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Scenario of the prom "Children are the flowers of life" or a trip to the city of flowers. Graduation script in elementary school "flower of the sun"

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects No. 8" of the Kirovsky district of Kazan

Scenario High school prom in 4th grade

"Ball of Flowers»

Prepared and conducted

teacher primary school

Khamrayeva Albina Kuvatovna

2010 Graduation script in 4th grade "Ball of Flowers" .
(The holiday takes place in a decorated hall, on stage)
So the first school years are behind us ... It seemed only recently with briefcases, primers and copybooks, the guys timidly walked into the 1st grade. Remember the first September 1st? Excitement, white bows, bouquets of flowers, meeting the first teacher, what touching moments! And now 4 years of study have flown by unnoticed. The first letters in the copybook, the multiplication table ... - and now the graduation party. Goodbye elementary school! Graduation party in primary school is a holiday of students, the first teacher, and, of course, parents. Ahead new life, you can say quite an adult, new stage discoveries, achievements! Who said that school means lessons? School is, after all, the joy of communication, and bruises, and smiles, and tears, and resentment, and practical jokes. This is a planet with such an interesting part of its life as a change. A slight sadness from parting with the first teacher in front of the students and parents, the teacher's excitement - her children are now entering adulthood, each child is painfully familiar and dear - how will his fate be? Graduation party in elementary school - the completion of a whole life stage, difficult and at the same time interesting!

    Fragrant with the freshness of spring,
The hall blossoms with a rainbow. We open the gates to the marvelous garden, We begin our graduation ball.
    Lived in our greenhouse
Care was soft and reliable, To make everyone smarter and more beautiful, The approach was differentiated!
    We were once a fragile tender kidney,
A grain of green stalk, A thin and modest sprout They brought me to a hospitable house.
    Weekends and rest did not know
Breeders for many years, By all means developed talents, Watered, added light.
    And the leaves, gaining strength,
Year after year they rushed up, comprehending the secrets of the world of adults, They grew to tender buds.
    Well, the years have flown by,
And the term, alas, has expired. Today we are in the silence of dawn Our leafing through the catalog.
    Each has its own page:
High-quality material is collected here. In parting, peering into the faces, We open our graduation ball!
(the dance "Waltz of the Flowers" is performed by girls with flowers in their hands, to the music of Tchaikovsky)
    Go around the whole planet
There is no better bouquet in the world Than the one that even in autumn Blooms at school No. 8
    All our girls and boys
Violets, roses, dandelions. Here are forget-me-nots and carnations, What we pulled by pigtails.
    Chamomile, cornflowers, lilac
We are not too lazy to go to school. We also have cacti Bouquet 4 A, B class!

(music by R. Pauls, lyrics by E. N. Pustynnikova “It’s not evening yet”) 1 cup Our evening has come, the last evening. With elementary school, we say goodbye to you. And this meeting, and good evening We will not forget with friends So sing along with us.
Chorus. Let them say nothing lasts forever under the moon, Let us part with you, your beloved class. School friendship will not be erased in the hearts of the year. Remember, dear friend, we are always with you.
2 couplet. The teacher is kind, the teacher is strict And you finally smile today. Forget your worries, hope is calling your guys on the road. It was like that in life before. (same chorus).

    Everything happened: words, smiles, tears,
Native faces, someone's timid look. We all believe in happy predictions, But our desks are waiting for other guys.
    But the heart begins to beat faster:
We can't turn back time. But how about this, how to measure ourselves, That our desks are waiting for other guys.
    My teachers! Both in joy and in sorrow,
We hurried to you for many years in a row! Tell me, is it just as painful for you today, That our desks are waiting for other guys?!
Children dance the waltz. Composer: Flyarkovsky A. author Didurov A. A. "School waltz".
    And here are the parents of amateur flower growers
In a narrow garden behind their house They planted a seed, great care for him.
    First you just need to water from a watering can,
Then spud him, put him in bed. Then, as you grow, educate, cherish Feed, nurture And captivate with something.
    A sprout for all worries
He answered a hundredfold: He grew and grew, and became on a par with an adult.
    And gardeners invested strength and dreams,
So that the world is a luxurious color Decorated with flowers.

(Composer - Sarukhanov I., lyrics - Pustynnikova E.N. “Give me your hand”) 1 couplet. Give me your hand in the middle of the road Give me your hand for a long time to go. Hundreds of roads we have to walk Only a family can support in everything. Chorus. Behind - the first lesson Behind - the school threshold, Behind - the cold in the chest Behind - everything is behind. Ahead - a new lesson Ahead - the school threshold Ahead - cold in the chest Ahead - everything is ahead. 2 couplet. Together with you we will solve problems, Together with the family we will write essays. Only we have to pass the exam alone. We will certainly pass this lesson. The chorus is the same.
(Words provided to parents)

    Everything will change and be forgotten
Only you will not be forgotten, In our memory you will remain The embodiment of kindness.
    You loved us all sincerely
Like the children of their own. So accept gratitude from your students.

To the motive of the song "Bar-organ" N. Baskov. Composer - Krutoy I., lyrics - Pustynnikova E.N. 1 couplet. Beloved teacher sighs about something, Probably about the fact that our class is seeing off. They came as kids, we will go to school sometime And soon other guys will replace us. Chorus. You are class teachers, you are the guardians of children's happiness! May it be better for you in the world of our class inflorescence. (2 times) 2 verse. Here all the teachers deserve a medal. For what they taught and experienced. We loved you for your smiles For forgiving us our mistakes. The chorus is the same.

    Spring! The earth blossomed!
The fields bloomed with white daisies and blue cornflowers, the forests bloomed with pearl lilies of the valley and bright blue bells.
    And today we have flourished - students of the 4th grade of school No. 8. We are called like that:
"Children are the flowers of life." For four long and troublesome years we were in one large and cozy basket, the name of which is school!
    We felt good and comfortable in it: there was enough space for everyone, everyone ate the knowledge that our dear teachers gave us, everyone circled in elegant round dances, everyone was taken to Fresh air to the picturesque bank of the great Volga, to the refreshing pine forests! We were cherished and protected from frost in harsh winter times. That's why we didn't wither, because we were nearby wonderful people who gave a piece of their warm heart and all-forgiving kind soul.
Thank you!
Music by Vladimir MATETSKY, lyrics by E. N. Pustynnikova “Moon”. 1 cup Here rushed imperceptibly 1 route From elementary school to 5 everyone will pass We wish you goodbye Sea of ​​flowers The best students for you. Chorus. Teachers - flowers, flowers They often lack warmth and kindness in life. Teachers - flowers, flowers May wishes come true, Cherished dreams. 2 coupons Leaving, we are today Kind our class We will meet At school more than once. We promise to help you with the kids. And of course, study for 5! The refrain is the same.
    You loved us all the same
Give your love to everyone equally. For the fact that you sculpted children from us For everything, thank you teachers!
    And it was not kinder and stricter than you
When the world was opened to us from scratch For the fact that we are a little bit like you, Thank you for everything, teachers!
    We worried all of you little by little
Sometimes angry, sometimes funny. For taking us on the road Thank you for everything, teachers!
    For the eternal multiplication table
For the fact that we were given the Earth, For the fact that we are all your continuation, Thank you teachers for everything!
Composer Kelmi K., lyrics by Pustynnikov E.N. "Closing the circle".
1 cup There are many schools in the world. All children study in schools, But there is only one among them. We took a liking to her, We learned and grew up in her. This school is ours forever.
Chorus. Closing the circle You will suddenly look back And you will see friends there - your teachers. Let the years fly Faithful to school, be always School your main berth The beginning of all beginnings.
2 coupons How many tears, doubts, How many joyful excitements We will remember all this more than once. Here we stand on the threshold Life is waiting for us - A strict teacher Very soon she will ask us. The chorus is the same. (on this note the holiday ends, children give flowers to teachers).
Literature used: 1. Arsenina E. A. Author's scripts extracurricular activities in primary school. / M .: "Globe" 2007 2. Magazine "Primary School" 19993. Words to the songs of Pustynnikova E.N.

graduation ball in preparatory group kindergarten:

« magic flower wishes"


Leader, parents, children.

Brownie, Fly, Wasp, Santa Claus

Children noisily enter the hall and become scattered., run, jump, dance.

Dance-sketch "With toys"

(music "Mustachioed nannies")

Includes 2 teachers

N.G. - What kind of performance is this?

What's with the noisy fun?

Why did they come here

Are you all, all alone?

Semyon- We wanted to play, frolic, shout

And dance with your toys here for the last time!

Evelina- After all, it's time for us all to say goodbye to childhood,

Because we have to go to school.

A.Yu. - Why did you rush and didn't open the script?

Everything goes in order: dances, games and riddles,

Congratulations and flowers of unprecedented beauty.

Ruslan - Today we have forgotten all the verses from excitement,

There were just preschool children, and now they are students.

Arina- Today we dressed up and worry in the morning,

That's why we forgot about the script a little.

Lesha - I have a suggestion!

All:- Which?

Lesha: - Overcome your excitement, go out together with everyone from the hall,

Let's start our holiday from the beginning. Do you agree?

Children: Yes.

Children leave the hall and prepare for the entrance, take flowers, line up in pairs ...

We have a simple holiday

It only happens once

And today in kindergarten

Our guests are in a hurry to visit us.

Here we meet again

In our hall we are guests.

We are ready to accept everyone

We only ask you for one thing:

Do not judge now strictly

You are yesterday's preschoolers.

They are worried today and their knees are trembling a little.

The sun is a cheerful ray

Knocks happily on the windows.

And everyone is proud today.

In an important word - GRADUATE.

Our kindergarten is very excited today

Escorting his children to school

Lots of people at the festival

Meet the first graders

The most cheerful and unique graduates of 2017 of the best kindergarten in the city of Achinsk, No. 21 " gold fish»

Children to the music, in pairs enter with flowers in their hands. Get up in a checkerboard pattern

Music "Cool you got"


Each of us is very happy today

We all sing, and with us the birds.

Last time came

We are in kindergarten

Come to forever

Say goodbye to you


The kindergarten is dressed up - you won’t know directly,

Mom puts on her best outfit,

And ironed trousers, cleanly washed hands

And excitement - they just escort us to the first class.


And mothers look with excitement

At yesterday's preschoolers,

And dad's look warms and brother winks,

Even grandmother furtively brought a handkerchief to her eyes,

From now on, her dear granddaughter will be a schoolboy.

Artem Z:

Preschool childhood goes away one day

And everyone will feel it today.

Toys, cars, rocking chairs leave,

And baby books and squeaker dolls.

Yarik P:

But we can't forget this colorful world.

And our garden is kind, cozy and bright,

AND warm hands and gentle look

Thank you all, thank you for everything kindergarten!

Song "Kindergarten do not be sad"


Our kindergarten is like a home

We've been all these years

But we are leaving and other children will come here.

Just one word we want

Fold from capital letters

We want to give it to you today with love!


It sounds to everyone now

For nannies and cooks

For our lovely nurse

AND good doctors.

For everyone who washed our clothes

And the floor was scrubbed hard!

With sports, who always taught us to be friends in the garden.

They give flowers to employees and stand in their places


We say it with a bow

We are our educators.

Problems are hard to solve!

From all the guys with love

We will say this word.

All: Thank you!

The song "Our Educator!"


Thank you folks, we're happy to hear from you.

We tried not to offend you in any way,

Everything we know we taught you,

Well, what to do you are waiting for class 1.

All songs, music, poetry

And from the smiles of the bright hall -

All this is for you graduates -

Today is your farewell ball

(seating) music

Word of advice for graduates

Provided to the head of the kindergarten (full name)

The holiday started off great!

Children, do you agree with me?

take a look at your script.

Maybe a song, maybe a dance?

Well, of course, it's a fairy tale!

Here on a glorious holiday

We will remember old fairy tale the main thing,

But someone is knocking on our door,

And he's afraid to come in here, I'll go and have a look,

And then I'll tell you! (Goes to the door)

Children crawl to the music junior group kindergarten.

Toddler dance

Play The same crumbs

You came to kindergarten

Learned to stomp their feet

Now you have grown up.

And we came to congratulate you

1 child: IN kindergarten hustle and bustle,

Everyone prepared their best suit.

2 child: We all gathered for your graduation,

But they didn’t let everyone in, but we broke through.

3 child: We put on dresses and washed our cheeks,

They became beautiful and hurried to you.

4 child: We are funny, funny

You were like that too

We grow up a little

We will also come to school

5 child: But it's time, it's time to say goodbye

The school is waiting for you all to learn!

Play We want you to learn

For 4 and 5

There is also a wish:

Please don't forget us.


N.G. We continue our holiday

And surprise open

A flower will help us, a multi-colored petal,

He invites us to a fairy tale and fulfills our desires.

Fly our magic petal, turn our ball into a fairy tale!

So, the first petal gives us the dance "Flower-Semitsvetik"

Dance Flower-seven-flower

(sit down)

A.Yu - The second petal comes off - the future opens up to us!

Scene / Who to be /

Victor V:

It was evening, there was nothing.

Dima sang, Andrei was silent, Vlad drove on roller skates,

I wrote SMS fields, and Nikita took the guitar,

Everyone dreams of becoming someone and wants to tell us.


I want to become an artist so that I can perform on stage.

So that they always gave flowers, they only talked about me.


I will be a businessman, let them teach me

I'll buy a fur coat for my mom, a cooler jeep for dad.


Good businessman, better model

I want to be at shows, let them teach me!

To get the crown with beauty to defeat the whole world.


Well, the model, well, what is it that you found cool in her?

I will run for president, I will receive presents,

I will govern the country, increase salaries for everyone.


The President is good, but I will go to the bankers

I will make money, as all fakirs can.

My bank will prosper, give everything at interest.


Ha! I will become a cool DJ, I will turn the music,

To make all the people happy.

On the X-factor we will record a dance super hit,

The whole world will hear about me, Superstar will speak!


Why are you silent and don’t say anything. You can’t tell us what you dream of becoming


I want to become a scientist and study computers.

Own geography to see the whole world.


You guys are only interested in fame and salary

I have my own dream - it is a simple beauty!

I want to become a teacher, let everyone be surprised -

After all, it all begins with kindergarten and school!

I see that a flower can indeed grant any wish.

He really works.

May I try?

I'm making a wish now

Which will never come true

Takes a petal - makes a wish: “I want an unprecedented guest to come to us!”

(Noise, knock, a large chest enters the door,

Brownie gets out from there) music

Brownie: (plays the balalaika and sings)

I live in kindergarten

From the very opening.

It didn't go here without me

Not a single event.

How do you live, how do you sing,

What's for breakfast, for lunch,

I know everything, I hear everything

After all, I've lived here for many years.

Who are you, unseen guest?

Brownie - Nafanya, I'm a gardener, well, or a brownie in your opinion.

It's my master's business, pick up, hide, won a whole bag for so many years. (Opens his bag, takes it out)

There are sandals, jump ropes, and hair ties!

Someone's handkerchief, someone's blue sock!

Two shoes, however, different, unfinished phrases,

A bunch of mittens and a hat, an armful of colorful scarves,

He hid everything in a corner with his brownie!

(the brownie runs to the children and asks)

Not your sandals?

Not your gum?

Is the handkerchief not yours?

Children--- No!


Nothing, oh, not good, I wanted to finally give it away!

Okay, Nafanya, don’t be sad, the guys are not up to losses today, we are seeing them off to school! You see, they are sad, you'd better cheer them up!


I know a lot of funny garden games, at the same time I will check what the children have learned in kindergarten!

The game "Plant flowers in the flower beds"

Brownie: Oh, I'm afraid to see the guys to school, they are too small!

N.G. Don't worry, Nafanya, they have parents. They will help them.

Brownie: Let them prove it!

Game with dads "Put the word"

(letters for the words “schoolboy” and “portfolio” are glued on the gloves, at speed 2, the dad teams put gloves on their hands and add up the words)

Game with moms "Braid the pigtail"

(2 teams of moms, each has 3 multi-colored ribbons, you need to braid a pigtail from ribbons)

Brownie: Ai , Yes, well done, now I am calm for the children, dads will do their homework, and moms will follow the beauty of the children!

Our guys will learn everything, because they are no longer small, they will sing about it

Song "Big people" (sit down)

Brownie draws attention to the flower:

Oh, how beautiful! I have never seen such before...

And this flower is not simple - it fulfills wishes! Want to try?

Brownie takes a petal


Can I make a final wish?

I want to hear a story!

A.Yu.: (takes a petal)

One two three four five, .

Let's write a story. A fairy tale with adventures, a fairy tale with transformations


And I will go to the very comfortable spot sit down! I love you for the last time!

Fly, Fly-Tsokotuha, gilded belly!

The fly went across the field, the fly found the money.

Fly out -- music

The fly dance is performed. The fly then finds a wallet full of money. Pulls them out and counts:


One, two, three, four, five... I can't count!

What to do? How to be? Gotta go to school!

They will teach me there, if they don't torture me,

The fly thinks:

Getting into school is not just for small flies.

Wasp teachers ask questions.

If you don't know the answer, go home, hello!

Well, you have to take risks, you have to go to school.

The teacher is sitting at the table - Osa

Fly, come closer. Don't be afraid, I won't offend you.


You guys help, you tell me the answer!

The kids are in charge.

The grandmother planted pies with cabbage in the oven.

For Natasha, Kolya, Vova, the pies are ready.

Yes, one more pie - the cat dragged it under the bench.


You guys help, you tell me the answer!

The children answer.

It's all right, student, you will study with us!


No, not in vain I risked! Still on the list!

I passed everything from a to z, the gymnasium is waiting for me.

What would you need to study in the gymnasium, fly, do not be lazy.

To receive knowledge and an assessment of only-5.

(referring to children)

You won't deceive me Osu, I saw how you told Fly!

It means you are going to school, now I will find out how you will study!

Game with Wasp "Deuce"

(the children become in a circle, the Wasp has 2 on a string in his hands. The children jump, dodge so that they are not hit by a two)

Wasp: Here's my verdict, will only get grades- 5

Too dexterous, but cunning

N.G.: Oh, you are strict

Look into all eyes
Do you see this flower - a multi-colored petal?

He makes wishes come true!

Wasp: I love flowers. I'll make a wish!

N.G. OK then

Wasp: Fly magic petal through the north to the east,

Through the west, through the south, come back making a circle,

How do you touch the ground

Be my way

I want to dance - potpourri

Dance "Potpourri"

Characters say goodbye and leave

(children sit down)

Well done boys. No wonder they went to kindergarten year after year. Learned a lot here. And so the year ended and you became graduates

The music sounds "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." Children and leaders are surprised. Suddenly the door opens and out of breath Santa Claus runs into the hall.

Father Frost:

You heard? You heard? They say the year is over. Really late?

I don’t understand anything ... Who has come to us? Is it Santa Claus? Hello Santa Claus!

Father Frost:- Hello guys and everyone in this room! Do you know who said that the year has already ended? Oh, what should I do? Where can you get a tree? It's time New Year meet? Now I'll take my staff, hit it once and the tree will be in place!

Santa Claus looks around, looking for a staff, but the presenters stop him.

Santa Claus! Looks like you messed something up! Let's find out! Our school year has ended. Now summer is coming. Children will play, sunbathe, gain strength in order to go to school healthy and strong from the new school year.

Father Frost:

So I got it all wrong? I heard the words "the year is over". So I hurried.

Don't worry, Santa Claus! But you will visit our holiday.

Father Frost:

And what is your holiday, because the New Year has not yet arrived?

Today we have a solemn and a little sad holiday, it is called "Goodbye, kindergarten."

Father Frost:

And why is he sad?

Because we are parting with our pupils, with whom we have lived as one family for so long.

Father Frost:

How interesting! Never heard of such a holiday! Stop, stop! So these children will never go to kindergarten again? And I won't see them again on New Year's Eve?

Yes, our children have already grown up, and now they are waiting for the school. You won't see them in kindergarten anymore...

Father Frost:

So, it means that I will never get along with them again !!! (sobs)

Don't worry, you will definitely meet them at school! Sit down Grandpa, be a guest at our holiday, see how the guys dance their last dance in kindergarten

Dance "Farewell Waltz"

Father Frost: What a beautiful dance! But something is not good for me .... It seems that I am melting, melting, melting ... It's time for me to return home, to North Pole.

N.G: What to do, Santa Claus will melt now?

Children: We have a flower-magic petal!

(children say magic words)

A.Yu: What kind, resourceful you are who helped Grandfather Frost, we are so proud of you, you kind hearts!

Song "Goodbye Kindergarten"

So our holiday is coming to an end ... And on our flower there was one magic petal. Let's all make our wishes together.

Take a petal


I have many desires: at school I need friends,

And I will make good marks too!


Interesting lessons for everyone! Smart, kind teachers,

Changes to all the fun, close to the school near the house,


Delicious buns in the buffet, new books that children need,

So that the briefcase is easy to carry and ...

So that the garden is not forgotten!

Soon the bell will ring, will call you to the lesson

Throughout the country it will ring solemnly and sternly,

And he will call the guys with him on a long journey.

Dad takes his daughter in his arms with a bell and carries it around.

Solo performance of the song "Goodbye my favorite toy"

Soon our group will be empty,
All farewell words will subside.
Golden rustling carousel
Leaves swirl in autumn.
On a long journey for knowledge, science
You will go to the autumn hour.
But we want you guys to know:
Here in the garden, we are glad to see you!

What to say goodbye to you at this touching hour?
May your wishes and dreams come true.
To go through life boldly, for any business they took,
So that you do not go astray, so that everyone is proud of you.
Build, sing and dare, but don't forget about us!

We invite graduates to the awards!

Final word, parents. Distribution of gifts and diplomas.

Tatiana Kovalenko

matinee video was used.

Musical numbers.

1. Dance-plastic study "Dissolve flowers» 3 min. with the introduction of children

3. Waltz high school graduation(Crystal) 2 minutes.

4. "Song about Kindergarten" 2.30 without the third verse

4.1 Chicken dance (verse with ending) 1.40

5. Dance "Good mood" 2.30

6. Choral song "road to the sun" with movements in the chorus

7. Dance-rhythmic sketch with balls, balls and a veil "Dream" song by Dima Bilan.

8. Song with soloists and choir, drawings "Everything can be counted"

9. "Goodbye Kindergarten" with soloists and choir.

9.1. "What's happened children» parents sing 1.30 with baby photo slides

10. "First-grader2 music. Cool with parents. (dice on them letters)

Games; Collect a portfolio"

"Be careful"


I want to go to school! – 2 people

dreaming children: -15 people

The roles are educators and teachers of the kindergarten and pupils of the middle group.

Veselinka, Dunno, Button, Golden Cockerel, Chicken, chickens, Aliens - Garzik and Turbik.

The beginning of the Dunno and Button Dialogue is taken from the book by N. Nosov "Dunno in the Sunny city"

Sounds music number 1 "Waltz colors» Tchaikovsky

Two kids come out (better boy and girl). They carry on a conversation, calling each other by name.

1 child: Christina, have you heard that adults often say children are the flowers of life.

2 child: To be honest, I haven't heard it, but it sounds very nice! Just think about it (dreamily) flowers of life….Only I do not quite understand what this means?

1 child: I'll be happy to explain. Here is the answer, for example, rose flower, handsome?

2. Simply amazingly beautiful!

1. Beautiful?

2. of course beautiful.

1. Do you think many adults love flowers?

2. I think that many, well, at least women and girls for sure flowers love Yes, they just love it. I'm sure!

1 child: Well, that's why they say that Children are flowers of life.

2. So children, that is, we are just as beautiful, beautiful and loved! And that there is something in this .... But…

1. None (name, only now ... Let's better visit today city ​​of flowers or... better to say in flower city where these same people live flowers, Topics - children…

2. Great idea, (name! We walk along its streets, get to know its inhabitants, and we’ll also have to say goodbye ... Maybe the truth turns out that children are the flowers of life ... And what? Sounds sooo nice!

1. Well, then, Christina, go ahead, in flower city .

Music sounds __ waltz colors.

Children go backstage through the middle of the curtain. The music is louder. The wings are opened from the inside by educators. Behind the scenes, in the scenery flowers, couples of children squatting, facing each other, shoulder to the audience, heads down, Dance sketch to the music No. 2 "Dissolve flowers» . Sounds like "magical music". Movements to the account 1,2,3,4.

Children sit on their haunches, knees touching each other, palms on each other's knees. The head is down.

1,2,3,4 - raise your head.

The palms of the handles meet, lift up on one side, on the other for 4 counts.

On 4 counts, we rise from flowers in full bloom. Hands in front with palms to each other, opened through the sides.

We leave in pairs one by one. flowers. The leaders introduce the children.

Children perform alternate arrangement in pairs, in the right and left columns.

№ 3 Children sing a song"Our Resonant Voices".

Children read poetry.

1. City of childhood, flower city

He is very dear to us.

2. We will walk along our favorite streets

And we will see how the sun squints,

3. Hear how they laugh children

On our flower planet.

4. How they know how to be sad and laugh

Heroes of different cartoons.

5. We invite guests to flower city you,

All: We are located in city, alas, for the last time.

Children are dancing"Crystal Waltz of Louis IV" №4

Children go out in pairs in a large circle and get up, opening flowers on the sides(flowers) backstage opposite the parents.

Music ___ No. 5 ___ from a children's movie or cartoon

Leading: So, our walk along The flower city has begun. We ended up with you on the first street of our city ​​of flowers. And it's called... On the screen, the name of the street is read at the suggestion of the presenter children.

Street: Romashkovo Sadovskaya

1. In our marvelous city

everything around is beautiful,

Sweet, gentle, colorful,

and loved by children.

2. In the morning, only the sun will throw

delicate ray of gold.

All the boys are running

in that native town.

3. Here for friends, girlfriends,

You can reveal your secret

With a good teacher

Talk heart to heart.

4. I wonder if the day goes by:

We play and sing

We draw and read

The ball is cool we drive.

We mastered skiing!

5. I praise you for that!

And then we go for a walk

All: We live together in the garden.

Song No. 6 “We get up early in the morning!” on the last loss they go sit on the chairs.

presenter: we meet our Golden Cockerel, he came to say goodbye to us.

No. 7 Ringtone. The Golden Cockerel.

The Golden Cockerel enters.

Cockerel: Hello dear Graduates! On such a wonderful day, I could not help but say goodbye to you, to our alumni. He came, of course, not alone, with me is my friendly family of chicken Corydalis with small children.

Against the background of dance music No. 8 "Chick-chick" The hen leads the chicks. They stop in front of the children.

Cockerel: And how difficult it is to part with you,

And you from under the wing into the light release!

Hen: You became relatives, you became friends,

And, better, you, it seems, can not be found!

1st baby: We guys are kids

everyone came to congratulate you!

You enter the first class and do not forget about us.

2nd kid: Soon you will go to school, please do not be lazy,

We wish you guys to study well.

3rd kid: You do not forget about us in kindergarten, resort to us


Now the chickens are babies

they will dance for you from the heart.

The hen takes them out backwards. And leaves them alone to dance. Dance of chickens without adult children.

After the dance, the chickens went out to bow. Graduates give gifts.

Rooster: Well, guys, other streets are waiting for you flower city, have a good road.

The chickens, to the music of dance number 8, leave with the hen and the Rooster.

Interruption music sounds No. 5 Slide Yellow Dandelion Street, otherwise Good Mood Street.

There is laughter in the recording. No. 9 Veselinka enters the music hall laughing, Well, it seems that she laughed. (sigh) Hello guys!

The guys say hello.

My name is Veselinka. I've been waiting for you. I live on this street, with an amazing name, yellow dandelion street. Introduced a dandelion, jeeeelty ... feel it? No, you feel that the mood is starting to improve…. Well, you all smiled, because you got into the street of a good mood.

And I immediately, guys, can not wait to play fun with you. I'm going to burst right now, how I want to play ....

But in this fun there are such difficult and unusual puzzles ... I don’t know if you can do it or not? Children's answers.

Veselinka A: Well, I'm starting.

Everything is dressed in white snow -

So it's coming.

summer (winter)

Crows awake

Dear, kind.

Piglet (rooster)

Found five berries in the grass

And ate one left. two (four) At night, every window

Weak illumination.

Sun (moon)

tall, long-legged,

He is not too lazy to fly -

On a straw roof

Settled. deer (stork)

The mouse counts the holes in cheese: Three plus two total. four (five) Friend of animals and friend of children

Kind doctor.

Barmaley (Aibolit)

As soon as the light of day went out,

groaned in the dark. rooster (owl)

***Who will take off from flower is here? colorful. hippopotamus (butterfly)

Veselinka: I praise you, you are great! You have a long way to go, and you need a good, joyful and cheerful mood on the way, right guys? I forgot to tell you… on our street of good mood, there are the only smile rules in the whole world!

presenter: And the guys and I know these rules.

Music No. 5 Children-Readers run out to the center of the hall and tell:

6. Getting up early in the morning,

Going on a good journey

Washing, dressing up

Don't forget your smile!

7. Walking is much easier with her

And a little more fun

With her, the load does not press on her shoulders,

And there are a lot of friends around!

8. Smiling more often is worth it -

Life becomes more interesting

After all, a smile will not allow

Neither you nor me grieve ...

9. Let's smile at the sun, meadow

And any blade of grass

We smile at each other

It's just the way it is with you right now.

Interruption: children run to their places on the chairs.

The intro to dance number 10 sounds "Good mood" children dance dance, Veselinka dances nearby, joins the children when they walk in a circle. At the end of the dance children sat on chairs.

Veselinka: Now I'm calm for you, you will definitely pass through the streets flower city with nice mood. Goodbye, guys (runs out of the room, screaming from a distance)

-Good walk…

Interruption music sounds. An inscription appears on the screen flower bell-dreamy street.

presenter: Guys, look, we found ourselves on a street called Ilya, read how?

Ilya: Kolokolchikovo-toy street

presenter: Well, what do you guys think, who can we meet here?

Child: Yes, anyone! After all, it's still fabulous city.

caregiver: listen, it seems someone is coming. Wait?

Knopochka and Dunno come out. Dunno's face is sour and angry. The button is even afraid of him.

Finally, the Button still could not stand it and asked:

Tell me, Dunno, what kind of fly bit you today? Why are you so boring?

No fly has bitten me today, Dunno answered. - And I'm boring because I'm bored.

That's how I explained it! Button laughed. - Boring because it's boring. You try to explain better. Sit down on the sofa (orange near 9-ki)

Well, you see, - Dunno said, spreading his arms, - in our the city is somehow wrong, how to. There are no, you know, miracles, nothing is magical. What a thing in the old days! Were there wizards? Miracles at every turn...

Oh, Dunno, you keep dreaming and dreaming. don't you know anything? Today, a miracle is happening!

Yah! What is this miracle?

The inhabitants of our flower city from Romashkovo-Sadovskaya street say goodbye to city ​​of childhood - Flower City.

Yeees?! Did you see them Button, these guys? They must be smart, well-mannered, adults, and big?

Are you afraid of them, Dunno? You are brave!

Of course, I'm brave, Dunno confirmed.

The presenter coughs, Dunno jumps up from the sofa and hides behind the back of the sofa, peeking out from behind the back.

The button is calm. Hello guys, and I know you, you are from kindergarten street, which is located there (pointing in any direction)

Child: Right. We just don't know each other for some reason. We know Dunno!

button: (gets up from sofa) And I (knixen) Button. Dunno (referring to the stranger) stop hiding, come out.

Dunno: Well, I’m fine, I’m not afraid ... Hello, what are you doing on our street?

Leading: We, Dunno, decided to walk the streets flower city goodbye yeah find out if it's for real, children are the flowers of life?

Dunno and Button: Children are the flowers of life? Wow, sounds nice.

The button is next to Dunno.

button: Dunno, look at what smart boys and what beautiful girls, just do not look away, beautiful ... and the truth is how flowers. It's obvious that the guys have a holiday today.

Neznaykahitrenko) What kind of holiday is this?

Children: We're going to school.

Dunno: (perks up and with a heightened-surprised intonation) To school? Wow! It means you have learned everything! (lists with fingers crossed) And read, and write, and count, and even (finger up) think. Here you go (looks at splayed fingers) lost...

presenter: Well, dunno, we didn’t quite learn everything ... but don’t be upset, now we will help you calculate our skills.

Children's answer

Sounds music number 11 "Teaching at school"

Everyone sits on chairs. And the participants of the next scenes go backstage. Backstage there is a ball for a boy and a toy for a girl.

Music 12 (polka "Matchmakers"). scene(boy runs out)

Boy: Cheers cheers! It's finally time to say goodbye to kindergarten! (rejoices, plays with the ball)

A girl comes out with a toy: I don't understand why you are happy? why are you leaving kindergarten?

Boy: Well, yes! (Puts the ball under the foot) I won't sleep during the day

Boy: But, I will not eat porridge!

Dev: If you want to get up, they will tell you to sit down

Boy. We'll be home early!

Dev: And we won’t find mom at home.

Himself in the refrigerator, Himself lunch. For the lessons!

Boy: And the neighbor? I will invite Vovka to visit.

We will eat whatever we find.

Then we will go for a walk with him,

let's take him Marusya the cat

and play with it a little.

Then we'll fight in a naval battle

Dev: Wait, please, wait.

rewrite, rewrite (the boy's face is surprised)

then solve the problem (the boy's face is frightened)

you can get two (lowers head down)

and my mother, very upset ....

together. Yes, brother, that's the way things are. As you can see, youth has passed!

Sounds music number 12 Polka "Matchmakers". Children go to chairs. Coming out on Dunno scene

Dunno: Yeah, not much at school - you'll play. Although I'm scared to play.

Leading: And here we are ready to help you. We invite you to play with us?

Dunno: That's great (rubs hands) finally (Button) waited…. What?

presenter: The game is called « CHILDREN, GET TO SCHOOL ", Dunno sour.

The host explains the rules. Gotta put together a portfolio (Dunno, with every word spoken, listens more and more interested) to school, and put everything you need and need so that nothing distracts you from your studies.

Dunno: Guys, you have to carry large heavy briefcases to school, in which there are books, balls, crackers, slingshots, pencil cases!

(Button giggles) Again you Dunno mixed up everything.

presenter: Guys, you have to help Dunno. It turns out that he does not know what first-graders carry in their briefcase.

Knopochka and Dunno help to take out tables with objects prepared in advance from behind the scenes.

Music No. 10 "Good mood". Two children participate in one run. Arranged on 2 tables items: pen, pencil, books, textbooks, chewing gum, toys, sweets, ball, etc. On command, each participant must collect the items that he will need in the classroom at school. The winner is the one who quickly and correctly chose the items. We play 2-3 times with obligatory debriefing.

presenter: Well Dunno, now I understand what diligent students wear to school?

Dunno: (funny) Well, yes, I understand!

button: Here I look at Dunno and see that something is missing for him for a wide-eyed smile ...

presenter: Our song about "True friends"!

Sounds intro to song number 13 "Road to the Sun" children run out in front of the audience in a semicircle. Dunno and Button first sit on the chairs, go to the chairs when children free them, half a verse, they stand from the side of the piano, to the middle of the wall, and clap their hands. On the last chorus, Dunno dances with the children, smiling from the top of his head.

Button: Thank you, dear residents of Romashkovo-Sadovskaya Street. You helped a lot to cheer Dunno, and he is not boring at all, Yes Dunno?

Dunno: My heart is warm and joyful! I met such wonderful guys! And I also realized that to be cheerful, you just need to smile and give each other smiles.

presenter: Well, we say goodbye to you, it's time for us to go to the next street. No. 13

Dunno with a Button: Goodbye! go out the door children walk around the room. Music No. 14 The slide is changing.

Lilac-dreamy street.

Sounds Music No. 14 From "in contact with" very high quality music Sevastopol city ​​of hope. Parents two parents come out and talk to each other.

1. What do our people dream about? children?

About the blue sky, about the light?

About a new doll? About candy?

About the new battle tank?

2. What do our people dream about? children?

About a long and big rocket?

To be an astronaut or a doctor?

To be a ballerina or an actress.

Leading: I'll tell my parents one thing!

dreaming children are not about.

Children's dream is to be loved

And pampered and raised!

For mom to kiss on the cheek

and would never complain. MUSIC #14 LOUDER.

Parents are leaving

Leading: And what do our kids today, shall we listen? Music number 15 ?

Children come out to the music, sit down on the sofas, someone is standing behind the sofa, someone is standing and "talk to each other".

Child: My years are growing, I will be seventeen.

What should I do then? What should I do?

To become very smart, go abroad.

2 child: And I will be a showman, all mustachioed, bright.

I will spin the wheel and receive gifts.

3 child: It's good to be a showman, but it's better to be a singer.

I would go to the Basques, let them teach me!

4 child: I would become an educator (ah, let them teach me!

5 child: Did you think (and, in general? Children are tormented!

6 child: I will work as our president.

I will ban semolina porridge all over the country!

7. I want to become a doctor. Tooth.

And smile at all the sick.

Don't move, my dear

Here is your dairy "clove"!

8. I dream of being a salesperson!

But behind the counter - do not be rude.

Go ahead, grandma, go ahead,

This boy can wait.

9. Be a hairdresser Want:

I'll grab the girls' braids

And I'll give them a haircut

Under the teddy bear!

10. I want to become a geologist -

I study different stones.

Here is the ore, it has metals in it.

Here are the various crystals.

11. A star sparkles in the sky,

A mustachioed cat sleeps in a ball,

Only the cook does not sleep -

The cook gets up in the dark.

The porridge gurgles lightly

And the scrambled eggs

And under the delicious noise and hubbub

In the bedrooms enters the appetite.

We sit together in the dining room,

Like a huge family.

I will cook in the garden

That's what I decided!

12. I thought about this m:

It would be nice to be a doctor

But not for children, but for cats!

Children hurt - we will cry,

Let's break out in a hurry

Mom will call the doctor.

And a stray cat

If suddenly unbearable?

Who calls doctors to him?

He is a wanderer - he is nobody!

13.14. We guys love the sea.

13. Over the seas and over the waves

In combat we go on patrol -

"Today here - and tomorrow there!"

14. Hiking, Hiking!

The sea calls the brave.

The sea calls the brave

We're going to serve in the Navy!

15. Mom dreams for me,

Dad, grandma, friends...

I'm just a stubborn guy

You can't give in to them.

Everyone is giving me advice.

Despite this, I will be myself!

Music sounds. No. 15 Children return to their places. slide Hands of children in the form of a rainbow

No. 16 Bilan's Song Dream (All in your hands)

A composition with balls and ribbons, before the finale, the girls lay out the words from the ribbons MOTHER, WORLD, SUN on the floor, the finale is danced by the girls without ribbons.

They go to the chairs or around the hall. Dunno with the Button COLLECT LETTERS FROM THE FLOOR. After that

Dunno: Well, children it's time for you to keep walking on flower city and your next street will be.

button: well, by the way, read it yourself, now we know that you know how to read. They say goodbye and leave. Music number 5.

Slide Vasilkovo-FAREWELL Street for three seconds


a flying saucer on the screen. Part of the world turns on. Aliens appear.

Together abruptly: Hello earthlings!

presenter: hello, let me know who interrupted our holiday and why?

1i-n: I'm Garzik

2 :I'm Turbic

Together: The holiday was not interrupted. Just landed badly, don't know where we are?

leader with child: Have you landed at flower city on the street cornflower-farewell ....

Child: and we, Graduates, residents of Romashkovo-Sadovskaya Street, today we are walking for the last time along flower city, traveling through the streets, and now we can no longer get into the cornflower-farewell street, your alien ship is on the way.

Sounds are heard No. 18 The aliens are conferring.

presenter: Guys, it seems Garzik and Turbik are conferring about something

And not together A: We can't help you. Help yourself.

presenter: Like this?

Child: Pretty thing ... walked, walked on you, aliens ...

Leading: It seems to me that a grumbler or a dunno has settled in one of us ...

Garzik: Are you afraid?

Turbo: Of course they are afraid, they can’t do it ... They will stay here.

Child: No! We are ready to complete all three tasks!

Turbo: OK then. Where is my math book?

Math problems guess in turn:

1) There is a corner in the house-

There live toys:

Lion, elephant and rhinoceros,

Doll and frog.

How many toys live in the corner? (5)

2) Seven funny cubs

They rush to the forest for raspberries.

But one of them is tired

He lagged behind his comrades.

Now find the answer

How many bears are ahead? (6)

3) Five mice are on the way

They rush to school cheerfully.

And under each arm

One study book.

How many new books

In diligent mice (5)

Part of the world turns on

Garzik: Okay, now I'll check how attentive you are!

(we don't say it's a game)

The game "Be careful" Explains the conditions.

Garzik: You need to beautifully run around the hall scattered around the hall to the music, Turbik says any number from one to five, and you must stand up either one at a time, or in pairs, or triples, etc., depending on which number Turbik calls. Can you handle it?

Conducts the game Garzik. The numbers are called Turbic. At Garzik's command, the music turns on, No. 19 from Chipolino Polka The music stops when Turbik called the number, simultaneously clapping his hands.

All the lights turn on

Turbo: Now the last test. You need to sing a song that clearly indicates what can and cannot be counted.

Sounds music for song number 20 "Everything can be counted"

Four soloists come out, sit on sofas, (aliens sit on their chairs with the children). Each pair has one microphone.

After that, they go to the high chairs, the aliens who were sitting on the high chairs of the children go to scene.

The plate is removed and the name of the street that has disappeared appears on the screen.

Garzik, Turbic: You are great! All tasks completed!

Garzik: And we fly to our planet! (Sound of a cymbal winding up)

Together: Bon Voyage! (They leave the hall into the corridor to the sound of flying saucer No. 17)

presenter: Guys, look, here is the name of the street on which we were supposed to land. What is it called ___? (Asks a specific child)

Music sounds. Children go out in front of the audience to read poetry.

Soon our group will be empty,

All farewell words will subside.

Golden rustling carousel

Leaves swirl in autumn.

On a long journey for knowledge, science

We'll go in the autumn hour.


But we want you to know Guys:

Here in the garden, we are glad to see you!

The kids go on

The sun is a cheerful ray

Knocking happily on the windows

And we are proud today

An important word: « Graduate»

Parents came to our party

And they look at us with excitement.

It's like everyone saw it for the first time

Grown up children now.

Leaving a piece of childhood here

We leave for the first class.

But with you we will be in the neighborhood,

And we will remember you again and again.

We are our favorite kindergarten

We won't stop loving.

And yet we say goodbye.

After all, we have become big.

But just know:

We will remember

This is hardly forgotten

Two "mommies", girlfriends and friends,

Who replaced our family.

Preschool childhood leaves one day,

And everyone felt it today!

Toys, cars, rocking chairs are leaving,

And baby books, and squeaker dolls.

But we can't forget this world colorful

And our garden is kind, cozy, welcoming.

And warm hands, and affectionate look

Thank you, thank you for everything, kindergarten!

Children sing a songGoodbye Kindergarten! soloists in the second verse. Children stand still.

Come out children who started the holiday.

Boy: Well, name, what do you say now, after all children are the flowers of life?

Girl: yes, name, I think you were right, children are the flowers of life.

together: what do you think, dear adults! Adult Applause

Everyone leaves children on chairs to music No.

The slide changes to baby photos.

The music of the intro to the song sounds, the parents of the soloists come out and perform song No. 21 "What's happened children

They sing 1 and 3 verses (time 1 min. 20 sec, go to their places.

Slide _school, first grade children!

The school bell rings. The child runs out.

Very soon, very soon

We will go to school.

And it's time to wish

Us "break a leg"!

Children under the intro of the song "First Grader" start moving towards the semicircle.

Parents come out to the chorus of the song after the second verse (11 people). with cubes on which letters are pasted "First Graders", cubes stood under their chairs.

The cubes rise in turn, according to the exit speed. All shouting A: We are first graders. We all go to our places.

Vedas. 1 expensive Graduates! All the joys and sorrows, ups and downs shared with you by your beloved parents! Word to parents alumni!

Vedas. 2 Dear Graduates! He hands you ribbons 2016 graduate and kindergarten graduate diploma"The Golden Cockerel" head of the kindergarten Elena Vladimirovna Makhova.

Vedas. 1 A pleasant tradition has already taken root in our kindergarten - we send dream balloons into the sky.

Vedas. 2. And the second tradition is to plant a tree from alumni 2016 to create an alley alumni.

together: Expensive Graduates! Forward to the dream! Children they leave the hall to the music, take the balls from the group and go outside with the balls, the parents with the trees.

Vedas. And children: One, two, three ball of desire fly into the sky!

Scenario prom in primary school

"Flower of the Sun"

Before the start of the holiday, parents take their places in the hall. Alumni backstage.
Lyrical music sounds with a gradual transition to more cheerful mood.

Leading : They say that there are no miracles in the world ... believe me, they exist and are even next to us.
One of the wonderful wonders of the world is our children. They, like flowers, appearing here and there, decorate our life and fill it with a special meaning...

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guests! Today we are gathered here for a very important and significant event in the lives of our children - their graduation from elementary school.
Audience applause.

This event coincided with one loud and unusual sensation: for the first time in our school, under the strict guidance of excellent teachers, an unusual “flower” was grown, which personifies the children's team. For four years he was surrounded by special warmth and love. And today it's time to collect its first seeds.
Of course, in my life I have grown many "flowers" in my garden, but this one is worth appreciating in particular. He differs from his other counterparts in thick hair, has 10 pairs of black eyes and is very similar to the sun. No wonder his name is sunflower.
You probably can't wait to take a closer look at it. For this I invite you to the garden.

On light background music, the presenter, as it were, “opens” the gate of the “garden”, removing an artificial flower vine from one side of the wattle fence.


Here is the garden that the teacher planted.
He put all his strength into this.

And here is a real garden wattle fence,

He protects the garden from troubles every day.

And here is the teacher himself,
Today he sums up in the garden.

And here is the child of the garden
miracle flower,

Ripened today

At the appointed time.

And this, look
His seeds.

Known to you for a long time

All their names.


They had to pretty, friends, sweat,
To grow together with everyone, to ripen by summer.

They are proud of their large family

And remember all the days that went year after year.

Their joy, excitement is now endless,

We meet our children in the hall standing!



nimble, sporty,

Bold, active

Smart, inquisitive,

In general, they are attractive.

Everyone is smart and beautiful!

The fourth graders are called

And we are needed here and there

There are 10 people in our class. Average age-10 years is a lot. The total age of the students is 100 years, 4 months, 2 days.

According to the sign of the Zodiac, our class is Virgo.

Favorite day of the week is Sunday.(chorus)

Favorite season is summer!

ANDREY: Let's get down to business - it's not good for business!

ZHENIA: Pupils who love to talk with their neighbors.

DILYARA: We quarrel, but we still make up.

IGOR: We love writing notes in class.

ILDAR: We are proud of the chatty half of the class, that is, the girls.

ALL: We - headache our teacher.

Angelina : Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!

And those who fit, and those who are here!

We announce important news!

DILYARA: There are no whiners today,

And those who are looking for pretexts for criticism,

today it is forbidden to be sad,

we will remove all the sad ones!

IGOR: Attention, attention!
Our holiday begins.
Good and happiness wishes
Let today not end.
Saying goodbye to the school with sadness,
A piece of her magic
We promise to keep in our hearts.
ANDREY: 2. The class today is bright with smiles!
How many mothers, how many fathers and sisters.
Even my brother, though very busy,
Came to our party today!
Today is a very special day

We have gathered here, friends,

To say goodbye to elementary school,
You and I will do this.


ILDAR: Today is an extraordinary day!

DASHA: Today is a wonderful day!

DANIEL: Graduation today!

DASHA: Here it is, the last day of school.

And May is a magician, admire for yourself,

Showered tender lilac

Lilac fragrant flowers.

DANIEL: It would seem that recently we were kids,

And we entered the new school for the first time.

4 years have passed and we have become more mature,

And the fourth grade is behind us.

ZHENIA: For four years you taught us to learn,

How to sit properly

How to raise your hand

How to live in a team

How to share everything with a friend

IGOR: New sciences are ahead of us,

It will not be easy for us to defeat them.

But in the 5th grade there will be no time for boredom

And there will be no time to get sick.

RITA: Well, today is our graduation day-

We are moving from toddlers to middle class.

So let's get together

Let's start our solemn hour.

DASHA: With great pleasure we meet

And we start our holiday!

DILYARA: We had a lot of holidays:

Spring and Autumn, birthday, tree!

And this one is the best - Graduation,

Will stay in my heart for a long time!

HOST: Today we are all a little worried: for four years you have climbed step by step the most difficult rungs of the ladder of knowledge. 2448 lessons you have learned together since then. Dozens of rules have been learned, hundreds of problems and thousands of examples have been solved, many scientific facts have settled in your heads, and some still do not fit there. 1836 hours schoolchildren sat at their desks, and this is not counting the time spent on homework. 1920 scribbled notebooks, but not every one of them is shown to parents. And DANIEL LAVRUKHIN will not hide his notebook for the first grade. He will show it to everyone now.

I'm ten years old, I'm in the fourth grade

I have already moved into the fifth.

I'm under the sofa on the terrace

Yesterday I found my notebook.


I lost in first grade.

Inside - you can't make out a word!

Isn't that what I wrote?

What terrible hooks

and dead circles

bent over like old men,

and hung from the line.

DILYARA: (looks into the notebook to the first, laughing, says):

Well, fat woman letter "A"!

Well, just like a frog!

"I" turned his head,

“E” has lost its ear.

And what is this nonsense?

Four sticks jump!

Everyone bent over, who is where,

Like our fence in the country.

I had a lot of fun:

Babies write terribly!

Leading: Yes, kids write terribly. But in first grade, you weren't given grades. Guys, what kind of grades do you like to get now?(children's answers). Amazing! And here is what ANDREY thinks about it.

If I were the minister of all primary and secondary schools,

I would have canceled the “count” grade very quickly at school.

I would add to my order the words,

What else is subject to destruction is a score of “two”.

And then thinking the night from dawn to dawn,

I would have ordered the abolition of the mark "three" without delay.

What would learning - not in torment, so as not to upset moms,

to study with pleasure on "four" and on "five".

Leading : Of course, we cannot cancel the “two” and “three”, but it is possible to study for “four” and “five”, not to upset mothers.

Is our class the best? (YES!)
The friendliest? (YES!)
But why are we different from others?

1st student: In our class there is Daria and Rita,

2nd student: Zhenya and Rustam.

3rd student: Let's not forget about Ildar,
4th student: There is Igor and Andrey
6th student: Angelina is a bright soul.

7th student: Let's call Daniel

8th student: Dilara - there is no such thing in the world!

Chorus : This is our class!

Leading: Listen to some statistics. During these four years that the guys studied at school:
- they ate 2 tons of buns;
- have grown by 1100 centimeters;
- gained 75 kilograms;
- if you put in a line all the textbooks, books, magazines, newspapers that the guys have studied over these 4 years, then their length will be equal to the distance to the Moon and the way back to Earth!
And the guys got smarter, learned to make friends, have fun, dance, put on performances. And when they sing, the good energy from songs can replace several nuclear power plants in terms of power.



We were afraid, worried

When we were taken to school.

Thought lessons were boring

And that in vain they brought us!

We worried in vain

Everything turned out to be OK!

The lessons were great

And the teacher is not a villain!


We learned, we tried

We have read a lot of books!

And quarreled and reconciled,

And made friends!


We wrote all the reports

And the projects were released

we visited the museum.

It turned out that the guys

Everything about us is about kay!



Join us in 5th grade

Our mothers are moving.

Everything we've been taught

Moms are the best.


Mothers, dear, kind mothers,

We want to thank you.

For care, for the fact that you, mothers,

Everyone is ready to forgive and understand.


Daddies, our beloved ones,

Grandmothers, mothers, relatives,

We wish you all the best.

Live long just like that

Not knowing quarrels, disagreements, troubles,

In love and happiness for many years.


We thank all parents

For their worries and anxieties.

We adore you in our hearts

And we say thank you.


ANDREY: But, in spite of everything, each of us knows for sure that no matter how we study, with all our ups and downs, with joys and experiences, for our parents we will still remain the best. What about grandmothers? Yes, they just finish school again!


Two old ladies.


Dear guests!
Take a look around this garden
It is no accident that we all ended up here.
Attract your gaze

Flowers that I carefully grew.

Against the background of the plants of my garden, one stands out clearly big flower. It is called "Sunflower Grade 4". And the seeds of it are you, my students.

Today you have completed the first stage of school, which means that you are ripe for continuing your studies in the middle classes.


And now those days are behind us
We presented seeds to your judgment.
In their favor, all the reviews and arguments,

Ready for everyone and documents.

Not afraid of a bit of difficulty,

They have been gaining wisdom for 4 years.

Growing a plant in his garden, each owner cherishes it, hoping to subsequently get a rich harvest. For four years, I persisted in pushing every seed in my sunflower to ripen. And my hopes were justified. Sunflower seeds are large, mature, without flaws. They are so good that I am sorry to part with them. After all, the best inflorescence of my students is collected in the basket of this flower, and I will gladly name their names.

The teacher calls the names of the students good words to each, presents diplomas and certificates.

AKOPDZHANOV ANDREY -The most friendly, "Mr. class artist." Andrei has many certificates for prizes in sports. 3rd place this year ski race"Ski track of Russia - 2012".

DANILINA ANGELINA - restless heart, "Miss Dazzling Smile. Angelina actively participated in various competitions at the school and municipal levels, for which she received a diploma for 2nd place in the district in fire fighting.

DANILIN IGOR -Olympic hopes , "Mr Jack of All Trades"

Actively participated in various competitions at the school level, for which he has diplomas with prizes.

DVORNIKOVA EVGENIA -The best athlete of the class, "Miss Charm". Zhenya has diplomas with prizes at the regional level: 1st place in cross-country skiing,

KUBYSHEV RUSTAM -The best mathematician erudite . « Why not a minister! Rustam's name is included in the encyclopedia of the Saratov region "Gifted children - the future of Russia", this academic year he has a diploma for 2nd place in the regional fire-fighting crafts competition.

DANIEL LAVRUKHIN -The most cheerful and resourceful, "Mr. the most reliable comrade." Daniil has a diploma for 1st place in the regional competition "Christmas Toy" in the nomination "Story", 1st place in the ski race "Ski Track of Russia - 2012".

LAVRUKHINA MARGARITA -Soul Release , "Miss Kindness" Rita participated in the regional competition "Easter in Pokrovsk", in the nomination "Art Competition" - craft " Easter basket”, for which he has a diploma “Prize of sympathy of the Competition Council”.

MIRGALIEVA DILYARA -A unique talent, "Miss Originality", has a certificate of participation in the All-Russian Distance Competition for Children's Creative Works.

SAITOV DARYA -Miss Intellect, pen tests "Creative debut". Dasha has a diploma for 1st place in the regional competition "Easter in Pokrovsk" in the nomination "Literary Competition".

SHISKALIEV ILDAR -The most reasonable, "Mr. Compliment." Ildar actively participated in various school and district competitions, for which he has certificates and diplomas with prizes.

LEADING:Growing something, we sometimes encounter unusual shape or the size of the fetus. My sunflower seeds are no exception. Two very large grains stand out among them.


(I give the students certificates, as well as circles with the image of a sunflower, filled to the brim with seeds.)

(I give the rest of the children circles with the image of a sunflower, but smaller.)

I wish that in your further studies you will be able to accumulate as much knowledge as there are seeds in this mug, and that they will be more than enough for a lifetime!

Audience applause.

HOST: Of course, everyone has their own talents. They help a person to leave his indelible mark on life: build a bridge or a ship, fly into space or to the moon, write a symphony or a picture.

There are many such talents in our class, even now shoot the Yeralash TV magazine!



It is known that folk wisdom says: "A good seed is a good seed," "What is a seed, such is a tribe." And indeed, good seeds- this is the basis of a rich harvest.

So let everyone shout to you: "Bravo!",
Hearts will open wide.

You deserve it right

For your skill and work!

The applause of the guests. Shouts of "Bravo!"


Applause. Presentation of the medal.

Everyone knows that there is always a lot of work in the garden. Therefore, any gardener is happy to receive timely help from his friends, amateur gardeners (parents) and colleagues.
I would not be able to grow a flower of unprecedented size on my own. My colleagues helped me:

school principal


Elena Fedorovna!
We admit that we are a little
You've been given trouble
But teaching cannot be
Completely without worries.
Promise, ready together,
Even though the whole class will come to you,
Dear you our director,
We won't let you down again!

Head teacher


Natalya Evgenievna, dear head teacher!

We want to confess to you the feelings of fireproof.

You take us to the fifth grade with a parting word.

You are not in a hurry to say goodbye to us early,

In the fifth grade, you help us survive!


Gulya Grigorievna! You are our hope!

You are so kind, who will support us?

We know it's hard with us, but we promise

Make every effort, we will not let you down!

We know we are not angels, but we promise

We will not disgrace you, we will not let you down!

housekeeping service


Our dear nannies,

our dear mothers

We hurt you the most

We followed you the most

And you cleaned the whole school

Until the morning everything was washed

For this honor and praise to you!

To all cleaners - cheers!

Dining room


Walls, stairs are trembling -

Our class is running to have breakfast.

The table was surrounded by a crowd

The table was emptied at the moment.

Very satisfying, very tasty -

You cook skillfully!

For this honor and praise to you!

Our chef - cheers!


RUSTAMWhat is a book house?
There is a hostess with him.
Books best pages,
She has tame birds.
Racks - like a line of soldiers,
The shelves are sparkling clean.
Eye cheerful light
It will give you a lesson for the soul.


teacher foreign language

We are beat, guten tag, sprechen deutsch

Unable to forget.

Even the blood soaked them up

The one that is in our veins.

And now we're easy

Let's read Snickers.

Where is it made and when

Only then do we eat


foreign languages
Pretty strange -
Cram, cram transcription,
And ... nothing in the brain!
And we don't need the maximum
We only need the bare minimum
To read all the blotches
On imported pants ...

RITA:Four years have flown by
Everything was: the sun, the wind, the thunder.
But before we leave, we need to say.
Thanks to everyone who walked with us!

ANGELINA: For four years you taught us
They led to a huge country of Good and Knowledge.
We remember how we entered the classroom for the first time,
But today we say: "Goodbye!"

ZHENIA: There is no more honorable work in the world,
Than teachers - sleepless, restless.
We will not forget you, Svetlana Ivanovna, never,
And we will be worthy of your love.

RUSTAM: Thank you, our first teacher,
Thank you for the great work you have put into us.
Of course, we are not your first issue,
And yet we loved each other.

DILYARA: The first teacher
Everyone has their own
She's good for everyone
But best of all... MY!

Waltz ("My affectionate and gentle beast")

RUSTAM: We made friends in our class,
They learned to walk without their mother.
And we see now
Cheerful, friendly
But not always obedient
Fourth, matured, class.

DASHA: The last lesson is over today,
The last bell rings in the corridor.
We are armpit bags and skipping,
And together we walk over the school threshold.

RITA: And there, beyond the threshold, rustling leaves,
Maples sway, poplars rustle ...
So all this means that summer has begun,
What forests and fields await us!

ANDREY: And wherever I am, wherever I go,
No matter how many new friends I find
On the river and in the field, I remember the school
I remember that I was in fifth grade!


Leading. Amateur gardeners (parents) also came to share today's joy of our gardener. We give them the floor.
Parents. We are sincerely glad to be present in your garden today and admire this marvelous flower, which has become a great asset to your garden. This is a real discovery in pedagogical science! We congratulate you on your well-deserved victory and wish you further discoveries in this field.

LEADING: I am grateful to you, dear parents, for your kind words. You have been a real help to me.
By cultivating this sunflower called "Grade 4", I "squeezed out" a lot not only from the children, but also from you. In the end, which makes me very happy, we got a product that is pure and transparent, like spring water, useful to use and has a lot of calories that everyone needs.

Demonstrating a bottle of sunflower oil.


1. How can we not fuss,
How can we not sing about you,

After all, we were able to break through

Together with you in the 5th grade.

It was very difficult

Can't do it sometimes

But we are mutually

Everyone found a way, yes!

    On this day we congratulate
    From the heart of the graduates,

    From now on, we wish everyone

    Only red diaries.

    Having been in elementary school

    And now saying goodbye to her,

    We know that very soon

    We will all miss her.

    That's the end of the fourth grade,
    You have matured by a whole year.
    May the friendship that binds you
    It will save you from any trouble!

    4. Be kind, be humble
    And help each other in everything.
    Have a good path through life ... And we,
    We are always waiting for you with a victory!

5th parent. Dear children!
6th parent. We also want to be proud of the seeds.
7th parent. Accept congratulations from your dads and moms!

The team of parents performs a song to the motive "Yellow Leaves".

Congratulations on graduation, we
Congratulations on graduation we
you now
you now.
We won't regret anything
We won't regret anything
We are for you
We are for you.
Without labor in the garden we could
Gather here
So that a sunflower today
There are no such colors
More in the whole world.
So appreciate the teacher,
Please, children!

8th parent: Today, dear children, we are very happy for you and say to you in unison:

All: " Good luck! In 5th grade!


Parents give the director a receipt from the parent committee.

The text is read by the chairman of the parent committee.

Parents' committee.

We, the undersigned, the parents of today's graduates, MOU-OOSH p.Vodopyanovka issue a receipt that we really receive in 2012 our children, handed over to school in 2008 for storage, education and upbringing. We have no complaints about the school, but there are gratitudes and very big ones.

The Parental Committee for the Admission of Children notes only one circumstance: we handed over small-sized children, but we receive large-sized ones. It is more difficult to feed, clothe, and put on shoes in the conditions of market relations. But, nevertheless, looking at the contented and well-fed, beautiful and spiritualized faces of children, we hope that our children will multiply the knowledge gained in elementary school for the benefit of society, and society from these benefits, you see, will allocate something to parents.

For this we thank and subscribe: moms and dads, grandparents and other relatives.

Parents' Admissions Committee.

The parents leave the stage.

Leading: Thank you very much for your patience, support and attention that you have shown us. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that the very first teachers are moms and dads, grandparents. Without your participation, we would not have been able to raise such wonderful children - our primary school graduates. Therefore, let us present gratitude from the school to our most active helpers!


Leading . Dear guests! I propose once again to admire this flower - the fruit of collective labor.

Audience applause.

Leading : Dear Guys! Today at our holiday in the garden there is a teacher who will be your class teacher in the 5th grade.

Meet Davletova GG (represents the teacher).

Applause from children and parents.

I hope that she will become my successor and will make every effort to create fertile ground for the further growth of our "seeds".

Let them to you without delay

On the right day they will give sprouts!

And in order to give sprouts, we give you a necklace of "golden keys".

leading th. Dear guests! We are glad that these "seeds" fell into good hands. So, in the future we can hope for a good harvest.

Let's not rush time
Let everything go, without breaking the line.

Then we can all raise children

In the gardens, where new crops are waiting!

Leading . From all the inhabitants of the garden,
Who are in a hurry to visit

The award is ready

For older kids.

Her we solemnly, decorously
Ready to present to you.

For this we need together

Here, swear an oath to everyone.

Putting your hand on the place where the heart beats, we solemnly say in unison:

Oath of the fifth grader.
Entering the ranks of middle school students, in the face of my comrades, in the face of my parents, in the face of my teachers, I solemnly swear:
1. Stand at the board like the best goalkeeper, not letting a single question pass your ears, even the most difficult and tricky one. I swear!
2. Do not bring teachers to a boiling point - 100 C. I swear!
3. Be fast and swift, but do not exceed the speed of 60 km/h when moving along the school corridors. I swear!
4. To draw from teachers not veins, not to squeeze out sweat, but strong and accurate knowledge and skills. I swear!
5. Swim only "good" and "excellent" in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the very depths. I swear!
6. Be worthy of your teachers. I swear!

In response, your PARENTS also want to take an oath.

Are your parents ready for the vow?
Oath of parents.
We will always help children in learning. YES!
To make the school proud of the children. YES!
We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks. YES!
Formulas to remember are nonsense for us. YES!
We swear never to beat children. YES!
Just a little scold sometimes. YES!
We will be calm, like water in a river. YES!
We will be wise, like a star in the sky. YES!
We will get up in the morning in the cold. YES!
To be in time here and there. YES!
When it's time to finish your studies,
Let's go for a walk with the kids! YES!

LEADING: Well, in turn, I prepared an act of acceptance - transfer of 4th grade students. Listen, I'll read:



4th grade students:

I, Shirshova S.I. , - primary school teacher, I trust you with a whole constellation of smart, creative, original, restless, sometimes conflicting, but the coolest children.
Technical specifications:
Boys - 5 girls - 5, average height 130 cm, average weight 30 kg

Hands - 20, legs - 20, smart heads - 10.
10 languages, of which 5 are talkative (conversation speed 400 words per minute).
Eye -20, including: 10 - kind, 10 - curious, 10 - mischievous, 10 - bright, 0 - indifferent.
Special signs:
They love to run

love to fight

joke and laugh

to be loved, respected,

never offended

to pay attention

birthdays were celebrated.

For four years, the class was operated in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education, and the school administration. Children withstood the checks of the commissions, showed excellent open lessons, have passed monitoring studies of the quality of knowledge for the primary school course and can study subjects at the next level of education.

And now comes the most crucial, exciting moment. You will be read an order to transfer you to the 5th grade.

The floor is given to the director of the school: Tyutkina E.F.


DILYARA: Now we are older -

and much more.

We grow every day

and every moment.

Life calls us forward

the road is calling.

The world of knowledge is so vast and great!

RUSTAM: Yes, we will be more serious over the years,

Ripe mind. Flip a thought.

And these years will be like a foundation -

The one on which life is built.

ILDAR: There is no more honorable work in the world,

Than teachers work restless.

We will never forget you

And we will be worthy of your love!

ANGELINA: Say goodbye to elementary school

We all came here today.

And we want to tell everyone that it’s not for nothing

These years have passed for us here.

ANDREY: And we will someday remember with longing

We are our class, changes, calls.

And more than once we will stand on the threshold,

Remembering those days from the heart.
Leading: Years will pass, you will become an adult
And often you will remember
How nice and simple
We walk around the school together.
How did you get used to work?
And he sang at a merry holiday.
Be happy my dear friend
Your next step

High school!
In honor of the end of elementary school, I have prepared a surprise for you: a video film with the statements of some children about what they remember most in elementary school, so that they would like to wish the first teacher and photomontage from grades 1 to 4 - the most interesting photos.

/ I give a recording of this montage to each student on a disk./
Leading : And so our holiday came to an end.
I want to wish before a long journey
Not so little, not so much;
So that the sun shines, so that it is joyful
Walk the ladder of knowledge with friends.
So that grief-misfortune bypasses you all,
To have fun growing and dreaming!

Children sing the song "Goodbye Elementary School!"

Before the start of the holiday, parents take their places in the hall. Alumni backstage.
Lyrical music sounds with a gradual transition to a more cheerful way.
Against her background is a voice-over.

Voice. They say that there are no miracles in the world ... believe me, they exist and are even next to us.
One of the wonderful wonders of the world is our children. They, like flowers, appearing here and there, decorate our life and fill it with a special meaning...

The leader takes the stage.

Leading. Good evening, dear guests! Today we have gathered here on the occasion of a very important and significant event in the life of our children - their graduation from elementary school.
Audience applause.

This event coincided with one loud and unusual sensation: for the first time in our gymnasium, under the strict guidance of an excellent teacher ... (we give the name, patronymic of the teacher), an unusual “flower” was grown, which personifies the children's team. For four years he was surrounded by special warmth and love. And today it's time to collect its first seeds.
Of course, in her life ... (names the teacher) she has grown many "flowers" in her garden, but this one is worth appreciating especially. He differs from his other brothers in thick golden hair, has ... a pair of black eyes and is very similar to the sun. No wonder his name is sunflower.
You probably can't wait to take a closer look at it. For this I invite you to the garden.

Against the background of light music, the presenter, as it were, “opens” the gate of the “garden”, removing an artificial flower vine from one side of the wattle fence.

Here is the garden that the teacher planted.
He put all his strength into this.
And here is a real garden wattle fence,
He protects the garden from troubles every day.

And here is the teacher himself,
Today he sums up in the garden.

And here is the child of the garden
miracle flower,
Ripened today
At the appointed time.

And this, look
His seeds.
Known to you for a long time
All their names.

They had to pretty, friends, sweat,
To grow together with everyone, to ripen by summer.
They are proud of their large family
And remember all the days that went year after year.
Their joy, excitement is now endless,
We meet our children in the hall standing!

Parents, singing a song, standing up to meet graduates.
The holiday program continues with a children's performance.

Teacher (after singing).
Dear children!
Take a look around this garden
It is no accident that we all ended up here.
Attract your gaze
Flowers that I carefully grew.
One large flower clearly stands out against the background of the plants in my garden. It is called "Sunflower 4th class." And the seeds of it are you, my students. Today you have completed the first stage of school, which means that you are ripe for continuing your studies in the middle classes.
And once you were...

With the memory of the teacher, the concert part of the holiday, prepared by children for their parents, begins.

Leading. And now those days are behind us
We presented seeds to your judgment.
In their favor, all the reviews and arguments,
Ready for everyone and documents.
Not afraid of a bit of difficulty,
They have been gaining wisdom for so many years.
In honor of this courage, unprecedented courage
We decided to give them matriculation certificates.

Teacher. Growing a plant in his garden, each owner cherishes it, hoping to subsequently get a rich harvest. For four years, I persisted in pushing every seed in my sunflower to ripen. And my hopes were justified. Sunflower seeds are large, mature, without flaws. They are so good that I am sorry to part with them. After all, the best inflorescence of my students is collected in the basket of this flower, and I will gladly name their names.

The teacher, taking out one after another a seed from a sunflower, calls the names of the students, speaks kind words to everyone, hands over diaries and letters.

Teacher. Growing something, we sometimes encounter an unusual shape or size of the fruit. My sunflower seeds are no exception. Among them, one very large grain stands out.

Opens the "seed".

This is ... (gives the name of the excellent student)!

The teacher gives the excellent student a diary, a diploma, as well as a mug with the image of a sunflower, filled to the brim with seeds.

Teacher. We wish that in your further studies you will be able to accumulate as much knowledge as there are seeds in this mug, and that they will be more than enough for a lifetime!

Audience applause.

Leading. Of course, everyone has their own talents. They help a person to leave his indelible mark on life: build a bridge or a ship, fly into space or to the moon, write a symphony or a picture.
The talent of our teacher lies in the ability to grow in his garden such varieties of plants that are pleasing to the eye and bring great benefits. (Referring to the teacher.)

You were born a gardener
So many years of hard work
To grow this sunflower,
Get seeds in it.
Each one is amazing:
And strong, and beautiful,
Grateful soil awaits
To surprise people.

It is known that folk wisdom says: "A good seed is a good seed," "What is a seed, such is a tribe." Indeed, good seeds are the basis of a rich harvest.

So let everyone shout to you: "Bravo!",
Hearts will open wide.
You deserve it right
For your skill and work!

The applause of the guests. Shouts of "Bravo!"

On behalf of the society of amateur gardeners, which are the parents of today's graduates, let me present you with a commemorative medal with the inscription "The Best Gardener of 2008".

Applause. Presentation of the medal.

Every gardener always has a set at hand garden tools. The most necessary of them is a shovel. Handing it over to you, we hope that from now on this tool will help not only to ennoble the garden, but also to bring happiness to its mistress.
Happiness is necessary condition full human life. When a person is happy, he will easily share his happiness with others. So be you always happy and loved!

Applause. Presentation of a souvenir shovel.

An equally important tool in the work of a gardener is a rake. Let them help you rake in the success of your future students, who will eventually bloom in your garden just like today's graduates. May your talent as a teacher be inexhaustible and always strive for excellence!

Applause. Presentation of souvenir rake.

Everyone knows that there is always a lot of work in the garden. Therefore, any gardener is happy to receive timely help from his friends, amateur gardeners (parents) and colleagues.
Your colleagues, subject teachers, helped you to grow a flower of unprecedented size...

The facilitator lists the names of teachers.

Leading. In honor of today's celebration, all teachers are awarded diplomas and memorable gifts.

Subject teachers are awarded diplomas and artificial sunflowers.


For conscientious work and skills shown in the cultivation of sunflower varieties on garden plot 4th grade is awarded ... (Full name of the subject teacher).

05/27/200 ... 4th grade parents

Leading. Amateur gardeners (parents) also came to share today's joy of our gardener. We give them the floor.
Parents. We are sincerely glad to be present in your garden today and admire this marvelous flower, which has become a great asset to your garden. This is a real discovery in pedagogical science! We congratulate you on your well-deserved victory and wish you further discoveries in this field.
As colleagues in the garden, we could not ignore this solemn moment, which is why we are here, and besides, not with empty handed!
1st graduate. May your today's graduates have only bright victories and achievements in the future, the same as the color of this juicy, ripe apple!

Give the teacher an apple.

2nd graduate. May there be as many excellent students in your next class as there are seeds in this cucumber!
Hand over a cucumber.

3rd graduate. May your friendship with your parents be as strong as this head of cabbage.
They give the teacher a head of cabbage.

4th graduate.
And further...
So that there is comfort in the garden everywhere,
Please accept dishes from us.
She will increase the economy
And it will always help to set the table.
With her you are at any day and hour
Remember us with a smile.

Parents give the teacher a set of dishes.

Teacher. I am grateful to you, dear parents, for your kind words and gifts. You have been a real help to me.
By cultivating this sunflower called “Grade 4”, I “squeezed out” a lot not only from children, but also from you. In the end, which makes me very happy, we got a product that is pure and transparent, like spring water, useful to use and has a lot of calories that everyone needs.

Demonstrates a bottle of sunflower oil.

1st parent. Dear children!
2nd parent. We also want to be proud of the seeds.
3rd parent. Accept congratulations from your dads and moms!

The team of parents performs a song to the motive "Yellow Leaves".

Congratulations on graduation, we
Congratulations on graduation we
you now
you now.
We won't regret anything
We won't regret anything
We are for you
We are for you.
Without labor in the garden we could
Gather here
So that a sunflower today
There are no such colors
More in the whole world.
So appreciate the teacher,
Please, children!
4th parent. Today, dear guys, we are very happy for you and say to you in unison:
All. "Good luck! In the 5th grade!
5th parent. We heartily congratulate you.
6th parent. Sincerely!
7th parent. Gently!
8th parent. Hot!
9th parent. Just like they can...
All. ...parents!
10th parent. Dear graduates!
11th parent. Accept from your parents...
12th parent. Looking forward to a brighter future...
13th parent. With faith in your wonderful opportunities.
14th parent. With love from the bottom of my heart...
15th parent. These memorable gifts!

Presentation of gifts.
A team of parents performs a song to the tune of "Our Neighbor".

1. How can we not fuss,
How can we not sing about you,
After all, we were able to break through
Together with you in the 5th grade.
It was very difficult
Can't do it sometimes
But we are mutually
Everyone found a way, yes, yes, yes!

2. On this day, we congratulate
From the heart of the graduates,
From now on, we wish everyone
Only red diaries.
Having been in elementary school
And now saying goodbye to her,
We know that very soon
We will all miss her.

The parents leave the stage.

Leading. Dear guests! I propose once again to admire this flower - the fruit of collective labor, at the head of which was ... (names the teacher).

Audience applause.

A good deed - the crown of work!
Cool our have us well done!

Audience applause.

Teacher. Dear Guys! Today at our holiday in the garden there is a teacher who will be your class teacher in the 5th grade. Meet ... (introduces the teacher).

Applause from children and parents.

I hope that she will become my successor and will make every effort to create fertile ground for the further growth of our "seeds".
Attention! Let's start the transfer ceremony!

Holding on a tray "seeds" with the names of graduates,
that were in the big sunflower, she hands them to the future class teacher 5th grade.

Let them get you without delay
On the right day they will give sprouts!

Passes a tray with "seeds" to the class teacher to applause.

Leading. Dear guests! We are glad that these "seeds" fell into good hands. So, in the future we can hope for a good harvest.

Let's not rush time
Let everything go, without breaking the line.
Then we can all raise children
In the gardens, where new crops are waiting!

With this, our solemn part came to an end. We invite everyone to tea!

Music sounds. The guests take their places at the table.
Next, the host announces that it's time for an entertainment program.

Leading. Let's all sit down at the table together,
And let the glasses be filled with tea.
There is no need to be bored at our graduation,
We announce the start of the tea party!

Which one of you dear kids would like to give a prom speech? I invite four people here.

Students come out to the music, make their small speeches, thank the school and teachers.

Dear Guys!
I have a few questions for you.
Answer together
Honestly, as always:
Is the holiday fun for everyone?
Children. Yes! Yes! Yes!
Leading. And now guys
Give me a friendly answer:
Are you sad at the holidays?
Children. No! No! No!
Honestly, as always:
Are you playful guys?
Children. Yes! Yes! Yes!

My friendly answer:
Are you fighters and pushers?
Children. No! No! No!
Leading. Answer together
Honestly, as always:
Are you lovers of surprises?
Children. Yes! Yes! Yes!
Leading. Now guys let me
My friendly answer:
Are you afraid of difficulties?
Children. No! No! No!
Leading. Today our festive evening will be filled with pleasant surprises and surprises.
It's time for us to welcome our guests.
Are you ready kids?

Firefly children run out.

1st child. We are not new to the school.
2nd child. They just call us...
Chorus. Fireflies!
1st child. We light everything around
When we visit the property.
2nd child. We took with us
Graduation light.
1st child. Let's make it official.
Special for you guys!
2nd child. The most important thing is that this light is not simple. This real fire knowledge! Let him ignite a spark of inquisitiveness and curiosity in you, let him awaken love
to knowledge, and then it will be much easier to study in the 5th grade!
1st child. But before this fire ignites, we need to say the phrase three times in chorus: “I want to know everything!”, But it must be said backwards: “Btanz esv uchoh!”
2nd child. Ready? Started!

Fireflies light the fire of knowledge - a big candle,
and from her small candles on each table - lights of knowledge.

1st child. Let your knowledge
Will be large...
2nd child. bright heads,
Striving hard!
Together. Our garden is distinguished by hospitality,
He is always happy to welcome everyone.
Because it is inhabited by friends,
With whom we are also familiar.

Parents come out in costumes of Insects with handkerchiefs and
two bottles of Elixir of Luck.

1st parent. Did you recognize us?
2nd parent. Yes, we are bugs!
1st parent. We live in a garden under a bush.
2nd parent. Today we hold these cups
For the tears we shed.

In the manner of ritual lamentation, each line is performed.

1st parent. Our hearts will never forget you.
2nd parent. It will now yearn for you.
1st parent. There will be no more such "seeds" here.
2nd parent. And tears flow, it's not a lie.
1st parent. We will now wait for a new meeting.
2nd parent. Worry and worry about you.
1st parent. We will all cry for you every day.
2nd parent. How sad guys! Let's drink water!
Leading. Guys, I will ask you to stand in two lines opposite each other so that our Insects can splash each of you into a glass of "Elixir of Luck".
On my signal, they will try to quickly get rid of the contents of their bottle. Their main task is to pour the elixir equally among those who were in their line.

A relay race is underway.

Leading. From all the inhabitants of the garden,
Who are in a hurry to visit
The award is ready
For older kids.

Her we solemnly, decorously
Ready to present to you.
For this we need together
Here, swear an oath to everyone.

Putting your hand on the place where the heart beats, we solemnly say in unison:

“I, an elementary school graduate, swear to continue my studies in the 5th grade, to be honest and fair, not to tarnish the title of a graduate of 200… years. If I break this oath, then let:

My favorite jeans are torn
- the batteries in my player will run out,
- the laces in my sneakers get tangled,
- the wheels of my rollers will fall off,
- Pepsi will spill on my suit,
- suddenly run out of money on the cell,
“I’ll never be lucky in the lotteries!”

Children repeat the oath after the leader.
Leading. Guys!
The award has an impressive weight,
She's well deserved by you!
To the music we bring the miracle of miracles,
Which we are proud of!

To the music, a cake is brought in with five attached to it. balloons filled with helium.

Leading. Let this cake in an instant
Will give you only pleasure!
And these bright, big
And fancy balls
You on the wings of the lightest
In the 5th grade they must make!
Dear friends! I suggest once again admiring this beautiful cake and giving it the original name. The best will be marked with a prize.

There is a contest for the best name. The winners are awarded.

Leading. What a good cake!
You won't find better in the world!
Treat quickly
All parents, friends!

The cake is divided into parts, treat everyone present.

Leading. Friends!
Now we will dance with you!
Like balloons you can fly
And jump, well, if you want,
Like balloons, you will fly up to the ceiling!

dance break

Fanta - chips - coca-cola

All those present are divided into 5 teams and stand one after another, taking hold of the waist of the one in front.
First hand helium balloon on a thread.
At the leader's command, everyone must perform the following movements:

on the word "fanta" - step right foot; on the word "chips" - step left;
to the words "Coca-Cola" - make a circular motion with your hips.

During the dance-game, the leader offers to take hold of the waist of the player who is in front of the one in front, i.e. the second from the dancing player, then around the waist of the third person, and so on until it becomes completely crowded.


The dancers are divided into pairs. One of the pair is given a headdress of some fruit. At the leader's signal, everyone starts dancing. As soon as the music stops, the “fruit” kneels, and his partner, running around him from left to right, sits down on his knee. The last pair to complete the task is out of the game. The dance game continues until one pair remains.

2 teams are selected. In front of them, through the distance, they put prepared in advance:
- torn old shorts with suspenders (cropped pants with holes will do);
- huge T-shirt;
- old wig
- an old hat;
- oversized rubber boots.

Each team has its own set of clothes. The task of the players is to run to a pile of “equipment”, put on a T-shirt over their clothes, then shorts, a wig, a hat, boots, clap their hands (a sign of readiness), spread their arms to the sides, like a scarecrow in a garden, and first raise one leg, then another, as if dispersing uninvited garden thieves. Then quickly remove everything and run to the team, pass the baton to the next one.

Leading. Does it happen
What do peas ripen in May?
And we have an unusual garden,
The harvest is quite good.
And the peas are already ripe
Apparently, he wanted to surprise.

The host demonstrates a large pea pod made of paper.

different peas
This pod contains.
Here they are, take it boldly
Come closer to me.

Participants choose peas and go up to the stage.

The first pea contains the letter "G". The participant who chose it needs to make three grimaces for us and at the same time say the phrase “Spring, spring is on the street!” with different intonation.

1. Purring with pleasure, as the Matroskin cat would say, basking in the rays of the spring sun.
2. Businesslike, as a rook would say, walking along the spring arable land behind a plow and pecking at fat worms.
3. Joyfully, with glee, as Lidochka (the heroine of A. Barto's poem) would say, jumping tirelessly over the rope.

Props: a hat with ears for a cat, a rook mask, a bow, a skipping rope.

Leading. The next pea with the letter "O". It means in our pod classmates, i.e. in this case, you, graduates of the 4th grade.

Our dear children!
How much cereal did you have to eat
For the past years! You agree with me?
All. Yes!
Leading. So that today in the end
Taste the manna porridge for you,
This cute cook
The recipe must be published. But ... the recipe must be performed in an operatic style, that is, the text should not be read, but sung to any motive.

Recipe for making semolina porridge
Semolina is poured into boiling water in a thin stream, boiled over low heat for 30 minutes, whisking.
Add a salt solution, sugar syrup, warmed milk, boil for 1-2 minutes. Bon appetit!
Leading. My porridge from Milky Way -
Eat all boldly!
Agree, our guests,
There is nothing better than porridge!

The cook passes with a pot of "porridge" and treats his classmates.

Leading. Dear Guys! Always continue to be together in joy and in sorrow, unanimously disentangling the porridge that you have brewed.
Leading. Attention! The third letter is "R". It means gambling. Today we will raffle prizes that our garden is so rich in. In front of you are three bags with the letters "C", "A", "D". Each of them contains a prize, the name of which begins with the corresponding letter. The third participant has the right to be the first to name his version. If he does not guess correctly, the right to take part in the drawing passes to all guests.

So what is the C prize in the first bag? (Juice)
In a bag with the letter "A"? (Peanut)
In a bag with the letter "D"? (Dragee)

Congratulations to the winners of these wonderful prizes!

The host will present prizes to the winners.

Leading. It's time to pay attention to the fourth letter. This is the letter "O". In our case, it means an orchestra. The fourth participant will now act as a real conductor, and all the guests will sing a song in unison to a familiar tune.

Guests are given lyrics.

Now the conductor will distribute among the tables which instruments will be played in our orchestra.

These can be, for example, drums, violins, pianos, pipes, bayan, etc.

Is everyone ready? Then all eyes on the conductor!

The song is being played.

Leading. Amazing! We got along great as a team!
Leading. The last letter is the letter "X". It is on this letter that the next game is called - “Ha ha”.
The fifth participant needs to remember and demonstrate what sounds laughter is expressed in, and the audience should repeat these sounds after the participant.
Ha-ha, hee-hee, he-he.
Ho-ho, ho-ho, he-he.

The game is being played. Summing up.

Leading. Dear friends!
To end the holiday
I hasten to offer you tea.
Remember this garden
You are always welcome here!

Continuation of the holiday. Dancing.