Repairs Design Furniture

Graduation holiday in Dow "Magic Alarm Clock". Vedas: Wait, Dunno, you are old Shapoklyak, did not meet? Vedas: look in another fairy tale

Scenario of the graduation matinee in the preparatory group

"Magic alarm clock"

Music director Stoletova Natalia Viktorovna

MKDOU D / s № 303


purpose : Creation of a solemn, festive atmosphere.


  1. Create a festive mood.
  2. Develop acting abilities in children
  3. Develop the creative abilities of children.
  4. Fasten the ability to express poems expressively.

Host: Here is someone's arrival,
In the eyes of delight and sadness a little.
Let the hall now remember them:
Flirty and mischievous
Unique, expensive,
Some cheeky and stubborn,
Childish playful most
And everyone in their own loved ones, and equally relatives.
Meet the same smile!

The children are dancing waltz. Leading pose children.

Host: There is a wonderful planet,
Here on all your answers,
Here game, fun, fairy tale,
Dance, song, even dance.
Friendly friends live here.
How is the planet that name?
1 child: that planet is not on the map,
And in outer space,
If you go straight,
On the planet you will come.
It's happy to find yourself
On the planet ….
Everything: Kindergarten!

2 child: responsible day today
Finally came for us
We look forward to
At school, a new bright class!
3 child: to honestly understand -
How not to worry about us!
Five impats we lived here,
And played, and friends!
4 child: responded to take
Tales listened to the silence.

There were noisy, funny,

Naughty kids!

5 child: sun rash fun
In the windows happily knocking.
And we are proud today -
In a word, it is important: "Graduate"!
6 child: because it is to part
It's time for us today with you.
We sad, and at the same time,
We are happy to go to school!
7 Requirements: We are ready to learn
And schoolchildren become
Good marks
Ready to receive!
8 child: meet soon, school,
You are new feedback.
Look like with impressive
Eyes are burning!
9 Child: Hello, School, Hello, School!
We are looking forward to meeting.
We are to you today, school,

Children perform the song "Hello, School!" And sit on the chairs.

Ved.: Guys, and we have a wonderful surprise for you.

He stands on the bedside table
On the whole house in the morning rings:
"Hey, get up, bowl!
You have to go to school!
(Alarm clock)

Vedas Yes, guys, this is an alarm clock, time for you can be a good helper if you make friends with him. And for this now you have a magic alarm clock. He will help you learn, carefully treat your time, in vain it's not to spend it, never to be late and always time in everything.

Shapoklyak rushes into the hall with the rooftic lariat.

Shapoklyak: Give it my, all mine.

Pulls out an alarm clock.

Vedas: wait, wait, this is our alarm clock.

Shapoklyak: No, now not yours.

Vedas: Why did you stole our time?

Shapoklyak: So that you no longer grow in order to go to school.

Runs with a laugh.

Vedas: What should we do?

(appears fairy fairy tales)

Fairy fairy tales: guys! I am fairy tales, came to your holiday. You will soon become adults, you will be very serious. And so, friends, I came to say goodbye.

Vedas: Fairy fairy tales, we have trouble

Shapoklyak came here

Our alarm clock took -

In a fairy tale she took

Fairy: To return time to us

Need to look into the fairy tale

And my wand,
VMIG will help you, friends!
Just say words, you will immediately go to the fairy tale.
Help us in fairy tales Shapoklyak find! Good luck!

Fairy waves his hand and leaves for music.

Veda: Well, what guys say words

Magic wand brighter to light up

The ringing of broken glass is heard, a peppy with a suitcase runs to the music "In every small child".
Peppi: Oh, guys, where are you from?
Blimey! What a miracle!
Very important view you
Digured at the bottom!
Vedas: Girl Who are you? And why is it so dressed?
Peppi: Ha! Think of the soldiers,
Well, a little dress in holes.
For the fences, I climb all day, I swing on the trees.
I forgot to introduce yourself. I am a pepplotte of Victalina Rolling Rolling Talpin Long stocking. I am the strongest girl in the world. But you can just call me! By the way, what are you gathered here? What can I do for you? To demolish some kind of house or cut down a tree, or what else? Just order!
Vedas: Cute Peplotta, do not break anything to break!
Peppy: How is nothing at all?!
Vedas: So-oh nothing ... Peppy, we appeared in your fairy tale not by chance. Our children say goodbye to a kindergarten and go to school. And the shapoklyak stole the alarm clock with us, did you not meet it?

Peppy: Why do you need this school?

Vedas: You do not know why you need a school, we will tell you.

Song "If there was no schools».

Peppi: Oh, guys-dispherola, you interested me. I also wanted to school, I, by the way, and the portfolio is (pulling his suitcase)
Vedas: I mumbled, go to school with a portfolio, and not with a suitcase.
Peppi: Think, but it enters it a lot ... (shows what lies in the suitcase, it is ridiculous).
Vedas: Want, we will teach you how it is necessary to collect a portfolio?

The game "Collect a briefcase".
Two families are called. On the tables are flowers, wrapping paper, ribbon, briefcase, school supplies, toys, air ball and thread. Task for participants: Dad inflates the ball, Mom collects a bouquet, the child folds school supplies to the portfolio, children run to the stool and call the bell. Who is first?

Peppy: Well, well, you enlightened and have fun. And the Shapoklyak in my fairy tale did not appear. With you fun, friends, and give you the word I, that next year I also come to school for you!Same music sounds, Peppi runs away from the hall.

Vedas: Well, let's go to another fairy tale.

Magic wand brighter to light up
Help us in fairy tales Shapoklyak find!

A hut runs to the music, and for her Baba Yaga with a broom.

Baba Yaga: Where are you, piled! I ordered you to stand! Me, the hostess, disobeyed? Here I am a chicken legs to fracture! The hut runs away, Baba Yaga behind it. Well, where did you suffer? Miscelred completely. It looks at the TV "Dancing with the Stars" - now the star itself began to become! Requires some Walsa from me! And where will I take it, this waltz? Suggested her bulk apples, pears, and bananas - refuses! Maybe you will tell you where this Waltz lives, and what is they eating?
Vedas: Of course, tell me! Yes, we will show you!
Baba Yaga: How cool, can you teach us with a hut?
Vedas: Easy!

Children perform "Waltz"

Baba Yaga: Ai, great! Ah, well done! Hand granny! Well, that, chicken legs - tea, now your dotty is pleased? Stay home, and I'll be next!
The hut runs away.
Baba Yaga: So, the children go to school? Pure, smart, delicious ... oh, what am I talking about? And I'm going to school, too, so the outfit, and the bow prepared himself (pulls the bow out of his pocket, rushes into the hair),
Vedas: (interrupts) Wait, Yaga, how old are you?
Baba Yaga: (proud) one hundred!
Vedas: how much? How many?
Baba Yaga: Well, two hundred! So what! The most interesting age, by the way! I'm flying now!
(Admires himself, looking into the mirror)
Vedas: You look, of course, wonderful - but learn to you too late!
Baba Yaga: And learn, honey, never late!
Veda: Well, what do you know how to do?
Baba Yaga: everything!
Vedas: And you know how to write?
Baba Yaga: No, of course! But I know how to shoot out of slingshot, the buttons on the chair to put, the girls for the pigtails to pull, tweaked, biting, whistling ... (
trying to whistle, but nothing happens). Ugh, whistle broke! So I can do how much! Is it not enough?
Vedas: Even a lot, but this is not useful to you at school! But do you know how to solve the tasks?
Baba Yaga: easily!
Vedas: And now check. You have a grandmother, in the pocket of 2 apples.
Baba Yaga (
floating in his pocket ): What are you lying? I have no apples. And even adult.
Veda: Yes, it is so in a task that you have 2 apples in your pocket. Someone took one apple with you, how much left?
Baba Yaga: Two.
Vedas: why?
Baba Yaga: And I will not give apples to anyone. Although he rushes and shout.
Vedas: Think, grandmother, and if someone took one apple? How much is left?
Baba Yaga: None.
Vedas: Why?
Baba Yaga: And I managed to eat them!
Veda: No, grandma, tasks you do not know how!
Baba Yaga: So what? This is not the main thing in life. The main thing is - oh, it's about ..., shorter does not matter.
(notes magic wand) And what is this twig such? In no way, the wand is magical? And why do you need you?
Vedas: She helps us to seek the old woman Shapoklyak, who stole a magic alarm clock, did you not meet her in your fairy tale?

Baba Yaga: If you surprise me, I will say.

Music game "Worms"

Baba Yaga: Oh, yes well done, and I did not meet the old woman with the Shapoklyak. Okay, I flew to a forest school to record.

Vedas: We are looking for in another fairy tale.

Help us in fairy tales Shapoklyak find!

Included Dunno.
Dunno: Hello, and who are you, what are the elegant, beautiful. Do you have any holiday? (children's responses)
Dunno: (Cook) I know everything about school.
Veda: do not rush, Dunno, boast.
Dunno: I do not brag, ... you can ask me what you want.
Ved.: Good guys, do not suggest. The name of good doctorwho treats all animals?
Dunno: Koschey.
Ved.: Did you think well?
Dunno: Good, good, more!
Ved.: Who always chased in Pinocchio and wanted to take the golden key from him?
Dunno: Don't you know ... Turtle Tortilla, of course.
Veds: Who is such a snake Gorynych?
Dunno: these are two brothers snakes and Gorynych ... They jump out of hemp.
Ved.: Well, the last question, ... What is the profession from Aibolit?
Dunno: an accountant, probably, only evil and immortal ... All the time it will break over gold and does not like, when it smells like a Russian spirit.

Veda: yes-ah! Hard case! So you, Dunno, a book of fairy tales, sit down, read.

Dunno: But I know the letters badly.

Vedas Then go and learn, and the dad will help us.

The game "Make a word".

Dunno: Yes, you have taught, so spinning and I can, duelle and that's it.

Vedas Yes, do you know what grades, our guys will receive at school?

Dunno: I know-know, twos and troika.

Veda: And now check!

The game "Evaluation". Lie on the floor two hoops, children with closed eyes Fishing rods catch.

Dunno: Interesting, you will get a twice, and what will happen?

Veda: We will show you what can happen.

Scene "Two". After the scene is more tragic, children fall on the floor.

Veda: Everything is enough, Dunno.

Dunno: Yes, I am still too early to go to school, what to do, and so I want to be smart and the top five.

Vedas: And you come to kindergarten, there will give you the first knowledge.

Dunno: What is a kindergarten?

Vedas: Guys, let's explain to a little one.

Execute a song on the motive of the song "Childhood, childhood, where are you hurry?»

1. Childhood, childhood, where are you in a hurry?
Childhood, childhood, where are you running?
We did not play with you,
Childhood, childhood, wait, wait.
Chorus: ah, kindergarten, how well with you,
We break up on the shower with longing,
You best friend there was so many years
We will be bored, this is our secret!

2. Charging we did in the morning,
And Kashka delicious always waited.
Looking letters and words to write,
Did not forget after walking!
Chorus: the same.

3. Lunch will cover and feed us
And put to sleep, there will be a quiet hour.
We play after and go home,
And tomorrow everyone will come again!
Chorus: the same.

Dunno: I like it, ran to sign in kindergarten.

Vedas: Wait, Dunno, you are old Shapoklyak, did not meet?

Dunno: No, I have not seen, well, I'm right, goodbye!

Vedas: And we are waiting for the next fairy tale

Magic wand brighter to light up

Help us in fairy tales Shapoklyak find!

Sits the chapoklyak turns the alarm clock.

Veda: A, here you are where, give our alarm clock!

Shapoklyak: A, smart and examples declared to visit me! Again, will you get my school? Well, yes, I do not up to you. I pinched a compote, now the stomach hurts. I could drink only 6 cups of compote, and I ...

Vedas And how much did you drank?

Shapoklyak: I don't know exactly. After breakfast, I drank 5 cups of compote, and after lunch again 2. And how much, I have not thought yet.

Vedas And you count.

Shapoklyak: Now, now! (believes on the fingers) 10! No, 20! No, 30!

Vedas Wait, yes you can't count very much! To the five add two will turn out ...

Children 7.

Shapoklyak: And where did you learn to all this?

Vedas In kindergarten. And at school, the guys will learn even more interesting things.

Shapoklyak: I also want to go to school with you

Vedas So what's the deal? Return our magic alarm clock and go to school with us.

Shapoklyak: And how did I go to school, I do not know, I don't know how to dress.

Vedas This is not a problem, ask our parents, they will help.

Game "Dresses". On the table are newspapers, scissors and tape, you need to make an outfit.

Shapoklyak: I like everything, my legs are so asked and ask for a dance, let's arrange a disco.

Disco with parents.Children overlook, parents get up for their back, music is turned on, and one team is dancing first, and then another.

Shapoklyak: Sorry, guys, for my harm. Here is your alarm clock. And I say goodbye to you. See you at school.

Vedas It's time to part, the holiday ended

And the sun whispers to you: "It's time for you, it's time

But you do not need sadness, we wish you

Svetlana Smirnova
Scenario graduation holiday "Magic alarm clock"

Safronova Lyudmila Ivanovna

Smirnova Svetlana Vladimirovna

Under the music "Little country" Children enter the hall with couples, pass through the middle of the hall diverge to the sides and get up semicircle.

1st leading. Light and smart now in our hall,

And lush everywhere bouquets stand.

Today we holiday cheerful meeting,

We in our school we defeat the guys.

2nd leading. Parents are sitting on the sidelines.

And in the excitement look at them.

As if everyone saw first

Mussed their children.

1 child. Well, that's all, that hour has come,

Which we all waited.

We gathered for the last time

In our cozy hall!

2 child. We kindergarten gave us a warmth,

And chase sorrow to the shadow.

Here, good spirit always given,

Here holiday every day!

3 child. Kindergarten our dear

You walked our home.

We say goodbye to you

And little sad.

4 child. In our house will live

Naughty kids.

They are friends and not to trust

We wish from the soul.

5 child. We will not forget about

How noise in a quiet hour.

Not saddened good home

We go to the 1st grade.

"We are now students".

6 child. In kindergarten with everyone

We were friends for many days,

And now another thing,

There are cares of the hardest.

7 child. Along paths, on roads

For the first time on autumn day

Straight to the school threshold

We will go with bouquets.

8 child. You are goodbye to ours "Bunny",

It is time to part.

Today with a song to school

Leaves a defector.

Performed song "In good time" (background.) Children sit on the chairs.

Leading. Yes, the time flew quickly, and remember how 4 years ago you came to kindergarten, what were you? Well, let's remember.

1 child. I was led by a handle mom,

3 years old was shouting stubbornly

But it turned out everything in vain,

Friendly I met the garden

I was a kid, but everything noticed.

Then in the circles we all sat down

And this song sang


2 child. I remember then guys

Dear reoxoith.

Instead of the word Petushok,

Spoke "Petschok".

3 child. And I remember everything shy

For no reason, everything was lost.

I really listened very badly

Left handle porridge knocked.

4 child. I often fell on dancing,

Very thick was Boutus,

How to instill such a taste.

Leading. Yes, interesting life Was

And day after day like this and went.

You gradually imprisoned

And a lot of new things learned.

Leading. Cute children, we are very sad today, and at the same time happily. Sad, because we part with you, but happily, because you see you happiness, beautiful, healthy is happiness, so let's not be sad today. Boys invite girls to polka.

Child. I will not sleep long.

Seven in the morning - it's time to get up.

I will help in this matter

Not mobile phone,

Do not refrigerator.

Accurate, faithful my alarm clock.

Lead (takes off the table alarm clock) Guys whose same alarm clock? And where did our go? This arrows are standing and it does not start. Yes, things, and let's turn to the foundation bureau! (calls by phone)

Leading. Hello, the bureau of finds? We have a loss. Come to our help. Enters the grandfather to the music "Don't worry about MUZ. Krylatov.

Grandpa. If suddenly you lost something, somewhere and sometime.

Do not worry about

Here you will find all guys.

V. Tell me please, for you by chance ours the alarm clock did not bring?

D. No, the alarm clock is not here. What is not - there is no.

Can your slingshot?

Maybe stick-knob?

Can this pistolatics?

Maybe your children?

Q. Guys, these things are not yours?

In the hall runs the Shapoklyak with the Wheel

Shapoklyak I give, all my, I will not give you anything.

Grandpa. Well, once I found the owner went.

Sh. Here is a favorite slingshot,

To shoot in birds.

This noisy pistolate

So that the kids block.

This rust button

I will put on the chair.

This small alarm clock ... Oh.!

Sharply hides behind the back randomly taken out alarm clock.

V. Wait, wait, this is our alarm clock.

Sh. No, now not yours.

V. Why did you stole our time.

Sh. So that you no longer grow

So that you do not go to school.

Runs with laughter.

Q. This is what things are doing to whom to seek help for us?

Under majestic music includes fairy fairy tales.

Fairy. To you holiday I came,

Many fairy tales brought.

You will soon become adults,

You will be very serious

And because friends

I came to say goodbye.

Lead or child. Fairy fairy tales, we have trouble.

Shapoklyak came here

Our the alarm clock took,

In a fairy tale, the time took.

Fairy. To return time to us.

We need to look into the fairy tale.

Well, in the dance get

And behind the apple is trash.

Dance "Naughty children".

Fairy. Rolling a bulk apple on a golden saucer, transfer us to a fairy tale.

The music sounds, Baba Yaga flies into the hall on a broom, is running around and falls.

B. Ya. Yes! Well, broom. At such a broom will not fly away. ... You, before there were brooms as brooms, and now some brooms. And where is my son Tsypa? (calls, looking for among guests. Tsyp appears.)

Tsypa. Well, what do you scream so much? Here I am here!

B. Ya. Ah! What a fine fellow! (Shopping the Son on the shoulder, shakes his shirt, combbles.)

Tsypa. Mom, and mom!

B. Ya. Favor?

Tsypa. I want to shove yourself!

B. Ya. So, not on the princess, frog?

Tsypa. And on whom?

B. Ya. Madnitsa Son, and we for her chest of silver in the dowry we take.

Tsypa. Yes, I agree without silver.

B. Ya. No silver! In the skeleton of sharing, and he agrees without silver! Saddy is better for the lessons.

Tsypa takes a book, leafs, sentences.

Tsypa. Search - fistula. Do not have 100 rubles (sneezes)

B. Ya. And I have 1000.

Leading. Children and how to (and have 100 friends). That's so.

Tsypa. Bay strangers!

B. Ya. Will be afraid of his fear.

Leading. And fighting badly.

Tsypa. One mind is good.

B. Ya. And no better!

Leading. And again not so.

Tsypu strongly slams the book.

Tsypa. Everything. I want to shook.

B. Ya. Shine - it's good. So after all she disagrees. To her Ivan Ivan Identy.

Tsypa. Mom, and if we are her bag?

B. Ya. Fool, you are mine. Well, I will help you! (Enjoyed) Fu Fu the human spirit smelled.

Tsypa. Mom, overheard.

B. Ya. Favo came? (Children)

Leading. Yes, they were overhearding inadvertently. That the evils are plotting!

B. Ya. Inadvertently?

Tsypa. For inadvertently, beaten desperately!

Q. Want to marry? And the frog-princess clever, went to school, got a lot of knowledge, and you? Now the children will sing the song about school.

Song "And at school"

Tsypa. And I can all and without school.

V. Well, then tell me how much it will be 2 + 2?

Tsypa. Up to 3

B. Children, how much will be 2 + 2, 5-1.

B. Ya. These are your examples, but now we will ask the tasks, see how they will cope. Where is the book?

1. Gave away the hedgehog

8 new boots.

Who will answer from the guys

How many ducklings were all? (4)

2. In the children's room played

5 funny kids.

Two to moms fled

How many children in the room? (3)

3. Walking in the park crocodile,

And I bought ice cream.

For yourself, for my daughter,

And for two sons.

How many portions ordered

Who counted faster?

B. Ya., What are smart.

1,2,3,4,5. - the game. (B. Ya., Tsypu confused)

B. Ya. Ish, everyone can.

Tsypa. And do not confuse them.

B. Ya. And singers among you?

Leading. What else! Real artists, and performed on this scene.

Song "I want to dance".

B. Well, what, made sure that our children can all?

Tsypa. Yes, Maman, I'll have to go to school too. How much I don't know yet, and I do not know how.

V. B. Ya., Tsypa, we are looking for an old woman Shapoklyak, maybe she hid in your fairy tale?

B. Y. No, if she got to us, we would know. It's time for us to say goodbye, sit Tsypu flying. In the forest school will be recorded.

Leading. Well, flew away. In what fairy tale our alarm clock?

Fairy enters.

Carlson runs out.

Carlson. How many guests I have!

Can you brought a sweetheart?

Baby task gave me

So that from the fall began to study!

V. Carlson, since you are a future schoolboy, you probably know how to collect a portfolio. Let's check.

The game "Who will quickly collect a portfolio"

K. Oh and deft your kids. How I love sweet, and you have nothing?

V. Carlson, of course we have sweet, it's juice. We will also play you with children.

The game "Who will drink faster"

K. Oh, as I am satisfied. What a delicious juice.

Leading. Carlson, ours graduates Very love your fairy tale and sleep you a song.

Carlson (wipes a tear). I am so pleased that I decided how you learn well.

B. Our children cannot go to school, because the evil Shapoklyak took our time. Accidentally, not to you in a fairy tale she went?

K. I took the whole city, but the old woman did not see. Probably, she is in some other fairy tale. Look for. And I run away. To new meetings friends!

Fairy comes out.

Fairy. Rolling a filling apple on a golden saucer, bring us to another fairy tale.

To music runs the Shapoklyak.

Sh. A, here you are where! I'm following you for all fairy tales! It's your alarm clock?

Children. Our.

Sh. What did you slip me? How seven hours calls! How seven hours calls! I have a very dream after night hooliganism. And here ... no rest!

V. Of course! After all, at seven hours, children get up to go to school.

Sh. What is the school? What are they doing there?

Children answer.

Sh. What are you all school yes school. Lessons, lessons. Bugging!

B. Learn is not boring, but interesting. No wonder in the song soon: "School years are wonderful! With Book, with a friend, with a song ". After all, the guys are true?

Sh. School years are terrible! The most terrible!

V. What you say that, Shapoklyak!

Sh. Yes, and who came up with this school only? Imagine how it would be great if it were not at all.

Leading. Children, let's explain the Shapoklyak that it would be if there were no schools.

Song "If there were no schools"

Sh. Everything is decided. Opening "School of Harmful Sciences". Reception without exams, training is free. Who wants to sign up?

Q. And what sciences will we study there?

Sh. I will teach you to smear the glue bench, quarrel with each other, jabing, dump the blame on the other, to be talkative, fight, rudely talking ...

V. Enough, Enough, Shapoklyak. Guys, do you agree to sign up to such school? You hear children disagree with you. They already signed up a good, real school!

Sh. Okay. Then I will advise you now how to behave in your school.

If you came to school,

Do not greet you with anyone.

Words "you are welcome", "Thank you"

Do not tell anybody.

Throw back to questions

Do not answer anyone.

And then no one will say

About you that you are talking.

Q. What are you, Shapoklyak, say that?

Sh. What? Do not like? Then another advice ...

B. We do not need more than your advice.

Sh. To school, they do not want to record, my tips are not accepted. If N. alarm clockI would never come to you! Think, in Sobyu Skolya.

B. What? Not understood.

Sh. I say, in Sobyat, fucking. This is a shunger tunnels, but also hurried.

V. Children, did you understand something? Shapoklyak all confused. What did she want to say? "In Sobyat, fucking" (Going to school, "Bunch tunnel" (Language is brazed, "Caucas hurried" (He was combed). Children answer what I wanted to say Shapoklyak.

Sh. And you yourself are not confused letters in words?

Sh (laughs). I have power, I don't need a mind!

V. Children are also not deprived of neither force nor the mind.

Sh. But no one will win me.

B. We will see this.

The game is held "Silita"(At the end of the Shapoklyak loses)

Sh. Think, yes, I specifically succumbed to, otherwise you also bore. And I'm pregnant, I regretted you.

B. Then dance with our children.

V. You see, Shapoklyak, our children and smart, and strong, and wonderful dancers.

Sh. So stay with your mind and strength, and I have nothing to do. And in general, there is no time for me to mess with you, I have a business of the foul.

Shapoklyak leaves.

V. You have matured the baby now,

You learned a lot.

Here in the world you opened the door,

To bold you walked.

Became kindergarten to you native

As if mom look,

But beat the clock

Part with him

They are told to you.

Thank you for employees

V. We are preschoolers today

We escort into the first class.

Offered for sale

Dance to dance for you.

B. Provided the word head of kindergarten.

Distribution of gifts. Word parents.

Scenario of the holiday "Adventures of the school alarm clock"

Leading : Attention! I apologize to be welcomed by graduates of 2010, students of 11 classes and them are invited to the hall. cool leaders!

/ to the music of graduates enter the hall and searched /

/clock chime/

/ Song "5 minutes ..." /

    Here is a school bell,

Which has long settled in the house,

Which we built.

    But a student who is not against, sometimes it will cut down,

As a school bell, which has long settled in the house, which we built.

    But the student,

Which loves to learn

But however, it is not against it make friends with a student who is sports, as a school bell, which has long settled in the house, which we built.

    And here is a teacher

Who seeks to draw the student in excellence

Which loves to learn, but however, it is not against it make friends with a student who commemorate, as a school bell, which has long settled in the house, which we built.

    And here is the director who dreams that everyone is happy:

a student, a student, teacher and a mustache, and a school bell, who fell out the honor settles in the house

everything: Which we built!

/ Fanfare /

/ Music number /

Leading : Hello, dear friends! Today, our big, friendly school family accompresses his graduates in the adult life. Your teachers did everything so that you become smart, beautiful, strong. So what are you today! Let's congratulate each other with a holiday with stormy applause!

Leading : Remember, friends, lived years together

The arrows of the clock forever strive forward.

Memory, you vouch today the laws of nature,

Transfer the arrow back

Transfer us at least an hour

In nice childhood for us!

/ Rings Call /

Leading : Hey, call what do you keep?

Or again you are stitching?

Arrows bypass Circle ... /

Leading : By tradition, the first word on our holiday is provided by the director of the Antonova School.

    Everything will change and rush.

Do not forget only you.

In our memory you will be left

The embodiment of kindness.

    You love us all sincerely,

Like children their relatives

So take gratitude

From their students.

    Many words are good

We want to say

Happiness and health wish

Heart and soul forever do not grow old

And live in the light of many, many years.

/ Sound fanfares /

/ Director's speech /

/ Rings call, arrows bypass circle /

    You remember? You all, of course, remember.

How moms have led you to school

Anxiously called you a new word - schoolchildren!

And you went to meet knowledge.

    Teacher - How and than Make

His difficult, good way?

No on earth similar widths

In the seas like a depth -

For all the best in the world,

Thanks him!

    You remember it was around

Sea colors and sounds

From warm mother's hands

The teacher took your hand.

He led you in the first class

Solemn and respectful

And you hopefully watched

In the eyes of his teacher.

Leading : Dear Guys! Meet your first teachers came to our holiday ...

/ Performance of first-graders /

/ Music number /

/ Rings Call /

Leading : Again our call rings,

We talk about something ...

Arrows bypass Circle ... /

Leading : How, how?

We learned, we all remember this day.

In grade 5 came guys

They are not too lazy to learn!

Dear graduates! From grade 5, with you there were your cool leaders! What did not happen over the years? But you knew that your cool mothers are always there and always ready to help in a difficult moment. I invite to the scene of your class leaders.

/ Music sounds /

/ perform cool leaders /

/ Music number /

Leading : Joyfully ring rings,

We are talking about important ...

Year of teacher Imast

So the president said!

    Favorite our teachers!

Thank you sincerely.

Forever let the earth

Your work is beautiful.

    IN family life you wish you happiness

Let your children firmly like you!

Let the bad weather cost you

And let it be sunny every hour!

Leading : I invite to the scene of your subject teachers!

/ Music sounds /

/ Game "Portrait of an ideal student" /

Leading : What an amazing thing is time.

Sometimes I want to go back,

Do something differently, or do not do at all,

And can survive some lucky moment again.

And I suggest making a trip to the past and remember

And how was all our graduates?

/ Clock ringing. Music sounds /


/ Rings Call ... Arrows Course Circle ... /

Leading : We called us a call,

very important for all of you!

    To subscribe an order for admission to final exams, the word is provided to the Deputy Director for Academic Wear Dudoladova G.P.

/ read the order /

/ Rings Call ... Arrows Course Circle ... /

    We called us a call,

Star hour for you has come!

    Among the graduates passed the survey and the leaders of the parallel were identified according to the following nominations ...

/ Music sounds. Rewarding, handing certificates

/ Rings Call ... Arrows Course Circle ... /

    In the family circle, we grow with you.

In the family circle all your roots,

And you enter the family.

In the family circle, we create life,

Basis foundation - parental house.

    Thank you Parents for what you are,

Comes like a good news

In minutes of the offense and doubt.

    Thanks for your every look,

What would we ask you about.

After all, our pains hurt you

And our strength is in with you.

/ Song "Thank you native ... /


Leading : For a return word, your parents are invited to the scene.

/ Parent Committee's performance /

/ Rings Call ... Arrows Course Circle ... /

Leading : It is time to give way to the scene to the perpetrators of the celebration to our graduates.

/ Response word graduates /

/ Rings call. Arrows bypass circle ... /

Leading : And our call is tired,

He was waiting for us for a long time.

While we all performed,

Song songs danced.

Sad became the most

Last time to ring him!

    Sun over the seafood, summer at the feet.

How much does it last, last call?

The universe does not fit in the windows

The school looks, and herself decreases.

    Views fly over the distant steering wheel,

Acute Lancet, a powerful machine,

And above the country, as over the actual hall,

Day poured blue and scarlet,

School, farewell Crystal Call!

Leading : Honorary Right to give the last school call to graduates of 2010.

/ sounds the last call /

Leading : It became sad for an hour cheerful,

Because you say goodbye to the school

You still have serious exams,

And it is worth a dream about what will come true.

Only childhood we can not return again,

As school waltz, it will not be bought.

/ Song "When we leave the school yard" /

Lyudmila Ivanovna Safronova, Svetlana Vladimirovna, MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 33" Bunny "," Kidnurrechensk.

At the celebration of the future first-graders, Baba Yaga will visit with her son of a church, a hat with the rooftic Anthian, fairytale fairy, Carlson and Scroarge McDak with all its numerous relatives. The guys will be able to cope with the difficult task - to find "Stolen Time", a magic alarm clock that will help them go to the 1st grade.

Graduation Scenario Magic Alarm Clock

For the music of the "Little Country", children enter the hall in pairs, pass through the middle of the hall, diverge on the sides and get up semicircle.

1st leading:

- Light and smart now in our hall,
And lush everywhere bouquets stand.
Today we will celebrate the holiday:
We in our school we defeat the guys.

2nd presenter:

- And the parents are sitting aside
And in the excitement look at them,
As if everyone saw first
Mussed their children.

1 child:

- Well, that's all, that hour has come,
Which we all waited.
We gathered for the last time
In our cozy hall!

2 child:

- Do we kindergarten Daril warmth
And chase sorrow to the shadow.
Here, good spirit always given,
Here is a holiday every day!

3 child:

- kindergarten our dear,
You walked our home.
We say goodbye to you
And little sad.

4 child:

- in our house will live
Naughty kids.
They are friends and not to trust
We wish from the soul.

5 child:

- We will not forget about
How noise in a quiet hour.
Not sad, good home!
We go to the 1st grade -
We are now students.

6 child:

- in kindergarten with everyone,
We were friends for many days,
And now another thing -
There are cares of the hardest.

7 child:

- on paths, on roads
For the first time on autumn day
Straight to the school threshold
We will go with bouquets.

8 child:

- You are goodbye, our "bunny",
It is time to part.
Today with a song to school
Leaves a defector.

Performed song "In Good Hour". Children sit on the chairs.

Leading: - Yes, the time flew quickly, and remember how four years ago you came to kindergarten, what were you? Well, let's remember.

1 child:

- I was led by the handle mom,
Three-year-old, shouted stubbornly
But it turned out everything in vain,
Friendly I met the garden
I was a kid, but everything noticed.
Then in the circles we all sat down
And this song sang.

Children perform the song "Cockerel".

2 child:

- I remember then guys
Expensive daisher
Instead of the word "Cockerel"
Spoke "Petsok".

3 child:

- And I remember: everything was shy,
For no reason, everything was lost.
I really listened very badly
Left handle porridge knocked.

4 child:

- I often fell on dancing -
Very thick was Boutus,
How to instill such a taste!


- Yes, an interesting life was
And day after day like this and went.
You gradually imprisoned
And a lot of new things learned.

- And now see what you were three years ago.

The hall includes kids.

1 child:

- We are completely babies,
Only pictures look in books.

2 child:

- We came to say goodbye to you
And we want to wish you
Only four and five in class lessons.

3 child:

- Do not shake, do not be lazy,
Yes, do not quarrel, do not touch.

4 child:

- In the new school you wish you
A lot of new to know
But also kindergarten favorite
We ask you not to forget.

Kids give graduates flowers.


- Let's be asleep on Farewell,
Guys, full of you sad!
Although we say "Goodbye",
But we will come to visit.

Graduates dance together with the kids "I will not play with you."

Leading: - You also came to congratulate the children of the senior group.

1 child:

- The babies were you
When the kindergarten came to the kindergarten.
Poomnelly - grown,
It's time for you to go to school.

2 child:

- You do not think about us -
Little babes,
After school, ask you
I ask about the mark.

3 child:

- I really want guys,
Be to me a first grader.
Tell me - not enough
And grow rosanitsa.

4 child:

- We want to wish you
All five receive.
We will miss you!
Please visit more often.

5 child:

- From the heart
Gifts accept.
And visit more often
You come to us.

Give presents.

Leading: - Cute children! We, adults, are very sad today, and at the same time happily. Sad, because we part with you, and happily, because you have to see you matured, beautiful, healthy is happiness. So let's not be sad today! Boys, invite girls to polka.

Children dance polka. After the dance sit on the chairs.


- I will not sleep long.
Seven in the morning - it's time to get up.
I will help in this matter
Not a mobile phone
Do not refrigerator.
Accurate, faithful my alarm clock.

Leading (takes off the alarm clock): - Guys, whose alarm clock? And where did our go? This arrows are standing, and it does not start. Yes, things ... And let's turn to the foundation bureau! (Calls by phone.) Hello, foundation bureau? We have a loss. Come to our help.

It includes a grandfather to the music "Do not worry about" (Krybolov's music).


- If suddenly you have lost something somewhere and sometime.
Do not worry about
Here you will find all guys.

Leading: - Tell me, please, for you by chance, our alarm clock did not bring?

Grandpa: - No, there is no alarm clock. What is not - there is no.

- Maybe your slingshot?
Maybe stick-knob?
Maybe this pistolometer?
Maybe your children?

Leading: - Guys, these things are not yours?

Everything: - Not!

Shapoklyak is running in the hall with the WITH ANNIKY.


- I give, all my
I will not give you anything.

Grandpa: - Well, since the owner was found, I went.


- Here is a favorite slingshot,
To shoot in birds.
This noisy pistolate
So that the kids block.
This rust button
I will put on the chair.
This little alarm clock ... oh!

Sharply hiding behind the back randomly taken out alarm clock.

Leading: - Wait, wait, this is our alarm clock.

Shapoklyak: - No, now not yours.

Leading: - Why did you stole our time?


- so that you no longer grow
So that you do not go to school.

Runs with laughter.

Leading: - Here is the case, to whom we will seek help?

Under solemn music includes fairy fairy tales.


- I came to your holiday,
Many fairy tales brought.
You will soon become adults,
You will be very serious.
And therefore friends
I came to say goodbye.


- Fairy fairy tales, we have trouble:
Shapoklyak came here
Our alarm clock took
In a fairy tale, the time took.


- To return time to us,
We need to look into the fairy tale.
Well, in the dance get
And behind the apple is trash.

Dance "Naughty children."

Fairy: - Rolling, bulk apple, on a golden saucer, transfer us to a fairy tale.

Music sounds, Baba Yaga flies on the bed, rushes the hall and falls.

Baba Yaga: - Yes! Well, broom. At such a broom will not fly away. There used to be brooms as brooms, but now some brooms. And where is my son Tsypa? (Calls, looking for among guests. Tsyp appears.)

Tsypa: - What are you, mom, so shout? Here I am here!

Baba Yaga: - Oh, what a well done! (Shopping the Son on the shoulder, shakes his shirt, combbles.)

Tsypa: - Mom, and moms!

Baba Yaga: - FAQ?

Tsypa: I want to shine!

Baba Yaga: - Is it not on the princess frog?

Tsypa: - And on whom?

Baba Yaga: - Madnitsa Son, and we for her chest of silver in the dowry we take.

Tsypa: - Yes, I agree without silver.

Baba Yaga: - without silver! In the skeleton of sharing, and he agrees without silver! Saddy is better for the lessons.

Tsypa takes a book, leafs, sentences.

Tsypa: - Look for fistula. Do not have a hundred rubles ... (sneezes.)

Baba Yaga: - And have a thousand.

Leading: - Children, and how to?

Children answer.

Tsypa: - Bay Fountains -

Baba Yaga: - Will be afraid.

Leading: - And fight badly ...

Tsypa: - One mind is good.

Baba Yaga: - And no better!

Leading: - And again not so.

Tsypu strongly slams the book.

Tsypa: - Everything. I want to shook!

Baba Yaga: - It is good. So, she will not agree. To her Ivan Ivan Identy.

Tsypa: - Mom, and if we are her bag?

Baba Yaga: - Fool you are mine. Well, I will help you! (Putting.) Fu-fu, the human spirit smelled.

Tsypa: - Mom, overhear.

Baba Yaga addresses children: - Caught?

Leading: - Yes, here, they were inappropriate that the villain was conceived!

Baba Yaga: - Inadvertently?

Tsypa: - Beyond the inadvertently beaten desperately!

Leading: - Want to marry? And the frog-princess clever, went to school, got a lot of knowledge, and you? Now the children will sing the song about school.

Song "A in school."

Tsypa: - And I can all and without school.

Leading: - Well, then tell me how many two plus two?

Tsypa: - Three.

Leading: - And five minus one?

Tsypa: - Three.

Leading: - You have learned to count how much?

Tsypa: - up to three.

Leading: - Children, how much will two plus two and five minus one?

Children answer.

Baba Yaga: - These are your examples, but now we will ask the tasks, see how they will cope. Where is the book?

1. Gave away the hedgehog
Eight new boots.
Who will answer from the guys
How many ducklings were all? (Four.)

2. In the children's room played
Five funny kids.
Two to moms ran away,
How many children in the room? (Three.)

3. Walking in the park crocodile
And I bought ice cream.
For yourself, for my daughter
And for two sons.
How many portions ordered
Who counted faster? (Four.)

Baba Yaga: - What are smart!

Leading: - And our children know how to count in the game.

Baba Yaga: - Icher, everyone can!

Tsypa: - And you do not confuse them.

Baba Yaga: - Do you have singers among you?

Leading: - Which one! Real artists and performed on the present scene.

Song "I want to dance."

Leading: - Well, they made sure that our children can all?

Tsypa : - Yes, Mamanya, I will have to go to school too. How much I still do not know and I do not know how!

Leading: - Baba Yaga, Tsypa, we are looking for the old man Shapoklyak. Maybe she hid in your fairy tale?

Baba Yaga: - No, if she got to us, we would know. It's time for us to say goodbye! Sit, Tsypa, fly. In the forest school will be recorded.

Leading: - Well, flew away. In what fairy tale our alarm clock?

Fairy enters.

Fairy: - Rotation, a bulk apple, on a golden saucer, bring us to another fairy tale.

Carlson runs out.


- How many guests I have!
You may have brought Slavs?
I will get the cheese
Here I will write words.
Baby task gave me
So that from the fall began to study!

- How to write "Watrushka" or "Vutrushka"?

Children answer.

Carlson: "Well, well, I want to see if you know how to write, and I'll talk!" I will ask the riddles, and you are in the deposit correctly enter the letters.

1. Who pauses with books, in the morning to school? (Student.)

2. It is a cheerful bright house.
Guys of agile many in it.
They write and read
Draw and consider. (School.)

3. The long-awaited dance call,
It ended ... (lesson).

Carlson: - Well done your kids, ready to go to school, and I also prepare for the summer.

Leading: - Carlson, since you are a future schoolboy, then you probably know how to collect a portfolio. Let's check.

The game "Who will quickly collect the portfolio."

Carlson: - I still love to play in one game.

The game "Whose pair is faster." (Music plays, children run around the hall, at the end of the music you need to take a house (hoop). Wins the couple that will jump into the hoop faster.)

Carlson: - Oh and deft your kids! How I love sweet! Don't you have anything?

Leading: - Carlson, of course, we have sweet - it's juice. We will also play you with children.

The game "Who will speed up the juice faster."

Carlson: - Oh, how I am satisfied! What delicious juice!

Leading: "Carlson, our graduates love your fairy tale and sing a song."

Children perform a song about Carlson.

Carlson (wipes a tear): "I am so pleased that I decided, like you, to learn well."

Leading: - Our children can not go to school, because the evil Shapoklyak took our time. Accidentally, not to you in a fairy tale she went?

Carlson: - I took the whole city, but I did not see the old woman. Probably, she is in some other fairy tale. Look for. And I run away. To new meetings, friends!

Fairy comes out.

Fairy: - Rolling, a filling apple, on a golden saucer, bring us to another fairy tale.

Leading: - Guys, nothing is clear. Probably, this is not Russian tale? (Finds a bowler in which the folded parchment lies. Reads.)

- This fairy tale is not simple
This is a gold fairy tale -
A lot of money and miracles
Skyscrapers to heaven.
The most important - Scroogeak McDak
This is a fairy tale about ... (ducklings).

Leading: - Children, hear what kind of music?! Go out to dance with ducklings!

Dance ducklings.


- We go to school together, children
And our cool Milady
Gave task yesterday -
Draw a rooster.


- Will you help us guys?
To draw, see it.
Who is he? Suddenly fish, and suddenly the beast, and, maybe a bird ...
Draw, since not too lazy.

Competition "Drawing Petuha". (Whose team is faster and better draws on the mouth of the rooster. Each participant draws one part.)

Willy: - Thank you guys, now everything has become clear.

Scrowge McDak is included in the hall.


- My lovely, favorite nephews,
You all get everything on the gingerbread,
From happiness, I ascended to heaven -
I got on a cheap miracle of miracles. (Shows the alarm clock.)

Fairy: - Wait, posttoye, this alarm clock is not yours. This is the time of children to go to the 1st grade. The nasty granny stole them and sold you for a snot.

Scrooge: - I don't want to know anything completely. Come guys. (Waving.) Take the case!

Billy: - Cute uncle, help the guys, give them time.

Poil: - And otherwise they will not grow up and will not go to school.

Scrooge (thinks) : - Okay, only I can not give it. I can sell (fits the finger) and exchange (fits the finger). Two dollars are not a joke.

Leading: - We have no dollars, but we can show you Aerobics.


Scrooge: - Well, this is something. And what else will you show us?

Orchestra "Lie in the garden".

Leading: - Scroarge McDak and you, ducklings, listen with our guests farewell words Employees of kindergarten.

Scrooge: - Well, let's listen that they still know how.


- You have matured now, kid,
You learned a lot.
Here in the world you opened the door,
To bold you walked.
Became kindergarten to you native
As if mom look,
But beat the clock
Part with him
They are told to you.

1 child:

- Thank you gently speak
We careors are our own.
We still admit to you:
We look like our moms.
Thank you one hundred thousand times,
All my life we \u200b\u200bwill remember you.

2 child:

- Thanks to our cute nanny
For their care and staigne.
For attention and comfort,
For hearty good work.

3 child:

- Thanks to our chefs,
What's tasty soup cooked
And your cereal and compote
We were simply conquered.

4 child:

- Thank you thanks to the launch
We're for it clean linen,
Which slept sweetly -
Before it is fresh.

5 child:

- Per musical classes
We are also grateful to you.
For funny songs,
For the holidays that you prepared for us.

6 child:

- Thanks to our doctors,
What is not afraid of a cold for us
What to see anyone
All as one - warriors.

7 child:

- for the fact that our home is kindergarten,
It was a year from year to year.
Say thank you every happy
Head of ours.

8 child:

- Thank you that you loved us so,
Although the stories were sometimes.
For what you think we taught us,
For all, for everything that was done for us.

9 child:

- We promised at school
Good luck
And our favorite kindergarten
Let's not forget.

Song "Goodbye kindergarten".

10 child:

- Dear kindergarten employees,
From noisy and loving your defensives
Please accept this award:
Our smiles and these flowers.

Give flowers.


- We are preschoolers today
We escort into the first class.
Offered for sale
To dance menuet.

Children dancing Menuet.

Poil: - Uncle, and these guys are so smart. Maybe they will be able to solve the secret of the black cave, where are the priceless treasures are stored?

Scrooge: - Okay, let them try. (Gets card.) This is a plan for which we need to find a way to treasure. (According to the benchmarks, they are suitable for the chest, where "treasure" is written.) My, my treasures. (In the chest lie gifts.) I have long come out of school age. (Disappointed.)

Willy: - Uncle, Uncle, because these gifts graduates.

Scrooge: - Get guys, your gifts! And here is your alarm clock! Just do not forget to tell everyone what kind of generous Scroogeak McDuck.

Leading: - So the exchange turned out, and the alarm clock again with us.

Fairy: - And it's time for us to go with ducklings and scruption McDakom. Goodbye friends! See you in fairy tales!

Leading: - The word head of the kindergarten is provided.

Distribution of gifts. Word parents.

Scenario of graduation "magic alarm clock"

1st leading:

Light and smart now in our hall,
And the balls are bright everywhere hanging.
Today we will celebrate the holiday:
We in our school we defeat the guys.

2nd presenter:

Today I cannot restrain the excitement -

Your last holiday in kindergarten.

On my heart and warm and anxiously,

After all, children rose and go to school.

(Children enter the hall in pairs)

1 child:

Well, that's all, that hour has come,
Which we waited so much.
We gathered for the last time
In our cozy hall!

2 child:

Do us kindergarten
And chase sorrow to the shadow.
Here, good spirit always reigned
Here is a holiday every day!

3 child:

Kindergarten our dear
You walked our home.
We say goodbye to you
And little sad.

4 child:

In our house will live
Naughty kids.
They are friends and not to trust
We wish from the soul.

5 child:

We will not forget about
How noise in a quiet hour.
Do not be sad, kindergarten!
We go to the 1st grade.

6 child:

In kindergarten with everyone
We were friends for many days,
And now another thing -
There are cares of the hardest.

7 child:

Along paths, on roads
For the first time on autumn day
Straight to the school threshold
We will go with bouquets.

8 child:

You are goodbye, our kindergarten,
Mortaceted a defector.
We sing about how to school
Going to us.

Song "September".


Soon to go to school

You need to study a lot

Learn very well

To try everyone, not to be lazy.

But what kind of estimates will you learn - we will learn now.

Game "Evaluation"

(Sit into places. A knock at the door. Make a box with a note: "Gift for graduates") a note reads a teacher. Open the box - and there is a child from middle group with a nipple in the mouth. Spicking the pacifier and reads a poem:

In kindergarten, turmoil and noise,
Everyone prepares its best suit.
On your holiday, we all gathered,
We were not allowed, but we broke out! (Waving his hand - calls his friends)


1. We came here now, to spend you in the first class. This time!

2.We-want you to wish all the excellent students!

3.TRI: Surge the chippolino with Cheburashka sighs.

You do not forget about them, visit the kindergarten!

4.And four - we promise that without you in the garden

Many new learning and toys will save!

5. And five - I ask you to not be lazy at school

We wish you guys to learn well!

6.This of pure heart
Gifts accept.
And visit more often
You come to us. Give presents.

6. Just say: Goodbye

For you, we burst into pieres! Dance of kids

Leading (takes off the alarm clock):

Guys not to be late for school will help you alarm clock? Now I will start him. Oh, this is not our alarm clock! Where did he go? This arrows are standing, and it does not start. And I will call the Friendrian Bureau now! (Calls by phone.) Hello, foundation bureau? We have a loss. Come to our help.

(Included grandfather to the music "Do not worry about water")


If suddenly you lost something somewhere and sometime.
Do not worry about
Here you will find everything guys.

Leading: Tell me, please, for you by chance, our alarm clock did not bring?

Grandpa: No, there is no alarm clock. What is not - there is no. (Gets out of the bag and lays out on the table)

Maybe your slingshot?
Maybe this is your stick?
Maybe this pistolometer?
Maybe your children?

Leading: Guys, these are your belongings?

Everything: Not!

(Shapoklyak runs to the hall)


Give me all my
I will not give you anything.

Quickly crushes things into your handbag.

Grandpa: Well, since the owner was found, I went.

Leading. Shapoklyak, why do you need all these things?


Here is a favorite slingshot,
To shoot in birds.
This noisy pistolate
So that the kids block.
This stick can be fighting

And in the windows to her hundreds!
This little alarm clock ... oh!

(Sharply hides behind the back randomly taken out alarm clock)

Leading: Wait, wait, this is our alarm clock.

Shapoklyak: No, now not yours.

Leading: Why did you stole our time?


So that you no longer grow
So that you do not go to school.

Ha ha ha! (Runs away)

Leading: Here are doing so things, well, nothing guys!

To return time to us
We need to look into the fairy tale.
And still dance

In the fairy tale we can not be bored!

Dance with cotton

Leading: I have a magic apple. It will help us to get into a fairy tale! Return, a squirrel apple, on a golden saucer, transfer us to a fairy tale. (Baba Yaga runs on a broom)

Baba Yaga: Yes! Well, broom. At such a broom will not fly away. There used to be brooms as brooms, but now some brooms. And where is my son Tsypa? (Calls, looking for among guests. Tsyp appears.)

Tsypa: What are you, mom, so shout? Here I am here!

Baba Yaga: Oh, what a well done! (Shopping the Son on the shoulder, shakes his shirt, combbles.)

Tsypa: Mom, and mom!

Baba Yaga: FAQ?

Tsypa: I want to shove yourself!

Baba Yaga: Isn't on the princess frog?

Tsypa: And on whom?

Baba Yaga: The clever son, and we for her chest of silver in the dowry we take.

Tsypa: Yes, I agree without silver.

Baba Yaga: Without silver! In the skeleton of sharing, and he agrees without silver! Saddy is better for the lessons.

(Tsypu takes a book, leafs, sentences)

Tsypa: Do not have a hundred rubles ... (sneezes.)

Baba Yaga: And have a thousand.

Leading: Children, what about?

Children answer.

Tsypa: One mind is good.

Baba Yaga: And not one better!

Leading: And again not so. Guys, how is it right?

(Tsypu strongly slams the book)

Tsypa: Everything. I want to shook!

Baba Yaga: It is good. So, she will not agree. To her Ivan Ivan Identy.

Tsypa: Mom, and if we are her bag?

Baba Yaga: Fool you are mine. Well, I will help you! (Worshiped.)

Tsypa: Mom, overheard.

Baba Yaga addresses children: Do you need enough?

Leading: Yes, here, it was unknown that the villain is plotting!

Baba Yaga: Inadvertently?

Tsypa: For inadvertently beaten desperately!

Leading: Want to marry? And the princess-frog is smart, went to school, got a lot of knowledge, and you?

Tsypa: And I can all and without school.

Leading: Well, then tell me how many two plus two?

Tsypa: Three.

Leading: And five minus one?

Tsypa: Three.

Tsypa: Up to three.

Leading: Children, how many two plus two, and five minus one?

Children answer.

Baba Yaga: These are your examples, but now I will ask the tasks, I will see how they will cope. Where is the book?

1. Gave away the hedgehog
Eight new boots.
Who will answer from the guys
How many ducklings were all? (Four.)

2. In the children's room played
Five funny kids.
Two to moms ran away,
How many children in the room? (Three.)

3. Walking in the park crocodile
And I bought ice cream.
For yourself, for my daughter
And for three sons.
How many portions ordered
Who counted faster? (Five)

4. Potted rabbit rabbit,
And the rabbits are sitting and sailing.
Behind the pillow one, behind the pitch one,
Under the sheet one, under the paw one.
Find me kids help
How many of them, quickly tell me! (four)

5. Sex Vorobyev sank to the garden,
Scum and something peckless without care.
Cattle sidere cautiously burst,
MiG grabbed one and twisted.
That's how dangerously pecklessly!
How many now they are left on the garden? (None, the rest flew away)

Baba Yaga: What are smart!

Tsypa: No - this is me smart

Baba Yaga: No, not smart (gives the TsAP

Tsypa: No smart!

Leading: Stop, stop, stop. Stop quarrel! You better look at our guys, they not only know how to be friends, they still know how to be friends and do not quarrel!

Dance "If Friend"

Baba Yaga: And they really know how!

Tsypa: Okay, I can be friends too.

Yes, Maman, I'll have to go to school too. How much I do not know!

Leading: Baba Yaga, Tsypa, we are looking for an old man Shapoklyak. Maybe she hid in your fairy tale?

Baba Yaga: There was no such not fatty in our fairy tale. It's time for us to say goodbye! Sit, Tsypa, fly. In the forest school will be recorded.

Leading: Well, flew away. In what fairy tale our alarm clock?

Rich, a filling apple, on a golden saucer, bring us to another fairy tale. ( Carlson runs)


How many guests I have!
You may have brought Slavs?

Hello, Carlson!

I have sweets for you.

Just help us first.


I once help me, I'm going to school!
Baby task gave me
So that I guess the riddles!


Guys, let's help Carlson riddles to guess.

(Carlson makes it, children guess)

1. Who pauses with books, in the morning to school? (Student.)

2. It is a cheerful bright house.
Guys of agile many in it.
They write and read
Draw and consider. (school.)

3. A lesson, and he was silent -

Change, seen, waited.

Just ended the lesson,

Loudly rang ... (call)

4. Judge the whole lesson to write,

Use us ... (notebook)

5. The leg is worth one,

Right turns his head.

We show countries,

Rivers, mountains, oceans. (Globe)

Carlson: Well done guys, they guess everything.

Leading: Carlson, since you are a future schoolboy, then you probably know how to collect a portfolio. Let's check.

The game "Who will quickly collect the portfolio." (Carlson can't collect a portfolio, frustrated)

Leading: Carlson, do not be saddened, here's sweet candy, and if you want, you guys sleep a song.

Carlson: Very, really want!

Children perform a song about Carlson.

Carlson: I am so pleased that I decided to learn well at school.

Leading: Our children cannot go to school, because the evil Shapoklyak claimed our time. Accidentally, not to you in a fairy tale she went?

Carlson: I took the whole city, but the old woman did not see. Probably, she is in some other fairy tale. Look for. And I run away. To new meetings, friends!

(Enters old man hottabych)

Hottab: May the world of this house!

Hello, pupil from the brought up

Adorable from adorable!

Children and dirty guests!

Leading: Oh guys! Have you found out who it is?

Why is it an old man hottabych!

Hasan Abdurahman Hottab!

Hottab: Right! About the wisest of the wise

My name was my name. Where did I get?

Whose one is like beautiful houseWhere are so many children?

Children choir: Kindergarten!


Hottabych, cut out! Our alarm clock got to the old man Shapoklyak. Without it, children will not grow up and will not be able to go to school!

Hottab: Wah! Wah! Wah!

I'm not hard to help you! In my beard, there are a lot of magic hairs and anyone of your desire I can fulfill in a moment! But first please me about the magnificent children, teach me to dance! Movement my clumsy from long imprisonment in a jug, help me, about the talented!


Of course, the guys will teach you to dance, look and learn!

Dance "Top, Top By Parquet"

Hottab: Well, the desire to fulfill, the hairs I pull out!

Fuck - Tibi - Doh!

(Magic music, the old woman goes back, shouts: oh-oh)

Shapoklyak:How did I find himself here?

Hottab: Oh is the worst of the worst, to give these young years of their precious time, otherwise I will turn you into the toad.

Shapoklyak:Yes, take your alarm clock, please! I am very good, however, Lariska? Tolkone needs to turn me to the ja-yu-y!

Hottab: How to punish this clearer from the harmful?

Leading: Okay, Shapoklyak, we will forgive you if you play with us.

Game "Change, lesson, call" (Change - the swarming, the lesson - freeze in place, the hands are folded as at the desk, the call - scream "Hurray" and make hands)

Hottab: Oh, my young feeds, it's time for us to remove in a fairy tale.

Old woman Shapoklyak.Yes, I am already a gene with Cheburashka, while!

Leading. Guys, the magic alarm clock returned to us. This means that the summer will pass, you will grow up and in September will definitely go to the first class! (Turns out the alarm clock) Well, it's time to go to the country of knowledge. (come out of the hall)

The final

Leading: Until our children were removed for a while, I propose to give the parents to the Parents. At my statements answer - yes!

    Do you always help children in learning? - Yes!

    To children have a school proud! -Yes!

    Will we help the tasks to solve without difficulty? -Yes!

    Formulas to remember the nonsense for you? -Yes!

    Klyamy children never scold! -Yes!

    Just face a little sometimes? -Yes!

    Will we calm like a water in the river? -Yes!

    Wise, how in the sky star? -Yes!

    Will we get up in the mornings in the cold? - Yes!

    To catch and there and here? -Yes!

    When will the studies be completed, together with children, take a walk then? -Yes!

And now we will see what kind of clever, because parents of first-graders must cope with very difficult school program.

Tubes with trick:

1. On the table lie Circul, pencil, ruler and gum. On a sheet of paper you need to draw a circle. Where to begin? (Need to get a sheet of paper)

2. In the room burned 50 candles, 20 of them blew. How many candles are left? (50 bold candles did not burn completely)

3. Name five days without calling numbers and names days. (The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)

4. Two fathers and two sons, found three oranges. Began to share - everything went to everyone. How can it be? (These were grandfather, father and son)

5. How many months a year have 28 days? (Everything)

(Children enter the hall)

1. Speaking gently speak
We careors are our own.
We still admit to you:
We look like our moms.
Thank you one hundred thousand times,
All my life we \u200b\u200bwill remember you.

2. Thank you by our cute nurse
For care and staircase.
For attention and comfort,
For hearty good work.

3.Pedagogue on physical education
About Posture and Figure
We told us all the time
Run quickly taught.

4. Thanks to those who taught us

Sculpt and draw!

Thanks to those who taught us

And sing, and dance!

5. We went to the speech therapist
On a fun conversation.
People began to understand
What we want to tell them.
Thank you very much
What we say beautifully.

6. Intact, play,
We collect something together
In the mood is excellent
In the office unusual.
Liz, Denisov, Sash and Mash -
Loves all the psychologist our.

7. Senior elder

So trying for us.

On the "program" so that with the pellery

Grew a talented child.

8. Thank you to our chefs,
What's tasty soup cooked
And your cereal and compote
We were simply conquered.

9. Thank our doctors,
What is not afraid of a cold for us
What to see anyone
All as one - warriors.

10. Read everything sparkles

In this battle helps.

You "Thank you" - say

Thank you from the heart.

11. Caution and toys,
Blankets and pillows,
Furniture in kindergarten
Wonderful rashosis!

12. Watchmakers to our, guard,

We say: "Thank you!"

Janitor, electrician,

Plumbing - Thank you!

We live in the garden without you

I would not be able to.

13. What is our house, kindergarten,
It was a year from year to year.
Say thank you every happy
Head of ours.

14.Deregte staff of kindergarten,
From noisy and loving your defensives
Please accept this award:
Our smiles and these flowers.

Give flowers

15. We promise at school
Good luck
And our favorite kindergarten
Let's not forget.

16.An goodbye all together

We will fulfill the song for you!

Song "Goodbye kindergarten".


We are preschool children today
We escort into the first class.
Offered for sale
Stay farewell waltz!

Children are dancing Waltz