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Dependency: Why kindness and love is more effective punishment. Good attitude to the whole living - Islam-Indeka.RF human attitude to the whole living

The heart of the believer should not be a piece of flesh, which exhibits compassion for one creatures and is soulless against others. Remembering the covenant of manifestation of a good attitude to others, we sometimes do not take into account that "others" are not only people, but also other creatures of Allah surrounding us. Animals, birds and even plants. Along with respect to the human soul, we are also obliged to cultivate respect and mercy in our hearts to the less reasonable beings of our world.

Almighty Allah limited them in mind and responsibilities, but each of these creatures endowed with a spirit - life. Unfortunately, some do not give this meaning, narrowing the circle of living to themselves and for themselves. But animals and birds are the same creatures, just a little different than we. And our hearts's liveliness should be reflected not only in mercy to people, but in mercy to our smaller brothers, as we sometimes call them.

The Sunna shows convincing stories, from which it follows that punishment and remuneration for a particular attitude towards animals is no less serious than large sins and benefits. For example, in one of the reliable hadice says: "One woman underwent the torment for the cat, which she kept locked up while she did not die, and for it entered the hellish flame. She did not fed and did not drink her during the imprisonment and did not let her go so that she could eat herself, what the land gives "(Bukhari, Muslim) in another Hadith is transferred that Abdullah Ibn Jadira told:" When the Messenger of Allah (peace is he And the blessing of Allah) wished to hide need, it was preferred to hide for some kind of hill or in the thickets of palm trees, and on this day he went into one of the gardens belonging to anyone and Ansara. And to the Prophet, peace and blessing of Allah, camel came up, who published a trembling sound, leaving the depths of the throat, and the tears flowed from his eyes. Messenger of Allah, peace and blessing of Allah, stroked him on the belly and behind the ears, then said: "Who is the owner of the camel?" Then one young man came from Ansarov and said: "The Messenger of Allah, he is mine." The Prophet, and bless him Allah and welcomes, said: "Are you not afraid of Allah in the respect of this animal, over which Allah gave you power?! It complained to me that you murry him hunger and overload. "

In another Hadith, the remuneration is referred to, which received one of the people thanks to a good attitude to the dog: "One person who smoked his own way, began to torment a strong thirst. He found a well, descended to the water and got drunk, and when he got out, suddenly saw a dog in front of him, handing out the tongue and the fastener of the wet land. (At the sight of this), a person thought: "This dog thirst to torment the same way as she tormented me." After that, he went down to the water again, filled his shoe with her, took him into his teeth and did not release him from his mouth, until it got up. (Rising to the top,) he drove away the dog, and Allah thanked him for it, asking him (his sins). " He was asked: "On the Messenger of Allah, is it to be rewarded and for animals?" He replied: "Award - for all living things" (al-Bukhari).

For many, it is not a big problem to kill an ant, spider or any other insect or an animal, simply to crush it soullessly, without feeling guilt or reproaches. But for each of these deaths will have to be responsible. After all, as stated in the Hadith, transmitted by An-Nasai: "The one who will kill even the sparrow or someone else is not right, will certainly be asked for this by Allah on the Judgment Day."

Moreover, we not only do not think about why we do that, we don't even suspect that we kill this little soul, we interrupt the life of the creation, which was true to her Creator and remembered him. This is told in the Quran:

"There is nothing that he would not have attained him praise, but you do not understand their glorification" (Sura "Al Isra", "Night Transfer", Ayat 44)

"In front of Allah, the NICs fall all the inhabitants of the heavens and land, animals and angels, and they do not show arrogance" (Sura "An-Power", "Bees", Ayat 49)

"Do you see, as the NICs are falling before Allah, who in heaven and on earth, sun, moon, stars, mountains, trees, animals and many people?" (Sura "Al-Hajj", "Pilgrimage", Ayat 18)

"We subdued mountains and birds so that they glorify us with Daudom" (Sura "Al Anbia", "Prophets", Ayat 79)

Animals have their own language, feelings, habits, characters. To develop empathy (sympathy) to them is the same duty as the manifestation of kindness towards people. Our "living space", to which we treat with trepidation, care and do not violate the right to expand from the animals and other living creatures of Allah. And by the way, not the luxury, which can only afford especially enlightened, and the duty that each believer should perform. And the Messenger of Allah said, and Allah bless him and welcomes: "Truly, Allah ordered to do good (or do well) towards everything essentially" (Muslim).

Let the Almighty forgive our harm, which in injustice caused his creations and gives us mercy, who will continue to protect them from a violation of someone's right, even if it is a plant or insect.

Grigorieva O.V.

Animals in the house are always problematic, especially if at home there is also a small child. But on the otherwise, the scales are not only the joy of your baby from socializing with wildlife, but also indisputable educational value.

And it's not just about the careful attitude towards the whole living - the child has such qualities as compassion, mercy, kindness and responsibility. In addition, the baby very early begins to understand the difference between the toy and the living being, it learns to stroke, feed - this allows you to avoid such incidents in the future, when you are conceding with a child of a fluffy kitten, and he is happily dodes from the poor wool's blot.

If you think about the future of your baby, then you can be one hundred percent sure that in the company of adolescents, crucifying on the fence dog and inflating through the straw of frogs, your child is not.

Of course, it is not enough to start the animal at home and wait for the positive results of the upbringing. All further depends on you, parents. And most importantly, it is not that you will talk and explain, but how you yourself will treat the pet. After all, the parental example is bad or good - always means much more than words. So, from you - the choice and settlement of the pet in the house, its cleaning and feeding, care for it with caress, attention and kindness.

The choice of pet is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. Cats and dogs are complex animals, individual, and often not very suitable for keeping in the same apartment with a small child.

First, if there are no medical contraindications associated with the hard control of air humidity, it is desirable to install aquarium with fish in the room. The more volume - the less then care; Aquarium is well suited for 30-40 l.: Green plants, fish, light, blowing with air - all this turns the aquarium into a kind of changing toy for children up to a year. In 3-4 months, the cry and discontent of your baby quickly pass, it is only to bring it to look at the underwater world. The aquarium also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, so that both tired mom, and a restless kid just useful sometimes look at the fascinating game of multicolored fish.

One should only remember - when your baby starts to walk, it will probably be interested in the equipment and the lid of the aquarium; Therefore, it is better to find a safe place in advance to exclude possible trouble.

The child will grow up - and it is no longer satisfied just to watch: everything must be touched. From one and a half years, it is already so adult that you can start a guinea pig. This choice is not random: from all pets is the most secure and unpretentious animal. First, the guinea pig is considered the least able to cause allergies in a child; Secondly, it will never bite and serpets if the child will unconsciously hurt her; Thirdly, it is quite large so that with her you can play and too calm to constantly run away.

How to introduce a child with a pet?

Initially, only to show it, holding in your hands, telling who it is and what it must be stroke, because he is good. The child clearly catches the intonation, with what parent turns to the pig. The desire to grab and play it is gentle, but firmly stop - she is living, she will hurt. It must be said that the pig must be stroke - show how. Children attracts this new "fur toy", they begin to "find" her ears, eyes, nose, paws - to draw a parallel with them: to show that they also have eyes, and spout, etc. The main thing is that this process takes place under supervision and with parental correction.

After some time, the children are already able to correctly stroke the pigs, and after a few months already and correctly transfer the pig from place to place. Many quietly leave the guinea pig to walk through the couch along with the baby - from their experience it does not bring any harm. There were cases when the children showed parents where the guinea pig ran away, filled with the sofa, if they themselves could not put it in place; showed on the wreck, which has shown the pig and participated in the treatment process; All children willingly feed guinea pigs - and all this up to two years! By the way, at an older age, guinea pigs are not so attractive - children from five years already want dogs, cats, even manual rats - they are movable, it is easier for them to come up with them, train them. But for inconsistencies, the best friend is a guinea pig.

And from the point of view of parents, guinea pigs are most acceptable as pets - they require minimal care, non-addicts in food (rather, help hobs, because it's more pleasant to raise the remains of porridge pigs than throwing a product in the trash, pigs "throw out" cleaning from potatoes, Capping bars, etc.), and most importantly - there is no unpleasant smell from them, like hamsters and rats.

So, do not be afraid if there will be four-legged friend next to your baby - with the right approach, nothing but good will bring it.

The heart of the believer should not be a piece of flesh, which exhibits compassion for one creatures and is soulless against others. Remembering the covenant of manifestation of a good attitude to others, we sometimes do not take into account that "others" are not only people, but also other creatures of Allah surrounding us. Animals, birds and even plants. Along with respect to the human soul, we are also obliged to cultivate respect and mercy in our hearts to the less reasonable beings of our world.

Almighty Allah limited them in mind and responsibilities, but each of these creatures endowed with a spirit - life. Unfortunately, some do not give this meaning, narrowing the circle of living to themselves and for themselves. But animals and birds are the same creatures, just a little different than we. And our hearts's liveliness should be reflected not only in mercy to people, but in mercy to our smaller brothers, as we sometimes call them.

The Sunna shows convincing stories, from which it follows that punishment and remuneration for a particular attitude towards animals is no less serious than large sins and benefits. For example, in one of the reliable hadice says: "One woman underwent the torment for the cat, which she kept locked up while she did not die, and for it entered the hellish flame. She did not fed and did not drink her during the imprisonment and did not let her go so that she could eat herself, what the land gives "(Bukhari, Muslim) in another Hadith is transferred that Abdullah Ibn Jadira told:" When the Messenger of Allah (peace is he And the blessing of Allah) wished to hide need, it was preferred to hide for some kind of hill or in the thickets of palm trees, and on this day he went into one of the gardens belonging to anyone and Ansara. And to the Prophet, peace and blessing of Allah, camel came up, who published a trembling sound, leaving the depths of the throat, and the tears flowed from his eyes. Messenger of Allah, peace and blessing of Allah, stroked him on the belly and behind the ears, then said: "Who is the owner of the camel?" Then one young man came from Ansarov and said: "The Messenger of Allah, he is mine." The Prophet, and bless him Allah and welcomes, said: "Are you not afraid of Allah in the respect of this animal, over which Allah gave you power?! It complained to me that you murry him hunger and overload. "

In another Hadith, the remuneration is referred to, which received one of the people thanks to a good attitude to the dog: "One person who smoked his own way, began to torment a strong thirst. He found a well, descended to the water and got drunk, and when he got out, suddenly saw a dog in front of him, handing out the tongue and the fastener of the wet land. (At the sight of this), a person thought: "This dog thirst to torment the same way as she tormented me." After that, he went down to the water again, filled his shoe with her, took him into his teeth and did not release him from his mouth, until it got up. (Rising to the top,) he drove away the dog, and Allah thanked him for it, asking him (his sins). " He was asked: "On the Messenger of Allah, is it to be rewarded and for animals?" He replied: "Award - for all living things" (al-Bukhari).

For many, it is not a big problem to kill an ant, spider or any other insect or an animal, simply to crush it soullessly, without feeling guilt or reproaches. But for each of these deaths will have to be responsible. After all, as stated in the Hadith, transmitted by An-Nasai: "The one who will kill even the sparrow or someone else is not right, will certainly be asked for this by Allah on the Judgment Day."

Moreover, we not only do not think about why we do that, we don't even suspect that we kill this little soul, we interrupt the life of the creation, which was true to her Creator and remembered him. This is told in the Quran:

"There is nothing that he would not have attained him praise, but you do not understand their glorification" (Sura "Al Isra", "Night Transfer", Ayat 44)

"In front of Allah, the NICs fall all the inhabitants of the heavens and land, animals and angels, and they do not show arrogance" (Sura "An-Power", "Bees", Ayat 49)

"Do you see, as the NICs are falling before Allah, who in heaven and on earth, sun, moon, stars, mountains, trees, animals and many people?" (Sura "Al-Hajj", "Pilgrimage", Ayat 18)

"We subdued mountains and birds so that they glorify us with Daudom" (Sura "Al Anbia", "Prophets", Ayat 79)

Animals have their own language, feelings, habits, characters. To develop empathy (sympathy) to them is the same duty as the manifestation of kindness towards people. Our "living space", to which we treat with trepidation, care and do not violate the right to expand from the animals and other living creatures of Allah. And by the way, not the luxury, which can only afford especially enlightened, and the duty that each believer should perform. And the Messenger of Allah said, and Allah bless him and welcomes: "Truly, Allah ordered to do good (or do well) towards everything essentially" (Muslim).

Let the Almighty forgive our harm, which in injustice caused his creations and gives us mercy, who will continue to protect them from a violation of someone's right, even if it is a plant or insect.

Cats are the only animals that are available in the mosque.

It is known to attribute to the cats of the preacher Islam and the Hadith transmitter about the life of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallarlahu Aleihi Va Sallam) on nicknamed Abu Khuraira ("Father of the kitty"). Its real name was Abd Ar-Rahman Bin Sahr. The nickname arose because he wore a cat in the sleeve. Another famous nickname Abu Hirr ("Father Cat").

The Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) loved cats and advised him to take care of them. The prophet had a favorite cat. He leaked her, never parting with her, even during prayer. There is even a hadice that Muhammad (Sallarlahu Aleihi Va Sallam) had to urgently leave, and the cat fell asleep on the sleeve, he cut off his sleeve, just not to disturb her sleep. When he returned, the cat woke up and bowed to him. Then the Prophet stroked her three times. Although, I think he stroked her many times.

The wife of the Prophet Muhammad Aisha during the prayer saw that the cat was beding standing on the floor. After completing the prayer, she began to eat after the animal, saying that the Prophet did the water in the water they drank. In one of the Hadiths it is said: "Daud Ibn Sahih Ibn Dinar At-Tammar brought the words of his mother about how her hostess sent her with a dish (Cari) to Aishe when she made a prayer. She made me a sign so that I would put it on the floor. The cat came up and tried a little of him, and when Aisha graduated from prayer, she began, taking food from the place where a cat eaten. She said: "The Messenger of Allah said:" They are not unclean: they are your household. " She added: "I saw the messenger of Allah performed the water washing, to which the cat touched" (Hadith Daoud, said Jabir Ibn Abdullah).

"A kind of woman was punished because of the cat. She kept her locked up until she died. So she entered because of her in hell. She did not feed and did not drink her, and did not give her opportunities to eat terrestrial creatures"
(Bukhari and Muslim).

"Once a man was walking along the way, and it was sad for thirst, and then he found a well, descended and got drunk. Then he got out of him, and there the dog, having drunk his tongue, gnawing the crude land from thirst. And the man said: "This dog is extended by the thirst just as I was extended." And he, descending into the well, filled his shouter with water and holding her in his teeth, got out and drove away the dog.
And Allah was grateful to him and forgave all his sins. " People said: "About the Messenger of Allah! Surely we and for good attitude to animals will be a reward? " He said: "The award will be for the good attitude towards the whole living"
(Bukhari and Muslim)

The harmonious connection between nature and man is a necessary condition for spirituality, the necessary condition for continuing life on Earth. In minutes of disappointment and joy, in minutes of sadness and happiness, a person returns to the forecasts. In the midst of the endless field, under the scorching sun and clean heaven, he feels unity with nature.

There is even such an ancient way of treatment - it is necessary to go into the forest, hug a tree and feel how vital energy is poured into your veins, heals and fills the force. Obviously, children perceive such simple truths easier. Obviously, once at the dawn of its existence, during the "childhood", humanity was not alien to harmony and unity with nature. But what happened in the era of the indigenous transformations, in the era of the scientific and technical revolution, the era of widespread urbanization? Why did children forgot about her mother, why from year to year only destroy, they exterminate what he created the wise nature - and at the same time they are surprised why they are collapsed by the exhausting heat, then the unbearable frost, tornadoes, hurricanes, storms, typhoons? . What does Nature bent for? What are the horses cry?

The same question arises from the hero of the story F. Abramov "What the horses are crying about." Updated in a meadow, among the richness of nature, in the "world of fragile herbs, dragonflies and butterflies", he seemed to come back in a distant childhood. Horses called the greatest joy: they could be fed, friendly pat on the back, cheer in a tender word. The world of horses pleased and surprised, but, oddly enough, caused a sense of incomprehensible guilt. It was not easy for the horses: forever drunk gulls of the Molka almost did not care about them: the horses "languished, died from thirst," they were brutalized clouds of mosquitoes and moshcars.

The favorite of the Arch (time has affected even horsepower - now ideas, victories, drummers, stars), a small, non-zees, was worn out and unpretentious. It is the same as everyone, but by a strange coincidence, "retained his cheerful, non-combustible character, the narrativeness of youth." Today, Ryzhukh, as never, was sad, stood motionless, petrified, "no difference was different from the rest of the horses." Maybe naively ask a horse about the causes of her sorrow. But here, as in a fairy tale, the horse spoke. She told that recently among the horses there was a dispute about horsepower. The Ryzhukh met an old mare, and the one when the Council became nursing, he pushed herself with ancient songs. From these songs, Ryuch learned that there were times when "horses were called breadwinners, holly and caressed, decorated with ribbons." But the rest of the horses did not believe that there could have ever been such happy times. The only question that was tormented by a non-aging redhead, could seal anyone: "You, strong and independent people, tell me whether there were times when the horses lived well? "

The contradictory feelings are seized by the hero, and the looking view of the Ryzhuhi for him is a real torture. What to answer horses? Indeed, there were such times, "when the horse was breathed and lived when she fed the most tagged piece, and then we somehow hang out the last scratch of bread, we wake up with hungry belly until the morning." After working, the horse was taken grateful and affectionate words, "with love straightened, leaning, drove on the water, scraped, cleaned." For a peasant, the horse was a real treasure - the main support and hope of the whole life.

A tragic story happened to Konie Carta, who was the support of the whole family of the story hero before the war. According to the old man, Karoka "on the forest front God gave the soul." Indeed, her life path ended on Victory Day. It was necessary to somehow note, celebrate such a day, so I donated the oldest outdoor: "When you kidnapped from the forest with my next chapter, on top of it, from a stack, having collapsed heavy logs ..." Even after death, the animal served good service Man, just did it earn a horse for his many years of unbearable work such "remuneration" from a person? The hero of the story is silent, he has nothing to answer. Why does he not want to dispel horsepie doubts, avoids to look into the eyes of a redhead?

The answer is simple: the hero, as well as all the other people, "did something irreparable, terrible ... deceived Ryzhukhu, deceived all these unfortunate klyach and reached out and that never, never ... With red, there will be no sincerity and The trust that have been before. In pursuit of their well-being, in full confidence in its strength, omnipotence and impunity, humanity goes, crucially invaluable, which is created by nature. But the payback will be cruel, if you do not even come mistake, not to return the pristine harmony in the relationship between a person with nature, otherwise, never will never be that sincerity and trust that have been so far.

What is the literature for? What goals are the authors in front of them, creating their works? The answer is simple and obvious - writers seek to awaken human feelings in the souls, love for the beautiful, the ability to appreciate the real life values. It is such such goals that the story of Fyodor Aleksandrovich Abramova "What a horse is crying about" what the horse's love of the writer is felt from the first lines, to the whole immemberment world, "Plow herbs, dragonflies and butterflies."

Talking about the rainbow past of horses, the author makes us penetrate deeply sincere love for this beautiful animal, filling beauty and life the whole world around. In former times, once a long time ago, horses were valued and revered almost as sacred creatures. People carefully cared for them, holly them, gave the most tight piece, "drove on the water, scrapers, cleaned." They were ridiculous with them, they thanked them for her work, admired their beauty. And, feeling such love and care, horses with pleasure paid people to the same kindness. The difficulties of work were not scared them, on the contrary, they were gladly worked - and it was a fair gratitude to a person for a sensitive attitude.

But suddenly, the Gorky consciousness of a sad and unfair position comes to replace the joyful and unfair position, in which the horses are currently.

Swimming, dirty stables, where, unbearably suffering from thirst and annoying insects, day after day there are poor animals. They worked hard "shift", and people forgot about them - neither a drop of saving moisture, neither crumbs of fragrant bread (which is to talk about fabulous delicacies who treated them before!). "With a unhappy-zyalya Kloby skin, with flexible eyes, with some stupid humility and a doomed in the view, in all Poura, the born figure" they take their destiny. Despair and pain, deep compassion for animals sound in the words of the author.

Patiently Lysuts agree to demolish the hunger and heat, torture to endure the blows of the whip and bullying - just to just know that the wonderful times, when they were appreciated and respected, did not pass irrevocably. If only only to believe that such times will come again.

In the story, F. A. Abramov sounds sincere love of nature, sympathy for the whole living, to the distinguished world. It reflects deep respect for work - even if such a heavy, as the work of horses. The main thing is to notice and appreciated.