Repairs Design Furniture

Potato Day script for children on the street. Scenario of the autumn holiday "Holiday of baked potatoes". Parable about potatoes and insult

Holiday potato

Teacher: All times of the year generous: Spring adorns the whole greens, summer Sunny does not regret, and autumn, probably the richest. She generously treats us ripe fruits. After the end of autumn works, people arrange a harvest festival. Today we have such a holiday. And he is dedicated to the main vegetable on our table.

This time will go a story

About the one who has six eyes

And sometimes seven, and five.

About those whose strange eyes grew day by day,

About the one who was familiar with me

But I did not see me.

Think a little

What is it? (potato)

Reader 1.

In some kingdom
In some state
Not on Mars and not on the moon -
There lived potatoes in the ground.

Reader 2.
Property Tsarskoe had:
Feed the people managed.
In short, our speech about
How did the potatoes come to the house!

Reader 3.
About all properties, about leaving,
About work in the garden.
About crafts, delicious food
Now in the books we are looking for ....
Much should learn
And now it's time to start ...

All: "Potato Holiday."


So, we go to the potato kingdom. Meets us myself Mrs. Potato with Freillies ..

(Music includes potatoes with a retinue)

Potato: Hello, guys and respected adults. I am glad to welcome you at the festival, which is held in my honor. Perhaps not to find on earth such a place where potatoes did not eat.

Lead 1: We are in the people they say: "Potatoes - a scoring bread", "Potato - Kormilitsa". Potatoes in Russia - "Second Bread." It's true?

Potato: Sure. In one fairy tale, it affects: Once the poor one was late for work and said Barina: "I was late, because ate 20 dishes." - "What are 20 dishes?" - Barin became interested. The man began to list: "boiled potatoes, a baked potato, fried potatoes, potatoes uroyed, potatoes pushed ...". Potato-Kormilitsa was sometimes the only food peasant the poor.

Freillina 1: Even though to boil indecently

But we came to tell you:

Without potatoes on "excellent"

Neither eat nor drop

Even delicious cucumber

Only with potatoes are well done.

Freillina 2: Although the green onions is angry,

And the potato is the best friend,

From potatoes there and here

Need to make the product

And no wonder, because, potatoes

The second bread is called.

Freillina 1: In short, it will be about
How did the potatoes come to the house!
About all properties, about leaving,
About work in the garden.
About crafts, delicious food
Today we are the answer ....
Much should learn
And now it's time to start ...

Everything: "Potato Holiday."

Lead 1: This vegetable for us is so familiar that we completely forgot that, before you get to our table, she had to travel a lot.

Freillina 1.

500 years ago no one in Europe knew that there is such a plant - potatoes. Yes, and from where it was to know if to the homeland of potatoes, South America, none of the European seawares had yet poured.

Freillina 2.

But from far swimming returned to Spain, the ships of Christopher Columbus, a brave navigator returned. The most valuable burden, which they brought home, were seeds, tubers, grains of new, unknown Europe plants.

Freillina 3.

Dad". Thus called potatoes Indians from the Tribe of Kechua. In honor of the Pope organized a harvest festival. Women dressed up a large tuber, like dolls, sewed a skirts from multicolored pillars, men danced, putting a bag with tubers on her head.

Mrs. potato.

On the ship, along with the captured by Moracheds, the Indian dad sailed to a foreign land - potato ... My travels began here. At first I drove into the carriage. Velvet handbag with tubers were given as a jewel with rich venels. When I ceased to be rare, the carriage changed the peasant cart, and the velvet handbag - a canvas bag.

Freillina 1.

But in Europe did not immediately realize that I had the main thing - tubers. One English rich decided to treat guests to the overseas womb, landed in his garden. Instead of diging of tubers, the gardener gathered green balls from the bushes, which is hanging on the stems after the potatoes bloom. These bitter, the inedible fruits of potatoes on a silver dish were served by guests.

Freillina 2.

Someone from the guests, having tried the treat, choked, someone had a person twisted, someone ran out from behind the table ... After all, potatoes were not from that end.

Freillina 3.

Not everywhere accepted a novelty. In some places in Russia, potato risks began. Russian men believed rumors, as if I, Potato, - "Damn Apple", to plant her sin, you will cast the ground, you will stay without bread. According to the royal order of the rogue renovshchikov, and the most stubborn even refer to Siberia. But not cruel reprisals convinced the peasants, which is profitable to plant potatoes.

Mrs. potato.

Convinced the potato herself. Do you remember the fairy tale about repka? Why did you need a big grandfather-predicted repka? To feed both grandmother and granddaughter - family. Previously, in the student winters, when sowing rye died out, the turnip replaced the Russian peasant bread.

Rich and yields of Indian dad pushed back. Now it's not a repa, and I, potatoes, has become for you and for all other nations of Europe with second bread.


Sit at the table grandfather and grandmother , eating a porch porridge, yes praise.

Suddenly a knock on the door. The young soldier contributes a bag with potatoes and reads the decree:

Helegal : Everyone! All! All! Decree of the Emperor All Russia PetraI.! The sovereign commands, there is this product in the morning, afternoon and in the evening! Whoever disrupts this order, to exit the cautious, with the whole family!

Grandma : Oh, the Batyushki is holy, this is what is done.

Grandfather : Silent, grandmother. Eh. There is nothing to do, there is a need for this overseas thing.

Grandma : Yes, what are you old, mind lost? Throw this damn apple and not anger of God. So many years lived without it and still live.

Herald: Who does not fulfill the sovereign decree? (Grandma will whip and runs away) -Ah, well, eat!

Grandfather: - As for the times they come: brown peas brought, there are forced.

Tries to the tooth . - Fu, what nastyness

Grandma lies: Eat, grandfather, eat! I do not want to boot!

Grandfather: Let me help me ...

Potatoes gnaw together, yes sentence :

Grandfather: Whether it is our repka: yellow, beautiful, sweet ...

Grandma: And the cabbage is good! Why do we need this pea! ?? Listen, grandfather, and not to boil to us this product in the cast-iron?

Takes cast iron, picks up potatoes and puts on the stove.

Then makes potatoes hot, cleans the skin, and there ...

Grandfather: Give me, grandmother, picker, tasty - what. Well, ka, carrying cucumbers salty, we will have them with this potato! Ah - yes Emperor, ah - yes, well done, what tasty from Holland sent!

Lead 1: So it was potatoes with one of the most popular products on the globe. Do you remember the fairy tale about repka? Why did you need a big grandfather-predicted repka?(Answers)

Lead 2: To feed both grandmother and granddaughter - the whole family. Rich and yields of Indian dad pushed back. Now it is no longer a turnip, but potatoes, has become for us and for all other nations of Europe by second bread.

Lead 1: AND eating her with pleasure everywhere: on holidays, at home and of course, in the school canteen!


Write to us recently took place

General collected vegetables.

There were peppers and parsley,

Cucumber, salad and leek.

Chairman Mr. Potato

It was terribly satisfied and flattered

The fact that elected unanimously

He opened and led the collected he.

Thanking everyone for the trusse

He began the chairman of his report ...


Everyone knows about me everything in the world:

Rich and those who are not rich.

Anyone cooks me in my own way:

Cook who, who fries, who is baked,

But eating me everywhere and everywhere

I am for this glory and honor.

We gathered here to each

About myself told a little.


I bring much benefit to people

Many diseases I fly.

And as a means against fever

I am known to each doctor.

From me, soups are prepared,

Porridge cook and put in salad,

And always therefore in the markets

We, beans, we are grieving.


I went to myself for myself

People have universal love.

Without me, the hostess soup does not cook

And it does not prepare winegare.

None in any family will no longer

Without me, not dinner, no dinner.


I weigh fourteen kilo.

I hardly wait for the tribune

And I ask me not to give the words.


I know everything for you!

You should taste Luke -

Tears flow by the river.

I'm getting angry in bed!


Posses - I am a Kochan!

I am a kochan cabbage!

One hundred clothes and turban,

And inside is not empty.

Although cook, though salit -

Do you want.

I'm crunchy and fresh -

Dir a knife and eat!

A tomato.

Tomato are satisfied with tomato:

In tomatoes vitamin.

I will fulfill the room solo,

Because I'm alone!


I am an excellent cucumber,

Green, large, sweet.

I'm tired of finally

Lying on a black bed.


Even though to boil indecently

But I must tell you:

Without potatoes on "excellent"

Neither eat nor drop ...

Even delicious cucumber

Only with potatoes well done!

Although the green onions is angry,

And the potato is the best friend.

From potatoes there and here

Needed product

And no wonder the potatoes

The second bread is all name.

Try I am attentive!

I closes the collected.


We suggested something a little
And, it seems like, there is no strength,
But calling the potato on the field
Play, move slightly.


    Who started potatoes in Russia? (Peter 1)

    What is potato riot? (Peasants refused to grow potatoes)

    How to call in one word stems and potatoes leaves? (Top)

    About potatoes cooked or baked in the peel, they say that it is what? (in Mundire)

    Where was the first time a man cooked potatoes? (on fire)

    What part of potatoes do we use in food? (tuber)

    How to call in one word the removal of weeds and loosening of the earth (weeding)

    "Plant Potatoes."

    Dig holes (paper circle )

    PlanOn the circle to plant potatoes ).

    BuryTo cover the circle ).

    RegretLeave around the hole ).

    CollectThe first - removes the top, the second - potatoes, the third - removes the hole ).

Game 2 " Harvesting » All participants are distributed on the basket . You need to collect as much as possible scattered around potatoes.

There is still a house in the village,

Grandfather and Baba livein him.

Old people live, not tougher

And with the work they are friends.

Grandfather: Planted this year

All potato garden.

Woman : Watered, fertilized,

From pests saved.

The melody of the song "Nello Dolly" sounds from the repertoire of Louis Armstrong,
A colorado beetle comes to the scene, sings.

Bug: Hellow, Baby!
May Nam Is Freddie.
Striped and beautiful
I'm all here.
May House - Colorado.
Be a glad me
And proud of
What did you find the shelter.
At the top of the potato
I ride me crumb -
Do not see you, Bebi,
Chips and puree! Well.
Ay Like Tomates.
For me, the joy
I eat all the potatoes at the dawn. Well.

Bug: Good morning! Why are you gathered here? Ah, do you have a potato here? !! And me, the handsome of the Colorado beetle, did not call, forgot! It's not good for you!

Grandfather: Wait, Colorado Corporate! Maybe you and beautiful, but the famous pest and vegetable pests!

Woman: Do not give potatoes and tomatoes to grow normally!

Bug: How is this pest? First, I am the most beautiful! Secondly - I have the most fashionable jacket this season. Thirdly ... (sighs). Yes, you are right, I am the biggest fan of potatoes! And I'm not alone!

Grandfather and Baba Splash on the beetles, they run away.

Grandfather: In the summer we are waiting for Antoshka,

So that helped dig potatoes.

Woman: Here arrived delets,

Real Torvan:

Having fun and sings

And it does not go to work.

Song "Antoshka"

Antoshka: Yes, Antoshka is me,

Only my friends!

I have a tired look

Very head hurts.

Rubber, cough, rolling side,

Need a doctor, he helped me

Doctor: I'm just in time!

I know the remedy I am one thing

It has long been verified:

Shot a defector -

Treat the potatoes of their time!

Over potatoes rissed -

Immediately all the healthies became.

Let's get hurried!

We will inhale warm steam!

(Dr. Potatoes, children inhale nose 3-4 times)

Antoshka: And I still have a burn. Write me ointment and pills, please!

Doctor: We will try to do without pills! Now we will we like potatoes on a grater and put it to the burn(Rubs the potatoes and the cashem applies to the burn, bubbles) Juice derived from raw tubers is treated not only burns, but also ulceration of the stomach, skin diseases. Potatoes output excess water and salt from the body, therefore, people suffering from kidney and heart diseases are especially useful.

That's all! And everyone is healthy!

You can laugh!

And now, friends

We can compete!

Game 3. Children - to make scattered proverbs

    Fir yes birch - than not firewood, salt and potatoes - what is not food?

    Dig to dig, do not wave hands.

    Potato yes porridge - our food.

    Hungry and potato delicacy.

    1. The bread was crushed into a flap, and the potato was in the wheel.

    2. Block potatoes into the okroshka, and love in business.

    3. Ate yes birch - than not firewood, salt and potatoes - than not food.

    4. Ever difficulty potato will never be born.

    5. Good in ear, and potatoes in the cake.

    6. Potatoes are preserved for business.

    7. Potatoes matures- man will warm.

Questions for parents

Is it true that

1. Potatoes can not be carved before frying.(Yes, he will allocate juice.)

2. The fruit of potatoes is called a berry.(Yes, the fruit of potatoes is called a berry.)

3. When cooking, potatoes are lowered in cold water.(No, potatoes should be placed in boiling water so that vitamins and nutrients are not destroyed.)

4. Green potatoes poisonous tubers?(Yes, in green potato tubers, as in all parts of the plant, a Solanin can cause poisoning, it destroys blood erythrocytes and oppressed the nervous system.)

5. If you put potatoes into broth after sauerkraut, it will be fragrant and crumbly?(No, the potatoes are laid in front of the acidic cabbage, otherwise it will be solid and tasteless.)

Presentation "All the most interesting"

  • The biggest potato in the world weighed 8 kg

    The world record of the Guinness Cleaning Potatoes belongs to a resident of Saxony Linde Gomez 28 years old, the cook was able to remove the peel from 10, 49 kg of potatoes in just 10 minutes.

    Potatoes became the first vegetable, who experienced weightlessness - he was raised on the Spaceship "Colombia" in October 1995.

    2008 UN General Assembly proclaimed the International Year of Potato. Since 2005, the Day of Young Potatoes has been held in many cities of Russia.

    There is even a "potato war" between Prussia and Austria. She walked for the ownership of Bavaria from 1777 to 1779, and the name "potato" received because the warring countries did not want to sacrifice people, and destroyed each other's potato fields.

    Potato chips invented in 1853 by mistake. It is the United States that are home to potato chips. Thin and crispy potato chips in many countries consider one of the most popular snacks. The average American for the year consumes 5 - 10 kg of potato chips. Our compatriot eats about half a million chips per year.

    In Mariinsk, the Kemerovo region, in 2008 they decided to put a monument to potatoes.

    The Belgian Museum of Potato appeared in 1975. And on the site of the museum there is a potato radio - with a lot of melodies on a potato theme.

    The British from the city of Bowburn also believe that the potato deserves more attention, and thereforeFebruary 2 celebrate Cartochy Day .

    There are 111 potato varieties in the world! Newbies in this list - Lvada potatoes and "Dovira".

    The most expensive variety of potatoes is from France. It is about 500 euros per kilogram. According to the legend, this potato derived the Supreme God Inca Virachod.

Conclusions: respect the potatoes, reveal new varieties, argueown annual holiday, create museums, set monuments. Not every vegetable such honor!

Game 4. "Try to taste" Need closed eyes to determine the taste of potatoes (boil the bed, carrots, polka dots, potatoes, cabbage)


The number of participants 8, potatoes 7. Children move to music as soon as the music ends need to grab the baked potatoes.

Teacher: We learned a lot of interesting things today about potatoes. It is time to grant the word to our cook.

Cook: The most important vegetable is this.

I'll tell you a secret,

With this vegetable recipes,

How mysteries and answers!

More than a thousand, probably

And all - extraordinary!

For dumplings filling

And the side dish to the breast fillet,

Everyone loves there is a puster

And boy and girl,

And of course, with all bait

Will be with her casserole!

In her soup, put boldly!

With her, loved, no limit!

With her there is a recipe cutlets,

This is such a vegetable!

Lead 2: Dear potato! To your holiday, our chefs prepared a lot of delicious dishes. Let them make them in the hall.

Potato: Let me put!

Defile, tasting


Reader 1. :

The wonderful holiday is in the world,

By gifts champion

Known adults and children:

Once a year he happens.

Love everything and wait for him

Cake with candles bake ...

Guess? Without a doubt

This holiday is a birthday!

Reader 2:

Everyone who was born in the fall

Congratulations we cordially.

And wish you friends,

Peace, happiness and good.

You diligently learn,

Do not stubborn, do not be lazy.

Know that it will come to:

Twice two, work, cleaning

And the schedule days.

Reader 3:

Congratulations from Soul
And wish to live without trouble.

Mom and dads do not grieve

And get the top five.

Knowledge, courage, kindness

Let them always be with you!

Reader 4:

In the legend, the old says:

When a person is born -

Star in the sky will light up

To shine the entire age of him.

Reader 5:

Happy Birthday Congratulations!

We wish birthday women

So that they grow good, bold, coming.

Stay healthy and happy

Be reasonable and beautiful!

Reader 6:

We wish you grow, blossom,

Scoop, mount health.

It is for a long-distance -

The main condition.

Let every day and every hour

You will achieve a new one.

Let the good mind you have

And the heart will be smart!

And we have a holiday today

We are together all,

So that the guys congratulate

Who was born inoctober .

Stand up those who were born in October. (Zolin N, Lozgacheva K., Shebrelie M)

It became gray in November

Soon falls with us

Often rain Sypt in the yard

And today we are going to congratulate

Those guys whose birthday innovember.

Stand up those who were born in November. (Hudoweva A., Mishunina N., Shiryaev N.)

Teacher: I want your stars to shine you always brightly and never go. And now let's listen to what they say in the horoscopes of our birthdays:

Color horoscope:

Orange - (Julia) color, reflecting creative activity, nobility of thoughts, self-confidence. Such people are responsible, firm in the decisions made. These are strong personalities that attract others around their positive approach to life. However, such people are very emotional, not always kept.

Yellow - (Anya) symbolizes the vital energy, color of intelligence, rationality, logical and analytical thinking. People with the name of this color are hard by nature, practical, to accurate sciences and natural sciences. Even if humanitarian education is obtained, often find their vocation in the economy, innovation, scientific activities.

Blue - (Masha) Color of trust, harmony, calm, satisfaction. These people are confident, nature is internal, protected. They are highly sensitive, susceptible to someone else's grief, spiritual, sincere, trusting, deep nature, talented personals. Often have the ability to heal.

Blue - (Gosh), color of calm, wisdom, contemplation. People whose name corresponds to this color - devotees, are true to loved ones, their ideas and principles. They are somewhat hidden and excessively detained in the manifestation of feelings. In communication, they are difficult, incredulous, it is difficult to converge with people, the common language with loved ones are poorly found to them and demanding. Such people have the ability to be renewed, know how to foresee the future, capable of telepathy.

Green (Anastasia) Color of harmony, stability and hardness of the spirit. People whose names correspond to green color, cordial, responsive, kind, indifferent to material values, but they can earn and rarely come without a penny in his pocket. They love nature, people. Try to help everyone, but rarely get gratitude in response. They have a lot of envious, whom they manage to not notice.
Green color - color growth, upcoming changes, the color of healing energy. These people are not afraid of difficulties, they are easy to risk, know how to adapt to any circumstances. Such people are sensitive and wounded, they can be offended even simple indifference towards them, especially if these are close people. With offenders, they part times and forever, and friends are not looking - they themselves appear, people are drawn to them as a magnet.

Purple - (Alexey) The color of the spiritual power of a person who carries a name corresponding to the vibration of this color. These people can penetrate into the essence of human nature, to live for others, are committed to high ideals, have great opportunities for spiritual growth .. tend to compassion and sympathy. Men are very angry, somewhat selfish, narcissist. But easily adapt to change in life, friendly with people, always rush to help close.

Grey - (Sergey) The color of incredulsity, uncertainty. People whose names correspond to this color are not influenced, they are difficult to convince them. Inscript with injustice, they do not tolerate lies, they can break if encountered dishonestly and hypocrisy. Friends are devoted before selflessness.

Red - (Catherine, Valeria) The color of energy, physical activity and strength, determination and hardness of character. People are sociable, love noisy companies, but easily annoyed.
These people have an irrepressible desire to be the first and unsurpassed, so there are no few professional athletes from their number. These people are extremely talented. In a good mood - they are merchant, they know how to position the interlocutor, but just one carelessly abandoned word in their address to cause an outbreak of wrath and irritation.


Our holiday is already finished
What else to say?
You have a potatoes right
"The second bread" call!

Find out and expanding students' knowledge of potatoes; introduce students with the "biography" of potatoes, show its importance in the life of people; Teach a child to see an amazing nearby in everyday life.



Teacher: Hello guys! All the seasons are generous: spring gives us greens, summer Sunny does not regret, and autumn, probably the richest. She generously gives us ripe fruits. In the autumn, people collect harvest and glorify golden beautiful autumn for her generosity: sing songs, chastushki, arrange harvest holidays.

Song "Autumn knocked to us ..."

Guys, we suggest you guess what our program is dedicated. To do this, you need to guess the riddles.

1. Under the Earth, the bird's nest nest, eggs caused.

2. Nuts in the ground, and the leaves on Earth.

3. What dug out from the ground,

Fry, cooked?

That in ash we baked

Aeri da praised?

4. And green, and dense

A bush grew on the garden

Run a little

Under the bush ... (potato).

Teacher. Today, guys, we will talk about Her Majesty Potato, which people are called second bread. And I think that each of you knows that potatoes are the most common garden plant. Even the one who has no garden has, for potatoes will definitely find the place.

Know about potatoes everything in the world
Rich and those who are not rich.
Everyone is preparing her in his own way
Everyone on the table potatoes is happy.
And who fries and who soars
Who is the bake and who pushes,
But eating it everywhere.
She and glory, and honor!

Drops of the poem "Quarrel"

Once potatoes comes to carrots

And sees: carrot lies in the package

Carrot, carrot, tell me for mercy:

Where are you now so dressed up?

Ah, you know, potatoes, I'm already leaving:

Today I was invited to the knife.

I was invited to him without you,

I, Potato, do not take with you.

Potatoes said:

"Think, the knife!

To sneeze to me that you won't take me!

Two spoons were invited to soup.

I'll go without you, already you do not charge! "

Still invited me to grade 3,

They are among others now a class hour.

1. Even though to boil indecently

But we came to tell you:

Without potatoes on "excellent"

Neither eat nor drop

Even delicious cucumber

Only with potatoes are well done.

2 . Although the green onions is angry,

And the potato is the best friend,

From potatoes there and here

Need to make the product

And no wonder, because, potatoes

The second bread is called.

Children perform the song V.Popova "Potato".


Let's tell you guys

We lived in the camp we are like

And in the sun, like kittens,

Stark warmed, warmed up.

Our poor stomachs

Were always hungry,

And we considered a moment

Until dinner.

Ah, potatoes, arrangement,

Our kids ideal

He does not know enjoying

Who did not eat potatoes.

And boys

All potatoes will go,

And then wake the choir:

"Belly hurt us!"

Oh, you, cute potatoes,

Low beating you by the brow,

Even long walkway

We are with you nipoch.

Teacher. It is difficult to believe that this amazing vegetable was once appreciated for tender purple and pink flowers, which were fashionable to decorate women's hairstyles. So thank you who first noticed not to the tops, but on the roots!

3. In some kingdom

In some state

Not on Mars and not on the moon -

There lived potatoes in the ground.

4 . Property Tsarskoe had:

Feed the people managed.

In short, our speech, about

How did the potatoes come to the house!

5 . About all properties, about leaving,
About work in the garden.
About crafts, delicious food,
You will not find anything.

Much should learn ....

All children . And now, it's time to start.

Teacher. We know this product well and use almost every day, but not everyone is thinking about his homeland and who brought him to Russia? Listen to this story.

1. 500 years ago no one in Europe knew that there is such a plant - potatoes. But from far swimming returned to Spain, the ships of Christopher Columbus, a brave navigator returned. The most valuable burden, which they brought home, were seeds, tubers, grains of new plants.

2 . But in Europe did not immediately realize that the potatoes are the main - tuber. One English rich decided to treat guests to the overseas womb, landed in his garden. Instead of diging of tubers, the gardener gathered green balls from the bushes, which is hanging on the stems after the potatoes bloom. These bitter, the inedible fruits of potatoes were filed with guests. Some of the guests, having tried a treat, choked, someone had a person twisted, someone ran out from behind the table.

3. Potatoes sent to Russia at the end of the 17th century Peter L. The peasants did not accept the overseas vegetable for a long time and called him "hellish apple." They were forced to grow and eat potatoes. But the peasants at ignorance were eaten fruit. This led to a variety of poisoning.

4. A wave of "peasant riots" took place throughout Russia. The rebellion suppressed that they were paled by peasants from guns. But not cruel reprisals convinced the peasants, which is profitable to plant potatoes. Convinced the potato herself.

5. Do you remember the fairy tale about repka? Why was you needed a big grandfather - predictive repka? To feed the grandmother, granddaughter and the whole family. Previously, in the cold winters, when the crops were extinct, the turnip replaced the Russian peasant bread. Radine yield potatoes crowded the turnip. Now it is no longer a turnip, but potatoes, has become for all other nations of Europe with second bread.

6. We are accustomed to the fact that wheat is called the "first" bread, and the "second" potatoes. Over time, the Europeans were convinced not only in the fact that potatoes can replace bread, but also that potatoes itself is already impossible to replace bread.

7. Maybe you know that all plants live families. So here's potatoes from the family of Parenic. Here is his relatives: tomato, eggplant, podpper.

8. Potato Plant is annual, up to 150 cm high, in our climate below. In the fall, fruits are formed on the bushes - green berries with small seeds.They are poisonous!

9. In agriculture, potatoes are planting with tubers, which are eaten. In the wild there are about 150 types of potatoes.

10. In potatoes, many useful substances and vitamins: starch, sugar, protein. Keep potatoes need in a cool dark place. But if potatoes flew in the sun, then it forms a strong poison, very harmful to human health. This is Solanin.

Teacher: Potatoes were valued in Russia, they considered him the second bread and of course they sang a chastushki about him.


Put ears on top

Listen carefully.

We will sing you about potatoes

Very good.

1. I love potatoes -
Just arms!
I ate her all day -
That's so watery!

2. Ah, potatoes-beauty!
I do not need sausage,
I do not want a sausage -
Give potatoes bowl!

3. Flowers in the potato field -
How beautiful!
I will go to work in the field,
I'm not lazy!

4. We planted potatoes,

The colorad beetle came.

I left the grandfather to dig potatoes,

And I did not find potatoes.

5. Major laughed mom:
"How much can you eat?!"
I adore potatoes,
How do I listen to me?!

6. I do not go to walk with friends,
TV does not look
And work yourself -
I love potatoes!

7. We cleaned potatoes,

I do not sit without a case:

Dad Root, Mom wears,

Well, I lead.

8. Without uniform and mundair

All potatoes are good.

For a whole year we eat potatoes

There is no money for a penny.

9 . Eh, potatoes sits,
Quickly poured
And in winter in all houses
Breaks yes fried!

10. Well, in Kamenka people
Lives on potatoes,
And therefore people
Always cheerful and sings!

11. There were three neighbor:
Rabbit, dog and cat,
Doodle every day
Each other is all potatoes.

12. Our potatoes - at least where:
Delicious, vitamin.
If you are always there,
Healthy will be strong!

13. Mom told me:
"Shagay, Son, on the track."
It was hoped to find the treasure -
Came to the basement with potatoes.


Before you now

We sang a chastushka.

Please apologize

Kohl tired ears.

Teacher. But the potato is capable of not just to feed a person, you can play with it. This is evidenced by our contests in which I invite you to take part.

After all, we, playing, check,

What we can and know.

Competition 1. For the competition, we need 3 people. (4th grade)

When potatoes brought to Europe, in each country it was called in their own way(Slide 5):

  • British - Potato
  • Finns - Tartu
  • Italians - Tartoufol
  • French - Pom de Terr
  • Germans - potato

But the first name of potatoes was "dad", so called her in South America, the Indians from the Tribe Kechu, Scientist Bolotov - "Tartofel", the people called potatoes.

The task. Invent the name, first name, patronymic potatoes and write without errors.

Teacher. The game. I will pronounce the phrase if you agree with my statement, you must say the choir "We do not argue!", If they do not agree, choose "arguing!".

Pour autumn rains (we do not argue!)

Waiting for spring us ahead (arguing!)

All day Meli Family (arguing!)

Sheet from trees is popped (we do not argue!)

Lily of the Lily White blooms (arguing!)

In the grove of the nightingale sank (arguing!)

And in the garden potatoes sucked (we do not argue!)

Potato crop is good! (We do not argue)

There is a tiny peas (we do not argue)

There is a suitcase size (arguing)

Burning branches (arguing)

Without potatoes, it's hard for us (we do not argue)

We continue our holiday

All the potatoes dedicate (we do not argue)

Competition 2 "Ah, Potato". (3 people 3 class)

A certain number of potato tubers (5-7 pieces) is placed on the chair (5-7 pieces) and are covered with material or newspaper. After that, we invite the participants and offer them to sit on the newspaper, under which the potatoes on the chair, to be sitting sitting and determine how many potato tubers there. Who guess, that winner.

Competition 3 "Who is superfluous?" (2 class)

Competition is held several times. Each team is divided into groups of 10 people. Each group rises in a circle, everyone goes in a circle until they hear the word "potato". After that, you need to have time to grab potatoes. Who remained without potatoes - leaves. The presenter removes 1 potatoes and the competition continues.

The amount of potatoes should always be one less than participants. While playing music, children walk around potato heaps. Music ends, you have to have time to take potatoes. Who remained without potatoes, drops out of the game. The lead takes one of them, and the game continues. The one who last stayed with potatoes in her hands won, and his team gets an extra point.

Competition 4 "Collect potatoes." (1 class)

Each student is given on the picture cut into parts with a picture of potatoes. Who will gather faster - winner.

Competition 5 "Lazy Gardener" (at will, who did not play)

Empty buckets stand at a certain distance. Each participant has three potatoes that guys try to "lay" in a bucket.

Competition 6 "Make the Proverb". (2 people 4th grade)

(Each player receives cards with proverbs. Cards are cut.

Wins the player who quickly and correctly gather the proverb.)

1. The bread was crushed into a flap, and the potato was in the wheel.

2. Block potatoes into the okroshka, and love in business.

3. Ate yes birch - than not firewood, salt and potatoes - than not food.

4. Ever difficulty potato will never be born.

5. Good in ear, and potatoes in the cake.

6. Potatoes are preserved for business.

7. Potatoes matures- man will warm.

Teacher. Merry tasks.

1. Hungry Vasya eats for 10 minutes 3 raw potatoes. Filty Vasya spends on the same amount of boiled potatoes 1 hour. How many minutes is the faster driven by Vasya with crude potatoes than with boiled? (60 - 10 \u003d 50 minutes)

2. Running from his friends, Petya pushed the grandfather, who bought 4 identical potato package 2 kilograms in each. Packages were broken, and the potatoes crumbled. How many kilograms of potatoes flew in Petya, if it is known that the grandfather was a sniper? (4 2 \u003d 8 kg)

3. The third grader Fedya bought in the school dining room from 6 potatoes and went out for 1 minute to wash his hands. At that time in the dining room there were 9 first-graders, each of which can eat 1 potatoes in a minute. How many potatoes will see the back of the Fedya on their plate, and how many first-graders remain hungry? (None 9 - 6 \u003d 3

First grader will remain hungry)

And now the quiz "What do you know about potatoes?".
1. Name the birthplace of potatoes? (Peru and Chile.)
2. When, where did the potatoes in Russia come from and whom? (At the beginning of the XVIII century from Holland, Peter I.)
4. What is the name insect - pest, eating potatoes? (Colorado beetle.)
5. Are the potato berries edible? (No, poisonous.)
6. How to call in one word stems and potatoes leaves? (Top)

7. About the potato cooked or baked in the peel, they say that it is in what? (in Mundire)

8. Where is the first time a man cooked potatoes? (on fire)

9. What part of potatoes do we eat in food? (tuber)

10. How to call the removal of weeds and loosening the earth (weeding)

Teacher. Now listen to useful tips.

  1. Potatoes cooked in the peel retains 75% of vitamins; Purified and welded with tubers - 60-70%, and sliced \u200b\u200b- only 35-50%.
  2. Purified potatoes can not be stored. In extreme cases, it can be left for an hour or two in the water and with the whole tubers.
  3. Cleaning potatoes, put it under the stream of cold water: it is quickly welded, it will be more crumbly.
  4. If you need to clear the potatoes in advance - keep it up to use not in water, but in a knotted polyethylene package.
  5. Solo potatoes during cooking is best for 5-10 minutes. Before his complete readiness.
  6. Potatoes in the "uniform" will not weld, (which makes it unsuitable for later fry), if you add more salt to the water than you do with normal cooking.
  7. Potatoes welded in the "uniform" will easily be cleaned if it is immediately pouring cold water after cooking.
  8. Baked potatoes with a ruddy crisp crust - traditional food on a privala. And all, of course, know the usual way to oven it, when washed and dried potatoes, drunk in hot ash.
  9. Young potatoes are cleansed like this: remember it, put in the bag, pour salt and ride on the table.
  10. Potatoes must be cooked on moderate heat so that it does not fall apart and did not burst.
  11. Potatoes need to be cleaned with a thin layer, as soles and proteins are located under the leather.

Teacher.. The boy named Antoshka also loves to eat her, but does not really want to work.

Distribution of the song "Antoshka".

Teacher. . Only a few 10th anniversary required potatoes to produce a real coup in Russian cuisine. It became a necessary product. The first, second and even third (dessert) dishes are prepared from potatoes. It is difficult to even list all the "specialties" of potatoes in cooking. Dishes from potatoes love all people. In the city of Mariinsk, Kemerovo region, installed a monument to potatoes. The author of the sculpture was the artist Yuri Mikhailov

We will gather all the potatoes as soon as possible.
Call for treat all friends!

We will attack, we will welcome, let's tell
After all, any work to us is Nipple!

From potatoes you can make so many dishes
I can find anything for the soul here.

Our potatoes are each happy
I will put it in a salad.

And for me there is no better in the world,
Than potatoes in uniform.

Press for Tanechka
Rosic dumplings.

Ready for Zhenya
With potatoes dumplings.

And you, Andryusha, Sohnzhka attend!

And you, my friend, with Potato Patty!

And for our Alenka with milk tone!

And for Nadi, look - Friesy Potatoes!

And you, vanya, grilled attempt!

You, Aleshka, with potatoes Okroshka!

And you, Artyom, baked on the fire!

We were not in vain all the harvest!
Come and what you like choose!

Know people from a long time,
What delicious potatoes are not!


Our holiday is already finished
What else to say?
You have a potatoes right
"The second bread" call!

Municipal statement educational institution

Secondary school with. Petropavlovskoe

preschool Group

I argue:

Director of MKOU

"High school

from. Petropavlovskoe

E.S. Dokuchaev

miscellaneous group

"Ah, potatoes, you, potatoes!"

Scenario Entertainment for Children

miscellaneous group

"Ah, potatoes, you, potatoes!"

Purpose: 1. Refer motor activity skills obtained on physical culture and musical classes;

2. Form positive emotions;

3. Disclose the creative abilities of children.

4. Develop musically - creative abilities of children, support emotionally - positive attitude;

5. Promote the disclosure of the creative abilities of children, the development of a sense of collectivism, the ability to work in a team.

    Create positive emotions in children and adults;

    Fasten the motor skills in the main movements and moving games;

    Develop dexterity, speed, speed-force qualities;

    Education of moral and volitional traits character, courage, friendliness.

    Learning children to expressly execute songs, tell poems, dance on stage.

Venue: Gym

Participants: Children, Educators, Parents

Equipment: hoops, buckets, spoons, basket, potatoes, balls, caps "Potato", "Colorado beetles", leaves.

Children to the music of "Song about Autumn" enter the hall and dance.

Host: Hello, Children! I invited you to an unusual holiday, try to guess what.

If on the trees leaves wishes,

If the edge of the distant bird flew away,

If the sky is frowning if the rain is poured,

This is the time of year - how is it called?

Children: Autumn!

Host: We read poems

About autumn days!

    What during the season?

Nature frowns,

Leaves fall,

Birds fly away

Cloud closed cloud

This autumn has come!

    Autumn, autumn gold

Displaced our garden

And today in this room

She gathered guys!

    Rain Cold pouring and pouring,

It does not give us a walk.

Birds road called

This autumn came to us.

    So autumn has come

All overwhelmed around.

Burizok and Osinok

Multicolored jams.

    Potted summer.

Autumn has come.

In the fields and in groves

Empty and sad.

Birds flew away.

Steel the days shorter.

The sun is not visible.

Dark, dark nights.

    Autumn - wonderful time!

Loves the autumn of the bastard.

In the forest with baskets we go,

Many mushrooms there find.

    In the fall there

Clear days.

Leafs flute,

Like a moth.

Children perform the song "Autumn has come"

Autumn, autumn has come,

Leaves hang out.

There is no sun and darkened

The rain begins.

Cap cap on the tracks

Cap cap on palm.

Rain land

Play with us.

Spheres, bugs and midges

Hide, hide,

And in the distant road

Birds are going.

Leading expensive guys!

This time will go a story

About the one who has six eyes

And sometimes seven, and five,

About those who slept sweetly

After falling in the fall in the basement.

I caught the spring.

About those whose strange eyes

Grew day by day

About the one who was familiar with me

But I did not see me.

Think a little -

What is it ... (potato).

Children perform a song on the motif "The grasshopper was sitting in the grass"

Song about potatoes.

    As we love potatoes, 2 times.

    Can't without potatoes

    We even live the day.

    Imagine, 2 times.

    We can not without potatoes.

    Imagine 2 times

    We even live the day.

    We fry it and cook it.

    And add it to her soup.

    And even just in the "uniform"

    We can boil.

    Imagine, 2 times.

    And even just in the "uniform"

    Imagine 2 times

    We can boil.

    We can bake in the oven, 2 times

    Can make pancakes

    And bake on the fire,

    And how many different, 2 times.

    You can make crafts

    Imagine 2 times

    They are not even considered.

    Love and you potatoes, 2 times.

    And many secrets.

    Learn about her.

    Imagine, 2 times.

    And many different secrets

    Imagine 2 times

    Learn about her.

Do you know guys, how did potatoes appear in Russia?

Peter the first sent from Holland a bag of potatoes to his approximate Sheremetyev and ordered to send tubers to all the ends of the state, so that the population was engaged in breeding potatoes. From those times in Russia began to grow potatoes.

Host: And now, guys,

My riddles are:

    Round, crumbbed, Bela

It came to the table with the fields.

You are situated her little,

After all, the truth is delicious ... (potatoes)

    This delicious miracle

We all eat all year round:

Soups, puree, salad, okroshka -

Everywhere is present. (potato)

    And green and dense

A bush grew on the garden.

Run a little:

Under the bush (potato)

    That they dug out of the ground, fried, cooked,

What in ashes we baked, ate yes praised? (potato)

    He and at rain, he and in the heat

Hide the tubers underground.

Tubers stretch into the light -

That's breakfast, and lunch. (potato)

Host: Potato Holiday We celebrate

And together, our potatoes meet!

In some kingdom state

Not on Mars and the moon

There lived potatoes in the ground.

Property Tsarskoe had:

She knew how to feed all people!

Potato girls overlook (with rims on the heads)

1 Potatoes: Me, the only thing in the world,

Not just boiled, but in uniform.

Even delicious cucumber

Only with potatoes well done!

2 potatoes: from potatoes there and here

Delicious make the product,

And no wonder the potatoes

The second bread is all name!

3 Potatoes: Necazist, Stycotted,

And she will come to the table -

Will be the fun guys:

"Well, crumbly, tasty!"

4 Potatoes: even though it is not decent,

But I must tell you:

Without potatoes on "excellent"

Neither eat or drop!

You Listen guys

Chastushki will perform

About how to plant potatoes!

Boys perform chastushki about potatoes.

1. What's black my palms,

Nobody scolds me -

Together with grandmother potatoes

We sat down at the shoulder!

2. We planted potatoes:

Mom - in the field, I am in the garden.

Mom's a lot, I am a little bit,

I am only one ridge!

3. So that my potato grew,

I will transfer it!

4. Let my palms are dirty,

I am also used to work.

And tastier no potatoes,

What we put in the ridge!

5. We Potatoes Sits

In the garden at the gate.

Bloomed flowers on it.

Let people admire.

6. The goal came to the garden,

Embedded eyes:

Where is the bow? And where is the peas?

All sowed potatoes!

Host: It was a musical joke,

Now the game is not for a minute.

Guys, before digging the potatoes, what needs to be done?

Plant her.

We take buckets

And in the way - the track,

Friendship will help us

Plant potatoes.

The relay of "put potatoes".

(Children are divided into two teams.)

(The first players take from the "bucket" on one potato, run forward ahead, put potatoes into the hoop, return to the team).

Relay "Drop potatoes"

(Hoop - in it potatoes. Each player runs, takes one potato, returns to the team, puts to the basket.

Boys come out - Colorado beetles.

1. Harmful we are men,

Colorad beetles!

All the potatoes will eat

You do not give you anything!

2. Here you will eat the potatoes

And to the neighbors fly.

Chrum - Chrum - Chrum,

And fly to the neighbors!

Host: Vintage needs to be saved

Beetles of Colorads must be driven!

The presenter sprinkles from the spray gun, the beetles run away.

Picks two baskets with potatoes.

Host: Zhukov we drove,

Vintage collected!

We will continue the holiday

And play with potatoes!

Game "Transfer potatoes in a spoon."

Host: Take potatoes - transfer in a spoon!

You need to put the potatoes into a spoon, and then get potatoes quickly step and put it in the bucket, while the free hand should be behind your back. Who is faster and skill?

Host: Played! And now let's listen to the proverbs and sayings about potatoes.

    Potato yes porridge - our food.

    Hungry and potato delicacy.

    Potato Habuba helping.

    Dig to dig, do not wave hands.

    Potato bread saves.

    Fir yes birch - than not firewood, salt and potatoes - what is not food?

Game "Collect potatoes"

Host: Here is a basket, eyes close,

Here are potatoes - collect, not stand!

(in two hoops put on 5 potatoes in front of the car with small balls; it is necessary to closed eyes, to the touch to find potatoes and put in the basket)

Song of V. Shainsky "Antoshka" sounds, children perform dance.

Leading. Our holiday is already finished

What else to say?

You have a potatoes right

"The second bread" call!

That's all! Although tired,

Vintage potatoes we collected!

There were songs, games, dancing here,

Now the treats are potatoes,

You guys are waiting!

Presentation of cooked dishes. Tea drinking.

MKOU "Ukrainian Secondary School"

Omsk Region, Isilkulsky District

Jacob Elena Alekseevna

Ukrainian 2012.

Holiday goals:

- develop the creative abilities of students

Provide the possibility of implementing the creative potential of students,

Find out and expanding students' knowledge of potatoes;

Develop feelings of mutual assistance, complicity, collectivism;

Rail a diversified educational personality.

Scenario of the holiday "times potatoes, two potatoes!"

1 master: Hello, dear teachers! Hello guys!2 Host: Guys, we suggest you guess what our program is dedicated. To do this, you need to guess the riddles.1. Under the Earth, the bird's nest nest, eggs caused.2. Nuts in the ground, and the leaves on Earth. 3. What dug out from the ground, Fry, cooked? That in ash we baked Aeri da praised? 4. And green, and dense A bush grew on the garden Run a little Under the bush ... (potato).1 Presenter: Today, guys, we will talk about Her Majesty Potato, which people are called second bread. And I think that each of you knows that potatoes are the most common garden plant. Even the one who has no garden has, for potatoes will definitely find the place.

2 Vedas

Extraceoter state
In some state
Not on Mars and not on the moon -
There lived potatoes in the ground.

1 Vedas

Property Tsarskoe had:
Feed the people managed.
In short, our speech about
How did the potatoes come to the house!
About all properties, about leaving,
About work in the garden.
About crafts, delicious food,
You will not find anything.

2 Veds: 500 years ago no one in Europe knew that there is such a plant - potatoes. But from far swimming returned to Spain, the ships of Christopher Columbus, a brave navigator returned. The most valuable burden, which they brought home, were seeds, tubers, grains of new plants.

1 Vedas

But in Europe did not immediately realize that the potatoes are the main - tuber. One English rich decided to treat guests to the overseas womb, landed in his garden. Instead of diging of tubers, the gardener gathered green balls from the bushes, which is hanging on the stems after the potatoes bloom. These bitter, the inedible fruits of potatoes were filed with guests. Some of the guests, having tried a treat, choked, someone had a person twisted, someone ran out from behind the table.

2 Vedas Potatoes sent to Russia at the end of the 17th century Peter L. The peasants did not accept the overseas vegetable for a long time and called him "hellish apple." They were forced to grow and eat potatoes. But the peasants at ignorance were eaten fruit. This led to a variety of poisoning. A wave of "peasant riots" took place throughout Russia. The rebellion suppressed that they were paled by peasants from guns. But not cruel reprisals convinced the peasants, which is profitable to plant potatoes. Convinced the potato herself. Do you remember the fairy tale about repka? Why was you needed a big grandfather - predictive repka? To feed the grandmother, granddaughter and the whole family. Previously, in the cold winters, when the crops were extinct, the turnip replaced the Russian peasant bread. Radine yield potatoes crowded the turnip. Now it is no longer a turnip, but potatoes, has become for all other nations of Europe with second bread.

1 Vedas

We are accustomed to the fact that wheat is called the "first" bread, and the "second" potatoes. Over time, the Europeans were convinced not only in the fact that potatoes can replace bread, but also that potatoes itself is already impossible to replace bread.

Potatoes (girls class 5) Tell: - Maybe you know that all plants live families. So here's potatoes from the family of Parenic. Here is his relatives: tomato, eggplant, podpper.
- Potato Plant Annual, up to 150 cm high, in our climate below. Autumn on the bushes are formed fruits - green berries with small seeds.They are poisonous! - In agriculture, potatoes are planting with tubers, which are eaten. In the wild there are about 150 types of potatoes. - In potatoes, many useful substances and vitamins: starch, sugar, protein. Keep potatoes need in a cool dark place. But if potatoes flew in the sun, then it forms a strong poison, very harmful to human health. This is Solanin.

2 VedasBut the potato is capable of not just to feed a person, you can play with it. This is evidenced by our contests in which I invite you to take part.

After all, we, playing, check,

What we can and know.

1 Competition "Planting Potato"

1 Vedas At first we decided to take a planting of potatoes. For a start, I invite to the scene 2 people out of 5th grades.The first pairs from different commands are taken for planting potatoes. The participant takes out of the bucket on one potato and "comes" next to each other. When the potatoes are planted, the second pairs are taken for work. They collect potatoes with tied eyes and fold into an empty bucket. Whose team will fulfill the task faster.

2 Competition "Get to Bucket"

Lead 2.Of course, it is a pleasure to work such a brigade. And if one has to collect potatoes, then the following method of harvesting can be useful. To demonstrate it, 1 participant from 6,78 classes is invited.Get potatoes in a bucket. Who will have more hits.

3 Competition "Presentation of potato dishes"

1. Only a few 10th anniversary required potatoes to produce a real coup in Russian cuisine. It became a necessary product. The first, second and even third (dessert) dishes are prepared from potatoes. It is difficult to even list all the "specialties" of potatoes in cooking. Dishes from potatoes love all people. In the city of Mariinsk, Kemerovo region, installed a monument to potatoes. The author of the sculpture was the artist Yuri Mikhailov

It comes the most important stage of our holiday: a presentation of potatoes dishes. (8-11 classes participate)

4 Competition "Dance Potato"

Vedas 2.For the next competition, 4 people from 10 and 11 classes are invited.(Dance couples, overlooking the potatoes of foreheads. The tempo of the melodies is changing. The couple wins, not dropping potatoes.)Ved.2.. And now the musical pause performed by the guys of grade 7.

(Chastushki about potatoes)

Chastushki about potatoes:

You do not weld lunch

If there is no in the house

Seeming like a simple

It's Russian bread second

Her people glorify

Even the songs are composed



















{!LANG-7b3d2deb939d6016d6a549b47c8c04b4!} {!LANG-ef75bb8b69d1c42c19e6b9f540fd005d!}{!LANG-bb654434cf6fdf6f71c2a3b02e45e029!}{!LANG-d63abe08c42ddfb2a0edd84fe3b85d60!}{!LANG-9d1c33b610734f6e27c5f54f73dac260!}{!LANG-49768983edb835e1db254973daedbbae!}{!LANG-c8713864c751777e3ecda85dc75ea92f!}{!LANG-10b99555f9c1a943b147fe47f3f779c6!}

Vedas 2.{!LANG-77a206708195617d9c86d3cd48a625e8!}{!LANG-ee6682eb68bd73a278ba573d3a07b9d0!}{!LANG-ea137f74fb4dafb8e453a777f46a3456!} The boy named Antoshka also loves to eat her, but does not really want to work.


Vedas 2.{!LANG-a0d9f780f8bd87591934ed25a51cb7d6!}{!LANG-6dfbcae6e601509cbe0e27fb67e35942!}{!LANG-b22e9cd93acd646576d8a0c65a546a5a!}








{!LANG-3342030d1094988451266b2b43d3f10d!} {!LANG-f47493bb739630cc1bea338863cd3891!}. {!LANG-c28fd841b9d4060fb5175d69f25b02d9!}{!LANG-62dff3b415e4ce49120fd452512f733f!}{!LANG-e732030af6519f4b930829afa6ad7950!}{!LANG-4b8352befa521d40d71a6db185e4f6fe!} {!LANG-7edc98fa98d365b7f97cd732831d30eb!}{!LANG-a79ef9b3abd6c87fdedc2e4acc0cc2f3!}{!LANG-9980b2c3b4ee6b11e81cf4618232c8c9!}



{!LANG-f39735fd861f032b454b1f346f8c9e7d!} {!LANG-460206a93167522a5d72998539a382ae!}{!LANG-c2c77901386d1bfb3b94e8a91005b97b!}{!LANG-92cb1afdc806afb8c095f5423cb4daca!}{!LANG-7b554d89b4216681197d342fd1b5250e!}{!LANG-01d9857181d1aa71605bec9c6fce4e9f!}



























Potato bread saves.





That they dug out of the ground, fried, cooked,




He and at rain, he and in the heat

Hide the tubers underground.











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