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Original words of gratitude to teachers. Thank you letter to the teacher

The first teacher is one of significant personalities in the most difficult period life cycle of each person is remembered forever. It is he who contributes to the successful adaptation of the former preschooler in the frightening unknown of the school environment, helps to master many truths and, of course, teaches to read and count. The very fact that the words of gratitude to the first teacher are always sincere, sincere and filled with light sadness is objectively determined. Do not be afraid of beautiful words, express gratitude to the first teacher in poetry or in prose for his remarkable works and wide open heart.

Words of gratitude to the first teacher from students in verse

Accept my gratitude today,
I confess, teacher - I love you very much.
Thank you for teaching everything
You did not spare yourself, you served the children.
For wisdom, support, care, warmth,
For giving you only goodness.
For the noise and anxiety, please, forgive me.
Thank you for everything, beloved teacher.
For entering the class with love
And they opened their hearts for us.
For your kind, sometimes tired look,
For the fact that you have always stood for us.
My first teacher, you are the dearest.
I remember, I mastered the alphabet with you,
Learned to write and count,
He worked hard like a child.

Congratulations, I've grown up already
As an adult, at a school line,
And you, as always, with the kids
Yesterday I was just with us.
Sowed goodness in hearts
Evil was taught to recognize
And with its justice
You have conquered all children!
You were our guide
At our meeting with the primer.
You helped us open the world,
Write and be friends with the book!
Always for each of us
You found time
And every day and every hour
You were patient!
We love you with all our hearts
Both adults and kids,
Our girls and boys
Both quiet and playful!
We will never forget
The radiant light of your beloved eyes
We wish you to be healthy
We want to be happy to see you!
You will most importantly be in the souls of children,
Bravely the road of discoveries Torya
From the first sound and the first good luck
Beginning with the alphabetical words of the primer.
You are a good fairy, leading to knowledge,
Giving joy, bringing light.
I hope you happy, great recognition
And new finds, and new victories!

There is no more honorable work in the world,
Than the teacher's work is restless.
We will never forget you
And we will be worthy of your love.
Having leafed through the famous volumes,
We have learned to speak beautifully
Solve examples, sing and compose.
First thank you teacher!
My first teacher ...
You went to school with us.
We are your incomparable joy,
We are your first call - crazy, funny.
You taught us numbers and words
You taught us to fight with blots.
And a hundred tips for any business
She gave us to seek the truth.
We looked at the world through you,
His beauty and strength comprehended,
You generously gave us all of you,
We opened horizons far away.
You taught me to believe and dream
Gave heart, kindness and affection,
She taught me never to back down.
You turned a huge world into a fairy tale!
Bowing to the ground from all students
Teachers who see us off to life.
May our destinies be better than all colors
Your long, good journey is accompanied.
Thanks to the teacher primary grades from parents in verse
How hard it can be
You will bring up our children.
But we all understand it
And we really want to tell you:

Thank you dear teacher
For your kindness, your patience.
For children, you are the second parent,
Please accept our gratitude!
Thank you for teaching
Our guys read, count, write,
For the fact that they have always been next to them,
When they needed to suggest something!
Thank you for all your efforts,
That gave them the opportunity to become better,
For what you are in matters of upbringing
We always tried to take part!
In the future, we wish you success,
So that work is a joy to you,
You are the best! We know that for sure!
Good luck and warmth!
You took the kids by the hand once
They took with them to the land of light knowledge.
You are the first teacher, you are mom and dad,
Worthy of honor and childish love.
Thank you from us today,
Parental low take a bow,
Let the bright sun sparkle over you
And only the sky will be cloudless.
Everyone in the world loves the first teacher!
She gives the sea of ​​her powers to children!
If suddenly something happens to someone,
The teacher will listen and always help out!
The first teacher is the first friend!
May everyone around you always love you!
May it be easy for you from any children
Raise decent and knowledgeable people!

Words of gratitude to the first teacher from parents in prose

We are very grateful to you on behalf of all parents, our wonderful teacher, mentor for our children. Being the first teacher is the most difficult thing, you always need to know where and how to start, how to interest all the children and guide them on the path of correct knowledge. Thank you for being able to give our children a craving for knowledge and discoveries, the desire to rush to school every day and open new pages of the book of miracles. We wish you great victories and creative successes, incredible strength and bright happiness on the path of life.
Our beloved teacher! You have devoted many days of your life to an amazing school family. Everyone who came to study with you was sincerely called your children. Every day, when you entered the classroom, you filled it sunlight, love and care, and our days - dreams and discoveries, small successes and big victories. They helped us to grow and answer not only lessons at the blackboard, but also to be responsible for our actions in life.
Our gratitude is immense! After all, there is no measure of goodness, love and wisdom that you gave us. Will come again Golden autumn, you will open the door again wonderful world knowledge before timid first-graders, and your spring will repeat again! May there be more joyful and happy days, smart and talented students and less frustration and sleepless nights. Thank you, teacher!
On behalf of all the parents of your students, we want to thank you for your invaluable and brave work, for an individual approach to our children, for good relations and understanding, for your efforts and fascinating lessons, for a wonderful mood and the first important knowledge. You are the first teacher of our children, a person who will send them on a further journey through school life. Thank you again for your kindness and great work.
Our dear teacher! Thank you very much for the knowledge that you skillfully and talentedly pass on to our children, because primary classes are the basis of all knowledge and further education of our children. We are very grateful to you for your care, kindness and faith in every child. Special thanks to you for your soft nature, patience and wisdom. We wish you our dear and beloved teacher, good health, professional growth and development, optimism and positiveness.
Dear our first teacher, on behalf of all deeply respecting parents, we ask you to accept words of gratitude for your sensitive and kind heart, for your care and patience, for your efforts and aspirations, for your love and understanding. Thank you very much for our happy, smart and well-mannered children!
The first teacher of our children, a respected and golden person, we say thank you from the bottom of our hearts and on behalf of all parents we wish you health, prosperity, successful work, respect, great strength, patience, good mood, good luck, happiness and love. Thank you for your sensitive heart, for your great work, for your enormous contribution to the development and upbringing of our children.
Dear (Teacher's name)! Please accept my gratitude for your high professionalism, competence, teaching talent and dedication to your noble cause for many years. I express my sincere gratitude for your responsibility, kindness, enthusiasm and individual approach to each student.
I wish you good health, happiness and good luck in your business!
Gratitude to the first teacher in prose from students
Our beloved teacher! You have devoted many days of your life to an amazing school family. Everyone who came to study with you was sincerely called your children. Every day, entering the classroom, you filled it with sunshine, love and care, and our days - with dreams and discoveries, small successes and big victories. They helped us to grow and answer not only lessons at the blackboard, but also to be responsible for our actions in life.
Dear (teacher's name)! Thank you for being the very first person who taught us not to be afraid of life and to be confident in ourselves. It is only thanks to you that we became the people that our class teacher and the entire teaching staff of the school recognized us with. Your work is invaluable and noble. We wish you youthful spiritual and vital, so that for many more years you will happily raise your children and know that you are not living in vain! We remember and love you!
Our beloved (teacher's name)! We want to tell you thank you very much for the fact that they were able to spend on our upbringing a lot of their strength, their love and patience. We are grateful to you for teaching us to read, write and be good people... It is difficult to imagine our way in this school without you. Know that you work and live for a reason. For us, you are the first school mother and a person whom we will respect for the rest of our lives!
Dear (Teacher's name)! Please accept my sincere gratitude for the education and upbringing of our children. Thanks to your pedagogical talent and sensitive attitude to each of the students, our children received solid knowledge, were able to reveal their abilities and talents. Low bow to you for your hard work, patience, readiness to provide all kinds of support. We wish you the strongest health, optimism, prosperity and success in your difficult, but so important business!
So my school years are coming to an end. Now, more than ever, you acutely begin to realize that this will not happen again. Already many times, going up the school stairs, walking along the corridors, I catch myself thinking that soon I will no longer run along them, rushing to the lesson. I will go far and, of course, I will miss school, teachers, and especially you, IO. And this is no coincidence, because you are my first teacher, the first person in my school life, to whom I have become very attached and who is still dear to me.
They say that the brightest, most memorable impressions are those of childhood. A person remembers the events that took place at this time, forever and remembers them with some incomprehensible longing in his soul and at the same time with special warmth in his heart. Time spent in primary grades, will remain in my memory forever.

Beautiful and sincere words of gratitude are certainly pleasant and desirable to every person. But it is especially important for the teacher to understand that his lessons were not in vain, that a worthy and happy man... Therefore, words of gratitude addressed to teachers both on a professional holiday and on the day of farewell to school, last call- are especially solemn, joyful and bright. The melodies sounding in the soul should be filled with sincere gratitude, hope and love only with some notes of regret and sadness.

For what the pupils thank the teacher

All our life the memory of the school warms us. With special warmth and an amazing feeling of simultaneous sadness and joy, we remember our cheerful and energetic classmates, beloved and not so much lessons and, of course, the faces of our dear teachers. Much is erased from our memory, but it is difficult to find a person who would not remember the name of the first beloved teacher, who could forget the lessons of goodness and justice received within the walls of the school, those who, after years, would not appreciate the merits of their teachers.

Step by step, day after day, year after year, the teacher becomes an invaluable helper, advisor and friend for us. After all, his task is not only to teach literacy and numeracy, but to make thoughtful, responsible, kind and purposeful people out of stupid little people. And in this it is difficult to overestimate the role of the profession, into which people with a big heart and an open soul go.

Sample text of gratitude from students in prose

Our beloved teacher! You have devoted many days of your life to an amazing school family. Everyone who came to study with you was sincerely called your children. Every day, entering the classroom, you filled it with sunshine, love and care, and our days - with dreams and discoveries, small successes and big victories. They helped us to grow and answer not only lessons at the blackboard, but also to be responsible for our actions in life.

Our gratitude is immense! After all, there is no measure of goodness, love and wisdom that you gave us.

The golden autumn will come again, again you will open the door to the wonderful world of knowledge in front of timid first-graders, and again your spring will repeat! May there be more joyful and happy days in your life, smart and talented students and less frustration and sleepless nights. Thank you, teacher!

Thanks to the teacher in verse

How many times already, teacher,
You hear speech in your address,
I need to worry less
That the heart should be protected.

That diseases will not pass by
When suddenly it gets tired
That everything in the world is replaceable
And your heart is one.

But your heart is like a bird
Strives for children here and there,
To those hidden in the chest
To the same beating hearts!

How quickly children grow up.
Having strengthened, in spite of all the winds,
Will leave, keeping forever
Your warmth!

From the first birthday, adults - our teachers - are with us. The most important and faithful teachers in life are, of course, our parents. Later, they are joined by other adults - relatives, then educators in kindergarten... And now the moment comes when people enter our life, whose main vocation is pedagogy. Teachers, some to a lesser extent, some to a greater extent, become wise guides to the boundless world of knowledge for their students. Almost each of them leaves a noticeable mark on the fate of the child. But the biggest influence comes from the first teacher in elementary school and the homeroom teacher in high school. It is these teachers who help children overcome difficulties, find warm words of support for them and eventually become second mothers for their students. It is not surprising that the words of gratitude to the teacher, which graduates of grades 9-11 are sure to prepare in poetry or prose, are mostly addressed to them. However, not only yesterday's schoolchildren, but also their parents, who are happy to say “thank you” to the teachers, do not forget about subject teachers at the graduation ceremony. In our article today, you will find examples of the most beautiful and touching words of gratitude for teachers at graduation. We are sure that with their help you will be able to express your sincere gratitude to the dear teacher on this holiday.

Thanks to the first teacher from primary school students at the graduation

It is difficult to overestimate the important role of the first teacher for primary school students, which is especially clearly seen in the words of gratitude at the graduation party. It is the first teacher who becomes the very second mother for the unintelligent first graders. She is with them throughout all 4 years of study in primary school, helping to open new doors to the land of knowledge every day. It is not surprising that parting with this already dear person is perceived by many graduates of the 4th grade rather painfully and with sadness. To help brighten up such a sad moment, words of gratitude to the first teacher from primary school students at the graduation ceremony, beautiful options which you will find further.

What words of gratitude to the first teacher to say at the graduation to primary school students, poetry and prose

You taught us from the very beginning,

When we were just brought to school.

We practically did not know anything:

Neither twice two, nor the ABC.

Thank you for this invaluable work,

For tons of nerves, you can't return them,

For the upbringing of new generations

And instructions on the bright path.

The first teacher, he is like the first love,

He is forever in the soul and heart,

We will remember you again and again,

We won't go back to first grade, of course.

You taught us to write letters,

Protect friends and respect elders,

And they made us premieres at the blackboard.

We clearly remember this day,

Like we broke into school without looking back,

They gave you a gentle lilac,

And you, in return for us recipes - notebooks.

The years rushed away quickly to nowhere,

And now we are grown up guys,

But you know, we will remember you forever,

And how we sat at the first desk.

Thank you, teacher, our first,

For work and affection, kindness, care,

And now we will go to the senior class,

But you will always be held in high esteem.

Let the ringing laughter of the last call

Will give inspiration to new starts,

And in September the kids will come to you,

So that, like us, sit down at the desks for the first time!

You are our childhood, our memory,

You are our first lesson in life.

We want to glorify you in verse,

After all, you are our first teacher!

Loving, knowing, knowing a lot

You taught us everything

With kindness, with patience, answering

On our "How?" and why?".

The last bell rings for us.

Today it is ringing in honor of you!

Please accept your respect

And congratulations from us!

Today we say goodbye to school and want to give special thanks to our first teacher. You taught us to write, read, be friends, respect. You have invested so much effort and work in each of us, so much nerves you have spent that it is simply impossible to calculate. Your soul is full of kindness and love. You are a real teacher who is dedicated to your work. We want to wish only grateful and diligent students. Low bow to you. We will always be grateful for everything we received from you!

The first teacher, not just a teacher! She replaced our mother, she wiped our noses and smeared brilliant green on our beaten knees. It was she who taught us what is definitely useful in life - to read, write and count to ten. Be brave, soon you will have to become a second mother already for our children. May God grant you health and patience!

Words of gratitude to the primary school teacher from parents in poetry and prose

When it comes time to cross the school threshold for the first time, not only the newly minted first-graders, but also their parents, experience tremendous stress. This is then, after a certain time, the first teacher will become the main companion and assistant in the process of the formation and education of their kids. In the meantime, this is a strict "aunty", with whom the parents have yet to get acquainted. But as practice shows, this acquaintance is more often successful and productive, because primary school teachers go to the call of the heart and from a great love for children. Words of gratitude to the primary school teacher from parents in poetry and prose at the graduation are a great way to express gratitude for the hard work of your beloved teacher. You will find excellent options for beautiful and touching words of gratitude at the graduation for a primary school teacher from parents in poetry and prose below.

Dear first teacher, congratulations on your graduation! We wish you to fall in love with teaching, faith in your pupils, and new achievements! Let study days charge you with a positive, bring new ideas, arrange life adjustments, make you think about the main thing, allow you to have a full rest, systematize, update, delight, give "bread" of knowledge, reward with wisdom, give experience. For us, you are the best, competent, resourceful, invaluable teacher.

Dear first teacher, today - on the day of graduation, I would like to express our gratitude for your support, care and patience. We wish you to remain as strong, kind, beautiful, fair, resourceful, interesting person. May happiness, love and success always be with you.

The most beautiful verses for gratitude to a primary school teacher from parents

Thank you for your help and support.

For the fact that, despite and through stress,

Of little boys and girls

You raised princes and princesses.

Thank you for your care and care,

For wisdom, for skills, love,

For restraint, patience and manners.

For the fact that everyone understands and without words.

On the day of goodbye to school

Let's say we thank you.

You once introduced crumbs

To this very important temple.

We wish you health,

Positive and kind.

Pleases you by all means

Let the crazy guys.

Being a teacher is a calling.

May for all your efforts

Fate will reward generously!

And unlimited health,

Happiness to prosper

You can live only excellently,

Do not know the troubles and sorrows.

Live in harmony, prosperity,

So that love envelops.

At work, everything is fine

Obedient disciples to you!

Thank you for the kindness

Children, you are an example for them.

Let you live like in a fairy tale,

Without sorrow and loss.

Beautiful words of gratitude to dear teachers from students at the graduation in grade 9 in poetry and prose

Grade 9 graduation is by and large the first serious graduation, especially for those who say goodbye to school forever. On this graduation day, words of gratitude to dear teachers from the students sound both in poetry and in prose. The matured ninth-graders are already well aware of how important teachers have played in their lives. And now, when some of them leave school, a slight sadness rolls over both the remaining classmates and the teachers. Beautiful words of gratitude to dear teachers from grade 9 students at graduation in poetry or prose help a lot to make the farewell more memorable and warm. With their help, you can not only say "thank you", but also wholeheartedly express deep and sincere gratitude for each lesson and each wise word, said by teachers at one time.

Thank you, low bow to you,

Because you taught us so.

For the kindness, knowledge, the wagon,

For everything that the school received.

So that you always have enough strength

More obedient schoolchildren.

We will answer, whoever asked:

You are always with us, in our souls!

Graduation is one of the most

The main holidays in the world.

Congratulations to you beautiful

Both parents and children.

So we need to confess

Let's say this without embellishment:

Graduation failed b

If you weren't there!

We wish you in the future

Only such students

To make the heart rejoice

From their successful steps!

Thank you teachers

Because we were family.

Saved boldly in a difficult moment,

We have always taken care of, we have always loved.

Today we will leave the threshold

A wonderful and dear school to us.

Your wise lesson was important,

Even though you were sometimes harsh.

For understanding, kindness,

Our relatives, thank you.

We wish you health,

Let the work give wings.

Variants of beautiful words of gratitude to teachers from grade 9 students at graduation in prose

Today is our graduation day - the day of farewell to school. I would like our dear teachers to say farewell words... We are immensely grateful to you for your sincere concern and experience, for your hard work and patience. We wish to stay the same kind people and funny teachers. May the students and parents respect you all, may the days at work and at home be successful, may the soul always remain bright, and the heart warm. We will miss our dear mentors!

Dear and dear our teachers, in our prom, farewell evening with school life we want to thank you for your love and understanding, sensitivity and help, good advice and faithful knowledge. We wish you to continue to successfully teach and teach children, diluting the gray everyday life with fun and bright colors, interesting ideas and happy emotions.

And even if we are sad to say goodbye, it is still a holiday, because our faces are illuminated by sincere happiness. Our dear teachers, thank you for your patience and care, for the knowledge put into our heads and for understanding. I hope you won't forget us. And we, rest assured, will never forget you either!

Words of gratitude to teachers from parents in poetry and prose at the graduation in grade 9

TO kind words Parents join in gratitude to teachers in poetry or prose at the graduation in the 9th grade. They, like no one else, understand how much pedagogical work, effort, time, and sometimes even nerves was invested in ensuring that their children receive a decent secondary education. Of course, it is possible for each parent to personally express their gratitude to the class teacher and subject teachers. But you must admit that in the words of gratitude to teachers from parents in prose and verses at the graduation in grade 9, said publicly at the holiday, there are advantages. Firstly, such parental speech will remain in memory, as it will be captured on video. And secondly, the very atmosphere of the prom contributes to the sincere expression of emotions, which, in combination with nice words thanks are especially touching.

You are the builders of the universe

You are soul fitters

Servants of imperishable truth,

Unfortunately, for a pittance.

We wish you forever

All big and small blessings,

What are available to man

Not on credit, but just like that.

May providence reward you

For hard military work,

And the younger generations

Respect, love, honor.

At the prom today we

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.

To you teachers dear

We wish you a lot of strength.

May you have enough enthusiasm

And patience too.

After all, to learn all schoolchildren -

It is very difficult.

Let you come across

Geeks only.

So that everything goes according to plan,

And it was easy to work!

Today we understand together:

The teacher is a miracle craft, -

Not everyone accepts knowledge,

And he will teach everyone to do evil!

But in life, knowledge weighs a lot,

Who knows, he does not know litigation.

You passed us by the shoulders

The most valuable knowledge is special baggage.

What words of gratitude in prose to prepare for parents at the graduation in grade 9

Dear, dear our teachers!

On behalf of all parents, we want to express our extraordinary gratitude for everything you have done for our children. To just say thank you is to say nothing. Trusting you with our children, we were sure that they fall into safe hands... And we were not wrong.

Without your support, without your attention, without your efforts, we - the parents - would not have been able to achieve the main goal to which we all went and continue to go - each of us wants to raise from our child a Human with a capital C.

You helped and guided our children, you supported us when we did not succeed with them. You worried about your students no less, and perhaps even more than we do.

Low bow to you for your hard work and heartily sincere words of great gratitude from everyone from your parents!

Thank you!

Our dear teachers!

Many years ago you started teaching our daughters and sons to diligently draw out sticks and hooks, add and subtract, read their first books. And here we are faced with grown-up boys and girls, beautiful, strong, and most importantly, smart.

Today is graduation and the doors to adulthood will open. Everyone will have their own, but thanks to your efforts, they will all walk through life with honor. We know that you did not sleep many nights, checking their notebooks, did not give much attention to your families, in order to spend an extra hour with our children, to give them the warmth of your hearts, to spend your nerves on them, so that worthy people will grow out of them.

Today we sincerely thank you for everything, even for the deuces that you sometimes gave them. Both we and our children will never forget everything that you have done for us.

Low bow to you and many human thanks! Words of gratitude to teachers in prose

Touching words of gratitude to the class teacher and subject teachers from grade 11 students at the graduation

Probably the most touching words gratitude to the class teacher and subject teachers at the graduation day comes from the lips of 11th grade students. For them, the teachers tried their best, giving all 200% before passing the tests and exams. It is by the level of education and upbringing of grade 11 graduates that one can judge the work of the teachers who were their mentors at school. It is not surprising that giving every day for many years a piece of their soul to these children, teachers hope that the seeds of knowledge sown in their heads will sprout and sprout. That is why the touching words of gratitude to the class teacher and subject teachers at the graduation from the 11th grade students are perceived as an indicator of their work. Therefore, do not be lazy and prepare for them the most beautiful and touching thanks that will be remembered for many years.

Touching verses for words of gratitude to the homeroom teacher at the 11th grade graduation

Thank you for your honest work,

That they have been around all the years

That you loved, understood,

What always helped us out!

You understood us, taught

Had an approach to everyone

And they told us about everything ...

And now the last school year.

Our prom ... We're all dressed up.

Let's leave school for good.

You are worthy of the highest award,

We will always remember you.

You led the class like that

You were able to go a long way,

We loved you with all our hearts,

Years to return school!

Perhaps we would have studied better

And they were able to achieve more.

But we would have listened to you for sure.

For everything we ask to forgive us.

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts

Success, happiness and kindness.

You are the best, don't forget

Your class is never fun!

Our class teacher,

This holiday is graduation

Will you open doors for us

Into a new, big world.

On the day of farewell, thank you

From the bottom of our hearts we say

For love and science

Thanks to the class.

We wish you happiness in life,

And good luck for the years

You stay with the school

In our heart forever.

Graduation words of recognition

We want to say from the bottom of our hearts:

You are our class teacher,

And you cannot be disrespected,

You are our mentor and advisor,

You stood like a mountain for us,

It's time for us to part

Do not forget you are our class,

And we will remember you too,

We will come to you more than once,

We wish you great happiness

Thank you for all of us!

Poems and prose for gratitude to subject teachers at the 11th grade graduation

We say thank you to dear teachers,

And forgive for mischief and excesses,

We often did what we didn't need to do,

And then we dealt with the director!

We are grateful for your work - bitter and hard,

For an unlearned verse and for disrupting lessons!

We wish you well, happiness and health,

So that they love you with your soul, tenderly, in a filial way!

I haven't learned my lesson today.

Not set. How strange. For once

For a break, we are not happy with the call.

We are adults now, we are humans.

You taught us the intricacies of the sciences:

How the current flows, what to do with the integral.

That nothing is done "suddenly"

That nothing comes for free.

We will take your love with us, for future use.

It will be useful to us, no doubt.

I haven't learned my lesson today

But I wrote a poem.

Today, entering a new life,

Long, heavy road

We will hasten to wish you

Always be at five in everything!

Good, kind disciples,

Skillful, courageous and diligent.

We love you and our school,

We will cherish you in our souls.

Our dear and dear teachers, faithful mentors and our kind companions, at our graduation ceremony, we sincerely thank you for your patience and understanding, for your care and love. We wish you great success and undoubted good luck, brave work and sincere respect. We will always remember you and come to our native school now as guests, and we wish you to remain here, as before, irreplaceable people and wonderful teachers.

Our dear teachers! On this festive but sad day, we want to say thank you very much! Thank you for being in these years, you were our mentors! Thank you for the support, advice, and the knowledge you gave us. Leaving our home school, we will never forget the happy hours spent here. Thanks to your efforts and patience, today's graduates will become great people, because each of us has become special in our own way. You have opened up new horizons and new knowledge for us. Everything that you have done for us is beyond count. Thank you for that!

Words of gratitude to teachers from parents at the graduation in grade 11 in poetry and prose

Parents also prepare special words of gratitude to teachers in poetry and prose for the 11th grade graduation party. It is very important for them to have time to express their respect and gratitude at the graduation to an expensive teacher, in many respects thanks to whom their children achieved their success. Of course, it's hard to really pick correct words, which can fully convey all parental feelings in such a touching evening. But we are sure that the words of gratitude to teachers from parents at the 11th grade graduation in poetry and prose, which you will find in our next collections, will help you with this. There is no unnecessary pathos and general phrases in them, and they themselves are filled with kind, real words of sincere gratitude and respect.

Thank you for your concern,

Thank you for the warmth.

You do so much

And teach children easily.

May everything in life be smooth

At work Best of all!

And a huge salary

Let them give you every day.

We want you to know

We appreciate you with all our hearts,

We sincerely respect you,

We wish you a good life!

Today there is joy and a little bit of sadness

Glows in the eyes of teachers

You gave a lot of strength and nerves,

To our sons and daughters

Understand what is so and what is wrong,

Do not be afraid of difficulties in life,

After all, without this it is impossible in any way.

Now it will be the last time

It's time to part -

Life is a stormy wide river

Will spread children around the world,

But in their hearts they will live forever

Your those lessons and covenants

That they managed to put them in their souls.

There is no end to thanks for this,

There are no such words to express it,

We bow our heads before you

For the children, for our dear ones.

We want to say thank you

And bow low at your feet,

Teachers! But to all words

And the smallest particle

Do not convey, do not explain

How grateful we are for the miracle

That they taught to live honestly

Humanly beautiful

You are our dear children,

Not sparing myself a bit,

They were made a little smarter

But much better and kinder.

There are no such scales in the world,

To weigh how much you tried

Protect them from various troubles,

And yours were simply forgotten

You have failed many times

Warmth to your family and home,

At dawn they hurried to class

After all, you could not have done otherwise.

Thank you, low bow to you,

May all misfortunes pass you by

And your path will be illuminated

Only one joy and happiness.

How quickly the years passed.

Our children have grown up completely.

Blizzards await their alarms -

A new road of change.

Everything from the cool mom will fly apart -

On their own roads, in every direction.

But in their hearts they will always remember with you

Years spent amicably.

You have always helped with advice,

You put your soul into them.

Illuminating their knowledge with light

Guided in a good track.

You put on fragile shoulders,

Raising our children.

You loved them dearly and forever:

Like their sons-daughters.

Thank you for all the good things

What did you manage to invest in them,

Thanks for the fine summers,

That you were able to live with the children.

Thank you for the wonderful moments

By the colorful schoolyard.

Love of children, good luck, inspiration -

Today you, and tomorrow, and always!

Words of gratitude in prose to teachers at the 11th grade graduation from parents

Dear teachers and graduates!

Graduation - significant event and a great holiday for each of us. Today, graduates say goodbye to the school, which laid the foundation of knowledge necessary in adult life. It was you, dear teachers, who became the second parents for our children, surrounded our children with your care and gave them knowledge and incentive to reach new heights in their studies and life. Summing up the results of the current school period, we are pleased to note the high intellectual level of our children, their victories and achievements in many Olympiads, which testifies to effective work teachers.

Our dear, dear teachers!

You are our dear friends, you taught our children. You have become akin, merged with them. You know all their pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages, abilities for science or difficulties that arise while overcoming the road of knowledge in study. You treat each of your students as a unique person, as the only one in the world.

For each, individually, you had the time and desire to help if any problems arose. Regardless of time and costs, you came home, called, if suddenly some serious problem arose.

If the child fell ill for a long time, then you came to visit him, explain the material passed so that there was no lag in his studies, the child did not lose time and his friends, classmates, remaining in the second year.

Low bow to you and deep gratitude for your enormous invaluable work that you have invested in the upbringing and education of our children!

What words of gratitude can a graduate say to a teacher? Is it possible, in general, with the help of poetry or prose, to express all the gratitude that a student of grades 9-11 feels towards his subject teachers and the class teacher at the graduation ceremony? Perhaps, if you choose not just beautiful or touching words, but find a speech that will help express feelings to the fullest. The same rule applies to words of gratitude for the first teacher for primary school graduates, parents of senior students. We really hope that the words of gratitude in poetry and prose for the teachers for the graduation party at school, which we have collected in this article, will become exactly the words of gratitude. Remember those who were next to you on your school path and be sure to thank them for their support and instilled love of knowledge.

Agree, teachers give us a lot of knowledge. They teach us not only certain disciplines. They teach us about life. They make a huge contribution to our future. And if any holiday is suddenly approaching, do not forget to prepare a beautiful congratulation for the teachers. Give them such a gift. Believe me, they will be very pleased.

Congratulations to teachers with words of gratitude

Every holiday, be it New Year, March 8, or some other solemn event, is an excellent occasion to say "thank you" to your teachers, wishing them all the best. Beautiful congratulations teachers are a great way to express your gratitude. Tell the teachers that we are developing thanks to them. It is they, teachers with a capital letter, and not some random people, who strive to convey their knowledge and life experience the younger generation. It goes without saying that this deserves great respect.

Congratulations to the teachers are spoken on behalf of the entire class. Although, of course, nothing can stop you separately. This gesture to the teacher will definitely be remembered for a long time. The work of a teacher is invaluable, and therefore deserves a worthy reward. Unfortunately, wage the teacher is unfairly small. Accordingly, he will be extremely pleased to receive your gratitude in the form of pleasant wishes.

Add a postcard

Congratulations to teachers are best accompanied by a holiday newspaper. Or a postcard. Of course, it should be beautiful and thematic. New year greetings a teacher, for example, can write on a postcard with the image of trees, balls, snowy landscapes, etc. On March 8, a card with flowers will do. You can buy it in the store, or, even better, do it yourself. The main thing is to prepare sincere warm words.

Be sure to remind teachers that they are investing their experience and skills every day in their pupils, instilling in them the ability to think creatively, with a responsible approach to making a variety of decisions, and act with a realistic perception of the world. So wish them that every next day opens for them in professionally new horizons, human happiness and grateful students.

Remember that you are not always obedient and diligent students, you are not always attentive in the classroom and listen to the instructions of teachers. Say that you appreciate their work and care, thank them for everything they do for you.

Try to make your postcard original. Add a little fantasy. Use, for example, your teacher's favorite colors. Collage postcards also look very original. You can use clippings from magazines or photos with wishes as a basis.

Don't forget about flowers

New Year's greetings to the teacher, or warm words for any other celebration, just need to be supplemented beautiful bouquet... It will become an unforgettable gift if you prepare its original presentation. The main thing is that the flowers, as words of gratitude, are sincere, from the bottom of your heart.

By the way, the bouquet can be made non-standard - for example, from toys or sweets. But the most memorable option will be a bouquet of stationery- pencils and paper clips!

And one moment. To accompany your gift and congratulations is also the so-called "homework". On the day of the holiday, prepare interesting information on the topic for each lesson. Work hard. For each teacher, you need to find a suitable surprise. For example, give a “literary man” a scene from a work assigned for reading at home, played out in roles, and for a “geographer” - a homemade album with photographs and pictures of exotic countries, with wishes to visit there sooner or later. For teacher foreign languages congratulations in English, German or French will do. The teacher, of course, will be very happy with the desire to teach his subject.

And if to this is added also holiday concert… Prepare it for the entire teaching staff, forgetting no one and leaving no one unattended. Come up with a nomination for congratulating teachers. Involve as many people as possible and think over the scenario properly.

Poems and prose

And finally. You can choose to congratulate the teacher in prose or in verse. It all depends on your talents and imagination. In the first case, it will sound something like this:

"Our dear teachers! We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday. We wish you from the bottom of our hearts good health, immeasurable happiness, success in work and all your endeavors. May your students never grieve you, but only delight you with their achievements. All this is your merit. We are grateful to you for your love and patience. Peaceful and clear sky above your head! "

The teacher will definitely like the poems of congratulations. For example:

How many years have passed

We cannot stop them.

And all the time you tried

To teach us something.

We "thank you" tell you

Thank you for your work!

May both happiness and health

They will come to your house for a holiday!

Our dear teacher,

We like you very much!

Only you at any moment

Cope with us quickly!

You are fair, kind,

You are an example for us!

Congratulations to you today

Your favorite class!

However, whatever congratulation you choose, the teacher will be pleased in any case. He will feel your love and respect. And this, mind you, is very important!

Often a thank-you letter is written to teachers. Grateful parents of students express words of gratitude to the teacher of their children, for example, in connection with the end of the school year, primary school, high school.

Not only parents can issue gratitude, but also the students themselves, referring to their teacher, class teacher. In this case, you should purchase a typographic color form, in which it is enough to enter the text with pleasant words for the addressee (teacher).

Thank you letter the teacher or class teacher can write to only the parent committee, but also the school administration, represented by its director, gratitude can be expressed for any achievements, participation in events of a various nature, significant event in the life of a teacher and school.

Below we offer sample texts of a thank you letter for the teacher and class teacher from parents, as well as from the school administration.

Video - ideas for writing a thank you letter (with examples)

Thank you teacher text templates

1. The text of the letter of thanks to the primary school teacher from the parents of the students.

Dear Anna Gennadievna!

We, the parents of grade 4 "A" students, sincerely thank you for the attention, care and sensitivity shown in relation to our children. For 4 years, you accompanied our children, helping them to overcome difficulties and failures in their studies, empathizing and supporting them in difficult times. Together with your students, you rejoiced at their successes and supported them in difficult situations.

Your professionalism and sensitivity helped our children believe in themselves, discover new abilities and talents, and open up like a flower every day. Thank you for your patience, attention and care towards the students! Thank you for preparing our children for 4 years, putting your soul into them, building full-fledged personalities out of them, guiding them on the true path of improvement!

We wish you new professional achievements, to reach new pedagogical heights with your students!

Parents of students of grade 4 "A"

2. The text of a letter of thanks to the class teacher from the parents of graduates

Dear Tatyana Evgenievna!

We sincerely thank you for the upbringing and education of our children - students of the 11th grade of school №131 in the city of Omsk. Your professional classroom guidance has enabled our children to achieve amazing excellence in all subjects and prepared them for their new life outside of school. The children went to school every day with interest, attended extra-curricular activities with enthusiasm, solved the complex and non-standard tasks set before them with a sparkle in their eyes. Thanks to your active participation in the life of each of your students, every day they opened up more and more fully, becoming full-fledged personalities. An atmosphere of mutual support and mutual assistance, respect for each other always reigned in the class.