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What does the red color mean in a person's life. Master class "Color in human life." The value of blue

Kulikova A.

Project to participate in the scientific community of students (NOU).



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Research Project on Psychology "The Value of Color in Human Life" The author of the project: Kulikova Anna, a student of 7 class leader: Voronova E.E., teacher-psychologist MBOU "Gavrilovskaya Sosh" d. Gavrilovka 2014

Introduction from our very birth and until the very last day of our lives, we accompany us various colors. We see them every day and do not try to emphasize our attention on this constantly. We choose colorful beautiful clothes, furniture, interior and much more, simply based on the understanding "Like - Dislike." We do not even notice how the colors of every day affect our life, our behavior, mood, character. Color - phenomenon mysterious. Even in a dream and with closed eyes, we do not cease to see colors. Color - source of many paradoxes of thinking. By the way, the main postulate of the Council of Doctors at the courtyard of the ancient Chinese emperors is interesting. This one of the most ancient laws read: all shades of red are responsible for the physical health of the body, blue colors help "set up" the mind, the yellow gamma is responsible for the mental state. I really want to analyze the choice and the preference of the color scheme in people of different ages. Therefore, I chose the topic "Color in Human Life." During the entire study, we will learn the relationship between the color and emotional state of a person, as well as the influence of the age of a person to choose a color.

Objective: To study the effect of color on behavior and emotional state of a person, the effect of age features on preference of a specific color. Tasks for research: study the theoretical basis of the question. Examine a priority color in people of different ages. Examine the relationship of the emotional state of man and color preferences. Develop recommendations for the use of color gamma in clothing and interior of premises. Research methods: Literature study, analysis of various sources, observation, surveillance, synthesis, experiment. Object of the study: Color gamma. Research hypothesis: Each age level has a preference to a certain color, the color affects the behavior and emotional state of the person.

The color in the life of a person's color exposure is rarely some of us thinks, what role does the color play in life, and meanwhile, not only the perception of the surrounding world depends on it, but also our mood. Want to be in harmony with you and the world? Colors can have a physical and mental impact. Indeed, our life is unthinkable without wealth and charm of color forms. Color is able to delight and disappear, it can affect our well-being and working capacity. Green color resurrects the thought of refreshing the effects of nature. The blue color may cause an idea associated with a touch of cold water, breathing dark night. The effect of color is quite strong and spontaneous only if it is the result of intelligent interpretation. Parents are infrequently penetrated by the saturation of flowers in the drawings of children, and therefore lose control over the spiritual experiences of the child, which subsequently develop into neurosis, negativity, unwillingness to learn, and in some other things later. Detect and settle the conflict in the child's shower will help the most common drawing. Most often, it is used for correction psychologists. And this is happening both in schools and in special institutions. Drawing, according to the psychologist Oksana Litvinenko, helps and adult. Therefore, paint more often, especially after nervous excitement. It acts much more efficiently than sedative tranquilizers. And if you see in your works thick strokes of dark flowers, especially gray, black, dark brown, - such drawings destroy (burn), as if you cut off from your "I" everything is bad.

Characteristics of the color range. Perception of colors and shades can be compared with a musician that sets your tool. All shades are able to cause elusive response and mood in the soul in the soul, so he is looking for a resonance of fluctuations in color waves with internal echoes of his soul. There are 2 main groups that colors are divided. These are the colors of warm gamut, and the color of the cold gamma. The warm gamut is: red, yellow, orange, brown and all their shades, as you know. They create from those who look at them or wearing them, the feeling of comfort, comfort, relaxation, peace, cause a feeling of intimacy, emotional attraction. Cold tones, which include all shades of blue, blue, green, purple, gray, make us be collected and more active. But at the same time they can cause people around you the feeling of distance, closedness, detachment. Characteristics of colors from those time immemorial when a person gained the ability to perceive the beauty of the outside world, his attention was chained to themselves.

Red people with antiquity showed a special addiction to red. In many languages, the same word denotes red and in general everything is beautiful, beautiful. Polynesians have the word "red" is synonymous with the word "beloved". In China, a sincere, frank man tells the "Red Heart", while the heart of a bad, insidious man is black. The red color is primarily associated with blood and fire. Its symbolic values \u200b\u200bare very diverse and contradictory. Red symbolizes the joy, beauty, love and completeness of life, and on the other hand - enmity, revenge, war, binds to aggressiveness and carnal desires. Red is the main heraldic color. On the banners, he symbolizes the riot, revolution, struggle, independence. Red prompts people to rapid solutions. The red color also fills the energy and courage, gives a feeling of strength, thanks to which you can perform the outlined. That is why politicians often wear red ties, especially before presidential elections. Red causes strong emotions, and passion including. But in the home decoration on the red color, restrictions are superimposed: use it only in those rooms in which you are going to work or spend time in conversations - in the living rooms (if you use a red dining room, be prepared for the fact that guests will eat twice as much). Red color is preferable for passing rooms where you do not need to spend a lot of time - in the halls and corridors. In the nursery, he can lead to insomnia. Red captures attention and puts out objects painted in it on the fore. Red - the first color that you lose sight of twilight; It is not distinguished at long distances.

White white color symbolizes purity, chasing, innocence, virtue, joy. It is associated with daylight and celestial luminais, as well as with producing force, which is embodied in milk and egg. With whiteness, an idea of \u200b\u200bgenerally accepted, legitimate, true. In the Christian tradition, white denotes relationship with divine light. In white, angels, holy and righteous are depicted. White color is associated with cleanliness, innocence, virtue and loyalty. It is not surprising that he is popular for weddings. Before the appearance of washing machines, only wealthy people could afford white clothes. It was implied that a man in white clothes has a high social situation - he does not have to deal with dirty manual labor. White color symbolizes the truth and justice. Since childhood, we know that the "knight in white" will always come to the aid of white - the color of innocence and purity. Slavic peoples white color symbolizes sincerity, purity of the soul and thoughts. People who attract white, are constantly in search of themselves and strive for excellence.

Black black color symbolizes misfortune, grief, mourning, the death of everything that moves and breathes. Black is associated with darkness and earth and is the genuine emblem of all hidden, secret and unknown. Many nations are binding to the blacks at night, and the night - with evil and witchcraft. At night, human life is exposed to the greatest danger. If the "black tie" is indicated on the reception, then this emphasizes the importance of the event and the information is transmitted that the costume should be strict because the meeting will be official. Black color authoritative and in large doses can impress aggressiveness. Black color is considered conservative and inspiring respect. People seem like black figures weigh more than the same white shapes.

Yellow psychologists argue that yellow color is the happiest color of the spectrum, he inspires optimism and joy. The Association with the Sun gives the yellow special aura, denotes wisdom, intelligence, imagination, a tendency to spontaneity. Yellow color is instantly registered by the brain, stimulating his work and the nervous system. The high degree of visibility of yellow color contributes to rapid, clear thinking. Yellow "revives" other colors, turning hot gammas in dazzling and returning cool colors to life. That is why this color is a favorite in the home interior, filling any room with warmth and light. The most frequent use of yellow finds in the kitchen and in the dining room - it helps to increase the appetite. In small doses, the yellow color contributes to creating a happy atmosphere to friendly conversations, however, a long neighborhood with bright lemon color can cause brain overexcitation and anxiety. Yellow - the happiest color, it personifies warmth, optimism and joy. Yellow actively acts into space, and therefore is considered the most noticeable color; It is preferred for road signs and various kinds of packages. Yellow color stimulates clear thinking. Yellow activates other colors, making hot gamuts shining and reviving cool colors. The abundance of yellow can be tired. Its muffled tones have to communicate, and golden are associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bwealth. Yellow as a symbol of the sun, removes stresses and gives hope. The thread of yellow light symbolizes heat and comfort and strengthens the nerves.

Blue blue is the color of the sky and the sea. It combines some kind of contradiction of excitement and peace, causes the feeling of the cold and reminds of the shadow. The blue surface seems to be removed from the person, fonds to the depth. Many nations have blue symbolized the sky and eternity. In Christian culture, he is associated with incomprehensible secrets, with the eternal Divine Truth. For romantics, blue color of dreams and longing on an unearthly ideal. Blue can also symbolize kindness, loyalty, constancy, location, and in the Heraldry language indicates chastity, honesty, good glory and loyalty. "Blue blood" speaks of noble origin. If the blue is your favorite color, then you are from a good company. Blue is the most favorite of all colors. Indeed, if it is stubbornly to look at the blue color, it leads to a decrease in the frequency of the pulse and respiration and for a while reduces blood pressure. Before the invention of refrigerators, when the products were stored in the kitchens and in the storerooms, these rooms were painted in a cobalt color to scare insects, which, as noticed, avoid blue. Blue color in kitchens is popular and in our time. During the election campaign of politics, wanting to inspire confidence, the costumes of blue are often put on. Bright blue colors are ideal for outfits that you can put on a party or secular reception, in this case you will get all the last gossip, because you will be more frank with you than others. Dark blue tones correlate with high social status, stability and dignity ..

Green green - grass and leaves. Many nations symbolized youth, hope and fun, although sometimes immaturity, insufficient perfection. Green color is extremely material and actually acts, but can produce and depressing impression (it's not by chance that the longing is called "green", and the person himself from anger "green"). This color is associated with ideas about life and growth, it is considered relaxing, has healing properties, the ability to calm and refresh. The more the green color is muted, the higher its soothing properties. This is one of the reasons why the walls of hospitals paint into the colors of the sea foam. Saturated green is the color of adult trees, high and stable. This color is often found in the offices of lawyers and financiers. And in general, this is the color of money! Olive color is associated with power, it is used by the military, while the color of green grass causes an idea of \u200b\u200ba new life and growth, symbolizes fertility. Shades of green can be harmoniously used in the home decor. Bright green will bring a feeling of the pulse of natural, natural, life and "will open" the interior to the park surrounding house. Green gammas refreshing, which makes them indispensable in kitchens. Pale green color causes a feeling of a pleasant clear feeling, it is ideal in secluded corners of the house - in bathrooms and bedrooms. In green, they combine humility, refinement and feeling of antiseptic purity, so it is used in the decor's decoration. Shades of green give a feeling of purity and freshness, they are especially popular on cosmetics boxes. And in general, the goods in green packaging are perceived as environmentally friendly. Pale green - soothing and relaxing color. He contributes to improved vision. Dark green colors are associated with stability and growth. Worldwide green is a security symbol. Therefore, adopted to designate the start of movement in traffic lights. People who prefer green, reliable and generous. Green - the color of hope, naturalness and freshness. Green color soothes, and his abundance can cause depression, "Green longing". Green lovers are modest, restrained, patient and are not inclined to the rapid manifestation of their feelings.

Experimental work Stages of research 1. At the beginning of its research work, I found and studied the material about the value of colors, their characteristics and the effect of color on the emotional state and behavior of people. 2. Then I decided to test my hypothesis that each age level has preference to a certain color. For this, survey among primary school students, junior teenagers, senior adolescent and adolescent students and school teachers. The study took part: - students of younger school age (7-10 years old) - 15 h. - Junior adolescence (11-14 years old) - 15 hours - senior adolescent and youth (15-18 years old) - 15 hours. - Adult people from 30 to 45 years - 15 h.

Students of primary classes prefer red and blue-blue colors. Red expresses vitality, activity, means all sorts of inclinations and aspirations to get results and seek success, impulsiveness, will to victory. Blue means full calm, contentment, peace. He personifies the bonds that a person binds himself with others; Association, a sense of community. Red - blue - harmony and activity in collaboration, emotional satisfaction, cooperation and mutual understanding for the benefit of creation.

Students of middle classes prefer blue and black colors. Blue means full calm, contentment, peace. He personifies the bonds that a person binds himself with others; Association, a sense of community. Black always hides in itself everything that carries; He is "mysterious." He is associated with curiosity, he attracts to himself, scares. The black color always challenges the person to try to free his essence, that is, a person must go through black to know how much white in it.

Students of senior classes prefer red and black colors. Red colors personifies power, he always wants what he wants. He is always in motion, always source of energy. He symbolizes the passion, excites passion, i.e. He passionately loves, passionately hates and believes passionately. It is characterized by maximal in feelings. Black always hides in itself everything that carries; He is "mysterious." He is associated with curiosity, he attracts to himself, scares. The black color always challenges the person to try to free his essence, that is, a person must go through black to know how much white in it. Red-Clear - dramatization, impulsive excessive desires.

Gavrilov school teachers prefer blue (and shades of blue) and red (and shades of red). People who prefer blue are trying to put everything in order to systematize. They always have their own point of view; Are committed to what they do. Blue color is constancy, perseverance, perseverance, dedication, dedication, seriousness, rigor. Red expresses vitality, activity, means all sorts of inclinations and aspirations to get results and seek success, impulsiveness, will to victory. Conclusion: My hypothesis that every age level has a preference of a certain color, it turned out to be true and the color characteristic confirms it.

Conclusions: 1. The study of appropriate literature has shown that each color has its own symbolism and its psychological features. Green - the color of hope, naturalness and freshness. Green color soothes, and his abundance can cause depression, "Green longing". White - the color of innocence and purity. People who attract white, are constantly in search of themselves and strive for excellence. Black - the color of mystery, sadness, evil and death. Dress in black prefer creative personality, philosophers of life. Yellow color excites and creates a good mood. People who attract yellow color are open to everything new. They have good analytical abilities and acute mind. Blue soothes, cools, relaxes and pacifies. Love for blue color speaks of conscientiousness and honesty. Red - color of life, joy, strength and health. People preferring red are impulsive, energetic - these are true discussion and dispute lovers. 2. Depending on the age, each person prefers to a certain color: Students of the initial classes - red, blue, which indicates the activity of this age and the desire to achieve success. Younger teenagers are blue and black, meaning a sense of community and contradictions, the desire to know everything unknown. Senior teens and boys are red, black, which indicates the dramaticness and impulsivity of this age. Adults (teachers) are blue and red color, which indicates the presence of its point of view on everything they surround, conscientiousness and rigor, impulsiveness and activity.

Thanks for attention!


MBOU "Gavrilovskaya Sosh"

Research project


"Color value in a person's life"

Kulikova Anna,

student 7-A class


Voronova E.E.,

psychologist teacher



Introduction: The relevance of the issue, the topic of the project, the purpose and objectives of the work ..3

  1. Color in human life……………………………………………...5
  1. Color impact .... ..............................................5
  2. Color range .................................................................... ... 6
  3. Characteristics of primary colors ..................................7

Red ............................................................................. ..7.

White .................................................................. ..9.

Black ................................................................10

Yellow ................................................................12

Blue .................................................................. 12.

Green ............................................................................... 14.

  1. Experimental work………………………………………15
  1. Stages of the study ................................................ .15
  2. Results of the study .......................................... .16
  1. Conclusion (conclusions)…….…………………………………….…18

Literature ……………………………………………………………..21

application …………………………………………………………..........22


From our very birth and until the very last day of our life, we are accompanying various colors. We see them every day and do not try to emphasize our attention on this constantly. We choose colorful beautiful clothes, furniture, interior and much more, simply based on the understanding "Like - Dislike." We do not even notice how the colors are influenced by our lives every day,our behavior , mood, character.

Color - phenomenon mysterious. Even in a dream and with closed eyes, we do not cease to see colors. Color - source of many paradoxes of thinking.
You believe or not, but the color of your clothing can help get an increase in service, convince in dispute, call friends to a frank conversation, improve your well-being, emotional state. Colors of clothing can give us confidence, strength or vice versa, create a sense of awkwardness. This applies not only to the area of \u200b\u200bclothing, but also to the decoration of your home, advertising. Colors in the house encourage or impede a family conversation and can even cause insomnia.

Since the color affects the behavior of people, it makes sense to figure out how and why do you have certain reactions to the color?

It so happened that a person sees the world in colors. Color is present in almost everything, so it is right that it affects a person as well as everything else. Many do not notice that the color is a real miracle - the great gift sent to us over. And only a few can comprehend all its variety and power.

By the way, the main postulate of the Council of Doctors at the courtyard of the ancient Chinese emperors is interesting. This one of the most ancient laws read: all shades of red are responsible for the physical health of the body, blue colors help "set up" the mind, the yellow gamma is responsible for the mental state. I really want to analyze the choice and the preference of the color scheme in people of different ages.

So I chosethe topic "Color in the life of a person."

Throughout the research, we will learn the relationship between the color and emotional state, as well as the influence of the age of a person to choose a color.

Purpose of work: Examine the effect of color on behavior and emotional state of a person, the effect of age features on preference to a certain color.

Research tasks:

  1. Examine the theoretical basis of the question.
  2. Examine a priority color in people of different ages.
  3. Examine the relationship of the emotional state of man and color preferences.
  4. Develop recommendations for the use of color gamma in clothing and interior of premises.

Research methods:literature study, analysis of various sources, observation, surveillance, synthesis, experiment.

Object of study:color spectrum.

Hypothesis Research:each age level has a preference to a certain color, the color affects the behavior and emotional state of the person.

  1. Color in human life
  1. Color exposure

Rarely, which of us thinks, what role does the color play in life, and meanwhile, not only the perception of the world around him depends on him, but also our mood. Want to be in harmony with you and the world?

"All living things strive for color," said the great Johann Wolfgang Guete once said. Goethe was developed by the concept of color: all dark colors soothe away, light excite. From darkness, it turns out the first blue color, from light - yellow. These are the main colors, the rest are followed. Colors can have a physical and mental impact. Indeed, our life is unthinkable without wealth and charm of color forms. Color is able to delight and disappear, it can affect our well-being and working capacity. The effect of color impact on a man has long noticed representatives of various sciences: many philosophers and physics, physiologists and doctors, psychologists again and again turned to the problem of colors, tried to decide her - each in their own way, more often to the touch, intuitively. The cradle of the flower science stood the greatest minds of humanity - Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, Newton, Goethe, later - I.P. Pavlov, S.N. Vavilov and many others.

There is an opinion that the expressiveness of color is based on associations. Red color excites because it reminds us of the phenomena associated with fire, with blood. Green color resurrects the thought of refreshing the effects of nature. The blue color may cause an idea associated with a touch of cold water, breathing dark night.

However, as a well-known American psychologist of art Rudolph Aricheim, an associative theory in studying color gives just as little, as well as in other areas of knowledge. The effect of color is quite strong and spontaneous only if it is the result of intelligent interpretation.

Max Lucher, the world-famous Swiss psychotherapist, in the twentieth century the first created coloring drug. Intuitively preferring or rejecting those or other colors, a person appears as it really is. It can be said that the color selection cannot lie.

Parents are infrequently penetrated by the saturation of flowers in the drawings of children, and therefore lose control over the spiritual experiences of the child, which subsequently develop into neurosis, negativity, unwillingness to learn, and in some other things later. Detect and settle the conflict in the child's shower will help the most common drawing. Most often, it is used for correction psychologists. And this is happening both in schools and in special institutions.
Drawing, according to the psychologist Oksana Litvinenko, helps and adult. Therefore, paint more often, especially after nervous excitement. It acts much more efficiently than sedative tranquilizers. And if you see in your works thick strokes of dark flowers, especially gray, black, dark brown, - such drawings destroy (burn), as if you cut off from your "I" everything is bad.

  1. Characteristic Color Gamma

Flower perception and shades can be compared with a musician that sets your own tool. All shades are able to cause elusive response and mood in the soul in the soul, so he is looking for a resonance of fluctuations in color waves with internal echoes of his soul.

There are 2 main groups that colors are divided. These are the colors of warm gamut, and the color of the cold gamma. Let's consider in more detail their impact on us.

The warm gamut is: red, yellow, orange, brown and all their shades, as you know. They create from those who look at them or wearing them, the feeling of comfort, comfort, relaxation, peace, cause a feeling of intimacy, emotional attraction.

Cold tones, which include all shades of blue, blue, green, purple, gray, make us be collected and more active. But at the same time they can cause people around you the feeling of distance, closedness, detachment.

  1. Color characteristics

From those timeless times when a person gained the ability to perceive the beauty of the world around the world, his attention chalked up the magic.

Red. People with antiquity showed a special addiction to red. In many languages, the same word denotes red and in general everything is beautiful, beautiful. Polynesians have the word "red" is synonymous with the word "beloved". In China, a sincere, frank man tells the "Red Heart", while the heart of a bad, insidious man is black. The red color is primarily associated with blood and fire. Its symbolic values \u200b\u200bare very diverse and contradictory. Red symbolizes the joy, beauty, love and completeness of life, and on the other hand - enmity, revenge, war, binds to aggressiveness and carnal desires. Red is the main heraldic color. On the banners, he symbolizes the riot, revolution, struggle, independence. Interestingly, many of the tribes of Africa, America and Australia are soldiers, preparing for a fight, painted the body and face in red. Carthaginians and Spartans wore red clothes during the war. Healing properties were also attributed to the red color, the ability to resist the slohal and witchcraft, the red threads, fabrics, corals, flowers and plants help from unclean strength and evil eyes. The Chinese tied something red to children to the brush hand, teaching them to look at this color as a better safety remedy for evil spirits. In many countries, women tied up brushes hands with a red thread so that they do not hurt, and no one has smoothed. Red denotes the power, greatness. In Byzantium, only the empress had the right to wear red boots. The emperor subscribed to purple ink, recresented on a purple throne. Many nations have a red color symbolizes south, flames and heat.

Red color speaks of danger, excitation, passion, strength, aggression and success. This is not only an emotional, but also physiological reaction. Red color causes shock, it fully captures attention and requires effort to perceive. Focus on red leads to an increase in pulse and blood pressure. Never thought, why many fast food restaurants were painted in red? This color activates salivary glands, which leads to the appearance of a feeling of hunger and tires the eyes, forcing us, there is more, and then leave the room faster. Thanks to its powerful impact on your nervous system, red can make you restless and tirelessly. The owners of the casino noticed that during red people make more rates and play risks, and therefore it is used in sectors where they play in large. Red prompts people to rapid solutions. The red color also fills the energy and courage, gives a feeling of strength, thanks to which you can perform the outlined. That is why politicians often wear red ties, especially before presidential elections. Red causes strong emotions, and passion including. But in the home decoration on the red color, restrictions are superimposed: use it only in those rooms in which you are going to work or spend time in conversations - in the living rooms (if you use a red dining room, be prepared for the fact that guests will eat twice as much). Red color is preferable for passing rooms where you do not need to spend a lot of time - in the halls and corridors. In the nursery, he can lead to insomnia. Red captures attention and puts out objects painted in it on the fore. Red - the first color that you lose sight of twilight; It is not distinguished at long distances.

White The color symbolizes cleanliness, unnoticness, innocence, virtue, joy. It is associated with daylight and celestial luminais, as well as with producing force, which is embodied in milk and egg. Whiteness is associated with a summary, legitimate, true. In the Christian tradition, white denotes relationship with divine light. In white, angels, holy and righteous are depicted. Byzantine writers spoke about the whiteness of the truth. In some nations, white clothes wore kings and priests, which symbolized solemnity and greatness. In the Lithuanian language "White People" are honest people, in the Hungarian "White People" - women. In Russia, "White" denoted, free, noble, righteous: "White Rus", "White Tsar", "White Peasants" free from all filters, "White Earth" - church earth, "white light". This light is opposed to the afterlime world, like a white black night day. However, the white color can receive and the opposite value. Slavs dressed their dead in white clothes and covered with white Savan. In some tribes of Africa and Australia, it is customary to paint the body with white paint after the death of someone from loved ones. In China and some other countries in Asia and Africa, white is a color of mourning. In the old days, the white mourning was used by the Slavs. The ancient Greeks on the night always put on white underwear to see good dreams. In India, China and Japan, white color symbolizes death, because it is identified with the angels and heavens. In white clothes were people of ghosts and ghosts. "White man" was called on the Bryansk region.

White color is associated with cleanliness, innocence, virtue and loyalty. It is not surprising that he is popular for weddings. Before the appearance of washing machines, only wealthy people could afford white clothes. It was implied that a man in white clothes has a high social situation - he does not have to deal with dirty manual labor. White color symbolizes the truth and justice. Since childhood, we know that the "knight in white" will always come to the rescue. In old good westerns, good guys always wore white hats, and bad - black. Medical devices most often have white color, so apparently, sterility and cleanliness inherent in healthcare facilities. White bathrobes, white bandages and wool come to mind. Although white refers to neutral colors, it is considered cold, as it is associated with snow and ice. White is often used to express sterility and safety. In international law, the white flag is considered a call for a truce. White is used on packaging of dairy products and raffinads.

White - the color of innocence and purity.

Slavic peoples white color symbolizes sincerity, purity of the soul and thoughts.

People who attract white color,

The black The color symbolizes the misfortune, grief, mourning, the death of everything that moves and breathes. Black is associated with darkness and earth and is the genuine emblem of all hidden, secret and unknown. Many nations are binding to the blacks at night, and the night - with evil and witchcraft. At night, human life is exposed to the greatest danger.

In ancient Mexico, with a ritual sacrifice of a person's person and the hands of the priests were painted black. Black eyes and today are considered dangerous, envious. In black dressed, sinister characters, the appearance of which the death foreshadows. As a suggestion of the English ethnologist V. Terner, a black color, often denoting death, fainting, sleep or darkness, is associated with an unconscious state, with experience of perishes, dimming. Arabs the expression "black eye" means the beloved, "black heart" - love. Thus, black may have both a favorable meaning. It is perceived so, for example, in arid areas of Africa, where little water and black clouds are fret and abundance. Heavers who send rain, sacrifice black bulls, goats or birds, and the priests are also closed in black. The most authoritarian and overwhelming color of the spectrum. It is associated with death and darkness, creates an alarming feeling of unknown. People fear that the world can disappear in a black hole, and if a black cat goes the road, then wait trouble. An impression generated by black is endowed with great power. Guards, bodyguards prefer black shape. Dear limousines are usually black, it is designed to inspire that those in the car are important person. A recent statistical analysis of games in American football revealed an interesting pattern: the judges are more likely punished by a team acting in the form of black, since its players seem to be more aggressive. If the "black tie" is indicated on the reception, then this emphasizes the importance of the event and the information is transmitted that the costume should be strict because the meeting will be official. Black color authoritative and in large doses can impress aggressiveness. Black color is considered conservative and inspiring respect. People seem like black figures weigh more than the same white shapes.

Yellow. Psychologists claim that yellow color is the happiest color of the spectrum, he inspires optimism and joy. The Association with the Sun gives the yellow special aura, denotes wisdom, intelligence, imagination, a tendency to spontaneity. Yellow color is instantly registered by the brain, stimulating his work and the nervous system. The high degree of visibility of yellow color contributes to rapid, clear thinking. Yellow "revives" other colors, turning hot gammas in dazzling and returning cool colors to life. That is why this color is a favorite in the home interior, filling any room with warmth and light. The most frequent use of yellow finds in the kitchen and in the dining room - it helps to increase the appetite. In small doses, the yellow color contributes to creating a happy atmosphere to friendly conversations, however, a long neighborhood with bright lemon color can cause brain overexcitation and anxiety. Yellow - the happiest color, it personifies warmth, optimism and joy. Yellow actively acts into space, and therefore is considered the most noticeable color; It is preferred for road signs and various kinds of packages. Yellow color stimulates clear thinking. Yellow activates other colors, making hot gamuts shining and reviving cool colors. The abundance of yellow can be tired. Its muffled tones have to communicate, and golden are associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bwealth.

Yellow as a symbol of the sun, removes stresses and gives hope. The thread of yellow light symbolizes heat and comfort and strengthens the nerves.

Blue - This is the color of the sky and the sea. It combines some kind of contradiction of excitement and peace, causes the feeling of the cold and reminds of the shadow. The blue surface seems to be removed from the person, fonds to the depth. Many nations have blue symbolized the sky and eternity. In Christian culture, he is associated with incomprehensible secrets, with the eternal Divine Truth. For romantics, blue color of dreams and longing on an unearthly ideal. Blue can also symbolize kindness, loyalty, constancy, location, and in the Heraldry language indicates chastity, honesty, good glory and loyalty. "Blue blood" speaks of noble origin. He was considered mourning in ancient Egypt and in some nations of America, the French call the horror "blue fear" (remember the fairy tale about the "blue beard"). The Slavic peoples of Blue served as a symbol of sadness, grief, was associated with the demonic world.

If the blue is your favorite color, then you are from a good company. Blue is the most favorite of all colors. Indeed, if it is stubbornly to look at the blue color, it leads to a decrease in the frequency of the pulse and respiration and for a while reduces blood pressure. Before the invention of refrigerators, when the products were stored in the kitchens and in the storerooms, these rooms were painted in a cobalt color to scare insects, which, as noticed, avoid blue. Blue color in kitchens is popular and in our time. During the election campaign of politics, wanting to inspire confidence, the costumes of blue are often put on. Bright blue colors are ideal for outfits that you can put on a party or secular reception, in this case you will get all the last gossip, because you will be more frank with you than others. Dark blue tones correlate with high social status, stability and dignity. In the home decor, the dark blue tones will give the royal space to the royal look and create a serious atmosphere, while the lighter and bright blue volumes will give her charm. It is noted that the blue color is associated with a sweet taste, that is why it is often used on sugar packs and other sweets. People work more productively in blue premises, and studies confirmed that the rods raise weights more if exercises in gyms that are painted in blue tones. Almost all of our associations with blue have a positive character, which confirms it encouraging and pacifying. Blue can push space, and it seems that time in its presence flows slower.

Green. Green - color of grass and leaves. Many nations symbolized youth, hope and fun, although sometimes immaturity, insufficient perfection. Green color is extremely material and actually acts, but can produce and depressing impression (it's not by chance that the longing is called "green", and the person himself from anger "green").

This color is associated with ideas about life and growth, it is considered relaxing, has healing properties, the ability to calm and refresh. The more the green color is muted, the higher its soothing properties. This is one of the reasons why the walls of hospitals paint into the colors of the sea foam. Saturated green is the color of adult trees, high and stable. This color is often found in the offices of lawyers and financiers. And in general, this is the color of money! Olive color is associated with power, it is used by the military, while the color of green grass causes an idea of \u200b\u200ba new life and growth, symbolizes fertility. Shades of green can be harmoniously used in the home decor. Bright green will bring a feeling of the pulse of natural, natural, life and "will open" the interior to the park surrounding house. Green gammas refreshing, which makes them indispensable in kitchens. Pale green color causes a feeling of a pleasant clear feeling, it is ideal in secluded corners of the house - in bathrooms and bedrooms. In green, they combine humility, refinement and feeling of antiseptic purity, so it is used in the decor's decoration. Shades of green give a feeling of purity and freshness, they are especially popular on cosmetics boxes. And in general, the goods in green packaging are perceived as environmentally friendly. Pale green - soothing and relaxing color. He contributes to improved vision. Dark green colors are associated with stability and growth. Worldwide green is a security symbol. Therefore, adopted to designate the start of movement in traffic lights. People who prefer green, reliable and generous.

Green - the color of hope, naturalness and freshness.

Green color soothes, and his abundance can cause depression, "Green longing".

Green lovers are modest, restrained, patient and are not inclined to the rapid manifestation of their feelings.

  1. Experimental work
  1. Stages of research

2.1.1. At the beginning of our research work, I found and studied the material about the meaning of colors, their characteristics and the effect of color on the emotional state and behavior of people.

2.1.2. I decided to test my hypothesis that every age level has preference to a certain color. For this, survey among primary school students, junior teenagers, senior adolescent and adolescent students and school teachers.

The study took part:

Students of the younger school age (7-10 years) - 15 h.

Junior adolescent age (11-14 years old) - 15 h.

Senior adolescent and youth (15-18 years old) - 15 h.

Adults from 30 to 45 years old - 15 h.

  1. Results of research

1. The study of the appropriate literature has shown that each color has its own symbolism and its psychological features.Green - Color of hope, naturalness and freshness. He calms down, and his abundance can be depressed, "Green longing."White - The color of innocence and purity. People who attract white, are constantly in search of themselves and strive for excellence.Black - Yellow Color Exit and creates a good mood. People who attract yellow color are open to everything new. They have good analytical abilities and acute mind.Blue Soothes, cools, relaxes and pacifies. Love for blue color speaks of conscientiousness and honesty.Red - Color of life, joy, strength and health. People preferring red are impulsive, energetic - these are true discussion and dispute lovers.0

Students of primary classes prefer red and blue-blue colors.

Red blue red blue - Harmony and activity in collaboration, emotional satisfaction, cooperation and mutual understanding for the benefit of the creation.

Students of middle classes prefer blue and black colors.

Blue Means full calm, contentment, peace. He personifies the bonds that a person binds himself with others; Association, a sense of community.Black black

Students of senior classes prefer red and black colors.

Red Color personifies power, he always seeks what he wants. He is always in motion, always source of energy. He symbolizes the passion, excites passion, i.e. He passionately loves, passionately hates and believes passionately. It is characterized by maximal in feelings.The black always hides in itself everything that carries; He is "mysterious." He is associated with curiosity, he attracts to himself, scares.The black The color always challenges the person to try to free his essence, that is, a person must go through black to know how much white is in it.Red Black - Dramatic, impulsive excessive desires.

Gavrilov school teachers prefer blue (and shades of blue) and red (and shades of red).

People preferringblue colour , try to put everything in order, systematize. They always have their own point of view; Are committed to what they do.Blue color is constancy, perseverance, perseverance, dedication, dedication, seriousness, rigor.Red Expresses vitality, activity, means all sorts of inclinations and aspirations to obtain results and seek success, impulsiveness, will to victory.

Output: my hypothesis that every age level has a preference to a certain color, it turned out to be true and the color characteristic confirms it.

  1. Conclusion

As you know, colors have a psychological action. Color psychology is concrete and acts independently of fashion for all people equally. Therefore, creating your image in the photo, your personal image or interior, try to match the mood that is needed when creating an image. Currently, scientists make active attempts to use the effect of colors on the psychophysiology of a person in commercial and domestic purposes. At the same time, as already noted, each person perceives the color in its own way. Therefore, decorators and designers, constructing the interior of the premises, should always take into account the socio-demographic features - the floor, age, profession, etc. However, there are some common characteristics of the effects of colors per person. The predominance of any color (or combinations of colors) in the design of the room creates a certain emotional and business environment. It is known that the color gamut of the interior affects the subconscious of the person. And not only for performance, but also on the results of work.


1. The study of the appropriate literature has shown that each color has its own symbolism and its psychological features.Green - Color of hope, naturalness and freshness.Green color Soothes, and his abundance can cause depression, "Green longing".White - The color of innocence and purity. People who attractwhite color, Constantly are in search of themselves and strive for perfection.The black - color mystery, sadness, evil and death. Dress in black prefer creative personality, philosophers of life.Yellow Exit and creates a good mood. People who attractyellow, Open for the whole new. They have good analytical abilities and acute mind.Blue Soothes, cools, relaxes and pacifies. Love toblue color Speaks about conscientiousness and honesty.Red - Color of life, joy, strength and health. People preferringred - impulsive, energetic - these are true lovers of discussion and disputes.

2. Depending on the age, each person prefers to a certain color:

Students of primary classes - Red Blue, What does the activity of this age and the desire to seek success.Junior teenagers - blue and black, means a sense of community and contradictions, the desire to know everything unknown.Senior teens and boys - Red Black, What does not talk about the dramaticness and impulsivity of this age.Adults (teachers) - blue and red Colors, which indicates the presence of its point of view on everything they surround, conscientiousness and rigor, impulsivity and activity.


1. Auer Ksaver, Frieng Henry Man - Color - Prostanity. M.,

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2. Dragunsky V.V. Color Personal Test. - M.: Ed. "Harvest",

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3. Guide to the use of the eight-color lasoor test. Cost.

Dubrovskaya O.F. Ed. 4th cent. - M.: Ed. Kogito-Center, 2001.

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Color decoration class.

When choosing the interior color, there is only one rule: picking up a gamma for a new design of your room, remember that the color should give the energy you lack. It is better to use yellow tones, but in small quantities. Large doses of yellow generate excessive greed, and small - stimulate brain activity and increase the effectiveness of mental labor. Moderate doses of yellow contribute to the success of the negotiations, because they stimulate the desire for the search for compromises. Cyrichene - yellow (honey) combines the ease of yellow and gravity of brown. The need for happy and full, enjoyment position. Yellow - brown color of diligence and rigor. The cream-free soft effect, expands the space, facilitates the perception of reality, gives confidence that everything will be fine. Yellow-brown - unlimited freedom, the existence of without problems and responsibilities, full internal safety.

From time immemorial, people use a plant to express their feelings. To give a rose to your girlfriend - it means to say her "I love you." The value of flowers in a person's life played a big role.

values \u200b\u200bof colors in a person's life

The values \u200b\u200bof the colors were mentioned in the ancient myths and biblical stories. In 1833, the book "Language of Flowers" was published in France, where the names of the plants were shown and their symbolic meaning was described. Nowadays, familiarity with the language of flowers will help consciously choose flowers for the already traditional bouquets.

The values \u200b\u200bof some colors, for example, forget-me-not, lies in their very name. Other plants obtained a symbolic value for a very long time, for example, a white lily - an ancient symbol of purity.

The symbolic value of plants is often associated with the color of their flowers. White flowers are most often symbol of innocence, red - passion, yellow have negative values \u200b\u200bthat are associated with envy or cowardice.

Sometimes individual parts of the plants are also symbolic. For example, the use of a bouquet plant as a decorative element means an emotional experience, feelings of the doning flowers to the one who they are intended. Orange flowers mean a desire to develop relationships, and the fluorradge symbols purity, charm.

But poisonous flowers carry a poisonous symbolism. For example, an acronite means falsehood, false, pretense, negative feelings. Oleander and Duman are both beautiful and poisonous plants, they symbolize deceptive, fake charm. Polyanthese tuberous means dangerous desires, and Venus Mukholovka - deception.

In addition to colors, symbolic values \u200b\u200bhave various spicy herbs and green

diesel medicinal - inspiration

basil - best wishes

fennel - worthy of all sorts of praise

nobility laurel- triumph, Eternity

mayran - shame, embarrassment

peppermint - cardiac feelings

okucchnik - straight

Parsley - fun

Rosemary - constancy, loyalty

sage - helping

thyme - activity

issop - cleanliness

Symbols of indoor and garden plants

azalea - restraint Aloe - sorrow, sadness

amarillis - pride Pansies-thoughtness

begonia - warning

immorter - Memory

cyclogen - Partation

geranium Buura - Melancholy

geranium Siza - Memory Hydrangea - Sweetheart

hyacinth - constancy, Milosity Cactus - Cardichship

calendula - Envy Crocus - Despite

lily Shel - humility, humility

snapdragon - cheerness, arrogance

buttercup - unique wanning

daisy - innocent love

mimosa - sensitivity

forget-me-not loyalty, sincere love

palma - victory

fern - charm, charm

pelargonium - stupidity, recklessness

pelargonium plush-domed - Marriage intentions

ivy - loyalty Snowdrop - Hope

poinsettia - eternity, fertility jasmine - goodwill

rose Red - I love you Rose Yellow - Remember me

tulip - Hot Feeling Violet - Humility

white chrysanthemum - loan Love

chrysanthemum yellow - truth

The values \u200b\u200bof the colors in a person's life are communication in the beautiful color language!

In psychology it is believed that each color has a certain way affects the human psyche, and also has its own meaning. Seeing some of the colors, we are often experiencing certain emotions - up to a sharp increase or lowering the mood. Also, the color, sometimes, has a significant impact on our choice (and the creators of advertising and politics are well aware of this). In addition, various colors can be used in achieving their goals, and how to do it, we recommend finding from the proposed article.

The main colors and their meaning in psychology

It is no secret that the choice of this or that color some way characterizes a person. So, we'll figure it out in these characteristics, and also find out how and what shade affects our psyche and what value has.

Purple color in psychology

A) the value of violet color in psychology

This color is very difficult to name natural - it seems to be a feeling of some unnaturalness. However, this color also symbolizes luxury, wealth and mystery. The main symbol of this color in psychology is considered to be owl, because it is purple symbolizes wisdom, mysticism. According to medieval myths, purple is also considered a repentance color, loneliness.

B) the impact of purple color on the psyche of man

This is a very dangerous color, since he presses the psyche and can cause apathy - that is why try to use it in the interior in small quantities. Nevertheless, the shades of purple can help a person increase self-esteem, positively affects the development of large plans, helps to develop sensitivity. In addition, in moderate doses, a soothing effect on the psyche has been rendered.

C) characteristic of a person who has a favorite color purple

Often it is believed that purple color prefers to choose people who are not easy to achieve in the life of the implementation. We are talking about very critical to themselves, inclined to constantly keep yourself under control. At the same time, they need support and support, and sometimes they are distinguished by noticeable sentimentality and infantality.

Blue color in psychology

A) the meaning of blue in psychology

This color has a peculiar symbolism, characterized in both positive and negative aspects. Positive characteristics include perseverance, idealism, strength of spirit, organization, rigor. Negative characteristics of steel: weakness, fanaticism, dependence. Although most people have blue color still associated with heaven and eternity. It also symbolizes honesty, loyalty, constancy.

B) the effect of blue on the psyche of man

Blue shades are famous for the soothing effect, and for this reason they are often used when interfering with bathrooms, offices. At the same time, it is rarely used in children's rooms, as blue refers to cold shades, and because of this, the baby can feel uncomfortable. However, in any room, blue color is advised to dilute with different, warmer tones, in order to exclude the development of prolonged depression and anxiety.

C) characteristic of a person who has a favorite color blue

People who love blue, often differ modesty and reliability. Often they are subject to melancholy, love privacy, prone to long thought, try to avoid conflict situations. In general, they are characterized by communicability and a tendency to idealize the surrounding world.

Green in psychology

A) Green value in psychology

Green color is formed thanks to the merger of blue and yellow, and as a result, the quality of both of them is complementary. It is a symbol of vital opportunities, calm, unshakable, well-being and inner harmony.

B) exposure to green on a psyche of man

Things of green shades have a disciplining effect on their owner, help to fight various fears and complexes. It is also worth noting that this color has a neutralizing effect on other colors and contributes to the dissipation of negative emotions, in return for giving peace and calm. In addition, it helps to come to solve even in the most peak situations. Some give this color negative aspects - silence and hopelessness. It is believed that long on this color should not be concentrated - it will cause boredom and apathy.

C) characteristic of a person who has a beloved color green

As a rule, people who like this color are characterized by high performance and leadership. They can predict the development of almost any situation, and leave it with maximum benefit for themselves. Often, assist others, even if it is damaged to them. Extremely hidden, but at the same time they strive for communicability.

Red in psychology

A) the value of red in psychology

First of all, red is associated with blood and flame. The symbolic meanings of this color are diverse, and sometimes even contradict themselves. For many, red color symbolizes love, passion, completeness of life. Others, in turn, consider the red color of war, bloodshed, revenge. In antiquity, red often meant some aggressiveness, severe sexual desires. Also, this color means greatness and power. For example, in Byzantium, only the Empress had the right to wear red boots.

B) the effect of red on the psyche of man

Red is extremely exciting, hot. Many, it is associated with something dangerous, unauthorized (remember at least traffic lights). Also, this color easily attracts attention - this is actively used by advertising manufacturers. If a person is a long period to look at this color, then it will be possible to notice the increase in the pulse. And yet red abuse undesirable - in a short time he begins to tire.

C) characteristic of a person who has a favorite color red

It is believed that red lovers are inborn leaders. They also violently express their emotions and brightly worry them. Most often, the red admirers are distinguished by perseverance, egoism, intolerance. Women who loving shades of red are usually pretty sexual and often prone to flirt.

Yellow in psychology

A) the value of yellow in psychology

As you know, this is the color of the sun, optimism, wealth and joy. Many have exactly such associations at the sight of yellow. Yellow embodies energy, positive, movement, cheerfulness. At the same time, he also has negative values \u200b\u200b- its gold shine in some causes an association with greed. Also, many consider yellow-color separation, betrayal, jealousy.

B) the impact of yellow on the psyche of man

In psychology it is believed that primarily yellow color symbolizes active mental activity. According to the results of numerous studies, it is these shades that have stimulating the effect on those sections of the brain that are responsible for thinking and memory. It is argued that systematic, however, a fairly moderate perception of yellow, positively affect intellectual abilities.

Also, this color helps to withstand chronic fatigue, easy depression, apathetic state. However, note that the oversupply of this solar shade is able to harm in the form of hidden nervous disorders.

C) characteristic of a person who has a favorite color yellow

A man who gives her preference to yellow color, to strive in any way to reveal himself and wishes, by all means, to achieve his goals. Often these people are in high spirits, very confident, sociable and creative. At the same time, they can be scattered and quite critical to both to themselves and other people. Rarely suffer from low self-esteem.

Orange in psychology

A) the value of orange in psychology

Basically, this color is a symbol of solar heat and internal energy. Also persistently associated with fiery emotions, rhythm, energy. In other words, this color in psychology practically became synonymous with permanent movement, symbolizing freedom-lies, talent, polyhedral. In the consciousness of many people in this color inherent positive and life-affirming energy.

B) the effects of orange color on the psyche of man

Note that it was a fairly difficult shade, which is a mixture of red and yellow. As a result, the influence of this color depends on how the tint in it became leading. The dominance of yellow color has a softer impact on the psyche, giving positive perception. If a red shade prevails, it has another meaning to perception, associated with force and energetic. Also note that an excess of orange negatively affects the mental state of a person, causing rapid fatigue and mental exhaustion.

C) characteristic of a person who has a favorite color orange

People loving orange color are usually rare optimists. They are characterized by a good nature and a positive look at the world around. Most often, they are very sociable and have high energy potential. Sometimes, the negative features include excessive factories.

Black color in psychology

A) the value of black in psychology

Often, this color symbolizes mourning, death, misfortune. Black carries a certain protest, denial, because no wonder most unknowing characters fairy tales and films are clothed in dark balaphons. However, some tend to consider black - the color of mystery, elegance, completeness.

B) the effect of black on the psyche of man

Black absorbs light and has a strong effect on the psyche of any person. Often it turns out to be one of the signs of depression, longing, uncertainty, depression. At the same time, he makes it possible to rest, come to a certain rethinking. The black color allows you to take a pause and get to the truth, pushes to thinking.

C) characteristic of a person who has a favorite color black

In general, people who love black color are often very mysterious personalities. Moreover, not realizing himself, they seek to attract the attention of others, because the black color causes curiosity, as if hiding behind something interesting and intriguing. At the same time, if black colors prevail in your life, it is likely that you feel a shortage of some emotions or feelings. Also, black color characterizes a few hidden natures.

Pink color in psychology

A) the value of pink in psychology

Pink color is considered a symbol of romance, love and kindness. It is as if impregnated with a light asura of innocence and serenity. In this color, "lives" lightness, tenderness, calm and love for life.

B) the impact of pink color on the psyche of man

Despite the fact that in the pink there is a presence of aggressive red, nevertheless it has a relaxing effect on the psyche of man, removing irritability and anger. By the way, in institutions where they work with children with asocial behavior, the walls are often painted in pink color for this reason. The soft pink shade has a positive effect on the nervous state, but at the same time its excess harms melancholic. It is also believed that contemplation of pink color helps to get rid of headaches.

C) characteristic of a person who has a beloved color pink

Operations preferring pink color, more than others need tenderness and love. In addition, they are able to fall into concern for any unique reason. Pink lovers strive for the completeness of life, waiting for acute sensations and vivid impressions. Sorry, they are distinguished by infantality and frivolous, but they can also often be very hardworking personalities.

Lilac color in psychology

A) the value of lilac color in psychology

Symbolizes nostalgia, waiting for a bright future. It is a mixture of blue and red, two began - male and female. It is also often associated with vanity and immaturity. In addition, it is considered the color of unused capabilities, strong attachment, vigilance.

B) the effects of lilac color on the psyche of man

In fact, it is about very lively and bright color, but in psychology there is an opinion that it can cause an obvious feeling of concern and anxiety. It is for this reason that if you have to go on an important meeting, try to avoid clothing shades of lilac (although individual elements are allowed). This can cause rejection from the interlocutor, which, of course, will not benefit you.

C) characteristic of a person who has a beloved color lilac

Lyrene lovers are creative, sensitive and, at times, quite infantile. Their distinctive features can be called infirmity, patientity, secrecy. Often they perennially cope with the tests that fate sends them and are ready to have an exaggeration of other people. Despite the external optimism, they have a tendency to depressions, of which they are able to get out independently. It is rarely blamed in their troubles of others, strive for non-standard, uniqueness.

White color in psychology

A) the value of white in psychology

White is a symbol of purity, joy, innocence, some virtue. It causes a persistent association with daylight, true, unnoticed. Although sometimes it gives it a different meaning. By nature, it is inclined to absorb and neutralize other colors, and, accordingly, correlates with disembodies, void, and even with death. Note that the Slavs preferred to have the dried in white clothes. In addition, in China and some other Asian states, white is considered mourning. But nevertheless, most people are associated with completeness and perfection.

B) exposure to white on the psyche of man

Often, this color has a positive effect on the psychological state of a person. He calms down and at the same time stimulates new accomplishments. However, it is worth noting that the overaction of the white in the interior or an external image can eventually begin to tire and even annoy.

C) characteristic of a person who has a favorite color white

People who prefer white color, as a rule, fully devote themselves to the chosen case. At the same time, they are often considered to be notading, as they love loneliness and do not strive for new acquaintances. They are characterized by frequent disappointments, extension. Although, sometimes, they are trying to open peace, thinly feel a lie, possess good intuition.

Blue color in psychology

A) the value of blue in psychology

This is the color of water and the sky that symbolizes calm, ease, airiness, constancy. It is also a symbol of purity, dreams, light mind. This color causes associations with the heavenly arch, personifying the softness and tenderness, something divine and sublime - precisely for this reason in the ancient icon painting the nimes of the gods stained with masters in the color of heaven. The masons of the blue was perceived as the color of spiritual perfection and enlightenment.

B) effect blue on a psyche of man

Blue color combines white and blue, and therefore it combines the impact of both of them. One part contributes to relaxation and peace, creating the effect of freshness and coolness. The second part is stimulated by the work of the imagination, the concentration of attention increases. If you wish you trusted a certain person, put something blue to meet this person. By the way, the mentioned color inspires not only confidence, but also demonstrates stability, it causes respect.

C) characteristic of a person who has a beloved color blue

It is believed that the main adherents of blue are resourceful people who are accustomed to tune themselves to positive and creative. They are a slopes to experiments, unexpected creative solutions, non-standard thinking. Subconsciously have a tendency to melancholy and closets. At the same time, they are confident and developed intellectually.

Turquoise color in psychology

A) the value of turquoise in psychology

Turquoise - the color of the sea wave, cyana. It has shades of blue and green colors. Once upon a time, the turquoise was attributed to magical properties - it was believed that this stone was able to protect against accidents. Symbolizes the desire for ideal, novelty. It is also a symbol of calm, dimension. Causes associations with marine waves, cleanliness, happiness, innocence. In some European countries, it means intuition and healing.

B) the impact of turquoise color on the psyche of man

This color is able to eliminate calm and give the sensation of the absolute balance in combination with growing energy. He is able to charge our thoughts with optimism and a slight mood, to get rid of stressful state, overwork. Focusing on turquoise color, a person begins to feel more peaceful.

C) characteristic of a person whose favorite color turquoise

It is believed that the Operations that are sympathetic to turquoise color is very simple in communication, communicable, open and friendly. They also differ in compassion, dumpiness and emotional sensitivity. Have a remarkable intuition, are tuned to the creation of harmony in their lives. Despite the external calm, mentally can experience a lot of different emotions.

Brown in psychology

A) the value of brown in psychology

Brown symbolizes earth, fertility, bark of tree. At the same time it is a symbol of stability, reliability, stability and dedication. In psychology, all shades of brown are ranked towards the colors of comfort, comfort, safety and sensuality.

B) the effects of brown on the psyche of man

This color has a rather complicated structure, and because of this, it is characterized by the quality of warm and cold colors. For example, light shades of brown having orange subtons are characterized by a warming effect.

In general, warm shades of brown are very helpful in removing stress. It is especially recommended to use in the interior and wardrobe to people who fear changes and are subject to frequent anxieties. Being color stability, brown gives a sense of security. He also contributes to strengthening self-confidence, respect - for this reason, psychologists recommend to wear brown things in front of important business meetings.

C) characteristic of a person who has a beloved color brown

The thrust for brown shades is characteristic of people practical and serious. They have clear goals and, as a rule, wish to succeed. Very skeptical about relations to dreamers and infantile personalities. The traditions are distinguished by punctuality, close tie with family, reliability. At the same time, they may not get ease in communicating and inland freedom.

Salad color in psychology

A) value of salad color in psychology

Salad cold shade symbolizes calm, food, nature, peaceful contemplation and is a very sophisticated tint. In general, lettuce is considered a combination of yellow and green colors, and for this reason it has similar characteristics similar to them. As a result, this color causes an association with such concepts as peacefulness, calm, optimism.

B) exposure to a salad color on a man's psyche

In general, Salad has a positive impact on the human psyche. If it is not endowed with modern "acid" shades, then his contemplation can push on positive thoughts, push to some new achievements. In turn, the "acid" shades are mentioned in some are able to cause a feeling of irritation.

C) characteristic of a person who has a favorite color of salad

Officers, preferred to gas, most often very loyal to others, but at the same time self-critical. Periodically, they have concerns that someone can subjected to condemnation, condemn and so on. Also often, lettuce lovers prefer not to succumb to passions and very stupid on emotions in personal life.

Burgundy color in psychology

A) the value of burgundy color in psychology

Burgundy color is considered a symbol of strength and viability. It is also associated with resistance, restraint and purposefulness. In addition, the weighty values \u200b\u200bof this color can be called power and power. Burgundy is a symbol of solidity, confidence and conservatism. In some, it causes an association with the color of the antiquity, but if it is combined with gray, it immediately becomes a symbol of wealth and solidity.

B) the impact of burgundy color on the psyche of man

It is believed that the oversupply of this color in clothing or in the interior can destructively affect the psyche, causing depression - that is why it is desirable to use it moderately. At the same time, it refers to the category of exquisite colors and causes the corresponding emotions.

C) characteristic of a person who has a burgundy beloved color

Fans of burgundy color, as a rule, are distinguished by a large stock of energy, but at the same time a very scoop demonstrate their own emotions. However, it does not prevent them from being energetic personalities who have the wonderful abilities of the organizers. Often inclined to creative professions, are subtle connoisseurs of art. They are also confident, enterprising.

Beige color in psychology

A) the meaning of beige color in psychology

This color is a symbol of heat, dimension, coziness and harmony. Unfortunately, it has a negative symbols - boredom, sadness, events and monotony. In different states, this color is different attitude. For example, in China, beige, as well as white is associated with mourning. At the same time, in India, the color of the ivory was always in honor - things of this color, as a rule, were allowed only by noble individuals. In turn, the ancient Egypt was famous for the figurines of the deities painted in a beige color. As a result, we can conclude that this color is associated with some mystery, enlightenment, divinity.

B) the impact of beige color on the psyche of man

Beige color is inherent in such quality as neutralization of aggression. For example, people who ended up in a room with elements of a beige interior, soon come to pacification and relaxation. It is also worth noting that all shades of this color contribute to a good holiday.

C) characteristic of a person who has a favorite color beige

Adherents of Beige are often people who are at the search phase of "own I". They do not want to somehow stand out from the total number of people - moreover, they wish to be unnoticed. Often they are uncertain in themselves and doubt their own taste, do not seek leadership. At the same time, they can be called very spiritual personalities who are very appreciated by practicality. As a rule, even in difficult situations tend to preserve a neutral position.

Perhaps you wondered why do you often buy clothes, sticking to one color scheme? For what reason, our hands stretch to the items of the wardrobe of one colors, and at the same time we completely ignore other color solutions? As a rule, we do not think about it, or simply come to the conclusion that the purchase was made by the mood, without carrying any subtext. And yet psychologists are the slopes to believe that it does not happen - everything has their own reasons. By the way, you can give a preference to one color scheme for many years, but one day to buy a thing with a completely atypical color for yourself.

How can you explain, for example, the fact that you always loved things pastel tones, but once decided to buy a bright red dress? It takes for a while and you begin to regret this spontaneous purchase, although the first thing it should be carefully analyzed. In fact, you just had a desire to cheer up, and most likely, it will soon come back again. Simply, thus, the brain sent you the impulse that in your life there is not enough bright change.

In general, permanent addiction to certain colors is able to give a characteristic of your character. If there are similar "bursts", such as a situation with a red dress, then this suggests how the mood you have undergone at a certain point of your life, perhaps it was about her a few minutes, or about the big new stage.

Based on this, it is obvious that we are able to influence their mood and well-being, knowing what aspects are characteristic of one or another color. That is, you yourself can ask the direction to your mood, taking into things in certain tones. Color definition You can explore in the previous paragraph.

Psychology of colors in the interior

Most likely, you have already managed to make sure that the color of the walls of the room, in which you are being able to influence your mood and radically change it both in positive and in the negative side. Of course, it is for this reason that it is necessary to approach interior solutions with particular attention.

It is obvious that the color is one of the most important components of the environment, and by the forces to make adjustments to our well-being, life mood. If you skillfully use the colors and their combinations in the interior of a room or another, then the result of such efforts will be a feeling of comfort and comfort. Otherwise, often being in the room with a bad sealing color, you will only feel anxiety, apathy or despondency.

Surely, you have been heard that inhabitant, bright and cool shades that have a minimum of contrast, can visually "push the walls" walls, and in the end it will seem more spacious than it is in reality. In turn, dark and warm shades visually narrow space.

As you understand, a certain color is capable not only to improve the interior of the house, but also spoil it. Thoroughly study this question, study the nature of the color and take note of the most successful color solutions. As we mentioned, there are warm and cold colors, and from what color you choose will depend on the overall impression of the room.

How the color scheme affects man and his life

Many seriously underestimate the effect of color on the well-being and mood of man. At times, the color is able to influence the occurrence of some reactions, which subsequently affect the adoption of important decisions. For example, the color can affect the pressure of a person, its appetite, and at the same time he will not notice this.

Remember what feelings you often experience in a cloudy and diverse day, peeping out of the window and getting ready to leave the apartment. Seeing the glass of gray, you probably feel a significant deterioration in the mood. Positive energy seems to be destroyed somewhere and the world begins to cause unpleasant emotions. It is unlikely that you thought that the reason for all these unkind sentiment is precisely the perception of color.

Some time ago, medicine began to pay closer attention to such a phenomenon as color therapy. What is the essence of this technique? Color is used as one of the ways an impact on the emotional, mental and even physical condition of the patient. The basis of the technique was the wavelength of each color - it turned out that each length has a certain effect on the human body.

By the way, the color as one of the aspects of treatment was used even during the existence of ancient civilizations. For example, in ancient Egypt in the temples, special premises were allocated, in which the refraction of sun rays was taken - subsequently it affected the appearance of different colors of the spectrum. A man seemed to be bought in bright colors, and this technique even received its name - "Ra-therapy". Today, chromotherapy has come to replace this unusual treatment, which is engaged in learning how certain colors affect human health.

How can the color can affect a person

How and where successfully use

On the psyche of a person you can have some influence with the help of color, and advertising creators who want to most effectively promote their goods are well aware. It is not only about commercials and election campaigns, in which competent experts ensured the predominance of certain "effective" colors, but also about the shelves of the supermarket.

According to psychologists, light and color is of great importance in order to fit the product more active. The light seems to challenge the buyer, stimulates a certain action on his part. Various shades of lighting affect the mood of a person. If you competently choose the combination of different lighting elements, you can get a busy game of light and shadow that promotes the demonstration of goods in the most advantageous vein.

Color solution - as a way to manipulate

Sometimes, we do not notice how unobably and finely manipulate us with color. Praise about the above example with the shop regiments, and when your hand will once again dare for some product that you initially did not plan to acquire, think about why you do this - you need this purchase or you responded to packaging. Most likely, the case is still in the second version, your subconsciously responded to a successful color combination in a certain way, and a great chance that this happened is not for the first time.

Also, color manipulation occurs in other circumstances. For example, if there is a need to increase the efficiency of the team, without notifying the employees themselves, experienced leaders use green color - he is simply added to the interior or some worker inventory. After all, it is no coincidence that the most common color of the school desk is green - it contributes to a high concentration of attention. Knowing how this or that color affects others, you can also learn how to manipulate this circumstance.

The value of colors is a separate industry in psychology that has a special impact on the consciousness of a person. Some colors can cause apathy or spiritual ascent, help make a choice or demonstrate their own status. Have you ever thought about why so many commercials demonstrate red shades? Or why car deputies and businessmen completely black? Let's figure it out, which means one or another color in psychology.

Red color: value

This color attracts attention as no other. It is often used in advertising. And it does not matter that most people are associated with danger and aggression. It even says that if you look at a red for a long time, a person may have a pulse and jump pressure. Psychologists, treating the meaning of flowers, they say that red prefer typical leaders, persistent, stubborn in their aspirations and often cruel. And another red dress most often will put on a woman who wants to be in the center of attention and smelling with men.

Green: value

Green - shade of nature. He calms down and relaxes, configures on a peaceful way. In contrast to the red, it normalizes the pressure and is even able to heal the ailments. Green lovers are confident and in their life position people. They are seriously suitable and always ready to help others. The inner world of such people is very rich, but they are not in a hurry to share them with the first counter.

Yellow: value

Yellow color symbolizes heat, optimism and faith in what everything will be fine. The text written on a yellow background is remembered best, and this very often enjoy advertisers. But everything is good in moderation, and with yellow: in large quantities, he can cause concern and overexcitation of the brain. Those who love yellow are almost always in a good mood. These are creative and artistic nature. They have a high self-esteem, critical to themselves, but also from others require a lot.

Blue Color: Value

Psychologists assure: if you want to cause respect and confidence of the interlocutor, to arrange it to yourself - put on the clothes of this color (for example, for an interview or an important meeting). The value of colors and shades of heavenly blue - show your stability and emphasize the high social status. Blue soothes, motivates on productive activity. If you look closely, you note that this color is often painted walls of offices and gyms.

White and black colors: meaning

These colors opposite in the spectrum have different meanings and psychology. If white symbolizes purity, loyalty, freedom, then black declares authoritarianism, mysteriousness, weighty social status. White color is often used in medicine and religion. A black car, a man or a woman in a black suit - automatically look in our eyes successful and significant for society. People dressed in white are open to the world and are committed to their lesson. Black lovers - unconsciously cut themselves from reality and want to attract attention. By the way, those who study the meaning of flowers, noticed an interesting nuance: during football matches, the teams in black form get the most warnings from judges, yellow and even red cards. What do you think, why?

Human ability to see the distortion of the world is unique. A person can distinguish a huge amount of shades of the same color. He wearing some colors and tries to avoid others. Why is it going on, why colors in a person's life?

Because of what when it is cold, we strive for red shades, and in the heat it seems to us that the blue shades give the coolness? What is some shades, we call warm, and others are cold? Why are the same colors in one situation can improve the mood, and in the other they are able to spoil him hopelessly? Why is psychology inclined to link the frequently used color and character of a person?

Perhaps our perception of a specific color is associated with its impact on us. Consider the influence of color in psychology, the value of the main colors.

The value of blue in the life of a person

Like a blue sky or sea that opens the horizon, blue and its shades (turquoise, blue ...) closely related to color dreams, wisdom and calm. This is one of the most favorite colors of people living by the sea: in fact, he is everywhere around them.

Blue is echo of life, travel and discoveries in the literal and figurative sense (self-analysis). How water quenches thirst, blue has refreshing and cleansing properties that allow a person to find his inner world associated with knowledge of the essence of deeper things. Blue is symbol of truthlike clean water that can not hide anything.

Blue, as a rule, pleases any personBut we must try not to abuse them. It can quickly become overwhelming if it is too much. It is desirable to limit the use of dark blue with lighter shades, as well as both white or beige. Turquoise and blue are perfectly combined with brown shades.

  • Positive meaning: dream, wisdom, calm, truth, loyalty, freshness.
  • Negative value: melancholy.
  • Presentation: Ocean, Sky, Flowers (Vasileuk).
  • Magic: power, sufficiency, emotions, feelings, creativity.

Value of yellow color

There is no other color, more joyful than yellow. The color of the sun, a holiday and joy, he helps the world to be brighter and radiating good.

Yellow - warm and stimulating color. Just as the Sun spreads its hazing rays to all lives on earth, yellow color is the color of life and movement.

Nevertheless, behind this joyful aspect, his negative properties are hidden. Associated by the psychology of a person with betrayal, lies and infidelity, yellow color combines contrasts. Pale yellow, unlike bright yellow shades, deviates from the general healing effect and carries disease, character lethargy and sadness.

Yellow is also associated with power, strength and ego (it was the color of the emperor of China). It should be noted that the yellow means opening and social contacts, he is associated with friendship and fraternity, as well as knowledge. Yellow shades are ideally accompanied by brown, white, black and cream.

  • Positive value: holiday, joy, warmth, ego, power, knowledge, friendship.
  • Negative value: betrayal, lie, deception.
  • Presentation: Sand, Sun, Eggs, Flowers (Chamomile), Taxi.
  • Magic: charm, wealth, wealth, respect, success.

Red value

Red, perhaps the most exciting and ambiguous color. He plays on paradoxes, awakens feelings and passions in their complete contradiction: love and anger, sensuality and the sexuality of women, courage and danger, gust and ban ...

This color without any doubt excuses feelings. He is perceived by man like warm color, energetic, penetrating and in some way comforting and enveloping. On the other hand, he may know pain, blood, hell, suffering.

This hot color leaves no one indifferent, and in this its power: he warms passion, whether it is positive or negative. Red is especially well combined with chestnut. It also combines well with white and black.

  • positive meaning: love, passion, warmth, sexuality, passion, triumph;
  • negative value: anger, prohibition, danger;
  • presentation: Blood, Fire, Lava, Plants (Tomatoes, Mac, Strawberry);
  • magic: power, protection, activity, passion.

Value of green color

It obtained from the combination of blue and yellow, it is definitely the strongest color in nature and is rightfully associated with the world of plants, which is its worthy representative. Green soothes, refreshes and even burtrite.

Most often, he is associated with hope and good luck. Nevertheless, the green can be a carrier of failures and misfortunes. Green color is also associated with hospitals and pharmacies.

The advantage of the green is that it, as a rule, is combined with all other shades, especially with natural, such as brown, ocher, cream or dark gray.

  1. Positive value: Hope, luck, stability, concentration.
  2. Negative value: failure, misfortune.
  3. Presentation: plants, vegetables (pepper, peas).
  4. Magic: Health, Wealth, Financial Welfare, Love.

Orange value

This, obtained from the confluence of red and yellow, the color is not whatever wears his name, generously sharing them with all famous fruits.

it invigorating and spicy color, everywhere brings a good mood. It is often associated in psychology with creativity and communication, because it is a carrier of optimism and openness.

I became very fashionable in the sixties among hippies and forgotten unfairly at the end of the twentieth century, orange begins to return to a person! Together with the yellow he carries people good mood and dynamismSo they can not do without using it in their lives. Nevertheless, it is estimated to use it.

So that this very bright color does not suppress the character of a person, it should be used in small doses or nuances with relatives red or yellow.

  • Positive meaning: joy, creativity, communication, security, optimism.
  • Negative value: bad taste.
  • Presentation: Fruits (Orange, Apricot, Melon).
  • Magic: emotions, feelings, intelligence, communication, friendship, joy.

What does purple color mean

From the combination of red and blue is born purple. Purple color double-edged: we or love it, or it categorically dislikes us. He, at first glance, seems unequivocal, from a psychological point of view.

Nevertheless, the softness and dream are hidden behind its electrical tension. That is why it is often associated with melancholy and loneliness.

Purple is the choice of dreamers, spiritual people, not materialists. He soothes the Spirit, smoothes strong emotions, holds anger or anxiety. One of his shades, lilac, even more emphasizes this encouraging and serene side.

Purple remains difficult for color combinations: only white, black and brown can harmonize with it. But pink, blue or green is absolutely prohibited in the presence of purple color.

  • positive meaning: sleep, gentle, peace, friendship, meditation;
  • negative value: longing, loneliness;
  • presentation: Plants (grapes, eggplants), flower (purple), Bishops clothing;
  • magic: Esoteric, magical abilities, communication with spirits.

Value brown

Reflecting mainly paint of land, obtained from a mixture of orange with yellow and blue or purple, brown - soft, encouraging And almost maternal.

Neither sad, nor happy, he is neutral and is one of the most common both in the animal world and in the vegetation. That is why we are comfortable in his presence.

It also means soft, including through his sweet cookie representatives, cocoa and chocolate, which have a soft, sedative and protective taste. Brown is one of the few colors from which we never get tired. Even in large quantities, it is usually perceived very well.

Brown is especially well combined with white, yellow, purple and light pink (old rose, powder).

  1. Positive importance of brown: nature, softness, neutrality.
  2. Negative brown color: problems, depression.
  3. Presentation: Earth, trees, food products (cocoa, coffee).
  4. Magic: energy blocking, death.

White Color: Value

Although white is not quite color, most consumers belong to this. Perhaps precisely because, from an optical point of view, white is a chromatic synthesis of all visible wavelengths.

This probably explains his perception as symbol of Unity, Perfection, Balance. For several generations, white is associated with a marriage ceremony, a cleanliness of women, virginity and even perfection and divine (papal clothing). In nature, very little natural white.

White perfectly lets any combination in a variety of contexts: it is perfectly combined with any color, it is difficult to bother with it. Nevertheless, it should be avoided too frequent use.

It can turn from universally graphic in something empty and fresh. It is best to use it along with other shades, because there is no restrictions for him, any representative of the palette is good with him.

  • Positive value of white: cleanliness, innocence, virginity, marriage.
  • Negative value: emptiness, lack, mourning (in the east).
  • Presentation: Snow, light, milk, wedding dress.
  • Magic: protection, cleansing, the ability to replace all colors.

The value is black

Like white, black is not a color in the strict sense of the word, however, he is considered, from the point of view of psychology. From the point of view of physics, black can be attributed to black holes, absorption and non-existence.

In optics, black absorbs all wavelengths, and thus characterized by an obvious lack of color, unlike white, which is obtained by connecting and "absorbs" all wavelengths.

In the west black color is associated with mourning, sadness and despair, fear and death. Presented by the robes of priests and monastishes, he also echoes the authority, power, rigor and severeness.

But, besides his dark side, Black talks about laconicity combined with elegance and simplicity. Perhaps this is precisely because black most often appears before the observer as a neutral background, which does not express passion and is not able to talk about feelings.

Black is combined with almost every existing tint, even when used excessively. However, as in the case of white, it is necessary to avoid too frequent use of it alone. Black, maybe very quickly calling and enhance emptiness and sadness. It is recommended to always accompany it with warm or pale shades.

  • positive meaning: Elegance, simplicity, moderation, discipline, mystery;
  • negative meaning: death, mourning, sadness, emptiness, darkness;
  • presentation: Darkness (night), some animals (thrush, crows, cats);
  • magic: neutrality, beginning and end, protection, cleansing, magic, otherworldly.

Great value

As well as the above-mentioned black and white, gray in a simple sense is not color. Being halfway between white and black, gray is softer, although it is associated with imperceptibility, sadness and loneliness.

In nature, gray is represented mainly dust and mice, which can explain its association with silence and relaxation. It is well amenable to a combination with almost any shade, except for dark gray mixed with blue, or dark green.

Simple and elegant, gray, good ally. However, it should be careful not to abuse them. In fact, too much gray causes longing and sadness.

  1. Positive meaning: quiet, smooth, soft, calm.
  2. Negative value: sadness, loneliness, monotony, melancholy.
  3. Presentation: Animals (mice, elephants), dust.