Repair Design Furniture

Scenario of the graduation ball "Children are the flowers of life" or a trip to the city of flowers

Scenario High school prom in 11th grade


Music sounds.

Lead 1. Fragrant summers

The hall blossoms with a rainbow.

We open the gates to the wonderful garden,

Inviting you to a farewell party.

Lead 2. 11 years in our greenhouse,

Care was soft and reliable,

To make everyone smarter and more beautiful,

The approach has been differentiated.

Lead 1. The baby was once a fragile kidney,

A grain, a green stalk,

Slender and modest sprout

Brought by parents to a hospitable house.

Lead 2. Weekends and rest without knowing

Breeders for many years

By all means they developed talents,

Watered, added light ...

Lead 1. And the leaves, gaining strength,

Year after year rushed up,

Comprehending the secrets of the world of adults,

They have grown to tender buds.

Lead 2. Well, the years have flown by,

And the teaching period, alas, has expired.

Today we are in the stillness of the evening

Let's look through our catalogue.

Lead 1. Each has its own page:

High-quality material is collected here.

Saying goodbye, looking into the faces,

We open our graduation party!!!

Sounds like music _______________________________________________

Exit-defile of graduates. Graduates are in the hall.

Sounds like music

The Flower Fairy and the elves come out.

Fairy: Good evening! It's good that you responded to my invitation and everyone gathered here today!

Leading 1: Hello dear! But what right do you have here!

Fairy: By what right? I am the Flower Fairy! Who else, if not me, to be the hostess and manager of the FLOWER BALL?

1 elf: After all, children are the flowers of our life, our joy!

2 elf: And each of them is unique, like a flower! Therefore, today is not just a ball, but ...

Together: ball of flowers!!!

Fairy: Today we will make a whole catalog flower crops! So that everyone knows what a variety of shapes and colors, talents and skills are grown under the roof of our greenhouse. Therefore, not a single flower will be bypassed by our attention!

Leading 1: In that case, maybe we will introduce the main breeders of our greenhouse?

Fairy: Certainly!!! Moreover, these are people who know each flower by sight and by name.

1 elf: They know all the secrets and secrets of plants. And what needs to be done so that their virtues shine, and their shortcomings disappear.

2 elf: In general, our entire catalog of flowers is a large bouquet in their magic basket ...

Leading 1: Meet! Director of our greenhouse - Khivrich Elena Vladimirovna/applause/ . It was she who for many years carried out important and difficult work to improve culture.

Leading 2: Today, florists gathered in our hall, who put a lot of work into making our bouquet sparkle, smell fragrant, sparkle with colors in all its splendor today - these are our teachers!/applause/

Leading 1: Experts are present at the celebration - our distinguished guests:




Leading 2: The bouquet would never have turned out so wonderful if it were not for the patience of those who cherished and protected the flowers from it. These are tireless gardeners - amateurs - parents of our graduates/applause/

Music sounds .

The elves go backstage and carry out a bag with certificates.

Fairy : After these glorious words,
I'm sure I'm ready
Everyone here is friends with me,
I will faithfully serve you.

The day before the graduation ball, I made a trip

To the land where we, magical persons, were presented with a bag.

There are painted certificates in it, saying that

That the borders are not simple opens the school house.

Take it, own it and don't lose it

Do not rely on a duplicate

Don't leave a deposit anywhere

And boldly apply in life!

Fanfare sounds

Presenter 1: To conduct the ceremony of presenting certificates of secondary education to graduates of 2015, the director of the lyceum Khivrich Elena Vladimirovna is invited to the stage

Speech by the principal of the school.

Presentation of certificates.

Presenter 1: Dear graduates!

Your school ball is a significant milestone,

He is a bridge from childhood to youth,

We wish you good luck and success on your way,

We wish you to find yourself in a big

And a world full of problems.

Host 2: On this crossing, any support is good, great idea, any kind parting word. Today there will be a lot of them addressed to you, but at firstwe offer to say a weighty word to experts - guests,who will evaluate the quality of work of our scientists-breeders.

The word is given by ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Guest performance.

Presenter1: Guys! Behind the difficult, responsible time of formation. Like an unopened bud on a flower, it already contains you in everything: with well-defined tastes, with established views, with goals set...

Presenter2: And then - how it goes. Decide! Choose! Dare!

In the meantime, let's go through the happy moments of your, alas, passing childhood together with you.

Fanfare sounds

IN 1. Well, that seems to be it. There will never be school lessons again...

AT 2. Strange word"never". Everything will be: institute or technical school, family, children, work, but there will be no school and there will be no childhood ...

Childhood is gone ... It was leaving drop by drop, quietly and imperceptibly with the first letters on the board, with short dresses,

AT 3. with piercing calls, which are dearer than all the theorems in the world, with the familiar, familiar voice of the teacher.

AT 4. And the wind roared outside the window, the lights were turned on in the classroom, and under Tatyana Onegin’s declarations of love, they copied mathematics, proved unprovable theorems ... And little by little childhood was leaving, leaving ...

AT 5 . Finished last chapter
From a book that we call a school.
Each of us has her own
And it turned out sad, and funny.

AT 6. We were in such a hurry, rushing time,
They dreamed of putting an end to it as soon as possible.
And our last bell rang
And we ask childhood for a respite in the past.

AT 7. Once again to fly to the floors,
Break into the office without permission
And misspell the word "milk"
Don't want to learn the multiplication table.

AT 8. And who else will forgive us mistakes
And daring, at times, behavior.
For the hundred and first time he will tell us:
“Well, look, I’m giving the last warning!”

AT 9. And no matter how sad it is now
Teachers, beloved parents,
We know exactly for each of us
Everyone in this school was so tolerant.


IN 1. We are infinitely grateful to all our teachers: and to those who met us on the porch of the school, when we first came here as unintelligent kids,

AT 2. and those who taught us to write, read, count, learn the laws of nature and human existence,

AT 3. and to all the school employees who have been with us all these years, helped us to grow up and grow up, made our school life more convenient and easier.

For us, everything is somehow very new,

Everything happens for the first and last time.

And you are sad - repeating again,

Saying goodbye to another eleventh grade.

But we want to tell you in the end,

That our gratitude cannot be measured.

After all, only you from crazy kids

We were able to grow up - and they could believe in us.

You have rated below

You treated us stricter

No one is offended by this -

You knew that we just could.

You thought: “We will help”,

You asked us questions.

And what was impossible

Now it's easy for us.

You stay, we leave

And life goes, flows, rushes.

We are happy and sad,

That everything changes under the sun.

Everything will be experienced - joy and adversity,

And your faith will support us in life.

And we hope that in years to come,

We will become an example for our children.

And remembering your daily work,

Let's tell a story about the school without embellishment.

We will help, as you helped us,

Thank you, you are simply our conscience!

Health to you, peace and prosperity,

In all matters good luck!

Let the ray of hope warm you,

Flowers, smiles of the school people!

Song-clip _____________________________________________________


Leading 1: In the narrow garden behind your house
They planted a seed, great care for it.
First you just need to water from a watering can,
Feed him, spud him, put him to bed.
Then, as you grow, educate, cherish,
Feed, feed, and something to captivate.

Leading 2: The sprout answered all the worries a hundredfold:
He grew and grew, and was already on a par with an adult.
And gardeners invested strength and dreams,
So that flowers decorate the world with luxurious color.

Leading 1: Of course, you guessed that we will talk about the closest people in the life of our graduates - their parents.

Leading 2: Guys! Be brave, honest, stubborn in life,

But I ask you, everywhere remember that

How a teardrop shines in the eyes of dad and mom,

Come back to your father's house more often.

Leading 1: To these words, on behalf of all the parents of our graduates, joins ___________________________________________________________

Quiet music plays.

1 graduate

Dolls thrown, no braids

Tears of the first love unhappy

I brushed off my thick lashes.

1 graduate

I'm less and less with you

I send sms to a girl

I sometimes forget about you.

2 graduate . Dad, look how I've grown

School is behind you.

But to you for advice and help

I, as a child, ready to go.

2 graduate . Mom, look how I've grown

I am both sharp and quick-tempered,

But in my heart I still

And we are vulnerable and very touchy.

3 graduate . Dad, look how I've grown

In the evenings I rush to a date.

But still, only you

For me - the most, most, most.

2 graduate . Mom, look how I've grown

But I'm still attached to you

And all the best that is in my heart,

Only you, dear, I owe.

1 graduate. Yes, we have grown, we have become taller

And stronger, and even wiser.

But still in difficult moments

In your help, parents, we believe.

1 graduate Your feelings do not fade with time

Your tenderness over the years only multiplies

No matter how many winters give way to springs,

Likewise, the heart worries for us.

2 graduate We are sometimes careless

Unforgivably indifferent

We stand for independence

And we don't want to be obedient.

2 graduate . But believe me, it's all bravado.

There is no one more important to us than you.

And without you we can not even a minute.

3 graduate . May a smile always accompany you

Don't let the tears cloud your eyes.

Yes, we have grown, but still

We are ready to trust you in everything.

3 graduate . Thank you, bow to you low.

For love, kindness and patience

We love you, we love you very much

Drive away doubt from your heart!


Presenter 1: Traditional parting word says the director of the Lyceum Hivrich Elena Vladimirovna

The hearth is lit

Leading 1 (from behind the scenes):


Notice how sedate you are in the severity of outfits,

Notice the girls - yesterday's classmates unearthly beauty,

How many positive charges are in the June air,

Just because you're dancing at the prom.

Note - the young men are gallant tenderly,

Almost skillfully school waltz, circling for the first time,

And how parents' eyes sparkle in surprise -

The son became an adult, when did he manage, oh, my God ...

The graduates dance the waltz.

Leading 1: Well, here we are, flipping through the bright and colorful 2015 catalog. Let's take another look at all the exhibited flower samples of our greenhouse and admire them.

Fanfare sounds

Leading 2: Remember that difficult tasks
Life will bring you more than once.
May joy, happiness and good luck
You are not bypassed!

Ludmila Arapova

May 25 in our kindergarten passed graduation under the motto: "Children are the flowers of life"!

It all started with decorating the hall. Mother graduate Bogdanovsky Bogdan made us flowers of unprecedented beauty.

Butterflies fluttered over the performing children on gel balls. The holiday began with the fact that we placed all the children of different ages in the "flower bed", and the teachers were in the role of gardeners. The kids were growing up, danced with flowers, and soon it became crowded, and the guys- Graduates jumped off the garden and got ready for school. The children sang songs about kindergarten, o school, told touching farewell rhymes. The kids gave orders graduates and danced a dance. mothers alumni helped with great pleasure with the organization of the holiday, and performed a touching composition "Chorus of Hands" with their children - alumni. In this composition, mothers were flowers,A children fluttering butterflies, and at the end of the dance the butterflies flew up to their mothers - flowers, sat down and kissed moms. Very beautiful!

Of course, it was not without words of gratitude that were exchanged between parents and educators.

It didn't go without

farewell waltz with teachers. There was a delicious cake with the names of the children. Launched balls

And then guests came to the children, with whom the children frolic very cool. Here we have a wonderful graduation year 2018!

And he turned out so cheerful and beautiful thanks to his parents. Thank you very much! Good luck with your studies!

Related publications:

We are responsible for everything that our children do. Let children be born in the world, Let them rise like flowers. Our moment on the planet would be gray.

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"Island of Childhood" graduation celebration

Entrance "Song of the World" girls with flowers, boys with doves.

Presenter 1- Good afternoon, dear parents and dear guests! Today is the long-awaited holiday, which is both sad and joyful at the same time. We came here to take our children to the next, important step in their lives - to school.

And let there be many new troubles and worries ahead of you, but do not be upset, because success and joy, the best school years and adult life are also ahead of our children. And even if we, the employees of the kindergarten, will no longer be around, but in our hearts your children will forever remain as lovely, kind creatures! Our love will continue to protect them, to help in difficult times.

Lead 2- For several years, the guys have become truly dear people for us. Moreover, thanks to sympathetic, pure children's souls and their parents, we were able to create one big family, where peace and mutual understanding have always reigned.

We really hope that in the hearts of our little boys and girls there are only positive memories of staying within the walls of our own kindergarten. On behalf of the kindergarten staff, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the parents of the children present here, who raised open, kind, sympathetic children.

Presenter 1- Just look at what we have become! Beautiful, slender, smart, serious and funny, and such kind children! They are already ready to rise to a new step in their lives - school, with smiles to meet new school adventures that are already waiting, they can't wait for these little princesses and princes.

Children leave the room and enter.
2 Presenter:

We need to release the birds today,

At the ball, at our graduation,

Pigeons! Fly over the kindergarten

In sky blue lace!

1 Presenter:

Feathers, strengthened, fledged

Baby doves have grown up

They grew up and set off on a long journey,

Leaving us, graduates!

2 Presenter:

We wish you blue skies

Warm native breeze!

The future is bright, big,

Pigeons, fly to the clouds!

All children come and stand in one row.

1. Farewell ball! So many eyes Sameer

Aimed at us now.

Are we all invited to the party?

And nobody was forgotten?

Children: No!

2.Today we are graduates. Alia

Goodbye our kindergarten hic!

Bought mom diaries,

Textbooks, notebooks.

3. We will take new portfolios, Ramadan

And with bright colors

We will go to school for the first time

And our mothers are with us.

4.Today we are graduates, Julia

No longer a preschooler.

We are waiting for funny calls

And new guys.

5. Let's go to an unfamiliar class Damir

Along the corridors of the school.

Farewell, our garden, we are more than once

We will remember you with a smile.

6. We will sing goodbye, Rail

We give this song to everyone.

Let this song on a May day

Flying across the world!

Song "Kindergarten"

1 Presenter:

That's where preschool childhood comes in.

You are on the threshold of another life.

Let the blue bird remain in memory -

Your first waltz, and graduation ball!

Dance "Alumni Waltz"

Everyone sits down, there is a boy and a girl.

Here to plunge again

In the carelessness of childhood.

And reach out with your hand

We are up to fairy planets.

Maybe there, beyond the horizon,

Childhood is an eternal country,

Escapes, flies away.

Blue bird in the clouds.

Music sounds, a blue bird flies into the hall.

A girl and a boy run up to her, trying to hug her.

Blue bird:

Wait, wait, wait

Don't remember my wings!

(children sit on chairs)

I am the blue bird, friends,

Of course you recognized me.

All these years, day by day

I've been watching you.

I didn't come here by chance

I live on an island full of wonders!

I look in this hall -

Parents and children.

What are you doing here at this hour?

2 Presenter:

We have children today

Go to first class!

Song "First Class"

Blue bird:

So are you really big?

Is it time for you to go to school?

Well, have a good trip

Farewell, kids!

(going to fly away)

1 Presenter:

Bluebird, please don't rush

Are you talking about Childhood Island?

Better tell.

How to find the way?

How to get there?

We know they don't go

In the childhood of the train.

Blue bird:

If you want to,

I will show you the way

Only the path is dangerous

And you can't roll back.

Lots of adventure

You guys are waiting.

If someone gets scared -

It will disappear immediately.

2 Presenter:

Keep your head up, friends

There is no way to retreat...

Blue bird:

Here's a magic pen

Take care of him.

Just wave them

You get to the island...

Just remember that songs, friendship, laughter.

Bring you success on your journey!

The blue bird gives up the feather and flies away.

1 Presenter:

So friends, let's hit the road, shall we? (children's answers)

Will we take our parents with us? It will be useful for them to be in childhood at least for a moment.

1. What nonsense, they came up with some kind of island ...

2. We will stay here and will not go anywhere ...

3. Yes, there is no childhood island ...

4. Ilyas, don't even think about walking barefoot.

5. Julia, don't get your dress dirty.

6. Damir do not sit on the ground.

8. And in general, ..... you, as a manager,

Ban this dangerous journey...

2 Presenter:

Well, if you don't want to, you don't have to stop us. We have a magic pen, courage and courage, more than enough. We are going on a journey.

"Children's March"

The children leave the hall, waving to their parents, and appear in another door, looking around, to disturbing and mysterious music.

1 Presenter:

Are we already on the island? But there is no one here ... I'm kind of scared.

Let's go back to kindergarten. We want to go home.

2 Presenter:

Do you remember what the Blue Bird said - only courage and friendship will help overcome all difficulties.

1 Presenter:

Keep your head up, friends

You can't back down!

We are a company with you

Worthy of attention

Shake this island

And find friends!

Song "Company"

Strange metallic sounds are heard and a voice makes an announcement.

Well, on the island

Everyone bows low.

King Shalyai-Valai Passes close...

Rap music is playing. The king of Shalyai-Valyay 2016 comes in.

Shalyai-Go ahead:

Who is standing in the way here?

Who didn't honor?

Oh, someone's head will fly from their shoulders,

King Shalyai-Valyayu-

Everyone shouts "Hurrah!"

2 Presenter:

If we knew

Who are you.

We would welcome you

With all my heart.

Shalyai-Go ahead:

I am the king of Shalyai-Valyay ...

Here I am.

Look at me,

I'm so cool…yo.

Children look at Shalyai, silence, Shalyai looks around.

Shalyai-Go ahead:

Okay, I'm play-go-go.

I welcome guests.

Who, where and with what are you going?

Answer quickly.


We are preschool children

Came here from the garden.

We gathered there in the morning

for the sake of holiday.

Shalyai-Go ahead:

Oh - Christmas trees, oh - panicles,

What's a fun day?

This is our garden today

Escorts to school.

Shalyai-Go ahead:

Who is talking about school here,

Is your youth crippling?

And why do you need a school?

There's nothing funny about her...


In school, knowledge is given ...

Shalyai-Go ahead:

(interrupting children)

At school they offend, beat.

It's so vaguely explained

As if lulled by a song.

Would you come to serve me

Fanta, let's drink cola,

Eat Snickers,

Lie on the grass all day long.

In general, we will live cool ...

Well...we won't go to school.

1 Presenter:

Don't persuade us

Let's go to first grade.

Yes guys?

Shalyai-Go ahead:

What for? Look, they are building wise men, but what's good here?

I've studied in the 1st grade for 4 years and that's enough. Wow so well preserved. Why should I study? I live so well: there are bagels growing on trees, sweets on Christmas trees, I sleep, eat, and walk! Am I king or not.

2 Presenter:

Poor him! You probably don't know anything!

Shalyai-Go ahead:

Like this? I know everything! Want to check it out?

1 Presenter:

Guys, let's actually check what Shalyai-Valyay knows!

Come on, Your Majesty, tell me, how much is 2 + 3?

Shalyai-Go ahead:

It will be, it will be

Something like six...

2 Presenter:

Children, correct answer?

Game "We play with numbers"

Lead 2: We put cards on everyone's neck (on a ribbon). While the music is playing, you dance in a circle. With the end of the music, you need to line up in ascending order (from 1 to 10).

1 Presenter:

I'll take four letters

And from them I will make a word!

One two three four,

Here it is and everything is ready!

Well, look

Read this word to us!

Shalyai-Go ahead:

Either soap, or not enough,

2 Presenter:

What is written here?

Children: Mother!

Relay game "Collect" fives "

Children are divided into 2 teams. In turn, they run up to the hoop, in which fives, twos and threes are mixed. They take a five and return to their team. The first team to complete the task wins.

1 Presenter:

Can you answer us?

To be always healthy

What should we do in the morning?

Shalyai-Go ahead:

This is what everyone should know

We all need to sleep longer ...!

2 Presenter:

Children, correct answer?



For us to grow strong

Cunning and bold

To grow up healthy

We are charging!

1 Presenter:

And you, Shalyai-Valyay, did not answer a single question correctly. You are so ill-mannered, you don’t know anything, that’s why no one wants to be friends with you.

Shalyai-Go ahead:

What am I to do now?

2 Presenter:

And you give up your royal manners, but take an example from our children ... They, unlike you, start every morning with exercises.

If you want, we will teach you.

Charging song "Hares got up in order, hares do exercises"

1 Presenter:

All right, all right, Shalyai-Valyay, we are completely chatting, but we have to go, really, children, the Blue Bird sent us to the Island of Childhood.

Shalyai-Go ahead:(Horrified)

Hush hush! On our island, one cannot even think of this feathered person! And you talk about it out loud...

2 Presenter:

What's the matter?

Shalyai-Go ahead:

One ignorant person, who calls herself Atamansha, wants to get this bird in her cage. Rumor has it that she fulfills any desire. So her servants-robbers roam all over the island, looking for her. Okay, I better go...

Shalyai-Valyay leaves. Disturbing music sounds, children hide behind chairs. Robbers appear, sing a song about a blue bird. They stop and start looking around.

2. Nobody...

1. Nothing?

2. Nothing...

2. Annoying.

Both: Come on!

There is a sound of wind.

1 Rogue:

The wind howls not with ease,

I hear she will be here.

This wind of change

Will bring a lot of problems!

2 Rogue:

He will teach us again.

How should we live and who should we be!

We'd better get out of here

Than we will see this miracle!

Music sounds, Mary Poppins appears, performs the song "Lady Perfection"

Mary Poppins:

Hello Hello,

Dear children!

I am the best babysitter in the world.

My method is available

And very simple:

You have to do it with all your heart!

After all, very soon, for the first time,

You all go to first grade!

Let's start the rehearsal of the school lesson!

Sit straight, feet together...

Together, not widely.

Put your hands, straighten your back.

It's all science, it's so easy!

Don't sleep, don't yawn

Don't nod your head

Don't pick your nose

Do not swing on the chair.

I told everyone to sit up straight.

Thank God I'm not your mother!

You can't move

You are students, friends!

Children follow all the commands of Mary Poppins.

Mary Poppins:

Now I will introduce you to the schedule of classes for tonight. ... So. First mathematics, then the culture of behavior at the desk, then the rules good manners, then a lesson in good manners, and finally...

1 Presenter:


Excuse me, dear Mary Poppins, is there room for a change in your schedule?

Mary Poppins:

And why do you need this change, it's a waste of time.

2 Presenter:

Uh, no, it won't work like that, even our children know that at school, after every lesson there is a break. Here we are now setting it up. Guys, when we feel good with you, what do we do?

Children: Let's dance!

Children perform "Brazilian dance"

Mary Poppins tries to stop the children, the children finish the dance and robbery sounds are heard.

Mary Poppins:

Well, let's make some noise.

Oh, I don't need problems

Where is my wind of change?

Mary Poppins takes an umbrella and flies away. The robbers are coming.

What is that noise?

What is this din?

Who made it here

Cheerful ramble?

1 Rogue:

Children? That's who made fun on our quietest island.

2 Rogue:

Children? That's who disturbs the peace of our amiable chieftain.

Here we are now...

They throw a rope on the children and take them out of the hall. The scenery is changing. Atamansha sits in an armchair and sings a song about a blue bird.

Song of the Atamansha (Masha Rasputina "The Blue Bird")

Get me a non-bright star

And the bird is definitely blue

Let me fly away that evening

Behind her far beyond the horizon line

Blue bird, blue bird

Blue bird, blue bird

Only in a dream is spinning above me

Blue bird, blue bird

Can you show up

Blue bird.

The robbers push the children into the hall.


Who are they, where are they from

Did this miracle happen?


We are preschoolers

We have come from the garden.

Having fun there in the morning

It's time for us to go to school!


School? It's so awful,

Very scary and dangerous!

Difficult and uninteresting

Everyone knows this!

There's no one to help you

But everything will happen, maybe ...

The robbers all the time agree with the Atamansha.

1 Presenter:

The school is very interesting

Unusual and wonderful!

Curious people

Coming to school soon!

Really guys?

(children's answers)


Come on, prove it

Come on, show me!

It's all arrogance

Your curiosity...

Children sing the song Curiosity.

2 Presenter:

Louder, music, play

Invite us to Poland.

Polka "You and me"


You and me, you and me, together we are friends...

Nothing like this. Only me and every man for himself (referring to the robbers)

Will you follow him into fire and into water?

Will you save him if he drowns? Now, you're talking about friendship. Nobody wants your friendship.

1 Presenter:

And let's check, friendship is best manifested in games and competitions.

Competition game "Necessary things at school" A couple of children and a couple of robbers play, choose the right school items and transfer them from the basket to the portfolio.


OK OK! Showed!

OK OK! Proved!

And now tell me a secret, where can I find a blue bird?

2 Presenter:

Why do you need her?


Yes, I want to ask her to live with me, many desires have accumulated!

1 Presenter:

But the Blue Bird does not fulfill the wish! It helps to find the way for their fulfillment!


You don’t teach me, you better tell me where she flew? Well? (comes along with the robbers on children)

Children: We won't tell!


Don't want good?

Grab them, knit

Put in a dungeon.

In the dark they will stay here -

They will give away the bird.

Children are seated in the middle of the hall, and a net is thrown over them.

2 Presenter:

Maybe the parents were right when they did not want to let us go to such a distance?

1 Presenter:

Well, keep your head up, don't be discouraged, remember what Blue Bird said?

2 Presenter:

She said: Just remember that songs, friendship, laughter.

They will bring you success on your journey.

King Shalyai-Valyay appears, untangles the nets and releases the children. The Atamansha enters with her retinue.


And - ah-ah-ah, that's who's in charge here, wanted to go to prison with them, Your Majesty ??? Well, take them all, what are you waiting for? (to the robbers)

1 Rogue: We feel sorry for them, they are kind.

2 Rogue: They taught us how to dance!

Shalyay-Go ahead: And me to do exercises and add words!

1 Rogue: And we will no longer help you, look for your blue bird yourself!

2 Rogue: We are no longer afraid of you, because now we know that friendship helps to live in the world!

Atamansha: Well, I'll show you more. I will find this Blue Bird and tell her to close all the schools in the world and you will remain illiterate.

The ataman leaves. The heroes untie the children and stand in a round dance.

Round dance of friendship (at the end everyone hugs)

1 Presenter:

It's time for us to go back, but we will never forget you.

The children leave.

Musical director:

Well, where have you gone? Parents are worried, they already wanted to call the police - a whole group of children disappeared ...

"Disgrace, we've been waiting for you for so long"

"Where have you been?"

2 Presenter:

Do not worry, dear parents, everyone is alive and well. We were just on the island of childhood.

"Nonsense, there is no childhood island" (arguing with children)

The song "Everything happens in childhood" is sung by children and parents.

The bell rings.

Game with parents `School lottery`.
Soon the child will go to school
School life is upon you.
Will bring you new worries and troubles,
It will force you to rebuild your whole life.
And we will tell fortunes in front of everyone here,
What will happen in the families, today we will find out ...
Several parents come out. The facilitator asks a question, the participant pulls out a cube or card with the answer from the bag and reads the answer. Answers: mom, dad, the child himself, cat Vaska, neighbor, the whole family, grandfather, grandmother.
1. Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?
2. And who should follow the form of first-graders?
3. Who will get up at 6 am?
4. Who will eat breakfast first?
5. Who will have to collect the portfolio?
6. Who will read the primer every day?
7. Who will cry, left without strength?
8. Who is to blame if the child got a deuce?
9. Who will attend the meetings?
10. Who should take a first grader to school?

Musical director:

That's all, our time is over, and we have not yet had time to test the knowledge and skills of our children.

1leader: Don't worry, we've already checked everything. And the most important knowledge that children have learned is friendship.

2 Presenter:- Dear parents, today we are waiting for, perhaps, the last holiday concert within the walls of this kindergarten, so let it pass on a wave of good mood, to the sounds of laughter and loud applause. Let's remember how good it was for your children in these walls.


Congratulations to kids and seniors.

We came to congratulate you on entering the 1st grade,

And we want to wish you all to become excellent students.

We promise you guys that without you in the native garden

We will not break the flowers, we will save all the toys!

You've already grown up

You almost went to school!

Kira, Valeria.

But don't forget about us

You visit our kindergarten!

Remember our kindergarten

We always have fun!

Diana: Dress neatly

To be pleasant to watch.

Stroke the form yourself, check

You are big now.


Train yourself to be in order

Don't play hide and seek with things.

Treasure every book

And keep them in order.


Don't giggle in class

Don't move the chair back and forth.

respect the teacher

And don't bother your neighbor.


Don't tease, don't be arrogant

Try to help everyone at school.

Do not frown in vain, be bold -

And you will find friends.


That's all our advice

They are wiser and easier.

You, my friend, do not forget them.

Goodbye! Good luck!

2 Presenter:

It's time for goodbye!

How many years have flown by and winters!

Here our education process is finished

Preschool childhood melts like smoke!

1 Presenter:

The girls are so beautiful!

I can't take my eyes off you!

If only you were always happy

Great paths are open to you in life!

2 Presenter:

Boys are all adults, no doubt!

You have matured and you will not be recognized!

God bless these kids

What would they adversity and grief do not know!


You took us kids
Kindergarten, our home,
We are now big
And we say goodbye to you.


1. The hall was measured in solemn silence,

Friends are waiting for the cherished words.

We'll say goodbye today

Something that cannot be said.


Yes, we are sad quite a bit,

But time cannot be turned back.

And it's time for us, it's time to go ...

All: - Farewell, beloved kindergarten!


We were taught everything here:

Praised for achievements

We will remember you all!

Ilyas: Thank you, dear kindergarten,

For kindness and care.

For the fact that my mother walked in the morning.

Calm down to work.

Alia: For every day spent

For knowledge, nutrition,

And for health, for comfort,

For songs, education.

Sameer: Dear Kindergarten staff!

From noisy and loving kids,

Please accept this award

Our smiles and our flowers.

"Childhood first step"

1 presenter: Yes, the guys really grew up, but four long years will remain behind them happy childhood in kindergarten, which did not go in vain. For example, children in kindergarten took part in various competitions, and some of them even won honorable prizes.

2 Lead:But these certificates are a merit not only of the children, but also of their parents, who helped them in their creative path, were reliable defenders and sources of inspiration. Dear parents, thank you for your work and time that you have invested in your children, and, believe me, your efforts are already bearing fruit. And now we give the floor to the head of the kindergarten Kireeva Svetlana Nikolaevna.

Speech by the head of the kindergarten.

1. Leading: So it's time to say "Goodbye" to you,

but still we will not be sad,

Today I want to go to a farewell party

Only good thanks speak.

2 Lead Well, it's time to say goodbye. We wish you that your school years will be as happy and carefree as the years in kindergarten were for you. Happiness, success and health to you.

(Students to the music elementary school leave)

1 Lead: We give the floor to the first teacher ____________________.
Graduate 1: That day the sun shone hot,
And autumn rustled outside the window.
You put your hand on my shoulder
She said, "Well, my friend, let's go."
Graduate 2: And so we set off on a journey with you,
And you haven't left us since.
Taught letters to add, count,
Write, grow flowers.
Look at everything and remember everything.
Graduate 3: You led us along the roads of knowledge and labor.
How much effort have you put in?
So that we always study well.
Graduate 4: We taught in childhood, friends,
Our alphabet from A to Z...
There is great power in letters,
when we can read them.
Graduate 5: It's all about where and how.
Each sign is placed in the word.
With you the whole alphabet from A to Z
Gone, my first teacher!
Graduate 1: First teacher!
Nothing can be measured
All that you gave to us.
You taught us to love and believe
With all my heart now
We are grateful to you.
Graduate 2: How many words have accumulated in the heart
How to express them to you now
You gave us your strength,
Opened the distance and heights!
We could say many words
But in one big "thank you"
They all merged today.
Graduate 3: Treasures of knowledge, joy of discovery.
Thank you for this old friends,
To our beloved first teachers.
Handing flowers to the first teachers
(song"I will never forget")

1 Lead: And here is the next stage of growing up of our graduates - the time of high school ... The time when blue dreams take possession of the minds and hearts of children. At this age, character traits, basic ideas about true friendship, about responsibility are formed. The guys began to seriously think about what it means to love their school, their small and large Motherland ....
2 Lead: And on these pages of photo albums we see our grown-up children in grades 10, 11 ... The time when we made the choice future profession when our own "I" was formed, our attitude to life. "Lilac fog" of first feelings, romance of first love...
But for many graduates, this time will be remembered as the time of greatest creative activity, school holidays, concerts ...
1 Lead: Yes, undoubtedly, these photographs in the school album will be the most beloved ... But time flies, almost all the pages of our album have already been viewed. And, although each graduate has his own photo album, its colored pages will surely merge into a single, white spectrum, a symbol of a clean slate, a symbol of a bright future ....
2 Lead: Behind your school years ...
Dear graduates!
Let you leave school forever
But leaves a memory of your childhood
Don't forget your school years
Hearts and souls a wonderful neighborhood.
Presenter 1: The last page left in our catalog is teachers!
orchid incomparable,
Kind, sweet, wonderful!
Affectionate, sensitive, attentive
Amazing mommy!!!
Graduate 2: With love, we will say about our classroom,
About the one who has been with us for so many years!
For us there is no woman more beautiful
And she has no equal in the surrounding schools!
Graduate 3: How much effort is spent on us,
We also know how difficult it was with us.
For this, dear, we love you
We bow our heads before you!
Graduate 4: Everything was both roads and hardships,
And the light of the sun, and the light of beloved eyes ...
I look back on the years
And I remember you fondly...
Graduate 5: I took an example from you
Went to you for advice.
The reward was
The gaze of your living eyes,
You gave me so much warmth and light,
That's enough to warm ten people.
Graduate 1: You give everything to great work,
You wake up a dream in children's souls.
Thank you for being alive.
For your deeds and thoughts beauty.
Graduate 2: Lyudmila Ivanovna! Our teacher! You are a legend and a true story.
You are a symbol of beauty, love and inspiration,
You are a shining light for hundreds of thousands of miles
You are the most beautiful creation.
(Sing a song"Extraordinary" , presentation, handing flowers to the class teacher)
Together: You have the floor, Our mother!

Presenter 1: The chief designer of the 2015 Edition is invited to the stage _______
Dear class teacher!

Your students want it here
You said kind words to them.
Presentation by the class teacher

Cl. hands: Dear adult children!
Today we are taking you to a great life.
What awaits you there is up to you.
So, you have grown up and grown up completely!
And life is rich in bright dreams!
But sadness and joy fight in me
When I look at you now, my guys.
I'm glad you've matured so much
That instead of fools - children,
that once surrounded me
You have grown into the most worthy people.
It's time to say goodbye to you
But what do you want to say goodbye?
And I want to wish just a little:
More meetings, less partings,
Walk the right path in life
No setbacks or disappointments!
Keep a lot of respect for the school.
And keep this graduation ball in your memory.
I look at the graduates, and I think:
They really are like a prince and princesses!
But they are missing something.
Where are their crowns? Or maybe they were stolen?
Graduates: No - we haven't been crowned yet...
Presenter 1: Attention! The coronation of graduates is announced.
(They come out to the musicAngels , take out the crown-tiaras, the class teacher is handedcrowns for graduates. )

Host 2: You amazed your teachers with high intelligence and flight of thought.

Presenter 1: With my varied creative abilities.
Host 2: But your main heights were taken thanks to your dear teachers.
1. Today we took this stage to once again thank those without whom this day would not have been possible.
2: Those who patiently led us through school days and holidays all these years, those who made our childhood so bright!
3: After all, it was they who met us every day in classes:
4: And today, this evening, we gathered for the last time together.
5. Dear teachers, we thank you very much!
(To the teacher of Russian language and literature ___________)
Presenter 1: Graduates congratulate you your teachers.Rich and difficult and great
Legacy of the Russian language!
How often we shed tears
Overcoming verse and prose!
Don't forget your lessons
After all, Nekrasov also bequeathed:
You may not be a poet
But you have to write well!
(To the motive of the song"Well, it's not my fault."

(To the math teacher ___________)
From “twice two” to complex equations
We have traveled a very interesting path.
Until the present day from ancient teachings
You brought this science to us.
Thank you for everything you learned
For the burden of knowledge brought to us.
We wish you to have in your life
All numbers only with a plus sign
(to the motive of the song "Beautiful life")

(To the history teacher ______)
With historical science
It's important to be in tune
Where who was crowned
Who was born in what year.
We taught history
ancient and modern day,
And now continue it
Time is our hand.
(to the motive of the song"Call")

And love history, we will continue ours.
We say thank you for such patience,
Forgive us, forgive us, we are always to blame.
We are leaving forever, only we will not forget you,
And we will continue to love our history.
You are probably very happy now because,
You won't see us, you won't see us
Very disobedient.
We're leaving forever.

(To teachers, technology and physical education _____)
Simple craft skills
Gives a perfect item of yours.
Useful in adulthood
Our school experience, your advice.
We sincerely want to congratulate
Thank you for science.
We all loved technology
She doesn't get bored.

(Performance of the song"Autumn"DDT, physics teacher)

(To the teacher of geography and chemistry __________)
Together with you they ate salts of different pounds.
You knew how to appreciate our hard work,
There were no reactions at times
We still knew how to understand you.
How fragile nature is - you can not forget,
Fish, birds, animals have become our friends.
Posters and layouts dream at night,
We thought how best to answer you.
(on the motive"Ocean and three rivers")
Do you know how interesting it is to learn geography?
We listen, we listen, we listen eagerly,
Slowly, without breathing and delicately!
Mountains, rivers, plains we tried to conquer!
Unbelievable - unbelievable - unbelievable
Cool, but confusing and incomprehensible!
We were looking for countries on the globe,
Learned to draw maps.
Calculate latitude and longitude
We can make routes!
The road led me from the south to the north along the visited edges.
The world was changing, which was not in it!

(To the English teacher _______)
We can understand something in English
We can sing songs in English
Life itself will offer to teach us everything,
And today we can thank you.

(To the physics teacher __________)
Now we are with electricity on "you",
We will assemble the speaker without any schemes,
Who marks in genius, like Joliot Curie,
Go to physics - and there are no problems.

(Dear _________!)
He will teach us everything he knows, he does not torment us with empty facts
We need your lesson and he has one number.
The basics of living a safe lesson are in demand important.
Teacher, we wish you happiness, let bad weather not knock on the house.

(Dear _______!)
For the whole animal world in reply
Both life and death in one subject.
And we hope soon
By the only selection
Your kind and tired eye
You stop at us.
Song for teachers of biology and life safety
"Districts, quarters"

Issue 1: And maybe it sounds strange
But only now, at the moment of parting,
We understand how much
Love for us, tenderness and compassion!
Issue 2: We all love you very much.
But we have a secret love.
And maybe sometimes
She's not even noticeable.
Issue 3: We understand, we see for ourselves,
How dear to you any of us!
How difficult is it for you to be with us?
And how even more difficult without us!
Issue 4: Our teachers!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Forever there will be earth
Your work is beautiful.
Our teachers! Thank you heartily!
Issue 5: For us, the lessons have already ended,
And the wind stirs a bouquet of roses,
Flying handwriting of life writes lines
The girls I grew up with!
Issue 1: And I kept saying: “No, I will not cry!
You would come soon, adult spring!
Fate, please don't take pity on your luck
The boys I grew up with."
Issue 2: Yes, in our classes you did not know the calm.
We all got dizzy
But believe us, we sincerely loved you,
You will always be in our heart!
Issue 3: And you no longer need to frown.
Educate, teach once again.
Confess that you look with love
On the absurd and perky,
Cheerful, noisy, controversial
Our unique release!
Issue 4: Today we leave our native school,
We have many roads ahead of us.
Forever in our hearts we keep
All the things that warmed our souls.
(Sing to the motive "Call me with you" graduates pin up "hearts" with wishes to teachers, give flowers to teachers

(Speech of teachers ...)

Presenter 1: Today is an exciting day not only for our graduates. Their parents, our amateur gardeners, are no less worried! The heart beats so frantically, or even disappears somewhere ... Both dad and mom still remember themselves as young, their graduation. And then, as a surprise, the beautiful daughter on high heels(Well, when did she grow up?) And a serious son, taller than dad. More recently, helpless babies were held in their arms. And today they fly away from the parental nest.
Host 2: Today we saw once again how quickly time flies. It seems to be quite recently, as the child took the first step, filled the first bruise, how he cried because he did not want to go to kindergarten. And how happy I was when I put on my school uniform for the first time, and how I was worried when I passed the first exam. And together with them, which I have no doubt, you cried, rejoiced, studied and worried.

Presenter 1: In the narrow garden behind your house
They planted a seed - great care for him.
First you just need to water from a watering can,
Feed him, spud him, put him to bed.
Then, as you grow, educate, cherish,
Feed, feed, and something to captivate.
The sprout answered all the worries a hundredfold:
He grew and grew, and was already on a par with an adult.
And gardeners invested strength and dreams,
So that children - flowers decorate the world with luxurious color.
Host 2: Here they are - beloved children:
Your boy and your girls
Your children, your bloodlines,
There are none more expensive, closer and more beautiful.
How many sleepless nights and days
Given to daughters and sons!
First tooth and first word
The first step and all the first again:
Books, poems, kindergarten, first grade,
Joy of success and tears more than once.
Children are now saying goodbye to school!
Dear parents, you are the best in the world!

Scene from parents
(Three parents come out: 1st with a rug, 2nd with a dish, 3rd with fruit).
1. Bambarbia kirkudu.
2. Dear teachers and all service staff schools...
3. Marwakare kuza.
2. We came to thank you for taking care of our children….
1. Mymsy carats.
2. No further translation, so we'll sing better.

(soundtrack sounds "If I were a Sultan" from the movie "Prisoner of the Caucasus"
1. If I were a sultan, I would go to school,
And he became a teacher, he would read books.
But on the other hand, in such cases
So many troubles and worries - oh, save, Allah!

2. We know, sultans, how hard it is for you:
Do everything, take everything into account with our children.
Tears flow like a river, but we want to say:
Thank you from us hundreds - hundreds of times.
It's not bad to be a teacher...
Much better to live in peace.
3. We want to wish everyone happiness from the bottom of our hearts
And for new victories to gain strength
To our wise teachers we send
fiery hello
Let's just say: better than you
Not in this world!
Father. Dear our children! Today you are standing on the threshold of an unknown future, saying goodbye to your childhood, school youth. Tomorrow, you will be on your way to independent living. So let fatherly instructions always accompany you and warm boundless motherly love.
Mother. Dear children! Please accept our parental blessing on yours. long years for good deeds and great accomplishments. And let this symbolic flame of your native home ignite the flame of inspiration, kindness and wisdom in your hearts and will burn all your life. And this light is the candles on the birthday cake. After all, today is your birthday. You begin a new, adult life.

Mother: We give you these paws, as a talisman, from the bottom of our hearts
Candy in one, coin in the other.
May your paths be good.
Remember your parents, your home.

Issue 5: Childhood has passed ... We are already adults, but still I want to feel the warmth of my mother's hands, cling to my father's shoulder and quietly say: "Forgive us ...".
Issue 1: Forgive us, our dear mothers and fathers, for all the pain that we have caused you.
IN ep 2: Forgive us for our endless childish pranks (pampering), for those difficult 11 years when you escorted us to school every day, waited, and always with good grades.
Issue 3: Dear, dear, good, our best parents! Forever ours, beloved, kind, sincere teachers! Don't worry and don't worry about us. We will be your glory and pride. We promise that you will never be ashamed of our actions.
Presenter 1: Dear graduates! We hope that everything you said was not in vain, and you will keep your word to parents and teachers.
Host 2: Dear and beloved parents, accept a song as a gift.
(Presentation about parents)

(For the good upbringing of children, parents are awarded with diplomas).

Issue 4: Well, that seems to be all. School is over. There will never be more lessons.

Issue 5: Surprising, after all, the word "never". Everything will be: institute, family, work, but there will be no school and there will be no childhood.
Issue 1: Childhood has left us. It left drop by drop: quietly and imperceptibly, with the first letters: even, even, for the first time a teacher on the blackboard.
Issue 2: With short dresses, with long-awaited calls - which are more expensive than all the theorems in the world.
Issue 3: With the familiar, habitual voice of a literature teacher who demanded to prove that Pechorin was a hero of our time.
Issue 4: And they proved, and everything became clear with Pechorin, and over time, too.
Issue 5: And it was raining outside the window and the electricity was turned on in the classroom and, under Tatiana's declaration of love, they wrote off mathematics.
Issue 1: They proved theorems that did not fit, attributed extra laws to Newton.
Issue 2: And everything is fine.
Issue 3: And childhood came from us.
Issue 4:- Forever, you understand?
The school bells rang forever.
Issue 5:- Never, do you understand? Never
We don't have to stand at the blackboard.
Issue 1:- And a school dress above the knees
We don't wear anymore.
Issue 2:- Don't expect change
You don't have to take lessons.
Issue 3:- Now the bells will ring not for us,
Our teacher will not come to us.
Issue 4:- And a list of another in the class magazine
With a calm hand will bring
Issue 5:- Forever, you understand? Forever
Let's leave these doors.
Issue 1:- Sometimes, you understand? Sometimes
Let's go here now.
Cl. hands Dear friends! The stars of human destiny burn in the sky. Before a long journey in life, each of you make a wish and light the stars of the Dream come true. I want the fire of their kindness to flare up with renewed vigor and not go out. So that tomorrow in the country of independent living where you are going, it will illuminate your path and warm your souls, so that there will always be the stars of Beauty, Love, Faith and Hope next to you.

(The lights go out, graduates light candles).

(A song is performed to the motive"Candle burns out"freestyle group)
1. Evening graduation, dreams, dreams in the wee hours.
Lights of hope gives us a timid candle.
Sounds in silence are barely audible, shadows are not visible.
Childhood is already over for us, fabulous dreams.
The candle lit by you burns out
Sorrow will not replace our eternal love.
It is impossible to start the days lived again.
A candle blazes, we have a candle of youth.
2. The school, the class and the warmth of the hand remained in the memory,
A small fire on the bank of a small river.
Everyone wishes us happiness, friends, without saying: Farewell,
May the candle of youth always burn everywhere for us.

Issue 2: The ball is over and the candles go out

Failed to burn.
Graduation, farewell party -
To remember everything, to be in time!
Issue 3: These candles, these faces
This is graduation day.
Nothing will happen again
Never for you and me...
Issue 4: The fire is tired of burning
The candles go out, the ball is over ...
Slowly, little by little
Spilling light all around
Issue 5: We are on the steps of life
Let's run without your hands.
And in the quiet sky
A bright star of grief
We are not in vain, of course, we will break out -
The stars do not shine in vain.
Presenter 1: Sad candles are crying for parting ...
Drops, flowing, tremble on the eyelashes ...
And so this evening comes to an end
Sadness blurs familiar faces...
Host 2: Graduates, there is a moment left!
It's time for goodbye!
The school sees you off with excitement -
Happy childhood is leaving you!

(Reply from graduates:)
Issue 1: Dear, our beloved teachers!
We part with you today, and maybe you will breathe a sigh of relief and feel a little sad, because we were your children, your pain, not only a headache, but also a heartache.
We brightened up your difficult teacher's everyday life with jokes of unlearned lessons. Without us, you will be bored and sad on Earth, right?
Issue 2: We understand that others will come for us! But, alas, we are not!
When we leave, we say goodbye.
Do not believe anyone who says that after graduation we will forget our school teachers. Don't believe us, we are not like that!!!
Issue 3: I want to confess my love to our school,
I studied here, my friends are here.
I will never forget our role
My favorite teachers! We will keep the memory of our school,
Like a great first love. May we become wiser and older
But let's go back to school. We love you!!! And we'll never forget
What was at school with us !!! And there's one more night ahead
We promise you only one small thing: we will return to our school again!
Issue 4: How you want, raising your hands high, take off! High, high! Embrace your beloved village with your eyes, fly over the streets that are very dear to you. Wave your arms - wings and scream so that everyone can hear: Thank you, school!
Where it was cozy and warm, where it was fun and very interesting, Where you were met with understanding and patience. The school gave me wings to take off, feeling in myself the strength and strength of knowledge, physical perfection and high spiritual impulses. So let these stars become a symbol of our love!
Graduates launch stars into the hall

Presenter 1: The notes of the waltz have not yet ceased,

And a little flickering, the candles melt,
The hall is shrouded in magical mystery.
Farewell to childhood wonderful evening.
Farewell ball of memories
About childhood, school, hobbies.
Host 2: About magical dreams, about desires,
Dreams unfulfilled, aspirations.
Let's open it up a little
The magical secret of dreams
Let's open a bright umbrella over childhood,
Tear off the mysterious cover.
(Graduates who left after the 9th grade rise to the stage)

1. An order was given - to us in the 11th, to them in the other direction, ....
Volunteers left, some for college, some for vocational schools.
2. They said parting, leaving the school house,
Do not be sad Lyudmila Ivanovna, we will come, we will come again!
3. They didn’t leave, they didn’t run away,
And they were friends with the whole crowd.
Together we are gathered now
Farewell graduation!
4. Both good luck and adversity
We split in half
And dearer year after year
Became a school for us.
Issue 5: Our dear, sweet childhood, now you will come only in a dream.
Issue 1: You left us with a bright, aching feeling of sadness and tenderness.
Issue 2: You are the first step on the star Olympus.
Issue 3: Now our younger brothers and sisters.
Issue 4: How we envy them, but we will not be sad.
Classroom teacher: Dear graduates! An adult life awaits you ahead, in which there will be neither Ivan Tsarevich, nor Elena the Beautiful, nor others fairytale heroes. And in the last minutes of being a child, the good Fairy will open the door to the future for you and light your path with sparks of good luck and success.
The Fairy comes out and takes out a large lit candle, the graduates light their candle.
Crystal ringing, timid whisper,
Wings of flame in the darkness quietly enters adulthood,
Quietly beckons with a glance. Make a wish
In this brief moment of farewell to a carefree sonorous childhood.
Make up your mind soon. Here silently fairy miracle
From our life you are bypassed. Make a wish
In the brief moment of her appearance, Make a wish
The moment the candle burns.

1st"So slowly the minutes go by" -
2nd The sage said.
3rd But how quickly the years go by.
4th And now the end of our fellowship has come,
5th Mutual enrichment
6th And the attraction of hearts.
7th And we will leave these vaults,
8th So wisely bringing us closer.
9th Here we forgot adversity,
10th They didn't say big words.
11th Hospitality and kindness
12th Always appreciated in Rus'.
13th May our souls not grow weary!
14th Do good and uplift!
Cl. hand: Let's stand up, friends holding hands, palms in the palm of our hands - our graduation "Fire" will light up in every heart!
(The lights are out on the stage. Final song"High school graduation")

Presenter 1: Well, it seems that's all.
School is over, exams are over, and there will be no more lessons.
There was only a ball, flowers, smiles, a farewell dawn.
And ahead is the road. Good luck to you, graduates!
Host 2: Our "Ball of Flowers" ends
Presenter 1: The hosts of the evening say goodbye to you
Together: Goodbye, see you soon!!!
Dear graduates, congratulations!!