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How to plant carrots in open ground. Planting the carrot in the spring in the open soil seeds. The best varieties and ways of landing. How to soak carrot seeds before landing - ways

First option The most popular and suitable for each region, even with sharp fluctuations in temperature and sudden night frosts.

Second option Apply only for the southern regions and if the soil is lightning in its structure, however, even in this case, there is a chance that the hardened early carrot will taste bitter.

How to put the landing of carrots in open ground

1. Selecting time for landing

The optimal time for landing is the beginning of April, but in any case it is required to:

  1. Temperature During the day held above 15 degrees of heat for at least 5 days.
  2. At night there was an average of not lower than 8 degrees of heat.

Important Council: It's impossible to delay a long time for a long time, because than warmer to get on the street, the more moisture is lost in the soil.

In the southern regions you can start landing since the end of March, in the northern or at the cold spring, closer to May. If you plant before in winter, then it is necessary to do this not earlier than the middle of October - the beginning of November.

With any option, it is better to do it in the morning after about 6 hours.

2. Choosing a place and soil preparation

The landing place must meet the following requirements:

  1. Located on the sunny side, especially in the morning. Note: If carrots do not have enough sun, it becomes less sweet.
  2. It should be covered by wind (as applied to regions where strong winds are possible).
  3. The best place is where last year the crop of potatoes, tomatoes, onions or cabbage was assembled.
  4. It is impossible to use a bed, if parsley, dill or celery grew on it last summer.

The soil should be:

  1. Loose.
  2. Medium or neutral acidity.
  3. With excellent moisture permeability. Note: With a lack of moisture, the vegetable will be dry.
  4. With humus content.

Before boarding, any soil requires a certain preparation:

  1. In the fall, after harvesting, it is pregnant to switch the bed with a shovel to a depth of about 8 to 10 centimeters
  2. Make fertilizers, they must be organic:
    • Manure - is considered the best for a rich harvest of carrots.
    • Compost.
    • Bird litter.
    • Peat and others.
  3. 5-7 days before the landing date disintegrate. Tip: After loosening, walking along the whole bed with robbles.
  4. Make fertilizers whose includes phosphorus and calcium.

Note: If the fall fertilizer was not added, then you need to put the humus, in the amount of 3 kilograms per square meter.

3. Processing and preparation of soil

In order to minimize the risk of seed infection after landing with various diseases, as well as reduce the likelihood of all sorts of pests, the soil needs to be processed.

Soil processing includes the following steps:

  1. Careful removal of weed rhizomes from the soil. You can use certain means - herbicides, just follow strictly in accordance with the instructions, otherwise you can harm the soil. Note: After herbicides, all weeds will be completely old after 2 weeks. Important moment: A special danger to carrots represent the roots of dandelions and dusty.
  2. Disinfect. It is possible to carry out at least 2 weeks before sowing, you can in several stages (but with an interval of 3-5 days). Note: The disinfection means can be bought in the store or use a weak solution of manganese.
  3. Put on the soil ash (or humid).
  4. Switch.

Proper primer preparation is the key to a rich crop.

Preparation can be engaged in 2 ways:

  1. 1 Waying method from autumn, for this you need:
    • Add to ground humidia, chalk (if the soil in the structure is sour and you need to deoxide) and ash.
    • Everything is mixed and shifted in the vest until spring, most importantly, put it in the cold room, I will fit the melting. Note: Store in the house prepared soil is not advised, because it will go unpleasant, specific smell.
  2. 2 way - billet in spring:
    • A copper sulfate solution is added to the ground. Note: For 5 liters, water requires 2-3 grams of vitriol.
    • The soil required for planting is poured into a bucket and leaves in a warm room for 2-3 days. Tip: Frequently taken primer in the spring time is still very cold and unsuitable for sowing, so you can still warm up in the oven (only there will be an unpleasant odor).

Also in processing needed seeds. To do this, it is necessary:

  1. Lower all seeds in warm water, on average for 8-10 hours.
  2. The part that at the end of this time surfaced, is removed (for sowing they are unsuitable).
  3. The rest are laid out on the wet marry and in this form are left for 2 days.
  4. Desire for landing.

Note: The room temperature should be from 25 degrees of heat, so they will germinate faster.

4. Planting process in open ground

Stages of landing:

  1. Small wells are made, and
    • If the soil is sufficiently heavy or after the rain, then about 1.5-2 centimeters should be done.
    • With arid weather or light soil 3 centimeters.
  2. Seeds are planted at a distance of about 2 centimeters from each other.
  3. After thinning.

Tip: It is allowed to cover the beds with a polyethylene film for speedy germination.

You can also purchase a special tape in specialized stores to which seeds are pasted through the desired distance. After landing after a while, the tape is dissolved, and the seeds will remain.

Plus such a way - there is no need to cut forward.

Plant care

Fundamental rules:

  1. Regular watering:
    • With arid summer to do it every day, mainly in the evening.
    • With cloudy, but not rainy weather, enough every 2-3 days. Tip: It is necessary to regularly check the soil on the humidity.
    • It is better to use resistant water, which is taken from special barrels. Tip: Spring or water from wells need to hold some time in the sun, so that it warms up.
    • Optimally, if water with watering will penetrate the soil at 15-20 centimeters.
  2. Remove all weeds.Weeds for the growth of carrots represent a significant threat, since it is imperative to fully obtain nutrients, therefore, the fruit will be fine size and dry taste. Tip: You need to clean all weeds as soon as they begin to appear.
  3. Make feeding The first feeding goes immediately after germination, and the second one after 15-20 days.
  4. Regularly loose.

Frequently asked questions and answers to them

Is it worthwhile carrots before harvesting?

How to protect the harvest from carrot flies?

Answer: The most reliable way is to plant close garlic and onions, and the disembarkation is needed on both sides. If this method is not suitable, the solutions are sold in stores that are made by spraying carrots. But, the first option is better.

Is it possible to store rootes together with the tops?

Answer: No, the tops should also get rid of the harvest after harvesting drowk, it is best to lay it on the sun (5-6 hours).

Is it possible to plant carrots every year on the same bed?

Answer: For a greater crop, it is better not to plant constantly in one place, it is recommended to plant the cabbage or potatoes last year.

  1. Looking out carrots into open ground, only when all the recommendations relative to the temperature regime are met.
  2. Do properly processing and preparing the soil.
  3. Do not allow soil drying.
  4. Remove all weeds and make feeding.

Carrots - root, founding in areas of even novice gardens. It is rich in vitamins and microelements, and the content of keratin exceeds all vegetables and fruits (except sea buckthorn). To grow large and smooth fruits, you should know the nuances of growing.

Current conditions for carrots in open ground

Location of the site and illumination

For carrots, choose a well-lit plot - contact direct sunlight throughout the day benefit. When growing in the shade, yield decreases, flavoring qualities deteriorate.


The soil is necessary loose, neutral or weakly acidic reaction. Lightweight sampling or drigly soils are suitable. In dense loygles, the fruits grow small, quickly amazed by rotting during storage.

How to prepare land for the landing of carrots

Take care of the preparation of the site in the fall so that the soil is settled in the spring. For loosenness, if the soil is heavy drum, under the peat or sand. Distened soil Further by humus (6-8 kg per 1 m²).


It is advisable to change the location of carrot bed annually. Do not land carrots after parsley, dill, parsnika, celery. The perfect predecessors for carrots are cucumbers, tomatoes, garlic, onions, potatoes, cabbage.

Dates of planting carrots in open ground seeds

The yield of root directly depends on. Different varieties are the duration of maturation (information should be indicated on the packaging with seeds). Also focus on the deadlines for the desired harvest.

When to plant carrots under winter

To obtain early carrots or so-called bundle products, spend or early in spring. The first embodiment is possible only in warm climatic zones - even under the thick layer of the underfloor material, the seeds are freezed under severe conditions.

Casting of carrots are carried out at the end of October, when warming is no longer foreseen. If the seeds proceed and fall in the fall, their frost will destroy them. Therefore, the time of sowing is trying to move as far as possible by the end of the autumn.

Planting of carrots in spring in open ground

Carrots spend as soon as the upper layer of the soil is warmed to a temperature of 4-6 ° C. In the middle lane it is about the end of April. Remember: An earlier carrot fit and returnable cooling negatively affects the fetus fetuses and provokes the active laying of the flower shooter, but this is not a hindrance for growing the growing grades that are immediately eating and do not store in winter.

A varieties with a long maturation period are excellent for long-term storage. Slow them with the establishment of real heat (15-18 ° C).

Preparation of carrot seeds for planting in spring

Preparation of carrot seeds for planting spring soaking

How to correct carrot seeds before landing

First, select high-quality seeds: Place them into a solution of food salt for 3-5 minutes, which emerged on the surface are not suitable for sowing. The rest flush under running water, hold the day in a wet fabric moistened in the growth stimulator solution. Before sowing, the seeds are dried to a flowability and immediately sow.

Is it possible to germinate the seeds of carrots before landing

Some gardeners to accelerate germination make the following. Place seeds on wet fabric and kept at a temperature of 20-24 ° C for 5-6 days. It is important that the seeds are only Nobuchi, but not sprouted, otherwise the sprouts will damage during transplantation and the seeds will not go. Before sowing, the seeds are slightly dried to the flowability and immediately sowed.

Carrot seeds can be both in an unusual way: they are wrapped in fabric and plug in the garden before the time when the earth matches (about the bayonet shovel). Leave them in the ground for 10 days. Seeds will not be proceeded, but they will be well prepared for rapid germination. Sweep a little and immediately drink them.

How to plant carrots seeds in the ground

Distance between carrot seeds when landing

Make a shallow groove on the plot, well. Close the seeds at a depth of 2-3 cm. Observe the distance between rows of 15-20 cm, separate seeds try to place about 2 cm from each other.

Morkovay landing scheme in open ground

On an industrial scale, carrots are more convenient to plant dual rows: the distance between two rows of 15-20 cm, wide range of 40-50 cm.

The ridge is convenient to make non-strokes (approximately 1.3-1.5 m) so that on both sides it was possible to reach their hands for the ranks of the rows. The ranks are better to have perpendicular to the long side of the bed, it is more convenient to sow, break through and water the plants. Ratchdid 15-20 cm. At the edges of the beds, make fires to prevent water flow.

Do you need to water the carrots after landing?

If there is a cool raw weather, there is no need for watering. In warm sunny days, the soil enhances quickly, in this case moderate watering will not be superfluous. However, remember: an excessive amount of moisture provokes the formation of an earthen crust, which is even worse than the absence of watering. Therefore, moisturize carefully, only slightly sprinkling the garden. Watering repeat every morning until shoots appear. After it is possible to break down a rivermerry and water less often, after 1-2 days, with the obligatory loosening of the rod, until they clogged with a grained van.

How many seeds of carrots take place?

With warm weather, the seeds will go around in a week. The germination time is doubled if the air temperature is below 12 ° C. Extlive places replenish additional sowing.

Under the winter, the seeds are sown at a soil temperature below +5 ° C. Divide the seeds for 2 cm. The mulch layer thickness should be 3-4 cm. If the snow cover is insignificant, further cover the bag, increasing the layer to half a meter.

Carrot care after landing in open soil


To grow large root roots, the level of thickening should be adjusted. First thinning with the advent of real leaves. The sprouts are very gentle so that they are well removed, it is necessary to hide abundantly, after dried slightly to jumble the soil.

Remove plants one by one, leaving a distance of 2-3 cm between individual plants. It is better to carry out a procedure during the daytime - in the evening you can attract carrot flock into the pest portion. Do not leave the top garden. The soil around the plants, press a little to support the sprouts in a vertical position. After 20 days, spend re-thinning, increasing the distance twice.

Watering carrots after landing and in the future

The juiciness and sweet taste of rootpilodes depends on watering. Provide regular watering at all stages of carrot growth. The soil should glow into depth according to the size of the root. Water out the garden with an adult carrot so that the soil wet is 30 cm. From the lack of moisture fruit is sluggish, with a bitter flavor.

After 3-4 days, bringing 30-40 liters of water to 1 m² to give moisture to form root plates. The roots of medium-sized are capable of finding moisture independently - bring 10-20 liters of water to 1 m² once a week. From the end of August, 8-10 liters of water for 1 m² every 1.5-2 weeks. 2 weeks before harvesting, withstand carrots without watering.

A sharp drops from the soil drying to excess moisture lead to cracking of fruits, which worsens their fierce.

Regularly loose aisle, we have landing from weeds.


Carrot follows twice per season. Spend first feeder after 3-4 weeks after the appearance of germs, the second - in a couple of months. Fertilizer put in liquid form. At 10 liters of water, add to the choice: 2 cups of wood ash; 1 tbsp. l. nitroposki; 20 g of potash nitrate, 15 g of double superphosphate and urea.

Diseases and pests of carrots

Carrot fly is the main enemy of the plant. It appears with thickened landings, if weeds, from excessive soil moisturizing. You will understand that the plantation is amazed by carrot flock, according to the following signs: the leaves will begin to spin and dry. It is necessary to urgently process insecticide.

To protect against carrot flies near the beds of carrots, velvets are planting, the smell of which scares pests.

Carrots are subject to weakly. It is possible to damage by phomose, alternariasis. The risk of disease occurs reduces the processing of a bed with 1% burglar fluid solution.

Harvesting carrots

Colds Carrots are not afraid, but low air temperature (below +8 ° C) contributes to the transition of starch in sugar, which will negatively affect the heels. In the conditions of the middle strip, the harvest of carrots should be collected at the end of September. Do it with dry weather. Dock carrots, smooth root from the ground, hold on the air (not under the right sunlight) about 1.5-2 hours, then cut the tops. Sort the harvest, smooth fruits without damage to put into ventilated boxes, store in a cool dark place.

Carrot for landing in open ground: Best varieties

Choose carrot seeds: for open soil. Among the many varieties can easily choose the optimal option for both spring and autumn sowing.

Consider the most damned varieties:

Alenka is a variety of early ripening time, a harvest can be harvested after 50 days of growth. With the length of the root 12-15 cm, the weight is 145.

Tuskon - a raven grade, its fruits are ready to collect after 2 months of growth. Weight - 150 g, length - 20 cm.

NANTSKA - Mid-line variety with a maturity of 85-90 days. The average length of the stupid root roof is 16 cm at a weight of 165.

Vitamin - corruptpalodes of varieties are ready to collect through 110-112 days of growth. Weight - 150 g, root of root - about 15 cm.

Queen of autumn - late grade, maturing 125-135 days. Ideal for winter storage. With the length of the root of 20 cm weighs about 160 g.

Flacke - refers to late varieties. Collect the harvest can be 100-120 days of growth. 30 cm roar roar roots in front of 150-170

Carrot - Extremely necessary vegetable in the kitchen! All year round we add it to hot dishes, we use fresh and mix salads. The cost of carrots in the store is low, so maybe it would be more convenient to just buy root roots as needed without spending time on its cultivation? However, closer to the spring, the shopping carrot begins to grow substantially, its quality deteriorates noticeably, and those who have not made the stocks in time.

That is why in every garden is necessarily provided for the garden under this favorite vegetable culture, and the experienced gardens exchange with beginner experience, how to put carrots in order to obtain a rich harvest of healthy root crops.

If you didn't have to grow vegetables before, you don't have a picture, how to plant carrots, or you can't grow normal delicious root roots, our article will definitely be useful for you. We will tell about how to plant carrots by seeds, how to care for young shoots, and how to protect the bed from.

Video about the preparation of carrot seeds for landing

Depending on whether you bought seeds, they will be distinguished and the timing of their sowing. So, in the twenties of April, it is possible to dry up early varieties, from April 25, on May 5, the middle-air-timed range, and the landing of carrots intended for winter storage is carried out on June 10-15.

For carrot beds it is recommended to choose a plot where weeds appear not too much, as weeds will come to the carrots and will prevent her. The soil should be loose, preferably with sand. In the heavy ground, the roots can turn out bent, pore, small. If in the ground there will be a constantly elevated level of moisture, the roots are drunk, and in the dry ground, the carrot will be "wooden".

Consider also, after which crops you will sung carrots. It is best to choose those sites in which the cucumbers, tomatoes, garlic, onions, cabbage, potatoes or greens (except salad) grew up. After parsley, it is better not a carrot, as pests, dangerous and for carrots can remain in the soil.

In heavy ground, rooted roots can be curved, pore, small

Soil on the garden is reappearing in the fall, and in the spring, walk on the ground flat. Additionally, it does not follow - for carrots are preferred by the axial land. Most importantly - do not put fresh manure into the soil, since the carrot does not tolerate its acid. Circling can be fertilized by mineral fertilizers in a couple of weeks before planting carrots.

Planting the carrot is made by seeds immediately in open ground. Seed prepare in advance:

  • soak for two hours in clean water room temperature;
  • lower the seeds on wet fabric and cover with another damp cloth on top;
  • keep the seeds in the room, periodically gently stirring them;
  • fabric sweat when dried;
  • when the seeds are completely swollen and begin to slander, move them to the fridge for 10 days for hardening.

Simple and available on how to put carrots

It is enough to withstand the distance between the seeds of 1.5 cm

Grocery allocated for carrots, sprinkle ash, shift in it through every groove to 2.5 cm deep, leaving a row of 20 cm, and at the edges of the ridge 12 cm. Sweep the grooves with water and add prepared seeds. It is enough to withstand the distance between the seeds of 1.5 cm. Floor groove ground. From above above the garden at an altitude of 15 cm, it is recommended to pull the film so that the shooters appear faster, and with the appearance of a greenery, the film can be removed.

Experienced gardeners in the desire to simplify the process of seeding seeds, sometimes invent quite unusual methodsHow to plant carrots: someone blends seed with sand in front of the sowing, others are pre-stick one seedly on thin paper ribbons (you can use toilet). Carrot seeds are adapted to the toothpick, dipped into paper glue or in a hubber and apply every 5 cm on paper. Such paper tapes are paved in the furrows and put on top of the earth.

Video of growing carrots

At the edges of the garden, land Rediska, she will quickly go out, designating carrot rods, and you can start loosening the parties early (Carrot loves frequent loosening). It is also very helpful to plant onions on carrot beds, since its smell drives off carrot flies - the most dangerous carrot pest.

The first time the bed should be abundantly watered, and when the first shoots are separated, reduce the watering to two times a week. Although the seed material will take up not all, but after the formation of the first leaf will need to be broken, leaving the strongest plants.

18.04.2019 47 207

Planting of carrots in spring - preparation of seeds, timing and methods of sowing

The summer house with extensive experience will grow large and tasty carrots without much effort and hassle, and the planting of carrots in the spring for a novice gardener will bring a good harvest when complying with certain conditions and rules that will be discussed in this article ...

Preparation of beds for carrots in spring

Before entering the sowing of seeds of carrots, it is necessary to prepare the soil. Basically, bedding for carrots is prepared from autumn, drove to the depth of the bayonet shovel, the necessary trace elements are made. With your own hands, or purchased in the store, will be a good help for a rich harvest, also entered at Popile. If the crop turnover was observed and earlier fertilizers were made to this place, it is not necessary to overstat the land with nutritional elements.

Carrot grows well on light areas and soils with a small content of clay and sand (up to 30%). If the ground is heavy and clay, sand is made for better breathability and porosity. For the cultivation of carrots, land with neutral acidity is necessary, as necessary, the chalk or the dolomite flour for deoxidation is needed. On the soils of the soils, the carrot grows tasteless and hacking. Fertilizers and carry out the calm of the soil simultaneously.

In the photo - the preparation of soil under the sowing of seed carrots In the photo - furrows under carrot seeds In the photo - Sowing seed carrots

If the necessary mineral macro and microfertilities were not made in the fall, they are made in spring for a couple of weeks before planting carrots. You can also make a compost or vermicompost, use 3-4 days before sowing, only wood ash is made on the Earth falling from the fall (100-150 grams per 1 m²). Fresh sawdust in spring for carrot bed is not recommended, as they scribble the ground, only overwhelms use.

How to soak carrot seeds before landing - ways

Get friendly and good seed shoots of carrots are possible with their proper preparation. Preparatory activities improve the germination and germination of seeds, contribute to improving immunity to various infectious and fungal diseases. Proper preparation of seeds of carrots to sowing includes several consecutive stages:

Sorting and rejection. Initially, carrot seeds are viewed and all damaged, cored, boosts. It is quite difficult for the eye, therefore, it is possible to select the highest quality material in the immersion of seeds in the saline solution (one teaspoon of 250 grams of water) for 10-15 minutes. All seeds remaining on the surface of the liquid are thrown out, those at the bottom, are washed in warm water and dried;

In the photo - preparation of carrot seeds for landing, soaking

Disinfection. If the carrot seeds were going to hand, it is desirable to go them to protect them from various infections. You can rin the carrot in a weak mortar solution (20-30 minutes) or boric acid (1 gram per 5 liters of water, seeds are immersed in liquid and maintained during the day). It is also practiced soaking in a two-percent solution of hydrogen peroxide for 8-10 minutes;

Treatment nutritional compositions to improve gem. Because of the dense shell, carrot seeds germinate for a long time, but this process can be accelerated using simple techniques. To quickly stretch the carrot seeds, make soaking in vodka for 15 minutes (but no more), then rinse and dry. The good results of the germination show various stimulating and nutritious drugs, such as immunocyto, humate potassium, and from folk agents the greatest popularity of carrot seeds in potato juice or scarlet are most popular;

Charging seeds. Typically, the seeds of carrots are not required hardening, as they are withstanding low temperatures, but many dacms and gardeners resort to this method in case of return freezers, especially if sowing occurs in the northern regions of our country or in the Urals. The seeds are soaked at room temperature for 12-15 hours, then placed in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours, such a sequence is repeated for five days.

When to plant carrots seeds in open ground - timing

Obtaining a rich and tasty harvest is possible if the timing of the sowing of carrots in spring was observed. In the central and middle lane of our country, the early varieties of carrots are sown in the fourth decade of April, the landing of secondary varieties is carried out in the last days of April and early May. In the southern regions of Russia and in Kuban, sowing carrots are carried out in early March and continues until the beginning of May. If you take into account folk signs, then planting carrots are necessary after a collapse of mother-and-stepmother or fluffy kidney on IWA will dissolve.

How best to plant

There are several ways to plant carrots that facilitate the process make it easier and more convenient:

Landing in rows It provides for the cutting of shallow groove at a distance of 14-16 centimeters from each other, correctly plant seeds of carrots in row needs to be at a depth of no more than 2 centimeters. Dry sowing from the hand abide by the gap into one centimeter between the seeds, most likely it will not work, try not to scatter too much so that the shootings of carrots did not yet cut forward;

In the photo - a way to plant seeds of carrots on a ribbon

You can plant carrot seeds on ribbon (toilet paper), for this you need to prepare a hubber and evenly decompose the sowing material, for this is taken 1 tbsp. Starch and stirred in half a glass of water. The resulting liquid thin flowing is poured into hot water and is constantly stirred, then the mixture is brought to thickening and cooled. The process is not fast, but it will be confidence that expensive and valuable varieties will not scatter in the wind and do not have to cut forward;

In the photo - Paper, carrot seeds, Clayster
In the photo - Cleaster applied points for carrot seeds

In the photo - seeds of carrots decline on points with a hubble
In the photo - the resulting material is covered with the same leaf and cuts on the tape

Sowing seed carrots from kettle It is the easiest way, as you just need to cook the kisel (the tablespoon of starch per liter of fluid). Cool it to a warm state, add seeds and break to the kettle, stir well, then pour out seed cheese to the prepared grooves;

Sanding seeds It is done as follows, one teaspoon of the sowing material is mixed with 250 grams of dry sand, stirred and raves evenly into row. As a result, economical consumption and lightweight sowing are provided.

Experienced gardeners are recommended to produce mixed carrot landings with lighthouse cultures, such as radishes, spinach or salad. Seeds of crops are mixed, a little sand is added and seeded. Early radishes and greens take the first and cleaned with the bed before. As a result, you can collect fresh vitamins from one bed, and then the harvest of carrots.

Carrot is a cold-resistant culture. The planting of carrots in the spring in open ground is carried out before many other plants. This happens in April, when the sun in full measure will warm and dry the earth.

If you plant carrots in the fall, it will have to be used for a short period. But she will quickly grow and will be content with the root close of the usual. The planting of carrots in the spring allows you to get a crop later, but it will be suitable for long-term storage.

What varieties are suitable for spring landing?

The main thing is not only correct to plant carrots in the spring, but also to choose a variety. Some varieties are good only for a certain region, but there are those that are suitable for all. Among them are the following:

  • "Alenka". Sweet and delicious root roots ripen. The average weight of such carrots is 160 g;
  • "Vitamin". One of the sweet varieties. Contains 11% sugar. Kornemplood ripens in 110 days and has a weight of about 150g;
  • "Losinoostrovskaya 13". Juicy fruits has a delicate taste. Suitable for the children's and diet menu. Well kept in winter;
  • "Nante 4". She is juicy and has a pleasant taste. Good grows in dense soils. The average length of the root is 15 cm;
  • "Incomplete". Medium-bed variety. Bright orange fruits of a truncated conical shape have stupid ends. It takes about 130 days to ripen;
  • "Touchon". Large root roots ripen in 80 days. Has a bright core, so it's good for the pilaf;
  • "Sharkta 2461". Big root roots are good for use for any purpose. One of the best varieties for winter storage.

For eating in the summer, early grades are planting, and medium and late for good preservation all winter.

Selection of place for landing

The amount and quality of the crop depends on the landing site. Carrots will grow well subject to the following requirements:

  1. The place should not be in the shade. Grocery for carrots is recommended to be located on a well-lit plot throughout the light day.
  2. For landing, each year choose a new territory. The root plant is poorly growing in the same place. It can be returned to the previous one no earlier than 3 years.
  3. Carrots do not plant in the place where greens grow earlier: parsley, dill, celery, Pasternak. On it she will grow badly.
  4. The best predecessors for the root plant: cucumber, tomato, potatoes, cabbage, zucchini.
  5. The size of the ridge is chosen in such a way that the root plates are located at a distance of approximately 3 cm from each other.

The landing site should be on the lungs and crumbly soils. Heavy and clay soils are better to avoid. Bad aeration leads to diseases and deformation of the root.

Dates of sowing

Compliance with the deadlines of seeds of carrots affect the yield. The soil should warm up to 7-9 ° C, and the air to 14-16 ° C. With an early landing, the seeds germinate slower. When to plant carrots into open ground depending on the region:

  • Central and medium - the end of April - the beginning of May;
  • Southern - beginning of March - beginning of May.

According to folk signs, it is possible to sow a plant after a colon footwell is blooming, and the kidneys will be blown up.

Preparation of soil

The carrot ridge is usually harvested in autumn. It is drunk and the necessary trace elements contribute. Use organic fertilizers of their own preparation or purchased in the store. If the preparation did not spend at the right time of the year, then mineral fertilizers contribute to the soil for 2 weeks. For a while, it is raised by carcasses for the preparation of the soil and sowing of carrots, when calculating 100-150 g per 1 m².

In the spring, the land must be loose. To do this, it is loosened and peat, humid or river sand adds to it. This procedure concerns the layer of land to the depth of half a shovel. The ridge is cleaned of weeds.

At the site of planting carrots, the soil is not lime and do not ferture fresh manure. The latter is replaced with a recoverable compost. To prevent soil watering, fresh sawdust in the spring do not contribute. Suitable only overworked.

7 days before the landing, the site is perfectly watered with water and heated by a polyethylene film. It helps to warm and moisten the soil. 3-4 days before sowing make humic fertilizers in open ground.

Preparation of seeds

Preparation of seeds to landing passes through several stages:

  • sorting;
  • disinfection;
  • treatment;
  • hardening.

Seeds are sorted and throwing damaged and unsuitable for landing. A saline is prepared for determining high-quality material: in water (250 ml) dissolve a teaspoon of salt. In it, 15 minutes immerses seeds, and then throw out those that will remain on the surface. The rest wash and dried.

Disinfection is carried out if it is supposed to grow from seeds, manually assembled. To do this, they are lowered into a weak manganese solution. The treatment of the sowing material is carried out to quickly germinate. It takes 15 minutes to withstand it in vodka.

In the northern regions make quenching seeds. First, their day is soaked in water temperature, then keep the night in the refrigerator. Such manipulations, as for the first time, repeat 5 days in a row. If everything is done correctly, the landing will suhold sudden later frosts.

Methods of sowing Morkovay

Each gardener himself determines for itself a convenient way to planting. There are several of them:

  • landing in rows;
  • with sand;
  • on ribbon;
  • from the kettle.

With the first planting method, the grooves are cut into 15 cm from each other. They must be shallow, so that the seeds are planted on a depth of 2 cm. They are manually poured on a distance of about 1 cm. You can mix the sowing material with sand and evenly pour into the rows.

For landing on the ribbon, the toilet paper and a hubber prepared from starch will be required. The seed material is attached to the tape in the required order, and then planted. You can cook from the starch Kisel and after cooling to add seeds to it. It is placed in the kettle and evenly pour into the ridge.

Watering and landing care

Carrot landing care is regular soil and tidwing treatment. Without these manipulations, carrots will not grow. The soil regularly loose, so that it does not harde it, otherwise the root fruit will begin to deform. If necessary, shooting carrots thinned.

Watering carrots should be moderate. With a lack of moisture, the rootpod becomes bitter and Koriy, with an excess - "hairy" and with a fatty van. Carrots are well watered at the stage of growth of the tops. When it takes normal size, the amount of irrigation is reduced. Just one watering in 10 days. Before harvesting, the plant should be politically no longer than 14 days ago.

So that carrots do not spoil the disease and pests, prevention is carried out. It lies in the correct landing and care conditions. To prevent carrot landing from attacks of carrot flies, you can place onions on the same bed. If the pest has already begun, there is a row of wood ash, mixed with tobacco.