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Holiday script "Our graduation ball". Scenario of the graduation ball

Development extracurricular activitiesdedicated to the Graduation Bala's holiday in grade 11.

Subject: "In a starry night, open the mystery of the Star Path."

Equipment: Thematic design of the hall, presentation, scenery made by graduates.
Presentation "Starry sky. Summer Starley. On the slides, each flying star turns into a graduate star (the unusual constellation "Graduates 2016" appears).
Music sounds "Lonely flute" Magic melody "student reads the poem Alexander Dolsky" The star fell to my palm. "

Lead 1: Summer. June. In the sky Star Rossi ...
School threshold as space start.
Girls, boys were suddenly adults
Time - Forward: Introducts from the guys!

Lead 2: Look upstairs - there are stars, there are millions of their inflorescences,
And among them you will find familiar couple you constellations.
Lead 1: But there is a constellation one thing that is not found in the sky,
Everyone is known to everyone who has studied at school for many years.

Lead 2: In the June day, after year, the launch of the stars in the way is free,
The constellation "graduate" floats. The same day has come today.
Lead 1: Hello ladies and gentlemen! Dear teachers and favorite parents!
Lead 2: We invite you to the Star Ball. Twelve graduates, twelve signs of the zodiac, twelve bright stars in an amazing and mysterious constellation, which will illuminate our celebration with their cosmic light, give all the star dreams.

Lead 1: We all witness a birthday at the school starry sky new and sparkling luminaries "Graduates 2016".
Lead 2: Attention! On the star road!
Under our babysitting, smiles, adoration,
With ovations, everything is now -
Meet the star crew!

Exit graduates. Music VIA Zodiac "Space".
Bahitov Rinat
Energetic and stubborn, hot-tempered, hot. Yakushov Alexander.
A straight-line girl, very truthful and in disputes often fair.
Rodionov Maxim
Galanny young man, but as irresistible! All beloved our maxim
Ivanovo Daria
Bright, impulsive sports girl
Zhukov Vadim.
In the study chose the path it is correct, in everything wishes to be only first.
Skotzov Alexander
Sparkling and hot as comet bright
Kustov Veronica
Smart girl and charming, sensitive, to everyone attentive.
Lesnikova Olga
Mysterious and diligent, our virgin tee!
Cossacks Vyacheslav.
Who is always happy in the class? This is only Vyacheslav.
Konucheva Elena
Impulsive comet, but a beautiful dream.
Cyril nose
Our stubborn Capricorn was able to return his studies in the horn.
Mammont Anastasia
Goodness and attentive deserve you acknowledged.
Leading: Planet "School"! She was waiting for an unusual, but star fate. She became an island of life and a hearth of the mind. The indescribable beauty of the Planet "School" was supposed to trust a person, his alive soul. And his name is a teacher!
Lead 2. : Welcome respected teachers, the brightest, sparkling, tireless and fearless. It is they who in their pedagogical flights each minute open new stars. These are their star student, their cosmic pupils.
Music. Orchestra field Moria "Beautiful Melody"
Graduates invite teachers. Dance "Star Waltz".
Leading 1: Each person can only unravel the secret - how to become a star. Everyone must pass their way. You are standing at the beginning of this path.

Lead 2: And today, new stars will light up on the Star School Sky - your stars. Starry life - here it is already in front of you, and to be easily started to start the way for her, it is necessary for a parting word.
Lead 1: The word is provided to the commander of the intergalactic center for the preparation of a young generation Markovsky K.K. Speech by director.
Lead 2: "Listen, if the stars are lit - it means that someone needs it, it means that it is necessary that every evening under the roofs light up, at least one star ..."
Today, twenty-first of June, two thousand sixteenth years, on all doubts, temptations and obstacles can be happy to say: "It happened!"

Lead 1: Today we are lit not alone, but a whole starship graduates, twelve stars of the third millennium.

Lead 2:To be the beginning of the life path, indeed, Star, you need to get what? Certificates!
Lead 1: The solemn moment came!
Here is the long-awaited document.
The outcome of labor, the result of studies, the result of the school.

The word is provided to the head of the Flight Management Center to the Future, Deputy Director for the Academic Part.
Presentation of certificates. Presentation "Our Friendly Star Crew"
Music Orchestra Field Moria "Chopin. Vienna Waltz "

The class teacher tells in a poetic form about every pupil.

Bahitov Rinat
Gave me zodiac
Very hot sign.
Always in the process of creation,
Aries loves the center to be attention.
He is without thinking if it climbs into a fight
At the same time, the first rushes to the attack
Passable he and careless
Straightforward so that the conflict is possible.
Still rinat mine is the future builder,
After all, a fighter is needed there.
Project, decoration, decoration at home
Some kind of inner a little familiar to him
He fucked in and sports, and in ... Love
Well, what do you say? Only "SE WA ..."

Rodionov Maxim
And now I will tell you
About a special Junca, about the beloved Taurus.
He is beautiful, peaceful, harmonious and ... lazy
He is a little sentimental, sober mind and music.
He loves holidays, art.
Yes, and how prepares delicious!
No, perhaps, cooks, better than our all calves.
Police, actors, architects, dancers.
Yes, tales apolitical, love luxury, but practical.
Galanten and irresistible.
Yes. Not mistaken - my Maxim!

Ivanovo Daria
Dasha Ivanovskaya glance is very gentle,
How on portraits of italian masters
And dark curls of her wave careless
On the shoulders fall like silk cover,
And, like a twin, she is hardworking,
And help everyone is ready to give
And if necessary, it is elegant and beautiful
To any dance, all movements pick up.
Sport ski to be stubborn helps
Achieve heights so that the head does not circled.
Such touchy on criticism happens
But appreciates friendship and good words

Zhukov Vadim.
Gave me zodiac
Very, very close sign.

This cancer is intertwined
Wisely, but leisurely writings and
Tests performs on a hundred.
Real, genuine, very grip, the whole one.
Break in decisions, Silen, in the lesson he was a smart.
He is reliable, he truthful, but happens and stopping ...

Lesnikova Olga.
Yes, cheerful zodiac
Gave me a gentle sign.
Generous, pretty, good olya
Modest girl gentle in school.
Eyes like dark beads two,
Bright very dreams in the head.
Although like Virgo bloomed,
In the shower, the child is clean, clean!
Self-critical she and Mila,
And her laughter, so sparkling.
Worried about class, for affairs.
Like Virgo is responsible, hardworking.
In the glory of the Virgin my words!

Mammont Anastasia
Our star marathon continues Scorpio.
Our scorpion is not poisonous.
Smiling, straight, open
Nastya is a kind soul.
Always generous and disinterested.
And how the girlfriend is good.
Let your dreams come true.
Confident gait firm
In life, Nastya, you go!

Skotzov Alexander
Very generous zodiac gave me a bright sign.
"Sanka is the most faithful friend!" - They talk about it around.
She trust her girls
Secrets of school their
And the guys helps!
"If necessary - call!"
Bright, brave, sensitive Sasha,
By the power of your emotions are our.
You never hide your feelings.
I am surprised by straightness.

Yakushov Alexander.
What does the name "Alexandra" mean?
She is "protector" of people. And Zodiac Sagittarius
Wah in the embodiment of ideas.
Loyalty to yourself. Never sat down
Injustice to her hate.
And if someone is not lucky,
Will deliver a problem disinterested
Does not go to adventures.
Student Haltury
In school, Sasha is not found.
In life choose the way
Do not risen the haze.
Her to the profession of a doctor
Pharmacist, teacher
The fate indicates the road

Cyril nose
Our star road reached Capricorn.
Gave me Zodiac a very hard sign
The student you are perfect, you look at everything really
Alone, you willingly challenge your test well.
It does not inspire optimism Kirill of the Spirit of Collectivism.
There is a trait from Capricorn: put the goal - and on the road!
You will become director, curator, inspector,
dean or rector,
Consider - not lucky.
Somehow, be a politician, and better by the governor.
Still did not go.

Konucheva Elena
Lena Our - Cashkin
May be roughly stuck with the leg,
But she is smart,
Graceful and gentle
Ignor all fire
"Torch" in your name.

Kustov Veronica
I am always more important now
Tell about the aquale.
This sign is very curious
His all new entails
Knows about a lot
So many plans and ideas!
Does not love Rugan, squabbles, quarrels
Such is Nick - Aquarius!
Slightly simple, slightly naive,
With such a beautiful soul.
In it, kindness started the divine.
She really likes peace.
Select can Aquarius
Many important posts:
He and the commocore, psychologist, historian, teacher and sociologist.

Kazakov Vyacheslav
Glory Fish. Calmly sign
Not to meet, perhaps, in the zodiac family
Do not hear reproach, envy to sneeze
Habitat - quiet! Grace!
Manyat, as if magnetic hand
Fishing, bonfire and dawn over the river
Yes, it is unique
Makes me bored
Because the lessons could easily sleep
Spoken beautifully
He is raised and taking
And my soul is beautiful!

Presenter1: I wanted a new star suddenly to open,
I was looking for her in silence heavenly,
Where from the shining, perhaps, it will be closely. And where she shines, maybe.
And straw hundreds of atlases and books,
And the telescope shared all the sky
I would like to find my star
To experience the discovery of a light moment!
Lead 2: So, I could find a star, a thinker?
Lead 1: Yes, I found. And her name is "Teacher"!
Lead 2: Travel by star Nebu continues. All these years with you were a teacher, gave our warmth, radiated the light of good. Well, don't they stars? Real stars of pedagogical skills. And we want to give them magic fairy tales About how appeared on the school chain of the Galaxy No. 6 Amazing constellation of teachers. Find out in these little stars of your favorite teachers.
Presentation "Star path to profession teacher." Music sounds: "Magic flute", "fabulous motifs of the East", "Waltz Magic Flute".
Voice for the frame reads.
Kizyaev Tatyana Ivanovna. In the Crimean Kingdom, Zamorsk State, among high mountains And beautiful landscapes were born asterisk. Very early, the girl began to imagine important events, mentally traveling to the past countries, sometimes run into the future. An asterisk so dreamed of traveling! She really went around our country: was in Central Asia, in the Urals, in Taiga. And how she loved Romantic: baked potato, bonfires. I knew how to play guitar and dance incendiary dancing. She became a significant star, which gives the guys a dream of distant galaxies.
Koreshkova Nadezhda Vladimirovna. This asterisk from our native galaxy, from the area of \u200b\u200bthe Priminal, near the factory "Red East". Oh, and the fighting, our asterisk was: in Napta, and in the Cossacks, robbers, and the train with the good name "Cuckoo" ride. It could easily jump off the train, rush a bouquet of wildflowers, and - again for the train. And in the forest for mushrooms with dad! Only one saddled star: she walked for long 7 years to music school. But will you lose for a touch of a guaous diploma when the game is on the street, laughter? So came from the music school, a formidable letter: they say, walks your girl classes. There was the then Family Council, yes not an easy, and pedagogical (Parents at the stars of teachers). And they decided: to be an asterisk only by the teacher, and therefore a good man. And now this asterisk is a big star in his native school for her, telling children about star inflorescences.
FynddiK Tatyana Anatolyevna. Star flight of this asterisk in school galaxy number 6 is the longest. The girl in school dreamed of becoming a philologist, Russian language and literature. She now writes wonderful writings on a literary topic. An asterisk accustomed to everything from childhood itself, and it still suffers from this. She loves flowers. According to her, they inspire new pedagogical feats, help to relax from "star" students. Our asterisk can all: and sew, and write reports, even accounting reports for her like seeds. This asterisk has become truly a real star luminary in our school, because it is she who brings up, teaches a bright flight of young stars.
Pastein Svetlana Anatolyevna. And this courageous asterisk was born in the family of star teachers. They were they who taught her flight of small, inexperienced first-graders. The girl loved to solve complex equations, systems, extract the roots. But becoming a teacher - it means to raise the character. It helped the art of learning her passion for cars and motorcycles. Whoever believes that this fearless asterisk can write space paintings on canvas. And in our school galaxy, she is now a magical star, as it lights the lights in the heart of the most tiny residents of the Star Universe

Coeth Elena Olegovna. There was a romantic asterisk in a distant eastern country. And parents and the name chose Starry: Laskovo her moon, Lunushka. The asterisk was very dreamed, she wanted to decorate it all around with white roses. So expressed her desire to create a beautiful world. The girl loved geometry and algebra: linear equations, theorems, square roots, was fond of Japanese culture and studied HOCU. An asterisk was so gone and fearless. Parachute, Riding on the road on a jeep, swimming in a waterfall - familiar to her element. And now she wants to change the course of his star flight.

Araslanova Lydia Vasilyevna. This asterisk has always been the focus: played bright roles in the amateur theater. And how Ignoraly danced in the ensemble of folk dances! An asterisk tremble and gently treated her violets. In her opinion, they create a star mood and the desire to teach the guys with magical discoveries. Since childhood loves to drink easy tea On herbs from a samovar under an emascotional apple tree. And now this star is responsible for the space compounds of the whole Galaxy number 6
Seliverstov Alexander Alexandrovich. Among stars there are star boy. He was born in our native galaxy. FROM early age He was engaged in sports: Could and skiing, ice skating, and in the summer - swimming, football. But the Star Boy had the most favorite sport - tennis. The school allocated mathematics, physics, astronomy. I had a champion in chess and checkers. But the star boy grew up, and began to continue the case of my father - a meaningful star teacher in our city.

Andreeva Irina Vasilyevna. Born in the most ordinary family of star girl, very bright and active: hiking, pioneer bonfires, songs under the guitar, tourist tracks. Loved our asterisk literature lessons. And how heartfelt read and inspired poems! Standing truly ringing silence! It is emotionally, knew how to speak, argued to prove. And in the lesson of the Russian language missed: the rules, rules, rules ... boring. In the school burned: I liked the orders, fees of squaders, public affairs. Everywhere has time. And now she is an important star at the school chain, because he chose to teach the subject, which is called "Queen of Science."
Lead 1: In the affairs of their terrestrial and the feat will be glorified.
For long century, the trail on Earth will leave.
Your star trail. Your Milky Way is radiant.
High, strict, clear, light, clean.
Teacher, to be you star in the universe!
Holy name, be blessed!

Grade 11 speech
First graduate. Tell me, if the stars ignite - it means that someone needs it?
The second graduate. So you, our dear teachers, need to have such stars in this life, how are we?
Third graduate. So you need them to shine every day? And if you need it, we will burn!
Fourth graduate. And you burn new and new stars. Because without you the starry sky will not be!
Fifth graduate. What is happiness? It's simple.
This is when people light stars.
Sixth graduate. Let your life always accompany
Heating soul happy star!
Lead 2:Does the zodiac sign affect the professional activity of the teacher? Let's find out how a star horoscope characterizes every teacher. Presentation "Star Horoscope and Profession"

Georgian teachers
Andreeva Irina Vasilyevna. Kizyaev Tatyana Ivanovna. The Sagittarius teacher will often led their class. You will learn to play a guitar, breed a fire and learn a lot of songs. It is characteristic of the straightforward. He always speaks directly what he thinks about the student. The main thing for the Sagittar teacher is the weather in the classroom, so you need to always create "good weather" in the lesson.

Capricorn teachers
Koreshkova Nadezhda Vladimirovna. Nikonorov Olga Vladimirovna. Do not argue with them. They are convinced that they are always right. As spoke in Ancient Rome: "Durra Suite, Sadleks." That translated means: "The law is the law." Teacher's tears - Capricorn do not swear. The guilty student must start an acquittal about this way: "I need your advice, teacher."

Teachers - Gemini. Seliverstov Alexander Alexandrovich. Pedagogues - Gemini - teachers with an excellent sense of humor. The class never bounces. But it was the twins that love to carry out control and tests without warning. If the teacher, the twin himself often wrote off at school, then in this case it is not conducted. And do not try to slip the development from the Internet, because he is creative.

Teachers - Cracks. Coeth Elena Olegovna. Araslanova Lydia Vasilyevna. With a teacher - cancer needs to be treated like a porcelain vase. He is very touchy. Externally, this moment is easy to understand. As soon as the cancer announces in the middle of the lesson: "I refuse to continue," students should understand: he was offended and went to himself. Do not decease, considering that with this teacher it is easy to cope. Under the sign of cancer, Roman commander Guy Julius Caesar was born. Maybe he was also offended, but he won Polmir - Taki won.
Teachers Lions. Yakushkin Mikhail Stepanovich. Pastein Svetlana Anatolyevna. Do not tease lion - teachers! It can be tried to tame it. Lion teachers love to demand a diary, cause parents. They often leave for additional classes. Lions - organizers of theatrical circles, love initiative disciples and creative parents.

Scales teachers. FynddiK Tatyana Anatolyevna. Four or five? Five or four? Scales teachers begin to think what mark to put even before the student responded to a given question. Pedagogues-scales as noble wine- with age are only better. Thirty-year-old teachers and scales know a lot, the fifty-year-old teachers - scales know almost everything. The sixty-year-old scales teachers are a complete collection of a big Soviet encyclopedia or 11,000 volumes of the Chinese Encyclopedia "Junle Dalian". If we put teachers, the scales under the pillow before the exam, the subject will be delivered to five with a plus.

Teachers - Scorpions. Shyager Tatyana Nikolaevna.
The motto of teacher-Scorpion: "Umci, but be it!". He skillfully turns violent students in plush bunnies. Pupils should not show that they are frightened. It is necessary to constantly demonstrate its brilliant abilities on the subject. Only in this way it is possible to achieve its favor. Only one circumstance can serve as a consolation for students: communication with the teacher - scorpion helps to survive in extreme situations.

Lead 1.. And how does the ball without a waltz, the more Star?

The most memorable evening -
Star evening with us.
Graduate graduate invites to Waltz.

School waltz graduates
Lead 1: Everyone, if desired, is able to strengthen the shine of his star. No wonder, they say: "Light your star!"
Lead 2: Yes, you are completely right. I think the teacher's profession can be compared with the profession of an asterisk. How can I consider, notice, see in every person a person, talent, zeal?
Lead 1: And the person who is inherent, who has a gift from sincere love for children - is undoubtedly a cool leader.
The speech of the class teacher many years ago in the galaxy named "School" has appeared twelve stars. They were friends with each other, glittered for each other and formed a new constellation "Fifth Class - Space Crew". All of them were happy. Each sprocket had its own mission, his destination. And this year the stars became especially bright, noticeable, inquisitive. They heard the new word "dream" from flying comets. "What is a dream?" - They asked each other. This is the brightest star, because she gives rise to your desires that must come true. Of course, you can live without a dream, but then you will stop being interesting for the universe, rupture thin relationships with it and find yourself in the authority of random life circumstances. And the dream gives the opportunity to man to grow as a person and fills him with pride for his life. Star - a symbol of fate and eternity. Make a desire, and it will certainly come true, because with this star I give you my love, warmth, tenderness. I believe in your star and wish the Star Life Way!
Congratulations - Dedication class teacher. Speech graduates. Music. Orchestra field Moria "Air. Aria from orchestral suite. I. S. Bakh. "
Soul Cancer! For all mystery
With it together be not so easy:
She loves very sweetly
That suddenly - reject hot ...

Do not of all the problems
Love you life! She's yours!
Scary for cancer change ...
She is always true!
For life, she is calm,
But for native soul hurts!
Struggle it is worthy of
Suddenly if they ... faces trouble.
Victor Vrecentin.
Song "graduation" presentation.

Lead 2: Today's celebration is a huge event in the life of parents. This is the result of long and difficult 11 school years. The joy of discoveries and bitterness of mistakes, the happiness of friendship and your alarms - everything is experienced in sensitive and responsive parental hearts.
Lead 1: Your troubles and care brought decent fruits. Look, what good, smart, kind and beautiful your children grew up.

Performance grade 11.

Lead 1: Everything is good in life ever ends.
Lead 2: We would like to wish you
Lead 1: So you were smart, funny.
Lead 2: Proud, decisive.
Lead 1: Affectionate, noble.
Lead 2: Brave, but not blowing.
Lead 1: Decisive and conscientious.
Lead 2:Lucky, bright, like stars!
Lead 1: And happy!
Lead 2: And what will our graduate wishes their star horoscope?
(Grade 11 take balls with wishes)
Aries. Bahitov Rinat.
Passionate nature, impulsive. Rutin or sitting life - not for them. Aries are excellent sellers, lecturers, dentists veterinarians, wonderful mechanics, butchers, surgeons, sculptors. Aries always seeks to be first.

Calf. Rodionov Maxim.
In his youth, Tales think a lot about the choice of profession, dream of getting rich. Do not object against the routine if it brings a lot of money. Well manifest itself in what applies to comfort in the house - architecture, interior, construction, painting, music. Policy is not for them.

Twins. Ivanovo Daria.
Prefer a permanent change of impressions and activities. Can convince anyone. Of these, successful advertising agents, managers and reporters, artists, journalists, publishers are published.

Cancer. Zhukov Vadim.
Love consistency and comfort. Of these, there may be excellent leaders. Craki can become teachers, psychologists, educators. These are good, conscientious performers.

Virgo. Lesnikova Olga.
Attentive to the choice of profession. Good doctors, pharmacists, obstetrics, masseuses, herbalists. And there may be dietitors, as well as designers, telephone operators. "Working Bees" of society.

Scorpio. Mammont Anastasia
Of these, excellent navigations, sailors, miners, mechanics are obtained. Mind and emotions are perfectly balanced. Can become philosophers and search for the meaning of life.

Sagittarius. Yakushov Alexander. Skotnikov Alexander.
They have a pioneer spirit of collectivism. May be great athletes,
Hunters, chefs, riders, translators, priests, public figures. But, alas, often become shules and speculators.

Capricorn. Nosov Kirill. Konucheva Elena.
Fear hard work. In the team, it is difficult to them, individual work is suitable. This is the builders, antiquary, geographers, agronomists, architects, mathematics, philosophers, sociologists.

Aquarius. Kustov Veronica.
Excellent sense of collectivism. They know how to explain - they overlook good teachers, TV presenters, directors, psychologists.

A fish. Cossacks Vyacheslav. Fish is waiting for fate to tell him what profession to choose. Many are walking in the footsteps of fathers. Love work with people. Excellent accountants, economists.

Final song.
Lead 1: You break out who is where! But do not forget the June evening.
Lead 2: You feel no feelings today! You wish happiness to a friend. See you in the future, friends, to the emergency!

Graduates go with Bengal lights. Music sounds.

Scenario "Graduation Ball"

1 V: Good evening Multi-dressed teachers, guests and parents! At this summer evening, you could be in your country or relax with a book in your hands, and maybe go to friends or watch TV shows. However, all this you chose to come to school graduation.

2B. Again in June on white light,

On a school joyful planet.

Nature revives again:

Rings, blooms, fragrant.

1 V. Here the soul is full of expect,

Love is inadvertent recognized.

Paris solemnly excitement,

Sounds the usual joining.

2 V. Let's greet our graduates !!!

(In the hall to the music included graduates)

1 V. How fast flies time! And now your kids, after 11 school years, have become young beauties and state young people. For them, it was time for the long-awaited, exciting, mysterious prom - an invisible face between school and adult life.

2nd. The final chord of school symphony has observed exams. You added to the end difficult sentence His childhood - the time of happy discoveries, good and fun concerns, the time with which the first friends are connected, the first love, and the first parting - today you are forgive with the school.

1 V. Fast years flew,

You have matured noticeably,

And now you all guys

Here are awarded certificates ...

The word is provided by the Director of the MBOU A Socha Popova E.A. (Assign certificates)

1B. The word for congratulations is provided (guests of the holiday):

chapter Aparinsky administration rural settlement Chepelyugin Ivan Alekseevich;


Concert program

1 presenter.
- Ah, youth! How to face you
Original, unusual, new!
On the podium, as if on fate,
There are Tsaritsa Bala graduation.
- Oh, youth is a source of beauty!
Nothing with you in the world will not compare
Fill graduation, smiles, and flowers,
And thunder of ovations, you, his queen.

2 presenter.

Smallkley fanfare.
Dancers are tired
The main action is waiting in this room,
Waiting for the awards ceremony
Higher reward over the years of exercise.

1 presenter.

This is a great teacher labor
Genes that mom and dad give
It is the efforts of moms and fathers,
The work and perseverance of students.
Gold and Silver Grand Glitter

2 presenter.

This is the wedding of minds and talents,
Higher ranks - honorable honor.
The best chosen is to count.

(On the screen, the presentation "Our Teachers", Song about teachers "")

1 Watching: Dear teachers! Strict and affectionate, patient and sensitive, wise mentors guys!

Without you, there would be no omnipotent policy, nor the famous hero: After all, each of them did the teacher once on the door.

Responsible and nobleness of your callum is not: After all, you carry our students not only the gift of knowledge, you give them heartlessness of kindness, outlines the high path of the heart and the mind, the faithful companions, which are humanity and love for their own country.

2 Host: The artist creates the paintings, and the teacher forms personalities, creates the characters of those with whom it is connected our future, graduates.

Today you, dear teachers, send their pets to a great place.

May the endless roads come from you!

Let nice cases for the benefit of society they will glorify your name.

Song "Golden Heart"
(Song sounds about teachers and gratitude to all teachers)

1 Deployment: Initial School is a small special state in the state. His inhabitants are chalwans and capriculus, models and Tikhoni, Drachians and Zadira. And it is the first teacher who is inconsistent in the wonderful country, to the world of knowledge.

2 Host: And the first teacher of our graduates was Naumova Irina Aleksandrovna


You are the main thing in the souls guys,
Brave way opening brain

From the first sound and first luck,
Started with the asbaceous words of the scroll.
You are a kind fairy leading to a know
Giving joy, carrying light.
Hope you happy
Big recognition
And new finds,
And new victories!

(Give flowers to the first teacher)

(song sounds "Where to go childhood" teacher elementary school, Gratitude and flowers are given)

1 V. The word is provided by the first teacher of graduates Naumova I.A.)

(speech of the first teacher)

Fu, finally change! I'm so tired of something! Who is where, and I am in the gym.

And I sit on a bench!

And who else who? Hear?

I hear! These are the steps of our director, Catherine Anatolevna. It is not visible, but she is always invisible with us!

She just has amazing abilities to see through the walls, read thoughts at a distance and predict the events!

And, whatever we do, she knows exactly necessary for us or not. It is harmful or useful!

- (together) miracles !!

And so day day!

But today, I think she admires us. It seems to me that today we are all doing everything, without comments.

You are the most wonderful director

So many school gave your own!

Everyone is very respecting you for it.

From first time to teachers.


We wish you guys year after year

Hurry up to you with the arrival of September.

To be called the best of your school,

Director for all thanks!

(Available flowers and gratitude)

2 presenter. Everyone knows for children and parents,

It is clear to all as twice two:

The school begins with the teacher

And the work of the teacher alive!

In this school festive hall,

All native for us, friends,

Each ray, steps and doors

From children's years I remember me!

Childhood in the lessons flew ...

Youth school how are you?

Many spring and winters wielding

And it's time to say goodbye!

3. Do not sit more for us at the desk,

We will enter only guests in class.

Very sorry to part now

Do not forget you, your favorite school, us!

4 We will remember all my life probably

Our cute teachers

In life who will tell us "right!"

Did you choose the road? Bresh!

Song "For school desk»


Old, like a world, this school drama -

With children say goodbye mom.

She recently drove them for two,

Called home, abandoned the absenteeism.

Well, now says: "These children ...

The best on the planet! "

As in each state there is a ruler,
As in every fairy tale there is its own princess,
You have a cool leader,
Fingering your leader.

And now we want to thank the one who took the baton from our first teachers, who shared with us a minute of joy and chagrins, is our cool leader: Olga Viktorovna Ovchinnikova.

1. The reader is a loved one
Huge "Bravissimo"!

2. You are not our head,
You are our generalsimus!

3. How to single-nameer your
Feldmarshal title

4. If, as if through the Alps, us
Seven years have led to knowledge

5. And let it happen not easy
Pord in learning

6. On your knowledge "in battle"
Help, no doubt!

7. Whats are your kind
And your thoughts are clean -

8. We will circle their framework
And we emphasize Volvaist!

9. But soon autumn ... New Class
Here chairs skimmer

10. And we, honestly,
I envy!

Give flowers to the class teacher

Song for the class teacher "Let them say" (number with ribbons)
(speech by the class teacher and presentation Graduates 2014))

The word is provided to the class teacher of graduates ......

That ended school weekdays!
The evening came prom!
Waiting ahead of you the path is very difficult -
The path of adult life is dashing!
Just be sad today you will not!
Happily met dawn!
His school will never forget!
Boldly graduating in the world of victories!

Song on the motif "White Lilac".

Dance "Flash Mob"

1 video. Moms and dads, brothers and sisters,

Grandparents, Death and Aunt

Also made a significant contribution,

So that the graduate received a certificate.

(Song sounds parents "Farewell" and presentation)


The word is provided to parents

The phonogram of the pioneer march sounds.

Lead2. What do we hear? Familiar to every mother and every dad sounds of pioneer horn and drum. Graduates of the 20th century came today to congratulate and facilitate graduates of the 21st century, and also to say the words of gratitude to teachers for their invaluable education work. Meet!

1 Pioneer: Once! Two!
All together: Three! Four!
1 Pioneer: Three! Four!-
All together: once! Two!
1 Pioneer: Who pauses together in a row?
All together: Parental Our Hit Council!
1 Pioneer: Who is not cheerful?
All together: no such! - We are a cheerful team!

1 Pioneer: We are cool - Pioneers!
We will serve as an example!
We are walking friendly
Where we need!

2 Pioneer: We instructed us a squad
Pedagogues congratulate.
Let me allow today
Thank you to everyone to say.

3 Pioneer: All Parent Detachment
You are very happy to congratulate you.
They pass to you
Pioneer our salute.

1 Pioneer: Once! Two!
All together: Three! Four!
1 Pioneer: Hey guys, wider a step!
No, probably in the whole world
merities, friendlier guys!

2 Pioneer: Do not be sad in the family of our:
we sing, dance, dance!
Hey, friend, do not be sad!

Our song Sink!

We are the pioneers of the Soviet country,
In you, teachers, have long been in love,

We do not find the best mentors

We came to congratulate you today.

Room Hud. Summer Maudential Parents)

1B. Ties, beads, ball dresses,

Everyone brought the best bouquet,

Tears and smiles today I spent

Forward for a lot, many years.

2B. And the evening dancing with you,

And the head of youth is circling.

And the evening sparkles, sparkles with lights

And in the distant manitis.

1B. Today is not just a holiday. Today is the graduation ball. And what is the ball without a waltz. We invite graduates to the farewell school waltz.

(Waltz sounds)

(Graduates are farewell sing song "Odnoklassniki")

Graduation Scene. Graduation Scenario "\u003e

"Prom"- Prom Scenario Let graduates gather before the beginning of the holiday on the school porch. Prepare 7-10 pigeons in advance, which will need to be released into the sky at a certain point starting the holiday. Music sounds, guys are waiting for the appointed time.

Fanfare sounds, and in the center of the school porch there is a lead or leading. Who will be - parents, or tenth-grade disciples, or professional lead - to solve you.

How excited all this meeting ...

Joy, embarrassed - on every face ...

He came - our farewell,

We gathered on the school porch.

On the steps familiar to pain,

Recalted by us more than once.

And words of gratitude school

Mature in thoughts and in our souls.

So let's give promise

Do not forget this moment, this hour.

Our school at the time of parting

Let's say everyone: "Thank you!" - now.

For all meetings, for friendship, for knowing -

We could not live without it.

Our school! You for a farewell

We say today: "Thank you!"

Graduates chant: "Thank you!" - And in the sky, pigeons shot down.

They circle over the school under the applause of the guys, the lead pronounces the words:

As a flock of white pigeons,

Hurry childhood will be done.

But let it be in the stream of days

To you in thoughts will come back.

And let all the troubles take

Our pigeon is blonde.

We continue our flight!

And he will be happy!

Lead invites everyone to school:

Dear graduates!

The holiday begins for you!

You are at the beginning of the big way.

And invite everyone now

In the hall of the celebration go through.

The song "School Years Wonderful", graduates enter the school, where their parents who are built by the "corridor" meet from the threshold to the holiday destination and applauding the guys.

And in the hall of the celebration, the last time they refuel the teachers. Invite the guys festive tablesand then pass to the microphones or at the center of the hall and execute ... Chastushki about students produced from school today, or give honorable sheets to those who in their lessons was "the most-most" - "smart", "mobile", "Sophisticated", "speaking", "unpredictable" or give gifts to classes: "Book of feedback and wishes", symbolic items that will be useful to them in adulthood, maybe perform "crying parting with graduates", taking glasses with a gas industry, teachers - on the manner of the ritual crying - each line executes:

Nursing our heart will not forget you ...

The heart is now to wander about you ...

There will be no more such students here ...

And tears pour, lack words ...

We will now find a new meeting ...

Worried about you and worry ...

We will cry all we will be about you every day ...

But soon lessons ... Drinks drink!

Teachers bypass all disciples behind the tables, congratulate the guys, welcome their good words.

The holiday program can be included - especially in its first part - awarding diplomas, gifts of teachers, parents and students. Maybe in the first toast, the graduates guys say the words oath, oaths, although choir, at least one, putting a hand on the school charter or school journals, to the loyalty to the traditions of the school, promising to honor them, and in adulthood and never forget the teachers And school days. And maybe all graduates, putting a hand where the heart beats, they say the words of a solemn promise: "I, graduate school number ..., I swear (or solemnly I promise) to continue education, be honest and fair, not to stain the title of graduate 2000 year. If I break this oath (or solemn promise), then let:

My favorite jeans will be broken,

Some batteries in my player,

Laces are confused in my sneakers,

Dismiss the wheels at my roller,

Swells "Pepsi" on my favorite suit,

My favorite television series will fall suddenly

I never lucky in the lotteries!

Let your holiday, there are time and place for congratulations to cool leaders by the guys (it may be an improvised compliments contest to the teacher, and a pre-prepared performance, and a creative gift of guys). Let there be time and place to congratulate the teachers and veterans who have worked at the school anniversary number of years.

Available as a gift can calendars with a photo of a teacher, icons, medals, handles with symbols of the year or class. And maybe parents, congratulating graduates, will give them medallands-overalls. It is not necessarily that they are all the same.

Preparing holiday, ask parents to cook symbolic medallions with your children. And for each table at a certain point, let their parents put them on graduates, and maybe it will make a class curator on behalf of the parents.

A separate greeting - the school director. You can, after listening to his farewell to graduates, leave him a symbolic souvenir as a gift from the guys. Maybe it will be a garland from the postcards, which the guys will prepare, on each postcard, writing words of gratitude; Maybe - whip and gingerbread; Maybe - the book of orders made by the guys, and a bunch of keys from the cabinets; maybe - barometer; And maybe the compass so that the school and her manager hold the correct course, and not floated within.

And maybe in one of the episodes of the holiday you turn on this moment. A bundle of keys from the cabinets where the guys were engaged and received the most valuable, most necessary knowledge, With cards on them, on which the names of the cabinets are written, will be launched on the tables, and each former student will hold a key, will warm it with its warmth, remember something that I remember about the lessons, about the subject, and will give another.

In the middle of the entertainment and ritual moments of the evening, find a few minutes for gaming divination. Write down in the phonogram in the phonogram Cube's Cube and ask questions, the answer to which will be "ku-ku". Questions can be a different way as a fantasy will tell you.

And maybe you will write these questions on cards, and guys, alternately taking them, will be pronounced out loud:

1. Cuckoo, cuckoo, with what time I will do to the institute? ("ku-ku")

2. Cuckoo, cuckoo, how many exams I have to pass upon admission to the university? ("ku-ku" - 4 or 5 times)

3. Cuckoo, cuckoo, how old will I still learn? ("Ku-ku" - how much you want)

4. Cuckoo, cuckoo, how old would I get a family? ("Ku-ku", ...)

5. Cuckoo, cuckoo, how much do I have children? ("ku-ku", ...)

6. Cuckoo, cuckoo, how many rubles of scholarships will I get? ("ku")

7. Cuckoo, cuckoo, how old will we all meet? ("Ku-ku", ...)

Maybe you ask the guys to bring alarm closies for the evening, who walked them in the morning with their call, and arrange "Hymn a alarm clock that did not give opportunities to sleep." Get them for a certain time and in one of the moments about? Ozzhanize the toast for a voiced, restless life.

Perhaps you arrange fireworks in honor of graduates, and the guys will blow up flappers or firecrackers together, or balloons with confetti during the first dance.

Device Waltz, during which boys will be invited to teacher ladies, and teachers' cavaliers. Or it will be a gratitude dance, during which children will invite their parents.

Maybe you will light in a special bowl of the "Fire of Knowledge", and small lights - candles will be lit on the tables of graduates. Maybe at this moment the guys will take part in the contest of life motto - the slogans, poems, a lines of songs will sound.

Perhaps, for the guys to receive education, continuing to study, they need a "elixir of luck". Any sweet drink or, on the contrary, salty, dripped from a pipette to each graduate.

And in order not to relax and join tomorrow, let the guys take part in the ritual of "cleansing the head from evil thoughts." To do this, scratch your head with two hands, and then "reset" what "adhered" to the hands, to the ground. And so three times.

And I also need them and "balm zeal". Give the guys a piece of ordinary chalk, one on the whole class. Let them simply hold on the palm of the palm, and then the sticking chalk across the palm will turn around.

Who is thoroughly rubbing - the faster of all will be a scientist, an academician, a successful businessman, a diligent hostess, etc.

Of course, you can organize a farewell evening with a school and as a series of modern TV shows, whose graduates themselves will become participants. Hand awards on various nominations, alternating them with creative, concert numbers of graduates themselves, including screensavers of all familiar programs, starting a new episode of the holiday - "Man in Mask", "Anshan", "Song of the Year", "Blue Spark", "Abazhur", "Smak", "in the world of animals", "parliamentary hour", "time", "the mouth of the baby", " Good night, kids! "

On the last evening at school, in the evening of farewell, it would probably be important to know every class: what parameters a class, parallel is produced. And therefore, those who are ahead, let special commemorative prizes be awarded. And who will be, what class, you will learn after determining the physical parameters of the class - growth (general) class, weight, lung volume, biceps thickness, step width, nose length, waist circle, head volume, etc.

All these measurements with the help of a class manager can be carried out during the dance break, and the pause between the dancing and will be filled with awarding the leading class. Moreover, taking into account the complexity of the financial situation, prepare the prizes not to each participant "Obser", and a common, cool gift - fruits, a bottle of champagne or gas industry, sandwiches, just chanting "Hurray!" All those present who won one of the nominations. And then - the general summing up: "You can step on ...", "You can breathe on ...", etc.

Maybe the graduate guys will leave the school anonymous characteristic that will write right on the evening, each entering your quality that considers important and most bright: "We say goodbye to the school. I am a stubborn, I'm not good, I am fun, I Beautiful, etc. "

In one of the moments of the holiday, offer the guys to bypass the offices, picking up the keys and trying in the dark to find there the "Cabinet" - the mascot of that office - as if the house where they spent longer over the years of study. Let the cool leaders prepare them in advance. And maybe their those who also consider this class by their "house", or students of junior classes in labor lessons will make them with their hands from fur, cardboard, foam, plasticine, etc.

If it really will be students of junior classes, find the opportunity so that those whose talismans will be found, announced this at the beginning of a festive evening with the wishes of happiness and good luck to graduates.

When the guys get tired of "rituals", from turmoil and noise, in a separate office, browse the videos of the past years. Let him sound a beautiful, unprecedented melody, and before the guys again flashed the years of their studies at school, familiar face of classmates, native faces of teachers and parents.

Well, before goodbye ... Ask again the guys - graduates go to the school porch, where everything began ...

And let the music sounds not loud in the dawn silence, and the lead will say the words:

Here is behind the year of your studies ...

And the first takeoff, and the first fall ...

And this evening we wanted to

I remember you every moment ...

While you are together, class, even near ...

And ahead is a distant, difficult path.

But there is a good, gentle glance

Forgivers ask for something!

Let this evening with you again

Mom to the first meeting.

And the first friend and the first love -

Everything was remembered for the farewell this evening.

We wish you forces, inspiration,

Smaller failures and tears.

And in our difficult century - still patience!

And the execution of dreams of everyone and dreams!

So that you have found yourself something!

So that they will meet true love!

Forward, graduates, walk boldly,

You wish you happiness and good luck again!

And so that graduates are really lucky, you need:

1. Smash the glass for happiness - scatter.

2. Meet transport with a happy number - attach such a number to a three-wheeled bike and show this bike to graduates.

3. To see the fall of the star and make a desire until she fell - let the graduates make themselves, and now let the rocket player "stars".

Complete the evening of farewell with a school in this time. Prepare balloons, inflate them, hide the card with the wishes of good luck to the graduate of 2000 and find the opportunity at this point the end of the celebration to reset the balls from the roof of the school.

Lead says words:

Well, what guys, here is the dawn ...

Tired all the little.

We have no other traditions -

Tear on the track.

The graduates guys are located on the steps of the school porch, there is no loud music.

And in the mig farewell, but beautiful

Ready again surprise in addition.

Catch you your happy ball,

As a sign of accomplishments and good luck!

Air multicolored balls fall from the roof to the music, the guys catch them.

Engineer, pilots, poets,

Teachers, Tokari, Doctors ...

Fly out soon in the light,

Select to professions keys.

In a good way, guys, fly away!

Life is big ahead waiting for you!

Only school never forget

And those who prepared you in the flight!

Good luck, peace, good and happiness,

Dear graduates!.

Graduation Scenario "- Scenario for graduation evening. Scene of a prom Scenario of a prom" - a graduation script. Scenic of prom Scenario prom "- Scenario for graduation evening. Scene of a prom Scenario of the prom" - a graduation script.

Graduation Scene Scenario of Prom Even "- Scenario for graduation evening. Prom Scene

1. Solemn meeting. Invitation to the table.
2. introduction leading.
3. Rules of behavior at the festival.
4. Toast "Remember the alphabet"
5. Congratulations on class managers.
6. Congratulations from the first teacher.
7. Mail
8. Congratulations from parents.
9. Competition " Renal events of our class "
10. Break.
11. "Girls and boys"
12. Congratulatory telegrams, "scattered pairs"
13. Congratulations "With Ball"
14. Competition "Spoon", McDonalds
15. Dancing! "Bombarders", "Quiz", "Most Mobile"
16. Feast. Applause graduates
17. Congratulations on graduates to teachers.
18. Entry number.
19. Congratulations on graduates to parents.
20. Entry number.
21. "The Sweet Congratulation."
22. Pioneer greeting
23. School Chastushki.
24. Dancing, competitions Games "Rattle", "Dance with Spaghetti"
25. Around Move, "Fun Snake"
26. Contests Dance (by mood)
27. The presentation of diplomas.
28. Feast. Divination. Cake.
29. Exam for teachers
30. Final part. Outwarcoming to conduct

The phonomampisses of songs I. Dunaevsky "School Waltz", D. Kabalevsky "School Years", Songs, M. Flyharkovsky songs from the film "Raffle" ("When we leave from the School Court") and "Crane song" from the movie "Let's live to Monday" K. Molchanova. Cream "School, School", T. Izienko "School Time"
You can make a cheerful collage. Cut from newspapers and glamorous magazines Silhouettes of pop stars, sports, politicians, etc., and instead of their faces insert their face. Make a subscription, something like this: we will become such a fifteen years. It may be a wall newspaper, an album or collage in the frame, the main thing is to choose the appropriate size.
You can glue 6 sheets of Watman, attach on threads different lengths Ball pens and handkerchiefs. This paper rectangle is called a "crying wall". On her guys, teachers and parents will write wishes to graduates, the words of gratitude to the school and others.
Maybe you ask the guys to bring alarms for the evening, who walked them in the morning with their call, and arrange "Hymn a alarm clock that did not give opportunities to sleep." Get them at a certain time and in one of the moments proclaim the toast for a ringing, restless life.

Graduation Scenario - Graduation Ball (Grade 11)

1. Host: (graduates) Good evening Dear graduates! Today you are the most honored guests of our holiday. Today is your evening - your school graduation ball is the first and last in your life, and therefore the most memorable. Your moms and dads, teachers gathered here, too, for so many years have become you like a family. They gathered in order to say the latter parting words, wish a good way, and just be happy for you from the soul! (Guests). Let's greet our expensive graduates and invite them to go to the festive hall, by the honorable corridor! (graduates). Let in your adult life, you, like today, surround only good friendly faces, and people ready to always come to the rescue ...
(Graduates undergo an honorable corridor, visit them shiny confetti).
... And your progress will be the same shiny like this confetti !!! (if guests and graduates want to scream Hurray !!! and congratulations !!!)
And now I ask everyone to take our places and prepare for the opening of our prom!
(Graduates straighten makeup, all searched - 10 min. Music)
2. Host: Today, the graduation ball. You are still not schoolchildren, and graduates, perhaps future students. After the graduation of the road, everyone will disperse. Everyone in life begins its own way. But these eleven years that you spent together will forever remain in your memory. After all, eleven the best years Life we \u200b\u200bgive school. Someone then remembers them with joy, someone with longing, someone maybe with pain. But anyway, good and noble teachers, warm moments of school life, interesting lessons, as well as funny incidents, - all this will never come true. You have champagne on your tables, let's open it and the festive volley will declare the graduation ball dedicated to the end of school № ___ 11-A class open !!!
(5 min. Everyone is eating, the presenter is not silent)
3. Host: Night Ahead is long time and eat. And therefore everything is a pleasant appetite! Dear friends, and I want to introduce myself, my name is Alexander, and today I had the honor of being leading on your holiday, along with me a good mood creates my charming assistant Tatiana and Di Jay Valentin. In order for our evening to be the best need to follow the following rules:

At the table: Disconnect the mobile phone and hold on to the forks!
- Cupcakes are not rushing!
- Champagne does not get enough, and not wash!
- Girls: To be fun, show an example in dancing, and losing your nose in games!
- Boys: To behave like real gentlemen and invite girls to dances, moms and teachers and try to try anyone to feet!
- Teachers: Do not scold children, today to have fun and cool to break away!
- Parents: do not sleep, admire children, to unite with teachers!
- All: sing to hoarseness, dance before you fall, laugh to tears, have fun from the soul!
(the following words can be spent on circumstances)
And I also wanted to quote the baby from the well-known Tale "Kid and Carlson" - "Believe me, Carlson, not in pogs Happiness!"
Rather, not in the amount of drinking alcohol. Do not consider me a borough, but I again appeal to graduates who consider the main event of the graduation yesterday to take pictures with a stupid drunk facial expression with classmates. Then "decorate" long years Their photo albums, with a compulsory comment: "A-A-A, these are our ... oh, who got to free!", It is strange to dance under the closer look of the video operator or simply don in the corner, missing the most interesting thing.
Who needs it? That's right, no one. So try to remember every moment, every moment, because your graduation evening is a bridge between school carefree and adult life.
4. Host: In school, you received a lot of useful knowledge that will undoubtedly use you in life. You taught biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics. But I wonder if you remember what you have taken into first grade? I mean alphabet? How many letters in the alphabet? And what are the letters? (Everyone starts to list) Stop! Stop! Stop! Let's come up with some short congratulations to every short congratulation - a toast dedicated to today's holiday, for example: a - and let's congratulate everyone with the release! (etc. Congratulations to the alphabet, everyone can join) Yes, it turned out great - and the alphabet was repeated and so many congratulations received! Let's raise glasses for all these great greetings!
5. Host: Now I would like to provide the Word to people who were with you all these years, they behaved in life. People who apart with their parents were happy and saddown with you, experienced your progress and failures. Until late Night, they were sitting behind your notebooks, worried about the estimated certain assessment due to someone. Sometimes they scolded, sometimes praised, in general, lived in your life - lived by you. I want to provide a word for congratulations to the class teacher ____________________________

6. Host: Everyone in life is the only time.
It happens your first, your memorable class.
And the first textbook, and the first lesson.
And the first grinding school bell.
Who has opened the door to the country of knowledge, discoveries
. Your first teacher!
The word is provided to first teachers.

7. Host: Yes, by the way, dear graduates, I have a question for you. Have you ever written letters? I do not mean correspondence on the Internet and SMS? Not? Then today you are provided with a unique opportunity to try! Now you have my charming assistant to distribute special paper tokens with a number and a pin, which it can be added to the chest. A number on the concerned is written on which each of you can write a letter to your addressee, remaining not recognized. You can thank the adorable teacher for the excellent teaching of the subject or explain in love with a classmate, without fear of getting a refusal.
And we will perform the roles of postmen today. So, write letters and give them to us, and we will set your letters to those who are intended. (A charming assistant to music is distributed to all those present to the tokens)
8. Host: Wherever we, wherever we threw us our life, in the days of joy and adversity, it always warms the warmth of parent hearts. Dear parents, look at your children! This is one of the most solemn days in their life and in your too! For the joy of your children is and your joy, their happiness is your happiness, their well-being is your well-being. Thanks for the sleepless nights and the quiet parents' tears, for your love and tenderness, for your demanding and rigor, for happiness glow your eyes when you see your children! For you dear parents! You are given a word for congratulations.
9. Host: Dear graduates, we are doing one big thing today - you have fun, and I would like to get acquainted with you closer. I will approach you in turn, and you will be presented, and tell me about a significant, important event that happened in your class or school. Not necessarily this year, not necessarily a significant and important for all. Just remember what was interesting for these 11 years. (If graduates will be lost, ask for help from the class teacher)
10. Host: We declare a small break. Beautiful ladies can break up the spouts, adjust the makeup, and the dad comes out about the cars.
11. Host: Yes, with many we break up, leaving school today. For example, never anywhere will not be called "boys and girls". These school appeals will forever leave your life. But let's finally play with you in such a game that is called - "boys or girls, girls or boys." Remember childhood is also sometimes useful. I will explain now, the rules of the game.
It is necessary to complete the phrase correctly. Where you need, I must say the word "girls, girls", and where you need - "boys, boys." Only this game is with a trick, listen carefully.
And one more condition. Boys must only speak the word "boys."
And girls should say the word "girls". You can start, everyone prepared to listen carefully?
(A feast competition "Girls and boys" at the end of the competition, if it turns out, it is necessary to identify the most active boy and the most active girl.)
Well, well done, it seemed to me, the most active boy was _________, and the most active girl ________! Well remember! I have the guys to you one small, but very responsible order (by the voice of Tov. Sachov), but then, then, because ... (the most active will capture teams in contests)
12. Host: While we played and having fun, the first letter came to our mail! And it is addressed, of course, our graduates, unfortunately, the adjectives were not printed on the form. Dear friends let's remember that such high-quality adjectives and fill these gaps themselves, and my assistant will write them down. (The telegram is filled in, master reads the resulting text)
What can I say with the adjectives you coped perfectly. And what about the names of your own? Let's remember in comic shape, what is it. I will ask any tricky questions, and dear graduates will answer. Competition is called "scattered pairs". There are many well-known phrases and titles where some given name. For example, the "Children of the Captain Grant" or "Tpyyansky horse". Now in this sample you will try to remember the school material and connect the scattered pairs of words. I will tell you one word, and you answer, what kind of name it belongs to him. (Competition "Scattered Couples")
Everything! Convinced you already know enough enough! But this is not all so that you continue your education, entered the university, you need a "elixir of luck". I had a small bubble on my occasion, but since I have little it, and I will have to share it. Any sweet drink or, on the contrary, salty, dripped from a pipette to each graduate.

13. Host: Very soon, all graduates will have to part, and who knows if we will see again. As it comes in one song - the friendship is sturdy will not break, will not open. But we will start it just in case. Let's spend something like a labor lesson. Where are my activists? You will now strengthen the friendship of school friends. This is the small, but very responsible order (voice of Tov. Sachov). Your task is to skip a spoon under your clothes (under trousers and shirt or under the dress) and transfer the second participant. The second participant misses the spoon under his clothes and transmits the third player, etc. The team is defeated, in which more participants "will overtake" to the rope.
(Competition "Spoon", "McDonalds")
14. Dancing. Graduates are invited to the dance of teachers, parents, their classmates. Then they can play the "bombers". If only graduates are dancing, and teachers and parents will remain behind the tables, then the competition can be held for them. "Quiz". Graduates can participate in this competition.
Host: Many adults believe that children have non-standard thinking. Of course, you are not children. Now we will hold a competition for erudition.
Guess what famous fairy tales are we talking about:
(You can also give a "elixir of luck" too)
At any time of the evening (in a situation), you can ask graduates to be sent to a mobile phone to a class manager (or any other teacher) SMS with your name. Then, without leaving the hall - the class teacher calls him and we will know the winner!
15. Host: Today is an unusual night, - she and fun, and a little sad ... Dear parents and teachers, today, your children graduated from school, became adults. Have you seen their faces? They are joyful, because the school is finally over, and a little frightened, because, ahead, they are waiting for an unknown big life, and the unknown is always a little frightened. But they always have you, parents, reliable protection and support. They will always hope for your support. So support them and now with your applause! Applause for the most beautiful, the most intelligent, most talented, most expensive children!
(These words can sound like a toast - in terms of the situation)
16. Host: Dear friends, ended the big era in your life - behind 11 school years. Tomorrow you break through the light, someone will continue to study at the university, someone in college, someone will go to work, and your teachers will go to school again to raise, love and teach their students again. How many they learned how many still have to learn. But I am sure that the teacher remembers every student. Do not believe? Let's ask them for themselves.
1. Tell me, was there any feature in this class, a raisin, which would be different from others?
2. Do you remember your feelings, thoughts, when first went to this class first?
3. You immediately found a approach to them, or sometimes it was difficult?
4. Can you spend the role of oracle and predict the fate of at least some of them?
Graduates, we had a lot of teachers of talented and wise: thank them by name (young people say - calls names, patronymic, surnames teachers-subjects - for them comic congratulations, if any).
17. Host: (teachers) Dear teachers, guys have prepared one small surprise for you, let's see (listen)
18. Host: And now, it will be about people who, over the past 11 years, received the second secondary education, although, many have higher education. These people 11 years ago re-learned to write sticks and dashs, then they shut down the multiplication table, moved from class to class along with their children. Of course, we are talking about parents. How many things fell to their share for these 11 years! Dear graduates, you can not even imagine - how difficult it is to be a parent. Judge for yourself:
1. Is it easy to persuade the child to make lessons? Especially oral?
2. Does the baby be easily lifted in the morning from bed?
3. Is it easy to explain to the teacher that his baby is the most soft and fluffy, and only at school he is somehow a hooligan?
Yes, ... For each parent - the most wonderful graduate is its own child, even if this "baby" is higher on his head. Graduates, tell me the words of gratitude to your parents (young people say)
19. Host: (parents) Dear our moms and dads, for you, too, the guys have prepared a small surprise, let's see (let me listen).
20. Host: So, you know when congratulations sounded for teachers and for parents, it seemed to me that _________ and _________ said not wanted to say something, in my opinion, they wanted to say more? So it did not seem so? (_____ and _____ go to the middle of the hall, for the "Sweet Congratulations")
21. Host: Well, dear graduates a holiday inexorably continues, and we came to us the smallest guys who would like to congratulate you. (Pioneer Greeting)
22. Host: We think you had fun - because today is a holiday! A holiday is a day when flowers and smiles are blooming on the faces when music, fun, jokes! And we joke on yourself and your school life: Listen to the revelation of the graduate. (School Chastushki) This number may sound before, and may not sound at all.
23. Dancing (in the situation "Bombarders", "Rattle", "Dance with Spaghetti")
24. Host: Now let's remember what we were taught in geography lessons? (Circle) biology? (Fun snake)
25. Host: Well, youth, let's play or still dance? Depending on the answer, play or dance.
26. Host: Today we will become an eyewitnesses of an amazing event. Today new stars will be lit in the sky of our school. We all do not wait to find out the names of the lucky ones. So, the results of independent voting selected winners in the nomination:

Every nominee give a diploma with poems, I ask - what he feels, and in addition on the issue ....

1. Would you ever squeeze the school journal?
2. Where does childhood go?
3. Which teachers are the most memorable voice?
4. Have you often ran off (a) with lessons?
5. Who did you love to write off?
6. Who is the youngest in your age in your class?
7. What "5" for you was the most joyful?
9. Your most favorite moment in the lesson?
10. Your most favorite place in school?
27. Host: (graduates) Each of you can take on a piece of cake, but this cake is not simple, but magical. Today, the stars themselves will predict the fate of you, and we all find out who among the graduates who will be in adulthood.
Standards with predictions are made in the form of stars glued to toothpicks. Toothpicks are stuck in the cake. A graduate reads a note aloud. Instead of a cake, any other dish can be used.
28. Host: Youth, admit honestly, tormented you teachers? Ask lessons in May? A couple somehow shouted and did not give to reckon? Required knowledge from you like professors? In my opinion it is time to check their knowledge, let them arrange the exam? Dear teachers, you are waiting for prepared exam questions. The first question must be answered, the second task is practical. (We call teachers one by one, the "exam for teachers" competition)

29. Host: Oath.
Although we leave today, but the friendship is still kept. Want!
And remember the school years, we swear to remember. ALWAYS!
People who could know us to give me to swear. DO NOT FORGET!
Thank you our favorite teachers! We are proud to have been with you all these years!
For teachers!

Oda dining room
- It is proved and calculated that in this school room you, expensive graduates spent 29160 minutes or 486 hours, if you came there only once a day, and if more often, then more. Where to? DINING ROOM

collective from grade 11 2010
We, the following grade 11 students, declare a protest about the intention of the lyceum administration to pose from the walls of the native school, thereby finally deprived us of childhood.
We demand, in the order of the experiment, to organize the 12th grade in the lyceum, enroll us into it and provide a traditionally warm atmosphere, creative attitude and great love.
We hope to satisfy our complaint. We are gladly asked, begging, we believe, we love, kiss ...
Always yours, students grade 11.

Graduation script

Music on the motive "Leading"
Lead 1:
Again June on white light.
On a school joyful planet
Nature revives again
Rings, blooms-fragrant.

Lead 2:
And this is a miracle in our hall,
What kind of people we have gathered here!
Here is a sea of \u200b\u200bsmart, clean eyes,
Here youth charms us.

Lead 3:
Here the souls are full of expect,
Love is inadvertent recognized.
Reigns solemnly an excitement,
The usual entry sounds.
For all who have been waiting for a moment,
Yes hit the ball, farewell ball!

Lead 2:
Oh, how beautiful our hall is decorated,
Many guests today.
We are opening the graduation ball now
And invite friends.
Lead 1:
We want to invite the culprits of today's celebration to this room -
our graduates. Graduates! We are waiting for you!
Music on the motive "Give graduates"

Lead 3:
Farewell holiday
Cheerful and sad,
It is difficult to restrain the excitement.
Moms and dads, and teachers,

Lead 1:
Unknown world, not school, wonderful
You would soon see.
Just so sad to say goodbye
We will be bored with all my heart.

Students 4 Class

Hey, look, kids!
Small did not see people.
What wise eyes
These student!
What good children!
Well, where can you still meet?
All guys - handsome,
Girls - Madonna.
And there is no boltunov among them, empty.
In short, there is no more expensive in the world.
What good adult children!
We envy you sometimes,
What did you finish learn
But we are a little sorry for you,
This is not to repeat!
But cry in this bright hour,
No need, we will not let you.
For you, for you and only for you
Now we will fulfill the song.

Song on the motive "Birthday":

Holiday here - in this room
And they called us here
To congratulate we could now.
Those who have studied so much
And success achieved
Well, and therefore all of you.

On this holiday, you today
Congratulations to the whole soul.
After all, it happens only at school
High school graduation.

You worked cool
And no longer in vain
He studied 11 years.
And for this, guys,
You will be given attests
So that you go through life without trouble.

Lead 2:
What are you pretty today -
With a smile, the mood is excellent!
And this evening, important and solemn,
Let the words of greetings sound in your honor!

Lead 3:
All emotions are clear, excitement,
You have become adults, take greetings!
Let life, from the impressions consisting,
Will give you the future to you and the present

Lead 1:
You grew in sight of us
And in front of everyone you intelligently!
Suddenly somehow bloomed immediately
And imperceptibly matured!
Lead 2:
Yesterday - disciples,
That steel best friends!
And now - graduates,
We admire, proud of you!

Lead 3:

Lead 1:

Let this holiday be marvelous school evening
Will give you a future meeting.

Lead 2.
Friends, the minute I come,
I will present Characters Bala
Without preface, this hour.
Let me introduce you!

Lead 3.
Here is the main character.
Did you know guys?
About him with love they say!
Director! This is holy in school.

Lead 1.
The word is provided by the director of the School of Moskaleva Svetlana Viktorovna.

Speech director

The director sings on the motive "We wish you happiness"

In the world that we are a school called
I want to tell you only about
What to celebrate today
We will be graduation.
Certificate I need to give you
And calmly in life to spend you.
Wish good luck to everyone
Light and warmth.
I wish you happiness!
And successfully meet dawn.
Let me remember
This ball for many years!
I wish you happiness!
Let it grow every hour.
Let everything be fulfilled!
You are graduates now!

Lead 2.
Today you have a little disturbing,
Today joyfully a little bit
And you understand, of course, you can -
After all, you are new way!

Lead 3.
He is waiting for, calling, grieved a little,
Manyat great things
But let him remember the track,
What was led to school every day!
Lead 1.
How long did you wait for this moment,
Chas the days and months, about the future dreaming
And only now, perhaps, you understand
That school is passed. You're just a graduate!

You are damping the distance of the gray seas
And mountain ranges.
Let in life brighter and complete
Dreams come true!

Lead 3.
All these days sometime
Remember friends.
In a big way to a wide way
Opened school to you!

Russian dance

Success to you, graduate,
Happy fate and good luck!
It will help to solve all the tasks!

Lead 2.
Sea will be worse!
Let him please life beauty
And it will be found!

Lead 1.
Lead 3.
Let the youth be happy
Saturated, bright, inquisitive!
Bloomed childhood paints
What next to you, next door!

Lead 1.
Let the youth be pleasant -
Cheerful, active, entertaining!
In the streets of the day and in bad weather
Filled with music of happiness!

Lead 2.
Let in adult life labyrinths
You will be simple and easy!
Serve the case and depiction
Nearby and far away!

Lead 3.
The world is incredibly interesting
And intriguing is great!
Let be joyful from the songs,
Let it be crazy mainland!

Song on the motive "Grandma's side with a grandfather"

Holiday, holiday, celebrate now
Holiday, holiday, graduation with us.
We will sing songs and dance
To have what you remember.
Pope and Moms, all grandmothers
On graduation came to you
Clap together everything in the lands
And they speak from the soul.
And teachers are all too here
To congratulate all of you
And the mention of everyone has
You hear them more than once.

You are today the main for us
We remember your cheerful class.
Let today "Bravo" you scream
Forty boys and twenty five girls.

Chorus the same

Holiday, holiday, celebrate with you
In our school, since childhood everyone is native.
Let there be tears today not to keep
Tomorrow we will be cheerful again.

Chorus the same

Lead 2.
Ended school years
Today will be awarded certificates.
Let this event be
Rapid up and start!
Let the new stage be completed
Beautiful, brilliant victory!
Let them always come in life
Your experience and our advice!

Lead 3.
Dream came true - you are free
Almost ... in the hands of only the certificate is not,
Dressed in the last fashion
And soon you will see the light!

Lead 1:
Well, it's time to give our graduates a document about
education - Certificate. To give certificates to the scene are invited
school Director Svetlana Viktorovna, Cool leader 11
harmin Nelli Viktorovna class.

Music on the motive "Presentation of certificates"

Music for the release of graduates for receipt of the certificate

Lead 3.
Certificate - He is very by the way:
Ahead is a lot of life.
But on this, like on the start,
For a long time you do not lie.
After all, great is big fit.
And in your hands the keys.
We wish you soon
And diploma to get.

Lead 1.
Like matured chicks
Ready you leave the father's house.
Moving from the status of "Yunsha"
You are all mature running.
Lead 2.
Today is the school behind.
Moment and sad, and pleasant.
But everything is in front.
Yes, and the road is not reverse.
Lead 3.
Store only good in your heart.
He was taught at school.
From knowledge will let the light
You got them completely here.
Lead 1.
We have been successful in universities.
Let dreams be fulfilled.
And most importantly, in life to
You carried the fire you kindness.
Song on the motive "Visiting a fairy tale"

At school we have a fun holiday today
And the guests have already gathered a whole hall.
Tomorrow you say goodbye to the middle school
Do not forget those who wanted success.
Come to visit us often with the whole class
We will wait for you, do not close the doors.
Further from school already with every hour
Remember you always teach te-lei.

Come visit us as soon as possible.
Come to visit us.
We talk about everything to you
Because we love guests.
Oh, how quietly and dark!
Oh, like wonderful and sly!
Oh, how scary and funny!
But at the end everything will be fine!

There will be a lot of magical events in life.
Cups and Padena must pass.
But you always love to work in life
On the top of the glory should you climb.
And in the end, the whole world on Divo
After adventures, battles and fights
Will be every brave and smart, beautiful
And it's not even terrible to you, even the evil most enemy.

Lead 2.
Years flew unnoticed -
Goodbye, school forever!
Know, a minute of parting this
You can never forget!
Lead 3.
Put your dream try
And in the biggest life of bolds go!
In friendship, believe in yourself no doubt -
Waiting for success and happiness ahead!
Lead 1.
Passed school years
Time passed unnoticed.
There were loved topics
And fascinated objects.
Let present
Echoes the past
Everything about what only dreamed
It will be really possible!

Lead 2.

The word for congratulations is provided to the class teacher.
Earmin Nelli Viktorovna.

CL speech. Leader
Welcome themselves among the crowd of confused,
You swear for the confusion of all
Believe yourself in the universe
And the faulty let go of their sin.
Let an hour did not break through, wait, not tired,
Let liars lie, do not condescend to them;
Clever to forgive and do not seem to be good
Generous and wise others.
Tell you dream without becoming a dream dream,
And think, thoughts not deification,
Equally meet the success and failure,
Not forgetting that their voice is false.
Stay good when your word
Calculate plow to catch fools,
When the whole life is destroyed and again
You must recreate everything from the basics.
Quality to put in joyful hope
On the card all that accumulated with difficulty
All to lose, and begins to become, as before
And never regret what.
Cleament to force a heart, nerves, body
You serve when in your breast
It has long been empty, everything burned out,
And only the will says: -Yid! ‖
Stay simple, chatting with kings,
Stay honest, speaking with a crowd,
Be straight and hard with enemies and friends,
Let everyone at your time be considered with you.
Fill the meaning every moment,
Hours and days inexorable jogging
Then the whole world you will accept the possession,
Then, my graduate, you will be a man!

Lead 2.
I came to my school
You many years ago,
You walked, grown -
The result is noticeable!
Lead 3.
How time rushes up
Already eleventh grade
And you could pass it
Holding all of us!
Lead 1.
For the year exams passed -
Five in diaries
And everyone you could prove,
What is all in your hands!
Song on the motive "Everything that was in school"
Lead 2.
Proud and we are happy for everyone
We want to wish you
What is your success today
I was able to become a norm of life!
Lead 3.
Hurry to know you get
Find, open yourself
To "excellent" life live
You managed you, friends!
Lead 1.
And we want to promise
What will be how now
For you to hurt and help
After all, we love you so much!
Lead 2.
Graduate today at school holiday
And it sounds parting speeches.
The future is waiting and intriguing
Promises feelings, the joy of the meeting.
Let independence give
Novelty, perspective opportunity!
Let a great luck in life be
Labor in a good friendly team!

Song on the motive "Last Call"
Lead 1.
All persons are directed at you
And millions of eyes!
Today all the flowers planet
Will dissolve for you!
We wish everyone happy life
And the light way!
Let your friendship helps
Bresh forward to go!

Lead 3.
Today we have a sad day,
You waltz twist for the last time.
And you are sad about
What you leave your school house.

Lead 2:
Go to life in the moment the matured guys
Examinations replacing the ninth shaft,
Their maturity confirm certificates
And adults are not school outfits,
And the right to the last school ball.
Lead 3.
And only quiet, gentle voice mom,
Bright asterisk in the darkness:
"To you, son, pass the exam, all your life,
Not easy, endless exam,
On the right of man's life on Earth! "

Lead 1.

Farewell holiday
Cheerful and sad,
It is difficult to restrain the excitement.
Moms and dads, and teachers,
You came to life to accomplish.

Lead 2.
The word is provided to the director - handing thank you letters

Lead 1.
We invite to the stage to congratulate our graduates' parents.

Parents come to the music of the "output of parents"

Graduates of distant years
You send your flame hello!

And the century, and the system has long changed,
But the climate in school has been preserved -
Deep to knowledge approach
Progress and bold look forward!

Take as a relay,
Habit of us this -
Always be the first to all
And in the mountain continue the rise!

One frontier successfully brought
You got a certificate.

We, graduate parents want to give a farewell school.

Receipt of parents
We, below the signatory parents of the current graduates of the school, issue
sex School is that we really get our own
children surrendered to school in 2002, temporary storage, upbringing and
training. There are no complaints about school, there is only endless and sincere
thanks. There is, though a penalty: We handed over small-format children,
and we get back large. They know whether it is much more difficult
feed, shoe, dress up, and further train ... Although looking at their smart
persons, we hope that knowledge gained in school, our children will soon give
for the benefit of the public, and the society from these goods, you see, and we
it will allocate.

For the SIM, thank and subscribe: Moms, Pope, Uncle, Aunt, grandfathers,
grandmothers graduates of 2013.

Parents song on the motive "Five minutes"
You received a certificate today!
Certificate After all, the parent is every happy!
Whether you are in the light, there is no happiness without a certificate!
Without him there is no future!

Certificate, certificate! The battle battle will soon be soon!
Certificate, certificate! You are the last evening at school!
Certificate, certificate! Disassemble if strictly
After all, this certificate can do a lot!
Certificate, certificate! To the Institute one road,
Right from the school threshold !!!

You stubbornly worked here so many years.
Who studied, well, and who, of course, no!
You studied science, you got the words,
You have opened in the future door !!!
A new day is getting hard! Wish you want happiness!
Ahead of happiness is waiting, let him not be there bad weather!
One hundred ways, one hundred roads - everyone is open in front of you!
As you go, you decide it yourself!
From the soul you good luck this evening we wish
Congratulations with the certificate!

Teachers Low to all bowl of earth!
We will go home now.
Therefore, we sang it that in this school flew
Our best with children of the year !!!

Graduation coming!
Happiness, we wish you joy!
So that today seemed to you by paradise!
Let the circle of all seek and bloom from the happiness of the face!
Everyone should on graduation a lot to sing and have fun!
Relax until! After all, you still have
A lot to achieve a lot!

Lead 1.
The word is provided to the parent committee of grade 11.
Parent Committee speech
Lead 2.
We wish you forces, inspiration,
Smaller failures and tears.
And in our difficult century - still patience!
And the execution of dreams of everyone and dreams!
Lead 3.
So that you have found yourself something!
So that the real love meets!
Forward, graduates, walk boldly,
You wish you happiness and good luck again!

Dance (grade 10)

Lead 1.
Here is your holiday, graduate.
Let dreams come true!
For 11 years used
Know that everything changes.
Lead 2.
Congratulations and let
All plans will be executed.
All hopes are performed!
Life with hands is built.
Lead 3.
Graduates, you all learned!
It's time to let you go.
11 years old you wrote!
How can we not respect you?
Lead 1.
We wish you again to learn
Life lessons to receive
We wish, let them dream again,
What you can fly.
Lead 2.
Let him already have a lot
But still more ahead.
And so that it became more beautiful
We wish to find ourselves.

Song on the motive "Moscow. Call Bells »
Through long school year
The last call rang.
The ringing will remain in you forever
Do not come to the lesson now.
Graduate, you are a hero today!
And light, and free your thought
Tomorrow we break up with you
But continue school life.

Hooray! Already you graduate!
Hooray! Remember every moment!
And at least say goodbye to you

You look at the school floors
Here you become both adulthood, and smart
New school for twenty already
You will not break up with her.
That adult life comes
And it's time for childhood.
School heart gives you
Save it, though until the morning.

We want to wish today
So that you remember every moment.
Barely step forward
You wish a graduate!
Hooray! Already you graduate!
Hooray! Remember every moment!
And at least say goodbye to you
Always for school you will be yours.

Lead 3.
Hooray! Lessons ended
And with them school alarms
We left forever.
Saw a graduate soul!
And the heart in the tact fun beats,
From happiness happily laughing!
Wonderful youth time!
Hooray, graduates! Hooray!

Lead 2.
Graduate, I wish you
To be in life in the subject!
Without the slightest straighten
All solve problems!
Be fun and happy
Cool to tear away!
Live easily and effort
Cool stay!

Lead 3.
You call you now graduates,
How sorry today to part with you!
You grew up here there is nothing to add
Only with the end of the school everyone congratulate!
And you want to wish so much:
Let the light be the way, the way is light!
Let this holiday be a marvelous school evening -
Give the warmth and joy of the meeting!

Song on the motive "Well, what to say?"

Annually change the exam
But as long as white light
There is a teacher who is not busy
He will help give a right answer.
In the expectation of the wonders of the impossible
Who is calling, and who sends MMS
I will help you to answer questions
Even if you are a full salary.

The exams passed everything.
We wish you to do
Where wished.
Well, what to say? Well, what to say?
Spoiled us nerves
But we want to wish you
Always, in all of being the first.

Certificate you were awarded today
Tomorrow it's time for us.
Plague in school we taught you
Do not forget, although b until the morning.
Split the world you can
Well, maybe stay here.
Let the guardian angel helps you
After all, everyone has its choice.

Well, what to say? Well, what to say?
Now the teacher can.
When you did not come to school
Everyone will help you.
Now we are a fast song
In the solemnity of the moment
We want to hear from you
All thunder applause.

Lead 2.
And now, dear graduates, take greetings directly from Moscow.
So direct ether.
Video "Direct Ether"
Lead 2.
It's time to say goodbye to school desk,
Teachers say: Thank you - from the soul.
Even happily, but still hurt a little,
Feel that you are graduates.
Let a lot of tests waiting for you ahead, -
Fate peak and strive only to swell,
To surrender successfully the most important examination,
By complex subject: our life!

Lead 3.
Graduates coming hope
Youth winged alarms is full,
We wish to be children in the soul, as before
But in life to express yourself in full!
We congratulate you from school graduation,
We wish you to get a star from the sky
Obtained to use the knowledge
Teachers and loved ones to remember!

Lead 1.
Graduates! Here comes your hour!
Today you become an adult!
You leave the walls of the school now,
And look forward to the world of bolder!

Lead 2.
Oh youth, as beautiful as gentle
Your time, when everything is so available ...
But you care for adults is still needed
She keep you, like an angel, will be relentless!

Lead 3.
Today you will open the door,
That the life of an adult proof is called,
And here is not so smooth and now
The path in it is not smooth stitch!
Forward look, not spoy eyes,
Let your knowledge of the support be for you.

Lead 1.
Forgive word is provided to our graduates.
Music under which graduates come to the scene

Graduates read
Today we are on stage, like stars,
Everyone looks into our eyes, not hiding tears.
Today we are already a little adults,
And now let's start seriously.

Of course, the books are old throw,
Of course we take a walk from the soul.
But you ask you today:
Do not rush to forget us very quickly.
We are waiting for further studies and work,
Useful countries and people to be
And we still have a little hunt,
To stay by children, to be children.
And let the success as before
Waiting for you, teachers.
After all, all hopes have
Eyes are burning.
Let we leave you
Separation an hour came,
We repeat again -
Everything will be fine.

Our cute, our glorious,
Dear teachers!
You learned us not in vain.
We will warm me memories
With you lived with you;
Training and education
In our life, they will leave the mark!

11 classes were left behind
And we congratulate each other together.
And the world is beautiful, you are looking at him,
And luck is waiting for us, we know for sure.

The path in front of us while White-Belo,
And we have to scream this page
But so far we are so desperately lucky,
And we believe that we are under the power of all the secrets.

In a big way, you opened our doors,
You not only taught the alphabet.
Teacher! We love you, we believe you!
We received kindness lessons!

№ 10
Our way in life just started,
Thank you - he started as needed.
We wish you health and good luck,
Pupils - good and obedient!

We wish you health for a thousand years,
Light classes, salaries more and on time!
You are patient in everything, but smaller so that
We ask you from the soul - continue the lesson!

Well, that's the last call the last,
And the graduation ball melting sounds.
Let's with the average certificates
Take the hands, we succeed in front of separation.

Sing graduates on the motive "Closure circle"

This day we waited a long time,
We have long dreamed about him
Finally, he has come for us!
The heart beats like a bird,
Steel wet eyelashes
After all, today our farewell ball!
In our school we are at home,
All before pain in it is familiar
From the entrance doors to the attic.
Tomorrow we will enter the world new,
But back to school again
On the school bell command.

Many years ago
System naive doshrolov
To school for the first time came
In your first class.
And teachers
We were taught from zero,
So that we mean MGLL
To see the light could!

And, without knowing his feelings,
We will bow to the belt,
Our dear teachers.
You are for us, like Pashny Niva,
As a spring, like home bread,
Like native Russian earth!

We are wearing a ring from hand,
This friendly hello
Heat warm love.
This symbol of meetings,
We must save it,
How good luck amulet
For many, many years.

This day will dream of
He will not happen for us,
Childhood our school passed.
But we settled in the hearts
And forever kept
To school our tender warmth.

Speak song
Hello, school, do not forgive,
Let the light shines in the windows
And after many years.
We come to you
And your children take
Not accidentally and suddenly
So that the circle repeated!

Lead 1.
Success to you, graduate,
Happy fate and good luck!
Let Knowledge Magic Spring
It will help to solve all the tasks!
Let it be an affordable dream,
Sea will be worse!
Let him please life, beauty
And it will be found!

Lead 2.
You grew in sight of us
And in front of everyone you intelligently!
Suddenly somehow bloomed immediately
And imperceptibly matured!
Yesterday - disciples,
What have become best friends!
And now - graduates,
We admire, proud of you!

Lead 3.
Our cute, our glorious,
Dear graduates!
We will remember you, and this is the main thing;
And now I will not die from the longing -
We will warm me memories
With you lived with you;
Training and education
In your life will leave the mark!
The sky is clean to you, the sun is clear,
Optimism big stock ...
... you were so cool!
With the end of school you ...

Dance (Pasha.)

Lead 2.
That ended everything
Behind the hard way
It is time to part ... so usually happens.
We will not return the year
Let each of you
His school, sometimes remembers his class!

Video "Our School"

Lead 3.
How hard to say
Today you are: "Goodbye."
I will not tell him, but I will say: "Goodbye!"
You go to life
Thank you for everything
And bow from us for a farewell.

Lead 1.

We thank everyone for work and know!
For kindness, care and attention!
We wish you health, long years!
There is better at the entire school planet!

Music on the motive "Final"