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Farewell words to colleagues when leaving. Wishes colleague when dismissing from work

A farewell letter to colleagues with their dismissal becomes an integral part of corporate ethics. Whatever the reasons for dismissal, the employee's care process always carries some kind of loss of loss for both the most dismissed and the whole team. It is not surprising, since most of his life a person spends at work and gets used to people with whom it works. A farewell letter when dismissal will help scraper care.

How to make a farewell letter?

In the preparation of a farewell message should be first to determine the character of the letter, which can be comic or thank. It is also necessary to determine the target audience: either it will appeal to the entire department, or to each employee individually.

You can write a message to each colleague and leave on the desktop, also acceptable email mailing. If it is decided to write a general appeal, it will be better to turn to each colleague in it. For example, write that it was very nice to work with each of them and note the individual qualities of each.

The main purpose of a farewell letter is to leave a pleasant impression of yourself. Therefore, even if there were some conflicts with colleagues in the work process, it is better not to mention it.

By addiction from mood, you can choose any style of circulation, even in poetic form.

An example of a poetic form.

This sample can be corrected and repracted in its own way.

An example of an official letter

I, Ivanov Nikolai Petrovich, dismissed from office of the sales department. Thank you, dear colleagues for working together. Just because of you I learned to patience and excerpt, as well as the adoption of suspended wise decisions.

I wish you professional growth and prosperity. I hope to preserve business connections with you and I will be happy to be useful.

An example of friendly appeal

Dear friends! I am very bitterly parted with you, but in connection with moving to another city I will leave our wonderful team. Thank you that for the past 5 years I endured me as an accountant for commodity and material values. Together with you I grew up professionally, became a real specialist in my field. Thanks to this work, I have acquired a lot of faithful friends, which I will be so missing in the new city.

For a farewell, I want to wish you all the best, and let all your bold dreams work. Support and help each other, because only a team of like-minded people can achieve real success.

Should I write a letter to the boss?

Whatever the relationship between the dismissed employee and leadership, it is better to leave a positive message and boss. When admission to a new job, new employers often call the former place of work of the employee to assemble as much information as possible not only about his professional skills, but also about human qualities. Therefore, the Epistle of the Chief is a kind of guarantee of successful work in a new place.

It is important to leave only pleasant memories about yourself, so it's not worth criticizing colleagues and leadership in your appeal. It is not necessary to overload a farewell letter regrets or problems that were in work.

An example of addressing management

Dear Alexander Ivanovich! I'm sorry that you have to dismiss with your beloved work, but the circumstances have developed in such a way that I have to leave. It was a pleasure to work under your leadership, and despite our frequent disagreements, I am grateful to you for the experience and lessons that I received.

I wish you further career growth and prosperity. I will be glad if I can be useful in the future.

Recently, it became a tradition to write when dismissing a farewell letter to colleagues. It is accepted to express gratitude for cooperation and leave warm wishes to the team. If there is no such custom in your organization, or the farewell words to colleagues when dismissing from work, an employee wants to say personally, then a suitable poem or prose can be chosen below. Lost words can be included in a farewell letter if you stayed on a written message. Farewell to colleagues when dismissing in verses leaving the team, you want to say: "Thank you have been supporting, for fate." My happiness was with you, there was a lot with you to dispose of serious conversations. I will remember our breaks with sadness and ... bored! " I leave the team, I will say, colleagues, you have been thankling help, for supporting the case, for correcting errors.

A farewell letter to colleagues when dismissing.

  • a farewell letter - a good opportunity to save relations with colleagues and leave your new contacts for business communication;
  • honest and most respectful letter will help to smooth the conflict, understand the situation, entailed dismissal, and, perhaps, express interesting ideas on the organization of work, which in the future will have a positive effect on reputation in professional circles;
  • finally, the thinking of farewell words is an effective psychological agent against stress: you can analyze your former activities, noting its pros and cons, relations with colleagues, own behavior at the place of work, to find the causes of the oldest failures in order to start working in a new place.

How to properly say goodbye to colleagues if the company is small and the team small, farewell words can be said orally tet-a-tet or in the last meeting.

Farewell letter to colleagues when dismissal

Interesting cases in the practice of personnel service was one case when the girl Lena was driving envious employees. The case was published and reached the leadership. On the same day, a decree was written about her dismissal from his position. Lena was bitter because her innocent is deprived of the only thing that she has - his beloved work.


Since Lena was a true professional, following the corporate etiquette, she wrote a farewell letter to its employees and the leader. In it, she explained the current situation, farewell did not ask, did not begged her to return her to work, but just wanted to explain and save her good name. So coincided that her manager read a farewell letter from the corporate distribution, which was never done before.

The story of an unfairly dismissed employee joined him for living.

How to write a farewell letter to colleagues when dismissing

With colleagues, I say goodbye and gets home. Do not forget the living workmen of the joint workday you will be immortal in my history. You will learn about you in the future as my friends. I hope to reciprocate the poet of Sergei stah. With a negative tint, tell me, send a message that even on paper mosques lightning is not recommended.
But in any case, if it was boiling and want to pour bitterness, you can write a farewell letter when dismissing this type: colleagues! I quarreled from the accountant position occupied due to unacceptable working conditions for me. The main reason is the lack of surcharges for processing. For my position by the decision of the leadership, the trainee was appointed, Student Chapel.


I will work on a similar position in the organization "Winter". If you have working questions, ready to help. You are a very friendly team, there are many professionals among you.

I hope to maintain business relationships.

Examples of farewell letters to colleagues when dismissing

In a farewell letter should not be boasting, gloating, expressions of superiority.

  • Lack of criticism or submitting it as the proposed company development opportunities. This emphasizes the competence and decency of an almost former employee of the company.
  • The ban on the call of dismissal by other employees and advertising the future place of work.

Letter's Structure Letter to employees when dismissal is not a strict document, but has a mandatory structure:

  • Name name and post sending at the beginning of the letter. As a rule, not all employees of a large number of companies are aware of your decision, for many this news can become unexpected.
  • Communication message with an indication of the circumstances of the dismissal.
    The reason is due to the merits, without hints that generate intrigues and investigations.

Farewell letter about dismissal colleagues: example

Formal respected colleagues! From June 1, I leave my position by the head of the Public Relations Department, which I held the last five years. This personnel decision is accepted by the highest leadership and is associated with my improvement to the financial director. My receiver as the head of the Public Relations Department will be Petrov V.V.

Its contact details: 077 - 555 -55 -55, I am grateful to the team of public relations department for their contribution to our common cause. Under my leadership, we have achieved high results, which allowed me to achieve raising.

Thank you for the responsible performance of my job duties. I count on your competence for further fruitful work. From uv. Tikhonov Viktor Veniaminovich.

Cool farewell letter to colleagues when dismissal

For many ordinary citizens in our country, especially worked for many years at one large manufacturing plant, writing words to farewell to their colleagues when changing work may seem rather strange and not obligatory act. In our country, in our country, during our common Soviet past, it is accustomed to communicating dry and in the case, with a small number of people, without expressing their emotions and feelings. Remember, no one can make you retreat from your life rules, a letter of former colleagues is not a mandatory document.

In any case, you will make a calculation and give personal documents (workbook). If you are important for you, let the ex-former, but colleagues, support for friendly and business relationships, especially if you are not sure that in the future you will not need help and recommendations, then it is better to spend a little time, think over the text and write a letter.

Beautiful farewell letter to colleagues when dismissing

Why write a letter? Almost every one of us changed the place of work. The dismissal of the employee is usually accompanied by certain farewell rituals stipulated by corporate ethics of companies to create a positive atmosphere in the team even in such a weighty moment. One of the necessary rituals is writing a letter of dismissal.

This is an important ritual. Writing the letter will not only allow to say goodbye to colleagues, but also help a person himself answers the questions why he wants to leave what he reached in this place and what he wants to. Many people are psychologically difficult to come up with the text of the last letter to colleagues when dismissal. The reason lies in the fear of changes inherent to all people.
When specifying a new working phone, a new position is also indicated. The written letter should not be too emotional. You do not have the right to pour out emotional statements on the former colleagues. It will put you in not the best light, showing your insecurity and a low level of professionalism.
A farewell letter to the head to the question, but is it worth writing a letter before leaving the leader, the answer is definitely positive:

  • This characterizes you as a polite and educated person.
  • It gives you a chance to say goodbye beautifully, leaving a positive impression of yourself. If in the field of your future work is taken to take business recommendations, then good relations with the former bosses will not be damaged.
  • This is a convenient time to declare your professionalism if you have not had such an opportunity.

Beautiful farewell letter to colleagues when dismissing examples

I wish you all success, good luck, peace and warmth in the team under the new leadership, happiness in personal and family life. I hope to continue business cooperation. I promise to support and help each of you when contacting me in the future. With respect, F. I. O., Deputy Director of the Retail Network "...".
E-mail: .... Telephone:…". Friendly version Letter about dismissal can be written in a friendly, joking tone: "Cute my favorite colleagues, I appeal to you, a worker of the finished product of the Factory of Children's Toys" Your Best Doll "Petrova Dasha. I was happy to work with you for many years, months and days! Now in my life the new stage begins, which I waited most of all in the world. I finally got married and going to go on maternity leave! I leave you not forever! Remove the tears from your eyes, as you do not need to cry and shed.

Consider the basic rules for writing a farewell letter to colleagues when dismissal. Leaving, remember that solving organizational issues, do not forget to say goodbye to the company, a company or any other institution where you worked with staff.

You will show respect and pupil, thanking them for attention, help, collective work, which accompanied you throughout the joint work.

In the West, farewell letters, examples of which you can find below, have long been practiced, in Russia it is only gaining momentum, as a rule, so far only in large companies.

The main rules for writing a farewell letter

First, the letter is worth writing if you do not personally say goodbye to the staff (a large corporation, a little time or there is no desire to repeat the same thing and others.).

Secondly, the letter is written not only when changing the place of work, but also when switching to another department.

Classic farewell words to colleagues when dismissing from work

Dear staff!
From August 15, I leave the company as the main head of the marketing and advertising department, which I took for almost four years.
A new employee is appointed to my post - Stepanov K.K. You can contact him by contact phone: +7 024 184 23 51 or by mail: [Email Protected]
The decision was made long, hard and thoughtfully. It was taken again with the highest leadership.
Evaluating everything, the choice was made, go further, discover new faces of education, strength and opportunities. Now I want to try myself in a new life role - to become my mother and start your business.
I want to express my gratitude to the company that once believed in me and gave me the opportunity to show myself and get all those professional skills, knowledge and skills that I can enjoy further. After receiving confidence, I now know for sure that I can continue on one.
Separately, I want to thank the staff of the marketing department and advertising for their professionalism, high-quality work and cohesion. What you taught me, I will save and complement with new knowledge. Working with you, I got the opportunity to realize my strength and the possibility of further growth. Among you, I found new, real friends. I was glad to be your managers and achieve all big heights.
I am proud that I worked in the company "____".
I wish the company ____ further prosperity and a large future. Each of you should strive for the better, greater and high.
Appreciate your team and company. Difficulties will be inevitable, but you will handle all the adversities.
If some questions arose to me, please call or mail until August 15. I am glad to help each of you.
Sincerely, Belozerskaya Margarina Aleksandrovna.

Funny ways to say goodbye

If you want to surprise and positively summarize your work in the company, the company, any other institution, you can go on this path and send this letter to colleagues on the last working day.

I decided that during my work with you, I do not have the right to leave, not saying goodbye personally with each. Therefore, first I want to thank and low to bow my boss - Kuznetsov Gennadia Vasilyevich! Good Gennady Vasilyevich shared with me the secrets of the advertising process and development, however, discovered vital opportunities in me. So, I can now book a meeting!
Thanks to Vasilyeva Anna Alekseevna, I generally got the opportunity to work in such a wonderful team by passing the internship rate. I wanted to say thank you for your office, sometimes I sat there in your absence. I know you will not be angry.
Gordeeva Inna Sergeyevna, thanks to you I learned and now I can definitely solve any complex task. Now I know for sure, lunch is a delicate matter, and you can not yawning!
Dmitry Vasilyevich's wrestlers, you saved me with my smile during various, working disputes and incidents.
Each of you deserves a high quarry. You definitely cope with work difficulties. I wish you only decent customers and a human relationship.
Do you think I forgot? Smirnova Daria, Astashov Nikolay, Kromov Alexey and Forgotova Victoria! I remember you how we start our internship together. I was very pleased to work with real, open and not indifferent people. I wish you further professional growth in the company. You are worthy staff!
Thanks to this company, I have acquired important professional skills in advertising, they will definitely come to me in your career.
Each of you did a lot for me, thank you for a human and professional attitude. It was pleasure to work with you. Good luck to you!
And yet .. the time is the work goes, and I sit without work ..


Full examples of farewell

Now consider the fun examples of a farewell letter to colleagues when dismissal:
Dear! All, I will soon leave! Finally .. do you hear? From August 17, you will not find me. Why? Everything is simple. I decided that I need another profession, where I can fully disclose as a writer. Therefore, I no longer want to engage in marketing and dismissed. Now I am waiting for an excellent career of the journalist.
My place is already looking for a new professional. I believe that a person will be worthy and you will be lucky with him to spend a lot of bright time.
You should tell you thanks, thanks to you, I realized that Marketing is not for me! But I appreciated everything that I was taught over the years of work at Invik. I hope this experience is accurate for me to use.
Words of gratitude I want to say to your favorite leadership. You instilled in me the hope of becoming the first marketer of the year, but every time the victory remained quite a little bit.
Here I found friends, like-minded people and teachers and we lived under one roof from 8:00 to 19:30. I was glad to learn each. Promotional letter to colleagues when dismissing from work

4.9 (97.5%) 16 votes

The number of economic associations in Russia increases with each day. The concept of corporate ethics becomes familiar to us, the purpose of which is the creation of a favorable atmosphere in the team.

Psychologically difficult moments (reorganization, change of management, adoption and care of employees) are accompanied by certain rituals, one of which is to write a farewell letter to colleagues when dismissal.

Why exactly a farewell letter?

Large corporations, offices have hundreds and even thousands of workers. Near each for a personal farewell there is no possibility. Collect the team in the meeting room too, if the head of the enterprise is not fired.

It is also worth remembering that dismissal is a stress that does not have to personal communication. And if we consider that in the conditions of a numerous team, not all employees are closely familiar, you can also get into an awkward situation.

The best way to avoid trouble is the internal email distribution.

Another reason for writing a farewell letter to colleagues lead psychologists. When a person understands that he should be resigned, but it cannot be solved, the process of writing farewell lines will help him objectively answer the questions: why he wants to leave, how he worked in the same place, which he reached, what she wants to see what relationships with colleagues and bosses. Together with the last point will come and a reasonable, weighted solution.

When it is customary to write corporate farewell letters

  • when switching to another job;
  • when transferring to another branch or department;
  • when changing positions and steps in a corporate hierarchy;
  • when retirement;
  • when leaving for maternity leave.


The main objective - Common Tone Rules. English care is incompatible with corporate. Dismissed with the help of the letter shows respect for colleagues and the enterprise and contributes to ensuring that his departure does not affect the atmosphere in the team.

The second goal is personal and slightly mercenary. it the desire to maintain a reputation in professional circles and business connections. A man rarely leaves bankers to musicians. Usually he receives a profitable offer from competitors organizations. And business relationships with former colleagues can strongly help in a career growth in a new place.

How to write a farewell letter when dismissing

The official of the style of the letter is manifested in objectivity and unobtrusiveness. But it is desirable to abandon the dryness of the presentation by making a message to warmer and friendly.

So it will be perceived as an act of respecting a non-indifferent person, and not a burdensive duty. In a farewell letter allowed correctly, delicate humor.

A similar letter is not a document, but has a clear and mandatory structure.

Name, position

To save time of colleagues, avoid misunderstanding and sending a letter to spam, first you need to introduce yourself and reminded to colleagues, by whom and in which department the sender worked. In the e-mail theme window, you should also specify a "farewell letter of FULL NAME, POSITION POSITIVE PAPER'S".

Message about leaving and specifying the cause

The corporate letter does not need bright emotions. It should leave the impression of writing as a balanced person, with dignity that can take both failures and victory. The reason is formulated clearly and clearly, without hints that generate rumors and gossip.

When the reason for dismissal is unpleasant, you can not specify it.

If a person is still solved for this, you need to inhabit the insanity, anger and desire to express all the painful about the former colleagues and the place of work.

Also, a pleasant reason is also reserved. In a farewell letter, colleagues there is no place to boasting, gloating, expressing superiority.

Optionally, they explain what influenced the decision to quit, but remember the inadmissibility of negative statements. When without criticism, it is impossible to do without criticism, it is presented as a number of proposals for improving the work of an enterprise with a specific facts. This once again emphasizes competence and decency.

The name of the successor, its contact details

The devoted mechanism of the corporation should work without failures and detection. If the outgoing employee informs colleagues in a timely manner, they will be grateful to him.

Description of achievements abolished during work

The starting point of the description of the achievements is the team. It is impossible to present professional progress as personal victories.

You should begin with what has learned the writing, working at the enterprise. It is advisable to specify the names of those who contributed to the formation of both a professional, express their sentence to them.

At the end of this part of the letter, it is necessary to show that the professional improvement of the abolished - the result of the work of the team, who supported his undertaking, helped, showed patience and mutual understanding.

After expressing gratitude, it will be approm to the team be relevant to the team if the dismissal feels discomfort after the misdeed.

Wishes to colleagues

This part is drawn up differently depending on the magnitude of the team and the nature of the employee relationships. Wishes can be specific if the small team is associated friendly relations.

If the collective is big and unfamiliar, just a few general items. We can wish success in work, career growth, creative success, professional discoveries, decent salaries, personal and family well-being.

In a trigger, the desire to maintain business and friendly relations in the future.

New contacts

So that the previous phrase is not empty formality, the former colleagues should be left to leave their contacts. It can be a personal email address, a cell number or home phone number, the address of the residence.

If data from a new job (address, phone) is given, it is necessary to indicate the position to be easier to find a new employee.

Do I need to send a farewell letter to the boss?

For a farewell letter to write the boss.

  • This is again the manifestation of tact and pupils.
  • It is an opportunity to leave with dignity and leave a good impression about yourself, especially if in the sphere of your activity, letters and calls are taken to the previous place of work.
  • This is a convenient case to emphasize your professionalism. If a fired employee did not have free access to the Cabinet of the Chief, he could unobtrusively express accumulated ideas and suggestions in the letter, which also benefits the future recommendations.
  • This is the last chance to resolve the conflict or correct the error. Speaking perfume with the boss, describing my vision of the situation created, you can even avoid dismissal or downward.

How and what to write the boss? Unobtrusively, respectfully, observing the subordination, without unnecessary emotions and a still aim to express gratitude for the support, assisting in self-realization, advanced training.

Emphasize that the experience gained is the result of the high professionalism of the bosses. If dismissal is associated with an increase in position, it is necessary to emphasize the role of the governing bodies in this achievement.

Examples of a farewell letter to colleagues when dismissing

There are no strict standards in the form of farewell letters. They can be in prose and in verses, with humor and serious, official and friendly.

The only limitation is the volume. If the letter is addressed to a large number of employees, you should not distract them from work with hundreds of farewell lines. A long letter is permissible only in a narrow circle of colleagues that accurately read it to the end.

The team is like a family:
He, she and you, and me.
And the ruins are unloading,
We wash birthdays.

Everything happened in our life,
Ate with you different porridge.
Drank and swear
Our views scattered.

Everyone has seen together.
I say without any reason,
And the words are indisputable, for,
I want to say thank you!

From soul, colleagues, you
I "Thank you!" I say
You for help and support
I thank in life.

Always in a difficult minute
There is a reliable hand
If I brake somewhere
Punify you slightly.

On any question answers
We are looking for together, we sometimes
And in trouble we are for each other
Immediately we get up the mountain.

Wish I want, colleagues,
Happiness to each of you
And fate I am grateful
That she tied us.

My beautiful colleagues,
For all of you I thank you.
In respect, honor,
Smile you give your own.

Colleagues are the best you in the world
There are no such people to find.
For all thanks much,
I want to mention to tell you!

On which you can rely
You are just like, I am glad

With you very simple and easy

Respect you i'm deep

Friends, comrades, colleagues!
I look in good faces
And I want to be grateful
Before you, I am constantly bowing.

Any of you in need will help
And the experience will always share.
Our team, as the crew is reliable,
It goes confidently through the storms and years.

Who is the case, as a virtuoso, owns,
Grow colleagues to become one of them.
And, if necessary, it will be able
"Magic Pendel" to register.

Thank you, my colleagues.
For the fact that the daytime
There will never be boring.
For what I want (!) Here.

For friendship strong, without false
Corporates ringing laughter.
And if we will be together together,
We again and again threaten success.

Work with you - the highest award
You are the best team in this world!
You are cool, open guys,
Positive always comes from you!

Thank you for your help and support,
For the fact that I am always comfortable with you!
Let go career our mountain
So that the wallets were filled with money!

Native team
" Thank you!" - I say
I am my colleagues
For all thank you.

For help, for support,
For good science,
For a strong shoulder
And friendly hand.

Knowledge and experience
You do not care, shared
Errors correcting,
For a long time they were not angry.

Thank you for teamwork
Work taught
I wish you in happiness
And you lived joy.

I adore with you,
There is no better team in the world!
I am inspiration
From our jokes, positive!

Thank you, what are you like
How good we are friendly!
After all, human relationship
The team is so important!

I am on a positive,
In this work the team,

In addition, it is not free.

I am grateful to all colleagues,
I wish you a lot of success,

It did not come so that fatigue.

Such a wonderful, kind team,
Believe me, it is not easy to find.
Thank you for the way
You have always been happy to support!

Thank you for many conversations
Behind a cup of tea and wine with a glass.
Thank you for every answer,
For your faith from the very beginning.

Let only burn your success!
I will remember you constantly.
Thank you! It's time to go ahead,
But you are with me, the soul of my team.

Words of gratitude to prose work colleagues

I want to say big and sincerely "thanks" to my expensive and wonderful colleagues. Dear, you have always been my support and support, you have become real friends and loyal companions for me. Thanks for the joint work, hard work and revenue at the right hour, thanks for the warm and friendly atmosphere in the team, for excellent mood and optimistic attitude. I wish you all further success, big victories and great plans.

Colleagues, my dear, thank you so much for our cohesive, friendly team. Thank you for even the most difficult, stressful situations you retain your optimism. It is comfortable and easy to work with you, which is quite important and necessary for productive labor. You know, each of you is a special, amazing person, which contributes to our common cause. Thanks to our abilities, we created a unique team that is not only hardworking, but also very cheerful! Thank you, my beautiful, for the fact that our everyday days are not an ordinary, inhibiting routine, but differ in brightness and originality.

My wonderful colleagues, from the heart I want to thank you for good collaboration, for excellent and cheerful work, for friendship and support, for help and understanding, for true advice and wonderful ideas. I sincerely want to wish everyone to never lose confidence and always seek everything about the heart.

Dear colleagues, I want from a clean heart to tell you all "Thank you" over the years of our cheerful work, for supporting in difficult situations, for good advice in the moments of doubt, for the excellent mood at the work post, for bright ideas in activities and joint victories. I wish you all good luck, high salary and personal well-being. Thank you, friends-colleagues, all the best to you, comrades.

Thanks to my wonderful colleagues. You are people who know how to understand and support, you are a team in which you want to work, share joy and support the atmosphere of good smiles. Thanks for the help and necessary shakers, tips and inspiration. I sincerely wish you great remuneration for any efforts, happy accomplishments for every day of life.

Dear colleagues, I want to thank you for the trust and support that reigns in the team, for the productive work that makes us develop and go only forward, for the implementation of all intended goals and for your sincere faith in our business! Let every our working day be painted with inspiration, hard work and optimistic mood!

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My dear, colleagues, I want to thank you for dedication, effort, perseverance and desire for success. Thank you for your hard work. I wish everyone to be happy and love to bring joy to be happy to be successful and memorable every day of life.

Dear my colleagues, dear friends and comrades, we passed a lot of roads together and overcame a lot of barriers to success. Thank you for the words of support, for help in matters, for respect and understanding, for the good and pleasant atmosphere in our team. As a sign of gratitude, I would like to wish you all welfare in life, love, happiness, good luck, great opportunities and small worries.

SMS words of gratitude to working colleagues

My beautiful colleagues,
For all of you I thank you.
In respect, honor,
Smile you give your own.

Colleagues are the best you in the world
There are no such people to find.
For all thanks much,
I want to mention to tell you!

3 SMS - 197 characters

There are colleagues closer than friends
On which you can rely
You are just like, I am glad
What we fell together to work together

With you very simple and easy
With you, I am not afraid of me,
Respect you i'm deep
And proud of our cooperation!

4 SMS - 240 characters

Dear Colleagues! I want to express your gratitude to you! I am very glad to work in one team with such bright, kind, open people! Let all the good things being said and you have always returned to you in two-time!

4 SMS - 237 characters

Dear colleagues, I want to express my sincere appreciation for productive work, help and assistance in solving difficult questions, friendly participation and empathy, harmonious communication.

4 SMS - 207 characters

I adore with you,
There is no better team in the world!
I am inspiration
From our jokes, positive!

Thank you, what are you like
How good we are friendly!
After all, human relationship
The team is so important!

4 SMS - 201 Symbol

Dear colleagues, let me express my sincere words of gratitude for professional assistance, friendly participation, sympathy and responsiveness.

3 sms - 149 characters

I am on a positive,
In this work the team,
I am comfortable and pleasant to me
In addition, it is not free.

I am grateful to all colleagues,
I wish you a lot of success,
Suppose that will not be in a burden
It did not come so that fatigue.

4 SMS - 227 characters

You always help,
If suddenly in the affairs of the trouble.
You can give advice
So I do or not,
After all, we are in work, as in one cart,
Thank you for all, my colleagues!

3 sms - 163 characters

Dear colleagues, in this difficult time it is very important to stay afloat, while not in place, and it is advisable to move on! I want to say thank you for doing it every day and do not sit back!

4 SMS - 208 characters

Thank you, friends!
Thank you for everything.
In the work we are a family
Thanks for good!

For your jokes, laughter
And in a difficult moment near.
Shoulder to shoulder - and now success.
Thank you guys!

Words of gratitude colleague when dismissing

Diligently worked
Worked not to give up hands
You became more experienced,
Now, it is worth summing up:

Work is yours flawless
It is not easy for you to find a replacement,
You have always been humane,
Solved complex problems.

Thank you for your service,
For the contribution that brought
We really appreciate your friendship,
And the best, let it be waiting for you ahead!

Today I dismissed and leave our friendly team. My dear colleagues, thank you for the warm and rainbow atmosphere, for good cooperation, help and mutual support. I wish to stay always in business, great success, strong health and excellent mood.

Sometimes you have to say goodbye
Life After all, a continuous river,
It is impossible to stay somewhere
On no bill, long century.

There was a lot
And workers and everyday troubles.
And to replace each other
I had to, or just bring lunch.

Thank you for experience, for support
And for the views of good warmth.
Let your work appreciate the boss,
And the salary will embody the dream!

Today I quit and want, leaving, thank you, wonderful my colleagues, for your good smiles, for sincere support, for the necessary assistance and for joint brave work. Good luck to you, dear, well-being, wealth and happiness.

Although the expensive diverge
For sadness, this is wheremed - no reason,
Although I firm from work,
But I remember, smiling,
Like you, colleagues, helped,
How to chat we have time
Thank you for the moments
What were near - one hundred percent
I felt so much
Emotions - joy and anxiety,
We were divided at work,
Work with you was cool
Thank you to say I want
For the meeting warmly,
And friendship with you in the team,
Let me not be sad!

Dear colleagues, thank you for the time spent next to me the time of fruitful working cooperation, support and assistance, I hope that our communication will not be interrupted in connection with my dismissal.

For a farewell hour I want to say
Colleagues, thank you!,
With love I will remember
About our team.

I say goodbye to you, like family,
Like close, relatives,
In trouble and in joy always
With me you were near.

And dismissal mine
Let his friendship prevent
For you, colleagues, in the heart door
Open leave.

I want to open you one essence
After all, the way is so arranged,
Hostages we are circumstances
No need more proceedings.

I will quit
Although I bought the soul magnet
To work this, to the team,
It remains only to leave beautifully.

Fate for it do not blame
For all colleagues, thank you
Keep contact with you exactly
And never forget you.

You contributed to the general case,
Now we go on vacation.
Thank you for the works useful,
Let you wait for the days of happiness wonderful!

Be energetic and healthy,
To beginnings new ready
We wish love, the ocean of impressions,
Harmony and desires of performances!

Dear, my native colleagues,
Today I quit to regret
Thank you for our stays,
For your reasonableness, patience.

For your help, kindness to me,
For our jokes and cohesion,
For our special, friendly team,
For your honesty and certainty!

Farewell words from a dismissed employee

Recently, it became a tradition to write when dismissing a farewell letter to colleagues. It is accepted to express gratitude for cooperation and leave warm wishes to the team. If there is no such custom in your organization, or the farewell words to colleagues when dismissing from work, an employee wants to say personally, then a suitable poem or prose can be chosen below. Lost words can be included in a farewell letter if you stayed on a written message.

Farewell to colleagues when dismissal in verse

Leaving the team
I want to say: "Thank you
For support, for fate -
There was a lot of happiness with you,
There was a lot of disputes with you
And serious conversations.
I will remember with sadness
The team is ours and ... bored! "

I leave the team,
I will say, colleagues, thank you
For help, for supporting the case,
For correcting errors.

I will be so missing you so
I will remember the heart rate
About what kind of team you are
In a new place will not forget.

What can I say to you, colleagues?
What to wish before leaving?
Require more privileges
And the salary is higher to receive.
At work not to burn like candles,
Rejoice life time
And do not wait for the evening,
To customs easily in bed!

The last day today at work,
And I am a little sad since.
Thank you colleagues for care,
I wish you a good thing.
I will remember you with warmth.
You were me like a family.
I'm leaving, but I urove with him
All the best. Goodbye friends!

Farewell words to colleagues when dismissing from work in prose

Dear Colleagues! Many productive years and wonderful days we fused together along the big road of our common cause! Everything was: shortcomings and rampant, victory and defeat, resentment and joy. But the most important thing that was - this is your tact, respect for my mistakes that we corrected, uniting in a friendly allies team. Your lessons will not go out for nothing! I promise you exactly!

Dear colleagues, it's time to part. I'm joyful and sad. Ahead of new work, impressions and experience. Here I leave a part of my soul. Thank you for everything: for the fact that they were near in difficult moments, they helped, supported the word and work. I wish you to stay as a friendly team, a cohesive team and good friends. I am always with warmth I will remember our collaboration.

Colleagues, we spent a lot of time together, and our relationship became almost related. And although changing the work is so natural, for some reason, the bitter sense of loss appeared in the soul. Of course, we will continue to communicate, but everything will be different. Thank you for the cozy and cheerful atmosphere, who asked everyday life, helped to cope with problems and Handrea, inspired to work and grow!

Dear colleagues, I have an exciting day today, I'm leaving you. And I'm a little sad from parting with you. Your friendly team gave me a lot. Your patience and affiliate support helped me get up hard on your feet. I express all deep gratitude and urint the most pleasant memories with him. I wish your team further prosperity and well-being to each of you!

Words of gratitude to colleagues when dismissal - funny poems

I lived in the team for a long time
I'm leaving on a positive!
If your hands, legs are -
So - it will be what to eat!
Yes, and I saved money,
I spent a lot of forces here,
So tired that urine no,
Little! Hello everyone!

I leave you guys
Farewell, favorite team,
We survived not one check
And not one corporate party.

I always saved deftly
From the claims "on the carpet".
Thank you for everything, colleagues,
You have become expensive to me.

Well, colleagues, - you still bang,
Work here not to dope
Days fast humpback, puff,
Not noticing anything around.
And now I will meet all winds
I am flying on the will of a lusted arrow -
Now manage yourself,
Ready for adventure hero!

Today everything is in good attitude, -
The last day is worked with me.
Everyone expects with joyful wave,
When I'll leave everyone alone.
And I'm sad from the general joy.
I hope that the people will understand,
That I am good to him was the boss,
When I replace me - the other will come.

Gratitude to colleagues from a dismissed employee - comic prose

The glorious representatives are now the former my team! Tomorrow quit! Do you think: I worry? By all ... happy as a new income! You imagine - freedom is waiting for your colleague! And also laziness, sleep and TV! Hooray!

Today I say goodbye to you, my dear colleagues. I want to thank you for good jokes, hundreds of joint coffee cups, funny "smokers", useful tips and "compromising" in the form of a photo and video from our joint holidays. I wish you happily stay, remember me only with a smile, do not hold the evil and offense. I love you all, respect and I will miss you very much.

Colleagues, working with you was easy and pleasant - I am satisfied for all one hundred! But, as you know, the fish is looking for, where they feed, and the person is where they pay more, and in human you can understand my care. I am not easy to part with you, but what prevents us from communicating in Vaiber, to correspond in social suites, put yourself like huskies? In general, the effect of full presence, so that global changes are not planned.

I see expensive colleagues, with what impatience you are waiting for my care. Be care a bit. Yes, I was in the band, which did not give anyone to anyone. But I think you will miss me. Who will tell you a jokes, take rubles to pay, shoot cigarettes and play first of April? In the meantime, goodbye, colleagues, get bored, call. Thanks for everything, do not remember lich.