotional background of man.

Zodiac Sign Scorpio, Tree Patron - 24.10-22.11

Oak is a rather popular charm for scorpion, he helps them to direct their inexhaustible energy in the right direction, to save strength and not confidence in their own opportunities.

In relation to scorpions, this wood can neutralize negative thoughts and installations, will help in the fight against their own deficiencies. Intentionality, a clear match of the task, intelligence - all these qualities inherent in people born under the sign of Scorpio, which oak can only strengthen.

Example from our catalog for scorpion women

Pesssimism is a frequent character of the scorpion character. He tries hard to hide it from others, but with close acquaintance, the truth is still becoming clear. In order for the alarms and doubts to go to the background, the calves need constant contact with juniper products.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius, Tree patron - 23.11-21.12

Ambitious and purposeful Sagittars are usually quite successful on a professional field, but in their personal life they often do not take. For family relationships, this is a rather complicated and ambiguous partner, which, because of its high demands for potential half, one can remain alone.

To harmonize this sector, the Sagittarius can acquire a small product from the ash, which will serve as a certain stabilizer of the pending gear.

Decorations for women of Saglots - Bright or Dark Redhead;
  • - wood greenish shade with quite strong pattern;
  • - Natural colors with wavy overflows, indescribable smell.
  • Any of the villages listed here are in our catalog. Dear readers, if you are looking for sandals, red or ebony, remember that this wood is considered rare and costs very much money. It does not grow in Russia, so if you are offered to buy products from these breeds, you most likely deceive you.

    Each tree affects a person in different ways. Some it gives a tide of vital energy, and some, on the contrary, takes the strength. There are trees that can accumulate a huge amount of space energy, give it to man and quickly restore reserves. Such trees are called "donors."

    According to astrology, each sign of the zodiac has its own tree - a patron. And the decorations made of such breeds are able to bring well-being to a person, will help heal from the ailments, find family happiness and will be removed from the energy exposure from the outside.

    Talisman tree can charge a person with energy, get rid of negative emotions. To do this, quite at least five minutes to bother with the desired tree in the forest or park. Not all the signs of the zodiac have sufficient sensitivity to feel the impact of an amulet or mascot of wood-patron wood, but contact with a lively plant has a positive effect on all.

    Aries - 21.03-20.04

    Aries, like fire signs, are susceptible to the powerful energy influence of Mars. And trees - patrons of this sign help them strengthen health, overcome everyday difficulties. Beads and bracelets from such rocks can be powerful amules. One of these trees is oak. Looking back in antiquity as a symbol of power and power, Oak becomes one of the most powerful faces for people under his care. Bracelets or oak beads are endowed with optimism, help to remove the fatigue accumulated per day, give their owner to the worst of the Spirit. Oak is able to help both in his career, and in personal life.

    Extremely useful for Aries all varieties of coniferous rocks, which spring release luxury green shoots. Juniper for Aries can be the most universal talisman that gives force. He can give a person such qualities as perseverance, the ability to overcome difficulties, courage, purposefulness. A person will stop sailing downstream, starts to move in life with a highly raised head. He will easily overcome any difficulties. Juniper helps and in interpersonal relationship - makes a person friendly and sociable. If there is an urgent need to add to the life of organizedness, juniper decoration will help solve the problem.

    In order to maximize the restoration of vitality and replenish the energy balance, the Aries need to "communicate" with trees in the summer. Conifer breeds are definitely their faithful allies, especially spruce and pine. In addition, it is worth paying attention to Olhu, Lipa, Oak. It is desirable that the trees have a well-developed crown, and the choice is better to stop on the instance that is worth a mansion, away from the restwith a beautiful and lush crown.

    Taurus - 21.04-20.05

    For a rational and pragmatic shoulder, trees and fruits containing tanning substances are useful, and the perfect option is an amulet from oak. Mighty oak will help the calves to survive any adversity, find the right decision even in the most hopeless situation. Those who suffer from the lack of energy and forces, oak Returns optimism and dedication. The unique feature of the oak is to maintain and multiply the results achieved - it is these qualities that will provide its owner. In addition, the oak decoration will help the calves create a solid material base.

    From among the fruit trees, the calm is suitable cherry and plum. They will protect a person from the energy blows of envious, the evil eye and damage, will make born under this sign generous, optimistic and active. Possessing incredible aesthetic properties, these wood breeds will help add to solid tools of grace and charm.

    Spectacular decorations made of ash - a great gift for the body for the Taurus. Ash will help representatives of this sign in love. He will fill a person with an incredible feeling, which will make him the second half the most happy man. This is a talisman tree for those who want to strengthen family relationships.

    At the Tales, the patron tree is quite peculiar. The poplar cleans the human energy field very well, but it is necessary to communicate with it with caution, because it can pick up the necessary energy. Male-toe preferably choose chestnut, but women are walnut. Other sign trees are rowan and oak.

    Gemini - 21.05-21.06

    Wood-talisman for active twins - juniper, capable of bringing his life a new round of development. This plant gives its owner to the thirst for discoveries, purposefulness and incredible energy. Juniper will become a source of inexhaustible force for the zodiac born under this sign. It is enough for career accomplishments, and for personal happiness. Beads, bracelets or souvenirs from juniper are simply obliged to be at hand in twins.

    In addition to juniper, twins should pay attention to the decorations made from fruit trees. For example, cherry Helps develop intellectual abilities, intuition and instincts, especially if I chose a profession of a lawyer or merchant. She not only gives its owner the necessary qualities to achieve its goals, but also help reveal their hidden talents.

    Gemini, paying close attention to their appearance, simply need a distinctive decoration from the chast. Exquisite hornbeam Make the already original twins even more stylish and attractive in the eyes of others. Decoration from this breed of wood will become a real mascot for people creative. He will provide them with inspiration and thirst to create.

    Twin Zodiac sign tree - this is primarily a fruit tree, mostly an apple tree or a pear during the period of their flowering.

    But Maple can become a faithful assistant in the prevention of various diseases, but to turn to his twin trees is best in the late summer.

    Cancer - 22. 06-22.07

    Wood mascot for the wards of cancer constellations must perform two main functions: suppress depressive mood and feed in it, adjusting to constant intellectual development. And with this task can cope with juniper. In addition to the above properties, juniper can become authentic talisman for crayfish lovers. He will fill the heart with the brightest feeling, will support harmony between in love, protect against envious.

    Since this sign of the zodiac is endowed with an incredibly sensitive character, he should choose a talisman tree that will provide him with a sense of security and confidence in its own forces. In this regard, a good talisman for crayfish will be oak. Distinguished by excellent aesthetic-psychological effects, oak decorations are activated in cancers hidden reserves, improve well-being, fill in faith in themselves and others.

    If the cancer suffers from constant stress, even a small decoration or souvenir from ash It will help them soothe nerves and relax. He relieves fatigue and is most useful for weakened, unhealthy people. Wood ash gives her owner a sense of hope for the best, sensation of perspective.

    Cancer, choosing a tree on the sign of the zodiac, you need to pay attention to alder, IVI and elm, which are working in power flow filters. They are especially effective in recent months of spring and summer.

    Lion - 08/23-22.09

    For active lion, the Talisman tree should not just bring to life something new, but to strengthen its character traits. So, ash Helps lions to achieve the desired in his career and love, gives him confidence in herself, helps to get rid of negative thoughts and increases self-esteem.

    Lions tired of infinitely, exhausting modern rhythm of life, can take a souvenir made from duba. It will help people born under this powerful constellation, become more realistic and wise, find their luck and enjoy your life. Oak often makes people more decisive and persistent in their aspirations to achieve the desired one. However, the purposeful lions should be neat - the oak-filled oak can strengthen their emotionality. Some incrementalness and hardness in their own right has its advantages, but for Lviv it can become a stumbling block. In order to harmonize their temperament, the lion can pay attention to the exquisite vishniwhich will add a sign of restraint, tolerance and flexibility to communicate with other people. She will teach the ability to calculate their steps. Decorations from Cherry will add their owners of femininity and charm.

    Elm is also the main sign of the zodiac sign. Cypress has protective and healing properties, well, and male lions need to interact with the oak.Ideal time for conversation with a tree - September and April.

    Virgo - 08/23-22.09

    Charming and unique virgin, with a rich inner world and some mysteriousness, like no other zodiac sign in need of amulets and talismans created from wood. Natural charms enhance their innate advantages and help get rid of identity deficiencies. Maiden can draw their vitality from juniper, which will strengthen their seriousness and businesslikeness hiding under the pretty appearance. Juniper enhances the virgin fantasy, helps to reveal acting talents.

    If Verva wants to learn to trust his inner voice, she can always resort to the use of talismans from plum. In their stable life, she will bring some part of romance, makes pay attention to its sensual side, will help to look at any component of a happy relationship at a different angle. Pride and courage - qualities that are largely inherent to the devies, but due to certain circumstances, they can fade. In order to return to themselves so necessary today, personal advantages again should be resorted to plum wood products. She will help her owner to establish a family life and will help follow the selected life course.

    The practical Virgo in the spiritual terms is not always stable, so alder and lords will be the faithful patrons, as well as fruit: plum and apple tree, especially when fruits ripen on them. July, August, as well as October - the best time to contact the Virgin with her tree.

    Scales - 23.09-23.10

    Potential amules for weights can serve any fruit trees with bones. It is worth choosing, pushing away from personal sensations and intuition. Some of the most favorable wood breeds for this sign of the zodiac - cherry and plum. Decorations created from these breeds will help develop the ability to quickly make solutions even in extreme situations, will help get rid of unnecessary fears. By providing a beneficial effect on the mood of the scales, these varieties of fruit trees will also protect a person from the ailments and all kinds of diseases.

    Pretty popular tree for born in October - ash. They are emphasized by the ability to gather at the right moment, organizational abilities, observation and sociability. The ash will help the scales to cope with the attacks of unreasonable jealousy, harmonize the emotional human background. If a person wants to develop such qualities as a businesslikeness, attentiveness to small things, pragmatism, oratory, it is definitely worth a closer look at the massens talismans. Properly chosen decoration from the ash can be a full-fledged source of bioenergy.

    At the weights, the main tree on the sign of the zodiac is birch, a real healer of the body and soul,which allows you to get rid of ailments andstresses. It will also be healing and remove the fatigue of Lipa, but you can still pay attention to maple and rowan.

    Scorpio - 24.10-22.11

    Oak - Pretty popular tree for scorpion. He helps a representative of this sign to direct its inexhaustible energy in the right direction, to save strength and not to lose confidence in its own opportunities. In relation to the Scorpions, the oak can neutralize negative thoughts and installations, will help in the fight against their own disadvantages of the individual. Intentionality, a clear match of the task, intelligence - all these qualities inherent in people born under the sign of Scorpio, which oak can only strengthen. We recommend to wear decorations from this wood breed to important business meetings or negotiations.

    Pesssimism is a frequent character of the scorpion character. He tries hard to hide it from others, but with close acquaintance, the truth is still becoming relevant. In order for anxiety and doubts to go to the background, representatives of this sign need a warning contact with products from juniper. They will help to breathe in it with a tolik of optimism, faith in the best. Rare Scorpio does not cope at work - usually their career is perfect. But if problems appeared on the horizon in this environment, again, the talisman from juniper can come to the rescue.

    Scorpions are not only high and tall chestnis and pine, but also shrubs - a rosehip and hawthorn. Spruce and Rowan are also remarkably suitable scorpion for "communication", for whom the early spring will become an ideal time, when the kidney began to swell.

    Sagittarius - 23.11-21.12

    Ambitious and purposeful Sagittars are usually quite successful on a professional field, but in their personal life they often do not take. For family relationships, this is a rather complicated and ambiguous partner, which, because of its high demands for potential half, one can remain alone. To harmonize this sector, Sagittari can buy even a small product from ashwhich will serve as a certain stabilizer of the pick-up representative of this sign of the zodiac. If the Sagittarius fell in love, then he rushes to the pool with his head. Immersing in the whirlpool of passions, he behaves like the most passionate lover. If the second half does not exist on the horizon, the amulet from the ash will help its owner to improve the situation in this area.

    Sincerity and openness peculiar to the Sports, sometimes can work against them - not every person is ready to listen about the truth-uterus. The quick temper and the impulsivity of this fiery sign also brings many problems. In order to reduce the negative impact of these characteristics of the personality, the Sagittarians need a full-fledged amulet from grabWith the help of which a person will be able to overcome any obstacles and difficulties without destroying the relationship with others.

    In March, August and October, the Archers are necessary to contact any of the two major Talisman trees: a cedar or a graph that protect and restore the spiritual forces of this sign.

    Capricorn - 22.12-20.01

    Practical, ambitious, endless Capricorn is always focused on a clear goal and concrete actions. These are incremental and in some sense, uncompromising people who are rarely considered with the opinions of others. In order to accelerate the advancement of the career staircase, which for these signs is of fundamental importance, the mascot will need duba. The powerful, centuries-old tree "sympathizes" by stubborn and persistent Capricorn, so helps them at every step, inspiring and adding vitality. He will help his owner to overcome fear, despondency, not leaving the feeling of uncertainty and pessimistic mood.

    However, the harsh and somewhat dry Capricorn needs a wooden talisman, which will help them establish bridges with others, including with potential partners. For these purposes may come hornbeamwhich will add a little romance and sensuality to pragmatic Capricorn. If the representatives of this sign meet on their way with unrequited love and disappointment, the decoration from the Grab will help them with dignity and faith to go through this stage. Such an amulet will help to find family happiness, even if rational Capricorn decides to marry the calculation.

    Born under the sign of Capricorn as many as three strong patrons, which have powerful healing properties. These are fir, beech and birch. It is best to contact them at the moment when the first snow came down, or later in summer, when the harvest is coming.

    Aquarius - 21.01-19.02

    A generous, unlockable, distinguished by non-standard thinking and approach to solving many problems, aquarius is largely focused on the spiritual side of life. This makes representatives of this sign by people incredibly sensitive. That is why wooden amulets are rather not a luxury for them, but the need. Fruit trees, for example, plum, strengthen the humanism of water, make them even more hearty, develop altruistic impulses. Talismans from plums, for example, beads or suspension suitable for people of this sign, preferring to work in the team.

    In love, Aquarius prefer freedom and independence, which is why they do not seek to limit themselves in choosing partners until they find their half. Motion for representatives of the sign can serve all sorts of things from ashwho contribute to the birth of the brightest senses in his heart, developing spiritual community and romantic attachment between partners. Such talismans will help "put in order" and the financial side of the life of Aquarius. Wood ash helps him learn how to competently dispose of earned capital, without throwing him to the wind and not investing in dubious adventures.

    Poplar will give the Energy Balance to Aquarius, and the linden and the becklets will become a lifeful force for them. It is best for contact with these trees the end of spring is suitable.

    Fish - 20.02-20.03

    Rich imagination and fantasy, sensitivity to the problems of surrounding people, sentimentality and proliferation to solitude are characteristic of people born under the influence of the constellation of fish. However, the duality of the person inherent in all representatives of this sign, sometimes it prevents them from living, pushing on rapid acts, provoking nervous tension.

    Juniper - This is a good wood breed from which mascots for fish can be made. It will make dreamy fish more rational, responsible and landed, will help to establish harmony of the inner world. In love, juniper will help the fishes to reduce unexpected changes in mood and desires, which often serve as a cause for conflicts inside the pair.

    In order to realize their inner potential, reveal the talents, people born under the constellation of fish, it will take a certain amulet who will push them to decisive, active actions. With this question miraculous hornbeamDecorations from which not only charge melancholic fish with optimism and purposefulness, but also capable of transforming their appearance. Such an amulet will strengthen the natural to fish for unidentified and mysterious, will strengthen the already developed intuition.

    Who has the most diverse set of wood patrons, so these are fish - the sign of the zodiac, the tree of which should be fruitful to achieve the maximum effect of "communication" with him. For these purposes, the middle of summer is best. Kalina, honeysuckle, tees and larch - here are the best friends of fish. Fruits with patron trees have a special significance for this sign. But the aspen will take all negative energy, but it should be careful with it.

    Everyone knows that each of the signs of the zodiac circle there are several types of different talismans, such as stones, metals, flowers and other characters. Any of these elements has an impact on one or another sign, and for one this may be a positive effect, and for the other - negative. But it is important to know that each person has its own natural patron - a tree on the sign of the zodiac.

    general characteristics

    For any representative of the zodiac circle, there are several such patrons in nature. And the person himself decides which a member of the flora is closer or what grows in the places of his stay. The correctly selected tree on the zodiac sign can perform many functions, such as protection, giving calm, replenish energy and even restoration of health. Many species of trees are so-called donors, because they are able to accumulate space energy in very large quantities. However, if the patron sieves is chosen illiterately, such a tree may not just give the necessary weighty energy, but also to take the existing one. Although in some cases such "vampires" can be useful, taking negative and spent energy. The most important thing is for sure to know their patrons and not make a mistake in the search for the defender. In addition to direct contact with lively plating, products and arerages made from certain breeds may also have useful properties.

    Spring Signs: Fish, Aries, Taurus

    Who has the most diverse set of wood patrons, so these are fish - the sign of the zodiac, the tree of which should be fruitful to achieve the maximum effect of "communication" with him. For these purposes, the middle of summer is best. Kalina, honeysuckle, tees and larch - here are the best friends of fish. Fruits with patron trees have a special significance for this sign. But the aspen will take all negative energy, but it should be careful with it.

    In order to maximize the restoration of vitality and replenish the energy balance, the Aries need to "communicate" with trees in the summer. Conifer breeds are definitely their faithful allies, especially spruce and pine. In addition, it is worth paying attention to Olhu, Lipa, Oak. It is desirable that the trees have a well-developed crown, and the choice is better to stop on the instance that stands the mansion, away from the rest.

    At the Tales, the patron tree is quite peculiar. The poplar cleans the human energy field very well, but it is necessary to communicate with it with caution, because it can pick up the necessary energy. Male-toe preferably choose chestnut, but women are walnut. Other sign trees are rowan and oak.

    Summer signs: Gemini, Cancer, Leo

    Twin Zodiac sign tree - this is primarily a fruit tree, mostly an apple tree or a pear during the period of their flowering. But Maple can become a faithful assistant in the prevention of various diseases, but to turn to his twin trees is best in the late summer.

    Cancer, choosing a tree on the sign of the zodiac, you need to pay attention to alder, IVI and elm, which are working in power flow filters. They are especially effective in recent months of spring and summer.

    Elm is also the main sign of the zodiac sign. Cypress has protective and healing properties, well, and male lions need to interact with the oak.

    Autumn signs: Virgo, Scales, Scorpio

    The practical Virgo in the spiritual terms is not always stable, so alder and lords will be the faithful patrons, as well as fruit: plum and apple tree, especially when fruits ripen on them. July, August, as well as October - the best time to contact the Virgin with her tree.

    In the scales, the main tree on the sign of the zodiac is birch, a real body healer and soul for people born under this constellation. It will also be healing and remove the fatigue of Lipa, but you can still pay attention to maple and rowan.

    Scorpions are not only high and tall chestnis and pine, but also shrubs - a rosehip and hawthorn. Spruce and Rowan are also remarkably suitable scorpion for "communication", for whom the early spring will become an ideal time, when the kidney began to swell.

    Winter signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius

    In March, August and October, the Archers are necessary to contact any of the two major Talisman trees: a cedar or a graph that protect and restore the spiritual forces of this sign.

    Born under the sign of Capricorn as many as three strong patrons, which have powerful healing properties. These are fir, beech and birch. It is best to contact them at the moment when the first snow came down, or later in summer, when the harvest is coming.

    Although Aquarius and Taurus have completely different elements, but the patron tree is one for two. Poplar will give the Energy Balance to Aquarius, and the linden and the becklets will become a lifeful force for them. It is best for contact with these trees the end of spring is suitable.

    Summary of ages people believed that trees possess special magical abilities and can affect people in the most incredibility. Some trees can treat and clean the energy field of a person, while others, on the contrary, can be called energy vampires. Each person should know his patron patron on the zodiac, because in this way he will receive an excellent ally, which at any time of the year can help restore energy flows.


    The horoscope of trees on the sign of the zodiac says that the Trees of Aries are pine, oak, tree, alder and linden. Stars recommend people belonging to this constellation, choose lonely trees, who will have a magnificent and well-developed crown. Communicate with trees is better at the beginning of summer.


    The tree on the zodiac for the Taurus is, first of all, the poplar. Also one of the main trees for representatives of this sign is the chestnut for men, and for women - walnut. But it is worth it to be extremely careful when communicating with a poplar, because it is capable not only to clean the energy, but also take it.


    Patroneous trees for twins - maple and apple tree. Also twins as their energy assistant, you can choose a pear, especially during its flowering. To communicate with the trees this sign follows late summer.


    For people born under the constellation of cancer, the zodiac sign will be Elm, Iva and Alder. The best time to clear your energy will be May or August for cancers.

    a lion

    For Lviv, a wonderful natural talisman will be cypress or elm. Especially the stars allocate men of this constellation, for which an oak will become a powerful source of positive energy. These people communicate with their patron tree are recommended in September or April.


    According to the horoscope, Virgo is one of the most practical and at the same time spiritually unstable signs. As a source of energy for this sign, there is a wood, plum or alder. Many astrologers also distinguish the apple tree and the time it is fruit. Communication with Talisman tools is recommended in October, July and August.


    For weights, a strong patron will be birch or linden. Special attention should be paid to the birch, since this tree will be able not only to stabilize the emotional state of the sign of the sign, but also will save them from physical ailments.


    The tree on the sign of the zodiac for the people of this constellation is a rosehip, hawthorn, pine and chestnut. You can also note Ryabin. To communicate with your tree, scorpions follow in early spring, when only the kidneys swell.


    Perhaps as the most severe-talisman on the zodiac for Saglotov, a hrb or cedar is. It is two of these trees that are able to provide a direct impact on the physical and spiritual state of representatives of this sign. Time to communicate with tree for Sagittarov is March, August and October.


    The healing force for the Capricorn will be possessing, birch and fir. People belonging to this constellation, communicate with their tree on the zodiac stars recommend immediately as soon as the first snow comes down or late in summer.


    The strongest patron saint for water - poplar. You can also call the Lipon and Becklets, because they are also able to influence the representatives of this constellation. Time for any energy contacts with your tree for water - late spring.


    But for fish, the zodiac can be called larch, tees, honeysuckle and viburnum. Particularly useful for people of this sign will be the fruits of their patrons trees. Careful worth being with an aspen. The most suitable time to restore the energy balance from representatives of this constellation is the middle of summer.

    We wish you good health, and that this year brought to your life only the brightest and wonderful moments! And in order for you in all endeavors you have accompanied success, do not forget to click on the buttons and

    28.02.2014 10:50

    Astrologer Vasilis Volodina argues that there are weak signs in the zodiac horoscope, which are hooked in front of any ...

    Compatibility horoscope: Tree on the zodiac sign Lion Woman - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

    To find out the lion tree on a horoscope, it is necessary to determine what period he was born. People were born under the sign of Leo, whose date of birth comes from July 26 to August 23. This period is divided into three segments, each of which corresponds to their tree.

    What trees fit lion on the horoscope

    All that appeared on the light during this period, have the right features, slim, elegant, but strong silhouette.

    Despite the presence of the style, it is capable of being content with small, easily rebuilt depending on the situation. In all conditions, he is able to be happy. Early matures and becomes independent. Avoids problems, does not seek fame and wealth, happiness puts in the first place.

    He likes hunting, animals and walks through the forest and fishing. She does not like loneliness, so surrounds herself with friends and a big family. At the same time, soft and stern. Below in love and friendship. Analytical mind and ability to make faithful conclusions help him in life. Loves to reflect. His life proceeds peacefully among your favorite people.

    They are slim and beautiful with youth. For themselves create constant problems. Starting to be afraid of old age from youth, which provokes early aging. The choice of suitable people to communicate will help him avoid it, as well as the choice of residence. Too much unfavorable for such people.

    Lion tree on the horoscope poplar does not like isolation and cramped. With apparent ease, it is very impressionable and prone to pessimism. Excessive independence may interfere be happy in marriage. It is well organized, human-loving and is not a materialist. In family conflicts, covered with their weapons - jokes, a wide smile or indifference. It can show aggression to a partner if he feels his weakness and inability to cope with the situation.

    Such a person easily adapts to everything, but dreams of comfort, convenience and luxury. Often boasts good health. Not from timid and everywhere feels free. This lion tree in the horoscope can convince and makes reckon with him. Does not take jokes to your account and may be irritable.

    Proud, incorrigible optimist, he often makes mistakes and in personal life, and in work. Despite the fact that it seems independent, may be amenable to someone else's influence, but at the same time it becomes one row with inspirations. Stubborn and believes that always right. Impressed and believes in real love. It is enough smart and often possesses artistic abilities, has a sense of rhythm, likes to live actively and diverse.

    Talismans for Lion.

    Lions on the sign of the zodiac (July 23 - August 22) have a force and attractiveness, so talismans and charms for them should be the same powerful and vibrant energy.

    Astrologers believe that the amulet for a lion should be valuable to emphasize the social or financial status of the owner. Value does not necessarily have a material, a thing can be an old or associated with any interesting story. Decorations should have large sizes, clear lines and exquisite shape. Wearing them better at chest level.

    Effective talismans for representatives of this sign of the zodiac have such an action:

    • star or her image - helps to achieve a goal and restores strength;
    • a figurine or a drawing of a lion - helps to become successful in business or career;
    • an old coin or another thing from the past - contributes to enrichment;
    • eagle - enhances intuition and gives everyday wisdom;
    • the sun - brings good luck and protects against disease.
    • coin. Coins amulets from Siberian monksMore details here.

    According to astrologers, gold is one of the main metals that the sign must be worn. The lion is striving for wealth and considers gold jewelry one of the best ways to demonstrate their achievements. Gold talismans help to achieve material wealth, contributing to the establishment of beneficial business relations. Astrologers do not advise representatives of this sign to wear silver products.

    Another metal - tin zodiac for this sign. The talisman makes his master flexible, imperturbable and tactful. Thanks to Tin Lion can avoid many conflicts and achieve great success in the profession.

    The lion who chose his faucer or the sun, the desired result receives faster. Talismans lead this sign of the zodiac to the target, not giving a gusty lion to rush from side to side. The sun gives energy, helps to cope with envy, injuries and diseases. But do not wear a talisman in the form of a star or the sun constantly. It may worsen the character of the sign, make it even more selfish and impatient. It is best to wear such an amulet during periods of creative stagnation or in front of a large deal.

    An image or a figure of a lion contribute to the successes in all spheres of life. Such talismen make cash, profitable customers and bring their owner to a higher social stage. The lion used as a talisman is capable of bringing its owner to power, keeping the nobility and sincerity inherent in this sign.

    The lion, who chosen the figure of the Eagle, takes more decisions, follows his words and actions. It helps him find a common language with other people. Eagle teaches the wise sign to respond to criticism, be restrained and prudent. Talisman gives faithful friends and a strong happy family.

    This zodiac sign really appreciates financial independence. Antiques and stuff with history will help him achieve this. In addition, an old coin or statuette will emphasize the originality of thinking and will help in the desire to stand out from the crowd.

    Wooden mascots for representatives of this sign of the zodiac should be selected based on the decade of the astrological period. The lion born in a segment from July 26 to August 4 can call his patron of cypress. The tree makes a sign less aggressive, promotes family happiness and quiet life.

    The poplar can be a faith for a lion born in the period from August 5 to 13. The tree strengthens friendly and business connections, protects against dangerous dating and ill-wishers. In addition, a poplar thing helps to become a good leader.

    Cedar, or Cartas, - Talisman for those born in the period from 14 to 23 August. The tree makes a sign more serious, attentive and consistent. A cedar box or another item from this material strengthens the family, turning windy lion in a devotional spouse.

    The best talismans for other zodiac signs:

    Plants Suitable zodiac sign Lion on a horoscope

    Plants and flowers for lion

    The representative of this zodiacal sign is considered one of the most basal people.

    Choosing a lion plants, it should be borne in mind that this man loves everything beautiful, and its plants should bloom beautifully. But choosing a lion talisman, you should pay attention to the cypress or poplar, which will have a beneficial effect on his health.

    Planet The patron of this zodiac sign - the sun. That is why indoor plants for lion, as a rule, need careful care, and are very demanding on the lighting of the house or apartment and the conditions of content.

    Having decided to start some extraordinary or impressive plant, the representative of this sign will not be frightened by the overestimated care requirements, nor the high price of the purchased flower.

    This person prefers to live in a harmonious setting and it should be noted that the flowers for a lion with proper care are capable not only to maintain the physical strength and the emotional state of their owner, but also to clean the room from negative energy.

    The representative of this sign belongs to the fiery element, which gives it a passionate and emotional temperament. In this regard, the Plants of Leo help to achieve success in creativity, harmonious relationships with their half, as well as suppress the aggression inherent in it.

    What indoor plants and flowers are suitable for lion?

    Considering the question of which houseplants and flowers are suitable for lions, it should be first followed by the fact that this man is endowed with high egocentrism and loves to surround himself with all extraordinary and beautiful.

    Indoor plants for lion, despite the fact that he loves to admire them, as a rule, do not receive sufficient care from his master.

    That is why this person has two options: or choose unpretentious plants, or find someone who will make crop production for it.

    The most suitable room flowers for a lion-woman - Rose, Narcissus, Azalea, Gardenia and hypocirts. For a representative of this zodiacal sign, one of the most important factors is the admiration for its guests both the interior of her homes and plants.

    As a rule, Croton, Diffenbachia or Palma - the most popular indoor plants for a lion. These plants require frequent watering and spraying of the leaves and if you care for them, they will certainly lit the delight of the guests of the guests.

    Lion flowers on a horoscope

    Considering the question of which flowers are suitable for lions, it should be noted that the representative of this sign constantly needs love and joy. The flowers of the lion have a positive effect on people who have become dull and pessimistic for any reason, as it contradicts the character of the representative of this sign.

    In this regard, Calceolaria is the most suitable lion flower on the horoscope, because it gives his owner of the energy, thanks to which he will attract love and recognition not only by representatives of the opposite sex, but also colleagues.

    A favorable effect on the atmosphere of the dwelling of this person has yellow or orange flowers on the zodiac sign, especially if it is a calcacolaria, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

    It is necessary to remember that this type of room plant loves highly refined, well-light places, individually from all other colors.

    It is the most suitable flower for a lion woman, but it should be remembered that he does not like scandals and tears, and in a negative setting can die.

    Choosing plants and flowers of the lion for its premises, remember that this is the talisman of the king beasts, and above all, you should look after it is the most beautiful and well-lit place in your home.

    Lion trees on a horoscope

    Choosing a lion tree on a horoscope, you should consider the fact that, depending on the date of birth of the representative of this sign, you need to choose either cypress or poplar.

    Those born in the first half of the zodiac lion, the cypress will be more suitable, which will emphasize his relationship with Mother-Nature.

    This zodiac sign tree Lion, like his owner, is growing rapidly and adapts to everything new, gives it confident in its own power and helps to achieve success in love and business.

    For those who are born in the second half of this zodiac, the poplar is a tree-talisman of a lion.

    It helps to understand his mission on Earth, become more wise and realistic, because this person does not always clearly distinguishes the face between reality and fantasies.

    On the question of which the tree is suitable for, it is possible to answer that it should be one of his patron trees: Elm, Lipa, cypress, nut or poplar. If you choose a tree for a man of this sign, you should stop the choice on the oak, but for women apple tree the most suitable lion tree on the horoscope.

    Lion: Characteristic and description

    Find out the most interesting about Lion. This information will help you to succeed in relationships with a representative of this sign, avoid quarrels and find common interests.

    Choose talismans for lion, which items will be suitable for men and women of this sign of the zodiac

    When choosing an amulet for representatives of this sign, it is worth considering that they relate to the elements of fire and born in the middle of the summer, this is the hottest time in the year. The lion talismans should choose, given this fact, then the amulet will protect it from failures, troubles and trouble, strengthen the positive traits of nature, and negative weakening. The amulets should be the same bright and powerful in terms of energy, as well as representatives of this sign.

    A good talisman is able to lure luck, luck and happiness.

    Items-Talismans Lion

    Born under this constellation possess high status, they are very strong in spirit, and the overlaps further strengthen their energy potential. More often, the lions choose things as an amulets that have any value, it can be a family relic or antique, a rare subject.

    Mascotman for Leo should emphasize the high status of its owner, these must be the objects of "royality":

    • Pansno with precious stones;
    • Gold coins, old or modern values \u200b\u200bdo not have;
    • Canes decorated with impulvet handle;
    • Differences, Order Tapes and Orders, etc.
    • Expensive metal lighters (do not forget that the lion is a representative of the element of fire);

    As a mascot for a lion of a woman suitable large decorations of elegant shape with clear lines made of noble metals. Therefore, it is better to choose not fashionable novelties, but ancient decorations that can be applied signs symbolizing the sun or just engraving. Such symbols can be applied not only for decorations, but also on any other items.

    The energy center of representatives of this sign is considered to be the middle of the chest, this is a heart chakra, so if the decoration is chosen as an amulet, which rushes on the chest, then it must be just such a length.

    Gold is considered the most suitable metal for Lviv. Representatives of this sign demonstrate the desire for good luxurious life, to wealth, and the products of gold best demonstrate these achievements. Such decorations contribute to material supply, establishing and strengthening business ties.

    Decoration can be from tin. This metal allows lions to be more tactical, calm and flexible, helps to avoid unnecessary conflicts and achieve heights in the professional sphere. Products from silver, lunar metal, representatives of this sunny sign are not recommended.

    The best faith for representatives of this sign is an image, a figurine or a lion figure. This animal is considered a symbol of pride, power and power. This talisman, the sign of the zodiac lion, contributes to the development of communicability and intuition, can significantly increase the social status of the owner, help him get a high-paid job, to give his authority, but at the same time retaining sincerity and nobility inherent in him.

    The figure in the form of an eagle allows you to make solutions more weigly, analyze your actions and words, adequately react to criticism, be very pricious and restrained. Thanks to this amulet, the Lion is able to start a strong family and faithful, devotees. It helps his owner to achieve respect, recognition in society and respect from the people around.

    Lions are suitable talismans in the form of God's cows, swan, iron, torch.

    An excellent talisman can be a suspension with a star, a statuette or a stack form. Such an amulet contributes to the strengthening of intuition, which helps to find the right decisions and leads to success, happiness and favorably affects the future. Since the lion is a sunny sign, the star pulls the sun's rays with its five ends, transforming them into good energy, gives a tone. Metal, from which such a star is made, should be yellow, gold is best suited.

    Sometimes instead of the star, the lions choose the image of the sun as an amulet, with the help of it the desired result achieved much easier and faster. Such an overlap is able to protect against herbs, diseases, envy and gives energy.

    The amulets in the form of the sun and the stars are not recommended to wear all the time with them, as it can make a lion even more impatient and selfish, which will significantly worsen his character. The talisman is better to call from time to time, for example, before an important transaction or during creative stagnation.

    With the help of a talisman, you can get answers to questions. All possible answers to the assigned question are written on individual pieces, turn over and mixed. Next, closing the eyes, you need to throw the charm on the table. The answer will be the one as written on the leaflet nearest to the subject.

    Flower Horoscope Lion: Plants, Flowers and Lion Sign Trees

    Plants sign zodiac lion in Celtic and horoscope Druids

    a lion - Fiery sign, driven by the sun. These are generous, devotees, giving everyone around positive emotions.

    Lion plants on the flower horoscope largely repeat the characteristics of this sign of the zodiac - they are very beautiful and fluffy, require caring care and cannot live without sunlight.

    In exchange for the careful departure of the plant, the lion can bring happiness and positive energy to the house of each of their owner.

    Flowers-Talismans Lion

    Born under the sign of the lion impressed lush, beautiful room and garden flowers with scarlet, yellow or orange color. Nothing amazing - the king of animals always chooses the best. Lions, entertainment lovers and everything bright, the following flowers will be suitable:

    These are amazing plants associated with many with wealth. Special properties are famous among all acalifa. It will help those lions that often stay in a gloomy mood. This flower will help to cope with melancholy and recharge positive energy. Acalifa, like a fiery plant, literally will warm the house with its presence.

    Lev astrologers binds to creativity and high feelings. Absolutely for each person, the plants of this sign will be an effective talisman for great accomplishments on the creative field and in love.

    Calla It is impossible to better fit the images creative, constantly looking for inspiration. But Camellia astrologists recommend making people highly dependent on the opinions of others. This flower will fill the atmosphere around the lion with kindness and tranquility, and will also retain the clarity of the mind. Excellent, if sociable lions, in the house of which are constantly many people, will lead Balzamin. He inspires people a benevolence and "extinguishing" conflicts arising between them. Peony, if you believe numerous legends, all evil will take away from person.

    The lion flowers on the flower horoscope are very capricious, but at the same time extremely beautiful. So the lions please the surrounding only at their own desire, acting more often at the behest of the heart.

    Talisman Trees Lion

    Trees, patronizing lions on a horoscope, are endowed with strength and external article. Special influence on the people of this sign is provided - cypress, lords, poplar, kartas.

    A wubble on the basis of at least one tree-talisman will give the lion even more self-confidence and charges it by the necessary energy.

    Special symbolism for lion is endowed cypress. He protects everyone who is born in the period from 26.07 to 04.08. This beautiful church balances such passionate nature and will not give him mistakes. But for those who are born from 05.08 to 13.08, in the first place calm and measured rhythm of life. And it is the poplar that the time of centuries symbolizes the resistance and reliability that it impresses many lions.

    Plants of other signs of the zodiac:

    Patron Tree by Zodiac Sign

    Summary of ages people believed that trees possess special magical abilities and can affect people in the most incredibility. Some trees can treat and clean the energy field of a person, while others, on the contrary, can be called energy vampires. Each person should know his patron patron on the zodiac, because in this way he will receive an excellent ally, which at any time of the year can help restore energy flows.

    The horoscope of trees on the sign of the zodiac says that the Trees of Aries are pine, oak, tree, alder and linden. Stars recommend people belonging to this constellation, choose lonely trees, who will have a magnificent and well-developed crown. Communicate with trees is better at the beginning of summer.

    The tree on the zodiac for the Taurus is, first of all, the poplar. Also one of the main trees for representatives of this sign is the chestnut for men, and for women - walnut. But it is worth it to be extremely careful when communicating with a poplar, because it is capable not only to clean the energy, but also take it.

    Patroneous trees for twins - maple and apple tree. Also twins as their energy assistant, you can choose a pear, especially during its flowering. To communicate with the trees this sign follows late summer.

    For people born under the constellation of cancer, the zodiac sign will be Elm, Iva and Alder. The best time to clear your energy will be May or August for cancers.

    For Lviv, a wonderful natural talisman will be cypress or elm. Especially the stars allocate men of this constellation, for which an oak will become a powerful source of positive energy. These people communicate with their patron tree are recommended in September or April.

    According to the horoscope, Virgo is one of the most practical and at the same time spiritually unstable signs. As a source of energy for this sign, there is a wood, plum or alder. Many astrologers also distinguish the apple tree and the time it is fruit. Communication with Talisman tools is recommended in October, July and August.

    For weights, a strong patron will be birch or linden. Special attention should be paid to the birch, since this tree will be able not only to stabilize the emotional state of the sign of the sign, but also will save them from physical ailments.

    The tree on the sign of the zodiac for the people of this constellation is a rosehip, hawthorn, pine and chestnut. You can also note Ryabin. To communicate with your tree, scorpions follow in early spring, when only the kidneys swell.

    Perhaps as the most severe-talisman on the zodiac for Saglotov, a hrb or cedar is. It is two of these trees that are able to provide a direct impact on the physical and spiritual state of representatives of this sign. Time to communicate with tree for Sagittarov is March, August and October.

    The healing force for the Capricorn will be possessing, birch and fir. People belonging to this constellation, communicate with their tree on the zodiac stars recommend immediately as soon as the first snow comes down or late in summer.

    The strongest patron saint for water - poplar. You can also call the Lipon and Becklets, because they are also able to influence the representatives of this constellation. Time for any energy contacts with your tree for water - late spring.

    But for fish, the zodiac can be called larch, tees, honeysuckle and viburnum. Particularly useful for people of this sign will be the fruits of their patrons trees. Careful worth being with an aspen. The most suitable time to restore the energy balance from representatives of this constellation is the middle of summer.

    We wish you good health, and that this year brought to your life only the brightest and wonderful moments! And in order for you in all endeavors you have accompanied success, do not forget to click on the buttons and


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    A lion. Planet, stones, colors, talismans, flowers, trees, symbols, happily numbers.

    In a variety of myths, the sign of the zodiac lion is associated primarily with solar deities. Such, for example, is the myth of Heliosa - the Bog of the Sun, which lives in the palace, sparkling crystal and precious metals, and sends on a dazzling throne. Helios were often portrayed in the form of a huge eye, stivenly peering into the cosmic abyss.

    Peony - Chinese Rose, once in abundance, grown with us. Tradition says that Apollo gave this miraculous flower to the disciple of the Eskulap Peonya, for which the famous doctor was angry and killed the student, but the gods turned him into this large bright flower.