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Knowledge level of English 4. Foreign language levels. In-depth study of foreign languages

Under the level of language proficiency is understood The degree of formation of speech skills and skills. The problem of the level of proficiency in the methodology has acquired a special relevance in the second half of the 20th century in connection with the expansion of international cooperation and the formation of the concept of "Europe without borders", in which much attention was paid to the dissemination and study of foreign languages \u200b\u200bin the world.

Starting from the 1970s. Within the framework of the Cultural Cooperation Council under the Council of Europe, an intensive work was carried out to substantiate the model of foreign language communicative competence and the development of threshold levels (Threshold LEVELS) of owning foreign language. This work ended with the adoption of a document called "Modern Languages: Study, Teaching, Evaluation. Obino-European Competence of Owning Foreign Language "(Strasbourg, 1996). In this document (Project Manager, J. Trim), the recommendations of which were tested in different countries of Europe until 2000, the parameters and criteria for assessing the levels of ownership of the language and communicative competence as a learning goal, as well as methods of its assessment using test technologies were considered. As part of communicative competence, the following types of competencies were considered as its components: linguistic, sociolinguistic, discursive, sociocultural, social, strategic.

The system of leveling levels of the language in the course of its discussion has undergone some changes and in the final form in the document "Public-European Competence of Owning Foreign Language" looks like shown in Table. one.

The developers of the threshold levels rightly argued that the definition of boundaries between the individual levels is sufficiently subjectively and the individual levels can be broken down on the sludge, which, however, in their parameters should not go beyond the boundaries of the indicators characterizing the level as a whole.

Table 1. Threshold levels of language proficiency

Level A (elementary)

Level b (free)

Level B (perfect)

A-1 - Survival Level (BreackThrough)

B-1 - Threshold Level (Threshold)

B-1 - High Level (Proficiency)

A-2 - DOGO RAM (WayStage)

B-2 - Threshold Advanced Level (Vantage)

B-2 - the level of perfect language proficiency (MASTERY)

To characterize language proficiency levels, a system of descriptors (descriptions) of the skills achieved by studying the language at each level and their implementations for each type of speech activity were developed.

The description of the descriptors and their implementations in relation to the above levels is as follows (Table 2).

And so looks implementation of the level A-2 in four types of speech activities. A student can:

when auditing -understand the speech of the native speaker in different activities; allocate meaning and essential details of perceived information with personal contact and by phone;

when talking - transmit elementary actual information to a foreign language interlocutor with personal contact and by phone; Responsible to the questions set, following the rules of etiquette, characteristic of linguifications of native speakers; adequately react and, if necessary, give information about the data relating to the origin, family, education and needs of the speaker; to carry out speech interaction according to the standards of speech behavior adopted in this society;

when reading - reading texts that regulate the daily lives of people in the country of the studied language (menu and signs, routes and road maps, various pointers and warnings, schedules and notifications, i.e. that information that produces an indicative basis of action in a new sociocultural environment); Read the texts that are instructions on the performance of professional tasks of a low level of operating complexity in a well-known area of \u200b\u200bthe specialization of the trainee;

when writing - write names your own, numbers, dates; Fill out a simple questionnaire, form with basic information about yourself; Writing greeting cards in a foreign colleague for the holidays celebrated in the country of the study under study; To make a personal letter (about yourself, your family, interests, etc.), using the basic rules for its design with a sample support.

table 2

Descriptors for different levels of language proficiency

A-1. Understands and can use familiar phrases and expressions necessary to perform specific speech problems. May introduce (submit others), ask questions (answer questions) about the place of residence, acquaintances, property. Can participate in a simple conversation if the interlocutor speaks slowly and clearly and ready to assist

A-2. Understands individual offers and common expressions related to the main life spheres (for example, information about themselves and members of their family, purchase, a device for work, etc.). Can perform tasks associated with the simple exchange of information on familiar or household topics. In ordinary terms, can tell about yourself, their relatives and relatives describe the main sides of everyday life

B-1. Understands the main ideas of a clear message made at an average pace of native speakers for different topics that are well known for work, leisure-related learning, and the like can communicate in most situations that arise during their studied language. It can make a connected message on well-known or topics. May convey the experience of events, justify your opinion and plans for the future.

B-2.. Understands the total content of texts on different topics, including in the specialty. It speaks quite quickly at an average pace of native speakers and spontaneously, which provides the possibility of communication with native speakers without any special difficulties for any of the parties. Can make a clear detailed message on various topics and set out your opinion on the problem, show the advantages and disadvantages of different opinions.

IN 1. Understands the content of large in the volume of texts, different on topics, recognizes their meaning at the level of meaning. Says spontaneously at the pace of native speakers, without having difficulty in choosing language means. Flexible and effectively uses a language to communicate in scientific and professional activities. It can create an accurate, detailed, well-designed message on any topic, demonstrating the ownership of text organization models, the means of communication of its elements.

AT 2. It understands any in content an oral or written message, can make a coherent text based on different sources. Speaks spontaneously, at pace, with a high degree of accuracy, emphasizing the shades of values \u200b\u200bin various situations of communication.

A - elementary language proficiency; B - free; B - perfect.

At the same time, the developers of the "pan-European competence of owning a foreign language" fairly argued that the exact definition of descriptors and their implementations for each level of language proficiency should be created as experience gained by educational institutions of the project participants.

The scale of proficiency levels was widely distributed due to its suitability for all foreign languages; aimed at practical mastering of the language due to its basis of the activity approach in training; Reflect the interests of various professional and age groups of students.

Communicative tasks that students can solve the means of the language under study at each stage of training (FUNCTIONS);

Spheres, topics, situations of communication, in which such tasks are solved, i.e. The subject and meaningful side of communication (CONTEXT / CONTENT) was determined;

The degree of linguistic and extralyingvistic correctness of solving communicative tasks (accuracy).

The success of the promotion of students from one level to another depends on a number of circumstances, among which are paramount importance:

1. The complexity of the study language from the point of view of its "ease-difficulty". As is known, in the degree of complexity, the languages \u200b\u200bare taken to divide into four groups (from ease - to difficulties): the first - Italian, Spanish; Second - English, French, German; Third - Russian, Finnish, Novogreic, Hungarian, Polish, Hebrew, Turkish; Fourth - Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean (i.e., characters' languages);

2. Number of hours drawn to language learning; 3. The ability of the language learning to master.

To achieve a threshold level, according to many observations, about 1,500 school hours are required.

Universal scale of levels of ownership of foreign language

1st level: elementary

Survival Level Survival Level Students 5 - 6 High School Classes

[A-2] 2nd level: basic

Spending Level Waystage Level Students 7 - 9 High School Classes

[A-3] 3rd level: threshold

Threshold LEVEL Students 10 - 1 1 High School Classes

[A-3.1] Humanitarian Profile [A-3.2] Natural Science Profile

[B-1] 4th level: intermediate

Intermediate Level Students 1 - 4 courses of university, bachelor

[B- 1.1] bachelor philologists [b- 1.2] bachelor's neophilologists

[B-2] 5th level: advanced

Advanced Level Students 5 - 6 courses of university, masters

[B-2.1] Master's Philologists [B-2.2] Masters-Nephilologists

[B-1] 6th level: Experienced user

Proficiency Level Graduate of the University - Language Language (Translator)

[B-2] 7th Level: Professional user

Professional LEVEL Advanced training. Internship in the country under study

[B-3] 8th level: perfect user

MASTERY LEVEL Free possession. Language carrier level

Oral dialogue - I can lead an easy conversation if my interlocutor will rephrase or speak at a slower pace of individual statements and help me in the expression of your own thoughts. I can ask and answer questions related to ordinary, familiar to me themes.

Oral monologue - I can use a number of simple phrases and suggestions for a description of the place where I live, people who know.

Letter - I can write short simple postcards, for example, sending congratulations on the holiday. I can fill out the form where personal information is required, for example, to write a name, nationality, address on the registration card in the hotel.

Oral dialogue - I can communicate in simple ordinary situations requiring direct exchange of information on well-known topics. I can exchange multiple replicas in a short conversation, although it is usually not enough to understand the interlocutor well to keep the conversation himself.

Oral monologue - I can use a number of phrases and suggestions in order to describe the family, other people, living conditions in simple words, tell about your studies and about the current work.

Letter - I can write short and simple notes and messages in the field of direct needs. I can write a very simple personal letter, for example, someone thanks for anything.

Oral dialogue - I can communicate in most situations that may arise during the country of the studied language. I can enter into a short conversation on the familiar, household or themes of interest (for example, family, hobbies, work, current events).

Oral monologue - I can connect phrases in a simple way to describe what happened to me, explaining events, your dreams and desires. I can briefly explain and justify my opinion and plans. I can retell a story or pass the content of the book or the film and evaluate them.

Letter - I can write a simple connected text on topics that I know or represent personal interest. I can write a letter with a description of events from my life and impressions.

B-2. I speak quickly and spontaneously to fully communicate with native speakers. I can take an active part in the discussion on well-known topics, explaining and defending your opinion.

I can submit a clear detailed description of a large number of items related to the field of my interests. I can explain my point of view on the issue, presenting the merits and disadvantages of various positions.

I can write a clear detailed text from different spheres of communication related to the field of my interests. I can write an essay or report by passing information or explaining something, leading arguments to support and against any point of view. I can write a letter by emphasizing the personal value of events

IN 1I can run fluid without any preparation, flexibly and efficiently use a language for communication and professional purposes. I can clearly formulate thoughts or express the point of view, skillfully helping other conversations.

I can imagine a clear and detailed description of complex items using the bottom, developing certain moments and making the appropriate conclusions.

I can write a clear, well-organized text with an extension of your opinion. I can explain in detail the complex questions in the form of an essay, the report, letters, allocating essential ideas. I can make up various texts with the calculation on a specific reader

AT 2I can take part in any discussion without experiencing any difficulties, owning idiomatics and spoken vocabulary. I can express my thought fluently, with the finest shades of value at this. Even if I have problems, I can change the structure of the performance and bypass not a good moment so smoothly that others can not even notice it.

I can imagine a clear, logical compiled description or argument with a style corresponding to the context, with a convenient structure that will help the listener to note and remember important points.

I can write a clear, slim text, weathered in the right style. I know how to write complex in the form of a letter, reports, essays, so having a material that the reader noticed faster and remember the highlights I can write abstracts and reviews of technical and artistic books

To determine the appropriate level of owning a foreign language, there is an extensive system of international certificates.

Regardless of the ownership of foreign languages \u200b\u200bor information, in the summary, as a rule, this information is indicated. How to write knowledge of language in the summary? You can use the following all understandable gradation:

  • Basic / initial
  • Reading with a dictionary / reading professional literature
  • Middle / conversational / I can be interviewed
  • Free / perfection
  • Native

Some use the concepts "basic" and "conversational" as equivalent. In our opinion, this is not quite legitimate. Spoken - it means you can explain to household topics. Basic is knowledge of the basics, simplest structures, limited vocabulary.

To refer to the level of English proficiency, the following gradation is most often used:

Elementary / Basic / Beginner - Basic, with a dictionary, the basics of the language. In practice, most often, this means that at school you once taught English, remember some kind of phrases, but in life English practically did not use.

Pre-intermediate - just above the basic. You can express in simple phrases, using facial expressions and gestures. You will understand what is written in the letter in English, but you can make your letter, most likely using the dictionary.

Intermediate - Medium level of abstract English. Do not be afraid to speak English, build simple linguistic designs. Vocabulary is small, but sufficient to explain in simple. IntersEediate in the professional sphere means that you can make a letter in English, do not confuse to talk in English, you can solve typical tasks using English, without going into subtleties.

Upper-intermediate - Confident English proficiency level. It is usually a real level of graduate of the Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200b(although most of the graduates write that they have Advanced or Fluent). This level implies that you are fluent in expressing, have a rather rich vocabulary. But at the same time, you can not own professional terminology, allow minor errors in speech. For most works related to the use of English, the Upper-Intermediate level will be enough.

Advanced / Fluent. - Free English language. You can easily use both oral and written English, you can synchronously translate with / into English. This is the level that is required on the position of the translator.

Another possible classification that you can meet (moreover, it can be used for any language, optional English):

  • A1. - Beginner / Elementary
  • A2. - Elementary
  • IN 1 - Pre-Intermediate
  • AT 2 - Upper-Intermediate
  • C1. - Advanced 1.
  • C2. - Advanced 2 (ProficIens)

This is a single European system that is not very famous in Russia, but, nevertheless, is widely used in the world.

German proficiency levels

For the German language, the following adopted division can be used:

  • Grundstufe (Anfänger) - initial level (a)
  • Mittelstufe - Middle Level (B)
  • Oberstufe (Fortgeschritten) - free, close to the carrier (C)

You can also use the above-mentioned European classification (A1, A2, B1, etc.)

French ownership levels

For French, you can also use the European classification, or to use the graduation below (the correspondence of each level of the European classification is indicated.

  • Débutant (F1) - A1
  • Intermédiaire (F3) - B1
  • Intermédiaire-supérieur (F4) - B2
  • Pré-Avancé (F5) - C1
  • Avancé (F6) - C1
  • Supérieur (F7) - C2
  • Supérieur (F8) - C2

Spanish Ownership Levels

For Spanish, the following classification is used (compliance of the level of stage A, B, C):

  • Nivel Inicial (ESPA 1) - A1
  • Nivel Elemental (ESPA 2) - A2
  • Nivel Pre-Intermedio (ESPA 3) - B1
  • Nivel Intermedio (ESPA 4) - B2
  • Nivel Avanzado (ESPA 5) - C1
  • Nivel Superior (ESPA 6) - C2

Or you can use a single European classification.

Quite often on the forums dedicated to the study of foreign languages, there are questions about the levels of speaking English - "How to understand, I have Beginner or Elementary?", "What do you need to know to start with pre-intermediates?", "How to properly designate the level of proficiency in the language. In the summary? " Or "I once studied English at school, I have intermediate?" In order not to have problems with your English, you need not only to choose the right school, but also to understand well, from what level it is worth starting learning the language. Let's try to figure out together. Shall WE?

English proficiency levels

If you are at least once interested in the levels of knowledge of English, you may have the impression that there is a complete confusion reigns here. But actually it is not. The Common European Framework Of Reference For Languages \u200b\u200bor CEFR) was specially designed to describe English knowledge levels and is an international standard. Consists of the following levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2.

And what then to do with so good to us known and relatives with the school levels Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate and Advanced? And besides, these names can be found with different additional words, such as False, Low, Very, etc. What is all these difficulties? Explain. This classification was invented by the creators of basic textbooks, such as HEADWAY, Cutting Edge, OpportUnities. What for? These levels divide the CEFR scales on the excerpts for better learning language. And it is precisely for this separation of levels that schools and language courses are usually focused.

Without the help of a consolidated table, do not do here. We offer to carefully consider which widely known levels of English proficiency correspond to similar on the CEFR scale.

English level table
Level.Description.CEFR LEVEL
Beginner. You do not speak English ;)
Elementary. You can say and understand some words and phrases in English A1
Pre-intermediate You can chat on the "simple" English and understand the interlocutor in a familiar situation, but with difficulty A2.
Intermediate You can speak well and understand the speech by ear. Express your thoughts with the help of simple sentences, but experience difficulties, facing more complex grammatical designs and vocabulary B1.
Upper-intermediate You speak well and understand English speech, but you can still make mistakes B2.
Advanced You are fluent in English and fully understand the speech C1.
PROFICIENCY. You speak English at the Language Language C2.

Two words about False, Low, Very and other consoles to standard level names. Sometimes you can meet such wording as False Beginner, Low Intermediate or Very Advanced, etc. This can be called a division on the sludge. For example, the level of False Beginner corresponds to a person who has previously studied English, but very long, which practically does not remember anything. Such a person will need less time to complete the newcomer course and go to the next level, so it is impossible to name a complete Beginner. Similar history with Low Intermediate and Very Advanced. In the first case, a person has already passed the full course of pre-intermediate and began to study Intermediate, while mastered and uses only a few grammatical designs and a cocoam of this level in speech. Speaker in English with the level of Very Advanced is already halfway to the covenant Proficiency. Well, you caught the essence.

And now let's consider specific skills and skills studying English at different levels.

BEGINNER level, he is Starter

Initial, zero level. This course begins with a phonetic course and assimilation of the reading rules. The vocabulary is studied, which makes it possible to communicate to household topics ("acquaintance", "family", "work", "leisure", "in the store"), and also disassembled the basic grammar.

After passing the Beginner course:

  • Vocabulary is about 500-600 words.
  • Understanding speech on rumor: phrases and suggestions pronounced slowly, with pauses, very clearly (for example, simple questions and instructions).
  • Spoken speech: you can tell about yourself, your family, friends.
  • Reading: Simple texts with familiar words and previously encountered phrases, as well as studied grammar, simple instructions (for example, task for exercise).
  • Letter: Separate words, simple sentences, fill out a questionnaire, make short descriptions.

Elementary level elementary level

A basic level of. The listener of this level owns all the basic skills of the English language. Such household topics are being studied as: "Family", "Rest", "Travel", "Transport", "Health".

After passing the Elementary course:

  • Vocabulary is about 1000-1300 words.
  • Understanding speech on rumor: proposals that belong to the most common topics. When listening to news, watching movies there is an understanding of a common topic or a plot, especially with visual support.
  • Spoken speech: expression of opinions, requests, provided that the context is familiar. With greeting and farewell, talking on the phone, etc. Used "blanks".
  • Reading: Short texts with a small number of unfamiliar vocabulary, ads and signs.
  • Letter: Description of people and events, drawing up simple letters using familiar clichés.

English level Pre-intermediate

Speaking level. The listener confidently owning everyday vocabulary and basic grammar is able to express opinions on household topics.

After passing the pre-intermediate course:

  • Vocabulary consists of 1400-1800 words.
  • Understanding speech on rumor: dialogue or monologue on everyday topics, when viewed, for example, you can catch all key points. When watching movies, the listener of this level may not understand individual phrases and suggestions, but monitors the plot. Good understands films with subtitles.
  • Conversation: It is possible to evaluate and express your opinion on any event, to maintain a rather long conversation on familiar topics ("art", "appearance", "personality", "films", "entertainment", etc.).
  • Reading: complex texts, including journalistic articles.
  • Letter: a written expression of his opinion or an assessment of the situation, drawing up their biography, a description of the events.

English level intermediate

Average level. The listener confidently owns the tongue, can use it in a variety of situations. Usually the level of Intermediate is enough to work in a foreign company. A person who owns English at the level of the English Intermediate may negotiate and business correspondence in English, arrange presentations.

After passing the Intermediate course:

  • Vocabulary of the listener of this level is about 2000-2500 words.
  • Understanding speech on rumor: catches not only the general meaning, but also concrete details, understands movies, interviews, video without translation and subtitles.
  • Spoken speech: expresses the point of view, his consent / disagreement into almost any not separate theme. It can take an active part in the discussion or discussion on nonspecific topics without preparation.
  • Reading: understands complex texts that are not related to familiar topics and spheres of life, unadapted literature. May understand the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context (fiction, information sites, vocabulary).
  • Letter: Can make a letter in the official and unofficial style, skillfully uses written English, can make long descriptions of events and history, give personal comments.

English level Upper-intermediate

The level is higher than the average. The Upper-Intermediate Listener knows and skillfully uses complex grammatical structures and a variety of vocabulary.

After passing the course Upper-Intermediate:

  • Vocabulary consists of 3000-4000 words.
  • Understanding speech on rumor: even understands a well-linguistically complex speech on unfamiliar topics, almost completely understands the video without translation and subtitles.
  • Spoken speech: can freely give its assessment by any situations, bring comparisons or opposition, uses different speech styles.
  • The conversation leads both official and unofficial style. Says competently with a small number of errors, can catch and correct your mistakes.
  • Reading: Owns a large vocabulary for understanding non-adapted English texts.
  • Letter: can independently write an article, official and unofficial letters. Maybe to know and enjoy different styles when creating a written text.

English level Advanced

Advanced level. Advanced level listeners are very confident in English and only minor errors are allowed in speech, which do not affect communication efficiency. Listeners of this level can explore special disciplines in English.

After passing the course Advanced:

  • Vocabulary is about 4000-6000 words.
  • Understanding speech on rumor: understands not clearly pronounced speech (for example, ads at the station or at the airport), in detail perceives complex information (for example, reports or lectures). Understands up to 95% of information on video without translation.
  • Spoken speech: very effectively enjoys English for spontaneous communication, uses a conversational and official communication style depending on the speech situation. Uses in speech phraseologisms and idioms.
  • Reading: easily understands non-adaptable artistic and non-educated literature, complex articles on specific topics (physics, geography, etc.)
  • Letter: can write official and unofficial letters, narration, articles, essays, scientific work.

English level Proficiency

Free ownership of English. The last level according to the CEFR C2 classification describes a person who owns English at the level of the educated native speaker. The only problems with which such people may face are cultural problems. A person may, for example, do not understand the quote, if it concerns some popular transmission or book, which is known to almost all native speakers, but may be unknown to a person who has not grown in the environment.


It should be remembered that the level of language proficiency is estimated by the totality of skills and there is no universal recipe to achieve one or another level. It is impossible to say: "You should learn another 500 words or 2 grammatical topics and voila - you are already at the next level."

By the way, you can check your own English proficiency level on our website: an integrated English test.

The way of achieving one or another there is a great set - these are all sorts of courses and language schools, tutors, tutorials, mailing, online lessons, and of course English by Skype. What exactly to go - choose to you. The main thing is that it is with benefit.

There are also many additional services to improve the language. These are social networks created specifically to study foreign languages, and different discussion clubs, and resources that provide films with subtitles and without in the original language, audio records, adapted and non-adaptable literature. About all these aids and how exactly and at what levels to use them, you can find a blog on our website. Watch out for the releases of new articles.

By the way, while you are reading this article, 700 million people around the world studies English. Join now!

Big and Friendly Family EnglishDom

So, what levels are that the level of language proficiency is needed personally (depending on your goals), and how much time will have to spend to achieve this level? For convenience, we will navigate into English as the most popular, and in which there is the most developed system of various tests and international exams. We will conditionally assess the level of English proficiency in a twelvethical scale. On many language courses of English abroad, and in decent courses in our country, the formation of training groups occurs precisely in accordance with these levels.

0 - "zero level" of English

Full Beginner. Many immediately begin to say: "Yes, yes, it's just about me! Something taught at school, but I don't remember anything! Complete zero!" Not! If you taught something at school, it no longer has nothing to do with you. The zero level of those who have never taught English and does not even know the alphabet. Well, if, for example, he taught German or French school or French, but never came across English.

1 Elementary. Elementary level of English

There is no experience in applying English. Separate simple words and expressions are clear, you can guess with great difficulty with great difficulty. About grammar is the most vague representation. In general, this is a typical level for a graduate of the post-Soviet school, which twice a week did the form that he teaches some "themes", and in fact he wrote off the mathematics under the desk. In case of acute necessity, some words still pop up in the head - "Passport, taxi, how machines", but the connected conversation does not work. To achieve this level from a complete zero, it suffices to study on decent English courses abroad 3-4 weeks, about 80-100 study hours. By the way, about all calculations (weeks, hours, etc.) - these are average indicators for the bulk of students with normal abilities (which is about 80%), ten percent of linguistically gifted students will learn everything much faster, and ten percent will need more time and effort to achieve the same result. People generally incapable of learning languages \u200b\u200bdo not exist - declare it categorically. If you speak Russian, you can talk in any other language, you only need to make certain efforts and spend certain time. Here, I wrote, and sadly it became: no matter how cool, and a month and a half in the language courses abroad successfully replace a five-year study of the language in our usual high school ... well, this is, of course, if on the top three. If all five years old diligently perform homework, you can achieve much more significant success and climb to a higher level.

2 - Upper-Elementary. Supreme elementary level

There is knowledge of simple grammatical structures of English. It is possible to maintain a conversation on a familiar topic - but, unfortunately, the number of familiar are very limited. There is an understanding of simple proposals and speech structures - especially if they say slowly and explain the stated gestures.

This level can be called "subsistence minimum" relatively independent of the guides and tourist translators. Add to the previous level of 80-100 hours. By the way, in most decent language courses in Russia, in Russia, one level is just about 80 hours, that is, if you study twice a week at 4 academic hours, then this is about 10 weeks, two or three months. Abroad can be met in three weeks of intensive classes.

3 - pre-intermediate. Lower average

You can support the conversation on a familiar theme. Knowledge of English grammar is pretty good, although vocabulary is limited. You can pronounce rather connected offers practically without errors, if you have passed this topic in classes. It sometimes leads to a paradoxical situation, if you have to communicate with foreigners - it seems to them that you are quite safely speak English, and they joyfully begin to state something in a normal pace, excitedly waving their hands. But you, having posted everything that you knew, realize that no more damn the feature, and feel not in your plate.

At this level, you can already try to pass some test in the language, although there will be no practical benefit. This level approximately corresponds to the result of 3-4 when passing the IELTS exam, 39-56 points when passing TOEFL IBT, you can try to pass the Cambridge Exam Pet (Preliminary English Test).

If you need a consultation on how most effectively and quickly increase your own level of owning a foreign language, please contact! We help everyone, regardless of the region or country of residence.
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What does it mean - speak foreign language? For each idea of \u200b\u200bthis, your own: someone is content with the level that allows you to travel freely in Europe, and someone has little to read Shakespeare in the original. Subjective criteria in this matter are very varying - from the knowledge of the necessary phrases to the intuitive sense of language (which sometimes does not even get those who speak it from childhood). Nevertheless, we learn a foreign language with some purpose - moving to another country, training in a foreign university, the need to hold English to work.
What to say, "just so," the language itself will never learn. Accordingly, no one can do without external criteria, that is, those parameters for which language knowledge will be checked in practice. Therefore, we will look at the gradation of the levels of ownership of the most common foreign language - English - according to the CEFR scale developed by the Council, comparable to the results of popular exams (IELTS / TOFL / CAMBRIDGE / PTE) and give some tips for gradually mastering the language from the elementary level to the highest.

Comparative table levels and scores for exams

How to find out your own level?

Today, the level of English proficiency can be determined even without leaving the house, thanks to numerous online tests. Below is a selection of several such tests. It should be borne in mind that such tests will not allow absolutely accurately to display the level of language proficiency, since the resources on which they are placed are most often related to language schools that have paid or offline resources for the accurate level estimate. Therefore, even having received the result on the CEFR scale should take into account possible errors of online tests. In addition, some tests in their content cannot necessarily objectively assess the knowledge of the language of advance (C1-C2).
Some of the following tests suggest registration before testing, but there are many tests on the network, which allow you to obtain the result only after registering on the site or access to the language school, which is greatly annoying and leads to additional time costs, therefore in tables such tests Not taken into account.

Complex tests

Tests of this kind include tasks in various areas of knowledge of language: auditing (listening), understanding of text (Reading), grammar (grammar) and vocabular knowledge (Vocabulary). Comprehensive online tests do not include only one important parameter - verification of oral speech (SPEAKING). Such tests can be considered the most objective.
ResourceQuestionsTimeLevelAnswersEvaluationTimercheck inAuditionReading
42 50 minA2-C2.4-5 Var.9.7 + + + +
50 20 minutes.B1-C2.5 Var.7.4 - + + +
50 20 minutes.A2-C1.3-4 Var.7.4 - + + +
140 70 min.A1-C1.4 Var.7.2 - - + +
30 20 minutes.A2-C1.4 Var.7.0 - - + -
40 15 minutes.A1-B2.4 Var.7.0 - + + -
50 20 minutes.A2-C1.4 Var.6.8 - - - +
20 15 minutes.A2-C2.4 Var.6.5 + - + -
60 30 minutes.A2-C1.4 Var.6.5 + + - +
40 15 minutes.A1-B2.3-4 Var.6.2 - - + +

Tests on dictionary and grammar

A good option for those who want to quickly define their approximate level of language proficiency. The level of grammar's knowledge will allow you to quickly navigate in its level, because good knowledge in this area is an important "skeleton", which can be successfully increasing the other linguistic knowledge.
35 min.83 A2-C2.6 Var.9 8 7 8.0
25 min.40 A1-B2.Writing7 8 7 7.3
10 min.10 B2-C1.4 Var.8 6 6 6.7
35 min.68 A2-B2.4 var.7 7 6 6.7
10 min.25 A1-B2.4 Var.7 8 5 6.7
20 minutes.50 A1-B2.4 Var.7 6 6 6.3
20 minutes.50 A1-B2.4 Var.7 6 6 6.3
20 minutes.40 A1-B2.4 Var.7 6 6 6.3
20 minutes.50 A1-B2.4 Var.6 7 6 6.3
15 minutes.40 A1-B2.4 Var.8 5 5 6.0
15 minutes.40 A1-B1.3 Var.6 6 5 5.7
10 min.25 A1-B1.3 Var.6 3 4 4.3

The assessment was prepared on a ten-point scale based on five main criteria:

  • Grammar - how deeply the knowledge of the grammar of the English language is checked, including the knowledge of the times, conditional proposals, the apparent proposals, the coordination of the time, passive pledge.
  • The verbs - separately assessed as in detail the test checks on the knowledge of the verbs of the English language: incorrect, modal, phrase. The same parameter includes assignments in the test to know the use of verbs with verbs, infinitive and gerundia.
  • The dictionary is an assessment of the diversity of vocabulary testing, as well as the presence of tasks for its use.
  • Auditting - If the test contains this part, the level of its complexity, the speed of the auditation, the presence of various voice timbres, artificial interference, accents, etc. is estimated.
  • Reading - Assessment of tasks for perception and understanding of the text, if any in the test. Preferably the complexity of texts.
The number of tasks on a particular partition, the knowledge component and the complexity of tasks playing a major role.

Why is it important to know your level of language?

  • To properly determine its goals - only knowing its own level of owning a foreign language, one can adequately evaluate its capabilities, as well as determine short-term and long-term goals, which will correctly choose the program of classes and find a competent mentor.
  • The need to indicate in when admission to work - many modern companies are asked to indicate applicants in their summary level of owning a foreign language, confirmed by the relevant certificate. To get a good position in the international firm, you need to know the language at a high level.
  • For learning abroad - to enter the prestigious college or university is impossible without good knowledge of a foreign language. And again, the members of the admission committee need confirmation - language certificate.

Foreign language in practice: What is important?

The first thing you need to know is: the level of language proficiency is checked only in practice. It is almost impossible to identify real language skills to the real language skills, even with the help of Internet tests, as they define only the knowledge of grammar and a very limited dictionary. Therefore, it is not necessary to especially rely on similar results, as in fact everything will be completely different.

In determining the level of ownership by any foreign language, including English, experts pay attention to 4 main skills: audition, reading, speech and letter. It is these skills that usually check on various international tests. Obviously, Internet tests will help evaluate only the first two criteria, although in practice much more important to be able to express themselves in speech and writing.
The complexity of self-definition of a foreign language level is not only difficult to evaluate itself, but also in the fact that the second language as a whole is rarely held at a certain level. That is, you can be able to understand the most complex texts in a foreign language that correspond to an advanced level, but with great difficulty to speak independently. It turns out that on the one hand, a person knows the language at the level of a professional, and on the other hand, communicative skills are almost not developed. How then should I define your English level? Professional linguists and experts determine the ownership of a foreign language in accordance with several levels that apply not only to English, but also to most languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

A0 - zero level of English

0 0 - 0

In truth, this level does not exist at all, but it will certainly be necessary to mention it, since 80% of self-critical beginners confidently attribute to themselves full of ignorance. Attention: if a person knows how the word translates dog or house.This is already some level. Whatever the source of knowledge: two years of studying English in school, once a read-up in English or two weeks of classes with a tutor 15 years ago - these knowledge remain in a person in the head forever. This is important because even the minimum base will serve as an excellent basis for the subsequent study.
If we talk about zero level, then this means full ignorance English (it will be true if a person knows the English as much as Filipino). In this case, it is possible to sign up for English courses in the native country. For about 3 months, the level of the tongue will rise to the conversational B1. If a person is still a sign visually with an English alphabet and knows what "Hello! How Are you you?", This indicates a language proficiency at the level A1.
start with lessons for absolute beginners, where you can master the alphabet, reading rules, keywords for understanding simple English, learn 300 new words (this will require no more than two weeks).

A1 - the initial level of English - Beginner

2 15 -

This level is also called the "survival level". This means that being in one of the cities of England or America, a person with the help of local residents will be able to get at least to the Russian embassy. In no case, this level cannot be called conversational, as a connected conversation, of course, will not come out. But if you discard jokes to the side, then with such a level you can go to the language courses abroad.
Even minimal skills already allow you to be loud-poor to convey to the interlocutor some information, let it not without the help of gesture. Usually, these levels are owned by those who taught English once for a long time and without much pleasure. Of course, practical skills are absolutely no, but there are postponed in memory of knowledge that will serve as a good basis for further learning language.
The student owns the language at the level A1, if:

  • responsible to basic questions: name, age, native country, profession;
  • understands familiar phrases, provided that the narrator speaks slowly and clearly;
  • understands some individual words in the English text.
How to go to the next step: teaching the rules of reading and pronunciation, get acquainted with the rules of grammar English, learn about 300 new words.

A2 - Basic English proficiency level - Elementary

3.5 31 Ket Pass.30

If you can live with the initial level and do not guess this, then the baseline Elementary. It assumes some awareness or, at least, the memory that "once I taught something like." Again, to a conversational level is still far away, but in contrast to A1 can already be obtained by any dialogue.
If you return to the hypothetical situation of your stay in one of the cities of England, then it is a little more rainbow: with the baseline, you can not just get to the embassy, \u200b\u200bbut also to talk with a foreigner (for example, tell a little about your profession or make an order in a cafe).
In practice, A2 differs little from A1, and the main advantage of the first is more self-confidence and a slightly richer dictionary. Nevertheless, the possibilities of communication are still limited, so the level A2 is suitable only as a base for study, as in practice there is no place to apply it.
The student owns the language at the level A2 if:

  • talking about household topics: can tell or ask the way, talk about yourself and about the surrounding things;
  • understands the question of the interlocutor in the dialog, provided that he speaks clearly and on a familiar topic;
  • can read and understand the elementary sentences ( I Have ..., You are ..., He Goes ...);
  • create a simple sentence in text form or fill out a questionnaire in English.
How to go to the next step: continue to study grammar, practice in writing small texts, teach the wrong verbs and their temporary shapes, practicing the skills of spoken speech (you can do this on Skype or in spoken clubs), watch movies and TV shows in English with Russian subtitles, learn about 500 new words.

Very often between the initial and colloquial level, the intermediate level is distinguished, which implies that a person can already use English to solve some vital tasks, but still does not speak spoken English. If you relate it to the A0-C2 scale, then this level can be described as A2 + or B1-.
It is possible to determine it as follows:

  • partial hit by the level of B1 level, but lack of practice in some aspects (for example, a letter) indicates knowledge of language at the level Pre-intermediate;
  • full hit by a description of the level A2 and partial under level B1 (for example, more developed speaking skills) indicates knowledge of language at the level Upper-Elementary.
How to go to the next level: pay attention to those skills that are lacking up to the next level, and work on them, based on the tips to promote the next level in paragraph about A2.

B1 - Medium English proficiency level - Intermediate

4 60 Pet Pass43

When the competence of proficiency is over the framework of a rigorous speech on the location of museums and restaurants, and English speech and text are becoming more understandable, these facts indicate that the student is at the first step of spoken English. But besides the conversation, this level still implies good reading skills of adapted texts, as well as an understanding of the main grammar of English. Statistically, most of the tourists know the language at this level, which allows them to communicate with the interlocutor to household topics without difficulty. Usually, modern graduates finish school at least with a level B1 (as a maximum of B2). Nevertheless, to free proficiency, there is still a lot of work.
The student owns the language at B1, if:

  • confidently supports a conversation on any household topic with a good pronunciation, although still with some sticks and mistakes;
  • understands the interlocutor, and also partially catches the meaning of a complex speech (lecture) or conversation between English-speaking (film);
  • reads adapted literature with a dictionary and understands the meaning of ordinary texts;
  • it can make a small essay about himself or about the world, using common semantic structures and words.
How to go to the next step: to master advanced vocabulary and grammar, more practiced in writing English (this will help the tutor or sites for self-studying English, for examplePolyglotclub. ), you need to communicate more in English with carriers or advanced users, to regularly monitor English-speaking sources of information (news publications, entertainment articles, interest sites), watch movies and TV shows with English subtitles (at first it may seem quite difficult, but with Time it will bring its fruits). It is equally important to replenish your vocabulary, so at least 1,000 new words should be learned.

B2 - Higher Middle Level - Upper-Intermediate

6 90 FCE GRADE C.59

If the student has good conversational skills (level above average), can support a detailed conversation with a foreigner, he understands the speech on rumor, looks at the English-speaking films and serials without translation and subtitles, which means that he owns a foreign language at B2. It should be noted that people who are not familiar with English are confident that there is a real foreigner before them. Nevertheless, do not be deceived. Upper-intermediate - It is really a great achievement, but even it is sometimes not enough for professional activities. Also, the disadvantages include the fact that it will be more difficult to move above independently. However, for admission to a foreign university with the average requirements for applicants of this level, it is quite enough, so you can not worry and boldly sign up for TEFL or IELTS exams.
The student owns the language at B2, if:

  • dimensively speaks almost any topic, expresses its own relation or spaciously describes his thoughts (however, at this level, some errors are still allowed to withdraw verbs, times and use of complex words);
  • understands oral speech on the household theme and about 80% of complex speech (lectures, films, interviews);
  • good understands the meaning of information texts in English, draws information from English-speaking resources without a significant loss of meaning (with the use of a dictionary for reading texts to an unfamiliar subject);
  • the argument is set out its thoughts on the letter using common structures (albeit with minor errors).
How to go to the next step: study the advanced grammar of the English language, practicing in writing texts in various styles (formal, academic, professional), to teach yourself most of the information draw from English-speaking sources (for example, a few weeks read news only in English), learn phrase verbs, listen to lectures and watch Cognitive films in English, replenish the vocabulary (it is desirable to learn 600 new words.

C1 - Advanced English Ownership - Advanced

7.5 100 CAE GRADE C.76

Perhaps the difference between an advanced level from the highest average can only understand a professional or anglophone and, of course, speaking himself, but only if he has the so-called "sense of language": when it becomes clear when it becomes clear that words are used correctly, but the offer can be built somewhat differently , pose more elegant words or suitable terms. This is a sign that the problem of language knowledge slowly flowed to the problem of its competent use, which, in turn, indicates an extremely high level of knowledge of English as a foreign one. Of course, and speech is not about some kind of misunderstanding of the language. The student with the level C1 perfectly perceives information on hearing and can express their thoughts on paper. The only thing that is not entirely under power is Shakespeare and Lolita Nabokov in the original without a dictionary. This level is recommended for employment to a foreign company, it opens the doors of almost all foreign universities (including the top-end - Yale University, University College of London,).
The student owns the language at the C1 level if:

  • no problem speaks to any topic, expresses shades of emotions and relationships in the language;
  • understands any oral speech;
  • free readers in English as informational (articles, newspapers, interviews) and scientific (articles in scientific journals, textbooks, works of philosophers, journalists, critics), occasionally facing unfamiliar words;
  • he knows how to draw up access to the employer, motivational letters, clearly understands what the formal style of writing from informal is different.
How to go to the next step: continue working with complex texts in English, read the artworks of American and British authors in the original, listen to professional lectures on the topic of English literature, familiarize yourself with the idios and speech figures in English, to communicate with the native speakers.

C2 - Professional Ownership Level - Proficient

8.5 118 CPE GRADE C.85

The upper step in the graduation of English levels is the level C2. It should be noted that it is still a step, not the final stop. In fact, the C2 level corresponds to the excellent knowledge of English as foreign, competent use for any professional and consumer situation, the ability is free (well, or almost free) to read artistic and professional literature in English. Nevertheless, know English at the C2 level - it does not mean to know him, as they like to speak, in excellence.
Any linguist or philologist will confirm that he has given a language in perfection - this is a lot of very few, and these few usually become brilliant writers or word masters. But if you take the most obvious example, formed by the resident of London, it also goes beyond the c2 level (usually those who speak English since childhood are called native Speakers.And, of course, it is not included in the graduation of knowledge of English as a foreign language).
It should always be remembered that there is no limit to perfection, although the language proficiency at the C2 level is a great result to which a few come. With such a level, you can enroll on any post-type program, publish work in English, to conduct conferences and lectures, i.e. Almost for any professional activity of this level will be more than enough.
The student owns the language at the C2 level if:
How to improve your English: to spend several years in an English-language country, for example, at the university or in the internship. And, of course, read.

What should be aware of the study of foreign languages?

An independent study of a foreign language is quite possible, but this idea requires a lot of strength, time, as well as such qualities, durability and dedication. At first, classes seem interesting, but the lack of a clear program, correctly set goals, a temporary framework and a teacher who controls the learning process and motivates the student leads to another breakdown and the lack of desire to continue learning the language.
That is why it is desirable to master a new language together with the teacher on individual or group classes. When the main material is passed, to improve the skill of communication and an increase in the vocabulary of the vocabulary, you can go abroad. Without training in the country, where the language studied is the main one, it is impossible to master it perfectly, even by doing the most advanced benefits.
The fact is that a living modern language varies daily, and special training editions simply do not have time to track these metamorphoses. We are talking about modern slang, foreign language borrowings, diversity of dialects, etc., who are changing the language every day. Know English at the carrier level is possible, but for this it is necessary to be in the appropriate language environment, where the student will have to join a foreign language society, be aware of news that are covered in the press or on the Internet.

How much time will you need to study a foreign language?

The answer to this question depends on several factors: the objectives of the student, its ambitiousness and diligence, as well as solvency. It is quite logical that it is possible to learn a foreign language faster only with the help of a qualified teacher (perhaps even a native speaker). This is a real investment in the future, which will definitely pay off, but also requires quite considerable investments.
The faster the student wants to master a foreign language, the more he will have to pay. Theoretically, the passage of all levels (without accommodation abroad) can take about 2.5 - 3 years, for this you will have to attend special courses several times a week. If you do it yourself, there will be much more time to study the language. When learning abroad, the student receives the same volume of knowledge much faster.

Miracles do not happen!

Beginners to master a foreign language should clearly understand that the learning process requires a matter of mass of time, as well as certain efforts of itself, since there will always be a reason to move the occupation or postpone the fulfillment of the homework for later. Training is a tremendous work! Therefore, it is impossible to learn the language for a month with the help of a new "unique author's technique" or 25th frame. Miracles do not happen! Only work on errors and a consistent analysis of the new material will help achieve the desired level.

Time to increase levels

The table indicates the number of intensive English weeks to enhance the level of language in schools.